camaleon_cms 2.8.0

9 security vulnerabilities found in version 2.8.0

Camaleon CMS affected by arbitrary file write to RCE (GHSL-2024-182)

critical severity CVE-2024-46986
critical severity CVE-2024-46986
Patched versions: >= 2.8.1
Unaffected versions: < 2.8.0

An arbitrary file write vulnerability accessible via the upload method of the MediaController allows authenticated users to write arbitrary files to any location on the web server Camaleon CMS is running on (depending on the permissions of the underlying filesystem). E.g. This can lead to a delayed remote code execution in case an attacker is able to write a Ruby file into the config/initializers/ subfolder of the Ruby on Rails application.

Once a user upload is started via the upload method, the file_upload and the folder parameter.

def upload(settings = {})
  params[:dimension] = nil if params[:skip_auto_crop].present?
  f = { error: 'File not found.' }
  if params[:file_upload].present?
    f = upload_file(params[:file_upload],
                    { folder: params[:folder], dimension: params['dimension'], formats: params[:formats], versions: params[:versions],
                      thumb_size: params[:thumb_size] }.merge(settings))

are passed to the upload_file method. Inside that method the given settings are merged with some presets. The file format is checked against the formats settings we can override with the formats parameters.

# formats validations
  return { error: "#{ct('file_format_error')} (#{settings[:formats]})" } unless cama_uploader.class.validate_file_format(
    uploaded_io.path, settings[:formats]

Our given folder is then passed unchecked to the Cama_uploader:

key = File.join(settings[:folder], settings[:filename]).to_s.cama_fix_slash
res = cama_uploader.add_file(settings[:uploaded_io], key, { same_name: settings[:same_name] })

In the add_file method of CamaleonCmsLocalUploader this key argument containing the unchecked path is then used to write the file to the file system:

def add_file(uploaded_io_or_file_path, key, args = {})
  upload_io = uploaded_io_or_file_path.is_a?(String) ? : uploaded_io_or_file_path, key), 'wb') { |file| file.write( }


This issue may lead up to Remote Code Execution (RCE) via arbitrary file write.


Normalize file paths constructed from untrusted user input before using them and check that the resulting path is inside the targeted directory. Additionally, do not allow character sequences such as .. in untrusted input that is used to build paths.

See Also

CodeQL: Uncontrolled data used in path expression OWASP: Path Traversal

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to remote code execution through code injection (GHSL-2024-185)

high severity GHSA-7x4w-cj9r-h4v9
high severity GHSA-7x4w-cj9r-h4v9
Patched versions: >= 2.8.1

The actions defined inside of the MediaController class do not check whether a given path is inside a certain path (e.g. inside the media folder). If an attacker performed an account takeover of an administrator account (See: GHSL-2024-184) they could delete arbitrary files or folders on the server hosting Camaleon CMS. The crop_url action might make arbitrary file writes (similar impact to GHSL-2024-182) for any authenticated user possible, but it doesn't seem to work currently.

Arbitrary file deletion can be exploited with following code path: The parameter folder flows from the actions method:

  def actions
    authorize! :manage, :media if params[:media_action] != 'crop_url'
    params[:folder] = params[:folder].gsub('//', '/') if params[:folder].present?
    case params[:media_action]
    when 'del_file'
      cama_uploader.delete_file(params[:folder].gsub('//', '/'))
      render plain: ''

into the method delete_file of the CamaleonCmsLocalUploader class (when files are uploaded locally):

def delete_file(key)
  file = File.join(@root_folder, key)
  FileUtils.rm(file) if File.exist? file
  @instance.hooks_run('after_delete', key)

Where it is joined in an unchecked manner with the root folder and then deleted.

Proof of concept The following request would delete the file in the top folder of the Ruby on Rails application. (The values for auth_token, X-CSRF-Token and _cms_session would also need to be replaced with authenticated values in the curl command below)

curl --path-as-is -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
    -H $'X-CSRF-Token: [..]' -H $'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0' -H $'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H $'Accept: */*' -H $'Connection: keep-alive' \
    -b $'auth_token=[..]; _cms_session=[..]' \
    --data-binary $'versions=&thumb_size=&formats=&media_formats=&dimension=&private=&folder=..
2F..' \


This issue may lead to a defective CMS or system.


Normalize all file paths constructed from untrusted user input before using them and check that the resulting path is inside the targeted directory. Additionally, do not allow character sequences such as .. in untrusted input that is used to build paths.

See also:

CodeQL: Uncontrolled data used in path expression OWASP: Path Traversal

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to remote code execution through code injection (GHSL-2024-185)

high severity GHSA-3hp8-6j24-m5gm
high severity GHSA-3hp8-6j24-m5gm
Affected versions: < 2.8.1

The actions defined inside of the MediaController class do not check whether a given path is inside a certain path (e.g. inside the media folder). If an attacker performed an account takeover of an administrator account (See: GHSL-2024-184) they could delete arbitrary files or folders on the server hosting Camaleon CMS. The crop_url action might make arbitrary file writes (similar impact to GHSL-2024-182) for any authenticated user possible, but it doesn't seem to work currently.

Arbitrary file deletion can be exploited with following code path: The parameter folder flows from the actions method:

  def actions
    authorize! :manage, :media if params[:media_action] != 'crop_url'
    params[:folder] = params[:folder].gsub('//', '/') if params[:folder].present?
    case params[:media_action]
    when 'del_file'
      cama_uploader.delete_file(params[:folder].gsub('//', '/'))
      render plain: ''

into the method delete_file of the CamaleonCmsLocalUploader class (when files are uploaded locally):

def delete_file(key)
  file = File.join(@root_folder, key)
  FileUtils.rm(file) if File.exist? file
  @instance.hooks_run('after_delete', key)

Where it is joined in an unchecked manner with the root folder and then deleted.

Proof of concept The following request would delete the file in the top folder of the Ruby on Rails application. (The values for auth_token, X-CSRF-Token and _cms_session would also need to be replaced with authenticated values in the curl command below)

curl --path-as-is -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
    -H $'X-CSRF-Token: [..]' -H $'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0' -H $'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H $'Accept: */*' -H $'Connection: keep-alive' \
    -b $'auth_token=[..]; _cms_session=[..]' \
    --data-binary $'versions=&thumb_size=&formats=&media_formats=&dimension=&private=&folder=..
2F..' \


This issue may lead to a defective CMS or system.


Normalize all file paths constructed from untrusted user input before using them and check that the resulting path is inside the targeted directory. Additionally, do not allow character sequences such as .. in untrusted input that is used to build paths.

See also:

CodeQL: Uncontrolled data used in path expression OWASP: Path Traversal

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to arbitrary path traversal (GHSL-2024-183)

high severity CVE-2024-46987
high severity CVE-2024-46987
Patched versions: >= 2.8.1

A path traversal vulnerability accessible via MediaController's download_private_file method allows authenticated users to download any file on the web server Camaleon CMS is running on (depending on the file permissions).

In the download_private_file method:

def download_private_file

  file = cama_uploader.fetch_file("private/#{params[:file]}")

  send_file file, disposition: 'inline'

The file parameter is passed to the fetch_file method of the CamaleonCmsLocalUploader class (when files are uploaded locally):

def fetch_file(file_name)
  raise ActionController::RoutingError, 'File not found' unless file_exists?(file_name)


If the file exists it's passed back to the download_private_file method where the file is sent to the user via send_file.

Proof of concept

An authenticated user can download the /etc/passwd file by visiting an URL such as:



This issue may lead to Information Disclosure.


Normalize file paths constructed from untrusted user input before using them and check that the resulting path is inside the targeted directory. Additionally, do not allow character sequences such as .. in untrusted input that is used to build paths.

See Also

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to stored XSS through user file upload (GHSL-2024-184)

medium severity GHSA-r9cr-qmfw-pmrc
medium severity GHSA-r9cr-qmfw-pmrc
Patched versions: >= 2.8.1

A stored cross-site scripting has been found in the image upload functionality that can be used by normal registered users: It is possible to upload a SVG image containing JavaScript and it's also possible to upload a HTML document when the format parameter is manually changed to documents or a string of an unsupported format. If an authenticated user or administrator visits that uploaded image or document malicious JavaScript can be executed on their behalf (e.g. changing or deleting content inside of the CMS.)


This issue may lead to account takeover due to reflected Cross-site scripting (XSS).


Only allow the upload of safe files such as PNG, TXT and others or serve all "unsafe" files such as SVG and other files with a content-disposition: attachment header, which should prevent browsers from displaying them.

Additionally, a Content security policy (CSP) can be created that disallows inlined script. (Other parts of the application might need modification to continue functioning.)

To prevent the theft of the auth_token it could be marked with HttpOnly. This would however not prevent that actions could be performed as the authenticated user/administrator. Furthermore, it could make sense to use the authentication provided by Ruby on Rails, so that stolen tokens cannot be used anymore after some time.

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to stored XSS through user file upload (GHSL-2024-184)

medium severity GHSA-8fx8-3rg2-79xw
medium severity GHSA-8fx8-3rg2-79xw
Patched versions: >= 2.8.1

A stored cross-site scripting has been found in the image upload functionality that can be used by normal registered users: It is possible to upload a SVG image containing JavaScript and it's also possible to upload a HTML document when the format parameter is manually changed to documents or a string of an unsupported format. If an authenticated user or administrator visits that uploaded image or document malicious JavaScript can be executed on their behalf (e.g. changing or deleting content inside of the CMS.)


This issue may lead to account takeover due to reflected Cross-site scripting (XSS).


Only allow the upload of safe files such as PNG, TXT and others or serve all "unsafe" files such as SVG and other files with a content-disposition: attachment header, which should prevent browsers from displaying them.

Additionally, a Content security policy (CSP) can be created that disallows inlined script. (Other parts of the application might need modification to continue functioning.)

To prevent the theft of the auth_token it could be marked with HttpOnly. This would however not prevent that actions could be performed as the authenticated user/administrator. Furthermore, it could make sense to use the authentication provided by Ruby on Rails, so that stolen tokens cannot be used anymore after some time.

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to stored XSS through user file upload (GHSL-2024-184)

medium severity GHSA-75j2-9gmc-m855
medium severity GHSA-75j2-9gmc-m855
Patched versions: >= 2.8.2
Unaffected versions: < 2.8.0

A stored cross-site scripting has been found in the image upload functionality that can be used by normal registered users: It is possible to upload a SVG image containing JavaScript and it's also possible to upload a HTML document when the format parameter is manually changed to documents or a string of an unsupported format. If an authenticated user or administrator visits that uploaded image or document malicious JavaScript can be executed on their behalf (e.g. changing or deleting content inside of the CMS.)


This issue may lead to account takeover due to reflected Cross-site scripting (XSS).


Only allow the upload of safe files such as PNG, TXT and others or serve all "unsafe" files such as SVG and other files with a content-disposition: attachment header, which should prevent browsers from displaying them.

Additionally, a Content security policy (CSP) can be created that disallows inlined script. (Other parts of the application might need modification to continue functioning.)

To prevent the theft of the auth_token it could be marked with HttpOnly. This would however not prevent that actions could be performed as the authenticated user/administrator. Furthermore, it could make sense to use the authentication provided by Ruby on Rails, so that stolen tokens cannot be used anymore after some time.

camaleon_cms affected by cross site scripting

medium severity CVE-2024-48652
medium severity CVE-2024-48652

Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in camaleon-cms v.2.7.5 allows remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the content group name field.

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to Stored Cross-site Scripting

medium severity CVE-2018-18260
medium severity CVE-2018-18260
Unaffected versions: < 2.4

In the 2.4 version of Camaleon CMS, Stored XSS has been discovered. The profile image in the User settings section can be run in the update / upload area via /admin/media/upload?actions=false.

No officially reported memory leakage issues detected.

This gem version does not have any officially reported memory leaked issues.

No license issues detected.

This gem version has a license in the gemspec.

This gem version is available.

This gem version has not been yanked and is still available for usage.