drawio_dsl 0.10.1 → 0.11.0

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765" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)rotate(-90 451.5 685)"><switch><foreignObject pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility" style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 158px; height: 1px; padding-top: 685px; margin-left: 373px;"><div data-drawio-colors="color: #333333; " style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0px; text-align: center;"><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: none; font-weight: bold; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">container2</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="452" y="689" fill="#333333" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle" 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628 L 880 605 L 1040 605 L 1040 628" fill="#f8cecc" stroke="#b85450" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 880 628 L 880 765 L 1040 765 L 1040 628" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 880 628 L 880 765 L 1040 765 L 1040 628" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 880 628 L 1040 628" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 880 628 L 1040 628" fill="none" stroke="#b85450" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility" style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: 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1405 C 1041.42 1405 1043.92 1404.01 1045.4 1402.39 C 1046.86 1404.02 1049.36 1405 1052.04 1405 C 1056.43 1405 1060 1402.4 1060 1399.2 C 1060 1397.45 1058.91 1395.79 1057.03 1394.68 C 1058.91 1393.59 1060 1391.92 1060 1390.17 C 1060 1388.41 1058.91 1386.75 1057.03 1385.65 C 1058.91 1384.55 1060 1382.89 1060 1381.13 C 1060 1379.38 1058.91 1377.72 1057.03 1376.62 C 1058.91 1375.52 1060 1373.86 1060 1372.1 C 1060 1370.35 1058.91 1368.69 1057.03 1367.58 C 1058.91 1366.49 1060 1364.82 1060 1363.07 C 1060 1361.31 1058.91 1359.65 1057.03 1358.55 C 1058.91 1357.45 1060 1355.79 1060 1354.03 C 1060 1352.28 1058.91 1350.62 1057.03 1349.52 C 1058.91 1348.42 1060 1346.76 1060 1345 C 1060 1343.25 1058.91 1341.58 1057.03 1340.49 C 1058.91 1339.38 1060 1337.72 1060 1335.97 C 1060 1334.21 1058.91 1332.55 1057.03 1331.45 C 1058.91 1330.35 1060 1328.69 1060 1326.93 C 1060 1325.18 1058.91 1323.52 1057.03 1322.42 C 1058.91 1321.32 1060 1319.66 1060 1317.9 C 1060 1316.14 1058.91 1314.48 1057.03 1313.39 C 1058.91 1312.28 1060 1310.62 1060 1308.86 C 1060 1307.11 1058.91 1305.45 1057.03 1304.35 C 1058.91 1303.25 1060 1301.59 1060 1299.83 C 1060 1298.08 1058.91 1296.42 1057.03 1295.32 C 1058.91 1294.22 1060 1292.55 1060 1290.8 C 1060 1287.6 1056.43 1285 1052.04 1285 C 1049.37 1285 1046.86 1285.99 1045.4 1287.61 C 1043.93 1285.98 1041.42 1285 1038.75 1285 C 1036.12 1285 1033.66 1285.95 1032.18 1287.52 C 1030.7 1285.95 1028.24 1285 1025.62 1285 C 1022.99 1285 1020.53 1285.95 1019.05 1287.52 C 1017.57 1285.95 1015.11 1285 1012.5 1285 C 1009.86 1285 1007.41 1285.95 1005.92 1287.52 C 1004.44 1285.95 1001.99 1285 999.36 1285 C 996.74 1285 994.28 1285.95 992.79 1287.52 C 991.32 1285.95 988.86 1285 986.24 1285 C 983.61 1285 981.15 1285.95 979.67 1287.52 C 978.19 1285.95 975.73 1285 973.11 1285 C 970.48 1285 968.03 1285.95 966.54 1287.52 C 965.06 1285.95 962.61 1285 959.98 1285 C 957.36 1285 954.9 1285.95 953.41 1287.52 C 951.94 1285.95 949.48 1285 946.85 1285 C 944.23 1285 941.77 1285.95 940.29 1287.52 C 938.81 1285.95 936.35 1285 933.73 1285 C 931.1 1285 928.65 1285.95 927.16 1287.52 C 925.67 1285.95 923.23 1285 920.6 1285 C 917.97 1285 915.52 1285.95 914.03 1287.52 C 912.55 1285.95 910.1 1285 907.47 1285 C 904.85 1285 902.39 1285.95 900.91 1287.52 C 899.42 1285.95 896.97 1285 894.35 1285 C 891.72 1285 889.26 1285.95 887.78 1287.52 C 886.29 1285.95 883.84 1285 881.22 1285 C 878.55 1285 876.06 1285.97 874.59 1287.59 C 873.12 1285.97 870.62 1285 867.96 1285 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 867.96 1285 C 863.57 1285 860 1287.6 860 1290.8 C 860 1292.55 861.1 1294.21 862.97 1295.32 C 861.09 1296.41 860 1298.08 860 1299.83 C 860 1301.59 861.1 1303.25 862.97 1304.35 C 861.09 1305.45 860 1307.11 860 1308.86 C 860 1310.62 861.1 1312.28 862.97 1313.38 C 861.09 1314.48 860 1316.14 860 1317.9 C 860 1319.65 861.1 1321.32 862.97 1322.42 C 861.09 1323.51 860 1325.18 860 1326.93 C 860 1328.69 861.1 1330.35 862.97 1331.45 C 861.09 1332.55 860 1334.21 860 1335.97 C 860 1337.72 861.1 1339.38 862.97 1340.48 C 861.09 1341.58 860 1343.24 860 1345 C 860 1346.76 861.1 1348.42 862.97 1349.51 C 861.09 1350.61 860 1352.28 860 1354.03 C 860 1355.79 861.1 1357.45 862.97 1358.55 C 861.09 1359.65 860 1361.31 860 1363.07 C 860 1364.82 861.1 1366.48 862.97 1367.58 C 861.09 1368.68 860 1370.34 860 1372.1 C 860 1373.86 861.1 1375.52 862.97 1376.61 C 861.09 1377.72 860 1379.38 860 1381.13 C 860 1382.89 861.1 1384.55 862.97 1385.65 C 861.09 1386.74 860 1388.41 860 1390.17 C 860 1391.92 861.1 1393.58 862.97 1394.68 C 861.09 1395.78 860 1397.45 860 1399.2 C 860 1402.4 863.57 1405 867.96 1405 C 870.62 1405 873.12 1404.03 874.59 1402.41 C 876.06 1404.03 878.55 1405 881.22 1405 C 883.84 1405 886.3 1404.05 887.79 1402.48 C 889.27 1404.05 891.72 1405 894.35 1405 C 896.97 1405 899.43 1404.05 900.91 1402.48 C 902.39 1404.05 904.85 1405 907.47 1405 C 910.1 1405 912.55 1404.05 914.04 1402.48 C 915.52 1404.05 917.97 1405 920.6 1405 C 923.23 1405 925.68 1404.05 927.17 1402.48 C 928.65 1404.05 931.1 1405 933.73 1405 C 936.35 1405 938.81 1404.05 940.3 1402.48 C 941.78 1404.05 944.23 1405 946.85 1405 C 949.48 1405 951.94 1404.05 953.42 1402.48 C 954.91 1404.05 957.36 1405 959.98 1405 C 962.61 1405 965.06 1404.05 966.55 1402.48 C 968.04 1404.05 970.48 1405 973.11 1405 C 975.73 1405 978.2 1404.05 979.68 1402.48 C 981.16 1404.05 983.61 1405 986.24 1405 C 988.86 1405 991.33 1404.05 992.8 1402.48 C 994.29 1404.05 996.75 1405 999.36 1405 C 1002 1405 1004.45 1404.05 1005.93 1402.48 C 1007.42 1404.05 1009.87 1405 1012.5 1405 C 1015.12 1405 1017.58 1404.05 1019.06 1402.48 C 1020.54 1404.05 1023 1405 1025.62 1405 C 1028.25 1405 1030.71 1404.05 1032.18 1402.48 C 1033.67 1404.05 1036.13 1405 1038.75 1405 C 1041.42 1405 1043.92 1404.01 1045.4 1402.39 C 1046.86 1404.02 1049.36 1405 1052.04 1405 C 1056.43 1405 1060 1402.4 1060 1399.2 C 1060 1397.45 1058.91 1395.79 1057.03 1394.68 C 1058.91 1393.59 1060 1391.92 1060 1390.17 C 1060 1388.41 1058.91 1386.75 1057.03 1385.65 C 1058.91 1384.55 1060 1382.89 1060 1381.13 C 1060 1379.38 1058.91 1377.72 1057.03 1376.62 C 1058.91 1375.52 1060 1373.86 1060 1372.1 C 1060 1370.35 1058.91 1368.69 1057.03 1367.58 C 1058.91 1366.49 1060 1364.82 1060 1363.07 C 1060 1361.31 1058.91 1359.65 1057.03 1358.55 C 1058.91 1357.45 1060 1355.79 1060 1354.03 C 1060 1352.28 1058.91 1350.62 1057.03 1349.52 C 1058.91 1348.42 1060 1346.76 1060 1345 C 1060 1343.25 1058.91 1341.58 1057.03 1340.49 C 1058.91 1339.38 1060 1337.72 1060 1335.97 C 1060 1334.21 1058.91 1332.55 1057.03 1331.45 C 1058.91 1330.35 1060 1328.69 1060 1326.93 C 1060 1325.18 1058.91 1323.52 1057.03 1322.42 C 1058.91 1321.32 1060 1319.66 1060 1317.9 C 1060 1316.14 1058.91 1314.48 1057.03 1313.39 C 1058.91 1312.28 1060 1310.62 1060 1308.86 C 1060 1307.11 1058.91 1305.45 1057.03 1304.35 C 1058.91 1303.25 1060 1301.59 1060 1299.83 C 1060 1298.08 1058.91 1296.42 1057.03 1295.32 C 1058.91 1294.22 1060 1292.55 1060 1290.8 C 1060 1287.6 1056.43 1285 1052.04 1285 C 1049.37 1285 1046.86 1285.99 1045.4 1287.61 C 1043.93 1285.98 1041.42 1285 1038.75 1285 C 1036.12 1285 1033.66 1285.95 1032.18 1287.52 C 1030.7 1285.95 1028.24 1285 1025.62 1285 C 1022.99 1285 1020.53 1285.95 1019.05 1287.52 C 1017.57 1285.95 1015.11 1285 1012.5 1285 C 1009.86 1285 1007.41 1285.95 1005.92 1287.52 C 1004.44 1285.95 1001.99 1285 999.36 1285 C 996.74 1285 994.28 1285.95 992.79 1287.52 C 991.32 1285.95 988.86 1285 986.24 1285 C 983.61 1285 981.15 1285.95 979.67 1287.52 C 978.19 1285.95 975.73 1285 973.11 1285 C 970.48 1285 968.03 1285.95 966.54 1287.52 C 965.06 1285.95 962.61 1285 959.98 1285 C 957.36 1285 954.9 1285.95 953.41 1287.52 C 951.94 1285.95 949.48 1285 946.85 1285 C 944.23 1285 941.77 1285.95 940.29 1287.52 C 938.81 1285.95 936.35 1285 933.73 1285 C 931.1 1285 928.65 1285.95 927.16 1287.52 C 925.67 1285.95 923.23 1285 920.6 1285 C 917.97 1285 915.52 1285.95 914.03 1287.52 C 912.55 1285.95 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428.78 C 261.37 415.74 266.82 404.03 275.09 399.39 C 283.36 394.75 292.72 398.15 298.58 407.93 C 302.34 394.08 311.45 384.99 321.58 384.99 C 331.72 384.99 340.83 394.08 344.59 407.93 C 350.6 399.95 359.18 397.7 366.7 402.12 C 374.21 406.55 379.37 416.89 379.98 428.78 C 385.87 425.56 392.49 428.44 396.25 435.84 C 400.01 443.24 400.01 453.4 396.25 460.81 C 392.49 468.21 385.87 471.08 379.98 467.87 C 379.34 480.43 373.64 491.2 365.52 495.19 C 357.4 499.17 348.45 495.59 342.82 486.11 C 338.34 497.08 330.28 503.8 321.58 503.8 C 312.89 503.8 304.83 497.08 300.35 486.11 C 296.07 498.77 283.89 504.96 273.14 499.92 C 262.39 494.88 257.14 480.53 261.41 467.87 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><path d="M 261.41 467.87 C 255.53 471.08 248.91 468.21 245.15 460.81 C 241.39 453.4 241.39 443.24 245.15 435.84 C 248.91 428.44 255.53 425.56 261.41 428.78 C 261.37 415.74 266.82 404.03 275.09 399.39 C 283.36 394.75 292.72 398.15 298.58 407.93 C 302.34 394.08 311.45 384.99 321.58 384.99 C 331.72 384.99 340.83 394.08 344.59 407.93 C 350.6 399.95 359.18 397.7 366.7 402.12 C 374.21 406.55 379.37 416.89 379.98 428.78 C 385.87 425.56 392.49 428.44 396.25 435.84 C 400.01 443.24 400.01 453.4 396.25 460.81 C 392.49 468.21 385.87 471.08 379.98 467.87 C 379.34 480.43 373.64 491.2 365.52 495.19 C 357.4 499.17 348.45 495.59 342.82 486.11 C 338.34 497.08 330.28 503.8 321.58 503.8 C 312.89 503.8 304.83 497.08 300.35 486.11 C 296.07 498.77 283.89 504.96 273.14 499.92 C 262.39 494.88 257.14 480.53 261.41 467.87 Z" fill="#ffe6cc" stroke="#d79b00" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="240" y="385" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="#000000" pointer-events="all" transform="translate(2,3)" opacity="0.25"/><rect x="240" y="385" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="#d79b00" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="266.72" cy="512.17" 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858.91 1303.25 860 1301.59 860 1299.83 C 860 1298.08 858.91 1296.42 857.03 1295.32 C 858.91 1294.22 860 1292.55 860 1290.8 C 860 1287.6 856.43 1285 852.04 1285 C 849.37 1285 846.86 1285.99 845.4 1287.61 C 843.93 1285.98 841.42 1285 838.75 1285 C 836.12 1285 833.66 1285.95 832.18 1287.52 C 830.7 1285.95 828.24 1285 825.62 1285 C 822.99 1285 820.53 1285.95 819.05 1287.52 C 817.57 1285.95 815.11 1285 812.5 1285 C 809.86 1285 807.41 1285.95 805.92 1287.52 C 804.44 1285.95 801.99 1285 799.36 1285 C 796.74 1285 794.28 1285.95 792.79 1287.52 C 791.32 1285.95 788.86 1285 786.24 1285 C 783.61 1285 781.15 1285.95 779.67 1287.52 C 778.19 1285.95 775.73 1285 773.11 1285 C 770.48 1285 768.03 1285.95 766.54 1287.52 C 765.06 1285.95 762.61 1285 759.98 1285 C 757.36 1285 754.9 1285.95 753.41 1287.52 C 751.94 1285.95 749.48 1285 746.85 1285 C 744.23 1285 741.77 1285.95 740.29 1287.52 C 738.81 1285.95 736.35 1285 733.73 1285 C 731.1 1285 728.65 1285.95 727.16 1287.52 C 725.67 1285.95 723.23 1285 720.6 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1405 738.81 1404.05 740.3 1402.48 C 741.78 1404.05 744.23 1405 746.85 1405 C 749.48 1405 751.94 1404.05 753.42 1402.48 C 754.91 1404.05 757.36 1405 759.98 1405 C 762.61 1405 765.06 1404.05 766.55 1402.48 C 768.04 1404.05 770.48 1405 773.11 1405 C 775.73 1405 778.2 1404.05 779.68 1402.48 C 781.16 1404.05 783.61 1405 786.24 1405 C 788.86 1405 791.33 1404.05 792.8 1402.48 C 794.29 1404.05 796.75 1405 799.36 1405 C 802 1405 804.45 1404.05 805.93 1402.48 C 807.42 1404.05 809.87 1405 812.5 1405 C 815.12 1405 817.58 1404.05 819.06 1402.48 C 820.54 1404.05 823 1405 825.62 1405 C 828.25 1405 830.71 1404.05 832.18 1402.48 C 833.67 1404.05 836.13 1405 838.75 1405 C 841.42 1405 843.92 1404.01 845.4 1402.39 C 846.86 1404.02 849.36 1405 852.04 1405 C 856.43 1405 860 1402.4 860 1399.2 C 860 1397.45 858.91 1395.79 857.03 1394.68 C 858.91 1393.59 860 1391.92 860 1390.17 C 860 1388.41 858.91 1386.75 857.03 1385.65 C 858.91 1384.55 860 1382.89 860 1381.13 C 860 1379.38 858.91 1377.72 857.03 1376.62 C 858.91 1375.52 860 1373.86 860 1372.1 C 860 1370.35 858.91 1368.69 857.03 1367.58 C 858.91 1366.49 860 1364.82 860 1363.07 C 860 1361.31 858.91 1359.65 857.03 1358.55 C 858.91 1357.45 860 1355.79 860 1354.03 C 860 1352.28 858.91 1350.62 857.03 1349.52 C 858.91 1348.42 860 1346.76 860 1345 C 860 1343.25 858.91 1341.58 857.03 1340.49 C 858.91 1339.38 860 1337.72 860 1335.97 C 860 1334.21 858.91 1332.55 857.03 1331.45 C 858.91 1330.35 860 1328.69 860 1326.93 C 860 1325.18 858.91 1323.52 857.03 1322.42 C 858.91 1321.32 860 1319.66 860 1317.9 C 860 1316.14 858.91 1314.48 857.03 1313.39 C 858.91 1312.28 860 1310.62 860 1308.86 C 860 1307.11 858.91 1305.45 857.03 1304.35 C 858.91 1303.25 860 1301.59 860 1299.83 C 860 1298.08 858.91 1296.42 857.03 1295.32 C 858.91 1294.22 860 1292.55 860 1290.8 C 860 1287.6 856.43 1285 852.04 1285 C 849.37 1285 846.86 1285.99 845.4 1287.61 C 843.93 1285.98 841.42 1285 838.75 1285 C 836.12 1285 833.66 1285.95 832.18 1287.52 C 830.7 1285.95 828.24 1285 825.62 1285 C 822.99 1285 820.53 1285.95 819.05 1287.52 C 817.57 1285.95 815.11 1285 812.5 1285 C 809.86 1285 807.41 1285.95 805.92 1287.52 C 804.44 1285.95 801.99 1285 799.36 1285 C 796.74 1285 794.28 1285.95 792.79 1287.52 C 791.32 1285.95 788.86 1285 786.24 1285 C 783.61 1285 781.15 1285.95 779.67 1287.52 C 778.19 1285.95 775.73 1285 773.11 1285 C 770.48 1285 768.03 1285.95 766.54 1287.52 C 765.06 1285.95 762.61 1285 759.98 1285 C 757.36 1285 754.9 1285.95 753.41 1287.52 C 751.94 1285.95 749.48 1285 746.85 1285 C 744.23 1285 741.77 1285.95 740.29 1287.52 C 738.81 1285.95 736.35 1285 733.73 1285 C 731.1 1285 728.65 1285.95 727.16 1287.52 C 725.67 1285.95 723.23 1285 720.6 1285 C 717.97 1285 715.52 1285.95 714.03 1287.52 C 712.55 1285.95 710.1 1285 707.47 1285 C 704.85 1285 702.39 1285.95 700.91 1287.52 C 699.42 1285.95 696.97 1285 694.35 1285 C 691.72 1285 689.26 1285.95 687.78 1287.52 C 686.29 1285.95 683.84 1285 681.22 1285 C 678.55 1285 676.06 1285.97 674.59 1287.59 C 673.12 1285.97 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