mvcStudentXD 1.2.1 → 1.2.3

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Files changed (79) hide show
  1. checksums.yaml +4 -4
  2. data/.rubocop.yml +13 -0
  3. data/{mvcStudentXD/ →} +5 -5
  4. data/{mvcStudentXD/ →} +84 -84
  5. data/Gemfile +4 -6
  6. data/Gemfile.lock +97 -101
  7. data/ +34 -2
  8. data/{mvcStudentXD/Rakefile → Rakefile} +16 -16
  9. data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/mvcStudentXD/version.rb +5 -5
  10. data/lib/mvcStudentXD.rb +10 -0
  11. data/mvcStudentXD-1.2.2.gem +0 -0
  12. data/mvcStudentXD.gemspec +38 -0
  13. data/{mvcStudentXD/sig → sig}/mvcStudentXD.rbs +4 -4
  14. metadata +42 -91
  15. data/Lab1/arr1_3.txt +0 -1
  16. data/Lab1/lb1_1.rb +0 -19
  17. data/Lab1/lb1_2.rb +0 -28
  18. data/Lab1/lb1_3.rb +0 -46
  19. data/Lab1/lb1_4.rb +0 -82
  20. data/Lab2/1Class.jpg +0 -0
  21. data/Lab2/Web/main.rb +0 -89
  22. data/Lab2/Web/views/add.html +0 -168
  23. data/Lab2/Web/views/main.html +0 -233
  24. data/Lab2/data_storage/students1.txt +0 -1
  25. data/Lab2/data_storage/studentsRead.json +0 -36
  26. data/Lab2/data_storage/studentsRead.txt +0 -3
  27. data/Lab2/data_storage/studentsRead.yaml +0 -26
  28. data/Lab2/data_storage/studentsWrite.json +0 -42
  29. data/Lab2/data_storage/studentsWrite.txt +0 -4
  30. data/Lab2/data_storage/studentsWrite.yaml +0 -31
  31. data/Lab2/examples/Strategy.rb +0 -38
  32. data/Lab2/examples/adapter.rb +0 -30
  33. data/Lab2/examples/database.rb +0 -15
  34. data/Lab2/examples/observer_example.rb +0 -51
  35. data/Lab2/examples/pattern_pattern.rb +0 -44
  36. data/Lab2/examples/site_example.rb +0 -21
  37. data/Lab2/examples/views/about.erb +0 -11
  38. data/Lab2/examples/views/contact.erb +0 -15
  39. data/Lab2/examples/views/index.erb +0 -11
  40. data/Lab2/main.rb +0 -6
  41. data/Lab2/main_window.rb +0 -31
  42. data/Lab2/student_input_form.rb +0 -71
  43. data/Lab2/tab_students.rb +0 -157
  44. data/Lab2/test/student_test.rb +0 -91
  45. data/mvcStudentXD/Gemfile +0 -22
  46. data/mvcStudentXD/Gemfile.lock +0 -97
  47. data/mvcStudentXD/ +0 -35
  48. data/mvcStudentXD/bin/console +0 -11
  49. data/mvcStudentXD/bin/setup +0 -8
  50. data/mvcStudentXD/lib/mvcStudentXD.rb +0 -10
  51. data/mvcStudentXD/mvcStudentXD.gemspec +0 -15
  52. data/mvcStudentXD/pkg/mvcStudentXD-0.1.0.gem +0 -0
  53. data/mvcStudentXD/pkg/mvcStudentXD-1.0.1.gem +0 -0
  54. data/mvcStudentXD/pkg/mvcStudentXD-1.1.1.gem +0 -0
  55. data/mvcStudentXD/test/student_test.rb +0 -91
  56. data/mvcStudentXD/test/test_helper.rb +0 -6
  57. data/mvcStudentXD/test/test_mvcStudentXD.rb +0 -13
  58. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/adapters/student_list_adapter.rb +0 -0
  59. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/containers/Data_list.rb +0 -0
  60. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/containers/Data_list_student_short.rb +0 -0
  61. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/containers/Data_table.rb +0 -0
  62. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/controllers/student_edit_form_controller.rb +0 -0
  63. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/controllers/student_input_form_controller.rb +0 -0
  64. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/controllers/student_list_controller.rb +0 -0
  65. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/converters/Converter.rb +0 -0
  66. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/converters/Converter_json.rb +0 -0
  67. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/converters/Converter_txt.rb +0 -0
  68. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/converters/Converter_yaml.rb +0 -0
  69. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/database/scripts/create_table.sql +0 -0
  70. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/database/scripts/insert_data.sql +0 -0
  71. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/database/student_list_db.rb +0 -0
  72. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/database/students_db.rb +0 -0
  73. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/model/Student.rb +0 -0
  74. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/model/StudentBase.rb +0 -0
  75. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/model/Student_short.rb +0 -0
  76. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/repositories/Student_list.rb +0 -0
  77. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/repositories/student_list_adv.rb +0 -0
  78. /data/{mvcStudentXD/lib → lib}/source/util/LoggerHolder.rb +0 -0
  79. /data/{mvcStudentXD/mvcStudentXD-1.2.0.gem → mvcStudentXD-1.2.0.gem} +0 -0