cem 0.1.3 → 0.1.7

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Files changed (90) hide show
  1. checksums.yaml +4 -4
  2. data/.gitignore +2 -1
  3. data/cem.gemspec +5 -3
  4. data/examples/aoc2018/.gitignore +2 -0
  5. data/examples/aoc2018/day1.rb +13 -0
  6. data/examples/aoc2018/day10.rb +61 -0
  7. data/examples/aoc2018/day11.rb +66 -0
  8. data/examples/aoc2018/day12.rb +61 -0
  9. data/examples/aoc2018/day13.rb +167 -0
  10. data/examples/aoc2018/day14.rb +31 -0
  11. data/examples/aoc2018/day14_2.rb +71 -0
  12. data/examples/aoc2018/day15.rb +271 -0
  13. data/examples/aoc2018/day16.rb +158 -0
  14. data/examples/aoc2018/day17.rb +203 -0
  15. data/examples/aoc2018/day18.rb +113 -0
  16. data/examples/aoc2018/day18_rspec.rb +131 -0
  17. data/examples/aoc2018/day19.rb +145 -0
  18. data/examples/aoc2018/day1_part2.rb +30 -0
  19. data/examples/aoc2018/day2.rb +20 -0
  20. data/examples/aoc2018/day20.rb +103 -0
  21. data/examples/aoc2018/day21.rb +158 -0
  22. data/examples/aoc2018/day21_v2.rb +137 -0
  23. data/examples/aoc2018/day21_v3.rb +157 -0
  24. data/examples/aoc2018/day21_v4.rb +141 -0
  25. data/examples/aoc2018/day22.rb +212 -0
  26. data/examples/aoc2018/day23.rb +148 -0
  27. data/examples/aoc2018/day24.rb +156 -0
  28. data/examples/aoc2018/day25.rb +52 -0
  29. data/examples/aoc2018/day2_2.rb +27 -0
  30. data/examples/aoc2018/day3.rb +71 -0
  31. data/examples/aoc2018/day4.rb +46 -0
  32. data/examples/aoc2018/day5.rb +23 -0
  33. data/examples/aoc2018/day5_part2.rb +29 -0
  34. data/examples/aoc2018/day6.rb +53 -0
  35. data/examples/aoc2018/day7.rb +110 -0
  36. data/examples/aoc2018/day8.rb +39 -0
  37. data/examples/aoc2018/day8_part2.rb +65 -0
  38. data/examples/aoc2018/day9.rb +51 -0
  39. data/examples/aoc2018/day9_circular.rb +125 -0
  40. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day10_input.txt +395 -0
  41. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day11_input.txt +1 -0
  42. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day12_input.txt +34 -0
  43. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day12_input2.txt +16 -0
  44. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day13_input.txt +150 -0
  45. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day13_test.txt +6 -0
  46. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day14_input.txt +1 -0
  47. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input.txt +32 -0
  48. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input10.txt +32 -0
  49. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input11.txt +32 -0
  50. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input12.txt +32 -0
  51. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input13.txt +32 -0
  52. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input14.txt +32 -0
  53. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input2.txt +7 -0
  54. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input3.txt +9 -0
  55. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input4.txt +7 -0
  56. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input5.txt +7 -0
  57. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input6.txt +7 -0
  58. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input7.txt +7 -0
  59. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input8.txt +5 -0
  60. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_input9.txt +7 -0
  61. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day15_test.txt +9 -0
  62. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day16_input.txt +3865 -0
  63. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day17_input.txt +2229 -0
  64. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day17_input_test.txt +8 -0
  65. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day18_input.txt +50 -0
  66. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day18_test.txt +10 -0
  67. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day19_input.txt +48 -0
  68. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day1_input.txt +955 -0
  69. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day20_input.txt +1 -0
  70. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day21_input.txt +32 -0
  71. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day22_input.txt +2 -0
  72. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day23_input.txt +1000 -0
  73. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day23_input2.txt +9 -0
  74. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day24_input.txt +24 -0
  75. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day25_input.txt +1483 -0
  76. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day2_input.txt +250 -0
  77. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day3_input.txt +1233 -0
  78. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day4_input.txt +1140 -0
  79. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day5_input.txt +1 -0
  80. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day6_input.txt +50 -0
  81. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day7_input.txt +101 -0
  82. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day8_input.txt +1 -0
  83. data/examples/aoc2018/inputs/day9_input.txt +1 -0
  84. data/lib/cem/ccommon.rb +67 -12
  85. data/lib/cem/cflame/popen.rb +89 -0
  86. data/lib/cem/cflame.rb +2 -0
  87. data/lib/cem/cruzzles.rb +198 -50
  88. data/lib/cem/version.rb +1 -1
  89. data/lib/cem.rb +0 -6
  90. metadata +91 -11
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ pos=<0,0,0>, r=4
+ pos=<1,0,0>, r=1
+ pos=<4,0,0>, r=3
+ pos=<0,2,0>, r=1
+ pos=<0,5,0>, r=3
+ pos=<0,0,3>, r=1
+ pos=<1,1,1>, r=1
+ pos=<1,1,2>, r=1
+ pos=<1,3,1>, r=1
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ Immune System:
+ 597 units each with 4458 hit points with an attack that does 73 slashing damage at initiative 6
+ 4063 units each with 9727 hit points (weak to radiation) with an attack that does 18 radiation damage at initiative 9
+ 2408 units each with 5825 hit points (weak to slashing; immune to fire, radiation) with an attack that does 17 slashing damage at initiative 2
+ 5199 units each with 8624 hit points (immune to fire) with an attack that does 16 radiation damage at initiative 15
+ 1044 units each with 4485 hit points (weak to bludgeoning) with an attack that does 41 radiation damage at initiative 3
+ 4890 units each with 9477 hit points (immune to cold; weak to fire) with an attack that does 19 slashing damage at initiative 7
+ 1280 units each with 10343 hit points with an attack that does 64 cold damage at initiative 19
+ 609 units each with 6435 hit points with an attack that does 86 cold damage at initiative 17
+ 480 units each with 2750 hit points (weak to cold) with an attack that does 57 fire damage at initiative 11
+ 807 units each with 4560 hit points (immune to fire, slashing; weak to bludgeoning) with an attack that does 56 radiation damage at initiative 8
+ Infection:
+ 1237 units each with 50749 hit points (weak to radiation; immune to cold, slashing, bludgeoning) with an attack that does 70 radiation damage at initiative 12
+ 4686 units each with 25794 hit points (immune to cold, slashing; weak to bludgeoning) with an attack that does 10 bludgeoning damage at initiative 14
+ 1518 units each with 38219 hit points (weak to slashing, fire) with an attack that does 42 radiation damage at initiative 16
+ 4547 units each with 21147 hit points (weak to fire; immune to radiation) with an attack that does 7 slashing damage at initiative 4
+ 1275 units each with 54326 hit points (immune to cold) with an attack that does 65 cold damage at initiative 20
+ 436 units each with 36859 hit points (immune to fire, cold) with an attack that does 164 fire damage at initiative 18
+ 728 units each with 53230 hit points (weak to radiation, bludgeoning) with an attack that does 117 fire damage at initiative 5
+ 2116 units each with 21754 hit points with an attack that does 17 bludgeoning damage at initiative 10
+ 2445 units each with 21224 hit points (immune to cold) with an attack that does 16 cold damage at initiative 13
+ 3814 units each with 22467 hit points (weak to bludgeoning, radiation) with an attack that does 10 cold damage at initiative 1