foreman_remote_execution 9.1.0 → 10.0.1

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Files changed (69) hide show
  1. checksums.yaml +4 -4
  2. data/.github/workflows/release.yml +14 -0
  3. data/.packit.yaml +40 -0
  4. data/.tx/config +3 -1
  5. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/de/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  6. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/en/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  7. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/en_GB/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  8. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/es/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  9. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/fr/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  10. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/ja/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  11. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/ko/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  12. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/pt_BR/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  13. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/ru/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  14. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/zh_CN/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  15. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/locale/zh_TW/foreman_remote_execution.js +1 -0
  16. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_remote_execution/template_invocation.js +10 -1
  17. data/app/controllers/job_invocations_controller.rb +20 -1
  18. data/app/controllers/ui_job_wizard_controller.rb +0 -3
  19. data/app/lib/actions/remote_execution/run_host_job.rb +1 -1
  20. data/app/views/job_invocations/_form.html.erb +1 -1
  21. data/app/views/templates/script/run_command.erb +1 -0
  22. data/config/routes.rb +1 -0
  23. data/lib/foreman_remote_execution/engine.rb +8 -8
  24. data/lib/foreman_remote_execution/tasks/explain_proxy_selection.rake +12 -3
  25. data/lib/foreman_remote_execution/version.rb +1 -1
  26. data/locale/Makefile +6 -3
  27. data/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ +0 -0
  28. data/locale/de/foreman_remote_execution.po +53 -8
  29. data/locale/en/foreman_remote_execution.po +52 -7
  30. data/locale/en_GB/foreman_remote_execution.po +52 -7
  31. data/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/ +0 -0
  32. data/locale/es/foreman_remote_execution.po +56 -11
  33. data/locale/foreman_remote_execution.pot +193 -126
  34. data/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ +0 -0
  35. data/locale/fr/foreman_remote_execution.po +56 -11
  36. data/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ +0 -0
  37. data/locale/ja/foreman_remote_execution.po +56 -11
  38. data/locale/ko/foreman_remote_execution.po +52 -7
  39. data/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ +0 -0
  40. data/locale/pt_BR/foreman_remote_execution.po +56 -11
  41. data/locale/ru/foreman_remote_execution.po +52 -7
  42. data/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ +0 -0
  43. data/locale/zh_CN/foreman_remote_execution.po +56 -11
  44. data/locale/zh_TW/foreman_remote_execution.po +52 -7
  45. data/webpack/JobWizard/Footer.js +104 -0
  46. data/webpack/JobWizard/JobWizard.js +24 -16
  47. data/webpack/JobWizard/JobWizard.scss +6 -17
  48. data/webpack/JobWizard/JobWizardConstants.js +1 -1
  49. data/webpack/JobWizard/JobWizardPageRerun.js +2 -0
  50. data/webpack/JobWizard/__tests__/fixtures.js +8 -1
  51. data/webpack/JobWizard/__tests__/validation.test.js +9 -0
  52. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/HostsAndInputs/HostPreviewModal.js +2 -0
  53. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/HostsAndInputs/SelectedChips.js +28 -14
  54. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/HostsAndInputs/__tests__/HostsAndInputs.test.js +3 -3
  55. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/ReviewDetails/ReviewDetails.test.js +117 -0
  56. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/ReviewDetails/helpers.js +43 -0
  57. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/ReviewDetails/index.js +169 -18
  58. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/Schedule/QueryType.js +1 -1
  59. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/Schedule/RepeatHour.js +0 -1
  60. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/Schedule/RepeatWeek.js +1 -1
  61. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/Schedule/__tests__/Schedule.test.js +19 -5
  62. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/form/DateTimePicker.js +0 -1
  63. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/form/GroupedSelectField.js +0 -1
  64. data/webpack/JobWizard/steps/form/SelectField.js +0 -1
  65. data/webpack/react_app/components/RecentJobsCard/RecentJobsCard.js +4 -4
  66. data/webpack/react_app/components/RecentJobsCard/RecentJobsTable.js +2 -2
  67. data/webpack/react_app/components/RecentJobsCard/constants.js +2 -2
  68. data/webpack/react_app/components/RegistrationExtension/RexPull.js +0 -2
  69. metadata +19 -3
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_remote_execution'] = locales['foreman_remote_execution'] || {}; locales['foreman_remote_execution']['fr'] = {"domain":"foreman_remote_execution","locale_data":{"foreman_remote_execution":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_remote_execution 9.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2016-02-15 13:54+0000","Last-Translator":"Claer <>, 2016","Language-Team":"French (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"fr","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;","lang":"fr","domain":"foreman_remote_execution","plural_forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"},"Another interface is already set as execution. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Une autre interface est déjà définie pour l'exécution distante. Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir utiliser celle-ci à la place ?"],"There was an error while updating the status, try refreshing the page.":["Il y a eu une erreur lors de la mise à jour du statut, essayez de recharger la page."],"List foreign input sets":["Afficher les jeux de données en entrée externes"],"Show foreign input set details":["Afficher les détails du jeu de données en entrée externe"],"Target template ID":["ID de modèle cible"],"Include all inputs from the foreign template":["Inclut toutes les entrées du modèle étranger"],"A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template.":["Une liste des entrées du modèle externe à inclure, séparées par des virgules."],"Input set description":["Description du jeu de données en entrée"],"Create a foreign input set":["Créer un jeu de données en entrée externe"],"Delete a foreign input set":["Supprimer un jeu de données en entrée externe"],"Update a foreign input set":["Mettre à jour un jeu de données en entrée externe"],"List job invocations":["Affiche les jobs lancés"],"Show job invocation":["Voir le lancement du job"],"Show Job status for the hosts":["Afficher l'état des jobs pour les hôtes"],"The job template to use, parameter is required unless feature was specified":["Le modèle de job à utiliser, paramètre obligatoire sauf si la fonction a été spécifiée"],"Invocation type, one of %s":["Type d'invocation, l'un des suivants %s"],"Execute the jobs on hosts in randomized order":["Exécuter les jobs sur les hôtes dans un ordre aléatoire"],"Inputs to use":["Les entrées à utiliser"],"SSH provider specific options":["Options spécifiques au fournisseur SSH"],"What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms). Defaults to a template parameter or global setting.":["Ce que l'utilisateur devrait utiliser pour lancer le script (comme des mécanismes sudo). La valeur par défaut est un paramètre de modèle ou un paramètre global."],"Set password for effective user (using sudo-like mechanisms)":["Définir le mot de passe pour l'utilisateur effectif (en utilisant des mécanismes similaires à ceux de Sudo)"],"Set SSH user":[""],"Set SSH password":["Définir Mot de passe SSH"],"Set SSH key passphrase":["Définir Phrase de passe de clé SSH"],"Create a recurring job":["Créer un job récurrent"],"How often the job should occur, in the cron format":["La fréquence d'exécution du job, au format cron"],"Repeat a maximum of N times":["Répéter un maximum de N fois"],"Perform no more executions after this time":["Ne pas lancer d'autres exécutions après cette date"],"Designation of a special purpose":["Désignation d’un objectif spécial"],"Schedule the job to start at a later time":["Planifier le démarrage du job à une date ultérieure"],"Schedule the job for a future time":["Planifier le job à une date ultérieure"],"Indicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time.":["Indique si l'action doit être annulée si elle ne peut commencer à ce moment là."],"Control concurrency level and distribution over time":["Contrôle le niveau de parallélisme et la distribution dans le temps"],"Distribute tasks over N seconds":["Distribue les tâches sur N secondes"],"Run at most N tasks at a time":["Lance un maximum de N tâches simultanément"],"Override the description format from the template for this invocation only":["Remplacer le format de description du modèle pour ce lancement uniquement"],"Override the timeout interval from the template for this invocation only":["Remplacer l'intervalle d'expiration du modèle pour ce lancement uniquement"],"Remote execution feature label that should be triggered, job template assigned to this feature will be used":["Balise de fonctionnalité d'exécution à distance qui doit être déclenchée, le modèle de job affecté à cette fonctionnalité sera utilisé"],"Override the global time to pickup interval for this invocation only":[""],"Create a job invocation":["Créer un lancement de job"],"Get output for a host":["Récupérer la sortie standard d'un hôte"],"Get raw output for a host":["Récupérer la sortie brut d'un hôte"],"Cancel job invocation":["Annuler le lancement du job"],"The job could not be cancelled.":["Le job n'a pas pu être annulé."],"Rerun job on failed hosts":["Relancer le job sur les hôtes où il a échoué"],"Could not rerun job %{id} because its template could not be found":["Impossible de relancer le job %{id} parce que son modèle n'a pas pu être trouvé"],"Get outputs of hosts in a job":["Obtenir les sorties des hôtes dans un job"],"Host with id '%{id}' was not found":["L'ID d'hôte '%{id} ' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Only one of feature or job_template_id can be specified":["Seule une fonctionnalité ou un job_template_id ne peuvent être spécifiés"],"List job templates":["Afficher les modèles de job"],"List job templates per location":["Afficher les modèles de job par emplacement"],"List job templates per organization":["Afficher les modèles de job par organisation"],"Import a job template from ERB":["Importe un modèle de job depuis ERB"],"Template ERB":["Modèle ERB"],"Overwrite template if it already exists":["Remplace le modèle si il existe déjà"],"Export a job template to ERB":["Exporte un modèle de job vers ERB"],"Show job template details":["Voir les détails d'un modèle de job"],"Template name":["Nom de modèle"],"Job category":["Catégorie du job"],"This template is used to generate the description. Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}. You may also include the job category and template name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}.":["Ce modèle est utilisé pour générer la description. Les valeurs d'entrée peuvent être utilisées avec la syntaxe %{package}. Vous pouvez aussi inclure la catégorie du job et le nom du modèle avec %{job_category} and %{template_name}."],"Provider type":["Type de fournisseur"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Indique si le modèle peut être modifié"],"Effective user options":["Options pour l'utilisateur effectif"],"What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms)":["Ce que l'utilisateur devrait utiliser pour lancer le script (comme des mécanismes sudo)"],"Whether it should be allowed to override the effective user from the invocation form.":["Défini s'il est permis de remplacer l'utilisateur depuis formulaire de demande."],"Whether the current user login should be used as the effective user":["indique si l'utilisateur actuel doit être utilisé comme utilisateur effectif"],"Create a job template":["Créer un modèle de job"],"Update a job template":["Mise à jour d'un modèle de job"],"Template version":["Version de modèle"],"Delete a job template":["Supprimer un modèle de job"],"Clone a provision template":["Cloner un modèle de job"],"List remote execution features":["Affiche les capacités d'exécution distantes"],"Show remote execution feature":["Affiche la capacité d'exécution distante"],"Job template ID to be used for the feature":["l'ID du modèle de job à utiliser pour cette capacité"],"List template invocations belonging to job invocation":["Lister les invocations de modèles appartenant à l'appel du job"],"Identifier of the Host interface for Remote execution":["Identifiant de l'interface de l'hôte pour l'exécution à distance"],"Set 'host_registration_remote_execution_pull' parameter for the host. If it is set to true, pull provider client will be deployed on the host":[""],"List of proxy IDs to be used for remote execution":["Liste des ID de proxy à utiliser pour l'exécution à distance"],"Trying to abort the job":["Tentative d'abandon du job"],"Trying to cancel the job":["Tentative d'annulation du job"],"The job cannot be aborted at the moment.":["Impossible d'abandonner le job pour l'instant."],"The job cannot be cancelled at the moment.":["Impossible d'annuler le job pour l'instant."],"Problem with previewing the template: %{error}. Note that you must save template input changes before you try to preview it.":["Problème de prévisualisation du modèle : %{error}. Remarquez que vous devez avoir sauvé les changements du modèle d'entrée avant de pouvoir le prévisualiser."],"Job template imported successfully.":["Import du modèle de job réussi."],"Unable to save template. Correct highlighted errors":["Impossible de sauver le modèle. Merci de corriger les erreurs en surbrillance"],"Run":["Exécuter"],"Schedule Remote Job":["Programmer un job à distance"],"Jobs":["Jobs"],"Job invocations":["Lancement de jobs"],"%s":["%s"],"Web Console":["Console Web"],"Success":["Réussi"],"Failed":["Échec"],"Pending":["En attente"],"Cancelled":["Annulé"],"queued to start executing in %{time}":["ajouté en file d'attente pour lancer l'exécution dans %{time}"],"queued":["ajouté en file d'attente"],"running %{percent}%%":["Exécution en cours %{percent}%%"],"succeeded":["réussi"],"cancelled":["annulé"],"failed":["échec"],"unknown status":["état inconnu"],"Any Organization":["Toute Organisation"],"Any Location":["Tout emplacement"],"error":["erreur"],"Host detail":["Détails de l'hôte"],"Rerun on %s":["Relancement le %s"],"Host task":["Tâche d'hôte"],"N/A":["Sans objet"],"Run Job":["Lancer le job"],"Create Report":["Créer un rapport"],"Create report for this job":["Aucun rapport pour ce job"],"Rerun":["Relancer"],"Rerun the job":["Relancer le job"],"Rerun failed":["Échec du relancement"],"Rerun on failed hosts":["Relancer sur les hôtes où le job a échoué"],"Job Task":["Tâche de job"],"See the last task details":["Voir les détails de la dernière tâche"],"Cancel Job":["Annuler la tâche"],"Try to cancel the job":["Essai d'annulation du job"],"Abort Job":["Abandonner le job"],"Try to abort the job without waiting for the results from the remote hosts":["Essayer d'abandonner le job sans attendre les résultats des hôtes distants"],"Task Details":["Détails de la tâche"],"See the task details":["Voir les détails de la tâche"],"Try to cancel the job on a host":["Essai d'annulation du job sur un hôte"],"Try to abort the job on a host without waiting for its result":["Essayer d'abandonner le job sur un hôte sans attendre le résultat"],"Could not render the preview because no host matches the search query.":["Impossible d'afficher l'aperçu car aucun hôte ne correspond à la recherche."],"in %s":["sur %s"],"%s ago":["Il y a %s"],"Use default description template":["Utiliser le modèle de description par défaut"],"Description template":["Modèle de description"],"This template is used to generate the description.<br/>Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}.<br/>You may also include the job category and template<br/>name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}.":["Ce modèle est utilisé pour générer la description. <br/>Les valeurs d'entrée peuvent être utilisées avec la syntaxe %{package}.<br/>Vous pouvez aussi inclure la catégorie du job et le nom du modèle <br/> en utilisant %{job_category} et %{template_name}."],"Could not use any template used in the job invocation":["Impossible d'utiliser un modèle qui est utilisé pour un lancement de job"],"Failed rendering template: %s":["Echec de rendu du modèle : %s"],"Task cancelled":["Tâche annulée"],"Job execution failed":["Échec d'exécution du job"],"%{description} on %{host}":["%{description} sur %{host}"],"Remote action:":["Action distante :"],"Job cancelled by user":["Job annulé par l'utilisateur"],"Exit status: %s":["Statut de sortie : %s"],"Job finished with error":["Job terminé avec erreur"],"Error loading data from proxy":["Erreur de chargement des données depuis le proxy"],"User can not execute job on host %s":["L'utilisateur ne peut pas exécuter le job sur l'hôte %s"],"User can not execute this job template":["L'utilisateur ne peut pas exécuter ce modèle de job"],"User can not execute job on infrastructure host %s":["L’utilisateur ne peut pas exécuter un job sur un hôte d’infrastructure %s"],"User can not execute this job template on %s":["L'utilisateur ne peut pas exécuter ce modèle de job sur %s"],"The only applicable proxy %{proxy_names} is down":["Le seul proxy applicable %{proxy_names} est indisponible","Tous les proxys %{count} applicables sont hors service. %{proxy_names} tenté","Tous les proxys %{count} applicables sont hors service. %{proxy_names} tenté"],"Could not use any proxy for the %{provider} job. Consider configuring %{global_proxy}, %{fallback_proxy} in settings":["N’a pas pu utiliser de proxy pour le job %{provider}. Considérer configurer %{global_proxy}, %{fallback_proxy}dans les paramètres de configuration"],"REX job has succeeded - %s":["Job REX a réussi - %s"],"REX job has failed - %s":["Job REX a échoué - %s"],"included template '%s' not found":["Le modèle inclus %s est introuvable"],"input macro with name '%s' used, but no input with such name defined for this template":["La macro d'entrée au nom '%s' a été utilisée, mais aucune entrée avec ce nom n'est définie pour ce modèle"],"Unable to fetch public key":["Impossible de récupérer la clef publique"],"Unable to remove host from known hosts":["Impossible de retirer l'hôte des hôtes connus"],"REX job has finished - %s":["Job REX est terminé - %s"],"Should this interface be used for remote execution?":["L'interface d'exécution est celle utilisée pour l'exécution distante ?"],"Interface with the '%s' identifier was specified as a remote execution interface, however the interface was not found on the host. If the interface exists, it needs to be created in Foreman during the registration.":["L'interface avec l'identifiant '%s' a été spécifiée comme interface d'exécution à distance, mais l'interface n'a pas été trouvée sur l'hôte. Si l'interface existe, elle doit être créée dans Foreman lors de l'enregistrement."],"host already has an execution interface":["L'hôte possède déjà une interface d'exécution"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé. Veuillez le cloner vers un nouveau modèle pour personnaliser ce dernier."],"Circular dependency detected in foreign input set '%{template}' -> '%{target_template}'. Templates stack: %{templates_stack}":["Dépendance circulaire détectée dans l'ensemble d'entrées externes '%%{template}' -> '%{target_template}'. Pile de modèles : %{templates_stack}"],"Execution":["Exécution"],"Last execution succeeded":["La dernière exécution a réussi"],"No execution finished yet":["Aucune exécution n'est encore terminée"],"Last execution cancelled":["La dernière exécution a été annulée"],"Last execution failed":["La dernière exécution a échoué"],"Unknown execution status":["État d'exécution inconnu"],"Recursive rendering of templates detected":["Détection de récursion dans le rendu des modèles"],"error during rendering: %s":["Erreurs pendant le rendu : %s"],"template":["modèle"],"Cannot specify both bookmark_id and search_query":["Impossible de spécifier simultanément bookmark_id et search_query"],"Unknown input %{input_name} for template %{template_name}":["Entrée inconnue %{input_name} pour le modèle %{template_name}"],"Template with id '%{id}' was not found":["Le modèle avec l'ID '%%{id} ' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Feature input %{input_name} not defined in template %{template_name}":["Entrée de la caractéristique %{input_name}non définie dans le modèle %{template_name}"],"No template mapped to feature %{feature_name}":["Aucun modèle n'est en relation avec la fonction %{feature_name}"],"The template %{template_name} mapped to feature %{feature_name} is not accessible by the user":["Le modèle %{template_name} en relation avec la fonction %{feature_name} n'est pas accessible par l'utilisateur"],"Job Invocation":["Lancement de job"],"Duplicated inputs detected: %{duplicated_inputs}":["Entrées dupliquées détectées : %{duplicated_inputs}"],"Unknown remote execution feature %s":["Fonction d'exécution distante inconnue %s"],"Effective user method \\\"%{current_value}\\\" is not one of %{valid_methods}":["La méthode de l'utilisateur effectif \\\"%{current_value}\\\" n'est pas l'une des méthodes de %{valid_methods}"],"Could not find any suitable interface for execution":["Impossible de trouver une interface qui convient pour l'exécution"],"Subscribe to my failed jobs":["Souscrire à mes jobs ayant échoué"],"Subscribe to my succeeded jobs":["Souscrire à mes jobs ayant réussi"],"Subscribe to all my jobs":["Souscrire à tous mes jobs"],"Script":["Script"],"Static Query":["Requête statique"],"Dynamic Query":["Requête dynamique"],"Alphabetical":["Alphabétique"],"Randomized":["Randomisé"],"Cannot resolve hosts without a user":["Impossible de résoudre les hôtes sans un utilisateur"],"Cannot resolve hosts without a bookmark or search query":["Impossible de résoudre les hôtes sans un marque page ou une recherche"],"Must select a bookmark or enter a search query":["Vous devez choisir un marque page ou saisir une recherche"],"Input":["Entrée"],"Not all required inputs have values. Missing inputs: %s":["Les entrées n'ont pas toutes des valeurs associées. Les entrées demandant de l'attention : %s"],"Internal proxy selector can only be used if Katello is enabled":["Le sélecteur de proxy interne ne peut être utilisé que si Katello est activé"],"default_capsule method missing from SmartProxy":["méthode default_capsule manquante dans SmartProxy"],"Can't find Job Invocation for an id %s":["Impossible de trouver l’invocation de job ayant pour id %s"],"Latest Jobs":["Derniers jobs"],"Name":["Nom"],"State":["État"],"Started":["Démarré"],"No jobs available":["Aucun job disponible"],"Results":["Résultats"],"Schedule":["Programmer"],"Concurrency level limited to":["Niveau de concurrence limité à"],"tasks at a time":["tâches à la fois"],"Set to distribute over":["Défini pour distribuer sur"],"seconds":["secondes"],"Scheduled to start before":["Programmé pour démarrer avant"],"Scheduled to start at":["Programmé pour démarrer à"],"Timeout to kill after":["Délai avant suppression après"],"Target hosts":["Hôtes cibles"],"Bookmark":["Signet"],"Manual selection":["Sélection manuelle"],"using ":["à l'aide de "],"Execution order":["Ordre d'exécution"],"Organization":["Organisation"],"Location":["Emplacement"],"SSH User":["Utilisateur SSH"],"Evaluated at:":["Évalue le :"],"User Inputs":["Entrées utilisateur"],"Description":["Description"],"Job template":["Modèle de job"],"Resolves to":["Résout en"],"hosts":["hôtes"],"Refresh":["Réactualiser"],"Preview":["Prévisualisation"],"Display advanced fields":["Afficher les champs avancés"],"Hide advanced fields":["Masquer les champs avancés"],"SSH user":[""],"A user to be used for SSH.":[""],"Effective user":["Utilisateur effectif"],"A user to be used for executing the script. If it differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the accounts.":["L'utilisateur choisi pour l'exécution du script. Si l'utilisateur est différent de celui utilisé pour SSH, su ou sudo sera mis en œuvre pour changer d'utilisateur."],"Timeout to kill":["Délai avant suppression"],"Time in seconds from the start on the remote host after which the job should be killed.":["Durée en secondes depuis le démarrage sur l'hôte distant après laquelle le job doit être supprimé."],"Time to pickup":[""],"Interval in seconds, if the job is not picked up by a client within this interval it will be cancelled.":[""],"Password":["Mot de passe"],"Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["Le mot de passe est stocké sous une forme chiffrée dans la base de données jusqu'à la fin du job. Pour les exécutions futures ou récurrentes, il est supprimé après la dernière exécution."],"Private key passphrase":["Phrase de passe de la clé privée"],"Key passhprase is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. <br> Passphrase is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["La phrase de passe de la clé est uniquement applicable au fournisseur SSH. D'autres fournisseurs ignorent ce champ. <br> La phrase de passe est stockée chiffrée dans la base de données jusqu'à la fin du job. Pour les exécutions futures ou récurrentes, elle est supprimée après la dernière exécution."],"Effective user password":["Mot de passe effectif de l'utilisateur"],"Effective user password is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. <br> Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["Le mot de passe Sudo est uniquement applicable au fournisseur SSH. D'autres fournisseurs ignorent ce champ. <br> Le mot de passe est stocké chiffré dans la base de données jusqu'à la fin du job. Pour les exécutions futures ou récurrentes, il est supprimé après la dernière exécution."],"Concurrency level":["Niveau de parallélisme"],"Run at most N tasks at a time. If this is set and proxy batch triggering is enabled, then tasks are triggered on the smart proxy in batches of size 1.":["Effectuer au maximum N tâches à la fois. Si ce paramètre est défini et que le déclenchement par lot du proxy est activé, les tâches sont alors déclenchées sur le proxy smart par lots de taille 1."],"Time span":["Durée"],"Distribute execution over N seconds. If this is set and proxy batch triggering is enabled, then tasks are triggered on the smart proxy in batches of size 1.":["Répartir l'exécution sur N secondes. Si ce paramètre est défini et que le déclenchement par lot du proxy est activé, les tâches sont alors déclenchées sur le proxy intelligent par lots de taille 1."],"Execution ordering":["Ordre d'exécution"],"Execution ordering determines whether the jobs should be executed on hosts in alphabetical order or in randomized order.<br><ul><li><b>Ordered</b> - executes the jobs on hosts in alphabetical order</li><li><b>Randomized</b> - randomizes the order in which jobs are executed on hosts</li></ul>":["L'ordre d'exécution détermine si les jobs doivent être exécutés sur les hôtes par ordre alphabétique ou par ordre aléatoire. <br><ul><li><b>Ordonnancé</b> - exécute les jobs sur les hôtes par ordre alphabétique </li><li><b>Randomisé</b> - randomise l'ordre dans lequel les tâches sont exécutées sur les hôtes</li></ul>"],"Type of query":["Type de requête"],"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.<br><ul><li><b>Static</b> - evaluates just after you submit this form</li><li><b>Dynamic</b> - evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planned in future, targeted hosts set may change before it</li></ul>":[""],"The final host list may change because the selected query is dynamic. It will be rerun during execution.":["La liste définitive des hôtes peut changer car le type de requête est dynamique. Elle sera relancée pendant l'exécution."],"...and %{count} more":[" %{count} de plus"," %{count} de plus"," %{count} de plus"],"No hosts found.":["Aucun hôte trouvé."],"Close":["Fermer"],"Current organization %{org_c} is different from job's organization %{org_j}.":["L'organisation actuelle %{org_c} est différente de l'organisation du job %{org_j}."],"Current location %{loc_c} is different from job's location %{loc_j}.":["L’emplacement actuel %{loc_c} est différent de l’emplacement du job %{loc_j}."],"The dynamic query '%{query}' was not resolved yet. The list of hosts to which it would resolve now can be seen %{here}.":["La requête dynamique '%{query}' n'a pas encore été résolue. La liste des hôtes actuelle avec lesquels ils pourraient être résolus peut être vue ici %{here}."],"here":["ici"],"effective user":["utilisateur effectif"],"Total hosts":["Total des hôtes"],"Hosts gone missing":["Hôtes disparus"],"This can happen if the host is removed or moved to another organization or location after the job was started":["Cela peut se produire si l'hôte est supprimé ou déplacé vers une autre organisation ou un autre emplacement après le lancement du job"],"Providers and templates":["Modèles et fournisseurs"],"User input":["Entrée utilisateur"],"Value":["Valeur"],"Search Query":["Requête de recherche"],"Status":["Statut"],"Succeeded":["Réussie"],"Start":["Démarrer"],"Job invocation":["Invocation de job"],"Use new job wizard":[""],"Overview":["Vue d'ensemble"],"Preview templates":["Modèles de prévisualisation"],"Recurring logic":["Logique récurrente"],"Job Invocations":["Invocation de tâches"],"Foreman can run arbitrary commands on remote hosts using different providers, such as SSH or Ansible. Communication goes through the Smart Proxy so Foreman does not have to have direct access to the target hosts and can scale to control many hosts.":["Foreman peut exécuter des commandes arbitraires sur des hôtes distants utilisant différents fournisseurs, tels que SSH ou Ansible. La communication passe par le proxy intelligent, de sorte que Foreman n'a pas besoin d'avoir un accès direct aux hôtes cibles et peut évoluer pour contrôler de nombreux hôtes."],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Approfondissez ce sujet dans la documentation."],"Job":["Tâche"],"Type":["Type"],"Add Foreign Input Set":["Ajout d'un jeu de données en entrée externes"],"add an input set for this template to reference a different template inputs":["Ajout d'un jeu d'entrées pour ce modèle pour faire référence à des entrées sur un modèle différent"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Select an ERB file to upload in order to import a job template. The template must contain metadata in the first ERB comment.":["Choisir un fichier ERB à transmettre pour l'import du modèle du job. Le modèle doit contenir les metadata dans le premier commentaire ERB."],"Overwrite":["Remplacer"],"Whether to overwrite the template if it already exists":["Défini si le modèle doit être remplacé s'il existe déjà"],"Job Templates":["Modèles de job"],"Edit %s":["Modifier %s"],"Edit Job Template":["Éditer le modèle de job"],"Import":["Importation"],"New Job Template":["Nouveau modèle de job"],"JobTemplate|Name":["Nom"],"JobTemplate|Snippet":["Snippet"],"JobTemplate|Locked":["Verrouillé"],"Actions":["Actions"],"This template is locked for editing.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé contre les modifications."],"The execution interface is used for remote execution":["L'interface d'exécution est celle utilisée pour l'exécution distante"],"Remote execution":["Exécution distante"],"Remote Execution":["Exécution distante"],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"Select as many remote execution proxies as applicable for this subnet. When multiple proxies with the same provider are added, actions will be load balanced among them.":["Choisir tous les proxies d'exécution distante applicables pour ce sous-réseau. Quand plusieurs proxies avec un même fournisseur sont ajoutés, les actions seront réparties sur chacun d'entre eux."],"You are not allowed to see the currently assigned template. Saving the form now would unassign the template.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à afficher le modèle affecté en cours. La Sauvegarde du formulaire en cours supprimerait l'affectation au modèle."],"Remote Execution Features":["Capacités d'exécution distantes"],"Label":["Balise"],"Edit Remote Execution Feature":["Modifier la capacité d'exécution distante"],"A job '%{job_name}' has %{status} at %{time}":["Un job '%{job_name}' a %{status} à %{time}"],"Job result":["Résultat Job"],"Failed hosts":["Hôtes ayant échoué"],"See more details at %s":["Plus de détails ici %s"],"Foreign input set":["Jeux de données en entrée externes"],"remove template input set":["supprimer un modèles des données en entrée"],"A comma separated list of input names to be excluded from the foreign template.":["Une liste des noms d'entrée du modèle externe à exclure, séparées par des virgules."],"Template Invocation for %s":["Invocation de modèle pour %s"],"Back to Job":["Retour aux job"],"Toggle command":["Afficher les commandes"],"Toggle STDERR":["Afficher STDERR"],"Toggle STDOUT":["Afficher STDOUT"],"Toggle DEBUG":["Afficher STDOUT"],"Target: ":["Cible :"],"using Smart Proxy":["Créer un proxy Smart"],"Scroll to bottom":["Faire défiler en bas de page"],"Scroll to top":["Faire défiler en haut de page"],"Could not display data for job invocation.":["Impossible d'afficher les données pour le lancement du job."],"Unsupported or no operating system found for this host.":["Système d'exploitation non supporté ou inexistant pour cet hôte."],"A job '%{subject}' has finished successfully":["Un job '%{subject}' s'est terminé avec succès"],"Job Details":["Détails Job"],"A job '%{subject}' has failed":["Un job '%{subject}' a échoué"],"Remote execution job":["Job à exécution distante"],"A notification when a job finishes":["Une notification quand un job se termine"],"Unable to create mail notification: %s":["Impossible de créer une notification par e-mail : %s"],"Search the host for any proxy with Remote Execution, useful when the host has no subnet or the subnet does not have an execution proxy":["Recherche d'un proxy avec exécution distante sur l'hôte, utile quand l'hôte n'a pas de sous-réseau ou que le sous-réseau n'a pas de proxy avec exécution distante"],"Fallback to Any Proxy":["Repli sur n'importe quel proxy"],"Search for remote execution proxy outside of the proxies assigned to the host. The search will be limited to the host's organization and location.":["La recherche pour un proxy d'exécution en dehors des proxies assignés à l'hôte. La recherche sera cantonnée à l'organisation ou à l'emplacement de l'hôte."],"Enable Global Proxy":["Activer le proxy global"],"Default user to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_user.":["L'utilisateur par défaut pour SSH. Vous pouvez remplacer cette valeur par hôte, en définissant un paramètre nommé remote_execution_ssh_user."],"Default user to use for executing the script. If the user differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the user.":["L'utilisateur par défaut pour l'exécution du script. Si l'utilisateur est différent de celui utilisé pour SSH, su ou sudo sera mis en œuvre pour changer d'utilisateur."],"Effective User":["Utilisateur effectif"],"What command should be used to switch to the effective user. One of %s":["La commande qui doit être utilisée pour changer l'utilisateur effectif. En choisir une parmi %s"],"Effective User Method":["Méthode d'utilisateur effectif"],"Whether we should sync templates from disk when running db:seed.":["Défini si nous devons synchroniser les modèles depuis le disque lors de l'exécution de db:seed."],"Sync Job Templates":["Modèles de job synchronisés"],"Port to use for SSH communication. Default port 22. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_port.":["Port à utiliser pour la communication SSH. Le port par défaut est 22. Vous pouvez le remplacer selon les hôtes en définissant un paramètre appelé remote_execution_ssh_port."],"SSH Port":["Port SSH"],"Should the ip addresses on host interfaces be preferred over the fqdn? It is useful when DNS not resolving the fqdns properly. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_connect_by_ip. For dual-stacked hosts you should consider the remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6 setting":["Les adresses IP sur les interfaces hôtes doivent-elles être préférées au nom fqdn ? Cela est utile lorsque DNS ne résout pas les noms fqdn correctement. Vous pouvez les remplacer selon les hôtes en définissant un paramètre appelé remote_execution_connect_by_ip. Pour les hôtes à double empilement, vous devez prendre en compte le paramètre remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6"],"Connect by IP":["Connexion via IP"],"When connecting using ip address, should the IPv6 addresses be preferred? If no IPv6 address is set, it falls back to IPv4 automatically. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6. By default and for compatibility, IPv4 will be preferred over IPv6 by default":["Lors de la connexion à l'aide d'une adresse IP, les adresses IPv6 doivent-elles être privilégiées ? Si aucune adresse IPv6 n'est définie, le système revient automatiquement à IPv4. Vous pouvez modifier cette option pour chaque hôte en définissant un paramètre appelé remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6. Par défaut et pour des raisons de compatibilité, IPv4 sera préféré à IPv6"],"Prefer IPv6 over IPv4":["Favoriser IPv6 par rapport à IPv4"],"Default password to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_password":["Mot de passe par défaut à utiliser pour SSH. Vous pouvez remplacer cette valeur par hôte en définissant un paramètre nommé remote_execution_ssh_password"],"Default SSH password":["Mot de passe SSH par"],"Default key passphrase to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_key_passphrase":["Phrase de passe de clé par défaut à utiliser pour SSH. Vous pouvez remplacer cette valeur par hôte en définissant un paramètre nommé remote_execution_ssh_key_passphrase"],"Default SSH key passphrase":["Phrase de passe de clé par défaut"],"Amount of workers in the pool to handle the execution of the remote execution jobs. Restart of the dynflowd/foreman-tasks service is required.":["Nombre de workers dans le pool permettant de gérer l'exécution des jobs d'exécution à distance. Le redémarrage du service dynflowd/foreman-tasks est requis."],"Workers pool size":["Taille du pool de workers"],"When enabled, working directories will be removed after task completion. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_cleanup_working_dirs.":["Lorsque cette option est activée, les répertoires de travail sont supprimés à la fin de la tâche. Vous pouvez remplacer ce paramètre par hôte en définissant un paramètre appelé remote_execution_cleanup_working_dirs."],"Cleanup working directories":["Nettoyage des répertoires de travail"],"Where to find the Cockpit instance for the Web Console button. By default, no button is shown.":["Où trouver l'instance du Cockpit pour le bouton de la console Web. Par défaut, aucun bouton n'est affiché."],"Cockpit URL":["URL Cockpit"],"Choose a job template that is pre-selected in job invocation form":["Choisissez un modèle qui soit présélectionné dans le formulaire de requête du job"],"Form Job Template":["Nouveau modèle de job"],"Select a report template used for generating a report for a particular remote execution job":["Sélectionnez un modèle de rapport utilisé pour générer un rapport pour un job d'exécution à distance particulier"],"Job Invocation Report Template":["Modèle de rapport d’invocation de job"],"Time in seconds within which the host has to pick up a job. If the job is not picked up within this limit, the job will be cancelled. Defaults to 1 day.":[""],"Job templates":["Modèles de job"],"Run Puppet Once":["Lancer Puppet"],"Perform a single Puppet run":["Effectuer une exécution Puppet unique"],"Run Script":[""],"Run a script":[""],"Does not repeat":["Pas de répétition"],"Cronline":["Cronline"],"Monthly":["Mensuel"],"Weekly":["Chaque semaine"],"Daily":["Quotidien"],"Hourly":["Toutes les heures"],"Immediate execution":[""],"Future execution":[""],"Recurring execution":[""],"Category and template":[""],"Target hosts and inputs":["Hôtes cibles et entrées"],"Advanced fields":["Champs avancés"],"Review details":["Détails de la revue"],"Type of execution":[""],"Hosts":["Hôtes"],"Host collections":["Collections d'hôtes"],"Host groups":["Groupes d'hôtes"],"Search query":["Requête de recherche"],"Run job":["Lancer le job"],"Use old form":[""],"Current organization %s is different from job's organization %s. This job may run on different hosts than before.":[""],"Current location %s is different from job's location %s. This job may run on different hosts than before.":[""],"'Starts before' date must in the future":[""],"Please go back to \\\\\\\"Schedule\\\\\\\" - \\\\\\\"Future execution\\\\\\\" step to fix the error":[""],"Use legacy form":[""],"Edit job description template":["Modifier le modèle de description du job"],"Preview job description":["Prévisualisation de la description du job"],"For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...":["Par exemple: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..."],"Key passphrase is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. Passphrase is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["La phrase de passe de la clé est uniquement applicable au fournisseur SSH. D'autres fournisseurs ignorent ce champ. La phrase de passe est stockée chiffrée dans la base de données jusqu'à la fin du job. Pour les exécutions futures ou récurrentes, elle est supprimée après la dernière exécution."],"Effective user password is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["Le mot de passe Sudo est uniquement applicable au fournisseur SSH. D'autres fournisseurs ignorent ce champ. Le mot de passe est stocké chiffré dans la base de données jusqu'à la fin du job. Pour les exécutions futures ou récurrentes, il est supprimé après la dernière exécution."],"All fields are required.":["Tous les champs sont obligatoires."],"Error":["Erreur"],"Errors:":["Erreurs :"],"Categories list failed with:":["La liste de catégories a échoué avec :"],"Templates list failed with:":["La liste des modèles a échoué avec :"],"Template failed with:":["Le modèle à échoué avec :"],"Preview Hosts":["Prévisualisation des hôtes"],"...and %s more":[" %s de plus"],"%s more":[""],"Clear all filters":[""],"There are no available input fields for the selected template.":["Il n’y a pas de champs d’entrées disponibles pour le modèle sélectionné."],"Please select at least one host":[""],"Please enter a search query":[""],"Please select at least one host collection":[""],"Please select at least one host group":[""],"Filter by hosts":["Filtrer par hôte"],"Filter by host collections":["Filtrer les collections d'hôtes"],"Filter by host groups":["Filtrer par groupe d’hôtes"],"Apply to":["Appliquer à"],"Never":["Jamais"],"After %s occurences":[""],"Every hour at minute %s":[""],"Every day at %s":[""],"Every week on %s at %s":[""],"Every month on %s at %s":[""],"Cron line":["Ligne Cron"],"No Target Hosts":["Aucun Hôte cible"],"view host names":[""],"Hide all advanced fields":["Masquer tous les champs avancés"],"Show all advanced fields":["Afficher tous les champs avancés"],"Schedule type":["Type de programmation"],"Recurrence":["Récurrence"],"Starts at":["Démarrage à"],"Starts Before":[""],"Starts":["Démarrage"],"Now":[""],"Repeats":["Répétitions"],"Ends":["Se termine"],"Purpose":["Objectif"],"Static query":["Requête statique"],"Dynamic query":["Requête dynamique"],"Description Template":["Modèle de description"],"A special label for tracking a recurring job. There can be only one active job with a given purpose at a time.":["Une balise spéciale pour le suivi d'un travail récurrent. Il ne peut y avoir qu'un seul job actif avec un objectif donné."],"Query type":["Type de requête"],"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.":["Le type a un impact sur le moment où la requête est évaluée par les hôtes."],"evaluates just after you submit this form":["évalue dès que vous soumettez ce formulaire"],"evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planned in future, targeted hosts set may change before it":[""],"Cron line format 'a b c d e', where:":["Format de ligne cron 'a b c d' avec :"],"is minute (range: 0-59)":["est minute (plage: 0-59)"],"is hour (range: 0-23)":["est heure (plage: 0-23)"],"is day of month (range: 1-31)":["est jour du mois (plage: 1-31)"],"is month (range: 1-12)":["est mois (Plage: 1-12)"],"is day of week (range: 0-6)":["est jour de la semaine (plage: 0-6)"],"At":["À"],"Invalid time format":["intervalle de temps invalide"],"At minute":["À la minute"],"range: 0-59":[""],"Create":["Créer"],"Minute can only be a number between 0-59":[""],"Days":["Jours"],"Days of week":["Jours de la semaine"],"For Future execution a 'Starts at' date or 'Starts before' date must be selected. Immediate execution can be selected in the previous step.":[""],"'Starts before' date must be after 'Starts at' date":[""],"Clear input":[""],"Starts before":["Démarre avant"],"End time needs to be after start time":["Heure de fin doit être après l’heure de départ"],"On":["Activé"],"After":[""],"Repeat amount can only be a positive number":["Le montant répété ne peut correspondre qu’à un nombre positif"],"occurences":[""],"Select the type of execution":[""],"Execute the job now.":[""],"Execute the job later, at a scheduled time.":[""],"Execute the job on a repeating schedule.":[""],"Invalid date":["Chemin invalide"],"open-help-tooltip-button":["open-help-tooltip-button"],"Reset to default":["Réinitialiser"],"Has to be a positive number":["Doit correspondre à un nombre positif"],"Please refine your search.":["Veuillez raffiner votre recherche."],"You have %s results to display. Showing first %s results":["Vous avez %s résultats à afficher. Afficher les %s premiers résultats"],"Opening job invocation form":[""],"%s job has been invoked":["%s job a été invoqué"],"Schedule a job":["Planifier un job"],"Recent jobs":["Jobs récents"],"View all jobs":["Voir tous les jobs"],"View finished jobs":["Voir les jobs terminés"],"View running jobs":["Voir les jobs en cours d’exécution"],"View scheduled jobs":["Vois les jobs programmés"],"Finished":["Terminé"],"Running":["Exécution en cours"],"Scheduled":["Prévu"],"No results found":["Aucun résultat"],"Remote Execution Interface":["Capacités d'exécution distantes"],"yes":["oui"],"no":["non"],"Inherit from host parameter":["Hérité d'un paramètre d’hôte"],"Yes (override)":["Oui (remplacement)"],"No (override)":["Non (remplacement)"],"REX pull mode":[""],"Setup remote execution pull mode. If set to `Yes`, pull provider client will be deployed on the registered host. The inherited value is based on the `host_registration_remote_execution_pull` parameter. It can be inherited e.g. from host group, operating system, organization. When overridden, the selected value will be stored on host parameter level.":[""],"Host":["Hôte"],"Active Filters:":[""],"Action with sub plans":["Action avec sous-plans"],"Import Puppet classes":["Importer des classes Puppet"],"Import facts":["Importer des faits"],"A plugin bringing remote execution to the Foreman, completing the config management functionality with remote management functionality.":["Un greffon qui apporte l'exécution distante à Foreman, complétant la fonction de gestion de configuration avec la fonction d'exécution distante."],", and %s more":[" %s de plus"],"Category and Template":["Catégorie et modèle"],"Clear filters":["Effacer les filtres"],"#~ \"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.<br><ul><li><b>Static<\"#~ \"/b> - evaluates just after you submit this form</li><li><b>Dynamic</b> - evalu\"#~ \"ates just before the execution is started, so if it's planed in future, target\"#~ \"ed hosts set may change before it</li></ul>\"":["#~ \"Le type est important lors de l'évaluation de la requête sur les hôtes. <br><u\"#~ \"l><li><b>Statique</b> - évalue juste après la validation de ce formulaire </li\"#~ \"><li><b>Dynamique</b> - évalué juste avant le début de l'exécution, donc si l'\"#~ \"action est planifiée ultérieurement, la liste des systèmes cibles peut changer\"#~ \" avant l'exécution</li></ul>\""],"#~ \"evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planed in future, t\"#~ \"argeted hosts set may change before it\"":["#~ \"évalue juste avant que l’exécution ne commence, donc, si c’est prévu dans le f\"#~ \"utur, le groupe d’hôtes ciblés peut changer avant\""]}}};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_remote_execution'] = locales['foreman_remote_execution'] || {}; locales['foreman_remote_execution']['ja'] = {"domain":"foreman_remote_execution","locale_data":{"foreman_remote_execution":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_remote_execution 9.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2016-02-15 13:54+0000","Last-Translator":"elobato <>, 2017","Language-Team":"Japanese (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ja","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ja","domain":"foreman_remote_execution","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"},"Another interface is already set as execution. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["別のインターフェースがすでに実行として設定されています。代わりにこのインターフェースを使用しもよろしいでしょうか?"],"There was an error while updating the status, try refreshing the page.":["ステータスの更新時にエラーが発生しました。ページの更新を試行してください。"],"List foreign input sets":["外部入力セットを一覧表示"],"Show foreign input set details":["外部入力セットの詳細を表示"],"Target template ID":["ターゲットテンプレート ID"],"Include all inputs from the foreign template":["外部テンプレートからのすべての入力を含める"],"A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template.":["外部テンプレートから含める入力名のコンマ区切り一覧。"],"Input set description":["入力セットの説明"],"Create a foreign input set":["外部入力セットを作成"],"Delete a foreign input set":["外部入力セットを削除"],"Update a foreign input set":["外部入力セットを更新"],"List job invocations":["ジョブ呼び出しを一覧表示"],"Show job invocation":["ジョブ呼び出しを表示"],"Show Job status for the hosts":["ホストのジョブステータスを表示"],"The job template to use, parameter is required unless feature was specified":["使用するジョブテンプレート。機能が指定されていなければ、パラメーターが必要です"],"Invocation type, one of %s":["呼び出しタイプ、%s のいずれか"],"Execute the jobs on hosts in randomized order":["ホスト上でジョブを順不同で実行します"],"Inputs to use":["使用する入力"],"SSH provider specific options":["SSH プロバイダー固有オプション"],"What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms). Defaults to a template parameter or global setting.":["スクリプトを実行するために使用するユーザー (sudo と同様のメカニズムを使用)。デフォルト値は、テンプレートパラメーターまたはグローバル設定です。"],"Set password for effective user (using sudo-like mechanisms)":["実行ユーザーのパスワードを設定 (sudo と同様のメカニズムを使用)"],"Set SSH user":[""],"Set SSH password":["SSH パスワードを設定"],"Set SSH key passphrase":["SSH 鍵パスフレーズを設定"],"Create a recurring job":["繰り返されるジョブを作成"],"How often the job should occur, in the cron format":["ジョブを実行する頻度 (cron 形式)"],"Repeat a maximum of N times":["最大 N 回繰り返す"],"Perform no more executions after this time":["この回数以上は実行されません"],"Designation of a special purpose":["特別な目的の指定"],"Schedule the job to start at a later time":["後で開始するジョブをスケジュール"],"Schedule the job for a future time":["将来のジョブをスケジュール"],"Indicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time.":["アクションはこの時刻よりも前に開始できない場合にキャンセルされることを示しています。"],"Control concurrency level and distribution over time":["同時実行レベルと分散を制御"],"Distribute tasks over N seconds":["N 秒間にわたってタスクを分散"],"Run at most N tasks at a time":["一度に最大 N タスクを実行"],"Override the description format from the template for this invocation only":["この呼び出しに対してのみテンプレートから説明形式を上書き"],"Override the timeout interval from the template for this invocation only":["この呼び出しに対してのみテンプレートからタイムアウト間隔を上書き"],"Remote execution feature label that should be triggered, job template assigned to this feature will be used":["トリガーされるリモート実行機能ラベル。この機能に割り当てられたジョブテンプレートが使用されます"],"Override the global time to pickup interval for this invocation only":[""],"Create a job invocation":["ジョブ呼び出しを作成"],"Get output for a host":["ホストの出力を取得"],"Get raw output for a host":["ホストのロー出力を取得"],"Cancel job invocation":["ジョブ呼び出しをキャンセル"],"The job could not be cancelled.":["ジョブをキャンセルすることができませんでした。"],"Rerun job on failed hosts":["失敗したホストでのジョブの再実行"],"Could not rerun job %{id} because its template could not be found":["テンプレートが見つからないのでジョブ %{id} を返すことができませんでした"],"Get outputs of hosts in a job":["ジョブ内のホストの出力を取得します"],"Host with id '%{id}' was not found":["id '%{id}' のホストが見つかりませんでした"],"Only one of feature or job_template_id can be specified":["機能または job_template_id の 1 つのみを指定できます"],"List job templates":["ジョブテンプレートを一覧表示"],"List job templates per location":["ロケーションごとのジョブテンプレートを一覧表示"],"List job templates per organization":["組織ごとのジョブテンプレートを一覧表示"],"Import a job template from ERB":["ERB からジョブテンプレートをインポート"],"Template ERB":["テンプレート ERB"],"Overwrite template if it already exists":["テンプレートがすでに存在する場合は上書きします"],"Export a job template to ERB":["ジョブテンプレートを ERB にエクスポート"],"Show job template details":["ジョブテンプレートの詳細を表示"],"Template name":["テンプレート名"],"Job category":["ジョブカテゴリー"],"This template is used to generate the description. 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You may also include the job category and template name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}.":["このテンプレートは、記述の生成に使用します。入力値には、構文 %{package} を使用できます。%{job_category} と %{template_name} を使用してジョブカテゴリーとテンプレート名を追加することもできます。"],"Provider type":["プロバイダータイプ"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["テンプレートの編集機能をロックするかどうか"],"Effective user options":["実効ユーザーオプション"],"What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms)":["スクリプトを実行するために使用するユーザー (sudo と同様のメカニズムを使用)"],"Whether it should be allowed to override the effective user from the invocation form.":["呼び出し形式から実効ユーザーを上書きするのを許可するかどうか。"],"Whether the current user login should be used as the effective user":["現在のユーザーログインを実行ユーザーとして使用するかどうか"],"Create a job template":["ジョブテンプレートの作成"],"Update a job template":["ジョブテンプレートの更新"],"Template version":["テンプレートのバージョン"],"Delete a job template":["ジョブテンプレートの削除"],"Clone a provision template":["プロビジョンテンプレートのクローン"],"List remote execution features":["リモート実行機能の一覧表示"],"Show remote execution feature":["リモート実行機能の表示"],"Job template ID to be used for the feature":["機能に使用するジョブテンプレート ID"],"List template invocations belonging to job invocation":["ジョブ呼び出しに属するテンプレート呼び出しの一覧表示"],"Identifier of the Host interface for Remote execution":["リモート実行用のホストインターフェイスの識別子"],"Set 'host_registration_remote_execution_pull' parameter for the host. 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If the interface exists, it needs to be created in Foreman during the registration.":["'%s' の識別子を持つインターフェースがリモート実行インターフェースとして指定されましたが、このインターフェースはホスト上で見つかりませんでした。インターフェースが存在する場合は、登録時に Foreman で作成する必要があります。"],"host already has an execution interface":["ホストにはすでに実行インターフェースがあります"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["このテンプレートはロックされています。カスタマイズするには、このクローンを新規テンプレートに作成してください。"],"Circular dependency detected in foreign input set '%{template}' -> '%{target_template}'. 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If it differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the accounts.":["スクリプトを実行するために使用するユーザー。ユーザーが SSH ユーザーと異なる場合は、su または sudo を使用してアカウントを切り替えます。"],"Timeout to kill":["強制終了までのタイムアウト"],"Time in seconds from the start on the remote host after which the job should be killed.":["リモートホストで開始してからジョブを強制終了するまでの時間 (秒単位)"],"Time to pickup":[""],"Interval in seconds, if the job is not picked up by a client within this interval it will be cancelled.":[""],"Password":["パスワード"],"Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["パスワードは、ジョブが完了するまで暗号化されて DB に保存されます。将来の実行または繰り返しの実行の場合、最後の実行後に削除されます。"],"Private key passphrase":["秘密鍵のパスフレーズ"],"Key passhprase is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. <br> Passphrase is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["鍵パスフレーズは、SSH プロバイダーにのみ適用されます。他のプロバイダーは、このフィールドを無視します。<br>パスフレーズは、ジョブが完了するまで暗号化されて DB に保存されます。将来の実行または繰り返しの実行の場合、最後の実行後に削除されます。"],"Effective user password":["実効ユーザーパスワード"],"Effective user password is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. <br> Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["実効ユーザーパスワードは、SSH プロバイダーにのみ適用されます。他のプロバイダーは、このフィールドを無視します。<br>パスワードは、ジョブが完了するまで暗号化されて DB に保存されます。将来の実行または繰り返しの実行の場合、最後の実行後に削除されます。"],"Concurrency level":["同時実行レベル"],"Run at most N tasks at a time. If this is set and proxy batch triggering is enabled, then tasks are triggered on the smart proxy in batches of size 1.":["1 回に最大 N 個のタスクを実行します。この値が設定されていて、プロキシーバッチのトリガーが有効な場合には、タスクはサイズ 1 の単位で一括して、Smart Proxy でトリガーされます。"],"Time span":["タイムスパン"],"Distribute execution over N seconds. If this is set and proxy batch triggering is enabled, then tasks are triggered on the smart proxy in batches of size 1.":["N 秒間にわたって実行を分散します。この値が設定されていて、プロキシーバッチのトリガーが有効な場合には、タスクはサイズ 1 の単位で一括して、Smart Proxy でトリガーされます。"],"Execution ordering":["実行順"],"Execution ordering determines whether the jobs should be executed on hosts in alphabetical order or in randomized order.<br><ul><li><b>Ordered</b> - executes the jobs on hosts in alphabetical order</li><li><b>Randomized</b> - randomizes the order in which jobs are executed on hosts</li></ul>":["実行順では、ホスト上でジョブをアルファベット順で実行するか、順不同で実行するかを決定します。<br><ul><li><b>順番</b>: ホスト上でジョブがアルファベット順に実行されます。</li><li><b>無作為</b>: ホスト上でジョブが順不同で実行されます。</li></ul>"],"Type of query":["クエリーのタイプ"],"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.<br><ul><li><b>Static</b> - evaluates just after you submit this form</li><li><b>Dynamic</b> - evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planned in future, targeted hosts set may change before it</li></ul>":[""],"The final host list may change because the selected query is dynamic. It will be rerun during execution.":["選択されたクエリーが動的であるため、最終ホスト一覧は変更される場合があります。実行中に再実行されます。"],"...and %{count} more":["...さらに %{count}"],"No hosts found.":["ホストが見つかりません。"],"Close":["閉じる"],"Current organization %{org_c} is different from job's organization %{org_j}.":["現在の組織「%{org_c}」はジョブの組織「%{org_j}」とは異なります。"],"Current location %{loc_c} is different from job's location %{loc_j}.":["現在のロケーション %{loc_c} はジョブのロケーション %{loc_j} とは異なります。"],"The dynamic query '%{query}' was not resolved yet. The list of hosts to which it would resolve now can be seen %{here}.":["動的クエリー '%{query}' が解決されませんでした。解決するホストの一覧は %{here} に表示されます。"],"here":["こちら"],"effective user":["実効ユーザー"],"Total hosts":["ホストの合計数"],"Hosts gone missing":["ホストが行方不明になりました"],"This can happen if the host is removed or moved to another organization or location after the job was started":["これは、ジョブの開始後にホストが削除されたり、別の組織またはロケーションに移動されたりした場合に発生する可能性があります"],"Providers and templates":["プロバイダーおよびテンプレート"],"User input":["ユーザー入力"],"Value":["値"],"Search Query":["検索クエリー"],"Status":["状態"],"Succeeded":["成功"],"Start":["開始"],"Job invocation":["ジョブ呼び出し"],"Use new job wizard":[""],"Overview":["概要"],"Preview templates":["テンプレートのプレビュー"],"Recurring logic":["再帰論理"],"Job Invocations":["ジョブ呼び出し"],"Foreman can run arbitrary commands on remote hosts using different providers, such as SSH or Ansible. Communication goes through the Smart Proxy so Foreman does not have to have direct access to the target hosts and can scale to control many hosts.":["Foreman は SSH または Ansible など異なるプロバイダーを使用して、リモートホストで任意のコマンドを実行できます。通信は Smart Proxy 経由で送信されるので、Foreman はターゲットホストに直接アクセスする必要はなく、多くのホストを制御するためにスケーリングできます。"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["詳細についてはドキュメントを参照してください。"],"Job":["ジョブ"],"Type":["タイプ"],"Add Foreign Input Set":["外部入力セットを追加"],"add an input set for this template to reference a different template inputs":["異なるテンプレート入力を参照するためにこのテンプレートの入力セットを追加"],"Snippet":["スニペット"],"Select an ERB file to upload in order to import a job template. The template must contain metadata in the first ERB comment.":["ジョブテンプレートをインポートするためにアップロードする ERB ファイルを選択します。テンプレートの最初の ERB コメントにはメタデータが含まれている必要があります。"],"Overwrite":["上書き"],"Whether to overwrite the template if it already exists":["テンプレートがすでに存在する場合にテンプレートを上書きするかどうか"],"Job Templates":["ジョブテンプレート"],"Edit %s":["%s の編集"],"Edit Job Template":["ジョブテンプレートの編集"],"Import":["インポート"],"New Job Template":["新規ジョブテンプレート"],"JobTemplate|Name":["名前"],"JobTemplate|Snippet":["スニペット"],"JobTemplate|Locked":["ロック済み"],"Actions":["アクション"],"This template is locked for editing.":["このテンプレートは編集機能がロックされています。"],"The execution interface is used for remote execution":["リモート実行には実行インターフェースが使用されます"],"Remote execution":["リモート実行"],"Remote Execution":["リモート実行"],"Proxies":["プロキシー"],"Select as many remote execution proxies as applicable for this subnet. When multiple proxies with the same provider are added, actions will be load balanced among them.":["このサブネットに適用可能なすべてのリモート実行プロキシーを選択します。同じプロバイダーを使用するプロキシーが複数追加された場合は、プロキシー間で負荷が分散されます。"],"You are not allowed to see the currently assigned template. Saving the form now would unassign the template.":["現在割り当てられているテンプレートを参照できません。フォームを保存すると、テンプレートの割り当てが解除されます。"],"Remote Execution Features":["リモート実行機能"],"Label":["ラベル"],"Edit Remote Execution Feature":["リモート実行機能の編集"],"A job '%{job_name}' has %{status} at %{time}":["ジョブ '%{job_name}' のステータスは %%{status} です (%%{time} 時点)"],"Job result":["ジョブの結果"],"Failed hosts":["失敗したホスト"],"See more details at %s":["詳細は %s を確認してください"],"Foreign input set":["外部入力セット"],"remove template input set":["テンプレート入力セットの削除"],"A comma separated list of input names to be excluded from the foreign template.":["外部テンプレートから除外する入力名のコンマ区切り一覧。"],"Template Invocation for %s":["%s のテンプレート呼び出し"],"Back to Job":["ジョブに戻る"],"Toggle command":["コマンドの切り替え"],"Toggle STDERR":["STDERR の切り替え"],"Toggle STDOUT":["STDOUT の切り替え"],"Toggle DEBUG":["DEBUG の切り替え"],"Target: ":["ターゲット: "],"using Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy を使用"],"Scroll to bottom":["最下部へスクロール"],"Scroll to top":["最上部へスクロール"],"Could not display data for job invocation.":["ジョブ呼び出しのデータを表示できませんでした。"],"Unsupported or no operating system found for this host.":["サポートされていないか、このホストのオペレーティングシステムが見つかりません。"],"A job '%{subject}' has finished successfully":["ジョブ '%{subject}' が正常に完了しました。"],"Job Details":["ジョブの詳細"],"A job '%{subject}' has failed":["ジョブ '%%{subject}' が失敗しました"],"Remote execution job":["リモート実行ジョブ"],"A notification when a job finishes":["ジョブの完了時の通知"],"Unable to create mail notification: %s":["メールの通知を作成できません: %s"],"Search the host for any proxy with Remote Execution, useful when the host has no subnet or the subnet does not have an execution proxy":["リモート実行があるプロキシーをホストで検索します。ホストにサブネットがない場合、またはサブネットに実行プロキシーがない場合に役に立ちます"],"Fallback to Any Proxy":["プロキシーへのフォールバック"],"Search for remote execution proxy outside of the proxies assigned to the host. The search will be limited to the host's organization and location.":["ホストに割り当てられたプロキシー以外のリモート実行プロキシーを検索します。検索はホストの組織とロケーションに限定されます。"],"Enable Global Proxy":["グローバルプロキシーを有効にする"],"Default user to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_user.":["SSH に使用するデフォルトユーザー。remote_execution_ssh_user という名前のパラメーターを設定することにより、ホストごとに上書きできます。"],"Default user to use for executing the script. If the user differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the user.":["スクリプトを実行するために使用するデフォルトユーザー。ユーザーが SSH ユーザーと異なる場合は、su または sudo を使用してユーザーを切り替えます。"],"Effective User":["実効ユーザー"],"What command should be used to switch to the effective user. One of %s":["実効ユーザーへの切り替えるに使用するコマンド。%s のいずれか"],"Effective User Method":["実効ユーザーメソッド"],"Whether we should sync templates from disk when running db:seed.":["db:seed を実行するときにディスクからテンプレートを同期するかどうか。"],"Sync Job Templates":["ジョブテンプレートの同期"],"Port to use for SSH communication. Default port 22. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_port.":["SSH 通信に使用するポート。デフォルトのポートは 22 です。remote_execution_ssh_port という名前のパラメーターを設定することにより、ホストごとに上書きできます。"],"SSH Port":["SSH ポート"],"Should the ip addresses on host interfaces be preferred over the fqdn? It is useful when DNS not resolving the fqdns properly. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_connect_by_ip. For dual-stacked hosts you should consider the remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6 setting":["ホストインターフェースの ip アドレスは fqdn よりも優先されますか? DNS が fqdn を適切に解決しない場合、これは役に立ちます。remote_execution_connect_by_ip というパラメーターを設定し、ホストごとにこれを上書きすることができます。デュアルスタックのホストの場合は、remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6 設定を検討する必要があります"],"Connect by IP":["IP で接続"],"When connecting using ip address, should the IPv6 addresses be preferred? If no IPv6 address is set, it falls back to IPv4 automatically. 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By default, no button is shown.":["Web コンソールボタンの Cockpit インスタンスを検索する場所。デフォルトでは、ボタンは表示されません。"],"Cockpit URL":["Cockpit URL"],"Choose a job template that is pre-selected in job invocation form":["ジョブ呼び出しフォームで事前に選択されているジョブテンプレートを選択してください"],"Form Job Template":["ジョブテンプレートの形成"],"Select a report template used for generating a report for a particular remote execution job":["特定のリモート実行ジョブのレポート生成に使用されるレポートテンプレートを選択します"],"Job Invocation Report Template":["ジョブ呼び出しレポートテンプレート"],"Time in seconds within which the host has to pick up a job. If the job is not picked up within this limit, the job will be cancelled. Defaults to 1 day.":[""],"Job templates":["ジョブテンプレート"],"Run Puppet Once":["Puppet を 1 回実行"],"Perform a single Puppet run":["Puppet を 1 回実行"],"Run Script":[""],"Run a script":[""],"Does not repeat":["繰り返さない"],"Cronline":["cron 行"],"Monthly":["毎月"],"Weekly":["毎週"],"Daily":["毎日"],"Hourly":["毎時"],"Immediate execution":[""],"Future execution":[""],"Recurring execution":[""],"Category and template":[""],"Target hosts and inputs":["ターゲットホストおよび入力"],"Advanced fields":["詳細フィールド"],"Review details":["詳細を確認"],"Type of execution":[""],"Hosts":["ホスト"],"Host collections":["ホストコレクション"],"Host groups":["ホストグループ"],"Search query":["検索クエリー"],"Run job":["ジョブを実行"],"Use old form":[""],"Current organization %s is different from job's organization %s. This job may run on different hosts than before.":[""],"Current location %s is different from job's location %s. This job may run on different hosts than before.":[""],"'Starts before' date must in the future":[""],"Please go back to \\\\\\\"Schedule\\\\\\\" - \\\\\\\"Future execution\\\\\\\" step to fix the error":[""],"Use legacy form":[""],"Edit job description template":["ジョブ説明テンプレートを編集"],"Preview job description":["ジョブ説明をプレビュー"],"For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...":["たとえば、1、2、3、4、5..."],"Key passphrase is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. Passphrase is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["鍵パスフレーズは、SSH プロバイダーにのみ適用されます。他のプロバイダーは、このフィールドを無視します。パスフレーズは、ジョブが完了するまで暗号化されて DB に保存されます。将来の実行または繰り返しの実行の場合、最後の実行後に削除されます。"],"Effective user password is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["実効ユーザーパスワードは、SSH プロバイダーにのみ適用されます。他のプロバイダーは、このフィールドを無視します。パスワードは、ジョブが完了するまで暗号化されて DB に保存されます。将来の実行または繰り返しの実行の場合、最後の実行後に削除されます。"],"All fields are required.":["すべてのフィールドは必須です。"],"Error":["エラー"],"Errors:":["エラー:"],"Categories list failed with:":["カテゴリー一覧が以下により失敗:"],"Templates list failed with:":["テンプレート一覧が以下により失敗:"],"Template failed with:":["テンプレートが以下により失敗:"],"Preview Hosts":["ホストのプレビュー"],"...and %s more":["...さらに %s"],"%s more":[""],"Clear all filters":[""],"There are no available input fields for the selected template.":["選択したテンプレートで使用可能な入力フィールドはありません。"],"Please select at least one host":[""],"Please enter a search query":[""],"Please select at least one host collection":[""],"Please select at least one host group":[""],"Filter by hosts":["ホストでフィルター"],"Filter by host collections":["ホストコレクションでフィルター"],"Filter by host groups":["ホストグループでフィルター"],"Apply to":["適用対象"],"Never":["なし"],"After %s occurences":[""],"Every hour at minute %s":[""],"Every day at %s":[""],"Every week on %s at %s":[""],"Every month on %s at %s":[""],"Cron line":["cron 行"],"No Target Hosts":["ターゲットホストがありません"],"view host names":[""],"Hide all advanced fields":["すべての詳細フィールドを非表示"],"Show all advanced fields":["すべての詳細フィールドを表示"],"Schedule type":["スケジュールタイプ"],"Recurrence":["繰り返し"],"Starts at":["開始時刻"],"Starts Before":[""],"Starts":["開始"],"Now":[""],"Repeats":["繰り返し"],"Ends":["終了"],"Purpose":["目的"],"Static query":["静的クエリー"],"Dynamic query":["動的クエリー"],"Description Template":["説明テンプレート"],"A special label for tracking a recurring job. There can be only one active job with a given purpose at a time.":["繰り返しジョブを追跡するための特別なラベル。特定の目的で一度にアクティブにできるジョブは 1 つだけです。"],"Query type":["クエリータイプ"],"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.":["タイプは、ホストに対してクエリーを評価するタイミングに影響を与えます。"],"evaluates just after you submit this form":["このフォームの送信直後に評価します"],"evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planned in future, targeted hosts set may change before it":[""],"Cron line format 'a b c d e', where:":["cron 行の形式は「a b c d e」です。ここで、"],"is minute (range: 0-59)":["分 (範囲: 0 - 59)"],"is hour (range: 0-23)":["時間 (範囲: 0 - 23)"],"is day of month (range: 1-31)":["日 (範囲: 1 - 31)"],"is month (range: 1-12)":["月 (範囲: 1 - 12)"],"is day of week (range: 0-6)":["曜日 (範囲: 0 - 6)"],"At":["場所"],"Invalid time format":["無効な時刻の形式"],"At minute":["分"],"range: 0-59":[""],"Create":["作成"],"Minute can only be a number between 0-59":[""],"Days":["日"],"Days of week":["曜日"],"For Future execution a 'Starts at' date or 'Starts before' date must be selected. Immediate execution can be selected in the previous step.":[""],"'Starts before' date must be after 'Starts at' date":[""],"Clear input":[""],"Starts before":["次の時刻よりも前に開始"],"End time needs to be after start time":["終了時刻は開始時刻の後でなければなりません"],"On":["オン"],"After":[""],"Repeat amount can only be a positive number":["繰り返しの値は正の数でなければなりません"],"occurences":[""],"Select the type of execution":[""],"Execute the job now.":[""],"Execute the job later, at a scheduled time.":[""],"Execute the job on a repeating schedule.":[""],"Invalid date":["無効な日付"],"open-help-tooltip-button":["open-help-tooltip-button"],"Reset to default":["デフォルトにリセット"],"Has to be a positive number":["正の数でなければなりません"],"Please refine your search.":["検索条件を見直してください。"],"You have %s results to display. Showing first %s results":["表示する結果が %s 件あります。最初の %s 件の結果を表示しています"],"Opening job invocation form":[""],"%s job has been invoked":["%s 件のジョブが呼び出されました"],"Schedule a job":["ジョブのスケジュール"],"Recent jobs":["最近のジョブ"],"View all jobs":["すべてのジョブを表示"],"View finished jobs":["完了したジョブを表示"],"View running jobs":["実行中のジョブを表示"],"View scheduled jobs":["スケジュール済みのジョブを表示"],"Finished":["終了"],"Running":["実行中"],"Scheduled":["スケジュール済み"],"No results found":["結果は見つかりませんでした"],"Remote Execution Interface":["リモート実行インターフェース"],"yes":["yes"],"no":["no"],"Inherit from host parameter":["ホストパラメーターから継承"],"Yes (override)":["Yes (上書き)"],"No (override)":["No (上書き)"],"REX pull mode":[""],"Setup remote execution pull mode. If set to `Yes`, pull provider client will be deployed on the registered host. The inherited value is based on the `host_registration_remote_execution_pull` parameter. It can be inherited e.g. from host group, operating system, organization. When overridden, the selected value will be stored on host parameter level.":[""],"Host":["ホスト"],"Active Filters:":[""],"Action with sub plans":["サブプランによるアクション"],"Import Puppet classes":["Puppet クラスのインポート"],"Import facts":["ファクトのインポート"],"A plugin bringing remote execution to the Foreman, completing the config management functionality with remote management functionality.":["リモート実行を Foreman で実現するプラグイン。設定管理機能にリモート管理機能を補完します。"],", and %s more":["さらに %s"],"Category and Template":["カテゴリーとテンプレート"],"Clear filters":["フィルターをクリア"],"#~ \"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.<br><ul><li><b>Static<\"#~ \"/b> - evaluates just after you submit this form</li><li><b>Dynamic</b> - evalu\"#~ \"ates just before the execution is started, so if it's planed in future, target\"#~ \"ed hosts set may change before it</li></ul>\"":["#~ \"タイプは、ホストに対してクエリーを評価するタイミングに影響を与えます。<br><ul><li><b>静的</b>: このフォームの送信直後に評価します。</\"#~ \"li><li><b>動的</b>: 実行の開始直前に評価します。そのため、後でスケジュールされている場合には、ターゲットホストの設定が評価前に変更される可能\"#~ \"性があります。</li></ul>\""],"#~ \"evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planed in future, t\"#~ \"argeted hosts set may change before it\"":["実行の開始直前に評価します。そのため、後でスケジュールされている場合には、ターゲットホストのセットが評価前に変更される可能性があります"]}}};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_remote_execution'] = locales['foreman_remote_execution'] || {}; locales['foreman_remote_execution']['ko'] = {"domain":"foreman_remote_execution","locale_data":{"foreman_remote_execution":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_remote_execution 9.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2016-02-15 13:54+0000","Last-Translator":"FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>","Language-Team":"Korean (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ko","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ko","domain":"foreman_remote_execution","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"},"Another interface is already set as execution. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["이미 다른 인터페이스가 실행 인터페이스로 설정되어 있습니다. 이 인터페이스를 대신 사용하시겠습니까?"],"There was an error while updating the status, try refreshing the page.":["상태를 업데이트하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다. 페이지를 새로 고쳐 보십시오."],"List foreign input sets":["외부 입력 세트 나열"],"Show foreign input set details":["외부 입력 세트 정보 표시"],"Target template ID":["대상 템플릿 ID"],"Include all inputs from the foreign template":[""],"A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template.":["외부 템플릿에서 포함되는 입력 이름의 쉼표로 구분된 목록입니다."],"Input set description":["입력 세트 설명"],"Create a foreign input set":["외부 입력 세트 생성"],"Delete a foreign input set":["외부 입력 세트 삭제"],"Update a foreign input set":["외부 입력 세트 업데이트"],"List job invocations":["작업 호출 나열"],"Show job invocation":["작업 호출 표시"],"Show Job status for the hosts":[""],"The job template to use, parameter is required unless feature was specified":[""],"Invocation type, one of %s":["호출 유형(%s 중 하나)"],"Execute the jobs on hosts in randomized order":[""],"Inputs to use":["사용할 입력"],"SSH provider specific options":["SSH 공급자 관련 옵션"],"What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms). Defaults to a template parameter or global setting.":["사용자가 스크립트를 실행하는 데 사용해야 할 옵션입니다(sudo와 유사한 메커니즘 사용). 템플릿 매개 변수 또는 글로벌 설정으로 기본 설정됩니다."],"Set password for effective user (using sudo-like mechanisms)":[""],"Set SSH user":[""],"Set SSH password":[""],"Set SSH key passphrase":[""],"Create a recurring job":["반복 작업 생성"],"How often the job should occur, in the cron format":["cron 형식으로 설정하는 작업 발생 빈도입니다."],"Repeat a maximum of N times":["최대 N번 반복"],"Perform no more executions after this time":["이 시간 이후 더 이상 실행을 수행하지 않음"],"Designation of a special purpose":[""],"Schedule the job to start at a later time":["나중에 시작하도록 작업 스케줄"],"Schedule the job for a future time":["이후 시간에 대해 작업 스케줄"],"Indicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time.":["이 시간 전에 시작할 수 없는 경우 작업을 취소한다는 것을 나타냅니다."],"Control concurrency level and distribution over time":["동시 실행 레벨 및 기간별 배분 제어"],"Distribute tasks over N seconds":["N초에 걸쳐 태스크 배분"],"Run at most N tasks at a time":["한 번에 최대 N개 태스크 실행"],"Override the description format from the template for this invocation only":["이 호출에 대한 템플릿에서만 설명 형식 덮어쓰기"],"Override the timeout interval from the template for this invocation only":[""],"Remote execution feature label that should be triggered, job template assigned to this feature will be used":[""],"Override the global time to pickup interval for this invocation only":[""],"Create a job invocation":["작업 호출 생성"],"Get output for a host":["호스트에 대한 출력 가져오기"],"Get raw output for a host":[""],"Cancel job invocation":[""],"The job could not be cancelled.":[""],"Rerun job on failed hosts":[""],"Could not rerun job %{id} because its template could not be found":[""],"Get outputs of hosts in a job":[""],"Host with id '%{id}' was not found":["ID가 '%{id}'인 호스트를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"Only one of feature or job_template_id can be specified":[""],"List job templates":["작업 템플릿 나열"],"List job templates per location":["위치별 작업 템플릿 나열"],"List job templates per organization":["조직별 작업 템플릿 나열"],"Import a job template from ERB":[""],"Template ERB":[""],"Overwrite template if it already exists":[""],"Export a job template to ERB":[""],"Show job template details":["작업 템플릿 정보 표시"],"Template name":["템플릿 이름"],"Job category":["작업 카테고리"],"This template is used to generate the description. Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}. You may also include the job category and template name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}.":["이 템플릿은 설명을 생성하는 데 사용됩니다. %{package} 구문을 통해 입력 값을 사용할 수 있습니다. 또한 %{job_category} 및 %{template_name}을(를) 사용하여 작업 카테고리와 템플릿 이름을 포함할 수도 있습니다."],"Provider type":["공급자 유형"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["편집을 위한 템플릿의 잠금 여부 "],"Effective user options":["유효 사용자 옵션"],"What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms)":["사용자가 스크립트를 실행하는 데 사용해야 할 옵션입니다(sudo와 유사한 메커니즘 사용)."],"Whether it should be allowed to override the effective user from the invocation form.":["호출할 유효 사용자를 덮어쓰도록 허용할지 여부입니다."],"Whether the current user login should be used as the effective user":["현재 사용자 로그인을 유효 사용자로 사용할지 여부입니다."],"Create a job template":["작업 템플릿 생성"],"Update a job template":["작업 템플릿 업데이트"],"Template version":["템플릿 버전"],"Delete a job template":["작업 템플릿 삭제"],"Clone a provision template":["프로비저닝 템플릿 복제"],"List remote execution features":["원격 실행 기능 나열"],"Show remote execution feature":["원격 실행 기능 표시"],"Job template ID to be used for the feature":["기능에 사용할 작업 템플릿 ID입니다."],"List template invocations belonging to job invocation":[""],"Identifier of the Host interface for Remote execution":[""],"Set 'host_registration_remote_execution_pull' parameter for the host. 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Consider configuring %{global_proxy}, %{fallback_proxy} in settings":[""],"REX job has succeeded - %s":[""],"REX job has failed - %s":[""],"included template '%s' not found":["포함된 템플릿 '%s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."],"input macro with name '%s' used, but no input with such name defined for this template":["이름이 '%s'인 입력 매크로를 사용했지만 이 템플릿에 대해 해당 이름의 입력이 정의되지 않았습니다."],"Unable to fetch public key":["공개 키를 가져올 수 없습니다."],"Unable to remove host from known hosts":[""],"REX job has finished - %s":[""],"Should this interface be used for remote execution?":[""],"Interface with the '%s' identifier was specified as a remote execution interface, however the interface was not found on the host. If the interface exists, it needs to be created in Foreman during the registration.":[""],"host already has an execution interface":["호스트에 실행 인터페이스가 이미 있습니다."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["이 템플릿은 잠겨 있습니다. 사용자 정의하려면 이를 새 템플릿에 복제하십시오. "],"Circular dependency detected in foreign input set '%{template}' -> '%{target_template}'. 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If it differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the accounts.":["스크립트를 실행하는 데 사용할 사용자입니다. 이 사용자가 SSH 사용자와 다른 경우 su 또는 sudo를 사용하여 계정을 전환합니다."],"Timeout to kill":[""],"Time in seconds from the start on the remote host after which the job should be killed.":[""],"Time to pickup":[""],"Interval in seconds, if the job is not picked up by a client within this interval it will be cancelled.":[""],"Password":["암호 "],"Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":[""],"Private key passphrase":[""],"Key passhprase is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. <br> Passphrase is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":[""],"Effective user password":[""],"Effective user password is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. <br> Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":[""],"Concurrency level":["동시 실행 레벨"],"Run at most N tasks at a time. If this is set and proxy batch triggering is enabled, then tasks are triggered on the smart proxy in batches of size 1.":[""],"Time span":["기간"],"Distribute execution over N seconds. If this is set and proxy batch triggering is enabled, then tasks are triggered on the smart proxy in batches of size 1.":[""],"Execution ordering":[""],"Execution ordering determines whether the jobs should be executed on hosts in alphabetical order or in randomized order.<br><ul><li><b>Ordered</b> - executes the jobs on hosts in alphabetical order</li><li><b>Randomized</b> - randomizes the order in which jobs are executed on hosts</li></ul>":[""],"Type of query":["쿼리 유형"],"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.<br><ul><li><b>Static</b> - evaluates just after you submit this form</li><li><b>Dynamic</b> - evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planned in future, targeted hosts set may change before it</li></ul>":[""],"The final host list may change because the selected query is dynamic. It will be rerun during execution.":["동적 쿼리를 선택했기 때문에 최종 호스트 목록이 변경될 수 있습니다. 실행 도중에 재실행됩니다."],"...and %{count} more":["",""],"No hosts found.":["호스트를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"Close":["종료"],"Current organization %{org_c} is different from job's organization %{org_j}.":[""],"Current location %{loc_c} is different from job's location %{loc_j}.":[""],"The dynamic query '%{query}' was not resolved yet. The list of hosts to which it would resolve now can be seen %{here}.":["동적 쿼리 '%{query}'이(가) 아직 확인되지 않았습니다. 확인할 대상 호스트의 목록을 %{here}에서 볼 수 있습니다."],"here":["여기 "],"effective user":[""],"Total hosts":["총 호스트"],"Hosts gone missing":[""],"This can happen if the host is removed or moved to another organization or location after the job was started":[""],"Providers and templates":["공급자 및 템플릿"],"User input":["사용자 입력"],"Value":["값 "],"Search Query":[""],"Status":["상태"],"Succeeded":["성공"],"Start":["시작"],"Job invocation":["작업 호출"],"Use new job wizard":[""],"Overview":["개요"],"Preview templates":[""],"Recurring logic":["반복 로직"],"Job Invocations":[""],"Foreman can run arbitrary commands on remote hosts using different providers, such as SSH or Ansible. Communication goes through the Smart Proxy so Foreman does not have to have direct access to the target hosts and can scale to control many hosts.":[""],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["설명서에서 자세한 내용을 참조하십시오."],"Job":["업무"],"Type":["형태"],"Add Foreign Input Set":["외부 입력 세트 추가"],"add an input set for this template to reference a different template inputs":["이 템플릿에서 다른 템플릿 입력을 참조하기 위한 입력 세트를 추가합니다."],"Snippet":["조각 모음 "],"Select an ERB file to upload in order to import a job template. The template must contain metadata in the first ERB comment.":[""],"Overwrite":["덮어쓰기"],"Whether to overwrite the template if it already exists":[""],"Job Templates":["작업 템플릿"],"Edit %s":["%s 편집 "],"Edit Job Template":["작업 템플릿 편집"],"Import":["불러오기"],"New Job Template":["새 작업 템플릿"],"JobTemplate|Name":["JobTemplate|이름"],"JobTemplate|Snippet":["JobTemplate|조각 모음"],"JobTemplate|Locked":["JobTemplate|잠김"],"Actions":["작업"],"This template is locked for editing.":["이 템플릿은 편집 용으로 잠금되어 있습니다. "],"The execution interface is used for remote execution":["원격 실행에 사용되는 실행 인터페이스입니다."],"Remote execution":["원격 실행"],"Remote Execution":["원격 실행"],"Proxies":["프록시 "],"Select as many remote execution proxies as applicable for this subnet. When multiple proxies with the same provider are added, actions will be load balanced among them.":["이 서브넷에 적용할 수 있는 원격 실행 프록시를 모두 선택합니다. 공급자가 동일한 프록시를 여러 개 추가한 경우 해당 프록시 간에 작업이 로드 밸런싱됩니다."],"You are not allowed to see the currently assigned template. Saving the form now would unassign the template.":["현재 할당된 템플릿을 볼 수 없습니다. 지금 양식을 저장하면 템플릿의 할당이 취소됩니다."],"Remote Execution Features":["원격 실행 기능"],"Label":["레이블 "],"Edit Remote Execution Feature":["원격 실행 기능 편집"],"A job '%{job_name}' has %{status} at %{time}":[""],"Job result":[""],"Failed hosts":[""],"See more details at %s":[""],"Foreign input set":["외부 입력 세트"],"remove template input set":["템플릿 입력 세트 삭제"],"A comma separated list of input names to be excluded from the foreign template.":["외부 템플릿에서 제외되는 입력 이름의 쉼표로 구분된 목록입니다."],"Template Invocation for %s":[""],"Back to Job":["작업으로 돌아가기"],"Toggle command":["명령 토글"],"Toggle STDERR":["STDERR 토글"],"Toggle STDOUT":["STDOUT 토글"],"Toggle DEBUG":["DEBUG 토글"],"Target: ":["대상: "],"using Smart Proxy":[""],"Scroll to bottom":["맨 아래로 스크롤"],"Scroll to top":["맨 위로 스크롤"],"Could not display data for job invocation.":[""],"Unsupported or no operating system found for this host.":["지원되지 않거나 이 호스트의 운영 체제를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"A job '%{subject}' has finished successfully":[""],"Job Details":[""],"A job '%{subject}' has failed":[""],"Remote execution job":[""],"A notification when a job finishes":[""],"Unable to create mail notification: %s":[""],"Search the host for any proxy with Remote Execution, useful when the host has no subnet or the subnet does not have an execution proxy":["원격 실행 기능이 있는 모든 프록시의 호스트를 검색합니다. 호스트에 서브넷이 없거나 서브넷에 실행 프록시가 없는 경우 유용합니다."],"Fallback to Any Proxy":[""],"Search for remote execution proxy outside of the proxies assigned to the host. The search will be limited to the host's organization and location.":[""],"Enable Global Proxy":[""],"Default user to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_user.":["SSH에 사용할 기본 사용자입니다. remote_execution_ssh_user라는 매개 변수를 설정하여 호스트별로 덮어쓸 수 있습니다."],"Default user to use for executing the script. If the user differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the user.":["스크립트를 실행하는 데 사용할 기본 사용자입니다. 이 사용자가 SSH 사용자와 다른 경우 su 또는 sudo를 사용하여 사용자를 전환합니다."],"Effective User":[""],"What command should be used to switch to the effective user. One of %s":["유효 사용자를 전환하는 데 사용할 명령입니다(%s 중 하나)."],"Effective User Method":[""],"Whether we should sync templates from disk when running db:seed.":["db:seed를 실행할 때 디스크의 템플릿을 동기화할지 여부입니다."],"Sync Job Templates":[""],"Port to use for SSH communication. Default port 22. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_port.":[""],"SSH Port":[""],"Should the ip addresses on host interfaces be preferred over the fqdn? It is useful when DNS not resolving the fqdns properly. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_connect_by_ip. For dual-stacked hosts you should consider the remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6 setting":[""],"Connect by IP":[""],"When connecting using ip address, should the IPv6 addresses be preferred? If no IPv6 address is set, it falls back to IPv4 automatically. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6. By default and for compatibility, IPv4 will be preferred over IPv6 by default":[""],"Prefer IPv6 over IPv4":[""],"Default password to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_password":[""],"Default SSH password":[""],"Default key passphrase to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_key_passphrase":[""],"Default SSH key passphrase":[""],"Amount of workers in the pool to handle the execution of the remote execution jobs. Restart of the dynflowd/foreman-tasks service is required.":[""],"Workers pool size":[""],"When enabled, working directories will be removed after task completion. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_cleanup_working_dirs.":[""],"Cleanup working directories":[""],"Where to find the Cockpit instance for the Web Console button. By default, no button is shown.":[""],"Cockpit URL":[""],"Choose a job template that is pre-selected in job invocation form":[""],"Form Job Template":[""],"Select a report template used for generating a report for a particular remote execution job":[""],"Job Invocation Report Template":[""],"Time in seconds within which the host has to pick up a job. If the job is not picked up within this limit, the job will be cancelled. Defaults to 1 day.":[""],"Job templates":["작업 템플릿"],"Run Puppet Once":[""],"Perform a single Puppet run":[""],"Run Script":[""],"Run a script":[""],"Does not repeat":[""],"Cronline":[""],"Monthly":["매달"],"Weekly":["매주"],"Daily":["매일"],"Hourly":[""],"Immediate execution":[""],"Future execution":[""],"Recurring execution":[""],"Category and template":[""],"Target hosts and inputs":[""],"Advanced fields":[""],"Review details":[""],"Type of execution":[""],"Hosts":["호스트"],"Host collections":[""],"Host groups":["호스트 그룹 "],"Search query":["검색 쿼리"],"Run job":[""],"Use old form":[""],"Current organization %s is different from job's organization %s. This job may run on different hosts than before.":[""],"Current location %s is different from job's location %s. This job may run on different hosts than before.":[""],"'Starts before' date must in the future":[""],"Please go back to \\\\\\\"Schedule\\\\\\\" - \\\\\\\"Future execution\\\\\\\" step to fix the error":[""],"Use legacy form":[""],"Edit job description template":[""],"Preview job description":[""],"For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...":[""],"Key passphrase is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. Passphrase is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":[""],"Effective user password is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":[""],"All fields are required.":[""],"Error":["오류 "],"Errors:":[""],"Categories list failed with:":[""],"Templates list failed with:":[""],"Template failed with:":[""],"Preview Hosts":[""],"...and %s more":[""],"%s more":[""],"Clear all filters":[""],"There are no available input fields for the selected template.":[""],"Please select at least one host":[""],"Please enter a search query":[""],"Please select at least one host collection":[""],"Please select at least one host group":[""],"Filter by hosts":[""],"Filter by host collections":[""],"Filter by host groups":[""],"Apply to":[""],"Never":["사용 안 함"],"After %s occurences":[""],"Every hour at minute %s":[""],"Every day at %s":[""],"Every week on %s at %s":[""],"Every month on %s at %s":[""],"Cron line":["Cron 줄"],"No Target Hosts":[""],"view host names":[""],"Hide all advanced fields":[""],"Show all advanced fields":[""],"Schedule type":[""],"Recurrence":[""],"Starts at":[""],"Starts Before":[""],"Starts":["시작 "],"Now":[""],"Repeats":["반복"],"Ends":["종료"],"Purpose":[""],"Static query":[""],"Dynamic query":[""],"Description Template":[""],"A special label for tracking a recurring job. There can be only one active job with a given purpose at a time.":[""],"Query type":[""],"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.":[""],"evaluates just after you submit this form":[""],"evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planned in future, targeted hosts set may change before it":[""],"Cron line format 'a b c d e', where:":[""],"is minute (range: 0-59)":["분(범위: 0-59)"],"is hour (range: 0-23)":["시간(범위: 0-23)"],"is day of month (range: 1-31)":["날짜(범위: 1-31)"],"is month (range: 1-12)":["월(범위: 1-12)"],"is day of week (range: 0-6)":["요일(범위: 0-6)"],"At":["시간"],"Invalid time format":[""],"At minute":[""],"range: 0-59":[""],"Create":["생성 "],"Minute can only be a number between 0-59":[""],"Days":["일"],"Days of week":["요일"],"For Future execution a 'Starts at' date or 'Starts before' date must be selected. Immediate execution can be selected in the previous step.":[""],"'Starts before' date must be after 'Starts at' date":[""],"Clear input":[""],"Starts before":[""],"End time needs to be after start time":[""],"On":["켜기"],"After":[""],"Repeat amount can only be a positive number":[""],"occurences":[""],"Select the type of execution":[""],"Execute the job now.":[""],"Execute the job later, at a scheduled time.":[""],"Execute the job on a repeating schedule.":[""],"Invalid date":[""],"open-help-tooltip-button":[""],"Reset to default":["기본값으로 다시 설정 "],"Has to be a positive number":[""],"Please refine your search.":[""],"You have %s results to display. Showing first %s results":[""],"Opening job invocation form":[""],"%s job has been invoked":[""],"Schedule a job":[""],"Recent jobs":[""],"View all jobs":[""],"View finished jobs":[""],"View running jobs":[""],"View scheduled jobs":[""],"Finished":["완료"],"Running":["실행 중 "],"Scheduled":[""],"No results found":[""],"Remote Execution Interface":[""],"yes":["예"],"no":["no"],"Inherit from host parameter":[""],"Yes (override)":[""],"No (override)":[""],"REX pull mode":[""],"Setup remote execution pull mode. If set to `Yes`, pull provider client will be deployed on the registered host. The inherited value is based on the `host_registration_remote_execution_pull` parameter. It can be inherited e.g. from host group, operating system, organization. When overridden, the selected value will be stored on host parameter level.":[""],"Host":["호스트"],"Active Filters:":[""],"Action with sub plans":["하위 계획이 있는 작업"],"Import Puppet classes":["Puppet 클래스 가져오기"],"Import facts":["팩트 불러오기"],"A plugin bringing remote execution to the Foreman, completing the config management functionality with remote management functionality.":["Foreman으로 원격 실행을 가져오는 플러그인입니다. 원격 관리 기능으로 구성 관리 기능을 완료합니다."]}}};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_remote_execution'] = locales['foreman_remote_execution'] || {}; locales['foreman_remote_execution']['pt_BR'] = {"domain":"foreman_remote_execution","locale_data":{"foreman_remote_execution":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_remote_execution 9.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2016-02-15 13:54+0000","Last-Translator":"FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>","Language-Team":"Portuguese (Brazil) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"pt_BR","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;","lang":"pt_BR","domain":"foreman_remote_execution","plural_forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"},"Another interface is already set as execution. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Uma outra interface já está definida para execução. Tem certeza que deseja usar esta? "],"There was an error while updating the status, try refreshing the page.":["Houve um erro durante a atualização deste status, tente recarregar a página. "],"List foreign input sets":["Listar conjuntos de entradas externas "],"Show foreign input set details":["Exibir detalhes do conjunto de entradas externas"],"Target template ID":["ID do modelo de destino "],"Include all inputs from the foreign template":["Incluir todas as entradas do modelo externo "],"A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template.":["Uma lista separada por vírgula dos nomes de entrada a serem incluídos a partir do modelo externo. "],"Input set description":["Descrição do conjunto de dados"],"Create a foreign input set":["Criar um conjunto de entradas externas"],"Delete a foreign input set":["Remover um conjunto de entradas externas"],"Update a foreign input set":["Atualizar um conjunto de entradas externas"],"List job invocations":["Listar invocações de trabalho "],"Show job invocation":["Exibir invocações de trabalho"],"Show Job status for the hosts":["Mostrar o status do trabalho para os anfitriões"],"The job template to use, parameter is required unless feature was specified":["O modelo de trabalho a ser usado. O parâmetro é obrigatórios, a não ser que o recurso seja especificado."],"Invocation type, one of %s":["Tipo de invocação, um dos %s"],"Execute the jobs on hosts in randomized order":["Executar os trabalhos em hosts em ordem aleatória"],"Inputs to use":["Entradas a serem usadas"],"SSH provider specific options":["Opções específicas do provedor SSH "],"What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms). Defaults to a template parameter or global setting.":["O usuário que deve ser usado para executar o script (usando mecanismos do tipo sudo). Usa um parâmetro de modelo ou configuração global como padrão. "],"Set password for effective user (using sudo-like mechanisms)":["Definir senha para usuário efetivo (usando mecanismos do tipo sudo-like)"],"Set SSH user":[""],"Set SSH password":["Definir senha SSH"],"Set SSH key passphrase":["Definir frase chave SSH"],"Create a recurring job":["Criar um trabalho recorrente "],"How often the job should occur, in the cron format":["A frequência com que um trabalho deve ocorrer, no formato cron "],"Repeat a maximum of N times":["Repetir no máximo N vezes "],"Perform no more executions after this time":["Não desempenhar execuções depois deste período"],"Designation of a special purpose":["Designação de um propósito especial"],"Schedule the job to start at a later time":["Agendar o trabalho para começar mais tarde "],"Schedule the job for a future time":["Agendar o trabalho para depois "],"Indicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time.":["Indica que a ação deve ser cancelada se não puder ser iniciada antes deste período."],"Control concurrency level and distribution over time":["Controlar nível de simultaneidade e distribuição ao longo do tempo"],"Distribute tasks over N seconds":["Distribuir tarefas em N segundos "],"Run at most N tasks at a time":["Executar no máximo N tarefas de cada vez "],"Override the description format from the template for this invocation only":["Substituir o formato de descrição do template somente para esta invocação"],"Override the timeout interval from the template for this invocation only":["Substituir o intervalo de tempo limite do limite apenas para esta invocação"],"Remote execution feature label that should be triggered, job template assigned to this feature will be used":["O rótulo do recurso de execução remota que deve ser acionado. O template de trabalho atribuído a esse recurso será usado."],"Override the global time to pickup interval for this invocation only":[""],"Create a job invocation":["Criar uma invocação de trabalho "],"Get output for a host":["Obter saída para um host "],"Get raw output for a host":["Obter saída não processada para um host"],"Cancel job invocation":["Cancelar invocação de trabalho"],"The job could not be cancelled.":["Não foi possível cancelar o trabalho."],"Rerun job on failed hosts":["Executar novamente nos hosts com falha "],"Could not rerun job %{id} because its template could not be found":["Não foi possível executar a tarefa %{id} novamente porque seu modelo não foi encontrado"],"Get outputs of hosts in a job":["Obter resultados dos anfitriões em um trabalho"],"Host with id '%{id}' was not found":["Host com id '%{id}' não foi localizado"],"Only one of feature or job_template_id can be specified":["Apenas um dos recursos ou job_template_id pode ser especificado"],"List job templates":["Listar modelos de trabalho"],"List job templates per location":["Listar modelos de trabalho por localização "],"List job templates per organization":["Listar modelos de trabalho por organização "],"Import a job template from ERB":["Importar um modelo de trabalho do ERB "],"Template ERB":["Modelo ERB"],"Overwrite template if it already exists":["Sobrescrever modelo, caso ele já exista "],"Export a job template to ERB":["Exportar um modelo de trabalho para o ERB "],"Show job template details":["Exibir detalhes do modelo de trabalho"],"Template name":["Nome do modelo"],"Job category":["Categoria de trabalho"],"This template is used to generate the description. Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}. You may also include the job category and template name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}.":["Este modelo é usado para gerar a descrição. Os valores de entrada podem ser usados com a sintaxe %{package}. Você pode incluir também a categoria de trabalho e o nome do modelo usando %{job_category} e %{template_name}."],"Provider type":["Tipo de provedor"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Se seu modelo está travado ou não para edição."],"Effective user options":["Opções do usuário efetivo"],"What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms)":["O usuário que deve ser usado para executar o script (usando mecanismos do tipo sudo)"],"Whether it should be allowed to override the effective user from the invocation form.":["Se deve ser permitida ou não a substituição do usuário efetivo do formulário de invocação. "],"Whether the current user login should be used as the effective user":["Se o login do usuário atual deve ser usado ou não como o usuário efetivo "],"Create a job template":["Criar um modelo de trabalho"],"Update a job template":["Atualizar um modelo de trabalho"],"Template version":["Versão do modelo"],"Delete a job template":["Remover um modelo de trabalho "],"Clone a provision template":["Clonar um modelo de provisão"],"List remote execution features":["Listar recursos de execução remota "],"Show remote execution feature":["Exibir recurso de execução remota "],"Job template ID to be used for the feature":["ID do modelo de trabalho a ser usada para o recurso "],"List template invocations belonging to job invocation":["Listar invocações de template pertencentes à invocação da tarefa"],"Identifier of the Host interface for Remote execution":["Identificador da interface do Host para execução remota"],"Set 'host_registration_remote_execution_pull' parameter for the host. If it is set to true, pull provider client will be deployed on the host":[""],"List of proxy IDs to be used for remote execution":["Lista de identificações proxy a serem usadas para execução remota"],"Trying to abort the job":["Tentando anular o trabalho"],"Trying to cancel the job":["Tentando cancelar o trabalho"],"The job cannot be aborted at the moment.":["No momento, o trabalho não pode ser anulado."],"The job cannot be cancelled at the moment.":["O trabalho não pode ser cancelado no momento. "],"Problem with previewing the template: %{error}. Note that you must save template input changes before you try to preview it.":["Problemas com a visualização do modelo: %{error}. Observe que você deve salvar as alterações das entradas do modelo antes de tentar visualizá-las."],"Job template imported successfully.":["Modelo de trabalho importado com êxito. "],"Unable to save template. Correct highlighted errors":["Não foi possível salvar o template. Corrija os erros em destaque "],"Run":["Executar"],"Schedule Remote Job":["Agendar trabalho remoto"],"Jobs":["Trabalhos"],"Job invocations":["Invocações de trabalho"],"%s":["%s"],"Web Console":["Console web"],"Success":["Sucesso"],"Failed":["Falhou"],"Pending":["Pendente"],"Cancelled":["Cancelada"],"queued to start executing in %{time}":["em fila para começar a executar em %{time}"],"queued":["em fila"],"running %{percent}%%":["funcionando %{percent}%%"],"succeeded":["com êxito "],"cancelled":["cancelado(a)"],"failed":["falha"],"unknown status":["status desconhecido"],"Any Organization":["Qualquer organização"],"Any Location":["Qualquer localização"],"error":["erro"],"Host detail":["Detalhes do host"],"Rerun on %s":["Repetição %s"],"Host task":["Tarefa do host"],"N/A":["N/D"],"Run Job":["Executar Trabalho"],"Create Report":["Criar relatório"],"Create report for this job":["Criar relatório para este trabalho"],"Rerun":["Executar novamente"],"Rerun the job":["Executar novamente o trabalho"],"Rerun failed":["Falha em nova execução "],"Rerun on failed hosts":["Executar novamente em hosts com falha "],"Job Task":["Tarefa de trabalho "],"See the last task details":["Visualizar os detalhes mais recentes da tarefa "],"Cancel Job":["Cancelar trabalho"],"Try to cancel the job":["Tentar cancelar o trabalho "],"Abort Job":["Sobre o trabalho"],"Try to abort the job without waiting for the results from the remote hosts":["Tente anular o trabalho sem esperar os resultados dos hosts remotos"],"Task Details":["Detalhes da tarefa"],"See the task details":["Visualizar os detalhes da tarefa "],"Try to cancel the job on a host":["Tentar cancelar o trabalho em um host "],"Try to abort the job on a host without waiting for its result":["Tente anular o trabalho em um host sem esperar o resultado"],"Could not render the preview because no host matches the search query.":["Não foi possível renderizar a visualização porque nenhum host corresponde à consulta de pesquisa."],"in %s":["em %s"],"%s ago":["%s atrás"],"Use default description template":["Usar modelo de descrição padrão"],"Description template":["Modelo de descrição"],"This template is used to generate the description.<br/>Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}.<br/>You may also include the job category and template<br/>name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}.":["Este modelo é usado para gerar a descrição.<br/>Os valores de entrada podem ser usados usando a sintaxe %{package}.<br/>Você também pode incluir a categoria de trabalho e o nome do modelo<br/>usando %{job_category} e %{template_name}."],"Could not use any template used in the job invocation":["Não foi possível usar nenhum modelo utilizado na invocação de trabalho "],"Failed rendering template: %s":["Falha ao renderizar modelo: %s"],"Task cancelled":["Tarefa cancelada"],"Job execution failed":["Falha ao executar o trabalho"],"%{description} on %{host}":["%{description} em %{host}"],"Remote action:":["Ação remota:"],"Job cancelled by user":["Trabalho cancelado pelo usuário"],"Exit status: %s":["Estado de saída: %s"],"Job finished with error":["Trabalho concluído com erro"],"Error loading data from proxy":["Erro ao carregar dados do proxy"],"User can not execute job on host %s":["O usuário não pode executar trabalho no host %s"],"User can not execute this job template":["O usuário não pode executar este modelo de trabalho "],"User can not execute job on infrastructure host %s":["O usuário não pode executar o trabalho no host de infra-estrutura %s"],"User can not execute this job template on %s":["O usuário não pode executar este modelo de trabalho em %s"],"The only applicable proxy %{proxy_names} is down":["O único proxy aplicável %{proxy_names} está inoperante","Todos os %{count} proxies aplicáveis estão inoperantes. Tentados: %{proxy_names}","Todos os %{count} proxies aplicáveis estão inoperantes. Tentados: %{proxy_names}"],"Could not use any proxy for the %{provider} job. Consider configuring %{global_proxy}, %{fallback_proxy} in settings":["Não foi possível utilizar nenhum representante para o trabalho %{provider}. Considere configurar o %{global_proxy}, %{fallback_proxy} em configurações"],"REX job has succeeded - %s":["O trabalho da REX foi bem sucedido... %s"],"REX job has failed - %s":["O trabalho da REX falhou - %s"],"included template '%s' not found":["modelo '%s' incluído não localizado"],"input macro with name '%s' used, but no input with such name defined for this template":["macro de entrada com nome '%s' usado, mas nenhuma entrada com tal nome foi definida para este modelo"],"Unable to fetch public key":["Não é possível capturar chave pública "],"Unable to remove host from known hosts":["Não é possível remover o host de hosts conhecidos"],"REX job has finished - %s":["O trabalho do REX terminou - %s"],"Should this interface be used for remote execution?":["Esta interface deve ser usada para execução remota?"],"Interface with the '%s' identifier was specified as a remote execution interface, however the interface was not found on the host. If the interface exists, it needs to be created in Foreman during the registration.":["A interface com o identificador '%s' foi especificada como uma interface de execução remota, porém a interface não foi encontrada no host. Se a interface existir, ela precisa ser criada no Foreman durante o registro."],"host already has an execution interface":["o host já possui uma interface de execução"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Este modelo está travado. Clone-o para um novo modelo para padronizar."],"Circular dependency detected in foreign input set '%{template}' -> '%{target_template}'. Templates stack: %{templates_stack}":["Dependência circular detectada em conjunto de entradas externas '%{template}' -> '%{target_template}'. Pilha de templates: %{templates_stack}"],"Execution":["Execução"],"Last execution succeeded":["Última execução bem-sucedida "],"No execution finished yet":["Nenhuma execução concluída ainda "],"Last execution cancelled":["Última execução cancelada"],"Last execution failed":["Falha na última execução "],"Unknown execution status":["Status de execução desconhecido"],"Recursive rendering of templates detected":["Renderização recursiva de modelos detectada "],"error during rendering: %s":["erro durante renderização: %s"],"template":["template"],"Cannot specify both bookmark_id and search_query":["Não é possível especificar tanto bookmark_id quanto search_query"],"Unknown input %{input_name} for template %{template_name}":["Entrada desconhecida %{input_name} para modelo{template_name}"],"Template with id '%{id}' was not found":["Template com id '%{id}' não foi localizado"],"Feature input %{input_name} not defined in template %{template_name}":["Recurso de entrada %{input_name} não definido no modelo %{template_name}"],"No template mapped to feature %{feature_name}":["Nenhum template mapeado para o recurso %{feature_name}"],"The template %{template_name} mapped to feature %{feature_name} is not accessible by the user":["O modelo %{template_name} mapeado para o recurso %{feature_name} não é acessível pelo usuário"],"Job Invocation":["Invocação de Trabalho"],"Duplicated inputs detected: %{duplicated_inputs}":["Entradas duplicadas detectadas: %{duplicated_inputs}"],"Unknown remote execution feature %s":["Recurso de execução remota desconhecido %s"],"Effective user method \\\"%{current_value}\\\" is not one of %{valid_methods}":["O método de usuário efetivo \\\"%{current_value}\\\" não é de %{valid_methods}"],"Could not find any suitable interface for execution":["Não foi possível encontrar uma interface adequada para execução"],"Subscribe to my failed jobs":["Subscrever meus empregos falhados"],"Subscribe to my succeeded jobs":["Subscrever meus trabalhos bem-sucedidos"],"Subscribe to all my jobs":["Inscrever-me em todos os meus empregos"],"Script":["Roteiro"],"Static Query":["Consulta Estática "],"Dynamic Query":["Consulta Dinâmica"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabético"],"Randomized":["Aleatório"],"Cannot resolve hosts without a user":["Não é possível resolver os hosts sem um usuário"],"Cannot resolve hosts without a bookmark or search query":["Não é possível resolver os hosts sem uma marcação ou consulta de pesquisa "],"Must select a bookmark or enter a search query":["É preciso selecionar uma marcação ou inserir uma consulta de pesquisa"],"Input":["Entrada"],"Not all required inputs have values. Missing inputs: %s":["Nem todas as entradas necessárias possuem valores. Entradas ausentes: %s"],"Internal proxy selector can only be used if Katello is enabled":["O seletor de proxy interno só pode ser usado se o Katello estiver habilitado"],"default_capsule method missing from SmartProxy":["método_capsule padrão faltando no SmartProxy"],"Can't find Job Invocation for an id %s":["Não consigo encontrar um emprego para uma identificação %s"],"Latest Jobs":["Últimos empregos"],"Name":["Nome"],"State":["Estado"],"Started":["Iniciado em"],"No jobs available":["Não há empregos disponíveis"],"Results":["Resultados"],"Schedule":["Agendamento"],"Concurrency level limited to":["Nível de simultaneidade limitado a"],"tasks at a time":["tarefas a cada vez"],"Set to distribute over":["Definir para distribuir em"],"seconds":["segundos"],"Scheduled to start before":["Agendado para iniciar antes"],"Scheduled to start at":["Agendado para iniciar em"],"Timeout to kill after":["Tempo limite para encerrar após"],"Target hosts":["Hosts de destino"],"Bookmark":["Marcador"],"Manual selection":["Seleção manual"],"using ":["usando "],"Execution order":["Ordem de execução"],"Organization":["Organização"],"Location":["Local"],"SSH User":["Usuário SSH"],"Evaluated at:":["Avaliado(a) em:"],"User Inputs":["Entradas de usuário"],"Description":["Descrição"],"Job template":["Modelo de trabalho"],"Resolves to":["Resolve para"],"hosts":["hosts"],"Refresh":["Atualizar"],"Preview":["Visualização"],"Display advanced fields":["Exibir campos avançados"],"Hide advanced fields":["Ocultar campos avançados"],"SSH user":[""],"A user to be used for SSH.":[""],"Effective user":["Usuário efetivo"],"A user to be used for executing the script. If it differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the accounts.":["Usuário a ser usado para a execução de script. Se ele for diferente do usuário SSH, su ou sudo pode ser utilizado para a troca de contas. "],"Timeout to kill":["Tempo limite para encerrar"],"Time in seconds from the start on the remote host after which the job should be killed.":["Tempo em segundos do início no host remoto após o qual o trabalho deve ser encerrado."],"Time to pickup":[""],"Interval in seconds, if the job is not picked up by a client within this interval it will be cancelled.":[""],"Password":["Senha"],"Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["A senha é armazenada criptografada no banco de dados até que o trabalho seja concluído. Para execuções futuras ou recorrentes, ela é removida após a última execução."],"Private key passphrase":["Senha da chave privada"],"Key passhprase is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. <br> Passphrase is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["A senha da chave só é aplicável ao fornecedor SSH. Outros fornecedores ignoram esse campo. <br> A senha é armazenada criptografada no banco de dados até que o trabalho seja concluído. Para execuções futuras ou recorrentes, ela é removida após a última execução."],"Effective user password":["Senha efetiva do usuário"],"Effective user password is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. <br> Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["A senha efetiva do usuário só é aplicável para o provedor SSH. Outros provedores ignoram este campo. <br> A senha é armazenada criptografada no DB até que o trabalho termine. Para execuções futuras ou recorrentes, ela é removida após a última execução."],"Concurrency level":["Nível de simultaneidade"],"Run at most N tasks at a time. If this is set and proxy batch triggering is enabled, then tasks are triggered on the smart proxy in batches of size 1.":["Executar no máximo N tarefas de cada vez. Se essa opção estiver definida, e o acionamento em lote de proxy estiver desabilitado, então, as tarefas serão acionadas no proxy inteligente em lotes de tamanho 1."],"Time span":["Período de tempo"],"Distribute execution over N seconds. If this is set and proxy batch triggering is enabled, then tasks are triggered on the smart proxy in batches of size 1.":["Distribuir a execução ao longo de N segundos. Se essa opção estiver definida, e o acionamento em lote de proxy estiver desabilitado, então, as tarefas serão acionadas no proxy inteligente em lotes de tamanho 1."],"Execution ordering":["Ordenação da execução"],"Execution ordering determines whether the jobs should be executed on hosts in alphabetical order or in randomized order.<br><ul><li><b>Ordered</b> - executes the jobs on hosts in alphabetical order</li><li><b>Randomized</b> - randomizes the order in which jobs are executed on hosts</li></ul>":["A ordenação da execução determina se os trabalhos devem ser executados em hosts em ordem alfabética ou em ordem aleatória.<br><ul><li><b>Ordenado</b> - executa os trabalhos em hosts em ordem alfabética</li><li><b>Aleatória</b> - torna aleatória a ordem em que os trabalhos são executados em hosts</li></ul>"],"Type of query":["Tipo de consulta"],"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.<br><ul><li><b>Static</b> - evaluates just after you submit this form</li><li><b>Dynamic</b> - evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planned in future, targeted hosts set may change before it</li></ul>":[""],"The final host list may change because the selected query is dynamic. It will be rerun during execution.":["A lista final de hosts pode mudar, pois a consulta selecionada é dinâmica. Ela será executada novamente durante a execução. "],"...and %{count} more":["",""],"No hosts found.":["Nenhum host localizado."],"Close":["Fechar"],"Current organization %{org_c} is different from job's organization %{org_j}.":["A organização atual %{org_c} é diferente da organização do trabalho %{org_j}."],"Current location %{loc_c} is different from job's location %{loc_j}.":["O local atual %{loc_c} é diferente do local do trabalho %{loc_j}."],"The dynamic query '%{query}' was not resolved yet. The list of hosts to which it would resolve now can be seen %{here}.":["A consulta dinâmica '%{query}' não foi resolvida ainda. A lista dos hosts de que ela poderia ser resolvida agora pode ser visualizada %{here}."],"here":["aqui"],"effective user":["usuário efetivo"],"Total hosts":["Número total de hosts"],"Hosts gone missing":["Anfitriões que desapareceram"],"This can happen if the host is removed or moved to another organization or location after the job was started":["Isso pode acontecer se o anfitrião for removido ou transferido para outra organização ou local após o início do trabalho"],"Providers and templates":["Provedores e modelos"],"User input":["Entrada do usuário"],"Value":["Valor"],"Search Query":["Consulta de pesquisa"],"Status":["Estado"],"Succeeded":["Êxito"],"Start":["Iniciar"],"Job invocation":["Invocação de trabalho"],"Use new job wizard":[""],"Overview":["Visão Geral"],"Preview templates":["Modelos de visualização"],"Recurring logic":["Lógica recorrente"],"Job Invocations":["Invocações de trabalho"],"Foreman can run arbitrary commands on remote hosts using different providers, such as SSH or Ansible. Communication goes through the Smart Proxy so Foreman does not have to have direct access to the target hosts and can scale to control many hosts.":["O Foreman pode executar comandos arbitrários em hosts remotos usando diferentes provedores, como SSH ou Ansible. A comunicação é feita através do Proxy Inteligente, portanto, o Foreman não precisa ter acesso direto aos hosts e pode escalar para controlar muitos hosts."],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Para saber mais sobre isto, acesse a documentação."],"Job":["Trabalho"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Add Foreign Input Set":["Adicionar Conjunto de Entradas Externas"],"add an input set for this template to reference a different template inputs":["adicionar um conjunto de entradas para este modelo para referenciar entradas de modelo diferentes "],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Select an ERB file to upload in order to import a job template. The template must contain metadata in the first ERB comment.":["Selecione um arquivo ERB para ser carregado para importar um modelo de trabalho. O modelo deve conter os metadados no primeiro comentário do ERB. "],"Overwrite":["Substituir"],"Whether to overwrite the template if it already exists":["Deve-se ou não sobrescrever o modelo, caso ele já exista "],"Job Templates":["Modelos de Trabalho"],"Edit %s":["Editar %s"],"Edit Job Template":["Editar Modelo de Trabalho"],"Import":["Importar"],"New Job Template":["Novo Modelo de Trabalho "],"JobTemplate|Name":["JobTemplate|Nome"],"JobTemplate|Snippet":["JobTemplate|Snippet"],"JobTemplate|Locked":["JobTemplate|Bloqueado"],"Actions":["Ações"],"This template is locked for editing.":["Este mdelo está travado para edição."],"The execution interface is used for remote execution":["A interface de execução é usada para a execução remota "],"Remote execution":["Execução remota"],"Remote Execution":["Execução Remota"],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"Select as many remote execution proxies as applicable for this subnet. When multiple proxies with the same provider are added, actions will be load balanced among them.":["Selecione o máximo possível de proxies de execução remota aplicável a esta subrede. Quando os diversos proxies com o mesmo provedor forem adicionados, as ações obterão balanceamento de carga entre elas. "],"You are not allowed to see the currently assigned template. Saving the form now would unassign the template.":["Você não tem permissão para visualizar o modelo atualmente atribuído. Salvar o formulário agora cancelaria a atribuição do modelo. "],"Remote Execution Features":["Recursos de Execução Remota "],"Label":["Rótulo"],"Edit Remote Execution Feature":["Editar Recursos de Execução Remota "],"A job '%{job_name}' has %{status} at %{time}":["Um emprego '%{job_name}' tem %{status} em %{time}"],"Job result":["Resultado do trabalho"],"Failed hosts":["Anfitriões fracassados"],"See more details at %s":["Veja mais detalhes em %s"],"Foreign input set":["Conjunto de entradas externas"],"remove template input set":["remover conjunto de entrada de modelo"],"A comma separated list of input names to be excluded from the foreign template.":["Uma lista separada por vírgula dos nomes de entradas a serem executados do template externo. "],"Template Invocation for %s":["Invocação do modelo para %s"],"Back to Job":["Voltar ao Trabalho "],"Toggle command":["Comando toggle "],"Toggle STDERR":["Toggle STDERR"],"Toggle STDOUT":["Toggle STDOUT"],"Toggle DEBUG":["Toggle DEBUG"],"Target: ":["Destino:"],"using Smart Proxy":["usando o Smart Proxy"],"Scroll to bottom":["Rolar até a parte inferior"],"Scroll to top":["Rolar até a parte superior"],"Could not display data for job invocation.":["Não foi possível exibir dados para a invocação de empregos."],"Unsupported or no operating system found for this host.":["Sistema operacional sem suporte ou não localizado para este host. "],"A job '%{subject}' has finished successfully":["Um trabalho '%{subject}' foi concluído com êxito"],"Job Details":["Detalhes do trabalho"],"A job '%{subject}' has failed":["Um trabalho '%{subject}' falhou"],"Remote execution job":["Trabalho de execução remota"],"A notification when a job finishes":["Uma notificação quando um trabalho termina"],"Unable to create mail notification: %s":["Incapaz de criar notificação por correio: %s"],"Search the host for any proxy with Remote Execution, useful when the host has no subnet or the subnet does not have an execution proxy":["Pesquise o host por quaisquer proxies com execução remota, útil quando o host não possui subrede ou a subrede não tem um proxy de execução "],"Fallback to Any Proxy":["Executar fallback em qualquer proxy"],"Search for remote execution proxy outside of the proxies assigned to the host. The search will be limited to the host's organization and location.":["Pesquise por proxies de execução remota fora dos proxies atribuídos ao host. A pesquisa ficará limitada à organização ou localização do host."],"Enable Global Proxy":["Ativar o proxy global"],"Default user to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_user.":["Usuário padrão a ser usado para SSH. Você pode substituir por host configurando um parâmetro chamado remote_execution_ssh_user."],"Default user to use for executing the script. If the user differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the user.":["Usuário padrão a ser usado para a execução de script. Se ele for diferente do usuário SSH, su ou sudo pode ser utilizado para trocar de usuário. "],"Effective User":["Usuário efetivo"],"What command should be used to switch to the effective user. One of %s":["O comando que deve ser usado para trocar para o usuário efetivo. Um dos %s"],"Effective User Method":["Método de usuário efetivo"],"Whether we should sync templates from disk when running db:seed.":["Se os modelos devem ser sincronizados a partir do disco ou não, quando executando db:seed."],"Sync Job Templates":["Sincronizar modelos de trabalho"],"Port to use for SSH communication. Default port 22. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_port.":["Porta a ser usada para comunicação SSH. Porta padrão 22. Você pode substituir por host configurando um parâmetro chamado remote_execution_ssh_port."],"SSH Port":["Porta SSH"],"Should the ip addresses on host interfaces be preferred over the fqdn? It is useful when DNS not resolving the fqdns properly. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_connect_by_ip. For dual-stacked hosts you should consider the remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6 setting":["Os endereços ip nas interfaces do host devem ser preferidos em vez do fqdn? É útil quando o DNS não resolve os fqdns corretamente. Você pode sobrepor isto por host definindo um parâmetro chamado remote_execution_connect_by_ip. Para hosts com duplo empilhamento, você deve considerar a configuração remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6."],"Connect by IP":["Conectar por IP"],"When connecting using ip address, should the IPv6 addresses be preferred? If no IPv6 address is set, it falls back to IPv4 automatically. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6. By default and for compatibility, IPv4 will be preferred over IPv6 by default":["Ao conectar usando endereço ip, os endereços IPv6 devem ser preferidos? Se nenhum endereço IPv6 for definido, ele volta automaticamente para IPv4. Você pode sobrepor isso por host definindo um parâmetro chamado remote_execution_connect_by_ip_prefer_ipv6. Por padrão e por compatibilidade, o IPv4 será preferido ao IPv6 por padrão."],"Prefer IPv6 over IPv4":["Prefere IPv6 sobre IPv4"],"Default password to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_password":["A senha padrão a ser usada para SSH. Você pode substituir por host configurando um parâmetro chamado remote_execution_ssh_password."],"Default SSH password":["Senha SSH padrão"],"Default key passphrase to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_key_passphrase":["Senha da chave padrão a ser usada para SSH. Você pode substituir por host configurando um parâmetro chamado remote_execution_ssh_key_passphrase."],"Default SSH key passphrase":["Senha da chave SSH padrão"],"Amount of workers in the pool to handle the execution of the remote execution jobs. Restart of the dynflowd/foreman-tasks service is required.":["Quantidade de trabalhadores no pool para lidar com a execução das tarefas de execução remota. É preciso reiniciar o serviço dynflowd/foreman-tasks."],"Workers pool size":["Tamanho do pool dos trabalhadores"],"When enabled, working directories will be removed after task completion. You may override this per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_cleanup_working_dirs.":["Quando habilitado, os diretórios de trabalho serão removidos após a conclusão da tarefa. Você pode substituir por host configurando um parâmetro chamado remote_execution_cleanup_working_dirs."],"Cleanup working directories":["Limpeza dos diretórios de trabalho"],"Where to find the Cockpit instance for the Web Console button. By default, no button is shown.":["Onde encontrar a instância de Cockpit para o botão Console da web. Por padrão, nenhum botão é mostrado."],"Cockpit URL":["URL de cockpit"],"Choose a job template that is pre-selected in job invocation form":["Escolha um template de trabalho pré-selecionado no formulário de invocação de trabalho"],"Form Job Template":["Formar template de trabalho"],"Select a report template used for generating a report for a particular remote execution job":["Selecione um modelo de relatório utilizado para gerar um relatório para um determinado trabalho de execução remota"],"Job Invocation Report Template":["Modelo de Relatório de Invocação de Emprego"],"Time in seconds within which the host has to pick up a job. If the job is not picked up within this limit, the job will be cancelled. Defaults to 1 day.":[""],"Job templates":["Modelos de trabalho"],"Run Puppet Once":["Executar Puppet"],"Perform a single Puppet run":["Realizar uma única execução de Puppet"],"Run Script":[""],"Run a script":[""],"Does not repeat":["Não se repete"],"Cronline":["Cronline"],"Monthly":["Mensal"],"Weekly":["Semanal"],"Daily":["Diário"],"Hourly":["De hora em hora"],"Immediate execution":[""],"Future execution":[""],"Recurring execution":[""],"Category and template":[""],"Target hosts and inputs":["Anfitriões e insumos alvo"],"Advanced fields":["Campos avançados"],"Review details":["Detalhes da revisão"],"Type of execution":[""],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Host collections":["Coleções de anfitriões"],"Host groups":["Grupos de host"],"Search query":["Consulta de pesquisa"],"Run job":["Executar trabalho"],"Use old form":[""],"Current organization %s is different from job's organization %s. This job may run on different hosts than before.":[""],"Current location %s is different from job's location %s. This job may run on different hosts than before.":[""],"'Starts before' date must in the future":[""],"Please go back to \\\\\\\"Schedule\\\\\\\" - \\\\\\\"Future execution\\\\\\\" step to fix the error":[""],"Use legacy form":[""],"Edit job description template":["Editar modelo de descrição de cargo"],"Preview job description":["Prever descrição do trabalho"],"For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...":["Por exemplo: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..."],"Key passphrase is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. Passphrase is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["A frase-chave só é aplicável ao fornecedor de SSH. Outros provedores ignoram este campo. A frase-chave é armazenada criptografada no DB até o término do trabalho. Para execuções futuras ou recorrentes, ela é removida após a última execução."],"Effective user password is only applicable for SSH provider. Other providers ignore this field. Password is stored encrypted in DB until the job finishes. For future or recurring executions, it is removed after the last execution.":["A senha efetiva do usuário só é aplicável para o provedor SSH. Outros provedores ignoram este campo. A senha é armazenada criptografada no DB até que o trabalho termine. Para execuções futuras ou recorrentes, ela é removida após a última execução."],"All fields are required.":["Todos os campos são obrigatórios."],"Error":["Erro"],"Errors:":["Erros:"],"Categories list failed with:":["A lista de categorias falhou:"],"Templates list failed with:":["A lista de gabaritos falhou:"],"Template failed with:":["O modelo falhou com:"],"Preview Hosts":["Pré-visualização dos anfitriões"],"...and %s more":["...e %s mais"],"%s more":[""],"Clear all filters":[""],"There are no available input fields for the selected template.":["Não há campos de entrada disponíveis para o modelo selecionado."],"Please select at least one host":[""],"Please enter a search query":[""],"Please select at least one host collection":[""],"Please select at least one host group":[""],"Filter by hosts":["Filtrar por anfitriões"],"Filter by host collections":["Filtrar por coleções do hospedeiro"],"Filter by host groups":["Filtrar por grupos anfitriões"],"Apply to":["Aplicar para"],"Never":["Nunca"],"After %s occurences":[""],"Every hour at minute %s":[""],"Every day at %s":[""],"Every week on %s at %s":[""],"Every month on %s at %s":[""],"Cron line":["Cron line"],"No Target Hosts":["Sem anfitriões alvo"],"view host names":[""],"Hide all advanced fields":["Ocultar todos os campos avançados"],"Show all advanced fields":["Mostrar todos os campos avançados"],"Schedule type":["Tipo de horário"],"Recurrence":["Recorrência"],"Starts at":["Começa em"],"Starts Before":[""],"Starts":["Inicia"],"Now":[""],"Repeats":["Repetições "],"Ends":["Finais"],"Purpose":["Objetivo"],"Static query":["Consulta estática"],"Dynamic query":["Consulta dinâmica"],"Description Template":["Descrição Modelo"],"A special label for tracking a recurring job. There can be only one active job with a given purpose at a time.":["Uma etiqueta especial para rastrear um trabalho recorrente. Só pode haver um trabalho ativo com um determinado objetivo de cada vez."],"Query type":["Tipo de consulta"],"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.":["O tipo tem impacto sobre quando a consulta é avaliada para os anfitriões."],"evaluates just after you submit this form":["avalia logo após o envio deste formulário"],"evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planned in future, targeted hosts set may change before it":[""],"Cron line format 'a b c d e', where:":["Cron line format 'a b c d e', onde:"],"is minute (range: 0-59)":["é o minuto (intervalo: 0-59) "],"is hour (range: 0-23)":["é a hora (intervalo: 0-23)"],"is day of month (range: 1-31)":["é o dia do mês (intervalo: 1-31)"],"is month (range: 1-12)":["é o mês (intervalo: 1-12)"],"is day of week (range: 0-6)":["é o dia da semana (intervalo: 0-6)"],"At":["No(a)"],"Invalid time format":["Formato de tempo inválido"],"At minute":["Em minuto"],"range: 0-59":[""],"Create":["Criar"],"Minute can only be a number between 0-59":[""],"Days":["Dias"],"Days of week":["Dias da semana"],"For Future execution a 'Starts at' date or 'Starts before' date must be selected. Immediate execution can be selected in the previous step.":[""],"'Starts before' date must be after 'Starts at' date":[""],"Clear input":[""],"Starts before":["Começa antes de"],"End time needs to be after start time":["O tempo final precisa ser após a hora de início"],"On":["Ligado"],"After":[""],"Repeat amount can only be a positive number":["A quantia repetida só pode ser um número positivo"],"occurences":[""],"Select the type of execution":[""],"Execute the job now.":[""],"Execute the job later, at a scheduled time.":[""],"Execute the job on a repeating schedule.":[""],"Invalid date":["Data inválida"],"open-help-tooltip-button":["open-help-tooltip-button"],"Reset to default":["Reconfigurar como padrão"],"Has to be a positive number":["Tem que ser um número positivo"],"Please refine your search.":["Por favor, refine sua busca."],"You have %s results to display. Showing first %s results":["Você tem %s resultados para exibir. Mostrando primeiro %s resultados"],"Opening job invocation form":[""],"%s job has been invoked":["%s trabalho foi invocado"],"Schedule a job":["Programar um trabalho"],"Recent jobs":["Trabalhos recentes"],"View all jobs":["Ver todos os trabalhos"],"View finished jobs":["Ver trabalhos terminados"],"View running jobs":["Ver trabalhos em andamento"],"View scheduled jobs":["Ver empregos programados"],"Finished":["Concluído"],"Running":["Executando"],"Scheduled":["Agendado"],"No results found":["Nenhum resultado encontrado"],"Remote Execution Interface":["Interface de execução remota"],"yes":["sim"],"no":["não"],"Inherit from host parameter":[""],"Yes (override)":[""],"No (override)":[""],"REX pull mode":[""],"Setup remote execution pull mode. If set to `Yes`, pull provider client will be deployed on the registered host. The inherited value is based on the `host_registration_remote_execution_pull` parameter. It can be inherited e.g. from host group, operating system, organization. When overridden, the selected value will be stored on host parameter level.":[""],"Host":["Máquina"],"Active Filters:":[""],"Action with sub plans":["Ação com subplanos "],"Import Puppet classes":["Importar classes de Puppet"],"Import facts":["Importar fatos"],"A plugin bringing remote execution to the Foreman, completing the config management functionality with remote management functionality.":["Um plugin trazendo execução remota ao Foreman, completando a funcionalidade de gerenciamento de configuração com a funcionalidade de gerenciamento remoto. "],", and %s more":[", e %s mais"],"Category and Template":["Categoria e modelo"],"Clear filters":["Filtros transparentes"],"#~ \"Type has impact on when is the query evaluated to hosts.<br><ul><li><b>Static<\"#~ \"/b> - evaluates just after you submit this form</li><li><b>Dynamic</b> - evalu\"#~ \"ates just before the execution is started, so if it's planed in future, target\"#~ \"ed hosts set may change before it</li></ul>\"":["#~ \"O tipo impacta em quando a consulta será avaliada em relação aos hosts. <br><u\"#~ \"l><li><b>Estático(a)</b> - avalia logo após o envio deste formulário</li><li><\"#~ \"b>Dinâmico(a)</b> - avalia um pouco antes da execução ser iniciada, portanto s\"#~ \"e for planejada no futuro, os hosts de destino definidos podem ser alterados a\"#~ \"ntes disto</li></ul>\""],"#~ \"evaluates just before the execution is started, so if it's planed in future, t\"#~ \"argeted hosts set may change before it\"":["#~ \"avalia pouco antes do início da execução, portanto, se for planejada no futuro\"#~ \", os anfitriões alvo poderão mudar antes\""]}}};