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id="__w2_GSxK8lH_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4308"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Antone-Johnson">Antone Johnson</a></span></div></div></div>There is no single barrier that is present in every market.<br /><br />However, in mature markets the greatest barrier is generally government regulation and the status quo.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_GSxK8lH_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4309"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_EE22sWp_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4310"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-is-the-most-important-barrier-to-entry-in-any-market-and-why/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_Wfinz3y_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4407"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4311"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" 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id="__w2_YvTXs1x_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_YvTXs1x_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_R3306gt_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_ZbAsppi_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_ZbAsppi_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_ZbAsppi_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_R3306gt_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4313"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Andrew-de-Andrade">Andrew de Andrade</a></span></div></div></div>Hell would break loose.  Fire and brimstone.  Government regulation.  Political economy.  Rent seeking!<br /><br />The libertarians would be rioting in the street.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_R3306gt_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4314"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_UmbIdT5_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4315"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-would-happen-to-the-taxicab-industry-if-cars-could-legally-drive-themselves/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_I0vgA0O_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4409"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4316"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_JDINq9z_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4410"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4228"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_VwgqPtR_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4251"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4289"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4451"></span><a class="question_link" href="/What-are-the-best-books-on-quality-control" id="__w2_gMi6Onv_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4452"></span>What are the best books on quality control?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4252"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_G9v79oP_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4317"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_ce6uxvf_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_ce6uxvf_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_G9v79oP_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_I15XCk7_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_I15XCk7_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_I15XCk7_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_G9v79oP_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4318"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Xianhang-Zhang">Xianhang Zhang</a></span></div></div></div>The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link">http://amzn.t<wbr />o/ajcemq</a><br /><br />This is actually a novel, but its a classic in process improvement, manufacturing and quality control.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_G9v79oP_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4319"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_pJmJqz5_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4320"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-are-the-best-books-on-quality-control/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_ngiEooO_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4411"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4321"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_tpbWXHy_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4412"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4229"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_ujFy56O_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4253"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4290"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4453"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Would-retail-investors-be-as-willing-to-buy-stocks-if-they-knew-what-percentage-of-trades-in-a-stock-were-computer-driven" id="__w2_wa5NhGt_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4454"></span>Would retail investors be as willing to buy stocks if they knew what percentage of trades in a stock were computer driven?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4254"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_bPmdfW3_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4322"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_UaQ9BIj_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_UaQ9BIj_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_bPmdfW3_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_JwYYkgl_link"><span class="rep">They call me &quot;Flash Crash&quot;</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_JwYYkgl_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_JwYYkgl_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_bPmdfW3_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4323"></div></div></div>Computer driven trade hurts you more when your position changes are +50 million dollars.  It hurts the institutional investo<wbr />rs putting in large limit orders.<br /><br />It reduces spreads and increases liquidity and that benefits the smaller investors.  It also reduces transaction costs.<br /><br />There is no such thing as computer driven trades.  All trades today are computer driven.  In order to achieve good execution, even human directed trades are executed by algorithms.<br /><br />More useful, would be information about the distribution of position lengths across market participants.  I think there are better metrics that could help investors than percentage of computer driven trades.<br /><br />I would like to know for instance, what percentage of trades are long term positions being closed out and which are short term positions being opened and closed every five minutes.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_bPmdfW3_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4324"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_A4ThfzA_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4325"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Would-retail-investors-be-as-willing-to-buy-stocks-if-they-knew-what-percentage-of-trades-in-a-stock-were-computer-driven/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_FmdANwn_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4413"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4326"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_lJtKxIM_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4414"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4230"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_ayrhieE_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4255"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4291"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4455"></span><a class="question_link" href="/In-what-ways-could-the-Combating-Online-Infringement-and-Counterfeits-Act-COICA-affect-the-way-people-use-the-Internet" id="__w2_E3OTvVp_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4456"></span>In what ways could the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) affect the way people use the Internet?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4256"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_JItMj8z_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4327"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_KU75mIR_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_KU75mIR_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_JItMj8z_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_ejGQ0aR_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_ejGQ0aR_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_ejGQ0aR_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_JItMj8z_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4328"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">2</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Mike-Mimbo">Mike Mimbo</a> and <a class="user" href="/Andrew-Ballinger">Andrew Ballinger</a></span></div></div></div>Youtube would have been blacklisted in the first month if this law was in effect 10 years ago.<br /><br />Basicly, you can expect that new and controversial service<wbr />s will be blacklisted along with several very popular existing services.  It will certainly have a chilling effect.<br /><br /><b>This law hands over control to what you can access on the internet to the government and corporate interests.</b>  No one argues that its not a tool of censorship, they are only debating whether the censorship is desirable or undesirable.<br /><br />However, I think this bill could be the best thing that happens to the internet.  The backlash would be immense.  Will will rely less on government controlled services such as DNS.  In Japan, measures similar to COICA sparked the development of extremely sophisticated c<wbr />ryptographic file exchange systems.  A major erosion of internet freedom such as COICA could create demand in the United States for most robust internet infrastructure.<br /><br />Ironically, the FBI and NSA have been the strongest opponents of these blacklist bills in the past, because they were afraid it would drive people to use cryptographic product<wbr />s and communication protocols t<wbr />hat were difficult to intercept and monitor.  However, the COICA provisions are being pushed through with a tacit agreement that they would be accompanied by the outlawing of encryption services where end-users have control of their private keys.  If encryption without government backdoors is made illegal and enforced (throwing people in jail for using encrypted file sharing services), then COICA may be enforceable.<br /><br />The COICA bill is only politically feasible with government mandated back-doors in all encryption products and services.<br /><br /><blockquote>The New York Times reported today that the FBI is preparing to propose legislation to the Obama Administration that would require Internet service providers (including software makers like Skype) to build in &quot;backdoors&quot; so that any communication between people can be monitored by the government.</blockquote><br />COICA eliminates the possibility of operating innovative new services which skirt the line on copyrights.  New services will not occur in the open and the existing services will be pushed to adapt technical measures to circumvent these regulations.<br /><br />COICA will have the most impact on new internet services and emerging business models (like Youtube) but will have very little impact on curtailing existing copyright abuses, which will simply move to adapt more advanced technical measures, as has already happened in Japan.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_JItMj8z_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4329"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_vNlnu9g_view_comment_link">5 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4330"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/In-what-ways-could-the-Combating-Online-Infringement-and-Counterfeits-Act-COICA-affect-the-way-people-use-the-Internet/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_k3xMscf_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4415"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4331"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_hI5hssU_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4416"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4487"><a name="comment103881"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_fVKdeEv_comment"><p class="comment_text">I certainly agree.  The censorship portion is a slippery slope, and one can only ask &quot;who gets to regulate the regulators?&quot;</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Mike-Mimbo">Mike Mimbo</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_wDaSzvS_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4488"><a name="comment103889"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_C7kcv4y_comment"><p class="comment_text">Wow, a lot of interesting stuff in that extended response.  Hadn&#039;t realize you were going to go that way, other wise I wouldnt have suggested the bolding.  Feel free to remove if you&#039;d like.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Mike-Mimbo">Mike Mimbo</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_bLQELu1_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4489"><a name="comment103890"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_k5WF1Sl_comment"><p class="comment_text">Its a good statement to bold.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_VlADrC1_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4490"><a name="comment103891"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_YNgqc5g_comment"><p class="comment_text">Heh I dont disagree.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Mike-Mimbo">Mike Mimbo</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_zAcHuVG_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4491"><a name="comment103976"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_wH3jo6l_comment"><p class="comment_text">Protect the constitutional right to encrypted communications! Free information!</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Andrew-Ballinger">Andrew Ballinger</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_C0t9DzW_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4231"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_KlJO8NB_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4257"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4292"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4457"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Will-Google-ever-enter-the-high-frequency-trading-business" id="__w2_DPpElPJ_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4458"></span>Will Google ever enter the high frequency trading business?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4258"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_AjRawNz_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4332"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_B6eshJk_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_B6eshJk_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_AjRawNz_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_eWgHhNF_link"><span class="rep">They call me &quot;Flash Crash&quot;</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_eWgHhNF_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_eWgHhNF_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_AjRawNz_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4333"></div></div></div>Eric Schmidt has said that Sergey Brin wanted to start a hedge fund within Google, but that he talked him out of it because of potential legal issues.<br /><br />Google does however have a bond trading desk.  This is however because Google has a very large cash hoard and does not pay dividends, not because of any technological advanta<wbr />ge.<br /><br />Also, for HFT live search data is probably not as useful as the volume of click traffic on Google news for certain stories.  Google has a strong latent semantic analysis and machine learning groups and has a unique dataset to data-mine.<br /><br />Google also has a number of acquired technologies for data mining the &quot;deep-web&quot;, which would give it an advantage comparable to Renaissance Technology in some areas of finance.  However, it is not clear that Google has the technical expertise to leverage that dataset in the finance domain.<br /><br />Even if Google matched the performance of Renaissance Technology, its returns on this operation would only be a few billion a year.<br /><br />Google would be more successful leveraging its deep-web crawling technology as a financial information services company, than they would operating as a hedge fund or HFT outfit.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_AjRawNz_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4334"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_Ai0grIY_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4335"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Will-Google-ever-enter-the-high-frequency-trading-business/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_Ocwu3Om_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4417"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4336"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_jUcmM6u_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4418"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4232"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_g7p7hG3_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4259"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4293"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4459"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Who-should-I-talk-to-if-I-want-to-license-my-patent" id="__w2_dE2eumd_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4460"></span>Who should I talk to if I want to license my patent?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4260"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_m9cUjqg_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4337"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_Klm5zAx_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_Klm5zAx_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_m9cUjqg_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_YvP92vc_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_YvP92vc_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_YvP92vc_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_m9cUjqg_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4338"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">3</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Anthony-Foster">Anthony Foster</a>, <span class="name_span">Anon User</span> and <a class="user" href="/Mike-Mimbo">Mike Mimbo</a></span></div></div></div>1&gt; Find companies that are doing things related to your patent<br />2&gt; Find a law firm<br />3&gt; Initiative a lawsuit on a contingency basis.  Initiative discovery<br />4&gt; Obtain a license as part of the settlement.<br /><br />The discovery process puts a huge financial burden on the defendant.  They would rather pay a couple hundred thousand to make the lawsuit go away than pay massive legal costs for discovery.  They only have a few weeks do this if you file your lawsuit in the Texas patent lawsuit &quot;rocket docket&quot;.<br /><br />DO NOT contact the company ahead of time.  Do not give them advanced warning.  It only gives them time to prepare.<br /><br />Also, you should not be too worried about whether the company specifically violates your patent before filing a lawsuit.  You will find out if they are violating your patent in the discovery process.<br /><br />Also, you may find that it is better to go after the customers of the company who is possibly violating your patent, rather than the company itself.  As the company has an incentive to fight the lawsuit and try to invalidate the patent.  A $20,000 &quot;license&quot; from the customers of the company is always cheaper than the customers fighting the patent lawsuit.<br /><br />Good targets for litigation are venture backed companies that have filed for IPO and are in the quite period and companies that are in M&amp;A negotiations.  They want to settle badly.  One European VC mentioned that 70% of his portfolio companies had pending IP litigation in the 12 months before their exit.<br /><br />Also, dont be too eager to litigate too early.  You want to wait until there is a vibrant and growing market around your patent.  You have up to 6 years after the patent to pursue past violations.  Once you start litigating, companies will start building around your patent.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_m9cUjqg_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4339"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_fbQp8fm_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4340"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Who-should-I-talk-to-if-I-want-to-license-my-patent/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_Ryo4HQM_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4419"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4341"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_zDXGdDA_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4420"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4233"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_bvXqbkl_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4261"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4294"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4461"></span><a class="question_link" href="/How-does-one-politely-decline-to-write-a-letter-of-recommendation-for-an-unsatisfactory-former-employee" id="__w2_M2Ezek1_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4462"></span>How does one politely decline to write a letter of recommendation for an unsatisfactory former employee?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4262"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_GTEEpNE_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4342"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_mYmpqau_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_mYmpqau_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_GTEEpNE_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_EEMkvQE_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_EEMkvQE_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_EEMkvQE_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_GTEEpNE_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4343"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Peter-Vessenes">Peter Vessenes</a></span></div></div></div>You should always strive try to help those around you succeed and you should expect them to reciprocate.<br /><br />You do not have to lie about the persons performance, but you can probably find something nice to say.  Even if the person was mediocre, they represent your organization after they leave your company for other employers.<br /><br />They may for instance, be useful for identifying talented employees within their new organization (which you may want in the future).  They may also be useful in acquiring new customers within their current or future organizations or for recruiting.  You therefore should try to maintain a good relationship with ex-employees.  In general, you should avoid upsetting people who may be useful in the future as much as is possible.<br /><br />If you need to decline writing letters, make up some human resource policy bullshit.  It is also very easy to write a letter that says very little.<br /><br />If the persons performance was unsatisfactory and telling them this would be a surprise to them, this is probably a sign of bad management. It signifies that the employee did not receive feedback on their performance and the standards they were being measured against.<br /><br />This question is however very vague and the best response is dependent on the situation.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_GTEEpNE_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4344"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_HV8o0MX_view_comment_link">2 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4345"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/How-does-one-politely-decline-to-write-a-letter-of-recommendation-for-an-unsatisfactory-former-employee/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_l17iaqW_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4421"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4346"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_VmuWbcI_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4422"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4492"><a name="comment103243"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_q788Cxq_comment"><p class="comment_text">Interesting story -- I was asked for a reference about an ex-employee at one point. I had been unhappy, so I said that we only confirmed employment dates and titles.<br /><br />The other reference was my business partner, who gave a reference. Whoops.<br /><br />I now believe it is most ethical to draw out and focus on the positive points for any ex employee, and that&#039;s my MO. Everyone (really, almost everyone) deserves a chance at a job they really want.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Peter-Vessenes">Peter Vessenes</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_CM4eVM5_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4493"><a name="comment103258"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_PSKoeMx_comment"><p class="comment_text">If I put someone in a position and they do not perform, I am at fault for selecting the wrong person for the position; not the employee.<br /><br />The most important job of management and executives is the selection of people that can carry out the organizational&#039;s goals.<br /><br />I think it is wrong to blame the employee or become angry at them for their performance, although it is often difficult to remain so neutral.<br /><br />There is a lack of soft skill, such as &quot;initiative&quot; in todays work force and there are a variety of people that will perform differently under different conditions.  Some people have low initiative and need others to tell them what to do, while others are effective in achieving organizational goals without much oversight.  A person with high initiative placed in a position where work flow and orders are passed down to them, might not be adding the most value to your organization.  They may find what they are doing unrewarding and under perform.<br /><br />Selecting people who are competent, have initiative and will persevere in the face of setbacks is important, but it is also important that a job take advantage of a persons strengths.<br /><br />Even very competent people may be under-performers in certain environments or roles.  They may be very ineffective in one situation, but effective in other situations.<br /><br />Often a person does not know why they are successful or competent in a role.  They do one thing and it works and when they are promoted, they keep the behaviors that made them successful in their previous roles, but those behaviors are not what is required in their new role.  For instance an engineering going from implementation to management/product design.<br /><br />I think its more often the case that poor performance is the result of a haphazard approach to talent development, rather than a deficiency with the person.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_QieQkQG_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4234"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_IXNjUah_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4263"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4295"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4463"></span><a class="question_link" href="/How-does-Formspring-make-money" id="__w2_MXCB9ww_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4464"></span>How does Formspring make money?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4264"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_fhViVkV_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4347"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_zXvMD8K_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_zXvMD8K_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_fhViVkV_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_Vq64VjK_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_Vq64VjK_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_Vq64VjK_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_fhViVkV_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4348"></div></div></div>I cannot understand the misunderstanding that would provoke such a question.<br /><br />eyeballs  = money<br /><br />Its called &quot;the dot com equation&quot;<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_fhViVkV_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4349"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_Apju95i_view_comment_link">3 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4350"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/How-does-Formspring-make-money/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_W82sd1C_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4423"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4351"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_YyezBPr_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4424"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4494"><a name="comment102702"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_rgDN7dr_comment"><p class="comment_text">I think it&#039;s a better course to assume questions are asked in good faith :-)</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Benjamin-Rahn">Benjamin Rahn</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_lLpxXRd_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4495"><a name="comment102704"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_MJifCNu_comment"><p class="comment_text">The problem is that Formspring does not make money, until it does.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_uLBmoVh_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4496"><a name="comment102789"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_GvfNLrJ_comment"><p class="comment_text">Then perhaps one could simply say &quot;formspring does not currently have any revenue sources. Presumably they plan to monetize the eyeballs in traditional way (eg advertising) at a later stage.&quot;</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Benjamin-Rahn">Benjamin Rahn</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_DUGPHBr_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4235"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_FsTaHth_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4265"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4296"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4465"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Stock-Market/Can-Twitter-sentiment-analysis-guide-stock-market-investment" id="__w2_Wn7hKFh_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4466"></span>Can Twitter sentiment analysis guide stock market investment?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4266"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_urJT5kK_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4352"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_uaUFKJW_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_uaUFKJW_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_urJT5kK_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_OGVp7w0_link"><span class="rep" id="__w2_OGVp7w0_sig">I write machine learning based s...</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_OGVp7w0_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_OGVp7w0_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_urJT5kK_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4353"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Azeem-Azhar">Azeem Azhar</a></span></div></div></div>I know two graduate students that did a summer project on this.<br /><br />Its the same as using any other data source.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_urJT5kK_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4354"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_iwV5p6e_view_comment_link">4 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4355"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Stock-Market/Can-Twitter-sentiment-analysis-guide-stock-market-investment/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_lRlGCCH_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4425"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4356"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_PjKT33g_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4426"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4497"><a name="comment102676"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_oh4Mfqa_comment"><p class="comment_text">Did it work?</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Seb-Paquet">Seb Paquet</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_CGQeytp_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4498"><a name="comment102677"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_Hcibwh9_comment"><p class="comment_text">Everything works to some degree.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_b70DfKs_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4499"><a name="comment102678"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_KUgLcT1_comment"><p class="comment_text">You are a bit late to the game if you are just thinking about this now, but yes it works.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_Y9OQt7V_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4500"><a name="comment102709"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_UyY6MOh_comment"><p class="comment_text">Tweets and spam emails about large cap stocks signal increase in volume, but not price movements.<br /><br />However for smaller cap stocks, you can use these algorithms as a basis for predicting price movements.<br /><br />What is most profitable however, is volatility arbitrage and statistical arbitrage on volilities; so as predicting increased v<wbr />olatility and doing a butterfly spread.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_EfLAP1m_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4236"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_Ya6zB1t_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4267"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4297"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4467"></span><a class="question_link" href="/In-the-very-long-run-will-manufacturing-in-developed-economies-end-up-like-agriculture-in-developed-economies-today-i-e-only-being-a-few-percent-of-GDP" id="__w2_pCA1uQY_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4468"></span>In the very long run, will manufacturing in developed economies end up like agriculture in developed economies today, i.e. only being a few percent of GDP?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4268"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_w9LBqUv_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4357"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_pAvLCJp_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_pAvLCJp_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_w9LBqUv_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_vbEUgzg_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_vbEUgzg_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_vbEUgzg_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_w9LBqUv_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4358"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Anthony-Foster">Anthony Foster</a></span></div></div></div>Yes.<br /><br />When you look at the data for manufacturing, productivi<wbr />ty growth outstrips demand growth every year.  Higher output, lower number of humans.<br /><br />Almost 80% of GDP is spend on labor costs.  In the short term, automation increases profits by decreasing labor costs.  In the long run, perfect competition erodes margins as manufacturing capacity exceed global demand.<br /><br />We already see this in automobiles today; global manufacturing capacity is 3x demand for cards.  The only way to increase margins is to decease manufacturing cos<wbr />ts.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_w9LBqUv_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4359"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_nVPGB41_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4360"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/In-the-very-long-run-will-manufacturing-in-developed-economies-end-up-like-agriculture-in-developed-economies-today-i-e-only-being-a-few-percent-of-GDP/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_kh9rjqB_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4427"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4361"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_CiR75dY_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4428"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4237"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_yZhEKgY_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4269"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4298"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4469"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Higher-Education/What-are-the-reasons-for-teaching-by-the-case-study-method" id="__w2_i42lYak_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4470"></span>What are the reasons for teaching by the case study method?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4270"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_rpvxzCX_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4362"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_H6Bemf2_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_H6Bemf2_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_rpvxzCX_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_TZCJQ20_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_TZCJQ20_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_TZCJQ20_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_rpvxzCX_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4363"></div></div></div>Case base reasoning is much easier for humans than reasoning from a declarative framework.  This is a nuance of the human cognitive architecture an<wbr />d how people acquire expertise; through &#039;chunking&#039; objects together in memory structures.<br /><br />Case based reasoning is therefore more natural and effective than the alternative for several reasons.  Case based reasoning also supports the acquisition of declar<wbr />ative theories.<br /><br />In general, any instructional technique that trades computation/inference for memory will allow a person to acquire expertise more quickly and retain that expertise for longer.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_rpvxzCX_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4364"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_dhTdySf_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4365"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Higher-Education/What-are-the-reasons-for-teaching-by-the-case-study-method/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_GREBY34_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4429"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4366"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_PGL6qGb_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4430"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4238"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_QS2JJ1m_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4271"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4299"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4471"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Is-it-okay-to-embed-a-link-with-affiliate-ID-if-its-relevant" id="__w2_IWHqOFA_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4472"></span>Is it okay to embed a link with affiliate ID if it&#039;s relevant?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4272"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_wR0To6B_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4367"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_DK3T5lV_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_DK3T5lV_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_wR0To6B_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_MH9wAgN_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_MH9wAgN_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_MH9wAgN_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_wR0To6B_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4368"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">2</strong> votes</span> by <span class="name_span">Anon User</span> and <a class="user" href="/Rod-Begbie">Rod Begbie</a></span></div></div></div>The users of Quora should not benefit financially from the site.  The only people who should be making money are the Quora founders and possibly the employees.<br /><br />By posting affiliate links, you hurt Amazon&#039;s sales margins.  You should be ashamed of yourself. <i>[1]</i><br /><i><br />[1] Internet Ethics, D. Langford 2003 <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />h</a></i><div class="action_bar" id="__w2_wR0To6B_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4369"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_Cis40Rs_view_comment_link">1 Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4370"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Is-it-okay-to-embed-a-link-with-affiliate-ID-if-its-relevant/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_nJKlkGR_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4431"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4371"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_pc3Ub9g_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4432"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4501"><a name="comment101682"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_L4PXX4c_comment"><p class="comment_text">That book page is so one cares about internet ethics</p><p class="action_bar"><span class="name_span">Anon User</span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_rhECEdZ_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4239"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_o1j3mrk_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4273"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4300"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4473"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Is-it-possible-for-a-1-or-2-person-team-to-make-a-successful-indie-game" id="__w2_bAc516C_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4474"></span>Is it possible for a 1 or 2 person team to make a successful indie game?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4274"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_huRabyX_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4372"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_WFYZzQf_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_WFYZzQf_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_huRabyX_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_IRh3jzG_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_IRh3jzG_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_IRh3jzG_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_huRabyX_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4373"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Alex-Wiltshire">Alex Wiltshire</a></span></div></div></div>Its possible but rare.<br /><br />Designing or building a great game is not the difficult part.<br /><br />There are 15 developers who are awesome for each developer that understands internet marketing.  The marketing and business aspects are usually the failing points for most developers.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_huRabyX_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4374"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_v616bqz_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4375"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Is-it-possible-for-a-1-or-2-person-team-to-make-a-successful-indie-game/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_ok9DFsw_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4433"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4376"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_kAYs0PV_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4434"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4240"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_QG66YhP_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4275"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4301"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4475"></span><a class="question_link" href="/What-is-the-best-etiquette-for-ending-a-conversation-that-isnt-going-anywhere-at-a-networking-event" id="__w2_sHoy8B1_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4476"><span class="best_source_icon" id="__w2_R9IeRzY_icon"></span></span>What is the best etiquette for ending a conversation that isn&#039;t going anywhere at a networking event?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4276"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_gopXCfV_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4377"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_fibUXg7_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_fibUXg7_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_gopXCfV_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_kkXBIBR_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_kkXBIBR_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_kkXBIBR_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_gopXCfV_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4378"></div></div></div>I just walk away.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_gopXCfV_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4379"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_Lz6S6yz_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4380"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-is-the-best-etiquette-for-ending-a-conversation-that-isnt-going-anywhere-at-a-networking-event/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_FzQhcgH_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4435"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4381"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_C35Lpd3_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4436"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4241"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_psppsND_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4277"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4302"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4477"></span><a class="question_link" href="/What-are-the-implications-of-a-global-banking-system-that-is-completely-anonymous" id="__w2_TtaZb9E_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4478"></span>What are the implications of a global banking system that is completely anonymous?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4278"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_ZLByqB5_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4382"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_UPFKtXm_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_UPFKtXm_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_ZLByqB5_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_Z6wDt6x_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_Z6wDt6x_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_Z6wDt6x_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_ZLByqB5_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4383"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">3</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Russell-Stadler">Russell Stadler</a>, <a class="user" href="/Seb-Paquet">Seb Paquet</a> and <a class="user" href="/Bernd-Nurnberger">Bernd Nurnberger</a></span></div></div></div>Nothing.<br /><br />There is already 800 in billion laundered money in banks.  Completely anonymous money is unlikely to change criminal transactions very much.<br /><br />Terrorists and others are using money transfer network such as the hawala or funneling money through non-profits.  The only thing that would change is the government&#039;s ability to monitor the transactions.  Anonymous payment methods may not even affect the government&#039;s ability to effectively monitor these transactions as the government is primarily using network analysis techniques anyways.  The identity of the people do not matter so much as their network of relationships.<br /><br />Government control and can tax the point of sale.  A Walmart could reduce its taxes to the government by not reporting sales and taking money out of the cashdrawer and righting off the sold inventory, but that does not work at scale.  Only small cash businesses such as pizzerias and laundromats are able to do this without suffering fines and retribution by federal government.<br /><br />Bribery would be as easy with anonymous digital currency as it is with cash.  However we would only see kickbacks transition from being informal to formal relationships.  The government&#039;s ability to regulate &#039;political economy&#039; would be decreased.  You could argue whether this is good or bad for the economy.  You could argue that our current system privileges those with political connection<wbr />s and backrub relationships and excludes the masses from participating in the political economy.  Legalized or deniable bribery may increase scrutiny on public offices and subject them to greater monitoring and oversight, which may be a net improvement over the current system of implicit bribes and no transparency or oversight.<br /><br />We are actually better at enforcing payroll tax compliance at large cash businesses like Walmart (where many consumer do not have credit cards and bank accounts) than we are about using oversight to detect and regulate unlawful &#039;political economy&#039; transactions such as bribery.<br /><br />The government also has systems in place for collecting payroll taxes.  These systems are effective, despite the incentive of the employer and employee to lower reported wages (circumventing payroll taxes) and pay the employee directly (&#039;under the table&#039;), circumventing government imposed transaction fees (taxes).  This type of circumvention only happens in small cash businesses, but not at places such as Walmart.<br /><br />As the government controls the point of sale and is able to collect payroll taxes and sales taxes, its likely the the government&#039;s revenue would not be impacted by anonymous currency to a greater extent than it is by the usage of cash.  In fact, the anonymous digital cash transactions may be easier to monitor for the government.  It can mandate businesses use reporting devices and that businesses receive revenue and pay employees from government controlled or approved accounts.  The switch to digital currency and elimination of cash would improve government revenue for these activities, compared to transactions where cash is used.<br /><br />Where the government would lose tax revenue to evasion, is in the provision of online services, digital goods and investment instruments.  Online service providers (PHP programmers from India/China, iPhone application developers, web-designers) can receive revenue anonymously and c<wbr />ircumvent IRS reporting requirements, with the person controlling the account in a position to deny control of the account and avoid recognition of the revenue.  This is however no different than having an online businesses today owned by a bearer bond IBC which has puppet directors in another foreign country and which provides full deniability for the controller of the back accounts of the corporation.  Anonymous banking would only make these transactions easier, although it is harder to imagine that it could possibly be easier to do than it already is, when you consider the existing system.<br /><br />If you are very rich, there are better ways of creating intergenerational wealth and avoiding taxation, which are extremely effective.  For instance, most equity in Israel and many European countries is controlled by a small number of families.  They do not own the companies directly, but have controlling interests in companies which control these companies.   Less than 20 family control about over 30% of the equity in Israel&#039;s public traded companies, through controlling interests.<br /><br />What use is 30 billion dollars if you cannot spend it?  It is much better to have a dual class share structure, where one class of shares has 20 votes to the common share.  A class of shareholders controlling 5% of market-cap controls the company.  Also, no capital gains are paid until shares are sold off.  When they are sold, the seller pays 15% capital gains tax (compared to +45% capital gains tax from wage income).<br /><br />It therefore seems unlikely to me that the very wealthy would find much advantage in an anonymous currency system for the purpose of avoiding taxation (as they are already able to do that very effectively).  For instance, why would you want to realize $1 in revenue untaxed?  You would want that revenue going to your publicly traded company trading at a 20x P/E multiple.  The 1 dollar in revenue creates $20 in market cap, if you owned 10% of the company, then $1 in revenue to the company is $2 to your share-value at a 20x P/E multiple.  If you own 50%, that $1 is $10 in market cap.<br /><br />You take that $10 in market-cap increase and take a loan against your shares and invest them in 8% corporate bonds...  The advantages to the financial and corporate elite of the existing system, far out weigh the advantages of anonymity (as long as the government and system are stable).<br /><br />Smaller business owners who do not have access to the public market would however find a tax advantage resulting from the unique capacities of digital currency systems.<br /><br />Effectively anonymous monetary systems are developing in Africa (cell phone mediated payment networks).  I think there are reasons that such systems would develop and that we are about 20 years away from some cryptography based monetary systems (there is a strong financial incentiv<wbr />e for smaller countries to provide these services).<br /><br />They really will not change anything however.  Drugs will still come in from Mexico into America.  However, instead of drugs coming from Mexico to America and cash going from America back to Mexico, drugs will go from Mexico to America and cell phone text messages will go from America to Mexico.<br /><br />However, with these monetary systems, even if anonymous; a balance of payments will need to be maintained between entities.  If goods and services are provided in America (drugs) and payment is made to Mexico, the Mexicans will need to be able to purchase goods and services with their payment (presumably to be delivered or consumed in Mexico).  Currently, A provides goods to B and B provides cash to A.  The only difference under unregulated digital currency is that A provides goods/services to B and and B transfers currency to C to be held for A and A transfer currency to D in payment to E for services consumed by A.  Its basically exactly the same as the current cash transactions.<br /><br />In fact, there are few limitations that drug cartels face when using the existing banking system.  Mexican drug cartels have front companies with revenue from drug sales and have been known to purchase capital assets, (such as boats) which are used in the drug business.  For instance, the same boat will end up on a California shore (empty/abandoned, but was full of marijuana or crack-cocaine) and then end up on auctioned by the state, purchased by the same companies and end up back on the shore again.  This can happen 5-8 times for a single boat; it will be seized, determined to have been used for drug transport and then repurchased and seized again several times.<br /><br />The governments have this information and record these transactions, but they do not use the information effectively.  Not much would fundamentally change if governments and law enforcement did not have access to information.  In fact, stronger enforcement or usage of the information which is available would only have the effect of greater concealment by criminal organizations (which has exactly the same effect as adoption of anonymous systems for settling balance of payments from a law enforcement perspective!).  The fundamental issue is border control and the inability of nation states to police their borders against the import of drugs, weapons, immigrants and sex slaves.  If a nation state cannot prevent kidnapping or crime within its borders, it is easy to say &quot;digital currency will make this problem worse&quot;, but the problem is with the nation state losing its monopoly on the use of force within its borders, or the nation state losing the ability to enforce its regulations upon its population or to secure its borders against the import of drugs or weapons.<br /><br />Also, it is likely that the advantages of anonymous digital currency would not be sufficient enough for criminal organizations to abandon the convenience of the existing financial, corporate and legal structures.  For instance, criminals will say &quot;I can get a bank against the income of my front company to finance the purchase of capital assets; but how do I get a bank loan against my anonymous digital currency income?&quot;<br /><br />Without a fully developed modern financial systems around the anonymous digital, it is of limited utility for anything but evading taxes.  It would be almost useless for the purpose of capital flight, unless it was possible to buy bonds or securities while skirting reporting requirements.  You would need a broker dealer willing to do this (hence the system is only feasible if state sponsored by at least one sovereign nation).<br /><br />It is not clear to me that you can security assets or enforce property rights without enforcement by a sovereign nation state.  So maybe you could buy equity in an online digital goods business which receives all payments through anonymous digital currency.  However, how would you audit the books of that business?  Who would enforce the voting rights that your equity ownership entails?<br /><br />You need a system of digital contracts and some advances in secure multi-party computing and<wbr /> cryptographic protocols before you can start developing a shadow finance system on top of the digital currency, which would be independent of right enforced by nation states.  That is still a long ways off.<br /><br />The ownership and transaction structures which would emerge would have to reflect what is enforceable through pr<wbr />otocols and would likely end up being much different than the investment instruments we have in our current system.  Therefore we will likely be seeing a hybrid system, for at-least the next 80 years.<br /><br />For an example of a &#039;hybrid system&#039; that governments are trying to regulate out of existence, look up &quot;hawala&quot;.  The hawala networks rely more on trust and social relationships than cryptography.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_ZLByqB5_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4384"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_wknN39m_view_comment_link">29 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4385"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-are-the-implications-of-a-global-banking-system-that-is-completely-anonymous/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_Bz1gWdq_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4437"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4386"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_KhW24Lz_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4438"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4502"><a name="comment98946"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_Fzfds1U_comment"><p class="comment_text">Brandon, oh let me count the ways :-), if the drug cartels don&#039;t have any problems useing the current financial system why do they still fly and ship by smugglers highspeed boats bails and bails of 100 dollar bills.<br /><br />The Isreali government understood that about organized crime in there country and in the 1980&#039;s I think date may be wrong but not what I describe. They redesigned there cash and made exchanging old cash for new cash a higly regulated process and did not pre announce what would happen. Thus it was estimated in the press that they were able to confiscate a very large percentage of organized crimes assets. Your system if controlled by a government might make a move like that easier but I think it would do just the opposite. If the US government would simply do that every ten years organized crime would not be anywhere near as profitable.<br /><br />Now as to your proposed system not effecting tax collection you do understand that sales tax and payroll tax are not the only or even majority forms of taxes collected in the US. Income Tax, Property Tax, Corporate Income Tax collect the lion share of taxes paid in the US. Income tax paid by small buisness is a huge percentage of that tax revenue and is precisely were your system would most assuredly make tax avoidance easier. The idea you seem to have that only elites are active in capital markets is also not as black and white as your presentation makes it sound.<br /><br />I stand by my answer that an anonymous e-currency system would; Money laundering, blackmail, extortion, human trafficking, drug sales, tax evasion, fraud, and the complete disruption of markets that depend on transparency, would all be made much easier by a truly anonymous banking system.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_OCOViqO_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4503"><a name="comment99016"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_YnW8WBW_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;The idea you seem to have that only elites are active in capital markets is also not as black and white as your presentation makes it sound.&quot;<br /><br />70% of Americans live paycheck to pay check.  Bill Gates has more assets than the bottle 50% of the rabble.  I do not see Wallmart workers starting public companies or earning hundreds of thousands a year arbitraging complex <wbr />financial products.<br /><br />If you have a jet an a publicly traded company or use advanced financial produc<wbr />ts to achieve leverage, then you would probably be considered an &quot;elite&quot; or an &quot;insider&quot; by most reasonable definitions.<br /><br />&quot;if the drug cartels don&#039;t have any problems useing the current financial system why do they still fly and ship by smugglers highspeed boats bails and bails of 100 dollar bills.&quot;<br /><br />They are using the banks loans against their drug profits to buy the boats and planes.  All the enforcement efforts only increase the cost of capital for criminal organizations by ~30%.  Its just the cost of doing business for these organizations.<br /><br />Over half of the problems you suggest  anonymous digital currency will cause are &quot;border control problems&quot; that have nothing to do with currency exchange.  These criminal organisations al<wbr />ready have anonymous currency systems.  They are bulk shipping &quot;stored valued cards&quot; across the boarder and selling them at a 5% discount on markets, to settle balance of payments.  The system is already effectively anonymous for them.<br /><br />Large criminal organizations already have systems in place that accomplish this objective.  The only thing that is change is that the public is gaining access to anonymous banking and it is no longer reserved for governments and organized crime.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_IJcdOCz_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4504"><a name="comment99252"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_orulsrM_comment"><p class="comment_text">Thank you, those are some interesting points. <br /><br />However the $800 billion of laundered money in the banking system that you mention is a very small amount compared to the amount of anonymous money there would be if the global banking system is &#039;completely&#039; anonymous. <br /><br />To give some indication of the amounts, the foreign exchange market alone transacts between 2 to 4 trillion dollars every day for 5 &amp; 1/2 days of the week.<br /><br />Complete anonymity would make the entire financial system open to money that currently needs to be laundered or channelled through closed networks. IMO this would have some significant influence on the dynamics of criminal transactions.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/John-Ringland">John Ringland</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_fmQxw2F_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4505"><div class="comment comment_dotdotdot p0_5"><a class="supp" href="#" onclick="$(&#039;.hidden_comments_127217&#039;).toggleClass(&#039;hidden&#039;);
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</div></div></span><div id="__w2_tJbKK0s_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_150"></div></div></div>It is not public information at this point.<br /><br />I suspect however that Comcast will set a precedent and begin charging monopoly rents.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_tJbKK0s_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_151"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_f73HdqC_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_152"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/How-much-does-Comcast-want-to-charge-L3-for-delivering-Netflix-movies/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_BRCCeFA_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_249"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_153"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_tYdSCRF_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_250"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div 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class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_V6APh6F_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_P8BAXsr_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_P8BAXsr_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_P8BAXsr_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_V6APh6F_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_155"></div></div></div>Trademark key-word related to the domain and document a common law trademark.<br /><br />Then file an in-rem lawsuit against the domain.  Be sure to use a favorable jurisdiction.  Most domain owners will not pay for a lawyer (especially if your chosen jurisdiction is very far from where they live) and you will get a default judgement.  This works especially well when the cost of defending the lawsuit exceeds the value of the domain.<br /><br />If their registrar is in the US, then a court ruling in any state can compel the registrar to hand over the domain.  However, if they are using an off-shore registrar, you have to go through the ICANN resolution procedure.<br /><br />If an in-rem lawsuit does not work, then use the ICANN resolution procedure.<br /><br />Squatters have had thousands of their domains in inventory seized through in-rem lawsuits the ICANN dispute resolution procedures.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_V6APh6F_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_156"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_pmbOG9Y_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_157"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/How-can-I-get-a-domain-name-from-a-squatter/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_LtR7Ki1_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_251"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_158"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_Fusr4gD_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_252"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_70"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_SDD0gPN_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_93"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_131"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_293"></span><a class="question_link" href="/What-was-Operation-Aurora" id="__w2_cMhSKmP_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_294"></span>What was Operation Aurora?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_94"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_pAL1IdI_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_pAL1IdI_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_159"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_tnt0XHG_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_tnt0XHG_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_pAL1IdI_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_Uextuy1_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_Uextuy1_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_Uextuy1_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_pAL1IdI_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_160"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Inigo-Sarmiento">Inigo Sarmiento</a></span></div></div></div>Google and about 50 other US companies were hacked and their source code was stolen.  This industrial espionage has been occurring since 1992.<br /><br />The source code stolen in Operation Aurora will make its way to Chinese companies and these companies will compete against American companies in the international market.<br /><br />Operation Aurora is just another case of state sponsored industrial espionage.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_pAL1IdI_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_161"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_zTKXUpx_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_162"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-was-Operation-Aurora/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_a4JC4vd_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_253"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_163"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_JlEJ16D_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_254"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_71"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_Y5ygJb9_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_95"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_132"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_295"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Can-venture-capitalists-take-back-their-money" id="__w2_qqb0sXz_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_296"></span>Can venture capitalists take back their money?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_96"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_PPukY58_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_PPukY58_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_164"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_wVVaflU_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_wVVaflU_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_PPukY58_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_fasy7AA_link"><span class="rep" id="__w2_fasy7AA_sig">I write machine learning based s...</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_fasy7AA_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_fasy7AA_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_PPukY58_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_165"></div></div></div>Yes.<br /><br />There are contract clauses such as &quot;redemption rights&quot;, which the VC can exercise to force the company to buy-back the shares held by the VC.<br /><br />The redemption rights allow the VC to force the management into a liquidity event.  &quot;Sell the company or we will execute our redemption rights...&quot; and give the VCs leverage over management.<br /><br />If VCs trigger their redemption rights and the company fails to meet the obligation, the VCs may be able to take over the board of directors of the company.<br /><br />I am actually surprised that this does not happen more often.  I am not sure how popular redemption rights are today compared to a decade ago.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_PPukY58_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_166"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_CvG6VgK_view_comment_link">2 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_167"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Can-venture-capitalists-take-back-their-money/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_SgFZKl2_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_255"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_168"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_D8A3G44_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_256"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_329"><a name="comment129383"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_k3YgNyr_comment"><p class="comment_text">According to the Fenwick and West survey only ~20% of venture deals in silicon valley have redemption rights and from experience I would say that most of those are redemption rights that can&#039;t be exercised for 5+ years after the initial investment</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gus-Fuldner">Gus Fuldner</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_iHTKxPz_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_330"><a name="comment129406"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_Vee4JhX_comment"><p class="comment_text">Yes.  You are correct.<br /><br />Redemption rights are much more common on the east coast and for traditional venture capital.<br /><br />However, Silicon Valley VCs are less likely to need redemption rights because they are funding pre-revenue companies and often have effective board control.  2+2+1 with a VC affiliated &#039;independent&#039; director.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_VpLzYOL_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_72"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_bbZaIgP_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_97"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_133"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_297"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Why-do-most-funded-startups-have-web-based-products-while-desktop-producing-companies-usually-bootstrap" id="__w2_N5u6ncM_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_298"></span>Why do most funded startups have web-based products, while desktop-producing companies usually bootstrap?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_98"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_YXMf8V5_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_YXMf8V5_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_169"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_bKXYNu9_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_bKXYNu9_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_YXMf8V5_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_eksHOp0_link"><span class="rep" id="__w2_eksHOp0_sig">I write machine learning based s...</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_eksHOp0_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_eksHOp0_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_YXMf8V5_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_170"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">4</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Ian-Peters-Campbell">Ian Peters-Campbell</a>, <a class="user" href="/Kenny-Yu">Kenny Yu</a>, <a class="user" href="/John-Marsland">John Marsland</a> and <a class="user" href="/Cameron-A.-Ellis">Cameron A. Ellis</a></span></div></div></div>Web apps are more difficult to monetize.   I had a website with 250,000 MAU and we were barely able to break even on the server costs ($200/month).  Twitter&#039;s Average Revenue Per Users (ARPU) is zero.<br /><br />With desktop apps, people at least pay you money.<br /><br />Companies like Digg have 15 million a year in revenue on ads, but cannot even break even.  Digg without venture capital would be insolvent.  Myspace is losing money and has tens of millions of users.<br /><br />Facebook&#039;s eCPM rates on their ad inventory are lower than the eCPM rates on porn sites.<br /><br />It is extremely difficult to break even in web apps unless you can get users to pay you.  Your only exit options are acquisitions.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_YXMf8V5_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_171"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_v65Kj9m_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_172"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Why-do-most-funded-startups-have-web-based-products-while-desktop-producing-companies-usually-bootstrap/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_A1IHujM_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_257"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_173"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_k890dxW_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_258"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_73"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_BF0LzlC_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_99"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_134"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_299"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Why-do-humans-die" id="__w2_bDcClIq_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_300"></span>Why do humans die?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_100"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_CpPhvXd_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_CpPhvXd_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_174"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_ZKl5lXN_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_ZKl5lXN_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_CpPhvXd_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_wKjc5Ls_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_wKjc5Ls_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_wKjc5Ls_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_CpPhvXd_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_175"></div></div></div>The only thing that can kill a human is organ failure.<br /><br />All causes of death are a direct causal result of organ failure.<br /><br />The most common cause of death is heart failure.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_CpPhvXd_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_176"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_lty5yIh_view_comment_link">2 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_177"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Why-do-humans-die/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_mbRCOIt_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_259"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_178"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_dBCgh00_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_260"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_331"><a name="comment129414"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_RwFBCqF_comment"><p class="comment_text">True :(</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Matt-Langley">Matt Langley</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_NBWPIoN_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_332"><a name="comment129416"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_tuwWHV2_comment"><p class="comment_text">The good part, is that most organs are just mechanistic.<br /><br />The lungs are gas exchange membranes.<br /><br />The kidney filters out anything larger than an ion which has a large solvation shell.<br /><br />The heart just pumps blood.<br /><br />We can replicate and improve or replace most of the human organs.  We can even replace certain areas of the brain that have been reverse engineered and reimplemented in VLSI/silicon.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_NEDwbMR_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_74"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_MWxczGf_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_101"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_135"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_301"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Which-fast-serial-algorithms-dont-have-efficient-parallel-equivalents" id="__w2_BINZhdB_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_302"></span>Which fast serial algorithms don&#039;t have efficient parallel equivalents?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_102"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_kAoD4b9_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_kAoD4b9_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_179"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_FUcU38M_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_FUcU38M_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_kAoD4b9_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_heVklvk_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_heVklvk_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_heVklvk_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_kAoD4b9_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_180"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">2</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Xianhang-Zhang">Xianhang Zhang</a> and <a class="user" href="/Jaap-Weel">Jaap Weel</a></span></div></div></div>Cycle detection in directed graphs has linear time serial algorithms, however it is provable difficult to parallize.  The fastest parallel algorithms scale as sqrt(n) where n is the number of processors.<br /><br />This is very interesting because cycle detection algorithms are a critical part of 3-SAT solvers and it suggests that they may be difficult to scale out over multiple CPUs without a shared memory architecture.  However in practice you are often only interested in small degree cycles and there are efficient algorithms for detecting these.<br /><br />These problems will become a more important performance bottleneck as OWL and semantic web reasoners are deployed on web-scale dataset that require distributed computing.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_kAoD4b9_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_181"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_KOFp8WT_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_182"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Which-fast-serial-algorithms-dont-have-efficient-parallel-equivalents/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_c2qgnF7_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_261"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_183"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_Gt5yU7N_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_262"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_75"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_xU5ZbT4_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_103"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_136"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_303"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Why-does-physical-space-have-3-dimensions" id="__w2_uMaHwnO_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_304"></span>Why does physical space have 3 dimensions?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_104"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_hRBONkN_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_hRBONkN_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_184"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_SAicGMk_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_SAicGMk_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_hRBONkN_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_BtNy7Fv_link"><span class="rep" id="__w2_BtNy7Fv_sig">Hilbert Spaces, Differential Geo...</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_BtNy7Fv_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_BtNy7Fv_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_hRBONkN_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_185"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">2</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Anthony-Foster">Anthony Foster</a> and <a class="user" href="/Martin-Jambon">Martin Jambon</a></span></div></div></div>The answer has something to do with group theory and the quaternions and the Clifford algebras.  <br /><br />Locally, our universe has a Lorentz transformation invariant geometry.  If you take Coulomb law + Lorentz invariance, you can prove maxwell&#039;s equations.<br /><br />There is a proof of this in:<br /><br />Principles of Electrodynamics <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link">http://am<wbr /></a><br /><br />Now, maxwell&#039;s equations have interesting symmetries that only make sense in 3 &#039;spatial&#039; dimensions and which cannot exist for any other dimension number.  The symmetry that contains our universe to three spatial dimensions is very closely related to quaternions and the cross-product operator.<br /><br />It turns out that our typical classical physics model is not invariant under all the unitary transformations on its coordinate system.  Maxwell&#039;s equations are invariant under rotations of the coordinate system, however any scalar defined in terms of a cross product is actually negated under a flip of the coordinates (parity).<br /><br />&lt;x | y &gt; = &lt; -x | -y &gt;<br /><br />Inner products are preserved under flipping.  However, for cross products,<br />a x b = -1* ( -a x -b)  , where a and b are vectors and x is the cross product operator.<br /><br />A scalar property defined as the inner product of a vector and the cross product of two vectors, is therefore not invariant under inversion of the coordinate system!<br />Some of the things physicists call scalars, are not actually scalars!  They are pseudo-scalars because they are not invariant under a unitary transformation of the coordinate system!<br /><br />This means the vector space is not actually a Hilbert Space and the vectors are not actually vectors, but &quot;pseudo-vectors&quot; (you have to rotate them through 4*pi radians on any axis to get back where they stated.  They are anti-symmetric under inversion of the coordinate system).  The inner product of a vector and a pseudo-vector is actually a pseudo-scalar, but physicists like to pretend that these are just scalars (but they are not).<br /><br />The unitary transformations are the isometries of the inner-product metric on the Hilbert Space and physicists often do not differentiate between the mathematics used to model/describe the system and the actual system state and therefore these confusions occur.<br /><br />The reason we have 3 dimensions is that the cross-product operator and the symmetries we observe, cannot exist in a higher or lower number of dimensions.<br /><br />The pseudo-scalars and pseudo-vectors operations you need only exist in certain dimension numbers, one of which is 3.  I think 4, 7, 11 and 21 also seem to work, but that there are only a small number possible dimensions due to mathematical symmetry constraints.<br /><br />I wish I could explain this better, but I am not an expert on the Clifford Algebras.<br />I think the answer is in this book:<br /><br />Space-Time Algebra <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />jB4d</a><br /><br />If you want conservation of energy, 1/r^2 laws or Lorentz invariance, you are mathematically constrained to a very small number of possible spatial dimensions.  If you throw away any of the implied symmetries, you end up with something that does not resemble our universe.<br /><br />Most of theoretical physics today is just thinly disguised group theory.<br /><br />For instance, &quot;conservation of energy&quot; is just invariance of a system&#039;s Hamiltonian func<wbr />tion under translation in time.  If something is true in physics, it is because a set of symmetries forces it to be true.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_hRBONkN_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_186"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_OhmC1iO_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_187"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Why-does-physical-space-have-3-dimensions/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_dMgxWVE_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_263"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_188"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_VuJax2U_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_264"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_76"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_NyeVYwP_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_105"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_137"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_305"></span><a class="question_link" href="/If-the-U-S-Capital-Gains-tax-rate-went-back-to-20-what-would-happen" id="__w2_lBP1332_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_306"></span>If the U.S. Capital Gains tax rate went back to 20%, what would happen?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_106"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_a1WfCco_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_a1WfCco_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_189"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_d9Yjxzr_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_d9Yjxzr_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_a1WfCco_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_NblDygA_link"><span class="rep" id="__w2_NblDygA_sig">I write machine learning based s...</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_NblDygA_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_NblDygA_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_a1WfCco_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_190"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">2</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/J.C.-Hewitt">J.C. Hewitt</a> and <a class="user" href="/Yaniv-Goldenrand">Yaniv Goldenrand</a></span></div></div></div>The capital gains tax is an implicit tax on wealth, because nominal increases in asset value are taxed and not the inflation adjusted purchasing power of the assets being held for investment.<br /><br />A 33% increase in the capital gains tax, to 20%, will severely erode capital accumulation in America (even more than the current 15% tax).<br /><br />The transition to a higher capital gains tax rate combined with a high inflation rate and currency devaluation could mark the end of the American empire.  An increase in the capital gains tax rate will accelerate capital flight.  It is believed by many economists that an increase in the capital gains tax rate will decrease tax revenues.<br /><br />Tax revenues are maximized when capital accumulation is maximized and economic studies suggest that tax revenue is maximized when the capital gains tax rates are zero.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_a1WfCco_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_191"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_H2Ke44M_view_comment_link">5 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_192"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/If-the-U-S-Capital-Gains-tax-rate-went-back-to-20-what-would-happen/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_tj7qsHR_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_265"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_193"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_qHC6LHU_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_266"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_333"><a name="comment127989"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_Fi6bYmt_comment"><p class="comment_text">The republican mantra that lower tax rates raise enough new taxes to replace that lost by a reduction in the rate has never been shown to be factual. During the Reagan tax cuts the economy recovered due to the action of the fed to stop inflation so there&#039;s no proof that the reduction in income taxes is what caused the increase in tax revenues. The GWBush tax cuts did not increase tax revenue so again there&#039;s no evidence.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_SPI71Z3_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_334"><a name="comment127993"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_DRXrfdN_comment"><p class="comment_text">I think that even if taxes were increased, the revenues would be spent inefficiently.<br /><br />They would not go towards education and infrastructure.  We allocate resources by political processes instead of a rational or quantitative process.<br /><br />The issue of capital accumulation is very important however.  Its up in the air what would happen.<br /><br />Looking at the tax law, instead of building a revenue generating company, I should be building companies to flip (turning income into long-term capital gains tax), unless the scale of the revenue of company is such that it could go public.<br /><br />Companies like Google do not pay taxes and they can afford to buy these little companies (and write off the costs as a deduction against their income).<br /><br />I think these tax rates distort or determine my behavior and my preferences and the ways in which I choose to generate wealth.  That distortion may not be good for the economy.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_SuTx0qE_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_335"><a name="comment127996"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_GNtcZzt_comment"><p class="comment_text">All those I agree with, it&#039;s just the old saw that lowering tax rates increases revenue that is wishful thinking. But I do agree with all your other comments.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_dNPZwuc_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_336"><a name="comment127998"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_GXX43GW_comment"><p class="comment_text">For instance, the wealthy allocate assets into classes that have favorable tax treatment, rather than asset classes that produce the greatest rates of returns.<br /><br />When real estate investment trusts had favorable policies with regard to loss deductions, there was a massive movement of capital into that asset class, despite poor returns.  When the favorable tax treatme<wbr />nt ended, there was capital flight out of the asset class.<br /><br />Same with the savings and loans crisis...<br /><br />Today, stock ownership / capital gains from stock appreciation has favorable treatment compared to dividends.<br /><br />The result is that people prefer large companies like Google to invest revenue internally and achieve asset appreciation of Google stock, instead of issuing a dividend.  With a dividend, people would be able to reinvest the capital in the asset class with the highest growth, instead of the default decision of having the money reinvested in the company that generated it (at a comparably lower rate of return).<br /><br />This is great for large companies, because it lowers their cost of capital.  However, it is bad for investors because it lowers their rate of return.<br /><br />However, it is good for investors because it allows them to defer capital gains tax until the sale of the assets and for their capital to compound without constant taxation.<br /><br />I think the point is that if we tax investment at 50% per year, we are decreasing the rate of capital accumulation/formation by half.<br /><br />I think the US should do  fair-tax and eliminate or lower capital gains taxes to ~10% and dividends/capital gains should be treated identically. Short-term capital gains should be lowered to the level of long-term rates.<br /><br />The US should become a tax haven for foreign investment.<br /><br />A consumption based tax makes more sense than an income tax, especially from the perspective of capital accumulation.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_RMIPHkI_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_337"><a name="comment128002"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_tyZ1Rw9_comment"><p class="comment_text">Actually though due to the Feds artificially keeping interest rates low. There is a huge demand for returns thus members of the Dividend Arstocrats of the S&amp;P are being bid up due to exceptional demand and there is a great deal of pressure being put on the Ciscos, Apples, Amazons to pay a dividend even though as you say capital gains receives a better tax treatment then do dividends.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_MdKlAA5_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_77"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_U7kmcxo_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_107"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_138"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_307"></span><a class="question_link" href="/How-did-Mark-Zuckerberg-retain-26-of-equity-after-so-many-rounds-of-financing" id="__w2_ZRl35zx_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_308"></span>How did Mark Zuckerberg retain 26% of equity after so many rounds of financing?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_108"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_BSxqogK_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_BSxqogK_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_194"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_RYaEYDS_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_RYaEYDS_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_BSxqogK_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_evQmrFn_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_evQmrFn_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_evQmrFn_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_BSxqogK_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_195"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">32</strong> votes</span> by <span id="__w2_uP6qKWp_view_all"><a class="user" href="/Philip-Mikal">Philip Mikal</a>, Anon User, <a class="user" href="/Mike-Mimbo">Mike Mimbo</a>, </span> <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_uP6qKWp_view_all_link">(more)</a><span class="hidden" id="__w2_uP6qKWp_all_phrases"><a class="user" href="/Philip-Mikal">Philip Mikal</a>, Anon User, <a class="user" href="/Mike-Mimbo">Mike Mimbo</a>, <a class="user" href="/Cameron-A.-Ellis">Cameron A. Ellis</a>, <a class="user" href="/Matt-Langley">Matt Langley</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ayo-Omojola">Ayo Omojola</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ori-Barbut">Ori Barbut</a>, <a class="user" href="/Janusz-Jamrozik">Janusz Jamrozik</a>, <a class="user" href="/Matthew-Hill">Matthew Hill</a>, <a class="user" href="/Patrick-A-Foley">Patrick A Foley</a>, <a class="user" href="/Gene-Folgo">Gene Folgo</a>, <a class="user" href="/Arjun-Sethi">Arjun Sethi</a>, <a class="user" href="/Yishan-Wong">Yishan Wong</a>, <a class="user" href="/Sasha-Katsnelson">Sasha Katsnelson</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ashot-Petrosian">Ashot Petrosian</a>, <a class="user" href="/Saul-Lustgarten">Saul Lustgarten</a>, <a class="user" href="/Neeraj-Agrawal">Neeraj Agrawal</a>, <a class="user" href="/Andrew-Boz-Bosworth">Andrew &#039;Boz&#039; Bosworth</a>, <a class="user" href="/Phil-Wolff">Phil Wolff</a>, <a class="user" href="/Chetan-Conikee">Chetan Conikee</a>, <a class="user" href="/Tyler-Willis">Tyler Willis</a>, <a class="user" href="/Mircea-Goia">Mircea Goia</a>, <a class="user" href="/Asics-Yao">Asics Yao</a>, <a class="user" href="/Justin-Cambria">Justin Cambria</a>, <a class="user" href="/Tzury-Bar-Yochay">Tzury Bar Yochay</a>, <a class="user" href="/Murtaza-Ali-Akbar">Murtaza Ali Akbar</a>, <a class="user" href="/Borislav-Agapiev">Borislav Agapiev</a>, <a class="user" href="/Daniel-Waldron">Daniel Waldron</a>, <a class="user" href="/Bharanidharan-Viswanathan-1">Bharanidharan Viswanathan</a>, <a class="user" href="/Adam-Rifkin">Adam Rifkin</a>, <a class="user" href="/Amit-Chaudhary">Amit Chaudhary</a> and Anon User</span></span></div></div></div>There are several factors<br /><br /><ul><li>Mark Zuckerberg retained board control and therefore was able to block dilutive and unnecessary &quot;inside&quot; rounds.</li><li>Facebook was break-even on gifts and display advertising by the time of its VC rounds.  Your valuation is much higher if you have revenues.</li><li>Facebook&#039;s early investors were very prominent and they bid up Facebook&#039;s valuation.  The social connection of the early employees and high profile angels (Anderson, Thiel) ensured that Facebook had many high profile venture firms interested in the company.  This was essential to establishing a competitive valuation process.</li><li>Facebook had multiple offers and was able to start a valuation bidding war between investors.  If you have multiple interested investors, you will have a better valuation.  It is impossible to have a competitive valuation process with only a single interested investor.</li><li>Sean Parker.</li></ul><div class="action_bar" id="__w2_BSxqogK_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_196"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_WUY5U5f_view_comment_link">15 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_197"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/How-did-Mark-Zuckerberg-retain-26-of-equity-after-so-many-rounds-of-financing/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_DLRQ1Ar_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_267"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_198"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_cZ79Rre_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_268"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_338"><a name="comment127255"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_d43vUKf_comment"><p class="comment_text">I still don not understand how this can happen. If he himself did not get diluted, someone got to be diluted. and the question is &quot;who are they? early employees or early investors&quot;</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Sean-Yang">Sean Yang</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_XP0s9fK_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_339"><a name="comment127356"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_cJUMtlc_comment"><p class="comment_text">He did get diluted (he owns 26%, not 100%)</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Michael-Wolfe">Michael Wolfe</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_L8KyKs7_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_340"><a name="comment127495"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_kE7ZQqu_comment"><p class="comment_text">Maybe Eduardo Saverin&#039;s shares got dilluted a lot.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Mircea-Goia">Mircea Goia</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_IYYJrJd_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_341"><div class="comment comment_dotdotdot p0_5"><a class="supp" href="#" onclick="$(&#039;.hidden_comments_161241&#039;).toggleClass(&#039;hidden&#039;);
- return false;"> <span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4511">24</span></span> hidden comments...</a></div><div class="hidden_comments_127217 hidden"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4512"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4513"><a name="comment99292"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_P5Wy6Py_comment"><p class="comment_text">Brandon you do not need to be a billionaire, or millionaire to have access to the financial markets and to benifit from there advantages. Prior to the current recession there was somewhere areound 4 Trillion Dollars in those champions of the small investor the mutual funds. There are no miniumum trade amounts to purchase most securities, groups can also be formed to pool assets to take advantage of those securities that do have minimum value trade requirements. Yes of course 1% of the population controls about 35% og the nation wealth that does not mean they are the only player in the financial markets.<br /><br />Your concept that money laundering is a border control issue is absurd on it&#039;s face. As much money is laundered for criminal enterprises in the US as is handled for say Columbia. Your banking system would make that impossible to track thereby increasing the profitability of criminal operations at an exponential rate.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_g2C3dLT_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4514"><a name="comment99414"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_O8UTEXk_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;the $800 billion of laundered money in the banking system that you mention is a very small amount compared to the amount of anonymous money there would be if the global banking system is &#039;completely&#039; anonymous.&quot;<br /><br />Really?<br /><br />&quot;WSJ is reporting that bonuses on Wall Street this year are expected to be around $144 billion. How big is that relative to the overall economy? <br /><br />&quot;ZeroHedge cranked out the numbers and it is 8% of the total money supply (as measured by M1). Got that? Investment bankers will control 8% of the entire money supply once bonuses are paid.&quot;&quot;<br /><br />$144 billion is 8% of the money supply in circulation and law enforcement estimated laundered money to be around $800 billion.  Figure that out.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_JfKOnwo_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4515"><a name="comment99420"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_vgPcnRI_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;Your concept that money laundering is a border control issue is absurd on it&#039;s face. &quot;<br /><br />The money launders is not the problem.  The problem is the traffic in guns, drugs and sex slaves.<br /><br />In order of effectiveness<br />&gt;Demand Reduction<br />&gt;Supply Reduction<br />&gt;Monetary measures<br /><br />Obviously, importing drugs into the United States from Mexico would not be so profitable for organized crime, if the United States did not have such an extremely large demand for illegal drugs.<br /><br />Drugs, arms trade, illegal immigration and human trafficking are border control issues.  If you cannot control your borders, who cares whether the gangs are trading in dollars or gold bullion or cell phone text messaging balance of payments?  Does it really matter?<br /><br />The gangs cannot buy aircraft and boats in cash.  They are using the mainstream financial syst<wbr />em extensively, for laundering funds and for buying capital equipment.<br /><br />Anonymous digital currency has the same laundering problems as cash and is in many ways less anonymous than cash because it is cell phone mediated.<br /><br />Anonymous digital currency does not change the economics of crime at all.  It barely impacts the margins on crime at all and it has several disadvantages over cash.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_ytLc0Lo_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4516"><a name="comment99426"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_AODuv4a_comment"><p class="comment_text">It is too early to fear-monger the evils of digital currency, when we do not even have a single data-point.  We have had lots of fear mongering about declining tax revenue, but no data.<br /><br />Europe has been more open and supportive of digital currency adoption and has not experienced an increase in drug trade, arms trade, kidnapping or human trafficking.  Nor have they seen an increase in tax evasion.<br /><br />The Swedish police are arguing for the elimination of paper money in favor of digital money, TO REDUCE CRIME, such as muggings and theft.<br /><br />All the arguments that digital currency will increase criminal activity are theoretical and are not supported by the data that we have.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_yoRMKqD_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4517"><a name="comment99433"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_FHD1ILN_comment"><p class="comment_text">I agree that in the context of that money flow you describe $800 billion is quite large (about 44% of the entire flow). However I don´t think the figures you are quoting are global. For instance, the entire money flow you mention is only 1.8 trillion. However that is less than the average daily turnover of the FX market. The 2-4 trillion passing through the FX market is just the money that is in the process of being exchanged from one currency to another, which is just a small part of the total money in circulation.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/John-Ringland">John Ringland</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_wRTVNqf_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4518"><a name="comment99435"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_fq6VyZf_comment"><p class="comment_text">There is M1, M2. M3.  A lot of money is created by fractional reserve banking upon the base money supply.  Depending on their leverage ratios, banks can create ~8 dollars for every dollar in base money.<br /><br />There is also some central bank shenanigans going on.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_xnptSSU_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4519"><a name="comment99552"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_zg1OGO2_comment"><p class="comment_text">It&#039;s not digital currency per sa that I am arguing against. It is the idea of a completely anonymous banking system which can be implemented with paper or digital currency. The ability to open a bank account be simply arriving at a bank with currency and agreeing on an acess code with no exchange of proof of identity is the problem not the type of currency used.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_HPKFrKe_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4520"><a name="comment99767"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_EEtX3NL_comment"><p class="comment_text">You can already do that and criminals do already do that.  They just use cash businesses and stored value cards.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_VMVwaYG_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4521"><a name="comment99817"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_rN29gZk_comment"><p class="comment_text">Can you give more detail?</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_U6ZuSRS_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4522"><a name="comment99884"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_libhZqk_comment"><p class="comment_text">They buy stored valued cards (like <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"></a> cards) in cash and then move them over the boarder.  You can retail them on websites for 98 cents on the dollars, on gift card exchange sites.<br /><br />They are anonymous (paid in cash) and transferable.  There are people that makes the rounds everyday to a set of stores and buy gift cards with cash from drug proceeds.  The cards are moved over the boarder.<br /><br />It is very difficult for customs to figure out how much value is on the cards and there is a fluid market for them.<br /><br />So you sell a $100 amazon gift card for $98 and email a person the number of the card.  They put it in their account and it credits their amazon account and they can buy things.  The sale proceeds can be through paypal or through a gift card exchange with a reputation management system, to reduce fraud.<br /><br />The transaction fees on laundering money though these systems are only a few percentage points, compared to 20-30% fees for laundering cash.<br /><br />Also valued can be transferred between the cards electronically.   This is especially true for prepaid visa type cards.  There have been some regulations in place to reduce the anonymity of these cards or eliminate the ability to electronically transfer value between the cards; but they have been very ineffective.<br /><br />You could for instance, wash money by selling drugs in LA that were imported from Mexico, buying gift cards with the cash, selling the gift card numbers on an exchange for 3% transaction fee and then spending the money to buy digital goods from a front company (Farmville type games, software, online poker, porn, etc...) .  Similar things are possible with prepaid stored value cards.<br /><br />It is extremely difficult, if not impossible to regulate.  Once the drugs are over the border and are exchanged for money, getting the money into the financial system is trivial.<br /><br />Also note that gift cards are not taxed at the point of sale.<br /><br />Cell phones are going to replace the stored valued cards soon, also.  First in Africa (although EU digital currencies are also likely).  EU has a strong regulatory framework for digital currencies.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_UqYolUl_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4523"><a name="comment99890"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_xl2THCR_comment"><p class="comment_text">There must be records of the payment transactions when the gift cards are purchased the second time wouldn&#039;t the credit card and debit card systems be able to data mined to find that volume of transactions?</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_rEeelg1_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4524"><a name="comment100024"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_KamGGMr_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;There must be records of the payment transactions when the gift cards are purchased&quot;<br /><br />The cards are purchased with cash, from the drug sales.  Then the card numbers are transmitted by cell phone or computer, to another party for sale.<br /><br />The stored value credit cards are less anonymous than gift cards bought in cash.<br /><br />Notice that there is no link between the person buying the gift card in cash and the person receiving the funds from the sale of the gift card.  You would have to monitor all transactions (without a warrant) to even detect the bank accounts into which massive amounts of money from sale of gift cards is going.<br /><br />These accounts may be located in foreign countries and even if these country cooperate with US authorities you need some suspicion to begin investigation; which is very difficult, because there is no direct link or chain of evidence going from the drug sale to receipt of proceeds from the sale of the gift cards.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_aQzSnxe_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4525"><a name="comment100029"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_klLTRVK_comment"><p class="comment_text">The company doing the transactions (creating the market for the gift cards) is a just a merchant account.  People post cards, pay for cards (perhaps by selling other cards on the site or exchanging them).  Notice that payments can be settled between the card seller and card buyer through paypal or other means.  (this happens on ebay).<br /><br />The market does not keep records of the card numbers or identifiers for them.  If you have a market, you have an effectively anonymous pay<wbr />ment methods.<br /><br />Even if you can identify large sellers of gift cards, how do you tie that back to criminal activity?  You could show that a large number of gift cards bought in various areas of the US and stores end up on the site and are sold by particular parties.  However that only is true if the market is required to record the card-numbers on the stored valued cards.<br /><br />A person may buy a stored value card with drug money (or pay for the drugs in stored valued cards) and the cards are then smuggled into mexico, where they are sold online, by whoever.  They act as a commodity in the same way that gold or &quot;paper money&quot; is used.<br /><br />Their only difference from gold, is that they can be transmitted over cell phone text messaging (they are just numbers), but are also physically embodied in a card (the physical card being more liquid than the card account numbers (except for services like Amazon, where they are one and the same)).<br /><br />Similarly, a gang can settle balance of payment in cards for months of gameplay in games like WoW, send the numbers to mexico or else where (via SMS or email) and then sell the numbers on a website.<br /><br />The website can change its merchant account at will and change the bank accounts funds are deposited into....<br /><br />These systems operate similar to hawala but they are commodity backed.  I  think its essentially impossible to police.  Border control would be more effective.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_zDpN5pU_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4526"><a name="comment100293"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_Io34hxf_comment"><p class="comment_text">Oh now that last ones a real stretch the a month of the drug economy is way larger then the a years worth of WoW it&#039;s larger then the entire online gaming industry combined. <br /><br />The point I&#039;m making about the data mining is this; the G20 has treaties that allow a great deal of access to bank records without the need of search warrants, in the end the proceeds from the payment cards or gift cards has to consolidated into one account or a small number of accounts those accounts can be identified with out search warrants, that intelligence gives a capable uncorrupted justice system the ability to start building a case against the players involved. <br /><br />To control a border you have to militarize it that is not going to happen on the 6,000 miles of Us, Mexican, and Canadian borders and that leaves out the Pacific and Atlantic seaboards witch would also have to be militarized to truly control the borders.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_TxeRhdR_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4527"><a name="comment100393"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_VL94YkW_comment"><p class="comment_text">If you cannot prevent the drugs from entering the country or control supply, you can keep throwing people in prison.<br /><br />US has 25% of world prison population and 5% of world population.  Highest per capital incarceration rat<wbr />e of any society.<br /><br />Prison labor is very profitable and is making the US competitive with 3rd world countries for manufacturing costs.  Thats what we want, right?<br /><br />Until some company figure out how to make money on border control and starts lobbying congress, we will see more prisons and little done to reduce demand or reduce supply.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_sNoxs0z_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4528"><a name="comment100405"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_mvmfLJf_comment"><p class="comment_text">Or we get enough of the public to figure out that the war on drugs was lost a decade ago just like the war on booze was lost and we decriminalize drugs. It is a proven fact that the war on drugs is 25 times more expensive then is treatment for the addicted so we could see a 25 fold increase in drug addiction and spend no more then we do know if drugs are decriminalized and that does not even take int account the income that could be made if the drugs were sold by the gov and the proceeds used to pay for treatment.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_m5136Ep_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4529"><a name="comment100488"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_mXtNzBm_comment"><p class="comment_text">We need to increase the prison population somehow.  Private prisons are very profitable.<br /><br />Heres a link from my Twitter feed;<br /><br />The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery? <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />Wfy</a> this is an amazing article!</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_T1ncdJb_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4530"><a name="comment100531"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_whJYea3_comment"><p class="comment_text">This from your link &quot;According to the Left Business Observer, the federal prison industry produces 100% of all military helmets, ammunition belts, bullet-proof vests, ID tags, shirts, pants, tents, bags, and canteens. Along with war supplies, prison workers supply 98% of the entire market for equipment assembly services; 93% of paints and paintbrushes; 92% of stove assembly; 46% of body armor; 36% of home appliances; 30% of headphones/microphones/sp<wbr />eakers; and 21% of office furniture. Airplane parts, medical supplies, and much more: prisoners are even raising seeing-eye dogs for blind people.&quot;<br /><br />Is false in everything it says as far as a few minutes of research on Google and personal memory of Science Channel and Military Channel programs vie personally seen that showed the Armies Helmets being made at a non prison labor company, and the same for bullet proof vests. If that much is wrong I doubt the fact checking on the rest of the piece. <br /><br />I know for a fact that not all states allow prison industries. Washington State were I live has debated the rules around prison labor for many years. As of the lad time I remember reading about in the press prison labor is restricted to making license plates and work related to training programs and the private companies involved have to pay the same pay rate the pay at there non-prison locations the state then takes that money and applies it to the room and board costs of the prisoner. This was done because the public did not want low wage prison workers taking jobs from the local economies. So while I agree that the numbers the article has on the size of our prison population is correct I think the article highly exaggerates the amount of exploitation by private enterprise. I&#039;m not saying it does not happen just that it&#039;s not as huge a problem as the article implies.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_NtIfxPT_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4531"><a name="comment100536"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_RXxD8Yu_comment"><p class="comment_text">The article is correct that most seeing eye dogs and other dogs like drug sniffing and bomb dogs are trained by inmates.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_qC4kKM2_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4532"><a name="comment100663"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_FqvCafc_comment"><p class="comment_text">I would have to see some industry reports.  They are citing an LBO article, which is not available online.<br /><br />I do not watch TV, but if they were using prison labor, it is not something that would be on television.  Its a very sensitive subject.<br /><br />Wikipedia says that prison labor was abolished in America in 1927.  <br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />iki/Pen...</a></p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_JTZZBg5_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4533"><a name="comment100666"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_u0AD3J6_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;<i>The combat helmets made by Hebron-based ArmorSource and recalled by the Army earlier this month were made by a Texas subcontractor that uses federal inmates to do its work.<br /><br />The Army and ArmorSource confirmed to The Advocate that UNICOR, also called Federal Prison Industries, manufactured all of the 102,000 helmets for the ArmorSource contract with the Army.&quot;</i></p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_yGEFbeP_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4534"><a name="comment100668"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_GjbmaNX_comment"><p class="comment_text">The 100% figure on helmets is correct.<br /><br />&quot;Koss is second only to <b>Sony</b> in retail stereo headphones, with a market share of 28 percent, according to the research firm NPD Intelect, and had overall sales of $34.8 million last year. It entered the prison market by chance when it was asked to bid on a contract for &quot;ear bud&quot; personal listening devices at one prison. Now, according to Mr. Koss, its line of inmate headphones represents more than $1 million in sales annually.&quot;<br /><br />Most of the companies using prison labor are not reporting it.  The figures are difficult to come by.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_NwQUoA4_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4535"><a name="comment100680"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_VibuYHK_comment"><p class="comment_text">AmorSource supplied 4% of the ACH helmets supplied to the military. <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link">http://www.armedforces-in<wbr /></a></p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_LFBWsGJ_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4536"><a name="comment100682"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_PCJ0qkP_comment"><p class="comment_text">it was a 100k helment batch.  Meaning that the army ordered 2.5 million helmets?</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_IfRK1Lc_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4506"><a name="comment100685"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_x7Tzie3_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;prison workers supply 98% of the entire market for equipment assembly services; 93% of paints and paintbrushes; 92% of stove assembly;&quot; come on that absurd on it&#039;s face no small group of prison industry company could ever capture over 90% of markets of those size it&#039;s absurd on it&#039;s face.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_MiT78m9_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4507"><a name="comment100692"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_NkVp6JZ_comment"><p class="comment_text">No it was 44,000 that were rejected here is the text:<br /><br /><br />The US Army is set to recall thousands of helmets worn by US troops based on reports of them failing to meet the grade. Potentially, 44,000 Advanced Combat Helmets (ACHs) of the type used by soldiers deployed in many parts of the world today will be called back in.<br /><br />Made by US defence firm ArmorSource, the helmets have not been connected to any incidents in which the safety of troops wearing them has been comprised.<br />However – according to one official – unauthorised manufacturing processes were involved in their construction, along with substandard materials and quality assessments, and it’s because of these factors that US troops could be endangered.<br />Advanced Combat Helmet/ ACH<br />The 44,000 Advanced Combat Helmets make up approximately four per cent of the total number of ACHs supplies to troops, according to the US Defense Department.<br /><br />“This isn&#039;t a matter of percentages, this is about survival”, Center for Strategic and International Studies spokesperson Tony Cordesman commented. “It&#039;s your ability if you&#039;re wounded to maintain your personality, you ability to function in ordinary life.”<br /><br />‘These helmets do not meet Army specifications’, the US DoD stated in a release issued on 14 May. It added: ‘Sufficient helmets produced by other manufacturers that meet Army requirements are currently available in the Army’s inventory. The Army will immediately issue these helmets to soldiers worldwide serving in those units identified to have recalled helmets.&quot;<br /><br />Notice were it explicitly states there are sufficient supplies from other manufactures.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_v55ZqPn_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4242"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_OGx7v4L_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4279"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4303"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4479"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Startup-Exits/How-focused-should-a-start-up-be-on-being-acquired" id="__w2_EHthjfR_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4480"></span>How focused should a start-up be on being acquired?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4280"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_JzThuPg_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4387"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_FIMzPAU_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_FIMzPAU_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_JzThuPg_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_AnYZQTV_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_AnYZQTV_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_AnYZQTV_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_JzThuPg_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4388"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">34</strong> votes</span> by <span id="__w2_pYfNgvY_view_all"><a class="user" href="/Anthony-Foster">Anthony Foster</a>, <a class="user" href="/George-Godula">George Godula</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ian-Mercer">Ian Mercer</a>, </span> <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_pYfNgvY_view_all_link">(more)</a><span class="hidden" id="__w2_pYfNgvY_all_phrases"><a class="user" href="/Anthony-Foster">Anthony Foster</a>, <a class="user" href="/George-Godula">George Godula</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ian-Mercer">Ian Mercer</a>, <a class="user" href="/John-Marsland">John Marsland</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ralph-Barbagallo">Ralph Barbagallo</a>, <a class="user" href="/Rishi-Natarajan">Rishi Natarajan</a>, <a class="user" href="/Gerard-Mills">Gerard Mills</a>, <span class="name_span">Anon User</span>, <a class="user" href="/Joseph-N.-Liss">Joseph N. Liss</a>, <a class="user" href="/Cyril-Ebersweiler">Cyril Ebersweiler</a>, <a class="user" href="/Aaron-Weyenberg">Aaron Weyenberg</a>, <a class="user" href="/Lucas-Dailey">Lucas Dailey</a>, <a class="user" href="/Warrick-Taylor">Warrick Taylor</a>, <a class="user" href="/Douglas-Drouillard">Douglas Drouillard</a>, <a class="user" href="/Abhishek-Amit">Abhishek Amit</a>, <a class="user" href="/Keith-Pinson">Keith Pinson</a>, <a class="user" href="/Jukka-Pekka-Salmenkaita">Jukka-Pekka Salmenkaita</a>, <a class="user" href="/Mick-Hagen">Mick Hagen</a>, <a class="user" href="/Brian-MacKay">Brian MacKay</a>, <a class="user" href="/Yunghui-Lim">Yunghui Lim</a>, <a class="user" href="/John-Fan">John Fan</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ramit-Sethi">Ramit Sethi</a>, <a class="user" href="/Juraj-Chrappa">Juraj Chrappa</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ran-Avnimelech">Ran Avnimelech</a>, <a class="user" href="/Matt-Wyndowe">Matt Wyndowe</a>, <a class="user" href="/Mike-Chan">Mike Chan</a>, <a class="user" href="/Alec-Johnson">Alec Johnson</a>, <a class="user" href="/Kevin-Chen-1">Kevin Chen</a>, <a class="user" href="/Oliver-Cameron">Oliver Cameron</a>, <a class="user" href="/Matthew-Bromberg">Matthew Bromberg</a>, <a class="user" href="/Courtland-Allen">Courtland Allen</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ruchit-Shah">Ruchit Shah</a>, <a class="user" href="/Odera-Ume-Ezeoke">Odera Ume-Ezeoke</a> and <a class="user" href="/David-E.-Weekly">David E. Weekly</a></span></span></div></div></div>You need an exit plan from day one.  Read this book;<br /><br />Early Exits: Exit Strategies for Entrepreneurs and Angel Investors (But Maybe Not Venture Capitalists) <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link">http://amzn.<wbr />to/bLyS75</a><br /><br />When you start your first eight companies, you will do it wrong.  There will be dozen of things you wish you knew that you were unaware of.  Planning for exits is one of them.<br /><br />Your objectives for your company and its exit are going to affect many of the decisions you are making and you should make these choices earlier rather than later.  Why do I say that?<br /><br />Here is a graph of time of VC financing to exit<br /><img class="qtext_image" src="" /> <br />If you take VC, your company is a 12 year commitment before an exit.  You should sit down with your founding team and make sure that everyone is aligned.  Are you building a company that you will be working at in 20 years or are you trying to build a company and flip it for a couple million in 4 years?<br /><br />You will find that different members of your company have different time horizons and objectives.<br /><br />You may also find that by taking the VC route, you increase your exit time and risk, but do not increase your rate of return.  A small 30 million dollar exit in 4 years is often better than a 12 year exit at 120 million with 3 rounds of VC and dilution.<br /><br />You also have to ask &quot;Can I exit at 1-2x after taking VC&quot; and that should influence your choice to take VC.  If you take VC, the VC has 3 separate ways of blocking an M&amp;A event.  You might like the exit at that valuation and may want to do the M&amp;A and move on, but you cannot; your investors will not approve the deal below 3x return.<br /><br />You may also find yourself with an M&amp;A offer and it seems like the last chance before you run out of money and its a good deal for you, but the VC vetos it and then puts a down-round in the company and wipes out your equity.<br /><br />So you have to ask &quot;What happens to my shares if there is a recession or unforeseen event and the company takes a down-round?  What is the probability of that happening in my market?&quot;  If your market is software and 100% margin, you can probably cut back to profitability.  However if you are a manufacturing company with inventory and debt to finance machinery/invento<wbr />ry purchases and your margins are 8%, then a recession could impact your sales enough to put you in a cash crunch.<br /><br />The reality is that your choices about the financing of your company affect your strategic options.  Selling for 10-30 million is easy, there are hundreds of buyers.  Selling for 120 million is more difficult, there will be fewer potential acquires and the acquiring company will need to get board approval for the acquisition.  Between 30 million and 300 million valuation is a no-man&#039;s land.  You are too large for an easy M&amp;A but too small to go public.<br /><br />It is even worse to be a technology company with a 300 million valuation (lots of users) and no revenues (Slide, Digg, Ning, link shorteners, etc...).  You cannot IPO because you have no revenues, but your valuation is too high for anyone except Microsoft, Yahoo or Google to buy you.  You only option is taking on more and more VC and hoping that someone big decides to buy you someday.  For these companies, a 30 million dollar &quot;Flickr&quot; type exit early on may be better for the founders and empoyees than growing extremely large without any path to revenue (Foursquare).<br /><br />You want to make the decision whether you will &quot;Go for the Gold&quot; and build the company to IPO or to flip the company early.  You need to make this decision when you start the company, because you will find that different members of the management team will have completely different ideas about the timespan and objectives of company.<br /><br />&quot;<b>the decision to accept VC investment increases the time to exit by approximately 12 years, not the median time of 7 years.&quot;</b><br /><b><br />&quot;</b>When VC investment was added, the <b>time to exit increased to somewhere around sixteen years after the entrepreneurs started and twelve years after the angels invested.&quot;</b><br /><b><br /></b>You need to look at the data and determine what the objectives for your company are and need to make decisions in light of those objectives.  This requires having an early idea of your exit strategy.<br /><br />There are several things you can do to structure your company so that it is more desirable as a target for M&amp;A and those are things you need to do from day one.  They are covered pretty well in that book <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />5</a><br /><br />One thing to keep in mind is that if you are small company, companies that are interested in acquiring you are not going to magically find you (there are actual companies outside of Silicon Valley that may be interested in your IP, but do not know you exist).  You will have to do some work to get acquired and to find the companies with complementary products.  Getting acquired is not necessary a passive process and there are actions you can take to increase the desirability of your company as an M&amp;A target and to advertise your company to a wider range of potential buyers.<br /><br />Soliciting M&amp;A offers is also necessary to setting up a competitive M&amp;A process. You will also learn that (like fund raising) M&amp;A deals are a full time job.  If you let the CEO manage the M&amp;A process, the company may suffer.  You should have someone who is able to handle the M&amp;A process full-time without affecting the performance of the company during the process.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_JzThuPg_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4389"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_cCbGZZg_view_comment_link">2 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4390"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Startup-Exits/How-focused-should-a-start-up-be-on-being-acquired/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_DMPflho_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4439"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4391"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_mDQkETq_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4440"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4508"><a name="comment98830"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_yz1HXZy_comment"><p class="comment_text">Wow. that is an awesome response. Suprised the book doesn&#039;t have more reviews on amazon though. What you say makes a bucketful of sense.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Paul-Sweeney">Paul Sweeney</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_dsTzFf4_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4509"><a name="comment100359"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_nI11B5l_comment"><p class="comment_text">Very nice synthesis of the harsh reality of taking outside money.  Capital enables great things, but it is important to understand the practical reality of taking Other People&#039;s Money.  You have to focus on doing everything to build a great product/service, but if that means taking OPM, be aware of the potential consequences.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Chris-Hobbs">Chris Hobbs</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_yVcnZQQ_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4243"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_oU8Ot0X_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4281"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4304"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4481"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Is-taxation-by-definition-a-form-of-theft-Why-or-why-not" id="__w2_RE3mYpg_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4482"></span>Is taxation by definition a form of theft? Why or why not?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4282"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_bXuCNlV_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4392"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_sLuaJz0_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_sLuaJz0_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_bXuCNlV_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_xMQB8Pa_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_xMQB8Pa_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_xMQB8Pa_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_bXuCNlV_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4393"></div></div></div>Taxation is not voluntary and is enforced directly through the government&#039;s monopoly on force.<br /><br />If wealth if property and the government is depriving you of your property through the threat of force, that might be called theft.<br /><br />Theft has several connotations attached to it however, such as illegitimacy.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_bXuCNlV_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4394"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_w1I5pTE_view_comment_link">1 Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4395"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Is-taxation-by-definition-a-form-of-theft-Why-or-why-not/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_ZnRWwIP_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4441"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4396"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_HrojYKi_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4442"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4510"><a name="comment97444"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_IllTw1C_comment"><p class="comment_text">Of course taxation is voluntary is there a guard at the border stoping you from leaving?</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_KXbJ2ae_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4244"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_UYzpnm4_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4283"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4305"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4483"></span><a class="question_link" href="/For-web-startups-seeking-to-acquire-users-should-they-focus-initial-advertising-on-one-city-market-or-disperse-advertising-among-several-major-cities" id="__w2_p7C7NIc_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4484"></span>For web startups seeking to acquire users, should they focus initial advertising on one city/market, or disperse advertising among several major cities?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4284"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_Arzyd1w_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4397"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_gVyRozT_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_gVyRozT_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_Arzyd1w_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_S4MVqFt_link"><span class="rep" id="__w2_S4MVqFt_sig">I write machine learning based s...</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_S4MVqFt_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_S4MVqFt_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_Arzyd1w_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4398"></div></div></div>How are you acquiring users?<br /><br />Is your startup geographically focused?  Like Foursquare?<br /><br />Is your user acquisition advertis<wbr />ing driven?<br /><br />Is it driven by SEO?<br /><br />There are too many factors.  There is not a best answer. If you are doing a Facebook or FourSquare, then geography matters.  If you are doing Q&amp;A than SEO and content matters more than geography.<br /><br />Communication services and user communities need a critical mass of users.  Whether geography matters is completely dependent on the nature of your service.  Some services has geography components and others do not.  Some are completely geography focused and others not at all.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_Arzyd1w_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4399"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_W98NSDJ_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4400"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/For-web-startups-seeking-to-acquire-users-should-they-focus-initial-advertising-on-one-city-market-or-disperse-advertising-among-several-major-cities/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_p4E5GX0_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4443"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4401"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_T3GLzGA_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4444"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_6yUZYa_4245"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_zLtjzcd_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4285"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4306"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4485"></span><a class="question_link" href="/What-is-a-reasonable-range-for-a-CEO-to-pay-him-herself-at-a-pre-launch-startup-that-raises-5m-in-Series-A-funding" id="__w2_TRBzFQP_link"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4486"></span>What is a reasonable range for a CEO to pay him/herself at a pre launch startup that raises $5m in Series A funding?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4286"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_esKiL9z_answer_voting"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4402"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_r1lmk6L_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_r1lmk6L_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_esKiL9z_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_mC1KWuM_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_mC1KWuM_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_mC1KWuM_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_esKiL9z_answer_voters"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4403"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">5</strong> votes</span> by <span id="__w2_QFpcsJu_view_all"><a class="user" href="/Matthew-Simon-Cavalletto">Matthew Simon Cavalletto</a>, <a class="user" href="/Michael-Wolfe">Michael Wolfe</a>, <a class="user" href="/Chris-Muscarella">Chris Muscarella</a>, </span> <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_QFpcsJu_view_all_link">(more)</a><span class="hidden" id="__w2_QFpcsJu_all_phrases"><a class="user" href="/Matthew-Simon-Cavalletto">Matthew Simon Cavalletto</a>, <a class="user" href="/Michael-Wolfe">Michael Wolfe</a>, <a class="user" href="/Chris-Muscarella">Chris Muscarella</a>, <a class="user" href="/Jussi-Laakkonen">Jussi Laakkonen</a> and <a class="user" href="/Vikram-Singh">Vikram Singh</a></span></span></div></div></div>$225,000 a year is base salary for the CEO of a post-series A company.  Founder CEOs typically receive 25k less a year than non-founder CEOs.<br /><br />25th percentile salary for technology startup CEOs is $200k/year<br />50th percentile salary is $225k a year<br />75th percentile is $250k a year<br /><br />Startup CEO salary is constrained to a very narrow range.<br /><br />25th percentile salary for CEOs at the first financing round is 155k a year.<br />75th percentile salary for CEOs at the first finance round is 275k a year<br /><br />For more information see,<br /><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />/749462...</a><br /><br />For people who would say &quot;OMFG! 250k a year, that is ridiculous!  OMFG11&quot;, you should keep in mine that a 2,500 sq-ft shack in Menlo Park costs 2 million dollars.  If CEOs paid no taxes and saved 100% of their $250k a year income, it would still taken them 8 years to save enough money to buy a 2 million dollar shack.<br /><br />After taxes and expenses, it would take 32 years for a CEO to afford a shack if they lived very frugally (no Ferrari).<br /><br />In real terms, 250k a year is nothing.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_esKiL9z_answer_actions"><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4404"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_zRtVl3b_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4405"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-is-a-reasonable-range-for-a-CEO-to-pay-him-herself-at-a-pre-launch-startup-that-raises-5m-in-Series-A-funding/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_gRJACck_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_6yUZYa_4445"></span></span></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4406"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_pyyA0bJ_answer_comments"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4446"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4246"><div class="hidden" id="__w2_cSv71A4_loading"><span class="__wn2_loading"><span class="__wn2_loading_spinner"></span><span class="__wn2_loading_text">Loading...</span></span></div><div 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id="answers"><strong>Recent Top Answers</strong><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4211"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">4</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/Who-should-I-talk-to-if-I-want-to-license-my-patent/answer/Brandon-Smietana">Who should I talk to if I want to license my patent?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_tqpzq3y_truncated"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4216"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>1&gt; Find companies that are doing things related to your patent <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_tvx9WYP_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_tqpzq3y_expanded"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4217">1&gt; Find companies that are doing things related to your patent<br />2&gt; Find a law firm<br />3&gt; Initiative a lawsuit on a contingency basis.  Initiative discovery<br />4&gt; Obtain a license as part of the settlement.<br /><br />The discovery process puts a huge financial burden on the defendant.  They would rather pay a couple hundred thousand to make the lawsuit go away than pay massive legal costs for discovery.  They only have a few weeks do this if you file your lawsuit in the Texas patent lawsuit &quot;rocket docket&quot;.<br /><br />DO NOT contact the company ahead of time.  Do not give them advanced warning.  It only gives them time to prepare.<br /><br />Also, you should not be too worried about whether the company specifically violates your patent before filing a lawsuit.  You will find out if they are violating your patent in the discovery process.<br /><br />Also, you may find that it is better to go after the customers of the company who is possibly violating your patent, rather than the company itself.  As the company has an incentive to fight the lawsuit and try to invalidate the patent.  A $20,000 &quot;license&quot; from the customers of the company is always cheaper than the customers fighting the patent lawsuit.<br /><br />Good targets for litigation are venture backed companies that have filed for IPO and are in the quite period and companies that are in M&amp;A negotiations.  They want to settle badly.  One European VC mentioned that 70% of his portfolio companies had pending IP litigation in the 12 months before their exit.<br /><br />Also, dont be too eager to litigate too early.  You want to wait until there is a vibrant and growing market around your patent.  You have up to 6 years after the patent to pursue past violations.  Once you start litigating, companies will start building around your patent.</div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4212"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">3</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/In-what-ways-could-the-Combating-Online-Infringement-and-Counterfeits-Act-COICA-affect-the-way-people-use-the-Internet/answer/Brandon-Smietana">In what ways could the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) affect the way people use the Internet?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_P2OUFOX_truncated"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4218"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>Youtube would have been blacklisted in the first month if this law was in effect 10 years ago. <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_rVRwSOZ_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_P2OUFOX_expanded"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4219">Youtube would have been blacklisted in the first month if this law was in effect 10 years ago.<br /><br />Basicly, you can expect that new and controversial service<wbr />s will be blacklisted along with several very popular existing services.  It will certainly have a chilling effect.<br /><br /><b>This law hands over control to what you can access on the internet to the government and corporate interests.</b>  No one argues that its not a tool of censorship, they are only debating whether the censorship is desirable or undesirable.<br /><br />However, I think this bill could be the best thing that happens to the internet.  The backlash would be immense.  Will will rely less on government controlled services such as DNS.  In Japan, measures similar to COICA sparked the development of extremely sophisticated c<wbr />ryptographic file exchange systems.  A major erosion of internet freedom such as COICA could create demand in the United States for most robust internet infrastructure.<br /><br />Ironically, the FBI and NSA have been the strongest opponents of these blacklist bills in the past, because they were afraid it would drive people to use cryptographic product<wbr />s and communication protocols t<wbr />hat were difficult to intercept and monitor.  However, the COICA provisions are being pushed through with a tacit agreement that they would be accompanied by the outlawing of encryption services where end-users have control of their private keys.  If encryption without government backdoors is made illegal and enforced (throwing people in jail for using encrypted file sharing services), then COICA may be enforceable.<br /><br />The COICA bill is only politically feasible with government mandated back-doors in all encryption products and services.<br /><br /><blockquote>The New York Times reported today that the FBI is preparing to propose legislation to the Obama Administration that would require Internet service providers (including software makers like Skype) to build in &quot;backdoors&quot; so that any communication between people can be monitored by the government.</blockquote><br />COICA eliminates the possibility of operating innovative new services which skirt the line on copyrights.  New services will not occur in the open and the existing services will be pushed to adapt technical measures to circumvent these regulations.<br /><br />COICA will have the most impact on new internet services and emerging business models (like Youtube) but will have very little impact on curtailing existing copyright abuses, which will simply move to adapt more advanced technical measures, as has already happened in Japan.</div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4213"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">3</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/Is-it-okay-to-embed-a-link-with-affiliate-ID-if-its-relevant/answer/Brandon-Smietana">Is it okay to embed a link with affiliate ID if it&#039;s relevant?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_dqC06R2_truncated"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4220"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>The users of Quora should not benefit financially from the site.  The only people who should be making money are the Quora founders and possibly th... <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_rDXST7R_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_dqC06R2_expanded"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4221">The users of Quora should not benefit financially from the site.  The only people who should be making money are the Quora founders and possibly the employees.<br /><br />By posting affiliate links, you hurt Amazon&#039;s sales margins.  You should be ashamed of yourself. <i>[1]</i><br /><i><br />[1] Internet Ethics, D. Langford 2003 <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />h</a></i></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4214"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">2</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/What-is-the-most-important-barrier-to-entry-in-any-market-and-why/answer/Brandon-Smietana">What is the most important barrier to entry in any market and why?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_d8Usdh5_truncated"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4222"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>There is no single barrier that is present in every market. <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_sgqDR51_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_d8Usdh5_expanded"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4223">There is no single barrier that is present in every market.<br /><br />However, in mature markets the greatest barrier is generally government regulation and the status quo.</div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4215"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">2</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/What-would-happen-to-the-taxicab-industry-if-cars-could-legally-drive-themselves/answer/Brandon-Smietana">What would happen to the taxicab industry if cars could legally drive themselves?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_PMHr3ws_truncated"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4224"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>Hell would break loose.  Fire and brimstone.  Government regulation.  Political economy.  Rent seeking! <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_bUaxqAy_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_PMHr3ws_expanded"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4225">Hell would break loose.  Fire and brimstone.  Government regulation.  Political economy.  Rent seeking!<br /><br />The libertarians would be rioting in the street.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="footer wrapper"><div class="contents"><div class="footer_nav row"><div class="e_col footer_links w8"><div id="ld_6yUZYa_4205"><ul class="nav_list"><li class="about"><a href="/about">About</a></li><li class="jobs"><a href="/jobs">Jobs</a></li><li class="privacy"><a href="/about/privacy">Privacy</a></li><li class="tos"><a href="/about/tos">Terms</a></li><li class="press"><a href="/press">Press</a></li><li><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span></li><li class="signup"><a href="/login/index">Login</a></li><li class="signup"><a href="/signup/index">Sign Up</a></li><li class="mobile nav_sub_item"><a href="#" id="__w2_Utf5ONl_mobile_site">Mobile Site</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="above_page_banner hidden" id="__w2_Hq9iYpz_banner">There are some updates to this page that haven&#039;t been applied yet because you&#039;ve entered some data into a form. 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+ return false;"> <span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_362">10</span></span> hidden comments...</a></div><div class="hidden_comments_161241 hidden"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_363"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_368"><a name="comment127522"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_cq2di97_comment"><p class="comment_text">Zuck pulled a &quot;VC trick&quot; on Eduardo and tricked him into signing an agreement for a merger type agreement which completely changed the cap table of the company.  This significantly diluted Edu<wbr />ando.  I think this was a trick used by a particular VC on Sean Parker.<br /><br />I am not certain about what the exact legal trick was, but it was deceptive and Eduando agreed to it.  This was the subject of a lawsuit that Eduando filed.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_OAT0RNJ_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_369"><a name="comment127527"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_f1jR5ta_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;Saverin sued Zuckerberg and Facebook in April 2005, after he dropped Saverin&#039;s percentage ownership share of Facebook to 0.03%. Saverin won in court; the court verified 7% ownership.&quot;<br /><br />This happens, but its rare that it goes to court and it is even rarer that the court rules against the company.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_CoJ0FCK_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_370"><a name="comment127528"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_BvzpJr3_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;On October 31, 2004, Eduardo signed a shareholder agreement that alloted him 3 million shares of common stock in the new company. In the agreement, he handed over all relevant intellectual property and turned over his voting rights to Mark Zuckerberg. Mark became Facebook&#039;s sole director.<br />On January 7, 2005, Mark caused Facebook to issue 9 million shares of common stock in the new company. He took 3.3. million shares for himself and gave 2 million to Sean Parker and 2 million to Dustin Moskovitz. This share issuance instantly diluted Eduardo&#039;s stake in the company from ~24% to below 10%.&quot;<br />I am surprised that the court ruled in favor of Eduardo.  Its extremely rare.  Directors are given a very wide discretion.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_DaOJR0h_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_371"><a name="comment127569"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_hr2mTGx_comment"><p class="comment_text">Well, he should praise the God of startups that he got lucky to get something back :). He is worth now almost a billion...what more can he ask?</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Mircea-Goia">Mircea Goia</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_TJzGqa7_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_372"><a name="comment127691"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_HQKNMpg_comment"><p class="comment_text">Wait so after Sean Parker was diluted, how many shares did Mark hold? And if I understand correctly you&#039;re saying Sean Parker&#039;s previous experience with being screwed over and dealing with equity issues helped Mark right?</p><p class="action_bar">Anon User<span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_UX5WbNB_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_373"><a name="comment127760"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_cDqs4xQ_comment"><p class="comment_text">I think what we need here is someone to give us a detailed rundown on all the dirty tricks a VC can potentially play on eager naive entrepreneurs.  Im not saying all VCs are bad but Im sure there are the bad apples there, and thats who we need to watch out for!  So does someone have a checklist of the most common things to o&#039;watch out for&#039; ?</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Rajeev-Sharma">Rajeev Sharma</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_xbS8uqx_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_374"><a name="comment127772"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_qJ95Myb_comment"><p class="comment_text">Yes, Rajeev, it is called &quot;your lawyer.&quot;</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Michael-Wolfe">Michael Wolfe</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_oi9AjOP_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_375"><a name="comment127790"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_OEOxjso_comment"><p class="comment_text">:-) you;re right. sorry was that a dumb question!</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Rajeev-Sharma">Rajeev Sharma</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_jN93iT4_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_376"><a name="comment127861"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_lrDS0YG_comment"><p class="comment_text">Sorry....that was a little glib.  It is worth understanding all of the ins and outs of financing and what you should ask for when.  However it always comes down to a few moments when you have a decision to either sign something or not sign it, and at that point you have to have a lawyer you trust completely.  (Eduardo Saverin did not have a lawyer when he signed the fateful docs!)</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Michael-Wolfe">Michael Wolfe</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_AK9j4DW_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_377"><a name="comment127872"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_W2ZH6Wc_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;And if I understand correctly you&#039;re saying Sean Parker&#039;s previous experience with being screwed over and dealing with equity issues helped Mark right?&quot;<br /><br />Oh ya.  Sean Parker is a veteran with being screwed over by VCs.  He was kicked out of 3 companies in a row, by the investors.<br /><br />Sean Parker is obviously extremely brilliant, but he is a flawed character and has a personality and style that does not jibe with investors.<br /><br />Sean Parker is a modern day Jim Clark and entrepreneurial anti-<wbr />hero.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_WpJoJ1S_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_342"><a name="comment128378"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_OCW0PIJ_comment"><p class="comment_text">Very good overall response.<br />I would suggest impact of putting acquirers against investors as an additional reason for better valuation. And using partnerships as investments at high valuation.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Amit-Chaudhary">Amit Chaudhary</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_gwgVDxi_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_343"><a name="comment128446"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_FCRU2Pr_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;Mark Zuckerberg retained board control and therefore was able to block dilutive and unnecessary &quot;inside&quot; rounds.&quot; Can you describe what an inside round is, and how it would be used?</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Shervin-Talieh">Shervin Talieh</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_qTssnxq_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_78"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_gIhSX0h_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_109"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_139"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_309"></span><a class="question_link" href="/When-seeking-someone-in-a-coffee-shop-whom-youve-never-seen-before-what-are-some-useful-tips" id="__w2_Myj5bpN_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_310"></span>When seeking someone in a coffee shop whom you&#039;ve never seen before, what are some useful tips?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_110"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_KZqCFlk_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_KZqCFlk_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_199"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_n3VCsT7_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_n3VCsT7_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_KZqCFlk_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_BkNHF6M_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_BkNHF6M_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_BkNHF6M_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_KZqCFlk_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_200"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">4</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Cameron-A.-Ellis">Cameron A. Ellis</a>, <a class="user" href="/Jonathan-Brill">Jonathan Brill</a>, <a class="user" href="/J.C.-Hewitt">J.C. Hewitt</a> and <a class="user" href="/John-Marsland">John Marsland</a></span></div></div></div>I would use an SMS gateway to send 256 text messages to their cell phone and then look for the person whose phone is going berserk.<br /><br />See: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />iki/Lis...</a><div class="action_bar" id="__w2_KZqCFlk_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_201"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_rcKPUnW_view_comment_link">2 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_202"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/When-seeking-someone-in-a-coffee-shop-whom-youve-never-seen-before-what-are-some-useful-tips/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_YslH1lL_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_269"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_203"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_achH2wZ_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_270"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_344"><a name="comment127207"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_HE8HxDC_comment"><p class="comment_text">I always get their mobile number before the meeting, and i call them at the exact time we were supposed to meet. Either i see them answer their phone or they tell me where they&#039;re at and then I just look for the next rushed person who runs through the door scanning faces to find me.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Jonathan-Brill">Jonathan Brill</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_IvQyvC3_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_345"><a name="comment127210"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_Pw5vL6L_comment"><p class="comment_text">That works too.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_sWExVdF_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_79"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_Mz8gRvp_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_111"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_140"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_311"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Would-it-help-employment-if-we-went-back-to-less-efficient-ways-of-doing-things" id="__w2_kfwRtqB_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_312"></span>Would it help employment if we went back to less efficient ways of doing things?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_112"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_dDhTLyD_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_dDhTLyD_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_204"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_EGdOHU2_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_EGdOHU2_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_dDhTLyD_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_YIohdyF_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_YIohdyF_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_YIohdyF_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_dDhTLyD_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_205"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Eric-Shull">Eric Shull</a></span></div></div></div>Employment would increase, but prices would go back up.<br /><br />Low wages result in lower prices for consumer goods.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_dDhTLyD_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_206"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_QY0BC2P_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_207"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Would-it-help-employment-if-we-went-back-to-less-efficient-ways-of-doing-things/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_NpIwjJJ_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_271"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_208"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_qMTkWJ8_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_272"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_80"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_UbsAXse_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_113"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_141"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_313"></span><a class="question_link" href="/How-soon-before-the-secondary-equity-markets-come-under-regulatory-scrutiny" id="__w2_y8LMlQx_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_314"></span>How soon before the secondary equity markets come under regulatory scrutiny?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_114"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_Jhj91uQ_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_Jhj91uQ_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_209"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_LX6zalu_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_LX6zalu_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_Jhj91uQ_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_u21AOMz_link"><span class="rep" id="__w2_u21AOMz_sig">I write machine learning based s...</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_u21AOMz_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_u21AOMz_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_Jhj91uQ_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_210"></div></div></div>Not long.  Investment banks make a premium in transaction costs because of market illiquidity in privately held securities.  I believe the existing investment banks will lobby to undermine secondary market liquidity and push for heavy and burdensome regulation.<br /><br />This what Goldman Sachs did to address the threat of electronic exchanges for OTC which side stepped the investment banks (Goldman now generates most of its revenue from the transaction costs on these instruments as OTC trading on exchanges its prohibitively regulated).<br /><br />Direct public offerings and other means of increasing liquidity and decreasing financial tran<wbr />saction costs for currently illiquid securities were regulated with prohibitive and very restrictive financial information disclosure requirements that reduced their attractiveness.<br /><br />Obviously we cannot have companies communicating with investors directly over the internet to perform their public offerings as that would cut out the investment banks.<br /><br />For some idea of what kind of regulations will be used to kill liquidity on the secondary markets,<br /><br />See: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link">http://papers.ssrn.c<wbr />om/sol3/pape...</a><div class="action_bar" id="__w2_Jhj91uQ_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_211"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_YCETeNG_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_212"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/How-soon-before-the-secondary-equity-markets-come-under-regulatory-scrutiny/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_w18MAqI_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_273"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_213"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_YW8w6F0_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_274"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_81"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_Us9pNB9_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_115"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_142"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_315"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Does-the-Silicon-Valley-mindset-give-companies-a-pass-for-not-having-a-business-model-because-that-would-hinder-innovation" id="__w2_mDdXcCt_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_316"><span class="best_source_icon" id="__w2_DE0oB4c_icon"></span></span>Does the Silicon Valley mindset give companies a pass for not having a business model because that would hinder innovation?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_116"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_GgzGWMD_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_GgzGWMD_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_214"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_SRLdUhi_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_SRLdUhi_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_GgzGWMD_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_No9RGxp_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_No9RGxp_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_No9RGxp_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_GgzGWMD_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_215"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">3</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Matt-Scullin">Matt Scullin</a>, <a class="user" href="/Alexander-Dominic-Horré">Alexander Dominic Horré</a> and <a class="user" href="/Ori-Barbut">Ori Barbut</a></span></div></div></div>There are two types of companies.  There are web 2.0 companies that have lots of eye-balls (content) and there are companies with business models.<br /><br />For instance, tech crunch sold for 40 million.<br /><br />If you have a startup with 6000 subscribers at $30/month and you sell your company for 20x earnings.  That is 43 million dollars.<br /><br />If you are ad supported and your eCPM rate is $0.05 cents (like Facebook/4-Chan/Dating sites), then you need 3.6 billion page views per month to hit 40 million valuation at 20x earnings.<br /><br />Alternatively, you can find 60 companies that will pay you $3000 a month for a service (SaS) and have a 40 million valuation at 20x earnings.<br /><br />The idea behind many of these Web 2.0 sites like Slide and Path is not to make money.  The idea is that Google and Microsoft have made offers for twitter that value the company at over $60 per active user.<br /><br />The assets of the company are the employees, the platform and user-base; not the revenue stream of the company.<br /><br />It would probably be more effective for Google to pay people $60 per active Buzz user they sign up, than to buy Twitter at $60/user, but they will try to buy Twitter anyways.  Yahoo made an offer to Facebook of $260 per user.  Will Facebook even be able to realize revenues of $260 per user over the lifetime of the user?<br /><br />Companies will pay a premium to acquire platform control and to buy companies like Path to acquire their user-bases.  It is not very clear why they will pay a premium for these users if they have no effective way of monetizing the user-base.<br /><br />Technology companies in general do not pay dividends and often have a cash hoard they need to get rid of.  Google has so much money that it is opening up a corporate bond trading desk to invest it.  Maybe a 300 million dollar acquisition of a company like Slide at $50 a user increases the market cap of companies like Google, more than the loss of cash decreases the market cap of these companies.<br /><br />Historically, most mergers and acquisitions are futile and are a waste of money.  Sometimes they are strategic, but more often they are represent a net loss of value for the acquiring company, but companies keep doing these large value destroying acquisitions f<wbr />or unknown reasons.<br /><br />People will continue to start companies with no business model and no expectations for revenue, as long as these companies continue to be bought.<br /><br />Smaller, early stage acquisitions howeve<wbr />r can create value and are a valuable source of new products and technological innovations.  This is one reasons angel portfolios have been doing so well in recent years.  These companies usually exit below 30 million and the returns are too small to interest traditional VC funds, but they have been out-performing VC by a wide margin.<br /><br />I think there is still however a whole cottage industry of building up companies with no revenue and flipping them (ex. Twitter).  Only a few very high profile investors with strong connections to the potential acquiring companies will be able to generate returns on these companies however.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_GgzGWMD_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_216"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_XUTmDMd_view_comment_link">7 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_217"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Does-the-Silicon-Valley-mindset-give-companies-a-pass-for-not-having-a-business-model-because-that-would-hinder-innovation/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_c19VrKc_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_275"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_218"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_ButFg9j_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_276"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_346"><a name="comment125063"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_pJ53Y5Q_comment"><p class="comment_text">&quot;Historically, most mergers and acquisitions are futile and are a waste of money.  Sometimes they are strategic, but more often they are represent a net loss of value for the acquiring company, but companies keep doing these large value destroying acquisitions f<wbr />or unknown reasons.&quot;<br /><br />These deals are driven by investment banks, who generate handsome fees from these deals. For large company CEOs, these acquisitions offer a fast way to show their board that they can continue fast growth. Then they exit, passing the problem on to the next guy.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Paul-Denlinger">Paul Denlinger</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_ApfpGaB_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_347"><a name="comment125065"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_kuUXi8u_comment"><p class="comment_text">Paul, that is a good point.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_H1eUJdi_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_348"><a name="comment125071"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_NiZvkDp_comment"><p class="comment_text">One need only look at Apples acquisition list to see that Steve Jobs has a finely tuned understanding of this dynamic. The largest acquisition Apple has made was pre Jobs and it was the purchase of Next in order to get him back to Apple after that all Apple buys have been much smaller.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_ujRjtId_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_349"><div class="comment comment_dotdotdot p0_5"><a class="supp" href="#" onclick="$(&#039;.hidden_comments_158651&#039;).toggleClass(&#039;hidden&#039;);
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+ return false;"> <span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_364">2</span></span> hidden comments...</a></div><div class="hidden_comments_158651 hidden"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_365"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_378"><a name="comment125332"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_n4mh6Xh_comment"><p class="comment_text">Gary, agreed.<br /><br />Also, I seriously doubt Slide was bought for the users it had. I&#039;m guessing it was bought for what its team could build for Google.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Adam-Rifkin">Adam Rifkin</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_l5epaXV_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_379"><a name="comment125333"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_hMiyWrk_comment"><p class="comment_text">Also, Gary, arguably Apple made a bad decision not outbidding Google on AdMob.<br /><br />Some markets are too important to underbid on the top company.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Adam-Rifkin">Adam Rifkin</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_QZncosR_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_350"><a name="comment125347"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_EMuWQwH_comment"><p class="comment_text">Could be though I don&#039;t think we will know the results of that for awhile. I think Job&#039;s wants to kern IOS a closed garden and lock out other ad servers so as long as he has the numbers of users to be competive the ad network isn&#039;t as important if it&#039;s a monopoly.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Gary-Stein">Gary Stein</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_vgvoD26_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_351"><a name="comment125357"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_Z5lH1cB_comment"><p class="comment_text">Great point -- he&#039;s not trying to maximize profit here, he&#039;s trying to strategically lock developers in and lock competitors out.<br /><br />For those goals I say: well done!</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Adam-Rifkin">Adam Rifkin</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_sKxjEDC_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_82"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_E4kbeen_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_117"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_143"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_317"></span><a class="question_link" href="/At-what-portfolio-size-does-it-make-sense-to-switch-from-holding-index-funds-ETFs-to-directly-holding-the-indexed-instruments" id="__w2_ItR4UAP_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_318"></span>At what portfolio size does it make sense to switch from holding index funds / ETFs to directly holding the indexed instruments?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_118"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_J5dgncy_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_J5dgncy_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_219"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_Z77u9jQ_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_Z77u9jQ_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_J5dgncy_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_Tk6M0Cu_link"><span class="rep" id="__w2_Tk6M0Cu_sig">I write machine learning based s...</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_Tk6M0Cu_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_Tk6M0Cu_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_J5dgncy_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_220"></div></div></div>Do you want an index fund or the market portfolio?<br /><br />If you want a market fund and you have a factor model or the CAPM is wrong then your market portfolio will be different than the index fund.<br /><br />In general, it does not matter how much money you have.  You can achieve extremely low transaction costs from places like IB.  Tracking error does not affect your rate of return much.<br /><br />In fact, your rate of return may be higher if you are investing in the market portfolio (as determined by mean-variance analysis and your factor model).  You will notice that in theory (CAPM) the market-fund and index fund are the same portfolio; however in practice they diverge significantly.<br /><br />I would definitely just calculate the market fund and track that.  There are many advantages to doing it yourself, especially if you want to employ tax-loss harvesting strategies.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_J5dgncy_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_221"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_VAWKTwN_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_222"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/At-what-portfolio-size-does-it-make-sense-to-switch-from-holding-index-funds-ETFs-to-directly-holding-the-indexed-instruments/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_JRElp01_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_277"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_223"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_yQdAwsN_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_278"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_83"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_FRnKaxA_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_119"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_144"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_319"></span><a class="question_link" href="/Should-capitalism-influence-the-education-system" id="__w2_BaiWXFo_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_320"></span>Should capitalism influence the education system?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_120"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_mzXc49B_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_mzXc49B_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_224"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_h1xhSld_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_h1xhSld_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_mzXc49B_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_FNzvv09_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_FNzvv09_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_FNzvv09_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_mzXc49B_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_225"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">2</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Gary-Teal">Gary Teal</a> and <a class="user" href="/J.C.-Hewitt">J.C. Hewitt</a></span></div></div></div>Schools would be higher quality if parents had the choice to move their children to better schools.<br /><br />We tell parents &quot;Your children have to goto this school&quot; and the parent cannot credibly threaten to move their child to a better school (depriving the public school of funds).<br /><br />We have a system where parents and students have no choices.  Schools do not respond to the desires of parents and students, except in the most affluent areas.  The parents of the inner city poor rarely sit on school boards or participate in local government.<br /><br />Parents are not given meaningful data about the performance of individual teachers and students cannot choose their teachers and in many areas (especially poorer schools) cannot choose what courses they take.<br /><br />The existing education system in America is a form of central planning; education is not controlled by the community, the parents or the students, but by the bureaucrat that knows what is best for you and your children.<br /><br />Unions and government regulations protect under-performing school against market discipline.  It is not even necessary to privatize the schools, merely to give individuals choice.<br /><br />The idea of paying teachers based on their performance rather than their seniority is unacceptable to the teachers unions.  The idea of publishing teacher performance data is also something that cannot be tolerated under socialism, because if parents had information they might start trying to make choices about their children&#039;s educations and that is unacceptable.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_mzXc49B_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_226"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_nJ2neUH_view_comment_link">1 Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_227"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/Should-capitalism-influence-the-education-system/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_jSLKonY_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_279"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_228"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_WnQVWih_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_280"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_352"><a name="comment124988"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_yD9pKlq_comment"><p class="comment_text">Not many private schools, to my knowledge, feature merit pay. It&#039;s a factor at the university level.<br /><br />Liberalization of education will take a long time absent a sudden collapse.<br /><br />In terms of actionable, immediate things that can be done, more private companies can offer alternative education packages to make opting out of the system more feasible for more families.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/J.C.-Hewitt">J.C. Hewitt</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_R7KuZlm_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_84"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_V3xdKBI_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_121"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_145"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_321"></span><a class="question_link" href="/How-common-is-it-for-founders-to-vest-a-portion-of-their-equity-up-front" id="__w2_ZOQRrCq_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_322"></span>How common is it for founders to vest a portion of their equity up-front?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_122"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_VEjUawe_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_VEjUawe_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_229"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_aVzDAiJ_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_aVzDAiJ_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_VEjUawe_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_ef6w7Hn_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_ef6w7Hn_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_ef6w7Hn_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_VEjUawe_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_230"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">1</strong> vote</span> by <a class="user" href="/Matt-Scullin">Matt Scullin</a></span></div></div></div>Well.<br /><br />It is not unheard of for founders to work 4 years on a company, get VC with a vesting provision and then be replaced as CEO and then terminated within a few months (losing all their equity).<br /><br />More common when a founder has a controlling stake in the company.<br /><br />Your vesting schedule should reflect the contribution to your company so far and future commitment to the company.  You should definitely have 100% accelerated vesting if terminated without clause.<br /><br />You should also ensure that board seats are not terminated with employment and are elected by the common-shareholder.<br /><br />Those provisions matter much more than whether vesting is up-front.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_VEjUawe_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_231"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_jGCHY8g_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_232"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/How-common-is-it-for-founders-to-vest-a-portion-of-their-equity-up-front/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_UlptA0F_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_281"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_233"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_QSBaeHM_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_282"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_85"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_mMtEvkC_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_123"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_146"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_323"></span><a class="question_link" href="/What-do-Facebook-employees-think-about-the-37signals-post-on-the-valuation-of-Facebook" id="__w2_jcf6RKK_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_324"></span>What do Facebook employees think about the 37signals post on the valuation of Facebook?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_124"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_eHK9QDd_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_eHK9QDd_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_234"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_Vbbvy0U_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_Vbbvy0U_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_eHK9QDd_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_I7iPxdy_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_I7iPxdy_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_I7iPxdy_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_eHK9QDd_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_235"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">3</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Cameron-A.-Ellis">Cameron A. Ellis</a>, <a class="user" href="/J.C.-Hewitt">J.C. Hewitt</a> and <a class="user" href="/Eisar-Lipkovitz">Eisar Lipkovitz</a></span></div></div></div>Facebook is unlikely to IPO above a 40x P/E ratio.<br /><br />David is correct in suggesting that Facebook is unlikely to trade publicly at a 165 P/E ratio.  A 40x P/E would be more reasonable.<br /><br />Most of Facebook&#039;s user growth is currently outside of the US markets.  This traffic is not as valuable as the US demographic.  Facebook may even be declining in the core 25-40 US demographic.<br /><br />Most of Facebook&#039;s revenues will come from Facebook credits and display advertising.  Facebook has room to grow in display advertising (both on Facebook and off the platform).  Facebook&#039;s valuation reflects Facebook&#039;s positioning on the internet with respect to display advertising.<br /><br />Facebook is collecting massive amounts of user preference data through their Like button widget, which has become ubiquitous.  It is likely that Facebook will be able to command higher eCPM rates (by offering targeting of advertisements by demographics and individual users; the same way that Google offers targeted advertisements based on search key-words through Ad Words).<br /><br />Display advertising margins are 30% and could represent a few billion a year in revenue for Facebook.<br /><br />Facebook&#039;s P/E ratio is currently around 165, but it is incorrect to state that valuations represent discounted future profits.  Most technology companies do not pay dividends and investors prefer stock appreciation to dividends.  Studies show that the intangible assets of companies (such as organizational capital) account for much of the market capitalization of a company, beyond the value of the future discounted revenues of the company.<br /><br />So for instance, a dollar invested internally in a company can increase its market cap more than if that dollar was realized as profits instead.<br /><br />See: <b>Wired for Innovation: How Information Technology is Reshaping the Economy</b> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />5kzf</a><br /><br />Facebook&#039;s valuation reflects the positioning of its technology platform and strategic options in entering adjacent markets, such as display advertising.<br />Depending on the competence of Facebook&#039;s management, 25 a billion dollar valuation could be conservative at a 40 P/E ratio; although there is uncertainty as to whether those revenues will be realized.<br /><br />What is more interesting, is the question of why Facebook would accept additional investment at all.  These recent Facebook rounds seem unnecessary from a financial perspective.  To increase Facebook&#039;s valuation in the secondary market, while setting expectations for an IPO?  To reward insiders with a 10% yearly profit for holding shares until IPO?<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_eHK9QDd_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_236"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_ggLeGsp_view_comment_link">Add Comment</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_237"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-do-Facebook-employees-think-about-the-37signals-post-on-the-valuation-of-Facebook/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_ikvBFlx_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_283"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_238"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_hNmdT2M_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_284"></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_86"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_SvBQbJt_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_125"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_147"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_325"></span><a class="question_link" href="/What-do-employers-mean-when-they-ask-for-5-7-years-experience-working-in-social-media" id="__w2_uohIVgn_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_326"><span class="best_source_icon" id="__w2_RSoBArI_icon"></span></span>What do employers mean when they ask for 5-7 years experience working in social media?</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_126"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_a11OCDU_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_a11OCDU_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_239"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_MugZCqt_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_MugZCqt_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_a11OCDU_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_zrMTMMw_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_zrMTMMw_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_zrMTMMw_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_a11OCDU_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_240"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">18</strong> votes</span> by <span id="__w2_O1maUbY_view_all"><a class="user" href="/Yishan-Wong">Yishan Wong</a>, <a class="user" href="/Leif-Walsh">Leif Walsh</a>, <a class="user" href="/Arun-Gupta-1">Arun Gupta</a>, </span> <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_O1maUbY_view_all_link">(more)</a><span class="hidden" id="__w2_O1maUbY_all_phrases"><a class="user" href="/Yishan-Wong">Yishan Wong</a>, <a class="user" href="/Leif-Walsh">Leif Walsh</a>, <a class="user" href="/Arun-Gupta-1">Arun Gupta</a>, <a class="user" href="/Evan-Weiss">Evan Weiss</a>, <a class="user" href="/Ming-Yeow-Ng">Ming Yeow Ng</a>, <a class="user" href="/Michael-Wolfe">Michael Wolfe</a>, <a class="user" href="/J.C.-Hewitt">J.C. Hewitt</a>, <a class="user" href="/Paul-Wais">Paul Wais</a>, <a class="user" href="/John-Fernandez">John Fernandez</a>, <a class="user" href="/Eunji-Choi">Eunji Choi</a>, <a class="user" href="/Lucas-Meadows">Lucas Meadows</a>, <a class="user" href="/Adam-Bossy">Adam Bossy</a>, <a class="user" href="/Andrew-Hamada">Andrew Hamada</a>, <a class="user" href="/Jono-Lee">Jono Lee</a>, <a class="user" href="/Mike-Grouchy">Mike Grouchy</a>, <a class="user" href="/Rex-Dixon">Rex Dixon</a>, <a class="user" href="/Bill-McDonald">Bill McDonald</a> and <a class="user" href="/Marc-Bodnick">Marc Bodnick</a></span></span></div></div></div>It means that job requirements are bullshit.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_a11OCDU_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_241"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_iSSFDjc_view_comment_link">3 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_242"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-do-employers-mean-when-they-ask-for-5-7-years-experience-working-in-social-media/answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_AK5pS8A_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_285"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_243"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_OJGXZwa_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_286"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_353"><a name="comment124997"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_o1SqjaP_comment"><p class="comment_text">Nice.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Aen-Tan">Aen Tan</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_CcFZKEr_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_354"><a name="comment125003"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_ijSHofa_comment"><p class="comment_text">I would look them in the eye and say &quot;I have been marketing on Twitter for fifteen years.&quot;</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_lhRTdxp_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_355"><a name="comment129758"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_Bh1oB03_comment"><p class="comment_text">Brandon - can you copy your comment into your answer so it is more visible. It&#039;s funny.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Bill-McDonald">Bill McDonald</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_vSO2pL5_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="pagedlist_item" id="ld_M9jVwE_87"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1" id="__w2_eLdh9sJ_item"><div class="e_col w4_5"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_127"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><span id="ld_M9jVwE_148"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_327"></span><a class="question_link" href="/What-makes-the-gameplay-technology-and-monetization-engines-of-each-of-the-following-games-hard-to-make-The-games-Travian-Metin-2-Dark-Orbit-Runescape-Runes-of-Magic-and-Maple-Story." id="__w2_a3I4OFV_link"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_328"></span>What makes the gameplay, technology and monetization engines of each of the following games hard to make?  The games: Travian, Metin 2, Dark Orbit, Runescape, Runes of Magic and Maple Story.</a></span></h2></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_128"><div class="feed_item_answer answer_text" id="__w2_xcRjB9G_answer"><div class="rating_buttons"><div id="__w2_xcRjB9G_answer_voting"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_244"><div class="rating_buttons "><div class="rating_options"><a class="lil_button rate_up" href="#" id="__w2_F7tiNXZ_answer_vote_up_link">&nbsp;</a><a class="lil_button rate_down" href="#" id="__w2_F7tiNXZ_answer_vote_down_link">&nbsp;</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="feed_item_answer_content answer_content"><div class="answer_user"><span class="feed_item_answer_user" id="__w2_xcRjB9G_answer_user_sig"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="rep">, </span><span id="__w2_BXetcz5_link"><span class="rep">Founder of Symbolic Analytics</span></span><div class="hover_menu hidden" style="display: none" id="__w2_BXetcz5_menu"><div class="hover_menu_nub"></div><div class="menu_contents growl_notification" id="__w2_BXetcz5_menu_contents"> </div></div></span><div id="__w2_xcRjB9G_answer_voters"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_245"><span class="answer_voters"><span class="answer_voter_callout"><strong class="voter_count">2</strong> votes</span> by <a class="user" href="/Marius-Comper">Marius Comper</a> and <a class="user" href="/Seun-Osewa">Seun Osewa</a></span></div></div></div>Nothing.<br /><br />There are hundreds of micro-MMOs, many of which were built by single people.<br /><br />The primary limitations are knowledge.<br /><br />This is a very broad topic and I cannot cover it exhaustively, but will gloss over some of the things which will help you become more successful.<br /><br /><b>Marketing&gt; </b><br /><br />Do you know how to drive user growth?  Viral marketing, affiliate marketing, word of mouth, and so on.  Runescape succeeded beca<wbr />use it had an innovative affiliate rela<wbr />tionship with one of the larger gaming studios.  World of Warcraft used advertisements on the Battlenet platform to drive WoW growth (free customer acquisition).<br /><br />There were many similar RPGs to Runescape, but its affiliate marketing program set it apart.<br /><br /><b>Technical&gt;</b><br /><br />Do you know how to get around relational database performance limitations?  Can you solve the scalability issues?  How do you distribute patches to the client?  Do you know how to prevent item duplication?  Do you have one continuous world or do you need to shard the servers?  Do you know how to use compression to lower bandwidth costs?<br /><br />Many successful MMOs died because they grew to the point that they were no longer playable, because they were hitting relational database performance limitations and were too poorly designed to easily modify.  If you have experience building scalability syst<wbr />ems, you can build in application level database partitioning from day one.<br /><br />In a recent engine we built, we abandoned a relational database all together and stored everything in ram (with the database only being used for serialization).  That improved performance from 2000 reads per second to over 85,000 reads per second.  That is a 40x savings in hardware costs.<br /><br />We similarly achieved a 50x savings in bandwidth costs by adapting advanced compression methodologies (an arithmetic coding implementation tailored to the message we were sending).<br /><br />Today any developer can throw up an MMO in flash and get 800k users on the Facebook platform.  However, to scale you need to have an intimate understanding of hardware performance, software design for distributed high performance systems, compression algorithms and computer networking.<br /><br />Even extremely successful companies such as the makers of Everyquest lacked some of these organizational capacities.  Everquest began to save 3 million dollars a month when they realized they could compress client/server communications!<br /><br /><b>Monetization&gt;</b><br /><br />Do you know how to optimize your monetization strateg<wbr />ies?  Are you going to monetize on subscriptions, in-game sales or content packs?  Should your game be freemium or subscription?<br /><br />Very large companies with extremely competent and experienced industry executives often make horrible errors of judgement when making these choices.  One MMO for instance, began as a subscription based service and was unprofitable, but later switched to free to play and began to grow quickly and eventually became a cash-cow.<br /><br />Monetization requires experience with A/B testing.  Most companies do not have experience with analytics and this depresses their revenue growth.<br /><br />Companies like Zynga, who have mastered A/B testing methodologies are raping everyone else in the industry.  Consider how simple Farmville is compared to your average MMO RPG which requires 50 developers and 300 artists working 4 years to produce.  Consider that Farmville is also more profitable than most MMO RPGs.<br /><br />New platforms such as Facebook have completely changed the revenue model of the flash gaming industry.  The economics of MMOs are also being changed by new revenue models inspired by the success of games on the Facebook platform.<br /><br />The economics of game production are also changing rapidly.  Today a 2 person development team can push out an MMO RPG on Facebook in 3 months of development time and get 60,000 users and $30,000/month in revenue.  <br /><br />Compare this to the 100 million dollar, 4 year, 250 employee development projects typical of traditional MMOs.  Today&#039;s MMOs can break even at a much larger scale.  You wont be buying a Gulfstream with your social gaming revenue, but a 300k MAU game is Ferrari money.<br /><br />The proliferation of MMOs and their decreasing cost is causing increasing market segmentation.<br /><br />The scale at which you can break even is much smaller and the number of MMOs is increasing every year.  The challenge is no longer building the MMO, but acquiring users, retaining users and monetizing users.<br /><br />Today, thousands of innovative games and game-play mechanisms are produced each year, by innovative independent de<wbr />velopers.  However, most of these games are commercial failures, not because they are not innovative or because they are not fun; but rather because their creators do not have skill in marketing and customer acquisition stra<wbr />tegies.<br /><br />For instance, games like Farmville (which are not very &#039;fun&#039;) can be extremely successful commercially with the right marketing strategies, and extensive A/B testing your monetization strategy, viral marketing, user retention and conversion funnels.<br /><br />Also, cross promotion between your games is becoming a much more important marketing strategy.  Companies like Zynga leverage their existing user-base to lower their customer acquisition cost for their new games.<br /><br />Going into the future, I think we will see many larger studios which are organized as several independent devel<wbr />opment teams within a larger company, where the marketing, A/B testing and technical back-end architecture is shared between the development groups.<br /><br />We are also seeing groups of independent studios forming larger aggregate cross promoting groups.  This may put many of the medium sized studios on equal footing with companies like Zynga who are able to leverage their large installed base to lower their customer acquisition cost<wbr />s.<div class="action_bar" id="__w2_xcRjB9G_answer_actions"><span id="ld_M9jVwE_246"><a class="view_comments supp " href="#" id="__w2_nDzCpqq_view_comment_link">8 Comments</a></span><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_247"><a class="answer_permalink" href="/What-makes-the-gameplay-technology-and-monetization-engines-of-each-of-the-following-games-hard-to-make-The-games-Travian-Metin-2-Dark-Orbit-Runescape-Runes-of-Magic-and-Maple-Story./answer/Brandon-Smietana"><span class="datetime" id="__w2_xhYxmo9_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></a><span id="ld_M9jVwE_287"></span></span></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_248"><div class="comments answer_comments hidden" id="__w2_ZKNyLh2_answer_comments"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_288"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_356"><a name="comment127221"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_hf93hbW_comment"><p class="comment_text">I am curious where you got the growth information for Runescape and World of Warcraft?</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Seth-Sivak">Seth Sivak</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_Nl1XeVs_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_357"><a name="comment127230"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_SoNvvrC_comment"><p class="comment_text">Hearsay.<br /><br />The fundamental problem today is driving users into your conversion funnel.  We can build the games, but getting users is another problem.<br /><br />Ruinscape grew rapidly because of its affiliate relationship with a large flash games portal.  That is public knowledge, its in the business press somewhere.<br /><br />What drove WoW subscription growth is a question that only Blizzard executives can answer.  However its clear that Blizzard&#039;s platform control over Bnet allowed Blizzard to advertise WoW to Blizzard&#039;s installed base of Starcraft, Warcraft III and Diablo 2 players.<br /><br />This is similar to Zynga&#039;s strategy of cross promoting its games and funneling Farmville users onto its other media properties.<br /><br />Cross promotion and platform control are good strategies for driving user growth, lowering user acquisition costs and building momentum for your games.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_vG3i5qS_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_358"><a name="comment127235"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_de3CuMF_comment"><p class="comment_text">Also, Wow has a 50 cents daily ARPU.  $15/month per subscriber.<br /><br />Therefore WoW could afford to purchase click traffic through banner ads at +10 cents per click.  When you have a high ARPU and your cost per customer acquisition thro<wbr />ugh advertising is lower than your ARPU, then you can afford to acquire a large user base through advertising.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_LDfjQuc_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_359"><div class="comment comment_dotdotdot p0_5"><a class="supp" href="#" onclick="$(&#039;.hidden_comments_154465&#039;).toggleClass(&#039;hidden&#039;);
+ $(this).parent().addClass(&#039;hidden&#039;);
+ return false;"> <span><span id="ld_M9jVwE_366">3</span></span> hidden comments...</a></div><div class="hidden_comments_154465 hidden"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_367"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_380"><a name="comment127236"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_oZvCpxQ_comment"><p class="comment_text">Some research here shows that most players actually heard about WoW from someone they know, not on their own: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link">http://www.nickyee.c<wbr />om/daedalus/...</a></p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Seth-Sivak">Seth Sivak</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_Z776fAi_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_381"><a name="comment127245"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_Vz9ayzE_comment"><p class="comment_text">Self report studies are not accurate, especially when advertising and brand recognition is involved.<br /><br />The conversion funnels for females is different, because they are under-represented in the gamer demographic that would be exposed to WoW advertising messages (such as Diablo 2 players).</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_JaXk89f_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_382"><a name="comment127275"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_PjHbyat_comment"><p class="comment_text">There is no information at all that would support WoW&#039;s growth was from advertising on the Battlenet platform or even any advertising at all.  If that was the case there would have been many more early adopters getting the game on the release date on very close to it (which was what most of the marketing was built around).  The data shows that WoW actually expanded slowly at first and then exploded a few months after launch (<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="external_link"><wbr />log/?p=225</a>).<br /><br />If the growth of WoW was all from advertising they would have been able to predict it and would have been more prepared for when the massive growth took down servers for a considerable amount of time.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Seth-Sivak">Seth Sivak</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_uOyMgey_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_360"><a name="comment127318"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_a9CUFOH_comment"><p class="comment_text">Advertising and cross-promotion was a large component of WoW&#039;s brand-awareness.<br /><br />It is not as simple as &quot;I throw up ads and users convert&quot;.  Rather users have to discover that the game exists, have to learn about the game and then make a purchasing decision.<br /><br />&quot;If the growth of WoW was all from advertising&quot;<br /><br />No one said &quot;Advertising is the only thing that mattered!!!&quot; Blizzard&#039;s cross-promotion efforts were a very significant factor.<br /><br />Notice that the WoW users graph shows linear growth and not exponential growth.  If WoW conversion funnel was driven by word of mouth, then the rate of user acquisition would be proportional to  the current number of users (viral/organic acquisition), instead of constant.<br /><br />However, the user growth is constant (constant number of people being funneled into sales channel and constant conversion rate).</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Brandon-Smietana">Brandon Smietana</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_VJZcbFW_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_361"><a name="comment127349"></a><div class="comment p0_5" id="__w2_dvxi0u9_comment"><p class="comment_text">What data do you have to back-up that the cross promotion and advertising were the main drivers of the growth of WoW?<br /><br />The fact that WoW grew so astoundingly fast post launch makes me very skeptical of marketing and advertising being a big factor.  For typical games the majority of all sales come in the first week or two of launch and this is due to the marketing around the product.  The growth following the launch over the first year was massive (600%), which is contradictory to the idea that it was driven by the advertising since that would have likely occurred prior to release.</p><p class="action_bar"><a class="user" href="/Seth-Sivak">Seth Sivak</a><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span><span class="datetime" id="__w2_Lh5YmYB_datespan">Insert a dynamic date here</span></p></div></div></div><div class="comment light p0_5">Cannot add comment at this time.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_88"><div class="hidden" id="__w2_nd0uV1O_loading"><span class="__wn2_loading"><span class="__wn2_loading_spinner"></span><span class="__wn2_loading_text">Loading...</span></span></div><div class="pager_next action_button" id="__w2_nd0uV1O_more">More</div></div></div></div></div><div class="e_col w2_5 side_col"><div class="row"><div class="e_col w1 p1"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_48"><div class="profile_photo"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_51"><a href="/Brandon-Smietana"><img class="profile_photo_img" src="" width="100" alt="Brandon Smietana" height="100" /></a></div></div></div></div><div class="e_col w1_5 side_col p1"><div class="light page_opts row"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_49"><ul class="action_list"></ul></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_50"><div class="row p1"><div class="col mini_count first"><a href="/Brandon-Smietana/followers"><strong>445</strong><br />Followers</a></div><div class="col mini_count "><a href="/Brandon-Smietana/following"><strong>293</strong><br />Following</a></div><div class="col mini_count "><a href="/Brandon-Smietana/mentions"><strong>20</strong><br />@Mentions</a></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_46"><div class="row section p1" id="answers"><strong>Recent Top Answers</strong><div id="ld_M9jVwE_53"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">33</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/How-did-Mark-Zuckerberg-retain-26-of-equity-after-so-many-rounds-of-financing/answer/Brandon-Smietana">How did Mark Zuckerberg retain 26% of equity after so many rounds of financing?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_kwB8KeS_truncated"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_58"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>There are several factors<br />... <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_IfQu0ef_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_kwB8KeS_expanded"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_59">There are several factors<br /><br /><ul><li>Mark Zuckerberg retained board control and therefore was able to block dilutive and unnecessary &quot;inside&quot; rounds.</li><li>Facebook was break-even on gifts and display advertising by the time of its VC rounds.  Your valuation is much higher if you have revenues.</li><li>Facebook&#039;s early investors were very prominent and they bid up Facebook&#039;s valuation.  The social connection of the early employees and high profile angels (Anderson, Thiel) ensured that Facebook had many high profile venture firms interested in the company.  This was essential to establishing a competitive valuation process.</li><li>Facebook had multiple offers and was able to start a valuation bidding war between investors.  If you have multiple interested investors, you will have a better valuation.  It is impossible to have a competitive valuation process with only a single interested investor.</li><li>Sean Parker.</li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_54"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">5</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/Why-do-most-funded-startups-have-web-based-products-while-desktop-producing-companies-usually-bootstrap/answer/Brandon-Smietana">Why do most funded startups have web-based products, while desktop-producing companies usually bootstrap?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_QsqYVL9_truncated"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_60"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>Web apps are more difficult to monetize.   I had a website with 250,000 MAU and we were barely able to break even on the server costs ($200/month).... <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_fZSnw6e_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_QsqYVL9_expanded"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_61">Web apps are more difficult to monetize.   I had a website with 250,000 MAU and we were barely able to break even on the server costs ($200/month).  Twitter&#039;s Average Revenue Per Users (ARPU) is zero.<br /><br />With desktop apps, people at least pay you money.<br /><br />Companies like Digg have 15 million a year in revenue on ads, but cannot even break even.  Digg without venture capital would be insolvent.  Myspace is losing money and has tens of millions of users.<br /><br />Facebook&#039;s eCPM rates on their ad inventory are lower than the eCPM rates on porn sites.<br /><br />It is extremely difficult to break even in web apps unless you can get users to pay you.  Your only exit options are acquisitions.</div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_55"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">4</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/Does-the-Silicon-Valley-mindset-give-companies-a-pass-for-not-having-a-business-model-because-that-would-hinder-innovation/answer/Brandon-Smietana">Does the Silicon Valley mindset give companies a pass for not having a business model because that would hinder innovation?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_xarEDH7_truncated"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_62"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>There are two types of companies.  There are web 2.0 companies that have lots of eye-balls (content) and there are companies with business models. <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_irXQLDD_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_xarEDH7_expanded"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_63">There are two types of companies.  There are web 2.0 companies that have lots of eye-balls (content) and there are companies with business models.<br /><br />For instance, tech crunch sold for 40 million.<br /><br />If you have a startup with 6000 subscribers at $30/month and you sell your company for 20x earnings.  That is 43 million dollars.<br /><br />If you are ad supported and your eCPM rate is $0.05 cents (like Facebook/4-Chan/Dating sites), then you need 3.6 billion page views per month to hit 40 million valuation at 20x earnings.<br /><br />Alternatively, you can find 60 companies that will pay you $3000 a month for a service (SaS) and have a 40 million valuation at 20x earnings.<br /><br />The idea behind many of these Web 2.0 sites like Slide and Path is not to make money.  The idea is that Google and Microsoft have made offers for twitter that value the company at over $60 per active user.<br /><br />The assets of the company are the employees, the platform and user-base; not the revenue stream of the company.<br /><br />It would probably be more effective for Google to pay people $60 per active Buzz user they sign up, than to buy Twitter at $60/user, but they will try to buy Twitter anyways.  Yahoo made an offer to Facebook of $260 per user.  Will Facebook even be able to realize revenues of $260 per user over the lifetime of the user?<br /><br />Companies will pay a premium to acquire platform control and to buy companies like Path to acquire their user-bases.  It is not very clear why they will pay a premium for these users if they have no effective way of monetizing the user-base.<br /><br />Technology companies in general do not pay dividends and often have a cash hoard they need to get rid of.  Google has so much money that it is opening up a corporate bond trading desk to invest it.  Maybe a 300 million dollar acquisition of a company like Slide at $50 a user increases the market cap of companies like Google, more than the loss of cash decreases the market cap of these companies.<br /><br />Historically, most mergers and acquisitions are futile and are a waste of money.  Sometimes they are strategic, but more often they are represent a net loss of value for the acquiring company, but companies keep doing these large value destroying acquisitions f<wbr />or unknown reasons.<br /><br />People will continue to start companies with no business model and no expectations for revenue, as long as these companies continue to be bought.<br /><br />Smaller, early stage acquisitions howeve<wbr />r can create value and are a valuable source of new products and technological innovations.  This is one reasons angel portfolios have been doing so well in recent years.  These companies usually exit below 30 million and the returns are too small to interest traditional VC funds, but they have been out-performing VC by a wide margin.<br /><br />I think there is still however a whole cottage industry of building up companies with no revenue and flipping them (ex. Twitter).  Only a few very high profile investors with strong connections to the potential acquiring companies will be able to generate returns on these companies however.</div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_56"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">3</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/Which-fast-serial-algorithms-dont-have-efficient-parallel-equivalents/answer/Brandon-Smietana">Which fast serial algorithms don&#039;t have efficient parallel equivalents?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_wffp2Sl_truncated"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_64"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>Cycle detection in directed graphs has linear time serial algorithms, however it is provable difficult to parallize.  The fastest parallel algorith... <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_Bfdk5tP_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_wffp2Sl_expanded"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_65">Cycle detection in directed graphs has linear time serial algorithms, however it is provable difficult to parallize.  The fastest parallel algorithms scale as sqrt(n) where n is the number of processors.<br /><br />This is very interesting because cycle detection algorithms are a critical part of 3-SAT solvers and it suggests that they may be difficult to scale out over multiple CPUs without a shared memory architecture.  However in practice you are often only interested in small degree cycles and there are efficient algorithms for detecting these.<br /><br />These problems will become a more important performance bottleneck as OWL and semantic web reasoners are deployed on web-scale dataset that require distributed computing.</div></div></div></div></div><div id="ld_M9jVwE_57"><div class="feed_item stream_feed_item p1 row"><div class="w0_5 e_col"><div class="big_number_stat"><div class="number">3</div><div class="text">Votes</div></div></div><div class="e_col side_col w2"><div class="feed_item_question"><h2><a href="/If-the-U-S-Capital-Gains-tax-rate-went-back-to-20-what-would-happen/answer/Brandon-Smietana">If the U.S. Capital Gains tax rate went back to 20%, what would happen?</a></h2></div><div class="inline" id="__w2_PuelNyR_truncated"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_66"><div class="truncated_thumbnail_holder"></div>The capital gains tax is an implicit tax on wealth, because nominal increases in asset value are taxed and not the inflation adjusted purchasing po... <a class="more_link" href="#" id="__w2_EFu20FJ_more_link">(more)</a> </div></div><div class="hidden expanded_q_text" id="__w2_PuelNyR_expanded"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_67">The capital gains tax is an implicit tax on wealth, because nominal increases in asset value are taxed and not the inflation adjusted purchasing power of the assets being held for investment.<br /><br />A 33% increase in the capital gains tax, to 20%, will severely erode capital accumulation in America (even more than the current 15% tax).<br /><br />The transition to a higher capital gains tax rate combined with a high inflation rate and currency devaluation could mark the end of the American empire.  An increase in the capital gains tax rate will accelerate capital flight.  It is believed by many economists that an increase in the capital gains tax rate will decrease tax revenues.<br /><br />Tax revenues are maximized when capital accumulation is maximized and economic studies suggest that tax revenue is maximized when the capital gains tax rates are zero.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="footer wrapper"><div class="contents"><div class="footer_nav row"><div class="e_col footer_links w8"><div id="ld_M9jVwE_47"><ul class="nav_list"><li class="about"><a href="/about">About</a></li><li class="jobs"><a href="/jobs">Jobs</a></li><li class="privacy"><a href="/about/privacy">Privacy</a></li><li class="tos"><a href="/about/tos">Terms</a></li><li class="press"><a href="/press">Press</a></li><li><span class="bullet"> &bull; </span></li><li class="signup"><a href="/login/index">Login</a></li><li class="signup"><a href="/signup/index">Sign Up</a></li><li class="mobile nav_sub_item"><a href="#" id="__w2_VbCqEwo_mobile_site">Mobile Site</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="above_page_banner hidden" id="__w2_YeGBNxK_banner">There are some updates to this page that haven&#039;t been applied yet because you&#039;ve entered some data into a form. 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