katello 4.7.6 → 4.8.0.rc1

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Potentially problematic release.

This version of katello might be problematic. Click here for more details.

Files changed (365) hide show
  1. checksums.yaml +4 -4
  2. data/app/controllers/katello/api/registry/registry_proxies_controller.rb +6 -4
  3. data/app/controllers/katello/api/rhsm/candlepin_proxies_controller.rb +15 -12
  4. data/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/capsule_content_controller.rb +0 -4
  5. data/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/content_export_incrementals_controller.rb +22 -81
  6. data/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/content_exports_controller.rb +11 -80
  7. data/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/content_imports_controller.rb +1 -0
  8. data/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/exports_controller.rb +130 -0
  9. data/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/host_subscriptions_controller.rb +7 -8
  10. data/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/hosts_bulk_actions_controller.rb +8 -4
  11. data/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/organizations_controller.rb +3 -0
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  13. data/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/simple_content_access_controller.rb +1 -3
  14. data/app/controllers/katello/concerns/api/v2/bulk_hosts_extensions.rb +4 -6
  15. data/app/controllers/katello/concerns/api/v2/registration_controller_extensions.rb +1 -2
  16. data/app/controllers/katello/concerns/authorization/api/v2/content_views_controller.rb +4 -1
  17. data/app/controllers/katello/concerns/content_facet_hosts_controller_extensions.rb +24 -0
  18. data/app/controllers/katello/concerns/hosts_controller_extensions.rb +3 -3
  19. data/app/helpers/katello/hosts_and_hostgroups_helper.rb +55 -24
  20. data/app/helpers/katello/katello_urls_helper.rb +0 -15
  21. data/app/helpers/katello/sync_management_helper.rb +0 -4
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  51. data/app/lib/katello/resources/candlepin/owner.rb +1 -1
  52. data/app/lib/katello/resources/candlepin/upstream_consumer.rb +3 -4
  53. data/app/lib/katello/resources/candlepin.rb +4 -4
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  58. data/app/lib/katello/validators/generated_content_view_validator.rb +16 -0
  59. data/app/mailers/katello/errata_mailer.rb +4 -2
  60. data/app/models/katello/alternate_content_source.rb +5 -1
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  64. data/app/models/katello/concerns/smart_proxy_extensions.rb +0 -12
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  66. data/app/models/katello/content_view.rb +22 -5
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  69. data/app/models/katello/content_view_version.rb +10 -5
  70. data/app/models/katello/erratum.rb +6 -1
  71. data/app/models/katello/glue/candlepin/pool.rb +6 -0
  72. data/app/models/katello/glue/candlepin/product.rb +7 -1
  73. data/app/models/katello/glue/candlepin/subscription.rb +5 -0
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  75. data/app/models/katello/host/content_facet.rb +106 -18
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  77. data/app/models/katello/host/subscription_facet.rb +18 -14
  78. data/app/models/katello/kt_environment.rb +12 -7
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  83. data/app/models/katello/repository.rb +11 -11
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  85. data/app/models/katello/task_status.rb +0 -18
  86. data/app/services/katello/candlepin/consumer.rb +2 -2
  87. data/app/services/katello/host/package_profile_uploader.rb +1 -1
  88. data/app/services/katello/product_content_finder.rb +11 -12
  89. data/app/services/katello/pulp3/content_view_version/export.rb +8 -65
  90. data/app/services/katello/pulp3/content_view_version/export_validation_error.rb +7 -0
  91. data/app/services/katello/pulp3/content_view_version/export_validator.rb +105 -0
  92. data/app/services/katello/pulp3/content_view_version/importable_products.rb +1 -1
  93. data/app/services/katello/pulp3/content_view_version/syncable_format_export.rb +7 -1
  94. data/app/services/katello/pulp3/erratum.rb +1 -0
  95. data/app/services/katello/pulp3/module_stream.rb +26 -11
  96. data/app/services/katello/pulp3/repository/yum.rb +2 -1
  97. data/app/services/katello/pulp3/smart_proxy_mirror_repository.rb +2 -1
  98. data/app/services/katello/registration_manager.rb +46 -26
  99. data/app/services/katello/repository_type.rb +3 -9
  100. data/app/services/katello/simple_package.rb +22 -0
  101. data/app/views/foreman/smart_proxies/_content_sync.html.erb +1 -0
  102. data/app/views/foreman/smart_proxies/_reclaim_space.html.erb +1 -0
  103. data/app/views/katello/api/v2/content_facet/base.json.rabl +23 -2
  104. data/app/views/katello/api/v2/content_facet/show.json.rabl +11 -8
  105. data/app/views/katello/api/v2/content_views/base.json.rabl +1 -1
  106. data/app/views/katello/api/v2/hosts/base.json.rabl +22 -2
  107. data/app/views/overrides/activation_keys/_host_environment_select.html.erb +2 -2
  108. data/config/initializers/monkeys.rb +0 -2
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  110. data/config/routes/api/v2.rb +0 -2
  111. data/config/routes.rb +3 -0
  112. data/db/migrate/20200429153103_installed_package_bad_nvrea.rb +1 -1
  113. data/db/migrate/20220110223754_update_disconnected_settings.rb +4 -8
  114. data/db/migrate/20220228173251_remove_drpm_from_ignorable_content.rb +7 -3
  115. data/db/migrate/20220419193414_content_settings_to_dsl_category.rb +1 -1
  116. data/db/migrate/20220929204746_add_content_view_environment_content_facet.rb +52 -0
  117. data/db/migrate/20221123212341_remove_pulp_docker_registry_port_setting.rb +5 -0
  118. data/db/migrate/20230119003859_ensure_repo_username_password_nil_not_blank.rb +1 -1
  119. data/db/seeds.d/111-upgrade_tasks.rb +2 -1
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  142. data/lib/katello/plugin.rb +22 -14
  143. data/lib/katello/repository_types/README.md +136 -19
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  145. data/lib/katello/repository_types/docker.rb +0 -1
  146. data/lib/katello/repository_types/file.rb +0 -1
  147. data/lib/katello/repository_types/yum.rb +0 -4
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  149. data/lib/katello/tasks/clean_orphaned_facets.rb +20 -0
  150. data/lib/katello/tasks/reimport.rake +1 -2
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  153. data/lib/katello/tasks/upgrades/4.8/fix_incorrect_providers.rake +29 -0
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  155. data/lib/katello.rb +0 -5
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  272. metadata +49 -146
  273. data/app/lib/actions/katello/organization/simple_content_access/prepare_content_overrides.rb +0 -36
  274. data/app/lib/actions/katello/pulp_selector.rb +0 -24
  275. data/app/lib/actions/katello/repository/correct_checksum.rb +0 -24
  276. data/app/lib/actions/katello/repository/destroy_package_group.rb +0 -26
  277. data/app/lib/actions/katello/repository/upload_package_group.rb +0 -24
  278. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/abstract.rb +0 -37
  279. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/abstract_async_task.rb +0 -154
  280. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/abstract_async_task_group.rb +0 -94
  281. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/consumer/sync_capsule.rb +0 -45
  282. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/consumer/unassociate_units.rb +0 -20
  283. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/expect_one_task.rb +0 -11
  284. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/orphan_cleanup/remove_orphans.rb +0 -16
  285. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/repository/copy_all_units.rb +0 -19
  286. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/repository/delete.rb +0 -15
  287. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/repository/refresh.rb +0 -14
  288. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/repository/refresh_if_needed.rb +0 -13
  289. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/repository/refresh_repos.rb +0 -19
  290. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/repository/remove_units.rb +0 -14
  291. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/repository/smart_proxy_sync.rb +0 -34
  292. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/repository/sync.rb +0 -18
  293. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orchestration/repository/upload_content.rb +0 -37
  294. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orphan_cleanup/remove_orphans.rb +0 -15
  295. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/orphan_cleanup/remove_unneeded_repos.rb +0 -16
  296. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/abstract_copy_content.rb +0 -45
  297. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/abstract_remove_content.rb +0 -32
  298. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/clear.rb +0 -18
  299. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/copy_all_units.rb +0 -30
  300. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/copy_units.rb +0 -25
  301. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/create.rb +0 -28
  302. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/create_in_plan.rb +0 -15
  303. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/create_upload_request.rb +0 -20
  304. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/delete_upload_request.rb +0 -19
  305. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/destroy.rb +0 -28
  306. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/distributor_publish.rb +0 -25
  307. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/download.rb +0 -16
  308. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/import_upload.rb +0 -19
  309. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/presenters/abstract_sync_presenter.rb +0 -47
  310. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/presenters/deb_presenter.rb +0 -95
  311. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/presenters/docker_presenter.rb +0 -103
  312. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/presenters/file_unit_presenter.rb +0 -42
  313. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/presenters/yum_presenter.rb +0 -131
  314. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/refresh.rb +0 -21
  315. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/regenerate_applicability.rb +0 -21
  316. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/remove_distribution.rb +0 -11
  317. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/remove_units.rb +0 -44
  318. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/sync.rb +0 -99
  319. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository/upload_file.rb +0 -28
  320. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository_group/create.rb +0 -31
  321. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository_group/delete.rb +0 -17
  322. data/app/lib/actions/pulp/repository_group/export.rb +0 -51
  323. data/app/lib/katello/util/content_overrides_migrator.rb +0 -98
  324. data/app/lib/katello/util/package_clause_generator.rb +0 -77
  325. data/app/models/katello/glue/pulp/pulp_errors.rb +0 -9
  326. data/app/models/katello/glue/pulp/repo.rb +0 -353
  327. data/app/models/katello/pulp_sync_status.rb +0 -165
  328. data/app/models/katello/pulp_task_status.rb +0 -63
  329. data/app/services/katello/pulp/content.rb +0 -24
  330. data/app/services/katello/pulp/importer_comparison.rb +0 -28
  331. data/app/services/katello/pulp/repository/deb.rb +0 -61
  332. data/app/services/katello/pulp/repository/docker.rb +0 -82
  333. data/app/services/katello/pulp/repository/file.rb +0 -52
  334. data/app/services/katello/pulp/repository/yum.rb +0 -205
  335. data/app/services/katello/pulp/repository.rb +0 -327
  336. data/app/services/katello/pulp/server.rb +0 -35
  337. data/app/services/katello/pulp/simple_package.rb +0 -24
  338. data/app/services/katello/pulp/smart_proxy_repository.rb +0 -52
  339. data/lib/monkeys/fix_deb_optimized_sync.rb +0 -35
  340. data/lib/monkeys/fix_pulp_container_path.rb +0 -35
  341. data/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  342. data/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  343. data/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  344. data/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  345. data/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  346. data/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  347. data/locale/gu/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  348. data/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  349. data/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  350. data/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  351. data/locale/ka/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  352. data/locale/kn/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  353. data/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  354. data/locale/mr/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  355. data/locale/or/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  356. data/locale/pa/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  357. data/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  358. data/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  359. data/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  360. data/locale/ta/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  361. data/locale/te/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  362. data/locale/zanata.xml +0 -30
  363. data/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  364. data/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/katello.mo +0 -0
  365. data/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/MatchContentModal/__tests__/CVRpmMatchContentSearch.fixtures.json +0 -33
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
  angular.module('Bastion.i18n').run(['gettextCatalog', function (gettextCatalog) {
  /* jshint -W100 */
+ gettextCatalog.setStrings('de', {"-- select an interval --":"-- Intervall wählen --","(future)":"(Zukunft)","{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}":"{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}","{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} relevant","{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable":"{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} installierbar","{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata":"{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata","{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Pakete","{{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"vor {{ repository.last_sync_words }}","{{ type.display }}":"{{ type.display }}","* These marked Content View Versions are from Composite Content Views. Their components needing updating are listed underneath.":"* Diese markierten Inhaltsansichtsversionen stammen aus Verbund-Inhaltsansichten. Komponenten, die eine Aktualisierung erfordern, werden darunter aufgelistet.","/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId":"/foreman_tasks/tasks/%ta skId","%(consumed)s out of %(quantity)s":"%(consumed)s von %(quantity)s","%count environment(s) can be synchronized: %envs":"%count-Umgebung(en) können synchronisiert werden:%envs","<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>":"<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>","<b>Description</b>":"<b>Beschreibung</b>","<b>Issued</b>":"<b> Veröffentlicht </b>","<b>Module Streams</b>":"<b>Modul-Streams</b>","<b>Packages</b>":"<b>Pakete</b>","<b>Reboot Suggested</b>":"<b>Neustart empfohlen</b>","<b>Solution</b>":"<b> Lösung </b>","<b>Title</b>":"<b>Titel</b>","<b>Type</b>":"<b>Typ</b>","<b>Updated</b>":"<b>Aktualisiert</b>","1 repository sync in progress.":["1 Repository-Synchronisation in Arbeit.","{{ product.sync_summary.pending}} Repository-Synchronisationen in Arbeit."],"1 successfully synced repository.":["1 erfolgreich synchronisiertes Repository.","{{ product.sync_summary.success}} erfolgreich synchronisierte Repositorys."],"A sync has been initiated in the background, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">click for more details</a>":"Eine Synchronization wurde im Hintergrund eingeleitet, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\"> Klicke für mehr Einzelheiten </a>","Account":"Konto","Action Type":"Aktionstyp","Actions":"Aktionen","Activation Key":["Aktivierungsschlüssel","Aktivierungsschlüssel"],"Activation Key Content":"Aktivierungsschlüsselinhalt","Activation Key removed.":"Aktivierungsschlüssel entfernt","Activation Key updated":"Aktivierungsschlüssel aktualisiert","Activation Key:":"Aktivierungsschlüssel:","Activation Keys":"Aktivierungsschlüssel","Active Tasks":"Aktive Aufgaben","Add":"Hinzufügen","Add Content Hosts to:":"Inhaltshosts hinzufügen zu:","Add hosts to the host collection to see available actions.":"Füge Hosts zur Host-Sammlung hinzu um aktive Aktionen zu sehen.","Add New Environment":"Neue Umgebung hinzufügen","Add ons":"Add ons","Add ons:":"Add ons:","Add Selected":"Auswahl hinzufügen","Add Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Subskriptionen für Aktivierungsschlüssel hinzufügen:","Add Subscriptions for Content Host:":"Abonnements für Content-Host hinzufügen:","Add To":"Hinzufügen zu","Added %x host collections to activation key \"%y\".":"%x Hostsammlungen wurden zum Aktivierungsschlüssel \"%y\" hinzugefügt.","Added %x host collections to content host \"%y\".":"%x Hostsammlungen wurden zum Inhaltshost \"%y\" hinzugefügt.","Added %x products to sync plan \"%y\".":"%x Produkte wurden zum Synchronisationsplan \"%y\" hinzugefügt.","Adding Lifecycle Environment to the end of \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"":"Lebenszyklusumgebung wird zu \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\" hinzugefügt","Advanced Sync":"Erweiterte Synchronisierung","Advisory":"Advisory","Affected Hosts":"Betroffene Hosts","All Content Views":"Alle Inhaltsansichten","All Lifecycle Environments":"Alle Lebenszyklusumgebungen","All Repositories":"Alle Repositorys","An error occured: %s":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: %s","An error occurred initiating the sync:":"An error occurred initiating the sync:","An error occurred removing the Activation Key:":"Fehler beim Entfernen des Aktivierungsschlüssels:","An error occurred removing the content hosts.":"Fehler beim Entfernen der Inhaltshosts:","An error occurred removing the environment:":"Fehler beim Entfernen der Umgebung:","An error occurred removing the Host Collection:":"Fehler beim Entfernen der Hostsammlung:","An error occurred removing the subscriptions.":"Fehler beim Entfernen der Subskriptionen:","An error occurred saving the Activation Key:":"Fehler beim Speichern des Aktivierungsschlüssels:","An error occurred saving the Content Host:":"Fehler beim Speichern des Inhaltshosts:","An error occurred saving the Environment:":"Fehler beim Speichern der Umgebung:","An error occurred saving the Host Collection:":"Fehler beim Speichern der Hostsammlung:","An error occurred saving the Product:":"Fehler beim Speichern des Produkts:","An error occurred saving the Repository:":"Fehler beim Speichern des Repositorys:","An error occurred saving the Sync Plan:":"Fehler beim Speichern des Synchronisationsplans:","An error occurred trying to auto-attach subscriptions. Please check your log for further information.":"Fehler beim automatischen Verknüpfen von Subskriptionen. Bitte werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Protokolldatei für weitere Informationen.","An error occurred updating the sync plan:":"Beim Aktualisieren des Synchronisierungsplans ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:","An error occurred while creating the Content Credential:":"Beim Erstellen der Content Credentials ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:","An error occurred while creating the Product: %s":"Fehler beim Speichern des Produkts:","An error occurred:":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten:","Ansible Collection Authorization":"Ansible Sammlung Authorisierung","Ansible Collections":"Ansible-Kollektionen","Applicable":"Relevant","Applicable Content Hosts":"Anwendbare Inhalts-Hosts","Applicable Errata":"Relevante Errata","Applicable Packages":"Anwendbare Pakete","Applicable To":"Anwendbar auf","Applicable to Host":"Anwendbar auf Host","Application":"Anwendung","Apply":"Anwenden","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }}":"{{ errata.errata_id }} anwenden","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"{{ errata.errata_id }} auf {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content-Host(s) anwenden?","Apply Errata":"Errata anwenden","Apply Errata to Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"Errata auf Inhaltshost \"{{host.name}}\" anwenden?","Apply Errata to Content Hosts":"Errata auf Inhaltshosts anwenden","Apply Errata to Content Hosts immediately after publishing.":"Errata sofort nach Veröffentlichung auf Inhaltshosts anwenden.","Apply Selected":"Auswahl anwenden","Apply to Content Hosts":"Auf Inhaltshosts anwenden","Apply to Hosts":"Auf Hosts anwenden","Applying":"Anwenden","Apt Actions":"Apt Aktionen","Arch":"Architektur","Architecture":"Architektur","Architectures":"Architekturen","Are you sure you want to add the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to the host collection(s) chosen?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die {{ table.numSelected }} gewählten Inhaltshosts zu den ausgewählten Hostsammlungen hinzufügen möchten?","Are you sure you want to apply Errata to content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Errata auf Inhaltshost \"{{ host.name }}\" anwenden möchten?","Are you sure you want to assign the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.contentView.name }} in {{ selected.environment.name }}?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die {{ table.numSelected }} gewählten Inhaltshosts zu {{ selected.contentView.name }} in {{ selected.environment.name }} zuweisen möchten?","Are you sure you want to install {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {{ content.content }} auf den {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} ausgewählten Systemen installieren möchten?","Are you sure you want to remove {{ content.content }} from the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {{ content.content }} von den {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} ausgewählten Systemen entfernen möchten?","Are you sure you want to remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Aktivierungsschlüssel \"{{ activationKey.name }}\" entfernen möchten?","Are you sure you want to remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Hostsammlung \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\" entfernen möchten?","Are you sure you want to remove product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Produkt \"{{ product.name }}\" entfernen möchten?","Are you sure you want to remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Synchronisationsplan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\" entfernen möchten?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected from the host collection(s) chosen?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die {{ table.numSelected }} gewählten Inhaltshosts aus der ausgewählten Hostsammlung entfernen möchten?","Are you sure you want to restart the services on the selected content hosts?":"Möchten Sie die Dienste auf den ausgewählten Inhaltshosts wirklich neu starten?","Are you sure you want to set the HTTP Proxy to the selected products(s)?":"Möchten Sie den HTTP-Proxy wirklich auf die ausgewählten Produkte einstellen?","Are you sure you want to set the Release Version the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.release }}?. This action will affect only those Content Hosts that belong to the appropriate Content View and Lifecycle Environment containining that release version.":"Möchten Sie die Release-Version der {{ table.numSelected }} ausgewählten Content-Hosts wirklich auf {{ selected.release }} setzen?. Diese Aktion wirkt sich nur auf die Inhaltshosts aus, die zu der entsprechenden Inhaltsansicht und Lebenszyklusumgebung gehören, die diese Release-Version enthält.","Are you sure you want to update {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {{ content.content }} auf den {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} ausgewählten Systemen aktualisieren möchten?","Are you sure you want to update all packages on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Möchten Sie wirklich alle Pakete auf den ausgewählten {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }}-Systemen aktualisieren?","Assign":"Zuweisen","Assign Lifecycle Environment and Content View":"Lebenszyklusumgebung und Inhaltsansicht zuweisen","Assign Release Version":"Release-Version zuordnen","Assign System Purpose":"Systemzweck zuweisen","Associations":"Zuweisungen","At least one Errata needs to be selected to Apply.":"Mindestens ein Erratum muss zum Anwenden ausgewählt werden.","Attached":"Verknüpft","Auth Token":"Authentifizierungstoken","Auth URL":"Authentifizierungs-URL","Author":"Autor","Auto-Attach":"Automatische Verknüpfung","Auto-Attach Details":"Automatische Verknüpfung der Details","Automatic":"Automatisch","Available Module Streams":"Verfügbare Modulstreams","Available Schema Versions":"Verfügbare Schemaversionen","Back To Errata List":"Zurück zur Errata-Liste","Backend Identifier":"Back-End-Kennung","Basic Information":"Allgemeine Informationen","Below are the repository content sets currently available for this content host through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"Nachfolgend finden Sie die Repository-Inhaltsgruppen, die derzeit für diesen Inhaltshost über dessen Subskriptionen zur Verfügung stehen. Für Red Hat Subskriptionen können weitere Inhalte verfügbar gemacht werden auf der Seite","Below are the Repository Sets currently available for this activation key through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"Nachfolgend sind die Repository-Sets aufgeführt, die derzeit für diesen Aktivierungsschlüssel über seine Abonnements verfügbar sind. Für Red Hat-Abonnements können zusätzliche Inhalte zur Verfügung gestellt werden via","BIOS UUID":"BIOS UUID","Bootable":"Bootfähig","Bug Fix":"Bugfix","Bug Fix Advisory":"Bugfix-Advisory","Build Host":"Build-Host","Build Information":"Build Information","Build Time":"Build Zeit","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Cannot Remove":"Löschen nicht möglich","Cannot republish Repository without the proper permissions.":"Sie können dieses Repository ohne die erforderlichen Rechte nicht neu veröffentlichen.","Cannot republish Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"Sie können das Repository nicht neu veröffentlichen, da bereits eine Aktualisierung stattfindet.","Cannot sync Repository without a URL.":"Sie können das Repository ohne URL nicht synchroniseren.","Cannot sync Repository without the proper permissions.":"Sie können dieses Repository ohne die erforderlichen Rechte nicht veröffentlichen.","Cannot sync Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"Sie können das Repository nicht synchroniseren, da es bereits synchronisiert wird.","Capacity":"Kapazität","Certificate":"Zertifikat","Change assigned Lifecycle Environment or Content View":"Ändern der zugewiesenen Lebenszyklusumgebung oder Inhaltsansicht","Change Host Collections":"Ändere Host-Collections","Change Lifecycle Environment":"Ändere Lifecycle Environment","Changing default settings for content hosts that register with this activation key requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on that host.":"Um die Standardeinstellungen für Inhaltshosts zu ändern, die sich mit diesem Aktivierungsschlüssel registrieren, muss subscription-manager Version 1.10 oder höher auf dem Host installiert sein.","Changing default settings requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on this host.":"Um die Standardeinstellungen zu ändern, muss subscription-manager Version 1.10 oder höher auf diesem Host installiert sein.","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Host until its next checkin.\n To update the Content Host immediately run the following command:":"Das Ändern der Inhaltsansicht wirkt sich bis zum nächsten Einchecken nicht auf den Inhaltshost aus.\nUm den Content Host sofort zu aktualisieren, führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus:","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Hosts until their next checkin.\n To update the Content Hosts immediately run the following command:":"Das Ändern der Inhaltsansicht hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Inhaltshosts bis zum nächsten Einchecken.\nUm die Content Hosts sofort zu aktualisieren, führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus:","Checksum":"Prüfsumme","Checksum Type":"Prüfsummentyp","Choose one of the registry options to discover containers. To examine a private registry choose \"Custom\" and provide the url for the private registry.":"Wählen Sie eine der Registrierungsoptionen aus, um Container zu erkennen. Um eine private Registrierung zu untersuchen, wählen Sie \"Benutzerdefiniert\" und geben Sie die URL für die private Registrierung an.","Click here to check the status of the task.":"Klicken Sie hier, um den Status der Aufgabe zu prüfen.","Click here to select Errata for an Incremental Update.":"Klicken Sie hier, um Errata für eine inkrementelle Aktualisierung auszuwählen.","Click to monitor task progress.":"Klicken Sie hier, um den Aufgabenfortschritt zu überwachen.","Click to view task":"Klicken Sie hier, um die Aufgabe anzuzeigen","Close":"Schließen","Collection Name":"Kollektionsname","Complete Sync":"Vollständige Synchronisierung","Completed {{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"Vor {{ repository.last_sync_words }} abgeschlossen","Completely deletes the host including VM and disks, and removes all reporting, provisioning, and configuration information.":"Löscht den Host einschließlich VM und Festplatten vollständig und entfernt alle Berichts-, Bereitstellungs- und Konfigurationsinformationen.","Components":"Komponenten","Components:":"Komponenten:","Composite View":"Verbundansicht","Confirm":"Bestätigen","Confirm services restart":"Neustart der Dienste bestätigen","Container Image Manifest":"Container-Image-Manifest","Container Image Manifest Lists":"Container-Image-Manifestlisten","Container Image Manifests":"Container-Image-Manifeste","Container Image metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Die Generierung von Container Image-Metadaten wurde im Hintergrund initiiert. Klicken\n<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Hier</a> um den Fortschritt zu überwachen.","Container Image Registry":"Container-Image-Registrierung","Container Image Tags":"Container-Image-Tags","Content":"Inhalt","Content Counts":"Anzahl der Inhalte","Content Credential %s has been created.":"Inhaltsanmeldeinformationen %s wurde erstellt.","Content Credential Contents":"Inhalt der Anmeldeinformationen","Content Credential successfully uploaded":"Inhaltsanmeldedaten erfolgreich hochgeladen","Content credential updated":"Inhaltsanmeldeinformationen aktualisiert","Content Credentials":"Content-Anmeldeinformationen","Content Host":"Inhaltshost","Content Host Bulk Content":"Inhaltshost-Masseninhalt","Content Host Bulk Subscriptions":"Inhaltshost-Massensubskriptionen","Content Host Content":"Inhalte des Inhaltshosts","Content Host Counts":"Inhaltshostanzahl","Content Host Limit":"Inhaltshostgrenze","Content Host Properties":"Eigenschaften des Inhaltshosts","Content Host Registration":"Registrierung eines Inhaltshosts","Content Host Status":"Status des Inhaltshosts","Content Host:":"Inhaltshost:","Content Hosts":"Inhaltshosts","Content Hosts for Activation Key:":"Inhaltshosts für Aktivierungsschlüssel:","Content Hosts for:":"Inhaltshosts für:","Content synced depends on the specifity of the URL and/or the optional requirements.yaml specified below <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>":"Der synchronisierte Inhalt hängt von der Spezifität der URL und/oder der unten angegebenen optionalen Requirements.yaml ab. <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n</a>","Content Type":"Inhaltstyp","Content View":"Inhaltsansicht","Content View Version":"Version der Inhaltsansicht","Content View:":"Inhaltsansicht:","Content Views":"Inhaltsansichten","Content Views <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>":"Inhaltsansichten <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>","Content Views for Deb:":"Inhaltsansichten für Deb:","Content Views for File:":"Inhaltsansichten für Datei:","Content Views that contain this Deb":"Inhaltsansichten, die diese Deb enthalten","Content Views that contain this File":"Inhaltsansichten, die diese Datei enthalten","Context":"Kontext","Contract":"Vertrag","Copy Activation Key":"Aktivierungsschlüssel kopieren","Copy Host Collection":"Hostsammlung kopieren","Cores per Socket":"Kerne pro Socket","Create":"Erstellen","Create a copy of {{ activationKey.name }}":"Erstellen Sie eine Kopie von {{activationKey.name }}","Create a copy of {{ hostCollection.name }}":"Erstellen Sie eine Kopie von {{ hostCollection.name }}","Create Activation Key":"Aktivierungsschlüssel erstellen","Create Content Credential":"Content-Anmeldedaten erstellen","Create Discovered Repositories":"Ermittelte Repositorys erstellen","Create Environment Path":"Umgebungspfad erstellen","Create Host Collection":"Hostsammlung erstellen","Create Product":"Produkt erstellen","Create Selected":"Auswahl erstellen","Create Status":"Status erstellen","Create Sync Plan":"Synchronisationsplan erstellen","Creating repository...":"Repository erstellen...","Critical":"Kritisch","Cron Logic":"Cron-Logik","ctrl-click or shift-click to select multiple Add ons":"ctrl-click oder shift-click um mehrere Add ons auszuwählen","Current Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"Aktuelle Lebenszyklusumgebung (%e/%cv)","Current Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Derzeitige Subskriptionen für Aktivierungsschlüssel:","custom cron":"benutzerdefinierte cron","Custom Cron":"Benutzerdefinierter Cron","Custom Cron : {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}":"Benutzerdefinierter Cron: {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}","Customize":"Anpassen","CVEs":"CVEs","daily":"täglich","Daily at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"Täglich um {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Serverzeit)","Date":"Datum","deb metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Die Generierung von deb-Metadaten wurde im Hintergrund initiiert. Klicken Sie <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\"> hier </a>, um den Fortschritt zu überwachen.","deb Packages":"deb Packete","Deb Packages":"Deb Packete","Deb:":"Deb:","Default":"Standard","Default Status":"Default Status","Delete":"Löschen","Delete {{ table.numSelected }} Hosts?":"{{ table.numSelected }} Hosts löschen?","Delete Hosts":"Hosts löschen","Delta RPM":"Delta RPM","Dependencies":"Abhängigkeiten","Description":"Beschreibung","Details":"Details","Details for Activation Key:":"Details für Aktivierungsschlüssel:","Details for Container Image Tag:":"Details zum Container-Image-Tag:","Details for Product:":"Details für Produkt:","Details for Repository:":"Details für Repository:","Determines whether to require login to pull container images in this lifecycle environment.":"Legt fest, ob eine Anmeldung zum Abrufen von Container-Images in dieser Lebenszyklusumgebung erforderlich ist.","Digest":"Digest","Disable":"Deaktivieren","Disabled":"Deaktiviert","Disabled (overridden)":"Deaktiviert (überschrieben)","Discover":"Suchen","Discovered Repository":"Entdecktes Repository","Discovery failed. Error: %s":"Erkennung fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: %s","Distribution":"Distribution","Distribution Information":"Distributions-Information","Docker metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Die Docker-Metadatengenerierung wurde im Hintergrund initiiert. Klicken\n<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Hier</a>um den Fortschritt zu überwachen.","Docker Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Docker-Repositorys <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Done":"Fertig","Download Policy":"Richtlinie herunterladen","Enable":"Aktivieren","Enable Traces":"Traces aktivieren","Enabled":"Aktiviert","Enabled (overridden)":"Aktiviert (überschrieben)","Enhancement":"Erweiterung","Enter Package Group Name(s)...":"Paketgruppennamen eingeben …","Enter Package Name(s)...":"Paketnamen eingeben …","Environment":"Umgebung","Environment saved":"Umgebung gespeichert","Environments List":"Umgebungsliste","Errata":"Errata","Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>":"Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>","Errata are automatically Applicable if they are Installable":"Errata sind automatisch anwendbar, wenn sie installierbar sind","Errata Details":"Errata-Details","Errata for:":"Errata für:","Errata ID":"Errata-ID","Errata Installation":"Installieren von Errata","Errata Task List":"Errata-Aufgabenliste","Errata Tasks":"Errata-Aufgaben","Errata:":"Errata:","Error during upload:":"Fehler beim Hochladen:","Error saving the Sync Plan:":"Fehler beim Speichern des Synchronisierungsplans:","Event":"Ereignis","Existing Product":"Vorhandenes Produkt","Expires":"Endet","Export":"Export","Family":"Familie","File Information":"Dateiinformationen","File removal been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Das Entfernen der Datei wurde im Hintergrund eingeleitet. Klicken Sie <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">hier</a>, um den Fortschritt zu überwachen.","File too large.":"Datei zu groß.","File too large. Please use the CLI instead.":"Datei zu groß. Bitte stattdessen die Befehlszeilenschnittstelle verwenden.","File:":"Datei:","Filename":"Dateiname","Files":"Dateien","Files in package {{ package.nvrea }}":"Dateien im Paket {{ package.nvrea }}","Filter":"Filter","Filter by Status:":"Nach Status filtern:","Filter...":"Filtern …","Finished At":"Abgeschlossen am","For older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5 it is recommended to use sha1.":"Für ältere Betriebssysteme wie Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 oder CentOS 5 wird die Verwendung von sha1 empfohlen.","For On Demand synchronization, only the metadata is downloaded during sync and packages are fetched and stored on the filesystem when clients request them.\n On Demand is not recommended for custom repositories unless the upstream repository maintains older versions of packages within the repository.\n The Immediate option will download all metadata and packages immediately during the sync.":"Bei der On-Demand-Synchronisierung werden während der Synchronisierung nur die Metadaten heruntergeladen und Pakete werden abgerufen und im Dateisystem gespeichert, wenn Clients sie anfordern.\nOn Demand wird für angepasste Repositorys nicht empfohlen, es sei denn, das Upstream-Repository verwaltet ältere Paketversionen im Repository.\nDie Option Sofort lädt alle Metadaten und Pakete sofort während der Synchronisierung herunter.","Global Default":"Globaler Standard","Global Default (None)":"Globaler Standard (None)","GPG Key":"GPG-Schlüssel","Group":"Gruppe","Group Install (Deprecated)":"Gruppeninstallation (eingestellt)","Group package actions are being deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.":"Gruppenpaketaktionen sind veraltet und werden in einer zukünftigen Version entfernt.","Group Remove (Deprecated)":"Gruppe entfernen (eingestellt)","Guests of":"Gäste von","Helper":"Helfer","Host %s has been deleted.":"Host %s wurde gelöscht.","Host %s has been unregistered.":"Host %s wurde abgemeldet.","Host Collection Management":"Verwaltung von Hostsammlungen","Host Collection Membership":"Mitgliedschaft in Hostsammlung","Host Collection removed.":"Hostsammlung entfernt","Host Collection updated":"Hostsammlung aktualisiert","Host Collection:":"Hostsammlung:","Host Collections":"Hostsammlungen","Host Collections for:":"Hostsammlungen für:","Host Count":"Hostanzahl","Host Group":"Hostgruppe","Host Limit":"Hostgrenze","Hostname":"Hostname","Hosts":"Hosts","hourly":"stündlich","Hourly at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutes and {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} seconds":"Stündlich um {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} Minuten und {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} Sekunden","HTTP Proxy":"HTTP-Proxy","HTTP Proxy Policy":"HTTP Proxy Policy","HTTP Proxy Policy:":"HTTP Proxy Policy:","HTTP Proxy:":"HTTP Proxy:","HttpProxyPolicy":"HttpProxyPolicy","Id":"ID","Ignore SRPMs":"SRPMs ignorieren","Image":"Image","Immediate":"Sofort","Important":"Wichtig","In order to browse this repository you must <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">download the certificate</a>\n or ask your admin for a certificate.":"Um dieses Repository zu durchsuchen, müssen Sie das <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\"> Zertifikat herunterladen </a> \noder fragen Sie Ihren Administrator nach einem Zertifikat.","Independent Packages":"Unabhängige Pakete","Install":"Installieren","Install Selected":"Auswahl installieren","Install the pre-built bootstrap RPM:":"Installieren Sie das integrierte Bootstrap-RPM:","Installable":"Installierbar","Installable Errata":"Installierbare Errata","Installable Updates":"Installierbare Updates","Installed":"Installiert","Installed Deb Packages":"Installierte Deb-Pakete","Installed On":"Installiert auf","Installed Package":"Installiertes Paket","Installed Packages":"Installierte Pakete","Installed Products":"Installierte Produkte","Installed Profile":"Installiertes Profil","Interfaces":"Schnittstellen","Interval":"Intervall","IPv4 Address":"IPv4-Adresse","IPv6 Address":"IPv6-Adresse","Issued":"Ausgegeben","Katello Agent":"Katello-Agents","Katello Tracer":"Katello Tracer","Katello-agent is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.":"Katello-agent ist veraltet und wird in einer zukünftigen Version entfernt.","Label":"Kennung","Last Checkin":"Letzte Anmeldung","Last Published":"Letzte Veröffentlichung","Last Puppet Report":"Letzter Puppet-Bericht","Last Sync":"Letzte Synchronisation","Last synced":"Letzte Synchronisation","Last Updated On":"Letzte Aktualisierung:","Library":"Library","Library Repositories":"Library Repositories","Library Repositories that contain this Deb.":"Bibliotheks-Repositorys, die diese Deb enthalten.","Library Repositories that contain this File.":"Bibliotheks-Repositorys, die diese Datei enthalten.","Library Synced Content":"Von Library synchronisierte Inhalte","License":"Lizenz","Lifecycle Environment":"Lebenszyklusumgebung","Lifecycle Environment Paths":"Lebenszyklus-Umgebungspfade","Lifecycle Environment:":"Lebenszyklusumgebung:","Lifecycle Environments":"Lebenszyklusumgebungen","Limit":"Grenze","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Activation Key's Lifecycle Environment":"Beschränken Sie die Repository-Sets auf die, die in der Lebenszyklusumgebung dieses Aktivierungsschlüssels verfügbar sind","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Host's Lifecycle Environment":"Beschränken Sie die Repository-Sets auf die, die in der Lebenszyklusumgebung dieses Hosts verfügbar sind","Limit to environment":"Auf Umgebung beschränken","Limit to Environment":"Auf Umgebung beschränken","Limit to Lifecycle Environment":"Begrenzung auf Lebenszyklusumgebung","Limit:":"Grenze:","List":"Aufführen","List/Remove":"Auflisten/Entfernen","Loading...":"Laden …","Loading...\"":"Wird geladen...\"","Manage Ansible Collections for Repository:":"Ansible-Sammlungen für das Repository verwalten:","Manage Container Image Manifests for Repository:":"Container-Image-Manifeste für das Repository verwalten:","Manage deb Packages for Repository:":"Verwalten von deb-Paketen für das Repository:","Manage Errata":"Errata verwalten","Manage Files for Repository:":"Dateien für Repository verwalten:","Manage Host Traces":"Host-Traces verwalten","Manage HTTP Proxy":"HTTP-Proxy verwalten","Manage Module Streams":"Modulstreams verwalten","Manage Module Streams for Repository:":"Modulstreams für Repository verwalten:","Manage Packages":"Pakete verwalten","Manage Packages for Repository:":"Pakete für Repository verwalten:","Manage Repository Sets":"Repository-Sets verwalten","Manage Subscriptions":"Abonnements verwalten","Manage Sync Plan":"Synchronisierungsplan verwalten","Manage System Purpose":"Systemzweck verwalten","Manifest Lists":"Manifestlisten","Manifest Type":"Manifesttyp","Model":"Modell","Moderate":"Moderat (Mittel)","Modular":"Modular","Module Stream Management":"Modul-Stream-Management","Module Stream metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Die Generierung von Modulstream-Metadaten wurde im Hintergrund initiiert. Klicken\n<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Hier</a>um den Fortschritt zu überwachen.","Module Stream Packages":"Modul-Stream-Pakete","Module Streams":"Module Streams","Module Streams <div>{{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }}</div>":"Modulstreams <div> {{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }} </div>","Module Streams for:":"Modulstreams für:","More Details":"Mehr Details","N/A":"N/A","Name":"Name","Name of the upstream repository you want to sync. Example: 'quay/busybox' or 'fedora/ssh'.":"Name des Upstream-Repositorys, das Sie synchronisieren möchten. Beispiel: 'quay/busybox' oder 'fedora/ssh'.","Networking":"Netzwerk","Never":"Niemals","Never checked in":"Nie eingecheckt","Never registered":"Nie registriert","Never synced":"Nie synchronisiert","New Activation Key":"Neuer Aktivierungsschlüssel","New Environment":"Neue Umgebung","New Name:":"Neuer Name:","New Product":"Neues Produkt","New Repository":"Neues Repository","New Sync Plan":"Neuer Synchronisationsplan","New sync plan successfully created.":"Neuer Synchronisationsplan erfolgreich erstellt.","Next":"Weiter","Next Sync":"Nächste Synchronisation","No":"Nein","No alternate release version choices are available. The available releases are based upon what is available in \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", the selected <a href=\"/content_views\">content view</a> this content host is attached to for the given <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">lifecycle environment</a>, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".":"Es sind keine alternativen Versionsoptionen verfügbar. Die verfügbaren Versionen basieren auf dem, was in \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\" verfügbar ist, der ausgewählten <a href=\"/content_views\">Inhaltsansicht </a>, an die dieser Inhaltshost für die angegebene <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">Lebenszyklusumgebung </a> angehängt ist, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name .\". }}\".","No Content Hosts match this Erratum.":"Keine Inhaltshosts entsprechen diesem Erratum.","No Content Views contain this Deb":"Keine Inhaltsansichten enthalten diese Deb","No Content Views contain this File":"Keine Inhaltsansichten enthalten diese Datei","No content views exist for {{selected.environment.name}}":"Keine Inhaltsansichten existieren für {{selected.environment.name}}","No discovered repositories.":"Keine gefundenen Repositorys.","No enabled Repository Sets provided through subscriptions.":"Keine aktivierten Repository-Sets, die über Abonnements bereitgestellt werden.","No Host Collections match your search.":"Keine Hostsammlungen entsprechen Ihrer Suche.","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"Keine Hostsammlungen zum Anzeigen. Sie können Hostsammlungen hinzufügen, wenn Sie im Hauptmenü \"Hosts\" auf \"Hostsammlungen\" klicken.","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Keine Hostsammlungen zum Anzeigen. Sie können Hostsammlungen hinzufügen, wenn Sie auf den Reiter \"Hinzufügen\" klicken.","No HTTP Proxies found":"Keine HTTP-Proxys gefunden","No HTTP Proxy":"Kein HTTP-Proxy","No matching results.":"Keine passenden Ergebnisse.","No products are available to add to this Sync Plan.":"Es sind keine Produkte zum Hinzufügen zu diesem Synchronisierungsplan verfügbar.","No releases exist in the Library.":"In der Bibliothek sind keine Veröffentlichungen vorhanden.","No Repositories contain this Deb":"Keine Repositories enthalten diese Deb","No Repositories contain this Erratum.":"Keine Repositorys enthalten dieses Erratum.","No Repositories contain this File":"Keine Repositorys enthalten diese Datei","No Repositories contain this Package.":"Keine Repositorys enthalten dieses Paket.","No repository sets provided through subscriptions.":"Keine Repository-Sets, die über Abonnements bereitgestellt werden.","No restriction":"Keine Einschränkung","No sync information available.":"Keine Synchronisierungsinformationen verfügbar.","No tasks exist for this resource.":"Für diese Ressource sind keine Aufgaben vorhanden.","None":"Keine","Not Applicable":"Unzutreffend","Not installed":"Nicht installiert","Not started":"Nicht angefangen","Not Synced":"Nicht synchronisiert","Number of CPUs":"Anzahl der CPUs","Number of Repositories":"Anzahl der Repositorys","On Demand":"Auf Nachfrage","One or more of the selected Errata are not Installable via your published Content View versions running on the selected hosts. The new Content View Versions (specified below)\n will be created which will make this Errata Installable in the host's Environment. This new version will replace the current version in your host's Lifecycle\n Environment. To install these errata immediately on hosts after publishing check the box below.":"Ein oder mehrere der ausgewählten Errata sind nicht installierbar über Ihre veröffentlichten Inhaltsansichtsversionen, die auf den ausgewählten Hosts laufen. Es werden neue Versionen der Inhaltsansicht (siehe unten)\n erstellt, wodurch dieses Errata in der Umgebung des Hosts installierbar wird. Diese neue Version ersetzt die aktuelle Version in der Lebenszyklusumgebung\n Ihres Hosts. Um diese Errata sofort nach Veröffentlichung auf Hosts zu installieren, setzen Sie einen Haken am Auswahlfeld unten.","Only show content hosts where the errata is currently installable in the host's Lifecycle Environment.":"Nur Inhaltshosts anzeigen, für die die Errata derzeit in der Lebenszyklusumgebung des Hosts installierbar ist.","Only show Errata that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"Nur Errata anzeigen, die für einen oder mehrere Content-Hosts gelten","Only show Errata that are Installable on one or more Content Hosts":"Nur Errata anzeigen, die auf einem oder mehreren Inhaltshosts installierbar sind","Only show Packages that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"Nur Pakete anzeigen, die für einen oder mehrere Content-Hosts gelten","Only show Packages that are Upgradable on one or more Content Hosts":"Nur Pakete anzeigen, die für einen oder mehrere Content-Hosts gelten","Only show Subscriptions for products not already covered by a Subscription":"Nur Abonnements für Produkte anzeigen, die noch nicht durch ein Abonnement abgedeckt sind","Only show Subscriptions which can be applied to products installed on this Host":"Nur Abonnements anzeigen, die auf Produkte angewendet werden können, die auf diesem Host installiert sind","Only show Subscriptions which can be attached to this Host":"Nur Abonnements anzeigen, die an diesen Host angehängt werden können","Only the Applications with a Helper can be restarted.":"Nur die Anwendungen mit einem Helfer können neu gestartet werden.","Operating System":"Betriebssystem","Optimized Sync":"Optimierte Synchronisierung","Organization":"Organisation","Original Sync Date":"Erste Synchronisation","OS":"Betriebssystem","OSTree Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"OSTree-Repositorys <div> {{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }} </div>","Override to Disabled":"Auf Deaktiviert überschreiben","Override to Enabled":"Auf Aktiviert überschreiben","Package":"Paket","Package Actions":"Paketaktionen","Package Group (Deprecated)":"Paketgruppe (eingestellt)","Package Groups":"Paketgruppen","Package Groups for Repository:":"Paketgruppen für Repository:","Package Information":"Paketinformationen","Package Install":"Paketinstallation","Package Installation, Removal, and Update":"Installieren, Entfernen und Aktualisieren von Paketen","Package Remove":"Paketentfernung","Package Update":"Paketaktualisierung","Package:":"Paket:","Package/Group Name":"Paket-/Gruppenname","Packages":"Pakete","Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>":"Pakete <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>","Packages are automatically Applicable if they are Upgradable":"Pakete sind automatisch anwendbar, wenn sie aktualisierbar sind","Packages for Errata:":"Pakete für Errata:","Packages for:":"Pakete für:","Parameters":"Parameter","Part of a manifest list":"Teil einer Manifestliste","Password":"Passwort","Password of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"Passwort des Upstream-Repository-Benutzers für die Authentifizierung. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, wenn das Repository keine Authentifizierung erfordert.","Paste contents of Content Credential":"Inhalte von Content Credentials einfügen","Path":"Pfad","Perform":"Ausführen","Performing host package actions is disabled because Katello is not configured for Remote Execution or Katello Agent.":"Das Ausführen von Hostpaketaktionen ist deaktiviert, da Katello nicht für Remote Execution oder Katello Agent konfiguriert ist.","Physical":"Physisch","Please enter cron below":"Bitte cron unten eingeben","Please make sure a Content View is selected.":"Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass eine Inhaltsansicht ausgewählt ist.","Please select an environment.":"Bitte wählen Sie eine Umgebung.","Please select one from the list below and you will be redirected.":"Bitte wählen Sie aus der Liste unten, Sie werden anschließend weitergeleitet.","Plus %y more errors":"Plus %y weitere Fehler","Plus 1 more error":"Plus 1 weiterer Fehler","Previous Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"Vorherige Lebenszyklusumgebung (%e/%cv)","Prior Environment":"Vorherige Umgebung","Product":"Produkt","Product delete operation has been initiated in the background.":"Der Vorgang zum Löschen des Produkts wurde im Hintergrund eingeleitet.","Product Enhancement Advisory":"Produkterweiterungs-Advisory","Product information for:":"Produktinformationen für:","Product Management for Sync Plan:":"Produktverwaltung für Synchronisationsplan:","Product Name":"Produktname","Product Options":"Produktoptionen","Product Saved":"Produkt gespeichert","Product sync has been initiated in the background.":"Die Produktsynchronisierung wurde im Hintergrund gestartet.","Product syncs has been initiated in the background.":"Die Produktsynchronisierung wurde im Hintergrund gestartet.","Product verify checksum has been initiated in the background.":"Die Prüfsumme für die Produktprüfung wurde im Hintergrund initiiert.","Products":"Produkte","Products <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>":"Produkte <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>","Products for":"Produkte für","Products not covered":"Nicht abgedeckte Produkte","Provides":"Bietet","Provisioning Details":"Bereitstellungsdetails","Provisioning Host Details":"Bereitstellungshost-Details","Published At":"Veröffentlicht unter","Published Repository Information":"Repository-Informationen veröffentlicht","Puppet Environment":"Puppet-Umgebung","Quantity":"Anzahl","Quantity (To Add)":"Menge (zum Hinzufügen)","RAM (GB)":"RAM (GB)","Reboot Suggested":"Neustart empfohlen","Reboot Suggested?":"Neustart empfohlen?","Recalculate\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>":"Neu berechnen\n<i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>","Recurring Logic":"Wiederkehrende Logik","Red Hat Repositories page":"Red Hat Repositorys","Red Hat Repositories page.":"Red Hat Repositorys-Seite.","Refresh Table":"Tabelle aktualisieren","Register a Content Host":"Inhaltshost registrieren","Register Content Host":"Inhaltshosts registrieren","Registered":"Registriert","Registered By":"Registriert durch","Registered Through":"Registriert über","Registry Name Pattern":"Registrierungsnamenmuster","Registry Search Parameter":"Parameter für die Registrierungssuche","Registry to Discover":"Registrierung zum Entdecken","Registry URL":"Registry-URL","Release":"Release","Release Version":"Release-Version","Release Version:":"Veröffentlichungsversion:","Remote execution plugin is required to be able to run any helpers.":"Das Remote-Ausführungs-Plugin ist erforderlich, um Helfer ausführen zu können.","Remove":"Entfernen","Remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"Aktivierungsschlüssel \"{{ activationKey.name }}\" entfernen?","Remove Container Image Manifests":"Container-Image-Manifeste entfernen","Remove Content":"Inhalt entfernen","Remove Content Credential":"Inhaltsanmeldeinformationen entfernen","Remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}":"Inhaltsanmeldeinformationen entfernen {{ contentCredential.name }}","Remove Environment":"Umgebung entfernen","Remove Files":"Dateien entfernen","Remove From":"Entfernen von","Remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"Host-Sammlung \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\" entfernen?","Remove Packages":"Pakete entfernen","Remove Product":"Produkt entfernen","Remove Product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"Produkt \"{{ product.name }}\" entfernen?","Remove Repositories":"Repositorys entfernen","Remove Repository":"Repository entfernen","Remove Selected":"Ausgewählte entfernen","Remove Successful.":"Erfolgreich entfernt.","Remove Sync Plan":"Synchronisationsplan entfernen","Remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"Synchronisationsplan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\" entfernen?","Removed %x host collections from activation key \"%y\".":"%x Hostsammlungen wurden vom Aktivierungsschlüssel \"%y\" entfernt.","Removed %x host collections from content host \"%y\".":"%x Hostsammlungen wurden vom Inhaltshost \"%y\" entfernt.","Removed %x products from sync plan \"%y\".":"%x Produkte wurden vom Synchronisationsplan \"%y\" entfernt.","Removing Repositories":"Repositorys werden entfernt","Repo Discovery":"Repository-Suche","Repositories":"Repositorys","Repositories containing Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}":"Repositorys mit Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}","Repositories containing package {{ package.nvrea }}":"Repositorys, die das Paket {{ package.nvrea }} enthalten","Repositories for":"Repositorys für","Repositories for Deb:":"Repositorys für Deb:","Repositories for Errata:":"Repositorys für Errata:","Repositories for File:":"Repositorys für Datei:","Repositories for Package:":"Repositorys für Paket:","Repositories for Product:":"Repositorys für Produkt:","Repositories to Create":"Zu erstellende Repositorys","Repository":"Repository","Repository \"%s\" successfully deleted":"Repository \"%s\" erfolgreich gelöscht","Repository %s successfully created.":"Repository %s erfolgreich erstellt.","Repository created":"Repository erstellt","Repository Discovery":"Repository-Suche","Repository HTTP proxy changes have been initiated in the background.":"Repository-HTTP-Proxy-Änderungen wurden im Hintergrund initiiert.","Repository Label":"Repository-Label","Repository Name":"Repository-Name","Repository Options":"Repository-Optionen","Repository Path":"Repository-Pfad","Repository Saved.":"Repository gespeichert.","Repository Sets":"Repository-Sets","Repository Sets settings saved successfully.":"Repository Die Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.","Repository Type":"Repository-Typ","Repository URL":"Repository-URL","Repository:":"Repository:","Requirements":"Anforderungen","Requirements.yml":"Requirements.yml","Requires":"Erfordert","Reset":"Zurücksetzen","Reset to Default":"Zurücksetzen","Resolving the selected Traces will reboot this host.":"Durch das Auflösen der ausgewählten Traces wird dieser Host neu gestartet.","Restart":"Neu starten","Restart Selected":"Ausgewählte neu starten","Restart Services on Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"Dienste auf Inhaltshost \"{{host.name}}\" neu starten?","Restrict to <br>OS version":"Auf Betriebssystemversion <br> beschränken","Restrict to architecture":"Auf Architektur beschränken","Restrict to Architecture":"Auf Architektur beschränken","Restrict to OS version":"Auf Betriebssystemversion beschränken","Result":"Ergebnis","Retain package versions":"Paketversionen beibehalten","Role":"Rolle","Role:":"Rolle:","RPM":"RPM","Run Auto-Attach":"Automatische Verknüpfung ausführen","Run Repository Creation\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>":"Repository-Erstellung ausführen\n<i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>","Run Sync Plan":"Synchronisierungsplan ausführen","Save":"Speichern","Save Successful.":"Erfolgreich gespeichert.","Schema Version":"Schemaversion","Schema Version 1":"Schema Version 1","Schema Version 2":"Schema Version 2","Security":"Sicherheit","Security Advisory":"Sicherheits-Advisory","Select":"Auswählen","Select a Content Source:":"Inhaltsquelle wählen:","Select Action":"Aktion auswählen","Select an Organization":"Organisation wählen","Select Content View":"Inhaltsansicht auswählen","Selecting this option will exclude SRPMs from repository synchronization.":"Wenn Sie diese Option auswählen, werden SRPMs von der Repository-Synchronisierung ausgeschlossen.","Selecting this option will result in Katello verifying that the upstream url's SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Unselect if you do not want this verification.":"Wenn Sie diese Option auswählen, überprüft Katello, ob die SSL-Zertifikate der Upstream-URL von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sind. Deaktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn Sie diese Überprüfung nicht wünschen.","Service Level":"Servicelevel","Service Level (SLA)":"Service Level (SLA)","Service Level (SLA):":"Servicelevel (SLA):","Set Release Version":"Release-Version festlegen","Severity":"Schweregrad","Show All":"Zeige alles","Show all Repository Sets in Organization":"Alle Repository-Sets in Organisation anzeigen","Size":"Größe","Smart proxy currently syncing to your locations...":"Smart Proxy synchronisiert derzeit mit Ihren Standorten...","Smart proxy is synchronized":"Smart-Proxy wird synchronisiert","Sockets":"Sockets","Solution":"Lösung","Some of the Errata shown below may not be installable as they are not in this Content Host's\n Content View and Lifecycle Environment. In order to apply such Errata an Incremental Update is required.":"Einige der unten gezeigten Errata können möglicherweise nicht installiert werden, da sie nicht in der\nInhaltsansicht und Lebenszyklusumgebung. Um solche Errata anzuwenden, ist eine inkrementelle Aktualisierung erforderlich.","Something went wrong when deleting the resource.":"Beim Löschen der Ressource ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Something went wrong when retrieving the resource.":"Beim Abrufen der Ressource ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Something went wrong when saving the resource.":"Beim Speichern der Ressource ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","Source RPM":"Quell-RPM","Source RPMs":"Quell-RPMs","SSL CA Cert":"SSL-CA-Zertifikat","SSL Certificate":"SSL-Zertifikat","SSL Client Cert":"SSL-Client-Zertifikat","SSL Client Key":"SSL-Clientschlüssel","Standard sync, optimized for speed by bypassing any unneeded steps.":"Standardsynchronisierung, optimiert für Geschwindigkeit durch Umgehen unnötiger Schritte.","Start Date":"Startdatum","Start Time":"Startzeit","Started At":"Gestartet am","Starting":"Start","Starts":"Beginnt","State":"Status","Status":"Status","Stream":"Stream","Subscription Details":"Subskriptionsdetails","Subscription Management":"Abonnementverwaltung","Subscription Status":"Subskriptionsstatus","Subscription UUID":"Abonnement-UUID","subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"":"subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"","Subscriptions":"Subskriptionen","Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Subskriptionen für Aktivierungsschlüssel:","Subscriptions for Content Host:":"Abonnements für Content-Host:","Subscriptions for:":"Subskriptionen für:","Success!":"Erfolg!","Successfully added %s subscriptions.":"%s Subskriptionen erfolgreich hinzugefügt.","Successfully initiated restart of services.":"Neustart der Dienste erfolgreich eingeleitet.","Successfully removed %s items.":"%s Elemente erfolgreich entfernt.","Successfully removed %s subscriptions.":"%s Subskriptionen erfolgreich entfernt.","Successfully removed 1 item.":"1 Element erfolgreich entfernt.","Successfully scheduled an update of all packages":"Erfolgreich ein Update aller Pakete geplant","Successfully scheduled package installation":"Erfolgreich geplante Paketinstallation","Successfully scheduled package removal":"Paketentfernung erfolgreich geplant","Successfully scheduled package update":"Paketaktualisierung erfolgreich geplant","Successfully updated subscriptions.":"Subskriptionen erfolgreich aktualisiert.","Successfully uploaded content:":"Erfolgreich hochgeladener Inhalt:","Summary":"Zusammenfassung","Support Level":"Supportlevel","Sync":"Synchronisieren","Sync Enabled":"Synchronisation aktiviert","Sync Interval":"Synchronisationsintervall","Sync Now":"Jetzt synchronisieren","Sync Plan":"Synchronisationsplan","Sync Plan %s has been deleted.":"Synchronisationsplan %s wurde gelöscht.","Sync Plan created and assigned to product.":"Synchronisierungsplan erstellt und dem Produkt zugewiesen.","Sync Plan saved":"Synchronisierungsplan gespeichert","Sync Plan Saved":"Synchronisationsplan gespeichert","Sync Plan:":"Synchronisationsplan:","Sync Plans":"Synchronisationspläne","Sync Selected":"Ausgewählte synchronisieren","Sync Settings":"Synchronisierungseinstellungen","Sync State":"Syncronisationsstatus","Sync Status":"Synchronisationsstatus","Synced manually, no interval set.":"Manuell synchronisiert, kein Intervall festgelegt.","Synchronization is about to start...":"Die Synchronisierung beginnt...","Synchronization is being cancelled...":"Synchronisierung wird abgebrochen...","System Purpose":"Systemzweck","System Purpose Management":"Systemzweckverwaltung","System Purpose Status":"Systemzweckstatus","Tags":"Tags","Task Details":"Aufgabendetails","Tasks":"Aufgaben","Temporary":"Temporär","The <i>Registry Name Pattern</i> overrides the default name by which container images may be pulled from the server. (By default this name is a combination of Organization, Lifecycle Environment, Content View, Product, and Repository labels.)\n\n <br><br>The name may be constructed using ERB syntax. Variables available for use are:\n\n <pre>\norganization.name\norganization.label\nrepository.name\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nproduct.name\nproduct.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label</pre>\n\n Examples:\n <pre>\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt;</pre>":"Das<i> Registrierungsnamenmuster </i> überschreibt den Standardnamen, mit dem Containerimages vom Server abgerufen werden können. (Standardmäßig ist dieser Name eine Kombination aus Organisation, Lebenszyklusumgebung, Inhaltsansicht, Produkt und Repository-Bezeichnungen.)\n\n<br><br>Der Name kann unter Verwendung der ERB-Syntax konstruiert werden. Zur Verwendung verfügbare Variablen sind:\n\n<pre>\norganisation.name\norganisation.label\nrepository.name\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nproduct.name\nproduct.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label</pre>\n\n Examples:\n<pre>\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt;</pre>","The Content View or Lifecycle Environment needs to be updated in order to make errata available to these hosts.":"Die Inhaltsansicht oder Lebenszyklusumgebung muss aktualisiert werden, um Errata für diese Hosts verfügbar zu machen.","The following actions can be performed on content hosts in this host collection:":"Die folgenden Aktionen können auf Inhaltshosts in dieser Hostsammlung ausgeführt werden:","The host has not reported any applicable packages for upgrade.":"Der Host hat keine anwendbaren Pakete für das Upgrade gemeldet.","The host has not reported any installed packages, registering with subscription-manager should cause these to be reported.":"Der Host hat keine installierten Pakete gemeldet, eine Registrierung beim Subscription-Manager sollte dazu führen, dass diese gemeldet werden.","The host requires being attached to a content view and the lifecycle environment you have chosen has no content views promoted to it.\n See the <a href=\"/content_views\">content views page</a> to manage and promote a content view.":"Der Host muss an eine Inhaltsansicht angehängt sein, und die von Ihnen ausgewählte Lebenszyklusumgebung enthält keine hochgestuften Inhaltsansichten.\nAuf der Seite <a href=\"/content_views\"> Inhaltsansichten </a> können Sie eine Inhaltsansicht verwalten und bewerben.","The maximum number of versions of each package to keep.":"Die maximale Anzahl von Versionen jedes Pakets, die aufbewahrt werden sollen.","The page you are attempting to access requires selecting a specific organization.":"Die Seite, auf die Sie zugreifen möchten, erfordert die Auswahl einer bestimmten Organisation.","The remote execution feature is required to manage packages on this Host.":"Die Remote-Ausführungsfunktion ist erforderlich, um Pakete auf diesem Host zu verwalten.","The Remote Execution plugin needs to be installed in order to resolve Traces.":"Das Remote Execution-Plugin muss installiert sein, um Traces aufzulösen.","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected architecture.":"Das Repository wird standardmäßig auf Inhaltshosts mit der ausgewählten Architektur aktiviert.","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected OS version.":"Das Repository wird standardmäßig auf Inhaltshosts mit der ausgewählten Betriebssystemversion aktiviert.","The selected environment contains no Content Views, please select a different environment.":"Die gewählte Umgebung einhält keine Inhaltsansichten, bitte wählen Sie eine andere Umgebung.","The time the sync should happen in your current time zone.":"Die Uhrzeit, zu der die Synchronisierung in Ihrer aktuellen Zeitzone erfolgen soll.","The token key to use for authentication.":"Der für die Authentifizierung zu verwendende Tokenschlüssel.","The URL to receive a session token from, e.g. used with Automation Hub.":"Die URL, von der ein Sitzungstoken empfangen werden soll, z. mit Automation Hub verwendet.","There are {{ errataCount }} total Errata in this organization but none match the above filters.":"Es gibt insgesamt {{ errataCount }} Errata in dieser Organisation, aber keines entspricht den obigen Filtern.","There are {{ packageCount }} total Packages in this organization but none match the above filters.":"Es gibt insgesamt {{ packageCount }} Pakete in dieser Organisation, aber keines entspricht den obigen Filtern.","There are no %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"Es gibt keine %(contentType)s , die den Kriterien entsprechen.","There are no Content Views in this Environment.":"Es gibt keine Inhaltsansichten in dieser Umgebung.","There are no Content Views that match the criteria.":"Es gibt keine Inhaltsansichten, die mit diesen Kriterien übereinstimmen.","There are no Errata associated with this Content Host to display.":"Es gibt keine anzuzeigenden Errata, die mit diesem Inhaltshost verknüpft sind.","There are no Errata in this organization. Create one or more Products with Errata to view Errata on this page.":"Es gibt keine Errata in dieser Organisation. Erstellen Sie ein oder mehrere Produkte mit Errata, um auf dieser Seite Errata anzuzeigen.","There are no Errata to display.":"Es gibt keine anzuzeigenden Errata.","There are no Host Collections available. You can create new Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"Es sind keine Hostsammlungen verfügbar. Sie können neue Hostsammlungen erstellen, wenn Sie im Hauptmenü \"Hosts\" auf \"Hostsammlungen\" klicken.","There are no Module Streams to display.":"Es sind keine Modulstreams zum Anzeigen vorhanden.","There are no Packages in this organization. Create one or more Products with Packages to view Packages on this page.":"In dieser Organisation sind keine Pakete vorhanden. Erstellen Sie ein oder mehrere Produkte mit Paketen, um Pakete auf dieser Seite anzuzeigen.","There are no Sync Plans available. You can create new Sync Plans after selecting 'Sync Plans' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"Es sind keine Synchronisierungspläne verfügbar. Sie können neue Synchronisierungspläne erstellen, nachdem Sie im Hauptmenü unter 'Hosts' die Option 'Synchronisierungspläne' ausgewählt haben.","There are no Traces to display.":"Es sind keine Traces zum Anzeigen vorhanden.","There is currently an Incremental Update task in progress. This update must finish before applying existing updates.":"Derzeit läuft eine inkrementelle Aktualisierung. Diese Aktualisierung muss abgeschlossen sein, bevor vorhandene Aktualisierungen angewendet werden können.","These instructions will be removed in a future release. NEW: To register a content host without following these manual steps, see <a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\">Register Host</a>":"Diese Anweisungen werden in einer zukünftigen Version entfernt. NEU: Um einen Content-Host zu registrieren, ohne diese manuellen Schritte zu befolgen, siehe Host <a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\"> registrieren </a>","This action will affect only those Content Hosts that require a change.\n If the Content Host does not have the selected Subscription no action will take place.":"Diese Aktion wirkt sich nur auf die Inhaltshosts aus, die eine Änderung erfordern.\nWenn der Content-Host nicht über das ausgewählte Abonnement verfügt, wird keine Aktion ausgeführt.","This activation key is not associated with any content hosts.":"Dieser Aktivierungsschlüssel ist derzeit mit keinen Inhaltshosts verknüpft.","This activation key may be used during system registration. For example:":"Dieser Aktivierungsschlüssel kann während der Systemregistrierung verwendet werden. Zum Beispiel:","This change will be applied to <b>{{ hostCount }} systems.</b>":"Diese Änderung wird auf <b> {{ hostCount }}-Systeme </b> angewendet.","This Container Image Tag is not present in any Lifecycle Environments.":"Dieses Container-Image-Tag ist in keiner Lebenszyklusumgebung vorhanden.","This operation may also remove managed resources linked to the host such as virtual machines and DNS records.\n Change the setting \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" to false on the <a href=\"/settings\">settings page</a> to prevent this.":"Dieser Vorgang kann auch verwaltete Ressourcen entfernen, die mit dem Host verknüpft sind, wie z. B. virtuelle Maschinen und DNS-Einträge.\nÄndern Sie die Einstellung \"Host beim Abmelden löschen\" auf der <a href=\"/settings\"> Einstellungsseite </a>auf \"false\", um dies zu verhindern.","This organization has Simple Content Access enabled. Hosts are not required to have subscriptions attached to access repositories.":"Für diese Organisation ist der einfache Inhaltszugriff aktiviert. Hosts müssen keine Abonnements haben, die an Zugriffs-Repositorys angehängt sind.","Title":"Titel","To register a content host to this server, follow these steps.":"Um einen Inhaltshosts bei diesem Server zu registrieren, gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor.","Toggle Dropdown":"Dropdown-Menü umschalten","Topic":"Thema","Tracer helps administrators identify applications that need to be restarted after a system is patched.":"Tracer hilft Administratoren, Anwendungen zu identifizieren, die nach dem Patchen eines Systems neu gestartet werden müssen.","Traces":"Spuren","Traces for:":"Traces für:","Type":"Typ","Unauthenticated Pull":"Nicht authentifizierter Pull","Unknown":"Unbekannt","Unlimited Content Hosts:":"Unbegrenzte Inhaltshosts:","Unlimited Hosts":"Unbegrenzte Hosts","Unregister Host":"Unregistrierter Host","Unregister Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"Host \"{{host.name}}\" abregistrieren?","Unregister Options:":"Abregistrierungsoptionen:","Unregister the host as a subscription consumer. Provisioning and configuration information is preserved.":"Heben Sie die Registrierung des Hosts als Abonnementverbraucher auf. Bereitstellungs- und Konfigurationsinformationen bleiben erhalten.","Unsupported Type!":"Nicht unterstützter Typ!","Update":"Aktualisieren","Update All Packages":"Alle Pakete aktualisieren","Update Packages":"Pakete aktualisieren","Update Sync Plan":"Synchronisationsplan aktualisieren","Updated":"Aktualisiert","Upgradable":"Aufrüstbar","Upgradable For":"Aufrüstbar für","Upgradable Package":"Aktualisierbares Paket","Upgrade Available":"Upgrade verfügbar","Upgrade Selected":"Upgrade ausgewählt","Upload":"Hochladen","Upload Content Credential file":"Datei mit Zugangsdaten für Inhalt hochladen","Upload File":"Datei hochladen","Upload Package":"Paket hochladen","Upload Requirements":"Upload-Anforderungen","Upload Requirements.yml file <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n </a>":"Requirements.yml-Datei hochladen <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n</a>","Uploading...":"Hochladen …","Upstream Authorization":"Upstream-Autorisierung","Upstream Image Name":"Upstream-Bildname","Upstream Password":"Upstream-Passwort","Upstream Repository Name":"Upstream-Repository-Name","Upstream URL":"Upstream-URL","Upstream Username":"Upstream-Benutzername","Url":"URL","URL of the registry you want to sync. Example: https://registry-1.docker.io/ or https://quay.io/":"URL der Registrierung, die Sie synchronisieren möchten. Beispiel: https://registry-1.docker.io/ oder https://quay.io/","URL to Discover":"URL zum Entdecken","Usage Type":"Nutzungstyp","Usage Type:":"Nutzungsart:","Use specific HTTP Proxy":"Verwenden Sie einen bestimmten HTTP-Proxy","Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your lifecycle environment selection.":"Verwenden Sie die Schaltfläche Abbrechen bei der Auswahl der Inhaltsansicht, um die Auswahl der Lebenszyklusumgebung zurückzusetzen.","Used as":"Benutzt als","User":"Benutzer","Username":"Benutzername","Username of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"Benutzername des Upstream-Repository-Benutzers für die Authentifizierung. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, wenn das Repository keine Authentifizierung erfordert.","Variant":"Variante","Verify Content Checksum":"Überprüfen Sie die Inhaltsprüfsumme","Verify SSL":"SSL überprüfen","Version":"Version","Versions":"Versionen","via Katello agent":"über Katello-Agent","via Katello Agent":"über Katello Agent","via remote execution":"über Remote-Ausführung","via remote execution - customize first":"über Remote-Ausführung - zuerst anpassen","View Container Image Manifest Lists for Repository:":"Anzeigen von Container-Image-Manifestlisten für das Repository:","View Docker Tags for Repository:":"Docker-Tags für Repository anzeigen:","View job invocations.":"Auftragsaufrufe ansehen.","Virtual":"Virtuell","Virtual Guest":"Virtueller Gast","Virtual Guests":"Virtuelle Gäste","Virtual Host":"Virtuelle Hosts","weekly":"wöchentlich","Weekly on {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"Wöchentlich am {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} um {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Serverzeit)","When Auto Attach is disabled, registering systems will be attached to all associated subscriptions.":"Wenn die automatische Verknüpfung deaktiviert ist, werden neu registrierte Systeme mit allen zugewiesenen Subskriptionen verknüpft.","Working":"In Arbeit","Yes":"Ja","You can upload a requirements.yml file below to auto-fill contents or paste contents of requirement.yml here":"Sie können unten eine Requirements.yml-Datei hochladen, um den Inhalt automatisch auszufüllen, oder den Inhalt von request.yml hier einfügen","You cannot remove these repositories because you do not have permission.":"Sie können diese Repositorys nicht entfernen, da Sie keine Berechtigung dazu haben.","You cannot remove this product because it is a Red Hat product.":"Sie können dieses Produkt nicht entfernen, da es ein Red Hat Produkt ist.","You cannot remove this product because it was published to a content view.":"Sie können dieses Produkt nicht entfernen, da es in einer Inhaltsansicht veröffentlicht wurde.","You cannot remove this product because you do not have permission.":"Sie können dieses Produkt nicht entfernen, da Sie keine Berechtigung dazu haben.","You cannot remove this repository because you do not have permission.":"Sie können dieses Repository nicht entfernen, da Sie keine Berechtigung dazu haben.","You currently don't have any Activation Keys, you can add Activation Keys using the button on the right.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Aktivierungsschlüssel. Sie können über die Schaltfläche rechts neue Aktivierungsschlüssel hinzufügen.","You currently don't have any Container Image Tags.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Container-Image-Tags.","You currently don't have any Content Credential, you can add Content Credentials using the button on the right.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Inhaltsberechtigungen. Sie können Inhaltsberechtigungen über die Schaltfläche rechts hinzufügen.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can create new Content Hosts by selecting Contents Host from main menu and then clicking the button on the right.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Inhaltshosts. Sie können neue Inhaltshosts erstellen, indem Sie im Hauptmenü den Punkt \"Inhaltshosts\" wählen und anschließend auf die Schaltfläche rechts klicken.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can register one by clicking the button on the right and following the instructions.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Inhaltshosts. Sie können neue Inhaltshosts registrieren, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche rechts klicken und den Anweisungen folgen.","You currently don't have any Files.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Dateien.","You currently don't have any Host Collections, you can add Host Collections using the button on the right.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Hostsammlungen. Sie können über die Schaltfläche rechts neue Hostsammlungen hinzufügen.","You currently don't have any Hosts in this Host Group, you can add Content Hosts after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Hosts in dieser Hostgruppe. Sie können Inhaltshosts hinzufügen, nachdem Sie die Registerkarte \"Hinzufügen\" ausgewählt haben.","You currently don't have any Products associated with this Content Credential.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Produkte, die mit diesen Content-Anmeldedaten verknüpft sind.","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to, you can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu":"Sie haben derzeit keine Produkte zum Abonnieren. Sie können Produkte hinzufügen, nachdem Sie im Hauptmenü unter \"Inhalt\" die Option \"Produkte\" ausgewählt haben","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to. You can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Produkte zum Abonnieren. Sie können Produkte hinzufügen, nachdem Sie im Hauptmenü unter „Content bzw. Inhalt“ die Option „Products bzw. Produkte“ ausgewählt haben.","You currently don't have any Products<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, you can add Products using the button on the right</span>.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Produkte<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">. Sie können über die Schaltfläche rechts Produkte hinzufügen</span>.","You currently don't have any Repositories associated with this Content Credential.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Repositorys, die mit diesen Content-Credentials bzw. Inhaltsanmeldedaten verknüpft sind.","You currently don't have any Repositories included in this Product, you can add Repositories using the button on the right.":"In diesem Produkt sind derzeit keine Repositorys enthalten. Sie können über die Schaltfläche rechts Repositorys hinzufügen.","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Activation Key, you can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Abonnements, die mit diesem Aktivierungsschlüssel verknüpft sind. Sie können Abonnements hinzufügen, nachdem Sie die Registerkarte \"Add bzw. Hinzufügen\" ausgewählt haben.","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Content Host. You can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Abonnements, die mit diesem Content-Host verknüpft sind. Sie können Abonnements hinzufügen, nachdem Sie die Registerkarte \"Add bzw. Hinzufügen\" ausgewählt haben.","You currently don't have any Sync Plans. A Sync Plan can be created by using the button on the right.":"Sie haben derzeit keine Synchronisationspläne. Sie können über die Schaltfläche rechts einen neuen Synchronisationsplan erstellen.","You do not have any Installed Products":"Sie haben keine installierten Produkte","You must select a content view in order to save your environment.":"Sie müssen eine Inhaltsansicht auswählen, um Ihre Umgebung zu speichern.","You must select a new content view before your change of environment can be saved. Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your environment selection.":"Sie müssen eine neue Inhaltsansicht wählen, bevor die Änderung der Umgebung gespeichert werden kann. Klicken Sie auf \"Abbrechen\" in der Inhaltsansichtsauswahl, um Ihre Umgebungsauswahl zurückzusetzen.","You must select a new content view before your change of lifecycle environment can be saved.":"Sie müssen eine neue Inhaltsansicht auswählen, bevor Ihre Änderung der Lebenszyklusumgebung gespeichert werden kann.","You must select at least one Content Host in order to apply Errata.":"Sie müssen mindestens einen Inhaltshost auswählen, um Errata anzuwenden.","You must select at least one Errata to apply.":"Sie müssen mindestens ein Erratum zur Anwendung auswählen.","Your search returned zero %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"Ihre Suche ergab null %(contentType)s, die den Kriterien entsprechen.","Your search returned zero Activation Keys.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Aktivierungsschlüssel.","Your search returned zero Container Image Tags.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Container-Image-Tags.","Your search returned zero Content Credential.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Inhaltsanmeldeinformationen.","Your search returned zero Content Hosts.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Inhaltshosts.","Your search returned zero Content Views":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Inhaltsaufrufe","Your search returned zero Content Views.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Inhaltsansichten.","Your search returned zero Debs.":"Ihre Suche ergab null Debs.","Your search returned zero Errata.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Errata.","Your search returned zero Erratum.":"Ihre Suche ergab kein Erratum.","Your search returned zero Files.":"Ihre Suche ergab null Dateien.","Your search returned zero Host Collections.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Hostsammlungen.","Your search returned zero Hosts.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Hosts.","Your search returned zero Lifecycle Environments.":"Ihre Suche ergab null Lebenszyklusumgebungen.","Your search returned zero Module Streams.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Modul-Streams.","Your search returned zero Packages.":"Ihre Suche ergab null Pakete.","Your search returned zero Products.":"Ihre Suche ergab null Produkte.","Your search returned zero Repositories":"Ihre Suche hat keine Repositorys zurückgegeben","Your search returned zero Repositories.":"Ihre Suche hat keine Repositorys zurückgegeben","Your search returned zero repository sets.":"Ihre Suche hat keine Repository-Sets zurückgegeben","Your search returned zero Repository Sets.":"Ihre Suche ergab null Repository-Sets.","Your search returned zero results.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Ergebnisse.","Your search returned zero Subscriptions.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Abonnements.","Your search returned zero Sync Plans.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Synchronisierungspläne.","Your search returned zero Traces.":"Ihre Suche ergab keine Spuren.","Yum Metadata Checksum":"Yum-Metadaten-Prüfsumme","Yum metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Die Generierung von Yum-Metadaten wurde im Hintergrund initiiert. Klicken Sie <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">hier</a>, um den Fortschritt nachzuverfolgen.","Yum Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Yum-Repositorys <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>"});
+ gettextCatalog.setStrings('es', {"-- select an interval --":"-- selecciona un intervalo --","(future)":"(futuro)","{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}":"{{ 'Añadir seleccionado' | translate }}","{{ contentCredential.name }}":"{{ contentCredential.name }}","{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Aplicable,","{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable":"{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Instalable","{{ errata.title }}":"{{ errata.title }}","{{ file.name }}":"{{ file.name }}","{{ host.name }}":"{{ host.name }}","{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}":"{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}","{{ installedPackageCount }} Host(s)":"{{ installedPackageCount }} Anfitrión(es)","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} Anfitrión(es)","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Aplicable,","{{ package.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_available_count }} Anfitrión(es)","{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Actualizable","{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} Bytes)":"{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} Bytes)","{{ product.active_task_count }}":"{{ product.active_task_count }}","{{ product.name }}":"{{ product.name }}","{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} Deb Paquetes","{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata":"{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata","{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Files":"{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Archivos","{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Paquetes","{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} Source RPMs":"{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} RPM de origen","{{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"Hace {{ repository.last_sync_words }}","{{ repository.name }}":"{{ repository.name }}","{{ type.display }}":"{{ type.display }}","{{header}}":"{{header}}","{{option.description}}":"{{option.description}}","{{urlDescription}}":"{{urlDescription}}","* These marked Content View Versions are from Composite Content Views. Their components needing updating are listed underneath.":"* Estas versiones de vistas de contenido marcadas son de vistas de contenido compuestas. Sus componentes que necesitan actualización se enumeran a continuación.","/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId":"/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId","%(consumed)s out of %(quantity)s":"%(consumed)s de %(quantity)s","%count environment(s) can be synchronized: %envs":"%count entorno(s) pueden sincronizarse: %envs","<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>":"<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>","1 repository sync in progress.":["1 sincronización de repositorio en curso.","{{ product.sync_summary.pending}} sincronización de repositorios en curso..","{{ product.sync_summary.pending}} sincronización de repositorios en curso.."],"1 successfully synced repository.":["1 repositorio sincronizado correctamente.","{{ product.sync_summary.success}} repositorios sincronizados correctamente.","{{ product.sync_summary.success}} repositorios sincronizados correctamente."],"A sync has been initiated in the background, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">click for more details</a>":"Se ha iniciado una sincronización en segundo plano, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">pulse para más detalles</a>","Account":"Cuenta","Action Type":"Tipo de acción","Actions":"Acciones","Activation Key":["Clave de activación","Llaves de activación","Llaves de activación"],"Activation Key Content":"Contenido de la clave de activación","Activation Key removed.":"Clave de activación eliminada.","Activation Key updated":"Clave de activación actualizada","Activation Key:":"Clave de activación:","Activation Keys":"Llaves de activación","Active Tasks":"Tareas activas","Add":"Añadir","Add Content Hosts to:":"Añadir hosts de contenido a:","Add New Environment":"Añadir nuevo entorno","Add ons":"Complementos","Add Selected":"Añadir seleccionado","Add Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Añadir suscripciones para la clave de activación:","Add Subscriptions for Content Host:":"Añadir suscripciones para Content Host:","Add To":"Añadir a","Added %x host collections to activation key \"%y\".":"Añadidas las colecciones de hosts %x a la clave de activación \"%y\".","Added %x host collections to content host \"%y\".":"Añadidas las colecciones de hosts %x al host de contenidos \"%y\".","Added %x products to sync plan \"%y\".":"Añadidos los productos %x al plan de sincronización \"%y\".","Adding Lifecycle Environment to the end of \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"":"Añadir Entorno del ciclo de vida al final de \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"","Advanced Sync":"Sincronización avanzada","Advisory":"Asesoría","Affected Hosts":"Hosts afectados","All Content Views":"Todas las vistas de contenido","All Repositories":"Todos los repositorios","An error occured: %s":"Se ha producido un error: %s","An error occurred initiating the sync:":"Se ha producido un error al iniciar la sincronización:","An error occurred removing the Activation Key:":"Se ha producido un error al eliminar la clave de activación:","An error occurred removing the content hosts.":"Se ha producido un error al eliminar los hosts de contenido.","An error occurred removing the environment:":"Se ha producido un error al eliminar el entorno:","An error occurred removing the Host Collection:":"Se ha producido un error al eliminar la colección de hosts:","An error occurred removing the subscriptions.":"Se ha producido un error al eliminar las suscripciones.","An error occurred saving the Activation Key:":"Se ha producido un error al guardar la clave de activación:","An error occurred saving the Content Host:":"Se ha producido un error al guardar el host de contenido:","An error occurred saving the Environment:":"Se ha producido un error al guardar el Entorno:","An error occurred saving the Host Collection:":"Se ha producido un error al guardar la colección de hosts:","An error occurred saving the Product:":"Se ha producido un error al guardar el Producto:","An error occurred saving the Repository:":"Se ha producido un error al guardar el repositorio:","An error occurred saving the Sync Plan:":"Se ha producido un error al guardar el plan de sincronización:","An error occurred trying to auto-attach subscriptions. Please check your log for further information.":"Se ha producido un error al intentar autoadjuntar suscripciones. Compruebe el registro para obtener más información.","An error occurred updating the sync plan:":"Se ha producido un error al actualizar el plan de sincronización:","An error occurred while creating the Content Credential:":"Se ha producido un error al crear la credencial de contenido:","An error occurred while creating the Product: %s":"Se ha producido un error al crear el Producto: %s","An error occurred:":"Se ha producido un error:","Ansible Collections":"Colecciones de Ansible","Applicable":"Aplicable","Applicable Content Hosts":"Alojamientos de contenidos aplicables","Applicable Errata":"Erratas aplicables","Applicable Packages":"Paquetes aplicables","Applicable To":"Aplicable a","Applicable to Host":"Aplicable al anfitrión","Application":"Aplicación","Apply":"Solicitar","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }}":"Solicitar {{ errata.errata_id }}","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"¿Aplicar {{ errata.errata_id }} a {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to all Content Host(s)?":"¿Aplicar {{ errata.errata_id }} a todos los servidores de contenido?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"¿Aplicar {{ errataIds.length }} Errata a {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to all Content Host(s)?":"¿Aplicar {{ errataIds.length }} Errata a todos los servidores de contenido?","Apply Errata":"Aplicar Errata","Apply Errata to Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"¿Aplicar Errata al Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?","Apply Errata to Content Hosts":"Aplicar erratas a los hosts de contenidos","Apply Errata to Content Hosts immediately after publishing.":"Aplique las erratas a los hosts de contenidos inmediatamente después de su publicación.","Apply Selected":"Aplicar Seleccionado","Apply to Content Hosts":"Aplicar a anfitriones de contenidos","Apply to Hosts":"Aplicar a los anfitriones","Applying":"Aplicación de","Arch":"Arquitectura","Architecture":"Arquitectura","Architectures":"Arquitecturas","Are you sure you want to add the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to the host collection(s) chosen?":"¿Está seguro de que desea añadir el/los host(es) de contenido {{ table.numSelected }} seleccionado(s) a la(s) colección(es) de host(es) elegida(s)?","Are you sure you want to add the sync plan to the selected products(s)?":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres añadir el plan de sincronización a los productos seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to apply Errata to content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"¿Está seguro de que desea aplicar Errata al host de contenido \"{{ host.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to apply the {{ table.numSelected }} selected errata to the content hosts chosen?":"¿Está seguro de que desea aplicar la fe de erratas seleccionada en {{ table.numSelected }} a los hosts de contenido elegidos?","Are you sure you want to assign the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.contentView.name }} in {{ selected.environment.name }}?":"¿Está seguro de que desea asignar el/los host(es) de contenido {{ table.numSelected }} seleccionado(s) a {{ selected.contentView.name }} en {{ selected.environment.name }}?","Are you sure you want to disable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"¿Está seguro de que desea desactivar el conjunto o conjuntos de repositorios {{ table.numSelected }} elegidos?","Are you sure you want to enable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"¿Está seguro de que desea activar el conjunto o conjuntos de repositorios {{ table.numSelected }} elegidos?","Are you sure you want to install {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"¿Está seguro de que desea instalar {{ content.content }} en los sistemas {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to remove {{ content.content }} from the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar {{ content.content }} de los sistemas {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar la clave de activación \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}?","Are you sure you want to remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar la colección de hosts \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el producto \"{{ product.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected from the host collection(s) chosen?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el/los host(es) de contenido {{ table.numSelected }} seleccionado(s) de la(s) colección(es) de host(es) elegida(s)?","Are you sure you want to remove the sync plan from the selected product(s)?":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar el plan de sincronización de los productos seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to reset to default the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"¿Está seguro de que desea restablecer por defecto el conjunto o conjuntos de repositorios {{ table.numSelected }} elegidos?","Are you sure you want to restart services on content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"¿Está seguro de que desea reiniciar los servicios en el host de contenido \"{{ host.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to set the Release Version the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.release }}?. This action will affect only those Content Hosts that belong to the appropriate Content View and Lifecycle Environment containining that release version.":"¿Está seguro de que desea establecer la versión de los servidores de contenido de {{ table.numSelected }} en {{ selected.release }}? Esta acción sólo afectará a los servidores de contenido que pertenezcan a la vista de contenido y al entorno del ciclo de vida que contengan esa versión.","Are you sure you want to update {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"¿Está seguro de que desea actualizar {{ content.content }} en el sistema o sistemas {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to update all packages on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"¿Está seguro de que desea actualizar todos los paquetes en los sistemas {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} seleccionados?","Assign":"Asignar","Assign Release Version":"Asignar versión de lanzamiento","Associations":"Asociaciones","At least one Errata needs to be selected to Apply.":"Es necesario seleccionar al menos una Errata para Aplicar.","Attached":"Adjuntado","Author":"Autor","Auto-Attach":"Auto-Attach","Automatic":"Automático","Available Schema Versions":"Versiones disponibles del esquema","Back To Errata List":"Volver a la lista de erratas","Backend Identifier":"Identificador Backend","Basic Information":"Información básica","Below are the repository content sets currently available for this content host through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"A continuación se muestran los conjuntos de contenidos de repositorio disponibles actualmente para este host de contenidos a través de sus suscripciones. Para las suscripciones de Red Hat, se puede disponer de contenido adicional a través de la opción","Below are the Repository Sets currently available for this activation key through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"A continuación se muestran los conjuntos de repositorios disponibles actualmente para esta clave de activación a través de sus suscripciones. En el caso de las suscripciones de Red Hat, se puede disponer de contenido adicional a través de la opción","Bootable":"De arranque","Bug Fix":"Corrección de errores","Bug Fix Advisory":"Aviso de corrección de errores","Build Host":"Construir host","Build Information":"Información de construcción","Build Time":"Tiempo de construcción","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cannot Remove":"No se puede eliminar","Cannot republish Repository without the proper permissions.":"No se puede volver a publicar el repositorio sin los permisos adecuados.","Cannot republish Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"No se puede volver a publicar el repositorio, ya hay una sincronización en curso.","Cannot sync Repository without a URL.":"No se puede sincronizar el repositorio sin una URL.","Cannot sync Repository without the proper permissions.":"No se puede sincronizar el repositorio sin los permisos adecuados.","Cannot sync Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"No se puede sincronizar el repositorio, ya hay una sincronización en curso.","Capacity":"Capacidad","Certificate":"Certificado","Change assigned Lifecycle Environment or Content View":"Cambiar el entorno del ciclo de vida asignado o la vista de contenido","Change Host Collections":"Cambiar las colecciones de acogida","Change Lifecycle Environment":"Entorno del ciclo de vida del cambio","Changing default settings for content hosts that register with this activation key requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on that host.":"Para cambiar la configuración predeterminada de los hosts de contenido que se registran con esta clave de activación, es necesario que la versión 1.10 o posterior de subscription-manager esté instalada en dicho host.","Changing default settings requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on this host.":"Para cambiar la configuración predeterminada es necesario que subscription-manager versión 1.10 o posterior esté instalado en este host.","Checksum":"Suma de comprobación","Checksum Type":"Tipo de suma de comprobación","Click here to check the status of the task.":"Haga clic aquí para comprobar el estado de la tarea.","Click here to select Errata for an Incremental Update.":"Haga clic aquí para seleccionar Erratas para una actualización incremental.","Close":"Cerrar","Complete Sync":"Sincronización completa","Components":"Componentes","Components:":"Componentes:","Composite View":"Vista compuesta","Confirm":"Confirmar","Container Image Manifest":"Manifiesto de imagen de contenedor","Container Image Manifest Lists":"Listas de manifiestos de imágenes de contenedores","Container Image Manifests":"Manifiestos de imágenes de contenedores","Container Image Tags":"Etiquetas de imagen de contenedor","Content":"Contenido","Content Counts":"Recuentos de contenido","Content Credential %s has been created.":"Se ha creado la credencial de contenido %s.","Content Credential Contents":"Contenido Contenido de la credencial","Content Credential successfully uploaded":"Credencial de contenido cargada correctamente","Content credential updated":"Credencial de contenido actualizada","Content Credentials":"Credenciales de contenido","Content Host":"Host de contenido","Content Host Bulk Content":"Anfitrión de contenidos Contenidos masivos","Content Host Bulk Subscriptions":"Suscripciones masivas de Content Host","Content Host Content":"Contenido Anfitrión Contenido","Content Host Counts":"El anfitrión de contenidos cuenta","Content Host Limit":"Límite de host de contenidos","Content Host Properties":"Propiedades del host de contenidos","Content Host Registration":"Registro de host de contenidos","Content Host Status":"Estado del host de contenidos","Content Host:":"Anfitrión de contenidos:","Content Hosts":"Hosts de contenido","Content Hosts for Activation Key:":"Alojamientos de contenido para la clave de activación:","Content Hosts for:":"Alojamientos de contenidos para:","Content Type":"Tipo de contenido","Content View":"Vista del contenido","Content View Version":"Contenido Ver versión","Content View:":"Vista del contenido:","Content Views":"Vistas de contenido","Content Views <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>":"Vistas de contenido <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>","Content Views for Deb:":"Vistas de contenido para Deb:","Content Views for File:":"Vistas de contenido para archivo:","Content Views that contain this Deb":"Vistas de contenido que contienen esta Deb","Content Views that contain this File":"Vistas de contenido que contienen este archivo","Context":"Contexto","Contract":"Contrato","Copy Activation Key":"Copiar clave de activación","Copy Host Collection":"Copiar colección de hosts","Cores per Socket":"Núcleos por zócalo","Create":"Crear","Create a copy of {{ activationKey.name }}":"Crear una copia de {{ activationKey.name }}","Create a copy of {{ hostCollection.name }}":"Crear una copia de {{ hostCollection.name }}","Create Activation Key":"Crear clave de activación","Create Content Credential":"Crear credencial de contenido","Create Discovered Repositories":"Crear repositorios descubiertos","Create Environment Path":"Crear ruta de entorno","Create Host Collection":"Crear colección de hosts","Create Product":"Crear producto","Create Selected":"Crear seleccionado","Create Status":"Crear estado","Create Sync Plan":"Crear plan de sincronización","Creating repository...":"Creación de repositorios...","Critical":"Crítica","Current Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Suscripciones actuales para la clave de activación:","CVEs":"CVEs","daily":"diario","Daily at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"Todos los días en {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (hora del servidor)","Date":"Fecha","deb metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"La generación de metadatos deb se ha iniciado en segundo plano. Haga clic en <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Aquí</a> para supervisar el progreso.","deb Packages":"Paquetes deb","Deb Packages":"Paquetes Deb","Deb:":"Deb:","Default":"Predeterminado","Delete":"Borrar","Delete Hosts":"Borrar hosts","Dependencies":"Dependencias","Description":"Descripción","Details":"Detalles","Details for Activation Key:":"Detalles de la clave de activación:","Details for Product:":"Detalles del producto:","Details for Repository:":"Detalles del repositorio:","Digest":"Digerir","Disable":"Deshabilitar","Disabled":"Deshabilitado","Disabled (overridden)":"Desactivado (anulado)","Discover":"Descubrir","Discovered Repository":"Repositorio descubierto","Discovery failed. Error: %s":"Descubrimiento fallido. Error: %s","Distribution":"Distribución","Distribution Information":"Información sobre la distribución","Docker Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Repositorios Docker <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Done":"Hecho","Download Policy":"Descargar Política","Enable":"Habilitar","Enabled":"Habilitado","Enabled (overridden)":"Activado (anulado)","Enhancement":"Mejora","Enter Package Group Name(s)...":"Introduzca los nombres de los grupos de paquetes...","Enter Package Name(s)...":"Introduzca el nombre del paquete...","Environment":"Entorno","Environment saved":"Medio ambiente","Environments List":"Lista de entornos","Errata":"Erratas","Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>":"Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>","Errata are automatically Applicable if they are Installable":"Las erratas son automáticamente aplicables si son instalables","Errata Details":"Errata Details","Errata for:":"Errata for:","Errata ID":"ID de erratas","Errata Installation":"Instalación de erratas","Errata Task List":"Lista de tareas de erratas","Errata Tasks":"Errata Tareas","Errata:":"Errata:","Error during upload:":"Error durante la carga:","Event":"Evento","Existing Product":"Producto existente","Expires":"Expira","Export":"Exportar","Family":"Familia","File Information":"Información de archivo","File removal been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Se ha iniciado la eliminación de archivos en segundo plano. Haga clic en <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Aquí</a> para supervisar el progreso.","File too large.":"Fichero demasiado grande.","File too large. Please use the CLI instead.":"Archivo demasiado grande. Por favor, utilice la CLI en su lugar.","File:":"Archivo:","Filename":"Archivo","Files":"Archivos","Files in package {{ package.nvrea }}":"Archivos del paquete {{ package.nvrea }}","Filter":"Filtro","Filter...":"Filtrar...","Finished At":"Terminado en","For older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5 it is recommended to use sha1.":"Para sistemas operativos antiguos como Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 o CentOS 5 se recomienda utilizar sha1.","GPG Key":"llave GPG","Group":"Grupo","Guests of":"Huéspedes de","Helper":"Ayudante","Host %s has been deleted.":"Se ha eliminado el host %s.","Host %s has been unregistered.":"Se ha anulado el registro del host %s.","Host Collection Management":"Gestión de colecciones de acogida","Host Collection Membership":"Afiliación a la Colección Anfitrión","Host Collection removed.":"Colección de hosts eliminada.","Host Collection updated":"Colección Anfitrión actualizada","Host Collection:":"Colección de acogida:","Host Collections":"colecciones de hosts","Host Collections for:":"Colecciones de acogida para:","Host Count":"Recuento de anfitriones","Host Group":"Grupo de Equipo","Host Limit":"Límite de acogida","Hostname":"Nombre de host","Hosts":"Hosts","hourly":"por hora","Hourly at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutes and {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} seconds":"Cada hora en {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutos y {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} segundos","HTTP Proxy":"Proxy HTTP","HttpProxyPolicy":"HttpProxyPolicy","Id":"ID","Image":"Imagen","Immediate":"Inmediato","Important":"Importante","In order to browse this repository you must <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">download the certificate</a>\n or ask your admin for a certificate.":"Para navegar por este repositorio debe <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">descargar el certificado</a>\n o solicitarlo a su administrador.","Install":"Instale","Install Selected":"Instalación seleccionada","Install the pre-built bootstrap RPM:":"Instala el RPM bootstrap preconstruido:","Installable":"Instalable","Installable Errata":"Erratas instalables","Installable Updates":"Actualizaciones instalables","Installed":"Instalado","Installed On":"Instalado en","Installed Package":"Paquete instalado","Installed Packages":"Paquetes instalados","Installed Products":"Productos instalados","Interfaces":"Interfaces","Interval":"Intervalo","IPv4 Address":"Dirección IPv4","IPv6 Address":"Dirección IPv6","Issued":"Publicado","Katello Agent":"Agente Katello","Label":"Etiqueta","Last Checkin":"Último registro","Last Published":"Última publicación","Last Puppet Report":"Último informe sobre marionetas","Last Sync":"Última sincronización","Last Updated On":"Última actualización","Library":"Biblioteca","Library Repositories":"Repositorios de bibliotecas","Library Repositories that contain this Deb.":"Repositorios de bibliotecas que contienen este Deb.","Library Repositories that contain this File.":"Repositorios de bibliotecas que contienen este archivo.","Library Synced Content":"Contenido sincronizado con la biblioteca","License":"Licencia","Lifecycle Environment":"El entorno de ciclo de vida","Lifecycle Environment Paths":"Vías ambientales del ciclo de vida","Lifecycle Environments":"Entornos de ciclo de vida","Limit":"Límite","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Activation Key's Lifecycle Environment":"Limitar los conjuntos de repositorios a sólo aquellos disponibles en el entorno del ciclo de vida de esta clave de activación.","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Host's Lifecycle Environment":"Limitar los conjuntos de repositorios a sólo aquellos disponibles en el entorno del ciclo de vida de este host.","Limit to environment":"Límite al medio ambiente","Limit to Environment":"Límite al medio ambiente","Limit:":"Límite:","List":"Lista","List/Remove":"Listar/Eliminar","Loading...":"Cargando...","Loading...\"":"Cargando...\"","Manage deb Packages for Repository:":"Gestionar paquetes deb para repositorio:","Manage Errata":"Gestión de erratas","Manage Files for Repository:":"Gestionar ficheros para repositorio:","Manage Packages":"Gestionar paquetes","Manage Packages for Repository:":"Gestionar paquetes para repositorio:","Manage Repository Sets":"Gestionar conjuntos de repositorios","Manage Subscriptions":"Gestionar suscripciones","Manage Sync Plan":"Gestionar el plan de sincronización","Manifest Lists":"Listas de manifiestos","Manifest Type":"Tipo de manifiesto","Model":"Modelado","Moderate":"Moderado","Module Streams":"Corriente de módulo","More Details":"Más detalles","N/A":"N/C","Name":"Nombre","Networking":"Red","Never":"Nunca","Never synced":"Nunca sincronizado","New Activation Key":"Nueva clave de activación","New Environment":"Nuevo entorno","New Name:":"Nuevo nombre:","New Product":"Nuevo producto","New Repository":"Nuevo repositorio","New Sync Plan":"Nuevo plan de sincronización","New sync plan successfully created.":"Nuevo plan de sincronización creado correctamente.","Next":"Siguiente","Next Sync":"Próxima sincronización","No":"No","No alternate release version choices are available. The available releases are based upon what is available in \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", the selected <a href=\"/content_views\">content view</a> this content host is attached to for the given <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">lifecycle environment</a>, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".":"No hay opciones de versiones alternativas disponibles. Las versiones disponibles se basan en lo que está disponible en \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", la vista de contenido <a href=\"/content_views\">seleccionada</a> a la que está vinculado este host de contenido para el entorno de ciclo de vida <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\"></a> , \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".","No Content Hosts match this Erratum.":"Ningún host de contenido coincide con esta errata.","No Content Views contain this Deb":"Ninguna vista de contenido contiene esta Deb","No Content Views contain this File":"Ninguna vista de contenido contiene este archivo","No content views exist for {{selected.environment.name}}":"No existen vistas de contenido para {{selected.environment.name}}","No discovered repositories.":"No hay repositorios descubiertos.","No Host Collections match your search.":"No hay colecciones de acogida que coincidan con su búsqueda.","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"No se muestran las Colecciones de Anfitriones, puede añadir Colecciones de Anfitriones seleccionando \"Colecciones de Anfitriones\" en \"Anfitriones\" en el menú principal.","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"No se muestran colecciones de hosts, puede añadir colecciones de hosts tras seleccionar la pestaña \"Añadir\".","No matching results.":"No hay resultados coincidentes.","No products are available to add to this Sync Plan.":"No hay productos disponibles para añadir a este Plan Sync.","No releases exist in the Library.":"No existen liberaciones en la Biblioteca.","No Repositories contain this Deb":"No Repositories contain this Deb","No Repositories contain this Erratum.":"No hay Repositorios que contengan esta Errata.","No Repositories contain this File":"Ningún repositorio contiene este fichero","No Repositories contain this Package.":"Ningún repositorio contiene este paquete.","No repository sets provided through subscriptions.":"No se proporcionan conjuntos de repositorios a través de suscripciones.","No sync information available.":"No hay información de sincronización disponible.","No tasks exist for this resource.":"No existen tareas para este recurso.","None":"Ninguno","Not installed":"No instalado","Not started":"No iniciado","Not Synced":"No sincronizado","Number of CPUs":"Número de CPU","Number of Repositories":"Número de depósitos","On Demand":"Bajo pedido","One or more of the selected Errata are not Installable via your published Content View versions running on the selected hosts. The new Content View Versions (specified below)\n will be created which will make this Errata Installable in the host's Environment. This new version will replace the current version in your host's Lifecycle\n Environment. To install these errata immediately on hosts after publishing check the box below.":"Una o varias de las erratas seleccionadas no se pueden instalar a través de las versiones de Content View publicadas que se ejecutan en los hosts seleccionados. Las nuevas versiones de Content View (especificadas a continuación)\n que harán que esta Errata sea Instalable en el Entorno del host. Esta nueva versión sustituirá a la versión actual en el entorno del ciclo de vida de su host.\n del host. Para instalar estas erratas inmediatamente en los hosts después de su publicación marque la casilla de abajo.","Only show content hosts where the errata is currently installable in the host's Lifecycle Environment.":"Sólo se muestran los hosts de contenido en los que la fe de erratas se puede instalar actualmente en el entorno del ciclo de vida del host.","Only show Errata that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"Mostrar sólo las erratas aplicables a uno o varios hosts de contenido","Only show Errata that are Installable on one or more Content Hosts":"Mostrar sólo las erratas que se pueden instalar en uno o varios servidores de contenido","Only show Packages that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"Mostrar sólo los paquetes aplicables a uno o varios servidores de contenido","Only show Packages that are Upgradable on one or more Content Hosts":"Mostrar sólo los paquetes actualizables en uno o varios servidores de contenido","Only show Subscriptions for products not already covered by a Subscription":"Mostrar sólo las Suscripciones para los productos que aún no están cubiertos por una Suscripción","Only show Subscriptions which can be applied to products installed on this Host":"Sólo se muestran las suscripciones que pueden aplicarse a los productos instalados en este host.","Only show Subscriptions which can be attached to this Host":"Mostrar sólo las suscripciones que pueden adjuntarse a este host","Only the Applications with a Helper can be restarted.":"Sólo se pueden reiniciar las Aplicaciones con un Ayudante.","Operating System":"Sistema operativo","Optimized Sync":"Sincronización optimizada","Organization":"Organización","Original Sync Date":"Fecha de sincronización original","OS":"OS","OSTree Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Repositorios OSTree <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Override to Disabled":"Anular a Desactivado","Override to Enabled":"Anular a Activado","Package":"Paquete","Package Actions":"Acciones del paquete","Package Groups":"Grupos de paquetes","Package Groups for Repository:":"Grupos de paquetes para el repositorio:","Package Information":"Información sobre el paquete","Package Install":"Instalación de paquetes","Package Installation, Removal, and Update":"Instalación, eliminación y actualización de paquetes","Package Remove":"Retiro de paquetes","Package Update":"Actualización de paquetes","Package:":"Paquete:","Package/Group Name":"Paquete/Nombre del grupo","Packages":"Paquetes","Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>":"Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>","Packages are automatically Applicable if they are Upgradable":"Los paquetes son automáticamente aplicables si son actualizables","Packages for:":"Paquetes para:","Parameters":"Parámetros","Part of a manifest list":"Parte de una lista de manifiesto","Password":"Contraseña","Password of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"Contraseña del usuario del repositorio upstream para la autenticación. Dejar vacío si el repositorio no requiere autenticación.","Paste contents of Content Credential":"Pegar el contenido de la credencial de contenido","Path":"Ruta","Perform":"Realice","Physical":"Físico","Please select an environment.":"Seleccione un entorno.","Please select one from the list below and you will be redirected.":"Seleccione uno de la lista de abajo y será redirigido.","Plus %y more errors":"Más %y más errores","Plus 1 more error":"Más 1 error","Product":"Producto","Product Enhancement Advisory":"Asesoramiento sobre la mejora de productos","Product information for:":"Información sobre el producto:","Product Management for Sync Plan:":"Gestión de productos para Sync Plan:","Product Name":"Nombre del producto","Product Options":"Opciones de productos","Product Saved":"Producto ahorrado","Products":"Productos","Products <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>":"Productos <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>","Products for":"Productos para","Products not covered":"Productos no cubiertos","Provides":"Proporciona","Provisioning Details":"Detalles de la provisión","Provisioning Host Details":"Detalles del host de aprovisionamiento","Published At":"Publicada a las","Published Repository Information":"Información de depósito publicada","Puppet Environment":"Entorno de Puppet","Quantity":"Cantidad","RAM (GB)":"RAM (GB)","Reboot Suggested":"Reinicio sugerido","Reboot Suggested?":"¿Se sugiere reiniciar?","Recalculate\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>":"Recalcular\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>","Red Hat Repositories page":"Página de repositorios de Red Hat","Red Hat Repositories page.":"Página Red Hat Repositories.","Refresh Table":"Actualizar tabla","Register a Content Host":"Registrar un alojamiento de contenidos","Register Content Host":"Registrar anfitrión de contenidos","Registered":"Registrado","Registered By":"Registrado por","Registered Through":"Registrado a través de","Registry Name Pattern":"Patrón de nombre de registro","Registry to Discover":"Registro para descubrir","Registry URL":"URL del registro","Release":"Soltar","Release Version":"Versión del lanzamiento","Release Version:":"Versión de lanzamiento:","Remote execution plugin is required to be able to run any helpers.":"El plugin de ejecución remota es necesario para poder ejecutar cualquier helper.","Remove":"Eliminar","Remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"¿Quitar la clave de activación \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?","Remove Content":"Borrar contenido","Remove Content Credential":"Eliminar credencial de contenido","Remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}":"Eliminar credencial de contenido {{ contentCredential.name }}","Remove Environment":"Eliminar Medio Ambiente","Remove Files":"Eliminar archivos","Remove From":"Eliminar de","Remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"Elimine la colección de hosts \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?","Remove Packages":"Eliminar paquetes","Remove Product":"Quitar producto","Remove Product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"Elimine el producto \"{{ product.name }}\"?","Remove Repositories":"Eliminar repositorios","Remove Repository":"Eliminar repositorio","Remove Selected":"Eliminar seleccionados","Remove Successful.":"Eliminar con éxito.","Remove Sync Plan":"Eliminar plan de sincronización","Remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"¿Eliminar Plan de Sincronización \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?","Removed %x host collections from activation key \"%y\".":"Eliminadas las colecciones de hosts %x de la clave de activación \"%y\".","Removed %x host collections from content host \"%y\".":"Eliminadas las colecciones de hosts %x del host de contenido \"%y\".","Removed %x products from sync plan \"%y\".":"Eliminados los productos %x del plan de sincronización \"%y\".","Removing Repositories":"Eliminar repositorios","Repo Discovery":"Descubrimiento de repos","Repositories":"Repositorios","Repositories containing Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}":"Repositorios con erratas {{ errata.errata_id }}","Repositories containing package {{ package.nvrea }}":"Repositorios que contienen paquetes {{ package.nvrea }}","Repositories for":"Repositorios para","Repositories for Deb:":"Repositorios para Deb:","Repositories for Errata:":"Repositorios de erratas:","Repositories for File:":"Repositorios de archivos:","Repositories for Package:":"Repositorios de paquetes:","Repositories for Product:":"Repositorios de productos:","Repositories to Create":"Repositorios para crear","Repository":"Repositorio","Repository \"%s\" successfully deleted":"Repositorio \"%s\" eliminado con éxito","Repository %s successfully created.":"Repositorio %s creado con éxito.","Repository created":"Repositorio creado","Repository Discovery":"Descubrimiento de repositorios","Repository Label":"Etiqueta de depósito","Repository Name":"Nombre del repositorio","Repository Options":"Opciones de repositorio","Repository Path":"Ruta del repositorio","Repository Saved.":"Repositorio guardado.","Repository Sets":"Conjuntos de depósitos","Repository Sets settings saved successfully.":"Se ha guardado correctamente la configuración de Repository Sets.","Repository Type":"Tipo de depósito","Repository URL":"URL del repositorio","Repository:":"Repositorio:","Requires":"Requiere","Reset to Default":"Restablecer valores por defecto","Restart":"Reinicie","Restart Selected":"Reinicio seleccionado","Restart Services on Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"¿Reiniciar servicios en el host de contenido \"{{host.name}}\"?","Restrict to architecture":"Restringir a la arquitectura","Restrict to Architecture":"Restringir a Arquitectura","Result":"Resultado:","Role":"Rol","RPM":"RPM","Run Auto-Attach":"Ejecutar Auto-Attach","Run Repository Creation\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>":"Ejecutar la creación de repositorios\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>","Run Sync Plan":"Ejecutar plan de sincronización","Save":"Guardar","Save Successful.":"Ahorra con éxito.","Schema Version":"Versión del esquema","Schema Version 1":"Versión 1 del esquema","Schema Version 2":"Versión 2 del esquema","Security":"Seguridad","Security Advisory":"Aviso de seguridad","Select":"Seleccionar","Select a Content Source:":"Seleccione una fuente de contenidos:","Select Action":"Seleccionar una acción","Select an Organization":"Seleccionar una organización","Select Content View":"Seleccionar vista de contenido","Selecting this option will result in Katello verifying that the upstream url's SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Unselect if you do not want this verification.":"Al seleccionar esta opción, Katello verificará que los certificados SSL de la url ascendente estén firmados por una CA de confianza. Anule la selección si no desea esta verificación.","Service Level":"Nivel de servicio","Service Level (SLA)":"Nivel de servicio %s (SLA)","Set Release Version":"Establecer versión de lanzamiento","Severity":"Gravedad","Show All":"Mostrar todo","Show all Repository Sets in Organization":"Mostrar todos los repositorios de la organización","Size":"Tamaño","Smart proxy currently syncing to your locations...":"El proxy inteligente se sincroniza actualmente con sus ubicaciones...","Smart proxy is synchronized":"El proxy inteligente está sincronizado","Sockets":"Sockets","Solution":"Solución","Some of the Errata shown below may not be installable as they are not in this Content Host's\n Content View and Lifecycle Environment. In order to apply such Errata an Incremental Update is required.":"Es posible que algunas de las erratas que se muestran a continuación no puedan instalarse, ya que no se encuentran en el entorno de Content View y Lifecycle de este Content Host.\n Vista de Contenidos y Entorno de Ciclo de Vida. Para aplicar estas erratas es necesaria una actualización incremental.","Something went wrong when retrieving the resource.":"Algo ha ido mal al recuperar el recurso.","Something went wrong when saving the resource.":"Algo ha ido mal al guardar el recurso.","Source RPM":"RPM de fuente","Source RPMs":"RPM de fuente","SSL CA Cert":"Certificado SSL CA","SSL Certificate":"Certificado SSL","SSL Client Cert":"Certificado SSL de cliente","SSL Client Key":"Clave de cliente SSL","Standard sync, optimized for speed by bypassing any unneeded steps.":"Sincronización estándar, optimizada para aumentar la velocidad evitando los pasos innecesarios.","Start Date":"Fecha de inicio","Start Time":"Hora de inicio","Started At":"Comenzó en","Starting":"Inicio","Starts":"Comienza","State":"Estado","Status":"Estado","Stream":"Corriente","Subscription Details":"Detalles de suscripción","Subscription Management":"Gestión de suscripciones","Subscription Status":"Estado de suscripción","subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"":"subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"","Subscriptions":"Suscripciones","Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Suscripciones para clave de activación:","Subscriptions for Content Host:":"Suscripciones para Content Host:","Subscriptions for:":"Suscripciones para:","Success!":"¡Éxito!","Successfully added %s subscriptions.":"Añadidas con éxito las suscripciones a %s.","Successfully removed %s items.":"Eliminados con éxito los elementos de %s.","Successfully removed %s subscriptions.":"Eliminadas con éxito las suscripciones a %s.","Successfully removed 1 item.":"Eliminado con éxito 1 elemento.","Successfully scheduled an update of all packages":"Programada con éxito una actualización de todos los paquetes","Successfully scheduled package installation":"Instalación de paquetes programada con éxito","Successfully scheduled package removal":"Eliminación de paquetes programada con éxito","Successfully scheduled package update":"Actualización de paquetes programada con éxito","Successfully updated subscriptions.":"Suscripciones actualizadas correctamente.","Successfully uploaded content:":"Contenido cargado correctamente:","Summary":"Resumen","Support Level":"Nivel de apoyo","Sync":"Sincronizar","Sync Enabled":"Sincronización activada","Sync Interval":"Intervalo de sincronización","Sync Now":"Sincronizar ahora","Sync Plan":"Plan de sincronización","Sync Plan %s has been deleted.":"Plan de sincronización %s ha sido eliminado.","Sync Plan created and assigned to product.":"Plan de sincronización creado y asignado al producto.","Sync Plan Saved":"Plan de sincronización guardado","Sync Plan:":"Plan de sincronización:","Sync Plans":"Planes de sincronización","Sync Selected":"Sincronización seleccionada","Sync Settings":"Ajustes de sincronización","Sync State":"Estado de la sincronización","Sync Status":"Estatus de sincronización","Synced manually, no interval set.":"Sincronizado manualmente, sin intervalo establecido.","Synchronization is about to start...":"La sincronización está a punto de comenzar...","Synchronization is being cancelled...":"La sincronización se está cancelando...","System Purpose":"Propósito del sistema","Tags":"Etiquetas","Task Details":"Detalles de tareas","Tasks":"Tareas","Temporary":"Temporal","The Content View or Lifecycle Environment needs to be updated in order to make errata available to these hosts.":"Es necesario actualizar la Vista de contenido o el Entorno del ciclo de vida para que las erratas estén disponibles para estos hosts.","The following actions can be performed on content hosts in this host collection:":"Se pueden realizar las siguientes acciones en los hosts de contenido de esta colección de hosts:","The host has not reported any applicable packages for upgrade.":"El host no ha informado de ningún paquete aplicable para actualización.","The host has not reported any installed packages, registering with subscription-manager should cause these to be reported.":"El host no ha informado de ningún paquete instalado, el registro con subscription-manager debería hacer que se informara de ellos.","The page you are attempting to access requires selecting a specific organization.":"La página a la que intenta acceder requiere seleccionar una organización específica.","The selected environment contains no Content Views, please select a different environment.":"El entorno seleccionado no contiene Vistas de Contenido, por favor seleccione un entorno diferente.","The time the sync should happen in your current time zone.":"La hora a la que debería producirse la sincronización en tu zona horaria actual.","There are {{ errataCount }} total Errata in this organization but none match the above filters.":"Hay un total de {{ errataCount }} Erratas en esta organización, pero ninguna coincide con los filtros anteriores.","There are {{ packageCount }} total Packages in this organization but none match the above filters.":"Hay un total de {{ packageCount }} Paquetes en esta organización, pero ninguno coincide con los filtros anteriores.","There are no Content Views in this Environment.":"No hay vistas de contenido en este entorno.","There are no Content Views that match the criteria.":"No hay vistas de contenido que coincidan con los criterios.","There are no Errata associated with this Content Host to display.":"No hay erratas asociadas a este Content Host que mostrar.","There are no Errata in this organization. Create one or more Products with Errata to view Errata on this page.":"No hay Erratas en esta organización. Cree uno o más Productos con Erratas para ver Erratas en esta página.","There are no Errata to display.":"No hay erratas que mostrar.","There are no Host Collections available. You can create new Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"No hay colecciones de hosts disponibles. Puede crear nuevas Colecciones de Anfitriones seleccionando \"Colecciones de Anfitriones\" en \"Anfitriones\" en el menú principal.","There are no Packages in this organization. Create one or more Products with Packages to view Packages on this page.":"No hay Paquetes en esta organización. Cree uno o más Productos con Paquetes para ver los Paquetes en esta página.","There are no Sync Plans available. You can create new Sync Plans after selecting 'Sync Plans' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"No hay planes de sincronización disponibles. Puede crear nuevos planes de sincronización seleccionando \"Planes de sincronización\" en \"Anfitriones\" en el menú principal.","There are no Traces to display.":"No hay rastros para mostrar.","There is currently an Incremental Update task in progress. This update must finish before applying existing updates.":"Actualmente hay una tarea de actualización incremental en curso. Esta actualización debe finalizar antes de aplicar las actualizaciones existentes.","This action will affect only those Content Hosts that require a change.\n If the Content Host does not have the selected Subscription no action will take place.":"Esta acción sólo afectará a los servidores de contenido que requieran un cambio.\n Si el host de contenido no tiene la suscripción seleccionada, no se llevará a cabo ninguna acción.","This activation key is not associated with any content hosts.":"Esta clave de activación no está asociada a ningún host de contenidos.","This activation key may be used during system registration. For example:":"Esta clave de activación puede utilizarse durante el registro del sistema. Por ejemplo:","This operation may also remove managed resources linked to the host such as virtual machines and DNS records.\n Change the setting \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" to false on the <a href=\"/settings\">settings page</a> to prevent this.":"Esta operación también puede eliminar recursos gestionados vinculados al host, como máquinas virtuales y registros DNS.\n Cambie la configuración \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" a false en la página de configuración <a href=\"/settings\"></a> para evitarlo.","Title":"Título","To register a content host to this server, follow these steps.":"Para registrar un host de contenidos en este servidor, siga estos pasos.","Toggle Dropdown":"Desplegable","Topic":"Tema","Traces":"Rastros","Traces for:":"Huellas para:","Type":"Tipo","Unauthenticated Pull":"Extracción no autenticada","Unknown":"Desconocido","Unlimited Content Hosts:":"Contenidos ilimitados:","Unlimited Hosts":"Hosts ilimitados","Unregister Host":"Cancelar el registro del host","Unregister Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"¿Desregistrar Host \"{{host.name}}\"?","Unregister Options:":"Desregistrar opciones:","Unregister the host as a subscription consumer. Provisioning and configuration information is preserved.":"Anular el registro del host como consumidor de suscripciones. Se conserva la información de aprovisionamiento y configuración.","Unsupported Type!":"¡Tipo no soportado!","Update":"Actualizar","Update All Packages":"Actualizar todos los paquetes","Update Packages":"Actualizar paquetes","Update Sync Plan":"Actualizar plan de sincronización","Updated":"Actualizado","Upgradable":"Actualizable","Upgradable For":"Actualizable para","Upgradable Package":"Paquete ampliable","Upgrade Selected":"Actualización seleccionada","Upload":"Cargar","Upload Content Credential file":"Cargar archivo de credenciales de contenido","Upload File":"Cargar archivo","Upload Package":"Cargar paquete","Uploading...":"Cargando...","Upstream Image Name":"Nombre de la imagen ascendente","Upstream Password":"Contraseña ascendente","Upstream Repository Name":"Nombre del repositorio","Upstream URL":"URL ascendente","Upstream Username":"Nombre de usuario","Url":"Url","URL to Discover":"URL para descubrir","Usage Type":"Tipo de uso","Used as":"Utilizado como","User":"Usuario","Username":"Nombre del usuario","Username of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"Nombre de usuario del usuario del repositorio upstream para la autenticación. Dejar vacío si el repositorio no requiere autenticación.","Variant":"Variante","Verify SSL":"Verificar SSL","Version":"Versión","Versions":"Versiones","via Katello agent":"a través del agente Katello","via Katello Agent":"vía Agente Katello","via remote execution":"mediante ejecución remota","via remote execution - customize first":"mediante ejecución remota - personalizar primero","Virtual":"Virtual","Virtual Guest":"Huésped virtual","Virtual Guests":"Invitados virtuales","Virtual Host":"Anfitrión virtual","weekly":"semanal","Weekly on {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"Semanalmente en {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} en {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Hora del servidor)","When Auto Attach is disabled, registering systems will be attached to all associated subscriptions.":"Si se desactiva la conexión automática, los sistemas de registro se conectarán a todas las suscripciones asociadas.","Working":"Trabajar en","Yes":"Sí","You cannot remove these repositories because you do not have permission.":"No puede eliminar estos repositorios porque no tiene permiso.","You cannot remove this product because it is a Red Hat product.":"No puede eliminar este producto porque es un producto de Red Hat.","You cannot remove this product because it was published to a content view.":"No puede eliminar este producto porque se publicó en una vista de contenido.","You cannot remove this product because you do not have permission.":"No puede eliminar este producto porque no tiene permiso.","You cannot remove this repository because you do not have permission.":"No puede eliminar este repositorio porque no tiene permiso.","You currently don't have any Activation Keys, you can add Activation Keys using the button on the right.":"Actualmente no tiene claves de activación, puede añadir claves de activación utilizando el botón de la derecha.","You currently don't have any Content Credential, you can add Content Credentials using the button on the right.":"Actualmente no tiene ninguna credencial de contenido, puede añadir credenciales de contenido utilizando el botón de la derecha.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can create new Content Hosts by selecting Contents Host from main menu and then clicking the button on the right.":"Actualmente no dispone de ningún Anfitrión de Contenidos, puede crear nuevos Anfitriones de Contenidos seleccionando Anfitrión de Contenidos en el menú principal y haciendo clic en el botón de la derecha.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can register one by clicking the button on the right and following the instructions.":"Actualmente no tiene ningún Content Hosts, puede registrar uno haciendo clic en el botón de la derecha y siguiendo las instrucciones.","You currently don't have any Files.":"Actualmente no tienes Archivos.","You currently don't have any Host Collections, you can add Host Collections using the button on the right.":"Actualmente no tiene ninguna Colección de Anfitriones, puede añadir Colecciones de Anfitriones utilizando el botón de la derecha.","You currently don't have any Hosts in this Host Group, you can add Content Hosts after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Actualmente no tiene ningún Anfitrión en este Grupo de Anfitriones, puede añadir Anfitriones de Contenido después de seleccionar la pestaña 'Añadir'.","You currently don't have any Products associated with this Content Credential.":"Actualmente no tiene ningún producto asociado a esta credencial de contenido.","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to, you can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu":"Actualmente no tiene ningún producto al que suscribirse, puede añadir productos seleccionando \"Productos\" en \"Contenido\" en el menú principal.","You currently don't have any Products<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, you can add Products using the button on the right</span>.":"Actualmente no tiene ningún producto<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, puede añadir productos utilizando el botón de la derecha</span>.","You currently don't have any Repositories associated with this Content Credential.":"Actualmente no tiene ningún repositorio asociado a esta credencial de contenido.","You currently don't have any Repositories included in this Product, you can add Repositories using the button on the right.":"Actualmente no tiene ningún repositorio incluido en este producto, puede añadir repositorios utilizando el botón de la derecha.","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Activation Key, you can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Actualmente no tiene ninguna suscripción asociada a esta clave de activación, puede añadir suscripciones después de seleccionar la pestaña \"Añadir\".","You currently don't have any Sync Plans. A Sync Plan can be created by using the button on the right.":"Actualmente no tiene ningún plan de sincronización. Puede crear un plan de sincronización utilizando el botón de la derecha.","You do not have any Installed Products":"No tiene ningún producto instalado","You must select a content view in order to save your environment.":"Debe seleccionar una vista de contenido para guardar su entorno.","You must select a new content view before your change of environment can be saved. Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your environment selection.":"Debe seleccionar una nueva vista de contenido antes de poder guardar su cambio de entorno. Utilice el botón de cancelación en la selección de vista de contenido para revertir su selección de entorno.","You must select at least one Content Host in order to apply Errata.":"Debe seleccionar al menos un Content Host para poder aplicar Erratas.","You must select at least one Errata to apply.":"Debe seleccionar al menos una Errata para aplicarla.","Your search returned zero Activation Keys.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero claves de activación.","Your search returned zero Content Credential.":"Su búsqueda no ha dado ningún resultado.","Your search returned zero Content Hosts.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Alojamientos de contenidos.","Your search returned zero Content Views":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Vistas de contenido","Your search returned zero Content Views.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Vistas de contenido.","Your search returned zero Debs.":"Tu búsqueda ha devuelto cero Debs.","Your search returned zero Errata.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Erratas.","Your search returned zero Erratum.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Erratum.","Your search returned zero Files.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Archivos.","Your search returned zero Host Collections.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Colecciones de acogida.","Your search returned zero Hosts.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Hosts.","Your search returned zero Lifecycle Environments.":"Su búsqueda ha dado como resultado cero Entornos del ciclo de vida.","Your search returned zero Packages.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero paquetes.","Your search returned zero Products.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Productos.","Your search returned zero Repositories":"Su búsqueda ha dado como resultado cero Repositorios","Your search returned zero Repositories.":"Su búsqueda ha dado como resultado cero Repositorios.","Your search returned zero repository sets.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero conjuntos de repositorios.","Your search returned zero Repository Sets.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero Repository Sets.","Your search returned zero results.":"Su búsqueda no ha dado ningún resultado.","Your search returned zero Subscriptions.":"Su búsqueda ha devuelto cero suscripciones.","Your search returned zero Sync Plans.":"Tu búsqueda ha dado como resultado cero planes de sincronización.","Your search returned zero Traces.":"Su búsqueda no ha encontrado ningún rastro.","Yum Metadata Checksum":"Suma de comprobación de metadatos Yum","Yum metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"La generación de metadatos Yum se ha iniciado en segundo plano. Haga clic en <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Aquí</a> para supervisar el progreso.","Yum Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Repositorios Yum <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>"});
+ gettextCatalog.setStrings('fr', {"-- select an interval --":"-- sélectionner un intervalle --","(future)":"(future)","{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}":"{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}","{{ contentCredential.name }}":"{{ contentCredential.name }}","{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count }} Hôte(s)","{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,","{{ deb.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"{{ deb.hosts_available_count }} Hôte(s)","{{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"{{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Mise à jour","{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,","{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable":"{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable","{{ errata.title }}":"{{ errata.title }}","{{ file.name }}":"{{ file.name }}","{{ host.name }}":"{{ host.name }}","{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}":"{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}","{{ installedDebCount }} Host(s)":"{{ installedDebCount }} Hôte(s)","{{ installedPackageCount }} Host(s)":"{{ installedPackageCount }} Hôte(s)","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} Hôte(s)","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,","{{ package.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_available_count }} Hôte(s)","{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Mise à jour","{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} Bytes)":"{{ package.human_readable_size }} ( {{ package.size }} Bytes )","{{ product.active_task_count }}":"{{ product.active_task_count }}","{{ product.name }}":"{{ product.name }}","{{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} Ansible Collections":"{{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} Collections Ansible","{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb Packages","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} Container Image Manifests":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} Manifeste de l'image du conteneur","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} Container Image Manifest Lists":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} Listes des manifestes d'images du conteneur","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} Container Image Tags":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} Étiquettes d'images de conteneurs","{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata":"{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata","{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Files":"{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Fichiers","{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages","{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} Source RPMs":"{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} RPM source","{{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"Il y a {{ repository.last_sync_words }}","{{ repository.name }}":"{{ repository.name }}","{{ type.display }}":"{{ type.display }}","{{header}}":"{{header}}","{{option.description}}":"{{option.description}}","{{urlDescription}}":"{{urlDescription}}","* These marked Content View Versions are from Composite Content Views. Their components needing updating are listed underneath.":"* Ces versions marquées d’affichages de contenu sont issues des affichages de contenus composites. Leurs composants nécessitant une mise à jour sont énumérés ci-dessous.","/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId":"/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId","/job_invocations":"/job_invocations","%(consumed)s out of %(quantity)s":"%(consumed)s de %(quantity)s","%count environment(s) can be synchronized: %envs":"Les environnements %count peuvent être synchronisés : %envs","<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>":"<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>","<b>Additive:</b> new content available during sync will be added to the repository, and no content will be removed.":"<b>Additions :</b> le nouveau contenu disponible lors de la sync sera ajouté au référentiel, et aucun contenu ne sera supprimé.","<b>Description</b>":"<b>Description</b>","<b>Issued</b>":"<b>publié sur</b>","<b>Mirror Complete</b>: a sync behaves exactly like \"Mirror Content Only\", but also mirrors metadata as well. This is the fastest method, and preserves repository signatures, but is only supported by yum and not by all upstream repositories.":"<b>Mirrorisation terminée</b>: une synchronisation se comporte exactement comme \"Mirror Content Only\", mais fait également le miroir des métadonnées. C'est la méthode la plus rapide, et qui préserve les signatures du référentiel, mais elle n'est supportée que par yum et pas par tous les référentiels en amont.","<b>Mirror Content Only</b>: any new content available during sync will be added to the repository and any content removed from the upstream repository will be removed from the local repository.":"<b>Contenu de mirrorisation uniquement</b>: tout nouveau contenu disponible pendant la sync sera ajouté au référentiel et tout contenu supprimé du référentiel amont sera supprimé du référentiel local.","<b>Module Streams</b>":"<b>Flux de modules</b>","<b>Packages</b>":"<b>Packages</b>","<b>Reboot Suggested</b>":"<b>Redémarrage suggéré</b>","<b>Solution</b>":"<b>Solution</b>","<b>Title</b>":"<b>Titre</b>","<b>Type</b>":"<b>Type</b>","<b>Updated</b>":"<b>Mis à jour </b> ","<i class=\"fa fa-warning inline-icon\"></i>\n This Host is not currently registered with subscription-manager. Use the <a href=\"/hosts/register\">Register Host</a> workflow to complete registration.":"<i class=\"fa fa-warning inline-icon\"></i>\n Cet hôte n'est pas actuellement enregistré dans subscription-manager. Cliquer sur <a href=\"/hosts/register\">Enregistrer Hôte</a> pour compléter l’enregistrement.","1 Content Host":["1 Hôte du contenu","{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.virtual_guests.length }} Hôtes du contenu","{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.virtual_guests.length }} Hôtes du contenu"],"1 repository sync has errors.":["1 La synchronisation du référentiel comporte des erreurs.","{{ product.sync_summary.error || product.sync_summary.warning }} les synchronisations des référentiels comportent des erreurs.","{{ product.sync_summary.error || product.sync_summary.warning }} les synchronisations des référentiels comportent des erreurs."],"1 repository sync in progress.":["1 synchronisation du référentiel en cours.","{{ product.sync_summary.pending}} synchronisation des référentiels en cours..","{{ product.sync_summary.pending}} synchronisation des référentiels en cours.."],"1 successfully synced repository.":["1 référentiel synchronisé avec succès.","{{ product.sync_summary.success}} des référentiels synchronisés avec succès.","{{ product.sync_summary.success}} des référentiels synchronisés avec succès."],"A comma-separated list of container image tags to exclude when syncing. Source images are excluded by default because they are often large and unwanted.":"Une liste de balises d'images de conteneurs, séparées par des virgules, à exclure lors de la synchronisation. Les images sources sont exclues par défaut car elles sont souvent volumineuses et indésirables.","A comma-separated list of container image tags to include when syncing.":"Une liste de balises d'images de conteneurs, séparées par des virgules, à inclure lors de la synchronisation.","A sync has been initiated in the background, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">click for more details</a>":"Une synchronisation a été lancée en arrière-plan, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">cliquez pour plus de détails</a>","Account":"Compte","Action Type":"Type d'action","Actions":"Actions","Activation Key":["Clé d'activation","Clés d'activation","Clés d'activation"],"Activation Key Content":"Contenu Clé d'activation","Activation Key removed.":"Clé d'activation supprimée","Activation Key updated":"Clé d'activation mise à jour","Activation Key:":"Clé d'activation :","Activation Keys":"Clés d'activation","Active Tasks":"Tâches actives","Add":"Ajouter","Add Content Hosts to:":"Ajouter Hôtes de contenu à :","Add hosts to the host collection to see available actions.":"Ajoutez des hôtes à la collection d'hôtes pour voir les actions disponibles.","Add New Environment":"Ajouter un nouvel environnement","Add ons":"Add ons","Add ons:":"Add ons :","Add Selected":"Ajouter une sélection","Add Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Ajouter les abonnements pour la clé d'activation :","Add Subscriptions for Content Host:":"Ajouter des abonnements pour l'hôte de contenu :","Add To":"Ajouter à","Added %x host collections to activation key \"%y\".":"Énumérer les collections d'hôtes %x dans une clé d'activation \"%y\".","Added %x host collections to content host \"%y\".":"Ajout %x collections hôtes à l'hôte de contenu \"%y\".","Added %x products to sync plan \"%y\".":"Ajouter %x produits au plan de synchronisation \"%y\".","Adding Lifecycle Environment to the end of \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"":"Ajouter l'environnement sur le cycle de vie à la fin de \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"","Additive":"Addition","Advanced Sync":"Sync Avancée","Advisory":"Avis","Affected Hosts":"Hôtes affectés","All Content Views":"Affichages de contenu","All Lifecycle Environments":"Environnements de cycle de vie","All Repositories":"Référentiels","Alternate Content Sources":"Autres sources de contenu","Alternate Content Sources for":"Autres sources de contenu pour","An error occured: %s":"Une erreur s'est produite : %s","An error occurred initiating the sync:":"Une erreur s'est produite en initiant la synchronisation :","An error occurred removing the Activation Key:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression de la clé d'activation :","An error occurred removing the content hosts.":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression des hôtes de contenu.","An error occurred removing the environment:":"Une erreur s'est produite en supprimant l'environnement :","An error occurred removing the Host Collection:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression de la collection d'hôtes :","An error occurred removing the subscriptions.":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression des abonnements.","An error occurred saving the Activation Key:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde de la clé d'activation :","An error occurred saving the Content Host:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde de l'hôte de contenu :","An error occurred saving the Environment:":"Une erreur s'est produite en sauvegardant l'environnement :","An error occurred saving the Host Collection:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde de la collection de l’hôte :","An error occurred saving the Product:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde du produit :","An error occurred saving the Repository:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde du référentiel :","An error occurred saving the Sync Plan:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde du plan de synchronisation :","An error occurred trying to auto-attach subscriptions. Please check your log for further information.":"Une erreur s'est produite en essayant de joindre automatiquement les abonnements. Veuillez consulter votre journal pour plus d'informations.","An error occurred updating the sync plan:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la mise à jour du plan de synchronisation :","An error occurred while creating the Content Credential:":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création des Identifiants de contenu :","An error occurred while creating the Product: %s":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création du produit : %s","An error occurred:":"Une erreur s'est produite :","Ansible Collection Authorization":"Autorisation de la collection Ansible","Ansible Collections":"Collections Ansible","Applicable":"Applicable","Applicable Content Hosts":"Hôtes de contenu applicables","Applicable Deb Packages":"Packages Deb applicables","Applicable Errata":"Errata applicables","Applicable Packages":"Packages applicables","Applicable To":"Applicable à","Applicable to Host":"Applicable à l'hôte","Application":"Application","Apply":"Appliquer","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }}":"Appliquer {{ errata.errata_id }}","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"Appliquer {{ errata.errata_id }} à {{ contentHostIds.length }} hôte(s) de contenu ?","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to all Content Host(s)?":"Appliquer {{ errata.errata_id }} à tous les hôtes de contenu ?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"Appliquer {{ errataIds.length }} errata aux {{ contentHostIds.length }} hôtes de contenu ?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to all Content Host(s)?":"Appliquer {{ errataIds.length }} errata à tous les hôtes de contenu ?","Apply Errata":"Appliquer l'errata","Apply Errata to Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"Appliquer les errata à l'hôte de contenu \"{{host.name}}\"?","Apply Errata to Content Hosts":"Appliquer les errata aux hôtes de contenu","Apply Errata to Content Hosts immediately after publishing.":"Appliquez les errata aux hôtes de contenu immédiatement après leur publication.","Apply Selected":"Appliquer la sélection","Apply to Content Hosts":"Appliquer aux Hôtes de contenu","Apply to Hosts":"Appliquer aux hôtes","Applying":"Application","Apt Actions":"Actions Apt","Arch":"Arch","Architecture":"Architecture","Architectures":"Architectures","Are you sure you want to add the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to the host collection(s) chosen?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir ajouter le(s) hôte(s) de contenu {{ table.numSelected }} sélectionné(s) à la (aux) collection(s) d'hôtes choisie(s) ?","Are you sure you want to add the sync plan to the selected products(s)?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir ajouter le plan de synchronisation aux produits sélectionnés ?","Are you sure you want to apply Errata to content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir appliquer l'Errata à l'hôte de contenu \"{{ host.name }}\" ?","Are you sure you want to apply the {{ table.numSelected }} selected errata to the content hosts chosen?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir appliquer les errata sélectionnés {{ table.numSelected }} aux hôtes de contenu choisis ?","Are you sure you want to assign the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.contentView.name }} in {{ selected.environment.name }}?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir attribuer le(s) hôte(s) de contenu sélectionné(s) {{ table.numSelected }} à {{ selected.contentView.name }} dans {{ selected.environment.name }} ?","Are you sure you want to delete the {{ table.numSelected }} host(s) selected?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le(s) hôte(s) {{ table.numSelected }} sélectionnés ?","Are you sure you want to disable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir désactiver le(s) ensemble(s) de référentiels {{ table.numSelected }} choisi(s) ?","Are you sure you want to enable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir activer le(s) ensemble(s) de référentiels {{ table.numSelected }} choisi(s) ?","Are you sure you want to install {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir installer sur le(s){{ content.content }} sur les {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} système(s) sélectionné(s) ?","Are you sure you want to remove {{ content.content }} from the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer {{ content.content }} de(s) {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} système(s) sélectionné(s) ?","Are you sure you want to remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer la clé d'activation \"{{ activationKey.name }}\" ?","Are you sure you want to remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer votre Identifiant de contenu {{ contentCredential.name }}?","Are you sure you want to remove environment {{ environment.name }}?":"Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer l’environnement {{ environment.name }} ?","Are you sure you want to remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la collection d'hôtes \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\" ?","Are you sure you want to remove product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"Etes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer le produit \"{{ product.name }}\" ?","Are you sure you want to remove repository {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} from all content views?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le référentiel {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} de toutes les vues de contenu ?","Are you sure you want to remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"Etes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer le Plan Sync \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\" ?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} content unit?":["Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l’unité de contenu \"{{ table.getSelected()[0].name }}\" ?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les {{ table.numSelected }} unités de contenu sélectionnées ?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les {{ table.numSelected }} unités de contenu sélectionnées ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} file?":["Etes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer le fichier {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} ?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les {{ table.numSelected }} fichiers sélectionnés ?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les {{ table.numSelected }} fichiers sélectionnés ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} package?":["Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer le package {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }}?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les {{ table.numSelected }}packages sélectionnés ?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les {{ table.numSelected }}packages sélectionnés ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} product?":["Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer le produit {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} ?","Etes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer les {{ table.getSelected().length }} produits ?","Etes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer les {{ table.getSelected().length }} produits ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} repository?":["Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le référentiel {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} ?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les référentiels {{ table.getSelected().length }} ?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les référentiels {{ table.getSelected().length }} ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} Container Image manifest selected?":["Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le manifeste de l'image du conteneur {{ table.numSelected }} sélectionné ?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les manifestes d'images de conteneurs {{ table.numSelected }} sélectionnés ?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les manifestes d'images de conteneurs {{ table.numSelected }} sélectionnés ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected from the host collection(s) chosen?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le(s) hôte(s) de contenu {{ table.numSelected }} sélectionné(s) dans la (les) collection(s) d'hôtes choisie(s) ?","Are you sure you want to remove the sync plan from the selected product(s)?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le plan de synchronisation du ou des produits sélectionnés ?","Are you sure you want to reset to default the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir remettre par défaut le(s) ensemble(s) de référentiels {{ table.numSelected }} choisi(s) ?","Are you sure you want to restart services on content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir redémarrer les services sur l'hôte de contenu \"{{ host.name }}\" ?","Are you sure you want to restart the services on the selected content hosts?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir redémarrer les services sur les hôtes de contenu sélectionnés ?","Are you sure you want to set the HTTP Proxy to the selected products(s)?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir configurer le proxy HTTP pour le(s) produit(s) sélectionné(s) ?","Are you sure you want to set the Release Version the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.release }}?. This action will affect only those Content Hosts that belong to the appropriate Content View and Lifecycle Environment containining that release version.":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir régler la version de sortie du ou des hôtes de contenu {{ table.numSelected }} sélectionnés sur {{ selected.release }} ? Cette action n'affectera que les hôtes de contenu qui appartiennent à la vue de contenu et à l'environnement de cycle de vie appropriés contenant cette version de publication.","Are you sure you want to update {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir faire une mise à jour de {{ content.content }} parmi le(s) {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} système(s) sélectionné(s) ?","Are you sure you want to update all packages on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir mettre à jour tous les packages sur le(s) système(s) {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} sélectionné(s) ?","Assign":"Attribuer","Assign Lifecycle Environment and Content View":"Attribuer la vue Environnement et contenu du cycle de vie","Assign Release Version":"Attribuer une version sortie","Assign System Purpose":"Attribuer un objectif système","Associations":"Associations","At least one Errata needs to be selected to Apply.":"Au moins un errata doit être sélectionné pour pouvoir appliquer.","Attached":"Joint","Auth Token":"Jeton d'authentification","Auth URL":"URL d'authentification","Author":"Auteur","Auto-Attach":"Auto-Attach","Auto-Attach Details":"Détails Auto-Attach","Automatic":"Automatique","Available Module Streams":"Flux de modules disponibles","Available Schema Versions":"Versions de schémas disponibles","Back To Errata List":"Retour à la liste des errata","Backend Identifier":"Identifiant du back-end","Basic Information":"Informations sur le système","Below are the repository content sets currently available for this content host through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"Vous trouverez ci-dessous les ensembles de contenu du référentiel actuellement disponibles pour cet hébergeur de contenu par le biais de ses abonnements. Pour les abonnements à Red Hat, du contenu supplémentaire peut être mis à disposition par le biais de la","Below are the Repository Sets currently available for this activation key through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"Vous trouverez ci-dessous les ensembles de référentiels actuellement disponibles pour cette clé d'activation par le biais de ses abonnements. Pour les abonnements Red Hat, du contenu supplémentaire peut être mis à disposition par le biais du","BIOS UUID":"BIOS UUID","Bootable":"Amorçable","Bug Fix":"Correctif de bogue","Bug Fix Advisory":"Avis de correction de bogue","Build Host":"Création des hôtes","Build Information":"Informations Build","Build Time":"Temps de Création","Cancel":"Annuler","Cannot clean Repository without the proper permissions.":"Impossible de nettoyer le référentiel sans les autorisations appropriées.","Cannot clean Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"Impossible de nettoyer le référentiel, une synchronisation est déjà en cours.","Cannot Remove":"Ne peut pas supprimer","Cannot republish Repository without the proper permissions.":"Ne peut pas republier le référentiel sans les autorisations nécessaires.","Cannot republish Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"Impossible de republier le référentiel, une synchronisation est déjà en cours.","Cannot sync Repository without a URL.":"Impossible de synchroniser le référentiel sans URL.","Cannot sync Repository without the proper permissions.":"Impossible de synchroniser le référentiel sans les autorisations appropriées.","Cannot sync Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"Impossible de synchroniser le référentiel, une synchronisation est déjà en cours.","Capacity":"Capacité","Certificate":"Certificat","Change assigned Lifecycle Environment or Content View":"Changer l'environnement ou la vue du contenu du cycle de vie attribué","Change Host Collections":"Répertorier les collections d'hôtes","Change Lifecycle Environment":"Supprimer l'environnement de cycle de vie","Changing default settings for content hosts that register with this activation key requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on that host.":"Pour modifier les paramètres par défaut des hôtes de contenu qui s'enregistrent avec cette clé d'activation, il faut que la version 1.10 ou une version plus récente du gestionnaire d'abonnement soit installée sur cet hôte.","Changing default settings requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on this host.":"La modification des paramètres par défaut nécessite l'installation sur cet hôte de la version 1.10 ou d'une version plus récente du gestionnaire d'abonnement.","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Host until its next checkin.\n To update the Content Host immediately run the following command:":"La modification de la vue du contenu n'affectera pas l'hôte du contenu jusqu'à son prochain contrôle.\n Pour mettre à jour l'hôte de contenu, exécutez immédiatement la commande suivante :","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Hosts until their next checkin.\n To update the Content Hosts immediately run the following command:":"La modification de la vue du contenu n'affectera pas les hôtes de contenu jusqu'à leur prochaine vérification.\n Pour mettre à jour les hôtes de contenu, exécutez immédiatement la commande suivante :","Checksum":"Somme de vérification","Checksum Type":"Type de somme de vérification","Choose one of the registry options to discover containers. To examine a private registry choose \"Custom\" and provide the url for the private registry.":"Choisissez l'une des options du registre pour découvrir les conteneurs. Pour examiner un registre privé, choisissez \"Custom\" et indiquez l'adresse du registre privé.","Click here to check the status of the task.":"Cliquez ici pour vérifier l'état d'avancement de la tâche.","Click here to select Errata for an Incremental Update.":"Cliquez ici pour sélectionner les errata pour une mise à jour progressive.","Click to monitor task progress.":"Cliquez pour suivre l'avancement de la tâche.","Click to view task":"Cliquez pour voir la tâche","Close":"Fermer","Collection Name":"Nom de la collection","Complete Mirroring":"Terminer Mirrorisation","Complete Sync":"Terminer Sync","Completed {{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"Terminé il y a {{ repository.last_sync_words }}","Completely deletes the host including VM and disks, and removes all reporting, provisioning, and configuration information.":"Supprime complètement l'hôte, y compris la VM et les disques, et supprime toutes les informations de rapport, de provisionnement et de configuration.","Components":"Composants","Components:":"Composants :","Composite View":"Affichage composite","Confirm":"Confirmer","Confirm services restart":"Confirmer le redémarrage des services","Container Image Manifest":"Manifeste de l'image du conteneur","Container Image Manifest Lists":"Listes de manifestes d'images de conteneur","Container Image Manifests":"Manifeste d'image de conteneur","Container Image metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"La génération des métadonnées de l'image du conteneur a été lancée en arrière-plan. Cliquez sur\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\"> Ici</a> pour suivre les progrès.","Container Image Registry":"Registre d'images de conteneur","Container Image Tags":"Balises d'images de conteneurs","Content":"Contenu","Content Counts":"Nombre de contenus","Content Credential %s has been created.":"L’identifiant de contenu %s a été créée.","Content Credential Contents":"Contenus d’identifiants de contenu","Content Credential successfully uploaded":"Les identifiants de contenu ont été téléchargés","Content credential updated":"Identifiants de contenu mises à jour","Content Credentials":"Identifiants de contenu","Content Host":"Hôte de contenu","Content Host Bulk Content":"Contenu en vrac Hôte de contenu","Content Host Bulk Subscriptions":"Ensemble des abonnements Hôte de contenu","Content Host Content":"Contenu Hôte de contenu","Content Host Counts":"Nombre Hôte de contenu","Content Host Limit":"Limite Hôte de contenu","Content Host Properties":"Propriétés Hôte de contenu","Content Host Registration":"Enregistrement Hôte de contenu","Content Host Status":"Statut Hôte de contenu","Content Host:":"Hôte du contenu :","Content Hosts":"Hôtes du contenu","Content Hosts for Activation Key:":"Annuler le contenu pour la clé d'activation :","Content Hosts for:":"Hôtes du contenu pour :","Content Only":"Contenu uniquement","Content synced depends on the specifity of the URL and/or the optional requirements.yaml specified below <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>":"Le contenu synchronisé dépend de la spécificité de l'URL et/ou des exigences facultatives .yaml spécifiées ci-dessous <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>","Content Type":"Type de contenu","Content View":"Vue du contenu","Content View Version":"Version d'affichage de contenu","Content View:":"Affichage de contenu :","Content Views":"Affichages du contenu","Content Views <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>":"Affichages de contenu <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>","Content Views for Deb:":"Affichages de contenu pour Deb :","Content Views for File:":"Affichages de contenu pour le dossier :","Content Views that contain this Deb":"Affichage de contenu qui contiennent cette Deb","Content Views that contain this File":"Affichage de contenu qui contiennent ce fichier","Context":"Contexte","Contract":"Contrat","Copy Activation Key":"Copier Clé d’activation","Copy Host Collection":"Nom de la collection d'hôtes","Cores per Socket":"Cores par socket","Create":"Créer","Create a copy of {{ activationKey.name }}":"Créer une copie de {{ activationKey.name }}","Create a copy of {{ hostCollection.name }}":"Créer une copie de {{ hostCollection.name }}","Create Activation Key":"Supprimer Clé d'activation","Create Content Credential":"Créer identifiant de contenu","Create Discovered Repositories":"Créer référentiels de découvertes","Create Environment Path":"Créer Chemin d’environnement","Create Host Collection":"Créer Collection d'hôtes","Create Product":"Supprimer le produit","Create Selected":"Reprendre Sélectionné","Create Status":"Créer un statut","Create Sync Plan":"Créer Plan Sync","Creating repository...":"Création d'un référentiel...","Critical":"Critique","Cron Logic":"Cron Logic","ctrl-click or shift-click to select multiple Add ons":"ctrl-clic ou shift-clic pour sélectionner plusieurs modules d'extension","Current Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"Environnement de cycle de vie antérieur (%e/%cv )","Current Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Abonnements actuels pour la clé d'activation :","custom cron":"custom cron","Custom Cron":"Custom Cron","Custom Cron : {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}":"Custom Cron : {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}","Customize":"Personnaliser","CVEs":"CVE","daily":"quotidiennement","Daily at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"Tous les jours à {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (heure du serveur)","Date":"Date","deb metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"la génération des métadonnées deb a été lancée en arrière-plan. Cliquez <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">ici</a> pour suivre les progrès.","deb Package Updates":"deb Mises à jour de packages","deb Packages":"deb Packages","Deb Packages":"Packages Deb","Deb Packages <div>{{ library.counts.debs || 0 }}</div>":"Packages Deb <div>{{ library.counts.debs || 0 }}</div>","Deb Packages for:":"Packages Deb pour :","Deb Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.deb_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Dépôts Deb <div>{{ library.counts.deb_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Deb:":"Deb:","Default":"Par défaut","Default Status":"Statut par défaut","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete {{ table.numSelected }} Hosts?":"Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }}hôtes ?","Delete Hosts":"Supprimer ces hôtes","Delta RPM":"Delta RPM","Dependencies":"Dépendances","Description":"Description","Details":"Détails","Details for Activation Key:":"Détails pour la clé d'activation :","Details for Container Image Tag:":"Détails pour les noms d'images de conteneurs :","Details for Product:":"Détails pour le produit :","Details for Repository:":"Détails pour le référentiel :","Determines whether to require login to pull container images in this lifecycle environment.":"Détermine s'il est nécessaire de se connecter pour extraire des images de conteneurs dans cet environnement de cycle de vie.","Digest":"Digest","Disable":"Désactiver","Disabled":"Désactivé","Disabled (overridden)":"Désactivés (remplacés)","Discover":"Discover","Discovered Repository":"Référentiel des découvertes","Discovery failed. Error: %s":"La découverte a échoué. Erreur : %s","Distribution":"Distribution","Distribution Information":"Informations sur la distribution","Do not require a subscription entitlement certificate for accessing this repository.":"Nul besoin de certificat de droit d'abonnement pour accéder à ce référentiel.","Docker metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"La génération de métadonnées Docker a été lancée en arrière-plan. Cliquez sur\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Ici</a> pour suivre les progrès.","Docker Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Référentiels Docker <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }} </div>","Done":"Fait","Download Policy":"Télécharger la politique","Enable":"Activer","Enable Traces":"Activer Traces","Enabled":"Activé","Enabled (overridden)":"Activé (remplacé)","Enhancement":"Amélioration","Enter Package Group Name(s)...":"Nom de groupe(s) de packages...","Enter Package Name(s)...":"Entrez le(s) nom(s) de packages...","Environment":"Environnement","Environment saved":"Environnement sauvegardé","Environment will also be removed from the following published content views!":"L'environnement sera également supprimé des vues de contenu publiées suivantes !","Environments List":"Liste des environnements","Errata":"Errata","Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>":"Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>","Errata are automatically Applicable if they are Installable":"Les errata sont automatiquement applicables si installables","Errata Details":"Infos Errata","Errata for:":"Errata pour :","Errata ID":"ID d'errata","Errata Installation":"Installation d'errata","Errata Task List":"Liste des tâches d'errata","Errata Tasks":"Tâches d’errata","Errata:":"Errata:","Error during upload:":"Erreur lors du téléchargement :","Error saving the Sync Plan:":"Erreur de sauvegarde du plan de synchronisation :","Event":"Événement","Exclude Tags":"Exclure les balises","Existing Product":"Produit existant","Expires":"Expire","Export":"Exporter","Family":"Famille","File Information":"Information Fichier","File removal been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"La suppression des fichiers a été initiée en arrière-plan. Cliquez <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">ici</a> pour suivre l'évolution de la situation.","File too large.":"Fichier trop volumineux.","File too large. Please use the CLI instead.":"Fichier trop volumineux. Veuillez utiliser le CLI à la place.","File:":"Fichier :","Filename":"Nom du fichier","Files":"Fichiers","Files in package {{ package.nvrea }}":"Fichiers dans le package {{ package.nvrea }}","Filter":"Filtre","Filter by Status:":"Filtrer par état :","Filter...":"Filtrer...","Finished At":"Terminé à","For older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5 it is recommended to use sha1.":"Pour les anciens systèmes d'exploitation tels que Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 ou CentOS 5, il est recommandé d'utiliser le sha1.","For On Demand synchronization, only the metadata is downloaded during sync and packages are fetched and stored on the filesystem when clients request them.\n On Demand is not recommended for custom repositories unless the upstream repository maintains older versions of packages within the repository.\n The Immediate option will download all metadata and packages immediately during the sync.":"Pour la synchronisation à la demande, seules les métadonnées sont téléchargées pendant la synchronisation et les paquets sont récupérés et stockés sur le système de fichiers lorsque les clients les demandent.\n La synchronisation à la demande n'est pas recommandée pour les référentiels personnalisés, sauf si le référentiel en amont maintient des versions plus anciennes des paquets dans le référentiel.\n L'option Immédiate permet de télécharger toutes les métadonnées et tous les paquets immédiatement pendant la synchronisation.","Global Default":"Par Défaut Global","Global Default (None)":"Pas de Par Défaut Global","GPG Key":"Clé GPG","Group":"Groupe","Group Install (Deprecated)":"Installation de groupe (déprécié)","Group package actions are being deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.":"Les actions de groupe de paquets sont dépréciées et seront supprimées dans une prochaine version.","Group Remove (Deprecated)":"Suppression de groupe (déprécié)","Guests of":"Les invités de","Helper":"Aide","Host %s has been deleted.":"L’hôte %s a été supprimé.","Host %s has been unregistered.":"L'hôte %s a été dés-enregistré.","Host Collection Management":"Gestion de la collection d'hôtes","Host Collection Membership":"Abonnement à la collection d'hôtes","Host Collection removed.":"Collection d'hôtes supprimée.","Host Collection updated":"Collection d'hôtes mise à jour","Host Collection:":"Collection d'hôtes :","Host Collections":"Collections d'hôtes","Host Collections for:":"Collections d'hôtes pour :","Host Count":"Nombre d'hôtes","Host Group":"Groupe d'hôtes","Host Limit":"Limite d'hôtes","Hostname":"Nom d'hôte","Hosts":"Hôtes","hourly":"toutes les heures","Hourly at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutes and {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} seconds":"Toutes les heures {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutes et {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} secondes","HTTP Proxy":"HTTP Proxy","HTTP Proxy Policy":"Politique de proxy HTTP","HTTP Proxy Policy:":"Politique de proxy HTTP :","HTTP Proxy:":"HTTP Proxy:","HttpProxyPolicy":"HttpProxyPolicy","Id":"Id","Ignore SRPMs":"Ignorer les SRPM","Image":"Image","Immediate":"Immédiat","Important":"Important","In order to browse this repository you must <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">download the certificate</a>\n or ask your admin for a certificate.":"Pour pouvoir consulter ce répertoire, vous devez <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">télécharger le certificat</a> \n ou demandez un certificat à votre administrateur..","Include Tags":"Inclure les balises","Independent Packages":"Packages indépendants","Install":"Installez","Install Selected":"Installer Sélectionné","Install the pre-built bootstrap RPM:":"Installez le RPM du bootstrap préinstallé :","Installable":"Installable","Installable Errata":"Hôtes avec errata installables","Installable Updates":"Mises à jour installables","Installed":"Installé","Installed Deb Packages":"Packages deb installés","Installed On":"Installé le","Installed Package":"Packages installés","Installed Packages":"Packages installés","Installed Products":"Produits installés","Installed Profile":"Profil installé","Interfaces":"Interfaces","Interval":"Intervalle","IPv4 Address":"Adresse IPv4","IPv6 Address":"Adresse IPv6","Issued":"Publié","Katello Agent":"Agent Katello","Katello Tracer":"Katello Tracer","Katello-agent is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.":"Katello-agent est déprécié et sera supprimé dans une prochaine version.","Label":"Balise","Last Checkin":"Dernière vérification","Last Published":"Dernière publication","Last Puppet Report":"Dernier rapport Puppet","Last reclaim space failed:":"La dernière récupération d'espace a échoué :","Last Sync":"Dernière Sync","Last sync failed:":"La dernière synchronisation a échoué :","Last synced":"Dernière synchronisation","Last Updated On":"Dernière mise à jour le","Library":"Bibliothèque","Library Repositories":"Référentiels de bibliothèques","Library Repositories that contain this Deb.":"Les référentiels des bibliothèques qui contiennent cette Deb.","Library Repositories that contain this File.":"Les référentiels des bibliothèques qui contiennent ce fichier.","Library Synced Content":"Contenu de bibliothèque synchronisé","License":"Licence","Lifecycle Environment":"Environnement de cycle de vie","Lifecycle Environment Paths":"Chemins d’accès d’environnement de cycle de vie","Lifecycle Environment:":"Environnement de cycle de vie :","Lifecycle Environments":"Environnements de cycle de vie","Limit":"Limite","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Activation Key's Lifecycle Environment":"Limiter les ensembles de référentiel aux seuls éléments disponibles dans l'environnement du cycle de vie de cette clé d'activation","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Host's Lifecycle Environment":"Limiter les ensembles de référentiel aux seuls éléments disponibles dans l'environnement du cycle de vie de cet hôte","Limit to environment":"Limiter à l'environnement","Limit to Environment":"Limiter à l'Environnement","Limit to Lifecycle Environment":"Limiter à l’environnement Cycle de vie","Limit:":"Limite :","List":"Liste","List/Remove":"Liste/Enlever","Loading...":"Chargement...","Loading...\"":"Chargement...","Manage Ansible Collections for Repository:":"Gérer les collections accessibles pour le référentiel :","Manage Container Image Manifests for Repository:":"Gérer les manifestes d'images de conteneurs pour le référentiel :","Manage Content for Repository:":"Gérer le contenu du référentiel :","Manage deb Packages for Repository:":"Gérer les packages deb pour le référentiel :","Manage Errata":"Gérer les errata","Manage Files for Repository:":"Gérer les fichiers pour le référentiel :","Manage Host Traces":"Gérer les traces d’hôte","Manage HTTP Proxy":"Mettre à jour proxy http","Manage Module Streams":"Indexer les flux de module","Manage Module Streams for Repository:":"Gérer les flux de modules pour le référentiel :","Manage Packages":"Gérer les packages","Manage Packages for Repository:":"Gérer les packages pour le référentiel :","Manage Repository Sets":"Répertorier les ensembles de référentiels","Manage Subscriptions":"Gérer les abonnements","Manage Sync Plan":"Mettre à jour le plan de sync","Manage System Purpose":"Gérer Objectif system","Manifest Lists":"Listes de manifestes","Manifest Type":"Types de manifestes","Mirroring Policy":"Politique de mise en miroir","Model":"Modéliser","Moderate":"Modéré","Modular":"Modulaire","Module Stream Management":"Gestion des flux de modules","Module Stream metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"La génération des métadonnées du flux de module a été lancée en arrière-plan. Cliquez ici </a> pour suivre les progrès.","Module Stream Packages":"Packages de flux de modules","Module Streams":"Flux de module","Module Streams <div>{{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }}</div>":"Flux de module <div>{{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }}</div>","Module Streams for:":"Flux de module pour :","More Details":"Plus de détails","N/A":"Sans objet","Name":"Nom","Name of the upstream repository you want to sync. Example: 'quay/busybox' or 'fedora/ssh'.":"Nom du référentiel en amont que vous souhaitez synchroniser. Exemple : \"quay/busybox\" ou \"fedora/ssh\".","Networking":"Networking","Never":"Jamais","Never checked in":"Jamais enregistré dans","Never registered":"Jamais enregistré","Never synced":"Jamais synchronisé","New Activation Key":"Nouvelles clé d'activation","New Environment":"Nouvel environnement","New Name:":"Nouveau nom :","New Product":"Nouveau produit","New Repository":"Nouveau référentiel","New Sync Plan":"Nouveau Plan Sync","New sync plan successfully created.":"Nouveau plan de synchronisation créé.","Next":"Suivant","Next Sync":"Prochaine Sync","No":"Non","No alternate release version choices are available. The available releases are based upon what is available in \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", the selected <a href=\"/content_views\">content view</a> this content host is attached to for the given <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">lifecycle environment</a>, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".":"Il n'y a pas d'autres choix de versions de diffusion. Les versions disponibles sont basées sur ce qui est disponible dans \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", <a href=\"/content_views\"> l’affichage de contenu </a> sélectionné auquel ce contenu est attaché pour un <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">environnement de cycle de vie</a>, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".","No Content Hosts match this Erratum.":"Aucun hôte de contenu ne correspond à cet Erratum.","No Content Views contain this Deb":"Aucun affichage de contenu ne contient cette Deb","No Content Views contain this File":"Ce fichier ne contient pas d’affichages de contenu","No content views exist for {{selected.environment.name}}":"Il n'existe pas d’affichages de contenu pour {{selected.environment.name}}","No discovered repositories.":"Aucun référentiel découvert.","No enabled Repository Sets provided through subscriptions.":"Aucun ensemble de référentiel activé n'est fourni par les abonnements.","No Host Collections match your search.":"Aucune collection d'hôtes ne correspond à votre recherche.","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"Aucune collection d'hôtes à afficher, vous pouvez ajouter des collections d'hôtes après avoir sélectionné \"Collections d'hôtes\" sous \"Hôtes\" dans le menu principal.","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Aucune collection d'hôtes à afficher, vous pouvez ajouter des collections d'hôtes après avoir sélectionné l'onglet \"Ajouter\".","No HTTP Proxies found":"Aucun Smart Proxy trouvé","No HTTP Proxy":"Aucun Proxy HTTP","No matching results.":"Aucun résultat correspondant.","No products are available to add to this Sync Plan.":"Aucun produit n'est disponible pour ajouter à ce plan de synchronisation.","No products have been added to this Sync Plan.":"Aucun produit n'a été ajouté à ce plan de synchronisation.","No releases exist in the Library.":"Il n'existe pas de version dans la bibliothèque.","No Repositories contain this Deb":"Aucun référentiel ne contient ce Deb","No Repositories contain this Erratum.":"Aucun référentiel ne contient cet Erratum.","No Repositories contain this File":"Aucun référentiel ne contient ce fichier","No Repositories contain this Package.":"Aucun référentiel ne contient ce package.","No repository sets provided through subscriptions.":"Aucun ensemble de référentiels n'est fourni par le biais d'abonnements.","No restriction":"Aucune restriction","No sync information available.":"Aucune information de synchronisation disponible.","No tasks exist for this resource.":"Il n'existe aucune tâche pour cette ressource.","None":"Aucun(e)","Not Applicable":"Non applicable","Not installed":"Non installé","Not started":"Non démarré","Not Synced":"Pas synchronisé","Number of CPUs":"Nombre de processeurs","Number of Repositories":"Nombre de référentiels","On Demand":"Sur demande","One or more of the selected Errata are not Installable via your published Content View versions running on the selected hosts. The new Content View Versions (specified below)\n will be created which will make this Errata Installable in the host's Environment. This new version will replace the current version in your host's Lifecycle\n Environment. To install these errata immediately on hosts after publishing check the box below.":"Un ou plusieurs des errata sélectionnés ne sont pas installables via les versions de Content View que vous avez publiées et qui fonctionnent sur les hôtes sélectionnés. Les nouvelles versions de Content View (spécifiées ci-dessous)\n sera créé, ce qui rendra cet errata installable dans l'environnement de l'hôte. Cette nouvelle version remplacera la version actuelle dans le cycle de vie de votre hôte\n Environnement. Pour installer ces errata immédiatement sur les hôtes après leur publication, cochez la case ci-dessous.","Only show content hosts where the errata is currently installable in the host's Lifecycle Environment.":"N'affichez que les hôtes de contenu où l'errata est actuellement installable dans l'environnement du cycle de vie de l'hôte.","Only show Errata that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"N'afficher que les errata applicables à un ou plusieurs hôtes de contenu","Only show Errata that are Installable on one or more Content Hosts":"Ne montrer que les errata qui sont installables sur un ou plusieurs hôtes de contenu","Only show Packages that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"Ne montrer que les packages applicables à un ou plusieurs hôtes de contenu","Only show Packages that are Upgradable on one or more Content Hosts":"Renvoyer les packages qui sont évolutifs sur un ou plusieurs hôtes de contenu","Only show Subscriptions for products not already covered by a Subscription":"Afficher uniquement les abonnements pour les produits qui ne sont pas déjà couverts par un abonnement","Only show Subscriptions which can be applied to products installed on this Host":"Afficher uniquement les Abonnements qui peuvent être appliqués aux produits installés sur cet Hôte","Only show Subscriptions which can be attached to this Host":"Afficher uniquement les abonnements qui peuvent être rattachés à cet hôte","Only the Applications with a Helper can be restarted.":"Seules les applications avec un assistant peuvent être relancées.","Operating System":"Système d'exploitation","Optimized Sync":"Synchronisation optimisée","Organization":"Organisation","Original Sync Date":"Date de Sync d’origine","OS":"OS","OSTree Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Créer des référentiels <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }} </div>","Override to Disabled":"Remplacer par «Désactiver»","Override to Enabled":"Remplacer par «Activer»","Package":"Package","Package Actions":"Actions Package","Package Group (Deprecated)":"Groupe de paquets (déprécié)","Package Groups":"Groupes de packages","Package Groups for Repository:":"Groupes de paquets pour le référentiel :","Package Information":"Informations Package","Package Install":"Installation de packages","Package Installation, Removal, and Update":"Installation, retrait et mise à jour des packages","Package Remove":"Suppression de packages","Package Update":"Mise à jour de packages","Package:":"Package :","Package/Group Name":"Nom de Packages/Groupe","Packages":"Packages","Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>":"Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }} </div>","Packages are automatically Applicable if they are Upgradable":"Les packages sont automatiquement applicables s'ils sont évolutifs","Packages for Errata:":"Packages pour Errata :","Packages for:":"Packages pour :","Parameters":"Paramètres","Part of a manifest list":"Partie d'une liste de manifestes","Password":"Mot de passe","Password of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"Mot de passe de l'utilisateur du référentiel en amont pour l'authentification. Laissez vide si le référentiel ne nécessite pas d'authentification.","Paste contents of Content Credential":"Coller le contenu des identifiants de contenu","Path":"Chemin","Perform":"Performer","Performing host package actions is disabled because Katello is not configured for Remote Execution or Katello Agent.":"L'exécution d'actions sur le paquetage de l'hôte est désactivée car Katello n'est pas configuré pour l'exécution à distance ou l'agent Katello.","Physical":"Physique","Please enter cron below":"Veuillez entrer le cron ci-dessous","Please make sure a Content View is selected.":"Veuillez vous assurer qu'une vue de contenu est sélectionnée.","Please select an environment.":"Tout d'abord, sélectionner un environnement","Please select one from the list below and you will be redirected.":"Veuillez en choisir un dans la liste ci-dessous et vous serez redirigé.","Plus %y more errors":"Plus %y erreurs supplémentaires","Plus 1 more error":"Plus 1 erreur supplémentaire","Previous Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"Environnement de cycle de vie antérieur ( %e /%cv )","Prior Environment":"Environnement préalable","Product":"Produit","Product delete operation has been initiated in the background.":"L'opération de suppression du produit a été lancée en arrière-plan.","Product Enhancement Advisory":"Avis sur l'amélioration des produits","Product information for:":"Informations sur les produits pour :","Product Management for Sync Plan:":"Gestion des produits pour Plan Sync :","Product Name":"Nom du produit","Product Options":"Options des produits","Product Saved":"Produit sauvegardé","Product sync has been initiated in the background.":"La synchronisation des produits a été lancée en arrière-plan.","Product syncs has been initiated in the background.":"Des synchronisations de produits ont été lancées en arrière-plan.","Product verify checksum has been initiated in the background.":"La somme de contrôle de la vérification des produits a été initiée en arrière-plan.","Products":"Produits","Products <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>":"Produits <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }} </div>","Products for":"Produits pour","Products not covered":"Produits non couverts","Provides":"Procure","Provisioning Details":"Provisionnement - Détails","Provisioning Host Details":"Provisionnement - Détails sur l'hôte","Published At":"Publié à","Published Repository Information":"Informations sur les référentiels publiés","Publishing Settings":"Paramètres de publication","Puppet Environment":"Environnement Puppet","Quantity":"Quantité","Quantity (To Add)":"Quantité (à ajouter)","RAM (GB)":"RAM (GB)","Reboot Suggested":"Redémarrage suggéré","Reboot Suggested?":"Redémarrage suggéré ?","Recalculate\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>":"Recalculer\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>","Reclaim Space":"Récupération d’espace","Recurring Logic":"Logique récurrente","Red Hat Repositories page":"Page Référentiels Red Hat","Red Hat Repositories page.":"Page Référentiels Red Hat.","Refresh Table":"Rafraîchir le tableau","Register a Content Host":"Enregistrer un hôte de contenu","Register Content Host":"Enregistrer l'hôte du contenu","Registered":"Enregistré","Registered By":"Enregistré par","Registered Through":"Enregistré via","Registry Name Pattern":"Modèle de nom de registre","Registry Search Parameter":"Paramètre de recherche du registre","Registry to Discover":"Registre à découvrir","Registry URL":"URL du registre","Release":"Sortie","Release Version":"Version de sortie","Release Version:":"Version de sortie :","Releases/Distributions":"Sorties/Distributions","Remote execution plugin is required to be able to run any helpers.":"Le plugin d'exécution à distance est nécessaire pour pouvoir faire fonctionner les aides.","Remove":"Supprimer","Remove {{ table.numSelected }} Container Image manifest?":["Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }} manifeste d'images de conteneur ?","Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }} manifestes d'images de conteneur ?","Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }} manifestes d'images de conteneur ?"],"Remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"Supprimer la clé d'activation \"{{ activationKey.name }}\" ?","Remove Container Image Manifests":"Supprimer les manifestes d'images de conteneurs","Remove Content":"Supprimer le contenu","Remove Content Credential":"Supprimer les identifiants de contenu","Remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}":"Supprimer les identifiants de contenu {{ contentCredential.name }}","Remove Content?":["Supprimer le contenu ?","Supprimer le unités de contenu {{ table.numSelected }} ?","Supprimer le unités de contenu {{ table.numSelected }} ?"],"Remove Environment":"Supprimer environnement","Remove environment {{ environment.name }}?":"Supprimer environnement {{ environment.name }}?","Remove File?":["Supprimer un fichier ?","Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }} fichiers ?","Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }} fichiers ?"],"Remove Files":"Supprimer des fichiers","Remove From":"Retirer de","Remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"Afficher une collection d'hôtes \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?","Remove Package?":["Supprimer le package ?","Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }} packages ?","Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }} packages ?"],"Remove Packages":"Supprimer packages","Remove Product":"Supprimer un produit","Remove Product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"Supprimer le produit \"{{ product.name }}\" ?","Remove product?":["Retirer un produit ?","Supprimer {{ table.getSelected().length }} produits ?","Supprimer {{ table.getSelected().length }} produits ?"],"Remove Repositories":"Supprimer référentiels","Remove Repository":"Supprimer référentiel","Remove Repository {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }}?":"Supprimer le référentiel {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} ?","Remove repository?":["Supprimer le référentiel ?","Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }} référentiels ?","Supprimer {{ table.numSelected }} référentiels ?"],"Remove Selected":"Supprimer Sélectionné","Remove Successful.":"Suppression réussie.","Remove Sync Plan":"Supprimer le plan de sync","Remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"Supprimer le plan de synchronisation \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\" ?","Removed %x host collections from activation key \"%y\".":"Supprimer %x collections d'hôtes de la clé d'activation \"%y\".","Removed %x host collections from content host \"%y\".":"Supprimer %x collections d'hôtes de l’hôte de contenu \"%y\".","Removed %x products from sync plan \"%y\".":"Supprimer %x produits du plan de synchronisation \"%y\".","Removing Repositories":"Suppression des référentiels","Repo Discovery":"Repo Discovery","Repositories":"Référentiels","Repositories containing Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}":"Référentiels contenant des errata {{ errata.errata_id }}","Repositories containing package {{ package.nvrea }}":"Référentiels contenant le package {{ package.nvrea }}","Repositories for":"Référentiels pour","Repositories for Deb:":"Référentiels de Deb :","Repositories for Errata:":"Référentiels pour Errata :","Repositories for File:":"Référentiels pour Fichier :","Repositories for Package:":"Référentiels pour Package :","Repositories for Product:":"Référentiels pour Produit :","Repositories to Create":"Référentiels à créer","Repository":"Référentiel","Repository \"%s\" successfully deleted":"Suppression du référentiel \"%s\" réussie","Repository %s successfully created.":"Création du référentiel %s réussie.","Repository created":"Référentiel créé","Repository Discovery":"Découvert Référentiel","Repository HTTP proxy changes have been initiated in the background.":"Les changements de proxy HTTP du référentiel ont été initiés en arrière-plan.","Repository Label":"Étiquette du référentiel","Repository Name":"Nom du référentiel","Repository Options":"Options de référentiel","Repository Path":"Chemin d’accès du référentiel","Repository Saved.":"Référentiel sauvegardé.","Repository Sets":"Ensembles de référentiels","Repository Sets settings saved successfully.":"Paramètres d’ensembles de référentiels enregistrés.","Repository Type":"Type de référentiel","Repository URL":"URL du référentiel","Repository will also be removed from the following published content view versions!":"L'environnement sera également supprimé des vues de contenu des versions publiées suivantes !","Repository:":"Référentiel :","Requirements":"Exigences","Requirements.yml":"Exigences.yml","Requires":"Nécessite","Reset":"Restauration","Reset to Default":"Réinitialiser à la valeur par défaut","Resolving the selected Traces will reboot the selected content hosts.":"La résolution des traces sélectionnées redémarrera les hôtes de contenu sélectionnés.","Resolving the selected Traces will reboot this host.":"La résolution des traces sélectionnées redémarrera cet hôte.","Restart":"Redémarrer","Restart Selected":"Redémarrage sélectionné","Restart Services on Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"Redémarrer les services sur l'hôte de contenu \"{{host.name}}\" ?","Restrict to <br>OS version":"Restreindre à version <br> du système d'exploitation","Restrict to architecture":"Se limiter à l'architecture","Restrict to Architecture":"Se limiter à l'Architecture","Restrict to OS version":"Restreindre à la version du système d'exploitation","Result":"Résultat","Retain package versions":"Conserver les versions du paquet","Role":"Rôle","Role:":"Rôle :","RPM":"RPM","rpm Package Updates":"rpm Mises à jour de packages","Run Auto-Attach":"Lancer l'Auto-Attach","Run Repository Creation\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>":"Exécuter Création Référentiel créé <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>","Run Sync Plan":"Exécuter Plan Sync","Save":"Enregistrer","Save Successful.":"Enregistrement réussi.","Schema Version":"Version du schéma","Schema Version 1":"Schéma Version 1","Schema Version 2":"Schéma Version 2","Security":"Sécurité","Security Advisory":"Avis de sécurité","Select":"Sélectionner","Select a Content Source:":"Sélectionner un affichage de contenu:","Select Action":"Choisir l'action","Select an Organization":"Sélectionner une organisation","Select Content View":"Sélectionner l'affichage de contenu","Selecting this option will exclude SRPMs from repository synchronization.":"En sélectionnant cette option, les SRPM seront exclus de la synchronisation du référentiel.","Selecting this option will result in Katello verifying that the upstream url's SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Unselect if you do not want this verification.":"En sélectionnant cette option, Katello vérifiera que les certificats SSL de l'url en amont sont signés par une AC de confiance. Désélectionnez cette option si vous ne voulez pas de cette vérification.","Service Level":"Niveau de service","Service Level (SLA)":"Niveau de service (SLA)","Service Level (SLA):":"Niveau de service (SLA) :","Set Release Version":"Définir Version","Severity":"Sévérité","Show All":"Tout afficher","Show all Repository Sets in Organization":"Afficher tous les ensembles de référentiels d’ Organisation","Size":"Taille","Smart proxy currently reclaiming space...":"Le smart proxy est entrain de récupérer le l’espace ...","Smart proxy currently syncing to your locations...":"Le smart proxy se synchronise actuellement avec vos emplacements...","Smart proxy is synchronized":"Le smart proxy est synchronisé","Sockets":"Sockets","Solution":"Solution","Some of the Errata shown below may not be installable as they are not in this Content Host's\n Content View and Lifecycle Environment. In order to apply such Errata an Incremental Update is required.":"Certains des errata indiqués ci-dessous peuvent ne pas être installables car ils ne se trouvent pas dans le répertoire de cet hôte de contenu\n Vue du contenu et environnement du cycle de vie. Afin d'appliquer ces errata, une mise à jour progressive est nécessaire.","Something went wrong when deleting the resource.":"Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors de la suppression de la ressource.","Something went wrong when retrieving the resource.":"Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors de la récupération de la ressource.","Something went wrong when saving the resource.":"Quelque chose a mal tourné lors de la sauvegarde de la ressource.","Source RPM":"RPM source","Source RPMs":"RPM source","Space reclamation is about to start...":"La récupération d’espace est sur le point de commencer...","SSL CA Cert":"SSL CA Cert","SSL Certificate":"Certificat SSL","SSL Client Cert":"Env cert client SSL","SSL Client Key":"Clé client Pulp","Standard sync, optimized for speed by bypassing any unneeded steps.":"Synchronisation standard, optimisée pour la vitesse en contournant les étapes inutiles.","Start Date":"Date de départ","Start Time":"Date de lancement","Started At":"Démarré à","Starting":"A partir de","Starts":"Démarrage","State":"État","Status":"Statut","Stream":"Flux","Subscription Details":"Détails de l’abonnement","Subscription Management":"Gestion des abonnements","Subscription Status":"Statut des abonnements","Subscription UUID":"UUID de l’abonnement","subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"":"subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"","Subscriptions":"Abonnements","Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Abonnements pour la clé d'activation :","Subscriptions for Content Host:":"Abonnements pour l'hôte de contenu :","Subscriptions for:":"Abonnements pour :","Success!":"Réussi.","Successfully added %s subscriptions.":"Ajout de %s abonnements avec succès.","Successfully initiated restart of services.":"Lancement réussi du redémarrage des services.","Successfully removed %s items.":"%sitems supprimés.","Successfully removed %s subscriptions.":"%s abonnements supprimés.","Successfully removed 1 item.":"1 item supprimé.","Successfully scheduled an update of all packages":"A réussi à programmer une mise à jour de tous les packages","Successfully scheduled package installation":"Installation des packages programmée avec succès","Successfully scheduled package removal":"Le retrait des packages a été programmé avec succès","Successfully scheduled package update":"Mise à jour du package programmée avec succès","Successfully updated subscriptions.":"Mise à jour des abonnements réussie.","Successfully uploaded content:":"Contenu téléchargé avec succès :","Summary":"Résumé","Support Level":"Niveau de support","Sync":"Sync","Sync Enabled":"Sync activée","Sync Interval":"Sync Intervalle","Sync Now":"Sync Now","Sync Plan":"Plan de Sync","Sync Plan %s has been deleted.":"Plan de Sync %s a été supprimé.","Sync Plan created and assigned to product.":"Plan de Sync créé et affecté au produit.","Sync Plan saved":"Plan de Sync sauvegardé","Sync Plan Saved":"Plan de Sync sauvegardé","Sync Plan:":"Plan de Sync :","Sync Plans":"Plans de sync","Sync Selected":"Sync Sélectionnée","Sync Settings":"Paramètres de configuration de Sync","Sync State":"État de synchronisation","Sync Status":"Sync Statut","Synced manually, no interval set.":"Synchronisation manuelle, pas d'intervalle défini.","Synchronization is about to start...":"La synchronisation est sur le point de commencer...","Synchronization is being cancelled...":"La synchronisation est annulée...","System Purpose":"Objectif system","System purpose enables you to set the system's intended use on your network and improves reporting accuracy in the Subscriptions service of the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.":"L'objectif du système vous permet de définir l'utilisation prévue du système sur votre réseau et améliore la précision des rapports dans le service Abonnements de la console Red Hat Hybrid Cloud.","System Purpose Management":"Gestion des objectifs système","System Purpose Status":"Statut Objectif system","Tags":"Balises","Task Details":"Détails de la tâche","Tasks":"Tâches","Temporary":"Temporaire","The <i>Registry Name Pattern</i> overrides the default name by which container images may be pulled from the server. (By default this name is a combination of Organization, Lifecycle Environment, Content View, Product, and Repository labels.)\n\n <br><br>The name may be constructed using ERB syntax. Variables available for use are:\n\n <pre>\norganization.name\norganization.label\nrepository.name\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nproduct.name\nproduct.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label</pre>\n\n Examples:\n <pre>\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt;</pre>":"Le <i> modèle de nom de registre</i> remplace le nom par défaut par lequel les images des conteneurs peuvent être extraites du serveur. (Par défaut, ce nom est une combinaison des étiquettes Organisation, Environnement de cycle de vie, Vue du contenu, Produit et référentiel)\n\n <br><br>Le nom peut être construit en utilisant la syntaxe ERB. Les variables disponibles pour l'utilisation sont :\n\n <pre>\norganisation.nom\norganisation.label\nréférentiel.nom\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nnom.du produit\nproduit.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label </pre>\n Exemples : <pre>\n \n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt ;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt ;</pre>","The Content View or Lifecycle Environment needs to be updated in order to make errata available to these hosts.":"La vue du contenu ou l'environnement du cycle de vie doit être mis à jour afin de rendre les errata disponibles pour ces hôtes.","The following actions can be performed on content hosts in this host collection:":"Les actions suivantes peuvent être effectuées sur les hôtes de contenu de cette collection d'hôtes :","The host has not reported any applicable packages for upgrade.":"L'hôte n'a signalé aucun package applicable pour la mise à niveau.","The host has not reported any installed packages, registering with subscription-manager should cause these to be reported.":"L'hôte n'a pas signalé de packages installés, l'enregistrement auprès du gestionnaire d'abonnement devrait permettre de le faire.","The host requires being attached to a content view and the lifecycle environment you have chosen has no content views promoted to it.\n See the <a href=\"/content_views\">content views page</a> to manage and promote a content view.":"L'hôte doit être attaché à une vue de contenu et l'environnement de cycle de vie que vous avez choisi n'a pas de vues de contenu qui lui sont promues.\n Consultez la <a href=\"/content_views\">page des vues de contenu</a> pour gérer et promouvoir une vue de contenu.","The maximum number of versions of each package to keep.":"Le nombre maximum de versions de chaque package à conserver.","The page you are attempting to access requires selecting a specific organization.":"La page à laquelle vous tentez d'accéder nécessite la sélection d'une organisation spécifique.","The remote execution feature is required to manage packages on this Host.":"La fonction d'exécution à distance est nécessaire pour gérer les packages sur cet hôte.","The Remote Execution plugin needs to be installed in order to resolve Traces.":"Le plugin d'exécution à distance doit être installé afin de résoudre les traces.","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected architecture.":"Le référentiel sera activé par défaut sur les hôtes de contenu avec l'architecture sélectionnée.","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected OS version.":"Le référentiel sera activé par défaut sur les hôtes de contenu avec la version d'OS sélectionnée.","The selected environment contains no Content Views, please select a different environment.":"L'environnement sélectionné ne contient pas d’affichages de contenu, veuillez sélectionner un autre environnement.","The time the sync should happen in your current time zone.":"L'heure à laquelle la synchronisation doit avoir lieu dans votre fuseau horaire actuel.","The token key to use for authentication.":"La clé de jeton à utiliser pour l'authentification.","The URL to receive a session token from, e.g. used with Automation Hub.":"L'URL à partir de laquelle recevoir un jeton de session, par exemple utilisé avec Automation Hub.","There are {{ errataCount }} total Errata in this organization but none match the above filters.":"Il y a un total de {{ errataCount }} errata dans cette organisation mais aucun ne correspond aux filtres ci-dessus.","There are {{ packageCount }} total Packages in this organization but none match the above filters.":"Il y a un nombre total de {{ packageCount }} packages dans cette organisation mais aucun ne correspond aux filtres ci-dessus.","There are no %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"Il n'y a pas de %(contentType)s qui corresponde aux critères.","There are no Content Views in this Environment.":"Il n'y a pas d’affichages de contenus dans cet environnement.","There are no Content Views that match the criteria.":"Il n'y a pas d’affichages de contenus qui correspondent aux critères.","There are no Errata associated with this Content Host to display.":"Il n'y a pas d'errata associé à cet hôte de contenu à afficher.","There are no Errata in this organization. Create one or more Products with Errata to view Errata on this page.":"Il n'y a pas d'errata dans cette organisation. Créez un ou plusieurs produits avec des errata pour afficher les errata sur cette page.","There are no Errata to display.":"Il n'y a pas d'errata à afficher.","There are no Host Collections available. You can create new Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"Il n'y a pas de collections d'hôtes disponibles. Vous pouvez créer de nouvelles collections d'hôtes après avoir sélectionné \"Collections d'hôtes\" sous \"Hôtes\" dans le menu principal.","There are no Module Streams to display.":"Il n'y a pas de flux de modules à afficher.","There are no Packages in this organization. Create one or more Products with Packages to view Packages on this page.":"Il n'y a pas de packages dans cette organisation. Créez un ou plusieurs produits avec des packages pour voir les packages sur cette page.","There are no Sync Plans available. You can create new Sync Plans after selecting 'Sync Plans' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"Il n'y a pas de plans de synchronisation disponibles. Vous pouvez créer de nouveaux plans de synchronisation après avoir sélectionné \"Plans de synchronisation\" sous \"Hôtes\" dans le menu principal.","There are no Traces to display.":"Il n'y a pas de Traces à afficher.","There is currently an Incremental Update task in progress. This update must finish before applying existing updates.":"Une mise à jour progressive est actuellement en cours. Cette mise à jour doit se terminer avant d'appliquer les mises à jour existantes.","These instructions will be removed in a future release. NEW: To register a content host without following these manual steps, see <a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\">Register Host</a>":"Ces instructions seront supprimées dans une prochaine version. NOUVEAU : Pour enregistrer un hôte de contenu sans suivre ces étapes manuelles, voir <a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\">Enregistrer un hôte</a>","This action will affect only those Content Hosts that require a change.\n If the Content Host does not have the selected Subscription no action will take place.":"Cette action ne concernera que les hôtes de contenu qui nécessitent un changement.\n Si l'hôte de contenu ne dispose pas de l'abonnement sélectionné, aucune action n'aura lieu.","This activation key is not associated with any content hosts.":"Cette clé d'activation n'est associée à aucun hôte de contenu.","This activation key may be used during system registration. For example:":"Cette clé d'activation peut être utilisée lors de l'enregistrement du système. Par exemple :","This change will be applied to <b>{{ hostCount }} systems.</b>":"Cette modification sera appliquée aux <b>{{ hostCount }} systèmes.</b>","This Container Image Tag is not present in any Lifecycle Environments.":"Cette étiquette d'image de conteneur n'est présente dans aucun environnement de cycle de vie.","This operation may also remove managed resources linked to the host such as virtual machines and DNS records.\n Change the setting \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" to false on the <a href=\"/settings\">settings page</a> to prevent this.":"Cette opération peut également supprimer les ressources gérées liées à l'hôte, telles que les machines virtuelles et les enregistrements DNS.\n Pour éviter cela, modifiez le paramètre \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" sur false dans la <a href=\"/settings\">page des paramètres</a>.","This organization has Simple Content Access enabled. Hosts are not required to have subscriptions attached to access repositories.":"Cette organisation a activé l'accès au contenu simple. Les hôtes ne sont pas tenus de souscrire un abonnement pour accéder aux référentiels d'accès.","This organization is not using <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://access.redhat.com/articles/simple-content-access\">Simple Content Access.</a> Entitlement-based subscription management is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.":"Cette organisation n'utilise pas <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://access.redhat.com/articles/simple-content-access\">Simple Content Access.</a> L'ancienne gestion des abonnements basée sur des niveaux de privilèges est dépréciée et sera supprimée dans une prochaine version.","Title":"Titre","To register a content host to this server, follow these steps.":"Pour enregistrer un hôte de contenu sur ce serveur, suivez les étapes suivantes.","Toggle Dropdown":"Basculer la liste déroulante","Token of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"Jeton de l'utilisateur du référentiel en amont pour l'authentification. Laissez vide si le référentiel ne nécessite pas d'authentification.","Topic":"Sujet","Tracer helps administrators identify applications that need to be restarted after a system is patched.":"Tracer aide les administrateurs à identifier les applications qui doivent être redémarrées après qu'un système a été corrigé.","Traces":"Traces","Traces for:":"Traces pour :","Turn on Setting > Content > Allow deleting repositories in published content views":"Activez Configuration > Contenu > Autoriser la suppression des référentiels dans les affichages de contenu publié","Type":"Type","Unauthenticated Pull":"Pull non authentifié","Unknown":"Inconnu","Unlimited Content Hosts:":"Hôtes de contenu illimité :","Unlimited Hosts":"Hôtes Illimités","Unprotected":"Non protégé","Unregister Host":"Désenregistrer l'hôte","Unregister Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"Désenregistrer l'hôte \"{{host.name}}\"?","Unregister Options:":"Désenregistrer les options :","Unregister the host as a subscription consumer. Provisioning and configuration information is preserved.":"Désinscrire l'hôte en tant que consommateur d'abonnement. Les informations relatives au provisionnement et à la configuration sont conservées.","Unsupported Type!":"Type non pris en charge !","Update":"Mise à jour","Update All Deb Packages":"Mise à jour de tous les packages deb","Update All Packages":"Mise à jour de tous les packages","Update Packages":"Mettre à jour les packages","Update Sync Plan":"Mettre à jour le plan de synchronisation","Updated":"Mis à jour","Upgradable":"Pouvant être mis à niveau","Upgradable For":"Mise à niveau pour","Upgradable Package":"Package pouvant être mis à niveau","Upgrade Available":"Mise à niveau disponible","Upgrade Selected":"Mise à niveau sélectionnée","Upload":"Télécharger","Upload Content Credential file":"Télécharger fichier d’identifiants de contenu","Upload File":"Télécharger un fichier","Upload Package":"Télécharger le package","Upload Requirements":"Exigences en matière de téléchargement","Upload Requirements.yml file <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n </a>":"Télécharger le fichier Requirements.yml <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n </a>","Uploading...":"Téléchargement...","Upstream Authentication Token":"Jeton d’authentification en amont","Upstream Authorization":"Autorisation en amont","Upstream Image Name":"Nom de l'image en amont","Upstream Password":"Mot de passe en amont","Upstream Repository Name":"Nom du référentiel en amont","Upstream URL":"URL en amont","Upstream Username":"Nom d'utilisateur en amont","Url":"Url","URL of the registry you want to sync. Example: https://registry-1.docker.io/ or https://quay.io/":"URL du registre que vous souhaitez synchroniser. Exemple : https://registry-1.docker.io/ ou https://quay.io/","URL to Discover":"URL à découvrir","URL to the repository base. Example: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"debURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>":"URL du référentiel de base. Exemple : http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"debURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>","Usage Type":"Type d'utilisation","Usage Type:":"Type d'utilisation :","Use specific HTTP Proxy":"Utiliser un proxy HTTP spécifique","Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your lifecycle environment selection.":"Utilisez le bouton d'annulation de la sélection de la vue du contenu pour revenir à la sélection de l'environnement du cycle de vie.","Used as":"Utilisé comme","User":"Utilisateur","Username":"Nom d'utilisateur","Username of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"Nom d'utilisateur de l'utilisateur du référentiel en amont pour l'authentification. Laissez vide si le référentiel ne nécessite pas d'authentification.","Variant":"Variante","Verify Content Checksum":"Vérifier la somme de contrôle du contenu","Verify SSL":"Vérifier SSL","Version":"Version","Version {{ cvVersions['version'] }}":"Version {{ cvVersions['version'] }}","Versions":"Versions","via Katello agent":"via l'agent Katello","via Katello Agent":"via l'agent Katello","via remote execution":"via Exécution à distante","via remote execution - customize first":"via Exécution à distance - personnaliser d'abord","View Container Image Manifest Lists for Repository:":"Voir les listes de manifestes d'images de conteneurs pour le référentiel :","View Docker Tags for Repository:":"Voir les étiquettes Docker pour le référentiel :","View job invocations.":"Afficher les jobs lancés.","Virtual":"Virtuel","Virtual Guest":"Invité virtuel","Virtual Guests":"Invités virtuels","Virtual Host":"Hôte virtuel","Warning: reclaiming space for an \"On Demand\" repository will delete all cached content units. Take precaution when cleaning custom repositories whose upstream parents don't keep old package versions.":"Attention : la récupération d'espace pour un référentiel \"À la Demande\" supprimera toutes les unités de contenu mises en cache. Prenez des précautions lorsque vous nettoyez des référentiels personnalisés dont les parents en amont ne conservent pas les anciennes versions des paquets.","weekly":"hebdomadaire","Weekly on {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"Hebdomadaire le {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} à {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }}(heure du serveur)","When Auto Attach is disabled, registering systems will be attached to all associated subscriptions.":"Lorsque l'option \"Auto Attach\" est désactivée, les systèmes d'enregistrement seront rattachés à tous les abonnements associés.","Whitespace-separated list of components to sync (leave clear to sync all). Example: main <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"componentPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Components\">\n </a>":"Liste séparée par des espaces des composants à synchroniser (laisser vide pour tout synchroniser). Exemple : main <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"componentPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Components\">\n </a>","Whitespace-separated list of processor architectures to sync (leave clear to sync all). Example: amd64 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"archPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Architectures\">\n </a>":"Liste séparée par des espaces des architectures de processeur pour filtrer la synchronisation. Exemple : amd64 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"archPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Architectures\">\n </a>","Whitespace-separated list of releases/distributions to sync (required for syncing). Example: buster <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"distPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Releases/Distributions\">\n </a>":"Liste de versions/distributions séparées par des virgules à sync (requis pour la sync). Exemple: buster <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"distPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Releases/Distributions\">\n </a>","Working":"Working","Yes":"Oui","You can upload a requirements.yml file above to auto-fill contents <b>OR</b> paste contents of <a ng-href=\"https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/galaxy/user_guide.html#install-multiple-collections-with-a-requirements-file\" target=\"_blank\"> Requirements.yml </a>below.":"Vous pouvez télécharger un fichier requirements.yml ci-dessus pour remplir automatiquement le contenu <b> OU </b>coller le contenu de <a ng-href=\"https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/galaxy/user_guide.html#install-multiple-collections-with-a-requirements-file\" target=\"_blank\"> Requirements.yml</a> ci-dessous.","You can upload a requirements.yml file below to auto-fill contents or paste contents of requirement.yml here":"Vous pouvez télécharger un fichier requirements.yml ci-dessous pour remplir automatiquement le contenu ou coller le contenu de requirement.yml ici","You cannot remove these repositories because you do not have permission.":"Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer ces référentiels parce que vous n'en avez pas l'autorisation.","You cannot remove this product because it is a Red Hat product.":"Vous ne pouvez pas retirer ce produit car il s'agit d'un produit Red Hat.","You cannot remove this product because it was published to a content view.":"Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer ce produit parce qu'il a été publié dans une vue de contenu.","You cannot remove this product because you do not have permission.":"Vous ne pouvez pas retirer ce produit parce que vous n'avez pas d'autorisation.","You cannot remove this repository because you do not have permission.":"Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer ce référentiel parce que vous n'en avez pas l'autorisation.","You currently don't have any Activation Keys, you can add Activation Keys using the button on the right.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucune clé d'activation, vous pouvez en ajouter en utilisant le bouton de droite.","You currently don't have any Alternate Content Sources associated with this Content Credential.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucune autre source de contenu associée à cette référence de contenu.","You currently don't have any Container Image Tags.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucune étiquette d’image de contenu.","You currently don't have any Content Credential, you can add Content Credentials using the button on the right.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun identifiant de contenu, vous pouvez en ajouter en utilisant le bouton de droite.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can create new Content Hosts by selecting Contents Host from main menu and then clicking the button on the right.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun hôte de contenu, vous pouvez créer de nouveaux hôtes de contenu en sélectionnant Hôte de contenu dans le menu principal et en cliquant sur le bouton de droite.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can register one by clicking the button on the right and following the instructions.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun hôte de contenu, vous pouvez en enregistrer un en cliquant sur le bouton à droite et en suivant les instructions.","You currently don't have any Files.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun Fichier.","You currently don't have any Host Collections, you can add Host Collections using the button on the right.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucune collection d'hôtes, vous pouvez en ajouter en utilisant le bouton de droite.","You currently don't have any Hosts in this Host Group, you can add Content Hosts after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun hôte dans ce groupe d'hôtes, vous pouvez ajouter des hôtes de contenu après avoir sélectionné l'onglet \"Ajouter\".","You currently don't have any Products associated with this Content Credential.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun produit associé à cet identifiant de contenu.","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to, you can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun produit à souscrire, vous pouvez ajouter des produits après avoir sélectionné \"Produits\" sous \"Contenu\" dans le menu principal","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to. You can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun produit auquel vous pouvez vous abonner. Vous pouvez ajouter des produits après avoir sélectionné \"Produits\" sous \"Contenu\" dans le menu principal.","You currently don't have any Products<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, you can add Products using the button on the right</span>.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun produit <span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, vous pouvez ajouter des produits en utilisant le bouton de droite</span>.","You currently don't have any Repositories associated with this Content Credential.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun référentiel associé à cet identifiant de contenu.","You currently don't have any Repositories included in this Product, you can add Repositories using the button on the right.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun référentiel inclus dans ce produit, vous pouvez ajouter des référentiels en utilisant le bouton à droite.","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Activation Key, you can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun abonnement associé à cette clé d'activation, vous pouvez ajouter des abonnements après avoir sélectionné l'onglet \"Ajouter\".","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Content Host. You can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun abonnement associé à cet hôte de contenu. Vous pouvez ajouter des abonnements après avoir sélectionné l'onglet \"Ajouter\".","You currently don't have any Sync Plans. A Sync Plan can be created by using the button on the right.":"Vous n'avez actuellement aucun plan de synchronisation. Un plan de synchronisation peut être créé en utilisant le bouton de droite.","You do not have any Installed Products":"Vous n'avez pas de produits installés","You must select a content view in order to save your environment.":"Vous devez sélectionner une vue du contenu afin de sauvegarder votre environnement.","You must select a new content view before your change of environment can be saved. Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your environment selection.":"Vous devez sélectionner une nouvelle vue du contenu avant de pouvoir enregistrer votre changement d'environnement. Utilisez le bouton d'annulation de la sélection de la vue du contenu pour revenir à votre sélection d'environnement.","You must select a new content view before your change of lifecycle environment can be saved.":"Vous devez sélectionner une nouvelle vue du contenu avant de pouvoir enregistrer votre changement d'environnement de cycle de vie.","You must select at least one Content Host in order to apply Errata.":"Vous devez sélectionner au moins un hôte de contenu afin d'appliquer les errata.","You must select at least one Errata to apply.":"Vous devez sélectionner un errata au moins.","Your search returned zero %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro %(contentType)s correspondant aux critères.","Your search returned zero Activation Keys.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro clé d'activation.","Your search returned zero Container Image Tags.":"Votre recherche n'a donné aucun label d’image de conteneur.","Your search returned zero Content Credential.":"Votre recherche n'a donné aucune identifiant de contenu.","Your search returned zero Content Hosts.":"Votre recherche n'a donné aucun hôte de contenu.","Your search returned zero Content Views":"Votre recherche a donné zéro Affichage de contenu","Your search returned zero Content Views.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro Affichages de contenu.","Your search returned zero Deb Packages.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro paquet Deb.","Your search returned zero Debs.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro Debs.","Your search returned zero Errata.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro Errata.","Your search returned zero Erratum.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro Erratum.","Your search returned zero Files.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro Fichier.","Your search returned zero Host Collections.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro collection d'hôtes.","Your search returned zero Hosts.":"Votre recherche n'a donné aucun hôte.","Your search returned zero Lifecycle Environments.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro environnement de cycle de vie.","Your search returned zero Module Streams.":"Votre recherche n'a donné aucun flux de modules.","Your search returned zero Packages.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro package.","Your search returned zero Products.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro produit.","Your search returned zero Repositories":"Votre recherche a donné zéro référentiels","Your search returned zero Repositories.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro référentiels.","Your search returned zero repository sets.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro ensemble de référentiels.","Your search returned zero Repository Sets.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro ensemble de référentiels.","Your search returned zero results.":"Votre recherche n'a donné aucun résultat.","Your search returned zero Subscriptions.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro Abonnement.","Your search returned zero Sync Plans.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro plan de synchronisation.","Your search returned zero Traces.":"Votre recherche a donné zéro Traces.","Yum Metadata Checksum":"Yum Metadata Checksum","Yum metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"La génération de métadonnées a été lancée en arrière-plan. Cliquez <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">ici</a> pour suivre les progrès.","Yum Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Référentiels Yum <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }} </div>"});
+ gettextCatalog.setStrings('ja', {"-- select an interval --":"-- 間隔を選択します --","(future)":"(未来)","{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}":"{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}","{{ contentCredential.name }}":"{{ contentCredential.name }}","{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"ホスト {{ deb.hosts_applicable_count }} 台","{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"適用可能: {{ deb.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} 件","{{ deb.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"ホスト {{ deb.hosts_available_count }} 台","{{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"アップグレード可能: {{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} 件","{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"適用可能: {{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} 件、","{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable":"インストール可能: {{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} 件","{{ errata.title }}":"{{ errata.title }}","{{ file.name }}":"{{ file.name }}","{{ host.name }}":"{{ host.name }}","{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}":"{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}","{{ installedDebCount }} Host(s)":"ホスト {{ installedDebCount }} 台","{{ installedPackageCount }} Host(s)":"ホスト {{ installedPackageCount }} 台","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"ホスト {{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} 台","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"適用可能: {{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} 件","{{ package.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"ホスト {{ package.hosts_available_count }} 台","{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"アップグレード可能: {{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} 件","{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} Bytes)":"{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} バイト)","{{ product.active_task_count }}":"{{ product.active_task_count }}","{{ product.name }}":"{{ product.name }}","{{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} Ansible Collections":"Ansible コレクション {{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} 個","{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb Packages":"deb パッケージ {{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} 個","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} Container Image Manifests":"コンテナーイメージマニフェスト {{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} 個","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} Container Image Manifest Lists":"コンテナーイメージマニフェストリスト {{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} 個","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} Container Image Tags":"コンテナーイメージタグ {{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} 個","{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata":"エラータ {{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} 件","{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Files":"ファイル {{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} 個","{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages":"パッケージ {{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} 個","{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} Source RPMs":"ソース RPM {{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} 個","{{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"{{ repository.last_sync_words }} 前","{{ repository.name }}":"{{ repository.name }}","{{ type.display }}":"{{ type.display }}","{{header}}":"{{header}}","{{option.description}}":"{{option.description}}","{{urlDescription}}":"{{urlDescription}}","* These marked Content View Versions are from Composite Content Views. Their components needing updating are listed underneath.":"* マーク付きのコンテンツビューバージョンは、複合コンテンツビューから取得します。更新の必要なコンポーネントは、その下に記載されます。","/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId":"/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId","/job_invocations":"/job_invocations","%(consumed)s out of %(quantity)s":"%(consumed)s / %(quantity)s","%count environment(s) can be synchronized: %envs":"%count 個の環境を同期できます: %envs","<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>":"<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>","<b>Additive:</b> new content available during sync will be added to the repository, and no content will be removed.":"<b>付加:</b> 同期中に利用可能な新しいコンテンツはリポジトリーに追加され、削除されるコンテンツはありません。","<b>Description</b>":"<b>説明</b>","<b>Issued</b>":"<b>発行済</b>","<b>Mirror Complete</b>: a sync behaves exactly like \"Mirror Content Only\", but also mirrors metadata as well. This is the fastest method, and preserves repository signatures, but is only supported by yum and not by all upstream repositories.":"<b>完全ミラー</b>: 同期は「コンテンツのみミラー」とまったく同様に動作しますが、メタデータもミラーリングします。これは最速の方法で、リポジトリーの署名を保持します。ただし、yum でのみサポートされ、すべてのアップストリームリポジトリーではサポートされません。","<b>Mirror Content Only</b>: any new content available during sync will be added to the repository and any content removed from the upstream repository will be removed from the local repository.":"<b>コンテンツのみミラー</b>: 同期中に利用可能な新しいコンテンツはリポジトリーに追加され、アップストリームリポジトリーから削除されたコンテンツはローカルリポジトリーから削除されます。","<b>Module Streams</b>":"<b>モジュールストリーム</b>","<b>Packages</b>":"<b>パッケージ</b>","<b>Reboot Suggested</b>":"<b>再起動の推奨</b>","<b>Solution</b>":"<b>解決</b>","<b>Title</b>":"<b>タイトル</b>","<b>Type</b>":"<b>タイプ</b>","<b>Updated</b>":"<b>更新済み</b>","<i class=\"fa fa-warning inline-icon\"></i>\n This Host is not currently registered with subscription-manager. Use the <a href=\"/hosts/register\">Register Host</a> workflow to complete registration.":"<i class=\"fa fa-warning inline-icon\"></i>\n このホストは、現在 subscription-manager では登録されません。登録を完了するには、<a href=\"/hosts/register\">ホストの登録</a> ワークフローを使用します。","1 Content Host":"コンテンツホスト 1 台","1 repository sync has errors.":"1 つのリポジトリーの同期にエラーが含まれています。","1 repository sync in progress.":"1 つのリポジトリーが同期中です。","1 successfully synced repository.":"1 つのリポジトリーが正常に同期されました。","A comma-separated list of container image tags to exclude when syncing. Source images are excluded by default because they are often large and unwanted.":"同期時に除外するコンテナーイメージタグのコンマ区切りリストです。ソースイメージは、サイズが大きく、不要な場合が多いため、デフォルトで除外されます。","A comma-separated list of container image tags to include when syncing.":"同期時に追加するコンテナーイメージタグのコンマ区切りリスト。","A sync has been initiated in the background, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">click for more details</a>":"バックグラウンドで同期が開始されました。<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">詳細はこちら</a>","Account":"アカウント","Action Type":"アクションタイプ","Actions":"アクション","Activation Key":"アクティベーションキー","Activation Key Content":"アクティベーションキーのコンテンツ","Activation Key removed.":"アクティベーションキーが削除されました。","Activation Key updated":"アクティベーションキーが更新されました","Activation Key:":"アクティベーションキー:","Activation Keys":"アクティベーションキー","Active Tasks":"アクティブなタスク","Add":"追加","Add Content Hosts to:":"コンテンツホストの追加先:","Add hosts to the host collection to see available actions.":"ホストコレクションにホストを追加して、使用可能なアクションを確認します。","Add New Environment":"新しい環境の追加","Add ons":"アドオン","Add ons:":"アドオン:","Add Selected":"選択項目の追加","Add Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"アクティベーションキーのサブスクリプションの追加:","Add Subscriptions for Content Host:":"コンテンツホストのサブスクリプションの追加:","Add To":"追加先","Added %x host collections to activation key \"%y\".":"%x ホストコレクションをアクティベーションキー \"%y\" に追加しました。","Added %x host collections to content host \"%y\".":"%x ホストコレクションをコンテンツホスト \"%y\" に追加しました。","Added %x products to sync plan \"%y\".":"%x 製品を同期プラン \"%y\" に追加しました。","Adding Lifecycle Environment to the end of \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"":"\"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\" の最後にライフサイクル環境を追加","Additive":"付加","Advanced Sync":"高度な同期","Advisory":"アドバイザリー","Affected Hosts":"影響のあるホスト","All Content Views":"全コンテンツビュー","All Lifecycle Environments":"全ライフサイクル環境","All Repositories":"全リポジトリー","Alternate Content Sources":"代替コンテンツソース","Alternate Content Sources for":"次の代替コンテンツソース: ","An error occured: %s":"エラーが発生しました: %s","An error occurred initiating the sync:":"同期の開始中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred removing the Activation Key:":"アクティベーションキーの削除中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred removing the content hosts.":"コンテンツホストの削除中にエラーが発生しました。","An error occurred removing the environment:":"環境の削除中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred removing the Host Collection:":"ホストコレクションの削除中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred removing the subscriptions.":"サブスクリプションの削除中にエラーが発生しました。","An error occurred saving the Activation Key:":"アクティベーションキーの保存中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred saving the Content Host:":"コンテンツホストの保存中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred saving the Environment:":"環境の保存中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred saving the Host Collection:":"ホストコレクションの保存中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred saving the Product:":"製品の保存中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred saving the Repository:":"リポジトリーの保存中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred saving the Sync Plan:":"同期プランの保存中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred trying to auto-attach subscriptions. Please check your log for further information.":"サブスクリプションの自動アタッチ中にエラーが発生しました。詳細はログを確認してください。","An error occurred updating the sync plan:":"同期計画の更新中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred while creating the Content Credential:":"コンテンツ認証情報の作成中にエラーが発生しました:","An error occurred while creating the Product: %s":"製品の作成中にエラーが発生しました: %s","An error occurred:":"エラーが発生しました:","Ansible Collection Authorization":"Ansible コレクションの認証","Ansible Collections":"Ansible コレクション","Applicable":"適用可能","Applicable Content Hosts":"適用可能なコンテンツホスト","Applicable Deb Packages":"適用可能な Deb パッケージ","Applicable Errata":"適用可能なエラータ","Applicable Packages":"適用可能なパッケージ","Applicable To":"適用可能","Applicable to Host":"ホストに適用可能","Application":"アプリケーション","Apply":"適用","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }}":"{{ errata.errata_id }} の適用","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"{{ errata.errata_id }} を {{ contentHostIds.length }} コンテンツホストに適用しますか?","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to all Content Host(s)?":"全コンテンツホストに {{ errata.errata_id }} 適用しますか?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"{{ errataIds.length }} エラータを {{ contentHostIds.length }} コンテンツホストに適用しますか?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to all Content Host(s)?":"全コンテンツホストに {{ errataIds.length }} エラータを適用しますか?","Apply Errata":"エラータの適用","Apply Errata to Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"エラータをコンテンツホスト \"{{host.name}}\" に適用しますか?","Apply Errata to Content Hosts":"エラータのコンテンツホストへの適用","Apply Errata to Content Hosts immediately after publishing.":"公開直後にエラータをコンテンツホストに適用します。","Apply Selected":"選択項目の適用","Apply to Content Hosts":"コンテンツホストへの適用","Apply to Hosts":"ホストへの適用","Applying":"適用中","Apt Actions":"Apt アクション","Arch":"アーキテクチャー","Architecture":"アーキテクチャー","Architectures":"アーキテクチャー","Are you sure you want to add the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to the host collection(s) chosen?":"選択したホストコレクションに {{ table.numSelected }} 個のコンテンツホストを追加してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to add the sync plan to the selected products(s)?":"選択した製品に同期プランを追加してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to apply Errata to content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"エラータをコンテンツホスト \"{{ host.name }}\" に適用してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to apply the {{ table.numSelected }} selected errata to the content hosts chosen?":"選択したホストに {{ table.numSelected }} 件のエラータを適用してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to assign the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.contentView.name }} in {{ selected.environment.name }}?":"{{ selected.environment.name }} で {{ selected.contentView.name }} に選択した {{ table.numSelected }} のコンテンツホストを割り当ててもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to delete the {{ table.numSelected }} host(s) selected?":"選択した {{ table.numSelected }} 台のホストを削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to disable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"選択した {{ table.numSelected }} 個のリポジトリーを無効にしてもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to enable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"選択した {{ table.numSelected }} 個のリポジトリーセットを有効化してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to install {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"選択した {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} システムに {{ content.content }} をインストールしてもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove {{ content.content }} from the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"選択した {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} のシステムから {{ content.content }} を削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"アクティベーションキー \"{{ activationKey.name }}\" を削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}?":"コンテンツ認証情報 {{ contentCredential.name }} を削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove environment {{ environment.name }}?":"環境 {{ environment.name }} を削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"ホストコレクション \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\" を削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"製品 \"{{ product.name }}\" を削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove repository {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} from all content views?":"すべてのコンテンツビューからリポジトリー {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} を削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"同期プラン \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\" を削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} content unit?":"{{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} コンテンツユニットを削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} file?":"{{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} ファイルを削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} package?":"{{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} パッケージを削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} product?":"{{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} 製品を削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} repository?":"{{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} リポジトリーを削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} Container Image manifest selected?":"選択した {{ table.numSelected }} 個のコンテナーイメージマニフェストを削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected from the host collection(s) chosen?":"選択したホストコレクションから、選択した {{ table.numSelected }} 個のコンテンツホストを削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to remove the sync plan from the selected product(s)?":"選択した製品から同期プランを削除してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to reset to default the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"選択した {{ table.numSelected }} 個のリポジトリーをデフォルトの設定にリセットしてもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to restart services on content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"コンテンツホスト \"{{ host.name }}\" でサービスを再起動してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to restart the services on the selected content hosts?":"選択したコンテンツホストでサービスを再起動してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to set the HTTP Proxy to the selected products(s)?":"選択した製品に HTTP プロキシーを設定してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to set the Release Version the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.release }}?. This action will affect only those Content Hosts that belong to the appropriate Content View and Lifecycle Environment containining that release version.":"{{ table.numSelected }} 台のコンテンツホストのリリースバージョンを {{ selected.release }} に設定してよろしいですか? この操作は、該当するコンテンツビューおよび、対象のリリースバージョンを含むライフサイクル環境に所属するコンテンツホストのみに適用されます。","Are you sure you want to update {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"選択した {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 台のシステムで {{ content.content }} を更新してもよろしいですか?","Are you sure you want to update all packages on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"選択した {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 台のシステムにあるすべてのパッケージを更新してもよろしいですか?","Assign":"割り当て","Assign Lifecycle Environment and Content View":"ライフサイクル環境およびコンテンツビューの割り当て","Assign Release Version":"リリースバージョンの割り当て","Assign System Purpose":"システム目的の割り当て","Associations":"関連付け","At least one Errata needs to be selected to Apply.":"適用するには、最低でもエラータ 1 つを選択する必要があります。","Attached":"割り当て済み","Auth Token":"認証トークン","Auth URL":"認証 URL","Author":"作成者","Auto-Attach":"自動アタッチ","Auto-Attach Details":"自動アタッチの詳細","Automatic":"自動","Available Module Streams":"利用可能なモジュールストリーム","Available Schema Versions":"利用可能なスキーマバージョン","Back To Errata List":"エラータリストに戻る","Backend Identifier":"バックエンド識別子","Basic Information":"基本情報","Below are the repository content sets currently available for this content host through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"以下は、サブスクリプションを使用してこのコンテンツホストで現在利用可能なリポジトリーコンテンツセットです。Red Hat サブスクリプションの場合は、追加のコンテンツを利用できる可能性があります。","Below are the Repository Sets currently available for this activation key through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"以下は、サブスクリプションを使用してこのアクティベーションキーで現在利用可能なリポジトリーセットです。Red Hat サブスクリプションの場合は、追加のコンテンツを利用できる可能性があります。","BIOS UUID":"BIOS UUID","Bootable":"ブート可能","Bug Fix":"バグ修正","Bug Fix Advisory":"バグ修正アドバイザリー","Build Host":"ホストのビルド","Build Information":"ビルド情報","Build Time":"ビルド時間","Cancel":"取り消し","Cannot clean Repository without the proper permissions.":"適切な権限なしでリポジトリーをクリーンアップできません。","Cannot clean Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"リポジトリーをクリーンアップできません。すでに同期中です。","Cannot Remove":"削除できません","Cannot republish Repository without the proper permissions.":"適切な権限なしでリポジトリーを再公開できません。","Cannot republish Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"リポジトリーを再公開できません。すでに同期中です。","Cannot sync Repository without a URL.":"URL なしでリポジトリーを同期できません。","Cannot sync Repository without the proper permissions.":"適切な権限なしでリポジトリーを同期できません。","Cannot sync Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"リポジトリーを同期できません。すでに同期中です。","Capacity":"容量","Certificate":"証明書","Change assigned Lifecycle Environment or Content View":"割り当て済みのライフサイクル環境またはコンテンツビューの変更","Change Host Collections":"ホストコレクションの変更","Change Lifecycle Environment":"ライフサイクル環境の変更","Changing default settings for content hosts that register with this activation key requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on that host.":"このアクティベーションキーで登録するコンテンツホストのデフォルト設定を変更するには、subscription-manager バージョン 1.10 以降を対象のホストにインストールしておく必要があります。","Changing default settings requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on this host.":"デフォルト設定の変更には、subscription-manager バージョン1.10 以降を対象のホストにインストールしておく必要があります。","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Host until its next checkin.\n To update the Content Host immediately run the following command:":"コンテンツビューを変更しても、次のチェックインまでコンテンツホストには適用されません。\n コンテンツホストを更新するには、次のコマンドを今すぐ実行します。","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Hosts until their next checkin.\n To update the Content Hosts immediately run the following command:":"コンテンツビューを変更しても、次のチェックインまでコンテンツホストには適用されません。\n コンテンツホストを更新するには、次のコマンドを今すぐ実行します。","Checksum":"チェックサム","Checksum Type":"チェックサムタイプ","Choose one of the registry options to discover containers. To examine a private registry choose \"Custom\" and provide the url for the private registry.":"レジストリーオプションの 1 つを選択して、コンテナーを検出します。プライベートレジストリーを調べるには、「カスタム」を選択し、プライベートレジストリーの URL を入力します。","Click here to check the status of the task.":"ここをクリックしてタスクのステータスを確認します。","Click here to select Errata for an Incremental Update.":"ここをクリックして増分更新のエラータを選択します。","Click to monitor task progress.":"クリックしてタスクの進捗を監視します。","Click to view task":"クリックしてタスクを表示","Close":"閉じる","Collection Name":"コレクション名","Complete Mirroring":"完全ミラーリング","Complete Sync":"完全同期","Completed {{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"完了: {{ repository.last_sync_words }} 前","Completely deletes the host including VM and disks, and removes all reporting, provisioning, and configuration information.":"仮想マシンとディスクなどホストを完全に削除し、すべてのレポート、プロビジョニング、設定情報を消去します。","Components":"コンポーネント","Components:":"コンポーネント:","Composite View":"複合ビュー","Confirm":"確認","Confirm services restart":"サービス再起動の確定","Container Image Manifest":"コンテナーイメージマニフェスト","Container Image Manifest Lists":"コンテナーイメージマニフェストリスト","Container Image Manifests":"コンテナーイメージマニフェスト","Container Image metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"コンテナーイメージメタデータの生成がバックグラウンドで開始されました。\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">ここ</a> をクリックして進捗を監視します。","Container Image Registry":"コンテナーイメージレジストリー","Container Image Tags":"コンテナーイメージタグ","Content":"コンテンツ","Content Counts":"コンテンツ数","Content Credential %s has been created.":"コンテンツ認証情報 %s が作成されました。","Content Credential Contents":"コンテンツ認証情報のコンテンツ","Content Credential successfully uploaded":"コンテンツ認証情報が正常にアップロードされました","Content credential updated":"更新済みのコンテンツ認証情報","Content Credentials":"コンテンツの認証情報","Content Host":"コンテンツホスト","Content Host Bulk Content":"コンテンツホストの一括コンテンツ","Content Host Bulk Subscriptions":"コンテンツホストの一括サブスクリプション","Content Host Content":"コンテンツホストのコンテンツ","Content Host Counts":"コンテンツホスト数","Content Host Limit":"コンテンツホストの上限","Content Host Properties":"コンテンツホストのプロパティー","Content Host Registration":"コンテンツホスト登録","Content Host Status":"コンテンツホストのステータス","Content Host:":"コンテンツホスト:","Content Hosts":"コンテンツホスト","Content Hosts for Activation Key:":"アクティベーションキーのコンテンツホスト:","Content Hosts for:":"コンテンツホスト:","Content Only":"コンテンツのみ","Content synced depends on the specifity of the URL and/or the optional requirements.yaml specified below <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>":"同期されるコンテンツは、<a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a> で指定の requirements.yaml (任意) や指定された URL により異なります。","Content Type":"コンテンツタイプ","Content View":"コンテンツビュー","Content View Version":"コンテンツビューのバージョン","Content View:":"コンテンツビュー:","Content Views":"コンテンツビュー","Content Views <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>":"コンテンツビュー <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>","Content Views for Deb:":"Deb のコンテンツビュー:","Content Views for File:":"ファイルのコンテンツビュー:","Content Views that contain this Deb":"この Deb を含むコンテンツビュー","Content Views that contain this File":"このファイルを含むコンテンツビュー","Context":"コンテキスト","Contract":"コントラクト","Copy Activation Key":"アクティベーションキーのコピー","Copy Host Collection":"ホストコレクションのコピー","Cores per Socket":"ソケットあたりのコア数","Create":"作成","Create a copy of {{ activationKey.name }}":"{{ activationKey.name }} のコピーの作成","Create a copy of {{ hostCollection.name }}":"{{ hostCollection.name }} のコピーの作成","Create Activation Key":"アクティベーションキーの作成","Create Content Credential":"コンテンツ認証情報の作成","Create Discovered Repositories":"検出済みのリポジトリーの作成","Create Environment Path":"環境パスの作成","Create Host Collection":"ホストコレクションの作成","Create Product":"製品の作成","Create Selected":"選択項目の作成","Create Status":"ステータスの作成","Create Sync Plan":"同期プランの作成","Creating repository...":"リポジトリーの作成中...","Critical":"重大","Cron Logic":"cron ロジック","ctrl-click or shift-click to select multiple Add ons":"Ctrl キーを押しながらクリックするか、Shift キーを押しながらクリックして、複数のアドオンを選択します","Current Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"現在のライフサイクル環境 (%e/%cv)","Current Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"アクティベーションキーの現在のサブスクリプション:","custom cron":"カスタム cron","Custom Cron":"カスタム cron","Custom Cron : {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}":"カスタム cron: {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}","Customize":"カスタマイズ","CVEs":"CVE","daily":"daily (毎日)","Daily at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"{{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} に毎日 (サーバー時間)","Date":"日付","deb metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"deb メタデータの生成がバックグラウンドで開始されました。<a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">ここ</a> をクリックして進捗を監視します。","deb Package Updates":"deb パッケージの更新","deb Packages":"deb パッケージ","Deb Packages":"Deb パッケージ","Deb Packages <div>{{ library.counts.debs || 0 }}</div>":"Deb パッケージ <div>{{ library.counts.debs || 0 }}</div> 個","Deb Packages for:":"Deb パッケージの用途:","Deb Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.deb_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Deb リポジトリー <div>{{ library.counts.deb_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Deb:":"Deb:","Default":"デフォルト","Default Status":"デフォルトステータス","Delete":"削除","Delete {{ table.numSelected }} Hosts?":"{{ table.numSelected }} 台のホストを削除しますか?","Delete Hosts":"ホストの削除","Delta RPM":"デルタ RPM","Dependencies":"依存関係","Description":"説明","Details":"詳細","Details for Activation Key:":"アクティベーションキーの詳細:","Details for Container Image Tag:":"コンテナーイメージタグの詳細:","Details for Product:":"製品の詳細:","Details for Repository:":"リポジトリーの詳細:","Determines whether to require login to pull container images in this lifecycle environment.":"このライフサイクル環境でのコンテナーイメージのプルにログインが必要かどうかを決定します。","Digest":"ダイジェスト","Disable":"無効化","Disabled":"無効化済み","Disabled (overridden)":"無効 (上書き)","Discover":"検出","Discovered Repository":"検出済みのリポジトリー","Discovery failed. Error: %s":"検出に失敗しました。エラー: %s","Distribution":"ディストリビューション","Distribution Information":"ディストリビューション情報","Do not require a subscription entitlement certificate for accessing this repository.":"このリポジトリーにアクセスするためのサブスクリプションエンタイトルメント証明書は必要ありません。","Docker metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Docker メタデータの生成がバックグラウンドで開始されました。\n<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">ここ</a> をクリックして進捗を監視します。","Docker Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Docker リポジトリー <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Done":"完了","Download Policy":"ダウンロードポリシー","Enable":"有効化","Enable Traces":"トレースの有効化","Enabled":"有効化済み","Enabled (overridden)":"有効 (上書き)","Enhancement":"機能強化","Enter Package Group Name(s)...":"パッケージグループ名の入力...","Enter Package Name(s)...":"パッケージ名の入力...","Environment":"環境","Environment saved":"保存済みの環境","Environment will also be removed from the following published content views!":"環境は、以下の公開されたコンテンツビューからも削除されます!","Environments List":"環境リスト","Errata":"エラータ","Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>":"エラータ <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div> 件","Errata are automatically Applicable if they are Installable":"エラータは、インストール可能であれば自動的に適用されます","Errata Details":"エラータの詳細","Errata for:":"エラータ:","Errata ID":"エラータ ID","Errata Installation":"エラータのインストール","Errata Task List":"エラータタスクリスト","Errata Tasks":"エラータタスク","Errata:":"エラータ:","Error during upload:":"アップロード中のエラー:","Error saving the Sync Plan:":"同期プランの保存エラー:","Event":"イベント","Exclude Tags":"タグを除外","Existing Product":"既存の製品","Expires":"期限切れ","Export":"エクスポート","Family":"家族","File Information":"ファイル情報","File removal been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"ファイルの削除がバックグラウンドで開始されました。 <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">ここ</a> をクリックして進捗を監視します。","File too large.":"ファイルのサイズが大きすぎます。","File too large. Please use the CLI instead.":"ファイルのサイズが大きすぎます。代わりに CLI を使用してください。","File:":"ファイル:","Filename":"ファイル名","Files":"ファイル","Files in package {{ package.nvrea }}":"パッケージ内のファイル {{ package.nvrea }}","Filter":"フィルター","Filter by Status:":"状態別でフィルター:","Filter...":"フィルタリング...","Finished At":"完了: ","For older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5 it is recommended to use sha1.":"Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 または CentOS 5 などの以前のオペレーティングシステムの場合は sha1 の使用を推奨します。","For On Demand synchronization, only the metadata is downloaded during sync and packages are fetched and stored on the filesystem when clients request them.\n On Demand is not recommended for custom repositories unless the upstream repository maintains older versions of packages within the repository.\n The Immediate option will download all metadata and packages immediately during the sync.":"オンデマンド同期の場合には、同期中にメタデータのみがダウンロードされ、パッケージは、クライアントから要求されるとフェッチされて、ファイルシステムに保存されます。\n アップストリームリポジトリーがリポジトリー内に古いバージョンのパッケージを保存していない限り、カスタムリポジトリーでのオンデマンド同期は推奨されません。\n 即時オプションでは、同期中に即座にすべてのメタデータとパッケージがダウンロードされます。","Global Default":"グローバルデフォルト","Global Default (None)":"グローバルデフォルト (なし)","GPG Key":"GPG キー","Group":"グループ","Group Install (Deprecated)":"グループインストール (非推奨)","Group package actions are being deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.":"グループパッケージのアクションは非推奨となり、今後のバージョンで削除されます。","Group Remove (Deprecated)":"グループの削除 (非推奨)","Guests of":"ゲスト:","Helper":"ヘルパー","Host %s has been deleted.":"ホスト %s が削除されました。","Host %s has been unregistered.":"ホスト%s の登録が解除されました。","Host Collection Management":"ホストコレクションの管理","Host Collection Membership":"ホストコレクションのメンバーシップ","Host Collection removed.":"ホストコレクションが削除されました。","Host Collection updated":"更新済みのホストコレクション","Host Collection:":"ホストコレクション","Host Collections":"ホストコレクション","Host Collections for:":"ホストコレクション: ","Host Count":"ホスト数","Host Group":"ホストグループ","Host Limit":"ホストの制限","Hostname":"ホスト名","Hosts":"ホスト","hourly":"毎時","Hourly at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutes and {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} seconds":"{{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }}分 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }}秒 に毎時","HTTP Proxy":"HTTP プロキシー","HTTP Proxy Policy":"HTTPプロキシーポリシー","HTTP Proxy Policy:":"HTTPプロキシポリシー:","HTTP Proxy:":"HTTP プロキシー:","HttpProxyPolicy":"HttpProxyPolicy","Id":"ID","Ignore SRPMs":"SRPM を無視する","Image":"イメージ","Immediate":"即時","Important":"重要","In order to browse this repository you must <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">download the certificate</a>\n or ask your admin for a certificate.":"このリポジトリーを参照するには、<a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">証明書をダウンロードする</a> か、\n管理者に証明書を依頼してください。","Include Tags":"タグを追加","Independent Packages":"独立したパッケージ","Install":"インストール","Install Selected":"選択項目のインストール","Install the pre-built bootstrap RPM:":"ビルド済みのブートストラップ RPM のインストール:","Installable":"インストール可能","Installable Errata":"インストール可能なエラータ","Installable Updates":"インストール可能な更新","Installed":"インストール済み","Installed Deb Packages":"インストール済みの deb パッケージ","Installed On":"インストール:","Installed Package":"インストール済みパッケージ","Installed Packages":"インストール済みパッケージ","Installed Products":"インストール済み製品","Installed Profile":"インストール済みプロファイル","Interfaces":"インターフェース","Interval":"間隔","IPv4 Address":"IPv4 アドレス","IPv6 Address":"IPv6 アドレス","Issued":"発行済み","Katello Agent":"Katello エージェント","Katello Tracer":"Katello トレーサー","Katello-agent is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.":"Katello エージェントは非推奨となり、今後のリリースでは削除される予定です。","Label":"ラベル","Last Checkin":"最終チェックイン","Last Published":"最終公開日","Last Puppet Report":"最終 Puppet レポート","Last reclaim space failed:":"失敗した最後の領域再利用: ","Last Sync":"最終同期","Last sync failed:":"失敗した最後の同期: ","Last synced":"最終同期","Last Updated On":"最終更新","Library":"ライブラリー","Library Repositories":"ライブラリーリポジトリー","Library Repositories that contain this Deb.":"この Deb を含むライブラリーリポジトリー。","Library Repositories that contain this File.":"このファイルを含むライブラリーリポジトリー。","Library Synced Content":"ライブラリー同期コンテンツ","License":"ライセンス","Lifecycle Environment":"ライフサイクル環境","Lifecycle Environment Paths":"ライフサイクル環境のパス","Lifecycle Environment:":"ライフサイクル環境:","Lifecycle Environments":"ライフサイクル環境","Limit":"制限","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Activation Key's Lifecycle Environment":"アクティベーションキーのライフサイクル環境で利用可能なものだけにリポジトリーセットを制限する","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Host's Lifecycle Environment":"ホストのライフサイクル環境で利用可能なものだけにリポジトリーセットを制限する","Limit to environment":"環境に制限","Limit to Environment":"環境に制限","Limit to Lifecycle Environment":"ライフサイクル環境に制限","Limit:":"制限:","List":"リスト","List/Remove":"リスト/削除","Loading...":"ロード中...","Loading...\"":"読み込み...\"","Manage Ansible Collections for Repository:":"リポジトリーの Ansible コレクションを管理します:","Manage Container Image Manifests for Repository:":"リポジトリーのコンテナイメージマニフェストを管理します:","Manage Content for Repository:":"リポジトリーのコンテンツを管理します:","Manage deb Packages for Repository:":"リポジトリーの deb パッケージを管理します:","Manage Errata":"エラータの管理","Manage Files for Repository:":"リポジトリーのファイルを管理します:","Manage Host Traces":"ホストトレースの管理","Manage HTTP Proxy":"HTTP プロキシーの管理","Manage Module Streams":"モジュールストリームの管理","Manage Module Streams for Repository:":"リポジトリーのモジュールストリームを管理します:","Manage Packages":"パッケージの管理","Manage Packages for Repository:":"リポジトリーのパッケージを管理します:","Manage Repository Sets":"リポジトリーセットの管理","Manage Subscriptions":"サブスクリプションの管理","Manage Sync Plan":"同期プランの管理","Manage System Purpose":"システム目的の管理","Manifest Lists":"マニフェストリスト","Manifest Type":"マニフェストタイプ","Mirroring Policy":"ミラーリングポリシー","Model":"モデル","Moderate":"中程度","Modular":"モジュラー","Module Stream Management":"モジュールストリーム管理","Module Stream metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"モジュールストリームメタデータの生成がバックグラウンドで開始されました。\n<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">ここ</a> をクリックして進捗を監視します。","Module Stream Packages":"モジュールストリームパッケージ","Module Streams":"モジュールストリーム","Module Streams <div>{{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }}</div>":"モジュールストリーム<div>{{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }}</div>","Module Streams for:":"モジュールストリーム:","More Details":"詳細","N/A":"N/A","Name":"名前","Name of the upstream repository you want to sync. Example: 'quay/busybox' or 'fedora/ssh'.":"同期するアップストリームリポジトリーの名前。例:「quay/busybox」または「fedora/ssh」。","Networking":"ネットワーキング","Never":"なし","Never checked in":"チェックインなし","Never registered":"登録なし","Never synced":"同期なし","New Activation Key":"新規アクティベーションキー","New Environment":"新規環境","New Name:":"新しい名前:","New Product":"新製品","New Repository":"新規リポジトリー","New Sync Plan":"新規の同期プラン","New sync plan successfully created.":"新しい同期プランが正常に作成されました。","Next":"次へ","Next Sync":"次の同期","No":"いいえ","No alternate release version choices are available. The available releases are based upon what is available in \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", the selected <a href=\"/content_views\">content view</a> this content host is attached to for the given <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">lifecycle environment</a>, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".":"他のリリースバージョンを選択できません。利用可能なリリースは、\"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\"、指定の <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">ライフサイクル環境</a> で、対象のコンテンツホストがアタッチされている選択済みの <a href=\"/content_views\">コンテンツビュー</a>、\"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\" で利用可能なものをもとに決定されます。","No Content Hosts match this Erratum.":"このエラータと一致するコンテンツホストはありません。","No Content Views contain this Deb":"この Deb を含むコンテンツビューはありません","No Content Views contain this File":"このファイルを含むコンテンツビューはありません","No content views exist for {{selected.environment.name}}":"{{selected.environment.name}} にはコンテンツビューがありません","No discovered repositories.":"検出されたリポジトリーはありません。","No enabled Repository Sets provided through subscriptions.":"サブスクリプションで提供されるリポジトリーセットで有効なものがありません。","No Host Collections match your search.":"検索に一致するホストコレクションはありません。","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"表示するホストコレクションはありません。メインメニューで「ホスト」、「ホストコレクション」の順に選択してホストコレクションを追加してください。","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"表示するホストコレクションはありません。「追加」タブを選択した後に、ホストコレクションを追加してください。","No HTTP Proxies found":"HTTP プロキシーが見つかりません","No HTTP Proxy":"HTTP プロキシーなし","No matching results.":"一致する結果はありません。","No products are available to add to this Sync Plan.":"この同期プランに追加できる製品はありません。","No products have been added to this Sync Plan.":"この同期プランにはまだ製品は追加されていません。","No releases exist in the Library.":"ライブラリにリリースはありません。","No Repositories contain this Deb":"この Deb を含むリポジトリーはありません","No Repositories contain this Erratum.":"このエラータを含むリポジトリーはありません。","No Repositories contain this File":"このファイルを含むリポジトリーはありません","No Repositories contain this Package.":"このパッケージを含むリポジトリーはありません。","No repository sets provided through subscriptions.":"サブスクリプションで提供されるリポジトリーセットはありません。","No restriction":"制限なし","No sync information available.":"利用可能な同期情報はありません。","No tasks exist for this resource.":"このリソースにタスクはありません。","None":"なし","Not Applicable":"適用外","Not installed":"未インストール","Not started":"開始前","Not Synced":"同期されていません","Number of CPUs":"CPU 数","Number of Repositories":"リポジトリー数","On Demand":"オンデマンド","One or more of the selected Errata are not Installable via your published Content View versions running on the selected hosts. The new Content View Versions (specified below)\n will be created which will make this Errata Installable in the host's Environment. This new version will replace the current version in your host's Lifecycle\n Environment. To install these errata immediately on hosts after publishing check the box below.":"選択したホストで実行中の公開コンテンツビューバージョンを使用して、選択したエラータの 1 つ以上をインストールできません。新規コンテンツビューバージョン (以下に指定) を作成すると、\nホストの環境でエラータをインストールできるようになります。ホストのライフサイクル環境で使用される現在のバージョンは、この新しいバージョンに置き換えられます。\n公開直後にホストにエラータをインストールするには、以下のボックスにチェックを入れます。","Only show content hosts where the errata is currently installable in the host's Lifecycle Environment.":"ホストのライフサイクル環境で現在エラータをインストールできる場合だけ、コンテンツホストを表示します。","Only show Errata that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"1 つ以上のコンテンツホストで適用可能なエラータのみを表示する","Only show Errata that are Installable on one or more Content Hosts":"1 つ以上のコンテンツホストでインストール可能なエラータのみを表示する","Only show Packages that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"1 つ以上のコンテンツホストで適用可能なパッケージのみを表示する","Only show Packages that are Upgradable on one or more Content Hosts":"1 つ以上のコンテンツホストでアップグレード可能なパッケージのみを表示する","Only show Subscriptions for products not already covered by a Subscription":"サブスクリプションでまだ対応されていない製品のサブスクリプションのみを表示する","Only show Subscriptions which can be applied to products installed on this Host":"このh層とにインストールする製品に適用可能なサブスクリプションのみを表示する","Only show Subscriptions which can be attached to this Host":"このホストにアタッチできるサブスクリプションのみを表示する","Only the Applications with a Helper can be restarted.":"ヘルパーが搭載されたアプリケーションしか再起動できません。","Operating System":"オペレーティングシステム","Optimized Sync":"最適同期","Organization":"組織","Original Sync Date":"元の同期日","OS":"OS","OSTree Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"OSTree リポジトリー <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Override to Disabled":"無効に上書き","Override to Enabled":"有効に上書き","Package":"パッケージ","Package Actions":"パッケージアクション","Package Group (Deprecated)":"パッケージグループ (非推奨)","Package Groups":"パッケージグループ","Package Groups for Repository:":"リポジトリーのパッケージグループ:","Package Information":"パッケージ情報","Package Install":"パッケージのインストール","Package Installation, Removal, and Update":"パッケージのインストール、削除、および更新","Package Remove":"パッケージの削除","Package Update":"パッケージの更新","Package:":"パッケージ:","Package/Group Name":"パッケージ/グループ名","Packages":"パッケージ","Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>":"パッケージ <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>","Packages are automatically Applicable if they are Upgradable":"アップグレード可能な場合にパッケージを自動的に適用する","Packages for Errata:":"エラータのパッケージ:","Packages for:":"パッケージ: ","Parameters":"パラメーター","Part of a manifest list":"マニフェストリストの一部","Password":"パスワード","Password of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"認証用のアップストリームリポジトリーユーザーのパスワード。リポジトリーで認証が必要ない場合は、空白のままにします。","Paste contents of Content Credential":"コンテンツ認証情報のコンテンツの貼り付け","Path":"パス","Perform":"実行","Performing host package actions is disabled because Katello is not configured for Remote Execution or Katello Agent.":"Katello がリモート実行または Katello エージェント用に設定されていないため、ホストパッケージアクションの実行は無効になっています。","Physical":"物理","Please enter cron below":"以下に cron を入力してください","Please make sure a Content View is selected.":"コンテンツビューが選択されていることを確認してください。","Please select an environment.":"環境を選択してください。","Please select one from the list below and you will be redirected.":"以下のリストから 1 つ選択してください。リダイレクトされます。","Plus %y more errors":"+ %y 件のエラー","Plus 1 more error":"+ エラー 1 件","Previous Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"以前のライフサイクル環境 (%e/%cv)","Prior Environment":"以前の環境","Product":"製品","Product delete operation has been initiated in the background.":"製品の削除操作がバックグラウンドで開始されました。","Product Enhancement Advisory":"製品の機能強化アドバイザリー","Product information for:":"製品情報:","Product Management for Sync Plan:":"同期プランの製品管理:","Product Name":"製品名","Product Options":"製品オプション","Product Saved":"保存済み製品","Product sync has been initiated in the background.":"製品の同期がバックグラウンドで開始されました。","Product syncs has been initiated in the background.":"製品の同期がバックグラウンドで開始されました。","Product verify checksum has been initiated in the background.":"製品検証チェックサムがバックグラウンドで開始されました。","Products":"製品","Products <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>":"製品 <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>","Products for":"製品: ","Products not covered":"対象外の製品","Provides":"提供","Provisioning Details":"プロビジョニングの詳細","Provisioning Host Details":"プロビジョニングホストの詳細","Published At":"公開:","Published Repository Information":"公開済みのリポジトリー情報","Publishing Settings":"公開設定","Puppet Environment":"Puppet 環境","Quantity":"数量","Quantity (To Add)":"数量 (追加)","RAM (GB)":"メモリー (GB)","Reboot Suggested":"再起動の推奨","Reboot Suggested?":"再起動の推奨?","Recalculate\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>":"再計算\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>","Reclaim Space":"領域の再利用","Recurring Logic":"再帰論理","Red Hat Repositories page":"Red Hat リポジトリーページ","Red Hat Repositories page.":"Red Hat リポジトリーページ。","Refresh Table":"テーブルの更新","Register a Content Host":"コンテンツホストの登録","Register Content Host":"コンテンツホストの登録","Registered":"登録済み","Registered By":"以下で登録済み: ","Registered Through":"以下で登録済み:","Registry Name Pattern":"レジストリー名のパターン","Registry Search Parameter":"レジストリーの検索パラメーター","Registry to Discover":"検出するレジストリー","Registry URL":"レジストリー URL","Release":"リリース","Release Version":"リリースバージョン","Release Version:":"リリースバージョン:","Releases/Distributions":"リリース/ディストリビューション","Remote execution plugin is required to be able to run any helpers.":"ヘルパーを実行するには、リモート実行プラグインが必要です。","Remove":"削除","Remove {{ table.numSelected }} Container Image manifest?":"{{ table.numSelected }} 個のコンテンツイメージマニフェストを削除しますか?","Remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"アクティベーションキー \"{{ activationKey.name }}\" を削除しますか?","Remove Container Image Manifests":"コンテナーイメージマニフェストの削除","Remove Content":"コンテンツの削除","Remove Content Credential":"コンテンツ認証情報の削除","Remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}":"コンテンツ認証情報 {{ contentCredential.name }} の削除","Remove Content?":"コンテンツを削除しますか?","Remove Environment":"環境の削除","Remove environment {{ environment.name }}?":"環境 {{ environment.name }} を削除しますか?","Remove File?":"ファイルを削除しますか?","Remove Files":"ファイルの削除","Remove From":"削除元","Remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"ホストコレクション \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\" を削除しますか?","Remove Package?":"パッケージを削除しますか?","Remove Packages":"パッケージの削除","Remove Product":"製品の削除","Remove Product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"製品「{{ product.name }}」を削除しますか?","Remove product?":"製品を削除しますか?","Remove Repositories":"リポジトリーの削除","Remove Repository":"リポジトリーの削除","Remove Repository {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }}?":"リポジトリー {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} を削除しますか?","Remove repository?":"リポジトリーを削除しますか?","Remove Selected":"選択項目の削除","Remove Successful.":"削除の成功。","Remove Sync Plan":"同期プランの削除","Remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"同期プラン \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\" を削除しますか?","Removed %x host collections from activation key \"%y\".":"アクティベーションキー \"%y\" から %x 個のホストコレクションを削除しました。","Removed %x host collections from content host \"%y\".":"コンテンツホスト \"%y\" から %x 個のホストコレクションを削除しました。","Removed %x products from sync plan \"%y\".":"同期プラン \"%y\" から %x 個の製品を削除しました。","Removing Repositories":"リポジトリーの削除中","Repo Discovery":"リポジトリーの検出","Repositories":"リポジトリー","Repositories containing Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}":"{{ errata.errata_id }} エラータを含むリポジトリー","Repositories containing package {{ package.nvrea }}":"{{ package.nvrea }} パッケージを含むリポジトリー","Repositories for":"以下のリポジトリー:","Repositories for Deb:":"Deb のリポジトリー:","Repositories for Errata:":"エラータのリポジトリー:","Repositories for File:":"ファイルのリポジトリ:","Repositories for Package:":"パッケージのリポジトリー:","Repositories for Product:":"製品のリポジトリー:","Repositories to Create":"作成するリポジトリー","Repository":"リポジトリー","Repository \"%s\" successfully deleted":"リポジトリー \"%s\" が正常に削除されました","Repository %s successfully created.":"リポジトリー %s を正常に作成しました。","Repository created":"リポジトリーが作成されました","Repository Discovery":"リポジトリー検出","Repository HTTP proxy changes have been initiated in the background.":"リポジトリーの HTTP プロキシーの変更がバックグラウンドで開始されました。","Repository Label":"リポジトリーラベル","Repository Name":"リポジトリー名","Repository Options":"リポジトリーオプション","Repository Path":"リポジトリーのパス","Repository Saved.":"リポジトリーが保存されました。","Repository Sets":"リポジトリーセット","Repository Sets settings saved successfully.":"リポジトリーセットの設定が正常に保存されました。","Repository Type":"リポジトリータイプ","Repository URL":"リポジトリー URL","Repository will also be removed from the following published content view versions!":"リポジトリーは、以下の公開されたコンテンツビューバージョンからも削除されます!","Repository:":"リポジトリー:","Requirements":"要件","Requirements.yml":"Requirements.yml","Requires":"必須:","Reset":"リセット","Reset to Default":"デフォルト設定にリセット","Resolving the selected Traces will reboot the selected content hosts.":"選択したトレースを解決すると、選択したコンテンツホストが再起動します。","Resolving the selected Traces will reboot this host.":"選択したトレースを解決すると、このホストが再起動します。","Restart":"再起動","Restart Selected":"選択項目の再起動","Restart Services on Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"コンテンツホスト \"{{host.name}}\" でサービスを再起動しますか?","Restrict to <br>OS version":"<br>OS バージョンに制限","Restrict to architecture":"アーキテクチャーに制限","Restrict to Architecture":"アーキテクチャーに制限","Restrict to OS version":"OS バージョンに制限","Result":"結果","Retain package versions":"パッケージバージョンの保持","Role":"ロール","Role:":"ロール:","RPM":"RPM","rpm Package Updates":"RPM パッケージの更新","Run Auto-Attach":"自動アタッチの実行","Run Repository Creation\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>":"リポジトリー作成の実行\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>","Run Sync Plan":"同期プランの実行","Save":"保存","Save Successful.":"保存に成功しました。","Schema Version":"スキーマバージョン","Schema Version 1":"スキーマバージョン 1","Schema Version 2":"スキーマバージョン 2","Security":"セキュリティー","Security Advisory":"セキュリティーアドバイザリー","Select":"選択","Select a Content Source:":"コンテンツソースの選択","Select Action":"アクションの選択","Select an Organization":"組織の選択","Select Content View":"コンテンツビューの選択","Selecting this option will exclude SRPMs from repository synchronization.":"このオプションを選択すると、リポジトリーの同期から SRPM が除外されます。","Selecting this option will result in Katello verifying that the upstream url's SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Unselect if you do not want this verification.":"このオプションを選択すると、Katello はアップストリーム URL の SSL 証明書が信頼される CA により署名されていることを確認します。検証が必要ない場合には、この選択を解除してください。","Service Level":"サービスレベル","Service Level (SLA)":"サービスレベル (SLA)","Service Level (SLA):":"サービスレベル (SLA):","Set Release Version":"リリースバージョンの設定","Severity":"重要度","Show All":"すべて表示","Show all Repository Sets in Organization":"組織内の全リポジトリーセットの表示","Size":"サイズ","Smart proxy currently reclaiming space...":"現在、領域を再利用中の Smart Proxy...","Smart proxy currently syncing to your locations...":"使用するロケーションに現在同期中の Smart Proxy...","Smart proxy is synchronized":"Smart Proxy を同期します","Sockets":"ソケット","Solution":"解決","Some of the Errata shown below may not be installable as they are not in this Content Host's\n Content View and Lifecycle Environment. In order to apply such Errata an Incremental Update is required.":"以下のエラータの一部は、コンテンツホストのコンテンツビューおよびライフサイクル環境に含まれないのでインストールできない可能性があります。\nこのようなエラータを適用するには、増分更新が必要です。","Something went wrong when deleting the resource.":"リソースの削除時にエラーが発生しました。","Something went wrong when retrieving the resource.":"リソースの取得時にエラーが発生しました。","Something went wrong when saving the resource.":"リソースの保存時にエラーが発生しました。","Source RPM":"ソース RPM","Source RPMs":"ソース RPM","Space reclamation is about to start...":"領域の再利用を開始します...","SSL CA Cert":"SSL CA 証明書","SSL Certificate":"SSL 証明書","SSL Client Cert":"SSL クライアント証明書","SSL Client Key":"SSL クライアントキー","Standard sync, optimized for speed by bypassing any unneeded steps.":"標準同期。必要のない手順をなくすことで速度が最適化されます。","Start Date":"開始日","Start Time":"開始時刻","Started At":"開始:","Starting":"起動中","Starts":"開始","State":"状態","Status":"状態","Stream":"ストリーム","Subscription Details":"サブスクリプションの詳細","Subscription Management":"サブスクリプションの管理","Subscription Status":"サブスクリプションのステータス","Subscription UUID":"サブスクリプション UUID","subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"":"subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"","Subscriptions":"サブスクリプション","Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"アクティベーションキーのサブスクリプション:","Subscriptions for Content Host:":"コンテンツホストのサブスクリプション:","Subscriptions for:":"サブスクリプション:","Success!":"成功!","Successfully added %s subscriptions.":"%s サブスクリプションが正常に追加されました。","Successfully initiated restart of services.":"サービスの再起動が正常に開始されました。","Successfully removed %s items.":"%s 件の項目が正常に削除されました。","Successfully removed %s subscriptions.":"%s 件のサブスクリプションが正常に削除されました。","Successfully removed 1 item.":"1 件の項目が正常に削除されました。","Successfully scheduled an update of all packages":"全パッケージの更新が正常にスケジュールされました","Successfully scheduled package installation":"パッケージのインストールが正常にスケジュールされました","Successfully scheduled package removal":"パッケージの削除が正常にスケジュールされました","Successfully scheduled package update":"パッケージの更新が正常にスケジュールされました","Successfully updated subscriptions.":"サブスクリプションが正常に更新されました。","Successfully uploaded content:":"コンテンツが正常にアップロードされました:","Summary":"要約","Support Level":"サポートレベル","Sync":"同期","Sync Enabled":"有効化された同期","Sync Interval":"同期間隔","Sync Now":"今すぐ同期","Sync Plan":"同期プラン","Sync Plan %s has been deleted.":"同期プラン %s が削除されました。","Sync Plan created and assigned to product.":"同期プランが作成され、製品に割り当てられました。","Sync Plan saved":"同期プランが保存されました","Sync Plan Saved":"同期プランが保存されました","Sync Plan:":"同期プラン:","Sync Plans":"同期プラン","Sync Selected":"選択項目の同期","Sync Settings":"同期の設定","Sync State":"同期の状態","Sync Status":"同期のステータス","Synced manually, no interval set.":"手動で同期。間隔は設定されていません。","Synchronization is about to start...":"同期を開始します...","Synchronization is being cancelled...":"同期を取り消しています...","System Purpose":"システム目的","System purpose enables you to set the system's intended use on your network and improves reporting accuracy in the Subscriptions service of the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.":"システム目的では、ネットワーク上でシステムの使用目的を設定して、Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console のサブスクリプションサービスでレポートの精度を向上させることができます。","System Purpose Management":"システム目的の管理","System Purpose Status":"システム目的のステータス","Tags":"タグ","Task Details":"タスクの詳細","Tasks":"タスク","Temporary":"一時的","The <i>Registry Name Pattern</i> overrides the default name by which container images may be pulled from the server. (By default this name is a combination of Organization, Lifecycle Environment, Content View, Product, and Repository labels.)\n\n <br><br>The name may be constructed using ERB syntax. Variables available for use are:\n\n <pre>\norganization.name\norganization.label\nrepository.name\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nproduct.name\nproduct.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label</pre>\n\n Examples:\n <pre>\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt;</pre>":"<i>リポジトリー名のパターン</i> はデフォルト名を上書きし、このパターンでサーバーからコンテナーイメージがプルされる場合があります (デフォルトではこの名前は組織、ライフサイクル環境、コンテンツビュー、製品およびリポジトリーラベルの組み合わせです)。\n\n <br><br>この名前は、ERB 構文を使用して構成される場合があります。利用可能な変数は以下のとおりです:\n\n <pre>\norganization.name\norganization.label\nrepository.name\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nproduct.name\nproduct.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label</pre>\n\n 例:\n <pre>\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt;</pre>","The Content View or Lifecycle Environment needs to be updated in order to make errata available to these hosts.":"これらのホストでエラータを利用できるようにするには、コンテンツビューまたはライフサイクル環境を更新する必要があります。","The following actions can be performed on content hosts in this host collection:":"このホストコレクションのコンテンツホストでは、次のアクションを実行できます:","The host has not reported any applicable packages for upgrade.":"ホストから、アップグレードに適用可能なパッケージは報告されていません。","The host has not reported any installed packages, registering with subscription-manager should cause these to be reported.":"ホストから、インストール済みのパッケージは報告されていません。subscription-manager を登録すると報告されるようになります。","The host requires being attached to a content view and the lifecycle environment you have chosen has no content views promoted to it.\n See the <a href=\"/content_views\">content views page</a> to manage and promote a content view.":"ホストは、コンテンツビューにアタッチされている必要があり、選択したライフサイクル環境にはコンテンツビューがプロモートされていません。\n <a href=\"/content_views\">コンテンツビューページ</a> を参照して、コンテンツビューの管理とプロモートを行ってください。","The maximum number of versions of each package to keep.":"保持する各パッケージのバージョンの最大数。","The page you are attempting to access requires selecting a specific organization.":"アクセスしようとしているページでは、特定の組織を選択する必要があります。","The remote execution feature is required to manage packages on this Host.":"このホストでパッケージを管理するには、リモート実行機能が必要です。","The Remote Execution plugin needs to be installed in order to resolve Traces.":"トレースを解決するには、リモート実行プラグインをインストールする必要があります。","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected architecture.":"リポジトリーは、選択したアーキテクチャーでコンテンツホストにデフォルトで有効化されます。","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected OS version.":"リポジトリーは、選択した OS バージョンでコンテンツホストにデフォルトで有効化されます。","The selected environment contains no Content Views, please select a different environment.":"選択した環境にはコンテンツビューが含まれていません。別の環境を選択してください。","The time the sync should happen in your current time zone.":"現在のタイムゾーンで同期が実行する時間。","The token key to use for authentication.":"認証に使用するトークンキー。","The URL to receive a session token from, e.g. used with Automation Hub.":"セッショントークンを受信するためのURL (例: Automation Hub で使用)。","There are {{ errataCount }} total Errata in this organization but none match the above filters.":"この組織には合計 {{ errataCount }} 件のエラータがありますが、上記のフィルターに一致するものがありません。","There are {{ packageCount }} total Packages in this organization but none match the above filters.":"この組織には合計 {{ packageCount }} 件のパッケージがありますが、上記のフィルターに一致するものがありません。","There are no %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"この条件に一致する %(contentType)s はありません。","There are no Content Views in this Environment.":"この環境にはコンテンツビューはありません。","There are no Content Views that match the criteria.":"条件に一致するコンテンツビューはありません。","There are no Errata associated with this Content Host to display.":"このコンテンツホストに関連付けられているエラータで表示できるものがありません。","There are no Errata in this organization. Create one or more Products with Errata to view Errata on this page.":"この組織にはエラータがありません。エラータのある製品を 1 つ以上作成して、このページでエラータを確認します。","There are no Errata to display.":"表示するエラータはありません。","There are no Host Collections available. You can create new Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"利用可能なホストコレクションはありません。メインメニューで「ホスト」、「ホストコレクション」の順に選択して、新規ホストコレクションを作成できます。","There are no Module Streams to display.":"表示するモジュールストリームはありません。","There are no Packages in this organization. Create one or more Products with Packages to view Packages on this page.":"この組織にはパッケージがありません。パッケージのある製品を 1 つ以上作成して、このページでパッケージを確認します。","There are no Sync Plans available. You can create new Sync Plans after selecting 'Sync Plans' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"利用可能な同期プランはありません。メインメニューで「ホスト」、「同期プラン」の順に選択して、新規同期プランを作成できます。","There are no Traces to display.":"表示するトレースはありません。","There is currently an Incremental Update task in progress. This update must finish before applying existing updates.":"現在、増分更新中です。この更新を完了してから、既存の更新を適用する必要があります。","These instructions will be removed in a future release. NEW: To register a content host without following these manual steps, see <a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\">Register Host</a>":"これらの手順は、今後のリリースで削除される予定です。新規: これらの手動手順に従わずにコンテンツホストを登録するには、「<a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\">ホストの登録</a>」を参照してください","This action will affect only those Content Hosts that require a change.\n If the Content Host does not have the selected Subscription no action will take place.":"このアクションは、変更が必要なコンテンツホストにだけ適用されます。\n コンテンツホストにサブスクリプションが選択されていない場合には、何も実行されません。","This activation key is not associated with any content hosts.":"このアクティベーションキーは、どのコンテンツホストにも関連付けられていません。","This activation key may be used during system registration. For example:":"このアクティベーションキーは、システム登録時に使用できます。例:","This change will be applied to <b>{{ hostCount }} systems.</b>":"この変更は <b>{{ hostCount }}システム</b> に適用されます。","This Container Image Tag is not present in any Lifecycle Environments.":"このコンテナーイメージタグは、どのライフサイクル環境にも存在しません。","This operation may also remove managed resources linked to the host such as virtual machines and DNS records.\n Change the setting \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" to false on the <a href=\"/settings\">settings page</a> to prevent this.":"この操作では、仮想マシンや DNS レコードなどのホストにリンクされている管理対象リソースも削除される可能性があります。\n <a href=\"/settings\">設定ページ</a> で「登録解除時のホストの削除」設定を false に指定してこれを回避してください。","This organization has Simple Content Access enabled. Hosts are not required to have subscriptions attached to access repositories.":"この組織ではシンプルコンテンツアクセスが有効です。リポジトリーにアクセスできるように、ホストにサブスクリプションをアタッチする必要はありません。","This organization is not using <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://access.redhat.com/articles/simple-content-access\">Simple Content Access.</a> Entitlement-based subscription management is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.":"この組織は <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://access.redhat.com/articles/simple-content-access\">シンプルコンテンツアクセスを使用していません</a>。エンタイトルメントベースのサブスクリプション管理は非推奨となり、今後のバージョンで削除されます。","Title":"タイトル","To register a content host to this server, follow these steps.":"このサーバーにコンテンツホストを登録するには、次の手順に従います。","Toggle Dropdown":"ドロップダウンの切り替え","Token of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"認証用のアップストリームリポジトリーユーザーのトークン。リポジトリーで認証が必要ない場合は、空白のままにします。","Topic":"トピック","Tracer helps administrators identify applications that need to be restarted after a system is patched.":"トレーサーを使用することで、管理者はシステムにパッチ修正を適用した後に再起動する必要のあるアプリケーションを特定しやすくなります。","Traces":"トレース","Traces for:":"トレース:","Turn on Setting > Content > Allow deleting repositories in published content views":"設定 > コンテンツ > 公開されたコンテンツビューでリポジトリーの削除を許可 をオンにします","Type":"タイプ","Unauthenticated Pull":"認証されていないプル","Unknown":"不明","Unlimited Content Hosts:":"無制限のコンテンツホスト:","Unlimited Hosts":"無制限ホスト","Unprotected":"非保護","Unregister Host":"ホストの登録解除","Unregister Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"ホスト \"{{host.name}}\" の登録を解除しますか?","Unregister Options:":"登録解除オプション:","Unregister the host as a subscription consumer. Provisioning and configuration information is preserved.":"ホストのサブスクリプションコンシューマーとしての登録を解除します。プロビジョニングおよび設定情報は保存されます。","Unsupported Type!":"サポートされていないタイプ!","Update":"更新","Update All Deb Packages":"全 Deb パッケージの更新","Update All Packages":"全パッケージの更新","Update Packages":"パッケージの更新","Update Sync Plan":"同期プランの更新","Updated":"更新済み","Upgradable":"アップグレード可能","Upgradable For":"アップグレード可能:","Upgradable Package":"アップグレード可能なパッケージ","Upgrade Available":"アップグレード利用可能","Upgrade Selected":"選択したアップグレード","Upload":"アップロード","Upload Content Credential file":"コンテンツ認証情報ファイルのアップロード","Upload File":"ファイルアップロード","Upload Package":"パッケージのアップロード","Upload Requirements":"アップロード要件","Upload Requirements.yml file <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n </a>":"Requirements.yml ファイルアップロード <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n </a>","Uploading...":"アップロード中...","Upstream Authentication Token":"アップストリーム認証トークン","Upstream Authorization":"アップストリーム認証","Upstream Image Name":"アップストリームのイメージ名","Upstream Password":"アップストリームのパスワード","Upstream Repository Name":"アップストリームのリポジトリー名","Upstream URL":"アップストリームの URL","Upstream Username":"アップストリームのユーザー名","Url":"Url","URL of the registry you want to sync. Example: https://registry-1.docker.io/ or https://quay.io/":"同期するレジストリーの URL。例: https://registry-1.docker.io/ or https://quay.io/","URL to Discover":"検出する URL","URL to the repository base. Example: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"debURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>":"リポジトリーベースへの URL (例: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"debURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>)。","Usage Type":"使用タイプ","Usage Type:":"使用タイプ:","Use specific HTTP Proxy":"特定の HTTP プロキシーの使用","Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your lifecycle environment selection.":"コンテンツビューの選択で取り消しボタンを使用して、ライフサイクル環境の選択を元に戻します。","Used as":"以下として使用: ","User":"ユーザー","Username":"ユーザー名","Username of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"認証用のアップストリームリポジトリーユーザーのユーザー名。リポジトリーで認証が必要ない場合は、空白のままにします。","Variant":"バリアント","Verify Content Checksum":"コンテンツチェックサムの確認","Verify SSL":"SSL の確認","Version":"バージョン","Version {{ cvVersions['version'] }}":"バージョン {{ cvVersions['version'] }}","Versions":"バージョン","via Katello agent":"Katello エージェント経由","via Katello Agent":"Katello エージェント経由","via remote execution":"リモート実行経由","via remote execution - customize first":"リモート実行経由: 最初にカスタマイズ","View Container Image Manifest Lists for Repository:":"リポジトリーのコンテナイメージマニフェストを表示します:","View Docker Tags for Repository:":"リポジトリーの Docker タグを表示します:","View job invocations.":"ジョブ呼び出しの表示","Virtual":"仮想","Virtual Guest":"仮想ゲスト","Virtual Guests":"仮想ゲスト","Virtual Host":"仮想ホスト","Warning: reclaiming space for an \"On Demand\" repository will delete all cached content units. Take precaution when cleaning custom repositories whose upstream parents don't keep old package versions.":"警告:「オンデマンド」リポジトリーの領域を再利用すると、キャッシュされたすべてのコンテンツユニットが削除されます。アップストリームの親が古いパッケージバージョンを保持しないカスタムリポジトリーをクリーンアップする場合は注意してください。","weekly":"毎週","Weekly on {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"{{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} の {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (サーバー時間) に毎週","When Auto Attach is disabled, registering systems will be attached to all associated subscriptions.":"自動アタッチが無効になっている場合には、システムを登録すると、関連するすべてのサブスクリプションにアタッチされます。","Whitespace-separated list of components to sync (leave clear to sync all). Example: main <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"componentPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Components\">\n </a>":"同期するコンポーネントのスペース区切りリスト (すべて同期する場合は何も選択しないでください)。例: main <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"componentPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Components\">\n </a>","Whitespace-separated list of processor architectures to sync (leave clear to sync all). Example: amd64 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"archPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Architectures\">\n </a>":"同期するプロセッサーアーキテクチャーのスペース区切りリスト (すべて同期する場合は何も選択しないでください)。例: amd64 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"archPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Architectures\">\n </a>","Whitespace-separated list of releases/distributions to sync (required for syncing). Example: buster <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"distPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Releases/Distributions\">\n </a>":"同期するリリース/ディストリビューションのスペース区切りリスト (同期に必要)。例: buster <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"distPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Releases/Distributions\">\n </a>","Working":"正常","Yes":"はい","You can upload a requirements.yml file above to auto-fill contents <b>OR</b> paste contents of <a ng-href=\"https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/galaxy/user_guide.html#install-multiple-collections-with-a-requirements-file\" target=\"_blank\"> Requirements.yml </a>below.":"上記の requirements.yml ファイルをアップロードしてコンテンツを自動入力するか、<b>または</b> 以下の <a ng-href=\"https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/galaxy/user_guide.html#install-multiple-collections-with-a-requirements-file\" target=\"_blank\"> Requirements.yml </a> のコンテンツを貼り付けます。","You can upload a requirements.yml file below to auto-fill contents or paste contents of requirement.yml here":"下記の requirements.yml ファイルをアップロードしてコンテンツを自動入力するか、こちらに requirement.yml のコンテンツを貼り付けます。","You cannot remove these repositories because you do not have permission.":"権限がないため、これらのリポジトリーを削除できません。","You cannot remove this product because it is a Red Hat product.":"この製品は Red Hat 製品であるため、削除できません。","You cannot remove this product because it was published to a content view.":"この製品はコンテンツビューに公開されているため、削除できません。","You cannot remove this product because you do not have permission.":"権限がないため、この製品を削除できません。","You cannot remove this repository because you do not have permission.":"権限がないため、このリポジトリーを削除できません。","You currently don't have any Activation Keys, you can add Activation Keys using the button on the right.":"現在、アクティベーションキーはありません。右側のボタンを使用して、アクティベーションキーを追加できます。","You currently don't have any Alternate Content Sources associated with this Content Credential.":"現在、このコンテンツ認証情報に関連付けられている別のコンテンツソースはありません。","You currently don't have any Container Image Tags.":"現在、コンテナーイメージタグはありません。","You currently don't have any Content Credential, you can add Content Credentials using the button on the right.":"現在、コンテンツ認証情報はありません。コンテンツ認証情報は、右側のボタンを使用して追加できます。","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can create new Content Hosts by selecting Contents Host from main menu and then clicking the button on the right.":"現在、コンテンツホストはありません。新しいコンテンツホストは、メインメニューからコンテンツホストを選択し、右側のボタンをクリックして作成できます。","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can register one by clicking the button on the right and following the instructions.":"現在、コンテンツホストはありません。コンテンツホストは、右側のボタンをクリックして、指示に従って登録してください。","You currently don't have any Files.":"現在、ファイルはありません。","You currently don't have any Host Collections, you can add Host Collections using the button on the right.":"現在、ホストコレクションはありません。ホストコレクションは、右側のボタンを使用して追加できます。","You currently don't have any Hosts in this Host Group, you can add Content Hosts after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"現在、このホストグループにはホストがありません。「追加」タブを選択後に、コンテンツホストを追加できます。","You currently don't have any Products associated with this Content Credential.":"現在、このコンテンツ認証情報に関連付けられている製品はありません。","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to, you can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu":"現在、サブスクライブする製品はありません。メインメニューで「コンテンツ」、「製品」の順に選択して、製品を追加できます。","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to. You can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu.":"現在、サブスクライブする製品はありません。メインメニューで「コンテンツ」、「製品」の順に選択して、製品を追加できます。","You currently don't have any Products<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, you can add Products using the button on the right</span>.":"現在、製品 <span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\"> はありません。製品は、右側のボタンを使用して追加できます。</span>.","You currently don't have any Repositories associated with this Content Credential.":"現在、このコンテンツ認証情報に関連付けられているリポジトリーはありません。","You currently don't have any Repositories included in this Product, you can add Repositories using the button on the right.":"現在、この製品にはリポジトリーは含まれていません。リポジトリーは、右側のボタンを使用して追加できます。","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Activation Key, you can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"現在、このアクティベーションキーに関連付けられているサブスクリプションはありません。「追加」タブを選択後に、サブスクリプションを追加できます。","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Content Host. You can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"現在、このコンテンツキーに関連付けられているサブスクリプションはありません。「追加」タブを選択後に、サブスクリプションを追加できます。","You currently don't have any Sync Plans. A Sync Plan can be created by using the button on the right.":"現在、同期ブランはありません。同期プランは、右側のボタンを使用して作成できます。","You do not have any Installed Products":"インストール済みの製品がありません","You must select a content view in order to save your environment.":"環境を保存するには、コンテンツビューを選択する必要があります。","You must select a new content view before your change of environment can be saved. Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your environment selection.":"環境の変更を保存する前に、新しいコンテンツビューを選択する必要があります。コンテンツビューの選択で取り消しボタンを使用して、環境の選択を元に戻します。","You must select a new content view before your change of lifecycle environment can be saved.":"ライフサイクル環境の変更を保存する前に、新しいコンテンツビューを選択する必要があります。","You must select at least one Content Host in order to apply Errata.":"エラータを適用するには、少なくとも 1 つのコンテンツホストを選択する必要があります。","You must select at least one Errata to apply.":"少なくとも 1 つのエラータを選択する必要があります。","Your search returned zero %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"条件に一致する %(contentType)s の検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Activation Keys.":"アクティベーションキーの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Container Image Tags.":"コンテナーイメージタグの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Content Credential.":"コンテンツ認証情報の検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Content Hosts.":"コンテンツホストの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Content Views":"コンテンツビューの検索結果はありません","Your search returned zero Content Views.":"コンテンツビューの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Deb Packages.":"Deb パッケージの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Debs.":"Deb の検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Errata.":"エラータの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Erratum.":"エラータの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Files.":"ファイルの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Host Collections.":"ホストコレクションの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Hosts.":"ホストの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Lifecycle Environments.":"ライフサイクル環境の検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Module Streams.":"モジュールストリームの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Packages.":"パッケージの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Products.":"製品の検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Repositories":"リポジトリーの検索結果はありません","Your search returned zero Repositories.":"リポジトリーの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero repository sets.":"リポジトリーセットの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Repository Sets.":"リポジトリーセットの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero results.":"検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Subscriptions.":"サブスクリプションの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Sync Plans.":"同期プランの検索結果はありません。","Your search returned zero Traces.":"トレースの検索結果はありません。","Yum Metadata Checksum":"Yum メタデータチェックサム","Yum metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Yum メタデータの生成がバックグラウンドで開始されました。<a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">ここ</a> をクリックして進捗を監視します。","Yum Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Yum リポジトリー <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>"});
+ gettextCatalog.setStrings('ka', {"-- select an interval --":"-- აირჩიეთ ინერვალი --","(future)":"(მომავალი)","{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}":"{{ 'მონიშნულის დამატება' | translate }}","{{ contentCredential.name }}":"{{ contentCredential.name }}","{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count }} ჰოსტი","{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} შესაბამისი,","{{ deb.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"{{ deb.hosts_available_count }} ჰოსტი","{{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"{{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} განახლებადი","{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} შესაბამისი,","{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable":"{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} დაყენებადი","{{ errata.title }}":"{{ errata.title }}","{{ file.name }}":"{{ file.name }}","{{ host.name }}":"{{ host.name }}","{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}":"{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}","{{ installedDebCount }} Host(s)":"{{ installedDebCount }} ჰოსტი","{{ installedPackageCount }} Host(s)":"{{ installedPackageCount }} ჰოსტი","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} ჰოსტი","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} შესაბამისი,","{{ package.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_available_count }} ჰოსტი","{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} განახლებადი","{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} Bytes)":"{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} ბაიტი)","{{ product.active_task_count }}":"{{ product.active_task_count }}","{{ product.name }}":"{{ product.name }}","{{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} Ansible Collections":"{{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} Ansible-ის კოლექცია","{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb პაკეტი","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} Container Image Manifests":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} კონტეინერის ასლის მანიფესტი","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} Container Image Manifest Lists":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} კონტეინერის ასლის მანიფესტის სია","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} Container Image Tags":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} კონტეინერის ასლის ჭდე","{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata":"{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} შემორჩენილი პაჩი","{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Files":"{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} ფაილი","{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} პაკეტი","{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} Source RPMs":"{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} წყარო RPM","{{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"{{ repository.last_sync_words }} -ის წინ","{{ repository.name }}":"{{ repository.name }}","{{ type.display }}":"{{ type.display }}","{{header}}":"{{header}}","{{option.description}}":"{{option.description}}","{{urlDescription}}":"{{urlDescription}}","/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId":"/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId","/job_invocations":"/job_invocations","%(consumed)s out of %(quantity)s":"%(consumed)s %(quantity)s-დან","%count environment(s) can be synchronized: %envs":"%count გარემოს სინქრონიზაცია შეუძლებელია: %envs","<b>Description</b>":"<b>აღწერა</b>","<b>Issued</b>":"<b>gგამოცემულია</b>","<b>Module Streams</b>":"<b>მოდულის ნაკადები</b>","<b>Packages</b>":"<b>პაკეტი</b>","<b>Reboot Suggested</b>":"<b>სჯობს გადატვირთოთ</b>","<b>Solution</b>":"<b>გადაწყვეტა</b>","<b>Title</b>":"<b>სათაური</b>","<b>Type</b>":"<b>ტიპი</b>","<b>Updated</b>":"<b>განახლებულია</b>","1 Content Host":["{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.virtual_guests.length }} შემცველობის ჰოსტი","{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.virtual_guests.length }} შემცველობის ჰოსტი"],"1 repository sync has errors.":["{{ product.sync_summary.error || product.sync_summary.warning }} რეპოზიტორიის სინქის შეცდომა.","{{ product.sync_summary.error || product.sync_summary.warning }} რეპოზიტორიის სინქის შეცდომა."],"1 repository sync in progress.":["მიმდინარეობს {{ product.sync_summary.pending}} რეპოზიტორიის სინქი.","მიმდინარეობს {{ product.sync_summary.pending}} რეპოზიტორიის სინქი."],"1 successfully synced repository.":["{{ product.sync_summary.success}} რეპოზიტორიის სინქი წარმატებით დასრულდა.","{{ product.sync_summary.success}} რეპოზიტორიის სინქი წარმატებით დასრულდა."],"Account":"ანგარიში","Action Type":"ქმედების ტიპი","Actions":"ქმედებები","Activation Key":["აქტივაციის გასაღები","აქტივაცის გასაღებები"],"Activation Key Content":"აქტივაციის გასაღების შემცველობა","Activation Key removed.":"აქტივაციის გასაღები წაშლილია.","Activation Key updated":"აქტივაციის გასაღები განახლდა","Activation Key:":"აქტივაციის გასაღები:","Activation Keys":"აქტივაცის გასაღებები","Active Tasks":"აქტიური ამოცანები","Add":"დამატება","Add Content Hosts to:":"შემცველობის ჰოსტების მიმატება:","Add hosts to the host collection to see available actions.":"შესაძლო ქმედებების სანახავად ჰოსტები კოლექციებში ჩაამატეთ.","Add New Environment":"ახალი გარემოს დამატება","Add ons":"დამატებები","Add ons:":"დამატებები:","Add Selected":"მონიშნულის დამატება","Add Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"გამოწერების დამატება აქტივაციის გასაღებისთვის:","Add Subscriptions for Content Host:":"ხელმოწერების დამატება შემცველობის ჰოსტისთვის:","Add To":"დამატება","Added %x host collections to activation key \"%y\".":"%x ჰოსტის კოლექცია ჩამატებულია აქტივაციის გასაღებში \"%y\".","Added %x host collections to content host \"%y\".":"%x ჰოსტის კოლექცია ჩამატებულია შემცველობის ჰოსტში \"%y\".","Added %x products to sync plan \"%y\".":"სინქრონიზაციის გეგმაში %y ჩაემატა %x პროდუქტი.","Adding Lifecycle Environment to the end of \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"":"ცხოვრების ციკლის გარემო \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"-ის ბოლოში დაემატება","Additive":"დანამატი","Advanced Sync":"დამატებითი სინქი","Advisory":"საკონსულტაციო","Affected Hosts":"მოყოლილი ჰოსტები","All Content Views":"შემცველობის ყველა ხედი","All Lifecycle Environments":"ცხოვრების ციკლის ყველა გარემო","All Repositories":"ყველა რეპოზიტორია","Alternate Content Sources":"შემცველობის ალტერნატიული წყაროები","Alternate Content Sources for":"ალტერნატიული შემცველობის წყაროები დანიშნულებისთვის","An error occured: %s":"შეცდომა: %s","An error occurred initiating the sync:":"შეცდომა სინქის გასვებისას:","An error occurred removing the Activation Key:":"შეცდომა აქტივაციის გასაღების წაშლისას:","An error occurred removing the content hosts.":"შეცდომა შემცველობის ჰოსტის წაშლისას.","An error occurred removing the environment:":"შეცდომა გარემოს წაშლისას:","An error occurred removing the Host Collection:":"შეცდომა ჰოსტის კოლექციის წაშლისას:","An error occurred removing the subscriptions.":"შეცდომა გამოწერის წაშლისას.","An error occurred saving the Activation Key:":"შეცდომა აქტივაციის გასაღების შენახვისას:","An error occurred saving the Content Host:":"შეცდომა შემცველობის ჰოსტის შენახვისას:","An error occurred saving the Environment:":"შეცდომა გარემოს შენახვისას:","An error occurred saving the Host Collection:":"შეცდომა ჰოსტის კოლექციის შენახვისას:","An error occurred saving the Product:":"შეცდომა პროდუქტის შენახვისას:","An error occurred saving the Repository:":"შეცდომა რეპოზიტორიის შენახვისას:","An error occurred saving the Sync Plan:":"შეცდომა სინქის გეგმის შენახვისას:","An error occurred updating the sync plan:":"შეცდომა სინქის გეგმის განახლებისას:","An error occurred while creating the Product: %s":"შეცდომა პროდუქტის შექმნისას: %s","An error occurred:":"შეცდომა:","Ansible Collection Authorization":"Ansible-ის კოლექციის ავტორიზაცია","Ansible Collections":"Ansible-ის კოლექციები","Applicable":"განკუთვნილი","Applicable Content Hosts":"შესატყვისი შემცველობის ჰოსტები","Applicable Deb Packages":"შესაბამისი deb პაკეტების სია","Applicable Errata":"განკუთვნილი მორჩენილი პაჩები","Applicable Packages":"ხელმისაწვდომი პაკეტები","Applicable To":"განკუთვნილი","Applicable to Host":"განკუთვნილია ჰოსტისთვის","Application":"აპლიკაცია","Apply":"გამოყენება","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }}":"{{ errata.errata_id }}-ის გადატარება","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"გადავატარო {{ errata.errata_id }} {{ contentHostIds.length }} შემცველობის ჰოსტს?","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to all Content Host(s)?":"გადავატარო {{ errata.errata_id }} შემცველობის ყველა ჰოსტს??","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"გადავატარო {{ errataIds.length }} მორჩენილი პაჩი {{ contentHostIds.length }} შემცველობის ჰოსტს?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to all Content Host(s)?":"გადავატრო {{ errataIds.length }} მორჩენილი პაჩი ყველა შემცველობის ჰოსტს?","Apply Errata":"მორჩენილი პაჩების გადატარება","Apply Errata to Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"გადავატარო შემორჩენილი პაჩები შემცველობის ჰოსტ \"{{host.name}}\"-ს?","Apply Errata to Content Hosts":"შემცველობის ჰოსტებზე შემორჩენილი პაჩების გადატარება","Apply Errata to Content Hosts immediately after publishing.":"გამოცემის შემდეგ მორჩენილი პაჩების შემცველობის ჰოსტებზე დაუყოვნებლივი გადატარება.","Apply Selected":"მონიშნულის გადატარება","Apply to Content Hosts":"შემცველობის ჰოსტებზე გადატარება","Apply to Hosts":"ჰოსტებზე გადატარება","Applying":"გადატარება","Apt Actions":"Apt-ის ქმედებები","Arch":"არქიტექტურა","Architecture":"არქიტექტურა","Architectures":"არქიტექტურები","Are you sure you want to apply Errata to content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ გადაატაროთ მორჩენილი პაჩები შემცველობის ჰოსტს \"{{ host.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to apply the {{ table.numSelected }} selected errata to the content hosts chosen?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, {{ table.numSelected }} მონიშნულ შემცველობის ჰოსტზე მორჩენილი პაჩები გადაატროთ?","Are you sure you want to delete the {{ table.numSelected }} host(s) selected?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ მონიშნული {{ table.numSelected }} ჰოსტის წაშლა?","Are you sure you want to disable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ {{ table.numSelected }} რეპოზიტორიის სეტის გათიშვა?","Are you sure you want to enable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ {{ table.numSelected }} რეპოზიტორიის სეტის ჩართვა?","Are you sure you want to remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ წაშალოთ აქტივაციის გასაღები \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove environment {{ environment.name }}?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ წაშალოთ გარემო {{ environment.name }}?","Are you sure you want to remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ წაშალოთ ჰოსტის კოლექცია\"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ წაშალოთ პროდუქტი \"{{ product.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove repository {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} from all content views?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ წაშალოთ რეპოზიტორია {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} ყველა შემცველობის ხედიდან?","Are you sure you want to remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ წაშალოთ სინქის გეგმა \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} file?":["დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} ფაილი წაშალოთ?","დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, {{ table.numSelected }} ფაილი წაშალოთ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} package?":["დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} პაკეტი წაშალოთ?","დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, {{ table.numSelected }} ფაილი წაშალოთ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} product?":["დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} პროდუქტი წაშალოთ?","დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, {{ table.getSelected().length }} პროდუქტი წაშალოთ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} repository?":["დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} რეპოზიტორია წაშალოთ?","დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, {{ table.getSelected().length }} რეპოზიტორია წაშალოთ?"],"Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} Container Image manifest selected?":["დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ წაშალოთ {{ table.numSelected }} მონიშნული კონტეინერის ასლის მანიფესტი?","დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ წაშალოთ {{ table.numSelected }} მონიშნული კონტეინერის ასლის მანიფესტი?"],"Are you sure you want to restart the services on the selected content hosts?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ, მონიშნულ შემცველობის ჰოსტებზე სერვისები გადატვირთოთ?","Are you sure you want to set the HTTP Proxy to the selected products(s)?":"დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ მონიშნული პროდუქტებისთვის HTTP პროქსი დააყენოთ?","Assign":"მინიჭება","Assign Lifecycle Environment and Content View":"ცხოვრების ციკლის გრარემოსა და შემცველობის ხედის მინიჭება","Assign Release Version":"რელიზის ვერსიის მინიჭება","Assign System Purpose":"სისტემის დანიშნულების მინიჭება","Associations":"ასოცირებები","At least one Errata needs to be selected to Apply.":"გადასატარებლად სულ ცოტა ერთი მორჩენილი პაჩია 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for:":"მოდულის ნაკადების დანიშნულება:","More Details":"მეტი დეტალი","N/A":"არარსებული","Name":"სახელი","Networking":"ქსელი","Never":"არასდროს","Never checked in":"მონაცემები არასდროს გადმოუცია","Never registered":"არასდროს დარეგისტრირებულა","Never synced":"სინქრონიზაცია არ მომხდარა","New Activation Key":"აქტივაციის ახალი გასაღები","New Environment":"ახალი გარემო","New Name:":"ახალი სახელი:","New Product":"ახალი პროდუქტი","New Repository":"ახალი რეპოზიტორია","New Sync Plan":"სინქრონიზაციის ახალი გეგმა","New sync plan successfully created.":"სინქის ახალი გეგმა წარმატებით შეიქმნა.","Next":"შემდეგი","Next Sync":"შემდეგი სინქი","No":"არა","No Content Hosts match this Erratum.":"შემცველობის ჰოსტები ამ მორჩენილ პაჩს არ ემთხვევა.","No Content Views contain this Deb":"ამ Deb-ს არც ერთი შემცველობის ხედი არ შეიცავს","No Content Views contain this File":"ამ ფალს შემცველობის არც ერთი ხედი არ შეიცავს","No content views exist for {{selected.environment.name}}":"{{selected.environment.name}}-სთვის 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subscriptions.":"გამოწერების საშუალებით რეპოზიტორიის სეტები მიწოდებული არაა.","No restriction":"შეზღუდვის გარეშე","No sync information available.":"სინქის ინფორმაცია ხელმიუწვდომელია.","No tasks exist for this resource.":"ამ რესურსისთვის ამოცანები არ არსებობს.","None":"არაფერი","Not Applicable":"არ განეკუთვნება","Not installed":"დაყენებული არაა","Not started":"არ არის გაშვებული","Not Synced":"სინქრონიზაცია არ მომხდარა","Number of CPUs":"CPU-ების რიცხვი","Number of Repositories":"რეპოზიტორიების რიცხვი","On Demand":"საჭიროებისამებრ","Operating System":"ოპერაციული სისტემა","Optimized Sync":"სინქი ოპტიმიზირებულია","Organization":"ორგანიზაცია","Original Sync Date":"პირველი სინქის თარიღი","OS":"ოს-ი","OSTree Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"OSTree-ის რეპოზიტორიები <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Override to Disabled":"გადაფარვა გამორთვამდე","Override to Enabled":"გადაფარვა ჩართვამდე","Package":"პაკეტი","Package 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below":"ქვემოთ შეიყვანეთ Cron-ის სტრიქონი","Please make sure a Content View is selected.":"დარწმუნდით, რომ შემცველობის ხედი არჩეულია.","Please select an environment.":"ჯერ აირჩიეთ გარემო.","Plus %y more errors":"და კიდევ %y შეცდომა","Plus 1 more error":"და კიდევ 1 შეცდომა","Previous Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"ცხოვრების წინა გარემო (%e/%cv)","Prior Environment":"წინა გარემო","Product":"პროდუქტი","Product information for:":"პროდუქტის ინფორმაცია:","Product Name":"პროდუქტის სახელი","Product Options":"პროდუქტის მორგება","Product Saved":"პროდუქტი შენახულია","Products":"პროდუქტები","Products <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>":"<div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div> პროდუქტი","Products for":"პროდუქტები","Products not covered":"პროდუქტები, რომლებსაც არ შეიცავს","Provides":"მომწოდებლები","Provisioning Details":"მუშაობისთვის მომზადების დეტალები","Provisioning Host Details":"მუშაობისთვის მომზადების ჰოსტის დეტალები","Published At":"გამოქვეყნების დრო","Published Repository 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}}?","Remove repository?":["წავშალო {{ table.numSelected }} რეპოზიტორია?","წავშალო {{ table.numSelected }} რეპოზიტორია?"],"Remove Selected":"მონიშნულის წაშლა","Remove Successful.":"წაშლა წარმატებულია.","Remove Sync Plan":"სინქის გეგმის წაშლა","Remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"წავშალო სინქის გეგმა: \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?","Removed %x host collections from activation key \"%y\".":"ჰოსტის %x კოლექცია წაიშალა აქტივაციის გასაღებიდან %y.","Removing Repositories":"მიმდინარეობს რეპოზიტორიების წაშლა","Repo Discovery":"რეპოს აღმოჩენა","Repositories":"საცავები","Repositories containing Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}":"რეპოზიტორიები, რომლებიც მორჩენილ პაჩს {{ errata.errata_id }}-ს შეიცავენ","Repositories containing package {{ package.nvrea }}":"რეპოზიტორიები, რომლებიც პაკეტს {{ package.nvrea }} შეიცავენ","Repositories for":"რეპოზიტორიის დანიშნულება","Repositories for Deb:":"Deb რეპოზიტორიები:","Repositories for Errata:":"რეპოზიტორიები მორჩენილი პაჩისთვის:","Repositories for 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პროდუქტია.","You cannot remove this product because it was published to a content view.":"პროდუქტის წაშლა არ შეგიძლიათ. გამოცემულია შემცველობის ხედისთვის.","You cannot remove this product because you do not have permission.":"პროდუქტის წაშლა არ შეგიძლიათ. წვდომა აკრძალულია.","You cannot remove this repository because you do not have permission.":"რეპოზიტორიის წაშლა არ შეგიძლიათ. წვდომა აკრძალულია.","You currently don't have any Activation Keys, you can add Activation Keys using the button on the right.":"ამჟამად აქტივაციის გასაღებები არ გაქვთ. მათი დამატება მარჯვენა მხარეს ღილაკით შეგიძლიათ.","You currently don't have any Alternate Content Sources associated with this Content Credential.":"ამჟამად ამ შემცველობის ავტორიზაციის დეტალებთან ასოცირებული ალტერნატიული შემცველობის წყაროები არ გაგაჩნიათ.","You currently don't have any Container Image Tags.":"ამჟამად კონტეინერის ასლის არც ერთი ჭდე არ გაქვთ.","You currently don't have any Content Credential, you can add Content Credentials using the button on the right.":"ამჟამად შემცველობის ავტორიზაციის დეტალები არ გაგაჩნიათ. მათი დამატება მარჯვენა მხარეს ღილაკით შეგიძლიათ.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can create new Content Hosts by selecting Contents Host from main menu and then clicking the button on the right.":"ამჟამად შემცველობის ჰოსტები არ გაგაჩნიათ. ახალი შემცველობის ჰოსტების დასამატებლად აირჩიეთ შემცველობის ჰოსტი მთავარი მენიუდან და შემდეგ დააჭირეთ ღილაკს მარჯვენა მხარეს.","You currently don't have any Files.":"ამჟამად ფაილები არ გაქვთ.","You do not have any Installed Products":"დაყენებული პროდუქტები არ გაქვთ","You must select at least one Errata to apply.":"უნდა აირჩიოთ ერთი შემორჩენილი პაჩი მაინც.","Your search returned zero Activation Keys.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 აქტივაციის გასაღები დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Container Image Tags.":"ძებნამ კონტეინერის ასლის 0 ჭდე ააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Content Credential.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 შემცველობის ავტორიზაციის დეტალი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Content Hosts.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 შემცველობის ჰოსტი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Content Views":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 შემცველობის ხედი დააბრუნა","Your search returned zero Content Views.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 შემცველობის ხედი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Deb Packages.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 Deb პაკეტი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Debs.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 Deb-ი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Errata.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 მორჩენილი პაჩი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Erratum.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 მორჩენილი პაჩი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Files.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 ფაილი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Host Collections.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 ჰოსტის კოლექცია დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Hosts.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 ჰოსტი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Lifecycle Environments.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 ცხოვრების ციკლი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Module Streams.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 მოდულის ნაკადი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Packages.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 პაკეტი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Products.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 პროდუქტი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Repositories":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 რეპოზიტორია დააბრუნა","Your search returned zero Repositories.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 რეპოზიტორია დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero repository sets.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 რეპოზიტორიის სეტი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Repository Sets.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 რეპოზიტორიის სეტი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero results.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 შედეგი დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Subscriptions.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 გამოწერა დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Sync Plans.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 სინქის გეგმა დააბრუნა.","Your search returned zero Traces.":"თქვენმა ძებნამ 0 ტრეისი დააბრუნა.","Yum Metadata Checksum":"Yum-ის მეტამონაცემების საკონტროლო ჯამი"});
+ gettextCatalog.setStrings('ko', {"-- select an interval --":"-- 간격 선택 --","{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}":"{{ '선택한 항목 추가' | translate }}","{{ deb.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"{{ deb.hosts_available_count }} 호스트(들)","{{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"{{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} 업그레이드 가능","{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} 적용 가능,","{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable":"{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} 설치 가능 ","{{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} Ansible Collections":"{{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} 앤서블 컬렉션","{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb 패키지","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} Container Image Manifests":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} 컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} Container Image Manifest Lists":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} 컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트 목록","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} Container Image Tags":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} 컨테이너 이미지 태그","{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata":"{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} 에라타 ","{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Files":"{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} 파일","{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} 패키지 ","{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} Source RPMs":"{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} 소스 RPMs","{{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"{{ repository.last_sync_words }} 전 ","{{ type.display }}":"{{ type.display }}","* These marked Content View Versions are from Composite Content Views. Their components needing updating are listed underneath.":"*로 표시된 컨텐츠 뷰 버전은 복합 컨텐츠 뷰 버전입니다. 업데이트해야할 구성 요소는 아래에 나열되어 있습니다.","%(consumed)s out of %(quantity)s":"%(quantity)s 중 %(consumed)s","%count environment(s) can be synchronized: %envs":"%count개 환경을 동기화할 수 있음: %envs","<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>":"<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>","<b>Additive:</b> new content available during sync will be added to the repository, and no content will be removed.":"<b>추가:</b> 동기화 중에 사용할 수 있는 새 콘텐츠가 저장소에 추가되고 콘텐츠가 제거되지 않습니다.","<b>Description</b>":"<b>설명</b>","<b>Issued</b>":"<b>발행된</b>","<b>Mirror Complete</b>: a sync behaves exactly like \"Mirror Content Only\", but also mirrors metadata as well. This is the fastest method, and preserves repository signatures, but is only supported by yum and not by all upstream repositories.":"<b>미러링 완료</b>: 동기화는 \"Mirror Content Only\"와 동일하게 작동하지만 메타데이터도 미러링합니다. 이 방법은 가장 빠른 방법이며 리포지토리 서명을 보존하지만 yum에서만 지원이 되며 모든 업스트림 리포지토리에서는 지원되지 않습니다.","<b>Mirror Content Only</b>: any new content available during sync will be added to the repository and any content removed from the upstream repository will be removed from the local repository.":"<b>MIrror Content Only</b>: 동기화 중에 사용 가능한 새 콘텐츠가 리포지토리에 추가되고 업스트림 리포지토리에서 제거된 콘텐츠가 로컬 리포지토리에서 제거됩니다.","<b>Module Streams</b>":"<b>모듈 스트림</b>","<b>Packages</b>":"<b>패키지</b>","<b>Reboot Suggested</b>":"<b>재부팅 권장</b>","<b>Solution</b>":"<b>해결책</b>","<b>Title</b>":"<b>제목</b>","<b>Type</b>":"<b>유형</b>","<b>Updated</b>":"<b>갱신된</b>","<i class=\"fa fa-warning inline-icon\"></i>\n This Host is not currently registered with subscription-manager. Use the <a href=\"/hosts/register\">Register Host</a> workflow to complete registration.":"<i class=\"fa fa-warning inline-icon\"></i>\n이 호스트는 현재 구독 관리자에 등록되어 있지 않습니다. <a href=\"/hosts/register\">호스트 등록</a> 워크플로우를 사용하여 등록을 완료합니다.","1 Content Host":"{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.virtual_guests.length }} 컨텐츠 호스트","1 repository sync has errors.":"리포지토리 동기화에 오류가 있습니다.","1 repository sync in progress.":"1개의 리포지터리 동기화가 진행 중입니다.","1 successfully synced repository.":"1개의 리포지터리가 성공적으로 동기화되었습니다.","A comma-separated list of container image tags to exclude when syncing. Source images are excluded by default because they are often large and unwanted.":"동기화할 때 제외할 컨테이너 이미지 태그의 쉼표로 구분된 목록입니다. 원본 이미지는 크기가 크고 원하지 않는 경우가 많기 때문에 기본적으로 제외됩니다.","A comma-separated list of container image tags to include when syncing.":"동기화할 때 포함할 컨테이너 이미지 태그의 쉼표로 구분된 목록입니다.","A sync has been initiated in the background, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">click for more details</a>":"백그라운드에서 동기화가 시작되었습니다. <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\"> 자세한 내용을 보려면 클릭하십시오.</a>","Account":"계정 ","Action Type":"동작 유형 ","Actions":"동작 ","Activation Key":"활성키 ","Activation Key Content":"활성키 컨텐츠 ","Activation Key removed.":"활성키가 삭제되었습니다. ","Activation Key updated":"활성키가 업데이트되었습니다 ","Activation Key:":"활성키:","Activation Keys":"활성키 ","Active Tasks":"작업 태스크","Add":"추가 ","Add Content Hosts to:":"컨텐츠 호스트 추가: ","Add hosts to the host collection to see available actions.":"호스트 컬렉션에 호스트를 추가하여 사용 가능한 작업을 확인합니다.","Add New Environment":"새 환경 추가 ","Add ons":"추가 기능","Add ons:":"추가 기능:","Add Selected":"선택 사항 추가 ","Add Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"활성키의 서브스크립션 추가:","Add Subscriptions for Content Host:":"컨텐츠 호스트의 서브스크립션 추가:","Add To":"추가 ","Added %x host collections to activation key \"%y\".":"활성키 \"%y\"에 %x 호스트 컬렉션을 추가했습니다. ","Added %x host collections to content host \"%y\".":"컨텐츠 호스트 \"%y\"에 %x 호스트 컬렉션을 추가했습니다. ","Added %x products to sync plan \"%y\".":"동기화 계획 \"%y\"에 %x 제품을 추가했습니다. ","Adding Lifecycle Environment to the end of \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"":"\"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\" 마지막에 라이프사이클 환경을 추가하고 있습니다 ","Additive":"추가","Advanced Sync":"고급 동기화","Advisory":"권고","Affected Hosts":"영향을 받은 시스템","All Content Views":"모든 컨텐츠 보기 ","All Lifecycle Environments":"모든 라이프사이클 환경","All Repositories":"전체 리포지터리 ","Alternate Content Sources":"대체 콘텐츠 소스","Alternate Content Sources for":"대체 콘텐츠 소스:","An error occured: %s":"오류가 발생했습니다: %s","An error occurred initiating the sync:":"동기화를 시작하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.","An error occurred removing the Activation Key:":"활성키를 제거하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred removing the content hosts.":"컨텐츠 호스트를 삭제하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다. ","An error occurred removing the environment:":"환경을 삭제하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred removing the Host Collection:":"호스트 모음을 삭제하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred removing the subscriptions.":"서브스크립션을 삭제하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다. ","An error occurred saving the Activation Key:":"활성키를 저장하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred saving the Content Host:":"컨텐츠 호스트를 저장하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred saving the Environment:":"환경을 저장하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred saving the Host Collection:":"호스트 모음을 저장하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred saving the Product:":"제품을 저장하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred saving the Repository:":"리포지터리를 저장하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred saving the Sync Plan:":"동기화 계획을 저장하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","An error occurred trying to auto-attach subscriptions. Please check your log for further information.":"서브스크립션 자동 첨부를 시도하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 로그에서 확인하십시오. ","An error occurred updating the sync plan:":"동기화 계획을 업데이트하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.","An error occurred while creating the Content Credential:":"컨텐츠 권한을 만드는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.","An error occurred while creating the Product: %s":"제품을 만드는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다: %s","An error occurred:":"오류가 발생했습니다:","Ansible Collection Authorization":"컬렉션 권한 부여","Ansible Collections":"권한 컬렉션","Applicable":"적용 가능 ","Applicable Content Hosts":"적용 가능한 콘텐츠 호스트","Applicable Deb Packages":"적용 가능한 Deb 패키지","Applicable Errata":"적용 가능한 에라타 ","Applicable Packages":"적용 가능한 패키지","Applicable To":"적용 대상","Applicable to Host":"호스트에 적용 가능","Application":"애플리케이션 ","Apply":"적용","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }}":"{{ errata.errata_id }} 적용 ","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"{{errata.errata_id}}을 {{contentHostIds.length}} 컨텐츠 호스트(들)에 적용하시겠습니까?","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to all Content Host(s)?":"모든 콘텐츠 호스트(들)에 \"{{ errata.errata_id }}\"를 적용하시겠습니까?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"{{errataIds.length}} Errata를 {{contentHostIds.length}} 컨텐츠 호스트(들)에 {{errataIds.length}을(를) 적용하시겠습니까?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to all Content Host(s)?":"{{errataIds.length}} Errata를 모든 컨텐츠 호스트(들)에 적용하시겠습니까?","Apply Errata":"에라타 적용","Apply Errata to Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"컨텐츠 호스트 \"{{host.name}}\"에 에라타를 적용하시겠습니까?","Apply Errata to Content Hosts":"컨텐츠 호스트에 에라타 적용 ","Apply Errata to Content Hosts immediately after publishing.":"공개 후 에라타를 컨텐츠 호스트에 적용합니다. ","Apply Selected":"선택 사항 적용 ","Apply to Content Hosts":"컨텐츠 호스트에 적용 ","Apply to Hosts":"호스트에 적용 ","Applying":"적용 중 ","Apt Actions":"적절한 액션","Arch":"아키텍처 ","Architecture":"아키텍처 ","Architectures":"아키텍처 ","Are you sure you want to add the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to the host collection(s) chosen?":"선택한 호스트 컬렉션에 선택된 {{ table.numSelected }} 컨텐츠 호스트를 추가하시겠습니까? ","Are you sure you want to add the sync plan to the selected products(s)?":"선택한 제품(들)에 동기화 계획을 추가하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to apply Errata to content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"컨텐츠 호스트 \"{{ host.name }}\"에 에라타를 적용하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to apply the {{ table.numSelected }} selected errata to the content hosts chosen?":"선택한 \"{{table.numSelected}}\"개의 에라타를 선택한 콘텐츠 호스트에 적용하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to assign the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.contentView.name }} in {{ selected.environment.name }}?":"{{ selected.environment.name }}에서 {{ selected.contentView.name }}에 대해 선택된 {{ table.numSelected }} 컨텐츠 호스트를 할당하시겠습니까? ","Are you sure you want to delete the {{ table.numSelected }} host(s) selected?":"선택한 \"{{table.numSelected}}\"개 호스트(들)를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to disable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"선택한 {{table.numSelected}}개 리포지토리 집합(들)을 사용하지 않도록 설정하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to enable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"선택한 {{table.numSelected}}개 리포지토리 집합(들)을 사용하도록 설정하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to install {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"선택한 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 시스템에 {{ content.content }}을(를) 설치하시겠습니까? ","Are you sure you want to remove {{ content.content }} from the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"선택한 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 시스템에서 {{ content.content }}을(를) 삭제하시겠습니까? ","Are you sure you want to remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"활성키 \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}?":"컨텐츠 권한 \"{{contentCredential.name}}\"를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove environment {{ environment.name }}?":"\"{{environment.name}}\" 환경을 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"호스트 컬렉션 \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"을 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"제품 \"{{ product.name }}\"을 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove repository {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} from all content views?":"모든 컨텐츠 보기에서 \"{{repositoryWrapper.repository.name}}\" 리포지토리를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"동기화 계획 \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"을 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} content unit?":"선택한 {{table.numSelected}}개 컨텐츠 단위를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} file?":"선택한 {{table.numSelected}}개 파일을 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} package?":"선택한 {{table.numSelected}}개 패키지를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} product?":"{{ table.getSelected().length }}개 제품을 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} repository?":"{{ table.getSelected().length }} 리포지토리를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} Container Image manifest selected?":"선택한 {{ table.numSelected }}개의 컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트를 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected from the host collection(s) chosen?":"선택한 호스트 컬렉션에서 선택된 {{ table.numSelected }} 컨텐츠 호스트를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to remove the sync plan from the selected product(s)?":"선택한 제품(들)에서 동기화 계획을 제거하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to reset to default the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"선택한 {{ table.numSelected }}개 리포지토리 집합(들)을 기본값으로 재설정하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to restart services on content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"컨텐츠 호스트 \"{{ host.name }}\"에서 서비스를 다시 시작하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to restart the services on the selected content hosts?":"선택한 콘텐츠 호스트에서 서비스를 다시 시작하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to set the HTTP Proxy to the selected products(s)?":"HTTP 프록시를 선택한 제품(들)으로 설정하시겠습니까?","Are you sure you want to set the Release Version the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.release }}?. This action will affect only those Content Hosts that belong to the appropriate Content View and Lifecycle Environment containining that release version.":"릴리스 버전을 선택한 {{ table.numSelected }}개 컨텐츠 호스트(들)를 {{ selected.release }}개로 설정하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 해당 릴리스 버전을 포함하는 적절한 컨텐츠 보기 및 라이프사이클 환경에 속하는 컨텐츠 호스트에만 영향을 미칩니다.","Are you sure you want to update {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"선택한 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 시스템에서 {{ content.content }}을(를) 업데이트하시겠습니까? ","Are you sure you want to update all packages on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"선택한 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }}개 시스템(들)의 모든 패키지를 업데이트하시겠습니까?","Assign":"할당","Assign Lifecycle Environment and Content View":"라이프사이클 환경 및 컨텐츠 보기 할당","Assign Release Version":"릴리스 버전 할당","Assign System Purpose":"시스템 목적 할당","Associations":"연결 ","At least one Errata needs to be selected to Apply.":"적용하려면 최소 하나의 에라타를 선택해야 합니다. ","Attached":"추가됨","Auth Token":"인증 토큰","Auth URL":"인증 URL","Author":"작성자","Auto-Attach":"자동 첨부 ","Auto-Attach Details":"자동-연결 세부 정보","Automatic":"자동","Available Module Streams":"사용 가능한 모듈 스트림","Available Schema Versions":"사용 가능한 스키마 버전","Back To Errata List":"에라타 목록으로 돌아가기 ","Backend Identifier":"백엔드 식별자","Basic Information":"기본 정보 ","Below are the repository content sets currently available for this content host through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"다음은 이 서브스크립션을 통해 컨텐츠 호스트에 대해 현재 사용할 수 있는 리포지터리 컨텐츠 모음입니다. Red Hat 서브스크립션의 경우 추가 컨텐츠를 사용할 수 있습니다.","Below are the Repository Sets currently available for this activation key through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"아래는 구독을 통해 현재 이 활성화 키에 사용할 수 있는 리포지토리 세트입니다. Red Hat 구독의 경우 다음을 통해 추가 콘텐츠를 사용할 수 있습니다.","BIOS UUID":"BIOS UUID","Bootable":"부팅가능","Bug Fix":"버그 수정","Bug Fix Advisory":"버그 수정 권고","Build Host":"빌드 호스트 ","Build Information":"빌드 정보","Build Time":"빌드 시간","Cancel":"취소 ","Cannot clean Repository without the proper permissions.":"적절한 사용 권한이 없으면 리포지토리를 수정할 수 없습니다.","Cannot clean Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"리포지토리를 수정할 수 없습니다. 동기화가 이미 진행 중입니다.","Cannot Remove":"제거할 수 없음","Cannot republish Repository without the proper permissions.":"적절한 사용 권한이 없으면 리포지토리를 다시 게시할 수 없습니다.","Cannot republish Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"동기화가 이미 진행 중이므로 리포지토리를 다시 게시할 수 없습니다.","Cannot sync Repository without a URL.":"URL이 없으면 리포지토리를 동기화할 수 없습니다.","Cannot sync Repository without the proper permissions.":"적절한 사용 권한이 없으면 리포지토리를 동기화할 수 없습니다.","Cannot sync Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"동기화가 이미 진행 중임으로 리포지토리를 동기화할 수 없습니다.","Capacity":"용량 ","Certificate":"인증서","Change assigned Lifecycle Environment or Content View":"할당된 라이프 사이클 환경 또는 컨텐츠 뷰 변경 ","Change Host Collections":"호스트 컬렉션 변경","Change Lifecycle Environment":"라이프사이클 환경 변경","Changing default settings for content hosts that register with this activation key requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on that host.":"이 활성키에 등록된 컨텐츠 호스트의 기본값 설증을 변경하려면 subscription-manager 버전 1.10 이상을 호스트에 설치해야 합니다. ","Changing default settings requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on this host.":"기본값 설정을 변경하려면 호스트에 subscription-manager 버전 1.10 이상을 설치해야 합니다. ","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Host until its next checkin.\n To update the Content Host immediately run the following command:":"컨텐츠 보기를 변경하면 다음 체크인 전까지는 컨텐츠 호스트에 영향을 주지 않습니다.\n컨텐츠 호스트를 즉시 업데이트하려면 다음 명령을 실행하십시오: ","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Hosts until their next checkin.\n To update the Content Hosts immediately run the following command:":"컨텐츠 보기를 변경하면 다음 체크인 전까지는 컨텐츠 호스트에 영향을 주지 않습니다.\n컨텐츠 호스트를 즉시 업데이트하려면 다음 명령을 실행하십시오: ","Checksum":"체크섬 ","Checksum Type":"체크섬 유형 ","Choose one of the registry options to discover containers. To examine a private registry choose \"Custom\" and provide the url for the private registry.":"레지스트리 옵션 중 하나를 선택하여 컨테이너를 검색합니다. 개인 레지스트리를 검사하려면 \"사용자 정의\"를 선택하고 개인 레지스트리의 URL을 제공합니다.","Click here to check the status of the task.":"여기를 클릭하여 작업 상태를 확인하십시오.","Click here to select Errata for an Incremental Update.":"여기를 클릭하여 증분 업데이트를 위한 에라타를 선택합니다.","Click to monitor task progress.":"작업 진행률을 모니터링하려면 클릭하십시오.","Click to view task":"작업을 보려면 클릭하십시오.","Close":"종료 ","Collection Name":"컬렉션 이름","Complete Mirroring":"미러링 완료","Complete Sync":"동기화 완료","Completed {{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"{{ repository.last_sync_words }} 전 완료","Completely deletes the host including VM and disks, and removes all reporting, provisioning, and configuration information.":"VM 및 디스크를 포함한 호스트를 완전히 삭제하고 모든 리포팅, 프로비저닝 및 구성 정보를 제거합니다.","Components":"구성 요소","Components:":"구성 요소:","Composite View":"복합적인 뷰","Confirm":"확인","Confirm services restart":"서비스 재시작 확인","Container Image Manifest":"컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트","Container Image Manifest Lists":"컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트 목록","Container Image Manifests":"컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트","Container Image metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"컨테이너 이미지 메타데이터 생성이 백그라운드에서 시작되었습니다. 클릭\n<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">여기</a>은 진행 상황을 모니터링합니다.","Container Image Registry":"컨테이너 이미지 레지스트리","Container Image Tags":"컨테이너 이미지 태그","Content":"컨텐츠 ","Content Counts":"컨텐츠 수 ","Content Credential %s has been created.":"%s 콘텐츠 인증 정보가 생성되었습니다.","Content Credential Contents":"컨텐츠 인증 정보 컨텐츠","Content Credential successfully uploaded":"컨텐츠 인증 정보가 성공적으로 업로드되었습니다.","Content credential updated":"컨텐츠 인증 정보가 업데이트되었습니다.","Content Credentials":"컨텐츠 인증 정보","Content Host":"컨텐츠 호스트 ","Content Host Bulk Content":"컨텐츠 호스트 대량 컨텐츠 ","Content Host Bulk Subscriptions":"컨텐츠 호스트 대량 서브스크립션 ","Content Host Content":"컨텐츠 호스트 컨텐츠 ","Content Host Counts":"컨텐츠 호스트 수 ","Content Host Limit":"컨텐츠 호스트 제한 ","Content Host Properties":"컨텐츠 호스트 우선 순위 ","Content Host Registration":"컨텐츠 호스트 등록 ","Content Host Status":"컨텐츠 호스트 상태 ","Content Host:":"컨텐츠 호스트: ","Content Hosts":"컨텐츠 호스트 ","Content Hosts for Activation Key:":"활성키의 컨텐츠 호스트: ","Content Hosts for:":"컨텐츠 호스트: ","Content Only":"컨텐츠만","Content synced depends on the specifity of the URL and/or the optional requirements.yaml specified below <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>":"동기화된 콘텐츠는 URL 및/또는 선택적 요구 사항의 특정성에 따라 달라집니다. yaml은 아래에 지정됩니다.<a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n</a>","Content Type":"컨텐츠 유형 ","Content View":"컨텐츠 뷰 ","Content View Version":"컨텐츠 뷰 버전 ","Content View:":"컨텐츠 뷰:","Content Views":"컨텐츠 뷰 ","Content Views <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>":"컨텐츠 뷰 <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>","Content Views for Deb:":"Deb의 컨텐츠 보기:","Content Views for File:":"파일의 컨텐츠 보기: ","Content Views that contain this Deb":"이 Deb을 포함하는 컨텐츠 보기","Content Views that contain this File":"이 파일을 포함하는 컨텐츠 보기","Context":"컨텍스트","Contract":"계약 ","Copy Activation Key":"활성키 복사 ","Copy Host Collection":"호스트 컬렉션 복사","Cores per Socket":"소켓 당 코어 ","Create":"생성 ","Create a copy of {{ activationKey.name }}":" {{ activationKey.name }}의 복사본 생성","Create a copy of {{ hostCollection.name }}":"{{ hostCollection.name }}의 복사본 생성","Create Activation Key":"활성키 생성 ","Create Content Credential":"컨텐츠 인증 정보 생성","Create Discovered Repositories":"검색된 리포지토리 만들기","Create Environment Path":"환경 경로 생성","Create Host Collection":"호스트 컬렉션 생성","Create Product":"제품 생성","Create Selected":"선택 사항 생성 ","Create Status":"상태 생성","Create Sync Plan":"동기화 계획 생성 ","Creating repository...":"리포지터리를 만드는 중...","Critical":"중요함","Cron Logic":"Cron 논리","ctrl-click or shift-click to select multiple Add ons":"여러 추가 기능을 선택하려면 ctrl-클릭 또는 shift-클릭 하기","Current Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"현재 라이프사이클 환경 (%e/%cv)","Current Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"활성키의 현재 서브스크립션:","custom cron":"사용자 지정 cron","Custom Cron":"사용자 지정 Cron","Custom Cron : {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}":"사용자 지정 Cron : {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}","Customize":"커스텀마이즈","CVEs":"CVE","daily":"매일 ","Daily at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"매일 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (서버 시간)","Date":"날짜 ","deb metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"deb 메타데이터 생성이 백그라운드에서 시작되었습니다. <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">여기</a>을 클릭하여 진행 상황을 모니터링합니다.","deb Package Updates":"deb 패키지 업데이트","deb Packages":"deb 패키지","Deb Packages":"Deb 패키지","Deb Packages <div>{{ library.counts.debs || 0 }}</div>":"Deb 패키지 <div>{{ library.counts.debs || 0 }}</div>","Deb Packages for:":"Deb 패키지 대상:","Deb Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.deb_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Deb 리포지터리 <div>{{ library.counts.deb_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Deb:":"Deb:","Default":"기본값 ","Default Status":"기본 상태","Delete":"삭제 ","Delete {{ table.numSelected }} Hosts?":" {{ table.numSelected }} 호스트를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Delete Hosts":"호스트 삭제 ","Delta RPM":"델타 RPM","Dependencies":"종속성 ","Description":"설명 ","Details":"상세 정보 ","Details for Activation Key:":"활성키 상세 정보:","Details for Container Image Tag:":"컨테이너 이미지 태그에 대한 세부 정보:","Details for Product:":"제품 상세 정보: ","Details for Repository:":"리포지터리 세부 정보:","Determines whether to require login to pull container images in this lifecycle environment.":"이 라이프사이클 환경에서 컨테이너 이미지를 끌어오기 위해 로그인이 필요한지 여부를 결정합니다.","Digest":"요약","Disable":"비활성화 ","Disabled":"사용 안함","Disabled (overridden)":"사용 안 함 (오버라이드)","Discover":"검색","Discovered Repository":"검색된 리포지터리","Discovery failed. Error: %s":"검색 실패. 에러: %s","Distribution":"배포판","Distribution Information":"배포 정보","Do not require a subscription entitlement certificate for accessing this repository.":"이 리포지터리에 액세스하는 데 구독 자격 인증서가 필요하지 않습니다.","Docker metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"백그라운드에서 도커 메타데이터 생성이 시작되었습니다. 클릭\n<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">여기</a>은 진행 상황을 모니터링합니다.","Docker Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Docker 리포지터리 <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Done":"완료됨","Download Policy":"다운로드 정책","Enable":"활성화","Enable Traces":"추적 사용","Enabled":"활성화됨 ","Enabled (overridden)":"사용 안 함 (오버라이드)","Enhancement":"기능 강화","Enter Package Group Name(s)...":"패키지 그룹 이름 입력...","Enter Package Name(s)...":"패키지 이름 입력...","Environment":"환경 ","Environment saved":"환경이 저장되었습니다 ","Environment will also be removed from the following published content views!":"다음에 게시될 컨텐츠 보기에서도 환경이 제거됩니다!","Environments List":"환경 목록 ","Errata":"에라타 ","Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>":"에라타 <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>","Errata are automatically Applicable if they are Installable":"에라타는 설치 가능한 경우 자동으로 적용됩니다.","Errata Details":"에라타 상세 정보 ","Errata for:":"에라타 대상: ","Errata ID":"에라타 ID","Errata Installation":"에라타 설치 ","Errata Task List":"에라타 작업 목록 ","Errata Tasks":"에라타 작업 ","Errata:":"에라타: ","Error during upload:":"업로드 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: ","Error saving the Sync Plan:":"동기화 계획 저장 중 오류 발생:","Event":"이벤트 ","Exclude Tags":"태그 제외","Existing Product":"기존 제품 ","Expires":"만료 ","Export":"내보내기 ","Family":"제품군 ","File Information":"파일 정보","File removal been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"파일 제거가 백그라운드에서 시작되었습니다. <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">여기</a>을 클릭하여 진행 상황을 모니터링합니다.","File too large.":"파일이 너무 큽니다.","File too large. Please use the CLI instead.":"파일이 너무 큽니다. 대신 CLI를 사용하십시오. ","File:":"파일:","Filename":"파일 이름","Files":"파일","Files in package {{ package.nvrea }}":"{{ package.nvrea }} 패키지의 파일","Filter":"필터 ","Filter by Status:":"상태별 필터링:","Filter...":"필터...","Finished At":"종료 일시: ","For older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5 it is recommended to use sha1.":"Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 또는 CentOS 5와 같은 이전 운영 체제의 경우 sha1를 사용할 것을 권장합니다. ","For On Demand synchronization, only the metadata is downloaded during sync and packages are fetched and stored on the filesystem when clients request them.\n On Demand is not recommended for custom repositories unless the upstream repository maintains older versions of packages within the repository.\n The Immediate option will download all metadata and packages immediately during the sync.":"주문형 동기화의 경우 동기화 중 메타데이터만 다운로드되고 클라이언트가 요청할 때 패키지를 가져와 파일 시스템에 저장합니다.\n업스트림 리포지터리가 리포지터리 내에서 이전 버전의 패키지를 유지 관리하지 않는 한 사용자 지정 리포지토리에는 주문형을 사용하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.\n즉시 옵션은 동기화 중에 모든 메타데이터 및 패키지를 즉시 다운로드합니다.","Global Default":"전역 기본값","Global Default (None)":"전역 기본값 (없음)","GPG Key":"GPG 키 ","Group":"모음","Group Install (Deprecated)":"그룹 설치 (사용 안 함)","Group package actions are being deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.":"그룹 패키지 작업은 더 이상 사용되지 않으며 향후 버전에서 제거될 예정입니다.","Group Remove (Deprecated)":"그룹 제거 (사용 안 함)","Guests of":"게스트 ","Helper":"도우미","Host %s has been deleted.":"호스트 %s가 삭제되었습니다.","Host %s has been unregistered.":"호스트 %s가 등록 취소되었습니다.","Host Collection Management":"호스트 컬렉션 관리 ","Host Collection Membership":"호스트 컬렉션 멤버쉽 ","Host Collection removed.":"호스트 컬렉션이 삭제되었습니다. ","Host Collection updated":"호스트 컬렉션이 업데이트되었습니다 ","Host Collection:":"호스트 컬렉션: ","Host Collections":"호스트 컬렉션 ","Host Collections for:":"호스트 컬렉션: ","Host Count":"호스트 수 ","Host Group":"호스트 그룹 ","Host Limit":"호스트 제한","Hostname":"호스트 이름","Hosts":"호스트","hourly":"한 시간 마다 ","Hourly at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutes and {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} seconds":"매시 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} 분 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} 초","HTTP Proxy":"HTTP 프록시","HTTP Proxy Policy":"HTTP 프록시 정책","HTTP Proxy Policy:":"HTTP 프록시 정책:","HTTP Proxy:":"HTTP 프록시:","HttpProxyPolicy":"HTTP프록시정책","Id":"ID","Ignore SRPMs":"SRPMs 무시","Image":"이미지 ","Immediate":"즉시","Important":"중요","In order to browse this repository you must <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">download the certificate</a>\n or ask your admin for a certificate.":"이 리포지터리를 찾으려면 <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">인증서를 다운로드해야 합니다.</a>\n또는 관리자에게 인증서를 요청하십시오.","Include Tags":"태그 포함","Independent Packages":"독립 패키지","Install":"설치 ","Install Selected":"선택 사항 설치 ","Install the pre-built bootstrap RPM:":"사전 생성된 부트스트랩 RPM을 설치합니다:","Installable":"설치 가능 ","Installable Errata":"설치 가능한 에라타 ","Installable Updates":"설치 가능한 업데이트","Installed":"설치됨 ","Installed Deb Packages":"설치된 Deb 패키지","Installed On":"설치 위치","Installed Package":"설치된 패키지 ","Installed Packages":"설치된 패키지 ","Installed Products":"설치된 제품 ","Installed Profile":"설치된 프로필","Interfaces":"인터페이스 ","Interval":"간격 ","IPv4 Address":"IPv4 주소 ","IPv6 Address":"IPv6 주소 ","Issued":"발행됨 ","Katello Agent":"Katello 에이전트 ","Katello Tracer":"Katello Tracer","Katello-agent is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.":"Katello-agent는 더 이상 사용되지 않으며 향후 릴리스에서 제거될 예정입니다.","Label":"레이블 ","Last Checkin":"마지막 체크인 ","Last Published":"마지막 공개 일시 ","Last Puppet Report":"마지막 Puppet 보고 ","Last reclaim space failed:":"마지막 공간 반환 실패:","Last Sync":"마지막 동기화","Last sync failed:":"마지막 동기화 실패:","Last synced":"마지막으로 동기화됨","Last Updated On":"마지막 업데이트: ","Library":"라이브러리","Library Repositories":"라이브러리 리포지터리","Library Repositories that contain this Deb.":"이 Deb이 포함된 라이브러리 리포지터리","Library Repositories that contain this File.":"이 파일이 포함된 라이브러리 리포지터리","Library Synced Content":"라이브러리와 동기화된 컨텐츠 ","License":"사용권","Lifecycle Environment":"라이프사이클 환경 ","Lifecycle Environment Paths":"라이프사이클 환경 경로 ","Lifecycle Environment:":"라이프사이클 환경:","Lifecycle Environments":"라이프사이클 환경 ","Limit":"제한 ","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Activation Key's Lifecycle Environment":"리포지토리 세트를 이 활성화 키의 라이프사이클 환경에서만 사용할 수 있는 것으로 제한","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Host's Lifecycle Environment":"리포지터리 세트를 이 호스트의 라이프사이클 환경에서 사용할 수 있는 것으로만 제한","Limit to environment":"환경 제한","Limit to Environment":"환경 제한","Limit to Lifecycle Environment":"라이프 사이클 환경 제한","Limit:":"제한: ","List":"목록","List/Remove":"목록/삭제","Loading...":"로딩...","Loading...\"":"로딩 중...\"","Manage Ansible Collections for Repository:":"리포지터리의 앤서블 컬렉션 관리:","Manage Container Image Manifests for Repository:":"리포지터리의 컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트 관리:","Manage Content for Repository:":"리포지터리의 콘텐츠 관리:","Manage deb Packages for Repository:":"리포지터리의 deb 패키지 관리:","Manage Errata":"에라타 관리","Manage Files for Repository:":"리포지터리의 파일 관리:","Manage Host Traces":"호스트 추적 관리","Manage HTTP Proxy":"HTTP 프록시 관리","Manage Module Streams":"모듈 스트림 관리","Manage Module Streams for Repository:":"리포지터리의 모듈 스트림 관리:","Manage Packages":"패키지 관리 ","Manage Packages for Repository:":"리포지터리의 패키지 관리: ","Manage Repository Sets":"리포지터리 세트 관리","Manage Subscriptions":"서브스크립션 관리","Manage Sync Plan":"동기화 계획 관리","Manage System Purpose":"시스템 목적 관리","Manifest Lists":"매니페스트 목록","Manifest Type":"매니페스트 유형","Mirroring Policy":"미러링 정책","Model":"모델 ","Moderate":"중간 수준","Modular":"모듈식의","Module Stream Management":"모듈 스트림 관리","Module Stream metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"백그라운드에서 모듈 스트림 메타데이터 생성이 시작되었습니다. 클릭\n<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">여기</a>은 진행 상황을 모니터링합니다.","Module Stream Packages":"모듈 스트림 패키지","Module Streams":"모듈 스트림","Module Streams <div>{{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }}</div>":"모듈 스트림<div>{{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }}</div>","Module Streams for:":"모듈 스트림 대상:","More Details":"상세 정보 ","N/A":"해당 없음 ","Name":"이름 ","Name of the upstream repository you want to sync. Example: 'quay/busybox' or 'fedora/ssh'.":"동기화할 업스트림 리포지터리의 이름입니다. 예: 'quay/busybox' 또는 'fedora/ssh'.","Networking":"네트워크 구성 ","Never":"사용 안 함","Never checked in":"체크인 안 함","Never registered":"등록되지 않음","Never synced":"동기화하지 않음 ","New Activation Key":"새 활성화 키 ","New Environment":"새 환경 ","New Name:":"새로운 이름:","New Product":"새 제품 ","New Repository":"새 리포지터리 ","New Sync Plan":"새 동기화 계획 ","New sync plan successfully created.":"새 동기화 계획이 성공적으로 생성되었습니다. ","Next":"다음","Next Sync":"다음 동기화 ","No":"아니오 ","No alternate release version choices are available. The available releases are based upon what is available in \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", the selected <a href=\"/content_views\">content view</a> this content host is attached to for the given <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">lifecycle environment</a>, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".":"대체 릴리스 버전을 선택할 수 없습니다. 사용가능한 릴리스는 \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\"를 기반으로 하고, 선택된 <a href=\"/content_views\">컨텐츠 보기</a> 이 컨텐츠 호스트는 <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">라이프사이클 환경</a>에 연결되어 있습니다, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".","No Content Hosts match this Erratum.":"이 에라타에 일치하는 컨텐츠 호스트가 없습니다. ","No Content Views contain this Deb":"이 Deb을 포함하는 컨텐츠 보기가 없음","No Content Views contain this File":"이 파일을 포함하는 컨텐츠 보기가 없음","No content views exist for {{selected.environment.name}}":"{{selected.environment.name}}의 컨텐츠 뷰가 존재하지 않습니다 ","No discovered repositories.":"검색된 리포지터리가 없음","No enabled Repository Sets provided through subscriptions.":"서브스크립션을 통해 제공되는 활성화된 리포지토리 세트가 없음","No Host Collections match your search.":"검색과 일치하는 호스트 컬렉션이 없습니다.","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"표시할 호스트 컬렉션이 없습니다. 메인 메뉴의 '호스트'에서 '호스트 컬렉션'을 선택한 후 호스트 컬렉션을 추가할 수 있습니다. ","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"표시할 호스트 컬렉션이 없습니다. '추가' 탭을 선택하여 호스트 컬렉션을 추가할 수 있습니다.","No HTTP Proxies found":"HTTP 프록시를 찾을 수 없음","No HTTP Proxy":"HTTP 프록시가 없음","No matching results.":"일치하는 결과가 없음","No products are available to add to this Sync Plan.":"이 동기화 계획에 추가할 수 있는 제품이 없습니다.","No products have been added to this Sync Plan.":"이 동기화 계획에 추가된 제품이 없습니다.","No releases exist in the Library.":"라이브러리에 릴리스가 없습니다.","No Repositories contain this Deb":"이 Deb을 포함하는 리포지터리가 없습니다.","No Repositories contain this Erratum.":"이 에라타에 포함된 리포지터리가 없습니다. ","No Repositories contain this File":"이 파일을 포함하는 리포지터리 없음","No Repositories contain this Package.":"이 패키지를 포함하는 리포지터리가 없습니다.","No repository sets provided through subscriptions.":"서브스크립션을 통해 제공된 리포지토리 세트가 없음","No restriction":"제한 없음","No sync information available.":"사용 가능한 동기화 정보가 없음","No tasks exist for this resource.":"이 리소스에 대한 작업이 없습니다.","None":"없음 ","Not Applicable":"적용 불가","Not installed":"설치되지 않음 ","Not started":"시작되지 않음","Not Synced":"동기화되지 않았습니다 ","Number of CPUs":"CPU 수 ","Number of Repositories":"리포지터리 수","On Demand":"주문형","One or more of the selected Errata are not Installable via your published Content View versions running on the selected hosts. The new Content View Versions (specified below)\n will be created which will make this Errata Installable in the host's Environment. This new version will replace the current version in your host's Lifecycle\n Environment. To install these errata immediately on hosts after publishing check the box below.":"선택한 에라타 중 하나 이상을 선택한 호스트에서 실행 중인 게시된 컨텐츠 뷰를 통해 설치할 수 없습니다. 이 에라타를 호스트의 환경에 설치할 수 있도록\n 아래에 지정된 새 컨텐츠 뷰 버전이 생성됩니다. 이 새 버전은 호스트의 라이프사이클 환경에 있는 현재 버전을\n 대체합니다. 게시 후 에라타를 호스트에 즉시 설치하려면 아래의 확인란을 선택하십시오.","One or more packages are not showing up in the local repository even though they exist in the upstream repository.":"하나 이상의 패키지가 업스트림 리포지터리에 있는데도 로컬 리포지터리에 표시되지 않습니다.","Only show content hosts where the errata is currently installable in the host's Lifecycle Environment.":"호스트의 라이프사이클 환경에 에라타를 현재 설치할 수 있는 컨텐츠 호스트만 표시합니다.","Only show Errata that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"하나 이상의 컨텐츠 호스트에 적용 가능한 에라타만 표시","Only show Errata that are Installable on one or more Content Hosts":"하나 이상의 컨텐츠 호스트에 설치할 수 있는 에라타만 표시","Only show Packages that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"하나 이상의 컨텐츠 호스트에 적용 가능한 패키지만 표시","Only show Packages that are Upgradable on one or more Content Hosts":"하나 이상의 컨텐츠 호스트에서 업그레이드 가능한 패키지만 표시","Only show Subscriptions for products not already covered by a Subscription":"아직 서브스크립션에 포함되지 않은 제품에 대한 서브스크립션만 표시","Only show Subscriptions which can be applied to products installed on this Host":"이 호스트에 설치된 제품에 적용할 수 있는 서브스크립션만 표시","Only show Subscriptions which can be attached to this Host":"이 호스트에 연결할 수 있는 서브스크립션만 표시","Only the Applications with a Helper can be restarted.":"도우미이 있는 응용 프로그램만 다시 시작할 수 있습니다.","Operating System":"운영체제","Optimized Sync":"동기화 최적화","Organization":"조직 ","Original Sync Date":"원래 동기화 날짜 ","OS":"OS","OSTree Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"OSTree 리포지터리 <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Override to Disabled":"덮어쓰기 비활성화","Override to Enabled":"덮어쓰기 활성화","Package":"패키지 ","Package Actions":"패키지 동작 ","Package Group (Deprecated)":"패키지 그룹 (사용 중지됨)","Package Groups":"패키지 그룹 ","Package Groups for Repository:":"리포지터리의 패키지 그룹:","Package Information":"패키지 정보","Package Install":"패키지 설치 ","Package Installation, Removal, and Update":" 패키지 설치, 제거, 업데이트 ","Package Remove":"패키지 제거 ","Package Update":"패키지 업데이트 ","Package:":"패키지:","Package/Group Name":"패키지/그룹 이름 ","Packages":"패키지 ","Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>":"패키지 <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>","Packages are automatically Applicable if they are Upgradable":"패키지는 업그레이드 가능할 경우 자동으로 적용됩니다.","Packages for Errata:":"에라타의 패키지:","Packages for:":"패키지 대상: ","Parameters":"매개 변수 ","Part of a manifest list":"매니페스트 목록의 일부","Password":"암호 ","Password of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"인증을 위한 업스트림 리포지터리 사용자의 암호입니다. 리포지터리에 인증이 필요하지 않은 경우 비워 둡니다.","Paste contents of Content Credential":"컨텐츠 인증 정보 붙여넣기","Path":"경로 ","Perform":"실행 ","Performing host package actions is disabled because Katello is not configured for Remote Execution or Katello Agent.":"Katello가 원격 실행 또는 Katello agent에 대해 구성되어 있지 않기 때문에 호스트 패키지 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.","Physical":"물리적 ","Please enter cron below":"아래에 cron을 입력하십시오.","Please make sure a Content View is selected.":"컨텐츠 보기가 선택되어 있는지 확인하십시오.","Please select an environment.":"환경을 선택하십시오. ","Please select one from the list below and you will be redirected.":"다음 목록 중 하나를 선택하면 선택한 곳으로 이동합니다.","Plus %y more errors":"%y개 오류가 더 있음","Plus 1 more error":"1개 오류가 더 있음","Previous Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"이전 라이프사이클 환경 (%e/%cv)","Prior Environment":"이전 환경","Product":"제품 ","Product delete operation has been initiated in the background.":"백그라운드에서 제품 삭제 작업이 시작되었습니다.","Product Enhancement Advisory":"제품 기능 개선 권고","Product information for:":"제품 정보: ","Product Management for Sync Plan:":"동기화 계획을 위한 제품 관리: ","Product Name":"제품 이름 ","Product Options":"제품 설정","Product Saved":"저장된 제품 ","Product sync has been initiated in the background.":"백그라운드에서 제품 동기화가 시작되었습니다.","Product syncs has been initiated in the background.":"백그라운드에서 제품 동기화가 시작되었습니다.","Product verify checksum has been initiated in the background.":"백그라운드에서 제품 checksum 확인이 시작되었습니다.","Products":"제품 ","Products <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>":"제품 <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>","Products for":"제품의","Products not covered":"적용되지 않는 제품","Provides":"제공 ","Provisioning Details":"프로비저닝 상세 정보 ","Provisioning Host Details":"프로비저닝 호스트 상세 정보 ","Published At":"공개 일시 ","Published Repository Information":"리포지터리 정보 공개 ","Publishing Settings":"게시 설정","Puppet Environment":"Puppet 환경 ","Quantity":"수량 ","Quantity (To Add)":"수량 (추가할 수량)","RAM (GB)":"RAM(GB)","Reboot Suggested":"재부팅이 권장됩니다 ","Reboot Suggested?":"재부팅하는 것이 좋습니까?","Recalculate\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>":"재계산\n<i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>","Reclaim Space":"공간 반환","Recurring Logic":"반복 로직","Red Hat Repositories page":"Red Hat 리포지터리 페이지 ","Red Hat Repositories page.":"Red Hat 리포지터리 페이지.","Refresh Table":"표 새로 고침 ","Register a Content Host":"컨텐츠 호스트 등록 ","Register Content Host":"컨텐츠 호스트 등록 ","Registered":"등록됨 ","Registered By":"등록: ","Registered Through":"통해 등록됨","Registry Name Pattern":"레지스트리 이름 패턴","Registry Search Parameter":"레지스트리 검색 파라미터","Registry to Discover":"검색할 레지스트리","Registry URL":"레지스트리 URL","Release":"릴리즈 ","Release Version":"릴리즈 버전 ","Release Version:":"릴리즈 버전: ","Releases/Distributions":"릴리스/배포판","Remote execution plugin is required to be able to run any helpers.":"도우미를 실행하려면 원격 실행 플러그인이 필요합니다.","Remove":"삭제 ","Remove {{ table.numSelected }} Container Image manifest?":"{{ table.numSelected }} 컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트를 제거하시겠습니까?","Remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"활성키 \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"을/를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Remove Container Image Manifests":"컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트 삭제","Remove Content":"컨텐츠 삭제 ","Remove Content Credential":"컨텐츠 인증 정보 삭제","Remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}":"{{ contentCredential.name }} 컨텐츠 인증 정보 삭제","Remove Content?":"{{ table.numSelected }} 컨텐츠 유닛을 삭제하시겠습니까?","Remove Environment":"환경 삭제","Remove environment {{ environment.name }}?":"{{ environment.name }} 환경을 제거하시겠습니까?","Remove File?":"{{ table.numSelected }} 파일을 제거하시겠습니까?","Remove Files":"파일 삭제","Remove From":"삭제 대상 ","Remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"호스트 컬렉션 \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"을/를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Remove Package?":"{{ table.numSelected }} 패키지 제거하시겠습니까?","Remove Packages":"패키지 삭제 ","Remove Product":"제품 삭제 ","Remove Product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"제품 \"{{ product.name }}\"을/를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Remove product?":"{{ table.getSelected().length }} 제품을 제거하시겠습니까?","Remove Repositories":"리포지터리 삭제 ","Remove Repository":"리포지터리 삭제 ","Remove Repository {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }}?":"리포지터리 {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }}를 제거하시겠습니까?","Remove repository?":"{{ table.numSelected }} 리포지터리를 제거하시겠습니까?","Remove Selected":"선택한 사항 삭제 ","Remove Successful.":"성공적으로 삭제되었습니다. ","Remove Sync Plan":"동기화 계획 삭제 ","Remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"동기화 계획 \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"을/를 삭제하시겠습니까?","Removed %x host collections from activation key \"%y\".":"활성키 \"%y\"에서 %x 호스트 컬렉션이 삭제되었습니다. ","Removed %x host collections from content host \"%y\".":"컨텐츠 호스트 \"%y\"에서 %x 호스트 컬렉션이 삭제되었습니다. ","Removed %x products from sync plan \"%y\".":"동기화 계획 \"%y\"에서 %x 제품이 삭제되었습니다. ","Removing Repositories":"리포지터리 삭제 중 ","Repo Discovery":"리포지터리 검색 ","Repositories":"리포지터리 ","Repositories containing Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}":"에라타 {{ errata.errata_id }}가 들어 있는 리포지터리 ","Repositories containing package {{ package.nvrea }}":"{{ package.nvrea }} 패키지가 포함된 리포지터리","Repositories for":"리포지터리의","Repositories for Deb:":"Deb 용 리포지터리:","Repositories for Errata:":"에라타 용 리포지터리: ","Repositories for File:":"파일의 리포지터리:","Repositories for Package:":"패키지의 리포지터리:","Repositories for Product:":"제품 용 리포지터리: ","Repositories to Create":"생성할 리포지터리","Repository":"리포지터리 ","Repository \"%s\" successfully deleted":"리포지터리 \"%s\"이/가 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다","Repository %s successfully created.":"리포지터리 %s가 성공적으로 생성되었습니다.","Repository created":"리포지터리가 생성되었습니다 ","Repository Discovery":"리포지터리 검색 ","Repository HTTP proxy changes have been initiated in the background.":"백그라운드에서 리포지터리 HTTP 프록시 변경이 시작되었습니다.","Repository Label":"리포지터리 레이블 ","Repository Name":"리포지터리 이름 ","Repository Options":"리포지터리 옵션","Repository Path":"리포지터리 경로","Repository Saved.":"리포지터리가 저장되었습니다. ","Repository Sets":"리포지터리 세트","Repository Sets settings saved successfully.":"리포지터리 세트 설정이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다.","Repository Type":"리포지터리 유형 ","Repository URL":"리포지터리 URL","Repository will also be removed from the following published content view versions!":"다음에 게시될 컨텐츠 보기 버전에서도 리포지터리가 제거됩니다!","Repository:":"리포지터리: ","Requirements":"요구 사항","Requirements.yml":"Requirements.yml","Requires":"요구 사항 ","Reset":"재설정","Reset to Default":"기본값으로 재설정","Resolving the selected Traces will reboot the selected content hosts.":"선택한 추적을 해결하면 선택한 컨텐츠 호스트가 재부팅됩니다.","Resolving the selected Traces will reboot this host.":"선택한 추적을 해결하면 이 호스트가 재부팅됩니다.","Restart":"재시작","Restart Selected":"선택 사항 재시작","Restart Services on Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"컨텐츠 호스트 \"{{host.name}}\"에서 서비스를 다시 시작하겠습니까?","Restrict to <br>OS version":"<br>OS 버전으로 제한","Restrict to architecture":"아키텍처 제한","Restrict to Architecture":"아키텍처 제한","Restrict to OS version":"OS 버전 제한","Result":"결과 ","Retain package versions":"패키지 버전 유지","Role":"역할 ","Role:":"역할:","RPM":"RPM","rpm Package Updates":"rpm 패키지 업데이트","Run Auto-Attach":"자동 첨부 실행 ","Run Repository Creation\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>":"리포지터리 생성 실행\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>","Run Sync Plan":"동기화 계획 실행","Save":"저장","Save Successful.":"성공적으로 저장되었습니다. ","Schema Version":"스키마 버전","Schema Version 1":"스키마 버전 1","Schema Version 2":"스키마 버전 2","Security":"보안 ","Security Advisory":"보안 권고 ","Select":"선택 ","Select a Content Source:":"컨텐츠 소스 선택:","Select Action":"작업 선택 ","Select an Organization":"조직 선택 ","Select Content View":"컨텐츠 뷰 선택 ","Selecting \"Complete Sync\" will cause only yum/deb repositories of the selected product to be synced.":"\"동기화 완료\"를 선택하면 선택한 제품의 yum/deb 리포지터리만 동기화됩니다.","Selecting this option will exclude SRPMs from repository synchronization.":"이 옵션을 선택하면 SRPMs가 리포지터리 동기화에서 제외됩니다.","Selecting this option will result in Katello verifying that the upstream url's SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Unselect if you do not want this verification.":"이 옵션을 선택하면 Katello 인증에서 업스트림 URL의 SSL 인증서가 신뢰할 수 있는 CA에 의해 서명되었는지 확인합니다. 이 인증을 원치 않으면 선택하지 않습니다.","Service Level":"서비스 레벨 ","Service Level (SLA)":"서비스 레벨 (SLA)","Service Level (SLA):":"서비스 레벨 (SLA):","Set Release Version":"릴리스 버전 설정","Severity":"심각성 ","Show All":"모두 표시","Show all Repository Sets in Organization":"조직의 모든 리포지터리 세트 보기","Size":"사이즈","Smart proxy currently reclaiming space...":"스마트 프록시가 현재 공간을 회수하고 있습니다...","Smart proxy currently syncing to your locations...":"스마트 프록시가 현재 사용자의 위치와 동기화되고 있습니다...","Smart proxy is synchronized":"스마트 프록시가 동기화됨","Sockets":"소켓 ","Solution":"솔루션 ","Some of the Errata shown below may not be installable as they are not in this Content Host's\n Content View and Lifecycle Environment. In order to apply such Errata an Incremental Update is required.":"아래 표시된 일부 에라타는 이 컨텐츠 호스트안에 없음으로 설치할 수 없습니다.\n컨텐츠 보기 및 라이프사이클 환경. 이러한 에라타를 적용하려면 증분 업데이트가 필요합니다.","Something went wrong when deleting the resource.":"리소스를 삭제하는 중 문제가 발생했습니다.","Something went wrong when retrieving the resource.":"리소스를 검색하는 중에 문제가 발생했습니다.","Something went wrong when saving the resource.":"리소스를 저장 중 문제가 발생했습니다.","Source RPM":"소스 RPM","Source RPMs":"소스 RPM ","Space reclamation is about to start...":"공간 회수가 시작됩니다...","SSL CA Cert":"SSL CA 인증서","SSL Certificate":"SSL 인증서","SSL Client Cert":"SSL 클라이언트 인증서","SSL Client Key":"SSL 클라이언트 키","Standard sync, optimized for speed by bypassing any unneeded steps.":"표준 동기화, 불필요한 단계를 우회하여 속도에 최적화.","Start Date":"시작 날짜 ","Start Time":"시작 시간 ","Started At":"시작 일시 ","Starting":"시작하는 중","Starts":"시작 ","State":"상태 ","Status":"상태 ","Stream":"스트림","Subscription Details":"서브스크립션 정보 ","Subscription Management":"서브스크립션 관리","Subscription Status":"서브스크립션 상태 ","Subscription UUID":"서브스크립션 UUID","subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"":"subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"","Subscriptions":"서브스크립션 ","Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"활성키의 서브스크립션: ","Subscriptions for Content Host:":"컨텐츠 호스트의 서브스크립션:","Subscriptions for:":"서브스크립션 대상: ","Success!":"성공! ","Successfully added %s subscriptions.":"%s 서브스크립션을 성공적으로 추가했습니다 ","Successfully initiated restart of services.":"서비스 재시작을 성공적으로 시작했습니다.","Successfully removed %s items.":"%s 항목을 성공적으로 삭제했습니다. ","Successfully removed %s subscriptions.":"%s 서브스크립션을 성공적으로 삭제했습니다. ","Successfully removed 1 item.":"1 개의 항목이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다. ","Successfully scheduled an update of all packages":"모든 패키지의 업데이트를 예약했습니다.","Successfully scheduled package installation":"패키지 설치를 예약했습니다.","Successfully scheduled package removal":"패키지 제거가 예약되었습니다.","Successfully scheduled package update":"패키지 업데이트를 예약했습니다.","Successfully updated subscriptions.":"서브스크립션을 성공적으로 업데이트했습니다. ","Successfully uploaded content:":"콘텐츠가 성공적으로 업로드됨:","Summary":"요약 ","Support Level":"지원 수준 ","Sync":"동기화 ","Sync Enabled":"동기화가 활성화됨 ","Sync even if the upstream metadata appears to have no change. This option is only relevant for yum/deb repositories and will take longer than an optimized sync. Choose this option if:":"업스트림 메타데이터가 변경되지 않은 것처럼 보이더라도 동기화합니다. 이 옵션은 yum/deb 리포지토리에만 관련되며 최적화된 동기화보다 시간이 오래 걸립니다. 다음과 같은 경우 이 옵션을 선택합니다:","Sync Interval":"동기화 간격 ","Sync Now":"지금 동기화 ","Sync Plan":"동기화 계획 ","Sync Plan %s has been deleted.":"동기화 계획 %s을(를) 삭제했습니다. ","Sync Plan created and assigned to product.":"동기화 계획이 생성되어 제품에 할당되었습니다.","Sync Plan saved":"동기화 계획 저장됨","Sync Plan Saved":"동기화 계획이 저장되었습니다 ","Sync Plan:":"동기화 계획: ","Sync Plans":"동기화 계획 ","Sync Selected":"선택 사항 동기화","Sync Settings":"동기화 설정","Sync State":"동기화 상태 ","Sync Status":"동기화 상태 ","Synced manually, no interval set.":"수동으로 동기화되었습니다. 간격이 설정되어 있지 않습니다. ","Synchronization is about to start...":"동기화를 시작합니다.","Synchronization is being cancelled...":"동기화를 취소하는 중입니다.","System Purpose":"시스템 목적","System purpose enables you to set the system's intended use on your network and improves reporting accuracy in the Subscriptions service of the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.":"시스템 목적은 네트워크에서 시스템의 용도를 설정할 수 있으며 Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console의 서브스크립션 서비스에서 보고 정확도를 향상시킬 수 있습니다.","System Purpose Management":"시스템 목적 관리","System Purpose Status":"시스템 목적 상태","Tags":"태그","Task Details":"작업 상세 정보 ","Tasks":"작업","Temporary":"임시","The <i>Registry Name Pattern</i> overrides the default name by which container images may be pulled from the server. (By default this name is a combination of Organization, Lifecycle Environment, Content View, Product, and Repository labels.)\n\n <br><br>The name may be constructed using ERB syntax. Variables available for use are:\n\n <pre>\norganization.name\norganization.label\nrepository.name\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nproduct.name\nproduct.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label</pre>\n\n Examples:\n <pre>\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt;</pre>":"<i>레지스트리 이름 패턴</i>은 컨테이너 이미지를 서버에서 가져올 수 있는 기본 이름을 오버라이드합니다. (기본적으로 이 이름은 조직, 라이프사이클 환경, 컨텐츠 보기, 제품 및 리포지토리 레이블의 조합입니다.)\n\n <br><br>이름은 ERB 구문을 사용하여 구성될 수 있습니다. 사용 가능한 변수:\n\n <pre>\norganization.name\norganization.label\nrepository.name\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nproduct.name\nproduct.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label</pre>\n\n 예시:\n <pre>\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt;</pre>","The Content View or Lifecycle Environment needs to be updated in order to make errata available to these hosts.":"이 호스트에서 에라타를 사용 가능하게 하려면 컨텐츠 뷰 또는 라이프 사이클 환경을 업데이트해야 합니다.","The following actions can be performed on content hosts in this host collection:":"다음과 같은 작업이 호스트 컬렉션에 있는 컨텐츠 호스트에서 실행될 수 있습니다: ","The host has not reported any applicable packages for upgrade.":"호스트에서 업그레이드에 적용할 수 있는 패키지를 보고하지 않았습니다.","The host has not reported any installed packages, registering with subscription-manager should cause these to be reported.":"호스트에서 설치된 패키지가 보고되지 않았습니다. subscription-manager에 등록하면 보고됩니다.","The host requires being attached to a content view and the lifecycle environment you have chosen has no content views promoted to it.\n See the <a href=\"/content_views\">content views page</a> to manage and promote a content view.":"호스트를 컨텐츠 보기에 연결해야 하며 선택한 라이프사이클 환경에는 승격된 컨텐츠 보기가 없습니다.\n컨텐츠 보기를 관리하고 승격하려면 <a href=\"/content_views\">컨텐츠 보기 페이지 </a>을 참조하십시오.","The maximum number of versions of each package to keep.":"보관할 각 패키지의 최대 버전 수입니다.","The page you are attempting to access requires selecting a specific organization.":"액세스하려는 페이지에서 특정 조직을 선택해야 합니다.","The remote execution feature is required to manage packages on this Host.":"이 호스트에서 패키지를 관리하려면 원격 실행 기능이 필요합니다.","The Remote Execution plugin needs to be installed in order to resolve Traces.":"추적을 확인하려면 원격 실행 플러그인을 설치해야 합니다.","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected architecture.":"리포지토리는 선택한 아키텍처가 있는 콘텐츠 호스트에서 기본적으로 사용하도록 설정됩니다.","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected OS version.":"선택한 OS 버전이 있는 컨텐츠 호스트에서는 리포지토리가 기본적으로 활성화됩니다.","The selected environment contains no Content Views, please select a different environment.":"선택한 환경에 컨텐츠 뷰가 없습니다. 다른 환경을 선택하십시오. ","The time the sync should happen in your current time zone.":"시간 동기화는 현재 표준 시간대에서 일어나야 합니다.","The token key to use for authentication.":"인증에 사용할 토큰 키입니다.","The URL to receive a session token from, e.g. used with Automation Hub.":"세션 토큰을 수신할 URL, 예: Automation Hub에서 사용.","There are {{ errataCount }} total Errata in this organization but none match the above filters.":"이 조직에는 총 {{ errataCount }}개의 에라타가 있지만 위의 필터와 일치하는 에라타가 없습니다.","There are {{ packageCount }} total Packages in this organization but none match the above filters.":"이 조직에 {{ packageCount }}개의 패키지가 있지만 위의 필터와 일치하는 패키지가 없습니다.","There are no %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"조건과 일치하는 %(contentType)s이 없습니다.","There are no Content Views in this Environment.":"이 환경에는 컨텐츠 뷰가 없습니다. ","There are no Content Views that match the criteria.":"조건에 일치하는 컨텐츠 뷰가 없습니다.","There are no Errata associated with this Content Host to display.":"표시할 컨텐츠 호스트에 연결된 에라타가 없습니다.","There are no Errata in this organization. Create one or more Products with Errata to view Errata on this page.":"이 조직에는 에라타가 없습니다. 이 페이지에 에라타를 표시하려면 에라타와 함께 하나 이상의 제품을 생성합니다.","There are no Errata to display.":"표시할 에라타가 없습니다. ","There are no Host Collections available. You can create new Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"사용 가능한 호스트 컬렉션이 없습니다. 메인 메뉴의 '호스트'에서 '호스트 컬렉션'을 선택한 후 새 호스트 컬렉션을 생성합니다. ","There are no Module Streams to display.":"표시할 모듈 스트림이 없습니다.","There are no Packages in this organization. Create one or more Products with Packages to view Packages on this page.":"이 조직에는 패키지가 없습니다. 이 페이지에 패키지를 표시하려면 패키지와 함께 하나 이상의 제품을 생성하십시오.","There are no Sync Plans available. You can create new Sync Plans after selecting 'Sync Plans' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"사용 가능한 동기화 계획이 없습니다. 메인 메뉴의 '호스트'에서 '동기화 계획'을 선택한 후 새 동기화 계획을 만들 수 있습니다.","There are no Traces to display.":"표시할 추적이 없습니다.","There is currently an Incremental Update task in progress. This update must finish before applying existing updates.":"현재 증분 업데이트 작업이 진행 중입니다. 기존 업데이트를 적용하기 전 이 업데이트를 완료해야 합니다.","These instructions will be removed in a future release. NEW: To register a content host without following these manual steps, see <a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\">Register Host</a>":"이러한 지침은 향후 릴리스에서 제거될 예정입니다. 새로운 기능: 이러한 단계를 수행하지 않고 컨텐츠 호스트를 등록하려면 <a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\">호스트 등록</a>을 참조하십시오.","This action will affect only those Content Hosts that require a change.\n If the Content Host does not have the selected Subscription no action will take place.":"이 작업은 변경이 필요한 콘텐츠 호스트에만 적용됩니다.\n콘텐츠 호스트에 선택한 서브스크립션이 없으면 작업이 수행되지 않습니다.","This activation key is not associated with any content hosts.":"이 활성키는 다른 컨텐츠 호스트와 연결되어 있지 않습니다. ","This activation key may be used during system registration. For example:":"시스템 등록 도중 이 활성키를 사용할 수 있습니다. 예: ","This change will be applied to <b>{{ hostCount }} systems.</b>":"이 변경 사항은 <b>{{ hostCount }} systems</b>에 적용됩니다. ","This Container Image Tag is not present in any Lifecycle Environments.":"이 컨테이너 이미지 태그는 라이프사이클 환경에 없습니다.","This operation may also remove managed resources linked to the host such as virtual machines and DNS records.\n Change the setting \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" to false on the <a href=\"/settings\">settings page</a> to prevent this.":"이 작업은 가상 머신과 DNS 레코드와 같은 호스트에 연결되어 관리되는 리소스도 제거할 수 있습니다.\n이를 방지하려면 <a href=\"/settings\">설정 페이지 </a>에서 \"등록 취소 시 호스트 삭제\" 설정을 false로 변경합니다.","This organization has Simple Content Access enabled. Hosts are not required to have subscriptions attached to access repositories.":"이 조직에서는 단순 컨텐츠 액세스를 사용할 수 있습니다. 호스트에는 액세스 리포지터리에 연결된 서브스크립션이 필요하지 않습니다.","This organization is not using <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://access.redhat.com/articles/simple-content-access\">Simple Content Access.</a> Entitlement-based subscription management is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.":"이 조직은 <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://access.redhat.com/articles/simple-content-access\">단순 컨텐츠 액세스</a>를 사용하지 않습니다. 자격 기반 서브스크립션 관리는 더 이상 사용되지 않으며 향후 버전에서 제거될 예정입니다.","Title":"제목","To register a content host to this server, follow these steps.":"서버에 컨텐츠 호스트를 등록하려면 다음 단계를 실행합니다:","Toggle Dropdown":"드롭다운 전환","Token of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"인증을 위한 업스트림 리포지터리 사용자의 토큰입니다. 리포지터리에 인증이 필요하지 않은 경우 비워 둡니다.","Topic":"주제","Tracer helps administrators identify applications that need to be restarted after a system is patched.":"추적기는 관리자가 시스템에 패치를 적용한 후 다시 시작해야 하는 응용프로그램을 식별하는 데 도움이 됩니다.","Traces":"추적","Traces for:":"추적 대상:","Turn on Setting > Content > Allow deleting repositories in published content views":"설정 > 컨텐츠 > 게시된 컨텐츠 보기에서 리포지터리 삭제 허용","Type":"유형","Unauthenticated Pull":"인증되지 않은 pull","Unknown":"알 수 없음 ","Unlimited Content Hosts:":"무제한 컨텐츠 호스트: ","Unlimited Hosts":"무제한 호스트","Unprotected":"보호되지 않음","Unregister Host":"호스트 등록 취소","Unregister Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"호스트 \"{{host.name}}\"의 등록을 취소하겠습니까?","Unregister Options:":"등록 취소 옵션:","Unregister the host as a subscription consumer. Provisioning and configuration information is preserved.":"호스트를 서브스크립션 구매자에게 등록하지 마십시오. 프로비저닝 및 구성 정보가 보존됩니다.","Unsupported Type!":"지원되지 않는 유형!","Update":"업데이트 ","Update All Deb Packages":"모든 Deb 패키지 업데이트","Update All Packages":"모든 패키지 업데이트","Update Packages":"패키지 업데이트","Update Sync Plan":"동기화 계획 업데이트 ","Updated":"업데이트 일시 ","Upgradable":"업그레이드 가능","Upgradable For":"업그레이드 가능한","Upgradable Package":"업그레이드 가능한 패키지","Upgrade Available":"업그레이드 가능","Upgrade Selected":"선택 사항 업그레이드","Upload":"업로드 ","Upload Content Credential file":"컨텐츠 인증 정보 파일 업로드","Upload File":"파일 업로드","Upload Package":"패키지 업로드 ","Upload Requirements":"요구 사항 업로드","Upload Requirements.yml file <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n </a>":" Requirements.yml 파일 업로드 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n </a>","Uploading...":"업로드 중...","Upstream Authentication Token":"업스트림 인증 토큰","Upstream Authorization":"업스트림 인증","Upstream Image Name":"업스트림 이미지 이름","Upstream Password":"업스트림 암호","Upstream Repository Name":"업스트림 리포지터리 이름 ","Upstream URL":"업스트림 URL","Upstream Username":"업스트림 사용자 이름","Url":"URL","URL of the registry you want to sync. Example: https://registry-1.docker.io/ or https://quay.io/":"동기화할 레지스트리의 URL입니다. 예: https://registry-1.docker.io/ 또는 https://quay.io/","URL to Discover":"검색할 URL","URL to the repository base. Example: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"debURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>":"리포지터리 기반의 URL입니다. 예: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/<a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"debURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n</a>","Usage Type":"사용 유형","Usage Type:":"사용 유형:","Use specific HTTP Proxy":"특정 HTTP 프록시 사용","Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your lifecycle environment selection.":"컨텐츠 뷰 선택의 취소 버튼을 사용하여 환경 선택을 취소합니다.","Used as":"로 사용됨","User":"사용자 ","Username":"사용자 이름 ","Username of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"인증을 위한 업스트림 리포지터리 사용자의 사용자 이름입니다. 리포지터리에 인증이 필요하지 않은 경우 비워 둡니다.","Variant":"변형","Verify Content Checksum":"컨텐츠 Checksum 확인","Verify SSL":"SSL 확인 ","Version":"버전 ","Version {{ cvVersions['version'] }}":"버전 {{ cvVersions['version'] }}","Versions":"버전 ","via Katello agent":"Katello 에이전트를 통해","via Katello Agent":"Katello 에이전트를 통해","via remote execution":"원격 실행을 통해","via remote execution - customize first":"원격 실행을 통해 - 사용자 정의 후","View Container Image Manifest Lists for Repository:":"리포지터리의 컨테이너 이미지 매니페스트 목록 보기:","View Docker Tags for Repository:":"리포지터리의 Docker 태그 보기:","View job invocations.":"작업 호출을 봅니다.","Virtual":"가상 ","Virtual Guest":"가상 게스트","Virtual Guests":"가상 게스트 ","Virtual Host":"가상 호스트 ","Warning: reclaiming space for an \"On Demand\" repository will delete all cached content units. Take precaution when cleaning custom repositories whose upstream parents don't keep old package versions.":"경고: \"주문형\" 리포지터리의 공간을 회수하면 캐시된 모든 내용 단위가 삭제됩니다. 업스트림 상위 항목이 이전 패키지 버전을 유지하지 않는 사용자 지정 리포지터리를 지울 때 주의하십시오.","weekly":"매주 ","Weekly on {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"매주 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (서버 시간)","When Auto Attach is disabled, registering systems will be attached to all associated subscriptions.":"자동 첨부를 비활성화할 때 등록된 시스템은 모든 연관된 서브스크립션에 첨부됩니다.","Whitespace-separated list of components to sync (leave clear to sync all). Example: main <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"componentPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Components\">\n </a>":"동기화할 구성요소 목록을 공백으로 구분합니다 (모두 동기화하려면 선택 취소). 예: main<a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"componentPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Components\">\n </a>","Whitespace-separated list of processor architectures to sync (leave clear to sync all). Example: amd64 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"archPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Architectures\">\n </a>":"동기화할 프로세서 아키텍처 목록을 공백으로 구분합니다 (모두 동기화하려면 선택 취소). 예: amd64 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"archPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Architectures\">\n </a>","Whitespace-separated list of releases/distributions to sync (required for syncing). Example: buster <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"distPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Releases/Distributions\">\n </a>":"동기화할 릴리스/배포 목록을 공백으로 구분합니다 (동기화에 필요). 예: buster <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"distPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Releases/Distributions\">\n </a>","Working":"작업 중 ","Yes":"예 ","You can upload a requirements.yml file above to auto-fill contents <b>OR</b> paste contents of <a ng-href=\"https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/galaxy/user_guide.html#install-multiple-collections-with-a-requirements-file\" target=\"_blank\"> Requirements.yml </a>below.":"위의 requirements.yml 파일을 업로드하여 내용을 자동으로 <b>채우거나</b> 아래의 <a ng-href=\"https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/galaxy/user_guide.html#install-multiple-collections-with-a-requirements-file\" target=\"_blank\"> Requirements.yml </a>의 내용을 붙여넣을 수 있습니다.","You can upload a requirements.yml file below to auto-fill contents or paste contents of requirement.yml here":"아래 requirements.yml 파일을 업로드하여 내용을 자동으로 채우거나 여기에 requirement.yml의 내용을 붙여넣을 수 있습니다.","You cannot remove these repositories because you do not have permission.":"권한이 없기 때문에 이 리포지터리를 삭제할 수 없습니다. ","You cannot remove this product because it is a Red Hat product.":"Red Hat 제품이기 때문에 이를 삭제할 수 없습니다. ","You cannot remove this product because it was published to a content view.":"컨텐츠 뷰에 공개되어 있기 때문에 이 제품을 삭제할 수 없습니다. ","You cannot remove this product because you do not have permission.":"권한이 없기 때문에 이 제품을 삭제할 수 없습니다. ","You cannot remove this repository because you do not have permission.":"권한이 없기 때문에 이 리포지터리를 삭제할 수 없습니다. ","You currently don't have any Activation Keys, you can add Activation Keys using the button on the right.":"현재 활성키가 없습니다. 오른쪽에 있는 버튼을 사용하여 활성키를 추가할 수 있습니다. ","You currently don't have any Alternate Content Sources associated with this Content Credential.":"현재 이 콘텐츠 인증 정보와 연결된 대체 콘텐츠 소스가 없습니다.","You currently don't have any Container Image Tags.":"현재 컨테이너 이미지 태그가 없습니다.","You currently don't have any Content Credential, you can add Content Credentials using the button on the right.":"현재 콘텐츠 인증 정보가 없습니다. 오른쪽 버튼를 사용하여 콘텐츠 인증 정보를 추가할 수 있습니다.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can create new Content Hosts by selecting Contents Host from main menu and then clicking the button on the right.":"현재 컨텐츠 호스트가 없습니다. 메인 메뉴에서 컨텐츠 호스트를 선택한 후 오른쪽에 있는 버튼을 클릭하면 새 컨텐츠 호스트를 생성할 수 있습니다. ","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can register one by clicking the button on the right and following the instructions.":"현재 컨텐츠 호스트가 없습니다. 오른쪽 버튼을 클릭하고 지시에 따라 컨텐츠 호스트를 등록할 수 있습니다.","You currently don't have any Files.":"현재 파일이 없습니다.","You currently don't have any Host Collections, you can add Host Collections using the button on the right.":"현재 호스트 컬렉션이 없습니다. 오른쪽에 있는 버튼을 사용하여 호스트 컬렉션을 추가할 수 있습니다. ","You currently don't have any Hosts in this Host Group, you can add Content Hosts after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"현재 이 호스트 그룹에 호스트가 없습니다. '추가' 탭을 선택하여 컨텐츠 호스트를 추가할 수 있습니다.","You currently don't have any Products associated with this Content Credential.":"현재 이 콘텐츠 인증 정보와 연결된 제품이 없습니다.","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to, you can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu":"현재 등록할 제품이 없습니다. 메인 메뉴의 '컨텐츠'에서 '제품'을 선택하여 제품을 추가할 수 있습니다.","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to. You can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu.":"현재 구독할 제품이 없습니다. 메인 메뉴의 '컨텐츠'에서 '제품'를 선택한 후 제품을 추가할 수 있습니다.","You currently don't have any Products<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, you can add Products using the button on the right</span>.":"현재 제품 <span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">이 없습니다. 오른쪽에 있는 버튼을 사용하여 제품을 추가할 수 있습니다</span>.","You currently don't have any Repositories associated with this Content Credential.":"현재 이 콘텐츠 인증 정보와 연결된 리포지터리가 없습니다.","You currently don't have any Repositories included in this Product, you can add Repositories using the button on the right.":"현재 이 제품에 리포지터리가 포함되어 있지 않습니다. 오른쪽에 있는 버튼을 사용하여 리포지터리를 추가할 수 있습니다. ","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Activation Key, you can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"현재 이 활성키와 관련된 서브스크립션이 없습니다. '추가' 탭을 선택하여 서브스크립션을 추가할 수 있습니다.","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Content Host. You can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"현재 이 컨텐츠 호스트와 연결된 서브스크립션이 없습니다. '추가' 탭을 선택한 후 서브스크립션을 추가할 수 있습니다.","You currently don't have any Sync Plans. A Sync Plan can be created by using the button on the right.":"현재 동기화 계획이 없습니다. 오른쪽 버튼을 사용하여 동기화 계획을 생성할 수 있습니다.","You do not have any Installed Products":"설치된 제품이 없습니다 ","You must select a content view in order to save your environment.":"환경을 저장하려면 컨텐츠 뷰를 선택해야 합니다.","You must select a new content view before your change of environment can be saved. Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your environment selection.":"환경 변경 사항을 저장하기 전 새 컨텐츠 뷰를 선택해야 합니다. 컨텐츠 뷰 선택 취소 버튼을 사용하여 환경 선택을 취소합니다. ","You must select a new content view before your change of lifecycle environment can be saved.":"라이프사이클 환경의 변경 사항을 저장하려면 먼저 새 컨텐츠 뷰를 선택해야 합니다.","You must select at least one Content Host in order to apply Errata.":"에라타를 적용하려면 최소 하나의 컨텐츠 호스트를 선택하셔야 합니다. ","You must select at least one Errata to apply.":"적용할 에라타를 하나 이상 선택해야 합니다.","Your search returned zero %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"검색에서 조건과 일치하는 0개의 %(contentType)s를 반환했습니다.","Your search returned zero Activation Keys.":"활성화 키가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Container Image Tags.":"컨테이너 이미지 태그가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Content Credential.":"인증 정보가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Content Hosts.":"컨텐츠 호스트가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Content Views":"컨텐츠 뷰가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Content Views.":"컨텐츠 뷰가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Deb Packages.":"Deb 패키지가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Debs.":"Debs가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Errata.":"에라타가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Erratum.":"Erratum이 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Files.":"파일이 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Host Collections.":"호스트 컬렉션이 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Hosts.":"호스트가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Lifecycle Environments.":"라이프사이클 환경이 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Module Streams.":"모듈 스트림이 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Packages.":"패키지가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Products.":"제품이 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Repositories":"리포지터리가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Repositories.":"리포지터리가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero repository sets.":"리포지터리 세트가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Repository Sets.":"리포지터리 세트가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero results.":"결과가 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Subscriptions.":"서브스크립션이 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Sync Plans.":"동기화 계획이 0개 검색되었습니다.","Your search returned zero Traces.":"추적이 0개 검색되었습니다.","Yum Metadata Checksum":"Yum 메타데이터 체크섬 ","Yum metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Yum 메타데이터 생성이 백그라운드에서 시작되었습니다. <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">여기</a>를 클릭하여 진행 상태를 모니터하십시오. ","Yum Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Yum 리포지터리 <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>"});
+ gettextCatalog.setStrings('pt_BR', {"-- select an interval --":"-- selecione um intervalo --","(future)":"(futuro)","{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}":"{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}","{{ contentCredential.name }}":"{{ contentCredential.name }}","{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Aplicável,","{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable":"{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Instalável","{{ errata.title }}":"{{ errata.title }}","{{ file.name }}":"{{ file.name }}","{{ host.name }}":"{{ host.name }}","{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}":"{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}","{{ installedPackageCount }} Host(s)":"{{ installedPackageCount }} Hospedeiro(s)","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} Hospedeiro(s)","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Aplicável,","{{ package.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_available_count }} Hospedeiro(s)","{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Atualizável","{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} Bytes)":"{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} Bytes)","{{ product.active_task_count }}":"{{ product.active_task_count }}","{{ product.name }}":"{{ product.name }}","{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} Pacotes deb","{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata":"{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata","{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Files":"{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Arquivos","{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Pacotes","{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} Source RPMs":"{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} Fonte RPMs","{{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"{{ repository.last_sync_words }} atrás","{{ repository.name }}":"{{ repository.name }}","{{ type.display }}":"{{ type.display }}","{{header}}":"{{header}}","{{option.description}}":"{{option.description}}","{{urlDescription}}":"{{urlDescription}}","* These marked Content View Versions are from Composite Content Views. Their components needing updating are listed underneath.":"* Estas Versões marcadas de Conteúdo Visualizado são de Composite Content Views. Seus componentes que precisam de atualização estão listados abaixo.","/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId":"/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId","%(consumed)s out of %(quantity)s":"%(consumed)s de %(quantity)s","%count environment(s) can be synchronized: %envs":"%count ambiente(s) pode(m) ser sincronizado(s): %envs","<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>":"<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>","1 repository sync in progress.":["1 sincronia de repositório em andamento.","{{ product.sync_summary.pending}} sincronia dos repositórios em andamento.","{{ product.sync_summary.pending}} sincronia dos repositórios em andamento."],"1 successfully synced repository.":["1 repositório sincronizado com sucesso.","{{ product.sync_summary.success}} sincronizou com sucesso os repositórios.","{{ product.sync_summary.success}} sincronizou com sucesso os repositórios."],"A sync has been initiated in the background, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">click for more details</a>":"Uma sincronização foi iniciada em segundo plano, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">clique para mais detalhes</a>","Account":"Conta","Action Type":"Tipo de ação","Actions":"Ações","Activation Key":["Chave de ativação","Chaves de ativação ","Chaves de ativação "],"Activation Key Content":"Conteúdo da chave de ativação","Activation Key removed.":"Chave de ativação removida.","Activation Key updated":"Chave de ativação atualizada","Activation Key:":"Chave de ativação:","Activation Keys":"Chaves de ativação ","Active Tasks":"Tarefas ativas","Add":"Adicionar","Add Content Hosts to:":"Adicionar Hosts de Conteúdo a:","Add New Environment":"Adicionar Novo Ambiente","Add ons":"Complementos","Add Selected":"Adicionar selecionado","Add Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Adicionar Assinaturas para Chave de Ativação:","Add Subscriptions for Content Host:":"Adicionar Assinaturas para Host de Conteúdo:","Add To":"Adicione a","Added %x host collections to activation key \"%y\".":"Acrescentei %x coleções de host à chave de ativação \"%y\".","Added %x host collections to content host \"%y\".":"Acrescentei %x coleções de anfitriões a anfitriões de conteúdo \"%y\".","Added %x products to sync plan \"%y\".":"Acrescentado %x produtos para plano de sincronização \"%y\".","Adding Lifecycle Environment to the end of \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"":"Adicionando Ambiente de Ciclo de Vida ao final de \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"","Advanced Sync":"Sincronia Avançada","Advisory":"Assessoria","Affected Hosts":"Anfitriões afetados","All Content Views":"Todas as visualizações de conteúdo","All Repositories":"Todos os Repositórios","An error occured: %s":"Ocorreu um erro: %s","An error occurred initiating the sync:":"Ocorreu um erro ao iniciar a sincronização:","An error occurred removing the Activation Key:":"Ocorreu um erro ao remover a chave de ativação:","An error occurred removing the content hosts.":"Ocorreu um erro ao remover os hosts de conteúdo.","An error occurred removing the environment:":"Ocorreu um erro ao remover o ambiente:","An error occurred removing the Host Collection:":"Ocorreu um erro ao remover a Coleção Anfitriã:","An error occurred removing the subscriptions.":"Ocorreu um erro ao remover as assinaturas.","An error occurred saving the Activation Key:":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar a chave de ativação:","An error occurred saving the Content Host:":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o Host de Conteúdo:","An error occurred saving the Environment:":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o Meio Ambiente:","An error occurred saving the Host Collection:":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar a Coleção Anfitriã:","An error occurred saving the Product:":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o Produto:","An error occurred saving the Repository:":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o Repositório:","An error occurred saving the Sync Plan:":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o Plano de Sincronização:","An error occurred trying to auto-attach subscriptions. Please check your log for further information.":"Ocorreu um erro na tentativa de autoatacar assinaturas. Por favor, verifique seu log para maiores informações.","An error occurred updating the sync plan:":"Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar o plano de sincronização:","An error occurred while creating the Content Credential:":"Ocorreu um erro durante a criação da Credencial de Conteúdo:","An error occurred while creating the Product: %s":"Ocorreu um erro durante a criação do Produto: %s","An error occurred:":"Ocorreu um erro:","Ansible Collections":"Coleções do Ansible","Applicable":"Aplicável","Applicable Content Hosts":"Hosts de Conteúdo Aplicável","Applicable Errata":"Errata Aplicável","Applicable Packages":"Pacotes aplicáveis","Applicable To":"Aplicável a","Applicable to Host":"Aplicável ao Host","Application":"Aplicação","Apply":"Aplicar","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }}":"Aplicar {{ errata.errata_id }}","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"Aplicar {{ errata.errata_id }} para {{ contentHostIds.length }} Host(s) de conteúdo?","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to all Content Host(s)?":"Aplicar {{ errata.errata_id }} a todo(s) Host(s) de Conteúdo?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"Aplicar {{ errataIds.length }} Errata para {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to all Content Host(s)?":"Aplicar {{ errataIds.length }} Errata a todo(s) Host(s) de Conteúdo?","Apply Errata":"Aplicar Errata","Apply Errata to Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"Aplicar Errata ao Host de Conteúdo \"{{host.name}}\"?","Apply Errata to Content Hosts":"Aplicar Errata aos Hosts de Conteúdo","Apply Errata to Content Hosts immediately after publishing.":"Aplique Errata aos Hosts de Conteúdo imediatamente após a publicação.","Apply Selected":"Aplicar Selecionado","Apply to Content Hosts":"Aplicar aos Hosts de Conteúdo","Apply to Hosts":"Aplicar para Anfitriões","Applying":"Aplicando","Arch":"Arq.","Architecture":"Arquitetura","Architectures":"Arquiteturas","Are you sure you want to add the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to the host collection(s) chosen?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja adicionar o(s) anfitrião(s) de conteúdo {{ table.numSelected }} selecionado(s) à(s) coleção(ões) anfitriã(s) escolhida(s)?","Are you sure you want to add the sync plan to the selected products(s)?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja adicionar o plano de sincronização aos produtos selecionados?","Are you sure you want to apply Errata to content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"Você tem certeza de que quer aplicar Errata ao anfitrião do conteúdo \"{{ host.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to apply the {{ table.numSelected }} selected errata to the content hosts chosen?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja aplicar as erratas selecionadas {{ table.numSelected }} aos anfitriões de conteúdo escolhidos?","Are you sure you want to assign the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.contentView.name }} in {{ selected.environment.name }}?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja designar o(s) anfitrião(s) de conteúdo {{ table.numSelected }} selecionado(s) para {{ selected.contentView.name }} em {{ selected.environment.name }}?","Are you sure you want to disable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"Você tem certeza de que quer desativar o(s) conjunto(s) de repositório(s) {{ table.numSelected }} escolhido(s)?","Are you sure you want to enable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"Você tem certeza de que quer habilitar o(s) conjunto(s) de repositório(s) {{ table.numSelected }} escolhido(s)?","Are you sure you want to install {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja instalar {{ content.content }} no(s) sistema(s) {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} selecionado(s)?","Are you sure you want to remove {{ content.content }} from the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Você tem certeza de que quer remover {{ content.content }} do(s) sistema(s) {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} selecionado(s)?","Are you sure you want to remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"Você tem certeza que quer remover a Chave de Ativação \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja remover a Credencial de Conteúdo {{ contentCredential.name }}?","Are you sure you want to remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"Você tem certeza de que quer remover a Coleção Host \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"Você tem certeza de que quer remover o produto \"{{ product.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"Você tem certeza de que quer remover o Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected from the host collection(s) chosen?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja remover o(s) anfitrião(s) de conteúdo {{ table.numSelected }} selecionado(s) da(s) coleção(ões) anfitriã(s) escolhida(s)?","Are you sure you want to remove the sync plan from the selected product(s)?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja remover o plano de sincronização do(s) produto(s) selecionado(s)?","Are you sure you want to reset to default the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"Você tem certeza de que quer redefinir para o padrão o(s) conjunto(s) de repositório(s) {{ table.numSelected }} escolhido(s)?","Are you sure you want to restart services on content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja reiniciar os serviços no host de conteúdo \"{{ host.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to set the Release Version the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.release }}?. This action will affect only those Content Hosts that belong to the appropriate Content View and Lifecycle Environment containining that release version.":"Você tem certeza de que deseja definir a Versão de Lançamento o(s) host(s) de conteúdo {{ table.numSelected }} selecionado(s) para {{ selected.release }}?. Esta ação afetará somente aqueles Hosts de conteúdo que pertencem à Visão de Conteúdo e Ambiente de Ciclo de Vida apropriados, contendo aquela versão de lançamento.","Are you sure you want to update {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Você tem certeza de que deseja atualizar {{ content.content }} no(s) sistema(s) {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} selecionado(s)?","Are you sure you want to update all packages on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"Você tem certeza de querer atualizar todos os pacotes no(s) sistema(s) {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} selecionado(s)?","Assign":"Atribuir","Assign Release Version":"Atribuir Versão de Lançamento","Associations":"Associações","At least one Errata needs to be selected to Apply.":"Pelo menos uma Errata precisa ser selecionada para se candidatar.","Attached":"Anexado","Author":"Autor","Auto-Attach":"Auto-Attach","Automatic":"Automático","Available Schema Versions":"Versões disponíveis do esquema","Back To Errata List":"Voltar à lista de erros","Backend Identifier":"Identificador backend","Basic Information":"Informações básicas","Below are the repository content sets currently available for this content host through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"Abaixo estão os conjuntos de conteúdo de repositório atualmente disponíveis para este hospedeiro de conteúdo através de suas assinaturas. Para as assinaturas da Red Hat, conteúdo adicional pode ser disponibilizado através do","Below are the Repository Sets currently available for this activation key through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"Abaixo estão os Conjuntos de Repositório atualmente disponíveis para esta chave de ativação através de suas assinaturas. Para as assinaturas da Red Hat, conteúdo adicional pode ser disponibilizado através do","Bootable":"Inicializavel","Bug Fix":"Correção de erro","Bug Fix Advisory":"Consultoria em correção de erros","Build Host":"Construir Host","Build Information":"Construir informações","Build Time":"Tempo de construção","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cannot Remove":"Não é possível remover","Cannot republish Repository without the proper permissions.":"Não é possível republicar o Repositório sem as devidas permissões.","Cannot republish Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"Não é possível republicar o Repositório, uma sincronização já está em andamento.","Cannot sync Repository without a URL.":"Não é possível sincronizar o Repositório sem uma URL.","Cannot sync Repository without the proper permissions.":"Não é possível sincronizar o Repositório sem as devidas permissões.","Cannot sync Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"Não é possível sincronizar o Repositório, uma sincronização já está em andamento.","Capacity":"Capacidade","Certificate":"Certificado","Change assigned Lifecycle Environment or Content View":"Mudança atribuída ao Ambiente do Ciclo de Vida ou Visão de Conteúdo","Change Host Collections":"Mudança de coleções de anfitriões","Change Lifecycle Environment":"Mudar o ambiente do ciclo de vida","Changing default settings for content hosts that register with this activation key requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on that host.":"A mudança das configurações padrão para hosts de conteúdo que se registram com esta chave de ativação requer que a versão 1.10 ou mais recente do gerenciador de assinatura seja instalada naquele host.","Changing default settings requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on this host.":"A mudança das configurações padrão requer que a versão 1.10 ou mais recente do gerenciador de assinatura seja instalada neste host.","Checksum":"Checksum","Checksum Type":"Tipo de Checksum","Click here to check the status of the task.":"Clique aqui para verificar o status da tarefa.","Click here to select Errata for an Incremental Update.":"Clique aqui para selecionar Errata para uma Atualização Incremental.","Close":"Fechar","Complete Sync":"Sincronia completa","Components":"Componentes","Components:":"Componentes:","Composite View":"Vista Composta","Confirm":"Confirmar","Container Image Manifest":"Manifesto de imagem de contêiner","Container Image Manifest Lists":"Listas de Manifestos de Imagens de Contêineres","Container Image Manifests":"Manifestos de imagens de contêineres","Container Image Tags":"Tags de imagem de contêiner","Content":"Conteúdo","Content Counts":"Contas de Conteúdo","Content Credential %s has been created.":"Foi criada a Credencial de Conteúdo %s.","Content Credential Contents":"Conteúdo Conteúdo Credencial","Content Credential successfully uploaded":"Conteúdo Credencial carregado com sucesso","Content credential updated":"Credencial de conteúdo atualizada","Content Credentials":"Credenciais de conteúdo","Content Host":"Host de Conteúdo","Content Host Bulk Content":"Conteúdo Conteúdo do Host Bulk","Content Host Bulk Subscriptions":"Assinaturas em massa de conteúdo","Content Host Content":"Conteúdo Conteúdo do Host","Content Host Counts":"Conteúdos Contém","Content Host Limit":"Limite do Host de Conteúdo","Content Host Properties":"Propriedades do hospedeiro de conteúdo","Content Host Registration":"Registro de anfitrião de conteúdo","Content Host Status":"Status do hospedeiro de conteúdo","Content Host:":"Host de conteúdo:","Content Hosts":"Hosts de Conteúdo","Content Hosts for Activation Key:":"Chave de ativação de conteúdo:","Content Hosts for:":"Hosts de conteúdo para:","Content Type":"Tipo de Conteúdo","Content View":"Visão do conteúdo","Content View Version":"Versão de visualização do conteúdo","Content View:":"Vista do conteúdo:","Content Views":"Exibições de conteúdo","Content Views <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>":"Visualizações de conteúdo <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>","Content Views for Deb:":"Visualizações de conteúdo para Deb:","Content Views for File:":"Visualizações de conteúdo para arquivo:","Content Views that contain this Deb":"Visualizações de conteúdo que contêm esta Deb","Content Views that contain this File":"Visualizações de conteúdo que contêm este arquivo","Context":"Contexto","Contract":"Contrato","Copy Activation Key":"Chave de ativação de cópia","Copy Host Collection":"Cópia da Coleção Host","Cores per Socket":"Núcleos por Tomada","Create":"Criar","Create a copy of {{ activationKey.name }}":"Crie uma cópia de {{ activationKey.name }}","Create a copy of {{ hostCollection.name }}":"Crie uma cópia de {{ hostCollection.name }}","Create Activation Key":"Criar chave de ativação","Create Content Credential":"Criar Credencial de Conteúdo","Create Discovered Repositories":"Criar Repositórios Descobertos","Create Environment Path":"Criar caminho ambiental","Create Host Collection":"Criar coleção de anfitriões","Create Product":"Criar Produto","Create Selected":"Criar Selecionado","Create Status":"Criar status","Create Sync Plan":"Criar Plano de Sincronização","Creating repository...":"Criando repositório...","Critical":"Crítico","Current Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Assinaturas atuais para chave de ativação:","CVEs":"CVEs","daily":"diariamente","Daily at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"Diariamente em {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (horário do servidor)","Date":"Data","deb metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"A geração de metadados deb foi iniciada em segundo plano. Clique <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Aqui</a> para monitorar o progresso.","deb Packages":"pacotes deb","Deb Packages":"Pacotes deb","Deb:":"Deb:","Default":"Padrão","Delete":"Excluir","Delete Hosts":"Apagar hosts","Dependencies":"Dependências","Description":"Descrição","Details":"Detalhes","Details for Activation Key:":"Detalhes da chave de ativação:","Details for Product:":"Detalhes do Produto:","Details for Repository:":"Detalhes para Repositório:","Digest":"Digest","Disable":"Desabilitar","Disabled":"Desativado","Disabled (overridden)":"Deficiente (anulado)","Discover":"Descubra","Discovered Repository":"Repositório Descoberto","Discovery failed. Error: %s":"A descoberta falhou. Erro: %s","Distribution":"Distribuição","Distribution Information":"Informações sobre distribuição","Docker Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Repositórios de Docker <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Done":"Feito","Download Policy":"Política de download","Enable":"Habilitar","Enabled":"Ativado","Enabled (overridden)":"Ativado (anulado)","Enhancement":"Melhoria","Enter Package Group Name(s)...":"Digite o(s) nome(s) do(s) grupo(s) de pacote(s)...","Enter Package Name(s)...":"Digite o(s) nome(s) do(s) pacote(s)...","Environment":"Ambiente","Environment saved":"Meio ambiente economizado","Environments List":"Lista de Ambientes","Errata":"Erratas","Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>":"Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>","Errata are automatically Applicable if they are Installable":"Os erros são automaticamente aplicáveis se forem instaláveis","Errata Details":"Detalhes da Errata","Errata for:":"Errata para:","Errata ID":"Errata ID","Errata Installation":"Instalação de Errata","Errata Task List":"Lista de tarefas de erros","Errata Tasks":"Errata Tarefas","Errata:":"Errata:","Error during upload:":"Erro durante o upload:","Event":"Evento","Existing Product":"Produto Existente","Expires":"Expira","Export":"Exportar","Family":"Família","File Information":"Informações do arquivo","File removal been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"A remoção do arquivo foi iniciada em segundo plano. Clique <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Aqui</a> para monitorar o progresso.","File too large.":"Arquivo muito grande.","File too large. Please use the CLI instead.":"Arquivo muito grande. Por favor, use o CLI em seu lugar.","File:":"Arquivo:","Filename":"Nome do arquivo","Files":"Arquivos","Files in package {{ package.nvrea }}":"Arquivos em pacote {{ package.nvrea }}","Filter":"Flitro","Filter...":"Filtro...","Finished At":"Concluído em","For older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5 it is recommended to use sha1.":"Para sistemas operacionais mais antigos como o Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 ou CentOS 5 é recomendado o uso do sha1.","GPG Key":"Chave GPG","Group":"Grupo","Guests of":"Convidados de","Helper":"Ajudante","Host %s has been deleted.":"O host %s foi excluído.","Host %s has been unregistered.":"O host %s não foi registrado.","Host Collection Management":"Gerenciamento de coleta de hospedagem","Host Collection Membership":"Afiliação a Coleta de Anfitriões","Host Collection removed.":"Coleção de anfitriões removida.","Host Collection updated":"Coleção de anfitriões atualizada","Host Collection:":"Coleção de anfitriões:","Host Collections":"Coleções de Host","Host Collections for:":"Coleções de anfitriões para:","Host Count":"Contagem de anfitriões","Host Group":"Grupo de Host","Host Limit":"Limite do anfitrião","Hostname":"Nome da máquina","Hosts":"Hosts","hourly":"de hora em hora","Hourly at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutes and {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} seconds":"De hora em hora em {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutos e {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} segundos","HTTP Proxy":"Proxy HTTP","HttpProxyPolicy":"HttpProxyPolicy","Id":"Id","Image":"Imagem","Immediate":"Imediato(a)","Important":"Importante","In order to browse this repository you must <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">download the certificate</a>\n or ask your admin for a certificate.":"Para navegar por este repositório você deve <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">baixar o certificado</a>\n ou peça um certificado a seu administrador.","Install":"Instalar","Install Selected":"Instalação Selecionada","Install the pre-built bootstrap RPM:":"Instalar o RPM do bootstrap pré-construído:","Installable":"Instalável","Installable Errata":"Errata instalável","Installable Updates":"Atualizações instaláveis","Installed":"Instalados","Installed On":"Instalado em","Installed Package":"Pacote instalado","Installed Packages":"Pacotes instalados","Installed Products":"Produtos Instalados","Interfaces":"Interfaces","Interval":"Intervalo","IPv4 Address":"Endereço IPv4","IPv6 Address":"Endereço IPv6","Issued":"Emitido em","Katello Agent":"Agente Katello","Label":"Rótulo","Last Checkin":"Último Checkin","Last Published":"Publicado pela última vez","Last Puppet Report":"Último Relatório de Marionetes","Last Sync":"Última Sincronia","Last Updated On":"Última Atualização em","Library":"Biblioteca","Library Repositories":"Repositórios de bibliotecas","Library Repositories that contain this Deb.":"Repositórios de bibliotecas que contêm esta Deb.","Library Repositories that contain this File.":"Repositórios da biblioteca que contêm este arquivo.","Library Synced Content":"Biblioteca Conteúdo Sincronizado","License":"Licença","Lifecycle Environment":"Ambiente de Ciclo de Vida","Lifecycle Environment Paths":"Caminhos do ambiente do ciclo de vida","Lifecycle Environments":"Ambientes de ciclo de vida","Limit":"Limite","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Activation Key's Lifecycle Environment":"Limite os conjuntos de Repositórios a apenas aqueles disponíveis nesta chave de ativação do ambiente do ciclo de vida","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Host's Lifecycle Environment":"Limitar os Conjuntos de Repositório a apenas aqueles disponíveis no Ambiente de Ciclo de Vida deste Host","Limit to environment":"Limite ao meio ambiente","Limit to Environment":"Limite ao meio ambiente","Limit:":"Limite:","List":"Lista","List/Remove":"Lista/Remover","Loading...":"Carregando...","Loading...\"":"Carregando...\"","Manage deb Packages for Repository:":"Gerenciar pacotes de deb para Repositório:","Manage Errata":"Gerenciar Errata","Manage Files for Repository:":"Gerenciar Arquivos para Repositório:","Manage Packages":"Gerenciar pacotes","Manage Packages for Repository:":"Gerenciar Pacotes para Repositório:","Manage Repository Sets":"Gerenciar Conjuntos de Repositórios","Manage Subscriptions":"Gerenciar Assinaturas","Manage Sync Plan":"Gerenciar Plano de Sincronização","Manifest Lists":"Listas Manifestativas","Manifest Type":"Tipo de Manifesto","Model":"Modelar","Moderate":"Moderado","Module Streams":"Fluxos de módulo","More Details":"Mais detalhes","N/A":"N/D","Name":"Nome","Networking":"Trabalho em rede","Never":"Nunca","Never synced":"Nunca sincronizado","New Activation Key":"Nova chave de ativação","New Environment":"Novo Ambiente","New Name:":"Novo nome:","New Product":"Novo produto","New Repository":"Novo Repositório","New Sync Plan":"Novo Plano de Sincronização","New sync plan successfully created.":"Novo plano de sincronização criado com sucesso.","Next":"Próximo","Next Sync":"Próxima Sincronia","No":"Não","No alternate release version choices are available. The available releases are based upon what is available in \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", the selected <a href=\"/content_views\">content view</a> this content host is attached to for the given <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">lifecycle environment</a>, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".":"Não há opções de versões alternativas disponíveis. As versões disponíveis são baseadas no que está disponível em \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", a visão de conteúdo selecionada <a href=\"/content_views\"></a> a que este anfitrião de conteúdo está anexado para o ambiente <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">dado ciclo de vida</a>, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".","No Content Hosts match this Erratum.":"Nenhum hospedeiro de conteúdo corresponde a este erro.","No Content Views contain this Deb":"Nenhuma Vista de Conteúdo contém esta Deb","No Content Views contain this File":"Nenhuma vista de conteúdo contém este arquivo","No content views exist for {{selected.environment.name}}":"Não existem visualizações de conteúdo para {{selected.environment.name}}","No discovered repositories.":"Nenhum repositório descoberto.","No Host Collections match your search.":"Nenhuma coleção de anfitriões corresponde à sua busca.","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"Não há coleções de anfitriões para mostrar, você pode adicionar Coleções de anfitriões após selecionar 'Coleções de anfitriões' em 'Anfitriões' no menu principal.","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Sem Coleções Hospedeiras para mostrar, você pode adicionar Coleções Hospedeiras após selecionar a guia 'Adicionar'.","No matching results.":"Sem resultados correspondentes.","No products are available to add to this Sync Plan.":"Não há produtos disponíveis para adicionar a este Plano de Sincronização.","No releases exist in the Library.":"Não existem lançamentos na Biblioteca.","No Repositories contain this Deb":"Nenhum Repositório contém este Deb","No Repositories contain this Erratum.":"Nenhum Repositório contém este erro.","No Repositories contain this File":"Nenhum Repositório contém este arquivo","No Repositories contain this Package.":"Nenhum Repositório contém este pacote.","No repository sets provided through subscriptions.":"Não são fornecidos conjuntos de repositórios através de assinaturas.","No sync information available.":"Não há informações de sincronização disponíveis.","No tasks exist for this resource.":"Não existem tarefas para este recurso.","None":"Nenhum","Not installed":"Não instalado","Not started":"Não iniciado","Not Synced":"Não foi Sincronizado","Number of CPUs":"Número de CPUs","Number of Repositories":"Número de Repositórios","On Demand":"Sob demanda","One or more of the selected Errata are not Installable via your published Content View versions running on the selected hosts. The new Content View Versions (specified below)\n will be created which will make this Errata Installable in the host's Environment. This new version will replace the current version in your host's Lifecycle\n Environment. To install these errata immediately on hosts after publishing check the box below.":"Uma ou mais das Erratas selecionadas não podem ser instaladas através de suas versões publicadas de Visualização de Conteúdo rodando nos hosts selecionados. As novas Versões de Visualização de Conteúdo (especificadas abaixo)\n que tornará esta Errata Instalável no Ambiente do hospedeiro. Esta nova versão substituirá a versão atual no Ciclo de Vida do seu host\n Meio ambiente. Para instalar estas erratas imediatamente nos hosts após a publicação, marque a caixa abaixo.","Only show content hosts where the errata is currently installable in the host's Lifecycle Environment.":"Mostrar apenas os hosts de conteúdo onde a errata é atualmente instalável no ambiente do ciclo de vida do host.","Only show Errata that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"Mostrar apenas Erratas que se aplicam a um ou mais Hosts de Conteúdo","Only show Errata that are Installable on one or more Content Hosts":"Mostrar apenas Erratas que podem ser instaladas em um ou mais Hosts de Conteúdo","Only show Packages that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"Mostrar apenas Pacotes que são aplicáveis a um ou mais Hosts de Conteúdo","Only show Packages that are Upgradable on one or more Content Hosts":"Mostrar apenas pacotes que podem ser atualizados em um ou mais Hosts de Conteúdo","Only show Subscriptions for products not already covered by a Subscription":"Mostrar apenas Assinaturas para produtos ainda não cobertos por uma Assinatura","Only show Subscriptions which can be applied to products installed on this Host":"Mostrar apenas Assinaturas que podem ser aplicadas aos produtos instalados neste Host","Only show Subscriptions which can be attached to this Host":"Mostrar apenas Assinaturas que podem ser anexadas a este Host","Only the Applications with a Helper can be restarted.":"Somente as aplicações com um Helper podem ser reiniciadas.","Operating System":"Sistema Operacional","Optimized Sync":"Sincronia Otimizada","Organization":"Organização","Original Sync Date":"Data de Sincronização Original","OS":"OS","OSTree Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"OSTree Repositórios <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Override to Disabled":"Substituição para Deficientes","Override to Enabled":"Anular para Ativado","Package":"Pacote","Package Actions":"Ações do pacote","Package Groups":"Grupos de Pacote","Package Groups for Repository:":"Grupos de Pacotes para Repositório:","Package Information":"Informações sobre o pacote","Package Install":"Instalar Pacote","Package Installation, Removal, and Update":"Instalação, remoção e atualização de pacotes","Package Remove":"Remover Pacote","Package Update":"Atualizar Pacote","Package:":"Pacote:","Package/Group Name":"Nome do pacote/grupo","Packages":"Pacotes","Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>":"Pacotes <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>","Packages are automatically Applicable if they are Upgradable":"Os pacotes são automaticamente aplicáveis se forem atualizáveis","Packages for:":"Embalagens para:","Parameters":"Parâmetros","Part of a manifest list":"Parte de uma lista manifesta","Password":"Senha","Password of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"Senha do usuário do repositório upstream para autenticação. Deixe em branco se o repositório não exigir autenticação.","Paste contents of Content Credential":"Colar o conteúdo da Credencial de Conteúdo","Path":"Caminho","Perform":"Realizar","Physical":"Físico","Please select an environment.":"Por favor, selecione um ambiente.","Please select one from the list below and you will be redirected.":"Selecione uma opção na lista abaixo e você será redirecionado.","Plus %y more errors":"Mais %y mais erros","Plus 1 more error":"Mais 1 erro","Product":"Produto","Product Enhancement Advisory":"Assessoria para Melhoria de Produtos","Product information for:":"Informações sobre produtos para:","Product Management for Sync Plan:":"Gestão de Produtos para Sync Plan:","Product Name":"Nome do produto","Product Options":"Opções de produtos","Product Saved":"Produto Salvo","Products":"Produtos","Products <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>":"Produtos <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>","Products for":"Produtos para","Products not covered":"Produtos não cobertos","Provides":"Fornece","Provisioning Details":"Detalhes do provisionamento","Provisioning Host Details":"Detalhes sobre o provisionamento do host","Published At":"Publicado em","Published Repository Information":"Informações de Repositório Publicadas","Puppet Environment":"Ambiente puppet","Quantity":"Quantidade","RAM (GB)":"RAM (GB)","Reboot Suggested":"Reinicialização sugerida","Reboot Suggested?":"Sugestão de reinicialização?","Recalculate\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>":"Recalcule\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>","Red Hat Repositories page":"Página de Repositórios Red Hat","Red Hat Repositories page.":"Página de Repositórios Red Hat.","Refresh Table":"Tabela de Atualização","Register a Content Host":"Registrar um hospedeiro de conteúdo","Register Content Host":"Registro de Conteúdo Host","Registered":"Registrado","Registered By":"Registrado por","Registered Through":"Registrado através de","Registry Name Pattern":"Padrão de nome de registro","Registry to Discover":"Registro para descobrir","Registry URL":"URL do registro","Release":"Lançamento","Release Version":"Versão de Lançamento","Release Version:":"Versão de lançamento:","Remote execution plugin is required to be able to run any helpers.":"O plugin de execução remota é necessário para poder executar qualquer ajudante.","Remove":"Remover","Remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"Remover chave de ativação \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?","Remove Content":"Remover Conteúdo","Remove Content Credential":"Remover Credencial de Conteúdo","Remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}":"Remover Credencial de Conteúdo {{ contentCredential.name }}","Remove Environment":"Remover Ambiente","Remove Files":"Remover arquivos","Remove From":"Remover de","Remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"Remover coleção de anfitriões \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?","Remove Packages":"Remover pacotes","Remove Product":"Remover Produto","Remove Product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"Remover Produto \"{{ product.name }}\"?","Remove Repositories":"Retirar os Repositórios","Remove Repository":"Remover Repositório","Remove Selected":"Remover Selecionado","Remove Successful.":"Retirar com sucesso.","Remove Sync Plan":"Remover Plano de Sincronização","Remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"Remover Plano de Sincronização \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?","Removed %x host collections from activation key \"%y\".":"Removido %x coleções de host da chave de ativação \"%y\".","Removed %x host collections from content host \"%y\".":"Removido %x coleções de anfitriões de conteúdo de anfitriões \"%y\".","Removed %x products from sync plan \"%y\".":"Removido %x produtos do plano de sincronização \"%y\".","Removing Repositories":"Remoção de Repositórios","Repo Discovery":"Descoberta do Repo","Repositories":"Repositórios","Repositories containing Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}":"Repositórios contendo Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}","Repositories containing package {{ package.nvrea }}":"Repositórios contendo pacote {{ package.nvrea }}","Repositories for":"Repositórios para","Repositories for Deb:":"Repositórios para Deb:","Repositories for Errata:":"Repositórios de Errata:","Repositories for File:":"Repositórios para arquivo:","Repositories for Package:":"Repositórios para embalagem:","Repositories for Product:":"Repositórios de Produtos:","Repositories to Create":"Repositórios para criar","Repository":"Repo","Repository \"%s\" successfully deleted":"Repositório \"%s\" apagado com sucesso","Repository %s successfully created.":"Repositório %s criado com sucesso.","Repository created":"Repositório criado","Repository Discovery":"Descoberta do Repositório","Repository Label":"Rótulo Repositório","Repository Name":"Nome do Repositório","Repository Options":"Opções de Repositório","Repository Path":"Caminho Repositório","Repository Saved.":"Repositório Salvo.","Repository Sets":"Conjuntos Repositórios","Repository Sets settings saved successfully.":"Repositório Define as configurações salvas com sucesso.","Repository Type":"Tipo de Repositório","Repository URL":"URL do Repositório","Repository:":"Repositório:","Requires":"Requer","Reset to Default":"Redefinir para o padrão","Restart":"Reinicie","Restart Selected":"Reinício Selecionado","Restart Services on Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"Serviços de Reinício no Anfitrião de Conteúdo \"{{host.name}}\"?","Restrict to architecture":"Restringir-se à arquitetura","Restrict to Architecture":"Restringir-se à arquitetura","Result":"Resultado","Role":"Função","RPM":"RPM","Run Auto-Attach":"Executar Auto-Attach","Run Repository Creation\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>":"Criação do Repositório Run\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>","Run Sync Plan":"Executar Plano de Sincronização","Save":"Salvar","Save Successful.":"Salvar o sucesso.","Schema Version":"Versão esquemática","Schema Version 1":"Esquema Versão 1","Schema Version 2":"Esquema Versão 2","Security":"Segurança","Security Advisory":"Assessoria de Segurança","Select":"Selecionar","Select a Content Source:":"Selecione uma Fonte de Conteúdo:","Select Action":"Selecionar Ação","Select an Organization":"Selecionar uma organização","Select Content View":"Selecionar Visualização de Conteúdo","Selecting this option will result in Katello verifying that the upstream url's SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Unselect if you do not want this verification.":"Selecionando esta opção, a Katello verificará se os certificados SSL da url upstream são assinados por uma CA de confiança. Desselecione se você não quiser esta verificação.","Service Level":"Nível de serviço","Service Level (SLA)":"Nível de serviço (SLA)","Set Release Version":"Versão de lançamento do conjunto","Severity":"Severidade","Show All":"Mostrar tudo","Show all Repository Sets in Organization":"Mostrar todos os Conjuntos Repositórios em Organização","Size":"Tam.","Smart proxy currently syncing to your locations...":"Proxy inteligente atualmente em sincronia com seus locais...","Smart proxy is synchronized":"O proxy inteligente é sincronizado","Sockets":"Sockets","Solution":"Solução","Some of the Errata shown below may not be installable as they are not in this Content Host's\n Content View and Lifecycle Environment. In order to apply such Errata an Incremental Update is required.":"Algumas das Erratas mostradas abaixo podem não ser instaláveis, pois não estão neste Host de Conteúdo\n Visão do conteúdo e ambiente do ciclo de vida. Para aplicar tais Erratas é necessária uma Atualização Incremental.","Something went wrong when retrieving the resource.":"Algo deu errado quando se recuperou o recurso.","Something went wrong when saving the resource.":"Algo deu errado ao salvar o recurso.","Source RPM":"RPM de origem","Source RPMs":"RPMs de Origem","SSL CA Cert":"SSL CA Cert","SSL Certificate":"Certificado SSL","SSL Client Cert":"Cliente SSL Cert","SSL Client Key":"Chave do cliente SSL","Standard sync, optimized for speed by bypassing any unneeded steps.":"Sincronização padrão, otimizada para a velocidade, contornando quaisquer passos desnecessários.","Start Date":"Data de Início","Start Time":"Hora de início","Started At":"Começou em","Starting":"Início","Starts":"Inicia","State":"Estado","Status":"Estado","Stream":"Fluxo","Subscription Details":"Detalhes de subscrição","Subscription Management":"Gestão de Assinaturas","Subscription Status":"Estado de subscrição","subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"":"subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"","Subscriptions":"Subscrições","Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"Assinaturas para chave de ativação:","Subscriptions for Content Host:":"Assinaturas para Host de Conteúdo:","Subscriptions for:":"Assinaturas para:","Success!":"Sucesso!","Successfully added %s subscriptions.":"Acrescentou com sucesso %s subscrições.","Successfully removed %s items.":"Removido com sucesso %s itens.","Successfully removed %s subscriptions.":"Eliminadas com sucesso as assinaturas %s.","Successfully removed 1 item.":"Removido com sucesso 1 item.","Successfully scheduled an update of all packages":"Agendou com sucesso uma atualização de todos os pacotes","Successfully scheduled package installation":"Instalação de pacotes programados com sucesso","Successfully scheduled package removal":"Remoção de pacotes programada com sucesso","Successfully scheduled package update":"Atualização de pacote programada com sucesso","Successfully updated subscriptions.":"Assinaturas atualizadas com sucesso.","Successfully uploaded content:":"Conteúdo carregado com sucesso:","Summary":"Sumário","Support Level":"Nível de suporte","Sync":"Sincronizar","Sync Enabled":"Sinc Enabled","Sync Interval":"Intervalo de sincronização","Sync Now":"Sync Now","Sync Plan":"Plano de sincronização","Sync Plan %s has been deleted.":"O Sync Plan %s foi eliminado.","Sync Plan created and assigned to product.":"Plano de sincronização criado e atribuído ao produto.","Sync Plan Saved":"Plano de Sincronização Salvo","Sync Plan:":"Plano de sincronização:","Sync Plans":"Planos de Sincronização","Sync Selected":"Sinc Selected","Sync Settings":"Configurações de Sincronização","Sync State":"Estado do Sync","Sync Status":"Estado da Sincronização","Synced manually, no interval set.":"Sincronizado manualmente, sem intervalo definido.","Synchronization is about to start...":"A sincronização está prestes a começar...","Synchronization is being cancelled...":"A sincronização está sendo cancelada...","System Purpose":"Objetivo do sistema","Tags":"Tags","Task Details":"Detalhes da tarefa","Tasks":"Tarefas","Temporary":"Temporário","The Content View or Lifecycle Environment needs to be updated in order to make errata available to these hosts.":"A Visão do Conteúdo ou Ambiente do Ciclo de Vida precisa ser atualizada a fim de tornar as erratas disponíveis para esses anfitriões.","The following actions can be performed on content hosts in this host collection:":"As seguintes ações podem ser realizadas em hosts de conteúdo nesta coleção de hosts:","The host has not reported any applicable packages for upgrade.":"O anfitrião não relatou nenhum pacote aplicável para atualização.","The host has not reported any installed packages, registering with subscription-manager should cause these to be reported.":"O anfitrião não relatou nenhum pacote instalado, o registro no gerenciador de assinaturas deve fazer com que estes sejam relatados.","The page you are attempting to access requires selecting a specific organization.":"A página que você está tentando acessar requer a seleção de uma organização específica.","The selected environment contains no Content Views, please select a different environment.":"O ambiente selecionado não contém visualizações de conteúdo, favor selecionar um ambiente diferente.","The time the sync should happen in your current time zone.":"A hora em que a sincronização deve acontecer em seu fuso horário atual.","There are {{ errataCount }} total Errata in this organization but none match the above filters.":"Há {{ errataCount }} Errata total nesta organização, mas nenhuma corresponde aos filtros acima.","There are {{ packageCount }} total Packages in this organization but none match the above filters.":"Há {{ packageCount }} pacotes totais nesta organização, mas nenhum corresponde aos filtros acima.","There are no Content Views in this Environment.":"Não há visualizações de conteúdo neste Ambiente.","There are no Content Views that match the criteria.":"Não há Visualizações de Conteúdo que correspondam aos critérios.","There are no Errata associated with this Content Host to display.":"Não há Errata associada a este Host de Conteúdo para exibir.","There are no Errata in this organization. Create one or more Products with Errata to view Errata on this page.":"Não há Errata nesta organização. Crie um ou mais Produtos com Errata para ver Errata nesta página.","There are no Errata to display.":"Não há erros a serem exibidos.","There are no Host Collections available. You can create new Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"Não há coleções de anfitriões disponíveis. Você pode criar novas Coleções Host após selecionar 'Host Collections' em 'Hosts' no menu principal.","There are no Packages in this organization. Create one or more Products with Packages to view Packages on this page.":"Não há pacotes nesta organização. Crie um ou mais Produtos com Pacotes para ver os Pacotes nesta página.","There are no Sync Plans available. You can create new Sync Plans after selecting 'Sync Plans' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"Não há Planos de Sincronização disponíveis. Você pode criar novos Planos de Sincronização após selecionar 'Planos de Sincronização' em 'Anfitriões' no menu principal.","There are no Traces to display.":"Não há traços a serem exibidos.","There is currently an Incremental Update task in progress. This update must finish before applying existing updates.":"Há atualmente uma tarefa de Atualização Incremental em andamento. Esta atualização deve ser concluída antes de aplicar as atualizações existentes.","This action will affect only those Content Hosts that require a change.\n If the Content Host does not have the selected Subscription no action will take place.":"Esta ação afetará somente aqueles Hosts de Conteúdo que requerem uma mudança.\n Se o Host de Conteúdo não tiver a Assinatura selecionada, nenhuma ação ocorrerá.","This activation key is not associated with any content hosts.":"Esta chave de ativação não está associada a nenhum anfitrião de conteúdo.","This activation key may be used during system registration. For example:":"Esta chave de ativação pode ser usada durante o registro do sistema. Por exemplo, esta chave de ativação pode ser usada durante o registro do sistema:","This operation may also remove managed resources linked to the host such as virtual machines and DNS records.\n Change the setting \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" to false on the <a href=\"/settings\">settings page</a> to prevent this.":"Esta operação também pode remover recursos gerenciados ligados ao host, tais como máquinas virtuais e registros DNS.\n Altere a configuração \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" para falsa na página de configuração <a href=\"/settings\"></a> para evitar isso.","Title":"Título","To register a content host to this server, follow these steps.":"Para registrar um host de conteúdo para este servidor, siga estes passos.","Toggle Dropdown":"Alternância de queda","Topic":"Tema","Traces":"Rastreamentos","Traces for:":"Traços para:","Type":"Tipo","Unauthenticated Pull":"Puxada não autenticada","Unknown":"Desconhecido","Unlimited Content Hosts:":"Hosts de Conteúdo Ilimitado:","Unlimited Hosts":"Anfitriões Ilimitados","Unregister Host":"Cancelar registro de Host","Unregister Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"Desregistrar Host \"{{host.name}}\"?","Unregister Options:":"Opções para cancelar o registro:","Unregister the host as a subscription consumer. Provisioning and configuration information is preserved.":"Desregistrar o anfitrião como um consumidor de assinatura. As informações de provisionamento e configuração são preservadas.","Unsupported Type!":"Tipo sem suporte!","Update":"Atualizar","Update All Packages":"Atualização de todos os pacotes","Update Packages":"Pacotes de atualização","Update Sync Plan":"Atualizar Plano de Sinc","Updated":"Atualizados","Upgradable":"Atualizável","Upgradable For":"Atualizável para","Upgradable Package":"Pacote atualizável","Upgrade Selected":"Atualização Selecionada","Upload":"Upload","Upload Content Credential file":"Upload do arquivo de credenciais de conteúdo","Upload File":"Carregar arquivo","Upload Package":"Pacote de Upload","Uploading...":"Carregando...","Upstream Image Name":"Nome da imagem a montante","Upstream Password":"Senha upstream","Upstream Repository Name":"Nome do Repositório Upstream","Upstream URL":"URL a montante","Upstream Username":"Nome de usuário upstream","Url":"Url","URL to Discover":"URL a descobrir","Usage Type":"Tipo de uso","Used as":"Usado como","User":"Usuário","Username":"Nome do usuário","Username of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"Nome de usuário do usuário do repositório upstream para autenticação. Deixe em branco se o repositório não exigir autenticação.","Variant":"Variante","Verify SSL":"Verifique o SSL","Version":"Versão","Versions":"Versões","via Katello agent":"via agente Katello","via Katello Agent":"via Agente Katello","via remote execution":"via execução remota","via remote execution - customize first":"via execução remota - personalizar primeiro","Virtual":"Virtual","Virtual Guest":"Sistema Virtual","Virtual Guests":"Convidados virtuais","Virtual Host":"Anfitrião virtual","weekly":"semanalmente","Weekly on {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"Semanalmente em {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} em {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (horário do servidor)","When Auto Attach is disabled, registering systems will be attached to all associated subscriptions.":"Quando o Auto Attach estiver desativado, os sistemas de registro serão anexados a todas as assinaturas associadas.","Working":"Trabalhando","Yes":"Sim","You cannot remove these repositories because you do not have permission.":"Você não pode remover estes repositórios porque não tem permissão.","You cannot remove this product because it is a Red Hat product.":"Você não pode remover este produto porque é um produto da Red Hat.","You cannot remove this product because it was published to a content view.":"Você não pode remover este produto porque ele foi publicado para uma visualização de conteúdo.","You cannot remove this product because you do not have permission.":"Você não pode remover este produto porque não tem permissão.","You cannot remove this repository because you do not have permission.":"Você não pode remover este repositório porque não tem permissão.","You currently don't have any Activation Keys, you can add Activation Keys using the button on the right.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhuma Chave de Ativação, você pode adicionar Chaves de Ativação usando o botão da direita.","You currently don't have any Content Credential, you can add Content Credentials using the button on the right.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhuma Credencial de Conteúdo, você pode adicionar Credenciais de Conteúdo usando o botão à direita.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can create new Content Hosts by selecting Contents Host from main menu and then clicking the button on the right.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Host de Conteúdo, você pode criar novos Hosts de Conteúdo selecionando Host de Conteúdo no menu principal e depois clicando no botão à direita.","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can register one by clicking the button on the right and following the instructions.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Hosts de Conteúdo, você pode registrar um clicando no botão à direita e seguindo as instruções.","You currently don't have any Files.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Arquivo.","You currently don't have any Host Collections, you can add Host Collections using the button on the right.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhuma Coleção Host, você pode adicionar Coleções Host usando o botão à direita.","You currently don't have any Hosts in this Host Group, you can add Content Hosts after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Hosts neste Grupo Host, você pode adicionar Hosts de Conteúdo após selecionar a guia 'Adicionar'.","You currently don't have any Products associated with this Content Credential.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Produto associado a esta Credencial de Conteúdo.","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to, you can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Produto para assinar, você pode adicionar Produtos após selecionar 'Produtos' em 'Conteúdo' no menu principal","You currently don't have any Products<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, you can add Products using the button on the right</span>.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Produto<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, você pode adicionar Produtos usando o botão da direita</span>.","You currently don't have any Repositories associated with this Content Credential.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Repositório associado a esta Credencial de Conteúdo.","You currently don't have any Repositories included in this Product, you can add Repositories using the button on the right.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Repositório incluído neste Produto, você pode adicionar Repositórios usando o botão à direita.","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Activation Key, you can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhuma Assinatura associada a esta Chave de Ativação, você pode adicionar Assinaturas após selecionar a guia 'Adicionar'.","You currently don't have any Sync Plans. A Sync Plan can be created by using the button on the right.":"Atualmente você não tem nenhum Plano de Sincronização. Um Plano de Sincronização pode ser criado usando o botão à direita.","You do not have any Installed Products":"Você não tem nenhum produto instalado","You must select a content view in order to save your environment.":"Você deve selecionar uma visão de conteúdo para salvar seu ambiente.","You must select a new content view before your change of environment can be saved. Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your environment selection.":"Você deve selecionar uma nova visão de conteúdo antes que sua mudança de ambiente possa ser salva. Use o botão cancelar na seleção da visualização do conteúdo para reverter a seleção de seu ambiente.","You must select at least one Content Host in order to apply Errata.":"Você deve selecionar pelo menos um Host de Conteúdo para poder aplicar Errata.","You must select at least one Errata to apply.":"Você deve selecionar pelo menos uma Errata para se candidatar.","Your search returned zero Activation Keys.":"Sua busca retornou zero Chaves de ativação.","Your search returned zero Content Credential.":"Sua busca retornou Credencial de Conteúdo zero.","Your search returned zero Content Hosts.":"Sua busca retornou Hosts de conteúdo zero.","Your search returned zero Content Views":"Sua busca retornou zero visualizações de conteúdo","Your search returned zero Content Views.":"Sua busca retornou zero visualizações de conteúdo.","Your search returned zero Debs.":"Sua busca retornou zero débitos.","Your search returned zero Errata.":"Sua busca retornou zero Errata.","Your search returned zero Erratum.":"Sua busca retornou zero Erratum.","Your search returned zero Files.":"Sua busca retornou zero arquivos.","Your search returned zero Host Collections.":"Sua busca retornou zero Coleções Host.","Your search returned zero Hosts.":"Sua busca retornou zero Hosts.","Your search returned zero Lifecycle Environments.":"Sua busca retornou ambientes com ciclo de vida zero.","Your search returned zero Packages.":"Sua busca retornou zero pacotes.","Your search returned zero Products.":"Sua busca retornou zero Produtos.","Your search returned zero Repositories":"Sua busca retornou zero Repositórios","Your search returned zero Repositories.":"Sua busca retornou zero Repositórios.","Your search returned zero repository sets.":"Sua busca retornou conjuntos de repositório zero.","Your search returned zero Repository Sets.":"Sua busca retornou zero Repositório Sets.","Your search returned zero results.":"Sua busca retornou zero resultados.","Your search returned zero Subscriptions.":"Sua busca retornou zero Assinaturas.","Your search returned zero Sync Plans.":"Sua busca retornou planos de sincronização zero.","Your search returned zero Traces.":"Sua busca retornou zero Traços.","Yum Metadata Checksum":"Yum Metadata Checksum","Yum metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"A geração de metadados Yum foi iniciada em segundo plano. Clique <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Aqui</a> para monitorar o progresso.","Yum Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Repositórios Yum <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>"});
+ gettextCatalog.setStrings('zh_CN', {"-- select an interval --":"-- 选择间隔 --","(future)":"(未来)","{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}":"{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}","{{ contentCredential.name }}":"{{ contentCredential.name }}","{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count }} 主机","{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ deb.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} 适用","{{ deb.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"{{ deb.hosts_available_count }} 主机","{{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"{{ deb.hosts_available_count || 0 }} 可升级","{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} 适用","{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable":"{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} 可安装","{{ errata.title }}":"{{ errata.title }}","{{ file.name }}":"{{ file.name }}","{{ host.name }}":"{{ host.name }}","{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}":"{{ host.subscription_facet_attributes.user.login }}","{{ installedDebCount }} Host(s)":"{{ installedDebCount }} 主机","{{ installedPackageCount }} Host(s)":"{{ installedPackageCount }} 主机","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count }} 主机","{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ package.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} 适用","{{ package.hosts_available_count }} Host(s)":"{{ package.hosts_available_count }} 主机","{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Upgradable":"{{ package.hosts_available_count || 0 }} 可升级","{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }} Bytes)":"{{ package.human_readable_size }} ({{ package.size }}字节)","{{ product.active_task_count }}":"{{ product.active_task_count }}","{{ product.name }}":"{{ product.name }}","{{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} Ansible Collections":"{{ repository.content_counts.ansible_collection || 0 }} Ansible 集","{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.deb || 0 }} deb 软件包","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} Container Image Manifests":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest || 0 }} 容器镜像清单","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} Container Image Manifest Lists":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_manifest_list || 0 }} 容器镜像清单列表","{{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} Container Image Tags":"{{ repository.content_counts.docker_tag || 0 }} 容器镜像标签","{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata":"{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} 勘误","{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} Files":"{{ repository.content_counts.file || 0 }} 文件","{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} 软件包","{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} Source RPMs":"{{ repository.content_counts.srpm }} 源 RPM","{{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"{{ repository.last_sync_words }} 前","{{ repository.name }}":"{{ repository.name }}","{{ type.display }}":"{{ type.display }}","{{header}}":"{{header}}","{{option.description}}":"{{option.description}}","{{urlDescription}}":"{{urlDescription}}","* These marked Content View Versions are from Composite Content Views. Their components needing updating are listed underneath.":"*这些标记的内容视图版本来自复合内容视图。它们的需要更新的组件在下面列出。","/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId":"/foreman_tasks/tasks/%taskId","/job_invocations":"/job_invocations","%(consumed)s out of %(quantity)s":"%(consumed)s(共%(quantity)s)","%count environment(s) can be synchronized: %envs":"%count 个可以同步的环境: %envs","<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>":"<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>","<b>Additive:</b> new content available during sync will be added to the repository, and no content will be removed.":"<b>Additive:</b> 同步时的新内容将添加到仓库中,且不会删除任何内容。","<b>Description</b>":"<b>描述</b>","<b>Issued</b>":"<b>发行</b>","<b>Mirror Complete</b>: a sync behaves exactly like \"Mirror Content Only\", but also mirrors metadata as well. This is the fastest method, and preserves repository signatures, but is only supported by yum and not by all upstream repositories.":"<b>Mirror Complete</b> :与 \"Mirror Content Only\" 完全相同的同步行为,同时还会镜像元数据。这是最快的方法,并保留存储库签名,但只被 yum 支持,并不是所有上游仓库都支持。","<b>Mirror Content Only</b>: any new content available during sync will be added to the repository and any content removed from the upstream repository will be removed from the local repository.":"<b>Mirror Content Only</b> :同步期间可用的任何新内容都将添加到仓库中,所有从上游仓库中删除的内容都将从本地仓库中删除。","<b>Module Streams</b>":"<b>模块流</b>","<b>Packages</b>":"<b> 软件包</b>","<b>Reboot Suggested</b>":"<b>建议重启</b>","<b>Solution</b>":"<b>解决</b>","<b>Title</b>":"<b>标题</b>","<b>Type</b>":"<b>类型</b>","<b>Updated</b>":"<b>已更新</b>","<i class=\"fa fa-warning inline-icon\"></i>\n This Host is not currently registered with subscription-manager. Use the <a href=\"/hosts/register\">Register Host</a> workflow to complete registration.":"<i class=\"fa fa-warning inline-icon\"></i>\n 该主机当前未使用 subscription-manager 注册。使用<a href=\"/hosts/register\">注册主机</a>流程来完成注册。","1 Content Host":"1 个内容主机","1 repository sync has errors.":"1 个存储库同步有错误。","1 repository sync in progress.":"1 个存储库正在进行同步。","1 successfully synced repository.":"1 个成功同步的存储库。","A comma-separated list of container image tags to exclude when syncing. Source images are excluded by default because they are often large and unwanted.":"同步时要排除的容器镜像标签列表(以逗号分隔)。默认会排除源镜像,因为它们通常很大且不需要。","A comma-separated list of container image tags to include when syncing.":"同步时要包含的容器镜像标签列表(以逗号分隔)。","A sync has been initiated in the background, <a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">click for more details</a>":"同步已在后台启动,<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{ task.id }}\">点击查看详情</a>","Account":"帐号","Action Type":"操作类型","Actions":"操作","Activation Key":"激活码","Activation Key Content":"激活码内容","Activation Key removed.":"激活码已刪除","Activation Key updated":"激活码已更新","Activation Key:":"激活码:","Activation Keys":"激活码","Active Tasks":"活跃的任务","Add":"添加","Add Content Hosts to:":"添加内容主机到:","Add hosts to the host collection to see available actions.":"将主机添加到主机集合以查看可用操作。","Add New Environment":"添加新环境","Add ons":"附加组件","Add ons:":"附加组件:","Add Selected":"添加所选","Add Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"为激活码添加订阅:","Add Subscriptions for Content Host:":"为内容主机添加订阅:","Add To":"添加到","Added %x host collections to activation key \"%y\".":"将 %x 主机集添加到激活码 \"%y\"。","Added %x host collections to content host \"%y\".":"将 %x 主机集添加到内容主机 \"%y\"。","Added %x products to sync plan \"%y\".":"将 %x 产品添加到同步计划 \"%y\"。","Adding Lifecycle Environment to the end of \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"":"将生命周期环境添加到“{{ priorEnvironment.name }}”的后面","Additive":"Additive","Advanced Sync":"高级同步","Advisory":"公告","Affected Hosts":"受影响的主机","All Content Views":"所有内容视图","All Lifecycle Environments":"所有生命周期环境","All Repositories":"所有仓库","Alternate Content Sources":"备用内容源","Alternate Content Sources for":"备用内容源","An error occured: %s":"发生了一个错误:%s","An error occurred initiating the sync:":"初始化同步时发生错误:","An error occurred removing the Activation Key:":"删除激活码时发生错误:","An error occurred removing the content hosts.":"删除内容主机时发生错误。","An error occurred removing the environment:":"删除环境时发生错误:","An error occurred removing the Host Collection:":"删除主机集合时发生错误:","An error occurred removing the subscriptions.":"删除订阅时发生错误。","An error occurred saving the Activation Key:":"保存激活码时发生错误:","An error occurred saving the Content Host:":"保存内容主机时发生错误:","An error occurred saving the Environment:":"保存环境时发生错误:","An error occurred saving the Host Collection:":"保存主机集合时发生错误:","An error occurred saving the Product:":"保存产品时发生错误:","An error occurred saving the Repository:":"保存仓库时发生错误:","An error occurred saving the Sync Plan:":"保存同步计划时发生错误:","An error occurred trying to auto-attach subscriptions. Please check your log for further information.":"尝试自动附加订阅时发生错误。请检查您的日志以获取更多信息。","An error occurred updating the sync plan:":"更新同步计划时发生错误:","An error occurred while creating the Content Credential:":"创建内容凭证时发生错误:","An error occurred while creating the Product: %s":"创建产品时发生错误: %s","An error occurred:":"发生了一个错误:","Ansible Collection Authorization":"Ansible 集合授权","Ansible Collections":"Ansible 系列","Applicable":"适用","Applicable Content Hosts":"适用的内容主机","Applicable Deb Packages":"适用的 Deb 软件包","Applicable Errata":"适用的勘误","Applicable Packages":"适用软件包","Applicable To":"适用于","Applicable to Host":"适用于主机","Application":"应用","Apply":"应用","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }}":"应用 {{ errata.errata_id }}","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"应用{{ errata.errata_id }}至{{ contentHostIds.length }}内容主机?","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }} to all Content Host(s)?":"应用{{ errata.errata_id }}到内容主机?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to {{ contentHostIds.length }} Content Host(s)?":"应用 {{ errataIds.length }} 勘误到 {{ contentHostIds.length }} 内容主机?","Apply {{ errataIds.length }} Errata to all Content Host(s)?":"应用{{ errataIds.length }} 勘误到所有内容主机?","Apply Errata":"应用勘误","Apply Errata to Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"将勘误应用于内容主机“{{host.name}} “?","Apply Errata to Content Hosts":"将勘误应用于内容主机","Apply Errata to Content Hosts immediately after publishing.":"发布后立即将勘误应用于内容主机。","Apply Selected":"应用选定","Apply to Content Hosts":"应用到内容主机","Apply to Hosts":"应用到主机","Applying":"应用","Apt Actions":"Apt 操作","Arch":"架构","Architecture":"架构","Architectures":"架构","Are you sure you want to add the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to the host collection(s) chosen?":"您确定要添加{{ table.numSelected }}选定的内容主机到选定的主机集合?","Are you sure you want to add the sync plan to the selected products(s)?":"您确定要将同步计划添加到所选产品吗?","Are you sure you want to apply Errata to content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"确定要将勘误应用于内容主机“{{ host.name }} “?","Are you sure you want to apply the {{ table.numSelected }} selected errata to the content hosts chosen?":"您确定要应用{{ table.numSelected }}选择的勘误表到选择的内容主机?","Are you sure you want to assign the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.contentView.name }} in {{ selected.environment.name }}?":"您确定要分配{{ table.numSelected }}所选的内容主机到{{ selected.environment.name }} 中的 {{ selected.contentView.name }}?","Are you sure you want to delete the {{ table.numSelected }} host(s) selected?":"您确定要删除{{ table.numSelected }} 个选定的主机?","Are you sure you want to disable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"您确定要禁用{{ table.numSelected }} 个选择的仓库?","Are you sure you want to enable the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"您确定要启用{{ table.numSelected }} 个选择的仓库集?","Are you sure you want to install {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"您确定要在 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 个选择的系统中安装 {{ content.content }}?","Are you sure you want to remove {{ content.content }} from the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"您确定要从 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 个选择的系统中删除 {{ content.content }}?","Are you sure you want to remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"您确定要删除激活码 \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}?":"您确定要删除内容凭据{{ contentCredential.name }}?","Are you sure you want to remove environment {{ environment.name }}?":"您确定要删除环境 {{ environment.name }}?","Are you sure you want to remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"您确定要删除主机集合”{{ hostCollection.name }}“?","Are you sure you want to remove product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"您确定要删除产品\"{{ product.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove repository {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} from all content views?":"您确定要从所有内容视图中删除存储库 {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }} 吗?","Are you sure you want to remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"您确定要删除同步计划“{{ syncPlan.name }}”?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} content unit?":"您确定要删除 {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} 内容单元?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} file?":"您确定要删除 {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} 文件?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} package?":"您确定要删除{{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} 软件包?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} product?":"您确定要删除{{ table.getSelected()[0].name }}产品?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} repository?":"您确定要删除{{ table.getSelected()[0].name }} 仓库?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} Container Image manifest selected?":"您确定要删除{{ table.numSelected }} 个选择了的容器镜像清单?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected from the host collection(s) chosen?":"您确定要从所选的主机集合中删除{{ table.numSelected }}个选择的内容主机?","Are you sure you want to remove the sync plan from the selected product(s)?":"您确定要从所选产品中删除同步计划吗?","Are you sure you want to reset to default the {{ table.numSelected }} repository set(s) chosen?":"您确定要重置到选择的默认 {{ table.numSelected }} 仓库集?","Are you sure you want to restart services on content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"您确定要重启内容主机 \"{{ host.name }}\" 上的服务?","Are you sure you want to restart the services on the selected content hosts?":"您确定要在所选内容主机上重新启动服务吗?","Are you sure you want to set the HTTP Proxy to the selected products(s)?":"您确定要将HTTP代理设置为所选产品吗?","Are you sure you want to set the Release Version the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.release }}?. This action will affect only those Content Hosts that belong to the appropriate Content View and Lifecycle Environment containining that release version.":"您确定要将{{ table.numSelected }}个选择的内容主机的发布版本设置到{{ selected.release }}?此操作将仅影响属于包含该发行版本的相应内容视图和生命周期环境的那些内容主机。","Are you sure you want to update {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"您确定要在所选的 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 系统上更新{{ content.content }}","Are you sure you want to update all packages on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"您确定要在所选 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 系统上更新所有软件包?","Assign":"分配","Assign Lifecycle Environment and Content View":"分配生命周期环境和内容视图","Assign Release Version":"分配发行版本","Assign System Purpose":"分配系统目的","Associations":"关联","At least one Errata needs to be selected to Apply.":"至少需要选择一个勘误才能应用。","Attached":"已附加","Auth Token":"验证令牌","Auth URL":"验证网址","Author":"作者","Auto-Attach":"自动附加","Auto-Attach Details":"自动附加详细信息","Automatic":"自动","Available Module Streams":"可用的模块流","Available Schema Versions":"可用的 Schema 版本","Back To Errata List":"返回勘误列表","Backend Identifier":"后端识别码","Basic Information":"基本信息","Below are the repository content sets currently available for this content host through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"以下是此内容主机当前可通过其订阅获得的存储库内容集。对于红帽订阅,可以通过以下方式提供其他内容:","Below are the Repository Sets currently available for this activation key through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"以下是当前通过其订阅可用于此激活码的存储库集。对于红帽订阅,可以通过以下方式提供其他内容:","BIOS UUID":"BIOS UUID","Bootable":"可引导的","Bug Fix":"程序漏洞修正","Bug Fix Advisory":"错误修复公告","Build Host":"构建主机","Build Information":"构建信息","Build Time":"构建时间","Cancel":"取消","Cannot clean Repository without the proper permissions.":"没有适当的权限来清理仓库。","Cannot clean Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"无法清理仓库,一个同步已在进行中。","Cannot Remove":"无法删除","Cannot republish Repository without the proper permissions.":"没有适当的权限,无法重新发布仓库。","Cannot republish Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"无法重新发布仓库,同步已在进行中。","Cannot sync Repository without a URL.":"没有URL,无法同步仓库。","Cannot sync Repository without the proper permissions.":"没有适当的权限,无法同步仓库。","Cannot sync Repository, a sync is already in progress.":"一个同步已在进行中,无法同步仓库。","Capacity":"容量","Certificate":"证书","Change assigned Lifecycle Environment or Content View":"更改分配的生命周期环境或内容视图","Change Host Collections":"修改主机集","Change Lifecycle Environment":"修改生命周期环境","Changing default settings for content hosts that register with this activation key requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on that host.":"更改使用此激活密钥注册的内容主机的默认设置,需要在该主机上安装 subscription-manager 1.10 或更高版本。","Changing default settings requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on this host.":"更改默认设置需要在此主机上安装 subscription-manager 版本 1.10 或更高版本。","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Host until its next checkin.\n To update the Content Host immediately run the following command:":"更改内容视图将不会影响内容主机,直到其下一次签入。要立即更新内容主机,请运行以下命令:","Changing the Content View will not affect the Content Hosts until their next checkin.\n To update the Content Hosts immediately run the following command:":"更改内容视图将不会影响内容主机,直到它们下次签入。要立即更新内容主机,请运行以下命令:","Checksum":"校验和","Checksum Type":"Checksum 类型","Choose one of the registry options to discover containers. To examine a private registry choose \"Custom\" and provide the url for the private registry.":"选择一个 registry 选项以发现容器。要检查私有 registry,请选择“自定义”,并提供私有 registry 的URL。","Click here to check the status of the task.":"单击此处检查任务的状态。","Click here to select Errata for an Incremental Update.":"单击此处以选择勘误表进行增量更新。","Click to monitor task progress.":"单击以监视任务进度。","Click to view task":"点击查看任务","Close":"关闭","Collection Name":"集合名称","Complete Mirroring":"完整镜像","Complete Sync":"完成同步","Completed {{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"已完成{{ repository.last_sync_words }}前","Completely deletes the host including VM and disks, and removes all reporting, provisioning, and configuration information.":"完全删除主机(包括VM和磁盘),并删除所有报告,设置和配置信息。","Components":"组件","Components:":"组件:","Composite View":"复合视图","Confirm":"确认","Confirm services restart":"确认服务重启","Container Image Manifest":"容器图像清单","Container Image Manifest Lists":"容器镜像清单列表","Container Image Manifests":"容器图像清单","Container Image metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"容器镜像元数据生成已在后台启动。请点击<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">这里</a>监视进度。","Container Image Registry":"容器镜像 registry","Container Image Tags":"容器镜像标签","Content":"内容","Content Counts":"内容计数","Content Credential %s has been created.":"内容凭证%s已被创造。","Content Credential Contents":"内容凭证内容","Content Credential successfully uploaded":"内容凭证已成功上传","Content credential updated":"內容凭证已更新","Content Credentials":"内容凭证","Content Host":"內容主机","Content Host Bulk Content":"内容主机批量内容","Content Host Bulk Subscriptions":"内容主机批量订阅","Content Host Content":"內容主机内容","Content Host Counts":"內容主机数","Content Host Limit":"内容主机限制","Content Host Properties":"内容主机属性","Content Host Registration":"内容主机注册","Content Host Status":"内容主机状态","Content Host:":"內容主机","Content Hosts":"內容主机","Content Hosts for Activation Key:":"激活码的内容主机:","Content Hosts for:":"內容主机用于:","Content Only":"只包括内容","Content synced depends on the specifity of the URL and/or the optional requirements.yaml specified below <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>":"同步的内容取决于URL的特殊性和/或下面指定的可选要求。 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"collectionURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>","Content Type":"内容类型","Content View":"内容视图","Content View Version":"內容视图版本","Content View:":"内容视图:","Content Views":"内容视图","Content Views <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>":"内容视图 <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>","Content Views for Deb:":"用于 Deb 的内容视图:","Content Views for File:":"用于文件的内容视图:","Content Views that contain this Deb":"包含此 Deb 的内容视图","Content Views that contain this File":"包含此文件的内容视图","Context":"上下文","Contract":"合同","Copy Activation Key":"复制激活码","Copy Host Collection":"复制主机集","Cores per Socket":"每个插槽的内核数","Create":"创建","Create a copy of {{ activationKey.name }}":"创建一个 {{ activationKey.name }} 副本","Create a copy of {{ hostCollection.name }}":"创建一个 {{ hostCollection.name }} 副本","Create Activation Key":"创建激活码","Create Content Credential":"建立內容凭证","Create Discovered Repositories":"创建发现的仓库","Create Environment Path":"创建环境路径","Create Host Collection":"创建主机集","Create Product":"创建产品","Create Selected":"创建所选","Create Status":"创建状态","Create Sync Plan":"创建同步计划","Creating repository...":"正在创建仓库...","Critical":"关键","Cron Logic":"Cron 逻辑","ctrl-click or shift-click to select multiple Add ons":"按 Ctrl 或 Shift 以选择多个附加组件","Current Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"当前的生命周期环境 (%e/%cv)","Current Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"当前的激活码订阅:","custom cron":"自定义 cron","Custom Cron":"自定义Cron","Custom Cron : {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}":"自定义Cron: {{ product.sync_plan.cron_expression }}","Customize":"自定义","CVEs":"CVE","daily":"每日","Daily at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"每天在{{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }}(服务器时间)","Date":"日期","deb metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"deb元数据生成已在后台启动。请点击<a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">这里</a>监视进度。","deb Package Updates":"deb 软件包更新","deb Packages":"deb 软件包","Deb Packages":"Deb 软件包","Deb Packages <div>{{ library.counts.debs || 0 }}</div>":"Deb 软件包 <div>{{ library.counts.debs || 0 }}</div>","Deb Packages for:":"Deb 软件包用于:","Deb Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.deb_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Deb 软件仓库 <div>{{ library.counts.deb_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Deb:":"Deb:","Default":"默认","Default Status":"默认状态","Delete":"刪除","Delete {{ table.numSelected }} Hosts?":"删除 {{ table.numSelected }} 主机?","Delete Hosts":"删除主机","Delta RPM":"Delta RPM","Dependencies":"依赖性","Description":"描述","Details":"详情","Details for Activation Key:":"激活码详情:","Details for Container Image Tag:":"容器镜像标签的详情:","Details for Product:":"产品详情:","Details for Repository:":"仓库详情:","Determines whether to require login to pull container images in this lifecycle environment.":"确定是否需要登录才能在此生命周期环境中提取容器镜像。","Digest":"文摘值","Disable":"禁用","Disabled":"禁用","Disabled (overridden)":"禁用(已覆盖)","Discover":"发现","Discovered Repository":"发现的仓库","Discovery failed. Error: %s":"发现失败。错误: %s","Distribution":"发布","Distribution Information":"发布信息","Do not require a subscription entitlement certificate for accessing this repository.":"访问这个仓库不需要订阅授权证书。","Docker metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Docker元数据生成已在后台启动。请点击<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">这里</a>监视进度。","Docker Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Docker 仓库 <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Done":"完成","Download Policy":"下载政策","Enable":"启用","Enable Traces":"启用跟踪","Enabled":"启用","Enabled (overridden)":"已启用(已覆盖)","Enhancement":"功能增强","Enter Package Group Name(s)...":"输入软件包组名称","Enter Package Name(s)...":"输入软件包名称...","Environment":"环境","Environment saved":"保存环境","Environment will also be removed from the following published content views!":"环境也将从以下发布的内容视图中移除!","Environments List":"环境列表","Errata":"勘误","Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>":"勘误<div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}","Errata are automatically Applicable if they are Installable":"如果是可安装的,勘误将会自动可适用","Errata Details":"勘误详情","Errata for:":"勘误:","Errata ID":"勘误 ID","Errata Installation":"勘误安装","Errata Task List":"勘误任务列表","Errata Tasks":"勘误任务","Errata:":"勘误:","Error during upload:":"上载时发生错误:","Error saving the Sync Plan:":"保存同步计划时出错:","Event":"事件","Exclude Tags":"排除标签","Existing Product":"现有产品","Expires":"过期","Export":"导出","Family":"系列","File Information":"文件信息","File removal been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"文件删除已在后台启动。请点击<a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">这里</a>监视进度。","File too large.":"文件过大。","File too large. Please use the CLI instead.":"文件过大。请使用 CLI。","File:":"文件:","Filename":"文件名","Files":"文件","Files in package {{ package.nvrea }}":"软件包 {{ package.nvrea }} 中的文件","Filter":"过滤器","Filter by Status:":"根据状态过滤:","Filter...":"过滤器......","Finished At":"完成于","For older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5 it is recommended to use sha1.":"对于较旧的操作系统,如 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 或CentOS 5,建议使用 sha1。","For On Demand synchronization, only the metadata is downloaded during sync and packages are fetched and stored on the filesystem when clients request them.\n On Demand is not recommended for custom repositories unless the upstream repository maintains older versions of packages within the repository.\n The Immediate option will download all metadata and packages immediately during the sync.":"对于按需同步,仅在同步期间下载元数据,并在客户端请求时将软件包提取并存储在文件系统中。对于自定义仓库,建议不要使用按需存储,除非上游仓库在仓库中维护较旧版本的软件包。 “立即”选项将在同步期间立即下载所有元数据和程序包。","Global Default":"全局默认值","Global Default (None)":"全局默认值(无)","GPG Key":"GPG 密钥","Group":"组","Group Install (Deprecated)":"组安装(已弃用)","Group package actions are being deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.":"组软件包操作已被弃用,并将在以后的版本中删除。","Group Remove (Deprecated)":"组删除(已弃用)","Guests of":"的客户","Helper":"帮助","Host %s has been deleted.":"主机 %s 已被删除。","Host %s has been unregistered.":"主机 %s 已被取消注册。","Host Collection Management":"主机集合管理","Host Collection Membership":"主机集合成员","Host Collection removed.":"主机集合已删除","Host Collection updated":"主机集合已更新","Host Collection:":"主机集合:","Host Collections":"主机集合","Host Collections for:":"主机集合:","Host Count":"主机数","Host Group":"主机组","Host Limit":"主机限制","Hostname":"主机名","Hosts":"主机","hourly":"每小时","Hourly at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutes and {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} seconds":"每小时{{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }}分钟和{{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }}秒","HTTP Proxy":"HTTP 代理","HTTP Proxy Policy":"HTTP 代理策略","HTTP Proxy Policy:":"HTTP 代理策略:","HTTP Proxy:":"HTTP 代理:","HttpProxyPolicy":"HttpProxyPolicy","Id":"ID","Ignore SRPMs":"忽略 SRPM","Image":"镜像","Immediate":"立即","Important":"重要","In order to browse this repository you must <a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">download the certificate</a>\n or ask your admin for a certificate.":"为了浏览此仓库,您必须<a ng-href=\"/organizations/{{ organization }}/edit\">下载证书</a>或向管理员询问证书。","Include Tags":"包含标签","Independent Packages":"独立软件包","Install":"安装","Install Selected":"安装所选","Install the pre-built bootstrap RPM:":"安装预构建的引导程序 RPM:","Installable":"可安装","Installable Errata":"可安装的勘误","Installable Updates":"可安装的更新","Installed":"已安裝","Installed Deb Packages":"安装的 Deb 软件包","Installed On":"安装于","Installed Package":"已安装的软件包","Installed Packages":"已安装的软件包","Installed Products":"安装的产品","Installed Profile":"安装的配置集","Interfaces":"接口","Interval":"间隔","IPv4 Address":"IPv4 位址","IPv6 Address":"IPv6 地址","Issued":"发行","Katello Agent":"Katello 代理","Katello Tracer":"Katello Tracer","Katello-agent is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.":"Katello 代理已弃用,并将在以后的版本中删除。","Label":"标签","Last Checkin":"最后签到","Last Published":"最后发布的","Last Puppet Report":"最后的 Puppet 报告","Last reclaim space failed:":"最后的重新声明空间失败:","Last Sync":"最后同步","Last sync failed:":"最后的同步失败:","Last synced":"最后同步的","Last Updated On":"最后更新于:","Library":"库","Library Repositories":"库仓库","Library Repositories that contain this Deb.":"包含此 Deb 的库仓库。","Library Repositories that contain this File.":"包含此文件的库仓库。","Library Synced Content":"库更新的内容","License":"许可证","Lifecycle Environment":"生命周期环境","Lifecycle Environment Paths":"生命周期环境路径","Lifecycle Environment:":"生命周期环境:","Lifecycle Environments":"生命周期环境","Limit":"限制","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Activation Key's Lifecycle Environment":"将仓库集限制为仅此激活码的生命周期环境中可用的仓库集","Limit Repository Sets to only those available in this Host's Lifecycle Environment":"将仓库集限制为仅此主机的生命周期环境中可用的仓库集","Limit to environment":"限制到环境","Limit to Environment":"限制到环境","Limit to Lifecycle Environment":"限制到生命周期环境","Limit:":"限制:","List":"列出","List/Remove":"列出/删除","Loading...":"载入中...","Loading...\"":"加载...\"","Manage Ansible Collections for Repository:":"管理仓库的 Ansible 集合:","Manage Container Image Manifests for Repository:":"管理仓库的容器镜像清单:","Manage Content for Repository:":"管理仓库的内容:","Manage deb Packages for Repository:":"管理仓库的 deb 软件包:","Manage Errata":"管理勘误","Manage Files for Repository:":"管理仓库文件:","Manage Host Traces":"管理主机 Traces","Manage HTTP Proxy":"管理 HTTP 代理","Manage Module Streams":"管理模块流","Manage Module Streams for Repository:":"管理仓库的模块流:","Manage Packages":"管理软件包","Manage Packages for Repository:":"管理仓库软件包:","Manage Repository Sets":"管理仓库集","Manage Subscriptions":"管理订阅","Manage Sync Plan":"管理同步计划","Manage System Purpose":"管理系统目的","Manifest Lists":"清单列表","Manifest Type":"清单类型","Mirroring Policy":"镜像策略","Model":"模型","Moderate":"中等","Modular":"模块化","Module Stream Management":"模块流管理","Module Stream metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click\n <a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"模块流元数据生成已在后台启动。请点击<a ng-href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">这里</a>监视进度。","Module Stream Packages":"模块流软件包","Module Streams":"模块流","Module Streams <div>{{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }}</div>":"模块流<div>{{ library.counts.module_streams || 0 }}","Module Streams for:":"模块流:","More Details":"更多详情","N/A":"不适用","Name":"名称","Name of the upstream repository you want to sync. Example: 'quay/busybox' or 'fedora/ssh'.":"您要同步的上游仓库的名称。例如:'quay/busybox' 或 'fedora/ssh'。","Networking":"网络","Never":"决不","Never checked in":"从未签到","Never registered":"从未注册","Never synced":"从未同步","New Activation Key":"新激活码","New Environment":"新环境","New Name:":"新名称:","New Product":"新产品","New Repository":"新仓库","New Sync Plan":"新同步计划","New sync plan successfully created.":"已成功创建新的同步计划。","Next":"下一个","Next Sync":"下一个同步","No":"否","No alternate release version choices are available. The available releases are based upon what is available in \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }}\", the selected <a href=\"/content_views\">content view</a> this content host is attached to for the given <a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">lifecycle environment</a>, \"{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }}\".":"没有其他可用的发行版本选择。可用版本基于“{{ host.content_facet_attributes.content_view.name }} ”,选中<a href=\"/content_views\">内容检视</a>此内容主机已附加到给定的<a href=\"/lifecycle_environments\">生命周期环境</a>,“{{ host.content_facet_attributes.lifecycle_environment.name }} ”。","No Content Hosts match this Erratum.":"没有内容主机与此勘误匹配。","No Content Views contain this Deb":"没有内容视图包含此 Deb","No Content Views contain this File":"没有内容视图包含此文件","No content views exist for {{selected.environment.name}}":"没有用于 {{selected.environment.name}} 的内容视图","No discovered repositories.":"没有发现的仓库。","No enabled Repository Sets provided through subscriptions.":"没有通过订阅提供的已启用仓库集。","No Host Collections match your search.":"没有主机集合与您的搜索匹配。","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"没有主机集合显示,您可以在主菜单中的“主机”下选择“主机集合”后添加主机集合。","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"没有主机集合可显示,您可以在选择“添加”选项卡后添加主机集合。","No HTTP Proxies found":"没有找到 HTTP 代理","No HTTP Proxy":"没有 HTTP 代理","No matching results.":"没有匹配的结果。","No products are available to add to this Sync Plan.":"没有可用于添加到此同步计划的产品。","No products have been added to this Sync Plan.":"未将任何产品添加到此同步计划中。","No releases exist in the Library.":"库中没有发行版本。","No Repositories contain this Deb":"没有仓库包含此 Deb","No Repositories contain this Erratum.":"没有仓库包含此勘误。","No Repositories contain this File":"没有仓库包含此文件","No Repositories contain this Package.":"没有仓库含此软件包。","No repository sets provided through subscriptions.":"没有通过订阅提供的仓库集。","No restriction":"没有限制","No sync information available.":"没有可用的同步信息。","No tasks exist for this resource.":"此资源不存在任何任务。","None":"没有","Not Applicable":"不适用","Not installed":"未安装","Not started":"未启动","Not Synced":"未同步","Number of CPUs":"CPU 的数量","Number of Repositories":"仓库数量","On Demand":"按需","One or more of the selected Errata are not Installable via your published Content View versions running on the selected hosts. The new Content View Versions (specified below)\n will be created which will make this Errata Installable in the host's Environment. This new version will replace the current version in your host's Lifecycle\n Environment. To install these errata immediately on hosts after publishing check the box below.":"无法通过在选定主机上运行的已发布内容视图版本来安装一个或多个选定勘误。将创建新的内容视图版本(在下面指定),使该勘误可在主机的环境中安装。此新版本将替换主机的生命周期环境中的当前版本。要在发布后立即在主机上安装这些勘误,请选中以下框。","Only show content hosts where the errata is currently installable in the host's Lifecycle Environment.":"仅显示内容主机当前在主机的生命周期环境中可安装勘误的主机。","Only show Errata that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"仅显示适用于一个或多个内容主机的勘误","Only show Errata that are Installable on one or more Content Hosts":"仅显示可在一个或多个内容主机上安装的勘误","Only show Packages that are Applicable to one or more Content Hosts":"仅显示适用于一个或多个内容主机的软件包","Only show Packages that are Upgradable on one or more Content Hosts":"仅返回可在一个或多个主机上升级的软件包","Only show Subscriptions for products not already covered by a Subscription":"仅显示订阅尚未涵盖的产品的订阅","Only show Subscriptions which can be applied to products installed on this Host":"仅显示可应用于此主机上安装的产品的订阅","Only show Subscriptions which can be attached to this Host":"仅显示可以附加到该主机的订阅","Only the Applications with a Helper can be restarted.":"只有带有 Helper 的应用程序才能重新启动。","Operating System":"操作系统","Optimized Sync":"优化同步","Organization":"机构","Original Sync Date":"原始同步日期","OS":"OS","OSTree Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"OSTree 仓库 <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Override to Disabled":"覆盖禁用","Override to Enabled":"覆盖启用","Package":"软件包","Package Actions":"软件包操作","Package Group (Deprecated)":"软件包组(已弃用)","Package Groups":"软件包组","Package Groups for Repository:":"仓库的软件包组:","Package Information":"软件包信息","Package Install":"软件包安装","Package Installation, Removal, and Update":"程序包的安装,删除和更新","Package Remove":"软件包删除","Package Update":"软件包更新","Package:":"软件包:","Package/Group Name":"软件包/组名称","Packages":"软件包","Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>":"软件包<div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>","Packages are automatically Applicable if they are Upgradable":"如果软件包是可升级的,则自动适用","Packages for Errata:":"勘误软件包:","Packages for:":"软件包:","Parameters":"参数","Part of a manifest list":"清单列表的一部分","Password":"密码","Password of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"用于身份验证的上游仓库用户的密码。如果仓库不需要身份验证,则保留为空。","Paste contents of Content Credential":"上载内容凭证内容","Path":"路径","Perform":"执行","Performing host package actions is disabled because Katello is not configured for Remote Execution or Katello Agent.":"执行主机软件包操作已被禁用,因为 Katello 没有为 Remote Execution 或 Katello 代理配置。","Physical":"物理","Please enter cron below":"请在下面输入 cron","Please make sure a Content View is selected.":"请确保选择了内容视图。","Please select an environment.":"请先选择一个环境","Please select one from the list below and you will be redirected.":"请从下面的列表中选择一个,您将被重定向。","Plus %y more errors":"加%y个更多的错误","Plus 1 more error":"再加上 1 个错误","Previous Lifecycle Environment (%e/%cv)":"前面的生命周期环境 (%e/%cv)","Prior Environment":"前面的环境","Product":"产品","Product delete operation has been initiated in the background.":"产品删除操作已在后台启动。","Product Enhancement Advisory":"产品增强公告","Product information for:":"产品信息:","Product Management for Sync Plan:":"同步计划的产品管理:","Product Name":"产品名称","Product Options":"产品选项","Product Saved":"产品已保存","Product sync has been initiated in the background.":"产品同步已在后台启动。","Product syncs has been initiated in the background.":"产品同步已在后台启动。","Product verify checksum has been initiated in the background.":"产品验证校验和已在后台启动。","Products":"产品","Products <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>":"产品<div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}","Products for":"产品","Products not covered":"未涵盖的产品","Provides":"提供","Provisioning Details":"置备详情","Provisioning Host Details":"设置主机详情","Published At":"发表于","Published Repository Information":"发布的仓库信息","Publishing Settings":"发布设置","Puppet Environment":"Puppet 环境","Quantity":"数量","Quantity (To Add)":"数量(要添加的)","RAM (GB)":"RAM (GB)","Reboot Suggested":"建议重启","Reboot Suggested?":"重新启动建议?","Recalculate\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>":"重新计算\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"calculatingApplicability\"></i>","Reclaim Space":"重新声明空间","Recurring Logic":"重复逻辑","Red Hat Repositories page":"红帽仓库页","Red Hat Repositories page.":"红帽仓库页。","Refresh Table":"刷新表","Register a Content Host":"注册一个内容主机","Register Content Host":"注册内容主机","Registered":"注册","Registered By":"注册人","Registered Through":"注册通过","Registry Name Pattern":"Registry 名称特征","Registry Search Parameter":"Registry 搜索参数","Registry to Discover":"发现的 Registry","Registry URL":"Registry URL","Release":"发行","Release Version":"发行版本","Release Version:":"发行版本:","Releases/Distributions":"发行版本/发行","Remote execution plugin is required to be able to run any helpers.":"需要远程执行插件才能运行任何帮助程序。","Remove":"移除","Remove {{ table.numSelected }} Container Image manifest?":"删除{{ table.numSelected }}容器图像清单?","Remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"删除激活码 \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?","Remove Container Image Manifests":"删除容器图像清单","Remove Content":"删除内容","Remove Content Credential":"显示内容凭证","Remove Content Credential {{ contentCredential.name }}":"显示内容凭证{{ contentCredential.name }}","Remove Content?":"删除内容?","Remove Environment":"删除环境","Remove environment {{ environment.name }}?":"删除环境 {{ environment.name }}?","Remove File?":"删除文件?","Remove Files":"删除文件","Remove From":"从......中删除","Remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"删除主机集合 \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?","Remove Package?":"删除软件包?","Remove Packages":"删除软件包","Remove Product":"删除产品","Remove Product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"删除产品“{{ product.name }} “?","Remove product?":"删除产品?","Remove Repositories":"删除仓库","Remove Repository":"删除仓库","Remove Repository {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }}?":"删除仓库 {{ repositoryWrapper.repository.name }}?","Remove repository?":"删除仓库?","Remove Selected":"继续选择","Remove Successful.":"删除成功。","Remove Sync Plan":"更新同步计划","Remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"更新同步计划{{ syncPlan.name }}?","Removed %x host collections from activation key \"%y\".":"从激活码 \"%y\" 中删除的 %x 主机集合。","Removed %x host collections from content host \"%y\".":"从内容主机 \"%y\" 中删除的 %x 主机集合。","Removed %x products from sync plan \"%y\".":"从同步计划 \"%y\" 中删除 %x。","Removing Repositories":"删除仓库","Repo Discovery":"仓库发现","Repositories":"软件仓库","Repositories containing Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}":"包含勘误 {{ errata.errata_id }} 的仓库","Repositories containing package {{ package.nvrea }}":"包含软件包 {{ package.nvrea }} 的仓库","Repositories for":"仓库","Repositories for Deb:":"用于 Deb 的仓库:","Repositories for Errata:":"用于勘误的仓库:","Repositories for File:":"用于文件的仓库:","Repositories for Package:":"用于软件包的仓库:","Repositories for Product:":"用于产品的仓库:","Repositories to Create":"创建的仓库","Repository":"仓库","Repository \"%s\" successfully deleted":"仓库 \"%s\" 成功删除","Repository %s successfully created.":"仓库 %s 成功创建。","Repository created":"仓库已建立","Repository Discovery":"仓库发现","Repository HTTP proxy changes have been initiated in the background.":"仓库 HTTP 代理更改已在后台启动。","Repository Label":"仓库标签","Repository Name":"仓库名称","Repository Options":"仓库选项","Repository Path":"仓库路径","Repository Saved.":"仓库已保存。","Repository Sets":"仓库集","Repository Sets settings saved successfully.":"仓库集设置已成功保存。","Repository Type":"仓库类型","Repository URL":"仓库 URL","Repository will also be removed from the following published content view versions!":"仓库也将从以下发布的内容视图版本中移除!","Repository:":"仓库:","Requirements":"要求","Requirements.yml":"Requirements.yml","Requires":"需要","Reset":"重置","Reset to Default":"重置为默认","Resolving the selected Traces will reboot the selected content hosts.":"解决选择的跟踪将重新启动选择的内容主机。","Resolving the selected Traces will reboot this host.":"重新启动该主机解决选定的跟踪。","Restart":"重新开始","Restart Selected":"重新启动所选","Restart Services on Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"重新启动内容主机\"{{host.name}}\"上的服务?","Restrict to <br>OS version":"仅限 <br>操作系统版本","Restrict to architecture":"限制架构","Restrict to Architecture":"限制架构","Restrict to OS version":"仅限操作系统版本","Result":"结果","Retain package versions":"保持软件包版本","Role":"角色","Role:":"角色:","RPM":"RPM","rpm Package Updates":"rpm 软件包更新","Run Auto-Attach":"运行自动附加","Run Repository Creation\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>":"运行仓库创建\n <i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\" ng-show=\"creating()\"></i>","Run Sync Plan":"运行同步计划","Save":"保存","Save Successful.":"保存成功。","Schema Version":"模式版本","Schema Version 1":"模式版本1","Schema Version 2":"模式版本2","Security":"安全","Security Advisory":"安全公告","Select":"选择","Select a Content Source:":"选择一个内容源:","Select Action":"选择操作","Select an Organization":"现在一个机构","Select Content View":"选择内容视图","Selecting this option will exclude SRPMs from repository synchronization.":"选择此选项将从存储库同步中排除 SRPM。","Selecting this option will result in Katello verifying that the upstream url's SSL certificates are signed by a trusted CA. Unselect if you do not want this verification.":"选择此选项将导致Katello验证上游URL的SSL证书是否由受信任的CA签名。如果您不希望进行此验证,请取消选择。","Service Level":"服务等级","Service Level (SLA)":"服务等级 (SLA)","Service Level (SLA):":"服务等级 (SLA):","Set Release Version":"设置发行版本","Severity":"严重性","Show All":"显示所有","Show all Repository Sets in Organization":"显示组织中的所有仓库集","Size":"大小","Smart proxy currently reclaiming space...":"智能代理当前正在重新声明空间...","Smart proxy currently syncing to your locations...":"智能代理当前正在同步到您的位置...","Smart proxy is synchronized":"智能代理已同步","Sockets":"插槽","Solution":"解决","Some of the Errata shown below may not be installable as they are not in this Content Host's\n Content View and Lifecycle Environment. In order to apply such Errata an Incremental Update is required.":"下面显示的某些勘误可能无法安装,因为它们不在此内容主机的内容视图和生命周期环境中。为了应用此类勘误,需要进行增量更新。","Something went wrong when deleting the resource.":"删除资源时出错。","Something went wrong when retrieving the resource.":"获取资源时出错。","Something went wrong when saving the resource.":"保存资源时出错。","Source RPM":"源 RPM","Source RPMs":"來源 RPM","Space reclamation is about to start...":"重新声明空间即将开始...","SSL CA Cert":"SSL CA 证书","SSL Certificate":"SSL 证书","SSL Client Cert":"SSL 客户端证书","SSL Client Key":"Pulp 客户端密钥","Standard sync, optimized for speed by bypassing any unneeded steps.":"标准同步,通过绕过不需要的步骤来优化速度。","Start Date":"开始日期","Start Time":"起始时间","Started At":"起始于","Starting":"开始","Starts":"开始","State":"状态","Status":"状态","Stream":"流","Subscription Details":"订阅详情","Subscription Management":"订阅管理","Subscription Status":"订阅状态","Subscription UUID":"订阅 UUID","subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"":"subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"","Subscriptions":"订阅","Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"激活码订阅:","Subscriptions for Content Host:":"内容主机订阅:","Subscriptions for:":"订阅:","Success!":"成功!","Successfully added %s subscriptions.":"已成功新增 %s 个订阅。","Successfully initiated restart of services.":"成功启动服务重启。","Successfully removed %s items.":"成功删除 %s 个项。","Successfully removed %s subscriptions.":"成功删除 %s 个订阅。","Successfully removed 1 item.":"成功删除 1 个项。","Successfully scheduled an update of all packages":"成功调度了所有软件包的更新","Successfully scheduled package installation":"成功调度了软件包安装","Successfully scheduled package removal":"成功调度了软件包删除","Successfully scheduled package update":"成功调度了软件包更新","Successfully updated subscriptions.":"成功更新的订阅。","Successfully uploaded content:":"成功上传的内容:","Summary":"摘要","Support Level":"支持级别","Sync":"同步","Sync Enabled":"已启用同步","Sync Interval":"同步间隔","Sync Now":"立即同步","Sync Plan":"同步计划","Sync Plan %s has been deleted.":"同步计划 %s 已删除。","Sync Plan created and assigned to product.":"同步计划已创建并分配给产品。","Sync Plan saved":"同步计划已保存","Sync Plan Saved":"同步计划已保存","Sync Plan:":"同步计划:","Sync Plans":"同步计划","Sync Selected":"同步计划已选定","Sync Settings":"同步设置","Sync State":"同步状态","Sync Status":"同步状态","Synced manually, no interval set.":"手动同步,未设置间隔。","Synchronization is about to start...":"同步即将开始...","Synchronization is being cancelled...":"同步正在取消...","System Purpose":"系统目的","System purpose enables you to set the system's intended use on your network and improves reporting accuracy in the Subscriptions service of the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.":"系统目的用于设置系统在网络中的使用目的,以便在 Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console 的订阅服务中提高报告准确性。","System Purpose Management":"系统目的管理","System Purpose Status":"系统目的","Tags":"标签","Task Details":"任务详情","Tasks":"任务","Temporary":"临时","The <i>Registry Name Pattern</i> overrides the default name by which container images may be pulled from the server. (By default this name is a combination of Organization, Lifecycle Environment, Content View, Product, and Repository labels.)\n\n <br><br>The name may be constructed using ERB syntax. Variables available for use are:\n\n <pre>\norganization.name\norganization.label\nrepository.name\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nproduct.name\nproduct.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label</pre>\n\n Examples:\n <pre>\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt;</pre>":"<i>Registry Name Pattern</i> 会覆盖容器镜像可能从服务器抓取的默认名称。(默认情况下,这个名称是一个组合了机构、生命周期环境、内容视图和仓库的标签)\n\n <br><br>The name may be constructed using ERB syntax. Variables available for use are:\n\n <pre>\norganization.name\norganization.label\nrepository.name\nrepository.label\nrepository.docker_upstream_name\ncontent_view.label\ncontent_view.name\ncontent_view_version.version\nproduct.name\nproduct.label\nlifecycle_environment.name\nlifecycle_environment.label</pre>\n\n Examples:\n <pre>\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;-&lt;%= lifecycle_environment.label %&gt;-&lt;%= content_view.label %&gt;-&lt;%= product.label %&gt;-&lt;%= repository.label %&gt;\n&lt;%= organization.label %&gt;/&lt;%= repository.docker_upstream_name %&gt;</pre>","The Content View or Lifecycle Environment needs to be updated in order to make errata available to these hosts.":"需要更新内容视图或生命周期环境,以使勘误可用于这些主机。","The following actions can be performed on content hosts in this host collection:":"可以在此主机集合中的内容主机上执行以下操作:","The host has not reported any applicable packages for upgrade.":"主机尚未报告任何适用的软件包进行升级。","The host has not reported any installed packages, registering with subscription-manager should cause these to be reported.":"主机尚未报告任何已安装的软件包,请向subscription-manager注册以报告这些软件包。","The host requires being attached to a content view and the lifecycle environment you have chosen has no content views promoted to it.\n See the <a href=\"/content_views\">content views page</a> to manage and promote a content view.":"主机需要附加到内容视图,并且您选择的生命周期环境没有提升为内容视图的内容。见<a href=\"/content_views\">内容观看页面</a>管理和提升内容视图。","The maximum number of versions of each package to keep.":"要保留的每个软件包的最大版本数。","The page you are attempting to access requires selecting a specific organization.":"您尝试访问的页面需要选择一个特定的机构。","The remote execution feature is required to manage packages on this Host.":"需要远程执行功能才能管理此主机上的程序包。","The Remote Execution plugin needs to be installed in order to resolve Traces.":"需要安装远程执行插件才能解决跟踪。","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected architecture.":"默认情况下,将在具有所选体系结构的内容主机上启用该仓库。","The repository will be enabled by default on content hosts with the selected OS version.":"默认情况下,将在具有所选 OS 版本的内容主机上启用该仓库。","The selected environment contains no Content Views, please select a different environment.":"所选环境不包含“内容视图”,请选择其他环境。","The time the sync should happen in your current time zone.":"同步应该在您当前时区中发生的时间。","The token key to use for authentication.":"用于身份验证的令牌密钥。","The URL to receive a session token from, e.g. used with Automation Hub.":"从以下网址接收会话令牌的网址:与 Automation Hub 一起使用。","There are {{ errataCount }} total Errata in this organization but none match the above filters.":"该机构中有{{ errataCount }}个总勘误,但没有一个与上述过滤器匹配。","There are {{ packageCount }} total Packages in this organization but none match the above filters.":"此组织中有{{ packageCount }}个软件包,但没有与上述过滤器匹配的软件包。","There are no %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"没有符合条件的%(contentType)s","There are no Content Views in this Environment.":"此环境中没有内容视图。","There are no Content Views that match the criteria.":"没有符合条件的内容视图。","There are no Errata associated with this Content Host to display.":"没有与此内容主机关联的勘误可供显示。","There are no Errata in this organization. Create one or more Products with Errata to view Errata on this page.":"该组织中没有勘误。使用带有勘误的一个或多个产品以在此页面上查看勘误。","There are no Errata to display.":"没有要显示的勘误。","There are no Host Collections available. You can create new Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"没有可用的主机集合。在主菜单的“主机”下选择“主机集合”后,可以创建新的主机集合。","There are no Module Streams to display.":"没有要显示的模块流。","There are no Packages in this organization. Create one or more Products with Packages to view Packages on this page.":"该机构中没有软件包。创建带有软件包的一个或多个产品以在此页面上查看软件包。","There are no Sync Plans available. You can create new Sync Plans after selecting 'Sync Plans' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"没有可用的同步计划。在主菜单中的“主机”下选择“同步计划”后,您可以创建新的同步计划。","There are no Traces to display.":"没有要显示的 Traces。","There is currently an Incremental Update task in progress. This update must finish before applying existing updates.":"当前正在执行一个增量更新任务。在应用现有更新之前,此更新必须完成。","These instructions will be removed in a future release. NEW: To register a content host without following these manual steps, see <a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\">Register Host</a>":"这些说明将在以后的版本中删除。新增:要在不按照这些手动步骤注册内容主机,请参阅<a href=\"https://{{ katelloHostname }}/hosts/register\">注册主机</a>","This action will affect only those Content Hosts that require a change.\n If the Content Host does not have the selected Subscription no action will take place.":"此操作将仅影响那些需要更改的内容主机。如果内容主机没有所选的订阅,则不会执行任何操作。","This activation key is not associated with any content hosts.":"此激活码没有与任何内容主机关联。","This activation key may be used during system registration. For example:":"该激活码可以在系统注册期间使用。例如:","This change will be applied to <b>{{ hostCount }} systems.</b>":"此更改将应用于 <b>{{ hostCount }}系统。</b>","This Container Image Tag is not present in any Lifecycle Environments.":"此容器镜像标记在任何生命周期环境中均不存在。","This operation may also remove managed resources linked to the host such as virtual machines and DNS records.\n Change the setting \"Delete Host upon Unregister\" to false on the <a href=\"/settings\">settings page</a> to prevent this.":"此操作还可以删除链接到主机的受管资源,例如虚拟机和DNS记录。将“取消注册时删除主机”设置更改为false<a href=\"/settings\">设定页面</a>为了防止这种情况。","This organization has Simple Content Access enabled. Hosts are not required to have subscriptions attached to access repositories.":"该机构已启用“简单内容访问”。不需要主机将订阅附加到访问仓库。","This organization is not using <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://access.redhat.com/articles/simple-content-access\">Simple Content Access.</a> Entitlement-based subscription management is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.":"这个机构没有使用 <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://access.redhat.com/articles/simple-content-access\">简单内容访问。</a>基于权利的订阅管理已弃用,并将在以后的版本中删除。","Title":"提示","To register a content host to this server, follow these steps.":"要将内容主机注册到此服务器,请按照下列步骤操作。","Toggle Dropdown":"切换下拉","Token of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"用于认证的上游仓库用户的令牌。如果仓库不需要身份验证,则保留为空。","Topic":"主题","Tracer helps administrators identify applications that need to be restarted after a system is patched.":"跟踪器可帮助管理员识别修补系统后需要重新启动的应用程序。","Traces":"Traces","Traces for:":"Traces","Turn on Setting > Content > Allow deleting repositories in published content views":"打开 Setting > Content > Allow 在发布的内容视图中删除仓库","Type":"类型","Unauthenticated Pull":"未经身份验证的 pull 操作","Unknown":"未知","Unlimited Content Hosts:":"无限的内容主机:","Unlimited Hosts":"无限的主机","Unprotected":"未受保护","Unregister Host":"取消注册主机","Unregister Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"取消注册主机 \"{{host.name}}\"?","Unregister Options:":"取消注册选项:","Unregister the host as a subscription consumer. Provisioning and configuration information is preserved.":"取消将主机注册为订阅消费者。设置和配置信息将保留。","Unsupported Type!":"不支持的类型!","Update":"更新","Update All Deb Packages":"更新所有 Deb 软件包","Update All Packages":"更新所有软件包","Update Packages":"更新软件包","Update Sync Plan":"更新同步计划","Updated":"已更新","Upgradable":"可升级","Upgradable For":"可升级","Upgradable Package":"可升级包","Upgrade Available":"升级可用","Upgrade Selected":"升级所选","Upload":"上载","Upload Content Credential file":"上载内容凭证文件","Upload File":"上传文件","Upload Package":"上传软件包","Upload Requirements":"上传要求","Upload Requirements.yml file <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n </a>":"上载Requirements.yml文件 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'ansible_collection'\" uib-popover-html=\"requirementPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\">\n </a>","Uploading...":"上载中...","Upstream Authentication Token":"上游验证令牌","Upstream Authorization":"上游授权","Upstream Image Name":"上游镜像名称","Upstream Password":"上游密码","Upstream Repository Name":"上游仓库名称","Upstream URL":"上游 URL","Upstream Username":"上游用户名","Url":"Url","URL of the registry you want to sync. Example: https://registry-1.docker.io/ or https://quay.io/":"您要同步的 registry 的URL。例如:https://registry-1.docker.io/或https://quay.io/","URL to Discover":"发现 URL","URL to the repository base. Example: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"debURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>":"到仓库基础的 URL。示例:http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"debURLPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Upstream URL\">\n </a>","Usage Type":"使用类型","Usage Type:":"使用类型:","Use specific HTTP Proxy":"使用特定的 HTTP 代理","Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your lifecycle environment selection.":"使用内容视图选择上的“取消”按钮可以还原生命周期环境选择。","Used as":"用作","User":"用户","Username":"用户名","Username of the upstream repository user for authentication. Leave empty if repository does not require authentication.":"用于认证的上游仓库用户的用户名。如果仓库不需要身份验证,则保留为空。","Variant":"变体","Verify Content Checksum":"验证内容校验和","Verify SSL":"验证 SSL","Version":"版本","Version {{ cvVersions['version'] }}":"版本 {{ cvVersions['version'] }}","Versions":"版本","via Katello agent":"通过 Katello 代理","via Katello Agent":"通过 Katello 代理","via remote execution":"通过远程执行","via remote execution - customize first":"通过远程执行 - 首先进行自定义","View Container Image Manifest Lists for Repository:":"查看仓库的容器镜像清单列表:","View Docker Tags for Repository:":"查看仓库的 Docker 标签:","View job invocations.":"列出工作调用","Virtual":"虚拟","Virtual Guest":"虚拟客户系统","Virtual Guests":"虚拟客户系统","Virtual Host":"虚拟主机","Warning: reclaiming space for an \"On Demand\" repository will delete all cached content units. Take precaution when cleaning custom repositories whose upstream parents don't keep old package versions.":"警告:为 \"On Demand\" 仓库重新声明空间将删除所有缓存的内容单元。在清理其上游父项没有保留旧软件包版本的自定义软件仓库时需要非常小心。","weekly":"每周","Weekly on {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"每周 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }}在 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }}(服务器时间)","When Auto Attach is disabled, registering systems will be attached to all associated subscriptions.":"禁用“自动附加”后,注册系统将附加到所有关联的订阅中。","Whitespace-separated list of components to sync (leave clear to sync all). Example: main <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"componentPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Components\">\n </a>":"以空格分隔的要同步的组件列表(留空可以同步所有组件)。例如:<a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"componentPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Components\">\n </a>","Whitespace-separated list of processor architectures to sync (leave clear to sync all). Example: amd64 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"archPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Architectures\">\n </a>":"空格分隔的要同步的处理器体系结构列表留空可以同步所有组件)。例如:amd64 <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"archPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Architectures\">\n </a>","Whitespace-separated list of releases/distributions to sync (required for syncing). Example: buster <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"distPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Releases/Distributions\">\n </a>":"空格分隔的发行版本/发行列表(同步需要)。示例: buster <a class=\"fa fa-question-circle\" ng-show=\"repository.content_type === 'deb'\" uib-popover-html=\"distPopover\" popover-class=\"popover-large\" popover-trigger=\"'outsideClick'\" popover-append-to-body=\"true\" popover-title=\"Releases/Distributions\">\n </a>","Working":"工作","Yes":"是","You can upload a requirements.yml file above to auto-fill contents <b>OR</b> paste contents of <a ng-href=\"https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/galaxy/user_guide.html#install-multiple-collections-with-a-requirements-file\" target=\"_blank\"> Requirements.yml </a>below.":"您可以上传上面的 requirements.yml 文件以自动填充内容<b>或</b>粘贴下面的<a ng-href=\"https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/galaxy/user_guide.html#install-multiple-collections-with-a-requirements-file\" target=\"_blank\">Requirements.yml</a>内容。","You can upload a requirements.yml file below to auto-fill contents or paste contents of requirement.yml here":"您可以上传下面的 requirements.yml 文件以自动填充内容,或在此处粘贴 requirement.yml 的内容","You cannot remove these repositories because you do not have permission.":"您无权删除这些仓库。","You cannot remove this product because it is a Red Hat product.":"您不能删除此产品,因为它是红帽产品。","You cannot remove this product because it was published to a content view.":"您无法删除此产品,因为它已发布到内容视图。","You cannot remove this product because you do not have permission.":"您无权删除此产品。","You cannot remove this repository because you do not have permission.":"您无权删除此仓库。","You currently don't have any Activation Keys, you can add Activation Keys using the button on the right.":"您目前没有任何激活码,可以使用右侧的按钮添加激活码。","You currently don't have any Alternate Content Sources associated with this Content Credential.":"您当前没有与此内容凭证关联的 Alternate 内容源。","You currently don't have any Container Image Tags.":"您目前没有任何内容视图。","You currently don't have any Content Credential, you can add Content Credentials using the button on the right.":"您目前没有任何内容凭据,您可以使用右侧的按钮添加内容凭据。","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can create new Content Hosts by selecting Contents Host from main menu and then clicking the button on the right.":"当前您没有任何内容主机,可以通过从主菜单中选择“内容主机”,然后单击右侧的按钮来创建新的内容主机。","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can register one by clicking the button on the right and following the instructions.":"您目前没有任何内容主机,您可以通过单击右侧的按钮并按照说明进行注册。","You currently don't have any Files.":"您目前没有任何内容视图。","You currently don't have any Host Collections, you can add Host Collections using the button on the right.":"您目前没有任何主机集合,您可以使用右侧的按钮添加主机集合。","You currently don't have any Hosts in this Host Group, you can add Content Hosts after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"您目前在此主机组中没有任何主机,可以在选择“添加”选项卡后添加内容主机。","You currently don't have any Products associated with this Content Credential.":"您目前没有与此内容证书关联的任何产品。","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to, you can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu":"您目前没有要订阅的产品,可以在主菜单中的“内容”下选择“产品”后添加产品","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to. You can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu.":"您目前没有要订阅的任何产品。您可以在主菜单中的“内容”下选择“产品”后添加产品。","You currently don't have any Products<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, you can add Products using the button on the right</span>.":"您目前没有任何产品<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">,您可以使用右侧的按钮添加产品</span>。","You currently don't have any Repositories associated with this Content Credential.":"您目前没有与此内容证书关联的任何仓库。","You currently don't have any Repositories included in this Product, you can add Repositories using the button on the right.":"您目前没有此产品中包含的任何仓库,您可以使用右侧的按钮添加仓库。","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Activation Key, you can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"您目前没有与此激活码关联的任何订阅,可以在选择“添加”标签后添加订阅。","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Content Host. You can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"您目前没有与此内容主机关联的任何订阅。您可以在选择“添加”标签后添加订阅。","You currently don't have any Sync Plans. A Sync Plan can be created by using the button on the right.":"您目前没有任何同步计划。可以使用右侧的按钮创建同步计划。","You do not have any Installed Products":"您没有任何安装的产品","You must select a content view in order to save your environment.":"您必须选择一个内容视图才能保存环境。","You must select a new content view before your change of environment can be saved. Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your environment selection.":"必须先选择一个新的内容视图,然后才能保存环境更改。使用内容视图选择上的取消按钮可以还原您的环境选择。","You must select a new content view before your change of lifecycle environment can be saved.":"必须先选择一个新的内容视图,然后才能保存生命周期环境更改。","You must select at least one Content Host in order to apply Errata.":"您必须至少选择一个内容主机才能应用勘误。","You must select at least one Errata to apply.":"您必须至少选择一个勘误来应用。","Your search returned zero %(contentType)s that match the criteria.":"您的搜索返回零个%(contentType)s符合条件","Your search returned zero Activation Keys.":"您的搜索返回了零个激活码。","Your search returned zero Container Image Tags.":"您的搜索返回了零个容器镜像标签。","Your search returned zero Content Credential.":"您的搜索返回了零个内容凭证。","Your search returned zero Content Hosts.":"您的搜索返回了零个内容主机。","Your search returned zero Content Views":"您的搜索返回了零个内容视图","Your search returned zero Content Views.":"您的搜索返回了零个内容视图。","Your search returned zero Deb Packages.":"您的搜索返回了零个 Deb 软件包。","Your search returned zero Debs.":"您的搜索返回了零个 Debs。","Your search returned zero Errata.":"您的搜索返回了零个勘误。","Your search returned zero Erratum.":"您的搜索返回了零个勘误。","Your search returned zero Files.":"您的搜索返回了零个文件。","Your search returned zero Host Collections.":"您的搜索返回了零个主机集合。","Your search returned zero Hosts.":"您的搜索返回了零个主机。","Your search returned zero Lifecycle Environments.":"您的搜索返回了零个生命周期环境。","Your search returned zero Module Streams.":"您的搜索返回了零个模块流。","Your search returned zero Packages.":"您的搜索返回了零个软件包。","Your search returned zero Products.":"您的搜索返回了零个产品。","Your search returned zero Repositories":"您的搜索返回了零个仓库","Your search returned zero Repositories.":"您的搜索返回了零个仓库。","Your search returned zero repository sets.":"您的搜索返回了零个仓库集。","Your search returned zero Repository Sets.":"您的搜索返回了零个仓库集。","Your search returned zero results.":"您的搜索返回了零个结果。","Your search returned zero Subscriptions.":"您的搜索返回了零个订阅。","Your search returned zero Sync Plans.":"您的搜索返回了零个同步计划。","Your search returned zero Traces.":"您的搜索返回了零个 Traces。","Yum Metadata Checksum":"Yum 元数据校验和","Yum metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"Yum元数据生成已在后台启动。请点击<a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">这里</a>监视进度。","Yum Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Yum 仓库 <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>"});
+ gettextCatalog.setStrings('zh_TW', {"-- select an interval --":"-- 選擇一個間隔 --","{{ 'Add Selected' | translate }}":"{{ 'Add Selected' | 新增選擇 }}","{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} Applicable,":"{{ errata.hosts_applicable_count || 0 }} 可套用,","{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} Installable":"{{ errata.hosts_available_count || 0 }} 可安裝","{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} Errata":"{{ repository.content_counts.erratum || 0 }} 個勘誤","{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} Packages":"{{ repository.content_counts.rpm || 0 }} 個套件","{{ repository.last_sync_words }} ago":"{{ repository.last_sync_words }} 前","{{ type.display }}":"{{ type.display }}","* These marked Content View Versions are from Composite Content Views. Their components needing updating are listed underneath.":"* 這些被標記的內容視域來自於複合式內容視域。它們需要更新的元件列在下方。","%(consumed)s out of %(quantity)s":"%(consumed)s,總數為 %(quantity)s","%count environment(s) can be synchronized: %envs":"%count 個環境可以被同步:%envs","<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>":"<a href=\"/foreman_tasks/tasks/{{repository.last_sync.id}}\">{{ repository.last_sync.result | capitalize}}</a>","1 repository sync in progress.":"1 個軟體庫同步正在進行中。","1 successfully synced repository.":"1 個軟體庫已成功同步。","Account":"帳號","Action Type":"動作類型","Actions":"動作","Activation Key":"啟動金鑰","Activation Key Content":"啟動金鑰的內容","Activation Key removed.":"啟動金鑰已移除。","Activation Key updated":"啟動金鑰已更新","Activation Key:":"啟動金鑰:","Activation Keys":"啟動金鑰","Add":"新增","Add Content Hosts to:":"新增內容主機至:","Add New Environment":"新增環境","Add Selected":"加入選擇的項目","Add Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"為啟動金鑰新增訂閱:","Add Subscriptions for Content Host:":"為內容主機新增訂閱:","Add To":"加至","Added %x host collections to activation key \"%y\".":"已新增 %x 主機集項目至啟動金鑰「%y」。","Added %x host collections to content host \"%y\".":"已新增 %x 主機集項目至內容主機「%y」。","Added %x products to sync plan \"%y\".":"已新增 %x 產品至同步計畫「%y」。","Adding Lifecycle Environment to the end of \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\"":"新增生命週期環境至 \"{{ priorEnvironment.name }}\" 之後","Advisory":"諮詢","Affected Hosts":"受影響的主機","All Content Views":"所有內容視域","All Repositories":"所有軟體庫","An error occurred removing the Activation Key:":"移除啟動金鑰時發生錯誤:","An error occurred removing the content hosts.":"移除內容主機時發生錯誤:","An error occurred removing the environment:":"移除環境時發生錯誤:","An error occurred removing the Host Collection:":"移除主機集項目時發生錯誤:","An error occurred removing the subscriptions.":"移除訂閱時發生錯誤:","An error occurred saving the Activation Key:":"儲存啟動金鑰時發生錯誤:","An error occurred saving the Content Host:":"儲存內容主機時發生錯誤:","An error occurred saving the Environment:":"儲存環境時發生了錯誤:","An error occurred saving the Host Collection:":"儲存主機集項目時發生錯誤:","An error occurred saving the Product:":"儲存產品時發生錯誤:","An error occurred saving the Repository:":"儲存軟體庫時發生錯誤:","An error occurred saving the Sync Plan:":"儲存同步計畫時發生錯誤:","An error occurred trying to auto-attach subscriptions. Please check your log for further information.":"試圖自動連接訂閱服務時發生錯誤。請檢查日誌檔,以取得進一步訊息。","Applicable":"可套用","Applicable Errata":"可套用勘誤","Applicable Packages":"套件","Application":"應用程式","Apply":"套用","Apply {{ errata.errata_id }}":"套用 {{ errata.errata_id }}","Apply Errata":"套用勘誤","Apply Errata to Content Host \"{{host.name}}\"?":"是否要套用勘誤至內容主機 \"{{host.name}}\"?","Apply Errata to Content Hosts":"套用勘誤至內容主機","Apply Errata to Content Hosts immediately after publishing.":"發佈後即刻套用勘誤至內容主機。","Apply Selected":"套用所選項目","Apply to Content Hosts":"套用內容主機","Apply to Hosts":"套用至主機","Applying":"正在套用","Arch":"架構","Architecture":"架構","Architectures":"架構","Are you sure you want to add the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to the host collection(s) chosen?":"確定要新增所選的 {{ table.numSelected }} 部內容主機至選擇的主機集項目中?","Are you sure you want to apply Errata to content host \"{{ host.name }}\"?":"確定要套用勘誤至內容主機 \"{{ host.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to assign the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected to {{ selected.contentView.name }} in {{ selected.environment.name }}?":"確定要指定所選的 {{ table.numSelected }} 部內容主機至 {{ selected.environment.name }} 的 {{ selected.contentView.name }}?","Are you sure you want to install {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"確定要在所選的 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 部系統上安裝 {{ content.content }}?","Are you sure you want to remove {{ content.content }} from the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"確定要從所選擇的 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 部系統中移除 {{ content.content }}?","Are you sure you want to remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"確定要移除啟動金鑰 \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"確定要移除主機集項目 \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"確定要移除產品 \"{{ product.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"確定要移除同步計畫 \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?","Are you sure you want to remove the {{ table.numSelected }} content host(s) selected from the host collection(s) chosen?":"確定要從所選擇的主機集項目中移除所選擇的 {{ table.numSelected }} 部內容主機?","Are you sure you want to update {{ content.content }} on the {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} system(s) selected?":"確定要在所選的 {{ getSelectedSystemIds().length }} 部系統上更新 {{ content.content }}?","Assign":"指定","Associations":"相聯性","At least one Errata needs to be selected to Apply.":"需要選擇至少一項勘誤來套用。","Attached":"已連接","Author":"作者","Auto-Attach":"自動連接","Automatic":"自動","Back To Errata List":"回到勘誤清單","Basic Information":"基本資訊","Below are the repository content sets currently available for this content host through its subscriptions. For Red Hat subscriptions, additional content can be made available through the":"以下是目前可以讓此內容透過其訂閱來使用的軟體庫內容。Red Hat 訂閱的額外內容可透過這裡取得:","Bootable":"可開機","Bug Fix":"錯誤修正","Bug Fix Advisory":"錯誤修正諮詢","Build Host":"組建主機","Build Time":"組建時間","Cancel":"取消","Capacity":"容量","Certificate":"憑證","Change assigned Lifecycle Environment or Content View":"變更已指定的生命週期環境或內容視域","Changing default settings for content hosts that register with this activation key requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on that host.":"為向此註冊金鑰註冊的內容主機改變預設設定,需要在那台主機上安裝 1.10 以上版本的 subscription-manager。","Changing default settings requires subscription-manager version 1.10 or newer to be installed on this host.":"改變預設設定需要在此主機上安裝 1.10 以上版本的 subscription-manager。","Checksum":"Checksum","Checksum Type":"Checksum 類型","Click here to check the status of the task.":"點選此處以檢查任務的狀態。","Click here to select Errata for an Incremental Update.":"點選此處以選擇勘誤進行遞增更新。","Close":"關閉","Components":"元件","Components:":"元件:","Composite View":"複合視域","Confirm":"確認","Content":"內容","Content Counts":"內容的數量","Content Host":"內容主機","Content Host Bulk Content":"內容主機的大批內容","Content Host Bulk Subscriptions":"內容主機的大批訂閱","Content Host Content":"內容主機的內容","Content Host Counts":"內容主機計數","Content Host Limit":"內容主機的限制","Content Host Properties":"內容主機的屬性","Content Host Registration":"內容主機的註冊","Content Host Status":"內容主機的狀態","Content Host:":"{{ contentHost.name }","Content Hosts":"內容主機","Content Hosts for Activation Key:":"給啟動金鑰的內容主機:","Content Hosts for:":"給以下使用的內容主機:","Content Type":"內容類型","Content View":"內容視域","Content View Version":"內容視域版本","Content View:":"內容視域:","Content Views":"內容視域","Content Views <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>":"內容視域 <div>{{ library.counts.content_views || 0 }}</div>","Context":"內容","Contract":"合約","Copy Activation Key":"複製啟動金鑰","Cores per Socket":"每個插槽的核心數","Create":"建立","Create Activation Key":"建立啟動金鑰","Create Selected":"建立所選項目","Create Sync Plan":"建立同步計畫","Critical":"重要","Current Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"供啟動金鑰使用的現有訂閱:","CVEs":"CVE","daily":"每日","Daily at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"每日的 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }}(伺服器時間)","Date":"日期","Default":"預設值","Delete":"刪除","Delete Hosts":"刪除主機","Dependencies":"相依性","Description":"描述","Details":"詳細資料","Details for Activation Key:":"啟動金鑰的詳細資料:","Details for Product:":"產品的詳細資料:","Digest":"消化","Disable":"停用","Disabled":"已停用","Discover":"尋找","Distribution":"發行套件","Distribution Information":"散佈資訊","Docker Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Docker 軟體庫 <div>{{ library.counts.docker_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Done":"完成","Download Policy":"下載政策","Enable":"啟用","Enabled":"已啟用","Enhancement":"增強","Enter Package Group Name(s)...":"輸入套件群組名稱……","Enter Package Name(s)...":"輸入套件名稱……","Environment":"環境","Environment saved":"環境已儲存","Environments List":"環境清單","Errata":"勘誤","Errata <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>":"勘誤 <div>{{ library.counts.errata.total || 0 }}</div>","Errata Details":"勘誤的詳細資料","Errata for:":"給以下使用的勘誤:","Errata ID":"勘誤 ID","Errata Installation":"安裝勘誤","Errata Task List":"勘誤任務清單","Errata Tasks":"勘誤任務","Errata:":"勘誤:","Error during upload:":"上傳時發生錯誤。","Event":"事件","Existing Product":"既有的產品","Expires":"有效期限","Export":"匯出","Family":"家族","File Information":"檔案資訊","File too large. Please use the CLI instead.":"檔案太大。請使用 CLI 來代替。","Filename":"檔案名稱","Files":"檔案","Filter":"篩選器","Filter...":"篩選器……","Finished At":"完成於","For older operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5 it is recommended to use sha1.":"建議在較舊的作業系統上(例如 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 或是 CentOS 5)使用 sha1。","GPG Key":"GPG 金鑰","Group":"群組","Guests of":"客座","Host Collection Management":"管理主機集","Host Collection Membership":"主機集的成員","Host Collection removed.":"已移除主機集。","Host Collection updated":"已更新主機集","Host Collection:":"主機集:","Host Collections":"主機集","Host Collections for:":"給以下使用的主機集:","Host Count":"主機計數","Host Group":"主機群組","Host Limit":"主機限制","Hostname":"主機名稱","Hosts":"主機","hourly":"每小時","Hourly at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} minutes and {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} seconds":"每小時於 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'m' }} 分 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'s' }} 秒","HTTP Proxy":"HTTP 代理","Id":"Id","Image":"影像","Immediate":"立即","Important":"重要","Install":"安裝","Install Selected":"安裝所選項目","Install the pre-built bootstrap RPM:":"安裝預建立的 bootstrap RPM:","Installable":"可安裝","Installable Errata":"可安裝的勘誤","Installed":"已安裝","Installed Package":"已安裝的套件","Installed Packages":"已安裝的套件","Installed Products":"已安裝的產品","Interfaces":"介面","Interval":"間隔","IPv4 Address":"IPv4 位址","IPv6 Address":"IPv6 位址","Issued":"已簽發","Katello Agent":"Katello 代理程式","Label":"標籤","Last Checkin":"前一次簽入","Last Published":"前一次出版","Last Puppet Report":"前一次 Puppet 報告","Last Sync":"前一次同步","Last Updated On":"最後更新於","Library":"函示庫","Library Repositories":"函式庫軟體庫","Library Synced Content":"函式庫已同步內容","License":"授權條款","Lifecycle Environment":"生命週期環境","Lifecycle Environment Paths":"生命週期環境的路徑","Lifecycle Environments":"生命週期環境","Limit":"限制","Limit:":"限制:","List":"清單","List/Remove":"列出/移除","Loading...":"載入中……","Manage Errata":"管理勘誤","Manage Packages":"管理套件","Manage Packages for Repository:":"管理軟體庫的套件:","Model":"型號","Moderate":"控管","More Details":"更多詳細資訊","N/A":"N/A","Name":"名稱","Networking":"網路","Never":"永不","Never synced":"從未同步","New Activation Key":"新增啟動金鑰","New Environment":"新增環境","New Name:":"新名稱:","New Product":"新產品","New Repository":"新軟體庫","New Sync Plan":"新增同步計劃","New sync plan successfully created.":"已建立新的同步計劃。","Next":"下一步","Next Sync":"下個同步","No":"否","No Content Hosts match this Erratum.":"沒有符合此勘誤的內容主機。","No content views exist for {{selected.environment.name}}":"{{selected.environment.name}} 沒有存在的內容視域","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"沒有可顯示的主機集,您可在選擇了主選單中,「主機」下的「主機集」之後新增主機集。","No Host Collections to show, you can add Host Collections after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"沒有可顯示的主機集,您可在選擇了「新增」分頁後新增主機集。","No Repositories contain this Erratum.":"沒有包含了此勘誤的軟體庫。","No Repositories contain this Package.":"沒有包含此套件的軟體庫。","None":"無","Not installed":"未安裝","Not Synced":"未同步","Number of CPUs":"CPU 數量","On Demand":"視需求","One or more of the selected Errata are not Installable via your published Content View versions running on the selected hosts. The new Content View Versions (specified below)\n will be created which will make this Errata Installable in the host's Environment. This new version will replace the current version in your host's Lifecycle\n Environment. To install these errata immediately on hosts after publishing check the box below.":"一或多個勘誤無法透過您在所選主機上執行的已發佈內容視域版本來進行安裝。新的內容視域版本(指定在下列部分中)\n 將會被建立,以讓此勘誤能安裝在主機的環境中。這個新版本將會取代您主機的生命週期\n 環境中的目前版本。若要在發佈之後即刻在主機上安裝這些勘誤,請選取下方的方塊。","Only show content hosts where the errata is currently installable in the host's Lifecycle Environment.":"僅顯示主機生命週期環境中目前能安裝勘誤的內容主機。","Operating System":"作業系統","Organization":"組織","Original Sync Date":"原始同步日期","OS":"作業系統","OSTree Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"OSTree 軟體庫 <div>{{ library.counts.ostree_repositories || 0 }}</div>","Package":"套件","Package Actions":"套件動作","Package Groups":"套件群組","Package Groups for Repository:":"軟體庫的套件群組:","Package Install":"套件安裝","Package Installation, Removal, and Update":"套件安裝、移除與更新","Package Remove":"套件移除","Package Update":"套件更新","Package:":"套件:","Package/Group Name":"套件/群組名稱","Packages":"套件","Packages <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>":"套件 <div>{{ library.counts.packages || 0 }}</div>","Packages for:":"套件屬於:","Parameters":"參數","Password":"密碼","Path":"路徑","Perform":"執行","Physical":"實體的","Please select an environment.":"請選擇一個環境。","Please select one from the list below and you will be redirected.":"請從下方清單中選擇一項,而您將會被重新導向。","Plus %y more errors":"加上 %y 個錯誤","Plus 1 more error":"加上 1 個錯誤","Product":"產品","Product Enhancement Advisory":"產品功能增強諮詢","Product information for:":"產品資訊:","Product Management for Sync Plan:":"產品管理以進行同步計劃:","Product Name":"產品名稱","Product Saved":"產品已儲存","Products":"產品","Products <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>":"產品 <div>{{ library.counts.products || 0 }}</div>","Provides":"供應方","Provisioning Details":"佈建詳細資訊","Provisioning Host Details":"佈建主機詳細資訊","Published At":"已發佈於","Published Repository Information":"已發佈的軟體庫資訊","Puppet Environment":"Puppet 環境","Quantity":"數量","RAM (GB)":"記憶體 (GB)","Reboot Suggested":"建議重新啟動","Reboot Suggested?":"建議重新啟動?","Red Hat Repositories page":"Red Hat 軟體庫頁面","Red Hat Repositories page.":"Red Hat 軟體庫頁面。","Refresh Table":"更新表格","Register a Content Host":"註冊內容主機","Register Content Host":"註冊內容主機","Registered":"已註冊","Registered By":"由...註冊","Registry Name Pattern":"名稱","Registry URL":"登錄檔網址","Release":"發行版","Release Version":"發行版本","Release Version:":"發行版本:","Remove":"移除","Remove Activation Key \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?":"確定要移除啟動金鑰 \"{{ activationKey.name }}\"?","Remove Content":"移除內容","Remove From":"從...移除","Remove Host Collection \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?":"確定要移除主機集 \"{{ hostCollection.name }}\"?","Remove Packages":"移除套件","Remove Product":"移除產品","Remove Product \"{{ product.name }}\"?":"確定要移除產品 \"{{ product.name }}\"?","Remove Repositories":"移除軟體庫","Remove Repository":"移除軟體庫","Remove Selected":"移除已選擇的項目","Remove Successful.":"移除成功。","Remove Sync Plan":"移除同步計劃","Remove Sync Plan \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?":"確定要移除同步計畫 \"{{ syncPlan.name }}\"?","Removed %x host collections from activation key \"%y\".":"已從啟動金鑰 \"%y\" 移除了 %x 個主機集。","Removed %x host collections from content host \"%y\".":"已從內容主機 \"%y\" 移除了 %x 個主機集。","Removed %x products from sync plan \"%y\".":"已從同步計劃 \"%y\" 移除了 %x 個產品。","Removing Repositories":"移除軟體庫","Repo Discovery":"搜尋軟體庫","Repositories":"軟體庫","Repositories containing Errata {{ errata.errata_id }}":"包含勘誤 {{ errata.errata_id }} 的軟體庫","Repositories containing package {{ package.nvrea }}":"軟體庫包含套件 {{ package.nvrea }}","Repositories for Errata:":"勘誤的軟體庫:","Repositories for Package:":"套件的軟體庫:","Repositories for Product:":"產品的軟體庫:","Repository":"軟體庫","Repository \"%s\" successfully deleted":"已成功刪除軟體庫 \"%s\"","Repository %s successfully created.":"已成功建立軟體庫 %s。","Repository created":"軟體庫已建立","Repository Discovery":"探索軟體庫","Repository Label":"軟體庫標籤","Repository Name":"軟體庫名稱","Repository Saved.":"已儲存軟體庫。","Repository Type":"存放庫類型","Repository URL":"軟體庫 URL","Repository:":"軟體庫:","Requires":"需要","Restart":"重新啟動","Result":"結果","Role":"角色","RPM":"RPM","Run Auto-Attach":"執行自動連結","Run Sync Plan":"執行同步計劃","Save":"儲存","Save Successful.":"儲存成功。","Security":"安全性","Security Advisory":"安全性諮詢","Select":"選擇","Select a Content Source:":"選擇一項內容來源:","Select Action":"選擇動作","Select an Organization":"選擇組織","Select Content View":"選擇內容視域","Service Level":"服務等級","Severity":"嚴重性","Show All":"顯示全部","Size":"大小","Sockets":"插槽","Solution":"解決方案","Something went wrong when retrieving the resource.":"取得資源時發生錯誤:","Source RPM":"來源 RPM","Source RPMs":"來源 RPM","SSL Client Key":"SSL 客戶端金鑰","Start Date":"起始日期","Start Time":"起始時間","Started At":"起始於","Starting":"正在開始","Starts":"起始","State":"狀態","Status":"狀態","Subscription Details":"訂閱詳細資訊","Subscription Management":"訂閱管理","Subscription Status":"訂閱狀態","subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"":"subscription-manager register --org=\"{{ activationKey.organization.label }}\" --activationkey=\"{{ activationKey.name }}\"","Subscriptions":"訂閱服務","Subscriptions for Activation Key:":"啟動金鑰的訂閱:","Subscriptions for Content Host:":"內容主機的訂閱:","Subscriptions for:":"訂閱屬於:","Success!":"成功!","Successfully added %s subscriptions.":"已成功新增了 %s 個訂閱。","Successfully removed %s items.":"成功移除了 %s 個項目。","Successfully removed %s subscriptions.":"已成功移除了 %s 項訂閱。","Successfully removed 1 item.":"已成功移除了 1 個項目。","Successfully updated subscriptions.":"已成功更新了訂閱。","Summary":"概要","Support Level":"支援等級","Sync":"同步","Sync Enabled":"已啟用同步","Sync Interval":"同步間隔","Sync Now":"現在同步","Sync Plan":"同步計劃","Sync Plan %s has been deleted.":"已刪除同步計劃 %s。","Sync Plan Saved":"已儲存同步計劃","Sync Plan:":"同步計劃:","Sync Plans":"同步計劃","Sync State":"同步狀態","Sync Status":"同步狀態","Synced manually, no interval set.":"已手動同步,未設置間隔。","Synchronization is about to start...":"同步即將開始……","Synchronization is being cancelled...":"同步即將取消……","Tags":"標籤","Task Details":"任務的詳細資訊","Tasks":"任務","Temporary":"暫時性","The Content View or Lifecycle Environment needs to be updated in order to make errata available to these hosts.":"內容視域或生命週期環境需要更新才能讓這些主機使用勘誤。","The following actions can be performed on content hosts in this host collection:":"下列動作能在此主機集中的內容主機上執行:","The host has not reported any installed packages, registering with subscription-manager should cause these to be reported.":"主機未回報任何以安裝套件,使用 subscription-manager 註冊會導致這些被回報。","The page you are attempting to access requires selecting a specific organization.":"您嘗試存取的網頁需要選擇特定組織。","The selected environment contains no Content Views, please select a different environment.":"選擇的環境不包含內容視域,請選擇一個不同的環境。","There are {{ errataCount }} total Errata in this organization but none match the above filters.":"此組織總共有 {{ errataCount }} 個勘誤,但沒有一個與上述篩選相符。","There are no Content Views in this Environment.":"此環境中沒有內容視域。","There are no Content Views that match the criteria.":"沒有符合條件的內容視域。","There are no Errata associated with this Content Host to display.":"沒有與此內容主機相聯的勘誤可顯示。","There are no Errata in this organization. Create one or more Products with Errata to view Errata on this page.":"這個組織中沒有勘誤。請建立一或更多項產品與勘誤以在此網站上檢視勘誤。","There are no Errata to display.":"沒有可顯示的勘誤。","There are no Host Collections available. You can create new Host Collections after selecting 'Host Collections' under 'Hosts' in main menu.":"沒有可用的主機集。您可在選擇了主選單中,「主機」下的「主機集」之後建立新的主機集。","There are no Packages in this organization. Create one or more Products with Packages to view Packages on this page.":"這個組織中沒有套件。請建立一或更多項產品與套件以在此網站上檢視套件。","There is currently an Incremental Update task in progress. This update must finish before applying existing updates.":"目前正有一項遞增更新任務進行中。在套用既有更新之前,這項更新必須先完成。","This activation key is not associated with any content hosts.":"此啟動金鑰不與任何內容主機相聯。","This activation key may be used during system registration. For example:":"此啟動金鑰能在進行系統註冊時使用。例如:","Title":"標題","To register a content host to this server, follow these steps.":"若要向這部伺服器註冊內容主機,請依照下列步驟進行:","Topic":"主題","Type":"類型","Unknown":"不明","Unlimited Content Hosts:":"無限的內容主機:","Unregister Host":"取消註冊主機","Update":"更新","Update Packages":"升級套件","Update Sync Plan":"更新同步計劃","Updated":"已更新","Upload":"上傳","Upload File":"上傳檔案","Upload Package":"上傳套件","Uploading...":"正在上傳...","Upstream Repository Name":"上游軟體庫名稱","Url":"網址","User":"使用者","Username":"使用者名稱","Variant":"變體","Verify SSL":"驗證 SSL","Version":"版本","Versions":"版本","via Katello agent":"透過 Katello 代理程式","via Katello Agent":"透過 Katello 代理程式","via remote execution":"透過遠端執行","via remote execution - customize first":"透過遠端執行 - 先自訂","Virtual":"虛擬","Virtual Guest":"虛擬客座","Virtual Guests":"虛擬客座端","Virtual Host":"虛擬主機","weekly":"每週","Weekly on {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} at {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }} (Server Time)":"每週在 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'EEEE' }} 上於 {{ product.sync_plan.sync_date | date:'mediumTime' }}(伺服器時間)","When Auto Attach is disabled, registering systems will be attached to all associated subscriptions.":"當停用了自動連接時,註冊的系統將會被連至所有相聯的訂閱。","Working":"處理","Yes":"是","You cannot remove these repositories because you do not have permission.":"您無法移除這些軟體庫,因為您沒有權限。","You cannot remove this product because it is a Red Hat product.":"您無法移除這項產品,因為這是一項 Red Hat 產品。","You cannot remove this product because it was published to a content view.":"您無法移除這項產品,因為它已發佈至某個內容視域。","You cannot remove this product because you do not have permission.":"您無法移除這項產品,因為您沒有權限。","You cannot remove this repository because you do not have permission.":"您無法移除此軟體庫,因為您沒有權限。","You currently don't have any Activation Keys, you can add Activation Keys using the button on the right.":"您目前沒有任何啟動金鑰,您可使用右方的按鈕來新增啟動金鑰。","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can create new Content Hosts by selecting Contents Host from main menu and then clicking the button on the right.":"您目前沒有任何內容主機,您可藉由從主選單選擇內容主機然後按下右方的按鈕來建立新的內容主機。","You currently don't have any Content Hosts, you can register one by clicking the button on the right and following the instructions.":"您目前沒有任何內容主機,您可藉由點選右方的按鈕並依照指示進行,以註冊內容主機。","You currently don't have any Host Collections, you can add Host Collections using the button on the right.":"您目前沒有任何主機集,您可藉由使用右方的按鈕來新增主機集。","You currently don't have any Hosts in this Host Group, you can add Content Hosts after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"您目前在這個主機群組中沒有任何主機,您可在選擇了「新增」分頁後新增內容主機。","You currently don't have any Products to subscribe to, you can add Products after selecting 'Products' under 'Content' in the main menu":"您目前沒有任何能訂閱的產品,您可在選擇了主選單中「內容」下的「產品」之後來新增產品。","You currently don't have any Products<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">, you can add Products using the button on the right</span>.":"您目前沒有任何產品<span bst-feature-flag=\"custom_products\">,您可藉由使用右方的的按鈕來新增產品。</span>。","You currently don't have any Repositories included in this Product, you can add Repositories using the button on the right.":"您目前沒有任何軟體庫包含在這項產品中,您可藉由使用右方的按鈕來新增軟體庫。","You currently don't have any Subscriptions associated with this Activation Key, you can add Subscriptions after selecting the 'Add' tab.":"您目前沒有任何與此啟動金鑰相聯的訂閱,您可在選擇了「新增」分頁後新增訂閱。","You currently don't have any Sync Plans. A Sync Plan can be created by using the button on the right.":"您目前沒有任何同步計畫。同步計畫能藉由使用右方的按鈕來建立。","You do not have any Installed Products":"您尚未安裝任何產品","You must select a content view in order to save your environment.":"您必須選擇一項內容視域以儲存您的環境。","You must select a new content view before your change of environment can be saved. Use the cancel button on content view selection to revert your environment selection.":"若要儲存您的環境變更,您必須先選擇新的內容視域。請使用內容視域上的取消按鈕來復原您的環境選擇。","You must select at least one Content Host in order to apply Errata.":"您必須選擇至少一個內容主機才能套用勘誤。","You must select at least one Errata to apply.":"您至少必須選擇一個勘誤。","Yum Metadata Checksum":"Yum Metadata Checksum","Yum metadata generation has been initiated in the background. Click <a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">Here</a> to monitor the progress.":"已在背景開始了 Yum metadata 的產生。請按<a href=\"{{ taskUrl() }}\">此</a>來監控進度。","Yum Repositories <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>":"Yum 軟體庫 <div>{{ library.counts.yum_repositories || 0 }}</div>"});
  /* jshint +W100 */