kubernetes_schemas 0.1.0
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- checksums.yaml +7 -0
- data/.gitignore +8 -0
- data/Gemfile +6 -0
- data/README.md +35 -0
- data/Rakefile +28 -0
- data/bin/console +14 -0
- data/bin/setup +8 -0
- data/kubernetes_schemas.gemspec +30 -0
- data/lib/kubernetes_schemas/kubernetes_versions.rb +3 -0
- data/lib/kubernetes_schemas/version.rb +3 -0
- data/lib/kubernetes_schemas.rb +33 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/apigroup.json +119 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/apigrouplist.json +156 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/apiresourcelist.json +138 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/apiservice.json +431 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/apiservicelist.json +512 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/apiversions.json +76 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/binding.json +344 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/certificatesigningrequest.json +457 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/certificatesigningrequestlist.json +535 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/clusterrole.json +445 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/clusterrolebinding.json +355 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/clusterrolebindinglist.json +433 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/clusterrolelist.json +526 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/componentstatus.json +326 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/componentstatuslist.json +407 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/configmap.json +316 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/configmaplist.json +397 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/controllerrevision.json +300 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/controllerrevisionlist.json +378 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/cronjob.json +9720 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/cronjoblist.json +9801 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/csidriver.json +375 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/csidriverlist.json +453 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/csinode.json +354 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/csinodelist.json +432 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/csistoragecapacity.json +390 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/csistoragecapacitylist.json +472 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/daemonset.json +9453 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/daemonsetlist.json +9534 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/deleteoptions.json +334 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/deployment.json +9474 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/deploymentlist.json +9555 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/endpoints.json +538 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/endpointslice.json +519 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/endpointslicelist.json +594 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/endpointslist.json +619 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/event.json +523 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/eventlist.json +601 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/eviction.json +618 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/flowschema.json +619 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/flowschemalist.json +700 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/horizontalpodautoscaler.json +1770 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/horizontalpodautoscalerlist.json +1851 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/ingress.json +638 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/ingressclass.json +340 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/ingressclasslist.json +421 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/ingresslist.json +719 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/job.json +9470 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/joblist.json +9551 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/lease.json +330 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/leaselist.json +411 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/limitrange.json +429 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/limitrangelist.json +510 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/localsubjectaccessreview.json +458 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/mutatingwebhookconfiguration.json +617 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/mutatingwebhookconfigurationlist.json +698 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/namespace.json +370 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/namespacelist.json +451 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/networkpolicy.json +850 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/networkpolicylist.json +931 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/node.json +905 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/nodelist.json +986 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/persistentvolume.json +1775 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/persistentvolumeclaim.json +614 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/persistentvolumeclaimlist.json +695 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/persistentvolumelist.json +1856 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/pod.json +9911 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/poddisruptionbudget.json +505 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/poddisruptionbudgetlist.json +586 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/podlist.json +9992 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/podsecuritypolicy.json +797 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/podsecuritypolicylist.json +878 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/podtemplate.json +9180 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/podtemplatelist.json +9261 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/priorityclass.json +314 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/priorityclasslist.json +392 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/prioritylevelconfiguration.json +445 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/prioritylevelconfigurationlist.json +526 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/replicaset.json +9372 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/replicasetlist.json +9453 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/replicationcontroller.json +9320 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/replicationcontrollerlist.json +9401 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/resourcequota.json +433 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/resourcequotalist.json +514 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/role.json +363 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/rolebinding.json +355 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/rolebindinglist.json +433 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/rolelist.json +444 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/runtimeclass.json +400 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/runtimeclasslist.json +478 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/scale.json +323 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/secret.json +323 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/secretlist.json +404 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/selfsubjectaccessreview.json +412 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/selfsubjectrulesreview.json +430 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/service.json +688 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/serviceaccount.json +381 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/serviceaccountlist.json +462 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/servicelist.json +769 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/statefulset.json +10076 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/statefulsetlist.json +10157 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/status.json +180 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/storageclass.json +391 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/storageclasslist.json +469 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/subjectaccessreview.json +458 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/tokenreview.json +405 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/validatingwebhookconfiguration.json +610 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/validatingwebhookconfigurationlist.json +691 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/volumeattachment.json +1860 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/volumeattachmentlist.json +1938 -0
- data/schemas/1.22/watchevent.json +276 -0
- metadata +207 -0
There are too many changes on this page to be displayed.
The amount of changes on this page would crash your brower.
You can still verify the content by downloading the gem file manually.