ruby-saml 0.3.0

5 security vulnerabilities found in version 0.3.0

ruby-saml gem is vulnerable to XPath injection

critical severity CVE-2015-20108
critical severity CVE-2015-20108
Patched versions: >= 1.0.0

xml_security.rb in the ruby-saml gem before 1.0.0 for Ruby allows XPath injection and code execution because prepared statements are not used.

The lack of prepared statements allows for possibly command injection, leading to arbitrary code execution.

Ruby-Saml Gem is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution

high severity OSVDB-117903
high severity OSVDB-117903
Patched versions: >= 0.8.2

ruby-saml contains a flaw that is triggered as the URI value of a SAML response is not properly sanitized through a prepared statement. This may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary shell commands on the host machine.

Authentication bypass via incorrect XML canonicalization and DOM traversal

high severity CVE-2017-11428
high severity CVE-2017-11428
Patched versions: >= 1.7.0

ruby-saml prior to version 1.7.0 is vulnerable to an authentication bypass via incorrect XML canonicalization and DOM traversal. Specifically, there are inconsistencies in handling of comments within XML nodes, resulting in incorrect parsing of the inner text of XML nodes such that any inner text after the comment is lost prior to cryptographically signing the SAML message. Text after the comment therefore has no impact on the signature on the SAML message.

A remote attacker can modify SAML content for a SAML service provider without invalidating the cryptographic signature, which may allow attackers to bypass primary authentication for the affected SAML service provider.

XML signature wrapping attack

high severity CVE-2016-5697
high severity CVE-2016-5697
Patched versions: >= 1.3.0

ruby-saml prior to version 1.3.0 is vulnerable to an XML signature wrapping attack in the specific scenario where there was a signature that referenced at the same time 2 elements (but past the scheme validator process since 1 of the element was inside the encrypted assertion).

ruby-saml users must update to 1.3.0, which implements 3 extra validations to mitigate this kind of attack.

Ruby-Saml Gem is vulnerable to entity expansion attacks

medium severity OSVDB-124383
medium severity OSVDB-124383
Patched versions: >= 1.0.0

ruby-saml before 1.0.0 is vulnerable to entity expansion attacks.

No officially reported memory leakage issues detected.

This gem version does not have any officially reported memory leaked issues.

Author did not declare license for this gem in the gemspec.

This gem version has a MIT license in the source code, however it was not declared in the gemspec file.

This gem version is available.

This gem version has not been yanked and is still available for usage.