georuby 1.9.3

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Files changed (75) hide show
  1. data/Gemfile +8 -0
  2. data/Gemfile.lock +29 -0
  3. data/History.txt +4 -0
  4. data/LICENSE +21 -0
  5. data/README.rdoc +184 -0
  6. data/Rakefile +48 -0
  7. data/VERSION +1 -0
  8. data/georuby.gemspec +128 -0
  9. data/lib/geo_ruby.rb +23 -0
  10. data/lib/geo_ruby/geojson.rb +129 -0
  11. data/lib/geo_ruby/georss.rb +133 -0
  12. data/lib/geo_ruby/gpx.rb +1 -0
  13. data/lib/geo_ruby/gpx4r/gpx.rb +118 -0
  14. data/lib/geo_ruby/shp.rb +1 -0
  15. data/lib/geo_ruby/shp4r/dbf.rb +42 -0
  16. data/lib/geo_ruby/shp4r/shp.rb +718 -0
  17. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/envelope.rb +167 -0
  18. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/ewkb_parser.rb +218 -0
  19. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/ewkt_parser.rb +336 -0
  20. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/geometry.rb +236 -0
  21. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/geometry_collection.rb +144 -0
  22. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/geometry_factory.rb +81 -0
  23. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/helper.rb +18 -0
  24. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/line_string.rb +228 -0
  25. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/linear_ring.rb +34 -0
  26. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/multi_line_string.rb +63 -0
  27. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/multi_point.rb +58 -0
  28. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/multi_polygon.rb +64 -0
  29. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/point.rb +381 -0
  30. data/lib/geo_ruby/simple_features/polygon.rb +175 -0
  31. data/nofxx-georuby.gemspec +149 -0
  32. data/spec/data/geojson/feature_collection.json +34 -0
  33. data/spec/data/georss/atom.xml +21 -0
  34. data/spec/data/georss/gml.xml +40 -0
  35. data/spec/data/georss/w3c.xml +22 -0
  36. data/spec/data/gpx/fells_loop.gpx +1077 -0
  37. data/spec/data/gpx/long.gpx +1642 -0
  38. data/spec/data/gpx/long.kml +31590 -0
  39. data/spec/data/gpx/long.nmea +2220 -0
  40. data/spec/data/gpx/short.gpx +13634 -0
  41. data/spec/data/gpx/short.kml +130 -0
  42. data/spec/data/gpx/tracktreks.gpx +706 -0
  43. data/spec/data/multipoint.dbf +0 -0
  44. data/spec/data/multipoint.shp +0 -0
  45. data/spec/data/multipoint.shx +0 -0
  46. data/spec/data/point.dbf +0 -0
  47. data/spec/data/point.shp +0 -0
  48. data/spec/data/point.shx +0 -0
  49. data/spec/data/polygon.dbf +0 -0
  50. data/spec/data/polygon.shp +0 -0
  51. data/spec/data/polygon.shx +0 -0
  52. data/spec/data/polyline.dbf +0 -0
  53. data/spec/data/polyline.shp +0 -0
  54. data/spec/data/polyline.shx +0 -0
  55. data/spec/geo_ruby/geojson_spec.rb +147 -0
  56. data/spec/geo_ruby/georss.rb +218 -0
  57. data/spec/geo_ruby/georss_spec.rb +14 -0
  58. data/spec/geo_ruby/gpx4r/gpx_spec.rb +106 -0
  59. data/spec/geo_ruby/shp4r/shp_spec.rb +239 -0
  60. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/envelope_spec.rb +47 -0
  61. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/ewkb_parser_spec.rb +158 -0
  62. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/ewkt_parser_spec.rb +179 -0
  63. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/geometry_collection_spec.rb +55 -0
  64. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/geometry_factory_spec.rb +11 -0
  65. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/geometry_spec.rb +32 -0
  66. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/line_string_spec.rb +259 -0
  67. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/linear_ring_spec.rb +24 -0
  68. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/multi_line_string_spec.rb +54 -0
  69. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/multi_point_spec.rb +35 -0
  70. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/multi_polygon_spec.rb +50 -0
  71. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/point_spec.rb +356 -0
  72. data/spec/geo_ruby/simple_features/polygon_spec.rb +122 -0
  73. data/spec/geo_ruby_spec.rb +27 -0
  74. data/spec/spec_helper.rb +73 -0
  75. metadata +228 -0

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