1.1.83 → 1.1.85

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Files changed (52) hide show
  1. checksums.yaml +4 -4
  2. data/_VERSION +1 -1
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  52. metadata +2 -2
checksums.yaml CHANGED
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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- metadata.gz: 4a167b12d4cc558aa9c9a826282b6168ca778a923aa6cfdbe8cf641914d01354c6abb8ac5155c7c8ed78591ee73ef9a1f17e926fa64ba25242a0ee2a23396477
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@@ -1 +1 @@
- 1.1.83
+ 1.1.85
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
  * `created_at` (date-time): Line item created at
  * `currency` (string): Line item currency
  * `download_uri` (string): Line item download uri
- * `invoice_line_items` (array): Associated invoice line items
+ * `invoice_line_items` (array(object)): Associated invoice line items
  * `method` (string): Line item payment method
- * `payment_line_items` (array): Associated payment line items
+ * `payment_line_items` (array(object)): Associated payment line items
  * `payment_reversed_at` (date-time): Date/time payment was reversed if applicable
  * `payment_type` (string): Type of payment if applicable
  * `site_name` (string): Site name this line item is for
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
  * `display` (string): Friendly displayed output
  * `ip` (string): IP Address that performed this action
  * `source` (string): The source path for this action, if applicable
- * `targets` (array): Targets
+ * `targets` (array(object)): Targets
  * `user_id` (int64): User ID
  * `username` (string): Username
  * `action` (string): Type of action
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
  * `name` (string): Name of the App
  * `package_manager_install_command` (string): Package manager install command
  * `remote_server_type` (string): Associated Remote Server type, if any
- * `screenshot_list_urls` (array): Screenshots of the App
+ * `screenshot_list_urls` (array(string)): Screenshots of the App
  * `sdk_installation_instructions_link` (string): Link to SDK installation instructions
  * `short_description` (string): Short description of the App
  * `sso_strategy_type` (string): Associated SSO Strategy type, if any
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@
  * `description` (string): Description for the this Automation.
  * `destination_replace_from` (string): If set, this string in the destination path will be replaced with the value in `destination_replace_to`.
  * `destination_replace_to` (string): If set, this string will replace the value `destination_replace_from` in the destination filename. You can use special patterns here.
- * `destinations` (array): Destination Paths
+ * `destinations` (array(string)): Destination Paths
  * `disabled` (boolean): If true, this automation will not run.
  * `flatten_destination_structure` (boolean): Normally copy and move automations that use globs will implicitly preserve the source folder structure in the destination. If this flag is `true`, the source folder structure will be flattened in the destination. This is useful for copying or moving files from multiple folders into a single destination folder.
- * `group_ids` (array): IDs of Groups for the Automation (i.e. who to Request File from)
+ * `group_ids` (array(int64)): IDs of Groups for the Automation (i.e. who to Request File from)
  * `ignore_locked_folders` (boolean): If true, the Lock Folders behavior will be disregarded for automated actions.
  * `interval` (string): If trigger is `daily`, this specifies how often to run this automation. One of: `day`, `week`, `week_end`, `month`, `month_end`, `quarter`, `quarter_end`, `year`, `year_end`
  * `last_modified_at` (date-time): Time when automation was last modified. Does not change for name or description updates.
@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@
  * `recurring_day` (int64): If trigger type is `daily`, this specifies a day number to run in one of the supported intervals: `week`, `month`, `quarter`, `year`.
  * `schedule` (object): If trigger is `custom_schedule`, Custom schedule description for when the automation should be run in json format.
  * `human_readable_schedule` (string): If trigger is `custom_schedule`, Human readable Custom schedule description for when the automation should be run.
- * `schedule_days_of_week` (array): If trigger is `custom_schedule`, Custom schedule description for when the automation should be run. 0-based days of the week. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.
- * `schedule_times_of_day` (array): If trigger is `custom_schedule`, Custom schedule description for when the automation should be run. Times of day in HH:MM format.
+ * `schedule_days_of_week` (array(int64)): If trigger is `custom_schedule`, Custom schedule description for when the automation should be run. 0-based days of the week. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.
+ * `schedule_times_of_day` (array(string)): If trigger is `custom_schedule`, Custom schedule description for when the automation should be run. Times of day in HH:MM format.
  * `schedule_time_zone` (string): If trigger is `custom_schedule`, Custom schedule Time Zone for when the automation should be run.
  * `source` (string): Source Path
- * `sync_ids` (array): IDs of remote sync folder behaviors to run by this Automation
- * `trigger_actions` (array): If trigger is `action`, this is the list of action types on which to trigger the automation. Valid actions are create, read, update, destroy, move, copy
+ * `sync_ids` (array(int64)): IDs of remote sync folder behaviors to run by this Automation
+ * `trigger_actions` (array(string)): If trigger is `action`, this is the list of action types on which to trigger the automation. Valid actions are create, read, update, destroy, move, copy
  * `trigger` (string): How this automation is triggered to run.
  * `user_id` (int64): User ID of the Automation's creator.
- * `user_ids` (array): IDs of Users for the Automation (i.e. who to Request File from)
+ * `user_ids` (array(int64)): IDs of Users for the Automation (i.e. who to Request File from)
  * `value` (object): A Hash of attributes specific to the automation type.
  * `webhook_url` (string): If trigger is `webhook`, this is the URL of the webhook to trigger the Automation.
  * `destination` (string): DEPRECATED: Destination Path. Use `destinations` instead.
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
  * `watermark_attachment` (Image): Preview watermark image applied to all bundle items.
  * `watermark_value` (object): Preview watermark settings applied to all bundle items. Uses the same keys as Behavior.value
  * `has_inbox` (boolean): Does this bundle have an associated inbox?
- * `paths` (array): A list of paths in this bundle. For performance reasons, this is not provided when listing bundles.
- * `bundlepaths` (array): A list of bundlepaths in this bundle. For performance reasons, this is not provided when listing bundles.
+ * `paths` (array(string)): A list of paths in this bundle. For performance reasons, this is not provided when listing bundles.
+ * `bundlepaths` (array(object)): A list of bundlepaths in this bundle. For performance reasons, this is not provided when listing bundles.
  * `password` (string): Password for this bundle.
  * `form_field_set_id` (int64): Id of Form Field Set to use with this bundle
  * `create_snapshot` (boolean): If true, create a snapshot of this bundle's contents.
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@
- * `fields` (array): A list of fields where errors occur
- * `messages` (array): A list of error messages
+ * `fields` (array(string)): A list of fields where errors occur
+ * `messages` (array(string)): A list of error messages
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * `id` (int64): File Comment ID
  * `body` (string): Comment body.
- * `reactions` (array): Reactions to this comment.
+ * `reactions` (array(object)): Reactions to this comment.
  * `path` (string): File path.
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@
  * `required` (boolean): Is this a required field?
  * `help_text` (string): Help text to be displayed
  * `field_type` (string): Type of Field
- * `options_for_select` (array): Options to display for radio and dropdown
+ * `options_for_select` (array(string)): Options to display for radio and dropdown
  * `default_option` (string): Default option for radio and dropdown
  * `form_field_set_id` (int64): Form field set id
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
  * `id` (int64): Form field set id
  * `title` (string): Title to be displayed
- * `form_layout` (array): Layout of the form
- * `form_fields` (array): Associated form fields
+ * `form_layout` (array(int64)): Layout of the form
+ * `form_fields` (array(object)): Associated form fields
  * `skip_name` (boolean): Any associated InboxRegistrations or BundleRegistrations can be saved without providing name
  * `skip_email` (boolean): Any associated InboxRegistrations or BundleRegistrations can be saved without providing email
  * `skip_company` (boolean): Any associated InboxRegistrations or BundleRegistrations can be saved without providing company
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  "responseCode": "example",
  "responseMessage": "example",
  "entries_returned": 1,
- "success": "example",
+ "success": true,
  "duration_ms": 1
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
  * `responseCode` (string): FTP Response Code
  * `responseMessage` (string): FTP Response Message
  * `entries_returned` (int64): Number of entries returned when listing files and folders
- * `success` (string): Whether FTP Action was successful.
+ * `success` (boolean): Whether FTP Action was successful.
  * `duration_ms` (int64): Duration (in milliseconds)
@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ Files::FtpActionLog.list(
  * `cursor` (string): Used for pagination. When a list request has more records available, cursors are provided in the response headers `X-Files-Cursor-Next` and `X-Files-Cursor-Prev`. Send one of those cursor value here to resume an existing list from the next available record. Note: many of our SDKs have iterator methods that will automatically handle cursor-based pagination.
  * `per_page` (int64): Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
  * `filter` (object): If set, return records where the specified field is equal to the supplied value. Valid fields are `start_date`, `end_date`, `path`, `true_path`, `remote_ip`, `session_uuid`, `success`, `action_type` or `username`. Valid field combinations are `[ start_date ]`, `[ end_date ]`, `[ path ]`, `[ true_path ]`, `[ remote_ip ]`, `[ session_uuid ]`, `[ success ]`, `[ action_type ]`, `[ username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date ]`, `[ start_date, path ]`, `[ start_date, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, success ]`, `[ start_date, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, username ]`, `[ end_date, path ]`, `[ end_date, true_path ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, success ]`, `[ end_date, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, username ]`, `[ path, true_path ]`, `[ path, remote_ip ]`, `[ path, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, success ]`, `[ path, action_type ]`, `[ path, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ true_path, success ]`, `[ true_path, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ remote_ip, success ]`, `[ remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, success ]`, `[ session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ session_uuid, username ]`, `[ success, action_type ]`, `[ success, username ]`, `[ action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, true_path, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, success, username ]`, `[ path, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]` or `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`.
- * `filter_prefix` (object): If set, return records where the specified field is prefixed by the supplied value. Valid fields are `path`, `true_path`, `success`, `action_type` or `username`. Valid field combinations are `[ start_date ]`, `[ end_date ]`, `[ path ]`, `[ true_path ]`, `[ remote_ip ]`, `[ session_uuid ]`, `[ success ]`, `[ action_type ]`, `[ username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date ]`, `[ start_date, path ]`, `[ start_date, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, success ]`, `[ start_date, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, username ]`, `[ end_date, path ]`, `[ end_date, true_path ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, success ]`, `[ end_date, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, username ]`, `[ path, true_path ]`, `[ path, remote_ip ]`, `[ path, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, success ]`, `[ path, action_type ]`, `[ path, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ true_path, success ]`, `[ true_path, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ remote_ip, success ]`, `[ remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, success ]`, `[ session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ session_uuid, username ]`, `[ success, action_type ]`, `[ success, username ]`, `[ action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, true_path, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, success, username ]`, `[ path, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]` or `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`.
+ * `filter_prefix` (object): If set, return records where the specified field is prefixed by the supplied value. Valid fields are `path`, `true_path`, `action_type` or `username`. Valid field combinations are `[ start_date ]`, `[ end_date ]`, `[ path ]`, `[ true_path ]`, `[ remote_ip ]`, `[ session_uuid ]`, `[ success ]`, `[ action_type ]`, `[ username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date ]`, `[ start_date, path ]`, `[ start_date, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, success ]`, `[ start_date, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, username ]`, `[ end_date, path ]`, `[ end_date, true_path ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, success ]`, `[ end_date, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, username ]`, `[ path, true_path ]`, `[ path, remote_ip ]`, `[ path, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, success ]`, `[ path, action_type ]`, `[ path, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ true_path, success ]`, `[ true_path, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ remote_ip, success ]`, `[ remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, success ]`, `[ session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ session_uuid, username ]`, `[ success, action_type ]`, `[ success, username ]`, `[ action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, true_path, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, success, username ]`, `[ path, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, true_path, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, end_date, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`, `[ start_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]` or `[ end_date, path, true_path, remote_ip, session_uuid, success, action_type, username ]`.
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
  * `group_id` (int64): Group ID
  * `user_id` (int64): User ID
  * `admin` (boolean): Is this user an administrator of this group?
- * `usernames` (array): A list of usernames for users in this group
+ * `usernames` (array(string)): A list of usernames for users in this group
  * `id` (int64): Group User ID.
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
  * `display` (string): Friendly displayed output
  * `ip` (string): IP Address that performed this action
  * `source` (string): The source path for this action, if applicable
- * `targets` (array): Targets
+ * `targets` (array(object)): Targets
  * `user_id` (int64): User ID
  * `username` (string): Username
  * `action` (string): Type of action
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
  * `created_at` (date-time): Line item created at
  * `currency` (string): Line item currency
  * `download_uri` (string): Line item download uri
- * `invoice_line_items` (array): Associated invoice line items
+ * `invoice_line_items` (array(object)): Associated invoice line items
  * `method` (string): Line item payment method
- * `payment_line_items` (array): Associated payment line items
+ * `payment_line_items` (array(object)): Associated payment line items
  * `payment_reversed_at` (date-time): Date/time payment was reversed if applicable
  * `payment_type` (string): Type of payment if applicable
  * `site_name` (string): Site name this line item is for
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  * `id` (string): Unique label for list; used by Zapier and other integrations.
  * `associated_with` (string): The object that this public IP address list is associated with.
  * `group_id` (int64): Group ID
- * `ip_addresses` (array): A list of IP addresses.
+ * `ip_addresses` (array(string)): A list of IP addresses.
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
  * `id` (int64): Message ID
  * `subject` (string): Message subject.
  * `body` (string): Message body.
- * `comments` (array): Comments.
+ * `comments` (array(object)): Comments.
  * `user_id` (int64): User ID. Provide a value of `0` to operate the current session's user.
  * `project_id` (int64): Project to which the message should be attached.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * `id` (int64): Message Comment ID
  * `body` (string): Comment body.
- * `reactions` (array): Reactions to this comment.
+ * `reactions` (array(object)): Reactions to this comment.
  * `user_id` (int64): User ID. Provide a value of `0` to operate the current session's user.
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
  * `path` (string): Folder path to notify on This must be slash-delimited, but it must neither start nor end with a slash. Maximum of 5000 characters.
  * `group_id` (int64): ID of Group to receive notifications
  * `group_name` (string): Group name, if a Group ID is set
- * `triggering_group_ids` (array): If set, will only notify on actions made by a member of one of the specified groups
- * `triggering_user_ids` (array): If set, will onlynotify on actions made one of the specified users
+ * `triggering_group_ids` (array(int64)): If set, will only notify on actions made by a member of one of the specified groups
+ * `triggering_user_ids` (array(int64)): If set, will onlynotify on actions made one of the specified users
  * `trigger_by_share_recipients` (boolean): Notify when actions are performed by a share recipient?
  * `notify_user_actions` (boolean): If true, will send notifications about a user's own activity to that user. If false, only activity performed by other users (or anonymous users) will be sent in notifications.
  * `notify_on_copy` (boolean): Trigger on files copied to this path?
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
  * `recursive` (boolean): Apply notification recursively? This will enable notifications for each subfolder.
  * `send_interval` (string): The time interval that notifications are aggregated to
  * `message` (string): Custom message to include in notification emails
- * `triggering_filenames` (array): Array of filenames (possibly with wildcards) to scope trigger
+ * `triggering_filenames` (array(string)): Array of filenames (possibly with wildcards) to scope trigger
  * `unsubscribed` (boolean): Is the user unsubscribed from this notification?
  * `unsubscribed_reason` (string): The reason that the user unsubscribed
  * `user_id` (int64): Notification user ID
data/docs/ CHANGED
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
  * `created_at` (date-time): Line item created at
  * `currency` (string): Line item currency
  * `download_uri` (string): Line item download uri
- * `invoice_line_items` (array): Associated invoice line items
+ * `invoice_line_items` (array(object)): Associated invoice line items
  * `method` (string): Line item payment method
- * `payment_line_items` (array): Associated payment line items
+ * `payment_line_items` (array(object)): Associated payment line items
  * `payment_reversed_at` (date-time): Date/time payment was reversed if applicable
  * `payment_type` (string): Type of payment if applicable
  * `site_name` (string): Site name this line item is for
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- * `changes` (array): Markdown-formatted change messages.
+ * `changes` (array(string)): Markdown-formatted change messages.
  * `created_at` (date-time): The time this change was made
  * `user_id` (int64): The user id responsible for this change
  * `api_key_id` (int64): The api key id responsible for this change