ki 0.0.2 → 0.1.0
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- data/.rvmrc +1 -1
- data/Gemfile +6 -3
- data/Gemfile.lock +81 -0
- data/Guardfile +9 -0
- data/LICENSE.txt +1 -1
- data/README.rdoc +8 -1
- data/Rakefile +17 -3
- data/VERSION +1 -1
- data/bin/ki +3 -2
- data/examples/base/Gemfile +1 -7
- data/examples/base/Gemfile.lock +24 -0
- data/examples/base/app.rb +1 -2
- data/examples/base/ +4 -0
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- data/examples/northpole/Gemfile.lock +33 -0
- data/examples/northpole/app.rb +19 -0
- data/examples/northpole/ +6 -0
- data/examples/northpole/config.yml +3 -0
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- data/ki.gemspec +125 -0
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- data/lib/resp.rb +50 -0
- data/lib/static_file.rb +14 -0
- data/lib/util.rb +21 -30
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- data/lib/views/406.haml +7 -0
- data/lib/views/index.haml +5 -17
- data/logo.png +0 -0
- data/spec/db_spec.rb +71 -0
- data/spec/ki_spec.rb +2 -2
- data/spec/model_spec.rb +82 -0
- data/spec/modules/callbacks_spec.rb +14 -0
- data/spec/modules/query_interface_spec.rb +63 -0
- data/spec/modules/restrictions_spec.rb +64 -0
- data/spec/req_spec.rb +4 -0
- data/spec/spec_helper.rb +30 -1
- data/spec/util_spec.rb +32 -16
- metadata +89 -36
- data/examples/base/config.yml +0 -3
- data/examples/example/app.rb +0 -15
- data/examples/example/ +0 -2
- data/examples/example/config.yml +0 -3
- data/examples/example/public/custom.css +0 -0
- data/examples/example/public/custom.js +0 -0
- data/lib/cli.rb +0 -51
- data/lib/controller.rb +0 -15
- data/lib/modules.rb +0 -54
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- data/lib/views/container.haml +0 -6
- data/lib/views/footer.haml +0 -2
- data/lib/views/form.haml +0 -10
- data/lib/views/models.haml +0 -14
- data/lib/views/navbar.haml +0 -11
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