gv-RedCloth 4.2.9

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Files changed (64) hide show
  1. data/.gemtest +0 -0
  2. data/.rspec +1 -0
  3. data/CHANGELOG +261 -0
  4. data/COPYING +18 -0
  5. data/Gemfile +7 -0
  6. data/README.rdoc +198 -0
  7. data/Rakefile +18 -0
  8. data/bin/redcloth +28 -0
  9. data/doc/textile_reference.html +631 -0
  10. data/ext/redcloth_scan/extconf.rb +6 -0
  11. data/ext/redcloth_scan/redcloth.h +220 -0
  12. data/ext/redcloth_scan/redcloth_attributes.c +650 -0
  13. data/ext/redcloth_scan/redcloth_inline.c +7952 -0
  14. data/ext/redcloth_scan/redcloth_scan.c +24407 -0
  15. data/lib/case_sensitive_require/RedCloth.rb +6 -0
  16. data/lib/redcloth.rb +45 -0
  17. data/lib/redcloth/erb_extension.rb +27 -0
  18. data/lib/redcloth/formatters/base.rb +63 -0
  19. data/lib/redcloth/formatters/html.rb +345 -0
  20. data/lib/redcloth/formatters/latex.rb +322 -0
  21. data/lib/redcloth/formatters/latex_entities.yml +2414 -0
  22. data/lib/redcloth/textile_doc.rb +103 -0
  23. data/lib/redcloth/version.rb +34 -0
  24. data/lib/tasks/pureruby.rake +17 -0
  25. data/redcloth.gemspec +52 -0
  26. data/spec/benchmark_spec.rb +15 -0
  27. data/spec/custom_tags_spec.rb +50 -0
  28. data/spec/erb_spec.rb +10 -0
  29. data/spec/extension_spec.rb +26 -0
  30. data/spec/fixtures/basic.yml +1028 -0
  31. data/spec/fixtures/code.yml +257 -0
  32. data/spec/fixtures/definitions.yml +82 -0
  33. data/spec/fixtures/extra_whitespace.yml +64 -0
  34. data/spec/fixtures/filter_html.yml +177 -0
  35. data/spec/fixtures/filter_pba.yml +20 -0
  36. data/spec/fixtures/html.yml +348 -0
  37. data/spec/fixtures/images.yml +279 -0
  38. data/spec/fixtures/instiki.yml +38 -0
  39. data/spec/fixtures/links.yml +291 -0
  40. data/spec/fixtures/lists.yml +462 -0
  41. data/spec/fixtures/poignant.yml +89 -0
  42. data/spec/fixtures/sanitize_html.yml +42 -0
  43. data/spec/fixtures/table.yml +434 -0
  44. data/spec/fixtures/textism.yml +509 -0
  45. data/spec/fixtures/threshold.yml +762 -0
  46. data/spec/formatters/class_filtered_html_spec.rb +7 -0
  47. data/spec/formatters/filtered_html_spec.rb +7 -0
  48. data/spec/formatters/html_no_breaks_spec.rb +9 -0
  49. data/spec/formatters/html_spec.rb +13 -0
  50. data/spec/formatters/id_filtered_html_spec.rb +7 -0
  51. data/spec/formatters/latex_spec.rb +13 -0
  52. data/spec/formatters/lite_mode_html_spec.rb +7 -0
  53. data/spec/formatters/no_span_caps_html_spec.rb +7 -0
  54. data/spec/formatters/sanitized_html_spec.rb +7 -0
  55. data/spec/formatters/style_filtered_html_spec.rb +7 -0
  56. data/spec/parser_spec.rb +102 -0
  57. data/spec/spec_helper.rb +36 -0
  58. data/tasks/compile.rake +47 -0
  59. data/tasks/gems.rake +37 -0
  60. data/tasks/ragel_extension_task.rb +127 -0
  61. data/tasks/release.rake +15 -0
  62. data/tasks/rspec.rake +13 -0
  63. data/tasks/rvm.rake +79 -0
  64. metadata +227 -0

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