passenger 6.0.2 → 6.0.7
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- checksums.yaml +4 -4
- data/CHANGELOG +152 -19
- data/ +1 -1
- data/CONTRIBUTORS +5 -0
- data/bin/passenger-install-nginx-module +1 -1
- data/bin/passenger-memory-stats +65 -12
- data/build/support/vendor/cxxcodebuilder/lib/cxxcodebuilder/builder.rb +56 -3
- data/dev/copy_boost_headers +1 -0
- data/package.json +1 -1
- data/passenger.gemspec +9 -1
- data/resources/templates/error_renderer/with_details/dist/bundle.js +1 -1
- data/resources/templates/error_renderer/with_details/src/GetHelpView.jsx +1 -1
- data/resources/templates/error_renderer/with_details/src/bootstrap/bootstrap.css +0 -0
- data/resources/templates/error_renderer/with_details/src/bootstrap/bootstrap.js +0 -0
- data/resources/templates/error_renderer/with_details/src/bootstrap/config.json +0 -0
- data/resources/templates/standalone/http.erb +1 -0
- data/resources/templates/standalone/rails_asset_pipeline.erb +1 -1
- data/resources/templates/standalone/server.erb +1 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Group/ProcessListManagement.cpp +1 -1
- data/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Group/StateInspection.cpp +2 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Implementation.cpp +0 -1
- data/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Options.h +19 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Pool/GarbageCollection.cpp +1 -1
- data/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Pool/StateInspection.cpp +1 -1
- data/src/agent/Core/Config.h +15 -1
- data/src/agent/Core/Controller.h +1 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/Controller/Config.h +9 -1
- data/src/agent/Core/Controller/ForwardResponse.cpp +13 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/Controller/InitRequest.cpp +5 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/Controller/InitializationAndShutdown.cpp +1 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/CoreMain.cpp +1 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/OptionParser.h +3 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/Config.h +11 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/Config/AutoGeneratedCode.h +13 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/Context.h +1 -0
- data/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/Prepare.h +1 -1
- data/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/WorkDir.h +5 -2
- data/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/Spawner.h +1 -0
- data/src/agent/TempDirToucher/TempDirToucherMain.cpp +2 -0
- data/src/agent/Watchdog/Config.h +16 -1
- data/src/agent/Watchdog/WatchdogMain.cpp +7 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/Config.cpp +1 -1
- data/src/apache2_module/ConfigGeneral/AutoGeneratedDefinitions.cpp +15 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/ConfigGeneral/AutoGeneratedManifestDefaultsInitialization.cpp +15 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/ConfigGeneral/AutoGeneratedSetterFuncs.cpp +40 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/DirConfig/AutoGeneratedCreateFunction.cpp +10 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/DirConfig/AutoGeneratedHeaderSerialization.cpp +6 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/DirConfig/AutoGeneratedManifestGeneration.cpp +26 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/DirConfig/AutoGeneratedMergeFunction.cpp +14 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/DirConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h +34 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/Hooks.cpp +5 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/ServerConfig/AutoGeneratedManifestGeneration.cpp +11 -0
- data/src/apache2_module/ServerConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h +13 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/Constants.h +4 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/Hooks.h +1 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/LoggingKit/Config.h +1 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/ServerKit/HttpChunkedBodyParser.h +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/SystemTools/ContainerHelpers.h +2 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/WebSocketCommandReverseServer.h +11 -7
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/oxt/system_calls.cpp +10 -10
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp +0 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/buffer.hpp +46 -37
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/connect.hpp +16 -15
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/detail/config.hpp +45 -26
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/detail/future.hpp +33 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/detail/impl/socket_ops.ipp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/detail/is_buffer_sequence.hpp +38 -14
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/detail/timer_queue.hpp +2 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/impl/io_context.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/impl/read_until.hpp +3 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/impl/use_future.hpp +0 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/ip/bad_address_cast.hpp +6 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver.hpp +6 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_results.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/packaged_task.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/read.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/read_at.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/read_until.hpp +8 -6
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/ssl/context_base.hpp +17 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/ssl/impl/context.ipp +50 -5
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/ssl/stream.hpp +2 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/thread_pool.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/use_future.hpp +3 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/version.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/write.hpp +4 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/asio/write_at.hpp +5 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/atomic/detail/ops_gcc_x86_dcas.hpp +13 -12
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/mac/chrono.hpp +10 -10
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/mac/process_cpu_clocks.hpp +34 -34
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/mac/thread_clock.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/posix/chrono.hpp +8 -8
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/posix/process_cpu_clocks.hpp +27 -27
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/chrono/detail/inlined/posix/thread_clock.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/chrono/detail/system.hpp +5 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/chrono/io/time_point_io.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/circular_buffer.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/circular_buffer/allocators.hpp +89 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/circular_buffer/base.hpp +83 -74
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/circular_buffer/details.hpp +21 -33
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/circular_buffer/space_optimized.hpp +5 -5
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/concept/assert.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/concept/detail/general.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/concept/detail/has_constraints.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/concept/usage.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/concept_check.hpp +19 -19
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/auto_link.hpp +8 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/borland.hpp +5 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/clang.hpp +5 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/codegear.hpp +6 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/comeau.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/common_edg.hpp +4 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/cray.hpp +368 -52
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/digitalmars.hpp +4 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp +6 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/gcc_xml.hpp +3 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/greenhills.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/hp_acc.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/intel.hpp +6 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/kai.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/metrowerks.hpp +4 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/mpw.hpp +4 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/nvcc.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/pathscale.hpp +3 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/sunpro_cc.hpp +3 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/vacpp.hpp +4 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/visualc.hpp +9 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/xlcpp.hpp +4 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/compiler/xlcpp_zos.hpp +1 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/detail/select_compiler_config.hpp +1 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/detail/suffix.hpp +13 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/stdlib/dinkumware.hpp +2 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/stdlib/libcpp.hpp +14 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/config/stdlib/libstdcpp3.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/adaptive_pool.hpp +262 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/allocator.hpp +4 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/allocator_traits.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/deque.hpp +7 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/adaptive_node_pool.hpp +22 -19
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/adaptive_node_pool_impl.hpp +833 -459
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/advanced_insert_int.hpp +24 -6
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/allocator_version_traits.hpp +2 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/compare_functors.hpp +61 -5
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/copy_move_algo.hpp +33 -8
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/flat_tree.hpp +132 -41
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/iterator.hpp +16 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/math_functions.hpp +54 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/mpl.hpp +58 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/multiallocation_chain.hpp +28 -23
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/node_alloc_holder.hpp +167 -115
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/pair.hpp +55 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/std_fwd.hpp +3 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/thread_mutex.hpp +181 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/tree.hpp +167 -29
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/type_traits.hpp +2 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/variadic_templates_tools.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/detail/workaround.hpp +18 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/flat_map.hpp +389 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/flat_set.hpp +262 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/list.hpp +52 -8
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/map.hpp +364 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/pmr/monotonic_buffer_resource.hpp +4 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/pmr/resource_adaptor.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/pmr/synchronized_pool_resource.hpp +3 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/set.hpp +286 -6
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/slist.hpp +56 -8
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/small_vector.hpp +43 -6
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/stable_vector.hpp +100 -31
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/static_vector.hpp +2 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/string.hpp +126 -69
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/container/vector.hpp +75 -51
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/empty_value.hpp +136 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/exchange.hpp +49 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/explicit_operator_bool.hpp +9 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp +101 -130
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/lightweight_test_trait.hpp +2 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/noncopyable.hpp +16 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/quick_exit.hpp +59 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/ref.hpp +2 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/swap.hpp +9 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/core/typeinfo.hpp +26 -10
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/date_time/compiler_config.hpp +5 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_duration.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/date_time/time_duration.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/detail/basic_pointerbuf.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/detail/indirect_traits.hpp +38 -47
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/detail/lcast_precision.hpp +5 -5
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/detail/reference_content.hpp +7 -7
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/exception/exception.hpp +62 -58
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/function.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/function/function_base.hpp +29 -29
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/function/function_template.hpp +38 -40
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/integer/common_factor_rt.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/avltree_algorithms.hpp +44 -44
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/bstree_algorithms.hpp +39 -39
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/circular_list_algorithms.hpp +15 -15
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/circular_slist_algorithms.hpp +7 -7
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/derivation_value_traits.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/any_node_and_algorithms.hpp +14 -14
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/avltree_node.hpp +9 -9
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/common_slist_algorithms.hpp +7 -7
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/list_iterator.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/list_node.hpp +2 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/node_cloner_disposer.hpp +2 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/rbtree_node.hpp +6 -6
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/simple_disposers.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/slist_iterator.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/slist_node.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/tree_iterator.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/tree_node.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/detail/tree_value_compare.hpp +33 -14
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/hashtable.hpp +12 -12
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/linear_slist_algorithms.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/pointer_plus_bits.hpp +3 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/rbtree_algorithms.hpp +39 -39
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/sgtree_algorithms.hpp +61 -61
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/slist.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/splaytree_algorithms.hpp +66 -66
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/treap_algorithms.hpp +54 -54
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/unordered_set.hpp +6 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/intrusive/unordered_set_hook.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/iterator/advance.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/iterator/distance.hpp +65 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/bad_lexical_cast.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/detail/converter_lexical.hpp +23 -23
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/detail/converter_lexical_streams.hpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/detail/converter_numeric.hpp +13 -13
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/detail/inf_nan.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/detail/is_character.hpp +5 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/detail/lcast_char_constants.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/detail/lcast_unsigned_converters.hpp +5 -5
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/detail/widest_char.hpp +5 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/lexical_cast/try_lexical_convert.hpp +18 -13
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/libs/regex/src/cregex.cpp +4 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/libs/system/src/error_code.cpp +16 -5
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/libs/thread/src/future.cpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/libs/thread/src/pthread/thread.cpp +14 -8
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/libs/thread/src/tss_null.cpp +2 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/math/special_functions/detail/fp_traits.hpp +13 -13
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/math/special_functions/math_fwd.hpp +27 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/math/tools/config.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/move/algo/adaptive_merge.hpp +29 -6
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/move/algo/adaptive_sort.hpp +12 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/move/algo/detail/adaptive_sort_merge.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/move/algo/move.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/move/algorithm.hpp +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/move/core.hpp +8 -8
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/move/detail/meta_utils.hpp +2 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/move/detail/type_traits.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/mpl/assert.hpp +23 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/optional/detail/experimental_traits.hpp +9 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/optional/detail/old_optional_implementation.hpp +10 -11
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/optional/detail/optional_reference_spec.hpp +20 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp +3 -3
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/optional/optional.hpp +211 -101
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/parameter/python.hpp +5 -6
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/pool/detail/mutex.hpp +119 -25
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/architecture.h +1 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/architecture/arm.h +5 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/architecture/ptx.h +44 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/compiler.h +1 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/compiler/compaq.h +1 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/compiler/nvcc.h +73 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/detail/endian_compat.h +3 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/language.h +1 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/language/cuda.h +52 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/make.h +4 -0
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/os/cygwin.h +6 -1
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/predef/other/endian.h +1 -2
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- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/typeof/typeof_impl.hpp +16 -16
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- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/typeof/vector100.hpp +201 -201
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- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/typeof/vector200.hpp +401 -401
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/typeof/vector50.hpp +101 -101
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- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/version.hpp +2 -2
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/modp_b64_data.h +0 -4
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/modp_b64_strict_aliasing.cpp +5 -1
- data/src/helper-scripts/node-loader.js +1 -1
- data/src/helper-scripts/prespawn +1 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/ConfigGeneral/AutoGeneratedDefinitions.c +40 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/ConfigGeneral/AutoGeneratedManifestDefaultsInitialization.c +27 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/ConfigGeneral/AutoGeneratedSetterFuncs.c +48 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/Configuration.c +14 -1
- data/src/nginx_module/ContentHandler.c +5 -1
- data/src/nginx_module/LocationConfig/AutoGeneratedCreateFunction.c +21 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/LocationConfig/AutoGeneratedHeaderSerialization.c +30 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/LocationConfig/AutoGeneratedManifestGeneration.c +42 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/LocationConfig/AutoGeneratedMergeFunction.c +9 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/LocationConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h +15 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/MainConfig/AutoGeneratedCreateFunction.c +6 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/MainConfig/AutoGeneratedManifestGeneration.c +12 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/MainConfig/AutoGeneratedStruct.h +4 -0
- data/src/nginx_module/ngx_http_passenger_module.c +3 -2
- data/src/nodejs_supportlib/vendor-copy/winston/lib/winston/logger.js +0 -0
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger.rb +8 -8
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/admin_tools/memory_stats.rb +1 -1
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/apache2/config_options.rb +22 -0
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/constants.rb +3 -1
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/loader_shared_helpers.rb +4 -2
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/nginx/config_options.rb +35 -0
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/apache.rb +1 -1
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/compiler.rb +1 -1
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/rack/thread_handler_extension.rb +10 -0
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/request_handler.rb +7 -6
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb +5 -0
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/standalone/config_options_list.rb +13 -0
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/standalone/start_command/builtin_engine.rb +4 -2
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/standalone/start_command/nginx_engine.rb +1 -1
- data/src/ruby_supportlib/phusion_passenger/utils/unseekable_socket.rb +15 -11
- metadata +42 -8
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/call_traits.hpp +0 -20
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/detail/call_traits.hpp +0 -172
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/detail/no_exceptions_support.hpp +0 -17
- data/src/cxx_supportlib/vendor-modified/boost/system/detail/error_code.ipp +0 -496
@@ -10,109 +10,109 @@
namespace boost { namespace type_of {
template<class V, class Increase_BOOST_TYPEOF_LIMIT_SIZE> struct v_iter;
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
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template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
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template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
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template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
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template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V,
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,0> > { typedef typename V::item0 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,0 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,1> > { typedef typename V::item1 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,1 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,2> > { typedef typename V::item2 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,2 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,3> > { typedef typename V::item3 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,3 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,4> > { typedef typename V::item4 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,4 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,5> > { typedef typename V::item5 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,5 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,6> > { typedef typename V::item6 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,6 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,7> > { typedef typename V::item7 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,7 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,8> > { typedef typename V::item8 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,8 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,9> > { typedef typename V::item9 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,9 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,10> > { typedef typename V::item10 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,10 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,11> > { typedef typename V::item11 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,11 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,12> > { typedef typename V::item12 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,12 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,13> > { typedef typename V::item13 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,13 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,14> > { typedef typename V::item14 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,14 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,15> > { typedef typename V::item15 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,15 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,16> > { typedef typename V::item16 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,16 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,17> > { typedef typename V::item17 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,17 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,18> > { typedef typename V::item18 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,18 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,19> > { typedef typename V::item19 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,19 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,20> > { typedef typename V::item20 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,20 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,21> > { typedef typename V::item21 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,21 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,22> > { typedef typename V::item22 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,22 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,23> > { typedef typename V::item23 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,23 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,24> > { typedef typename V::item24 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,24 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,25> > { typedef typename V::item25 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,25 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,26> > { typedef typename V::item26 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,26 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,27> > { typedef typename V::item27 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,27 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,28> > { typedef typename V::item28 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,28 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,29> > { typedef typename V::item29 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,29 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,30> > { typedef typename V::item30 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,30 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,31> > { typedef typename V::item31 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,31 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,32> > { typedef typename V::item32 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,32 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,33> > { typedef typename V::item33 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,33 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,34> > { typedef typename V::item34 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,34 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,35> > { typedef typename V::item35 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,35 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,36> > { typedef typename V::item36 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,36 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,37> > { typedef typename V::item37 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,37 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,38> > { typedef typename V::item38 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,38 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,39> > { typedef typename V::item39 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,39 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,40> > { typedef typename V::item40 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,40 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,41> > { typedef typename V::item41 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,41 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,42> > { typedef typename V::item42 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,42 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,43> > { typedef typename V::item43 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,43 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,44> > { typedef typename V::item44 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,44 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,45> > { typedef typename V::item45 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,45 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,46> > { typedef typename V::item46 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,46 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,47> > { typedef typename V::item47 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,47 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,48> > { typedef typename V::item48 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,48 + 1> > next; };
template<class V> struct v_iter<V, constant<int,49> > { typedef typename V::item49 type; typedef v_iter<V, constant<int,49 + 1> > next; };
namespace boost { namespace type_of {
template< class T = void> struct vector0 { typedef v_iter<vector0<>, boost::
template< class P0 > struct vector1 { typedef v_iter<vector1< P0>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 > struct vector2 { typedef v_iter<vector2< P0 , P1>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 > struct vector3 { typedef v_iter<vector3< P0 , P1 , P2>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 > struct vector4 { typedef v_iter<vector4< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 > struct vector5 { typedef v_iter<vector5< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 > struct vector6 { typedef v_iter<vector6< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 > struct vector7 { typedef v_iter<vector7< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 > struct vector8 { typedef v_iter<vector8< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 > struct vector9 { typedef v_iter<vector9< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 > struct vector10 { typedef v_iter<vector10< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 > struct vector11 { typedef v_iter<vector11< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 > struct vector12 { typedef v_iter<vector12< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 > struct vector13 { typedef v_iter<vector13< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 > struct vector14 { typedef v_iter<vector14< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 > struct vector15 { typedef v_iter<vector15< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 > struct vector16 { typedef v_iter<vector16< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 > struct vector17 { typedef v_iter<vector17< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 > struct vector18 { typedef v_iter<vector18< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 > struct vector19 { typedef v_iter<vector19< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 > struct vector20 { typedef v_iter<vector20< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 > struct vector21 { typedef v_iter<vector21< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 > struct vector22 { typedef v_iter<vector22< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 > struct vector23 { typedef v_iter<vector23< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 > struct vector24 { typedef v_iter<vector24< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 > struct vector25 { typedef v_iter<vector25< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 > struct vector26 { typedef v_iter<vector26< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 > struct vector27 { typedef v_iter<vector27< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 > struct vector28 { typedef v_iter<vector28< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 > struct vector29 { typedef v_iter<vector29< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 > struct vector30 { typedef v_iter<vector30< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 > struct vector31 { typedef v_iter<vector31< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 > struct vector32 { typedef v_iter<vector32< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 > struct vector33 { typedef v_iter<vector33< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 > struct vector34 { typedef v_iter<vector34< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 > struct vector35 { typedef v_iter<vector35< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 > struct vector36 { typedef v_iter<vector36< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 > struct vector37 { typedef v_iter<vector37< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 > struct vector38 { typedef v_iter<vector38< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 > struct vector39 { typedef v_iter<vector39< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 > struct vector40 { typedef v_iter<vector40< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 > struct vector41 { typedef v_iter<vector41< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 > struct vector42 { typedef v_iter<vector42< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 > struct vector43 { typedef v_iter<vector43< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 > struct vector44 { typedef v_iter<vector44< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 > struct vector45 { typedef v_iter<vector45< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 > struct vector46 { typedef v_iter<vector46< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 , class P46 > struct vector47 { typedef v_iter<vector47< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45 , P46>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 , class P46 , class P47 > struct vector48 { typedef v_iter<vector48< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45 , P46 , P47>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 , class P46 , class P47 , class P48 > struct vector49 { typedef v_iter<vector49< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45 , P46 , P47 , P48>, boost::
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 , class P46 , class P47 , class P48 , class P49 > struct vector50 { typedef v_iter<vector50< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45 , P46 , P47 , P48 , P49>, boost::
template< class T = void> struct vector0 { typedef v_iter<vector0<>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef constant<int,1> item0; typedef constant<int,1> item1; typedef constant<int,1> item2; typedef constant<int,1> item3; typedef constant<int,1> item4; typedef constant<int,1> item5; typedef constant<int,1> item6; typedef constant<int,1> item7; typedef constant<int,1> item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 > struct vector1 { typedef v_iter<vector1< P0>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef constant<int,1> item1; typedef constant<int,1> item2; typedef constant<int,1> item3; typedef constant<int,1> item4; typedef constant<int,1> item5; typedef constant<int,1> item6; typedef constant<int,1> item7; typedef constant<int,1> item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 > struct vector2 { typedef v_iter<vector2< P0 , P1>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef constant<int,1> item2; typedef constant<int,1> item3; typedef constant<int,1> item4; typedef constant<int,1> item5; typedef constant<int,1> item6; typedef constant<int,1> item7; typedef constant<int,1> item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 > struct vector3 { typedef v_iter<vector3< P0 , P1 , P2>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef constant<int,1> item3; typedef constant<int,1> item4; typedef constant<int,1> item5; typedef constant<int,1> item6; typedef constant<int,1> item7; typedef constant<int,1> item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 > struct vector4 { typedef v_iter<vector4< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef constant<int,1> item4; typedef constant<int,1> item5; typedef constant<int,1> item6; typedef constant<int,1> item7; typedef constant<int,1> item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 > struct vector5 { typedef v_iter<vector5< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef constant<int,1> item5; typedef constant<int,1> item6; typedef constant<int,1> item7; typedef constant<int,1> item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 > struct vector6 { typedef v_iter<vector6< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef constant<int,1> item6; typedef constant<int,1> item7; typedef constant<int,1> item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 > struct vector7 { typedef v_iter<vector7< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef constant<int,1> item7; typedef constant<int,1> item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 > struct vector8 { typedef v_iter<vector8< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef constant<int,1> item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 > struct vector9 { typedef v_iter<vector9< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef constant<int,1> item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 > struct vector10 { typedef v_iter<vector10< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef constant<int,1> item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 > struct vector11 { typedef v_iter<vector11< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef constant<int,1> item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 > struct vector12 { typedef v_iter<vector12< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef constant<int,1> item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 > struct vector13 { typedef v_iter<vector13< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef constant<int,1> item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 > struct vector14 { typedef v_iter<vector14< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef constant<int,1> item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 > struct vector15 { typedef v_iter<vector15< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef constant<int,1> item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 > struct vector16 { typedef v_iter<vector16< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef constant<int,1> item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 > struct vector17 { typedef v_iter<vector17< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef constant<int,1> item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 > struct vector18 { typedef v_iter<vector18< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef constant<int,1> item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 > struct vector19 { typedef v_iter<vector19< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef constant<int,1> item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 > struct vector20 { typedef v_iter<vector20< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef constant<int,1> item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 > struct vector21 { typedef v_iter<vector21< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef constant<int,1> item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 > struct vector22 { typedef v_iter<vector22< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef constant<int,1> item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 > struct vector23 { typedef v_iter<vector23< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef constant<int,1> item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 > struct vector24 { typedef v_iter<vector24< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef constant<int,1> item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 > struct vector25 { typedef v_iter<vector25< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef constant<int,1> item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 > struct vector26 { typedef v_iter<vector26< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef constant<int,1> item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 > struct vector27 { typedef v_iter<vector27< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef constant<int,1> item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 > struct vector28 { typedef v_iter<vector28< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef constant<int,1> item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 > struct vector29 { typedef v_iter<vector29< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef constant<int,1> item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 > struct vector30 { typedef v_iter<vector30< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef constant<int,1> item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 > struct vector31 { typedef v_iter<vector31< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef constant<int,1> item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 > struct vector32 { typedef v_iter<vector32< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef constant<int,1> item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 > struct vector33 { typedef v_iter<vector33< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef constant<int,1> item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 > struct vector34 { typedef v_iter<vector34< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef constant<int,1> item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 > struct vector35 { typedef v_iter<vector35< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef constant<int,1> item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 > struct vector36 { typedef v_iter<vector36< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef constant<int,1> item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 > struct vector37 { typedef v_iter<vector37< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef constant<int,1> item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 > struct vector38 { typedef v_iter<vector38< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef constant<int,1> item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 > struct vector39 { typedef v_iter<vector39< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef constant<int,1> item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 > struct vector40 { typedef v_iter<vector40< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef constant<int,1> item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 > struct vector41 { typedef v_iter<vector41< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef constant<int,1> item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 > struct vector42 { typedef v_iter<vector42< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef P41 item41; typedef constant<int,1> item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 > struct vector43 { typedef v_iter<vector43< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef P41 item41; typedef P42 item42; typedef constant<int,1> item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 > struct vector44 { typedef v_iter<vector44< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef P41 item41; typedef P42 item42; typedef P43 item43; typedef constant<int,1> item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 > struct vector45 { typedef v_iter<vector45< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef P41 item41; typedef P42 item42; typedef P43 item43; typedef P44 item44; typedef constant<int,1> item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 > struct vector46 { typedef v_iter<vector46< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef P41 item41; typedef P42 item42; typedef P43 item43; typedef P44 item44; typedef P45 item45; typedef constant<int,1> item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 , class P46 > struct vector47 { typedef v_iter<vector47< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45 , P46>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef P41 item41; typedef P42 item42; typedef P43 item43; typedef P44 item44; typedef P45 item45; typedef P46 item46; typedef constant<int,1> item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 , class P46 , class P47 > struct vector48 { typedef v_iter<vector48< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45 , P46 , P47>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef P41 item41; typedef P42 item42; typedef P43 item43; typedef P44 item44; typedef P45 item45; typedef P46 item46; typedef P47 item47; typedef constant<int,1> item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 , class P46 , class P47 , class P48 > struct vector49 { typedef v_iter<vector49< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45 , P46 , P47 , P48>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef P41 item41; typedef P42 item42; typedef P43 item43; typedef P44 item44; typedef P45 item45; typedef P46 item46; typedef P47 item47; typedef P48 item48; typedef constant<int,1> item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
template< class P0 , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class P7 , class P8 , class P9 , class P10 , class P11 , class P12 , class P13 , class P14 , class P15 , class P16 , class P17 , class P18 , class P19 , class P20 , class P21 , class P22 , class P23 , class P24 , class P25 , class P26 , class P27 , class P28 , class P29 , class P30 , class P31 , class P32 , class P33 , class P34 , class P35 , class P36 , class P37 , class P38 , class P39 , class P40 , class P41 , class P42 , class P43 , class P44 , class P45 , class P46 , class P47 , class P48 , class P49 > struct vector50 { typedef v_iter<vector50< P0 , P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23 , P24 , P25 , P26 , P27 , P28 , P29 , P30 , P31 , P32 , P33 , P34 , P35 , P36 , P37 , P38 , P39 , P40 , P41 , P42 , P43 , P44 , P45 , P46 , P47 , P48 , P49>, boost::type_of::constant<int,0> > begin; typedef P0 item0; typedef P1 item1; typedef P2 item2; typedef P3 item3; typedef P4 item4; typedef P5 item5; typedef P6 item6; typedef P7 item7; typedef P8 item8; typedef P9 item9; typedef P10 item10; typedef P11 item11; typedef P12 item12; typedef P13 item13; typedef P14 item14; typedef P15 item15; typedef P16 item16; typedef P17 item17; typedef P18 item18; typedef P19 item19; typedef P20 item20; typedef P21 item21; typedef P22 item22; typedef P23 item23; typedef P24 item24; typedef P25 item25; typedef P26 item26; typedef P27 item27; typedef P28 item28; typedef P29 item29; typedef P30 item30; typedef P31 item31; typedef P32 item32; typedef P33 item33; typedef P34 item34; typedef P35 item35; typedef P36 item36; typedef P37 item37; typedef P38 item38; typedef P39 item39; typedef P40 item40; typedef P41 item41; typedef P42 item42; typedef P43 item43; typedef P44 item44; typedef P45 item45; typedef P46 item46; typedef P47 item47; typedef P48 item48; typedef P49 item49; typedef constant<int,1> item50; typedef constant<int,1> item51; typedef constant<int,1> item52; typedef constant<int,1> item53; typedef constant<int,1> item54; typedef constant<int,1> item55; typedef constant<int,1> item56; typedef constant<int,1> item57; typedef constant<int,1> item58; typedef constant<int,1> item59; typedef constant<int,1> item60; typedef constant<int,1> item61; typedef constant<int,1> item62; typedef constant<int,1> item63; typedef constant<int,1> item64; typedef constant<int,1> item65; typedef constant<int,1> item66; typedef constant<int,1> item67; typedef constant<int,1> item68; typedef constant<int,1> item69; typedef constant<int,1> item70; typedef constant<int,1> item71; typedef constant<int,1> item72; typedef constant<int,1> item73; typedef constant<int,1> item74; typedef constant<int,1> item75; typedef constant<int,1> item76; typedef constant<int,1> item77; typedef constant<int,1> item78; typedef constant<int,1> item79; typedef constant<int,1> item80; typedef constant<int,1> item81; typedef constant<int,1> item82; typedef constant<int,1> item83; typedef constant<int,1> item84; typedef constant<int,1> item85; typedef constant<int,1> item86; typedef constant<int,1> item87; typedef constant<int,1> item88; typedef constant<int,1> item89; typedef constant<int,1> item90; typedef constant<int,1> item91; typedef constant<int,1> item92; typedef constant<int,1> item93; typedef constant<int,1> item94; typedef constant<int,1> item95; typedef constant<int,1> item96; typedef constant<int,1> item97; typedef constant<int,1> item98; typedef constant<int,1> item99; };
namespace boost { namespace type_of {
template<class V, class T> struct push_back {
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ namespace boost {
size_type find(basic_string_ref s) const {
if (s.empty()) return 0;
const_iterator iter = std::search ( this->cbegin (), this->cend (),
s.cbegin (), s.cend (), traits::eq );
return iter == this->cend () ? npos : std::distance ( this->cbegin (), iter );
@@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ namespace boost {
size_type rfind(basic_string_ref s) const {
if (s.empty()) return 0;
const_reverse_iterator iter = std::search ( this->crbegin (), this->crend (),
s.crbegin (), s.crend (), traits::eq );
return iter == this->crend () ? npos : (std::distance(iter, this->crend()) - s.size());
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/string_view_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/container_hash/hash_fwd.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <stdexcept>
@@ -245,12 +246,27 @@ namespace boost {
return npos;
if (s.empty())
return pos;
if (s.size() > size() - pos)
return npos;
const charT* cur = ptr_ + pos;
const charT* last = cend() - s.size() + 1;
for (; cur != last ; ++cur) {
cur = traits::find(cur, last - cur, s[0]);
if (!cur)
return npos;
if (traits::compare(cur, s.cbegin(), s.size()) == 0)
return cur - ptr_;
return npos;
BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
if (pos > size())
return npos;
const charT* ret_ptr = traits::find(ptr_ + pos, len_ - pos, c);
if (ret_ptr)
return ret_ptr - ptr_;
return npos;
BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
{ return find(basic_string_view(&c, 1), pos); }
BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
{ return find(basic_string_view(s, n), pos); }
BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
@@ -287,7 +303,7 @@ namespace boost {
return iter == this->cend () ? npos : std::distance ( this->cbegin (), iter );
BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_of(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
{ return
{ return find(c, pos); }
BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
{ return find_first_of(basic_string_view(s, n), pos); }
BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
@@ -675,6 +691,10 @@ namespace boost {
template <class charT, class traits>
std::size_t hash_value(basic_string_view<charT, traits> s) {
return boost::hash_range(s.begin(), s.end());
#if 0
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000 is the minor version
// BOOST_VERSION / 100000 is the major version
#define BOOST_VERSION 106900
// BOOST_LIB_VERSION must be defined to be the same as BOOST_VERSION
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@
// number, y is the minor version number, and z is the patch level if not 0.
// This is used by <config/auto_link.hpp> to select which library version to link to.
#define BOOST_LIB_VERSION "1_69"
@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
typedef uint32_t modp_uint32_t;
#include <boost/detail/endian.hpp>
* you can control if we use padding by commenting out this
* next line. However, I highly recommend you use padding and not
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
#include "modp_b64_data.h"
#include <boost/predef/other/endian.h>
/* public header */
#include "modp_b64.h"
@@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ size_t modp_b64_decode(char* dest, const char* src, size_t len)
case 0:
x = d0[y[3]] | d1[y[2]] | d2[y[1]] | d3[y[0]];
if (x >= B64_BADCHAR) return -1;
*p++ = ((modp_uint8_t*)&x)[1];
*p++ = ((modp_uint8_t*)&x)[2];
*p = ((modp_uint8_t*)&x)[3];
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ setupEnvironment(options);
function tryWriteFile(path, contents) {
try {
fs.writeFileSync(path, contents);
fs.writeFileSync(path, contents.toString());
} catch (e) {
console.error('Warning: unable to write to ' + path + ': ' + e.message);
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ class PrespawnLocation
def head_request
socket.write("HEAD #{request_path} HTTP/1.1\r\n")
socket.write("Host: #{request_host}\r\n")
socket.write("User-Agent: Passenger Prespawn Script\r\n")
socket.write("Authorization: Basic " + base64(@uri.userinfo) + "\r\n") if @uri.userinfo
socket.write("Connection: close\r\n")
@@ -174,6 +174,14 @@
offsetof(passenger_main_conf_t, autogenerated.instance_registry_dir),
offsetof(passenger_main_conf_t, autogenerated.spawn_dir),
@@ -438,6 +446,14 @@
offsetof(passenger_loc_conf_t, autogenerated.spawn_method),
offsetof(passenger_loc_conf_t, autogenerated.direct_instance_request_address),
@@ -534,6 +550,14 @@
offsetof(passenger_loc_conf_t, autogenerated.document_root),
offsetof(passenger_loc_conf_t, upstream_config.temp_path),
@@ -646,6 +670,14 @@
offsetof(passenger_loc_conf_t, autogenerated.request_queue_overflow_status_code),
offsetof(passenger_loc_conf_t, autogenerated.buffer_upload),
@@ -662,6 +694,14 @@
offsetof(passenger_loc_conf_t, autogenerated.sticky_sessions_cookie_name),
offsetof(passenger_loc_conf_t, autogenerated.sticky_sessions_cookie_attributes),
@@ -106,6 +106,13 @@ set_manifest_autogenerated_global_conf_defaults(manifest_gen_ctx_t *ctx) {
"Either /var/run/passenger-instreg, $TMPDIR, or /tmp (see docs)",
sizeof("Either /var/run/passenger-instreg, $TMPDIR, or /tmp (see docs)") - 1);
sizeof("passenger_spawn_dir") - 1,
"Either $TMPDIR or /tmp",
sizeof("Either $TMPDIR or /tmp") - 1);
@@ -273,6 +280,13 @@ set_manifest_autogenerated_app_conf_defaults(manifest_gen_ctx_t *ctx, PsgJsonVal
"'smart' for Ruby apps, 'direct' for all other apps",
sizeof("'smart' for Ruby apps, 'direct' for all other apps") - 1);
sizeof("passenger_direct_instance_request_address") - 1,
sizeof("") - 1);
@@ -404,6 +418,12 @@ set_manifest_autogenerated_loc_conf_defaults(manifest_gen_ctx_t *ctx, PsgJsonVal
sizeof("passenger_request_queue_overflow_status_code") - 1,
sizeof("passenger_buffer_upload") - 1,
@@ -417,5 +437,12 @@ set_manifest_autogenerated_loc_conf_defaults(manifest_gen_ctx_t *ctx, PsgJsonVal
sizeof("_passenger_route") - 1);
sizeof("passenger_sticky_sessions_cookie_attributes") - 1,
"SameSite=Lax; Secure;",
sizeof("SameSite=Lax; Secure;") - 1);