grpc 0.13.0 → 0.13.1.pre1
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Potentially problematic release.
This version of grpc might be problematic. Click here for more details.
- checksums.yaml +4 -4
- data/.yardopts +1 -0
- data/Makefile +1114 -937
- data/include/grpc/census.h +71 -89
- data/include/grpc/compression.h +7 -7
- data/include/grpc/grpc.h +65 -68
- data/include/grpc/grpc_security.h +38 -38
- data/include/grpc/impl/codegen/alloc.h +7 -7
- data/include/grpc/impl/codegen/byte_buffer.h +13 -13
- data/include/grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h +7 -2
- data/include/grpc/impl/codegen/log.h +5 -5
- data/include/grpc/impl/codegen/port_platform.h +14 -6
- data/include/grpc/impl/codegen/slice.h +15 -15
- data/include/grpc/impl/codegen/slice_buffer.h +17 -17
- data/include/grpc/impl/codegen/sync.h +26 -22
- data/include/grpc/impl/codegen/time.h +22 -24
- data/include/grpc/support/avl.h +9 -8
- data/include/grpc/support/cmdline.h +12 -12
- data/include/grpc/support/cpu.h +2 -2
- data/include/grpc/support/histogram.h +22 -22
- data/include/grpc/support/host_port.h +2 -2
- data/include/grpc/support/log_win32.h +1 -1
- data/include/grpc/support/string_util.h +2 -2
- data/include/grpc/support/subprocess.h +5 -5
- data/include/grpc/support/thd.h +9 -9
- data/include/grpc/support/useful.h +3 -1
- data/src/core/census/context.c +64 -85
- data/src/core/census/grpc_filter.c +2 -2
- data/src/core/census/mlog.c +600 -0
- data/src/core/census/mlog.h +95 -0
- data/src/core/channel/channel_args.c +67 -6
- data/src/core/channel/channel_args.h +7 -1
- data/src/core/channel/client_channel.c +26 -36
- data/src/core/channel/client_uchannel.c +1 -1
- data/src/core/channel/http_client_filter.c +2 -2
- data/src/core/channel/http_server_filter.c +2 -2
- data/src/core/channel/subchannel_call_holder.c +5 -7
- data/src/core/client_config/connector.c +3 -2
- data/src/core/client_config/connector.h +2 -2
- data/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.c +163 -0
- data/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/load_balancer_api.h +85 -0
- data/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/pick_first.c +10 -11
- data/src/core/client_config/lb_policies/round_robin.c +7 -8
- data/src/core/client_config/lb_policy.c +3 -3
- data/src/core/client_config/lb_policy.h +3 -2
- data/src/core/client_config/subchannel.c +51 -21
- data/src/core/client_config/subchannel.h +15 -6
- data/src/core/client_config/subchannel_index.c +261 -0
- data/src/core/client_config/subchannel_index.h +77 -0
- data/src/core/compression/{algorithm.c → compression_algorithm.c} +0 -0
- data/src/core/httpcli/httpcli.c +13 -11
- data/src/core/httpcli/httpcli.h +3 -2
- data/src/core/httpcli/httpcli_security_connector.c +7 -7
- data/src/core/iomgr/fd_posix.c +4 -2
- data/src/core/iomgr/iocp_windows.c +10 -6
- data/src/core/iomgr/iocp_windows.h +9 -2
- data/src/core/iomgr/iomgr.c +18 -2
- data/src/core/iomgr/iomgr_internal.h +5 -1
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset.h +9 -10
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_epoll.c +1 -0
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_multipoller_with_poll_posix.c +10 -5
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.c +30 -35
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_posix.h +10 -6
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_set.h +3 -9
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_set_posix.c +23 -3
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_set_posix.h +2 -18
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_set_windows.c +3 -3
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_set_windows.h +2 -2
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_windows.c +24 -21
- data/src/core/iomgr/pollset_windows.h +1 -5
- data/src/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix.c +7 -5
- data/src/core/iomgr/tcp_posix.c +4 -2
- data/src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_windows.c +1 -2
- data/src/core/iomgr/timer.c +2 -3
- data/src/core/iomgr/timer.h +21 -1
- data/src/core/iomgr/timer_heap.c +10 -12
- data/src/core/iomgr/udp_server.c +5 -4
- data/src/core/iomgr/udp_server.h +1 -0
- data/src/core/iomgr/workqueue_posix.c +1 -0
- data/src/core/iomgr/workqueue_posix.h +3 -1
- data/src/core/proto/grpc/lb/v0/load_balancer.pb.c +119 -0
- data/src/core/proto/grpc/lb/v0/load_balancer.pb.h +182 -0
- data/src/core/security/{base64.c → b64.c} +1 -1
- data/src/core/security/{base64.h → b64.h} +1 -1
- data/src/core/security/client_auth_filter.c +0 -1
- data/src/core/security/credentials.c +12 -5
- data/src/core/security/credentials.h +3 -3
- data/src/core/security/google_default_credentials.c +24 -19
- data/src/core/security/handshake.c +15 -7
- data/src/core/security/handshake.h +2 -1
- data/src/core/security/json_token.c +1 -1
- data/src/core/security/jwt_verifier.c +1 -1
- data/src/core/security/security_connector.c +84 -64
- data/src/core/security/security_connector.h +42 -22
- data/src/core/security/security_context.c +8 -3
- data/src/core/security/server_auth_filter.c +2 -2
- data/src/core/security/server_secure_chttp2.c +7 -7
- data/src/core/support/avl.c +2 -2
- data/src/core/support/env_linux.c +17 -0
- data/src/core/support/{file.c → load_file.c} +2 -2
- data/src/core/support/{file.h → load_file.h} +4 -12
- data/src/core/support/sync.c +6 -1
- data/src/core/support/time_posix.c +1 -1
- data/src/core/{iomgr/timer_internal.h → support/tmpfile.h} +17 -23
- data/src/core/support/{file_posix.c → tmpfile_posix.c} +2 -2
- data/src/core/support/{file_win32.c → tmpfile_win32.c} +2 -2
- data/src/core/surface/alarm.c +3 -2
- data/src/core/surface/call.c +102 -52
- data/src/core/surface/channel_create.c +1 -1
- data/src/core/surface/completion_queue.c +73 -41
- data/src/core/surface/init.c +4 -0
- data/src/core/surface/lame_client.c +1 -2
- data/src/core/surface/secure_channel_create.c +6 -7
- data/src/core/surface/server.c +13 -5
- data/src/core/surface/validate_metadata.c +1 -1
- data/src/core/surface/version.c +1 -1
- data/src/core/transport/chttp2/internal.h +22 -10
- data/src/core/transport/chttp2/parsing.c +3 -3
- data/src/core/transport/chttp2/stream_lists.c +39 -21
- data/src/core/transport/chttp2/writing.c +19 -28
- data/src/core/transport/chttp2_transport.c +80 -37
- data/src/core/transport/metadata.c +8 -0
- data/src/core/transport/static_metadata.c +17 -17
- data/src/core/transport/static_metadata.h +3 -3
- data/src/core/transport/transport.c +2 -1
- data/src/core/transport/transport.h +12 -5
- data/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb +1 -0
- data/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_call.c +6 -0
- data/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_call_credentials.c +12 -14
- data/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_channel.c +8 -14
- data/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_channel_credentials.c +11 -12
- data/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_grpc.c +19 -18
- data/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_grpc_imports.generated.c +4 -0
- data/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_grpc_imports.generated.h +8 -2
- data/src/ruby/lib/grpc/core/time_consts.rb +2 -2
- data/src/ruby/lib/grpc/errors.rb +2 -2
- data/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb +58 -39
- data/src/ruby/lib/grpc/version.rb +1 -1
- data/src/ruby/pb/ +2 -2
- data/src/ruby/pb/ +2 -2
- data/src/ruby/pb/grpc/health/checker.rb +11 -11
- data/src/ruby/pb/grpc/health/v1/health.rb +28 -0
- data/src/ruby/pb/grpc/health/{v1alpha → v1}/health_services.rb +4 -4
- data/src/ruby/spec/client_server_spec.rb +2 -1
- data/src/ruby/spec/generic/rpc_server_spec.rb +3 -22
- data/src/ruby/spec/pb/health/checker_spec.rb +22 -36
- data/third_party/nanopb/pb.h +547 -0
- data/third_party/nanopb/pb_common.c +97 -0
- data/third_party/nanopb/pb_common.h +42 -0
- data/third_party/nanopb/pb_decode.c +1319 -0
- data/third_party/nanopb/pb_decode.h +149 -0
- data/third_party/nanopb/pb_encode.c +690 -0
- data/third_party/nanopb/pb_encode.h +154 -0
- metadata +32 -16
- data/src/ruby/pb/grpc/health/v1alpha/health.rb +0 -29
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