i18n 0.2.0

2 security vulnerabilities found in version 0.2.0

i18n Gem for Ruby lib/i18n/core_ext/hash.rb Hash#slice() Function Hash Handling DoS

high severity CVE-2014-10077
high severity CVE-2014-10077
Patched versions: >= 0.8.0

i18n Gem for Ruby contains a flaw in the Hash#slice() function in lib/i18n/core_ext/hash.rb that is triggered when calling a hash when :some_key is in keep_keys but not in the hash. This may allow an attacker to cause the program to crash.

i18n missing translation error message XSS

medium severity CVE-2013-4492
medium severity CVE-2013-4492
Patched versions: ~> 0.5.1, >= 0.6.6

The HTML exception message raised by I18n::MissingTranslation fails to escape the keys.

No officially reported memory leakage issues detected.

This gem version does not have any officially reported memory leaked issues.

Author did not declare license for this gem in the gemspec.

This gem version has a MIT license in the source code, however it was not declared in the gemspec file.

This gem version is available.

This gem version has not been yanked and is still available for usage.