dojo_src 1.4.102 → 1.5.0

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Files changed (1591) hide show
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ dojo.provide("dojox.geo.charting._Marker");
+ dojo.declare("dojox.geo.charting._Marker", null, {
+ constructor: function(markerData, map){
+ var mapObj = map.mapObj;
+ this.features = mapObj.features;
+ this.markerData = markerData;
+ },
+ show: function(featureId){
+ this.markerText = this.features[featureId].markerText || this.markerData[featureId] || featureId;
+ this.currentFeature = this.features[featureId];
+ dojox.geo.charting.showTooltip(this.markerText, this.currentFeature.shape, "before");
+ },
+ hide: function(){
+ dojox.geo.charting.hideTooltip(this.currentFeature.shape);
+ },
+ _getGroupBoundingBox: function(group){
+ var shapes = group.children;
+ var feature = shapes[0];
+ var bbox = feature.getBoundingBox();
+ this._arround = dojo.clone(bbox);
+ dojo.forEach(shapes, function(item){
+ var _bbox = item.getBoundingBox();
+ this._arround.x = Math.min(this._arround.x, _bbox.x);
+ this._arround.y = Math.min(this._arround.y, _bbox.y);
+ },this);
+ },
+ _toWindowCoords: function(arround, coords, containerSize){
+ var toLeft = (arround.x - this.topLeft[0]) * this.scale;
+ var toTop = (arround.y - this.topLeft[1]) * this.scale
+ if (dojo.isFF == 3.5) {
+ arround.x = coords.x;
+ arround.y = coords.y;
+ }
+ else if (dojo.isChrome) {
+ arround.x = containerSize.x + toLeft;
+ arround.y = containerSize.y + toTop;
+ }
+ else {
+ arround.x = coords.x + toLeft;
+ arround.y = coords.y + toTop;
+ }
+ arround.width = (this.currentFeature._bbox[2]) * this.scale;
+ arround.height = (this.currentFeature._bbox[3]) * this.scale;
+ arround.x += arround.width / 6;
+ arround.y += arround.height / 4;
+ }
+ });
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ dojo.provide("dojox.geo.charting._base");
+ dojo.require("dojo.NodeList-traverse");
+ dojo.require("dojox.gfx.matrix");
+ dojo.require("dijit.Tooltip");
+ (function(){
+ var dgc = dojox.geo.charting;
+ dgc.showTooltip = function(/*String*/innerHTML, /*dojox.gfx.shape*/ gfxObject, /*String[]?*/ position){
+ var arroundNode = dgc._normalizeArround(gfxObject);
+ return dijit.showTooltip(innerHTML, arroundNode, position);
+ };
+ dgc.hideTooltip = function( /*dojox.gfx.shape*/gfxObject){
+ return dijit.hideTooltip(gfxObject);
+ };
+ dgc._normalizeArround = function(gfxObject){
+ var bbox = dgc._getRealBBox(gfxObject);
+ //var bbox = gfxObject.getBoundingBox();
+ //get the real screen coords for gfx object
+ var realMatrix = gfxObject._getRealMatrix() || {xx:1,xy:0,yx:0,yy:1,dx:0,dy:0};
+ var point = dojox.gfx.matrix.multiplyPoint(realMatrix, bbox.x, bbox.y);
+ var gfxDomContainer = dojo.coords(dgc._getGfxContainer(gfxObject));
+ gfxObject.x = dojo.coords(gfxDomContainer,true).x + point.x,
+ gfxObject.y = dojo.coords(gfxDomContainer,true).y + point.y,
+ gfxObject.width = bbox.width * realMatrix.xx,
+ gfxObject.height = bbox.height * realMatrix.yy
+ return gfxObject;
+ };
+ dgc._getGfxContainer = function(gfxObject){
+ return (new dojo.NodeList(gfxObject.rawNode)).parents("div")[0];
+ };
+ dgc._getRealBBox = function(gfxObject){
+ var bboxObject = gfxObject.getBoundingBox();
+ if(!bboxObject){//the gfx object is group
+ var shapes = gfxObject.children;
+ var bboxObject = dojo.clone(dgc._getRealBBox(shapes[0]));
+ dojo.forEach(shapes, function(item){
+ var nextBBox = dgc._getRealBBox(item);
+ bboxObject.x = Math.min(bboxObject.x, nextBBox.x);
+ bboxObject.y = Math.min(bboxObject.y, nextBBox.y);
+ bboxObject.endX = Math.max(bboxObject.x + bboxObject.width, nextBBox.x + nextBBox.width);
+ bboxObject.endY = Math.max(bboxObject.y + bboxObject.height, nextBBox.y + nextBBox.height);
+ });
+ bboxObject.width = bboxObject.endX - bboxObject.x;
+ bboxObject.height = bboxObject.endY - bboxObject.y;
+ }
+ return bboxObject;
+ };
+ })();
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ .tundra .dijitTooltipAbove .dijitTooltipConnector, .dj_ie .tundra .dijitTooltipAbove .dijitTooltipConnector {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .dojoxLegendNode {
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;
+ padding: 3px;
+ float:right;
+ }
+ .dojoxLegendText {
+ vertical-align: text-top;
+ padding-right: 10px
+ }
+ .mapZoomIn {
+ width: 21px;
+ height: 21px;
+ background: url(img/zoomin.png) no-repeat;
+ position: absolute;
+ }
+ .mapZoomOut {
+ width: 21px;
+ height: 21px;
+ background: url(img/zoomout.png) no-repeat;
+ position: absolute;
+ }
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ Mapping data in this directory was obtained from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) at
+ Data and information authored or produced by the USGS are in the public domain:
+ The following notices and information are provided by the USGS:
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?
+ Access_Constraints: None
+ Use_Constraints:
+ None. Acknowledgment of the National Atlas of the United States
+ of America and (or) the U.S. Geological Survey would be
+ appreciated in products derived from these data.
+ 1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)
+ Earth Science Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey
+ 507 National Center
+ Reston, VA 20192
+ 1-888-ASK-USGS (1-888-275-8747) (voice)
+ Contact_Instructions:
+ In addition to the address above there are other ESIC offices throughout the
+ country. A full list of these offices is at
+ <>.
+ 2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set?
+ 3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?
+ Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system
+ at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the U.S. Geological Survey regarding the utility of the data on any other system, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. No responsibility is assumed by the U.S. Geological Survey in the use of these data.
+ 4. How can I download or order the data?
+ Availability in digital form:
+ Data format: ESRI Shapefile
+ Network links: <>
+ Data format: SDTS
+ Network links: <>
+ Cost to order the data:
+ There is no charge for the online option. For National Atlas files ordered on CD-ROM
+ there is a base price of $45.00 per disc, a handling fee of $5.00, and a per-file
+ charge based on file size. The charge for files less than 10 megabytes in size is
+ $1.00. The charge for files that range in size from 10 to 150 megabytes is $7.50. The
+ charge for files of 150 megabytes or larger is $15.00. The charge is $7.50 for the
+ Major Roads of the United States data set.
+ Special instructions:
+ To order files on CD-ROM, please see <>.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This Shapefile data is then reformatted into a simple JSON format
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ {
+ "layerExtent":[0, 0, 8036, 5263],
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+ "shape":[[7242, 2179, 7246, 2178, 7246, 2180, 7245, 2203, 7242, 2179], [6546, 2075, 6559, 2073, 7050, 1972, 7082, 1965, 7150, 2199, 7234, 2181, 7233, 2182, 7240, 2190, 7225, 2191, 7243, 2203, 7215, 2270, 7216, 2271, 7177, 2288, 7177, 2288, 7142, 2302, 7158, 2270, 7138, 2277, 7150, 2256, 7125, 2268, 7144, 2239, 7125, 2242, 7133, 2204, 7122, 2248, 7107, 2224, 7111, 2256, 7075, 2228, 7068, 2236, 7054, 2214, 7065, 2220, 7082, 2197, 7064, 2193, 7061, 2204, 7056, 2185, 7095, 2191, 7108, 2174, 7093, 2158, 7104, 2137, 7091, 2157, 7102, 2168, 7095, 2187, 7076, 2180, 7082, 2168, 7070, 2174, 7079, 2154, 7066, 2176, 7055, 2152, 7046, 2181, 7042, 2165, 7051, 2141, 7062, 2156, 7075, 2150, 7061, 2149, 7076, 2131, 7070, 2120, 7063, 2129, 7059, 2118, 7058, 2141, 7048, 2119, 7082, 2059, 7054, 2094, 7058, 2078, 7047, 2082, 7053, 2111, 7035, 2087, 7042, 2053, 7057, 2050, 7050, 2041, 7091, 2033, 7060, 2035, 7070, 2016, 7088, 2017, 7072, 2013, 7080, 1991, 7062, 2022, 7064, 1996, 7050, 2004, 7035, 2049, 7030, 2026, 7023, 2032, 7028, 2060, 7020, 2044, 7006, 2048, 7022, 2059, 7005, 2062, 7013, 2074, 6997, 2066, 7014, 2075, 7009, 2084, 6979, 2077, 6988, 2097, 6995, 2084, 6996, 2097, 7014, 2096, 7017, 2110, 7004, 2111, 7025, 2118, 6989, 2112, 7019, 2131, 6996, 2133, 7014, 2139, 7009, 2169, 7027, 2214, 7052, 2239, 7043, 2251, 7034, 2229, 7034, 2239, 7010, 2229, 6993, 2188, 6997, 2215, 7042, 2255, 7057, 2251, 7075, 2298, 7045, 2269, 7050, 2285, 7013, 2273, 7017, 2261, 7008, 2274, 7004, 2259, 7000, 2277, 6981, 2250, 6990, 2270, 6975, 2270, 6953, 2234, 6946, 2253, 6936, 2245, 6939, 2259, 6923, 2262, 6916, 2239, 6947, 2196, 6941, 2178, 6940, 2177, 6953, 2157, 6930, 2142, 6924, 2150, 6921, 2156, 6855, 2132, 6860, 2110, 6841, 2099, 6818, 2100, 6817, 2100, 6804, 2069, 6785, 2062, 6790, 2051, 6736, 2044, 6726, 2061, 6702, 2065, 6701, 2086, 6669, 2087, 6652, 2069, 6632, 2114, 6610, 2111, 6565, 2173, 6549, 2091, 6546, 2075]],
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+ "center":[5115, 2145],
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+ },
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+ "shape":[1536, 1604, 1903, 1671, 1959, 1681, 1956, 1693, 1927, 1871, 2214, 1915, 2213, 1925, 2105, 2676, 2039, 2667, 1351, 2546, 1345, 2545, 1536, 1604],
+ "center":[1781, 2167],
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+ "center":[5553, 2130],
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+ },
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+ "center":[4328, 1050],
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+ },
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+ "bbox":[4142, 2111, 1030, 875]
+ },
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+ "shape":[3074, 458, 3023, 1050, 3022, 1057, 3005, 1232, 3001, 1232, 2053, 1110, 2042, 1174, 2037, 1210, 2000, 1150, 1979, 1168, 1982, 1188, 1871, 1163, 1854, 1183, 1802, 1167, 1787, 1189, 1769, 1166, 1764, 1103, 1724, 1076, 1731, 1041, 1707, 996, 1706, 945, 1697, 943, 1704, 930, 1691, 907, 1628, 941, 1602, 915, 1616, 891, 1610, 874, 1638, 859, 1630, 805, 1641, 802, 1676, 715, 1638, 710, 1634, 689, 1620, 694, 1570, 572, 1521, 528, 1539, 522, 1526, 505, 1537, 498, 1537, 477, 1507, 416, 1550, 220, 1560, 222, 3074, 458],
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+ "center":[7487, 1110],
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+ "center":[7248, 1862],
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+ "center":[2533, 3173],
+ "bbox":[1948, 2676, 1083, 1100]
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1390, 4819, 1413, 4835, 1416, 4845, 1463, 4888, 1463, 4910, 1502, 4900, 1515, 4901, 1522, 4895, 1523, 4883, 1536, 4881, 1531, 4875, 1578, 4869, 1589, 4878, 1599, 4888, 1594, 4896, 1599, 4907, 1612, 4911, 1622, 4921, 1631, 4940, 1651, 4952, 1672, 4975, 1668, 4977, 1719, 5064, 1712, 5071, 1728, 5076, 1722, 5087, 1735, 5093, 1735, 5107, 1748, 5108, 1803, 5141, 1804, 5147, 1821, 5151, 1823, 5165, 1813, 5177, 1819, 5207, 1789, 5233, 1782, 5235, 1791, 5229, 1781, 5233, 1780, 5224, 1781, 5235, 1776, 5236, 1776, 5222, 1775, 5232, 1765, 5232, 1764, 5223, 1769, 5219, 1765, 5221, 1765, 5214, 1773, 5212, 1780, 5220, 1779, 5213, 1790, 5212, 1780, 5212, 1794, 5200, 1777, 5214, 1775, 5207, 1769, 5212, 1761, 5210, 1760, 5205, 1769, 5200, 1786, 5202, 1783, 5199, 1788, 5195, 1781, 5200, 1773, 5198, 1775, 5184, 1784, 5181, 1785, 5185, 1788, 5178, 1775, 5183, 1775, 5173, 1786, 5171, 1775, 5172, 1775, 5165, 1771, 5166, 1763, 5155, 1769, 5146, 1755, 5152, 1740, 5149, 1733, 5154, 1728, 5150, 1732, 5155, 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4694, 416, 4703, 393, 4679, 396, 4688, 378, 4696, 375, 4689, 379, 4688, 374, 4689, 378, 4693, 371, 4704, 368, 4701, 372, 4699, 363, 4699, 357, 4692, 363, 4699, 370, 4700, 367, 4703, 374, 4721, 363, 4725, 354, 4721, 341, 4694, 330, 4687, 334, 4681, 326, 4680, 325, 4686, 316, 4689, 313, 4680, 305, 4679, 307, 4675, 301, 4677, 298, 4664, 270, 4675, 268, 4669, 246, 4669, 251, 4672, 240, 4677, 244, 4677, 223, 4680, 219, 4680, 221, 4674, 220, 4678, 199, 4669, 214, 4672, 229, 4666, 222, 4666, 222, 4648, 238, 4647, 225, 4643, 222, 4647, 216, 4639, 216, 4630, 219, 4628, 218, 4633, 222, 4625, 236, 4620, 219, 4577, 220, 4568, 226, 4567, 220, 4565, 215, 4572, 211, 4560, 235, 4542, 227, 4542, 217, 4552, 213, 4549, 215, 4555, 204, 4555, 206, 4561, 198, 4559, 210, 4566, 203, 4578, 192, 4574, 190, 4578, 158, 4579, 121, 4568, 117, 4560, 124, 4558, 111, 4549, 100, 4531, 108, 4528, 108, 4523, 116, 4522, 112, 4517, 134, 4515, 139, 4510, 152, 4514, 150, 4525, 167, 4523, 171, 4518, 146, 4505, 167, 4507, 155, 4502, 159, 4499, 145, 4506, 85, 4484, 88, 4480, 98, 4483, 99, 4477, 108, 4479, 90, 4476, 88, 4472, 95, 4468, 93, 4464, 94, 4468, 89, 4471, 80, 4465, 89, 4463, 87, 4458, 94, 4453, 120, 4448, 114, 4443, 111, 4441, 118, 4448, 91, 4453, 92, 4457, 86, 4458, 88, 4463, 79, 4464, 77, 4473, 67, 4468, 69, 4456, 56, 4450, 55, 4444, 65, 4446, 64, 4439, 57, 4435, 47, 4436, 45, 4429, 49, 4421, 48, 4427, 72, 4431, 56, 4423, 53, 4416, 81, 4421, 74, 4414, 76, 4404, 114, 4384, 128, 4386, 126, 4390, 139, 4396, 131, 4399, 140, 4397, 135, 4394, 137, 4390, 127, 4390, 131, 4384, 131, 4371, 134, 4372, 130, 4370, 148, 4375, 132, 4367, 160, 4349, 194, 4357, 195, 4364, 202, 4365, 211, 4376, 247, 4370, 271, 4358, 270, 4354, 284, 4361, 275, 4364, 328, 4370, 350, 4358, 351, 4353, 348, 4327, 335, 4312, 339, 4312, 322, 4308, 331, 4302, 348, 4308, 346, 4305, 362, 4304, 362, 4289, 349, 4280, 358, 4282, 362, 4277, 327, 4287, 317, 4278, 321, 4282, 298, 4282, 301, 4283, 274, 4288, 259, 4298, 259, 4287, 249, 4281, 247, 4273, 234, 4274, 250, 4282, 242, 4289, 230, 4277, 210, 4269, 157, 4262, 156, 4259, 155, 4264, 164, 4265, 151, 4263, 86, 4232, 84, 4222, 90, 4218, 66, 4192, 74, 4186, 69, 4196, 86, 4200, 81, 4199, 98, 4193, 113, 4200, 129, 4217, 146, 4211, 121, 4205, 120, 4208, 104, 4192, 47, 4171, 17, 4146, 34, 4143, 20, 4148, 47, 4149, 50, 4148, 46, 4144, 53, 4145, 49, 4143, 64, 4141, 74, 4147, 83, 4145, 79, 4141, 118, 4137, 127, 4144, 156, 4150, 137, 4138, 153, 4133, 177, 4135, 182, 4140, 199, 4133, 216, 4135, 254, 4146, 239, 4141, 247, 4147, 238, 4154, 238, 4162, 219, 4162, 234, 4165, 240, 4176, 289, 4186, 291, 4193, 318, 4194, 333, 4206, 340, 4199, 336, 4200, 352, 4190, 374, 4198, 367, 4207, 377, 4200, 373, 4191, 354, 4182, 334, 4180, 337, 4186, 333, 4185, 337, 4169, 324, 4153, 311, 4149, 307, 4139, 316, 4135, 336, 4151, 331, 4159, 351, 4178, 373, 4177, 389, 4192, 417, 4198, 420, 4190, 416, 4183, 421, 4182, 418, 4180, 406, 4182, 377, 4171, 369, 4176, 357, 4174, 341, 4157, 353, 4145, 364, 4147, 357, 4140, 293, 4124, 299, 4128, 257, 4109, 255, 4089, 244, 4072, 152, 4004, 125, 3993, 147, 3993, 130, 3993, 157, 3998, 148, 3993, 158, 3986, 164, 3966, 256, 3987, 292, 3985, 321, 3970, 313, 3977, 321, 3975, 329, 3963, 326, 3959, 337, 3956, 335, 3951, 394, 3929, 406, 3935, 396, 3933, 402, 3937, 383, 3937, 439, 3938, 443, 3942, 441, 3939, 487, 3931, 497, 3935, 496, 3938, 481, 3939, 495, 3941, 482, 3949, 491, 3948, 498, 3962, 495, 3948, 501, 3942, 527, 3947, 504, 3943, 498, 3933, 487, 3930, 537, 3925, 528, 3925, 539, 3929, 521, 3927, 533, 3937, 531, 3931, 546, 3933, 541, 3930, 588, 3940, 620, 3939],
+ "center":[813, 4358],
+ "bbox":[17, 3922, 1806, 1313]
+ },
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+ "shape":[[3960, 4548, 3926, 4590, 3956, 4534, 4038, 4483, 3960, 4548], [3765, 3367, 3774, 3393, 3796, 3396, 3793, 3416, 3813, 3422, 3840, 3397, 3880, 3431, 3914, 3413, 3927, 3451, 3950, 3405, 3986, 3430, 4014, 3417, 4009, 3427, 4053, 3458, 4085, 3428, 4145, 3427, 4173, 3408, 4222, 3421, 4233, 3404, 4291, 3445, 4352, 3464, 4354, 3465, 4369, 3483, 4424, 3481, 4426, 3583, 4426, 3596, 4431, 3781, 4468, 3822, 4467, 3859, 4487, 3873, 4481, 3881, 4500, 3900, 4492, 3912, 4519, 3935, 4524, 3965, 4488, 4061, 4497, 4154, 4459, 4204, 4475, 4227, 4474, 4229, 4432, 4233, 4316, 4293, 4369, 4255, 4315, 4261, 4329, 4237, 4323, 4210, 4296, 4236, 4284, 4227, 4275, 4256, 4294, 4268, 4282, 4276, 4310, 4294, 4298, 4288, 4297, 4303, 4263, 4330, 4241, 4321, 4255, 4349, 4233, 4348, 4247, 4349, 4238, 4364, 4258, 4351, 4229, 4378, 4162, 4418, 4119, 4424, 4115, 4438, 4160, 4418, 4045, 4481, 4112, 4432, 4068, 4448, 4060, 4430, 4018, 4451, 4040, 4474, 3994, 4498, 3973, 4481, 3973, 4514, 3933, 4533, 3902, 4593, 3888, 4582, 3868, 4592, 3870, 4608, 3892, 4619, 3845, 4737, 3850, 4754, 3834, 4754, 3850, 4780, 3833, 4783, 3859, 4840, 3847, 4861, 3873, 4881, 3876, 4927, 3897, 4936, 3873, 4955, 3896, 4954, 3903, 4938, 3905, 4957, 3879, 4958, 3854, 4981, 3816, 4943, 3718, 4936, 3676, 4902, 3636, 4898, 3613, 4872, 3559, 4859, 3533, 4775, 3504, 4740, 3506, 4694, 3490, 4681, 3496, 4633, 3435, 4586, 3426, 4549, 3370, 4492, 3362, 4445, 3335, 4412, 3309, 4324, 3247, 4252, 3215, 4237, 3218, 4218, 3207, 4226, 3194, 4188, 3081, 4178, 3040, 4157, 3027, 4179, 2978, 4179, 2937, 4252, 2938, 4277, 2915, 4284, 2892, 4321, 2863, 4319, 2783, 4256, 2738, 4240, 2665, 4174, 2641, 4116, 2644, 4054, 2622, 4023, 2615, 3980, 2540, 3924, 2459, 3816, 2420, 3792, 2396, 3737, 2373, 3725, 2373, 3724, 2358, 3706, 2363, 3681, 2946, 3738, 3017, 2874, 3023, 2874, 3487, 2903, 3471, 3276, 3484, 3274, 3520, 3312, 3565, 3315, 3571, 3299, 3595, 3323, 3598, 3347, 3692, 3360, 3710, 3380, 3729, 3362, 3765, 3367], [3892, 4640, 3925, 4591, 3867, 4713, 3892, 4640], [3880, 4832, 3866, 4788, 3868, 4714, 3868, 4773, 3902, 4937, 3880, 4832]],
+ "center":[3629, 3892],
+ "bbox":[2358, 2874, 2166, 2107]
+ },
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+ "shape":[5342, 3152, 5751, 3113, 5757, 3137, 5866, 3512, 5911, 3591, 5907, 3611, 5927, 3621, 5902, 3649, 5896, 3708, 5919, 3762, 5916, 3831, 5939, 3865, 5910, 3869, 5508, 3912, 5506, 3942, 5548, 3975, 5545, 4009, 5544, 4009, 5552, 4017, 5539, 4037, 5516, 4037, 5518, 4048, 5534, 4045, 5527, 4052, 5450, 4070, 5500, 4054, 5480, 4029, 5466, 4030, 5458, 3981, 5441, 3978, 5426, 4000, 5435, 4008, 5430, 4053, 5386, 4042, 5385, 4042, 5349, 3751, 5360, 3170, 5342, 3152],
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+ "bbox":[5342, 3113, 596, 956]
+ },
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+ "shape":[[7201, 2563, 7205, 2562, 7205, 2563, 7287, 2693, 7245, 2651, 7201, 2563], [6319, 2725, 6333, 2723, 7179, 2568, 7180, 2569, 7175, 2579, 7200, 2600, 7202, 2588, 7236, 2649, 7199, 2610, 7200, 2632, 7214, 2636, 7164, 2617, 7193, 2645, 7174, 2653, 7155, 2639, 7171, 2659, 7130, 2648, 7157, 2663, 7130, 2669, 7142, 2671, 7119, 2688, 7091, 2665, 7093, 2636, 7052, 2626, 7089, 2638, 7098, 2707, 7206, 2677, 7191, 2684, 7209, 2684, 7198, 2697, 7209, 2714, 7198, 2716, 7215, 2729, 7199, 2731, 7207, 2736, 7221, 2731, 7215, 2690, 7234, 2690, 7224, 2680, 7239, 2671, 7264, 2716, 7255, 2721, 7260, 2741, 7239, 2733, 7244, 2746, 7212, 2802, 7178, 2792, 7173, 2806, 7168, 2785, 7162, 2804, 7151, 2800, 7144, 2792, 7154, 2788, 7138, 2782, 7161, 2779, 7151, 2766, 7116, 2785, 7138, 2787, 7145, 2804, 7057, 2791, 7084, 2815, 7089, 2804, 7128, 2813, 7118, 2828, 7130, 2815, 7140, 2816, 7137, 2828, 7148, 2815, 7167, 2824, 7127, 2856, 7161, 2848, 7127, 2892, 7076, 2863, 7086, 2873, 7072, 2883, 7086, 2874, 7112, 2907, 7127, 2896, 7138, 2910, 7143, 2889, 7156, 2898, 7153, 2881, 7174, 2896, 7160, 2880, 7175, 2883, 7175, 2859, 7185, 2890, 7203, 2865, 7203, 2890, 7192, 2892, 7181, 2928, 7161, 2914, 7166, 2933, 7152, 2917, 7140, 2930, 7153, 2934, 7093, 2956, 7082, 2940, 7089, 2954, 7077, 2954, 7084, 2960, 7063, 2986, 7048, 2983, 7060, 2970, 7038, 2953, 7051, 2971, 7040, 2980, 7056, 2994, 7003, 3047, 6991, 3097, 6976, 3076, 6979, 3133, 6944, 3128, 6892, 3152, 6891, 3152, 6686, 3010, 6511, 3038, 6509, 3016, 6480, 2987, 6465, 3002, 6461, 2982, 6249, 3003, 6143, 3060, 6140, 3060, 5983, 3084, 5953, 3088, 5952, 3042, 5989, 3028, 5990, 3001, 6009, 2978, 6067, 2961, 6114, 2916, 6140, 2910, 6147, 2879, 6165, 2877, 6186, 2847, 6202, 2866, 6229, 2830, 6278, 2822, 6293, 2785, 6322, 2773, 6319, 2725, 6319, 2725], [7183, 2567, 7187, 2566, 7187, 2566, 7203, 2576, 7183, 2567], [7288, 2695, 7308, 2729, 7313, 2798, 7281, 2813, 7311, 2788, 7306, 2729, 7288, 2695]],
+ "center":[6700, 2826],
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+ },
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+ "shape":[3950, 502, 3967, 564, 3957, 591, 3957, 592, 3959, 670, 3996, 776, 3997, 891, 4008, 907, 4001, 959, 4028, 1023, 4033, 1100, 4002, 1099, 3164, 1062, 3023, 1050, 3074, 458, 3116, 461, 3950, 502],
+ "center":[3524, 756],
+ "bbox":[3023, 458, 1010, 642]
+ },
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+ "shape":[2971, 1616, 2976, 1616, 3755, 1662, 3820, 1709, 3848, 1690, 3931, 1693, 4010, 1732, 4020, 1761, 4043, 1765, 4044, 1765, 4045, 1765, 4054, 1768, 4059, 1827, 4074, 1860, 4089, 1865, 4099, 1898, 4095, 1948, 4121, 1965, 4115, 1986, 4127, 1995, 4119, 2014, 4131, 2018, 4126, 2040, 4136, 2071, 4125, 2102, 4143, 2131, 4142, 2133, 4159, 2139, 4159, 2184, 4185, 2197, 4195, 2236, 4211, 2244, 4206, 2243, 3243, 2215, 3215, 2213, 3228, 2022, 3006, 2005, 2937, 1999, 2971, 1616, 2971, 1616],
+ "center":[3612, 1930],
+ "bbox":[2937, 1616, 1274, 628]
+ },
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+ "shape":[[7362, 1671, 7357, 1658, 7401, 1659, 7402, 1642, 7477, 1620, 7517, 1573, 7481, 1633, 7506, 1626, 7517, 1598, 7550, 1598, 7581, 1575, 7480, 1659, 7339, 1731, 7361, 1728, 7312, 1749, 7333, 1725, 7294, 1740, 7303, 1702, 7327, 1700, 7328, 1680, 7341, 1689, 7346, 1667, 7362, 1671], [7184, 893, 7196, 969, 7218, 999, 7216, 1076, 7241, 1126, 7239, 1162, 7255, 1151, 7267, 1166, 7302, 1314, 7302, 1327, 7304, 1452, 7307, 1462, 7331, 1595, 7345, 1608, 7315, 1637, 7331, 1657, 7330, 1657, 7320, 1695, 7303, 1699, 7293, 1722, 7292, 1722, 7297, 1663, 7175, 1625, 7167, 1623, 7121, 1609, 7103, 1589, 7094, 1550, 7066, 1546, 7046, 1524, 6427, 1652, 6418, 1601, 6418, 1601, 6494, 1530, 6527, 1480, 6507, 1445, 6511, 1430, 6486, 1428, 6481, 1394, 6608, 1347, 6657, 1344, 6692, 1358, 6744, 1336, 6778, 1344, 6770, 1334, 6866, 1255, 6865, 1239, 6837, 1205, 6869, 1168, 6846, 1180, 6855, 1163, 6841, 1160, 6834, 1184, 6817, 1160, 6877, 1095, 6883, 1064, 6934, 987, 6991, 943, 7184, 893], [7409, 1706, 7398, 1711, 7469, 1664, 7409, 1706], [7382, 1718, 7363, 1729, 7406, 1703, 7382, 1718], [7292, 1741, 7269, 1767, 7272, 1740, 7292, 1741]],
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+ "bbox":[6418, 893, 1163, 873]
+ },
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+ "shape":[6143, 3060, 6144, 3060, 6113, 3123, 6176, 3156, 6176, 3156, 6196, 3157, 6258, 3247, 6374, 3325, 6375, 3348, 6410, 3379, 6457, 3400, 6481, 3470, 6523, 3496, 6545, 3561, 6579, 3568, 6580, 3568, 6593, 3574, 6582, 3589, 6576, 3573, 6575, 3590, 6562, 3577, 6582, 3595, 6574, 3607, 6549, 3590, 6554, 3602, 6539, 3599, 6557, 3608, 6523, 3597, 6568, 3616, 6555, 3636, 6545, 3622, 6548, 3636, 6521, 3624, 6546, 3641, 6534, 3650, 6555, 3641, 6558, 3655, 6553, 3669, 6540, 3655, 6547, 3669, 6522, 3676, 6555, 3676, 6543, 3705, 6528, 3694, 6543, 3716, 6509, 3714, 6527, 3718, 6526, 3731, 6527, 3721, 6548, 3726, 6534, 3752, 6522, 3740, 6520, 3761, 6492, 3747, 6524, 3780, 6493, 3792, 6528, 3792, 6524, 3814, 6507, 3812, 6526, 3836, 6507, 3840, 6508, 3840, 6456, 3827, 6438, 3838, 6448, 3917, 6427, 3924, 6411, 3885, 5968, 3918, 5939, 3866, 5939, 3865, 5916, 3831, 5919, 3762, 5896, 3708, 5902, 3649, 5927, 3621, 5907, 3611, 5911, 3591, 5866, 3512, 5757, 3137, 5751, 3113, 5772, 3111, 5944, 3089, 5953, 3088, 5983, 3084, 6140, 3060, 6143, 3060],
+ "center":[6159, 3499],
+ "bbox":[5751, 3060, 842, 864]
+ },
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+ "shape":[1536, 1604, 1345, 2545, 1345, 2545, 1315, 2697, 1293, 2725, 1276, 2722, 1260, 2695, 1202, 2695, 1195, 2871, 1179, 2902, 1179, 2903, 553, 1964, 701, 1416, 703, 1408, 722, 1413, 1117, 1512, 1117, 1512, 1118, 1512, 1535, 1604, 1536, 1604],
+ "center":[1045, 1927],
+ "bbox":[553, 1408, 983, 1495]
+ },
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+ "shape":[6012, 2768, 6017, 2767, 6319, 2725, 6319, 2725, 6322, 2773, 6293, 2785, 6278, 2822, 6229, 2830, 6202, 2866, 6186, 2847, 6165, 2877, 6147, 2879, 6140, 2910, 6114, 2916, 6067, 2961, 6009, 2978, 5990, 3001, 5989, 3028, 5952, 3042, 5953, 3088, 5944, 3089, 5772, 3111, 5751, 3113, 5342, 3152, 5341, 3152, 5014, 3177, 5009, 3177, 5045, 3148, 5028, 3122, 5041, 3100, 5026, 3095, 5038, 3082, 5048, 3098, 5046, 3067, 5065, 3073, 5057, 3059, 5073, 3047, 5055, 3032, 5093, 3013, 5083, 3000, 5102, 2996, 5089, 2979, 5089, 2978, 5107, 2950, 5089, 2931, 5113, 2927, 5100, 2914, 5115, 2907, 5110, 2881, 5114, 2880, 5118, 2880, 5118, 2882, 5129, 2880, 5140, 2878, 5339, 2863, 5334, 2828, 6011, 2769, 6012, 2768],
+ "center":[5533, 2967],
+ "bbox":[5009, 2725, 1313, 453]
+ },
+ "CA":{
+ "shape":[124, 1236, 703, 1408, 701, 1416, 553, 1964, 1179, 2903, 1179, 2903, 1174, 2927, 1193, 2962, 1196, 3013, 1229, 3058, 1178, 3078, 1153, 3106, 1139, 3179, 1102, 3200, 1097, 3220, 1105, 3229, 1092, 3262, 1121, 3280, 1121, 3315, 1106, 3331, 1075, 3331, 1073, 3331, 684, 3281, 675, 3245, 689, 3269, 691, 3255, 679, 3241, 671, 3251, 680, 3184, 663, 3123, 582, 3010, 537, 3005, 544, 2987, 533, 2946, 487, 2941, 442, 2909, 390, 2833, 254, 2790, 232, 2760, 261, 2654, 231, 2628, 243, 2608, 239, 2587, 191, 2528, 176, 2457, 133, 2383, 136, 2329, 157, 2327, 180, 2295, 168, 2261, 138, 2254, 112, 2214, 108, 2130, 123, 2084, 138, 2084, 133, 2123, 182, 2166, 167, 2153, 165, 2102, 151, 2088, 158, 2072, 145, 2055, 157, 2049, 254, 2078, 272, 2065, 268, 2080, 298, 2084, 273, 2064, 243, 2069, 268, 2048, 223, 2060, 209, 2039, 220, 2032, 188, 2052, 176, 2035, 182, 2009, 177, 2043, 159, 2021, 144, 2025, 130, 2078, 99, 2053, 79, 2009, 61, 2023, 80, 1997, 79, 1979, 94, 2014, 71, 1934, 12, 1822, 24, 1799, 22, 1739, 43, 1704, 47, 1650, 0, 1548, 4, 1513, 47, 1463, 45, 1477, 72, 1455, 65, 1446, 48, 1461, 77, 1424, 78, 1397, 118, 1329, 104, 1274, 124, 1236],
+ "center":[507, 2428],
+ "bbox":[0, 1236, 1229, 2095]
+ },
+ "OK":{
+ "shape":[3178, 2791, 3178, 2791, 4284, 2819, 4321, 2819, 4322, 2863, 4323, 2915, 4327, 2945, 4356, 3126, 4352, 3449, 4352, 3464, 4291, 3445, 4233, 3404, 4222, 3421, 4173, 3408, 4145, 3427, 4085, 3428, 4053, 3458, 4009, 3427, 4014, 3417, 3986, 3430, 3950, 3405, 3927, 3451, 3914, 3413, 3880, 3431, 3840, 3397, 3813, 3422, 3793, 3416, 3796, 3396, 3774, 3393, 3765, 3367, 3765, 3367, 3729, 3362, 3710, 3380, 3692, 3360, 3598, 3347, 3595, 3323, 3571, 3299, 3565, 3315, 3520, 3312, 3484, 3274, 3471, 3276, 3487, 2903, 3153, 2884, 3023, 2874, 3030, 2791, 3031, 2779, 3134, 2787, 3178, 2791],
+ "center":[3930, 3108],
+ "bbox":[3023, 2779, 1332, 686]
+ },
+ "OH":{
+ "shape":[5911, 1786, 5991, 1817, 6004, 1801, 5999, 1814, 6023, 1808, 5975, 1832, 6041, 1829, 6027, 1817, 6061, 1832, 6123, 1797, 6162, 1796, 6219, 1734, 6320, 1675, 6321, 1675, 6364, 1929, 6364, 1929, 6345, 1942, 6363, 1991, 6345, 2130, 6303, 2183, 6281, 2195, 6267, 2184, 6254, 2214, 6237, 2217, 6224, 2255, 6236, 2284, 6216, 2296, 6209, 2275, 6192, 2271, 6172, 2320, 6184, 2354, 6168, 2361, 6166, 2388, 6127, 2398, 6127, 2398, 6084, 2371, 6074, 2341, 6017, 2380, 5981, 2364, 5961, 2382, 5927, 2360, 5874, 2358, 5831, 2303, 5780, 2312, 5778, 2313, 5721, 1845, 5718, 1819, 5906, 1787, 5906, 1787, 5911, 1786],
+ "center":[6096, 2082],
+ "bbox":[5718, 1675, 646, 724]
+ },
+ "WY":{
+ "shape":[3005, 1232, 3004, 1235, 2971, 1616, 2971, 1616, 2937, 1999, 2924, 1998, 2225, 1917, 2214, 1915, 1927, 1871, 1956, 1693, 1959, 1681, 2037, 1210, 2037, 1210, 2042, 1174, 2053, 1110, 3001, 1232, 3005, 1232],
+ "center":[2487, 1535],
+ "bbox":[1927, 1110, 1078, 889]
+ },
+ "FL":{
+ "shape":[6508, 3840, 6528, 3854, 6539, 3839, 6543, 3875, 6530, 3858, 6584, 4003, 6595, 4014, 6587, 3987, 6675, 4136, 6637, 4084, 6664, 4136, 6750, 4223, 6762, 4245, 6748, 4256, 6756, 4285, 6793, 4358, 6731, 4264, 6724, 4233, 6740, 4221, 6739, 4270, 6756, 4303, 6745, 4219, 6711, 4219, 6718, 4202, 6694, 4187, 6727, 4263, 6862, 4481, 6836, 4471, 6851, 4487, 6868, 4482, 6890, 4522, 6876, 4517, 6902, 4547, 6896, 4539, 6921, 4741, 6919, 4751, 6915, 4716, 6894, 4786, 6893, 4872, 6861, 4866, 6868, 4874, 6848, 4887, 6819, 4884, 6773, 4906, 6755, 4887, 6756, 4867, 6785, 4885, 6801, 4874, 6754, 4856, 6738, 4832, 6753, 4810, 6734, 4825, 6719, 4803, 6735, 4792, 6720, 4783, 6716, 4801, 6704, 4777, 6667, 4764, 6694, 4777, 6657, 4762, 6635, 4770, 6631, 4759, 6645, 4756, 6617, 4739, 6597, 4668, 6567, 4666, 6603, 4617, 6562, 4660, 6540, 4586, 6556, 4557, 6532, 4585, 6506, 4569, 6535, 4610, 6511, 4595, 6510, 4610, 6447, 4528, 6443, 4503, 6421, 4493, 6465, 4477, 6428, 4479, 6458, 4445, 6457, 4394, 6438, 4420, 6436, 4399, 6419, 4396, 6429, 4392, 6403, 4383, 6417, 4395, 6402, 4404, 6432, 4409, 6420, 4418, 6423, 4447, 6386, 4425, 6408, 4454, 6382, 4422, 6398, 4307, 6394, 4244, 6383, 4235, 6393, 4239, 6391, 4218, 6367, 4201, 6354, 4168, 6314, 4174, 6291, 4153, 6298, 4145, 6244, 4116, 6240, 4089, 6213, 4079, 6187, 4044, 6127, 4016, 6093, 4018, 6065, 4038, 6073, 4051, 6055, 4046, 6075, 4064, 6044, 4065, 5988, 4110, 5992, 4091, 5970, 4113, 5910, 4130, 5896, 4096, 5909, 4127, 5913, 4096, 5845, 4047, 5883, 4064, 5895, 4056, 5836, 4037, 5868, 4007, 5861, 3999, 5838, 4026, 5828, 4011, 5810, 4015, 5816, 4030, 5830, 4026, 5836, 4049, 5781, 4023, 5700, 4011, 5768, 4007, 5751, 3984, 5715, 3998, 5701, 3986, 5687, 4010, 5589, 4032, 5639, 4008, 5613, 3998, 5612, 3979, 5604, 4010, 5584, 3985, 5589, 4017, 5532, 4051, 5561, 4019, 5545, 4009, 5545, 4009, 5548, 3975, 5506, 3942, 5508, 3912, 5910, 3869, 5939, 3865, 5939, 3866, 5968, 3918, 6411, 3885, 6427, 3924, 6448, 3917, 6438, 3838, 6456, 3827, 6508, 3840],
+ "center":[6585, 4335],
+ "bbox":[5506, 3827, 1414, 1079]
+ },
+ "SD":{
+ "shape":[3023, 1050, 3164, 1062, 4002, 1099, 4033, 1100, 4029, 1123, 3992, 1163, 4047, 1222, 4045, 1570, 4025, 1570, 4035, 1591, 4026, 1613, 4047, 1642, 4018, 1718, 4044, 1765, 4043, 1765, 4020, 1761, 4010, 1732, 3931, 1693, 3848, 1690, 3820, 1709, 3755, 1662, 2976, 1616, 2971, 1616, 3004, 1235, 3005, 1232, 3022, 1057, 3023, 1050],
+ "center":[3544, 1347],
+ "bbox":[2971, 1050, 1076, 715]
+ },
+ "SC":{
+ "shape":[6176, 3156, 6113, 3123, 6144, 3060, 6143, 3060, 6249, 3003, 6461, 2982, 6465, 3002, 6480, 2987, 6509, 3016, 6511, 3038, 6686, 3010, 6891, 3152, 6891, 3152, 6826, 3243, 6815, 3270, 6821, 3298, 6801, 3279, 6812, 3254, 6800, 3266, 6799, 3286, 6821, 3302, 6814, 3316, 6806, 3304, 6812, 3316, 6795, 3313, 6807, 3317, 6785, 3340, 6797, 3341, 6769, 3342, 6758, 3362, 6768, 3367, 6729, 3404, 6719, 3386, 6734, 3368, 6716, 3392, 6709, 3373, 6716, 3402, 6698, 3393, 6727, 3408, 6714, 3429, 6706, 3421, 6710, 3436, 6683, 3450, 6667, 3441, 6675, 3421, 6658, 3443, 6680, 3450, 6661, 3470, 6641, 3436, 6651, 3472, 6623, 3460, 6628, 3470, 6597, 3471, 6639, 3481, 6630, 3502, 6646, 3486, 6647, 3504, 6618, 3520, 6608, 3485, 6612, 3514, 6573, 3474, 6591, 3506, 6576, 3517, 6615, 3529, 6594, 3555, 6596, 3527, 6582, 3532, 6595, 3539, 6579, 3568, 6579, 3568, 6545, 3561, 6523, 3496, 6481, 3470, 6457, 3400, 6410, 3379, 6375, 3348, 6374, 3325, 6258, 3247, 6196, 3157, 6176, 3156, 6176, 3156],
+ "center":[6541, 3231],
+ "bbox":[6113, 2982, 779, 586]
+ },
+ "CT":{
+ "shape":[7541, 1398, 7568, 1526, 7567, 1528, 7539, 1536, 7531, 1523, 7535, 1539, 7521, 1547, 7504, 1553, 7491, 1539, 7496, 1559, 7426, 1581, 7424, 1569, 7401, 1605, 7331, 1655, 7331, 1657, 7315, 1637, 7345, 1608, 7331, 1595, 7307, 1462, 7304, 1452, 7321, 1448, 7541, 1398],
+ "center":[7442, 1505],
+ "bbox":[7304, 1398, 264, 259]
+ },
+ "WV":{
+ "shape":[6364, 1929, 6369, 1959, 6394, 2102, 6546, 2075, 6549, 2091, 6565, 2173, 6610, 2111, 6632, 2114, 6652, 2069, 6669, 2087, 6701, 2086, 6702, 2065, 6726, 2061, 6736, 2044, 6790, 2051, 6785, 2062, 6804, 2069, 6817, 2100, 6817, 2101, 6809, 2139, 6720, 2092, 6723, 2150, 6670, 2239, 6647, 2227, 6621, 2315, 6560, 2293, 6550, 2358, 6492, 2481, 6507, 2491, 6493, 2505, 6500, 2512, 6479, 2534, 6467, 2527, 6433, 2553, 6418, 2545, 6415, 2567, 6368, 2591, 6344, 2575, 6301, 2608, 6258, 2584, 6247, 2552, 6247, 2551, 6222, 2552, 6212, 2535, 6192, 2533, 6155, 2489, 6159, 2478, 6128, 2452, 6127, 2399, 6127, 2398, 6166, 2388, 6168, 2361, 6184, 2354, 6172, 2320, 6192, 2271, 6209, 2275, 6216, 2296, 6236, 2284, 6224, 2255, 6237, 2217, 6254, 2214, 6267, 2184, 6281, 2195, 6303, 2183, 6345, 2130, 6363, 1991, 6345, 1942, 6364, 1929, 6364, 1929],
+ "center":[6378, 2332],
+ "bbox":[6127, 1929, 690, 680]
+ },
+ "DC":{
+ "shape":[6928, 2160, 6921, 2156, 6921, 2156, 6924, 2150, 6930, 2142, 6953, 2157, 6940, 2177, 6939, 2177, 6944, 2161, 6928, 2160],
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+ "center":[4969, 1326],
+ "bbox":[4532, 882, 805, 857]
+ },
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+ "shape":[[5118, 2880, 5110, 2881, 5109, 2880, 5110, 2865, 5118, 2880], [5778, 2313, 5780, 2312, 5831, 2303, 5874, 2358, 5927, 2360, 5961, 2382, 5981, 2364, 6017, 2380, 6074, 2341, 6084, 2371, 6127, 2398, 6127, 2398, 6127, 2399, 6128, 2452, 6159, 2478, 6155, 2489, 6192, 2533, 6212, 2535, 6222, 2552, 6247, 2551, 6247, 2552, 6230, 2571, 6144, 2648, 6127, 2694, 6098, 2707, 6091, 2729, 6012, 2768, 6011, 2769, 5334, 2828, 5339, 2863, 5140, 2878, 5129, 2880, 5137, 2853, 5160, 2860, 5159, 2831, 5171, 2825, 5161, 2817, 5167, 2783, 5166, 2783, 5164, 2782, 5158, 2769, 5185, 2735, 5266, 2759, 5261, 2698, 5320, 2674, 5305, 2642, 5322, 2614, 5322, 2613, 5323, 2613, 5340, 2610, 5340, 2587, 5383, 2602, 5385, 2574, 5462, 2603, 5472, 2578, 5501, 2558, 5531, 2585, 5550, 2566, 5553, 2530, 5574, 2523, 5567, 2513, 5585, 2539, 5620, 2553, 5637, 2538, 5645, 2489, 5666, 2484, 5675, 2455, 5701, 2433, 5695, 2396, 5734, 2399, 5786, 2374, 5788, 2355, 5773, 2350, 5779, 2338, 5768, 2324, 5777, 2313, 5778, 2313]],
+ "center":[5828, 2581],
+ "bbox":[5109, 2303, 1138, 577]
+ },
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+ "shape":[3215, 2213, 3243, 2215, 4206, 2243, 4211, 2244, 4210, 2245, 4242, 2269, 4266, 2264, 4277, 2292, 4262, 2293, 4241, 2331, 4274, 2360, 4282, 2393, 4319, 2406, 4321, 2819, 4284, 2819, 3178, 2791, 3178, 2791, 3210, 2296, 3215, 2213],
+ "center":[3753, 2506],
+ "bbox":[3178, 2213, 1143, 606]
+ },
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+ "shape":[477, 509, 504, 509, 532, 539, 534, 584, 521, 593, 534, 585, 521, 632, 526, 623, 577, 662, 633, 657, 633, 657, 691, 657, 734, 693, 810, 686, 863, 705, 955, 690, 1008, 704, 1037, 696, 1297, 762, 1309, 764, 1309, 766, 1319, 800, 1346, 822, 1352, 851, 1276, 949, 1267, 976, 1234, 998, 1194, 1057, 1195, 1080, 1231, 1110, 1197, 1168, 1117, 1512, 1117, 1512, 722, 1413, 703, 1408, 124, 1236, 124, 1235, 110, 1211, 113, 1167, 135, 1113, 125, 1067, 178, 985, 186, 997, 204, 973, 210, 988, 212, 967, 187, 981, 223, 930, 236, 921, 261, 943, 237, 918, 223, 929, 252, 869, 266, 879, 253, 868, 283, 797, 294, 802, 283, 796, 297, 762, 310, 772, 297, 760, 306, 728, 347, 665, 359, 605, 376, 607, 367, 590, 384, 570, 375, 575, 375, 554, 385, 520, 399, 511, 399, 466, 421, 501, 415, 480, 464, 485, 477, 509],
+ "center":[746, 1019],
+ "bbox":[110, 466, 1241, 1045]
+ },
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+ "shape":[4426, 3583, 4464, 3582, 4879, 3569, 4894, 3568, 4894, 3569, 4889, 3586, 4903, 3571, 4912, 3587, 4897, 3615, 4915, 3623, 4900, 3641, 4922, 3637, 4913, 3654, 4928, 3664, 4910, 3656, 4908, 3669, 4932, 3675, 4928, 3692, 4948, 3689, 4931, 3722, 4902, 3724, 4903, 3736, 4929, 3733, 4918, 3752, 4905, 3747, 4918, 3759, 4892, 3798, 4877, 3794, 4873, 3810, 4891, 3811, 4872, 3813, 4867, 3838, 4850, 3837, 4869, 3845, 4850, 3857, 4858, 3885, 4842, 3879, 4853, 3903, 4831, 3910, 4848, 3948, 4836, 3959, 5153, 3940, 5138, 4007, 5183, 4090, 5199, 4096, 5199, 4096, 5184, 4098, 5169, 4129, 5151, 4128, 5149, 4144, 5187, 4158, 5192, 4133, 5214, 4118, 5210, 4139, 5227, 4140, 5214, 4144, 5226, 4153, 5217, 4151, 5220, 4166, 5236, 4172, 5224, 4178, 5205, 4161, 5201, 4170, 5216, 4168, 5205, 4182, 5181, 4182, 5214, 4204, 5175, 4191, 5191, 4208, 5164, 4211, 5210, 4237, 5204, 4249, 5243, 4248, 5231, 4254, 5255, 4255, 5255, 4268, 5266, 4253, 5282, 4271, 5277, 4286, 5298, 4277, 5284, 4290, 5298, 4291, 5293, 4306, 5277, 4294, 5281, 4325, 5260, 4300, 5236, 4340, 5256, 4293, 5246, 4288, 5249, 4301, 5235, 4307, 5222, 4276, 5187, 4272, 5197, 4273, 5197, 4253, 5179, 4236, 5195, 4263, 5159, 4269, 5171, 4258, 5160, 4239, 5102, 4232, 5106, 4203, 5101, 4219, 5092, 4198, 5101, 4216, 5089, 4233, 5120, 4242, 5125, 4273, 5111, 4266, 5122, 4296, 5087, 4319, 5091, 4288, 5070, 4275, 5065, 4289, 5054, 4267, 5049, 4281, 5041, 4267, 5043, 4282, 5026, 4277, 5031, 4297, 5013, 4285, 5023, 4312, 5012, 4300, 5017, 4314, 5001, 4319, 4987, 4304, 4982, 4317, 4972, 4309, 4996, 4297, 4991, 4288, 4948, 4273, 4939, 4285, 4912, 4244, 4864, 4246, 4862, 4223, 4846, 4224, 4858, 4201, 4810, 4212, 4813, 4188, 4751, 4205, 4770, 4215, 4769, 4232, 4786, 4231, 4740, 4249, 4582, 4207, 4476, 4226, 4475, 4227, 4459, 4204, 4497, 4154, 4488, 4061, 4524, 3965, 4519, 3935, 4492, 3912, 4500, 3900, 4481, 3881, 4487, 3873, 4467, 3859, 4468, 3822, 4431, 3781, 4426, 3596, 4426, 3583],
+ "center":[4688, 3984],
+ "bbox":[4426, 3568, 872, 772]
+ },
+ "WA":{
+ "shape":[717, 0, 1411, 188, 1428, 192, 1306, 692, 1315, 731, 1304, 745, 1309, 764, 1297, 762, 1037, 696, 1008, 704, 955, 690, 863, 705, 810, 686, 734, 693, 691, 657, 633, 657, 633, 656, 586, 660, 539, 635, 528, 620, 541, 567, 535, 534, 510, 509, 483, 507, 446, 465, 392, 456, 416, 389, 407, 438, 415, 443, 422, 427, 431, 442, 422, 423, 431, 419, 429, 393, 435, 403, 437, 387, 456, 393, 444, 375, 417, 370, 422, 336, 433, 355, 435, 342, 468, 337, 434, 312, 419, 331, 430, 294, 436, 171, 419, 131, 423, 80, 442, 51, 436, 39, 446, 40, 517, 109, 605, 147, 627, 139, 615, 143, 630, 173, 629, 161, 645, 163, 644, 184, 653, 176, 650, 163, 668, 160, 659, 170, 672, 214, 660, 214, 639, 245, 646, 213, 638, 225, 637, 215, 622, 247, 572, 293, 617, 290, 579, 287, 610, 257, 641, 250, 671, 219, 674, 228, 674, 204, 684, 212, 682, 245, 671, 239, 664, 251, 659, 239, 657, 271, 644, 262, 652, 273, 641, 278, 663, 271, 665, 289, 645, 330, 633, 326, 635, 339, 627, 323, 643, 302, 626, 310, 612, 342, 618, 296, 592, 328, 572, 321, 591, 330, 568, 344, 593, 335, 575, 358, 590, 339, 587, 359, 592, 341, 602, 340, 601, 353, 605, 338, 618, 358, 648, 322, 659, 340, 660, 328, 678, 325, 678, 279, 690, 296, 681, 263, 713, 214, 735, 203, 717, 185, 721, 157, 705, 165, 713, 192, 698, 171, 702, 149, 726, 146, 709, 126, 712, 111, 696, 115, 695, 97, 720, 113, 717, 86, 735, 88, 728, 72, 736, 57, 712, 54, 718, 45, 706, 19, 714, 13, 706, 8, 717, 0],
+ "center":[952, 376],
+ "bbox":[392, 0, 1036, 764]
+ },
+ "CO":{
+ "shape":[2214, 1915, 2225, 1917, 2924, 1998, 2937, 1999, 3006, 2005, 3228, 2022, 3215, 2213, 3210, 2296, 3178, 2791, 3134, 2787, 3031, 2779, 3017, 2778, 2182, 2687, 2105, 2676, 2213, 1925, 2214, 1915],
+ "center":[2749, 2301],
+ "bbox":[2105, 1915, 1123, 875]
+ },
+ "PA":{
+ "shape":[6321, 1675, 6417, 1602, 6418, 1601, 6427, 1652, 7046, 1524, 7066, 1546, 7094, 1550, 7103, 1589, 7121, 1609, 7167, 1623, 7166, 1623, 7122, 1706, 7138, 1727, 7125, 1764, 7132, 1786, 7151, 1788, 7157, 1810, 7217, 1848, 7133, 1938, 7132, 1937, 7100, 1940, 7082, 1965, 7050, 1972, 6559, 2073, 6546, 2075, 6394, 2102, 6369, 1959, 6364, 1929, 6321, 1675],
+ "center":[6777, 1802],
+ "bbox":[6321, 1524, 896, 578]
+ }
+ }
+ }