
6 security vulnerabilities found in version

Server-Side Template Injection in Camaleon CMS

critical severity CVE-2023-30145
critical severity CVE-2023-30145
Patched versions: >= 2.7.4

Camaleon CMS prior to 2.7.4 was discovered to contain a Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerability via the formats parameter.

Camaleon CMS Insufficient Session Expiration vulnerability

high severity CVE-2021-25970
high severity CVE-2021-25970
Patched versions: >=
Unaffected versions: < 0.1.7

Camaleon CMS 0.1.7 through 2.6.0 doesn’t terminate the active session of the users, even after the admin changes the user’s password. A user that was already logged in, will still have access to the application even after the password was changed.

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery

medium severity CVE-2021-25972
medium severity CVE-2021-25972
Patched versions: >=
Unaffected versions: <

In Camaleon CMS, versions through 2.6.0, are vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in the media upload feature, which allows admin users to fetch media files from external URLs but fails to validate URLs referencing to localhost or other internal servers. This allows attackers to read files stored in the internal server.

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to Uncaught Exception

medium severity CVE-2021-25971
medium severity CVE-2021-25971
Patched versions: >=
Unaffected versions: < 2.0.1

In Camaleon CMS, versions 2.0.1 through 2.6.0 are vulnerable to an Uncaught Exception. The app's media upload feature crashes permanently when an attacker with a low privileged access uploads a specially crafted .svg file.

Camaleon CMS Stored Cross-site Scripting vulnerability

medium severity CVE-2021-25969
medium severity CVE-2021-25969
Patched versions: >=
Unaffected versions: < 0.0.1

In “Camaleon CMS” application, versions 0.0.1 through 2.6.0 are vulnerable to stored XSS, that allows unprivileged application users to store malicious scripts in the comments section of the post. These scripts are executed in a victim’s browser when they open the page containing the malicious comment.

Camaleon CMS vulnerable to Stored Cross-site Scripting

medium severity CVE-2018-18260
medium severity CVE-2018-18260
Unaffected versions: < 2.4

In the 2.4 version of Camaleon CMS, Stored XSS has been discovered. The profile image in the User settings section can be run in the update / upload area via /admin/media/upload?actions=false.

No officially reported memory leakage issues detected.

This gem version does not have any officially reported memory leaked issues.

No license issues detected.

This gem version has a license in the gemspec.

This gem version is available.

This gem version has not been yanked and is still available for usage.