foreman_ansible 11.2.1 → 12.0.1

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Files changed (47) hide show
  1. checksums.yaml +4 -4
  2. data/app/assets/javascripts/foreman_ansible/locale/ca/foreman_ansible.js +1 -0
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  24. data/locale/Makefile +16 -22
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  26. data/locale/ca/foreman_ansible.po +39 -0
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  46. data/locale/zh_TW/foreman_ansible.po +39 -0
  47. metadata +34 -9
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+ locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['ja'] = {"domain":"foreman_ansible","locale_data":{"foreman_ansible":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_ansible 10.1.0","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2018-11-14 21:36+0000","Last-Translator":"Amit Upadhye <>, 2022","Language-Team":"Japanese (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ja","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ja","domain":"foreman_ansible","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"},"No added or removed roles nor variables.":["追加または削除されたロールや変数はありません。"],"No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.":["%s では、追加または削除されたロールや変数は検出されませんでした。"],"No changes in variables detected on %s.":["%s では、変数の変更が検出されませんでした。"],"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.":["変数のインポート元となるプロキシーが見つかりません。Smart Proxy で Ansible 機能が有効であることを確認してください。"],"Show Ansible inventory for hosts":["ホストの Ansible インベントリーを表示する"],"IDs of hosts included in inventory":["インベントリーに含まれるホストの ID"],"Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups":["ホストグループの Ansible インベントリーを表示する"],"IDs of hostgroups included in inventory":["インベントリーに含まれるホストグループの ID"],"Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report":["Ansible インベントリーレポートの生成をスケジュールする"],"Hash of input values of type input=>value":["type input=>value の入力値のハッシュ"],"Report format, defaults to '%s'":["レポート形式、デフォルトは「%s」"],"Override match":["一致候補の上書き"],"Override value, required if omit is false":["上書き値 (--omit が false の場合に必要)"],"Create an override value for a specific ansible variable":["特定の Ansible 変数の上書き値を作成します"],"Destroy an override value":["上書き値を破棄します"],"Sync Ansible playbooks":["Ansible Playbook の同期"],"Smart Proxy to sync from":["同期元の Smart Proxy"],"Ansible playbooks names to be synced":["同期する Ansible Playbook 名"],"Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced":["同期可能な Ansible Playbook の取得"],"Smart Proxy to fetch from":["取得元となる Smart Proxy"],"Smart proxy id is required":["Smart Proxy ID が必要です"],"Show role":["ロールを表示します"],"List Ansible roles":["Ansible ロールを一覧表示します"],"Deletes Ansible role":["Ansible ロールを削除します"],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles":["非推奨: Ansible ロールのインポート"],"Smart Proxy to import from":["インポート元となる Smart Proxy"],"Ansible role names to be imported":["インポートする Ansible ロール名"],"Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled":["代わりに同期を使用し、Ansible 機能を有効化して SmartProxy からロールを同期します"],"Sync Ansible roles":["Ansible ロールの同期"],"Ansible role names to be synced":["同期する Ansible ロール名"],"No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables":["指定された Ansible ロールとその変数に変更は検出されませんでした"],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles":["非推奨: Ansible ロールの廃止"],"Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced":["同期可能な Ansible ロールの取得"],"Show variable":["変数を表示します"],"List Ansible variables":["Ansible 変数を一覧表示します"],"Deletes Ansible variable":["Ansible 変数を削除します"],"Name of variable":["変数の名前"],"Role ID":["ロール ID"],"Default value of variable":["変数のデフォルト値"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["有効な場合はパラメーターは UI で非表示になります"],"The order in which values are resolved":["値が解決される順序"],"Description of variable":["変数の説明"],"Types of validation values":["検証値のタイプ"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["パラメーター値の特定の値を適用するために使用されます"],"Types of variable values":["変数値のタイプ"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["一致するすべての値のマージ (配列/ハッシュタイプのみ)"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["一致するすべての値をマージするときにデフォルト値を含めます"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["重複する値の削除 (配列タイプのみ)"],"Whether to override variable or not":["変数を上書きするかどうか"],"Create Ansible variable":["Ansible 変数を作成します"],"Updates Ansible variable":["Ansible 変数を更新します"],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. 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If you want to assign roles to your hosts,\\n you have to import them first.":["Foreman で Ansible ロールが見つかりませんでした。ホストにロールを割りてる場合は、\\n 最初にロールをインポートする必要があります。"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["詳細についてはドキュメントを参照してください。"],"Ansible Variable Details (Imported)":["Ansible 変数の詳細 (インポート済み)"],"Ansible Variable Details":["Ansible 変数の詳細"],"Default Behavior":["デフォルト動作"],"Override the default value of the Ansible variable.":["Ansible 変数のデフォルト値を上書きします。"],"Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Ansible role of this variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added to Ansible inventory as a host variable. Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable.":["Foreman が管理する変数をマークします。この変数の Ansible ロールがホストに割り当てられると、デフォルト値がホスト変数として Ansible インベントリーに追加されます。そのような変数に異なる値を設定するには、マッチャーを指定します。"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["一致がない場合に使用する値。"],"Hidden Value":["非表示の値"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["このパラメーターのすべての値を非表示にします。"],"Optional Input Validator":["オプションの入力バリデーター"],"Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation.":["Playbook にこの変数を追加する前に、Foreman は変数がバリデーションに準拠していることを確認します。"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["チェックが付けられていると、デフォルト値がなく Matcher が値を指定しない場合にエラーが出されます。"],"Prioritize Attribute Order":["属性の順序の優先順位付け"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["値が解決される順序を設定します。"],"Order":["順序"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Matcher キーが処理される順序です。先に一致したもの順になります。<br> 複数の属性を Matcher キーとして使用できます。たとえば、<code>host group, environment</code> の順序の場合には、<code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code> のような Matcher が予想されます"],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":["最初の検索後に継続して一致する候補を検索しますか (配列/ハッシュタイプのみ)? 注記: 上書きのマージにより、省略されたすべての Matcher が無視されます。"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["一致するすべての値をマージするときにデフォルト値を含めます。"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["値をマージするときに重複する値を回避しますか (配列タイプのみ)?"],"Specify Matchers":["Matcher の指定"],"Ansible Variables":["Ansible 変数"],"Edit %s":["%s の編集"],"Edit Ansible Variable":["Ansible 変数の編集"],"New Ansible Variable":["新規 Ansible 変数"],"Variable|Name":["名前"],"Variable|Role":["変数|ロール"],"Type":["タイプ"],"Imported?":["インポートしましたか?"],"Overriden":["上書き済み"],"Create Ansible Variable":["Ansible 変数の作成"],"Ansible check mode":["Ansible チェックモード"],"Notice that ansible roles run in check mode.":["Ansible ロールはチェックモードで実行されることに注意してください。"],"Level":["レベル"],"Task":["タスク"],"Message":["メッセージ"],"Nothing to show":["表示するものがありません"],"Enable Ansible Callback":[""],"Ansible":["Ansible"],"Jobs":["ジョブ"],"Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully":["{hosts_count} 台のホストで Insights の修復が正常に完了しました"],"Roles":["ロール"],"Import roles and variables has finished successfully":["ロールと変数のインポートが正常に終了しました"],"Playbooks":["Playbook"],"Import playbooks has finished successfully":["Playbook のインポートが正常に終了しました"],"Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in lieu of a password Override with \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" host parameter":["これを使用して、Ansible がパスワードの代わりに使用する SSH 秘密鍵へのパスを指定します。\\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" ホストパラメータで上書きします"],"Private Key Path":["秘密鍵のパス"],"Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_connection\\\"":["デフォルトでは、Ansible Playbook の実行時にこの接続タイプを使用します。ホストでこれを上書きするには、パラメーター \\\"ansible_connection\\\" を追加します。"],"Connection type":["接続タイプ"],"Enable/disable WinRM server certificate validation when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\\\"":["Ansible Playbook の実行時に、WinRM サーバー証明書の検証を有効または無効にします。ホスト上でこれを上書きするには、パラメーター \\\"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\\\" を追加します"],"WinRM cert Validation":["WinRM 証明書の検証"],"Foreman will add this level of verbosity for additional debugging output when running Ansible playbooks.":["Foreman では、詳細レベルをここまで上げ、Ansible Playbook の実行時に追加でデバッグ出力が表示されるようにします。"],"Default verbosity level":["デフォルトのの詳細レベル"],"Disabled":["無効化済み"],"Level 1 (-v)":["レベル 1 (-v)"],"Level 2 (-vv)":["レベル 2 (-vv)"],"Level 3 (-vvv)":["レベル 3 (-vvv)"],"Level 4 (-vvvv)":["レベル 4 (-vvvv)"],"Timeout (in seconds) to set when Foreman will trigger a play Ansible roles task after a host is fully provisioned. Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot.":["ホストが完全にプロビジョニングされた後に、Foreman が Ansible ロールのタスクのプレイをトリガーするタイミングを設定するタイムアウト (秒単位)。再起動後にホストが準備完了となるまでの最大時間に設定します。"],"Post-provision timeout":["プロビジョニング後のタイムアウト"],"Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.":["ホストがレポートするはずだった場合のタイムアウト (分単位)"],"Ansible report timeout":["Ansible レポートのタイムアウト"],"Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval":["設定した間隔でレポートが到達しない場合に、%{cfgmgmt} のホスト設定ステータスが非同期に切り替わらないように無効にします"],"%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled":["%{cfgmgmt} の非同期切り替えを無効にしました"],"Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory":["Foreman は、このテンプレートを使用して Ansible インベントリーを使用したレポートのスケジューリングを行います。"],"Default Ansible inventory report template":["Ansible インベントリーレポートのデフォルトテンプレート"],"Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar":["Smart Proxy からロールをインポートする場合、これらのロールは除外されます。コンマで区切った値での入力が想定されており、* ワイルドカードメタ文字 (例: foo*、*b*、*bar) を使用できます。"],"Ansible roles to ignore":["無視する Ansible ロール"],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. If set, overrides foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size setting for Ansible jobs.":["foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger が有効な場合に、1つの要求で Smart Proxy に送信する必要があるタスクの数。設定されている場合、Ansible ジョブの foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size 設定をオーバーライドします。"],"Proxy tasks batch size for Ansible":["Ansible のプロキシータスクのバッチサイズ"],"Update Smart Proxy":[""],"Run Ansible roles":["Ansible ロールの実行"],"Runs an Ansible playbook which contains all the roles defined for a host":["ホスト用に定義したすべてのロールを含む Ansible Playbook の実行"],"Ansible: Run Insights maintenance plan":["Ansible: Insights メンテナンスプランの実行"],"Runs a given maintenance plan from Red Hat Access Insights given an ID.":["指定された ID の Red Hat Access Insights から指定されたメンテナンスプランを実行します。"],"Run playbook":["Playbook の実行"],"Run an Ansible playbook against given hosts":["指定したホストに Ansible Playbook を実行する"],"Enable web console":["Web コンソールの有効化"],"Run an Ansible playbook to enable web console on given hosts":["Ansible Playbook を実行して、指定されたホストで Web コンソールを有効にします"],"Upgrade Capsules on given hosts":["指定されたホストで Capsule をアップグレード"],"Upgrade Capsules on given Capsule server hosts":["指定された Capsule サーバーホストで Capsule をアップグレードします"],"Name":["名前"],"Ansible role":["Ansible ロール"],"Value":["値"],"Source attribute":["ソース属性"],"Delete":["削除"],"Delete Ansible variable override":["Ansible 変数のオーバーライドを削除します"],"Are you sure you want to delete override for %s?":["%s のオーバーライドを削除してもよろしいですか?"],"Default value":["デフォルト値"],"Ansible variable override was successfully deleted.":["Ansible 変数のオーバーライドは正常に削除されました。"],"There was a following error when deleting Ansible variable override: %s":["Ansible 変数のオーバーライドを削除する際に、次のエラーが発生しました: %s"],"Invalid, expected to match a regex: %s":["無効です。正規表現に一致することが予想されます: %s"],"Invalid, expected one of: %s":["無効です。次のいずれかが予想されます: %s"],"is required":["は必須です"],"There was a following error when changing Ansible variable override: %s":["Ansible 変数のオーバーライドを変更する際に、次のエラーが発生しました: %s"],"Ansible variable override successfully changed.":["Ansible 変数のオーバーライドは正常に変更されました。"],"true":["true"],"false":["false"],"No Ansible variables found for Host":["ホストの Ansible 変数が見つかりません"],"Only variables marked to Override are shown here.":["オーバーライドとしてマークされた変数のみがここに表示されます。"],"There was a following error when deleting Ansible config job: %s":["Ansible 設定ジョブを削除する際に、次のエラーが発生しました: %s"],"Ansible job was successfully canceled.":["Ansible ジョブは正常にキャンセルされました。"],"(from host group)":["(ホストグループから)"],"hourly":["毎時"],"daily":["毎日"],"weekly":["毎週"],"monthly":["毎月"],"Must not be in the past":["過去は指定できません"],"Required field":[""],"There was a following error when creating Ansible job: %s":["Ansible ジョブを作成する際に、次のエラーが発生しました: %s"],"Ansible job was successfully created.":["Ansible ジョブは正常に作成されました。"],"Submit":["送信"],"Cancel":["取り消し"],"This job will run all the assigned Ansible roles.":[""],"For more advanced scheduling options":[""],"view remote execution page.":[""],"Schedule recurring Ansible roles job":[""],"Description":["説明"],"Result":["結果"],"State":["状態"],"Executed at":["実行"],"Schedule":["スケジュール"],"Previously executed jobs":["以前実行されたジョブ"],"Next Run":["次の実行"],"Cancel Ansible config job":["Ansible 設定ジョブのキャンセル"],"Are you sure you want to cancel Ansible config job?":["Ansible 設定ジョブをキャンセルしてよろしいですか?"],"Scheduled recurring jobs":["スケジュール済みの繰り返しジョブ"],"Schedule recurring job":["繰り返しジョブのスケジュール"],"No config job for Ansible roles scheduled":["Ansible ロールの設定ジョブはスケジュールされていません"],"No previous job executions found":["以前のジョブ実行が見つかりません"],"Source":["ソース"],"Inherited from Hostgroup":["ホストグループから継承"],"Directly assigned to Host":["ホストに直接割り当て"],"All assigned Ansible roles":["割り当てられたすべての Ansible ロール"],"This list consists of host assigned roles and group assigned roles. Group assigned roles will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"No Ansible roles assigned":["Ansible ロールは割り当てられていません"],"Confirm":["確認"],"There was a following error when assigning Ansible Roles: %s":["Ansible ロールを割り当てる際に、次のエラーが発生しました: %s"],"Ansible Roles were successfully assigned.":["Ansible ロールは正常に割り当てられました。"],"Edit Ansible Roles":["Ansible ロールの編集"],"Add, remove or reorder host assigned Ansible roles. This host has also group assigned roles that are not displayed here and will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"Close":["閉じる"],"Edit Ansible roles":["Ansible ロールの編集"],"Ansible roles assigned directly to host":["ホストに直接割り当てられた Ansible ロール"],"view all assigned roles":["割り当てられたロールをすべて表示"],"Assign roles directly to the host":[""],"View inherited roles":[""],"No roles assigned directly to the host":[""],"Inventory":["インベントリー"],"Import roles and variables started: ":["ロールと変数のインポートが開始されました: "],"view the task in progress":["処理中のタスクを表示"],"Failed to import roles and variables ":["ロールと変数のインポートに失敗しました "],"Available Ansible Roles":["利用可能な Ansible ロール"],"Assigned Ansible Roles":["割り当てられた Ansible ロール"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["このアクションを実行する権限がありません。"],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["以下に一覧表示された必須パーミッションのいずれかを、Foreman 管理者に要求してください:"],"Permission Denied":["パーミッションが拒否されました"],"This Ansible role is inherited from parent host group":["この Ansible ロールは親ホストグループから継承されます"],"This Ansible role is inherited from host group":["この Ansible ロールはホストグループから継承されます"],"Use drag and drop to change order of the roles. Ordering of roles is respected for Ansible runs, inherited roles are always before those assigned directly":["ドラッグアンドドロップを使用して、ロールの順序を変更します。ロールの順序は Ansible 実行時に尊重され、継承されたロールは必ず直接割り当てられたロールよりも前になります"],"Add selected":["選択項目の追加"],"Add all":["すべて追加"],"Remove all":["すべて削除"],"Remove selected":["選択項目の削除"],"%(selectedCount)s of %(totalCount)s items selected":["%(selectedCount)s/%(totalCount)s 項目を選択"],"Available Ansible roles":["利用可能な Ansible ロール"],"Host assigned Ansible roles":["ホストに割り当てられた Ansible ロール"],"Error!":["エラー!"],"Nothing Found!":["何も見つかりません!"],"Permission denied":["パーミッションが拒否されました。"],"You are not authorized to view the page. ":["ページを表示する権限がありません。 "],"Request the following permissions from administrator: %s.":["管理者に次のパーミッションを要求してください: %s。"],"Configure Recurring Job":["繰り返しジョブの設定"],"Action with sub plans":["サブプランによるアクション"],"Import Puppet classes":["Puppet クラスのインポート"],"Import facts":["ファクトのインポート"],"Remote action:":["リモートアクション:"],"Ansible support in Foreman":["Foreman での Ansible サポート"]}}};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['ka'] = {"domain":"foreman_ansible","locale_data":{"foreman_ansible":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_ansible 10.1.0","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2018-11-14 21:36+0000","Last-Translator":"NorwayFun <>, 2022","Language-Team":"Georgian (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ka","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);","lang":"ka","domain":"foreman_ansible","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);"},"No added or removed roles nor variables.":["არც ცვლადები, არც როლები არც წაშლილა, არც დამატებულა."],"No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.":["%s-ზე არც ცვლადები, არც როლები არც წაშლილა, არც დამატებულა."],"No changes in variables detected on %s.":["%s-ზე ცვლადების ცვლილება ნაპოვნი არაა."],"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hosts":["Ansible-ის ინვენტარის ჩვენება ჰოსტებისთვის"],"IDs of hosts included in inventory":["ინვენტარში მყოფი ჰოსტების ID-ები"],"Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups":["Ansible-ის ინვენტარის ჩვენება ჰოსტის ჯგუფებისთვის"],"IDs of hostgroups included in inventory":["ინვენტარში მყოფი ჰოსტის ჯგუფების ID-ები"],"Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report":["Ansible-ის ინვენტარის ანგარიშის მომზადების დაგეგმვა"],"Hash of input values of type input=>value":[""],"Report format, defaults to '%s'":["ანგარიშის ფორმატი. ნაგულისხმებად: '%s'"],"Override match":["დამთხვევის გადაფარვა"],"Override value, required if omit is false":["მნიშვნელობის გადაფარვა. საჭიროა, თუ ამოგდება გამორთულია"],"Create an override value for a specific ansible variable":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის გადაფარვის მნიშვნელობის შექმნა"],"Destroy an override value":["მნიშვნელობის გადაფარვის მოცილება"],"Sync Ansible playbooks":["Ansible-ის Playbook-ების სინქი"],"Smart Proxy to sync from":["გამოსათხოვი ჭკვიანი პროქსი"],"Ansible playbooks names to be synced":["Ansible-ის დასასინქრონიზებელი playbook-ის სახელები"],"Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced":["Ansble-ის დასასინქრონიზებლად ხელმისაწვდომი playbook-ის სახელების გამოთხოვა"],"Smart Proxy to fetch from":["გამოსათხოვი ჭკვიანი პროქსი"],"Smart proxy id is required":["საჭიროა ჭკვიანი პროქსის ID"],"Show role":["როლის ჩვენება"],"List Ansible roles":["Ansible-ის როლების სია"],"Deletes Ansible role":["Ansible-ის როლის წაშლა"],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles":["მოძველებული: Ansible-ის როლების შემოტანა"],"Smart Proxy to import from":["ჭკვიანი პროქსი"],"Ansible role names to be imported":["Ansible-ის შემოსატანი როლების სახელები"],"Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled":[""],"Sync Ansible roles":["Ansible-ის როლების სინქი"],"Ansible role names to be synced":["Ansible-ის დასასინქრონიზებელი როლების სახელები"],"No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables":[""],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles":["მოძველებული: Ansible-ის მოძველებული როლები"],"Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced":["Ansble-ის დასასინქრონიზებლად ხელმისაწვდომი როლების გამოთხოვა"],"Show variable":["ცვლადის ჩვენება"],"List Ansible variables":["Ansible-ის ცვლადების სია"],"Deletes Ansible variable":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის წაშლა"],"Name of variable":["ცვლადის სახელი"],"Role ID":["როლის ID"],"Default value of variable":["ცვლადის ნაგულისხმები მნიშვნელობა"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["როცა ჩართულია, UI-ში პარმეტრი დამალულია"],"The order in which values are resolved":["მიმდევრობა, რომლითაც მნიშვნელობების ამოხსნა ხდება"],"Description of variable":["ცვლადის აღწერა"],"Types of validation values":["შემოწმების მნიშვნელობის ტიპები"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["გამოიყენება ზოგიერთი მნიშვნელობების პარამეტრების მნიშვნელობებად ძალით დასაყენებლად"],"Types of variable values":["ცვლადის მნიშვნელობის ტიპები"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["ყველა ერთნაირი მნიშვნელობის შერწყმა (მხოლოდ მასივის/ჰეშის ტიპი)"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["ყველა დამთხვეული მნიშვნელობის შერწყმისას ნაგულისხმები მნიშვნელობების გათვალისწნება"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["დუბლირებული მნიშვნელობების წაშლა (მხოლოდ მასივის ტიპი)"],"Whether to override variable or not":["გადაფარული იქნება ცვლადი, თუ არა"],"Create Ansible variable":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის შექმნა"],"Updates Ansible variable":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის განახლება"],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. This will only import variables for already existing roles, it will not import any new roles":[""],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible variables. This will only obsolete variables for already existing roles, it will not delete any old roles":[""],"Runs all Ansible roles on a hostgroup":["Ansible-ის როლების ჰოსტის ჯგუფზე გაშვება"],"Runs all Ansible roles on hostgroups":["Ansible-ის როლების ჰოსტის ჯგუფებზე გაშვება"],"IDs of hostgroups to play roles on":["როლების გასაშვები ჰოსტის ჯგუფების ID-ები"],"List all Ansible roles for a hostgroup":["ჰოსტის ჯგუფზე Ansible-ის ყველა როლის ჩვენება"],"Assigns Ansible roles to a hostgroup":["Ansible-ის როლების ჰოსტების ჯგუფზე მინიჭება"],"Ansible roles to assign to a hostgroup":["ჰოსტის ჯგუფზე მისანიჭებელი Ansible-ის როლები"],"Directly add an Ansible role to a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible role to add to a hostgroup":[""],"Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible role to remove from a hostgroup":[""],"IDs of associated ansible roles":["ასოცირებული Ansible-ის როლების ID-ები"],"Runs all Ansible roles on a host":["ჰოსტზე Ansible-ის ყველა როლის გაშვება"],"Runs all Ansible roles on hosts":["ჰოსტებზე Ansible-ის ყველა როლის გაშვება"],"IDs of hosts to play roles on":["როლების გასაშვები ჰოსტების ID"],"List all Ansible roles for a host":["ჰოსტის Ansible-ის ყველა როლის სია"],"Assigns Ansible roles to a host":["ჰოსტზე Ansible-ს როლის მინიჭება"],"Ansible roles to assign to a host":["ჰოსტზე მისანიჭებელი Ansible-ის როლები"],"Directly add an Ansible role to a host":[""],"Ansible role to add to a host":[""],"Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a host":[""],"Ansible role to remove from a host":[""],"Enable the callback plugin for this template":[""],"Host group has no associated hosts":["ჰოსტის ჯგუფი ცარიელია"],"There are no Ansible roles to play":["Ansible-ის გაშვებადი როლის გარეშე"],"Could not run Ansible roles for %{host}":["ჰოსტზე (%{host}) Ansible_ის როლის გაშვების შეცდომა"],"Host not found by id: %s":["ID-ით ჰოსტის პოვნის შეცდომა: %s"],"Ansible Variable not found by id: %s":["Ansible-ის ცვლადი ID-ით %s არ არსებობს"],"Run all Ansible roles":["Ansible-ის ყველა როლის გაშვება"],"Run all Ansible roles on hosts belonging to this host group":["Ansible-ის როლების ჰოსტების ამ ჯგუფში შემავალ ჰოსტებზე გაშვება"],"Configure Ansible Job":[""],"No roles/hosts assigned":[""],"No additional data":["დამატებითი მონაცემების გარეშე"],"Show full value":[""],"Add":["დამატება"],"Remove":["წაშლა"],"Update":["განახლება"],"Import Role":["როლის შემოტანა"],"Remove Role":["როლის წაშლა"],"Update Role Variables":["როლის ცვლადების გარეშე"],"Import from %s":["%s-დან შემოტანა"],"Ansible Role":["Ansible-ის როლი"],"Import":["იმპორტი"],"%s ago":["%s-ის წინ"],"Upgrade":[""],"Import roles And Variables":["როლებისა და ცვლადების შემოტანა"],"Foreman":["Foreman"],"Unable to get roles from Ansible":["Ansible-დან როლების მიღების შეცდომა"],"Unable to get roles/variables from Ansible":["Ansible-დან როლების/ცვლადების მიღების შეცდომა"],"Unable to get playbook's names from Ansible":["Ansible-დან Playbook-ის სახელების მიღების შეცდომა"],"Unable to get playbooks from Ansible":["Ansible-დან Playbook-ების მიღების შეცდომა"],"Tags":["ჭდეები"],"Include/Exclude Tags":["ჭდეების ჩართვა/გამორიცხვა"],"Ansible provider specific inputs":["Ansible-ის მომწოდებლის სპეციფიკური ცვლადები"],"A comma separated list of tags to use for Ansible run":["Ansible-ის გასაშვებად გამოყენებული მძიმით გამოყოფილი ჭდეების სია"],"Include\\\\Exclude tags for Ansible run":[""],"Task Details":["ამოცანის დეტალები"],"Remediation Plan":["აღდგენის გეგმა"],"Job Details":["დავალების დეტალები"],"Proxy not found":["პროქსი სერვერი ნაპოვნი არაა"],"Changed Ansible roles":["Ansible-ის როლები შეცვლილია"],"Ansible Roles":["Ansible-ის როლები"],"Role|Name":["როლი|სახელი"],"Hostgroups":["ჰოსტის ჯგუფები"],"Hosts":["ჰოსტები"],"Variables":["ცვლადები"],"Imported at":["შემოტანის დრო"],"Actions":["ქმედებები"],"Delete %s?":["წავშალო \\\"%s\\\"?"],"No Ansible Roles were found in Foreman. If you want to assign roles to your hosts,\\n you have to import them first.":[""],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["შეიტყვეთ მეტი ამის შესახებ დოკუმენტაციაში."],"Ansible Variable Details (Imported)":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის დეტალები (შემოტანილი)"],"Ansible Variable Details":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის დეტალები"],"Default Behavior":["ნაგულისხმევი ქცევა"],"Override the default value of the Ansible variable.":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის ნაგულისხმები მნიშვნელობის გადაფარვა."],"Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Ansible role of this variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added to Ansible inventory as a host variable. Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable.":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":["მნიშვნელობა, რომელიც გამოიყენება, როცა დამთხვევები არაა."],"Hidden Value":["დამალული მნიშვნელობა"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["პარამეტრის ყველა მნიშვნელობის დამალვა."],"Optional Input Validator":["შეყვანის არასავალდებულო შემოწმება"],"Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["თუ მონიშნულია, წარმოიქმნება შეცდომა, თუ არ არის ნაგულისხმევი მნიშვნელობა და არცერთი შესატყვისი არ იძლევა მნიშვნელობას."],"Prioritize Attribute Order":["ატიბუტების მიმდევრობის პრიორიტეტების მიხედვით დალაგება"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["მიმდევრობა, რომლითაც მნიშვნელობების ამოხსნა ხდება."],"Order":["დალაგება"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["თანმიმდევრობით, რომლითაც შესატყვისების გასაღებები დამუშავდება, პირველი მატჩი იმარჯვებს.<br> თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გამოიყენოთ მრავალი ატრიბუტი, როგორც შესატყვისი გასაღები, მაგალითად, <code>host group, environment</code> მოსალოდნელია შესატყვისი, როგორიცაა <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":["გავაგრძელოთ შესატყვისების ძებნა პირველი პოვნის შემდეგ (მხოლოდ მასივი/ჰეშის ტიპი)? შენიშვნა: უგულებელყოფის შერწყმა უგულებელყოფს ყველა შესატყვისს, რომელიც გამოტოვებულია."],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["ყველა დამთხვეული მნიშვნელობის შერწყმისას ნაგულისხმები მნიშვნელობების გათვალისწინება."],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["ავიცილო შერწყმისას თავიდან დუბლირებული მნიშვნელობები(მხოლოდ მასივის ტიპი)?"],"Specify Matchers":["მიუთითეთ შესატყვისები"],"Ansible Variables":["Ansible-ის ცვლადები"],"Edit %s":["%s-ის ჩასწორება"],"Edit Ansible Variable":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის ჩასწორება"],"New Ansible Variable":["Ansible-ის ახალი ცვლადი"],"Variable|Name":["ცვლადი|სახელი"],"Variable|Role":["ცვლადი|როლი"],"Type":["ტიპი"],"Imported?":["შემოტანილია?"],"Overriden":["გადაფარული"],"Create Ansible Variable":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის შექმნა"],"Ansible check mode":["Ansible-ის შემოწმების რეჟიმი"],"Notice that ansible roles run in check mode.":["გაითვალისწინეთ, რომ Ansible-ის როლები შემოწმების რეჟიმშია გაშვებული."],"Level":["დონე"],"Task":["დავალება"],"Message":["შეტყობინება"],"Nothing to show":["საჩვენებელი არაფერია"],"Enable Ansible Callback":[""],"Ansible":["Ansible"],"Jobs":["დავალებები"],"Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully":[""],"Roles":["როლები"],"Import roles and variables has finished successfully":["როლებსა და ცვლადების შემოტანა წარმატებით დასრულდა"],"Playbooks":["Playbook-ები"],"Import playbooks has finished successfully":["Playbook-ების შემოტანა წარმატებით დასრულდა"],"Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in lieu of a password Override with \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" host parameter":[""],"Private Key Path":["პირადი გასაღების ბილიკი"],"Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_connection\\\"":[""],"Connection type":["შეერთების ტიპი"],"Enable/disable WinRM server certificate validation when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\\\"":[""],"WinRM cert Validation":["WinRM-ის სერტიფიკატის დამოწმება"],"Foreman will add this level of verbosity for additional debugging output when running Ansible playbooks.":[""],"Default verbosity level":["დიაგნოსტიკური შეტყობინებების ნაგულისხმები დონე"],"Disabled":["გამორთულია"],"Level 1 (-v)":["დონე 1 (-v)"],"Level 2 (-vv)":["დონე 2 (-vv)"],"Level 3 (-vvv)":["დონე 3 (-vvv)"],"Level 4 (-vvvv)":["დონე 4 (-vvvv)"],"Timeout (in seconds) to set when Foreman will trigger a play Ansible roles task after a host is fully provisioned. Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot.":[""],"Post-provision timeout":["სამუშაოდ მომზადების შემდეგ დალოდების დროის ვადა"],"Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.":["ვადა (წუთებში) როცა ჰოსტებს ინფორმაცია უნდა გადმოეცათ."],"Ansible report timeout":["Ansible-ის ანგარიშის ვადა"],"Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval":[""],"%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled":["%{cfgmgmt} დაუსინქავი, გამორთულია"],"Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory":[""],"Default Ansible inventory report template":["Ansible-ის ინვენტორის ანგარიშის ნაგულისხმები შაბლონი"],"Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar":[""],"Ansible roles to ignore":["Ansible-ის დასაიგნორებელი როლები"],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. If set, overrides foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size setting for Ansible jobs.":[""],"Proxy tasks batch size for Ansible":["პროქსის ამოცანების ნაკრების ზომა Ansible_ისთვის"],"Update Smart Proxy":[""],"Run Ansible roles":["Ansible-ის როლების გაშვება"],"Runs an Ansible playbook which contains all the roles defined for a host":[""],"Ansible: Run Insights maintenance plan":[""],"Runs a given maintenance plan from Red Hat Access Insights given an ID.":[""],"Run playbook":["Playbook-ის გაშვება"],"Run an Ansible playbook against given hosts":[""],"Enable web console":["ვებ კონსოლის ჩართვა"],"Run an Ansible playbook to enable web console on given hosts":[""],"Upgrade Capsules on given hosts":["მითითებულჰოსტებზე კაფსულის გაუმჯობესება"],"Upgrade Capsules on given Capsule server hosts":["კაფსულების სერვერის მითითებულ ჰოსტებზე კაფსულის გაუმჯობესება"],"Name":["სახელი"],"Ansible role":["Ansible-ის როლი"],"Value":["მნიშვნელობა"],"Source attribute":["საწყისი ატრიბუტი"],"Delete":["წაშლა"],"Delete Ansible variable override":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის გადაფარვის მნიშვნელობის წაშლა"],"Are you sure you want to delete override for %s?":["დარწმუნებული ბრძანდებით, რომ გნებავთ წაშალოთ '%s'-ის გადაფარვა?"],"Default value":["ნაგულისხმები მნიშვნელობა"],"Ansible variable override was successfully deleted.":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის გადაფარვა წარმატებით წაიშალა."],"There was a following error when deleting Ansible variable override: %s":[""],"Invalid, expected to match a regex: %s":["არასწორია. მოველოდი, რომ დაემთხვეოდა რეგ.გამოს-ს: %s"],"Invalid, expected one of: %s":["არასწორი. მოსალოდნელი იყო ერთერთ სიიდან: %s"],"is required":["აუცილებელია"],"There was a following error when changing Ansible variable override: %s":[""],"Ansible variable override successfully changed.":["Ansible-ის ცვლადის გადაფარვა წარმატებით შეიცვალა."],"true":["სიმართლე"],"false":["მცდარი"],"No Ansible variables found for Host":["ჰოსტისთვის Ansible-ის ცვლადები ვერ ვიპოვე"],"Only variables marked to Override are shown here.":["ნაჩვენებია მხოლოდ გადაფარვადად მონიშნული ცვლადები."],"There was a following error when deleting Ansible config job: %s":[""],"Ansible job was successfully canceled.":["Ansible-ის დავალება წარმატებით გაუქმდა."],"(from host group)":["(ჰოსტების ჯგუფიდან)"],"hourly":["საათში ერთხელ"],"daily":["დღეში ერთხელ"],"weekly":["კვირაში ერთხელ"],"monthly":["თვეში ერთხელ"],"Must not be in the past":["არ უნდა იყოს წარსულში"],"Required field":[""],"There was a following error when creating Ansible job: %s":[""],"Ansible job was successfully created.":["Ansible-ის კონფიგურაცის დავალება შექმნილია."],"Submit":["გაგზავნა"],"Cancel":["გაუქმება"],"This job will run all the assigned Ansible roles.":[""],"For more advanced scheduling options":[""],"view remote execution page.":[""],"Schedule recurring Ansible roles job":[""],"Description":["აღწერა"],"Result":["შედეგი"],"State":["State"],"Executed at":["შესრულების დრო"],"Schedule":["განრიგი"],"Previously executed jobs":["ადრე შესრულებული სამუშაოები"],"Next Run":["შემდეგი გაშვება"],"Cancel Ansible config job":["Ansible-ის კონფიგურაცის დავალების გაუქმება"],"Are you sure you want to cancel Ansible config job?":[""],"Scheduled recurring jobs":["დაგეგმილი განმეორებითი დავალებები"],"Schedule recurring job":["განმეორებადი დავალებების დაგეგმვა"],"No config job for Ansible roles scheduled":[""],"No previous job executions found":["დავალების წინა შესრულებები ვერ ვიპოვე"],"Source":["წყარო"],"Inherited from Hostgroup":["მემკვიდრეობით ჰოსტების ჯგუფიდან"],"Directly assigned to Host":["ჰოსტზე პირდაპირ მინიჭებული"],"All assigned Ansible roles":["Ansible-ის ყველა მინიჭებული როლი"],"This list consists of host assigned roles and group assigned roles. Group assigned roles will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"No Ansible roles assigned":["Ansible-ის როლები მინიჭებული არ გაქვთ"],"Confirm":["დადასტურება"],"There was a following error when assigning Ansible Roles: %s":[""],"Ansible Roles were successfully assigned.":["Ansible-ის როლები წარმატებით იქნა მინიჭებული."],"Edit Ansible Roles":["Ansible-ის როლების ჩასწორება"],"Add, remove or reorder host assigned Ansible roles. This host has also group assigned roles that are not displayed here and will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"Close":["დახურვა"],"Edit Ansible roles":["Ansible-ის როლების ჩასწორება"],"Ansible roles assigned directly to host":["პირდაპირ ჰოსტზე მიმაგრებული Ansiible-ის როლები"],"view all assigned roles":["ყველა მინიჭებული როლის ნახვა"],"Assign roles directly to the host":[""],"View inherited roles":[""],"No roles assigned directly to the host":[""],"Inventory":["ინვენტარი"],"Import roles and variables started: ":["როლებისა და ცვლადების შემოტანა დაწყებულია: "],"view the task in progress":["ამოცანის მიმდინარეობის ჩვენება"],"Failed to import roles and variables ":["როლებისა და ცვლადების შემოტანის შეცდომა "],"Available Ansible Roles":["Ansible-ის ხელმისაწვდომი როლები"],"Assigned Ansible Roles":["Ansible-ის მინიჭებული როლები"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["ამ ქმედებისთვის საჭირო ავტორიზაცია არ გაგაჩნიათ."],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":[""],"Permission Denied":["წვდომა აკრძალულია"],"This Ansible role is inherited from parent host group":[""],"This Ansible role is inherited from host group":["Ansible-ის ეს როლი ჰოსტის ჯგუფიდანაა მემკვიდრეობით გადმოცემული"],"Use drag and drop to change order of the roles. Ordering of roles is respected for Ansible runs, inherited roles are always before those assigned directly":[""],"Add selected":["ყველა მონიშნული"],"Add all":["ყველას დამატება"],"Remove all":["ყველას წაშლა"],"Remove selected":["მონიშნულის წაშლა"],"%(selectedCount)s of %(totalCount)s items selected":["მონიშნულია %(selectedCount)s ჩანაწერი %(totalCount)s -დან"],"Available Ansible roles":["Ansible-ის ხელმისაწვდომი როლები"],"Host assigned Ansible roles":["ჰოსტზე მინიჭებული Ansible-ის როლები"],"Error!":["შეცდომა!"],"Nothing Found!":["ვერაფერი ვიპოვე!"],"Permission denied":["წვდომა აკრძალულია"],"You are not authorized to view the page. ":["ამ გვერდთან წვდომა არ გაგაჩნიათ. "],"Request the following permissions from administrator: %s.":["ადმინისტრატორისგან შემდეგი წვდომების გამოთხოვა: %s."],"Configure Recurring Job":["განმეორებადი დავალების მორგება"],"Action with sub plans":["ქმედება ქვე-გეგმებით"],"Import Puppet classes":["Puppet-ის კლასების შემოტანა"],"Import facts":["ფაქტების შემოტანა"],"Remote action:":["დაშორებული ქმედება:"],"Ansible support in Foreman":["Ansible-ის მხარდაჭერა Foreman-ში"]}}};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['ko'] = {"domain":"foreman_ansible","locale_data":{"foreman_ansible":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_ansible 10.1.0","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2018-11-14 21:36+0000","Last-Translator":"Bryan Kearney <>, 2022","Language-Team":"Korean (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ko","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ko","domain":"foreman_ansible","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"},"No added or removed roles nor variables.":[""],"No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.":[""],"No changes in variables detected on %s.":[""],"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hosts":[""],"IDs of hosts included in inventory":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups":[""],"IDs of hostgroups included in inventory":[""],"Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report":[""],"Hash of input values of type input=>value":[""],"Report format, defaults to '%s'":[""],"Override match":["일치 항목 덮어쓰기"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Create an override value for a specific ansible variable":[""],"Destroy an override value":[""],"Sync Ansible playbooks":[""],"Smart Proxy to sync from":[""],"Ansible playbooks names to be synced":[""],"Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced":[""],"Smart Proxy to fetch from":[""],"Smart proxy id is required":[""],"Show role":[""],"List Ansible roles":[""],"Deletes Ansible role":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles":[""],"Smart Proxy to import from":[""],"Ansible role names to be imported":[""],"Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled":[""],"Sync Ansible roles":[""],"Ansible role names to be synced":[""],"No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables":[""],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles":[""],"Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced":[""],"Show variable":[""],"List Ansible variables":[""],"Deletes Ansible variable":[""],"Name of variable":["변수 이름"],"Role ID":[""],"Default value of variable":["변수의 기본값"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["활성화된 경우 매개 변수가 UI에서 숨겨집니다."],"The order in which values are resolved":["값이 해결되는 순서 "],"Description of variable":["변수 설명"],"Types of validation values":["검증 값의 유형"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["특정 값을 매개 변수 값에 적용하는 데 사용됩니다."],"Types of variable values":["변수 값의 유형"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["일치하는 모든 값 병합(배열/해시 유형만)"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["일치하는 모든 값을 병합할 때 기본값 포함"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["중복 값 삭제(배열 유형만)"],"Whether to override variable or not":[""],"Create Ansible variable":[""],"Updates Ansible variable":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. This will only import variables for already existing roles, it will not import any new roles":[""],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible variables. This will only obsolete variables for already existing roles, it will not delete any old roles":[""],"Runs all Ansible roles on a hostgroup":[""],"Runs all Ansible roles on hostgroups":[""],"IDs of hostgroups to play roles on":[""],"List all Ansible roles for a hostgroup":[""],"Assigns Ansible roles to a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible roles to assign to a hostgroup":[""],"Directly add an Ansible role to a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible role to add to a hostgroup":[""],"Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible role to remove from a hostgroup":[""],"IDs of associated ansible roles":[""],"Runs all Ansible roles on a host":[""],"Runs all Ansible roles on hosts":[""],"IDs of hosts to play roles on":[""],"List all Ansible roles for a host":[""],"Assigns Ansible roles to a host":[""],"Ansible roles to assign to a host":[""],"Directly add an Ansible role to a host":[""],"Ansible role to add to a host":[""],"Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a host":[""],"Ansible role to remove from a host":[""],"Enable the callback plugin for this template":[""],"Host group has no associated hosts":[""],"There are no Ansible roles to play":[""],"Could not run Ansible roles for %{host}":[""],"Host not found by id: %s":[""],"Ansible Variable not found by id: %s":[""],"Run all Ansible roles":[""],"Run all Ansible roles on hosts belonging to this host group":[""],"Configure Ansible Job":[""],"No roles/hosts assigned":[""],"No additional data":[""],"Show full value":[""],"Add":["추가 "],"Remove":["삭제 "],"Update":["업데이트 "],"Import Role":[""],"Remove Role":[""],"Update Role Variables":[""],"Import from %s":["%s에서 가져오기 "],"Ansible Role":[""],"Import":["불러오기"],"%s ago":["%s 전 "],"Upgrade":[""],"Import roles And Variables":[""],"Foreman":[""],"Unable to get roles from Ansible":[""],"Unable to get roles/variables from Ansible":[""],"Unable to get playbook's names from Ansible":[""],"Unable to get playbooks from Ansible":[""],"Tags":["태그"],"Include/Exclude Tags":[""],"Ansible provider specific inputs":[""],"A comma separated list of tags to use for Ansible run":[""],"Include\\\\Exclude tags for Ansible run":[""],"Task Details":["작업 상세 정보 "],"Remediation Plan":[""],"Job Details":[""],"Proxy not found":[""],"Changed Ansible roles":[""],"Ansible Roles":[""],"Role|Name":["이름 "],"Hostgroups":["호스트 그룹 "],"Hosts":["호스트"],"Variables":["변수 "],"Imported at":[""],"Actions":["동작 "],"Delete %s?":["%s 을(를) 삭제하시겠습니까?"],"No Ansible Roles were found in Foreman. If you want to assign roles to your hosts,\\n you have to import them first.":[""],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["설명서에서 자세한 내용을 참조하십시오."],"Ansible Variable Details (Imported)":[""],"Ansible Variable Details":[""],"Default Behavior":[""],"Override the default value of the Ansible variable.":[""],"Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Ansible role of this variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added to Ansible inventory as a host variable. Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable.":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":["일치하지 않는 경우 사용할 값입니다."],"Hidden Value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["이 매개 변수의 값을 모두 숨깁니다."],"Optional Input Validator":[""],"Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["체크되어 있을 경우 기본값이 없고 matcher가 값을 지정하지 않을 경우 오류가 표시됩니다."],"Prioritize Attribute Order":[""],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["값을 확인하는 순서를 설정합니다."],"Order":["순서"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["matcher 키가 처리되는 순서입니다. 먼저 일치하는 것이 우선합니다. <br> matcher 키로 여러 속성을 사용할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 <code>host group, environment</code> 순서의 경우 <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>과 같은 matcher를 예상할 수 있습니다 "],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["일치하는 모든 값을 병합할 때 기본값을 포함합니다."],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["값을 병합할 때 중복 값을 제외하시겠습니까(배열 유형만)?"],"Specify Matchers":[""],"Ansible Variables":[""],"Edit %s":["%s 편집 "],"Edit Ansible Variable":[""],"New Ansible Variable":[""],"Variable|Name":[""],"Variable|Role":[""],"Type":["유형 "],"Imported?":[""],"Overriden":[""],"Create Ansible Variable":[""],"Ansible check mode":[""],"Notice that ansible roles run in check mode.":[""],"Level":["레벨 "],"Task":["작업"],"Message":["메세지 "],"Nothing to show":["표시할 것이 없습니다 "],"Enable Ansible Callback":[""],"Ansible":[""],"Jobs":["작업"],"Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully":[""],"Roles":["역할 "],"Import roles and variables has finished successfully":[""],"Playbooks":[""],"Import playbooks has finished successfully":[""],"Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in lieu of a password Override with \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" host parameter":[""],"Private Key Path":[""],"Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. 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Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot.":[""],"Post-provision timeout":[""],"Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.":[""],"Ansible report timeout":[""],"Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval":[""],"%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled":[""],"Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory":[""],"Default Ansible inventory report template":[""],"Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar":[""],"Ansible roles to ignore":[""],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. 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Group assigned roles will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"No Ansible roles assigned":[""],"Confirm":["확인"],"There was a following error when assigning Ansible Roles: %s":[""],"Ansible Roles were successfully assigned.":[""],"Edit Ansible Roles":[""],"Add, remove or reorder host assigned Ansible roles. 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Ordering of roles is respected for Ansible runs, inherited roles are always before those assigned directly":[""],"Add selected":[""],"Add all":[""],"Remove all":[""],"Remove selected":[""],"%(selectedCount)s of %(totalCount)s items selected":[""],"Available Ansible roles":[""],"Host assigned Ansible roles":[""],"Error!":[""],"Nothing Found!":[""],"Permission denied":["권한이 거부되었습니다"],"You are not authorized to view the page. ":[""],"Request the following permissions from administrator: %s.":[""],"Configure Recurring Job":[""],"Action with sub plans":["하위 계획이 있는 작업"],"Import Puppet classes":["Puppet 클래스 가져오기"],"Import facts":["팩트 불러오기"],"Remote action:":["원격 작업:"],"Ansible support in Foreman":[""]}}};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['nl_NL'] = {"domain":"foreman_ansible","locale_data":{"foreman_ansible":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_ansible 10.1.0","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2018-11-14 21:36+0000","Last-Translator":"Mark Olie <>, 2022","Language-Team":"Dutch (Netherlands) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"nl_NL","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"nl_NL","domain":"foreman_ansible","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"},"No added or removed roles nor variables.":[""],"No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.":[""],"No changes in variables detected on %s.":[""],"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hosts":[""],"IDs of hosts included in inventory":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups":[""],"IDs of hostgroups included in inventory":[""],"Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report":[""],"Hash of input values of type input=>value":[""],"Report format, defaults to '%s'":[""],"Override match":["Override overeenkomst"],"Override value, required if omit is false":["Override waarde, verplicht als uitsluiten uit staat"],"Create an override value for a specific ansible variable":[""],"Destroy an override value":[""],"Sync Ansible playbooks":[""],"Smart Proxy to sync from":[""],"Ansible playbooks names to be synced":[""],"Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced":[""],"Smart Proxy to fetch from":[""],"Smart proxy id is required":[""],"Show role":[""],"List Ansible roles":[""],"Deletes Ansible role":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles":[""],"Smart Proxy to import from":[""],"Ansible role names to be imported":[""],"Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled":[""],"Sync Ansible roles":[""],"Ansible role names to be synced":[""],"No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables":[""],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles":[""],"Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced":[""],"Show variable":[""],"List Ansible variables":[""],"Deletes Ansible variable":[""],"Name of variable":["Naam van een variabele"],"Role ID":[""],"Default value of variable":["Standaard waarde van een variabele"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Als aangezet dan wordt de parameter wordt hidden in de UI"],"The order in which values are resolved":["De volgorde waarin waarden worden opgezocht"],"Description of variable":["Beschrijving van een variabele"],"Types of validation values":["Types van validatie waarden"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Gebruikt om sommige waarden af te dwingen voor de parameterwaarden"],"Types of variable values":["Types van variabelen"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Voeg alle matching values samen (alleen array/hash types)"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Voeg een default value toe wanneer alle matching waarden worden samengevoegd"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Verwijder dubbele waarden (alleen array type)"],"Whether to override variable or not":[""],"Create Ansible variable":[""],"Updates Ansible variable":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. 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Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot.":[""],"Post-provision timeout":[""],"Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.":[""],"Ansible report timeout":[""],"Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval":[""],"%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled":[""],"Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory":[""],"Default Ansible inventory report template":[""],"Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar":[""],"Ansible roles to ignore":[""],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. 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Ordering of roles is respected for Ansible runs, inherited roles are always before those assigned directly":[""],"Add selected":[""],"Add all":[""],"Remove all":[""],"Remove selected":[""],"%(selectedCount)s of %(totalCount)s items selected":[""],"Available Ansible roles":[""],"Host assigned Ansible roles":[""],"Error!":[""],"Nothing Found!":[""],"Permission denied":[""],"You are not authorized to view the page. ":[""],"Request the following permissions from administrator: %s.":[""],"Configure Recurring Job":[""],"Action with sub plans":[""],"Import Puppet classes":[""],"Import facts":[""],"Remote action:":[""],"Ansible support in Foreman":["Ansible ondersteuning in Foreman"]}}};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['pl'] = {"domain":"foreman_ansible","locale_data":{"foreman_ansible":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_ansible 10.1.0","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2018-11-14 21:36+0000","Last-Translator":"Michał Foryt <>, 2022","Language-Team":"Polish (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"pl","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);","lang":"pl","domain":"foreman_ansible","plural_forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"},"No added or removed roles nor variables.":[""],"No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.":[""],"No changes in variables detected on %s.":[""],"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hosts":[""],"IDs of hosts included in inventory":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups":[""],"IDs of hostgroups included in inventory":[""],"Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report":[""],"Hash of input values of type input=>value":[""],"Report format, defaults to '%s'":[""],"Override match":["Zastąp dopasowanie"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Create an override value for a specific ansible variable":[""],"Destroy an override value":[""],"Sync Ansible playbooks":[""],"Smart Proxy to sync from":[""],"Ansible playbooks names to be synced":[""],"Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced":[""],"Smart Proxy to fetch from":[""],"Smart proxy id is required":[""],"Show role":[""],"List Ansible roles":[""],"Deletes Ansible role":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles":[""],"Smart Proxy to import from":[""],"Ansible role names to be imported":[""],"Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled":[""],"Sync Ansible roles":[""],"Ansible role names to be synced":[""],"No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables":[""],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles":[""],"Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced":[""],"Show variable":[""],"List Ansible variables":[""],"Deletes Ansible variable":[""],"Name of variable":["Nazwa zmiennej"],"Role ID":[""],"Default value of variable":["Domyślna wartość zmiennej"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Gdy upoważniony parametr jest ukryty e UI"],"The order in which values are resolved":["Kolejność, w jakiej wartości są rozwiązane"],"Description of variable":["Opis zmiennej"],"Types of validation values":["Rodzaje walidacji wartości"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Służy do wymuszenia pewnych wartości dla wartości parametrów"],"Types of variable values":["Rodzaje wartości zmiennych"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Scalanie wszystkie pasujących wartości (tylko tablica / typ hash)"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Dołącz wartość domyślną podczas łączenia wszystkich pasujących wartości"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Usuń zduplikowane wartości (tylko typ tablicowy)"],"Whether to override variable or not":[""],"Create Ansible variable":[""],"Updates Ansible variable":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. 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Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable.":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Wartość przydatna, gdy nie ma dopasowania"],"Hidden Value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Ukryj wszystkie wartości dla tego parametru."],"Optional Input Validator":[""],"Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Jeśli zaznaczone, zgłosi błąd, jeśli nie ma wartości domyślnej ani podanej dopasowanej wartości."],"Prioritize Attribute Order":[""],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Ustaw kolejność, w której wartości będą rozwiązane."],"Order":["Kolejność"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Kolejność w jakiej przeprowadza się dopasowanie kluczy, pierwsze dopasowanie wygrywa.<br> Możesz użyć wielu atrybutów przy dopasowywaniu kluczy, np. w kolejności <code>host group, environment</code> będziemy oczekiwać dopasowania takiego jak <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Dołącz wartości domyślne podczas scalania wszystkich dopasowanych wartości."],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["Unikać duplikatów podczas scalania (tylko typy tablicowe)? "],"Specify Matchers":[""],"Ansible Variables":[""],"Edit %s":["Edytuj %s"],"Edit Ansible Variable":[""],"New Ansible Variable":[""],"Variable|Name":[""],"Variable|Role":[""],"Type":["Typ"],"Imported?":[""],"Overriden":[""],"Create Ansible Variable":[""],"Ansible check mode":[""],"Notice that ansible roles run in check mode.":[""],"Level":["Poziom"],"Task":[""],"Message":["Wiadomość"],"Nothing to show":["Nie ma nic do pokazania"],"Enable Ansible Callback":[""],"Ansible":[""],"Jobs":[""],"Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully":[""],"Roles":["Zadania"],"Import roles and variables has finished successfully":[""],"Playbooks":[""],"Import playbooks has finished successfully":[""],"Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in lieu of a password Override with \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" host parameter":[""],"Private Key Path":[""],"Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. 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Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot.":[""],"Post-provision timeout":[""],"Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.":[""],"Ansible report timeout":[""],"Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval":[""],"%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled":[""],"Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory":[""],"Default Ansible inventory report template":[""],"Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar":[""],"Ansible roles to ignore":[""],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. 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Group assigned roles will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"No Ansible roles assigned":[""],"Confirm":[""],"There was a following error when assigning Ansible Roles: %s":[""],"Ansible Roles were successfully assigned.":[""],"Edit Ansible Roles":[""],"Add, remove or reorder host assigned Ansible roles. This host has also group assigned roles that are not displayed here and will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"Close":["Zamknij"],"Edit Ansible roles":[""],"Ansible roles assigned directly to host":[""],"view all assigned roles":[""],"Assign roles directly to the host":[""],"View inherited roles":[""],"No roles assigned directly to the host":[""],"Inventory":[""],"Import roles and variables started: ":[""],"view the task in progress":[""],"Failed to import roles and variables ":[""],"Available Ansible Roles":[""],"Assigned Ansible Roles":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień, aby wykonać tą akcję."],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Proszę poprosić o jedno z wymaganych uprawnień wymienionych niżej od administratora Foreman:"],"Permission Denied":[""],"This Ansible role is inherited from parent host group":[""],"This Ansible role is inherited from host group":[""],"Use drag and drop to change order of the roles. Ordering of roles is respected for Ansible runs, inherited roles are always before those assigned directly":[""],"Add selected":[""],"Add all":[""],"Remove all":[""],"Remove selected":[""],"%(selectedCount)s of %(totalCount)s items selected":[""],"Available Ansible roles":[""],"Host assigned Ansible roles":[""],"Error!":[""],"Nothing Found!":[""],"Permission denied":["Odmowa dostępu"],"You are not authorized to view the page. ":[""],"Request the following permissions from administrator: %s.":[""],"Configure Recurring Job":[""],"Action with sub plans":[""],"Import Puppet classes":[""],"Import facts":[""],"Remote action:":[""],"Ansible support in Foreman":[""]}}};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['pt_BR'] = {"domain":"foreman_ansible","locale_data":{"foreman_ansible":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_ansible 10.1.0","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2018-11-14 21:36+0000","Last-Translator":"Amit Upadhye <>, 2022","Language-Team":"Portuguese (Brazil) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"pt_BR","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;","lang":"pt_BR","domain":"foreman_ansible","plural_forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"},"No added or removed roles nor variables.":["Nenhum papel adicionado ou removido, nem variáveis."],"No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.":["Nenhum papel adicionado ou removido nem variáveis detectadas em %s."],"No changes in variables detected on %s.":["Nenhuma alteração em variáveis detectada em %s."],"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.":["Não foi encontrado nenhum proxy para importar variáveis, certifique-se de que o proxy inteligente tenha o recurso Ansible habilitado."],"Show Ansible inventory for hosts":["Exibir inventário do Ansible para os hosts"],"IDs of hosts included in inventory":["IDs de hosts incluídos no inventário"],"Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups":["Exibir inventário do Ansible para os grupos de hosts"],"IDs of hostgroups included in inventory":["IDs de grupos de hosts incluídos no inventário"],"Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report":["Agendar geração de relatório de inventário do Ansible"],"Hash of input values of type input=>value":["Hash de valores de entrada do tipo input=>value"],"Report format, defaults to '%s'":["Formato do relatório, o padrão é '%s'"],"Override match":["perfeita substituição"],"Override value, required if omit is false":["Valor de substituição, necessário se omitir for falso"],"Create an override value for a specific ansible variable":["Criar um valor de substituição para uma variável específica do Ansible"],"Destroy an override value":["Destruir um valor de substituição"],"Sync Ansible playbooks":["Sync Ansible playbooks"],"Smart Proxy to sync from":["Smart Proxy para sincronização a partir de"],"Ansible playbooks names to be synced":["Nomes possíveis de playbooks a serem sincronizados"],"Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced":["Buscar Livros didáticos possíveis a serem sincronizados"],"Smart Proxy to fetch from":["Proxy inteligente a partir do qual buscar"],"Smart proxy id is required":["É necessária a ID de proxy inteligente"],"Show role":["Mostrar função"],"List Ansible roles":["Listar regras do Ansible"],"Deletes Ansible role":["Excluir função do Ansible"],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles":["DEPRECADO: Importação Funções possíveis"],"Smart Proxy to import from":["Proxy 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da função"],"Default value of variable":["Valor padrão da variável"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Quando habilitado, o parâmetro fica oculto na IU "],"The order in which values are resolved":["A ordem na qual os valores são resolvidos"],"Description of variable":["Descrição da variável"],"Types of validation values":["Tipos de valores de validação"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Usado para impor certos valores aos valores do parâmetro "],"Types of variable values":["Tipos de valores de validação"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Mesclar todos os valores correspondentes (somente tipo de hash/ matriz)"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Incluir valor padrão quando mesclando todos os valores correspondentes "],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Remover valores duplicados (somente tipo de matriz)"],"Whether to override variable or not":["Se a variável deve ou não ser substituída"],"Create Ansible variable":["Criar uma variável do Ansible"],"Updates Ansible variable":["Atualiza a variável do Ansible"],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. 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Isso tornará obsoletas apenas variáveis para funções já existentes, não excluirá nenhuma função antiga"],"Runs all Ansible roles on a hostgroup":["Executa todas as funções do Ansible em um grupo de hosts"],"Runs all Ansible roles on hostgroups":["Executa todas as funções do Ansible em grupos de hosts"],"IDs of hostgroups to play roles on":["IDs de grupos de hosts nas quais executar funções"],"List all Ansible roles for a hostgroup":["Lista de todas as funções do Ansible para um grupo de hosts"],"Assigns Ansible roles to a hostgroup":["Atribui funções do Ansible a um grupo de hosts"],"Ansible roles to assign to a hostgroup":["Funções do Ansible para atribuir a um grupo de hosts"],"Directly add an Ansible role to a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible role to add to a hostgroup":[""],"Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible role to remove from a hostgroup":[""],"IDs of associated ansible roles":["IDs das funções do Ansible associadas"],"Runs all Ansible roles on a host":["Executa todas as funções do Ansible em um host"],"Runs all Ansible roles on hosts":["Executa todas as funções do Ansible em hosts"],"IDs of hosts to play roles on":["IDs dos hosts nos quais executar funções"],"List all Ansible roles for a host":["Lista de todas as funções do Ansible para um host"],"Assigns Ansible roles to a host":["Atribui funções do Ansible a um host"],"Ansible roles to assign to a host":["Funções do Ansible para atribuir a um host"],"Directly add an Ansible role to a host":[""],"Ansible role to add to a host":[""],"Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a host":[""],"Ansible role to remove from a host":[""],"Enable the callback plugin for this template":[""],"Host group has no associated hosts":["O grupo de hosts não tem hosts associados a ele"],"There are no Ansible roles to play":["Não há funções do Ansible a serem executadas"],"Could not run Ansible roles for %{host}":["Não foi possível executar as funções do Ansible para %{host}"],"Host not found by id: %s":["Hospedeiro não encontrado por identificação: %s"],"Ansible Variable not found by id: %s":["Variável possível não encontrada por id: %s"],"Run all Ansible roles":["Executar todas as funções do Ansible"],"Run all Ansible roles on hosts belonging to this host group":["Executar todas as funções do Ansible em hosts pertencentes a este grupo de hosts"],"Configure Ansible Job":[""],"No roles/hosts assigned":[""],"No additional data":["Sem dados adicionais"],"Show full value":[""],"Add":["Adicionar"],"Remove":["Remover"],"Update":["Atualizar"],"Import Role":["Papel da importação"],"Remove Role":["Remover o papel"],"Update Role Variables":["Atualização de variáveis de função"],"Import from %s":["Importar de %s"],"Ansible Role":["Função do Ansible"],"Import":["Importar"],"%s ago":["%s atrás"],"Upgrade":[""],"Import roles And Variables":["Papéis e variáveis de importação"],"Foreman":["Foreman"],"Unable to get roles from Ansible":["Não foi possível obter funções do Ansible"],"Unable to get roles/variables from Ansible":["Não foi possível obter funções/variáveis do Ansible"],"Unable to get playbook's names from Ansible":["Incapaz de obter os nomes dos livros de brincar de Ansible"],"Unable to get playbooks from Ansible":["Incapaz de obter livros de leitura do Ansible"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Include/Exclude Tags":["Incluir/Excluir Tags"],"Ansible provider specific inputs":["Insumos específicos de fornecedores possíveis"],"A comma separated list of tags to use for Ansible run":["Uma lista separada por vírgulas de etiquetas a serem usadas para a execução Ansible run"],"Include\\\\Exclude tags for Ansible run":["Incluir\\\\Excluir tags para execução possível"],"Task Details":["Detalhes da tarefa"],"Remediation Plan":["Plano de remediação"],"Job Details":["Detalhes do trabalho"],"Proxy not found":["Proxy não encontrado"],"Changed Ansible roles":["Funções do Ansible alteradas"],"Ansible Roles":["Funções do Ansible"],"Role|Name":["Nome"],"Hostgroups":["Grupos de hosts"],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Variables":["Variáveis"],"Imported at":["Importado em"],"Actions":["Ações"],"Delete %s?":["Excluir"],"No Ansible Roles were found in Foreman. If you want to assign roles to your hosts,\\n you have to import them first.":["Nenhuma função do Ansible foi encontrada no Foreman. Se desejar atribuir funções a seus hosts,\\n importe-as primeiro."],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Para saber mais sobre isto, acesse a documentação."],"Ansible Variable Details (Imported)":["Detalhes das variáveis do Ansible (importadas)"],"Ansible Variable Details":["Detalhes das variáveis do Ansible"],"Default Behavior":["Comportamento do parâmetro"],"Override the default value of the Ansible variable.":["Substitua o valor padrão da variável do Ansible."],"Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Ansible role of this variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added to Ansible inventory as a host variable. Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable.":["Marque a variável a ser gerenciada pelo Foreman. Quando a função do Ansible dessa variável estiver atribuída a um host, o valor padrão será adicionado ao inventário do Ansible como uma variável de host. Especifique as correspondências para definir um valor diferente para essa variável."],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Valor a ser usado quando não há correspondências. "],"Hidden Value":["Valor oculto"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Ocultar todos os valores para este parâmetro."],"Optional Input Validator":["Validador de entrada opcional"],"Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation.":["Antes de incluir essas variáveis nos playbooks, o Foreman verificará se elas estão em conformidade com a validação."],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Se verificado, surgirá um erro caso não haja valor padrão e nenhum coincidente fornecer um valor."],"Prioritize Attribute Order":["Priorizar ordem de atributos "],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Definir a ordem em que os valores serão resolvidos. "],"Order":["Ordem"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["A ordem em que as chaves de correspondência são processadas​​, a primeira combinação vence. <br> Você pode usar vários atributos como uma chave de correspondência, por exemplo, uma ordem de <code> grupo de host, ambiente </code> esperaria uma correspondência como <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>."],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":["Continuar a buscar correspondências após o primeiro resultado (somente tipo matriz/hash)? Observação: mesclar substituições ignora todas as correspondências que são omitidas."],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Incluir valor padrão quando mesclando todos os valores correspondentes."],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["Evitar valores duplicados quando mesclando-os (somente tipo de matriz)?"],"Specify Matchers":["Especificar correspondências "],"Ansible Variables":["Variáveis do Ansible"],"Edit %s":["Editar"],"Edit Ansible Variable":["Editar variável do Ansible"],"New Ansible Variable":["Nova variável do Ansible"],"Variable|Name":["Variável|Nome"],"Variable|Role":["Variável|Função"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Imported?":["Importado?"],"Overriden":["Substituído"],"Create Ansible Variable":["Criar uma variável do Ansible"],"Ansible check mode":["Modo de verificação possível"],"Notice that ansible roles run in check mode.":["Observe que as funções possíveis são executadas em modo de verificação."],"Level":["Nível"],"Task":["Tarefa"],"Message":["Mensagem"],"Nothing to show":["Nada para exibir"],"Enable Ansible Callback":[""],"Ansible":["Ansible"],"Jobs":["Trabalhos"],"Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully":["A remediação de insights no(s) host(s) %{hosts_count} foi concluída com êxito"],"Roles":["Papéis"],"Import roles and variables has finished successfully":["As funções e variáveis de importação terminaram com sucesso"],"Playbooks":["Livros didáticos"],"Import playbooks has finished successfully":["A importação de livros didáticos foi concluída com sucesso"],"Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in lieu of a password Override with \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" host parameter":["Use isso para fornecer um caminho para uma chave privada de SSH que o Ansible usará no lugar de uma senha de substituição com o parâmetro de host \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\""],"Private Key Path":["Caminho da chave privada"],"Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_connection\\\"":["Use esse tipo de conexão por padrão ao executar playbooks do Ansible. Você pode substituir isso em hosts adicionando um parâmetro \\\"ansible_connection\\\"."],"Connection type":["Tipo de conexão"],"Enable/disable WinRM server certificate validation when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\\\"":["Ativar/desativar a validação do certificado do servidor WinRM ao executar playbooks do Ansible. Você pode substituir isso em hosts adicionando um parâmetro \\\"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\\\"."],"WinRM cert Validation":["Validação de certificado WinRM"],"Foreman will add this level of verbosity for additional debugging output when running Ansible playbooks.":["O Foreman adicionará esse nível de detalhamento para uma saída de depuração adicional ao executar os playbooks do Ansible."],"Default verbosity level":["Nível do padrão de detalhamento"],"Disabled":["Desativado"],"Level 1 (-v)":["Nível 1 (-v)"],"Level 2 (-vv)":["Nível 2 (-vv)"],"Level 3 (-vvv)":["Nível 3 (-vvv)"],"Level 4 (-vvvv)":["Nível 4 (-vvvv)"],"Timeout (in seconds) to set when Foreman will trigger a play Ansible roles task after a host is fully provisioned. Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot.":["Tempo limite (em segundos) para definir quando o Foreman acionará a tarefa de funções do Ansible depois que um host é totalmente provisionado. Defina isso para o tempo máximo que você espera que um host leve até estar pronto após uma reinicialização."],"Post-provision timeout":["Tempo limite pós-provisão"],"Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.":["Limite de tempo (em minutos) em que os hosts devem ser reportados."],"Ansible report timeout":["Limite de tempo do relatório do Ansible"],"Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval":["Desabilitar o status de configuração do host para que fique fora de sincronização para %s depois que o relatório não chegar no intervalo configurado"],"%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled":["%s fora de sincronização desabilitado"],"Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory":["O Foreman usará esse template para agendar o relatório com o inventário do Ansible"],"Default Ansible inventory report template":["Template padrão de relatório de inventário do Ansible"],"Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar":["Essas funções serão excluídas ao importar funções de proxy inteligente, A entrada esperada é valores separados por vírgula e você pode usar * metacaracteres wildcard Por exemplo: foo*, *b*,*bar"],"Ansible roles to ignore":["Possíveis papéis a ignorar"],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. If set, overrides foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size setting for Ansible jobs.":["Número de tarefas que devem ser enviadas ao procurador inteligente em uma solicitação, se o acionador de tarefas do capataz estiver habilitado. Se definido, anula a configuração de tamanho do foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size para trabalhos Ansible."],"Proxy tasks batch size for Ansible":["Tarefas de Proxy Tamanho do lote para Ansible"],"Update Smart Proxy":[""],"Run Ansible roles":["Executar funções do Ansible"],"Runs an Ansible playbook which contains all the roles defined for a host":["Executa um playbook do Ansible que contém todas as funções definidas por um host"],"Ansible: Run Insights maintenance plan":["Ansible: executar plano de manutenção de insights"],"Runs a given maintenance plan from Red Hat Access Insights given an ID.":["Executa um determinado plano de manutenção a partir do Red Hat Access Insights dada uma ID."],"Run playbook":["Executar playbook"],"Run an Ansible playbook against given hosts":["Executar um playbook do Ansible em determinados hosts"],"Enable web console":["Habilitar console web"],"Run an Ansible playbook to enable web console on given hosts":["Execute um livro de reprodução possível para habilitar o console web em determinados hosts"],"Upgrade Capsules on given hosts":["Atualização de cápsulas em determinados anfitriões"],"Upgrade Capsules on given Capsule server hosts":["Atualização de cápsulas em determinados hosts de servidor de cápsulas"],"Name":["Nome"],"Ansible role":["Função do Ansible"],"Value":["Valor"],"Source attribute":["Atributo da fonte"],"Delete":["Excluir"],"Delete Ansible variable override":["Excluir Ansible variable override"],"Are you sure you want to delete override for %s?":["Você tem certeza de que deseja excluir a substituição para %s?"],"Default value":["Valor padrão"],"Ansible variable override was successfully deleted.":["Uma possível substituição de variável foi eliminada com sucesso."],"There was a following error when deleting Ansible variable override: %s":["Houve um erro seguinte ao apagar o Ansible variable override: %s"],"Invalid, expected to match a regex: %s":["Inválido, esperado corresponder a um regex: %s"],"Invalid, expected one of: %s":["Inválido, espera-se um dos: %s"],"is required":["é necessário"],"There was a following error when changing Ansible variable override: %s":["Houve um erro seguinte ao alterar o Ansible variable override: %s"],"Ansible variable override successfully changed.":["A substituição de variável possível foi alterada com sucesso."],"true":["verdadeiro"],"false":["false"],"No Ansible variables found for Host":["Não foram encontradas variáveis possíveis para o Host"],"Only variables marked to Override are shown here.":["Somente variáveis marcadas para Substituir são mostradas aqui."],"There was a following error when deleting Ansible config job: %s":["Houve um erro seguinte ao excluir o trabalho de configuração do Ansible config: %s"],"Ansible job was successfully canceled.":["Um possível trabalho foi cancelado com sucesso."],"(from host group)":["(do grupo anfitrião)"],"hourly":["de hora em hora"],"daily":["Diário"],"weekly":["Semanal"],"monthly":["Mensal"],"Must not be in the past":["Não deve estar no passado"],"Required field":[""],"There was a following error when creating Ansible job: %s":["Houve um erro seguinte ao criar um Trabalho Possível: %s"],"Ansible job was successfully created.":["Um trabalho possível foi criado com sucesso."],"Submit":["Enviar"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"This job will run all the assigned Ansible roles.":[""],"For more advanced scheduling options":[""],"view remote execution page.":[""],"Schedule recurring Ansible roles job":[""],"Description":["Descrição"],"Result":["Resultado"],"State":["Estado"],"Executed at":["Executado em"],"Schedule":["Agendamento"],"Previously executed jobs":["Trabalhos executados anteriormente"],"Next Run":["Próxima execução"],"Cancel Ansible config job":["Cancelar trabalho de configuração possível"],"Are you sure you want to cancel Ansible config job?":["Você tem certeza de que quer cancelar o trabalho de configuração de Ansible config?"],"Scheduled recurring jobs":["Trabalhos recorrentes programados"],"Schedule recurring job":["Programação de trabalhos recorrentes"],"No config job for Ansible roles scheduled":["Nenhum trabalho de configuração para funções possíveis programadas"],"No previous job executions found":["Não foram encontradas execuções de trabalhos anteriores"],"Source":["Origem"],"Inherited from Hostgroup":["Herdado do Hostgroup"],"Directly assigned to Host":["Diretamente designado ao Host"],"All assigned Ansible roles":["Todos os papéis possíveis atribuídos"],"This list consists of host assigned roles and group assigned roles. Group assigned roles will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"No Ansible roles assigned":["Nenhum papel possível atribuído"],"Confirm":["Confirmar"],"There was a following error when assigning Ansible Roles: %s":["Houve um erro seguinte na atribuição de funções possíveis: %s"],"Ansible Roles were successfully assigned.":["Funções possíveis foram atribuídas com sucesso."],"Edit Ansible Roles":["Listar regras do Ansible"],"Add, remove or reorder host assigned Ansible roles. This host has also group assigned roles that are not displayed here and will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"Close":["Fechar"],"Edit Ansible roles":["Listar regras do Ansible"],"Ansible roles assigned directly to host":["Possíveis funções atribuídas diretamente ao anfitrião"],"view all assigned roles":["ver todas as funções atribuídas"],"Assign roles directly to the host":[""],"View inherited roles":[""],"No roles assigned directly to the host":[""],"Inventory":["Inventário"],"Import roles and variables started: ":["Início das funções e variáveis de importação: "],"view the task in progress":["ver a tarefa em andamento"],"Failed to import roles and variables ":["Falha na importação de papéis e variáveis "],"Available Ansible Roles":["Funções possíveis disponíveis"],"Assigned Ansible Roles":["Atribuição de funções possíveis"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Você não está autorizado a executar essa ação."],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Por favor, solicite uma das permissões necessárias listadas abaixo através de um administrador Foreman:"],"Permission Denied":["Permissão recusada"],"This Ansible role is inherited from parent host group":["Este papel possível é herdado do grupo anfitrião dos pais"],"This Ansible role is inherited from host group":["Este papel possível é herdado do grupo anfitrião"],"Use drag and drop to change order of the roles. Ordering of roles is respected for Ansible runs, inherited roles are always before those assigned directly":["Use arrastar e soltar para mudar a ordem dos papéis. A ordenação dos papéis é respeitada para as corridas possíveis, os papéis herdados são sempre anteriores aos atribuídos diretamente."],"Add selected":["Adicionar selecionados"],"Add all":["Acrescentar tudo"],"Remove all":["Remover tudo"],"Remove selected":["Remover selecionados"],"%(selectedCount)s of %(totalCount)s items selected":["{0} itens selecionados"],"Available Ansible roles":["Disponíveis Funções possíveis"],"Host assigned Ansible roles":["Anfitrião designado Funções possíveis"],"Error!":["Erro!"],"Nothing Found!":["Nada Encontrado!"],"Permission denied":["Permissão recusada"],"You are not authorized to view the page. ":["Você não está autorizado a ver a página. "],"Request the following permissions from administrator: %s.":["Solicite as seguintes permissões ao administrador: %s."],"Configure Recurring Job":["Configurar Trabalho Recorrente"],"Action with sub plans":["Ação com subplanos "],"Import Puppet classes":["Importar classes de Puppet"],"Import facts":["Importar fatos"],"Remote action:":["Ação remota:"],"Ansible support in Foreman":["Suporte do Ansible no Foreman"]}}};
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['ru'] = {"domain":"foreman_ansible","locale_data":{"foreman_ansible":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_ansible 10.1.0","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2018-11-14 21:36+0000","Last-Translator":"Bryan Kearney <>, 2022","Language-Team":"Russian (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ru","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);","lang":"ru","domain":"foreman_ansible","plural_forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"},"No added or removed roles nor variables.":[""],"No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.":[""],"No changes in variables detected on %s.":[""],"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hosts":[""],"IDs of hosts included in inventory":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups":[""],"IDs of hostgroups included in inventory":[""],"Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report":[""],"Hash of input values of type input=>value":[""],"Report format, defaults to '%s'":[""],"Override match":["Условие переопределения"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Create an override value for a specific ansible variable":[""],"Destroy an override value":[""],"Sync Ansible playbooks":[""],"Smart Proxy to sync from":[""],"Ansible playbooks names to be synced":[""],"Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced":[""],"Smart Proxy to fetch from":[""],"Smart proxy id is required":[""],"Show role":[""],"List Ansible roles":[""],"Deletes Ansible role":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles":[""],"Smart Proxy to import from":[""],"Ansible role names to be imported":[""],"Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled":[""],"Sync Ansible roles":[""],"Ansible role names to be synced":[""],"No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables":[""],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles":[""],"Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced":[""],"Show variable":[""],"List Ansible variables":[""],"Deletes Ansible variable":[""],"Name of variable":["Имя переменной"],"Role ID":[""],"Default value of variable":["Значение по умолчанию для переменной"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Если включено, параметр будет скрыт"],"The order in which values are resolved":["Порядок обработки значений"],"Description of variable":["Описание переменной"],"Types of validation values":["Типы значений проверок"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Используется для обеспечения определенных значений для значений параметров"],"Types of variable values":["Типы значений переменных"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Слить все совпадающие значения (только для типов массив/хэш)"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["При объединении совпадающих значений также включить значение, используемое по умолчанию"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Удалить повторяющиеся значения (только для массива)"],"Whether to override variable or not":[""],"Create Ansible variable":[""],"Updates Ansible variable":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. This will only import variables for already existing roles, it will not import any new roles":[""],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible variables. This will only obsolete variables for already existing roles, it will not delete any old roles":[""],"Runs all Ansible roles on a hostgroup":[""],"Runs all Ansible roles on hostgroups":[""],"IDs of hostgroups to play roles on":[""],"List all Ansible roles for a hostgroup":[""],"Assigns Ansible roles to a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible roles to assign to a hostgroup":[""],"Directly add an Ansible role to a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible role to add to a hostgroup":[""],"Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a hostgroup":[""],"Ansible role to remove from a hostgroup":[""],"IDs of associated ansible roles":[""],"Runs all Ansible roles on a host":[""],"Runs all Ansible roles on hosts":[""],"IDs of hosts to play roles on":[""],"List all Ansible roles for a host":[""],"Assigns Ansible roles to a host":[""],"Ansible roles to assign to a host":[""],"Directly add an Ansible role to a host":[""],"Ansible role to add to a host":[""],"Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a host":[""],"Ansible role to remove from a host":[""],"Enable the callback plugin for this template":[""],"Host group has no associated hosts":[""],"There are no Ansible roles to play":[""],"Could not run Ansible roles for %{host}":[""],"Host not found by id: %s":[""],"Ansible Variable not found by id: %s":[""],"Run all Ansible roles":[""],"Run all Ansible roles on hosts belonging to this host group":[""],"Configure Ansible Job":[""],"No roles/hosts assigned":[""],"No additional data":[""],"Show full value":[""],"Add":["Добавить"],"Remove":["Удалить"],"Update":["Обновить"],"Import Role":[""],"Remove Role":[""],"Update Role Variables":[""],"Import from %s":["Импорт с %s"],"Ansible Role":[""],"Import":["Импорт"],"%s ago":["%s назад"],"Upgrade":[""],"Import roles And Variables":[""],"Foreman":[""],"Unable to get roles from Ansible":[""],"Unable to get roles/variables from Ansible":[""],"Unable to get playbook's names from Ansible":[""],"Unable to get playbooks from Ansible":[""],"Tags":["Метки"],"Include/Exclude Tags":[""],"Ansible provider specific inputs":[""],"A comma separated list of tags to use for Ansible run":[""],"Include\\\\Exclude tags for Ansible run":[""],"Task Details":["Описание задачи"],"Remediation Plan":[""],"Job Details":[""],"Proxy not found":[""],"Changed Ansible roles":[""],"Ansible Roles":[""],"Role|Name":["Имя"],"Hostgroups":["Группы узлов"],"Hosts":["Узлы"],"Variables":["Переменные"],"Imported at":[""],"Actions":["Действия"],"Delete %s?":["Удалить %s?"],"No Ansible Roles were found in Foreman. If you want to assign roles to your hosts,\\n you have to import them first.":[""],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Обратиться к документации"],"Ansible Variable Details (Imported)":[""],"Ansible Variable Details":[""],"Default Behavior":[""],"Override the default value of the Ansible variable.":[""],"Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Ansible role of this variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added to Ansible inventory as a host variable. Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable.":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Значение, которое будет использоваться по умолчанию."],"Hidden Value":["Скрытое Значение"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Скрывать значения этого параметра."],"Optional Input Validator":[""],"Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Если установлен, генерирует ошибку в случае, если правило подстановки не присвоило значение и если значение по умолчанию тоже не задано."],"Prioritize Attribute Order":[""],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Здесь можно настроить порядок обработки значений."],"Order":["Порядок"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Ключи обрабатываются по порядку, до первого совпадения.<br>Допускается одновременное использование нескольких атрибутов — например, для последовательности <code>host group, environment</code> условие подстановки может выглядеть так: <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["При объединении совпадающих значений также включить значение, используемое по умолчанию."],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["Избегать повторений при объединении значений (применимо только к массивам)"],"Specify Matchers":[""],"Ansible Variables":[""],"Edit %s":["Изменить %s"],"Edit Ansible Variable":[""],"New Ansible Variable":[""],"Variable|Name":[""],"Variable|Role":[""],"Type":["Тип"],"Imported?":[""],"Overriden":[""],"Create Ansible Variable":[""],"Ansible check mode":[""],"Notice that ansible roles run in check mode.":[""],"Level":["Уровень"],"Task":["Задача"],"Message":["Сообщение"],"Nothing to show":["Нет результатов"],"Enable Ansible Callback":[""],"Ansible":[""],"Jobs":["Задания"],"Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully":[""],"Roles":["Роли"],"Import roles and variables has finished successfully":[""],"Playbooks":[""],"Import playbooks has finished successfully":[""],"Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in lieu of a password Override with \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" host parameter":[""],"Private Key Path":[""],"Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. 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Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot.":[""],"Post-provision timeout":[""],"Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.":[""],"Ansible report timeout":[""],"Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval":[""],"%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled":[""],"Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory":[""],"Default Ansible inventory report template":[""],"Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar":[""],"Ansible roles to ignore":[""],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. 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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['sv_SE'] = {"domain":"foreman_ansible","locale_data":{"foreman_ansible":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_ansible 10.1.0","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2018-11-14 21:36+0000","Last-Translator":"johnny.westerlund <>, 2022","Language-Team":"Swedish (Sweden) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"sv_SE","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"sv_SE","domain":"foreman_ansible","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"},"No added or removed roles nor variables.":[""],"No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.":[""],"No changes in variables detected on %s.":[""],"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hosts":[""],"IDs of hosts included in inventory":[""],"Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups":[""],"IDs of hostgroups included in inventory":[""],"Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report":[""],"Hash of input values of type input=>value":[""],"Report format, defaults to '%s'":[""],"Override match":[""],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Create an override value for a specific ansible variable":[""],"Destroy an override value":[""],"Sync Ansible playbooks":[""],"Smart Proxy to sync from":[""],"Ansible playbooks names to be synced":[""],"Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced":[""],"Smart Proxy to fetch from":[""],"Smart proxy id is required":[""],"Show role":[""],"List Ansible roles":[""],"Deletes Ansible role":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles":[""],"Smart Proxy to import from":[""],"Ansible role names to be imported":[""],"Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled":[""],"Sync Ansible roles":[""],"Ansible role names to be synced":[""],"No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables":[""],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles":[""],"Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced":[""],"Show variable":[""],"List Ansible variables":[""],"Deletes Ansible variable":[""],"Name of variable":[""],"Role ID":[""],"Default value of variable":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"The order in which values are resolved":["I vilken ordning värden slås upp"],"Description of variable":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":[""],"Whether to override variable or not":[""],"Create Ansible variable":[""],"Updates Ansible variable":[""],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. 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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['zh_CN'] = {"domain":"foreman_ansible","locale_data":{"foreman_ansible":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_ansible 10.1.0","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2018-11-14 21:36+0000","Last-Translator":"Amit Upadhye <>, 2022","Language-Team":"Chinese (China) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"zh_CN","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"zh_CN","domain":"foreman_ansible","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"},"No added or removed roles nor variables.":["没有添加或删除角色或变量。"],"No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.":["没有添加或删除 %s 中检测到的角色或变量。"],"No changes in variables detected on %s.":["%s 上没有检测到变量更改。"],"No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.":["没有找到可从中导入变量的代理服务器,请确定智能代理服务器启用了 Ansible 功能。"],"Show Ansible inventory for hosts":["为主机显示 Ansible 库存清单"],"IDs of hosts included in inventory":["清单中包含的主机的 ID"],"Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups":["为主机组显示 Ansible 库存清单"],"IDs of hostgroups included in inventory":["清单中包含的主机组的 ID"],"Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report":["调度生成 Ansible 库存清单报告"],"Hash of input values of type input=>value":["类型为 input=>value 的输入值的哈希"],"Report format, defaults to '%s'":["报告格式,默认为 '%s'"],"Override match":["替代匹配"],"Override value, required if omit is false":["覆盖值,omit 为 false 时必需"],"Create an override value for a specific ansible variable":["为一个特定的 ansible 变量创建一个覆盖值"],"Destroy an override value":["销毁覆盖值"],"Sync Ansible playbooks":["同步 Ansible playbook"],"Smart Proxy to sync from":["从其中进行同步的智能代理"],"Ansible playbooks names to be synced":["要同步的 Ansible playbook 名称"],"Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced":["获取可用于同步的 Ansible playbook"],"Smart Proxy to fetch from":["用来获取的职能代理"],"Smart proxy id is required":["需要智能代理 ID"],"Show role":["显示角色"],"List Ansible roles":["列出 Ansible 角色"],"Deletes Ansible role":["删除 Ansible 角色"],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles":["已弃用:导入 Ansible 角色"],"Smart Proxy to import from":["作为导入来源的智能代理服务器"],"Ansible role names to be imported":["要导入的 Ansible 角色名称"],"Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled":["改为使用同步,从启用了 Ansible 功能的智能代理中同步角色"],"Sync Ansible roles":["同步 Ansible 角色"],"Ansible role names to be synced":["要同步的 Ansible 角色名称"],"No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables":["在指定的 Ansible 角色及其变量中未检测到更改"],"DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles":["已弃用:过时的 Ansible 角色"],"Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced":["获取可以同步的 Ansible 角色"],"Show variable":["显示变量"],"List Ansible variables":["列出 Ansible 变量"],"Deletes Ansible variable":["删除 Ansible 变量"],"Name of variable":["变量名称"],"Role ID":["角色 ID"],"Default value of variable":["变量的默认值"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["何时将启用的参数隐藏到 UI 中"],"The order in which values are resolved":["值解析的順序"],"Description of variable":["变量描述"],"Types of validation values":["验证值类型"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["用来在参数中强制使用某些值"],"Types of variable values":["变量值类型"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["合并所有匹配的值(仅用于阵列/哈希类型)"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["合并所有匹配值时包括默认值"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["删除重复值(仅用于阵列类型)"],"Whether to override variable or not":["是否覆盖变量"],"Create Ansible variable":["创建 Ansible 变量"],"Updates Ansible variable":["更新 Ansible 变量"],"DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. 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If you want to assign roles to your hosts,\\n you have to import them first.":["Foreman 中没有找到 Ansible 角色。如果要分配角色到您的主机,\\n 您必须先导入它们。"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["如需了解更多信息,请参阅文档。"],"Ansible Variable Details (Imported)":["Ansible 变量详情(导入)"],"Ansible Variable Details":["Ansible 变量详请"],"Default Behavior":["默认行为"],"Override the default value of the Ansible variable.":["覆盖 Ansible 变量的默认值"],"Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Ansible role of this variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added to Ansible inventory as a host variable. Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable.":["标记由 Foreman 管理的变量。当此变量的 Ansible 角色分配给主机后,默认值将作为主机变量添加到 Ansible 清单中。指定匹配器以为该变量设置不同的值。"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["未发现匹配时使用的值。"],"Hidden Value":["隐藏值"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["隐藏这个参数的所有值。"],"Optional Input Validator":["可选的输入验证程序"],"Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation.":["在将这些变量包括在您的 playbook 中之前,Foreman将验证您的变量是否符合验证要求。"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["检查后,如果没有默认值,且没有映射程序提供数值,则会创建出错信息。"],"Prioritize Attribute Order":["排列属性优先顺序"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["设定用来解析值的顺序。"],"Order":["顺序"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["处理匹配器键的顺序,第一个会生效。<br>您可以使用多个属性作为匹配器健,例如:<code>host group, environment</code> 会期望一个匹配器,如 <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":["要在找到第一个匹配项后继续查找吗(仅阵列/散列类型)?注意:合并覆盖会忽略所有省略的映射器。"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["合并所有匹配值时包括默认值。"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["合并时是否避免重复值(只适用于阵列类型)?"],"Specify Matchers":["指定匹配器"],"Ansible Variables":["Ansible 变量"],"Edit %s":["编辑 %s"],"Edit Ansible Variable":["编辑 Ansible 变量"],"New Ansible Variable":["新的 Ansible 变量"],"Variable|Name":["Variable|Name"],"Variable|Role":["变量|角色"],"Type":["类型"],"Imported?":["导入?"],"Overriden":["覆盖"],"Create Ansible Variable":["创建 Ansible 变量"],"Ansible check mode":["Ansible 检查模式"],"Notice that ansible roles run in check mode.":["请注意,ansible 角色在检查模式下运行。"],"Level":["等级"],"Task":["任务"],"Message":["信息"],"Nothing to show":["没有可显示的信息"],"Enable Ansible Callback":[""],"Ansible":["Ansible"],"Jobs":["工作"],"Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully":["%{hosts_count} 个主机的 Insights 补救计划已成功完成"],"Roles":["角色"],"Import roles and variables has finished successfully":["导入角色和变量已成功完成"],"Playbooks":["Playbook"],"Import playbooks has finished successfully":["已成功导入 playbook"],"Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in lieu of a password Override with \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" host parameter":["使用此选项提供一个 SSH 私钥路径,供 Ansible 用于代替密码。用 \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" 主机参数覆盖"],"Private Key Path":["私钥路径"],"Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_connection\\\"":["运行 Ansible playbook 时,默认使用这种连接类型。您可以通过添加参数 \\\"ansible_connection\\\" 在主机上覆盖此类型"],"Connection type":["连接类型"],"Enable/disable WinRM server certificate validation when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\\\"":["运行 Ansible playbook 时启用/禁用 WinRM 服务器证书验证。您可以通过添加参数 \\\"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\\\" 在主机上覆盖此选项"],"WinRM cert Validation":["WinRM 证书验证"],"Foreman will add this level of verbosity for additional debugging output when running Ansible playbooks.":["运行 Ansible playbook 时,Foreman 将添加这一详细级别,以获得额外的调试输出。"],"Default verbosity level":["默认详细级别"],"Disabled":["禁用"],"Level 1 (-v)":["级别 1 (-v)"],"Level 2 (-vv)":["级别 2 (-vv)"],"Level 3 (-vvv)":["级别 3 (-vvv)"],"Level 4 (-vvvv)":["级别 4 (-vvvv)"],"Timeout (in seconds) to set when Foreman will trigger a play Ansible roles task after a host is fully provisioned. Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot.":["在主机完全置备后 Foreman 将触发一个扮演 Ansible 角色任务时设置的超时(秒)。将此超时设为您预计主机在重启后准备就绪所需的最长时间。"],"Post-provision timeout":["置备后超时"],"Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.":["主机应该被报告的超时时间(以分钟为单位)"],"Ansible report timeout":["Ansible 报告超时"],"Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval":["禁用在配置的间隔时间后没有获得报告时把主机(%{cfgmgmt})配置状态变为不同步"],"%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled":["%{cfgmgmt} 不同步被禁用"],"Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory":["Foreman 将使用此模板来调度带有 Ansible 库存的报告"],"Default Ansible inventory report template":["默认的 Ansible 库存报告模板"],"Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar":["在从智能代理导入角色时这些角色将被排除。预期的输入为以逗号分隔的值,您可以使用 * 通配符元字符。例如:foo*, *b*,*bar"],"Ansible roles to ignore":["要忽略的 Ansible 角色"],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. If set, overrides foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size setting for Ansible jobs.":["如果启用了 foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger,应发送到一个请求中的智能代理的任务数量。如果设置,则会覆盖 Ansible 作业的 foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size 设置。"],"Proxy tasks batch size for Ansible":["Ansible 的代理任务的批处理大小"],"Update Smart Proxy":[""],"Run Ansible roles":["运行 Ansible 角色"],"Runs an Ansible playbook which contains all the roles defined for a host":["运行 Ansible playbook,它包含为主机定义的所有角色"],"Ansible: Run Insights maintenance plan":["Ansible:运行 Insights 维护计划"],"Runs a given maintenance plan from Red Hat Access Insights given an ID.":["运行给定 ID 的红帽 Access Insights 的给定维护计划。"],"Run playbook":["运行 playbook"],"Run an Ansible playbook against given hosts":["针对指定的主机运行 Ansible playbook"],"Enable web console":["启用 Web 控制台"],"Run an Ansible playbook to enable web console on given hosts":["运行 Ansible playbook 以在给定主机上启用 Web 控制台"],"Upgrade Capsules on given hosts":["在给定主机上升级 Capsule"],"Upgrade Capsules on given Capsule server hosts":["在给定的 Capsule 服务器主机上升级 Capsule"],"Name":["名称"],"Ansible role":["Ansible 角色"],"Value":["值"],"Source attribute":["源属性"],"Delete":["刪除"],"Delete Ansible variable override":["删除 Ansible 变量覆盖"],"Are you sure you want to delete override for %s?":["您确定要为 %s 删除覆盖吗?"],"Default value":["默认值"],"Ansible variable override was successfully deleted.":["Ansible 变量覆盖已成功删除。"],"There was a following error when deleting Ansible variable override: %s":["删除 Ansible 变量覆盖时出现错误:%s"],"Invalid, expected to match a regex: %s":["无效,预期匹配的 与 regex :%s"],"Invalid, expected one of: %s":["无效,预期为 %s 之一"],"is required":["是必需的"],"There was a following error when changing Ansible variable override: %s":["更改 Ansible 变量覆盖时出现错误:%s"],"Ansible variable override successfully changed.":["Ansible 变量覆盖已成功更改。"],"true":["true"],"false":["false"],"No Ansible variables found for Host":["没有为主机找到 Ansible 变量"],"Only variables marked to Override are shown here.":["此处仅显示标记为覆盖的变量。"],"There was a following error when deleting Ansible config job: %s":["删除 Ansible 配置作业时会出现以下错误:%s"],"Ansible job was successfully canceled.":["Ansible 作业已成功取消。"],"(from host group)":["(从主机组中)"],"hourly":["每小时"],"daily":["每日"],"weekly":["每周"],"monthly":["每月"],"Must not be in the past":["不能为过去"],"Required field":[""],"There was a following error when creating Ansible job: %s":["创建 Ansible 作业时出现错误:%s"],"Ansible job was successfully created.":["Ansible 作业已成功创建。"],"Submit":["提交"],"Cancel":["取消"],"This job will run all the assigned Ansible roles.":[""],"For more advanced scheduling options":[""],"view remote execution page.":[""],"Schedule recurring Ansible roles job":[""],"Description":["描述"],"Result":["结果"],"State":["状态"],"Executed at":["执行于"],"Schedule":["调度"],"Previously executed jobs":["之前执行的作业"],"Next Run":["下一次运行"],"Cancel Ansible config job":["取消 Ansible 配置任务"],"Are you sure you want to cancel Ansible config job?":["您确定要取消 Ansible 配置任务吗?"],"Scheduled recurring jobs":["调度的周期性作业"],"Schedule recurring job":["计划周期性作业"],"No config job for Ansible roles scheduled":["没有为 Ansible 角色调度配置作业"],"No previous job executions found":["未找到以前的作业执行"],"Source":["來源:"],"Inherited from Hostgroup":["从主机组中继承"],"Directly assigned to Host":["直接分配给主机"],"All assigned Ansible roles":["所有分配的 Ansible 角色"],"This list consists of host assigned roles and group assigned roles. Group assigned roles will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"No Ansible roles assigned":["没有分配的 Ansible 角色"],"Confirm":["确认"],"There was a following error when assigning Ansible Roles: %s":["在分配 Ansible 角色时出现错误:%s"],"Ansible Roles were successfully assigned.":["Ansible 角色已成功分配。"],"Edit Ansible Roles":["编辑 Ansible 角色"],"Add, remove or reorder host assigned Ansible roles. This host has also group assigned roles that are not displayed here and will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.":[""],"Close":["关闭"],"Edit Ansible roles":["编辑 Ansible 角色"],"Ansible roles assigned directly to host":["直接分配给主机的 Ansible 角色"],"view all assigned roles":["查看所有分配的角色"],"Assign roles directly to the host":[""],"View inherited roles":[""],"No roles assigned directly to the host":[""],"Inventory":["清单"],"Import roles and variables started: ":["导入启动的角色和变量: "],"view the task in progress":["查看正在进行中的任务"],"Failed to import roles and variables ":["导入角色和变量失败 "],"Available Ansible Roles":["可用的 Ansible 角色"],"Assigned Ansible Roles":["分配的 Ansible 角色"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["您没有执行这个操作的授权。"],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["请向 Foreman 管理员请求下列所需权限之一:"],"Permission Denied":["没有足够权限"],"This Ansible role is inherited from parent host group":["此 Ansible 角色从父主机组继承"],"This Ansible role is inherited from host group":["此 Ansible 角色从主机组继承"],"Use drag and drop to change order of the roles. Ordering of roles is respected for Ansible runs, inherited roles are always before those assigned directly":["使用拖放来更改角色的顺序。在 Ansible 运行时会遵循这个顺序,继承的角色始终位于直接分配的角色的前面。"],"Add selected":["添加选择的"],"Add all":["添加所有"],"Remove all":["删除所有"],"Remove selected":["继续选择的"],"%(selectedCount)s of %(totalCount)s items selected":["%(totalCount)s 中的 %(selectedCount)s 个项目被选择"],"Available Ansible roles":["可用的 Ansible 角色"],"Host assigned Ansible roles":["主机分配的 Ansible 角色"],"Error!":["错误!"],"Nothing Found!":["未找到!"],"Permission denied":["没有权限"],"You are not authorized to view the page. ":["您没有权利查看该页面。 "],"Request the following permissions from administrator: %s.":["连续管理员来获得以下权限:%s。"],"Configure Recurring Job":["配置周期性作业"],"Action with sub plans":["有子计划的操作"],"Import Puppet classes":["导入 Puppet 类"],"Import facts":["导入事实"],"Remote action:":["远程操作:"],"Ansible support in Foreman":["Foreman 中的 Ansible 支持"]}}};