juice10-action_flow 0.1.0

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Files changed (98) hide show
  1. data/.document +5 -0
  2. data/Gemfile +13 -0
  3. data/Gemfile.lock +20 -0
  4. data/LICENSE.txt +20 -0
  5. data/MIT-LICENSE +20 -0
  6. data/README.rdoc +206 -0
  7. data/Rakefile +53 -0
  8. data/VERSION +1 -0
  9. data/action_flow.gemspec +149 -0
  10. data/init.rb +1 -0
  11. data/install.rb +1 -0
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  16. data/lib/action_flow/flow.rb +54 -0
  17. data/lib/action_flow/flow/controller.rb +91 -0
  18. data/lib/action_flow/flow/state.rb +73 -0
  19. data/lib/action_flow/helpers.rb +15 -0
  20. data/lib/action_flow/variable.rb +14 -0
  21. data/test/helper.rb +18 -0
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  24. data/test_app/Gemfile +34 -0
  25. data/test_app/Gemfile.lock +131 -0
  26. data/test_app/README +256 -0
  27. data/test_app/Rakefile +7 -0
  28. data/test_app/app/controllers/application_controller.rb +6 -0
  29. data/test_app/app/controllers/settings_controller.rb +33 -0
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  32. data/test_app/app/views/settings/_step.html.erb +22 -0
  33. data/test_app/app/views/settings/intro.html.erb +12 -0
  34. data/test_app/app/views/settings/outro.html.erb +8 -0
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  43. data/test_app/config/environments/production.rb +49 -0
  44. data/test_app/config/environments/test.rb +35 -0
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  49. data/test_app/config/initializers/session_store.rb +8 -0
  50. data/test_app/config/locales/en.yml +5 -0
  51. data/test_app/config/routes.rb +58 -0
  52. data/test_app/db/schema.rb +15 -0
  53. data/test_app/db/seeds.rb +7 -0
  54. data/test_app/features/flow_management.feature +122 -0
  55. data/test_app/features/flow_with_array_alternatives.feature +13 -0
  56. data/test_app/features/flows_with_conditions.feature +60 -0
  57. data/test_app/features/mutual_exclusion.feature +39 -0
  58. data/test_app/features/step_definitions/flow_steps.rb +20 -0
  59. data/test_app/features/step_definitions/url_steps.rb +7 -0
  60. data/test_app/features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb +211 -0
  61. data/test_app/features/support/env.rb +39 -0
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  64. data/test_app/features/support/selectors.rb +39 -0
  65. data/test_app/lib/tasks/.gitkeep +0 -0
  66. data/test_app/lib/tasks/cucumber.rake +57 -0
  67. data/test_app/public/404.html +26 -0
  68. data/test_app/public/422.html +26 -0
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  82. data/test_app/script/console +3 -0
  83. data/test_app/script/cucumber +10 -0
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  85. data/test_app/script/destroy +3 -0
  86. data/test_app/script/generate +3 -0
  87. data/test_app/script/performance/benchmarker +3 -0
  88. data/test_app/script/performance/profiler +3 -0
  89. data/test_app/script/plugin +3 -0
  90. data/test_app/script/rails +6 -0
  91. data/test_app/script/runner +3 -0
  92. data/test_app/script/server +3 -0
  93. data/test_app/test/performance/browsing_test.rb +9 -0
  94. data/test_app/test/test_helper.rb +13 -0
  95. data/test_app/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep +0 -0
  96. data/test_app/vendor/plugins/action_flow/init.rb +2 -0
  97. data/uninstall.rb +1 -0
  98. metadata +224 -0

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