foreman-tasks 8.0.1 → 8.0.2

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Files changed (40) hide show
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Any task in paused state can lead to potential inconsistency and needs to be resolved.":["Eine angehaltene Aufgabe stellt einen Prozess dar, der nicht ordnungsgemäß abgeschlossen wurde. Jede Aufgabe im angehaltenen Zustand kann zu potenziellen Inkonsistenzen führen und muss gelöst werden."],"The recommended approach is to investigate the error messages below and in 'errors' tab, address the primary cause of the issue and resume the task.":["Der empfohlene Ansatz besteht darin, die folgenden Fehlermeldungen und auf der Registerkarte \\\"Fehler\\\" zu untersuchen, die Hauptursache des Problems zu beheben und die Aufgabe fortzusetzen."],"troubleshooting documentation":["Dokumentation zur Fehlerbehebung"],"See %{link} for more details on how to resolve the issue":["Weitere Informationen zur Behebung des Problems finden Sie unter %{link}."],"There is %{count} paused task in the system that need attention":["",""],"Schedule":["Plan"],"Execute now":["Jetzt ausführen"],"Schedule future execution":["Zukünftige Ausführung bestimmen"],"Set up recurring execution":["Wiederholte Ausführung einrichten"],"Recurring logics":["Wiederholungslogik"],"Clear Cancelled":["Clear abgebrochen "],"This action will delete all cancelled recurring logics. Please note that this action can't be reversed.":["Diese Aktion löscht alle abgebrochenen wiederkehrenden Logiken. Beachten Sie, dass diese Aktion nicht rückgängig gemacht werden kann."],"ID":["ID"],"Task count":["Anzahl der Aufgaben"],"Action":["Aktion"],"Last occurrence":["Zuletzt vorgekommen"],"Next occurrence":["Nächstes Vorkommen"],"Current iteration":["Aktuelle Wiederholung "],"Iteration limit":["Wiederholungslimit"],"Repeat until":["Wiederholen bis"],"State":["Status"],"Details":["Details"],"Task group common":["Gemeinsame Aufgabengruppen"],"Associated resources":["Zugehörige Ressourcen "],"Latest Warning/Error Tasks":["Letzte Warnung/Fehler-Aufgaben"],"Name":["Name"],"Result":["Ergebnis"],"Started":["Gestartet"],"Task Status":["Aufgabenstatus"],"No. of Tasks":["Nr. der Aufgaben"],"Last start time":["Letzte Startzeit"],"Details of %s task":["Details der Aufgabe %s"],"List of tasks":["Liste der Aufgaben"],"Task Details":["Aufgabendetails"],"Back to tasks":["Zurück zu Aufgaben"],"Foreman Tasks":["Foreman-Aufgaben"],"Recurring Logics":["Wiederkehrende Jobs"],"Number of seconds to wait for synchronous task to finish.":["Anzahl der Sekunden, die für synchronen Job gewartet werden."],"Sync task timeout":["Zeitüberschreitung für Synchronisierungsaufgabe"],"Enable the dynflow console (/foreman_tasks/dynflow) for debugging":["Dynflow-Konsole (/foreman_tasks/dynflow) für die Fehlerdiagnose aktivieren"],"Enable dynflow console":["Dynamische Konsole aktivieren"],"Require user to be authenticated as user with admin rights when accessing dynflow console":["Beim Zugriff auf die Dynflow-Konsole muss der Benutzer als Admin-Benutzer angemeldet sein "],"Require auth for dynflow console":["Authentifizierung für Dynflow-Konsole erforderlich"],"Number of attempts to start a task on the smart proxy before failing":["Anzahl von Versuchen eine Aufgabe auf dem Smart-Proxy zu starten, bevor sie fehlschlägt"],"Proxy action retry count":["Anzahl der Wiederholungsversuche für Proxy-Aktionen"],"Time in seconds between retries":["Zeit in Sekunden zwischen erneuten Versuchen "],"Proxy action retry interval":["Wiederholungsintervall für Proxy-Aktionen"],"Allow triggering tasks on the smart proxy in batches":["Auslösen von Aufgaben auf dem Smart Proxy in Stapeln zulassen"],"Allow proxy batch tasks":["Proxy-Batch-Aufgaben zulassen"],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled":["Anzahl der Aufgaben, die in einer Anfrage an den Smart Proxy gesendet werden sollen, wenn foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger aktiviert ist"],"Proxy tasks batch size":["Batchgröße für Proxy-Aufgaben"],"Url pointing to the task troubleshooting documentation. It should contain %{label} placeholder, that will be replaced with normalized task label (restricted to only alphanumeric characters)). %{version} placeholder is also available.":["URL, die auf die Dokumentation zur Fehlerbehebung bei Aufgaben verweist. Es sollte den Platzhalter %{label} enthalten, der durch ein normalisiertes Aufgabenlabel ersetzt wird (nur auf alphanumerische Zeichen beschränkt). Der Platzhalter %{version} ist ebenfalls verfügbar."],"Tasks troubleshooting URL":["URL zur Fehlerbehebung bei Aufgaben"],"Polling multiplier which is used to multiply the default polling intervals. This can be used to prevent polling too frequently for long running tasks.":["Polling-Multiplikator, der verwendet wird, um die Standard-Polling-Intervalle zu multiplizieren. Dies kann verwendet werden, um zu häufiges Abfragen für lang laufende Aufgaben zu verhindern."],"Polling intervals multiplier":["Abfrageintervall-Multiplikator"],"was resumed":["wurde wieder aufgenommen"],"could not be resumed":["konnte nicht wieder aufgenommen werden"],"task has to be resumable":["Aufgabe muss wiederaufsetzbar sein"],"was cancelled":["fällt aus"],"task has to be cancellable":["Aufgabe muss stornierbar sein"],"resources were unlocked with force.":["Ressourcen wurden mit Gewalt erschlossen."],"cannot be cancelled with force at the moment.":["kann derzeit nicht mit Gewalt storniert werden."],"resources were unlocked ":["Ressourcen wurden freigeschaltet"],"resources cannot be unlocked at the moment.":["Ressourcen können derzeit nicht freigeschaltet werden."],"I understand that this may cause harm and have working database backups of all backend services.":["Mir ist bewusst, dass dieser Vorgang Schaden verursachen kann und ich verfüge über funktionsfähige Sicherungskopien der Datenbanken aller Backend-Dienste."],"Unlock":["Entsperren"],"This will unlock the resources that the task is running against. Please note that this might lead to inconsistent state and should be used with caution, after making sure that the task can't be resumed.":["Entsperrt die Ressourcen, gegen die die Aufgabe läuft. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Vorgang zu einem inkonsistenten Zustand führen kann und mit Vorsicht verwendet werden sollte. Zuerst sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass die Aufgabe nicht fortgesetzt werden kann. "],"Force Unlock":["Entsperren erzwingen"],"Resources for %s task(s) will be unlocked and will not prevent other tasks from being run. As the task(s) might be still running, it should be avoided to use this unless you are really sure the task(s) got stuck.":[""],"Execution plan data not available ":["Ausführungsplandaten nicht verfügbar"],"No errors":["Keine Fehler"],"Input":["Eingang"],"Output":["Ausgabe"],"Exception":["Ausnahme"],"Backtrace":["Ablaufverfolgung"],"You can find resource locks on this page. 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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_tasks'] = locales['foreman_tasks'] || {}; locales['foreman_tasks']['fr'] = {"domain":"foreman_tasks","locale_data":{"foreman_tasks":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_tasks 8.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","POT-Creation-Date":"2023-05-18 08:15+0000","PO-Revision-Date":"2016-02-12 14:04+0000","Last-Translator":"Claer <>, 2016","Language-Team":"French (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"fr","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;","lang":"fr","domain":"foreman_tasks","plural_forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"},"List recurring logics":["Lister les logiques récurrentes"],"Show recurring logic details":["Afficher les détails des logiques récurrentes"],"Update recurring logic":["Mettre à jour la logique récurrente"],"Cancel recurring logic":["Annuler la logique récurrente"],"Delete recurring logics by search query":["Supprimer les logiques récurrentes par requête de recherche"],"Search query":["Requête de recherche"],"Please provide a search parameter in the request":["Veuillez indiquer un paramètre de recherche dans la demande"],"Resume all paused error tasks":["Reprendre toutes les tâches en attente avec des erreurs"],"Resume tasks matching search string":["Reprendre toutes le tâches correspondant au string de recherche"],"Resume specific tasks by ID":["Reprendre les tâches spécifiques par ID"],"Cancel selected cancellable tasks":["Annuler les tâches annulables sélectionnées"],"Cancel tasks matching search string":["Annuler toutes le tâches correspondant à a chaîne de recherche"],"Cancel specific tasks by ID":["Annuler les tâches spécifiques par ID"],"Please provide at least one of search or task_ids parameters in the request":["Veuillez fournir au moins un des paramètres de recherche ou de task_ids dans la demande"],"Stop selected stoppable tasks":["Arrêter les tâches sélectionnées pouvant être arrêtées"],"Stop tasks matching search string":["Annuler toutes le tâches correspondant à la chaîne de recherche"],"Stop specific tasks by ID":["Annuler les tâches spécifiques par ID"],"List tasks":["Lister les tâches"],"UUID of the task":["UUID de la tâche"],"The ID of the step inside the execution plan to send the event to":["L'ID de l'étape qui se trouve dans le plan d'exécution auquel envoyer l'événement"],"Data to be sent to the action":["Données à envoyer à l'action"],"Send data to the task from external executor (such as smart_proxy_dynflow)":["Envoie les données à la tâche à partir d'un exécuteur exérieur (tel que smart_proxy_dynflow)"],"User search_params requires user_id to be specified":["Utilisateur search_params a besoin que user_id soit spécifié"],"Resource search_params requires resource_type and resource_id to be specified":["Ressource search_params a besoin que resource_type et resource_id soient spécifiés"],"Task search_params requires task_id to be specified":["Tâche search_params a besoin que task_id soit spécifiée"],"Type %s for search_params is not supported":["Type %s n'est pas supporté pour search_params"],"The recurring logic was enabled.":["La logique récurrente a été activée."],"The recurring logic was disabled.":["La logique récurrente a été désactivée."],"Trying to abort the task":["Tentative d'abandon de la tâche"],"The task cannot be aborted at the moment.":["Impossible d'abandonner la tâche pour l'instant."],"Enable":["Activer"],"Disable":["Désactiver"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"Tasks":["Tâches"],"Sub tasks":["Sous-tâches"],"Start at":["Démarre à"],"Start before":["Démarre avant"],"Indicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time.":["Indique si l'action doit être annulée si elle ne peut commencer à ce moment là."],"Repeats":["Répétitions"],"Purpose":["Objectif"],"A special label for tracking a recurring job. There can be only one active job with a given purpose at a time.":["Une balise spéciale pour le suivi d'un travail récurrent. Il ne peut y avoir qu'un seul job actif avec un objectif donné."],"is minute (range: 0-59)":["est minute (plage: 0-59)"],"is hour (range: 0-23)":["est heure (plage: 0-23)"],"is day of month (range: 1-31)":["est jour du mois (plage: 1-31)"],"is month (range: 1-12)":["est mois (Plage: 1-12)"],"is day of week (range: 0-6)":["est jour de la semaine (plage: 0-6)"],"Cron line format 'a b c d e', where: %s":["Format de ligne cron 'a b c d' avec : %s"],"Cron line":["Ligne Cron"],"Days":["Jours"],"Days of week":["Jours de la semaine"],"Mon":["Lun."],"Tue":["Mar."],"Wed":["Mer."],"Thu":["Jeu."],"Fri":["Ven."],"Sat":["Sam."],"Sun":["Dim."],"At":["À"],"Repeat N times":["Répéter N fois"],"Ends":["Se termine"],"Never":["Jamais"],"On":["Activé"],"Ends at":["Se termine à"],"Unlimited":["Illimité"],"%{total} task(s), %{success} success, %{failed} fail":["%{total} tâche(s), %{success} succès, %{failed} échec"],"Bulk action":["Actions par lots"],"Empty bulk action":["Action par lot vide"],"The targets are of different types":["Les cibles sont de types différents"],"Import facts":["Importer des faits"],"Import Puppet classes":["Importer des classes Puppet"],"activation key":["clé d'activation"],"user":["utilisateur"],"repository":["repository"],"content view version":["version d'affichage de contenu"],"content view":["affichage de contenu"],"product":["produit"],"system":["système"],"organization":["organisation"],"Failed to initialize":["L'initialisation a échoué"],"No proxy defined for execution":["Aucun proxy Puppet défini pour l'exécution"],"All proxies with the required feature are unavailable at the moment":["Les proxys possédant les fonctionnalités demandées ne sont pas disponibles actuellement"],"Changing request id %{request_id} to saved id %{saved_id}":["Changement de l'id de la demande %{request_id} en id %{saved_id} sauvegardée"],"Failed to check on tasks on proxy at %{url}: %{exception}":["N'a pu vérifier les tâches du proxy à %{url}: %{exception}"],"The smart proxy task %s failed.":["La tâche de smart proxy %s a échoué."],"Cancel enforced: the task might be still running on the proxy":["Annulation forcée : la tâche peut-être en cours d'exécution sur le proxy"],"Task aborted: the task might be still running on the proxy":["Tâche abandonnée : la tâche peut être encore en cours d'exécution sur le proxy"],"Event delivered by request %{request_id}":["Événement livré sur demande %{request_id}"],"Proxy task gone missing from the smart proxy":["Tâches de proxy manquantes du smart proxy"],"Failed to trigger task on the smart proxy: ":[""],"Initialization error: %s":["Erreur d'initialisation : %s"],"Required lock is already taken by other running tasks.":["Le verrouillage requis est déjà utilisé par d'autres tâches en cours."],"Please inspect their state, fix their errors and resume them.":["Veuillez inspecter leur état, corriger leurs erreurs et les reprendre."],"Conflicts with tasks:":["Conflits avec les tâches :"],"Active":["Actif"],"Cancelled":["Annulé"],"Finished":["Terminé"],"Disabled":["Désactivé"],"N/A":["Sans objet"],"Cannot update a cancelled Recurring Logic.":["Impossible de mettre à jour une logique récurrente annulée."],"Delayed":["Retardé"],"Immediate":["Immédiat"],"Recurring logic":["Logique récurrente"],"%{value} is not allowed triggering mode":["%{value} n'a pas droit au mode de déclenchement"],"%{value} is not allowed input type":["%{value} n'a pas droit au type d'entrée"],"%{value} is wrong format":["%{value} est au mauvais format"],"mode has to be one of %{allowed_modes}":["mode doit être un parmi %{allowed_modes}"],"is not a valid format":["n'est pas un format valide"],"No task could be started":["Aucune tâche n'a pu démarrer"],"Active or disabled recurring logic with purpose %s already exists":["La logique récurrente active ou désactivée avec l'objectif %s existe déjà."],"%s is not valid format of cron line":["%s n'est pas un format valide de ligne cron"],"The task could not be started":["La tâche n'a pas pu démarrer"],"A paused task represents a process that has not finished properly. Any task in paused state can lead to potential inconsistency and needs to be resolved.":["Une tâche en pause représente un processus qui ne s'est pas terminé correctement. Toute tâche en état de pause peut entraîner une incohérence potentielle et doit être résolue."],"The recommended approach is to investigate the error messages below and in 'errors' tab, address the primary cause of the issue and resume the task.":["L'approche recommandée consiste à examiner les messages d'erreur ci-dessous et dans l'onglet \\\"erreurs\\\", à s'attaquer à la cause première du problème et à reprendre la tâche."],"troubleshooting documentation":["documentation de dépannage"],"See %{link} for more details on how to resolve the issue":["Voir %{link} pour plus de détails sur la manière de résoudre le problème"],"There is %{count} paused task in the system that need attention":["Il y a %{count} tâches en pause dans le système qui nécessitent une attention","Il y a %{count} tâches en pause dans le système qui nécessitent une attention","Il y a %{count} tâches en pause dans le système qui nécessitent une attention"],"Schedule":["Programmer"],"Execute now":["Exécuter maintenant"],"Schedule future execution":["Programmer une exécution prochaine"],"Set up recurring execution":["Mettre en place une exécution périodique"],"Recurring logics":["Logiques périodiques"],"Clear Cancelled":["Suppression des Annulées"],"This action will delete all cancelled recurring logics. Please note that this action can't be reversed.":["Cette action supprimera toutes les logiques récurrentes annulées. Veuillez noter que cette action ne peut pas être annulée."],"ID":["ID"],"Task count":["Nombre de tâches"],"Action":["Action"],"Last occurrence":["Dernière occurrence"],"Next occurrence":["Prochaine occurrence"],"Current iteration":["Itération actuelle"],"Iteration limit":["Limite de l'itération"],"Repeat until":["Répéter jusqu'à"],"State":["État"],"Details":["Détails"],"Task group common":["Ressources communes du groupe de tâches"],"Associated resources":["Ressources associées"],"Latest Warning/Error Tasks":["Dernier avertissement / Erreur Tâche"],"Name":["Nom"],"Result":["Résultat"],"Started":["Démarré"],"Task Status":["Statut de la tâche"],"No. of Tasks":["No. de tâches"],"Last start time":["Heure du dernier démarrage"],"Details of %s task":["Détails de la tâche %s "],"List of tasks":["Liste des tâches"],"Task Details":["Détails de la tâche"],"Back to tasks":["Retour aux tâches"],"Foreman Tasks":["Tâches Foreman"],"Recurring Logics":["Logiques récurrentes"],"Number of seconds to wait for synchronous task to finish.":["Nombre de secondes à attendre avant qu'une tâche synchrone soit terminée."],"Sync task timeout":["Délai d'attente de la tâche de synchronisation"],"Enable the dynflow console (/foreman_tasks/dynflow) for debugging":["Active la console dynflow (/foreman_tasks/dynflow) pour le débogage"],"Enable dynflow console":["Activer la console Dynflow"],"Require user to be authenticated as user with admin rights when accessing dynflow console":["Exige que l'utilisateur soir authentifié en tant qu'utilisateur avec un accès admin pour accéder à la concole dynflow"],"Require auth for dynflow console":["Exiger l'authentification pour la console dynflow"],"Number of attempts to start a task on the smart proxy before failing":["Nombre de tentatives de démarrage d'une tâche sur le smart proxy avant un échec"],"Proxy action retry count":["Nombre de tentatives d'action du proxy"],"Time in seconds between retries":["Durée en secondes entre les tentatives"],"Proxy action retry interval":["Intervalle de tentative à nouveau de l'action du proxy"],"Allow triggering tasks on the smart proxy in batches":["Permettre le déclenchement de tâches sur le proxy smart par lots"],"Allow proxy batch tasks":["Autoriser les tâches proxy par lots"],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled":["Nombre de tâches qui doivent être envoyées au proxy smart en une seule requête, si le foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger est activé"],"Proxy tasks batch size":["Taille du lot des tâches de proxy"],"Url pointing to the task troubleshooting documentation. It should contain %{label} placeholder, that will be replaced with normalized task label (restricted to only alphanumeric characters)). %{version} placeholder is also available.":["Url pointant vers la documentation qui sert à résoudre la tâche. Il doit contenir le caractère de remplacement %{label}, qui sera remplacé par le libellé de la tâche normalisée (limité aux seuls caractères alphanumériques)). Le caractère de remplacement %{version} est également disponible."],"Tasks troubleshooting URL":["URL de résolution de problème"],"Polling multiplier which is used to multiply the default polling intervals. This can be used to prevent polling too frequently for long running tasks.":["Multiplicateur de sondage qui est utilisé pour multiplier les intervalles de sondage par défaut. Il peut être utilisé pour éviter que les sondages ne soient trop fréquents pour des tâches de longue durée."],"Polling intervals multiplier":["Multiplicateur des intervalles de sondage"],"was resumed":["a été reprise"],"could not be resumed":["n'a pas pu être reprise"],"task has to be resumable":["la tâche doit pouvoir être reprise"],"was cancelled":["a été annulée."],"task has to be cancellable":["la tâche doit pouvoir être annulée"],"resources were unlocked with force.":["les ressources de la tâche ont été déverrouillées en force"],"cannot be cancelled with force at the moment.":["n'a pas pu être annulée en force pour l'instant."],"resources were unlocked ":["les ressources ont été déverrouillées"],"resources cannot be unlocked at the moment.":["les ressources ne peuvent être débloquées pour le moment."],"I understand that this may cause harm and have working database backups of all backend services.":["Je comprends que cela risque de créer des dommages et toutes mes bases de données en cours sont sauvegardées pour tous les services de backend."],"Unlock":["Déverrouillage"],"This will unlock the resources that the task is running against. Please note that this might lead to inconsistent state and should be used with caution, after making sure that the task can't be resumed.":["Cela débloquera les ressources avec lesquelles la tâche s'exécute. Veuillez noter que ceci peut conduire à un état incohérent et doit être utilisé avec prudence, après s'être assuré que la tâche ne peut pas être terminée."],"Force Unlock":["Forcer le déverrouillage"],"Resources for %s task(s) will be unlocked and will not prevent other tasks from being run. As the task(s) might be still running, it should be avoided to use this unless you are really sure the task(s) got stuck.":["Les ressources de(s) tâche(s) %s seront déverrouillées et n'empêcheront pas l'exécution d'autres tâches. Comme la ou les tâche(s) sont toujours en cours d'exécution, il faut mieux éviter de les utiliser sauf si votre ou vos tâche(s) sont réellement figées."],"Execution plan data not available ":["Données du plan d'exécution non disponibles"],"No errors":["Aucune erreur"],"Input":["Entrée"],"Output":["Sortie"],"Exception":["Exception"],"Backtrace":["Backtrace"],"You can find resource locks on this page. Exclusive lock marked with locked icon means that no other task can use locked resource while this task is running. Non-exclusive lock marked with unlocked icon means other tasks can access the resource freely, it is only used to indicate the relation of this task with the resource":["Vous pouvez trouver des verrous de ressources sur cette page. Un verrou exclusif marqué avec une icône verrouillée signifie qu’aucun une autre tâche ne peut utiliser la ressource verrouillée pendant l’exécution de cette tâche. Un verrou non exclusif marqué avec un icône déverrouillé signifie que d'autres tâches peuvent librement accéder à la ressource. N’est utilisé que pour indiquer la relation de cette tâche avec la ressource."],"Id":["Id"],"Label":["Balise"],"Duration":["Durée"],"Raw input":["Entrée brut"],"Raw output":["Sortie brute"],"External Id":["Id Externe"],"No running steps":["Aucune étape en cours"],"You do not have permission":["Vous ne disposez pas des droits nécessaires"],"Setting is off":["Le réglage est désactivé"],"Stop auto-reloading":["Arrêter le rechargement automatique"],"Start auto-reloading":["Démarrer le rechargement automatique"],"Dynflow console":["Console Dynflow"],"Resume":["Continuez"],"Parent task":["Tâche parente"],"seconds":["secondes"],"Complete":["Terminé"],"Troubleshooting":["Résolution de problème"],"Output:":["Sortie :"],"Errors:":["Erreurs :"],"Could not receive data: %s":[""],"Task":["Tâche"],"Running Steps":["Étapes en cours"],"Errors":["Erreurs"],"Locks":["Verrous"],"Raw":["Brut"],"Trying to cancel step":["Tentative d'annulation de l'étape"],"Step Canceled":["Étape annulée"],"Could not cancel step.":["N’a pas pu annuler l'étape."],"Paused":["Suspendue"],"Running":["Exécution en cours"],"Scheduled":["Prévu"],"Total":["Total"],"Other includes all stopped tasks that are cancelled or pending":["Autres inclut toutes les tâches arrêtées qui sont annulées ou en attente"],"Other:":["Autre :"],"Stopped":["Arrêté"],"%(last)s Last %(time)s":["%(last)s Dernier %(time)s"],"%(older)s Older %(time)s":["%(older)s Plus ancien %(time)s"],"Active Filters:":["Filtres actifs :"],"Clear All Filters":["Afficher tous les filtres"],"With focus on last":["En se concentrant sur la dernière"],"state":["État "],"result":["résultat"],"mode":["mode"],"time":["heure"],"running":["en cours"],"paused":["suspendue"],"stopped":["arrêté"],"scheduled":["prévu"],"error":["erreur"],"warning":["avertissement"],"success":["réussi"],"other":["autre"],"last":["dernier"],"older":["plus ancien"],"24h":["24h"],"12h":["12h"],"week":["semaine"],"Select Action":["Choisir l'action"],"Cancel selected tasks":["Annuler des tâches sélectionnées"],"Cancel Selected":["Annuler la sélection"],"Resume selected tasks":["Reprendre les tâches sélectionnées"],"Resume Selected":["Reprendre Sélectionné"],"Force Cancel selected tasks":["Annuler en force des tâches sélectionnées"],"Force Cancel Selected":["Annuler en force la sélection"],"%s Selected Tasks":["%s tâches sélectionnées"],"This will %(action)s %(number)s task(s), putting them in the %(state)s state. Are you sure?":["Cela permettra à %(action)s %(number)s tâche(s), les mettant dans l'état %(state)s. Vous êtes sûr ?"],"No":["Non"],"Yes":["Oui"],"Select all {count} tasks":[""],"All %s tasks are selected.":[""],"Undo selection":["Annuler la sélection"],"Select row":["Sélectionner une ligne"],"Sub tasks of %s":["Sous-tâches de %s"],"Cannot resume tasks at the moment":["Ne peut pas reprendre les tâches pour le moment"],"Not all the selected tasks can be resumed":["Toutes les tâches sélectionnées ne peuvent pas être reprises"],"Resuming selected tasks, this might take a while":["Reprendre certaines tâches. Cela peut prendre un certain temps"],"Cannot cancel tasks at the moment":["Ne peut pas annuler les tâches pour le moment"],"Canceling selected tasks, this might take a while":["Annulation de certaines tâches. 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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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There can be only one active job with a given purpose at a time.":["სპეციალური ჭდე განმეორებადი დავალების ტრკინგისთვის. მოცემული დანიშნულებით შეიძლება მხოლოდ ერთი აქტიური დავალება არსებობდეს."],"is minute (range: 0-59)":["წუთი (0-59)"],"is hour (range: 0-23)":["საათი (0-23)"],"is day of month (range: 1-31)":["თვის დღე (1-31)"],"is month (range: 1-12)":["თვე (1-120)"],"is day of week (range: 0-6)":["კვირის დღე (0-6)"],"Cron line format 'a b c d e', where: %s":["Cron ხაზის ფორმატი 'a b c d e', სადაც: %s"],"Cron line":["Cron-ის სტრიქონი"],"Days":["დღე"],"Days of week":["კვირის დღე"],"Mon":["მოუ"],"Tue":["სამ"],"Wed":["ოთხ"],"Thu":["ხუთ"],"Fri":["პარ"],"Sat":["შაბ"],"Sun":["მზე"],"At":["დრო"],"Repeat N times":["N-ჯერ გამეორება"],"Ends":["საბოლოო"],"Never":["არასდროს"],"On":["დრო"],"Ends at":["დასრულების დრო"],"Unlimited":["შეუზღუდავი"],"%{total} task(s), %{success} success, %{failed} fail":["%{total} ამოცანა, %{success} წარმატებით, %{failed} წარუმატებელი"],"Bulk action":["მასობრივი ქმედება"],"Empty bulk action":["მასობრივი ქმედება ცარიელია"],"The targets are of different types":["სამიზნეები სხვადასხვა ტიპისაა"],"Import facts":["ფაქტების შემოტანა"],"Import Puppet classes":["Puppet-ის კლასების შემოტანა"],"activation key":["აქტივაციის გასაღები"],"user":["მომხმარებელი"],"repository":["რეპოზიტორია"],"content view version":["შემცველობის ხედის ვერსია"],"content view":["შემცველობის ხედი"],"product":["პროდუქტი"],"system":["სისტემა"],"organization":["ორგანიზაცია"],"Failed to initialize":["ინიციალიზაციის შეცდომა"],"No proxy defined for execution":["გასაშვები პროქსი მითითებული არაა"],"All proxies with the required feature are unavailable at the moment":["მოთხოვნილი ფუნქციების მქონე ყველა პროქსი ამჟამად მიუწვდომელია"],"Changing request id %{request_id} to saved id %{saved_id}":["მოთხოვნის id-ის %{request_id} ცვლილება შენახულ ID_ზე %{saved_id}"],"Failed to check on tasks on proxy at %{url}: %{exception}":["ვერ მოხერხდა ამოცანების შემოწმება პროქსიზე %{url}: %{exception}"],"The smart proxy task %s failed.":["ჭკვიანი პროქსის ამოცანის შეცდომა: %s."],"Cancel enforced: the task might be still running on the proxy":["გაუქმება შესრულებულია: ამოცანა შესაძლოა პროქსიზე ჯერ კიდევ გაშვებული იყოს"],"Task aborted: the task might be still running on the proxy":["ამოცანა გაუქმდა: ამოცანა პროქსიზე შესაძლოა ჯერ კიდევ გაშვებული იყოს"],"Event delivered by request %{request_id}":["მოვლენა მოწოდებულია მოთხოვნის მიერ: %{request_id}"],"Proxy task gone missing from the smart proxy":["პროქსის ამოცანა ჭკვიანი პროქსიზე გაშვებული არაა"],"Failed to trigger task on the smart proxy: ":["ჭკვიან პროქსიზე ამოცანის ტრიგერის შეცდომა: "],"Initialization error: %s":["ინიციალიზაციის შეცდომა: %s"],"Required lock is already taken by other running tasks.":["საჭირო დაბლოკვა უკვე მიღებულია სხვა გაშვებული ამოცანის მიერ."],"Please inspect their state, fix their errors and resume them.":["გადაამოწმეთ მათი მდგომარეობა, გაასწორეთ მათი შეცდომები და გააგრძელეთ მათი მუშაობა."],"Conflicts with tasks:":["კონფლიქტი ამოცანებთან:"],"Active":["აქტიური"],"Cancelled":["შეწყვეტილია"],"Finished":["დასრულებულია"],"Disabled":["გამორთულია"],"N/A":["N/A"],"Cannot update a cancelled Recurring Logic.":["გაუქმებული განმეორებადი ლოგიკის განახლება შეუძლებელია."],"Delayed":["დაყოვნებული"],"Immediate":["უეცარი"],"Recurring logic":["განეორებადი ლოგიკა"],"%{value} is not allowed triggering mode":["%{value} ტრიგერის რეჟიმში დაუშვებელია"],"%{value} is not allowed input type":["%{value} არ წარმოადგენს შეყვანის სწორ ტიპს"],"%{value} is wrong format":["%{value} არასწორ ფორმატშია"],"mode has to be one of %{allowed_modes}":["რეჟიმი შეიძლება იყოს ერთ ერთი %{allowed_modes} -დან"],"is not a valid format":["არასწორი ფორმატია"],"No task could be started":["ამოცანის გაშვება შეუძლებელია"],"Active or disabled recurring logic with purpose %s already exists":["აქტიური ან გამრთული განმეორებადი ლოგიკა დანიშნულებით %s უკვე არსებობს"],"%s is not valid format of cron line":["%s cron-ის სწორ ხაზის სწორი ფორმატი არაა"],"The task could not be started":["ამოცანის გაშვება შეუძლებელია"],"A paused task represents a process that has not finished properly. Any task in paused state can lead to potential inconsistency and needs to be resolved.":["შეჩერებული ამოცანა წარმოადგენს პროცესს, რომელიც სწორად არ დასრულებულა. შეჩერებულ მდგომარეობაში მყოფმა ნებისმიერმა ამოცანამ შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს პოტენციური შეუსაბამობა და საჭიროებს გადაჭრას."],"The recommended approach is to investigate the error messages below and in 'errors' tab, address the primary cause of the issue and resume the task.":["რეკომენდირებული მიდგომაა შეცდომის შეტყობინებების გამოკვლევა და „შეცდომების“ ჩანართში, პრობლემის ძირითადი მიზეზის აღმოფხვრა და ამოცანა გაგრძელება."],"troubleshooting documentation":["პრობლემების გადაჭრის დოკუმენტაცია"],"See %{link} for more details on how to resolve the issue":["ამ პრობლემის გადასაწყვეტად იხილეთ %{link}"],"There is %{count} paused task in the system that need attention":["სისტემაში არსებობს %{count} შეჩერებული ამოცანა, რომელსაც ყურადღება სჭირდება","სისტემაში არსებობს %{count} შეჩერებული ამოცანა, რომელსაც ყურადღება სჭირდება"],"Schedule":["განრიგი"],"Execute now":["ახლა შესრულება"],"Schedule future execution":["გასაშვებ განრიგში ჩამატება"],"Set up recurring execution":["განმეორებადი გაშვების მორგება"],"Recurring logics":["განმეორებადი ლოგიკები"],"Clear Cancelled":["გაუქმებულების გასუფთავება"],"This action will delete all cancelled recurring logics. Please note that this action can't be reversed.":["ეს ქმედება წაშლის ყველა გაუქმებულ განმეორებად ლოგიკას. გაითვალისწინეთ, რომ ქმედების დაბრუნება შეუძლებელია."],"ID":["ID"],"Task count":["ამოცანების რიცხვი"],"Action":["მოქმედება"],"Last occurrence":["წინა შედეგი"],"Next occurrence":["შემდეგი შედეგი"],"Current iteration":["მიმდინარე იტერაცია"],"Iteration limit":["იტერაციის ლიმიტი"],"Repeat until":["გამეორება, სანამ"],"State":["State"],"Details":["დეტალები"],"Task group common":["საერთო სამუშაო ჯგუფი"],"Associated resources":["ასოცირებული რესურსები"],"Latest Warning/Error Tasks":["უახლესი გაფრთხილება/შეცდომის ამოცანები"],"Name":["სახელი"],"Result":["შედეგი"],"Started":["დაიწყო"],"Task Status":["ამოცანის სტატუსი"],"No. of Tasks":["ამოცანების რიცხვი"],"Last start time":["ბოლო გასვების დრო"],"Details of %s task":["%s ამოცანის დეტალები"],"List of tasks":["ამოცანების სია"],"Task Details":["ამოცანის დეტალები"],"Back to tasks":["ამოცანებზე დაბრუნება"],"Foreman Tasks":["Foreman-ის ამოცანები"],"Recurring Logics":["განმეორებადი ლოგიკა"],"Number of seconds to wait for synchronous task to finish.":["სინქრონული ამოცანის დასრულების მოლოდინის დრო წამებში."],"Sync task timeout":["ამოცანის სინქის ვადა"],"Enable the dynflow console (/foreman_tasks/dynflow) for debugging":["გასამართად dynflow-ის კონსოლის (/foreman_tasks/dynflow) ჩართვა"],"Enable dynflow console":["Dynflow-ის კონსოლის ჩართვა"],"Require user to be authenticated as user with admin rights when accessing dynflow console":["Dynflow კონსოლზე წვდომისას მომხმარებლისთვის ადმინისტრატორის უფლებების აუცილებლად ქონის მოთხოვნა"],"Require auth for dynflow console":["Dynflow-ის კონსოლის ავთენტიკაციის ჩართვა"],"Number of attempts to start a task on the smart proxy before failing":["ჭკვიან პროქსიზე ამოცანის შენიშვნის მქონედ მონიშვნამდე, გაშვების მცდელობების რიცხვი"],"Proxy action retry count":["პროქსის ქმედების თავიდან ცდების რაოდენობა"],"Time in seconds between retries":["დრო თავიდან ცდებს სორის"],"Proxy action retry interval":["პროქსის ქმედების თავიდან ცდის ინტერვალი"],"Allow triggering tasks on the smart proxy in batches":["ჭკვიან პროქსიზე ამოცანების ჯგუფებად გაშვების ჩართვა"],"Allow proxy batch tasks":["პროქსისთვის მრავალი ამოცანის ერთად გაგზავნა"],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled":["ამოცანების რიცხვი, რომელიც ერთ მოთხოვნაში ეგზავნება ჭკვიან პროქსის, თუ foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger ჩართულია"],"Proxy tasks batch size":["პროქსისთვის გაგზავნილი ამოცანების პაკეტის ზომა"],"Url pointing to the task troubleshooting documentation. It should contain %{label} placeholder, that will be replaced with normalized task label (restricted to only alphanumeric characters)). %{version} placeholder is also available.":["ამოცანების პრობლემების გადაწყვეტის დოკუმენტაციის URL-ი. უნდა შეიცავდეს %{label} ჩანაცვლების ადგილს, რომელიც შეიცვლება ნორმალიზებული დავალების ჭდით (შეიზღუდება მხოლოდ ალფანუმერული სიმბოლოებით)). %{version} ჩანაცვლება ასევე ხელმისაწვდომია."],"Tasks troubleshooting URL":["ამოცანის პრობლემების გადაწყვეტის URL"],"Polling multiplier which is used to multiply the default polling intervals. This can be used to prevent polling too frequently for long running tasks.":["კენჭისყრის მამრავლი, რომელიც ნაგულისხმები კენჭისყრის ინტერვალების გასამრავლებლად გამოიყენება. შეიძლება გამოყენებულ იქნას ზედმეტად ხშირი კენჭისყრის თავიდან ასაცილებლად ხანგრძლივი დავალებების შესრულებისთვის."],"Polling intervals multiplier":["კენჭისყრის ინტერვალების მამრავლი"],"was resumed":["გაგრძელდა"],"could not be resumed":["გაგრძელება შეუძლებელია"],"task has to be resumable":["ამოცანა გაგრძელებადი უნდა იყოს"],"was cancelled":["გაუქმდა"],"task has to be cancellable":["ამოცანა გაუქმებადი უნდა იყოს"],"resources were unlocked with force.":["რესურსები ძალით იქნა განბლოკილი."],"cannot be cancelled with force at the moment.":["ამჟამად რესურსების ძალით განბლოკვა შეუძლებელია."],"resources were unlocked ":["რესურსი განბლოკილია "],"resources cannot be unlocked at the moment.":["ამჟამად რესურსების განბლოკვა შეუძლებელია."],"I understand that this may cause harm and have working database backups of all backend services.":["მე მესმის, რომ ამას ზიანის მოტანა შეუძლია და მაქვს უკანაბოლოს სერვისების ყველა მუშა მონაცემთა ბაზის მარქაფი."],"Unlock":["განბლოკვა"],"This will unlock the resources that the task is running against. Please note that this might lead to inconsistent state and should be used with caution, after making sure that the task can't be resumed.":["ეს განბლოკავს რესურსებს, რომლებზეც ამოცანა მუშაობს. გაითვალისწინეთ, რომ ამან შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს არათანმიმდევრული მდგომარეობა და უნდა იქნას გამოყენებული სიფრთხილით, მას შემდეგ რაც დარწმუნდებით, რომ დავალება ვერ გაგრძელდება."],"Force Unlock":["ძალით განბლოკვა"],"Resources for %s task(s) will be unlocked and will not prevent other tasks from being run. As the task(s) might be still running, it should be avoided to use this unless you are really sure the task(s) got stuck.":["რესურსები %s ამოცან(ებ)ისთვის განბლოკილი იქნება და ხელს არ შეუშლის სხვა ამოცანების შესრულებას. იმის გამო, რომ ამოცან(ებ)ი შესაძლოა ჯერ კიდევ გაშვებული იყოს, თავიდან უნდა იქნას აცილებული ამის გამოყენება, თუ ნამდვილად არ ხართ დარწმუნებული, რომ დავალება(ებ)ი გაჭედილია."],"Execution plan data not available ":["გაშვების გეგმის მონაცემები მიუწვდომელია "],"No errors":["შეცდომების გარეშე"],"Input":["შეყვანა"],"Output":["გამოტანა"],"Exception":["გამონაკლისი"],"Backtrace":["შეცდომის მიდევნება"],"You can find resource locks on this page. Exclusive lock marked with locked icon means that no other task can use locked resource while this task is running. 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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_tasks'] = locales['foreman_tasks'] || {}; locales['foreman_tasks']['ko'] = {"domain":"foreman_tasks","locale_data":{"foreman_tasks":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_tasks 8.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","POT-Creation-Date":"2023-05-18 08:15+0000","PO-Revision-Date":"2016-02-12 14:04+0000","Last-Translator":"FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>","Language-Team":"Korean (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ko","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ko","domain":"foreman_tasks","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"},"List recurring logics":["반복 로직 나열"],"Show recurring logic details":["반복 로직 정보 표시"],"Update recurring logic":[""],"Cancel recurring logic":["반복 로직 취소"],"Delete recurring logics by search query":[""],"Search query":["검색 쿼리"],"Please provide a search parameter in the request":[""],"Resume all paused error tasks":["일시 정지된 모든 오류 태스크 다시 시작"],"Resume tasks matching search string":["검색 문자열과 일치하는 태스크 다시 시작"],"Resume specific tasks by ID":["ID를 기준으로 특정 태스크 다시 시작"],"Cancel selected cancellable tasks":[""],"Cancel tasks matching search string":[""],"Cancel specific tasks by ID":[""],"Please provide at least one of search or task_ids parameters in the request":[""],"Stop selected stoppable tasks":[""],"Stop tasks matching search string":[""],"Stop specific tasks by ID":[""],"List tasks":["태스크 나열"],"UUID of the task":["태스크의 UUID"],"The ID of the step inside the execution plan to send the event to":["이벤트를 전송할 실행 계획의 단계에 해당하는 ID입니다."],"Data to be sent to the action":["작업에 전송할 데이터입니다."],"Send data to the task from external executor (such as smart_proxy_dynflow)":["외부 실행자(예: smart_proxy_dynflow)의 태스크에 데이터를 전송합니다."],"User search_params requires user_id to be specified":["사용자 search_params를 사용하려면 user_id를 지정해야 합니다."],"Resource search_params requires resource_type and resource_id to be specified":["리소스 search_params를 사용하려면 resource_type 및 resource_id를 지정해야 합니다."],"Task search_params requires task_id to be specified":["태스크 search_params를 사용하려면 task_id를 지정해야 합니다."],"Type %s for search_params is not supported":["%s 유형은 search_params에 대해 지원되지 않습니다."],"The recurring logic was enabled.":[""],"The recurring logic was disabled.":[""],"Trying to abort the task":[""],"The task cannot be aborted at the moment.":[""],"Enable":["활성화"],"Disable":["비활성화 "],"Cancel":["취소"],"Tasks":["작업"],"Sub tasks":["하위 태스크"],"Start at":["시작 일시"],"Start before":["다음 시간 전에 시작"],"Indicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time.":["이 시간 전에 시작할 수 없는 경우 작업을 취소한다는 것을 나타냅니다."],"Repeats":["반복"],"Purpose":[""],"A special label for tracking a recurring job. There can be only one active job with a given purpose at a time.":[""],"is minute (range: 0-59)":["분(범위: 0-59)"],"is hour (range: 0-23)":["시간(범위: 0-23)"],"is day of month (range: 1-31)":["날짜(범위: 1-31)"],"is month (range: 1-12)":["월(범위: 1-12)"],"is day of week (range: 0-6)":["요일(범위: 0-6)"],"Cron line format 'a b c d e', where: %s":["Cron 줄 형식 'a b c d e', 여기서: %s"],"Cron line":["Cron 줄"],"Days":["일"],"Days of week":["요일"],"Mon":["월"],"Tue":["화"],"Wed":["수"],"Thu":["목"],"Fri":["금"],"Sat":["토"],"Sun":["일"],"At":["시간"],"Repeat N times":["N번 반복"],"Ends":["끝"],"Never":["사용 안 함"],"On":["켜기"],"Ends at":["종료 일시"],"Unlimited":["제한 없음 "],"%{total} task(s), %{success} success, %{failed} fail":["%{total}개 태스크, %{success}개 성공, %{failed}개 실패"],"Bulk action":["대량 작업 "],"Empty bulk action":["빈 대량 작업"],"The targets are of different types":["대상의 유형이 서로 다릅니다."],"Import facts":["팩트 불러오기"],"Import Puppet classes":["Puppet 클래스 가져오기"],"activation key":["활성키"],"user":["사용자"],"repository":["리포지터리"],"content view version":["컨텐츠 뷰 버전"],"content view":["컨텐츠 뷰"],"product":["제품 "],"system":["시스템"],"organization":["조직 "],"Failed to initialize":["초기화에 실패했습니다"],"No proxy defined for execution":[""],"All proxies with the required feature are unavailable at the moment":[""],"Changing request id %{request_id} to saved id %{saved_id}":[""],"Failed to check on tasks on proxy at %{url}: %{exception}":[""],"The smart proxy task %s failed.":["스마트 프록시 태스크 %s이(가) 실패했습니다."],"Cancel enforced: the task might be still running on the proxy":["강제 취소됨: 프록시에서 태스크가 아직 실행 중일 수 있습니다."],"Task aborted: the task might be still running on the proxy":[""],"Event delivered by request %{request_id}":[""],"Proxy task gone missing from the smart proxy":[""],"Failed to trigger task on the smart proxy: ":[""],"Initialization error: %s":["초기화 오류: %s"],"Required lock is already taken by other running tasks.":["실행 중인 다른 태스크에서 이미 필수 잠금을 적용했습니다."],"Please inspect their state, fix their errors and resume them.":["상태를 확인하고 오류를 수정한 다음 다시 시작하십시오."],"Conflicts with tasks:":["태스크 충돌:"],"Active":["활성"],"Cancelled":["취소함"],"Finished":["마쳤음"],"Disabled":["사용 안함"],"N/A":["해당 없음 "],"Cannot update a cancelled Recurring Logic.":[""],"Delayed":["지연"],"Immediate":["즉시"],"Recurring logic":["반복 로직"],"%{value} is not allowed triggering mode":["%{value}은(는) 허용되는 트리거 모드가 아닙니다."],"%{value} is not allowed input type":["%{value}은(는) 허용되는 입력 유형이 아닙니다."],"%{value} is wrong format":["%{value}은(는) 잘못된 형식입니다."],"mode has to be one of %{allowed_modes}":[""],"is not a valid format":[""],"No task could be started":[""],"Active or disabled recurring logic with purpose %s already exists":[""],"%s is not valid format of cron line":["%s은(는) 유효한 cron 줄 형식이 아닙니다."],"The task could not be started":[""],"A paused task represents a process that has not finished properly. 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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ locales['foreman_tasks'] = locales['foreman_tasks'] || {}; locales['foreman_tasks']['pt_BR'] = {"domain":"foreman_tasks","locale_data":{"foreman_tasks":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"foreman_tasks 8.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","POT-Creation-Date":"2023-05-18 08:15+0000","PO-Revision-Date":"2016-02-12 14:04+0000","Last-Translator":"Luiz Henrique Vasconcelos <>, 2017-2018","Language-Team":"Portuguese (Brazil) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"pt_BR","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;","lang":"pt_BR","domain":"foreman_tasks","plural_forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"},"List recurring logics":["Listar lógicas recorrentes "],"Show recurring logic details":["Exibir detalhes de lógica recorrente "],"Update recurring logic":["Atualizar lógica recorrente"],"Cancel recurring logic":["Cancelar lógica recorrente"],"Delete recurring logics by search query":["Excluir lógicas recorrentes por consulta de pesquisa"],"Search query":["Consulta de pesquisa"],"Please provide a search parameter in the request":["Forneça um parâmetro de pesquisa na solicitação"],"Resume all paused error tasks":["Retomar todas as tarefas com erro em pausa "],"Resume tasks matching search string":["Retomar tarefas correspondendo à cadeia de caracteres de pesquisa "],"Resume specific tasks by ID":["Retomar tarefas específicas por ID "],"Cancel selected cancellable tasks":["Cancelar tarefas cancelaveis selecionadas"],"Cancel tasks matching search string":["Cancelar tarefas correspondendo à cadeia de caracteres de pesquisa"],"Cancel specific tasks by ID":["Cancelar tarefas específicas por ID"],"Please provide at least one of search or task_ids parameters in the request":["Forneça pelo menos um dos parâmetros de pesquisa ou task_ids na solicitação"],"Stop selected stoppable tasks":["Parar tarefas paradas selecionadas"],"Stop tasks matching search string":["Parar tarefas correspondendo à cadeia de caracteres de pesquisa"],"Stop specific tasks by ID":["Parar tarefas específicas por ID"],"List tasks":["Listar tarefas"],"UUID of the task":["UUID da tarefa"],"The ID of the step inside the execution plan to send the event to":["A ID da etapa dentro do plano de execução para enviar o evento a"],"Data to be sent to the action":["Dados a serem enviados à ação"],"Send data to the task from external executor (such as smart_proxy_dynflow)":["Enviar dados à tarefa do executor externo (como smart_proxy_dynflow)"],"User search_params requires user_id to be specified":["Usuário search_params necessita que user_id seja especificado "],"Resource search_params requires resource_type and resource_id to be specified":["Recurso search_params necessita que resource_type e resource_id sejam especificados "],"Task search_params requires task_id to be specified":["Tarefa search_params necessita que task_id seja especifica"],"Type %s for search_params is not supported":["Tipo %s para search_params não é suportado"],"The recurring logic was enabled.":["A lógica recorrente foi ativada."],"The recurring logic was disabled.":["A lógica recorrente foi desativada."],"Trying to abort the task":["Tentando anular a tarefa"],"The task cannot be aborted at the moment.":["No momento, a tarefa não pode ser anulada."],"Enable":["Habilitar"],"Disable":["Desabilitar"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Tasks":["Tarefas"],"Sub tasks":["Subtarefas "],"Start at":["Iniciar em "],"Start before":["Iniciar antes "],"Indicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time.":["Indica que a ação deve ser cancelada se não puder ser iniciada antes deste período."],"Repeats":["Repetições "],"Purpose":["Objetivo"],"A special label for tracking a recurring job. 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Só pode haver um trabalho ativo com um determinado objetivo de cada vez."],"is minute (range: 0-59)":["é o minuto (intervalo: 0-59) "],"is hour (range: 0-23)":["é a hora (intervalo: 0-23)"],"is day of month (range: 1-31)":["é o dia do mês (intervalo: 1-31)"],"is month (range: 1-12)":["é o mês (intervalo: 1-12)"],"is day of week (range: 0-6)":["é o dia da semana (intervalo: 0-6)"],"Cron line format 'a b c d e', where: %s":["Cron line format 'a b c d e', onde: %s"],"Cron line":["Cron line"],"Days":["Dias"],"Days of week":["Dias da semana"],"Mon":["Seg"],"Tue":["Ter"],"Wed":["Qua"],"Thu":["Qui"],"Fri":["Sex"],"Sat":["sab"],"Sun":["Dom"],"At":["No(a)"],"Repeat N times":["Repetir N vezes "],"Ends":["Finais"],"Never":["Nunca"],"On":["Ligado"],"Ends at":["Terminar em "],"Unlimited":["Ilimitado"],"%{total} task(s), %{success} success, %{failed} fail":["%{total} tarefa(ões), %{success} sucesso, %{failed} falha"],"Bulk action":["Ação em Massa"],"Empty bulk action":["Ação em massa vazia "],"The targets are of different types":["Os destinos são de tipos diferentes "],"Import facts":["Importar fatos"],"Import Puppet classes":["Importar classes de Puppet"],"activation key":["chave de ativação"],"user":["usuário"],"repository":["repositório"],"content view version":["versão de visualização do conteúdo"],"content view":["visualização do conteúdo"],"product":["produto"],"system":["sistema"],"organization":["organização"],"Failed to initialize":["Falha ao inicializar"],"No proxy defined for execution":["Nenhum proxy definido para execução"],"All proxies with the required feature are unavailable at the moment":["Todos os proxies com o recurso exigido estão indisponíveis no momento"],"Changing request id %{request_id} to saved id %{saved_id}":["Mudança de id de solicitação %{request_id} para id de economia{saved_id}"],"Failed to check on tasks on proxy at %{url}: %{exception}":["Falha na verificação de tarefas em proxy em %{url}: %{exception}"],"The smart proxy task %s failed.":["A tarefa de proxy inteligente %s falhou."],"Cancel enforced: the task might be still running on the proxy":["Cancelamento forçado: a tarefa ainda pode estar em execução no proxy "],"Task aborted: the task might be still running on the proxy":["Tarefa anulada: a tarefa pode ainda estar em execução no proxy"],"Event delivered by request %{request_id}":["Evento entregue por pedido %{request_id}"],"Proxy task gone missing from the smart proxy":["A tarefa do proxy desapareceu do proxy inteligente"],"Failed to trigger task on the smart proxy: ":[""],"Initialization error: %s":["Erro de inicialização: %s"],"Required lock is already taken by other running tasks.":["O bloqueio necessário já está sendo usado por outras tarefas em execução."],"Please inspect their state, fix their errors and resume them.":["Inspecione o estado, corrija os erros e retome-os."],"Conflicts with tasks:":["Conflitos com tarefas:"],"Active":["Ativo"],"Cancelled":["Cancelada"],"Finished":["Concluído"],"Disabled":["Desativado"],"N/A":["N/D"],"Cannot update a cancelled Recurring Logic.":["Não é possível atualizar uma Lógica Recorrente cancelada."],"Delayed":["Adiado(a)"],"Immediate":["Imediato(a)"],"Recurring logic":["Lógica recorrente"],"%{value} is not allowed triggering mode":["%{value} não é permitido o modo de acionamento"],"%{value} is not allowed input type":["%{value} não é permitido tipo de entrada"],"%{value} is wrong format":["%{value} é um formato errado"],"mode has to be one of %{allowed_modes}":["modo tem que ser um de %{allowed_modes}"],"is not a valid format":["não é um formato válido"],"No task could be started":["Não foi possível iniciar nenhuma tarefa"],"Active or disabled recurring logic with purpose %s already exists":["Lógica recorrente ativa ou desativada com finalidade %s já existe"],"%s is not valid format of cron line":["%s não é um formato válido de cron line"],"The task could not be started":["Não foi possível iniciar a tarefa"],"A paused task represents a process that has not finished properly. 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Qualquer tarefa em estado pausado pode levar a uma possível inconsistência e precisa ser resolvida."],"The recommended approach is to investigate the error messages below and in 'errors' tab, address the primary cause of the issue and resume the task.":["A abordagem recomendada é investigar as mensagens de erro abaixo e na guia 'erros', solucionar a causa principal do problema e retomar a tarefa."],"troubleshooting documentation":["documentação de solução de problemas"],"See %{link} for more details on how to resolve the issue":["Veja %{link} para mais detalhes sobre como resolver a questão"],"There is %{count} paused task in the system that need attention":["Há %{count} tarefa pausada no sistema que precisa de atenção","Há %{count} tarefas pausadas no sistema que precisam de atenção","Há %{count} tarefas pausadas no sistema que precisam de atenção"],"Schedule":["Agendamento"],"Execute now":["Executar agora"],"Schedule future execution":["Agendar execução futura"],"Set up recurring execution":["Configurar execução recorrente "],"Recurring logics":["Lógicas recorrentes "],"Clear Cancelled":["Limpar cancelado"],"This action will delete all cancelled recurring logics. Please note that this action can't be reversed.":["Esta ação excluirá todas as lógicas recorrentes canceladas. Observe que não é possível reverter essa ação."],"ID":["ID"],"Task count":["Contagem de Tarefas"],"Action":["Ação"],"Last occurrence":["Ocorrência mais recente"],"Next occurrence":["Próxima ocorrência"],"Current iteration":["Iteração atual"],"Iteration limit":["Limite de iteração"],"Repeat until":["Repetir até"],"State":["Estado"],"Details":["Detalhes"],"Task group common":["Grupo de tarefas comuns"],"Associated resources":["Recursos associados"],"Latest Warning/Error Tasks":["Tarefas com Erro/ Aviso Mais Recente "],"Name":["Nome"],"Result":["Resultado"],"Started":["Iniciado em"],"Task Status":["Status das Tarefas"],"No. of Tasks":["Número de Tarefas"],"Last start time":["Hora da última inicialização"],"Details of %s task":["Detalhes da tarefa %s "],"List of tasks":["Número de tarefas"],"Task Details":["Detalhes da tarefa"],"Back to tasks":["Voltar para tarefas"],"Foreman Tasks":["Tarefas do Foreman"],"Recurring Logics":["Lógicas recorrentes "],"Number of seconds to wait for synchronous task to finish.":["Número de segundos a aguardar até que a tarefa síncrona seja concluída."],"Sync task timeout":["Tempo limite de sincronização de tarefas"],"Enable the dynflow console (/foreman_tasks/dynflow) for debugging":["Habilitar o console dynflow (/foreman_tasks/dynflow) para depuração"],"Enable dynflow console":["Habilitar o console dynflow"],"Require user to be authenticated as user with admin rights when accessing dynflow console":["Exigir que o usuário seja autenticado como usuário com direitos de administrador ao acessar o console dynflow "],"Require auth for dynflow console":["Exigir auth para o console dynflow"],"Number of attempts to start a task on the smart proxy before failing":["Número de tentativas para iniciar uma tarefa no proxy inteligente antes de obter falha "],"Proxy action retry count":["Contagem de tentativas de ação proxy"],"Time in seconds between retries":["Tempo em segundos entre as novas tentativas "],"Proxy action retry interval":["Intervalo de reentrada da ação de proxy"],"Allow triggering tasks on the smart proxy in batches":["Permitir o acionamento de tarefas no proxy inteligente em lotes"],"Allow proxy batch tasks":["Permitir tarefas de lote por procuração"],"Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled":["Número de tarefas que devem ser enviadas ao proxy inteligente em uma solicitação se foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger estiver habilitado"],"Proxy tasks batch size":["Tarefas de proxy tamanho do lote"],"Url pointing to the task troubleshooting documentation. 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"],"Unlock":["Desbloquear"],"This will unlock the resources that the task is running against. Please note that this might lead to inconsistent state and should be used with caution, after making sure that the task can't be resumed.":["Desbloqueará os recursos executados pela tarefa. Por favor, observe que isto pode gerar um estado inconsistente e deve ser usado com cuidado, após certificar-se de que a tarefa não pode ser restaurada. "],"Force Unlock":["Forçar Desbloqueio"],"Resources for %s task(s) will be unlocked and will not prevent other tasks from being run. As the task(s) might be still running, it should be avoided to use this unless you are really sure the task(s) got stuck.":["Os recursos para %s tarefa(s) serão desbloqueados e não impedirão que outras tarefas sejam executadas. 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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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