secure_headers 5.0.5

2 security vulnerabilities found in version 5.0.5

secure_headers directive injection using semicolon

medium severity CVE-2020-5217
medium severity CVE-2020-5217
Patched versions: ~> 3.8, ~> 5.1, >= 6.2.0

If user-supplied input was passed into append/override_content_security_policy_directives, a semicolon could be injected leading to directive injection.

This could be used to e.g. override a script-src directive. Duplicate directives are ignored and the first one wins. The directives in secure_headers are sorted alphabetically so they pretty much all come before script-src. A previously undefined directive would receive a value even if SecureHeaders::OPT_OUT was supplied.

The fixed versions will silently convert the semicolons to spaces and emit a deprecation warning when this happens. This will result in innocuous browser console messages if being exploited/accidentally used. In future releases, we will raise application errors resulting in 500s.

Duplicate script-src directives detected. All but the first instance will be ignored.


Note: In this case, the user agent SHOULD notify developers that a duplicate directive was ignored. A console warning might be appropriate, for example.


If you are passing user input into the above methods, you could filter out the input:

override_content_security_policy_directives(:frame_src, [user_input.gsub(";", " ")])

secure_headers header injection due to newline

medium severity CVE-2020-5216
medium severity CVE-2020-5216
Patched versions: ~> 3.9, ~> 5.2, >= 6.3.0

If user-supplied input was passed into append/override_content_security_policy_directives, a newline could be injected leading to limited header injection.

Upon seeing a newline in the header, rails will silently create a new Content-Security-Policy header with the remaining value of the original string. It will continue to create new headers for each newline.


override_content_security_directives(script_src: ['', "\ninjected\n"])

would result in

Content-Security-Policy: ... script-src:
Content-Security-Policy: injected
Content-Security-Policy: rest-of-the-header

CSP supports multiple headers and all policies must be satisfied for execution to occur, but a malicious value that reports the current page is fairly trivial:

override_content_security_directives(script_src: ["", "\ndefault-src 'none'; report-uri"])
Content-Security-Policy: ... script-src:
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; report-uri
Content-Security-Policy: rest-of-the-header


override_content_security_policy_directives(:frame_src, [user_input.gsub("\n", " ")])

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This gem version is available.

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