rice2 2.2.0
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- checksums.yaml +7 -0
- data/COPYING +23 -0
- data/Doxyfile +2268 -0
- data/Makefile.am +26 -0
- data/Makefile.in +929 -0
- data/README.md +1054 -0
- data/README.mingw +8 -0
- data/Rakefile +24 -0
- data/aclocal.m4 +1090 -0
- data/bootstrap +8 -0
- data/config.guess +1667 -0
- data/config.sub +1793 -0
- data/configure +8209 -0
- data/configure.ac +55 -0
- data/depcomp +791 -0
- data/doxygen.ac +314 -0
- data/doxygen.am +186 -0
- data/extconf.rb +66 -0
- data/install-sh +529 -0
- data/missing +215 -0
- data/post-autoconf.rb +22 -0
- data/post-automake.rb +28 -0
- data/rice/Address_Registration_Guard.cpp +22 -0
- data/rice/Address_Registration_Guard.hpp +7 -0
- data/rice/Address_Registration_Guard.ipp +37 -0
- data/rice/Address_Registration_Guard_defn.hpp +75 -0
- data/rice/Arg.hpp +8 -0
- data/rice/Arg_impl.hpp +129 -0
- data/rice/Arg_operators.cpp +21 -0
- data/rice/Arg_operators.hpp +19 -0
- data/rice/Array.hpp +214 -0
- data/rice/Array.ipp +256 -0
- data/rice/Builtin_Object.hpp +8 -0
- data/rice/Builtin_Object.ipp +50 -0
- data/rice/Builtin_Object_defn.hpp +50 -0
- data/rice/Class.cpp +57 -0
- data/rice/Class.hpp +8 -0
- data/rice/Class.ipp +6 -0
- data/rice/Class_defn.hpp +83 -0
- data/rice/Constructor.hpp +47 -0
- data/rice/Data_Object.hpp +8 -0
- data/rice/Data_Object.ipp +133 -0
- data/rice/Data_Object_defn.hpp +138 -0
- data/rice/Data_Type.cpp +54 -0
- data/rice/Data_Type.hpp +8 -0
- data/rice/Data_Type.ipp +365 -0
- data/rice/Data_Type_defn.hpp +261 -0
- data/rice/Data_Type_fwd.hpp +12 -0
- data/rice/Director.cpp +13 -0
- data/rice/Director.hpp +39 -0
- data/rice/Enum.hpp +117 -0
- data/rice/Enum.ipp +246 -0
- data/rice/Exception.cpp +59 -0
- data/rice/Exception.hpp +13 -0
- data/rice/Exception_Base.hpp +8 -0
- data/rice/Exception_Base.ipp +13 -0
- data/rice/Exception_Base_defn.hpp +27 -0
- data/rice/Exception_defn.hpp +69 -0
- data/rice/Hash.hpp +227 -0
- data/rice/Hash.ipp +329 -0
- data/rice/Identifier.cpp +8 -0
- data/rice/Identifier.hpp +50 -0
- data/rice/Identifier.ipp +33 -0
- data/rice/Jump_Tag.hpp +24 -0
- data/rice/Makefile.am +122 -0
- data/rice/Makefile.in +885 -0
- data/rice/Module.cpp +84 -0
- data/rice/Module.hpp +8 -0
- data/rice/Module.ipp +6 -0
- data/rice/Module_defn.hpp +88 -0
- data/rice/Module_impl.hpp +281 -0
- data/rice/Module_impl.ipp +345 -0
- data/rice/Object.cpp +169 -0
- data/rice/Object.hpp +8 -0
- data/rice/Object.ipp +33 -0
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- data/rice/Require_Guard.hpp +21 -0
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- data/rice/String.hpp +91 -0
- data/rice/Struct.cpp +117 -0
- data/rice/Struct.hpp +162 -0
- data/rice/Struct.ipp +26 -0
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- data/rice/Symbol.ipp +44 -0
- data/rice/config.hpp +47 -0
- data/rice/config.hpp.in +46 -0
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- data/rice/detail/Auto_Function_Wrapper.ipp +3694 -0
- data/rice/detail/Auto_Member_Function_Wrapper.hpp +897 -0
- data/rice/detail/Auto_Member_Function_Wrapper.ipp +2774 -0
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- data/rice/detail/Exception_Handler.ipp +68 -0
- data/rice/detail/Exception_Handler_defn.hpp +96 -0
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- data/rice/detail/Wrapped_Function.hpp +33 -0
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- data/rice/detail/cfp.ipp +51 -0
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- data/rice/detail/creation_funcs.ipp +36 -0
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- data/rice/detail/default_allocation_func.ipp +11 -0
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- data/rice/detail/define_method_and_auto_wrap.ipp +30 -0
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- data/rice/detail/demangle.hpp +19 -0
- data/rice/detail/env.hpp +11 -0
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- data/rice/detail/from_ruby.ipp +60 -0
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- data/rice/detail/protect.hpp +34 -0
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- data/rice/detail/ruby_version_code.hpp +6 -0
- data/rice/detail/ruby_version_code.hpp.in +6 -0
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- data/rice/detail/to_ruby.ipp +36 -0
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- data/rice/global_function.hpp +33 -0
- data/rice/global_function.ipp +22 -0
- data/rice/protect.hpp +38 -0
- data/rice/protect.ipp +1134 -0
- data/rice/ruby_mark.hpp +13 -0
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- data/rice/rubypp.rb +97 -0
- data/rice/to_from_ruby.hpp +8 -0
- data/rice/to_from_ruby.ipp +418 -0
- data/rice/to_from_ruby_defn.hpp +70 -0
- data/ruby.ac +135 -0
- data/ruby/Makefile.am +1 -0
- data/ruby/Makefile.in +628 -0
- data/ruby/lib/Makefile.am +3 -0
- data/ruby/lib/Makefile.in +506 -0
- data/ruby/lib/mkmf-rice.rb.in +217 -0
- data/ruby/lib/version.rb +3 -0
- data/sample/Makefile.am +47 -0
- data/sample/Makefile.in +489 -0
- data/sample/enum/extconf.rb +3 -0
- data/sample/enum/sample_enum.cpp +54 -0
- data/sample/enum/test.rb +8 -0
- data/sample/inheritance/animals.cpp +98 -0
- data/sample/inheritance/extconf.rb +3 -0
- data/sample/inheritance/test.rb +7 -0
- data/sample/map/extconf.rb +3 -0
- data/sample/map/map.cpp +81 -0
- data/sample/map/test.rb +7 -0
- data/test/Makefile.am +72 -0
- data/test/Makefile.in +1213 -0
- data/test/ext/Makefile.am +41 -0
- data/test/ext/Makefile.in +483 -0
- data/test/ext/t1/Foo.hpp +10 -0
- data/test/ext/t1/extconf.rb +2 -0
- data/test/ext/t1/t1.cpp +15 -0
- data/test/ext/t2/extconf.rb +2 -0
- data/test/ext/t2/t2.cpp +11 -0
- data/test/test_Address_Registration_Guard.cpp +43 -0
- data/test/test_Array.cpp +248 -0
- data/test/test_Builtin_Object.cpp +71 -0
- data/test/test_Class.cpp +496 -0
- data/test/test_Constructor.cpp +128 -0
- data/test/test_Data_Object.cpp +275 -0
- data/test/test_Data_Type.cpp +348 -0
- data/test/test_Director.cpp +308 -0
- data/test/test_Enum.cpp +215 -0
- data/test/test_Exception.cpp +47 -0
- data/test/test_Hash.cpp +212 -0
- data/test/test_Identifier.cpp +70 -0
- data/test/test_Jump_Tag.cpp +17 -0
- data/test/test_Memory_Management.cpp +50 -0
- data/test/test_Module.cpp +497 -0
- data/test/test_Object.cpp +159 -0
- data/test/test_String.cpp +107 -0
- data/test/test_Struct.cpp +205 -0
- data/test/test_Symbol.cpp +63 -0
- data/test/test_To_From_Ruby.cpp +428 -0
- data/test/test_global_functions.cpp +114 -0
- data/test/test_rice.rb +41 -0
- data/test/unittest.cpp +136 -0
- data/test/unittest.hpp +294 -0
- metadata +297 -0
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