puma 2.0.0.b1-java

12 security vulnerabilities found in version 2.0.0.b1-java

HTTP Request Smuggling in puma

high severity CVE-2022-24790
high severity CVE-2022-24790
Patched versions: ~> 4.3.12, >= 5.6.4


When using Puma behind a proxy that does not properly validate that the incoming HTTP request matches the RFC7230 standard, Puma and the frontend proxy may disagree on where a request starts and ends. This would allow requests to be smuggled via the front-end proxy to Puma.

The following vulnerabilities are addressed by this advisory:

  • Lenient parsing of Transfer-Encoding headers, when unsupported encodings should be rejected and the final encoding must be chunked.
  • Lenient parsing of malformed Content-Length headers and chunk sizes, when only digits and hex digits should be allowed.
  • Lenient parsing of duplicate Content-Length headers, when they should be rejected.
  • Lenient parsing of the ending of chunked segments, when they should end with \r\n.


The vulnerability has been fixed in 5.6.4 and 4.3.12.


When deploying a proxy in front of Puma, turning on any and all functionality to make sure that the request matches the RFC7230 standard.

These proxy servers are known to have "good" behavior re: this standard and upgrading Puma may not be necessary. Users are encouraged to validate for themselves.

  • Nginx (latest)
  • Apache (latest)
  • Haproxy 2.5+
  • Caddy (latest)
  • Traefik (latest)


HTTP Request Smuggling

Information Exposure with Puma when used with Rails

high severity CVE-2022-23634
high severity CVE-2022-23634
Patched versions: ~> 4.3.11, >= 5.6.2


Prior to puma version 5.6.2, puma may not always call close on the response body. Rails, prior to version, depended on the response body being closed in order for its CurrentAttributes implementation to work correctly.

From Rails:

Under certain circumstances response bodies will not be closed, for example a bug in a webserver[1] or a bug in a Rack middleware. In the event a response is not notified of a close, ActionDispatch::Executor will not know to reset thread local state for the next request. This can lead to data being leaked to subsequent requests, especially when interacting with ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes.

The combination of these two behaviors (Puma not closing the body + Rails' Executor implementation) causes information leakage.


This problem is fixed in Puma versions 5.6.2 and 4.3.11.

This problem is fixed in Rails versions 7.02.2,,, and

See: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-wh98-p28r-vrc9 for details about the rails vulnerability

Upgrading to a patched Rails or Puma version fixes the vulnerability.


Upgrade to Rails versions,,, and

The Rails CVE includes a middleware that can be used instead.

Keepalive Connections Causing Denial Of Service in puma

high severity CVE-2021-29509
high severity CVE-2021-29509
Patched versions: ~> 4.3.8, >= 5.3.1


The fix for CVE-2019-16770 was incomplete. The original fix only protected existing connections that had already been accepted from having their requests starved by greedy persistent-connections saturating all threads in the same process. However, new connections may still be starved by greedy persistent-connections saturating all threads in all processes in the cluster.

A puma server which received more concurrent keep-alive connections than the server had threads in its threadpool would service only a subset of connections, denying service to the unserved connections.


This problem has been fixed in puma 4.3.8 and 5.3.1.


Setting queue_requests false also fixes the issue. This is not advised when using puma without a reverse proxy, such as nginx or apache, because you will open yourself to slow client attacks (e.g. slowloris).

The fix is very small. A git patch is available here for those using unsupported versions of Puma.

HTTP Smuggling via Transfer-Encoding Header in Puma

high severity CVE-2020-11077
high severity CVE-2020-11077
Patched versions: ~> 3.12.6, >= 4.3.5


This is a similar but different vulnerability to the one patched in 3.12.5 and 4.3.4.

A client could smuggle a request through a proxy, causing the proxy to send a response back to another unknown client.

If the proxy uses persistent connections and the client adds another request in via HTTP pipelining, the proxy may mistake it as the first request's body. Puma, however, would see it as two requests, and when processing the second request, send back a response that the proxy does not expect. If the proxy has reused the persistent connection to Puma to send another request for a different client, the second response from the first client will be sent to the second client.


The problem has been fixed in Puma 3.12.6 and Puma 4.3.5.

HTTP Smuggling via Transfer-Encoding Header in Puma

high severity CVE-2020-11076
high severity CVE-2020-11076
Patched versions: ~> 3.12.5, >= 4.3.4


By using an invalid transfer-encoding header, an attacker could smuggle an HTTP response.


The problem has been fixed in Puma 3.12.5 and Puma 4.3.4.

Keepalive thread overload/DoS in puma

high severity CVE-2019-16770
high severity CVE-2019-16770
Patched versions: ~> 3.12.2, >= 4.3.1

A poorly-behaved client could use keepalive requests to monopolize Puma's reactor and create a denial of service attack.

If more keepalive connections to Puma are opened than there are threads available, additional connections will wait permanently if the attacker sends requests frequently enough.

Puma's header normalization allows for client to clobber proxy set headers

medium severity CVE-2024-45614
medium severity CVE-2024-45614
Patched versions: ~> 5.6.9, >= 6.4.3


Clients could clobber values set by intermediate proxies (such as X-Forwarded-For) by providing a underscore version of the same header (X-Forwarded_For).

Any users trusting headers set by their proxy may be affected. Attackers may be able to downgrade connections to HTTP (non-SSL) or redirect responses, which could cause confidentiality leaks if combined with a separate MITM attack.


v6.4.3/v5.6.9 now discards any headers using underscores if the non-underscore version also exists. Effectively, allowing the proxy defined headers to always win.


Nginx has a underscores_in_headers configuration variable to discard these headers at the proxy level.

Any users that are implicitly trusting the proxy defined headers for security or availability should immediately cease doing so until upgraded to the fixed versions.

Puma HTTP Request/Response Smuggling vulnerability

medium severity CVE-2024-21647
medium severity CVE-2024-21647
Patched versions: ~> 5.6.8, >= 6.4.2


Prior to versions 6.4.2 and 5.6.8, puma exhibited incorrect behavior when parsing chunked transfer encoding bodies in a way that allowed HTTP request smuggling.

Fixed versions limit the size of chunk extensions. Without this limit, an attacker could cause unbounded resource (CPU, network bandwidth) consumption.


The vulnerability has been fixed in 6.4.2 and 5.6.8.


No known workarounds.


Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request/Response Smuggling') in puma

medium severity CVE-2023-40175
medium severity CVE-2023-40175
Patched versions: ~> 5.6.7, >= 6.3.1


Prior to version 6.3.1, puma exhibited incorrect behavior when parsing chunked transfer encoding bodies and zero-length Content-Length headers in a way that allowed HTTP request smuggling.

The following vulnerabilities are addressed by this advisory:

  • Incorrect parsing of trailing fields in chunked transfer encoding bodies
  • Parsing of blank/zero-length Content-Length headers\r\n


The vulnerability has been fixed in 6.3.1 and 5.6.7.


No known workarounds.


HTTP Request Smuggling

Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request Smuggling') in puma

medium severity CVE-2021-41136
medium severity CVE-2021-41136
Patched versions: ~> 4.3.9, >= 5.5.1


Prior to puma version 5.5.0, using puma with a proxy which forwards LF characters as line endings could allow HTTP request smuggling. A client could smuggle a request through a proxy, causing the proxy to send a response back to another unknown client.

This behavior (forwarding LF characters as line endings) is very uncommon amongst proxy servers, so we have graded the impact here as "low". Puma is only aware of a single proxy server which has this behavior.

If the proxy uses persistent connections and the client adds another request in via HTTP pipelining, the proxy may mistake it as the first request's body. Puma, however, would see it as two requests, and when processing the second request, send back a response that the proxy does not expect. If the proxy has reused the persistent connection to Puma to send another request for a different client, the second response from the first client will be sent to the second client.


This vulnerability was patched in Puma 5.5.1 and 4.3.9.


This vulnerability only affects Puma installations without any proxy in front.

Use a proxy which does not forward LF characters as line endings.

Proxies which do not forward LF characters as line endings:

  • Nginx
  • Apache (>2.4.25)
  • Haproxy
  • Caddy
  • Traefik

Possible Breakage

If you are dealing with legacy clients that want to send LF as a line ending in an HTTP header, this will cause those clients to receive a 400 error.


HTTP Response Splitting (Early Hints) in Puma

medium severity CVE-2020-5249
medium severity CVE-2020-5249
Patched versions: ~> 3.12.4, >= 4.3.3


If an application using Puma allows untrusted input in an early-hints header, an attacker can use a carriage return character to end the header and inject malicious content, such as additional headers or an entirely new response body. This vulnerability is known as HTTP Response Splitting

While not an attack in itself, response splitting is a vector for several other attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS).

This is related to CVE-2020-5247, which fixed this vulnerability but only for regular responses.


This has been fixed in 4.3.3 and 3.12.4.


Users can not allow untrusted/user input in the Early Hints response header.

HTTP Response Splitting vulnerability in puma

medium severity CVE-2020-5247
medium severity CVE-2020-5247
Patched versions: ~> 3.12.4, >= 4.3.3

If an application using Puma allows untrusted input in a response header, an attacker can use newline characters (i.e. CR, LF) to end the header and inject malicious content, such as additional headers or an entirely new response body. This vulnerability is known as HTTP Response Splitting.

While not an attack in itself, response splitting is a vector for several other attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS).

No officially reported memory leakage issues detected.

This gem version does not have any officially reported memory leaked issues.

Gem version without a license.

Unless a license that specifies otherwise is included, nobody can use, copy, distribute, or modify this library without being at risk of take-downs, shake-downs, or litigation.

This gem version is available.

This gem version has not been yanked and is still available for usage.