ruby-linstor-client 1.0.0 → 1.1.0

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Files changed (132) hide show
  1. checksums.yaml +4 -4
  2. data/ +4 -4
  3. data/ +1 -1
  4. data/generator/custom/one_of_drbd_volume_luks_volume_storage_nvme_volme_writecache_volume.rb +1 -1
  5. data/generator/custom/one_of_drbd_volume_luks_volume_storage_nvme_volme_writecache_volume_cache_volume.rb +11 -0
  6. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/api/developers_api.rb +923 -103
  7. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/api_client.rb +2 -2
  8. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/api_error.rb +2 -2
  9. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/configuration.rb +2 -2
  10. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/api_call_rc.rb +2 -2
  11. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/auto_place_request.rb +2 -2
  12. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/auto_select_filter.rb +25 -3
  13. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/cache_resource.rb +220 -0
  14. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/cache_volume.rb +276 -0
  15. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/candidate.rb +2 -2
  16. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config.rb +272 -0
  17. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_config.rb +218 -0
  18. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_db.rb +263 -0
  19. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_db_etcd.rb +227 -0
  20. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_debug.rb +218 -0
  21. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_http.rb +236 -0
  22. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_https.rb +236 -0
  23. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_ldap.rb +263 -0
  24. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_log.rb +315 -0
  25. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_props_modify.rb +2 -2
  26. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_version.rb +2 -2
  27. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_connection.rb +262 -0
  28. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_proxy_enable.rb +2 -2
  29. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_proxy_modify.rb +2 -2
  30. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_resource.rb +35 -6
  31. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_resource_definition_layer.rb +2 -2
  32. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_volume.rb +2 -2
  33. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_volume_definition.rb +2 -2
  34. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/error_report.rb +87 -7
  35. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/error_report_delete.rb +273 -0
  36. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/event_may_promote_change.rb +237 -0
  37. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/key_value_store.rb +2 -2
  38. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/key_value_store_modify.rb +2 -2
  39. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/layer_type.rb +4 -2
  40. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/log_level.rb +40 -0
  41. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/luks_resource.rb +2 -2
  42. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/luks_volume.rb +2 -2
  43. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/max_volume_sizes.rb +2 -2
  44. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/net_interface.rb +2 -2
  45. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/node.rb +4 -4
  46. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/node_modify.rb +2 -2
  47. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/nvme_resource.rb +2 -2
  48. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/nvme_volume.rb +2 -2
  49. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/one_of_drbd_volume_luks_volume_storage_nvme_volme_writecache_volume.rb +1 -1
  50. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/one_of_drbd_volume_luks_volume_storage_nvme_volme_writecache_volume_cache_volume.rb +11 -0
  51. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/openflex_resource.rb +229 -0
  52. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/openflex_resource_definition_layer.rb +227 -0
  53. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/openflex_volume.rb +256 -0
  54. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/pass_phrase_create.rb +2 -2
  55. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/physical_storage.rb +2 -2
  56. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/physical_storage_create.rb +2 -2
  57. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/physical_storage_device.rb +2 -2
  58. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/physical_storage_storage_pool_create.rb +2 -2
  59. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/provider_kind.rb +3 -2
  60. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource.rb +16 -6
  61. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_connection.rb +2 -2
  62. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_connection_modify.rb +2 -2
  63. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_create.rb +2 -2
  64. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_definition.rb +2 -2
  65. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_definition_create.rb +2 -2
  66. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_definition_layer.rb +3 -3
  67. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_definition_modify.rb +16 -6
  68. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_group.rb +2 -2
  69. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_group_modify.rb +2 -2
  70. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_group_spawn.rb +22 -3
  71. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_layer.rb +24 -6
  72. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_modify.rb +2 -2
  73. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_state.rb +2 -2
  74. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_with_volumes.rb +13 -3
  75. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_with_volumes_all_of.rb +2 -2
  76. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/satellite_config.rb +272 -0
  77. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/satellite_config_log.rb +245 -0
  78. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/satellite_config_net.rb +236 -0
  79. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot.rb +17 -6
  80. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_node.rb +261 -0
  81. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_restore.rb +2 -2
  82. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_shipping.rb +259 -0
  83. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_shipping_status.rb +279 -0
  84. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_volume_definition.rb +2 -2
  85. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/storage_pool.rb +2 -2
  86. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/storage_pool_definition.rb +2 -2
  87. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/storage_pool_definition_modify.rb +2 -2
  88. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/storage_resource.rb +2 -2
  89. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/storage_volume.rb +2 -2
  90. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume.rb +2 -2
  91. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume_definition.rb +2 -2
  92. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume_definition_create.rb +2 -2
  93. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume_definition_layer.rb +2 -2
  94. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume_definition_modify.rb +2 -2
  95. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume_group.rb +2 -2
  96. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume_group_modify.rb +2 -2
  97. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume_layer.rb +3 -3
  98. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume_modify.rb +2 -2
  99. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/volume_state.rb +2 -2
  100. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/writecache_resource.rb +2 -2
  101. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/models/writecache_volume.rb +2 -2
  102. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client/version.rb +3 -3
  103. data/lib/ruby-linstor-client.rb +26 -2
  104. data/pkg/ruby-linstor-client-1.0.0.gem +0 -0
  105. data/spec/api_client_spec.rb +2 -2
  106. data/spec/configuration_spec.rb +2 -2
  107. data/spec/models/cache_resource_spec.rb +34 -0
  108. data/spec/models/cache_volume_spec.rb +70 -0
  109. data/spec/models/controller_config_config_spec.rb +34 -0
  110. data/spec/models/controller_config_db_etcd_spec.rb +40 -0
  111. data/spec/models/controller_config_db_spec.rb +64 -0
  112. data/spec/models/controller_config_debug_spec.rb +34 -0
  113. data/spec/models/controller_config_http_spec.rb +46 -0
  114. data/spec/models/controller_config_https_spec.rb +46 -0
  115. data/spec/models/controller_config_ldap_spec.rb +64 -0
  116. data/spec/models/controller_config_log_spec.rb +80 -0
  117. data/spec/models/controller_config_spec.rb +70 -0
  118. data/spec/models/drbd_connection_spec.rb +44 -0
  119. data/spec/models/error_report_delete_spec.rb +64 -0
  120. data/spec/models/event_may_promote_change_spec.rb +46 -0
  121. data/spec/models/log_level_spec.rb +28 -0
  122. data/spec/models/openflex_resource_definition_layer_spec.rb +40 -0
  123. data/spec/models/openflex_resource_spec.rb +40 -0
  124. data/spec/models/openflex_volume_spec.rb +58 -0
  125. data/spec/models/satellite_config_log_spec.rb +52 -0
  126. data/spec/models/satellite_config_net_spec.rb +46 -0
  127. data/spec/models/satellite_config_spec.rb +70 -0
  128. data/spec/models/snapshot_node_spec.rb +58 -0
  129. data/spec/models/snapshot_shipping_spec.rb +52 -0
  130. data/spec/models/snapshot_shipping_status_spec.rb +56 -0
  131. data/spec/spec_helper.rb +2 -2
  132. metadata +77 -3
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module LinstorClient
  def self.openapi_types
  :'type' => :'LayerType',
- :'data' => :'OneOfDrbdVolumeLUKSVolumeStorageVolumeNVMEVolumeWritecacheVolume'
+ :'data' => :'OneOfDrbdVolumeLUKSVolumeStorageVolumeNVMEVolumeWritecacheVolumeCacheVolume'
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
  module LinstorClient
- VERSION = '1.0.0'
+ VERSION = '1.1.0'
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -20,9 +20,21 @@ require 'ruby-linstor-client/configuration'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/api_call_rc'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/auto_place_request'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/auto_select_filter'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/cache_resource'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/cache_volume'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/candidate'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_config'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_db'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_db_etcd'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_debug'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_http'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_https'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_ldap'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_config_log'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_props_modify'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/controller_version'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_connection'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_proxy_enable'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_proxy_modify'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_resource'
@@ -30,17 +42,23 @@ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_resource_definition_layer'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_volume'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/drbd_volume_definition'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/error_report'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/error_report_delete'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/event_may_promote_change'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/key_value_store'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/key_value_store_modify'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/luks_resource'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/luks_volume'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/layer_type'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/log_level'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/max_volume_sizes'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/nvme_resource'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/nvme_volume'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/net_interface'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/node'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/node_modify'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/openflex_resource'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/openflex_resource_definition_layer'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/openflex_volume'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/pass_phrase_create'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/physical_storage'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/physical_storage_create'
@@ -63,8 +81,14 @@ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_modify'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_state'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_with_volumes'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/resource_with_volumes_all_of'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/satellite_config'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/satellite_config_log'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/satellite_config_net'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_node'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_restore'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_shipping'
+ require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_shipping_status'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/snapshot_volume_definition'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/storage_pool'
  require 'ruby-linstor-client/models/storage_pool_definition'
Binary file
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
  Generated by:
  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  #Linstor REST API
- #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
+ #Linstor REST API V1 The V1 rest api of Linstor should stay compatible and only additions are made to the API, If there are breaking changes or redesigned a new major REST API version will be issued. Server runs per default on port `3370` on `::` ipv6 and ipv4. To change the bind address or port you can use the following linstor client commands: ``` linstor controller set-property REST/bindAddress linstor controller set-property REST/port 8080 ``` After setting this properties restart the controller and the new values should be used. Changelog: * 1.5.0 - Added etcd.prefix to ControllerConfigDbEtcd parameters * 1.4.0 - Added promotion_score and may_promote to DrbdResource object - Added /v1/error-reports DELETE method, to delete a range of error reports or single ones - Added SSE (Server Sent Events) url /v1/events/drbd/promotion * 1.3.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshot-shippings * 1.2.0 - Added optional AutoSelectFilter to resource-group/spawn - Added /v1/nodes/{node}/config, that allows you to get and set the satellite config - Added /v1/sos-report to create bug reports you can send to linbit - Added new fields to the ErrorReport object - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{resource}/snapshot-shipping - Allow to modify the resource group in Resource definitions - Added createTimestamp to Resource and Snapshot - Added default value (null) for AutoPlaceRequest's layer_list * 1.1.0 - Added /v1/view/snapshots for a faster all in one snapshot list - Filter lists by properties: - /v1/nodes - /v1/resource-definitions - /v1/resource-groups - /v1/view/storage-pools - /v1/view/resources * 1.0.16 - Added CacheResource and CacheVolume schemas - AutSelectFilter arrays are now null per default * 1.0.15 - Added connections map to the DRBD resource layer data - Added support for Openflex * 1.0.14 - Added /v1/controller/config, that gives you the controller config information * 1.0.13 - Fixed broken volume definition modify `flags` handling - Added flags to volume groups (create/modify) * 1.0.12 - Added WritecacheResource and WritecacheVolume schemas. - Removed support for swordfish - Added `with_storage_pool` to PhysicalStorageCreate post request, allowing to create linstor storage pools too - Added `gross` flag for volume-definition size - Added flags to VolumeDefinitionModify (so that `gross` flag can be changed) - Added query-max-volume-size to resource-groups * 1.0.11 - Added /v1/physical-storage endpoint, that lets you query and create lvm/zfs pools - Extended Node with list of supported providers and layers as well as lists of reasons for unsupported providers and layers * 1.0.10 - Added `reports` array field to Volume object, contains ApiCallRcs for problems - Changed `ResourceDefinitions` can now include `VolumeDefinitions` in `volume_definitions` field - Added various filter query parameters * 1.0.9 - Added supports_snapshots to StoragePool * 1.0.8 - Added /v1/resource-groups - Added /v1/resource-groups/{rscgrp}/volume-groups - Moved AutoSelectFilter::place_count default indirectly to create resource implementation - Added diskless_on_remaining to AutoSelectFilter - Changed /v1/view/resources return type to ResourceWithVolumes ResourceWithVolumes is now a child type of Resource (removed volumes from Resource) * 1.0.7 - Added ext_meta_stor_pool to DrbdVolume - Added is_active field to the NetInterface type * 1.0.6 - Added /v1/resource-definitions/{rscName}/resources/{nodeName}/volumes/{vlmnr} PUT * 1.0.5 - Added `reports` field to StoragePool object * 1.0.4 - Added /v1/view/storage-pools overview path - Added uuid fields for objects * 1.0.3 - Added /v1/view/resources overview path - documentation schema extraction * 1.0.2 - Added /v1/storage-pool-definitions object path - added NVME layer object type * 1.0.1 - Documentation review and updates - no functional changes * 1.0.0 - Initial REST API v1
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.13
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.5.0
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  OpenAPI Generator version: 5.3.1