groupie 0.3.0 → 0.4.0
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- checksums.yaml +7 -0
- data/.github/dependabot.yml +21 -0
- data/.github/workflows/gem.yml +16 -0
- data/.github/workflows/rspec.yml +21 -0
- data/.github/workflows/rubocop.yml +26 -0
- data/.gitignore +11 -1
- data/.rspec +3 -0
- data/.rubocop.yml +38 -0
- data/ +86 -0
- data/Gemfile +13 -0
- data/Gemfile.lock +67 -0
- data/LICENSE.txt +21 -0
- data/ +121 -0
- data/Rakefile +7 -48
- data/bin/console +15 -0
- data/bin/rubocop +2 -0
- data/bin/setup +9 -0
- data/groupie.gemspec +36 -0
- data/lib/groupie/core_ext/string.rb +6 -6
- data/lib/groupie/group.rb +8 -2
- data/lib/groupie/version.rb +10 -0
- data/lib/groupie.rb +105 -58
- metadata +53 -85
- data/.document +0 -5
- data/LICENSE +0 -20
- data/VERSION +0 -1
- data/readme.rdoc +0 -24
- data/spec/fixtures/ham/email_ham1.txt +0 -13
- data/spec/fixtures/ham/ +0 -79
- data/spec/fixtures/spam/email_spam1.txt +0 -5
- data/spec/fixtures/spam/email_spam2.txt +0 -7
- data/spec/fixtures/spam/ +0 -73
- data/spec/groupie/core_ext/string_spec.rb +0 -37
- data/spec/groupie/group_spec.rb +0 -37
- data/spec/groupie_spec.rb +0 -163
- data/spec/spec_helper.rb +0 -1
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
require 'lib/groupie'