git-fastclone 0.0.1

2 security vulnerabilities found in version 0.0.1

git-fastclone Shell Metacharacter Injection Arbitrary Command Execution

critical severity CVE-2015-8969
critical severity CVE-2015-8969
Patched versions: >= 1.0.5

git-fastclone before 1.0.5 passes user modifiable strings directly to a shell command. An attacker can execute malicious commands by modifying the strings that are passed as arguments to "cd " and "git clone " commands in the library.

git-fastclone permits arbitrary shell command execution from .gitmodules

high severity CVE-2015-8968
high severity CVE-2015-8968
Patched versions: >= 1.0.1

Git allows executing arbitrary shell commands using git-remote-ext via a remote URLs. Normally git never requests URLs that the user doesn't specifically request, so this is not a serious security concern. However, submodules did allow the remote repository to specify what URL to clone from.

If an attacker can instruct a user to run a recursive clone from a repository they control, they can get a client to run an arbitrary shell command. Alternately, if an attacker can MITM an unencrypted git clone, they could exploit this. The ext command will be run if the repository is recursively cloned or if submodules are updated. This attack works when cloning both local and remote repositories.

No officially reported memory leakage issues detected.

This gem version does not have any officially reported memory leaked issues.

No license issues detected.

This gem version has a license in the gemspec.

This gem version is available.

This gem version has not been yanked and is still available for usage.