andersjacobsen-mirmaid_mir2disease 0.0.0 → 0.1.0

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Files changed (48) hide show
  1. data/MIT-LICENSE +20 -0
  2. data/Rakefile +46 -0
  3. data/VERSION +1 -0
  4. data/app/controllers/m2d_disease_links_controller.rb +44 -0
  5. data/app/controllers/m2d_diseases_controller.rb +44 -0
  6. data/app/models/m2d_disease.rb +22 -0
  7. data/app/models/m2d_disease_link.rb +27 -0
  8. data/app/views/m2d_disease_links/_list_for_mature.html.erb +21 -0
  9. data/app/views/m2d_disease_links/_m2d_disease_link.html.erb +9 -0
  10. data/app/views/m2d_disease_links/index.html.erb +18 -0
  11. data/app/views/m2d_disease_links/show.html.erb +21 -0
  12. data/app/views/m2d_diseases/_m2d_disease.html.erb +4 -0
  13. data/app/views/m2d_diseases/index.html.erb +20 -0
  14. data/app/views/m2d_diseases/show.html.erb +25 -0
  15. data/config/routes.rb +12 -0
  16. data/data/mir2dis.txt +2568 -0
  17. data/init.rb +7 -0
  18. data/install.rb +1 -0
  19. data/lib/mir2disease.rb +1 -0
  20. data/mirmaid_mir2disease.gemspec +87 -0
  21. data/mirmaid_models.rb +9 -0
  22. data/rdoc/classes/M2dDisease.html +140 -0
  23. data/rdoc/classes/M2dDiseaseLink.html +119 -0
  24. data/rdoc/classes/M2dDiseaseLinksController.html +170 -0
  25. data/rdoc/classes/M2dDiseasesController.html +170 -0
  26. data/rdoc/created.rid +1 -0
  27. data/rdoc/css/main.css +191 -0
  28. data/rdoc/css/panel.css +383 -0
  29. data/rdoc/css/reset.css +53 -0
  30. data/rdoc/files/README.html +78 -0
  31. data/rdoc/files/app/controllers/m2d_disease_links_controller_rb.html +66 -0
  32. data/rdoc/files/app/controllers/m2d_diseases_controller_rb.html +66 -0
  33. data/rdoc/files/app/models/m2d_disease_link_rb.html +85 -0
  34. data/rdoc/files/app/models/m2d_disease_rb.html +77 -0
  35. data/rdoc/files/lib/mir2disease_rb.html +64 -0
  36. data/rdoc/i/arrows.png +0 -0
  37. data/rdoc/i/results_bg.png +0 -0
  38. data/rdoc/i/tree_bg.png +0 -0
  39. data/rdoc/index.html +14 -0
  40. data/rdoc/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js +19 -0
  41. data/rdoc/js/main.js +34 -0
  42. data/rdoc/js/searchdoc.js +620 -0
  43. data/rdoc/panel/index.html +71 -0
  44. data/rdoc/panel/search_index.js +1 -0
  45. data/rdoc/panel/tree.js +1 -0
  46. data/tasks/mir2disease_tasks.rake +115 -0
  47. data/uninstall.rb +1 -0
  48. metadata +51 -2
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009 [name of plugin creator]
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ require 'rake'
+ require 'rake/testtask'
+ require 'rake/rdoctask'
+ require 'sdoc'
+ # rake version:bump:major/minor/patch
+ # rake gemspec
+ begin
+ require 'jeweler'
+ do |gem|
+ = "mirmaid_mir2disease"
+ gem.summary = %Q{miR2Disease ( plugin for MirMaid}
+ gem.description = %Q{TODO}
+ = ""
+ gem.homepage = ""
+ gem.authors = ["Anders Jacobsen"]
+ # gem is a Gem::Specification... see
+ # for additional settings
+ end
+ rescue LoadError
+ puts "Jeweler (or a dependency) not available. Install it with: sudo gem install jeweler"
+ end
+ desc 'Default: run unit tests.'
+ task :default => :test
+ desc 'Test the mir2disease plugin.'
+ do |t|
+ t.libs << 'lib'
+ t.libs << 'test'
+ t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
+ t.verbose = true
+ end
+ desc 'Generate documentation for the mir2disease plugin.'
+ do |rdoc|
+ rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc'
+ rdoc.title = 'MirMaid miR2Disease plugin'
+ # rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source'
+ rdoc.options << '--fmt' << 'shtml' # explictly set shtml generator
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README')
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb')
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('app/**/*.rb')
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ 0.1.0
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ class M2dDiseaseLinksController < ApplicationController
+ layout "application"
+ protect_from_forgery :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ # GET /m2d_disease_links
+ # GET /m2d_disease_links.xml
+ def index
+ @m2d_disease_links = nil
+ params[:page] ||= 1
+ if params[:mature_id]
+ @m2d_disease_links = Mature.find_rest(params[:mature_id]).m2d_disease_links
+ elsif params[:m2d_disease_id]
+ @m2d_disease_links = M2dDisease.find_rest(params[:m2d_disease_id]).m2d_disease_links
+ end
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html do
+ if @m2d_disease_links # subselect
+ @m2d_disease_links = M2dDiseaseLink.paginate{|x|}, :page => params[:page], :per_page => 12, :order => "mirna, mature_id"
+ else #all
+ @m2d_disease_links = M2dDiseaseLink.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 12, :order => "mirna, mature_id"
+ end
+ end
+ format.xml do
+ @m2d_disease_links = M2dDiseaseLink.find(:all) if !@m2d_disease_links
+ render :xml => @m2d_disease_links
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # GET /m2d_disease_links/1
+ # GET /m2d_disease_links/1.xml
+ def show
+ @m2d_disease_link = M2dDiseaseLink.find(params[:id])
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # show.html.erb
+ format.xml { render :xml => @m2d_disease_link }
+ end
+ end
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ class M2dDiseasesController < ApplicationController
+ layout "application"
+ protect_from_forgery :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ # GET /m2d_diseases
+ # GET /m2d_diseases.xml
+ def index
+ @m2d_diseases = nil
+ params[:page] ||= 1
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html do
+ if @m2d_diseases # subselect
+ @m2d_diseases = M2dDisease.paginate{|x|}, :page => params[:page], :per_page => 12, :order => :name
+ else #all
+ @m2d_diseases = M2dDisease.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 12, :order => :name
+ end
+ end
+ format.xml do
+ @m2d_diseases = M2dDisease.find(:all) if !@m2d_diseases
+ render :xml => @m2d_diseases
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # GET /m2d_diseases/1
+ # GET /m2d_diseases/1.xml
+ def show
+ @m2d_disease = nil
+ if params[:m2d_disease_link_id]
+ @m2d_disease = M2dDiseaseLink.find(params[:m2d_disease_link_id]).m2d_disease
+ else
+ @m2d_disease = M2dDisease.find_rest(params[:id])
+ end
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # show.html.erb
+ format.xml { render :xml => @m2d_disease }
+ end
+ end
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ # == Schema Information
+ #
+ # Table name: m2d_diseases
+ #
+ # id :integer not null, primary key
+ # doid :integer
+ # name :string(255)
+ #
+ class M2dDisease < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :m2d_disease_links
+ def self.find_rest(id)
+ self.find_by_doid(id)
+ end
+ def to_param
+ self.doid.to_s
+ end
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ # == Schema Information
+ #
+ # Table name: m2d_disease_links
+ #
+ # id :integer not null, primary key
+ # mature_id :integer
+ # m2d_disease_id :integer
+ # mirna :string(255)
+ # expression :string(255)
+ # method :string(255)
+ # description :text
+ # year :integer
+ # pmid :integer
+ # causal :string(255)
+ # genes :string(255)
+ #
+ class M2dDiseaseLink < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :m2d_disease
+ belongs_to :mature
+ def self.find_rest(id)
+ self.find(id)
+ end
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ <p>Disease links registered in <a href="">miR2Disease</a> for mature miRNA.</p>
+ <% if !list_for_mature.empty? %>
+ <table class="search">
+ <tr><th>Disease link</th><th>Disease</th><th>Pubmed ID</th><th>Expression</th><th>Method</th><th>Genes</th><tr>
+ <% list_for_mature.sort_by{|x| x.m2d_disease_id}.each do |m2d_disease_link| %>
+ <tr class="<%= cycle("even","odd") %>">
+ <td><%= link_to "details ...", m2d_disease_link_path(m2d_disease_link) %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to, m2d_disease_path(m2d_disease_link.m2d_disease) %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to m2d_disease_link.pmid, "{m2d_disease_link.pmid}" %></td>
+ <td><%= m2d_disease_link.expression %></td>
+ <td><%= m2d_disease_link.method %></td>
+ <td><%= m2d_disease_link.genes %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <% end %>
+ </table>
+ <% end %>
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ <tr class="<%= cycle("even","odd") %>">
+ <td><%= link_to "details ...", m2d_disease_link_path(m2d_disease_link) %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to, mature_path(m2d_disease_link.mature) %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to, m2d_disease_path(m2d_disease_link.m2d_disease) %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to m2d_disease_link.pmid, "{m2d_disease_link.pmid}" %></td>
+ <td><%= m2d_disease_link.expression %></td>
+ <td><%= m2d_disease_link.method %></td>
+ <td><%= m2d_disease_link.genes %></td>
+ </tr>
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ <div id="col-top"></div>
+ <div id="col">
+ <h3>Listing Diseases</h3>
+ <%= will_paginate @m2d_disease_links, :params => params %>
+ <% if !@m2d_disease_links.empty? %>
+ <table class="search">
+ <tr><th>Disease link</th><th>miRNA</th><th>Disease</th><th>Pubmed ID</th><th>Expression</th><th>Method</th><th>Genes</th><tr>
+ <%= render @m2d_disease_links %>
+ </table>
+ <% end %>
+ Plugin based on data from <a href="">miR2Disease</a>.
+ </div> <!-- /col -->
+ <div id="col-bottom"></div>
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ <div id="col-top"></div>
+ <div id="col" class="box">
+ Disease link between <%= link_to, mature_path(@m2d_disease_link.mature) %> and <%= link_to, m2d_disease_path(@m2d_disease_link.m2d_disease) %>.
+ <table>
+ <tr><th align=left>miRNA ID (from miR2Disease)</th><td><%= @m2d_disease_link.mirna %></td></tr>
+ <tr><th align=left>Expression</th><td><%= @m2d_disease_link.expression %></td></tr>
+ <tr><th align=left>Method</th><td><%= @m2d_disease_link.method %></td></tr>
+ <tr><th align=left>Description</th><td><%= @m2d_disease_link.description %></td></tr>
+ <tr><th align=left>Reference (Pubmed ID)</th><td><%= link_to @m2d_disease_link.pmid, "{@m2d_disease_link.pmid}" %></td></tr>
+ <tr><th align=left>Year</th><td><%= @m2d_disease_link.year %></td></tr>
+ <tr><th align=left>Genes</th><td><%= @m2d_disease_link.genes %></td></tr>
+ <tr><th align=left>Causal</th><td><%= @m2d_disease_link.causal %></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ Plugin based on data from <a href="">miR2Disease</a>.
+ </div> <!-- /col -->
+ <div id="col-bottom"></div>
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ <tr class="<%= cycle("even","odd") %>">
+ <td><%= link_to m2d_disease.doid, m2d_disease_path(m2d_disease) %></td>
+ <td><%= %></td>
+ </tr>
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ <div id="col-top"></div>
+ <div id="col">
+ <h3>Listing Diseases</h3>
+ halllo <%= @m2d_diseases.size %>
+ <%= will_paginate @m2d_diseases, :params => params %>
+ <% if !@m2d_diseases.empty? %>
+ <table class="search">
+ <tr><th>DOID</th><th>name</th><tr>
+ <%= render @m2d_diseases %>
+ </table>
+ <% end %>
+ Plugin based on data from <a href="">miR2Disease</a>.
+ </div> <!-- /col -->
+ <div id="col-bottom"></div>
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ <div id="col-top"></div>
+ <div id="col" class="box">
+ <table>
+ <tr><th align=left>DOID</th><td><%= @m2d_disease.doid %></td></tr>
+ <tr><th align=left>Name</th><td><%= %></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <!-- render disease links here ... -->
+ <div class="infobox">
+ <h4><%= link_to_function "Disease links [#{@m2d_disease.m2d_disease_links.size}]", visual_effect(:toggle_blind,'disease_links',:duration=>0.2) %></h4>
+ <div id="disease_links" style="">
+ <% if !@m2d_disease.m2d_disease_links.empty? %>
+ <table class="search">
+ <tr><th>Disease link</th><th>miRNA</th><th>Disease</th><th>Pubmed ID</th><th>Expression</th><th>Method</th><th>Genes</th><tr>
+ <%= render @m2d_disease.m2d_disease_links.sort_by{|x| x.mirna} %>
+ </table>
+ <% end %>
+ </div></div>
+ Plugin based on data from <a href="">miR2Disease</a>.
+ </div> <!-- /col -->
+ <div id="col-bottom"></div>
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
+ map.resources :m2d_diseases, :only => [:index,:show] do |m2d|
+ m2d.resources :m2d_disease_links, :only => [:index]
+ end
+ map.resources :m2d_disease_links, :only => [:index,:show] do |m2dl|
+ m2dl.resource :m2d_disease, :only => [:show]
+ m2dl.resource :mature, :only => [:show]
+ end
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1,2568 @@
+ miRNA DOID Disease Expression Method Description target tarbase Years PMID Causal
+ hsa-miR-186 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression patterns for these 5 microRNAs(miR-20a, miR-21, miR-106a, miR-181b, and miR-203) distinguish tumor vs paired nontumor status with 96% or 98% accuracy based on 3 nearest neighbors or nearest centroid algorithms, respectively (10-fold cross validation, repeated 100 times)." unknown RB1 2008 18230780 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-147 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" differentially expressed during ATRA treatment of NB4 cells unknown unknown 2007 17260024 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 6
+ hsa-miR-433 14330 Parkinson's disease normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The risk allele for rs12720208 disrupts a binding site for microRNA-433, increasing translation of FGF20 in vitro and in vivo. In a cell-based system and in Parkinson disease (PD) brains, this increase in translation of FGF20 is correlated with increased a-synuclein expression, which has previously been shown to cause PD through both overexpression and point mutations." FGF20 unknown 2008 18252210 Causal
+ hsa-miR-518b 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9* 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold)." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-122a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 1909 uveal melanoma up-regulated microarray "The top six miRNA discriminators ( let-7b, miR-199a,miR-199a*, miR-143, miR-193b, and miR-652) accurately distinguished class 1 (low metastatic risk) from class 2 (high metastatic risk) with 100% sensitivity and specificity." unknown unknown 2008 18477892 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200c 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. Higher expression of miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141, miR-18a, miR-93, and miR-429, and lower expression of ambi-miR-7039, let-7b, and miR-199a were significantly correlated with decreased progression-free survival and overall survival." unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown AGTR1 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 18
+ hsa-let-7f-1 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f-1 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f-1 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f-1 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f-2 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f-2 4451 kidney cancer up-regulated microarray "A set of 4 human micro-RNAs (miR-28, miR-185, miR-27, and let-7f-2) were found significantly up-regulated in renal cell carcinoma (P<0.05) compared to normal kidney." unknown unknown 2007 17826655 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7g 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" metastasis-related miRNA unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7g 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Overexpression of let-7 in lung cancer cell lines alters cell cycle progression and reduces cell division.multiple genes involved in cell cycle and cell division functions are also directly or indirectly repressed by let-7. "CDK6, CDC25A" unknown 2007 17699775 Causal
+ hsa-let-7g 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Ectopic expression of let-7g in K-Ras(G12D)-expressing murine lung cancer cells induced both cell cycle arrest and cell death. In tumor xenografts, the authors observed significant growth reduction of both murine and human non-small cell lung tumors when overexpression of let-7g was induced from lentiviral vectors. In let-7g expressing tumors, reductions in Ras family and HMGA2 protein levels were detected." "Ras,HMGA2" unknown 2008 18308936 Causal
+ hsa-let-7g 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" let-7 Regulates HMGA2 Expression in ovarian cancer (OC) and Predicts Disease Progression. HMGA2 unknown 2007 17600087 Causal
+ hsa-let-7g 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7g 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7g 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7g 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7g 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7g 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 36
+ hsa-let-7g 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7i 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7i 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7i 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-1 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The muscle-specific miR-1 was singularly downregulated as early as day 1, persisting through day 7, after aortic constriction�Cinduced hypertrophy in a mouse model. Overexpression experiments showed that miR-1 inhibited its in silico�Cpredicted, growth-related targets, including Ras GTPase�Cactivating protein (RasGAP), cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (Cdk9), fibronectin, and Ras homolog enriched in brain (Rheb), in addition to protein synthesis and cell size." "RasGAP,Cdk9, fibronectin,Rheb" "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2008 17234972 Causal
+ hsa-miR-1 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Down-regulation of miR-1 and miR-133 expression contributes to re-expression of HCN2/HCN4 thereby the electrical remodeling process in hypertrophic hearts. HCN4 "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2008 18458081 Causal
+ hsa-miR-203 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-203 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-204 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The authors confirmed that miR-204 targets HOXA10 and MEIS1, suggesting that the HOX upregulation observed inNPMc AMLmaybe due in part by loss ofHOX regulators-miRNAs." "HOXA10, MEIS1" unknown 2008 18308931 Causal
+ hsa-miR-204 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-204 3903 Insulinoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Overexpression of miR-204 is Specific to Insulinomas and Correlates With Immunohistochemical Expression of Insulin. unknown unknown 2006 16966691 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-204 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-204 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-205 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All five members of the microRNA-200 family (miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141 and miR-429) and miR-205 were markedly downregulated in cells that had undergone EMT in response to transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta or to ectopic expression of the protein tyrosine phosphatase Pez. Enforced expression of the miR-200 family alone was sufficient to prevent TGF-beta-induced EMT. Together, these microRNAs cooperatively regulate expression of the E-cadherin transcriptional repressors ZEB1 (also known as deltaEF1) and SIP1 (also known as ZEB2), factors previously implicated in EMT and tumour metastasis. Inhibition of the microRNAs was sufficient to induce EMT in a process requiring upregulation of ZEB1 and/or SIP1. Conversely, ectopic expression of these microRNAs in mesenchymal cells initiated mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET). Consistent with their role in regulating EMT, expression of these microRNAs was found to be lost in invasive breast cancer cell lines with mesenchymal phenotype. Expression of the miR-200 family was also lost in regions of metaplastic breast cancer specimens lacking E-cadherin. These data suggest that downregulation of the microRNAs may be an important step in tumour progression."
+ "ZEB1(deltaEF1), SIP1(ZEB2)" unknown 2008 18376396 Causal 1 50
+ hsa-miR-205 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ mucosa. unknown unknown 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 51
+ hsa-miR-205 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-205 expression change is statistically significant at the CIS(n = 31,P<0.001, Wilcoxon signed-ranks test) and ICa stages (n =51,P<0.001, Wilcoxon signed-ranks test) compared with normal." unknown unknown 2007 18089790 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-205 1107 esophageal cancer down-regulated microarray Both hsa-miR-203 and hsa-miR-205 were expressed 2- to 10-fold lower in squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinomas than in normal epithelium. The hsa-miR-21 expression was 3- to 5-fold higher in both tumors than in normal epithelium. unknown unknown 2008 18242245 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-205 11934 Head and neck cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-205 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-205 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-205 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-205 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 58
+ hsa-miR-206 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Transfection of MCF-7 cells with pre-miR-206 or 2'-O-methyl antagomiR-206 specifically decreased or increased, respectively, ER�� mRNA levels.MiR-206 expression was strongly inhibited by ER�� agonists, but not by an ER�� agonist or progesterone, indicating a mutually inhibitory feedback loop." ER-alpha "Fstl1,GJA1,Utrn" 2007 17312270 Causal
+ hsa-miR-155 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown AGTR1 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15a 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15a 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" There is a negative correlation between miR-15a and miR-16-1 expression and BCL2 during ATRA-induced granulocytic differentiation of NB4 cells. "BCL2, RAS" unknown 2007 17260024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-15a 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Both miR-15a and miR-16-1 recognize target sites on the 3'UTR of BCL2, an anti-apoptotic"
+ oncogene. These miRNAs control the level of BCL2 in normal cells but the expression of the
+ oncogene is increased when the miRNAs are deleted leading to CLL. BCL2 unknown 2005 16166262 Causal 1 64
+ hsa-miR-15a 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-15a and miR-16-1, both microRNAs negatively regulate BCL2 at a post-transcriptional level and BCL2 repression induces apoptosis in MEG-01 chronic leukemia cell line and reduced in-vivo tumorigenicity." BCL2 unknown 2007 17707831 Causal
+ hsa-miR-15a 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Among the components of the miR-15a/16-1 signature,The authors observed a statistically significant enrichment in AU-rich elements (AREs). By examining the Gene Ontology (GO) database, a significant enrichment in cancer genes (such as MCL1, BCL2, ETS1, or JUN) that directly or indirectly affect apoptosis and cell cycle was found."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18362358 Causal 1 66
+ hsa-miR-15a 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-15a and miR-16-1 are expressed at lower levels in pituitary adenomas as compared to normal pituitary tissue. Moreover, their expression inversely correlates with tumor diameter and with RARS expression (P<0.05), but directly correlates with p43 secretion (P<0.02)." RAS unknown 2005 15648093 Causal
+ hsa-miR-15a 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15a 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15a 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15a-2 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "In vitro drug sensitivity assay demonstrated that overexpression of miR-15b or miR-16 sensitized SGC7901/VCR cells to anticancer drugs whereas inhibition of them using antisense oligonucleotides conferred SGC7901 cells MDR. The downregulation of miR-15b and miR-16 in SGC7901/VCR cells was concurrent with the upregulation of Bcl-2 protein. Enforced mir-15b or miR-16 expression reduced Bcl-2 protein level and the luciferase activity of a BCL2 3' untranslated region-based reporter construct in SGC7901/VCR cells, suggesting that BCL2 is a direct target of miR-15b and miR-16. Moreover, overexpression of miR-15b or miR-16 could sensitize SGC7901/VCR cells to VCR-induced apoptosis." BCL2 unknown 2008 18449891 Causal
+ hsa-miR-15b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated microarray "Upregulation of miR-15a,miR-15b, miR-16-1, let-7a-3, let-7c, let-7d, miR-223,miR-342 and miR-107, whereas miR-181b was downregulated in in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients and cell lines during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment." unknown unknown 2007 17260024 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD15 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. eIF-4A unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-15b (p = 0.0278), miR-181b (p = 0.0002), miR-191(p = 0.0264) and miR-200c (p = 0.0017) were significantly over-expressed in tumors compared to normal colorectal samples." unknown unknown 2006 18079988 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed miRNA in TRAIL-resistant NSCLC cells. unknown unknown 2008 18246122 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 2893 cervical cancer down-regulated microarray "let-7b, let-7c, miR-23b, miR-196b, and miR-143 showed significantly reduced abundance in cervical cancer cell lines. miR-21 displayed higher abundance in the cancer group." unknown unknown 2007 17616659 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 14250 Down syndrome (DS) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Bioinformatic analyses demonstrate that human chromosome 21(Hsa21) harbors five miRNA genes; miR-99a, let-7c, miR-125b-2, miR-155, and miR-802. MiRNA expression profiling, miRNA RT-PCR, and miRNA in situ hybridization experiments demonstrate that these miRNAs are overexpressed in fetal brain and heart specimens from individuals with DS when compared with age- and sex-matched controls." unknown unknown 2008 18387358 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7c,miR-99a, and miR-125b-2 were also mapped in a region with Homozygous Deletion at 21q11-q21." unknown unknown 2007 17674361 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 91
+ hsa-let-7c 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five up-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs).Overexpression of the let-7
+ "miRNAs is significant in more than two-thirds of the ULMs examined. The cause of let-7 overexpression in ULMs is unclear. Let-7 miRNAs may affect the tumorigenesis of ULMs in several aspects. First, overexpression of let-7 miRNAs in ULMs may play a role in promoting terminal differentiation of these smooth muscle tumors as we see in embryonic development. Second, given that ULMs are benign and rarely progress to malignancy, a high level of let-7 miRNAs in ULMs may be the"
+ "protective factors preventing overexpression of their targeting oncogenes, such as RAS and MYC." HMGA2 unknown 2007 17243163 Unspecified 0 92
+ hsa-let-7d 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Upregulation of miR-15a,miR-15b, miR-16-1, let-7a-3, let-7c, let-7d, miR-223,miR-342 and miR-107, whereas miR-181b was downregulated in in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients and cell lines during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment." "BCL2, RAS" unknown 2007 17260024 Causal
+ hsa-let-7d 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Overexpression of let-7 in lung cancer cell lines alters cell cycle progression and reduces cell division.multiple genes involved in cell cycle and cell division functions are also directly or indirectly repressed by let-7. "CDK6, CDC25A" unknown 2007 17699775 Causal
+ hsa-let-7d 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Ovarian cancer (OC) patients with high HMGA2 and low let-7 expression in their cancer cells had a lower survival than patients with a low HMGA2/high let-7 ratio. HMGA2 upregulation occurs early during OC progression before the tumors begin to metastasize both in human patients and in an OC mouse model.HMGA2 is a more sensitive target of let-7 than RAS. HMGA2 unknown 2007 17957144 Causal
+ hsa-let-7d 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7d 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7d 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7d 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7d 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7d 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7d 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7d 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 103
+ hsa-let-7d* 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" let-7 reduces the expression of HMGA2 and cell proliferation. HMGA2 SMC1L1 2007 17437991 Causal
+ hsa-let-7e 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown SMC1L1 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown SMC1L1 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown SMC1L1 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown SMC1L1 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown SMC1L1 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown SMC1L1 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown SMC1L1 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown SMC1L1 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown SMC1L1 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown SMC1L1 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown SMC1L1 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" reduced let-7 expression is significantly associated with shortened postoperative survival and that overexpression of let-7 results in the inhibition of lung cancer cell growth. unknown unknown 2004 15172979 Causal
+ hsa-miR-206 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-206 regulate migration and morphology. unknown "Fstl1,GJA1,Utrn" 2008 18185580 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 4947 cholangiocarcinoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA expression both in vitro and in vivo is altered by overexpression of IL-6; selective miRNAs including let-7a are up-regulated and contribute to the survival effects of enforced IL-6 activity; and let-7a contributes to the constitutively increased phosphorylation of Stat-3 by a mechanism involving the neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) gene. NF2 NF2 2007 17220301 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 657 adenoma normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Translocations involving HMGA2 and numerous translocation partners.These translocations generate a truncated HMGA2 mRNA lacking the let-7 complementary sites of the wild-type mRNA and are associated with the indicated tumors. In its 3'UTR, human HMGA2 has seven let-7 complementary sites, all of which are conserved in the mouse, rat, dog, and chicken." HMGA2 NF2 2007 17322030 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Increased let-7 paralleled reduced H-RAS and HMGA2, known let-7 targets. Silencing H-RAS in a breast tumor-initiating cells(BTIC)- enriched cell line reduced self renewal but had no effect on differentiation, while silencing HMGA2 enhanced differentiation but did not affect self renewal. Therefore let-7 regulates multiple BT-IC stem cell-like properties by silencing more than one target." "RAS, HMGA2" NF2 2007 18083101 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 8584 Burkitt lymphoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Regulation of MYC mRNA by let-7a was confirmed by transfections with pre-let-7a. Overexpression of let-7a(190%) decreased Myc mRNA (70%) and protein (75%). MYC NF2 2007 17942906 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "High expression of HMGA2 in gastric cancer correlates with tumor invasiveness and is an independent prognostic factor. Furthermore, our findings suggest that HMGA2 is negatively regulated by the let-7 miRNA family in human gastric cancer." HMGA2 NF2 2008 18413822 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 3462 hamartoma normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Translocations involving HMGA2 and numerous translocation partners.These translocations generate a truncated HMGA2 mRNA lacking the let-7 complementary sites of the wild-type mRNA and are associated with the indicated tumors. In its 3'UTR, human HMGA2 has seven let-7 complementary sites, all of which are conserved in the mouse, rat, dog, and chicken." HMGA2 NF2 2007 17322030 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 8567 Hodgkin's lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-9 and let-7a functionally targeted specific binding sites in the 3' untranslated region of PRDM1/blimp-1 mRNA and repressed luciferase reporter activities through repression of translation. Similar to their in vitro counterparts, the majority of HRS cells in primary Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) cases showed weak or no PRDM1/Blimp-1 expression. Over-expression of miR-9 or let-7a reduced PRDM1/Blimp-1 levels in U266 cells by 30% to 50%, whereas simultaneous inhibition of their activities in L428 cells resulted in an approximately 2.6-fold induction in PRDM1/Blimp-1. MiRNA-mediated down-regulation of PRDM1/Blimp-1 may contribute to the phenotype maintenance and pathogenesis of HRS cells by interfering with normal B-cell terminal differentiation, thus representing a novel molecular lesion, as well as a potential therapeutic target in HL." PRDM1/Blimp-1 NF2 2008 18583325 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 9291 lipoma normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Translocations involving HMGA2 and numerous translocation partners.These translocations generate
+ "a truncated HMGA2 mRNA lacking the let-7 complementary sites of the wild-type mRNA and are associated with the indicated tumors. In its 3'UTR, human HMGA2 has seven let-7 complementary sites, all of which are conserved in the mouse, rat, dog, and chicken." HMGA2 NF2 2007 17322030 Causal 1 126
+ hsa-let-7a 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" reduced let-7 expression is significantly associated with shortened postoperative survival and that overexpression of let-7 results in the inhibition of lung cancer cell growth. unknown NF2 2004 15172979 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Overexpression of let-7 can inhibit lung tumor cell line growth.the expression of the RAS oncogene is regulated by let-7, and RAS is significantly overexpressed in lung tumor samples strongly implicate let-7 as a tumor suppressor in lung tissue and suggests a possible mechanism." RAS NF2 2005 15766527 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Overexpression of let-7 in lung cancer cell lines alters cell cycle progression and reduces cell division.multiple genes involved in cell cycle and cell division functions are also directly or indirectly repressed by let-7. "CDK6, CDC25A" NF2 2007 17699775 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 2691 myoma normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Translocations involving HMGA2 and numerous translocation partners.These translocations generate a truncated HMGA2 mRNA lacking the let-7 complementary sites of the wild-type mRNA and are associated with the indicated tumors. In its 3'UTR, human HMGA2 has seven let-7 complementary sites, all of which are conserved in the mouse, rat, dog, and chicken." HMGA2 NF2 2007 17322030 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A five-microRNA signature (let-7a, miR-221, miR-137, miR-372, and miR-182*) that is associated with survival and cancer relapse in NSCLC patients. This microRNA signature was validated by the testing set and an independent cohort. Patients with high-risk scores in their microRNA signatures had poor overall and disease-free survivals compared to the low-risk-score patients. This microRNA signature is an independent predictor of the cancer relapse and survival of NSCLC patients.promoted invasiveness of lung cancer cell lines." unknown NF2 2008 18167339 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" let-7 Regulates HMGA2 Expression in ovarian cancer (OC) and Predicts Disease Progression. HMGA2 NF2 2007 17600087 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 1115 sarcoma normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Translocations involving HMGA2 and numerous translocation partners.These translocations generate a truncated HMGA2 mRNA lacking the let-7 complementary sites of the wild-type mRNA and are associated with the indicated tumors. In its 3'UTR, human HMGA2 has seven let-7 complementary sites, all of which are conserved in the mouse, rat, dog, and chicken." HMGA2 NF2 2007 17322030 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown NF2 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown NF2 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" let-7a is conserved broadly in many animal species with higher levels in differentiated normal cells and to be decreased in tumoral undifferentiated cells. unknown NF2 2007 17989717 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression of let-7 miRNA in tumour tissues was considerably down-regulated by over 90% in two of
+ the eight patients compared with the expression in adjacent normal tissues from the same patient. unknown NF2 2007 17944059 Unspecified 0 137
+ hsa-let-7a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown NF2 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The expression level of let-7a miRNA in tumors was significantly lower (down-regulation rate over 2-fold) in 14 patients tested. However, in the other 18 patients, no significant difference in let-7a miRNA expression was observed between tumors and normal tissues, and the up- or down-regulation rates were within two-fold." unknown NF2 2007 17569129 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown NF2 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown NF2 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown NF2 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 142
+ hsa-let-7a-1 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7 low-expressing DLD-1 human colon cancer cells were transfected with let-7a-1 precursor miRNA, the cells underwent significant growth suppression. At that time, the levels of RAS and c-myc proteins were lowered after the transfection, whereas the levels of both of their mRNAs remained almost unchanged." "RAS,c-myc" unknown 2006 16651716 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Three of the deregulated miRNAs (miR-221, let-7a-1, and miR-122a) were further assayed by Northern blot and quantitative realtime RT-PCR for validation purposes.Overall, Northern blot analysis revealed that miR-221 was up-regulated in 83% of HCCs when compared with matched cirrhotic tissue, let-7a-1 was down-regulated in 70% of HCCs, and miR-122a resulted down-regulated in 70%"
+ of HCCs. unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified 0 144
+ hsa-let-7a-1 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a-1 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a-2 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miRNAs (miR-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, let-7a-2, miR-145, let-7b, and miR-21) were related to the adenocarcinoma patient��s survival. Patients with high expression of either mir-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, or miR-21 and low expression of either let-7a-2, let-7b, or miR-145 were found to have a significantly worse prognosis." unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a-2 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a-3 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Upregulation of miR-15a,miR-15b, miR-16-1, let-7a-3, let-7c, let-7d, miR-223,miR-342 and miR-107, whereas miR-181b was downregulated in in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients and cell lines during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment." "BCL2, RAS" unknown 2007 17260024 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a-3 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7a-3 methylation was detected in epithelial ovarian cancer, and the expression of let-7a was slightly affected by the methylation, but the effect was not substantial. The methylation of let-7a-3, however, was inversely correlated with IGF-II expression and positively with insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) expression. Patients with methylated let-7a-3 seemed to have reduced risk for death compared with those without, and the association was independent of patient age at surgery, tumor grade, disease stage, and IGF-II or IGFBP-3 expression. No association was found for let-7a-3 methylation and disease progression. These results suggest that the let-7a-3 gene is methylated and the methylation may affect IGF-II expression and the survival of ovarian cancer patients." IGF-II unknown 2007 17974952 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a-3 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The let-7a-3's putative promoter region is heavily methylated by DNMT1 and DNMT3B in normal human tissues, but hypomethylated in lung adenocarcinomas. Let-7a-3��s promoter demethylation induced reactivation of the gene and increased proliferation in a lung cancer cell lines." unknown unknown 2007 17308078 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a-3 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a-3 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a-3 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. Higher expression of miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141, miR-18a, miR-93, and miR-429, and lower expression of ambi-miR-7039, let-7b, and miR-199a were significantly correlated with decreased progression-free survival and overall survival." unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" let-7 reduces the expression of HMGA2 and cell proliferation. HMGA2 "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17437991 Causal
+ hsa-let-7b 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Overexpression of let-7 in lung cancer cell lines alters cell cycle progression and reduces cell division.multiple genes involved in cell cycle and cell division functions are also directly or indirectly repressed by let-7. "CDK6, CDC25A" "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17699775 Causal
+ hsa-let-7b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Immunoblot and immunofluorescence analyses showed that overexpression of let-7b in melanoma cells resulted in significant downregulation of cyclins D1, D3, and Cdk4 protein expression. Downregulation of cyclin A protein expression was less prominent. Moreover, the negative regulatory effect of let-7b on cyclin D1 expression was indeed mediated through binding to 3��UTR of the"
+ "target, as shown by in vitro luciferase assays.let-7b might be an important negative regulator of melanoma cell growth and proliferation via inhibition of cell cycle progression." CCND1 "Lin28,Mtpn" 2008 18379589 Causal 1 159
+ hsa-let-7b 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-128a and -128b are significantly overexpressed, whereas let-7b and miR-223 are significantly downregulated in ALL compared with AML. They are the most discriminatory miRNAs between ALL and AML. Using the expression signatures of a minimum of two of these miRNAs resulted in an accuracy rate of >95% in the diagnosis of ALL and AML." unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-128a and -128b are significantly overexpressed, whereas let-7b and miR-223 are significantly downregulated in ALL compared with AML. They are the most discriminatory miRNAs between ALL and AML. Using the expression signatures of a minimum of two of these miRNAs resulted in an accuracy rate of >95% in the diagnosis of ALL and AML." unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 2893 cervical cancer down-regulated microarray "let-7b, let-7c, miR-23b, miR-196b, and miR-143 showed significantly reduced abundance in cervical cancer cell lines. miR-21 displayed higher abundance in the cancer group." unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17616659 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 769 neuroblastoma (NB) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Positively correlated with MYCN-amplification in tumors in vivo. unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17943719 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 172
+ hsa-let-7b 1909 uveal melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The top six miRNA discriminators ( let-7b, miR-199a,miR-199a*, miR-143, miR-193b, and miR-652) accurately distinguished class 1 (low metastatic risk) from class 2 (high metastatic risk) with 100% sensitivity and specificity." unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2008 18477892 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Upregulation of miR-15a,miR-15b, miR-16-1, let-7a-3, let-7c, let-7d, miR-223,miR-342 and miR-107, whereas miR-181b was downregulated in in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients and cell lines during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment." "BCL2, RAS" unknown 2007 17260024 Causal
+ hsa-let-7c 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Overexpression of let-7 in lung cancer cell lines alters cell cycle progression and reduces cell division.multiple genes involved in cell cycle and cell division functions are also directly or indirectly repressed by let-7. "CDK6, CDC25A" unknown 2007 17699775 Causal
+ hsa-let-7c 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" let-7 Regulates HMGA2 Expression in ovarian cancer (OC) and Predicts Disease Progression. HMGA2 unknown 2007 17600087 Causal
+ hsa-let-7c 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7c, miR-145 and miR-125b target mRNAs whose proteins have been shown to be increased in prostate cancer. " RAS unknown 2007 17891175 Causal
+ hsa-let-7c 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" exogenous Let-7 microRNAs could directly repress
+ the dominant transcript of HMGA2.Let-7 repression of HMGA2 inhibited cellular proliferation. HMGA2 unknown 2008 18403645 Causal 1 178
+ hsa-miR-132 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown RICS/p250GAP 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown RICS/p250GAP 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown RICS/p250GAP 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "In vivo inhibition of miR-133 by a single infusion of an antagomir caused marked and sustained cardiac hypertrophy. We identified specific targets of miR-133: RhoA, a GDP-GTP exchange protein regulating cardiac hypertrophy; Cdc42, a signal transduction kinase implicated in hypertrophy; and Nelf-A/WHSC2, a nuclear factor involved in cardiogenesis." "RhoA, Cdc42, Nelf-A/WHSC2" unknown 2007 17468766 Causal
+ hsa-miR-133a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Down-regulation of miR-1 and miR-133 expression contributes to re-expression of HCN2/HCN4 thereby the electrical remodeling process in hypertrophic hearts. "HCN2, HCN4" unknown 2008 18458081 Causal
+ hsa-miR-133a 3978 cardiomyopathy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Depression of key K+ channel(Ikr) via repression of ERG by miR-133 may contribute to the slowing of myocyte repolarization, and thereby QT prolongation and the associated arrhythmias in diabetic hearts" ERG unknown 2007 17344217 Causal
+ hsa-miR-133a 3978 cardiomyopathy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-1 and miR-133 are involved in regulating cell fate with increased miR-1 and/or decreased miR-133
+ levels favoring apoptosis and decreased miR-1 and/or miR-133 levels favoring survival. Post-transcriptional repression of HSP60 and HSP70 by miR-1 and of caspase-9 by miR-133 contributes significantly to their opposing actions.
+ Casp9 unknown 2007 17715156 Causal 1 192
+ hsa-miR-133a 10944 tongue squamous cell carcinoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Tongue SCC cell lines transfected with miR-133a and miR-133b precursors displayed reduction in proliferation rate. In addition, the number of apoptotic cells was increased in response to the introduction of precursors. Computational target gene prediction suggested that both miR-133a and miR-133b are targeting transcript of pyruvate kinase type M2 (PKM2), a potential oncogene in solid cancers. In tongue SCC cell lines, PKM2 expression was reduced in response to miR-133a and miR-133b precursors transfection. Our results suggested that aberrant reduction of miR-133a and miR-133b was associated with the dysregulation of PKM2 in SCC of tongue." PKM2 unknown 2008 18464261 Causal
+ hsa-miR-133a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133a 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133a 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133a 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression of miR-1 and miR-133 decreased by more than 2.5-fold (P<0.001), whereas expression of miR-96 and miR-183 increased by more than 3-fold (P<0.001) in Pro347Ser retinas, as validated by qPCR." unknown unknown 2007 18034880 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133a 178 vascular disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown unknown 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133b 14330 Parkinson's disease down-regulated microarray miR-133b regulates the maturation and function of midbrain DNs within a negative feedback circuit that includes the paired-like homeodomain transcription factor Pitx3 Pitx3 unknown 2007 17761882 Causal
+ hsa-miR-133b 10944 tongue squamous cell carcinoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Tongue SCC cell lines transfected with miR-133a and miR-133b precursors displayed reduction in proliferation rate. In addition, the number of apoptotic cells was increased in response to the introduction of precursors. Computational target gene prediction suggested that both miR-133a and miR-133b are targeting transcript of pyruvate kinase type M2 (PKM2), a potential oncogene in solid cancers. In tongue SCC cell lines, PKM2 expression was reduced in response to miR-133a and miR-133b precursors transfection. Our results suggested that aberrant reduction of miR-133a and miR-133b was associated with the dysregulation of PKM2 in SCC of tongue." PKM2 unknown 2008 18464261 Causal
+ hsa-miR-133b 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133b 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133b 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133b 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133b 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133b 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in the various histological subtypes of germ cell tumour (GCT) (TE = teratoma; SE = seminoma; EC = embryonal carcinoma). unknown unknown 2007 17893849 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-134 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-134 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD9 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-134 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-134 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-134 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-134 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-134 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-135a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-135b 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-135b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-136 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown Rtl1/Peg11 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-136 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown Rtl1/Peg11 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-136 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown Rtl1/Peg11 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-137 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "microRNA-124 and microRNA-137 induce differentiation of adult mouse neural stem cells, mouse oligodendroglioma-derived stem cells and human glioblastoma multiformederived stem cells and induce glioblastoma multiforme cell cycle arrest. These results suggest that targeted delivery of microRNA-124 and/or microRNA-137 to glioblastoma multiforme tumor cells may be therapeutically efficacious for the treatment of this disease.miR-124 and miR-137 inhibit CDK6 expression and phosphorylated retinoblastoma levels in GBM cells." CDK6 unknown 2008 18577219 Causal
+ hsa-miR-137 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A five-microRNA signature (let-7a, miR-221, miR-137, miR-372, and miR-182*) that is associated with survival and cancer relapse in NSCLC patients. This microRNA signature was validated by the testing set and an independent cohort. Patients with high-risk scores in their microRNA signatures had poor overall and disease-free survivals compared to the low-risk-score patients. This microRNA signature is an independent predictor of the cancer relapse and survival of NSCLC patients.promoted invasiveness of lung cancer cell lines." unknown unknown 2008 18167339 Causal
+ hsa-miR-137 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" the ectopic transfection of miR-137 or miR-193a into OSCC lines lacking their expressions significantly
+ "reduced cell growth, with down-regulation of the translation of cyclin-dependent kinase 6 or E2F transcription factor"
+ "6, respectively. Taken together, our results clearly show that miR-137 and miR-193a are tumor suppressor miRNAs epigenetically"
+ silenced during oral carcinogenesis. CDK6 unknown 2008 18381414 Causal 1 222
+ hsa-miR-137 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-137 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-138 7012 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-138 was significantly downregulated in ATC cell lines in comparison with papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC)(P<0.01).Overexpression of miR-138 induced a reduction in human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) protein expression. hTERT unknown 2008 18201269 Causal
+ hsa-miR-138 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-138-1 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-138-1 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-138-2 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-206 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We show for the first time that miR-206 expression is markedly decreased in ERalpha-positive human breast cancer tissues assayed by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR analysis. Moreover, we observe that miR-206 expression is inversely correlated with ERalpha but not ERbeta mRNA expression in breast cancer tissues. Transfection experiments revealed that introduction of miR-206 into estrogen-dependent MCF-7 breast cancer cells inhibits cell growth in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Our results suggest that miR-206 could be a novel candidate for endocrine therapy that targets only ERalpha in breast cancer."
+ ER-alpha "Fstl1,GJA1,Utrn" 2008 18593897 Causal 1 230
+ hsa-miR-206 5419 schizophrenia normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Eighteen known SNPs within or near brain-expressed miRNAs in three samples (Danish, Swedish and Norwegian: 420/163/257 schizophrenia patients and 1006/177/293 control subjects), were analyzed. Subsequently, joint analysis of the three samples was performed on SNPs showing marginal association. Two SNPs rs17578796 and rs1700 in hsa-mir-206 (mir-206) and hsa-mit-198 (mir-198) showed nominal significant allelic association to schizophrenia in the Danish and Norwegian sample respectively (P = 0.0021 & p = 0.038), of which only rs17578796 was significant in the joint sample. In-silico analysis revealed that 8 of the 15 genes predicted to be regulated by both mir-206 and mir-198, are transcriptional targets or interaction partners of the JUN, ATF2 and TAF1 connected in a tight network. JUN and two of the miRNA targets (CCND2 and PTPN1) in the network have previously been associated with schizophrenia." unknown "Fstl1,GJA1,Utrn" 2008 17849003 Causal
+ hsa-miR-206 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown "Fstl1,GJA1,Utrn" 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-206 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown "Fstl1,GJA1,Utrn" 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-207 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" metastasis-related miRNA unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-208 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A cardiac-specific microRNA (miR-208) encoded by an intron of the aMHC gene is required for cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, fibrosis, and expression of bMHC in response to stress and hypothyroidism." THRAP1 unknown 2007 17379774 Causal
+ hsa-miR-20a 8552 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" cotransfection of the miR-17-5p and miR-20a antisense oligonucleotides
+ "(antagomir-17-5p and antagomiR-20a),increases normalized luciferase activity. luciferase activity is enhanced in K562 cells with RNAi-reduced c-myc expression and can be further increased by antagomir-17-5p or antagomir-20a." unknown TGFBR2 2007 17284533 Causal 1 237
+ hsa-miR-20a 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "frequent and marked overexpression, with occasional gene amplification, of clustered miRNAs (miR-17-92) within intron 3 of the C13orf 25 gene at 13q31.3 in lung cancers, especially examples with small-cell lung cancer histology.The authors further showed the stimulatory activity of this miRNA cluster in lung cancer cell growth." unknown TGFBR2 2005 16266980 Causal
+ hsa-miR-20a 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Inhibition of miR-17-5p and miR-20a with antisense oligonucleotides (ONs) can induce apoptosis selectively in lung cancer cells overexpressing miR-17-92. unknown TGFBR2 2007 17384677 Causal
+ hsa-miR-20a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown TGFBR2 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown TGFBR2 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression patterns for these 5 microRNAs(miR-20a, miR-21, miR-106a, miR-181b, and miR-203) distinguish tumor vs paired nontumor status with 96% or 98% accuracy based on 3 nearest neighbors or nearest centroid algorithms, respectively (10-fold cross validation, repeated 100 times)." unknown TGFBR2 2008 18230780 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The degree of tumor differentiation was inversely related to the expression levels of this miRNA. unknown TGFBR2 2006 16331254 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown TGFBR2 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 353 malignant lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "six mature miRNAs (miR-17-5p, miR-17-3p, miR-19a, miR-19b, miR-20 and miR-92-1) in the cell lines with a 13q31 gain/amplification displays overexpression significantly higher than in those without." unknown TGFBR2 2005 16167061 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown TGFBR2 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown TGFBR2 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown TGFBR2 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 9088 psoriasis up-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown TGFBR2 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown TGFBR2 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20b 715 T-cell leukemia up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The authors conclude that, in addition to miR-106a, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, and miR-92-2 overexpression in tumors, their capacity to induce anchorage independence growth strongly supports an oncogenic"
+ "potential for those miRNAs. they also conclude that Mylip and Rbp1-like are true targets of the miR-106-363 cluster(miR-106a, miR-18b, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, miR-92-2, and miR-363). More specifically, Rbp1-like seemed only targeted by miR-106a/miR-20b, whereas Mylip could be targeted by the four miRNAs(miR-106a, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, and miR-92-2) with miR-106a/miR-20b being more efficient." "Mylip, Rbp1-like" unknown 2006 17575136 Causal 1 251
+ hsa-miR-20b 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Tumors with high expression of miR-21 was associated with poor survival outcome and poor response to adjuvant chemotherapy in 2 independent cohorts, independent of staging and other clinical covariates suggesting that miR-21 may be a useful diagnostic biomarker for colon adenocarcinomas"
+ and survival prognosis including response to therapy. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18230780 Unspecified 2 253
+ hsa-miR-21 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression of miR-21 was an independent prognostic indicator in de novo DLBCL (p<0.05).Identified microRNAs(miR-155, miR-21 and miR-221) that were more highly expressed in ABC-type than GCB-type cell lines. These microRNAs were over-expressed in de novo DLBCL (n=35), transformed DLBCL"
+ (n=14) and follicular center lymphoma cases (n=27) compared to normal B cells. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17487835 Unspecified 2 254
+ hsa-miR-21 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Whether microRNAs have diagnostic utility by comparing levels of tumour-associated miR-155, miR-210 and miR-21 in serum from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients (n=60) with healthy controls (n=43). Levels were higher in patient than control sera (P=0.009, 0.02 and 0.04 respectively). Moreover, high miR-21 expression was associated with relapse-free survival (P=0.05)." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18318758 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miRNAs (miR-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, let-7a-2, miR-145, let-7b, and miR-21) were related to the adenocarcinoma patient's survival. Patients with high expression of either miR-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, or miR-21 and low expression of either let-7a-2, let-7b, or miR-145 were found to have a significantly worse prognosis." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Although miR-21 expression did not correlate with tumor size, differentiation, nodal status, or T stage, strong miR-21 expression was predictive of poorer outcome compared to absent or faint/focal miR-21 expression in patients with node-negative disease (median 27.7 months vs. 15.2, p=0.037). Nodal status was also predictive of survival (p=0.029). MicroRNA-21 is significantly overexpressed in pancreatic cancers as detected by in situ hybridization. Its strong expression predicts limited survival in patients with node-negative disease and may be an important biologic marker for outcome." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18642050 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Transfected breast cancer MCF-7 cells with anti-miR-21 oligonucleotides and found that anti-miR-21 suppressed both cell growth in vitro and tumor growth in the xenograft mouse model. BCL2 "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17072344 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Down-regulation of TPM1 by mir-21 may explain, at least in part, why suppression of mir-21 can inhibit tumor growth, further supporting the notion that mir-21 functions as an oncogene." TPM1 "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17363372 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Inhibition of mir-21 in MCF-7 breast cancer cells causes reduced cell growth.the tumor suppressor
+ protein Programmed Cell Death 4 (PDCD4) is regulated by miR-21. PDCD4 "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17991735 Causal 1 260
+ hsa-miR-21 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Suppression of mir-21 in metastatic breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells significantly reduces
+ "invasion and lung metastasis. Consistent with this, ectopic expression of TPM1 remarkably reduced cell invasion. Furthermore, miR-21 targets direactly programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) and maspin, both of which have been implicated in invasion and metastasis." "PDCD4, TPM1, maspin" "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18270520 Causal 1 261
+ hsa-miR-21 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The translation of the tumor suppressor gene PDCD4 is negatively regulated by the miRNA miR-21 in HEK-293T, MCF-7 and JB6 cell lines, and provides evidence that the mir-21 gene functions as an oncogene to promote cell transformation.Reduced PDCD4 expression"
+ "has been reported in at least six human tumor types or cancer cell lines (lung, brain, renal, breast, colon and pancreas),indicating that mir-21/PDCD4 is likely to be a clinically significant oncogene:tumor suppressor pair in the induction and progression of human carcinomas." PDCD4 "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18372920 Causal 1 262
+ hsa-miR-21 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "2'OMe-miR-21 decreased miR-21 levels and inhibited myocyte hypertrophy stimulated by either Ang II or PE as shown by the decreased cell size and leucine incorporation. In contrast, control oligos (2'OMe-EGFP) had no effect on miR-21 expression and cell hypertrophy." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17525252 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 4947 cholangiocarcinoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-21 directly alters PTEN expression and modulates gemcitabine-induced apoptosis by activating PI 3 kinase-signaling pathways.
+ PTEN "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16762633 Causal 1 264
+ hsa-miR-21 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A bioinformatics search revealed a conserved target-site for miR-21 within the Pdcd4-3'-UTR at 228-249 nt. In 10 colorectal cell lines, an inverse correlation of miR-21 and Pdcd4-protein was observed. Transfection of Colo206f-cells with miR-21 significantly suppressed a luciferase-reporter containing the Pdcd4-3'-UTR, whereas transfection of RKO with anti-miR-21 increased activity of this construct. This was abolished when a construct mutated at the miR-21/nt228-249 target site was used instead. Anti-miR-21-transfected RKO cells showed an increase of Pdcd4-protein and reduced invasion. Moreover, these cells showed reduced intra-vasation and lung metastasis in a chicken-embryo-metastasis assay. In contrast, overexpression of miR-21 in Colo206f significantly reduced Pdcd4-protein amounts and increased invasion, while Pdcd4-mRNA was unaltered. Resected normal/tumor tissues of 22 colorectal cancer patients demonstrated an inverse correlation between miR-21 and Pdcd4-protein. This is the first study to show that Pdcd4 is negatively regulated by miR-21. Furthermore, it is the first report to demonstrate that miR-21 induces invasion/intravasation/metastasis." PDCD4 "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 17968323 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 3471 Cowden Syndrome up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differential expression of PTEN-targeting miR-19a and miR-21 modulates the PTEN protein levels and the CS phenotype, irrespective of the patient��s mutation status, and support their roles"
+ as genetic modifiers in CS. PTEN "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18460397 Causal 1 266
+ hsa-miR-21 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Knockdown of miR-21 in cultured glioblastoma cells triggers activation of caspases and leads to increased apoptotic cell death. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2005 16024602 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant expression of miR-21 can contribute to HCC growth and spread by modulating PTEN expression and PTEN-dependent pathways involved in mediating phenotypic characteristics of cancer cells such as cell growth, migration, and invasion." PTEN "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17681183 Causal
+ hsa-miR-151 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-151 9261 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs differentially expressed between normal and NPC tumor tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18390668 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-151 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-151* 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-151* 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-152 2841 asthma normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " +3142C/G influences miRNA targeting of HLA-G and is associated with risk of asthma.Interestingly,"
+ "the three miRNA genes are located at regions that have been linked to asthma or IgE: 7p15(miR-148a), 12q13(miR-148b), and 17q21(miR-152), raising the possibility that variation in the miRNA genes themselves might contribute to asthma risk, perhaps by interacting with HLA-G." HLA-G unknown 2007 17847008 Causal 1 1654
+ hsa-miR-152 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation leads to miRNA gene inactivation in human breast cancer. Aberrant hypermethylation was shown for mir-9-1, mir-124a-3, mir-148, mir-152, and mir-663 in 34-86% of cases in a series of 71 primary human breast cancer specimens.miRNA gene hypermethylation correlated strongly with methylation of known tumour suppressor genes (p = 0.003)." unknown unknown 2007 17948228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-152 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation was shown for miR-9-1, miR-124a-3, miR-148, miR-152, and miR-663 in 34-86% of cases in a series of 71 primary human breast cancer specimens. miRNA gene hypermethylation correlated strongly with methylation of known tumour suppressor genes (p = 0.003). " unknown unknown 2007 18314617 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-152 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-153 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD13 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-153 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD14 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The overexpression of miR-21 is strongly associated with both a high Ki67 proliferation index and presence of liver metastasis. PDCD4 "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16966691 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 178 vascular disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis.Downregulation of overexpressed miR-21 decreases neointima formation in rat carotid artery after angioplasty.Inhibition of miR-21 decreases proliferation of cultured VSMCs.Inhibition of miR-21 increases apoptosis of cultured VSMCs. "PTEN, BCL2" "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17478730 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-18b and miR-21 regulate cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17498736 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 2893 cervical cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7b, let-7c, miR-23b, miR-196b, and miR-143 showed significantly reduced abundance in cervical cancer cell lines. miR-21 displayed higher abundance in the cancer group." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17616659 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-21 in CLL is on average 3.8-fold with a maximum of 10-fold compared to normal CD19 cells. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17327404 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of analyzed miRNAs significantly differed among tumors and adjacent non-tumor tissues: miR-21 (p = 0.0001) and miR-31 (p = 0.0006) were upregulated, and miR-143 (p = 0.011) and miR-145 (p = 0.003) were downregulated in tumors." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 18196926 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 1107 esophageal cancer up-regulated microarray Both hsa-miR-203 and hsa-miR-205 were expressed 2- to 10-fold lower in squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinomas than in normal epithelium. The hsa-miR-21 expression was 3- to 5-fold higher in both tumors than in normal epithelium. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18242245 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-21 was overexpressed in 92% (34/37) of the gastric cancer samples examined. However, the patients with higher miR-21 expression did not have a worse prognosis. miR-21 could serve as an efficient diagnostic marker for gastric cancer, but does not affect the clinical prognosis of gastric cancer patients."
+ unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18507035 Unspecified 0 289
+ hsa-miR-21 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 2627 glioma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Pretreatment of glioma cells with locked nucleic acid (LNA)-antimiR-21 molecules leads to synergistic antitumor efficacy both in vitro and in vivo. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17908999 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 2627 glioma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We demonstrate that miR-21 regulates multiple genes associated with glioma cell apoptosis, migration, and invasiveness, including RECK and TIMP3, suppressors of malignancy and inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Our data suggest that miR-21 contributes to the glioma malignancy by down-regulation of MMP inhibitors that leads to activation of MMPs thus promoting invasiveness of cancer cells. Our results also indicate that inhibition of a single oncomir like miR-21 with specific antisense molecules can provide a novel therapeutic approach for ""physiological"" modulation of multiple proteins whose expression is de-regulated in cancer."
+ "RECK, TIMP3" "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18591254 Causal 1 293
+ hsa-miR-21 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 9088 psoriasis up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-21 was significantly up-regulated both in psoriasis (p<0.001) and atopic eczema (p<0.001) as compared with healthy skin. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five up-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs). unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2007 17243163 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) validation of microarray. Realtime
+ "semiquantitative RT-PCR of five different microRNA species (miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, miR-139, and miR-323) across ten subjects. miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, and miR-323 were overexpressed in leiomyoma in the ten pairs tested and miR-139 was underexpressed, consistent with the microarray results." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 17765232 Unspecified 0 311
+ hsa-miR-210 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-210 overexpression is induced by hypoxia in a hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) -1alpha- and von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-dependent fashion and its expression levels in breast cancer samples are an independent prognostic factor unknown unknown 2008 18316553 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Whether microRNAs have diagnostic utility by comparing levels of tumour-associated miR-155, miR-210 and miR-21 in serum from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients (n=60) with healthy controls (n=43). Levels were higher in patient than control sera (P=0.009, 0.02 and 0.04 respectively). Moreover, high miR-21 expression was associated with relapse-free survival (P=0.05)." unknown unknown 2008 18318758 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL.A classification tree was"
+ "computed using four miRNAs (miR-330, miR-17-5p, miR-106a and miR-210) to correctly identify 98% of all 111 cases that were analysed in this study." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified 0 319
+ hsa-miR-210 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold).A classification tree was computed using four miRNAs (miR-330, miR-17-5p, miR-106a and miR-210) to correctly identify 98% of all 111 cases that were analysed in this study." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 331
+ hsa-miR-211 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-211 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 9454 alcoholic liver disease (ALD) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" EtOH induces miR-212 over-expression which causes gut leakiness by down-regulating ZO-1 translation. ZO-1 unknown 2008 18162065 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 9261 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs differentially expressed between normal and NPC tumor tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18390668 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-212 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five down-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs). unknown unknown 2007 17243163 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-213 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD23 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-213 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-213 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold)." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-213 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-213 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-213 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-214 induces cell survival and cisplatin resistance through targeting the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of the PTEN, which leads to down-regulation of PTEN protein and activation of Akt pathway. Inhibition of Akt using Akt inhibitor, API-2/triciribine, or introduction of PTEN cDNA lacking 3'-UTR largely abrogates miR-214-induced cell survival." PTEN unknown 2008 18199536 Causal
+ hsa-miR-214 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 6000 heart failure up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Northern blot analysis of the hypertrophy-regulated miRNAs in idiopathic end-stage failing human hearts showed increased expression of miR-24, miR-125b, miR-195, miR-199a, and miR-214." unknown unknown 2006 17108080 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-214 178 vascular disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown unknown 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-215 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-215 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-215 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-215 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-216 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-216 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-216 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-216 9261 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs differentially expressed between normal and NPC tumor tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18390668 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-216 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) down-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. miR-216 and miR-217 were found to be essentially specific to pancreas.
+ unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified 0 380
+ hsa-miR-217 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD24 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-217 9261 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs differentially expressed between normal and NPC tumor tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18390668 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-217 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. miR-216 and miR-217 were found to be essentially specific to pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-218 2893 cervical cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "microRNA-218 (miR-218) was specifically underexpressed in HPV-positive cell lines, cervical lesions and cancer tissues containing HPV-16 DNA compared to both C-33A and the normal cervix.Expression of the E6 oncogene of high-risk HPV-16, but not that of low-risk HPV-6, reduced miR-218 expression, and conversely, RNA interference of E6/E7 oncogenes in an HPV-16-positive cell line increased miR-218 expression. We also demonstrate that the epithelial cell-specific marker LAMB3 is a target of miR-218. We also show that LAMB3 expression is increased in the presence of the HPV-16 E6 oncogene and this effect is mediated through miR-218. " LAMB3 unknown 2008 17998940 Causal
+ hsa-miR-218 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-218-2 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-219 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-219-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-219-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-219-1 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-219-1 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-22 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-22 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-22 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-22 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-22 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Significant change in micro-RNA abundance in the hippocampal region of fetal, adult and Alzheimer's disease brain." unknown unknown 2007 17314675 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-16 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Levels of miR-16 was decreased in NZB lymphoid tissue. Exogenous miR-16 delivered to an NZB malignant B-1 cell line resulted in cellcycle alterations and increased apoptosis. BCL2 "BCL2,CGI-38" 2007 17351108 Causal
+ hsa-miR-16 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "In vitro drug sensitivity assay demonstrated that overexpression of miR-15b or miR-16 sensitized SGC7901/VCR cells to anticancer drugs whereas inhibition of them using antisense oligonucleotides conferred SGC7901 cells MDR. The downregulation of miR-15b and miR-16 in SGC7901/VCR cells was concurrent with the upregulation of Bcl-2 protein. Enforced mir-15b or miR-16 expression reduced Bcl-2 protein level and the luciferase activity of a BCL2 3' untranslated region-based reporter construct in SGC7901/VCR cells, suggesting that BCL2 is a direct target of miR-15b and miR-16. Moreover, overexpression of miR-15b or miR-16 could sensitize SGC7901/VCR cells to VCR-induced apoptosis. " BCL2 "BCL2,CGI-38" 2008 18449891 Causal
+ hsa-miR-16 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown "BCL2,CGI-38" 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 400
+ hsa-miR-16 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown "BCL2,CGI-38" 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-16-1 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-16-1 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Upregulation of miR-15a,miR-15b, miR-16-1, let-7a-3, let-7c, let-7d, miR-223,miR-342 and miR-107, whereas miR-181b was downregulated in in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients and cell lines during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment." "BCL2, RAS" unknown 2007 17260024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-16-1 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Both miR-15a and miR-16-1 recognize target sites on the 3'UTR of BCL2, an anti-apoptotic"
+ oncogene. These miRNAs control the level of BCL2 in normal cells but the expression of the
+ oncogene is increased when the miRNAs are deleted leading to CLL. BCL2 unknown 2005 16166262 Causal 1 404
+ hsa-miR-16-1 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-15a and miR-16-1, both microRNAs negatively regulate BCL2 at a post-transcriptional level and BCL2 repression induces apoptosis in MEG-01 chronic leukemia cell line and reduced in-vivo tumorigenicity." BCL2 unknown 2007 17707831 Causal
+ hsa-miR-16-1 353 mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Truncated CCND1 mRNA expression leads to increased total CCND1 mRNA, increased CCND1 protein expression, and increased S phase fraction in MCL cell lines. This truncation deletes miR-16-1 binding sites within the CCND1 mRNA 3'UTR and alters miRNA regulation of MCL." CCND1 unknown 2008 18483394 Causal
+ hsa-miR-16-1 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-15a and miR-16-1 are expressed at lower levels in pituitary adenomas as compared to normal pituitary tissue. Moreover, their expression inversely correlates with tumor diameter and with RARS expression (P<0.05), but directly correlates with p43 secretion (P<0.02)." RAS unknown 2005 15648093 Causal
+ hsa-miR-16-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-16-2 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-164 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-170 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-172a-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-3p 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray "miRNAs (miR-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, let-7a-2, miR-145, let-7b, and miR-21) were related to the adenocarcinoma patient��s survival. Patients with high expression of either hsamir-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, or miR-21 and low expression of either let-7a-2, let-7b, or miR-145 were found to have a significantly worse prognosis." unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-3p 7012 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "MiRNAs in a miR-17-92 cluster were overexpressed in ARO cells. We confirmed the overexpression of those miRNAs by Northern blot analysis in ARO and FRO cells. In 3 of 6 clinical ATC samples, miR-17-3p and miR-17-5p were robustly overexpressed in cancer lesions compared to adjacent normal tissue. To investigate the functional role of these miRNAs in ATC cells, ARO and FRO cells were transfected with miRNA inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotides containing locked nucleic acids. Suppression of miR-17-3p caused complete growth arrest, presumably due to caspase activation resulting in apoptosis. MiR-17-5p or miR-19a inhibitor also induced strong growth reduction, but only miR-17-5p inhibitor led to cellular senescence. On the other hand, miR-18a inhibitor only moderately attenuated the cell growth. Thus, we have clarified functional differences among the members of the cluster in ATC cells. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the miR-17-92 cluster plays an important role in certain types of ATCs and could be a novel target for ATC treatment." unknown unknown 2008 18429962 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-3p 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "frequent and marked overexpression, with occasional gene amplification, of clustered miRNAs (miR-17-92) within intron 3 of the C13orf 25 gene at 13q31.3 in lung cancers, especially examples with small-cell lung cancer histology.The authors further showed the stimulatory activity of this miRNA cluster in lung cancer cell growth." unknown unknown 2005 16266980 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-3p 353 MYC-rearranged lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Myc can upregulate the miR-17 cluster by binding directly upstream of the miR-17 locus.Deregulation of the miR-17 polycistron can be assumed to contribute to aggressive cancer development by repressing tumor suppressor genes.T��RII is the direct downstream target of the miR-17 polycistron. T��RII unknown 2007 17608773 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-3p 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-3p 353 malignant lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "six mature miRNAs (miR-17-5p, miR-17-3p, miR-19a, miR-19b, miR-20 and miR-92-1) in the cell lines with a 13q31 gain/amplification displayed overexpression significantly higher than in those without." unknown unknown 2005 16167061 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-409-3p 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-409-3p 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-409-3p 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-409-3p 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-419 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All eight miRNAs located in chromosome 14 cluster at Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain(mir-337, mir-432, mir-495,mir-368, mir-376a, mir-376b, mir-377, and mir-419) were expressed in all four IOSE, but in no EOC cell line, which were silenced by epigenetic alterations in EOC. Down-regulation of miRNAs located at Dlk1-Gtl2 domain is associated with higher tumor proliferation and shorter patient survival, suggesting that miRNAs in this cluster function as tumor suppressor genes. " unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Causal
+ hsa-miR-422a 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-422b 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-423 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-423 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-423 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-424 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-424 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-424 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-424 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-424 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-424 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-429 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All five members of the microRNA-200 family (miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141 and miR-429) and miR-205 were markedly downregulated in cells that had undergone EMT in response to transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta or to ectopic expression of the protein tyrosine phosphatase Pez. Enforced expression of the miR-200 family alone was sufficient to prevent TGF-beta-induced EMT. Together, these microRNAs cooperatively regulate expression of the E-cadherin transcriptional repressors ZEB1 (also known as deltaEF1) and SIP1 (also known as ZEB2), factors previously implicated in EMT and tumour metastasis. Inhibition of the microRNAs was sufficient to induce EMT in a process requiring upregulation of ZEB1 and/or SIP1. Conversely, ectopic expression of these microRNAs in mesenchymal cells initiated mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET). Consistent with their role in regulating EMT, expression of these microRNAs was found to be lost in invasive breast cancer cell lines with mesenchymal phenotype. Expression of the miR-200 family was also lost in regions of metaplastic breast cancer specimens lacking E-cadherin. These data suggest that downregulation of the microRNAs may be an important step in tumour progression."
+ "ZEB1(deltaEF1), SIP1(ZEB2)" unknown 2008 18376396 Causal 1 435
+ hsa-miR-429 -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The miR-200 family is composed of five members arranged as two clusters, miR-200a/200b/429 and"
+ miR-200c/141.Ectopic expression of the miR-200 family in 4TO7 carcinoma cells caused a rapid and
+ significant decrease in ZEB1 and ZEB2 levels.Over-expressing the miR-200 family in 4TO7 cells
+ "induced a dramatic morphological change from a spindle-like, mesenchymal phenotype towards a"
+ "more pronounced epithelial phenotype with formation of adheren junctions. Furthermore, overexpression of miR-200 significantly inhibits growth factor-induced directional migration, a hallmark of metastatic cancer cells.This suggests that ectopic expression of the miR-200 family can"
+ promote the mesenchymal-epithelial transition and reduce tumor cell migration. "ZEB1, ZEB2" unknown 2008 18411277 Causal 1 436
+ hsa-miR-431 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown Rtl1/Peg11 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-432 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All eight miRNAs located in chromosome 14 cluster at Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain(mir-337, mir-432, mir-495,mir-368, mir-376a, mir-376b, mir-377, and mir-419) were expressed in all four IOSE, but in no EOC cell line, which were silenced by epigenetic alterations in EOC. Down-regulation of miRNAs located at Dlk1-Gtl2 domain is associated with higher tumor proliferation and shorter patient survival, suggesting that miRNAs in this cluster function as tumor suppressor genes. " unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Causal
+ hsa-miR-432 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-432 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-432 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-432 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-432 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-432* 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-451 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We for the first time show that DOX-resistant MCF-7 cells (MCF-7/DOX) exhibit a considerable dysregulation of the miRNAome profile and altered expression of miRNA processing enzymes Dicer and Argonaute 2. Furthermore, we show that microRNA-451 regulates the expression of multidrug resistance 1 gene. More importantly, transfection of the MCF-7/DOX-resistant cells with microRNA-451 resulted in the increased sensitivity of cells to DOX, indicating that correction of altered expression of miRNA may have significant implications for therapeutic strategies aiming to overcome cancer cell resistance. " unknown unknown 2008 18645025 Causal
+ hsa-miR-451 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-451 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-451 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-451 10923 homozygous sickle cell disease (HbSS) up-regulated microarray "Several microRNAs (miR-320, let-7s, miR-181, miR-141) were over-represented in the HbAA erythrocytes, while other microRNAs (miR-29a, miR-144, miR-451, miR-140) were overrepresented in the HbSS erythrocytes." unknown unknown 2008 18523662 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-451 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-451 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-452 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-452 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-452 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-452 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-483 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-483 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-484 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-485-5p 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-486 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-486 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-486 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-487b 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-487b 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-487b 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-487b 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-487b 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-487b 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-491 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 469
+ hsa-miR-493-3p 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-493-3p 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-493-3p 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-493-5p 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-494 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-494 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-494 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-495 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All eight miRNAs located in chromosome 14 cluster at Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain(mir-337, mir-432, mir-495,mir-368, mir-376a, mir-376b, mir-377, and mir-419) were expressed in all four IOSE, but in no EOC cell line, which were silenced by epigenetic alterations in EOC. Down-regulation of miRNAs located at Dlk1-Gtl2 domain is associated with higher tumor proliferation and shorter patient survival, suggesting that miRNAs in this cluster function as tumor suppressor genes. " unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Causal
+ hsa-miR-495 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-495 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-495 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-495 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-495 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-497 13315 chronic pancreatitis down-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-497 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 484
+ hsa-miR-498 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-498 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-498 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 487
+ hsa-miR-498 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-5 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-5 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-501 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-501 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-501 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-501 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-503 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 495
+ hsa-miR-508 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-510 9778 diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D) normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The novel HTR3E 3'UTR variant c.*76G>A (rs62625044) was associated with female IBS-D (P=0.033, OR=8.53). This association was confirmed in a replication study including 119 IBS-D patients and 195 controls from Germany (P=0.0046, OR=4.92). Pooled analysis resulted in a highly significant association of c.*76G>A with female IBS-D (P=0.0002, OR=5.39). In a reporter assay, c.*76G>A affected binding of miR-510 to the HTR3E 3'UTR and caused elevated luciferase expression. HTR3E and miR-510 co-localize in enterocytes of the gut epithelium as shown by in situ hybridization and RT-PCR. This is the first example indicating microRNA related expression regulation of a serotonin receptor gene with a cis-regulatory variant affecting this regulation and appearing to be associated with female IBS-D." HTR3E unknown 2008 18614545 Causal
+ hsa-miR-511 10652 Alzheimer's disease up-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-513 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 499
+ hsa-miR-515-3p 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-516-5p 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-518a-2* 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-518a-2* 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-518b 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-519a 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-519d 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-520c 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-373 and miR-520c stimulated cancer cell migration and invasion in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, the migration phenotype of miR-373 and miR-520c can be explained by suppression of CD44. We found significant upregulation of miR-373 in clinical breast cancer metastasis samples that correlated inversely with CD44 expression." CD44 unknown 2008 18193036 Causal
+ hsa-miR-524* 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-524* 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-525* 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-539 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-542-3p 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-542-3p 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-542-5p 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-550 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-551a 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-563 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-565 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-572 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-572 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-582 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-594 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-594 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-598 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-605 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-608 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-611 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-622 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-627 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-628 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-635 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-637 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-637 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-642 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-648 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-652 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-652 1909 uveal melanoma up-regulated microarray "The top six miRNA discriminators ( let-7b, miR-199a,miR-199a*, miR-143, miR-193b, and miR-652) accurately distinguished class 1 (low metastatic risk) from class 2 (high metastatic risk) with 100% sensitivity and specificity." unknown unknown 2008 18477892 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-657 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-662 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-663 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation leads to miRNA gene inactivation in human breast cancer. Aberrant hypermethylation was shown for mir-9-1, mir-124a-3, mir-148, mir-152, and mir-663 in 34-86% of cases in a series of 71 primary human breast cancer specimens.miRNA gene hypermethylation correlated strongly with methylation of known tumour suppressor genes (p = 0.003)." unknown unknown 2007 17948228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-663 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation was shown for miR-9-1, miR-124a-3, miR-148, miR-152, and miR-663 in 34-86% of cases in a series of 71 primary human breast cancer specimens. miRNA gene hypermethylation correlated strongly with methylation of known tumour suppressor genes (p = 0.003). " unknown unknown 2007 18314617 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-663 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-7 potently suppressed epidermal growth factor receptor expression, and furthermore it independently inhibited the Akt pathwayvia targeting upstream regulators. miR-7 expression was down-regulated in glioblastoma versus surrounding brain, with a mechanism involving impaired processing. Importantly, transfection with miR-7 decreased viabilityand invasiveness of primary glioblastoma lines.This studyestablishes miR-7 as a regulator of major cancer pathways and suggests that it has therapeutic potential for glioblastoma." EGFR unknown 2008 18483236 Causal
+ hsa-miR-7 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7-1 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7-2 4451 kidney cancer up-regulated microarray "A set of 4 human micro-RNAs (miR-28, miR-185, miR-27, and let-7f-2) were found significantly up-regulated in renal cell carcinoma (P<0.05) compared to normal kidney." unknown unknown 2007 17826655 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7-3 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in chronic pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7-3 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7-3 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-802 14250 Down syndrome (DS) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Bioinformatic analyses demonstrate that human chromosome 21(Hsa21) harbors five miRNA genes; miR-99a, let-7c, miR-125b-2, miR-155, and miR-802. MiRNA expression profiling, miRNA RT-PCR, and miRNA in situ hybridization experiments demonstrate that these miRNAs are overexpressed in fetal brain and heart specimens from individuals with DS when compared with age- and sex-matched controls." unknown unknown 2008 18387358 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 8567 Hodgkin's lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-9 and let-7a functionally targeted specific binding sites in the 3' untranslated region of PRDM1/blimp-1 mRNA and repressed luciferase reporter activities through repression of translation. Similar to their in vitro counterparts, the majority of HRS cells in primary Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) cases showed weak or no PRDM1/Blimp-1 expression. Over-expression of miR-9 or let-7a reduced PRDM1/Blimp-1 levels in U266 cells by 30% to 50%, whereas simultaneous inhibition of their activities in L428 cells resulted in an approximately 2.6-fold induction in PRDM1/Blimp-1. MiRNA-mediated down-regulation of PRDM1/Blimp-1 may contribute to the phenotype maintenance and pathogenesis of HRS cells by interfering with normal B-cell terminal differentiation, thus representing a novel molecular lesion, as well as a potential therapeutic target in HL." PRDM1/Blimp-1 unknown 2008 18583325 Causal
+ hsa-miR-9 14667 metabolic disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-9 affects insulin release by decreasing the expression of one cut domain family member 2
+ (transcription factor ONECUT-2) and causing a rise in levels of synaptotagmin-like protein 4 (SYTL4; also known as granuphilin), a major controller of cell secretion." "ONECUT-2,SYTL4" unknown
+ 2006 16831872 Causal
+ hsa-miR-9 6708 recurrent ovarian cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Target prediction analysis for the above miRNA ""recurrent metastatic signature"" identified genes previously validated in our transcriptome study. Common biological pathways well characterised in ovarian cancer were shared by miR-9 and miR-223 lists of predicted target genes. We provide strong evidence that miR-9 acts as a putative tumour suppressor gene in recurrent ovarian cancer. Based on integrated transcriptome and miRNA analysis, miR-9 and miR-223 can be of potential importance as biomarkers in recurrent ovarian cancer."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18442408 Causal
+ hsa-miR-9 10652 Alzheimer's disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Significant change in micro-RNA abundance in the hippocampal region of fetal, adult and Alzheimer's disease brain." unknown unknown 2007 17314675 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold)." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 769 neuroblastoma (NB) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Three neuronal miRNAs (9,125a,and 125b) act in an additive manner by repressing a common target, the truncated isoform of the neurotrophin receptor tropomyosin-related kinase C, to control human neuroblastoma cell proliferation." unknown unknown 2007 17483472 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated microarray differentially expressed miRNA in TRAIL-resistant NSCLC cells. unknown unknown 2008 18246122 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9* 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9* 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9* 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-1 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation leads to miRNA gene inactivation in human breast cancer. mir-9-1 gene is already hypermethylated in pre-invasive intraductal lesions, a good correlation between quantitative methylation level and reduction of expression could be demonstrated in a subset of primary human breast cancer specimen (r = 0.8)." unknown unknown 2007 17948228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-1 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation was shown for miR-9-1, miR-124a-3, miR-148, miR-152, and miR-663 in 34-86% of cases in a series of 71 primary human breast cancer specimens. miRNA gene hypermethylation correlated strongly with methylation of known tumour suppressor genes (p = 0.003). After treatment of various breast cancer cell lines with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine, reduction of mir-9-1 gene methylation and concomitant reactivation of expression could be observed. For the mir-9-1 gene, which is already hypermethylated in preinvasive intraductal lesions, a good correlation between quantitative methylation level and reduction of expression could be demonstrated in a subset of primary human breast cancer specimen (r = 0.8). " unknown unknown 2007 18314617 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-1 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-150 and miR-92 are significantly deregulated in patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2007 17327404 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92 769 neuroblastoma (NB) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Positively correlated with MYCN-amplification in tumors in vivo. unknown unknown 2007 17943719 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 576
+ hsa-miR-92 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-2 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-2 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92-1 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD28 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92-1 353 malignant lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "six mature miRNAs (miR-17-5p, miR-17-3p, miR-19a, miR-19b, miR-20 and miR-92-1) in the cell lines with a 13q31 gain/amplification displays overexpression significantly higher than in those without." unknown unknown 2005 16167061 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92-2 715 T-cell leukemia up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The authors conclude that, in addition to miR-106a, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, and miR-92-2 overexpression in tumors, their capacity to induce anchorage independence growth strongly supports an oncogenic"
+ "potential for those miRNAs. they also conclude that Mylip and Rbp1-like are true targets of the miR-106-363 cluster(miR-106a, miR-18b, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, miR-92-2, and miR-363). More specifically, Rbp1-like seemed only targeted by miR-106a/miR-20b, whereas Mylip could be targeted by the four miRNAs(miR-106a, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, and miR-92-2) with miR-106a/miR-20b being more efficient." Rbp1-like unknown 2006 17575136 Causal 1 584
+ hsa-miR-92-2 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92-2 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92-2 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-93 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. Higher expression of miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141, miR-18a, miR-93, and miR-429, and lower expression of ambi-miR-7039, let-7b, and miR-199a were significantly correlated with decreased progression-free survival and overall survival." unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-93 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-106b-25 cluster, upregulated in a subset of human gastric tumors, is activated by E2F1 in parallel with its host gene, Mcm7. In turn, miR-106b and miR-93 regulate E2F1 expression, establishing a miRNA-directed negative feedback loop. Furthermore, upregulation of these miRNAs impairs the TGFbeta tumor suppressor pathway, interfering with the expression of CDKN1A (p21(Waf1/Cip1)) and BCL2L11 (Bim). " E2F1 unknown 2008 18328430 Causal
+ hsa-miR-93 10881 vesicular stomatitis down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-24 and miR-93 could target viral large protein (L protein) and phosphoprotein (P protein) genes, and in variant Dicer1 cells, a lack of host miR-24 and miR-93 was responsible for increased VSV replication." "L protein,P protein" unknown 2007 17613256 Causal
+ hsa-miR-93 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-93 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-93 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-93 769 neuroblastoma (NB) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Positively correlated with MYCN-amplification in tumors in vivo. unknown unknown 2007 17943719 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-93 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-3 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-3 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-3 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9-3p 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-95 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-95 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-95 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-95 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-95 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-95 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-96 13315 chronic pancreatitis down-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-96 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-96 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-96 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray "Our study identified and validated miR-224 overexpression.Moreover, miR-96 was overexpressed in HBV tumors, and miR-126* was down-regulated in alcohol-related hepatocellular carcinoma." unknown unknown 2008 18433021 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-96 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-96 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated microarray differentially expressed miRNA in TRAIL-resistant NSCLC cells. unknown unknown 2008 18246122 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-96 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-96 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) down-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-96 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression of miR-1 and miR-133 decreased by more than 2.5-fold (P<0.001), whereas expression of miR-96 and miR-183 increased by more than 3-fold (P<0.001) in Pro347Ser retinas, as validated by qPCR." unknown unknown 2007 18034880 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-98 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Albeit HMGA2 is associated with enhanced selective chemosensitivity towards topoisomerase (topo) II inhibitor, doxorubicin in HNSCC, the expression of HMGA2 is thwarted by hypoxia. This is accompanied by enhanced expression of miRNA-98 and other miRNAs, which predictably target HMGA2. Moreover, transfection of pre-miR-98? during normoxia diminishes HMGA2 and potentiates resistance to doxorubicin and cisplatin." HMGA2 unknown 2007 17222355 Causal
+ hsa-miR-99a 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 14250 Down syndrome (DS) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Bioinformatic analyses demonstrate that human chromosome 21(Hsa21) harbors five miRNA genes; miR-99a, let-7c, miR-125b-2, miR-155, and miR-802. MiRNA expression profiling, miRNA RT-PCR, and miRNA in situ hybridization experiments demonstrate that these miRNAs are overexpressed in fetal brain and heart specimens from individuals with DS when compared with age- and sex-matched controls." unknown unknown 2008 18387358 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-99a expression exhibited a positive correlation between expression levels and the degree of tumor differentiation. unknown unknown 2006 16331254 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7c,miR-99a, and miR-125b-2 were also mapped in a region with Homozygous Deletion at 21q11-q22." unknown unknown 2007 17674361 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 769 neuroblastoma (NB) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Positively correlated with MYCN-amplification in tumors in vivo. unknown unknown 2007 17943719 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 625
+ hsa-miR-99a 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99b 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99b 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99b 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99b 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99b 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99b 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99b 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99b 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106b 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-106b-25 cluster, upregulated in a subset of human gastric tumors, is activated by E2F1 in parallel with its host gene, Mcm7. In turn, miR-106b and miR-93 regulate E2F1 expression, establishing a miRNA-directed negative feedback loop. Furthermore, upregulation of these miRNAs impairs the TGFbeta tumor suppressor pathway, interfering with the expression of CDKN1A (p21(Waf1/Cip1)) and BCL2L11 (Bim). " E2F1 unknown 2008 18328430 Causal
+ hsa-miR-106b 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106b 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106b 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106b 5419 schizophrenia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106b-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 1107 esophageal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-103/107 showed a strong correlation between low expression levels and a high overall and disease-free survival periods for esophageal cancer patients by univariate analysis, as well as by multivariate analysis." unknown unknown 2008 18172293 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The coordinated application of miRNA profiling, Affymetrix microarrays, new bioinformatics predictions, in situ hybridization, and biochemical validation indicate that miR-107 may be involved in accelerated disease progression through regulation of BACE1." BACE1 unknown 2008 18234899 Causal
+ hsa-miR-107 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "the expression of miR-103 and miR-107, associated with lack of expression of miR-155, discriminates tumors from normal." unknown unknown 2006 16966691 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-107 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown HOXA1 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown HOXA1 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown HOXA1 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown HOXA1 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown HOXA1 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown HOXA1 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown HOXA1 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown HOXA1 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown HOXA1 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10b 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-10b is highly expressed in metastatic breast cancer cells and positively regulates cell migration and invasion. The miR-10b induced by Twist proceeds to inhibit translation of the messenger RNA encoding homeobox D10, resulting in increased expression of a well-characterized pro-metastatic gene, RHOC." HOXD10 unknown 2007 17898713 Causal
+ hsa-miR-10b 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD6 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10b 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10b 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10b 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10b 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10b 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10b 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10b 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-1-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-1-2 3978 cardiomyopathy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-1-2 regulates cardiac morphogenesis, cardiac conduction, and the cardiac cell cycle." "Irx5, Hand2, Kcnd2" unknown 2007 17397913 Causal
+ hsa-miR-122a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-122a 7324 HCV infection up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-122 is specifically expressed and highly abundant in the human liver. the sequestration of miR-122 in liver cells results in marked loss of autonomously replicating hepatitis C viral RNAs. unknown unknown 2005 16141076 Causal
+ hsa-miR-122a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Hepato-specific miR-122a was found downregulated in 70% of HCCs and in all HCC-derived cell lines.miR-122a can modulate cyclin G1 expression in HCC-derived cell lines and an inverse correlation between miR-122a and cyclin G1 expression exists in primary liver carcinomas CCNG1 unknown 2007 17616664 Causal
+ hsa-miR-122a 14667 metabolic disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-122 inhibition in normal mice resulted in reduced plasma cholesterol levels, increased hepatic fatty-acid oxidation, and a decrease in hepatic fatty-acid and cholesterol synthesis rates. Activation of the central metabolic sensor AMPK was also increased. miR-122 inhibition in a diet-induced obesity mouse model resulted in decreased plasma cholesterol levels and a significant improvement in liver steatosis, accompanied by reductions in several lipogenic genes." AMPK unknown 2006 16459310 Causal
+ hsa-miR-122a 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-122a 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-122a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-122a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-122 is an abundant liver-specific miR. miR-122 expressionwas significantly (P=0.013) reduced in 10 out of 20 tumors compared to the pair-matched control tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-122a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "Distinct up-regulations of miR-222, miR-221, and miR-31, and down-regulations of miR-223, miR-126, and miR-122a were identified. Further investigations suggested the highly deregulated miR-223 and miR-222 could unequivocally distinguish HCC from adjacent nontumoral liver, irrespective of viral associations (P<=.0002)." unknown unknown 2008 18555017 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-122a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-122a 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-123 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD7 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-123 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-123 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-124a undergoes transcriptional inactivation by CpG island hypermethylation. miR-124a epigenetic silencing mediates cyclin D kinase 6(CDK6)activation and retinoblastoma (Rb) phosphorylation. CDK6 unknown 2007 17308079 Causal
+ hsa-miR-124a -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Be methylated in tumor cells.The epigenetic silencing of miR-124a leads to the activation of cyclin D kinase 6 (CDK6), a bona fide oncogenic factor, and the phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor gene." CDK6 unknown 2007 17581274 Causal
+ hsa-miR-124a 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-124a undergoes transcriptional inactivation by CpG island hypermethylation. miR-124a epigenetic silencing mediates cyclin D kinase 6(CDK6)activation and retinoblastoma (Rb) phosphorylation. CDK6 unknown 2007 17308079 Causal
+ hsa-miR-124a 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-124a undergoes transcriptional inactivation by CpG island hypermethylation. miR-124a epigenetic silencing mediates cyclin D kinase 6(CDK6)activation and retinoblastoma (Rb) phosphorylation. CDK6 unknown 2007 17308079 Causal
+ hsa-miR-124a 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "microRNA-124 and microRNA-137 induce differentiation of adult mouse neural stem cells, mouse oligodendroglioma-derived stem cells and human glioblastoma multiformederived stem cells and induce glioblastoma multiforme cell cycle arrest. These results suggest that targeted delivery of microRNA-124 and/or microRNA-137 to glioblastoma multiforme tumor cells may be therapeutically efficacious for the treatment of this disease.miR-124 and miR-137 inhibit CDK6 expression and phosphorylated retinoblastoma levels in GBM cells." CDK6 unknown 2008 18577219 Causal
+ hsa-miR-124a 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-124a undergoes transcriptional inactivation by CpG island hypermethylation. miR-124a epigenetic silencing mediates cyclin D kinase 6(CDK6)activation and retinoblastoma (Rb) phosphorylation. CDK6 unknown 2007 17308079 Causal
+ hsa-miR-124a 3858 medulloblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We identified putative miR sites in the CDK6 including microRNA 124a, a brain enriched microRNA. Expression of miR 124a was significantly decreased in medulloblastoma cells compared to normal adult cerebellum. Functional association between miR 124a and CDK6 in medulloblastoma was established using luciferase assays. Additionally, re-expression of miR 124a in medulloblastoma cells decreased expression of CDK6 protein. Transfection of miR 124 significantly decreases medulloblastoma cell growth but does not alter apoptosis. Furthermore, in patient samples expression of miR 124a is significantly decreased. Our data strongly indicate that CDK6 is regulated by microRNA 124 in medulloblastoma and that miR 124 modulates medulloblastoma cell growth."
+ CDK6 unknown 2008 18607543 Causal 1 694
+ hsa-miR-126 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "Distinct up-regulations of miR-222, miR-221, and miR-31, and down-regulations of miR-223, miR-126, and miR-122a were identified. Further investigations suggested the highly deregulated miR-223 and miR-222 could unequivocally distinguish HCC from adjacent nontumoral liver, irrespective of viral associations (P<=.0002)." unknown unknown 2008 18555017 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126* 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Prostein was a specific target of ectopic miR-126*.Transfection of synthetic miR-126* into prostate cancer LNCaP cells strongly reduced the translation of prostein. Loss of prostein correlated with reduction of LNCaP cell migration and invasion. prostein unknown 2007 18193184 Causal
+ hsa-miR-126* 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "Our study identified and validated miR-224 overexpression.Moreover, miR-96 was overexpressed in HBV tumors, and miR-126* was down-regulated in alcohol-related hepatocellular carcinoma." unknown unknown 2008 18433021 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126* 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126-5p 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-127 4007 bladder cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-127 is usually expressed as part of a miRNA cluster in normal cells but not in cancer cells, suggesting that it is subject to epigenetic silencing. In addition, the proto-oncogene BCL6, a potential target of miR-127, was translationally downregulated. These results suggest that DNA demethylation and histone deacetylase inhibition can activate expression of miRNAs that may act as tumor suppressors." BCL6 "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2006 16766263 Causal
+ hsa-miR-127 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-127 is usually expressed as part of a miRNA cluster in normal cells but not in cancer cells, suggesting that it is subject to epigenetic silencing. In addition, the proto-oncogene BCL6, a potential target of miR-127, was translationally downregulated. These results suggest that DNA demethylation and histone deacetylase inhibition can activate expression of miRNAs that may act as tumor suppressors." BCL6 "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2006 16766263 Causal
+ hsa-miR-127 -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Be methylated in tumor cells. miR-127 is located on chromosome 14q32, a region that is involved in several types of translocations in hematological malignancies and deleted by LOH in solid tumors." BCL6 "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2007 17581274 Causal
+ hsa-miR-127 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-127 is usually expressed as part of a miRNA cluster in normal cells but not in cancer cells, suggesting that it is subject to epigenetic silencing. In addition, the proto-oncogene BCL6, a potential target of miR-127, was translationally downregulated. These results suggest that DNA demethylation and histone deacetylase inhibition can activate expression of miRNAs that may act as tumor suppressors." BCL6 "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2006 16766263 Causal
+ hsa-miR-127 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-127, is embedded in a CpG island and is highly induced from its own promoter after treatment. miR-127 is usually expressed as part of a miRNA cluster in normal cells but not in cancer cells, suggesting that it is subject to epigenetic silencing.In addition, the proto-oncogene BCL6, a potential target of miR-127, was translationally downregulated after treatment." BCL6 "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2006 16766263 Causal
+ hsa-miR-127 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-127 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-127 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-127 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-127 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-127 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128a 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-128a and -128b are significantly overexpressed, whereas let-7b and miR-223 are significantly downregulated in ALL compared with AML. They are the most discriminatory miRNAs between ALL and AML. Using the expression signatures of a minimum of two of these miRNAs resulted in an accuracy rate of >95% in the diagnosis of ALL and AML." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-128a and -128b are significantly overexpressed, whereas let-7b and miR-223 are significantly downregulated in ALL compared with AML. They are the most discriminatory miRNAs between ALL and AML. Using the expression signatures of a minimum of two of these miRNAs resulted in an accuracy rate of >95% in the diagnosis of ALL and AML." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128a 10652 Alzheimer's disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Significant change in micro-RNA abundance in the hippocampal region of fetal, adult and Alzheimer's disease brain." unknown unknown 2007 17314675 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128a 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one oftwenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128a 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The strong down-regulation of miR-128 and miR-181 family might indicate some non-random correlation with the de-differentiated state of tumor cells, or even with their stem-like nature, in some way resembling early embryonic stages." unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128a 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128a 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128b 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-128b directly regulates EGFR. miR-128b LOH was frequent in tumor samples and correlated significantly with clinical response and survival following gefitinib. EGFR expression and mutation status did not correlate with survival outcome. EGFR unknown 2008 18304967 Causal
+ hsa-miR-128b 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-128a and -128b are significantly overexpressed, whereas let-7b and miR-223 are significantly downregulated in ALL compared with AML. They are the most discriminatory miRNAs between ALL and AML. Using the expression signatures of a minimum of two of these miRNAs resulted in an accuracy rate of >95% in the diagnosis of ALL and AML." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-128a and -128b are significantly overexpressed, whereas let-7b and miR-223 are significantly downregulated in ALL compared with AML. They are the most discriminatory miRNAs between ALL and AML. Using the expression signatures of a minimum of two of these miRNAs resulted in an accuracy rate of >95% in the diagnosis of ALL and AML." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128b 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray miRNAs differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128b 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128b 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128b 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128b 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-129 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-129 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-129 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-129 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-129 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7c 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-1 3978 cardiomyopathy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-1 and miR-133 are involved in regulating cell fate with increased miR-1 and/or decreased miR-133
+ levels favoring apoptosis and decreased miR-1 and/or miR-133 levels favoring survival. Post-transcriptional repression of HSP60 and HSP70 by miR-1 and of caspase-9 by miR-133 contributes significantly to their opposing actions.
+ "HSP60,HSP70" "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2007 17715156 Causal 1 743
+ hsa-miR-124a 2786 Cerebellar neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Essential for the survival of Purkinje cells and its absence leads to a slow degeneration of these cells. unknown unknown 2007 17606634 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-139 4905 pancreatic cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant expression was correlated with specific breast cancer biopathologic features, such as estrogen and progesterone receptor expression, tumor stage, vascular invasion, or proliferation index" unknown FLJ21308 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" FLT3-ITD samples were characterized by upregulation of miR-155. Further experiments demonstrated that the up-regulation of miR-155 was independent from FLT3 signaling. unknown AGTR1 2008 18308931 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-16 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-15 and miR-16 are located at chromosome 13q14, a region deleted in more than half of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)s (B-CLL). Detailed deletion and expression analysis shows that miR-15 and miR-16 are located within a 30-kb region of loss in CLL, and that both genes are deleted or down-regulated in the majority (68%) of CLL cases." RARS "BCL2,CGI-38" 2002 12434020 Causal
+ hsa-miR-181a-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-29b and miR-181b target oncogene TCL1, which leads to malignant cell proliferation." Tcl1 unknown 2006 17178851 Causal
+ hsa-miR-181b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) down-regulated microarray "upregulation of miR-15a,miR-15b, miR-16-1, let-7a-3, let-7c, let-7d, miR-223,miR-342 and miR-107, whereas miR-181b was downregulated in in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients and cell lines during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment." unknown unknown 2007 17260024 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD16 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-15b (p = 0.0278), miR-181b (p = 0.0002), miR-191(p = 0.0264) and miR-200c (p = 0.0017) were significantly over-expressed in tumors compared to normal colorectal samples.Sequencing analysis revealed that hsamiR-181b (p = 0.0098)expression was strongly associated with the mutation status of the p53 tumor suppressor gene." unknown unknown 2006 18079988 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression patterns for these 5 microRNAs(miR-20a, miR-21, miR-106a, miR-181b, and miR-203) distinguish tumor vs paired nontumor status with 96% or 98% accuracy based on 3 nearest neighbors or nearest centroid algorithms, respectively (10-fold cross validation, repeated 100 times)." unknown unknown 2008 18230780 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The strong down-regulation of miR-128 and miR-181 family might indicate some non-random correlation with the de-differentiated state of tumor cells, or even with their stem-like nature, in some way resembling early embryonic stages." unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b-1 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b-1 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b-2 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181c 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181c 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181c 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The strong down-regulation of miR-128 and miR-181 family might indicate some non-random correlation with the de-differentiated state of tumor cells, or even with their stem-like nature, in some way resembling early embryonic stages." unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181c 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181c 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181c 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181c 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181c 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181d 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181d 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181d 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181d 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-182 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-182 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) up-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-182 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-182 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-182* 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A five-microRNA signature (let-7a, miR-221, miR-137, miR-372, and miR-182*) that is associated with survival and cancer relapse in NSCLC patients. This microRNA signature was validated by the testing set and an independent cohort. Patients with high-risk scores in their microRNA signatures had poor overall and disease-free survivals compared to the low-risk-score patients. This microRNA signature is an independent predictor of the cancer relapse and survival of NSCLC patients.promoted invasiveness of lung cancer cell lines." unknown unknown 2008 18167339 Causal
+ hsa-miR-182* 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-183 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD17 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-183 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-183 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-183 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-183 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-183 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression of miR-1 and miR-133 decreased by more than 2.5-fold (P<0.001), whereas expression of miR-96 and miR-183 increased by more than 3-fold (P<0.001) in Pro347Ser retinas, as validated by qPCR." unknown unknown 2007 18034880 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-184 769 neuroblastoma (NB) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-184 overexpression induces neuroblastoma cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. unknown unknown 2007 17283129 Causal
+ hsa-miR-184 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-184 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-184 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-184 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-184 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 792
+ hsa-miR-185 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" metastasis-related miRNA unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-185 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ mucosa. unknown unknown 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 794
+ hsa-miR-185 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-185 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-185 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-185 4451 kidney cancer up-regulated microarray "A set of 4 human micro-RNAs (miR-28, miR-185, miR-27, and let-7f-2) were found significantly up-regulated in renal cell carcinoma (P<0.05) compared to normal kidney." unknown unknown 2007 17826655 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-185 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130a-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130b 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130b 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) down-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130b-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 12858 Huntington's disease (HD) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "increased levels of nuclear REST in HD leads to both a direct repression of REST target genes such as BDNF and to an indirect activation of gene expression by increased repression of miRNAexpression The latter is exemplified by loss of miR-132, in turn leading to higher levels of p250GAP mRNA." p250GAP RICS/p250GAP 2007 18082412 Causal
+ hsa-miR-132 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD8 cells. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-132 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown RICS/p250GAP 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-139 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) validation of microarray. Realtime
+ "semiquantitative RT-PCR of five different microRNA species (miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, miR-139, and miR-323) across ten subjects. miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, and miR-323 were overexpressed in leiomyoma in the ten pairs tested and miR-139 was underexpressed, consistent with the microarray results." unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified 0 813
+ hsa-miR-140 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown HDAC4 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD10 cells. unknown HDAC4 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown HDAC4 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown HDAC4 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown HDAC4 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140 10923 homozygous sickle cell disease (HbSS) up-regulated microarray "Several microRNAs (miR-320, let-7s, miR-181, miR-141) were over-represented in the HbAA erythrocytes, while other microRNAs (miR-29a, miR-144, miR-451, miR-140) were overrepresented in the HbSS erythrocytes." unknown HDAC4 2008 18523662 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown HDAC4 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown HDAC4 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown HDAC4 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in the various histological subtypes of germ cell tumour (GCT) (TE = teratoma; SE = seminoma; EC = embryonal carcinoma). unknown HDAC4 2007 17893849 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-140* 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. Higher expression of miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141, miR-18a, miR-93, and miR-429, and lower expression of ambi-miR-7039, let-7b, and miR-199a were significantly correlated with decreased progression-free survival and overall survival." unknown Clock 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All five members of the microRNA-200 family (miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141 and miR-429) and miR-205 were markedly downregulated in cells that had undergone EMT in response to transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta or to ectopic expression of the protein tyrosine phosphatase Pez. Enforced expression of the miR-200 family alone was sufficient to prevent TGF-beta-induced EMT. Together, these microRNAs cooperatively regulate expression of the E-cadherin transcriptional repressors ZEB1 (also known as deltaEF1) and SIP1 (also known as ZEB2), factors previously implicated in EMT and tumour metastasis. Inhibition of the microRNAs was sufficient to induce EMT in a process requiring upregulation of ZEB1 and/or SIP1. Conversely, ectopic expression of these microRNAs in mesenchymal cells initiated mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET). Consistent with their role in regulating EMT, expression of these microRNAs was found to be lost in invasive breast cancer cell lines with mesenchymal phenotype. Expression of the miR-200 family was also lost in regions of metaplastic breast cancer specimens lacking E-cadherin. These data suggest that downregulation of the microRNAs may be an important step in tumour progression."
+ "ZEB1(deltaEF1), SIP1(ZEB2)" Clock 2008 18376396 Causal 1 826
+ hsa-miR-141 -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The miR-200 family is composed of five members arranged as two clusters, miR-200a/200b/429 and"
+ miR-200c/141.Ectopic expression of the miR-200 family in 4TO7 carcinoma cells caused a rapid and
+ significant decrease in ZEB1 and ZEB2 levels.Over-expressing the miR-200 family in 4TO7 cells
+ "induced a dramatic morphological change from a spindle-like, mesenchymal phenotype towards a"
+ "more pronounced epithelial phenotype with formation of adheren junctions. Furthermore, overexpression of miR-200 significantly inhibits growth factor-induced directional migration, a hallmark of metastatic cancer cells.This suggests that ectopic expression of the miR-200 family can"
+ promote the mesenchymal-epithelial transition and reduce tumor cell migration. "ZEB1, ZEB2" Clock 2008 18411277 Causal 1 827
+ hsa-miR-141 -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The embryonic programme 'epithelial�Cmesenchymal transition'(EMT) is thought to promote malignant tumour progression. The transcriptional repressor zinc-finger E-box binding homeobox 1(ZEB1) is a crucial inducer of EMT in various human tumours, and was recently shown to promote invasion and metastasis of tumour cells. ZEB1 directly suppresses transcription of microRNA-200 family members miR-141 and miR-200c. Notably, the EMT activators transforming growth factor b2 and ZEB1 are the"
+ predominant targets downregulated by these microRNAs. ZEB1 Clock 2008 18483486 Causal 1 828
+ hsa-miR-141 4947 cholangiocarcinoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" inhibition of miR-141 decreased cell growth. CLOCK Clock 2006 16762633 Causal
+ hsa-miR-141 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD11 cells. unknown Clock 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown Clock 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown Clock 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown Clock 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 10923 homozygous sickle cell disease (HbSS) down-regulated microarray "Several microRNAs (miR-320, let-7s, miR-181, miR-141) were over-represented in the HbAA erythrocytes, while other microRNAs (miR-29a, miR-144, miR-451, miR-140) were overrepresented in the HbSS erythrocytes." unknown Clock 2008 18523662 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown Clock 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) down-regulated microarray "differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. several miRNAs(hsa-miR-141, -148a, -200a, -200b, -200c, -216, -217 and -375) with expression patterns distinctive for pancreas, suggesting a possible role of these miRNAs in pancreas differentiation."
+ unknown Clock 2007 17237814 Unspecified 0 836
+ hsa-miR-198 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200c 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-208 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown NFIA 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-296 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-5p 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-324-3p 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-324-5p 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-325 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-345 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-346 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-365 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-423 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-433 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-484 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-486 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-494 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-500 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-513 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-516-5p 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-518b 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-518c* 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-557 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-575 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-583 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-596 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-600 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-601 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-602 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-608 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-611 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-612 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-615 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-622 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-629 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-637 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-638 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-642 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-654 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-657 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-658 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-662 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-663 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-769-3p 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-92b 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-99a 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 1909 melanoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The inhibition of miRNA-221 and -222, which are abnormally expressed in melanoma and favor the induction of the malignant phenotype by downregulating c-KIT receptor and p27Kip, might in the future represent an efficient treatment for translation into the clinical setting." "c-KIT, p27(Kip1)" KIT 2008 18983236 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 1909 melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The inhibition of miRNA-221 and -222, which are abnormally expressed in melanoma and favor the induction of the malignant phenotype by downregulating c-KIT receptor and p27Kip, might in the future represent an efficient treatment for translation into the clinical setting." "c-KIT, p27(Kip1)" KIT 2008 18983236 Causal
+ hsa-let-7b 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-342-3p, miR-320, let-7b, miR-328, miR-128, miR-139-5p and miR-146a were over 2.5 fold up-regulated and miR-338-3p and miR-337-3p over 2.5 fold down-regulated. Only one of these miRNAs, miR-128, has previously been shown to be de-regulated in neurodegenerative disease. De-regulation of a unique subset of miRNAs suggests a conserved, disease-specific pattern of differentially expressed miRNAs is associated with prion-induced neurodegeneration." unknown "Lin28,Mtpn" 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-342-3p, miR-320, let-7b, miR-328, miR-128, miR-139-5p and miR-146a were over 2.5 fold up-regulated and miR-338-3p and miR-337-3p over 2.5 fold down-regulated. Only one of these miRNAs, miR-128, has previously been shown to be de-regulated in neurodegenerative disease. De-regulation of a unique subset of miRNAs suggests a conserved, disease-specific pattern of differentially expressed miRNAs is associated with prion-induced neurodegeneration." unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-139-5p 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-342-3p, miR-320, let-7b, miR-328, miR-128, miR-139-5p and miR-146a were over 2.5 fold up-regulated and miR-338-3p and miR-337-3p over 2.5 fold down-regulated. Only one of these miRNAs, miR-128, has previously been shown to be de-regulated in neurodegenerative disease. De-regulation of a unique subset of miRNAs suggests a conserved, disease-specific pattern of differentially expressed miRNAs is associated with prion-induced neurodegeneration." unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-342-3p, miR-320, let-7b, miR-328, miR-128, miR-139-5p and miR-146a were over 2.5 fold up-regulated and miR-338-3p and miR-337-3p over 2.5 fold down-regulated. Only one of these miRNAs, miR-128, has previously been shown to be de-regulated in neurodegenerative disease. De-regulation of a unique subset of miRNAs suggests a conserved, disease-specific pattern of differentially expressed miRNAs is associated with prion-induced neurodegeneration." unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a-1* 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MiRNAs identified as differentially expressed in CNS tissues of scrapie infected mice. unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-203 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MiRNAs identified as differentially expressed in CNS tissues of scrapie infected mice. unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-342-3p, miR-320, let-7b, miR-328, miR-128, miR-139-5p and miR-146a were over 2.5 fold up-regulated and miR-338-3p and miR-337-3p over 2.5 fold down-regulated. Only one of these miRNAs, miR-128, has previously been shown to be de-regulated in neurodegenerative disease. De-regulation of a unique subset of miRNAs suggests a conserved, disease-specific pattern of differentially expressed miRNAs is associated with prion-induced neurodegeneration." unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-328 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-342-3p, miR-320, let-7b, miR-328, miR-128, miR-139-5p and miR-146a were over 2.5 fold up-regulated and miR-338-3p and miR-337-3p over 2.5 fold down-regulated. Only one of these miRNAs, miR-128, has previously been shown to be de-regulated in neurodegenerative disease. De-regulation of a unique subset of miRNAs suggests a conserved, disease-specific pattern of differentially expressed miRNAs is associated with prion-induced neurodegeneration." unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-337-3p 2786 neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-342-3p, miR-320, let-7b, miR-328, miR-128, miR-139-5p and miR-146a were over 2.5 fold up-regulated and miR-338-3p and miR-337-3p over 2.5 fold down-regulated. Only one of these miRNAs, miR-128, has previously been shown to be de-regulated in neurodegenerative disease. De-regulation of a unique subset of miRNAs suggests a conserved, disease-specific pattern of differentially expressed miRNAs is associated with prion-induced neurodegeneration." unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-338-3p 2786 neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-342-3p, miR-320, let-7b, miR-328, miR-128, miR-139-5p and miR-146a were over 2.5 fold up-regulated and miR-338-3p and miR-337-3p over 2.5 fold down-regulated. Only one of these miRNAs, miR-128, has previously been shown to be de-regulated in neurodegenerative disease. De-regulation of a unique subset of miRNAs suggests a conserved, disease-specific pattern of differentially expressed miRNAs is associated with prion-induced neurodegeneration." unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-339-5p 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MiRNAs identified as differentially expressed in CNS tissues of scrapie infected mice. unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-342-3p 2786 neurodegeneration up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-342-3p, miR-320, let-7b, miR-328, miR-128, miR-139-5p and miR-146a were over 2.5 fold up-regulated and miR-338-3p and miR-337-3p over 2.5 fold down-regulated. Only one of these miRNAs, miR-128, has previously been shown to be de-regulated in neurodegenerative disease. De-regulation of a unique subset of miRNAs suggests a conserved, disease-specific pattern of differentially expressed miRNAs is associated with prion-induced neurodegeneration." unknown unknown 2008 18987751 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7a 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We have identified the first miRNA binding-site SNPthat alone can predict a significant increase in NSCLC risk in people with a moderate smoking history.The mechanism may be due to altered regulation of the KRAS oncogene and possibly cellular let-7 levels as well. we found that the levels of let-7a, b, d, and g were lower in patients with the variant allele compared with patients without the variant alleleThese findings give insight into a new paradigm and support the pursuit of 3'UTR sequencing for similar SNPs in all tumor-related genes to better understand their role in genetic cancer risk." KRAS NF2 2008 18922928 Causal
+ hsa-let-7b 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We have identified the first miRNA binding-site SNPthat alone can predict a significant increase in NSCLC risk in people with a moderate smoking history.The mechanism may be due to altered regulation of the KRAS oncogene and possibly cellular let-7 levels as well. we found that the levels of let-7a, b, d, and g were lower in patients with the variant allele compared with patients without the variant alleleThese findings give insight into a new paradigm and support the pursuit of 3'UTR sequencing for similar SNPs in all tumor-related genes to better understand their role in genetic cancer risk." KRAS "Lin28,Mtpn" 2008 18922928 Causal
+ hsa-let-7d 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We have identified the first miRNA binding-site SNPthat alone can predict a significant increase in NSCLC risk in people with a moderate smoking history.The mechanism may be due to altered regulation of the KRAS oncogene and possibly cellular let-7 levels as well. we found that the levels of let-7a, b, d, and g were lower in patients with the variant allele compared with patients without the variant alleleThese findings give insight into a new paradigm and support the pursuit of 3'UTR sequencing for similar SNPs in all tumor-related genes to better understand their role in genetic cancer risk." KRAS unknown 2008 18922928 Causal
+ hsa-let-7g 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We have identified the first miRNA binding-site SNPthat alone can predict a significant increase in NSCLC risk in people with a moderate smoking history.The mechanism may be due to altered regulation of the KRAS oncogene and possibly cellular let-7 levels as well. we found that the levels of let-7a, b, d, and g were lower in patients with the variant allele compared with patients without the variant alleleThese findings give insight into a new paradigm and support the pursuit of 3'UTR sequencing for similar SNPs in all tumor-related genes to better understand their role in genetic cancer risk." KRAS unknown 2008 18922928 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "This study investigated the pathogenetic implications of miR-211 in oral carcinogenesis. An association was found between higher miR-211 expression and the most advanced nodal metastasis, vascular invasion, and poor prognosis of oral carcinoma. The function of enforced miR-211 expression in oral carcinoma cells was confirmed by the repression of LacZ in a reporter plasmid via miR-211 targeting. Enforced miR-211 expression significantly increased the proliferation, migration, and anchorage-independent colony formation of oral carcinoma cells, while it enhanced the tumorigenicity of only SAS high-grade oral carcinoma cells, but not OECM-1 non-tumorigenic cells. The findings suggest that high miR-211 expression may be associated with the progression of oral carcinoma and poor patient outcomes." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18946016 Causal
+ hsa-miR-15a 5898 Polycystic Kidney Disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Lee and colleagues provide data to support a novel mechanism for cystogenesis involving microRNA. They demonstrate that levels of the miRNA miR15a are decreased in livers of patients with autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD and ADPKD, respectively) and congenital hepatic fibrosis as well as in the PKC rat model of ARPKD. This results in increased expression of the cell-cycle regulator Cdc25A, which is a direct target of miR15a, and increased cellular proliferation and cystogenesis in vitro. These findings suggest that other miRNAs may also participate in the molecular pathogenesis of cystic liver and kidney diseases." Cdc25A unknown 2008 18949056 Causal
+ hsa-miR-15a 1173 Polycystic liver disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Lee and colleagues provide data to support a novel mechanism for cystogenesis involving microRNA. They demonstrate that levels of the miRNA miR15a are decreased in livers of patients with autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD and ADPKD, respectively) and congenital hepatic fibrosis as well as in the PKC rat model of ARPKD. This results in increased expression of the cell-cycle regulator Cdc25A, which is a direct target of miR15a, and increased cellular proliferation and cystogenesis in vitro. These findings suggest that other miRNAs may also participate in the molecular pathogenesis of cystic liver and kidney diseases." Cdc25A unknown 2008 18949056 Causal
+ hsa-miR-145 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Paired analysis was carried out with microdissected, malignant and non-involved areas of each specimen, using high-throughput liquid-phase hybridization (mirMASA) reactions and 114 miRNA probes. Five miRNAs (miR-23b, -100, -145, -221 and -222) were significantly downregulated in malignant tissues, according to significance analysis of microarrays and paired t-test with Bonferroni correction. Lowered expression of miR-23b, -145, -221 and -222 in malignant tissues was validated by quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR analyses. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs significantly reduced LNCaP cancer cell growth, suggesting growth modulatory roles for these miRNAs." unknown FLJ21308 2008 18949015 Causal
+ hsa-miR-15a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We report that the miR-15a and miR-16-1 cluster targets CCND1 (encoding cyclin D1) and WNT3A, which promotes several tumorigenic features such as survival, proliferation and invasion. In cancer cells of advanced prostate tumors, the miR-15a and miR-16 level is significantly decreased, whereas the expression of BCL2, CCND1 and WNT3A is inversely upregulated. Delivery of antagomirs specific for miR-15a and miR-16 to normal mouse prostate results in marked hyperplasia, and knockdown of miR-15a and miR-16 promotes survival, proliferation and invasiveness of untransformed prostate cells, which become tumorigenic in immunodeficient NOD-SCID mice. Conversely, reconstitution of miR-15a and miR-16-1 expression results in growth arrest, apoptosis and marked regression of prostate tumor xenografts. Altogether, we propose that miR-15a and miR-16 act as tumor suppressor genes in prostate cancer through the control of cell survival, proliferation and invasion. These findings have therapeutic implications and may be exploited for future treatment of prostate cancer."
+ "CCND1, WNT3A" unknown 2008 18931683 Causal 1 2163
+ hsa-miR-16-1 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We report that the miR-15a and miR-16-1 cluster targets CCND1 (encoding cyclin D1) and WNT3A, which promotes several tumorigenic features such as survival, proliferation and invasion. In cancer cells of advanced prostate tumors, the miR-15a and miR-16 level is significantly decreased, whereas the expression of BCL2, CCND1 and WNT3A is inversely upregulated. Delivery of antagomirs specific for miR-15a and miR-16 to normal mouse prostate results in marked hyperplasia, and knockdown of miR-15a and miR-16 promotes survival, proliferation and invasiveness of untransformed prostate cells, which become tumorigenic in immunodeficient NOD-SCID mice. Conversely, reconstitution of miR-15a and miR-16-1 expression results in growth arrest, apoptosis and marked regression of prostate tumor xenografts. Altogether, we propose that miR-15a and miR-16 act as tumor suppressor genes in prostate cancer through the control of cell survival, proliferation and invasion. These findings have therapeutic implications and may be exploited for future treatment of prostate cancer."
+ "CCND1, WNT3A" unknown 2008 18931683 Causal 1 2164
+ hsa-miR-221 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Paired analysis was carried out with microdissected, malignant and non-involved areas of each specimen, using high-throughput liquid-phase hybridization (mirMASA) reactions and 114 miRNA probes. Five miRNAs (miR-23b, -100, -145, -221 and -222) were significantly downregulated in malignant tissues, according to significance analysis of microarrays and paired t-test with Bonferroni correction. Lowered expression of miR-23b, -145, -221 and -222 in malignant tissues was validated by quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR analyses. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs significantly reduced LNCaP cancer cell growth, suggesting growth modulatory roles for these miRNAs." unknown KIT 2008 18949015 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Paired analysis was carried out with microdissected, malignant and non-involved areas of each specimen, using high-throughput liquid-phase hybridization (mirMASA) reactions and 114 miRNA probes. Five miRNAs (miR-23b, -100, -145, -221 and -222) were significantly downregulated in malignant tissues, according to significance analysis of microarrays and paired t-test with Bonferroni correction. Lowered expression of miR-23b, -145, -221 and -222 in malignant tissues was validated by quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR analyses. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs significantly reduced LNCaP cancer cell growth, suggesting growth modulatory roles for these miRNAs." unknown KIT 2008 18949015 Causal
+ hsa-miR-23b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Paired analysis was carried out with microdissected, malignant and non-involved areas of each specimen, using high-throughput liquid-phase hybridization (mirMASA) reactions and 114 miRNA probes. Five miRNAs (miR-23b, -100, -145, -221 and -222) were significantly downregulated in malignant tissues, according to significance analysis of microarrays and paired t-test with Bonferroni correction. Lowered expression of miR-23b, -145, -221 and -222 in malignant tissues was validated by quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR analyses. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs significantly reduced LNCaP cancer cell growth, suggesting growth modulatory roles for these miRNAs." unknown Notch1 2008 18949015 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29b-2 3247 rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We describe the regulation and function of miR-29 in myogenesis and rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS). Results demonstrate that in myoblasts, miR-29 is repressed by NF-kappaB acting through YY1 and the Polycomb group. During myogenesis, NF-kappaB and YY1 downregulation causes derepression of miR-29, which in turn accelerates differentiation by targeting its repressor YY1. However, in RMS cells and primary tumors that possess impaired differentiation, miR-29 is epigenetically silenced by an activated NF-kappaB-YY1 pathway. Reconstitution of miR-29 in RMS in mice inhibits tumor growth and stimulates differentiation, suggesting that miR-29 acts as a tumor suppressor through its promyogenic function. Together, these results identify a NF-kappaB-YY1-miR-29 regulatory circuit whose disruption may contribute to RMS." YY1 unknown 2008 18977326 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29c 3247 rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We describe the regulation and function of miR-29 in myogenesis and rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS). Results demonstrate that in myoblasts, miR-29 is repressed by NF-kappaB acting through YY1 and the Polycomb group. During myogenesis, NF-kappaB and YY1 downregulation causes derepression of miR-29, which in turn accelerates differentiation by targeting its repressor YY1. However, in RMS cells and primary tumors that possess impaired differentiation, miR-29 is epigenetically silenced by an activated NF-kappaB-YY1 pathway. Reconstitution of miR-29 in RMS in mice inhibits tumor growth and stimulates differentiation, suggesting that miR-29 acts as a tumor suppressor through its promyogenic function. Together, these results identify a NF-kappaB-YY1-miR-29 regulatory circuit whose disruption may contribute to RMS." YY1 unknown 2008 18977326 Causal
+ hsa-miR-101 1441 Spinocerebellar ataxia 1 down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 is caused by expansion of a translated CAG repeat in ataxin1 (ATXN1). The level of the polyglutamine-expanded protein is one of the factors that contributes to disease severity. Here we found that miR-19, miR-101 and miR-130 co-regulate ataxin1 levels and that their inhibition enhanced the cytotoxicity of polyglutamine-expanded ATXN1 in human cells. We provide a new candidate mechanism for modulating the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases sensitive to protein dosage." ATXN1 "Enx-1,MYCN" 2008 18758459 Causal
+ hsa-miR-130 1441 Spinocerebellar ataxia 1 down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 is caused by expansion of a translated CAG repeat in ataxin1 (ATXN1). The level of the polyglutamine-expanded protein is one of the factors that contributes to disease severity. Here we found that miR-19, miR-101 and miR-130 co-regulate ataxin1 levels and that their inhibition enhanced the cytotoxicity of polyglutamine-expanded ATXN1 in human cells. We provide a new candidate mechanism for modulating the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases sensitive to protein dosage." ATXN1 "MAFB,MCSF" 2008 18758459 Causal
+ hsa-miR-19 1441 Spinocerebellar ataxia 1 down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 is caused by expansion of a translated CAG repeat in ataxin1 (ATXN1). The level of the polyglutamine-expanded protein is one of the factors that contributes to disease severity. Here we found that miR-19, miR-101 and miR-130 co-regulate ataxin1 levels and that their inhibition enhanced the cytotoxicity of polyglutamine-expanded ATXN1 in human cells. We provide a new candidate mechanism for modulating the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases sensitive to protein dosage." ATXN1 unknown 2008 18758459 Causal
+ hsa-miR-130b 715 T-cell leukemia up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "the up-regulated miRNAs (miR-93 and miR-130b) target the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of the mRNA for a tumor suppressor protein, tumor protein 53-induced nuclear protein 1 (TP53INP1). A low expression level of TP53INP1 protein was found in HTLV-1-transformed cells. Additionally, when antagomirs were used to knock down miR-93 and miR-130b in these cells, the expression of TP53INP1 was increased, suggesting that the latter is regulated inside cells by the former. A role for TP53INP1 in regulating cell growth was established by experiments that showed that enhanced TP53INP1 expression increased apoptosis. Collectively, the findings implicate a miR-93/miR-130b-TP53INP1 axis that affects the proliferation and survival of HTLV-1-infected/transformed cells." TP53INP1 unknown 2008 18974142 Causal
+ hsa-miR-93 715 T-cell leukemia up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "the up-regulated miRNAs (miR-93 and miR-130b) target the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of the mRNA for a tumor suppressor protein, tumor protein 53-induced nuclear protein 1 (TP53INP1). A low expression level of TP53INP1 protein was found in HTLV-1-transformed cells. Additionally, when antagomirs were used to knock down miR-93 and miR-130b in these cells, the expression of TP53INP1 was increased, suggesting that the latter is regulated inside cells by the former. A role for TP53INP1 in regulating cell growth was established by experiments that showed that enhanced TP53INP1 expression increased apoptosis. Collectively, the findings implicate a miR-93/miR-130b-TP53INP1 axis that affects the proliferation and survival of HTLV-1-infected/transformed cells." TP53INP1 unknown 2008 18974142 Causal
+ hsa-miR-144 10241 thalassemia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Precise transcriptional control of developmental stage-specific expression and switching of alpha- and beta-globin genes is significantly important to understand the general principles controlling gene expression and the pathogenesis of thalassemia. Although transcription factors regulating beta-globin genes have been identified, little is known about the microRNAs and trans-acting mechanism controlling alpha-globin genes transcription.Here, we show that an erythroid lineage-specific microRNA gene, miR-144, expressed at specific developmental stages during zebrafish embryogenesis, negatively regulates the embryonic alpha-globin, but not embryonic beta-globin genes expression, through physiologically targeting klfd, an erythroid-specific Kruppel-like transcription factor. Klfd selectively binds to the CACCC boxes in the promoters of both alpha-globin and miR-144 genes to activate their transcriptions, thus forming a negative feedback circuitry to fine-tune the expression of embryonic alpha-globin gene. The selective effect of miR-144-Klfd pathway on globin gene regulation may thereby constitute a novel therapeutic target for improving the clinical outcome of patients with thalassemia." Klfd unknown 2008 18941117 Causal
+ hsa-let-7f 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-16 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown "BCL2,CGI-38" 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-192 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. In situ hybridization analysis indicated that miR-192, an miRNA with decreased expression in active UC, was predominantly localized to colonic epithelial cells. Macrophage inflammatory peptide (MIP)-2 alpha, a chemokine expressed by epithelial cells, was identified as a target of miR-192. In colon epithelial cells, induction of MIP-2 alpha expression by tumor necrosis factor-alpha was accompanied by a concomitant reduction in miR-192 expression and miR-192 was observed to regulate the expression of MIP-2 alpha. CONCLUSIONS: These findings expand the known roles of miRNAs, indicating that tissues from patients with UC, and possibly other chronic inflammatory diseases, have altered miRNA expression patterns. These findings also demonstrate that miRNAs regulate colonic epithelial cell-derived chemokine expression."
+ MIP-2 alpha SIP1 2008 18835392 Causal 1 2179
+ hsa-miR-195 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-203 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown Notch1 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown "MAPK14,Notch1" 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown PLAG1 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) up-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-422b 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) down-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-629 8577 ulcerative colitis (UC) down-regulated microarray Active UC was associated with the differential expression of 11 miRNAs; 3 were significantly decreased and 8 were significantly increased in UC tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18835392 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 769 neuroblastoma (NB) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "In MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma, MYCN transactivates the miRNA 17-5p-92 cluster, which inhibits p21 and BIM translation by interaction with their mRNA 3'UTRs. Overexpression of miRNA 17-5p-92 cluster in MYCN-not-amplified neuroblastoma cells strongly augments their in vitro and in vivo tumorigenesis. In vitro or in vivo treatment with antagomir-17-5p abolishes the growth of MYCN-amplified and therapy-resistant neuroblastoma through p21 and BIM upmodulation, leading to cell cycling blockade and activation of apoptosis, respectively. In primary neuroblastoma, the majority of cases show a rise of miR-17-5p level leading to p21 downmodulation, which is particularly severe in patients with MYCN amplification and poor prognosis." "p21,BIM" "AIB1,E2F1" 2008 18493594 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 684 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The majority of miRNAs exhibiting altered expression in primary human HNSCC tumors (including miR-1, miR-133a, miR-205, and let-7d) show lower expression levels relative to normal adjacent tissue. In contrast, hsa-miR-21 is frequently overexpressed in human HNSCC tumors. " unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2009 19179615 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " In this study, bioinformatics analysis was used to identify miR-21 target sites in various genes. Luciferase activity assay showed that a number of genes involved in apoptosis, PDCD4, MTAP, and SOX5, carry putative miR-21 binding sites. Expression of PDCD4 protein correlates inversely with expression of miR-21 in a number of human glioblastoma cell lines such as T98G, A172, U87, and U251. Inhibition of miR-21 increases endogenous levels of PDCD4 in cell line T98G and over-expression miR-21 inhibits PDCD4-dependent apoptosis. Together, these results indicate that miR-21 expression plays a key role in regulating cellular processes in glioblastomas and may serve as a target for effective therapies." PDCD4 "PTEN,TPM1" 2009 19013014 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Nine microRNAs were found by SAM to be upregulated or downregulated in tumor tissue including mir-21, let-7, 18, 29c, 142-3p, 155, 146b (overexpressed) and 494 (underexpressed). Mir-21 was validated by qRT-PCR. Functional validation by growth assays was performed, further validating mir-21. Transfection of mir-21 into JHU-011 and JHU-012 cell lines showed a 39% increase in cell growth at 72 hr relative to controls (p < 0.05). Transfection of the inhibitor into JHU-O12 cell lines showed a 92% decrease in cell growth relative to controls at 72 hr (p < 0.05). In addition, flow cytometry analysis of JHU-012 cells 48 hr after mir-21 inhibitor transfection showed a statistically significant increase in cytochrome c release and increased apoptosis. These differentially expressed microRNAs may be of interest as potential novel oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in HNSCC. Mir-21 is a putative oncogenic microRNA in head and neck cancer." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18798260 Causal
+ hsa-miR-1 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2195
+ hsa-miR-1 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Calcium signaling is a central regulator of cardiomyocyte growth and function. Calmodulin is a critical mediator of calcium signals. Because the amount of calmodulin within cardiomyocytes is limiting, precise control of calmodulin expression is important for regulation of calcium signaling. In this study, we show for the first time that calmodulin levels are regulated post-transcriptionally in heart failure. The cardiomyocyte-restricted microRNA miR-1 inhibited translation of calmodulin-encoding mRNAs via highly conserved target sites within their 3'-untranslated regions. In keeping with its effect on calmodulin expression, miR-1 downregulated calcium-calmodulin signaling through calcineurin to NFAT. miR-1 also negatively regulated expression of Mef2a and Gata4, key transcription factors that mediate calcium-dependent changes in gene expression. Consistent with downregulation of these hypertrophy-associated genes, miR-1 attenuated cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and in the intact adult heart. Our data indicate that miR-1 regulates cardiomyocyte growth responses by negatively regulating the calcium-signaling components calmodulin, Mef2a, and Gata4." "calmodulin, Mef2a, Gata4" "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2009 19188439 Causal
+ hsa-let-7d 684 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Using univariate and multivariable statistical models we show that low levels of hsa-miR205 are significantly associated with loco-regional recurrence independent of disease severity at diagnosis and treatment. In addition, combined low levels of hsa-miR-205 and hsa-let-7d expression in HNSCC tumors are significantly associated with poor head and neck cancer survival Our results show that miRNA expression levels can be used as prognostic markers of head and neck cancer." unknown unknown 2009 19179615 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7i 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7i expression was significantly reduced in chemotherapy-resistant patients (n = 69, P = 0.003). This result was further validated by stem-loop real-time reverse transcription-PCR (n = 62, P = 0.015). Both loss-of-function (by synthetic let-7i inhibitor) and gain-of-function (by retroviral overexpression of let-7i) studies showed that reduced let-7i expression significantly increased the resistance of ovarian and breast cancer cells to the chemotherapy drug, cis-platinum. Finally, using miRNA microarray, we found that decreased let-7i expression was significantly associated with the shorter progression-free survival of patients with late-stage ovarian cancer (n = 72, P = 0.042). This finding was further validated in the same sample set by stem-loop real-time reverse transcription-PCR (n = 62, P = 0.001) and in an independent sample set by in situ hybridization (n = 53, P = 0.049). Taken together, our results strongly suggest that let-7i might be used as a therapeutic target to modulate platinum-based chemotherapy and as a biomarker to predict chemotherapy response and survival in patients with ovarian cancer." unknown unknown 2009 19074899 Causal
+ hsa-miR-1 684 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The majority of miRNAs exhibiting altered expression in primary human HNSCC tumors (including miR-1, miR-133a, miR-205, and let-7d) show lower expression levels relative to normal adjacent tissue. In contrast, hsa-miR-21 is frequently overexpressed in human HNSCC tumors. " unknown "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2009 19179615 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2200
+ hsa-miR-101 684 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Decreased expression of miR-101 was found in all six hepatoma cell lines examined and in as high as 94.1% of HCC tissues, compared with their nontumor counterparts. Furthermore, ectopic expression of miR-101 dramatically suppressed the ability of hepatoma cells to form colonies in vitro and to develop tumors in nude mice. We also found that miR-101 could sensitize hepatoma cell lines to both serum starvation- and chemotherapeutic drug-induced apoptosis. Further investigation revealed that miR-101 significantly repressed the expression of luciferase carrying the 3'-untranslated region of Mcl-1 and reduced the endogenous protein level of Mcl-1, whereas the miR-101 inhibitor obviously up-regulated Mcl-1 expression and inhibited cell apoptosis. Moreover, silencing of Mcl-1 phenocopied the effect of miR-101 and forced expression of Mcl-1 could reverse the proapoptotic effect of miR-101. These results indicate that miR-101 may exert its proapoptotic function via targeting Mcl-1. Taken together, our data suggest an important role of miR-101 in the molecular etiology of cancer and implicate the potential application of miR-101 in cancer therapy." Mcl-1 "Enx-1,MYCN" 2009 19155302 Causal
+ hsa-miR-101 684 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "among the 20 HCC samples analyzed, microRNA-101 was significantly down-regulated twofold or more (twofold to 20-fold) in 16 samples compared with the matching nontumoral liver tissues. Using both a luciferase reporter assay and Western blot analysis, we showed that microRNA-101 repressed the expression of v-fos FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog (FOS) oncogene, a key component of the activator protein-1 (AP-1) transcription factor. Moreover, using a luciferase expression vector (pAP-1-Luc) driven by seven copies of an AP-1 cis-element, we observed that microRNA-101 expression inhibited phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-induced AP-1 activity. In in vitro Matrigel invasion and Transwell migration assays, enhanced microRNA-101 expression inhibited the invasion and migration of cultured HCC cells, respectively. These findings suggest that microRNA-101 may play an important role in HCC. Conclusion: MicroRNA-101, which is aberrantly expressed in HCC, could repress the expression of the FOS oncogene." FOS "Enx-1,MYCN" 2009 19133651 Causal
+ hsa-miR-101 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is a mammalian histone methyltransferase that contributes to the epigenetic silencing of target genes and regulates the survival and metastasis of cancer cells. EZH2 is overexpressed in aggressive solid tumors by mechanisms that remain unclear. Here we show that the expression and function of EZH2 in cancer cell lines are inhibited by microRNA-101 (miR-101). Analysis of human prostate tumors revealed that miR-101 expression decreases during cancer progression, paralleling an increase in EZH2 expression. One or both of the two genomic loci encoding miR-101 were somatically lost in 37.5% of clinically localized prostate cancer cells (6 of 16) and 66.7% of metastatic disease cells (22 of 33). We propose that the genomic loss of miR-101 in cancer leads to overexpression of EZH2 and concomitant dysregulation of epigenetic pathways, resulting in cancer progression." EZH2 "Enx-1,MYCN" 2009 19008416 Causal
+ hsa-miR-106a 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The level of miR-106a in cancer tissues was significantly higher than that in non-tumor tissues, with an average 1.625-fold increase. miR-106a level was significantly associated with tumor stage, size and differentiation; lymphatic and distant metastasis; and invasion (P<0.01). The altered expression of miR-106a was confirmed in gastric cancer cell lines." unknown RB1 2009 18996365 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106b 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by cells that exhibit dysfunctional apoptosis. Here, we show, deacetylase inhibition led to the E2F1- and myc-mediated transcriptional activation of the microRNA, miR106b in primary CLL cells. Induction of miR106b was associated with a downregulation in the levels of the E3-ubiquitin ligase, Itch. Decreases in Itch protein levels were associated with a reciprocal accumulation of its proapoptotic substrate, TAp73 (p73), and induction of PUMA mRNA and protein. Ectopic expression of miR106b in CLL cells demonstrated that Itch was a direct target of miR106b such that miR106b-induced decreases in Itch resulted in an accumulation of p73. Thus, our results identify a novel regulatory mechanism wherein miRNA regulate cell survival by mediating the post-transcriptional downregulation of an ubiquitin ligase, leading to the induction of a proapoptotic regulator in malignant cells. Silencing of miRNA expression in CLL may selectively suppress proapoptotic pathways providing such tumors with a survival advantage. Consequently, chemotherapeutic drugs that activate miR106b could initiate a p53-independent mechanism that targets CLL cells." Itch unknown 2009 19096009 Causal
+ hsa-miR-10a 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "A score based on the expression levels of the 51 miRNAs, identified muscle invasive tumors with high precision and sensitivity. MiRNAs showing high expression in muscle invasive tumors included miR-222 and miR-125b and in Ta tumors miR-10a. A miRNA signature for FGFR3 mutated cases was also identified with miR-7 as an important member. MiR-31, located in 9p21, was found to be homozygously deleted in 3 cases and miR-452 and miR-452* were shown to be over expressed in node positive tumors. In addition, these latter miRNAs were shown to be excellent prognostic markers for death by disease as outcome. The presented data shows that pathological subtypes of urothelial carcinoma show distinct miRNA gene expression signatures." unknown HOXA1 2009 19127597 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-10a 8552 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " We detected an abnormal miRNA expression profile in mononuclear and CD34(+) cells from patients with CML compared with healthy controls. Of 157 miRNAs tested, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-150, and hsa-miR-151 were down-regulated, whereas hsa-miR-96 was up-regulated in CML cells. Down-regulation of hsa-miR-10a was not dependent on BCR-ABL1 activity and contributed to the increased cell growth of CML cells. We identified the upstream stimulatory factor 2 (USF2) as a potential target of hsa-miR-10a and showed that overexpression of USF2 also increases cell growth. The clinical relevance of these findings was shown in a group of 85 newly diagnosed patients with CML in which expression of hsa-miR-10a was down-regulated in 71% of the patients, whereas expression of USF2 was up-regulated in 60% of the CML patients, with overexpression of USF2 being significantly associated with decreased expression of hsa-miR-10a (P = 0.004). Our results indicate that down-regulation of hsa-miR-10a may increase USF2 and contribute to the increase in cell proliferation of CML implicating a miRNA in the abnormal behavior of CML." USF2 HOXA1 2009 19074828 Causal
+ hsa-miR-125a 3858 medulloblastoma down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "MicroRNAs expression profile clearly differentiates medulloblastoma from either adult or fetal normal cerebellar tissues. Only a few microRNAs displayed upregulated expression, while most of them were downregulated in tumor samples, suggesting a tumor growth-inhibitory function. This property has been addressed for miR-9 and miR-125a, whose rescued expression promoted medulloblastoma cell growth arrest and apoptosis while targeting the proproliferative truncated TrkC isoform. In conclusion, misregulated microRNA expression profiles characterize human medulloblastomas, and may provide potential targets for novel therapeutic strategies." TrkC "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2009 18973228 Causal
+ hsa-miR-125a 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2209
+ hsa-miR-125b 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "A score based on the expression levels of the 51 miRNAs, identified muscle invasive tumors with high precision and sensitivity. MiRNAs showing high expression in muscle invasive tumors included miR-222 and miR-125b and in Ta tumors miR-10a. A miRNA signature for FGFR3 mutated cases was also identified with miR-7 as an important member. MiR-31, located in 9p21, was found to be homozygously deleted in 3 cases and miR-452 and miR-452* were shown to be over expressed in node positive tumors. In addition, these latter miRNAs were shown to be excellent prognostic markers for death by disease as outcome. The presented data shows that pathological subtypes of urothelial carcinoma show distinct miRNA gene expression signatures." unknown Lin28 2009 19127597 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown Lin28 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2211
+ hsa-miR-126 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "mir-126 is one of the miRNAs underexpressed in breast cancer cells. Flow cytometry analysis showed that mir-126 inhibited cell cycle progression from G1/G0 to S. Further studies revealed that mir-126 targeted IRS-1 at the translation level. Knocking down of IRS-1 suppresses cell growth in HEK293 and breast cancer cell MCF-7, which recapitulates the effects of mir-126. " IRS-1 unknown 2009 18834857 Causal
+ hsa-miR-126 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2213
+ hsa-miR-133a 684 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The majority of miRNAs exhibiting altered expression in primary human HNSCC tumors (including miR-1, miR-133a, miR-205, and let-7d) show lower expression levels relative to normal adjacent tissue. In contrast, hsa-miR-21 is frequently overexpressed in human HNSCC tumors. " unknown unknown 2009 19179615 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 4451 kidney cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We observed that miR-141 and miR-200c were the most significantly down-regulated miRNAs in CCCs. Indeed, in all cases of CCC analysed, both miR-141 and miR-200c were down-regulated in comparison with normal kidney. Microarray data and quantitative RT-PCR showed that these two miRNAs were expressed concordantly. TargetScan algorithm revealed that ZFHX1B mRNA is a hypothetical target of both miR-141 and -200c. We established by quantitative RT-PCR that, in CCCs in which miR-141 and miR-200c were down-regulated, ZFHX1B, a transcriptional repressor for CDH1/E-cadherin, tended to be up-regulated. Furthermore, we found that overexpression of miR-141 and miR-200c caused down-regulation of ZFHX1B and up-regulation of E-cadherin in two renal carcinoma cell lines, ACHN and 786-O. On the basis of these findings, we suggest that down-regulation of miR-141 and miR-200c in CCCs might be involved in suppression of CDH1/E-cadherin transcription via up-regulation of ZFHX1B."
+ unknown Clock 2009 18925646 Unspecified 0 2216
+ hsa-miR-141 289 endometriosis down-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown Clock 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2217
+ hsa-miR-142-3p 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray "Nine microRNAs were found by SAM to be upregulated or downregulated in tumor tissue including mir-21, let-7, 18, 29c, 142-3p, 155, 146b (overexpressed) and 494 (underexpressed). Mir-21 was validated by qRT-PCR. Functional validation by growth assays was performed, further validating mir-21. Transfection of mir-21 into JHU-011 and JHU-012 cell lines showed a 39% increase in cell growth at 72 hr relative to controls (p < 0.05). Transfection of the inhibitor into JHU-O12 cell lines showed a 92% decrease in cell growth relative to controls at 72 hr (p < 0.05). In addition, flow cytometry analysis of JHU-012 cells 48 hr after mir-21 inhibitor transfection showed a statistically significant increase in cytochrome c release and increased apoptosis. These differentially expressed microRNAs may be of interest as potential novel oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in HNSCC. Mir-21 is a putative oncogenic microRNA in head and neck cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18798260 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-142-3p 289 endometriosis down-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2219
+ hsa-miR-143 4007 bladder cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miRNA-143 was 13.7 times lower in tumor than in the matched control. Consistent with microarray data, Northern blot analysis and real-time polymerase chain reaction confirmed that miRNA-143 expression was significantly down-regulated in bladder tumor tissues compared with normal adjacent tissues. The expression of miRNA-143 was not detected in the 2 human bladder cancer cell lines EJ and T24. Interestingly miRNA-143 transfection into EJ and T24 cells significantly inhibited cell proliferation. RAS protein expression in cancer tissues was much higher than in adjacent controls. Consistently RAS protein expression was also significantly decreased in miRNA-143 transfected cells compared with nonspecific miRNA transfected cells. CONCLUSIONS: miRNAs are differentially expressed in bladder cancer tissues. miRNA-143 may function as a tumor suppressor in bladder transitional cell carcinoma." unknown unknown 2009 19157460 Causal
+ hsa-miR-143 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2221
+ hsa-miR-143 9256 colorectal cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " KRAS oncogene has been further experimentally validated as the target of miR-143. First, an inverse correlation between KRAS protein and miR-143 in vivo was found. Second, KRAS expression in Lovo cells was significantly abolished by treatment with miR-143 mimic, whereas miR-143 inhibitor increased KRAS protein level. Third, luciferase reporter assay confirmed that miR-143 directly recognize the 3'-untranslated region of KRAS transcripts. Four, Lovo cells treated with miR-143 inhibitor showed a stimulated cell proliferation, whereas miR-143 overexpression had an opposite effect. Finally, inhibition of KRAS expression by miR-143 inhibits constitutive phosphorylation of ERK1/2. Taken together, the present study provides the first evidences that miR-143 is significant in suppressing colorectal cancer cell growth through inhibition of KRAS translation." KRAS unknown 2009 19137007 Causal
+ hsa-miR-145 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown FLJ21308 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2223
+ hsa-miR-146a* 3963 thyroid cancer normal "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here, we show that GC heterozygotes differ from both GG and CC homozygotes by producing 3 mature microRNAs: 1 from the leading strand (miR-146a), and 2 from the passenger strand (miR-146a*G and miR-146a*C), each with its distinct set of target genes. TaqMan analysis of paired tumor/normal samples revealed 1.5- to 2.6-fold overexpression of polymorphic miR-146a* in 7 of 8 tumors compared with the unaffected part of the same gland. The microarray data showed that widely different transcriptomes occurred in the tumors and in unaffected parts of the thyroid from GC and GG patients. The modulated genes are mainly involved in regulation of apoptosis leading to exaggerated DNA-damage response in heterozygotes potentially explaining the predisposition to cancer. We propose that contrary to previously held views transcripts from the passenger strand of miRs can profoundly affect the downstream effects. Heterozygosity for polymorphisms within the premiR sequence can cause epistasis through the production of additional mature miRs. We propose that mature miRs from the passenger strand may regulate many genetic processes." unknown unknown 2009 19164563 Causal
+ hsa-miR-146b 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray "Nine microRNAs were found by SAM to be upregulated or downregulated in tumor tissue including mir-21, let-7, 18, 29c, 142-3p, 155, 146b (overexpressed) and 494 (underexpressed). Mir-21 was validated by qRT-PCR. Functional validation by growth assays was performed, further validating mir-21. Transfection of mir-21 into JHU-011 and JHU-012 cell lines showed a 39% increase in cell growth at 72 hr relative to controls (p < 0.05). Transfection of the inhibitor into JHU-O12 cell lines showed a 92% decrease in cell growth relative to controls at 72 hr (p < 0.05). In addition, flow cytometry analysis of JHU-012 cells 48 hr after mir-21 inhibitor transfection showed a statistically significant increase in cytochrome c release and increased apoptosis. These differentially expressed microRNAs may be of interest as potential novel oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in HNSCC. Mir-21 is a putative oncogenic microRNA in head and neck cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18798260 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15 8552 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Herein we show that c-Myb expression is subject to posttranscriptional regulation by microRNA (miRNA)-15a. Using a luciferase reporter assay, we found that miR-15a directly binds the 3'-UTR of c-myb mRNA. By transfecting K562 myeloid leukemia cells with a miR-15a mimic, functionality of binding was shown. The mimic decreased c-Myb expression, and blocked the cells in the G(1) phase of cell cycle. Exogenous expression of c-myb mRNA lacking the 3'-UTR partially rescued the miR-15a induced cell-cycle block. Of interest, the miR-15a promoter contained several potential c-Myb protein binding sites. Occupancy of one canonical c-Myb binding site was demonstrated by chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis and shown to be required for miR-15a expression in K562 cells. Finally, in studies using normal human CD34(+) cells, we showed that c-Myb and miR-15a expression were inversely correlated in cells undergoing erythroid differentiation, and that overexpression of miR-15a blocked both erythroid and myeloid colony formation in vitro. In aggregate, these findings suggest the presence of a c-Myb-miR-15a autoregulatory feedback loop of potential importance in human hematopoiesis." c-myb "BCL2,DMTF1" 2009 18818396 Causal
+ hsa-miR-150 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2227
+ hsa-miR-155 9080 Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Multi-level genetic characterization of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) is required to improve our understanding of the underlying molecular changes that lead to the initiation and progression of this disease. We performed microRNA-expression-profiling of bone marrow-derived CD19(+) WM cells, compared to their normal cellular counterparts and validated data by qRT-PCR. We identified a WM-specific microRNA signature characterized by increased expression of microRNA-363*/-206/-494/-155/-184/-542-3p; and decreased expression of microRNA-9* (ANOVA; P<0.01). We found that microRNA-155 regulates proliferation and growth of WM cells in vitro and in vivo, by inhibiting MAPK/ERK, PI3/AKT and NF-kB pathways. Potential microRNA-155 target genes were identified using gene-expression-profiling and included genes involved in cell cycle progression, adhesion, and migration. Importantly, increased expression of the 6 miRNAs significantly correlated with a poorer outcome predicted by the International-Prognostic-Staging-System for WM. We further demonstrated that therapeutic agents commonly used in WM (rituximab/perifosine/bortezomib) alter the levels of the major miRNAs identified, by inducing down-modulation of five increased miRNAs (all but miR-206) and up-modulation of patient-downexpressed miRNA-9*. These data indicate that microRNAs play a pivotal role in the biology of WM; represent important prognostic marker; and provide the basis for the development of new microRNA-based targeted therapies in WM." unknown AGTR1 2009 19074725 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray "Nine microRNAs were found by SAM to be upregulated or downregulated in tumor tissue including mir-21, let-7, 18, 29c, 142-3p, 155, 146b (overexpressed) and 494 (underexpressed). Mir-21 was validated by qRT-PCR. Functional validation by growth assays was performed, further validating mir-21. Transfection of mir-21 into JHU-011 and JHU-012 cell lines showed a 39% increase in cell growth at 72 hr relative to controls (p < 0.05). Transfection of the inhibitor into JHU-O12 cell lines showed a 92% decrease in cell growth relative to controls at 72 hr (p < 0.05). In addition, flow cytometry analysis of JHU-012 cells 48 hr after mir-21 inhibitor transfection showed a statistically significant increase in cytochrome c release and increased apoptosis. These differentially expressed microRNAs may be of interest as potential novel oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in HNSCC. Mir-21 is a putative oncogenic microRNA in head and neck cancer." unknown AGTR1 2008 18798260 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 2627 glioma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here, we studied the function of one miRNA, miR-15b, in glioma carcinogenesis and elucidated its downstream targets. Over-expression of miR-15b resulted in cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 phase while suppression of miR-15b expression resulted in a decrease of cell populations in G0/G1 and a corresponding increase of cell populations in S phase. We further showed that CCNE1 (encoding cyclin E1) is one of the downstream targets of miR-15b. Taken together, our findings indicate that miR-15b regulates cell cycle progression in glioma cells by targeting cell cycle-related molecules." CCNE1 unknown 2009 19135980 Causal
+ hsa-miR-18 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray "Nine microRNAs were found by SAM to be upregulated or downregulated in tumor tissue including mir-21, let-7, 18, 29c, 142-3p, 155, 146b (overexpressed) and 494 (underexpressed). Mir-21 was validated by qRT-PCR. Functional validation by growth assays was performed, further validating mir-21. Transfection of mir-21 into JHU-011 and JHU-012 cell lines showed a 39% increase in cell growth at 72 hr relative to controls (p < 0.05). Transfection of the inhibitor into JHU-O12 cell lines showed a 92% decrease in cell growth relative to controls at 72 hr (p < 0.05). In addition, flow cytometry analysis of JHU-012 cells 48 hr after mir-21 inhibitor transfection showed a statistically significant increase in cytochrome c release and increased apoptosis. These differentially expressed microRNAs may be of interest as potential novel oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in HNSCC. Mir-21 is a putative oncogenic microRNA in head and neck cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18798260 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-184 9080 Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Multi-level genetic characterization of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) is required to improve our understanding of the underlying molecular changes that lead to the initiation and progression of this disease. We performed microRNA-expression-profiling of bone marrow-derived CD19(+) WM cells, compared to their normal cellular counterparts and validated data by qRT-PCR. We identified a WM-specific microRNA signature characterized by increased expression of microRNA-363*/-206/-494/-155/-184/-542-3p; and decreased expression of microRNA-9* (ANOVA; P<0.01). We found that microRNA-155 regulates proliferation and growth of WM cells in vitro and in vivo, by inhibiting MAPK/ERK, PI3/AKT and NF-kB pathways. Potential microRNA-155 target genes were identified using gene-expression-profiling and included genes involved in cell cycle progression, adhesion, and migration. Importantly, increased expression of the 6 miRNAs significantly correlated with a poorer outcome predicted by the International-Prognostic-Staging-System for WM. We further demonstrated that therapeutic agents commonly used in WM (rituximab/perifosine/bortezomib) alter the levels of the major miRNAs identified, by inducing down-modulation of five increased miRNAs (all but miR-206) and up-modulation of patient-downexpressed miRNA-9*. These data indicate that microRNAs play a pivotal role in the biology of WM; represent important prognostic marker; and provide the basis for the development of new microRNA-based targeted therapies in WM." unknown unknown 2009 19074725 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-192 9256 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here, we used array hybridization to find that p53 induces two additional, mutually related clusters of microRNAs, leading to the up-regulation of miR-192, miR-194, and miR-215. The same microRNAs were detected at high levels in normal colon tissue but were severely reduced in many colon cancer samples. On the other hand, miR-192 and its cousin miR-215 can each contribute to enhanced CDKN1A/p21 levels, colony suppression, cell cycle arrest, and cell detachment from a solid support. These effects were partially dependent on the presence of wild-type p53. Antagonizing endogenous miR-192 attenuated 5-fluorouracil-induced accumulation of p21. Hence, miR-192 and miR-215 can act as effectors as well as regulators of p53; they seem to suppress cancerogenesis through p21 accumulation and cell cycle arrest." CDKN1A/p21 SIP1 2009 19074875 Causal
+ hsa-miR-194 9256 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here, we used array hybridization to find that p53 induces two additional, mutually related clusters of microRNAs, leading to the up-regulation of miR-192, miR-194, and miR-215. The same microRNAs were detected at high levels in normal colon tissue but were severely reduced in many colon cancer samples. On the other hand, miR-192 and its cousin miR-215 can each contribute to enhanced CDKN1A/p21 levels, colony suppression, cell cycle arrest, and cell detachment from a solid support. These effects were partially dependent on the presence of wild-type p53. Antagonizing endogenous miR-192 attenuated 5-fluorouracil-induced accumulation of p21. Hence, miR-192 and miR-215 can act as effectors as well as regulators of p53; they seem to suppress cancerogenesis through p21 accumulation and cell cycle arrest." unknown unknown 2009 19074875 Causal
+ hsa-miR-194 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2235
+ hsa-miR-196b 289 endometriosis down-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2236
+ hsa-miR-19a 3858 medulloblastoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Analysis of human MBs demonstrated that 3 miR-17 approximately 92 cluster miRNAs (miR-92, miR-19a, and miR-20) were also overexpressed in human MBs with a constitutively activated Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling pathway, but not in other forms of the disease. To test whether the miR-17 approximately 92 cluster could promote MB formation, we enforced expression of these miRNAs in GNPs isolated from cerebella of postnatal (P) day P6 Ink4c-/-; Ptch1+/- mice. These, but not similarly engineered cells from Ink4c-/-; p53-/- mice, formed MBs in orthotopic transplants with complete penetrance. Interestingly, orthotopic mouse tumors ectopically expressing miR-17 approximately 92 lost expression of the wild-type Ptch1 allele. Our findings suggest a functional collaboration between the miR-17 approximately 92 cluster and the SHH signaling pathway in the development of MBs in mouse and man." unknown PTEN 2009 19196975 Causal
+ hsa-miR-20 3858 medulloblastoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Analysis of human MBs demonstrated that 3 miR-17 approximately 92 cluster miRNAs (miR-92, miR-19a, and miR-20) were also overexpressed in human MBs with a constitutively activated Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling pathway, but not in other forms of the disease. To test whether the miR-17 approximately 92 cluster could promote MB formation, we enforced expression of these miRNAs in GNPs isolated from cerebella of postnatal (P) day P6 Ink4c-/-; Ptch1+/- mice. These, but not similarly engineered cells from Ink4c-/-; p53-/- mice, formed MBs in orthotopic transplants with complete penetrance. Interestingly, orthotopic mouse tumors ectopically expressing miR-17 approximately 92 lost expression of the wild-type Ptch1 allele. Our findings suggest a functional collaboration between the miR-17 approximately 92 cluster and the SHH signaling pathway in the development of MBs in mouse and man." unknown E2F1 2009 19196975 Causal
+ hsa-miR-200a 289 endometriosis down-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2239
+ hsa-miR-200b 289 endometriosis down-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2240
+ hsa-miR-200c 4451 kidney cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We observed that miR-141 and miR-200c were the most significantly down-regulated miRNAs in CCCs. Indeed, in all cases of CCC analysed, both miR-141 and miR-200c were down-regulated in comparison with normal kidney. Microarray data and quantitative RT-PCR showed that these two miRNAs were expressed concordantly. TargetScan algorithm revealed that ZFHX1B mRNA is a hypothetical target of both miR-141 and -200c. We established by quantitative RT-PCR that, in CCCs in which miR-141 and miR-200c were down-regulated, ZFHX1B, a transcriptional repressor for CDH1/E-cadherin, tended to be up-regulated. Furthermore, we found that overexpression of miR-141 and miR-200c caused down-regulation of ZFHX1B and up-regulation of E-cadherin in two renal carcinoma cell lines, ACHN and 786-O. On the basis of these findings, we suggest that down-regulation of miR-141 and miR-200c in CCCs might be involved in suppression of CDH1/E-cadherin transcription via up-regulation of ZFHX1B."
+ unknown unknown 2009 18925646 Unspecified 0 2241
+ hsa-miR-204 4947 cholangiocarcinoma down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The exogenous expression of mir-320 or mir-204 could negatively regulate Mcl-1 or Bcl-2 expression and facilitate chemotherapeutic drug-triggered apoptosis. "Mcl-1, BCL2" unknown 2009 19070389 Causal
+ hsa-miR-205 684 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Using univariate and multivariable statistical models we show that low levels of hsa-miR205 are significantly associated with loco-regional recurrence independent of disease severity at diagnosis and treatment. In addition, combined low levels of hsa-miR-205 and hsa-let-7d expression in HNSCC tumors are significantly associated with poor head and neck cancer survival Our results show that miRNA expression levels can be used as prognostic markers of head and neck cancer." unknown unknown 2009 19179615 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-205 1749 squamous carcinoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Here we demonstrate not only that the lipid phosphatase SHIP2 is a target of miRNA-205 (miR-205) in epithelial cells, but, more importantly, that the corneal epithelial-specific miR-184 can interfere with the ability of miR-205 to suppress SHIP2 levels. This is the first example of a miRNA negatively regulating another to maintain levels of a target protein. Interfering with miR-205 function by using a synthetic antagomir, or by the ectopic expression of miR-184, leads to a coordinated damping of the Akt signaling pathway via SHIP2 induction. This was associated with a marked increase in keratinocyte apoptosis and cell death. Aggressive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells exhibited elevated levels of miR-205. This was associated with a concomitant reduction in SHIP2 levels. Partial knockdown of endogenous miR-205 in SCCs markedly decreased phosphorylated Akt and phosphorylated BAD levels and increased apoptosis. We were able to increase SHIP2 levels in SCC cells after inhibition of miR-205. Therefore, miR-205 might have diagnostic value in determining the aggressivity of SCCs. Blockage of miR-205 activity with an antagomir or via ectopic expression of miR-184 could be novel therapeutic approaches for treating aggressive SCCs."
+ SHIP2 unknown 2009 19033458 Causal 1 2244
+ hsa-miR-205 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Approximately one third of all miRNA will exhibit substantial tissue specificity. Using a quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction-based assay, we examined the expression of microRNA-205 (mir-205) across tissues and demonstrated that its expression is highly specific for squamous epithelium. We applied this assay to tissue samples, and we could detect metastatic HNSCC in each positive lymph node specimen, whereas benign specimens did not express this marker. When compared to metastases from other primary tumors, HNSCC-positive lymph nodes were distinguishable by the high expression of this marker. Using an in vitro lymphoid tissue model, we were able to detect as little as one squamous cell in a background of 1 million lymphocytes. By combining the sensitivity of quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction with the specificity of mir-205 for squamous epithelium, we demonstrate a novel molecular marker for the detection of metastatic HNSCC." unknown unknown 2009 19043531 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-206 9080 Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Multi-level genetic characterization of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) is required to improve our understanding of the underlying molecular changes that lead to the initiation and progression of this disease. We performed microRNA-expression-profiling of bone marrow-derived CD19(+) WM cells, compared to their normal cellular counterparts and validated data by qRT-PCR. We identified a WM-specific microRNA signature characterized by increased expression of microRNA-363*/-206/-494/-155/-184/-542-3p; and decreased expression of microRNA-9* (ANOVA; P<0.01). We found that microRNA-155 regulates proliferation and growth of WM cells in vitro and in vivo, by inhibiting MAPK/ERK, PI3/AKT and NF-kB pathways. Potential microRNA-155 target genes were identified using gene-expression-profiling and included genes involved in cell cycle progression, adhesion, and migration. Importantly, increased expression of the 6 miRNAs significantly correlated with a poorer outcome predicted by the International-Prognostic-Staging-System for WM. We further demonstrated that therapeutic agents commonly used in WM (rituximab/perifosine/bortezomib) alter the levels of the major miRNAs identified, by inducing down-modulation of five increased miRNAs (all but miR-206) and up-modulation of patient-downexpressed miRNA-9*. These data indicate that microRNAs play a pivotal role in the biology of WM; represent important prognostic marker; and provide the basis for the development of new microRNA-based targeted therapies in WM." unknown "Fstl1,GJA1,Utrn" 2009 19074725 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 289 endometriosis down-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown TGFBR2 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2247
+ hsa-miR-21 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Using TaqMan quantitative real-time PCR, we confirmed that miR-21 was significantly overexpressed in human gastric cancer tissues and cell lines. Remarkably, miR-21 was also significantly overexpressed in H. pylori-infected gastric mucosa, implying that overexpression of miR-21 in gastric cancer may be due in part to H. pylori infection. More importantly, we showed that forced expression of miR-21 significantly enhanced cell proliferation and invasion in AGS cells, a human gastric cancer cell line, whereas knockdown of miR-21 by inhibitor caused a significant reduction in cell proliferation and a significant increase in apoptosis. Furthermore, we demonstrated that knockdown of miR-21 significantly decreased cell invasion and migration of AGS cells. Finally, we showed that RECK, a known tumor suppressor in gastric cancer, is a bona fide target of miR-21. Taken together, miR-21 may be important in the initiation and progression of gastric cancers as an oncomiR, likely through regulating RECK. Our findings suggest a potential regulatory pathway in which H. pylori infection upregulates expression of miR-21, which in turn downregulates RECK, and then leads to the development of gastric cancer." RECK "PTEN,TPM1" 2009 18794849 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 6000 heart failure up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here we show that microRNA-21 (miR-21, also known as Mirn21) regulates the ERK-MAP kinase signalling pathway in cardiac fibroblasts, which has impacts on global cardiac structure and function. miR-21 levels are increased selectively in fibroblasts of the failing heart, augmenting ERK-MAP kinase activity through inhibition of sprouty homologue 1 (Spry1). This mechanism regulates fibroblast survival and growth factor secretion, apparently controlling the extent of interstitial fibrosis and cardiac hypertrophy. In vivo silencing of miR-21 by a specific antagomir in a mouse pressure-overload-induced disease model reduces cardiac ERK-MAP kinase activity, inhibits interstitial fibrosis and attenuates cardiac dysfunction. These findings reveal that microRNAs can contribute to myocardial disease by an effect in cardiac fibroblasts. Our results validate miR-21 as a disease target in heart failure and establish the therapeutic efficacy of microRNA therapeutic intervention in a cardiovascular disease setting." Spry1 "PTEN,TPM1" 2009 19043405 Causal
+ hsa-miR-215 9256 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here, we used array hybridization to find that p53 induces two additional, mutually related clusters of microRNAs, leading to the up-regulation of miR-192, miR-194, and miR-215. The same microRNAs were detected at high levels in normal colon tissue but were severely reduced in many colon cancer samples. On the other hand, miR-192 and its cousin miR-215 can each contribute to enhanced CDKN1A/p21 levels, colony suppression, cell cycle arrest, and cell detachment from a solid support. These effects were partially dependent on the presence of wild-type p53. Antagonizing endogenous miR-192 attenuated 5-fluorouracil-induced accumulation of p21. Hence, miR-192 and miR-215 can act as effectors as well as regulators of p53; they seem to suppress cancerogenesis through p21 accumulation and cell cycle arrest." CDKN1A/p21 unknown 2009 19074875 Causal
+ hsa-miR-221 1909 melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "mir-221 can directly interact with c-kit 3'UTR and inhibit cKit protein translation. Observed inverse correlation of the c-kit and mir-221 expression in various melanocytic cells pointed to its involvement in regulation of cKit in melanoma. Moreover, a series of functional assays demonstrated that mir-221 could directly inhibit cKit, p27(Kip1) and, possibly, other pivotal proteins in melanoma. Collectively, the studies presented here indicate that mir-221 could be a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of cutaneous melanoma. They also suggest that regulation of expression and functional activity of identified up-regulated miRNAs should be further studied in the context of malignant melanoma." "c-KIT, p27(Kip1)" KIT 2009 19126397 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A score based on the expression levels of the 51 miRNAs, identified muscle invasive tumors with high precision and sensitivity. MiRNAs showing high expression in muscle invasive tumors included miR-222 and miR-125b and in Ta tumors miR-10a. A miRNA signature for FGFR3 mutated cases was also identified with miR-7 as an important member. MiR-31, located in 9p21, was found to be homozygously deleted in 3 cases and miR-452 and miR-452* were shown to be over expressed in node positive tumors. In addition, these latter miRNAs were shown to be excellent prognostic markers for death by disease as outcome. The presented data shows that pathological subtypes of urothelial carcinoma show distinct miRNA gene expression signatures." unknown KIT 2009 19127597 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant expression of microRNAs has been recently associated with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) outcome. Although disease evolution can be predicted by several prognostic factors, a better outcome individualization in a given patient is still of utmost interest. Here, we showed that miR-29c and miR-223 expression levels decreased significantly with progression from Binet Stage A to C, were significantly lower in poor prognostic subgroups (defined by several prognostic factors) and could significantly predict treatment-free survival (TFS) and overall survival (OS). Furthermore, we developed a quantitative real-time PCR score combining miR-29c, miR-223, ZAP70 and LPL (from 0 to 4 poor prognostic markers) to stratify treatment and death risk in a cohort of 110 patients with a median follow-up of 72 months (range, 2-312). Patients with a score of 0/4, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 had a median TFS of >312, 129, 80, 36 and 19 months, respectively (hazard ratio, HR0/4<1/4<2/4<3/4<4/4=17.00, P<0.0001). Patients with a score of 0-1/4, 2-3/4 and 4/4 had a median OS of >312, 183 and 106 months, respectively (HR0/4<1/4<2/4<3/4<4/4=13.69, P=0.0001). This score will help to identify, among the good and poor prognosis subgroups, patients who will need early therapy and thus will require a closer follow-up."
+ unknown NFIA 2009 19144983 Unspecified 2 2255
+ hsa-miR-223 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown NFIA 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2256
+ hsa-miR-23b 769 neuroblastoma (NB) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression of the mu opioid receptor (MOR1) protein is regulated temporally and spatially. Although transcription of its gene has been studied extensively, regulation of MOR1 protein production at the level of translation is poorly understood. Using reporter assays, we found that the MOR1 3'-untranslated region (UTR) represses reporter expression at the post-transcriptional level. Suppression by the 3'-UTR of MOR1 is mediated through decreased mRNA association with polysomes, which requires microRNA23b (miRNA23b), a specific miRNA that is expressed in mouse brain and NS20Y mouse neuroblastoma cells. miRNA23b interacts with the MOR1 3'-UTR via a K box motif. By knocking down endogenous miRNA23b in NS20Y cells, we confirmed that miRNA23b inhibits MOR1 protein expression in vivo. This is the first study reporting a translationally repressive role for the MOR1 3'-UTR. We propose a mechanism in which miRNA23b blocks the association of MOR1 mRNA with polysomes, thereby arresting its translation and suppressing the production of MOR1 protein." MOR1 Notch1 2009 18716031 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-27a is up-regulated in human gastric adenocarcinoma. Suppression of miR-27a inhibits gastric cancer cell growth. Subsequently, prohibitin is identified as a potential miR-27a target, combining bioinformatics and microarray analysis. EGFP report experiment also confirms that the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of prohibitin carries the directly binding site of miR-27a. After knockdown of miR-27a in gastric cancer cells, mRNA level and protein level of prohibitin are both elevated. Down-regulation of prohibitin by miR-27a may explain why suppression of miR-27a can inhibit gastric cancer cell growth, further supporting that miR-27a functions as an oncogene." prohibitin unknown 2009 18789835 Causal
+ hsa-miR-298 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Intriguingly, previous post-mortem analyses showed higher beta-amyloid precursor protein-converting enzyme (BACE) protein, but not mRNA, levels in the brain of patients that suffered from Alzheimer disease (AD). Here we also observed a loss of correlation between BACE1 mRNA and protein levels in the hippocampus of a mouse model of AD. Consistent with an impairment of miRNA-mediated regulation of BACE1 expression, these findings prompted us to investigate the regulatory role of the BACE1 3'-UTR element and the possible involvement of specific miRNAs in cultured neuronal (N2a) and fibroblastic (NIH 3T3) cells. Through various experimental approaches, we validated computational predictions and demonstrated that miR-298 and miR-328 recognize specific binding sites in the 3'-UTR of BACE1 mRNA and exert regulatory effects on BACE1 protein expression in cultured neuronal cells. Our results may provide the molecular basis underlying BACE1 deregulation in AD and offer new perspectives on the etiology of this neurological disorder."
+ BACE1 unknown 2009 18986979 Causal 1 2259
+ hsa-miR-29b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant DNA hypermethylation contributes to myeloid leukemogenesis by silencing structurally normal genes involved in hematopoiesis. In the current study, we showed that enforced expression of miR-29b in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells resulted in marked reduction of the expression of DNA methyltransferases DNMT1, DNMT3A and 3B at both RNA and protein levels. This in turn led to decrease in global DNA methylation and re-expression of p15(INK4b) and ESR1 via promoter DNA hypomethylation. While down-regulation of DNMT3A and 3B was the result of a direct interaction of miR-29b with the 3' untranslated regions (UTR) of these genes, no predicted miR-29b interaction sites were found in the DNMT1 3'UTR. Further experiments revealed that miR-29b down-regulates DNMT1 indirectly by targeting Sp1, a transactivator of the DNMT1 gene. Altogether, these data provide novel functional links between miRNAs and aberrant DNA hypermethylation in AML and suggest a potentially therapeutic use of synthetic miR-29b oligonucleotides as effective hypomethylating compounds." "DNMT3A, DNMT3B, Sp1" unknown 2009 19211935 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29c 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant expression of microRNAs has been recently associated with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) outcome. Although disease evolution can be predicted by several prognostic factors, a better outcome individualization in a given patient is still of utmost interest. Here, we showed that miR-29c and miR-223 expression levels decreased significantly with progression from Binet Stage A to C, were significantly lower in poor prognostic subgroups (defined by several prognostic factors) and could significantly predict treatment-free survival (TFS) and overall survival (OS). Furthermore, we developed a quantitative real-time PCR score combining miR-29c, miR-223, ZAP70 and LPL (from 0 to 4 poor prognostic markers) to stratify treatment and death risk in a cohort of 110 patients with a median follow-up of 72 months (range, 2-312). Patients with a score of 0/4, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 had a median TFS of >312, 129, 80, 36 and 19 months, respectively (hazard ratio, HR0/4<1/4<2/4<3/4<4/4=17.00, P<0.0001). Patients with a score of 0-1/4, 2-3/4 and 4/4 had a median OS of >312, 183 and 106 months, respectively (HR0/4<1/4<2/4<3/4<4/4=13.69, P=0.0001). This score will help to identify, among the good and poor prognosis subgroups, patients who will need early therapy and thus will require a closer follow-up."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19144983 Unspecified 2 2261
+ hsa-miR-29c 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray "Nine microRNAs were found by SAM to be upregulated or downregulated in tumor tissue including mir-21, let-7, 18, 29c, 142-3p, 155, 146b (overexpressed) and 494 (underexpressed). Mir-21 was validated by qRT-PCR. Functional validation by growth assays was performed, further validating mir-21. Transfection of mir-21 into JHU-011 and JHU-012 cell lines showed a 39% increase in cell growth at 72 hr relative to controls (p < 0.05). Transfection of the inhibitor into JHU-O12 cell lines showed a 92% decrease in cell growth relative to controls at 72 hr (p < 0.05). In addition, flow cytometry analysis of JHU-012 cells 48 hr after mir-21 inhibitor transfection showed a statistically significant increase in cytochrome c release and increased apoptosis. These differentially expressed microRNAs may be of interest as potential novel oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in HNSCC. Mir-21 is a putative oncogenic microRNA in head and neck cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18798260 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2263
+ hsa-miR-31 4007 bladder cancer down-regulated microarray "A score based on the expression levels of the 51 miRNAs, identified muscle invasive tumors with high precision and sensitivity. MiRNAs showing high expression in muscle invasive tumors included miR-222 and miR-125b and in Ta tumors miR-10a. A miRNA signature for FGFR3 mutated cases was also identified with miR-7 as an important member. MiR-31, located in 9p21, was found to be homozygously deleted in 3 cases and miR-452 and miR-452* were shown to be over expressed in node positive tumors. In addition, these latter miRNAs were shown to be excellent prognostic markers for death by disease as outcome. The presented data shows that pathological subtypes of urothelial carcinoma show distinct miRNA gene expression signatures." unknown unknown 2009 19127597 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 4947 cholangiocarcinoma down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The exogenous expression of mir-320 or mir-204 could negatively regulate Mcl-1 or Bcl-2 expression and facilitate chemotherapeutic drug-triggered apoptosis. "Mcl-1, BCL2" unknown 2009 19070389 Causal
+ hsa-miR-320 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " we have identified a panel of TPA-induced miRNAs that are expressed coincident with HL-60 stereotypic morphological changes characteristic of monocytic differentiation. The transferrin receptor 1(TfR-1; CD71), whose surface expression is downregulated during TPA-mediated HL-60 cell differentiation, has been identified as a target of the TPA-induced miRNA miR-320. Cell culture experiments indicate that enforced miR-320 expression can suppress TfR-1 expression and cell proliferation. CONCLUSION: TPA induces the expression of several miRNAs in HL-60 cells, one such miRNA (miR-320) contributes to downregulation of TfR-1 surface expression characteristically seen during HL-60 monocytic differentiation. Moreover, TfR-1-targeting miRNAs, such as miR-320, may have potential as novel therapeutic agents for cancer due to their inhibitory effects on cell proliferation." TfR-1 unknown 2009 19135902 Causal
+ hsa-miR-328 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Intriguingly, previous post-mortem analyses showed higher beta-amyloid precursor protein-converting enzyme (BACE) protein, but not mRNA, levels in the brain of patients that suffered from Alzheimer disease (AD). Here we also observed a loss of correlation between BACE1 mRNA and protein levels in the hippocampus of a mouse model of AD. Consistent with an impairment of miRNA-mediated regulation of BACE1 expression, these findings prompted us to investigate the regulatory role of the BACE1 3'-UTR element and the possible involvement of specific miRNAs in cultured neuronal (N2a) and fibroblastic (NIH 3T3) cells. Through various experimental approaches, we validated computational predictions and demonstrated that miR-298 and miR-328 recognize specific binding sites in the 3'-UTR of BACE1 mRNA and exert regulatory effects on BACE1 protein expression in cultured neuronal cells. Our results may provide the molecular basis underlying BACE1 deregulation in AD and offer new perspectives on the etiology of this neurological disorder."
+ BACE1 unknown 2009 18986979 Causal 1 2267
+ hsa-miR-34a 1909 melanoma down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-34a is actively expressed in melanocytes but not in uveal melanoma cells based on Northern blot analysis. Transfection of miR-34a into uveal melanoma cells led to a significant decrease in cell growth and migration. Following identification of two putative miR-34a binding sites within the 3' UTR of the human c-Met mRNA, miR-34a was shown to suppress luciferase activity using HEK293 cells with a luciferase reporter construct containing the binding sites. miR-34a was confirmed to downregulate the expression of c-Met protein by Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Furthermore, introduction of miR-34a also downregulated phosphorylated Akt and cell cycle-related proteins. CONCLUSIONS. Our results demonstrate that miR-34a acts as a tumor suppressor in uveal melanoma cell proliferation and migration through downregulation of c-Met." c-Met E2F3 2008 19029026 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34c 289 endometriosis down-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2270
+ hsa-miR-363* 9080 Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Multi-level genetic characterization of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) is required to improve our understanding of the underlying molecular changes that lead to the initiation and progression of this disease. We performed microRNA-expression-profiling of bone marrow-derived CD19(+) WM cells, compared to their normal cellular counterparts and validated data by qRT-PCR. We identified a WM-specific microRNA signature characterized by increased expression of microRNA-363*/-206/-494/-155/-184/-542-3p; and decreased expression of microRNA-9* (ANOVA; P<0.01). We found that microRNA-155 regulates proliferation and growth of WM cells in vitro and in vivo, by inhibiting MAPK/ERK, PI3/AKT and NF-kB pathways. Potential microRNA-155 target genes were identified using gene-expression-profiling and included genes involved in cell cycle progression, adhesion, and migration. Importantly, increased expression of the 6 miRNAs significantly correlated with a poorer outcome predicted by the International-Prognostic-Staging-System for WM. We further demonstrated that therapeutic agents commonly used in WM (rituximab/perifosine/bortezomib) alter the levels of the major miRNAs identified, by inducing down-modulation of five increased miRNAs (all but miR-206) and up-modulation of patient-downexpressed miRNA-9*. These data indicate that microRNAs play a pivotal role in the biology of WM; represent important prognostic marker; and provide the basis for the development of new microRNA-based targeted therapies in WM." unknown unknown 2009 19074725 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-365 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2272
+ hsa-miR-377 2370 diabetic nephropathy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here, we exposed cultured human and mouse mesangial cells to high glucose and transforming growth factor-beta to simulate the diabetic milieu. In these conditions in vitro, as well as in mouse diabetic nephropathy models in vivo, microRNA-377 was consistently up-regulated relative to controls. Through a combination of computational and biological approaches, we identified relevant miR-377 target genes. Although fibronectin was induced by miR-377, it was not a direct target of miR-377. However, miR-377 led to reduced expressions of p21-activated kinase and superoxide dismutase, which enhanced fibronectin protein production. Thus, overexpression of miR-377 in diabetic nephropathy indirectly leads to increased fibronectin protein production; as such, miR-377 can have a critical role in the pathophysiology of this prevalent human disease." unknown unknown 2009 18716028 Causal
+ hsa-miR-424 289 endometriosis down-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2274
+ hsa-miR-452 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "A score based on the expression levels of the 51 miRNAs, identified muscle invasive tumors with high precision and sensitivity. MiRNAs showing high expression in muscle invasive tumors included miR-222 and miR-125b and in Ta tumors miR-10a. A miRNA signature for FGFR3 mutated cases was also identified with miR-7 as an important member. MiR-31, located in 9p21, was found to be homozygously deleted in 3 cases and miR-452 and miR-452* were shown to be over expressed in node positive tumors. In addition, these latter miRNAs were shown to be excellent prognostic markers for death by disease as outcome. The presented data shows that pathological subtypes of urothelial carcinoma show distinct miRNA gene expression signatures." unknown unknown 2009 19127597 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-452* 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "A score based on the expression levels of the 51 miRNAs, identified muscle invasive tumors with high precision and sensitivity. MiRNAs showing high expression in muscle invasive tumors included miR-222 and miR-125b and in Ta tumors miR-10a. A miRNA signature for FGFR3 mutated cases was also identified with miR-7 as an important member. MiR-31, located in 9p21, was found to be homozygously deleted in 3 cases and miR-452 and miR-452* were shown to be over expressed in node positive tumors. In addition, these latter miRNAs were shown to be excellent prognostic markers for death by disease as outcome. The presented data shows that pathological subtypes of urothelial carcinoma show distinct miRNA gene expression signatures." unknown unknown 2009 19127597 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-494 9080 Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Multi-level genetic characterization of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) is required to improve our understanding of the underlying molecular changes that lead to the initiation and progression of this disease. We performed microRNA-expression-profiling of bone marrow-derived CD19(+) WM cells, compared to their normal cellular counterparts and validated data by qRT-PCR. We identified a WM-specific microRNA signature characterized by increased expression of microRNA-363*/-206/-494/-155/-184/-542-3p; and decreased expression of microRNA-9* (ANOVA; P<0.01). We found that microRNA-155 regulates proliferation and growth of WM cells in vitro and in vivo, by inhibiting MAPK/ERK, PI3/AKT and NF-kB pathways. Potential microRNA-155 target genes were identified using gene-expression-profiling and included genes involved in cell cycle progression, adhesion, and migration. Importantly, increased expression of the 6 miRNAs significantly correlated with a poorer outcome predicted by the International-Prognostic-Staging-System for WM. We further demonstrated that therapeutic agents commonly used in WM (rituximab/perifosine/bortezomib) alter the levels of the major miRNAs identified, by inducing down-modulation of five increased miRNAs (all but miR-206) and up-modulation of patient-downexpressed miRNA-9*. These data indicate that microRNAs play a pivotal role in the biology of WM; represent important prognostic marker; and provide the basis for the development of new microRNA-based targeted therapies in WM." unknown unknown 2009 19074725 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-494 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray "Nine microRNAs were found by SAM to be upregulated or downregulated in tumor tissue including mir-21, let-7, 18, 29c, 142-3p, 155, 146b (overexpressed) and 494 (underexpressed). Mir-21 was validated by qRT-PCR. Functional validation by growth assays was performed, further validating mir-21. Transfection of mir-21 into JHU-011 and JHU-012 cell lines showed a 39% increase in cell growth at 72 hr relative to controls (p < 0.05). Transfection of the inhibitor into JHU-O12 cell lines showed a 92% decrease in cell growth relative to controls at 72 hr (p < 0.05). In addition, flow cytometry analysis of JHU-012 cells 48 hr after mir-21 inhibitor transfection showed a statistically significant increase in cytochrome c release and increased apoptosis. These differentially expressed microRNAs may be of interest as potential novel oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in HNSCC. Mir-21 is a putative oncogenic microRNA in head and neck cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18798260 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-542-3p 9080 Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Multi-level genetic characterization of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) is required to improve our understanding of the underlying molecular changes that lead to the initiation and progression of this disease. We performed microRNA-expression-profiling of bone marrow-derived CD19(+) WM cells, compared to their normal cellular counterparts and validated data by qRT-PCR. We identified a WM-specific microRNA signature characterized by increased expression of microRNA-363*/-206/-494/-155/-184/-542-3p; and decreased expression of microRNA-9* (ANOVA; P<0.01). We found that microRNA-155 regulates proliferation and growth of WM cells in vitro and in vivo, by inhibiting MAPK/ERK, PI3/AKT and NF-kB pathways. Potential microRNA-155 target genes were identified using gene-expression-profiling and included genes involved in cell cycle progression, adhesion, and migration. Importantly, increased expression of the 6 miRNAs significantly correlated with a poorer outcome predicted by the International-Prognostic-Staging-System for WM. We further demonstrated that therapeutic agents commonly used in WM (rituximab/perifosine/bortezomib) alter the levels of the major miRNAs identified, by inducing down-modulation of five increased miRNAs (all but miR-206) and up-modulation of patient-downexpressed miRNA-9*. These data indicate that microRNAs play a pivotal role in the biology of WM; represent important prognostic marker; and provide the basis for the development of new microRNA-based targeted therapies in WM." unknown unknown 2009 19074725 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "A score based on the expression levels of the 51 miRNAs, identified muscle invasive tumors with high precision and sensitivity. MiRNAs showing high expression in muscle invasive tumors included miR-222 and miR-125b and in Ta tumors miR-10a. A miRNA signature for FGFR3 mutated cases was also identified with miR-7 as an important member. MiR-31, located in 9p21, was found to be homozygously deleted in 3 cases and miR-452 and miR-452* were shown to be over expressed in node positive tumors. In addition, these latter miRNAs were shown to be excellent prognostic markers for death by disease as outcome. The presented data shows that pathological subtypes of urothelial carcinoma show distinct miRNA gene expression signatures." unknown unknown 2009 19127597 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9 3858 medulloblastoma down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "MicroRNAs expression profile clearly differentiates medulloblastoma from either adult or fetal normal cerebellar tissues. Only a few microRNAs displayed upregulated expression, while most of them were downregulated in tumor samples, suggesting a tumor growth-inhibitory function. This property has been addressed for miR-9 and miR-125a, whose rescued expression promoted medulloblastoma cell growth arrest and apoptosis while targeting the proproliferative truncated TrkC isoform. In conclusion, misregulated microRNA expression profiles characterize human medulloblastomas, and may provide potential targets for novel therapeutic strategies." TrkC unknown 2009 18973228 Causal
+ hsa-miR-9 12858 Huntington's disease (HD) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The transcription factor REST silences neuronal gene expression in non-neuronal cells. In neurons, the protein is sequestered in the cytoplasm in part through binding to huntingtin. Polyglutamine expansions in huntingtin, which causes Huntington's disease (HD), abrogates REST-huntingtin binding. Consequently, REST translocates to the nucleus, occupies RE1 repressor sequences and decreases neuronal gene expression. In this work, we found that levels of several microRNAs (miRNAs) with upstream RE1 sites are decreased in HD patient cortices relative to healthy controls. Interestingly, one of these, the bifunctional brain enriched miR-9/miR-9*, targets two components of the REST complex: miR-9 targets REST and miR-9* targets CoREST. These data provide evidence for a double negative feedback loop between the REST silencing complex and the miRNAs it regulates." REST unknown 2009 19118166 Causal
+ hsa-miR-9* 9080 Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Multi-level genetic characterization of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) is required to improve our understanding of the underlying molecular changes that lead to the initiation and progression of this disease. We performed microRNA-expression-profiling of bone marrow-derived CD19(+) WM cells, compared to their normal cellular counterparts and validated data by qRT-PCR. We identified a WM-specific microRNA signature characterized by increased expression of microRNA-363*/-206/-494/-155/-184/-542-3p; and decreased expression of microRNA-9* (ANOVA; P<0.01). We found that microRNA-155 regulates proliferation and growth of WM cells in vitro and in vivo, by inhibiting MAPK/ERK, PI3/AKT and NF-kB pathways. Potential microRNA-155 target genes were identified using gene-expression-profiling and included genes involved in cell cycle progression, adhesion, and migration. Importantly, increased expression of the 6 miRNAs significantly correlated with a poorer outcome predicted by the International-Prognostic-Staging-System for WM. We further demonstrated that therapeutic agents commonly used in WM (rituximab/perifosine/bortezomib) alter the levels of the major miRNAs identified, by inducing down-modulation of five increased miRNAs (all but miR-206) and up-modulation of patient-downexpressed miRNA-9*. These data indicate that microRNAs play a pivotal role in the biology of WM; represent important prognostic marker; and provide the basis for the development of new microRNA-based targeted therapies in WM." unknown unknown 2009 19074725 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-9* 12858 Huntington's disease (HD) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The transcription factor REST silences neuronal gene expression in non-neuronal cells. In neurons, the protein is sequestered in the cytoplasm in part through binding to huntingtin. Polyglutamine expansions in huntingtin, which causes Huntington's disease (HD), abrogates REST-huntingtin binding. Consequently, REST translocates to the nucleus, occupies RE1 repressor sequences and decreases neuronal gene expression. In this work, we found that levels of several microRNAs (miRNAs) with upstream RE1 sites are decreased in HD patient cortices relative to healthy controls. Interestingly, one of these, the bifunctional brain enriched miR-9/miR-9*, targets two components of the REST complex: miR-9 targets REST and miR-9* targets CoREST. These data provide evidence for a double negative feedback loop between the REST silencing complex and the miRNAs it regulates." CoREST unknown 2009 19118166 Causal
+ hsa-miR-92 3858 medulloblastoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Analysis of human MBs demonstrated that 3 miR-17 approximately 92 cluster miRNAs (miR-92, miR-19a, and miR-20) were also overexpressed in human MBs with a constitutively activated Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling pathway, but not in other forms of the disease. To test whether the miR-17 approximately 92 cluster could promote MB formation, we enforced expression of these miRNAs in GNPs isolated from cerebella of postnatal (P) day P6 Ink4c-/-; Ptch1+/- mice. These, but not similarly engineered cells from Ink4c-/-; p53-/- mice, formed MBs in orthotopic transplants with complete penetrance. Interestingly, orthotopic mouse tumors ectopically expressing miR-17 approximately 92 lost expression of the wild-type Ptch1 allele. Our findings suggest a functional collaboration between the miR-17 approximately 92 cluster and the SHH signaling pathway in the development of MBs in mouse and man." unknown unknown 2009 19196975 Causal
+ hsa-miR-99a 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2289
+ hsa-miR-99b 289 endometriosis up-regulated microarray " We assessed miRNA expression by microarray analysis in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrial tissues and identified 14 up-regulated (miR-145, miR-143, miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-126, miR-100, miR-125b, miR-150, miR-125a, miR-223, miR-194, miR-365, miR-29c and miR-1) and eight down-regulated (miR-200a, miR-141, miR-200b, miR-142-3p, miR-424, miR-34c, miR-20a and miR-196b) miRNAs. The differential expression of six miRNAs was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR. An in silico analysis identified 3851 mRNA transcripts as putative targets of the 22 miRNAs. Of these predicted targets, 673 were also differentially expressed in ectopic vs. eutopic endometrial tissue, as determined by microarray. Functional analysis suggested that the 673 miRNA targets constitute molecular pathways previously associated with endometriosis, including c-Jun, CREB-binding protein, protein kinase B (Akt), and cyclin D1 (CCND1) signaling. These pathways appeared to be regulated both transcriptionally as well as by miRNAs at posttranscriptional level. These data are a rich and novel resource for endometriosis and miRNA research and suggest that the 22 miRNAs and their cognate mRNA target sequences constitute pathways that promote endometriosis. Accordingly, miRNAs are potential therapeutic targets for treating this disease."
+ unknown unknown 2009 19074548 Unspecified 0 2290
+ hsa-miR-328 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We compared the expression of 377 miRNAs in explanted livers form subjects with PBC versus controls with normal liver histology. A total of 35 independent miRNAs were found to be differentially expressed in PBC (p<0.001). Quantitative PCR was employed to validate down-regulation of microRNA-122a (miR-122a) and miR-26a and the increased expression of miR-328 and miR-299-5p. The predicted targets of these miRNAs are known to affect cell proliferation, apoptosis, inflammation, oxidative stress, and metabolism. Our data are the first to demonstrate that PBC is characterized by altered expression of hepatic miRNA; however additional studies are required to demonstrate a causal link between those miRNA and the development of PBC." unknown unknown 2009 19345069 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-532-5p 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "RUNX3 is a known tumor suppressor gene in several carcinomas. RUNX3 mRNA expression was down-regulated in 11 of 11 (100%) metastatic melanoma lines relative to normal melanocytes (P < 0.001). Among 123 primary and metastatic melanoma tumors and 12 normal skin samples, RUNX3 expression was significantly down-regulated in primary melanomas (n = 82; P = 0.02) and in melanoma metastasis (n = 41; P < 0.0001) versus normal skin (n = 12). This suggested that RUNX3 down-regulation may play a role in the development and progression of melanoma. RUNX3 promoter region hypermethylation was assessed as a possible regulator of RUNX3 expression using methylation-specific PCR. Assessment of RUNX3 promoter region methylation showed that only 5 of 17 (29%) melanoma lines, 2 of 52 (4%) primary melanomas, and 5 of 30 (17%) metastatic melanomas had hypermethylation of the promoter region. A microRNA (miR-532-5p) was identified as a target of RUNX3 mRNA sequences. miR-532-5p expression was shown to be significantly up-regulated in melanoma lines and metastatic melanoma tumors relative to normal melanocytes and primary melanomas, respectively. To investigate the relation between RUNX3 and miR-532-5p, anti-miR-532-5p was transfected into melanoma lines. Inhibition of miR-532-5p up-regulated both RUNX3 mRNA and protein expression.CONCLUSIONS: RUNX3 is down-regulated during melanoma progression and miR-532-5p is a regulatory factor of RUNX3 expression." RUNX3 unknown 2009 19336521 causal
+ hsa-let-7d 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Using univariate and multivariable statistical models we show that low levels of hsa-miR205 are significantly associated with loco-regional recurrence independent of disease severity at diagnosis and treatment. In addition, combined low levels of hsa-miR-205 and hsa-let-7d expression in HNSCC tumors are significantly associated with poor head and neck cancer survival Our results show that miRNA expression levels can be used as prognostic markers of head and neck cancer." unknown unknown 2009 19179615 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101 4007 bladder cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) mediates epigenetic gene silencing by trimethylating histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3) and is known to aberrantly silence tumor suppressor genes in cancer. EZH2, the catalytic subunit of PRC2, enhances tumorigenesis and is commonly overexpressed in several types of cancer. Our microRNA profiling of bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) patient samples revealed that microRNA-101 (miR-101) is down-regulated in TCC, and we showed that miR-101 inhibits cell proliferation and colony formation in TCC cell lines. Furthermore, our results confirm that miR-101 directly represses EZH2 and stable EZH2 knockdowns in TCC cell lines create a similar growth suppressive phenotype. This suggests that abnormal down-regulation of miR-101 could lead to the overexpression of EZH2 frequently seen in cancer. We conclude that miR-101 may be a potent tumor suppressor by altering global chromatin structure through repression of EZH2." EZH2 "Enx-1,MYCN" 2009 19258506 causal
+ hsa-miR-101 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is a mammalian histone methyltransferase that contributes to the epigenetic silencing of target genes and that regulates the survival and metastasis of cancer cells. EZH2 is overexpressed in aggressive solid tumors by mechanisms that remain unclear. Here, we show that the expression and function of EZH2 in cancer cell lines is inhibited by microRNA-101 (miR-101). Analysis of human prostate tumors revealed that miR-101 expression decreases during cancer progression, paralleling an increase in EZH2 expression. One or both of the two genomic loci encoding miR-101 were somatically lost in 37.5% of clinically localized prostate cancers (6/16) and 66.7% of metastatic disease (22/33). We propose that genomic loss of miR-101 in cancer leads to overexpression of EZH2 and concomitant dysregulation of epigenetic pathways, resulting in cancer progression." unknown "Enx-1,MYCN" 2009 19285253 causal
+ hsa-miR-106b 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Gene dosage effects of Amyloid precursor protein (APP) can cause familial AD. Recent evidence suggest that microRNA (miRNA) pathways, implicated in gene transcriptional control, could be involved in the development of sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). We therefore investigated whether miRNAs could participate in the regulation of APP gene expression. We show that miRNAs belonging to the miR-20a family (that is, miR-20a, miR-17-5p and miR-106b) could regulate APP expression in vitro and at the endogenous level in neuronal cell lines. A tight correlation between these miRNAs and APP was found during brain development and in differentiating neurons. We thus identify miRNAs as novel endogenous regulators of APP expression, suggesting that variations in miRNA expression could contribute to changes in APP expression in the brain during development and disease. This possibility is further corroborated by the observation that a statistically significant decrease in miR-106b expression was found in sporadic AD patients." APP unknown 2009 19110058 causal
+ hsa-miR-106b 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Although it has been speculated that the miRNAs in the same cluster may play related biological functions, this has not been experimentally addressed. Here we report that the miRNAs in two clusters (miR-106b approximately 93 approximately 25 and miR-222 approximately 221) suppress the Cip/Kip family members of Cdk inhibitors (p57(Kip2), p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1)). We show that miR-25 targets p57 through the 3'-UTR. Furthermore, miR-106b and miR-93 control p21 while miR-222 and miR-221 regulate both p27 and p57. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs results in activation of Cdk2 and facilitation of G1/S phase transition. Consistent with these results, both clusters are abnormally upregulated in gastric cancer tissues compared to the corresponding normal tissues. Ectopic expression of miR-222 cluster enhanced tumor growth in the mouse xenograft model. Our study demonstrates the functional associations between clustered miRNAs and further implicates that effective cancer treatment may require a combinatorial approach to target multiple oncogenic miRNA clusters." p21 unknown 2009 19153141 causal
+ hsa-miR-122a 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We compared the expression of 377 miRNAs in explanted livers form subjects with PBC versus controls with normal liver histology. A total of 35 independent miRNAs were found to be differentially expressed in PBC (p<0.001). Quantitative PCR was employed to validate down-regulation of microRNA-122a (miR-122a) and miR-26a and the increased expression of miR-328 and miR-299-5p. The predicted targets of these miRNAs are known to affect cell proliferation, apoptosis, inflammation, oxidative stress, and metabolism. Our data are the first to demonstrate that PBC is characterized by altered expression of hepatic miRNA; however additional studies are required to demonstrate a causal link between those miRNA and the development of PBC." unknown unknown 2009 19345069 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-127 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MiR-17-5p showed a significant higher expression level in the central nervous system compared with testicular and nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (P<0.05). MiR-127 levels were significantly higher in testicular than in central nervous system and in nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (P<0.05). We conclude that the location of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is an important factor in determining the differential expression of miRNAs. unknown "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2009 19287466 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133a 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The majority of miRNAs exhibiting altered expression in primary human HNSCC tumors (including miR-1, miR-133a, miR-205, and let-7d) show lower expression levels relative to normal adjacent tissue. In contrast, hsa-miR-21 is frequently overexpressed in human HNSCC tumors." unknown unknown 2009 19179615 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-141 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "MiR-141 was significantly down-regulated in 80% (28/35) of primary gastric cancer tissues compared with pair-matched adjacent non-tumor tissues (P < 0.01). The expression of miR-141 was also found to be substantially reduced in several human gastric cancer cell lines such as MGC-803, HGC-27, SGC-7901 and BGC-823 cells. Overexpression of miR-141 with its precursors significantly inhibited the proliferation of gastric cancer cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that miR-141 may be involved in the development of gastric cancer through its inhibitory effect on cell proliferation." unknown Clock 2009 19363643 causal
+ hsa-miR-143 9256 colorectal cancer down-regulated microarray "The expression of miR-31, miR-183, miR-17-5p, miR-18a, miR-20a and miR-92 were confirmed to be significantly higher in cancer tissues than in normal tissues (P<0.05). In contrast, the expression of miR-143 and miR-145 in cancer tissues were significantly lower than in normal tissues (P<0.05). The miR-18a overexpression group tended to have a poorer clinical prognosis than the low expression group (P=0.07). We identified miRNAs that were overexpressed or under-expressed in colorectal cancers and which may be correlated with colorectal carcinogenesis." unknown unknown 2009 19287964 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 9256 colorectal cancer down-regulated microarray "The expression of miR-31, miR-183, miR-17-5p, miR-18a, miR-20a and miR-92 were confirmed to be significantly higher in cancer tissues than in normal tissues (P<0.05). In contrast, the expression of miR-143 and miR-145 in cancer tissues were significantly lower than in normal tissues (P<0.05). The miR-18a overexpression group tended to have a poorer clinical prognosis than the low expression group (P=0.07). We identified miRNAs that were overexpressed or under-expressed in colorectal cancers and which may be correlated with colorectal carcinogenesis." unknown FLJ21308 2009 19287964 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 2627 glioma down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Using miRNA microarray, we identified miR-146b as one of the miRNAs that is significantly dysregulated in human glioblastoma tissue. We showed that miR-146b overexpression by transfection with the precursor miR-146b, or knock-down by Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA)-modified anti-miR-146b, has no effect on the growth of human glioblastoma U373 cells. However, precursor miR-146b transfection significantly reduced the migration and invasion of U373 cells, while LNA-anti-miR-146b transfection generated the opposite result. Furthermore, we discovered that a matrix metalloproteinase gene, MMP16, is one of the downstream targets of miR-146b. Taken together, our findings suggest that miR-146b is involved in glioma cell migration and invasion by targeting MMPs, and implicate miR-146b as a metastasis-inhibiting miRNA in glioma." MMP16 unknown 2009 19265686 causal
+ hsa-miR-16 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "By miRNA microarray analysis, EGCG treatment was found to modify the expressions of some of the miRNAs in human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells, 13 were up-regulated and 48 were down-regulated. miR-16 is one of the miRNAs up-regulated by EGCG and one of its target genes is confirmed to be the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. EGCG treatment induced apoptosis and down-regulated Bcl-2 in HepG2 cells. Transfection with anti-miR-16 inhibitor suppressed miR-16 expression and counteracted the EGCG effects on Bcl-2 down-regulation and also induction of apoptosis in cells. Results from the present study confirm the role of miR-16 in mediating the apoptotic effect of EGCG and also support the importance of miRNAs in the regulation of the biological activity of EGCG." BCL2 "BCL2,CGI-38" 2009 19269153 causal
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 9256 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray "The expression of miR-31, miR-183, miR-17-5p, miR-18a, miR-20a and miR-92 were confirmed to be significantly higher in cancer tissues than in normal tissues (P<0.05). In contrast, the expression of miR-143 and miR-145 in cancer tissues were significantly lower than in normal tissues (P<0.05). The miR-18a overexpression group tended to have a poorer clinical prognosis than the low expression group (P=0.07). We identified miRNAs that were overexpressed or under-expressed in colorectal cancers and which may be correlated with colorectal carcinogenesis." unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2009 19287964 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MiR-17-5p showed a significant higher expression level in the central nervous system compared with testicular and nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (P<0.05). MiR-127 levels were significantly higher in testicular than in central nervous system and in nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (P<0.05). We conclude that the location of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is an important factor in determining the differential expression of miRNAs. unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2009 19287466 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-183 9256 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray "The expression of miR-31, miR-183, miR-17-5p, miR-18a, miR-20a and miR-92 were confirmed to be significantly higher in cancer tissues than in normal tissues (P<0.05). In contrast, the expression of miR-143 and miR-145 in cancer tissues were significantly lower than in normal tissues (P<0.05). The miR-18a overexpression group tended to have a poorer clinical prognosis than the low expression group (P=0.07). We identified miRNAs that were overexpressed or under-expressed in colorectal cancers and which may be correlated with colorectal carcinogenesis." unknown unknown 2009 19287964 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-18a 9256 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray "The expression of miR-31, miR-183, miR-17-5p, miR-18a, miR-20a and miR-92 were confirmed to be significantly higher in cancer tissues than in normal tissues (P<0.05). In contrast, the expression of miR-143 and miR-145 in cancer tissues were significantly lower than in normal tissues (P<0.05). The miR-18a overexpression group tended to have a poorer clinical prognosis than the low expression group (P=0.07). We identified miRNAs that were overexpressed or under-expressed in colorectal cancers and which may be correlated with colorectal carcinogenesis." unknown unknown 2009 19287964 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-196a 1107 esophageal cancer up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Here, we evaluated miR-196a as a marker of BE progression to low-grade dysplasia, high-grade dysplasia, and EA using microdissected paraffin-embedded tissues from 11 patients. Higher levels of miR-196a were observed in EA, BE, and dysplastic lesions compared with normal squamous mucosa, and in high-grade dysplasia compared with BE and low-grade dysplasia. Using frozen tumor tissues from 10 additional patients who had advanced EA, we evaluated the correlation of miR-196a with its in silico-predicted targets, keratin 5 (KRT5), small proline-rich protein 2C (SPRR2C), and S100 calcium-binding protein A9 (S100A9), which are down-regulated during BE progression. MiR-196a levels inversely correlated with the predicted target mRNA levels in EA. We confirmed that miR-196a specifically targets KRT5, SPRR2C, and S100A9 3' UTRs using miR-196a-mimic and luciferase reporter-based assays. In conclusion, this study identified miR-196a as a potential marker of progression of BE and KRT5, SPRR2C, and S100A9 as its targets." "KRT5, SPRR2C, S100A9" unknown 2009 19342367 causal
+ hsa-miR-199b-5p 3858 medulloblastoma down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " In a screening of MB cell lines, the miRNA miR-199b-5p was seen to be a regulator of the Notch pathway through its targeting of the transcription factor HES1. Down-regulation of HES1 expression by miR-199b-5p negatively regulates the proliferation rate and anchorage-independent growth of MB cells. MiR-199b-5p over-expression blocks expression of several cancer stem-cell genes, impairs the engrafting potential of MB cells in the cerebellum of athymic/nude mice, and of particular interest, decreases the MB stem-cell-like (CD133+) subpopulation of cells. In our analysis of 61 patients with MB, the expression of miR-199b-5p in the non-metastatic cases was significantly higher than in the metastatic cases (P = 0.001). Correlation with survival for these patients with high levels of miR-199b expression showed a positive trend to better overall survival than for the low-expressing patients. These data showing the down-regulation of miR-199b-5p in metastatic MBs suggest a potential silencing mechanism through epigenetic or genetic alterations. Upon induction of de-methylation using 5-aza-deoxycytidine, lower miR-199b-5p expression was seen in a panel of MB cell lines, supported an epigenetic mechanism of regulation. Furthermore, two cell lines (Med8a and UW228) showed significant up-regulation of miR-199b-5p upon treatment. Infection with MB cells in an induced xenograft model in the mouse cerebellum and the use of an adenovirus carrying miR-199b-5p indicate a clinical benefit through this negative influence of miR-199b-5p on tumor growth and on the subset of MB stem-cell-like cells, providing further proof of concept." HES1 unknown 2009 19308264 causal
+ hsa-miR-205 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "HER2 overexpression is a hallmark of a particularly aggressive subset of breast tumors, and its activation is strictly dependent on the trans-interaction with other members of HER family; in particular, the activation of the PI3K/Akt survival pathway, so critically important in tumorigenesis, is predominantly driven through phosphorylation of the kinase-inactive member HER3. Here, we show that miR-205, down-modulated in breast tumors compared with normal breast tissue, directly targets HER3 receptor, and inhibits the activation of the downstream mediator Akt. The reintroduction of miR-205 in SKBr3 cells inhibits their clonogenic potential and increases the responsiveness to tyrosine-kinase inhibitors Gefitinib and Lapatinib, abrogating the HER3-mediated resistance and restoring a potent proapoptotic activity. Our data describe miR-205 as a new oncosuppressor gene in breast cancer, able to interfere with the proliferative pathway mediated by HER receptor family. Our study also provides experimental evidence suggesting that miR-205 can improve the responsiveness to specific anticancer therapies." HER3 unknown 2009 19276373 causal
+ hsa-miR-205 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Using univariate and multivariable statistical models we show that low levels of hsa-miR205 are significantly associated with loco-regional recurrence independent of disease severity at diagnosis and treatment. In addition, combined low levels of hsa-miR-205 and hsa-let-7d expression in HNSCC tumors are significantly associated with poor head and neck cancer survival Our results show that miRNA expression levels can be used as prognostic markers of head and neck cancer." unknown unknown 2009 19179615 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 9256 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray "The expression of miR-31, miR-183, miR-17-5p, miR-18a, miR-20a and miR-92 were confirmed to be significantly higher in cancer tissues than in normal tissues (P<0.05). In contrast, the expression of miR-143 and miR-145 in cancer tissues were significantly lower than in normal tissues (P<0.05). The miR-18a overexpression group tended to have a poorer clinical prognosis than the low expression group (P=0.07). We identified miRNAs that were overexpressed or under-expressed in colorectal cancers and which may be correlated with colorectal carcinogenesis." unknown TGFBR2 2009 19287964 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The majority of miRNAs exhibiting altered expression in primary human HNSCC tumors (including miR-1, miR-133a, miR-205, and let-7d) show lower expression levels relative to normal adjacent tissue. In contrast, hsa-miR-21 is frequently overexpressed in human HNSCC tumors." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2009 19179615 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "In this study, the effects of miR-21 on prostate cancer cell proliferation, apoptosis, and invasion were examined. In addition, the targets of miR-21 were identified by a reported RISC-coimmunoprecipitation-based biochemical method. Inactivation of miR-21 by antisense oligonucleotides in androgen-independent prostate cancer cell lines DU145 and PC-3 resulted in sensitivity to apoptosis and inhibition of cell motility and invasion, whereas cell proliferation were not affected. We identified myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase c substrate (MARCKS), which plays key roles in cell motility, as a new target in prostate cancer cells. Our data suggested that miR-21 could promote apoptosis resistance, motility, and invasion in prostate cancer cells and these effects of miR-21 may be partly due to its regulation of PDCD4, TPM1, and MARCKS. Gene therapy using miR-21 inhibition strategy may therefore be useful as a prostate cancer therapy." MARCKS "PTEN,TPM1" 2009 19302977 causal
+ hsa-miR-21 1107 esophageal cancer up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "To evaluate the role of microRNA-21, cell proliferation and invasion were analyzed with anti-microRNA-21-transfected cells. In addition, the regulation of PDCD4 by microRNA-21 was elucidated to identify the mechanisms of this regulation. RESULTS: Of 20 paired samples, 18 cancer tissues overexpressed microRNA-21 in comparison with matched normal epitheliums. Specifically, patients with lymph node metastasis or venous invasion showed significantly high expression of microRNA-21. In situ hybridization for microRNA-21 showed strong positive staining in paraffin-embedded esophageal squamous cell carcinoma tissues. All seven esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines also overexpressed microRNA-21, and anti-microRNA-21-transfected cells showed significant reduction in cellular proliferation and invasion. The PDCD4 protein levels in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells have an inverse correlation with microRNA-21 expression. Anti-microRNA-21-transfected cells increased PDCD4 protein expression without changing the PDCD4 mRNA level and increased a luciferase-reporter activity containing the PDCD4-3' untranslated region construct. CONCLUSIONS: MicroRNA-21 targets PDCD4 at the posttranscriptional level and regulates cell proliferation and invasion in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. It may serve as a novel therapeutic target in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma." PDCD4 "PTEN,TPM1" 2009 19276261 causal
+ hsa-miR-221 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-221 and miR-222, were significantly increased in CRPC cells (the LNCaP-derived cell line LNCaP-Abl), compared with those in the androgen-dependent prostate cancer cell line (LNCaP). Overexpression of miR-221 or miR-222 in LNCaP or another androgen-dependent cell line, LAPC-4, significantly reduced the level of the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) induced up-regulation of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) expression and increased androgen-independent growth of LNCaP cells. Knocking down the expression level of miR-221 and miR-222 with antagonist miRs in the LNCaP-Abl cell line restored the response to the DHT induction of PSA transcription and also increased the growth response of the LNCaP-Abl cells to the androgen treatment. Changing the expression level of p27/kip1, a known target of miR-221 and miR-222, alone in LNCaP cells affected the DHT-independent cell growth but did not significantly influence the response of PSA transcription to the DHT treatment. In conclusion, our data suggest the involvement of miR-221 and miR-222 in the development or maintenance of the CRPC phenotype." unknown KIT 2009 19351832 causal
+ hsa-miR-221 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray "an expression ratio of miR-221:miR-375 showed a high sensitivity (0.92) and specificity (0.93) for disease prediction.CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that cultured tumor cell lines are inappropriate for microRNA biomarker identification and that the pattern of microRNA expression in primary head and neck tissues is reflective of disease status, with certain microRNAs exhibiting strong predictive potential. These results indicate that miR-221 and miR-375 should be evaluated further as diagnostic biomarkers because they may hold utility in defining broadly responsive prevention and treatment strategies for HNSCC." unknown KIT 2009 19351747 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Although it has been speculated that the miRNAs in the same cluster may play related biological functions, this has not been experimentally addressed. Here we report that the miRNAs in two clusters (miR-106b approximately 93 approximately 25 and miR-222 approximately 221) suppress the Cip/Kip family members of Cdk inhibitors (p57(Kip2), p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1)). We show that miR-25 targets p57 through the 3'-UTR. Furthermore, miR-106b and miR-93 control p21 while miR-222 and miR-221 regulate both p27 and p57. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs results in activation of Cdk2 and facilitation of G1/S phase transition. Consistent with these results, both clusters are abnormally upregulated in gastric cancer tissues compared to the corresponding normal tissues. Ectopic expression of miR-222 cluster enhanced tumor growth in the mouse xenograft model. Our study demonstrates the functional associations between clustered miRNAs and further implicates that effective cancer treatment may require a combinatorial approach to target multiple oncogenic miRNA clusters." "p27, p57" KIT 2009 19153141 causal
+ hsa-miR-222 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-221 and miR-222, were significantly increased in CRPC cells (the LNCaP-derived cell line LNCaP-Abl), compared with those in the androgen-dependent prostate cancer cell line (LNCaP). Overexpression of miR-221 or miR-222 in LNCaP or another androgen-dependent cell line, LAPC-4, significantly reduced the level of the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) induced up-regulation of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) expression and increased androgen-independent growth of LNCaP cells. Knocking down the expression level of miR-221 and miR-222 with antagonist miRs in the LNCaP-Abl cell line restored the response to the DHT induction of PSA transcription and also increased the growth response of the LNCaP-Abl cells to the androgen treatment. Changing the expression level of p27/kip1, a known target of miR-221 and miR-222, alone in LNCaP cells affected the DHT-independent cell growth but did not significantly influence the response of PSA transcription to the DHT treatment. In conclusion, our data suggest the involvement of miR-221 and miR-222 in the development or maintenance of the CRPC phenotype." unknown KIT 2009 19351832 causal
+ hsa-miR-222 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Although it has been speculated that the miRNAs in the same cluster may play related biological functions, this has not been experimentally addressed. Here we report that the miRNAs in two clusters (miR-106b approximately 93 approximately 25 and miR-222 approximately 221) suppress the Cip/Kip family members of Cdk inhibitors (p57(Kip2), p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1)). We show that miR-25 targets p57 through the 3'-UTR. Furthermore, miR-106b and miR-93 control p21 while miR-222 and miR-221 regulate both p27 and p57. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs results in activation of Cdk2 and facilitation of G1/S phase transition. Consistent with these results, both clusters are abnormally upregulated in gastric cancer tissues compared to the corresponding normal tissues. Ectopic expression of miR-222 cluster enhanced tumor growth in the mouse xenograft model. Our study demonstrates the functional associations between clustered miRNAs and further implicates that effective cancer treatment may require a combinatorial approach to target multiple oncogenic miRNA clusters." "p27, p57" KIT 2009 19153141 causal
+ hsa-miR-25 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Although it has been speculated that the miRNAs in the same cluster may play related biological functions, this has not been experimentally addressed. Here we report that the miRNAs in two clusters (miR-106b approximately 93 approximately 25 and miR-222 approximately 221) suppress the Cip/Kip family members of Cdk inhibitors (p57(Kip2), p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1)). We show that miR-25 targets p57 through the 3'-UTR. Furthermore, miR-106b and miR-93 control p21 while miR-222 and miR-221 regulate both p27 and p57. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs results in activation of Cdk2 and facilitation of G1/S phase transition. Consistent with these results, both clusters are abnormally upregulated in gastric cancer tissues compared to the corresponding normal tissues. Ectopic expression of miR-222 cluster enhanced tumor growth in the mouse xenograft model. Our study demonstrates the functional associations between clustered miRNAs and further implicates that effective cancer treatment may require a combinatorial approach to target multiple oncogenic miRNA clusters." p57 unknown 2009 19153141 causal
+ hsa-miR-26a 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We compared the expression of 377 miRNAs in explanted livers form subjects with PBC versus controls with normal liver histology. A total of 35 independent miRNAs were found to be differentially expressed in PBC (p<0.001). Quantitative PCR was employed to validate down-regulation of microRNA-122a (miR-122a) and miR-26a and the increased expression of miR-328 and miR-299-5p. The predicted targets of these miRNAs are known to affect cell proliferation, apoptosis, inflammation, oxidative stress, and metabolism. Our data are the first to demonstrate that PBC is characterized by altered expression of hepatic miRNA; however additional studies are required to demonstrate a causal link between those miRNA and the development of PBC." unknown PLAG1 2009 19345069 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-299-5p 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We compared the expression of 377 miRNAs in explanted livers form subjects with PBC versus controls with normal liver histology. A total of 35 independent miRNAs were found to be differentially expressed in PBC (p<0.001). Quantitative PCR was employed to validate down-regulation of microRNA-122a (miR-122a) and miR-26a and the increased expression of miR-328 and miR-299-5p. The predicted targets of these miRNAs are known to affect cell proliferation, apoptosis, inflammation, oxidative stress, and metabolism. Our data are the first to demonstrate that PBC is characterized by altered expression of hepatic miRNA; however additional studies are required to demonstrate a causal link between those miRNA and the development of PBC." unknown unknown 2009 19345069 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 9256 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray "The expression of miR-31, miR-183, miR-17-5p, miR-18a, miR-20a and miR-92 were confirmed to be significantly higher in cancer tissues than in normal tissues (P<0.05). In contrast, the expression of miR-143 and miR-145 in cancer tissues were significantly lower than in normal tissues (P<0.05). The miR-18a overexpression group tended to have a poorer clinical prognosis than the low expression group (P=0.07). We identified miRNAs that were overexpressed or under-expressed in colorectal cancers and which may be correlated with colorectal carcinogenesis." unknown unknown 2009 19287964 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-328 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) is a molecular determinant of pharmacokinetic properties of many drugs in humans. To understand posttranscriptional regulation of ABCG2 and role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in drug disposition, we found that microRNA-328 (miR-328) might readily target the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of ABCG2 when considering target-site accessibility. We then noted an inverse relation between the levels of miR-328 and ABCG2 in MCF-7 and MCF-7/MX100 breast cancer cells, and the fact that miR-328 levels could be rescued in MCF-7/MX100 cells transfected with miR-328 plasmid. Luciferase reporter assays showed that ABCG2 3'-UTR-luciferase activity was decreased over 50% in MCF-7/MX100 cells after transfected with miR-328 plasmid, the activity was increased over 100% in MCF-7 cells transfected with a miR-328 antagomir, and disruption of miR-328 response element within ABCG2 3'-UTR led to a 3-fold increase in luciferase activity. Furthermore, the level of ABCG2 protein was down-regulated when miR-328 was over-expressed, and the level was up-regulated when miR-328 was inhibited by selective antagomir. Altered ABCG2 protein expression was associated with significantly declined or elevated levels of ABCG2 3'-UTR and coding sequence mRNAs, suggesting possible involvement of the mechanism of mRNA cleavage. Lastly, miR-328-directed down-regulation of ABCG2 expression in MCF-7/MX100 cells resulted in an increased mitoxantrone sensitivity, as manifested by a significantly lower IC50 value (2.46 +/- 1.64 microM) when compared to the control (151 +/- 32 microM). Together, these findings suggest that miR-328 targets ABCG2 3'-UTR and consequently, controls ABCG2 protein expression and influences drug disposition in human breast cancer cells." ABCG2 unknown 2009 19270061 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-346 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Schizophrenia (SZ) is a neuropsychiatric disorder that affects about 1% of the adult population. Numerous genes have been implicated in SZ susceptibility. MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small RNA molecules that regulate the translation of mRNAs via interactions with their 3' untranslated regions. Identification of known miRNA targets on all human genes indicated that miRNA-346 targets SZ susceptibility genes listed in the SchizophreniaGene database twice as frequently as expected relative to other genes in the genome. The gene encoding this miRNA, miR-346, is located in intron 2 of the glutamate receptor ionotropic delta 1 (GRID1) gene, which has been previously implicated in SZ susceptibility. We used quantitative real-time PCR to determine the expression levels of miR-346 and GRID1 using brain RNA samples from the Stanley Array Collection, Stanley Medical Research Institute. Expression of both miR-346 and GRID1 is lower in SZ patients than that in normal controls (P=0.017 and 0.086, respectively). However, the expression of miR-346 and GRID1 is less correlated in SZ patients than in bipolar patients or in normal controls. This study implicates the importance of a miRNA in SZ." unknown unknown 2009 19264453 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "In the present study, we identified the role of miR-34a in the regulation of tumor cell scattering, migration, and invasion. Down-regulation of miR-34a expression was highly significant in 19 of 25 (76%) human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tissues compared with adjacent normal tissues and associated with the metastasis and invasion of tumors. Furthermore, resected normal/tumor tissues of 25 HCC patients demonstrated an inverse correlation between miR-34a and c-Met-protein. In HepG2 cells, ectopic expression of miR-34a potently inhibited tumor cell migration and invasion in a c-Met-dependent manner. miR-34a directly targeted c-Met and reduced both mRNA and protein levels of c-Met; thus, decreased c-Met-induced phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2). Taken together, these results provide evidence to show the suppression role of miR-34a in tumor migration and invasion through modulation of the c-Met signaling pathway." c-Met E2F3 2009 19006648 causal
+ hsa-miR-34a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-34a is actively expressed in melanocytes but not in uveal melanoma cells based on Northern blot analysis. Transfection of miR-34a into uveal melanoma cells led to a significant decrease in cell growth and migration. After identification of two putative miR-34a binding sites within the 3' UTR of the human c-Met mRNA, miR-34a was shown to suppress luciferase activity using HEK293 cells with a luciferase reporter construct containing the binding sites. miR-34a was confirmed to downregulate the expression of c-Met protein by Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Furthermore, the introduction of miR-34a downregulated phosphorylated Akt and cell cycle-related proteins. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that miR-34a acts as a tumor suppressor in uveal melanoma cell proliferation and migration through the downregulation of c-Met." c-Met E2F3 2009 19029026 causal
+ hsa-miR-34b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here, microRNAs (miRNA), which act as negative regulators of gene expression principally through translational repression, are investigated for the mediation of high CREB protein levels. A series of miRNAs that target CREB were identified. Real-time quantitative PCR revealed that miR-34b was expressed significantly less in myeloid cell lines, previously known for high CREB protein levels. Exogenous miR-34b expression was induced, and results revealed a direct interaction with the CREB 3'-untranslated region, with the consequent reduction of the CREB protein levels in vitro. miR-34b restored expression caused cell cycle abnormalities, reduced anchorage-independent growth, and altered CREB target gene expression, suggesting its suppressor potential. Using reverse-phase protein array, CREB target proteins (BCL-2, cyclin A1, cyclin B1, cyclin D, nuclear factor-kappaB, Janus-activated kinase 1, and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3), as well as many downstream protein kinases and cell survival signaling pathways (AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin and extracellular signal-regulated kinase) usually elicited by CREB, were observed to have decreased. The miR-34b/miR-34c promoter was shown to be methylated in the leukemia cell lines used. This epigenetic regulation should control the observed miR-34b expression levels to maintain the CREB protein overexpressed. In addition, the inverse correlation between miR-34b and CREB expression was found in a cohort of 78 pediatric patients at diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia, supporting this relationship in vivo. Our results identify a direct miR-34b target gene, provide a possible mechanism for CREB overexpression, and provide new information about myeloid transformation and therapeutic strategies." CREB unknown 2009 19258499 causal
+ hsa-miR-375 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray "an expression ratio of miR-221:miR-375 showed a high sensitivity (0.92) and specificity (0.93) for disease prediction.CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that cultured tumor cell lines are inappropriate for microRNA biomarker identification and that the pattern of microRNA expression in primary head and neck tissues is reflective of disease status, with certain microRNAs exhibiting strong predictive potential. These results indicate that miR-221 and miR-375 should be evaluated further as diagnostic biomarkers because they may hold utility in defining broadly responsive prevention and treatment strategies for HNSCC." unknown "Adipor2,C1qbp,Jak2,Mtpn,Usp1" 2009 19351747 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-449a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are frequently overexpressed in broad range of cancer types, where they alter cellular epigenetic programming to promote cell proliferation and survival. However, the mechanism by which HDACs become overexpressed in human cancers remains somewhat of a mystery. In this study, we investigated the expression and functional significance of miR-449a in prostate cancer cells. Using real-time PCR, we found that miR-449a is downregulated in prostate cancer tissues relative to patient-matched control tissue. Introduction of miR-449a into PC-3 prostate cancer cells resulted in cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis and a senescent-like phenotype. In silico analysis of 3'-UTR regions identified a number of genes involved in cell-cycle regulation as putative targets of miR-449a. Using a luciferase 3'-UTR reporter system, we established that HDAC-1 (histone deacetylase 1), a gene that is frequently overexpressed in many types of cancer, is a direct target of miR-449a. Further, our data indicate that miR-449a regulates cell growth and viability in part by repressing the expression of HDAC-1 in prostate cancer cells. Our findings provide new insight into the function of miRNA in regulating HDAC expression in normal versus cancerous tissue." HDAC-1 unknown 2009 19252524 causal
+ hsa-miR-451 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Down-regulation of miR-451 was associated with worse prognosis. miR-451 was detected by in situ hybridization in epithelial cells and showed decreased expression in gastric and colorectal cancer versus nontumoral tissues. Overexpression of miR-451 in gastric and colorectal cancer cells reduced cell proliferation and increased sensitivity to radiotherapy. Microarray and bioinformatic analysis identified the novel oncogene macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) as a potential target of miR-451. In fact, overexpression of miR-451 down-regulated mRNA and protein levels of MIF and decreased expression of reporter genes with MIF target sequences. Moreover, we found a significant inverse correlation between miR-451 and MIF expression in tumoral gastric biopsies. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the role of miR-451 as a regulator of cancer proliferation and open new perspectives for the development of effective therapies for chemoradioresistant cancers." MIF unknown 2009 19318487 causal
+ hsa-miR-451 9256 colorectal cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Down-regulation of miR-451 was associated with worse prognosis. miR-451 was detected by in situ hybridization in epithelial cells and showed decreased expression in gastric and colorectal cancer versus nontumoral tissues. Overexpression of miR-451 in gastric and colorectal cancer cells reduced cell proliferation and increased sensitivity to radiotherapy. Microarray and bioinformatic analysis identified the novel oncogene macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) as a potential target of miR-451. In fact, overexpression of miR-451 down-regulated mRNA and protein levels of MIF and decreased expression of reporter genes with MIF target sequences. Moreover, we found a significant inverse correlation between miR-451 and MIF expression in tumoral gastric biopsies. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the role of miR-451 as a regulator of cancer proliferation and open new perspectives for the development of effective therapies for chemoradioresistant cancers." MIF unknown 2009 19318487 causal
+ hsa-miR-7 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently overexpressed in cancer and is an important therapeutic target. Aberrant expression and function of microRNAs have been associated with tumorigenesis. Bioinformatic predictions suggest that the human EGFR mRNA 3'-untranslated region contains three microRNA-7 (miR-7) target sites, which are not conserved across mammals. We found that miR-7 down-regulates EGFR mRNA and protein expression in cancer cell lines (lung, breast, and glioblastoma) via two of the three sites, inducing cell cycle arrest and cell death. Because miR-7 was shown to decrease EGFR mRNA expression, we used microarray analysis to identify additional mRNA targets of miR-7. These included Raf1 and multiple other genes involved in EGFR signaling and tumorigenesis. Furthermore, miR-7 attenuated activation of protein kinase B (Akt) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, two critical effectors of EGFR signaling, in different cancer cell lines. These data establish an important role for miR-7 in controlling mRNA expression and indicate that miR-7 has the ability to coordinately regulate EGFR signaling in multiple human cancer cell types." EGFR unknown 2009 19073608 causal
+ hsa-miR-1 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The majority of miRNAs exhibiting altered expression in primary human HNSCC tumors (including miR-1, miR-133a, miR-205, and let-7d) show lower expression levels relative to normal adjacent tissue. In contrast, hsa-miR-21 is frequently overexpressed in human HNSCC tumors." unknown "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2009 19179615 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-7 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently overexpressed in cancer and is an important therapeutic target. Aberrant expression and function of microRNAs have been associated with tumorigenesis. Bioinformatic predictions suggest that the human EGFR mRNA 3'-untranslated region contains three microRNA-7 (miR-7) target sites, which are not conserved across mammals. We found that miR-7 down-regulates EGFR mRNA and protein expression in cancer cell lines (lung, breast, and glioblastoma) via two of the three sites, inducing cell cycle arrest and cell death. Because miR-7 was shown to decrease EGFR mRNA expression, we used microarray analysis to identify additional mRNA targets of miR-7. These included Raf1 and multiple other genes involved in EGFR signaling and tumorigenesis. Furthermore, miR-7 attenuated activation of protein kinase B (Akt) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, two critical effectors of EGFR signaling, in different cancer cell lines. These data establish an important role for miR-7 in controlling mRNA expression and indicate that miR-7 has the ability to coordinately regulate EGFR signaling in multiple human cancer cell types." EGFR unknown 2009 19073608 causal
+ hsa-miR-7 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently overexpressed in cancer and is an important therapeutic target. Aberrant expression and function of microRNAs have been associated with tumorigenesis. Bioinformatic predictions suggest that the human EGFR mRNA 3'-untranslated region contains three microRNA-7 (miR-7) target sites, which are not conserved across mammals. We found that miR-7 down-regulates EGFR mRNA and protein expression in cancer cell lines (lung, breast, and glioblastoma) via two of the three sites, inducing cell cycle arrest and cell death. Because miR-7 was shown to decrease EGFR mRNA expression, we used microarray analysis to identify additional mRNA targets of miR-7. These included Raf1 and multiple other genes involved in EGFR signaling and tumorigenesis. Furthermore, miR-7 attenuated activation of protein kinase B (Akt) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, two critical effectors of EGFR signaling, in different cancer cell lines. These data establish an important role for miR-7 in controlling mRNA expression and indicate that miR-7 has the ability to coordinately regulate EGFR signaling in multiple human cancer cell types." EGFR unknown 2009 19073608 causal
+ hsa-miR-92 9256 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray "The expression of miR-31, miR-183, miR-17-5p, miR-18a, miR-20a and miR-92 were confirmed to be significantly higher in cancer tissues than in normal tissues (P<0.05). In contrast, the expression of miR-143 and miR-145 in cancer tissues were significantly lower than in normal tissues (P<0.05). The miR-18a overexpression group tended to have a poorer clinical prognosis than the low expression group (P=0.07). We identified miRNAs that were overexpressed or under-expressed in colorectal cancers and which may be correlated with colorectal carcinogenesis." unknown unknown 2009 19287964 unspecified
+ hsa-miR-93 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Although it has been speculated that the miRNAs in the same cluster may play related biological functions, this has not been experimentally addressed. Here we report that the miRNAs in two clusters (miR-106b approximately 93 approximately 25 and miR-222 approximately 221) suppress the Cip/Kip family members of Cdk inhibitors (p57(Kip2), p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1)). We show that miR-25 targets p57 through the 3'-UTR. Furthermore, miR-106b and miR-93 control p21 while miR-222 and miR-221 regulate both p27 and p57. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs results in activation of Cdk2 and facilitation of G1/S phase transition. Consistent with these results, both clusters are abnormally upregulated in gastric cancer tissues compared to the corresponding normal tissues. Ectopic expression of miR-222 cluster enhanced tumor growth in the mouse xenograft model. Our study demonstrates the functional associations between clustered miRNAs and further implicates that effective cancer treatment may require a combinatorial approach to target multiple oncogenic miRNA clusters." p21 unknown 2009 19153141 causal
+ hsa-miR-96 10004 hearing loss normal "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Impaired miRNA target binding resulting from SNPs within mRNA target sites has been shown to lead to pathologies associated with dysregulated gene expression. However, no pathogenic mutations within the mature sequence of a miRNA have been reported so far. Here we show that point mutations in the seed region of miR-96, a miRNA expressed in hair cells of the inner ear, result in autosomal dominant, progressive hearing loss. This is the first study implicating a miRNA in a mendelian disorder. The identified mutations have a strong impact on miR-96 biogenesis and result in a significant reduction of mRNA targeting. We propose that these mutations alter the regulatory role of miR-96 in maintaining gene expression profiles in hair cells required for their normal function." unknown unknown 2009 19363479 causal
+ hsa-miR-17 3858 medulloblastoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Profiling the expression of 427 mature microRNAs (miRNA) in a series of 90 primary human medulloblastomas revealed that components of the miR-17/92 polycistron are the most highly up-regulated miRNAs in medulloblastoma. Expression of miR-17/92 was highest in the subgroup of medulloblastomas associated with activation of the sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway compared with other subgroups of medulloblastoma. Medulloblastomas in which miR-17/92 was up-regulated also had elevated levels of MYC/MYCN expression. Consistent with its regulation by Shh, we observed that Shh treatment of primary cerebellar granule neuron precursors (CGNP), proposed cells of origin for the Shh-associated medulloblastomas, resulted in increased miR-17/92 expression. In CGNPs, the Shh effector N-myc, but not Gli1, induced miR-17/92 expression. Ectopic miR-17/92 expression in CGNPs synergized with exogenous Shh to increase proliferation and also enabled them to proliferate in the absence of Shh. We conclude that miR-17/92 is a positive effector of Shh-mediated proliferation and that aberrant expression/amplification of this miR confers a growth advantage to medulloblastomas" unknown unknown 2009 19351822 causal
+ hsa-miR-18a 3858 medulloblastoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Profiling the expression of 427 mature microRNAs (miRNA) in a series of 90 primary human medulloblastomas revealed that components of the miR-17/92 polycistron are the most highly up-regulated miRNAs in medulloblastoma. Expression of miR-17/92 was highest in the subgroup of medulloblastomas associated with activation of the sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway compared with other subgroups of medulloblastoma. Medulloblastomas in which miR-17/92 was up-regulated also had elevated levels of MYC/MYCN expression. Consistent with its regulation by Shh, we observed that Shh treatment of primary cerebellar granule neuron precursors (CGNP), proposed cells of origin for the Shh-associated medulloblastomas, resulted in increased miR-17/92 expression. In CGNPs, the Shh effector N-myc, but not Gli1, induced miR-17/92 expression. Ectopic miR-17/92 expression in CGNPs synergized with exogenous Shh to increase proliferation and also enabled them to proliferate in the absence of Shh. We conclude that miR-17/92 is a positive effector of Shh-mediated proliferation and that aberrant expression/amplification of this miR confers a growth advantage to medulloblastomas" unknown unknown 2009 19351822 causal
+ hsa-miR-19a 3858 medulloblastoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Profiling the expression of 427 mature microRNAs (miRNA) in a series of 90 primary human medulloblastomas revealed that components of the miR-17/92 polycistron are the most highly up-regulated miRNAs in medulloblastoma. Expression of miR-17/92 was highest in the subgroup of medulloblastomas associated with activation of the sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway compared with other subgroups of medulloblastoma. Medulloblastomas in which miR-17/92 was up-regulated also had elevated levels of MYC/MYCN expression. Consistent with its regulation by Shh, we observed that Shh treatment of primary cerebellar granule neuron precursors (CGNP), proposed cells of origin for the Shh-associated medulloblastomas, resulted in increased miR-17/92 expression. In CGNPs, the Shh effector N-myc, but not Gli1, induced miR-17/92 expression. Ectopic miR-17/92 expression in CGNPs synergized with exogenous Shh to increase proliferation and also enabled them to proliferate in the absence of Shh. We conclude that miR-17/92 is a positive effector of Shh-mediated proliferation and that aberrant expression/amplification of this miR confers a growth advantage to medulloblastomas" unknown PTEN 2009 19351822 causal
+ hsa-miR-19b 3858 medulloblastoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Profiling the expression of 427 mature microRNAs (miRNA) in a series of 90 primary human medulloblastomas revealed that components of the miR-17/92 polycistron are the most highly up-regulated miRNAs in medulloblastoma. Expression of miR-17/92 was highest in the subgroup of medulloblastomas associated with activation of the sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway compared with other subgroups of medulloblastoma. Medulloblastomas in which miR-17/92 was up-regulated also had elevated levels of MYC/MYCN expression. Consistent with its regulation by Shh, we observed that Shh treatment of primary cerebellar granule neuron precursors (CGNP), proposed cells of origin for the Shh-associated medulloblastomas, resulted in increased miR-17/92 expression. In CGNPs, the Shh effector N-myc, but not Gli1, induced miR-17/92 expression. Ectopic miR-17/92 expression in CGNPs synergized with exogenous Shh to increase proliferation and also enabled them to proliferate in the absence of Shh. We conclude that miR-17/92 is a positive effector of Shh-mediated proliferation and that aberrant expression/amplification of this miR confers a growth advantage to medulloblastomas" unknown unknown 2009 19351822 causal
+ hsa-miR-20a 3858 medulloblastoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Profiling the expression of 427 mature microRNAs (miRNA) in a series of 90 primary human medulloblastomas revealed that components of the miR-17/92 polycistron are the most highly up-regulated miRNAs in medulloblastoma. Expression of miR-17/92 was highest in the subgroup of medulloblastomas associated with activation of the sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway compared with other subgroups of medulloblastoma. Medulloblastomas in which miR-17/92 was up-regulated also had elevated levels of MYC/MYCN expression. Consistent with its regulation by Shh, we observed that Shh treatment of primary cerebellar granule neuron precursors (CGNP), proposed cells of origin for the Shh-associated medulloblastomas, resulted in increased miR-17/92 expression. In CGNPs, the Shh effector N-myc, but not Gli1, induced miR-17/92 expression. Ectopic miR-17/92 expression in CGNPs synergized with exogenous Shh to increase proliferation and also enabled them to proliferate in the absence of Shh. We conclude that miR-17/92 is a positive effector of Shh-mediated proliferation and that aberrant expression/amplification of this miR confers a growth advantage to medulloblastomas" unknown TGFBR2 2009 19351822 causal
+ hsa-miR-92a 3858 medulloblastoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Profiling the expression of 427 mature microRNAs (miRNA) in a series of 90 primary human medulloblastomas revealed that components of the miR-17/92 polycistron are the most highly up-regulated miRNAs in medulloblastoma. Expression of miR-17/92 was highest in the subgroup of medulloblastomas associated with activation of the sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway compared with other subgroups of medulloblastoma. Medulloblastomas in which miR-17/92 was up-regulated also had elevated levels of MYC/MYCN expression. Consistent with its regulation by Shh, we observed that Shh treatment of primary cerebellar granule neuron precursors (CGNP), proposed cells of origin for the Shh-associated medulloblastomas, resulted in increased miR-17/92 expression. In CGNPs, the Shh effector N-myc, but not Gli1, induced miR-17/92 expression. Ectopic miR-17/92 expression in CGNPs synergized with exogenous Shh to increase proliferation and also enabled them to proliferate in the absence of Shh. We conclude that miR-17/92 is a positive effector of Shh-mediated proliferation and that aberrant expression/amplification of this miR confers a growth advantage to medulloblastomas" unknown unknown 2009 19351822 causal
+ hsa-miR-141 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown Clock 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 837
+ hsa-miR-141 9088 psoriasis up-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown Clock 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-142-3p 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-142-3p 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-142-3p 9088 psoriasis up-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-142-5p 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-142-5p 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-142-5p 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 8584 Burkitt lymphoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of miR-143 and -145 were significantly decreased in B-cell malignancies.Transfection of RAJI cells with precursor or mature miR-143 or -145, respectively, causes growth inhibition. " ERK5 unknown 2007 17892514 Causal
+ hsa-miR-143 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of miR-143 and -145 were significantly decreased in B-cell malignancies.Transfection of RAJI cells with precursor or mature miR-143 or -145, respectively, causes growth inhibition. " ERK5 unknown 2007 17892514 Causal
+ hsa-miR-143 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-143 and miR-145 expression levels were extremely reduced in the colon cancer cells. The transfection of each precursor miRNA into the cells demonstrated a significant growth inhibition in human colon cancer DLD-1 and SW480 cells. ERK5 unknown 2006 16969504 Causal
+ hsa-miR-143 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Expression levels of miR-143 and -145 were inversely correlated with cell proliferation of DLD-1 cells.Persistent decreased levels of miR-143 in cancer cells may be directly involved in carcinogenesis through activation of the mitogenactivated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade via ERK5.
+ ERK5 unknown 2007 17504027 Causal 1 848
+ hsa-miR-143 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of miR-143 and -145 were significantly decreased in B-cell malignancies.Transfection of RAJI cells with precursor or mature miR-143 or -145, respectively, causes growth inhibition. " ERK5 unknown 2007 17892514 Causal
+ hsa-miR-143 9970 Obesity up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-143 was involved in adipocyte differentiation, regulating fat metabolism. Inhibition of miR-143 effectively inhibited adipocyte differentiation. In addition, protein levels of the proposed miR-143 target ERK5 were higher in ASO-treated adipocytes." ERK5 unknown 2004 15504739 Causal
+ hsa-miR-143 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 2893 cervical cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7b, let-7c, miR-23b, miR-196b, and miR-143 showed significantly reduced abundance in cervical cancer cell lines. miR-21 displayed higher abundance in the cancer group." unknown unknown 2007 17616659 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-143 and miR-145, consistently display reduced steady-state levels of the mature miRNA at the adenomatous and cancer stages of colorectal neoplasia." unknown unknown 2003 14573789 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of analyzed miRNAs significantly differed among tumors and adjacent non-tumor tissues: miR-21 (p = 0.0001) and miR-31 (p = 0.0006) were upregulated, and miR-143 (p = 0.011) and miR-145 (p = 0.005) were downregulated in tumors." unknown unknown 2007 18196926 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 859
+ hsa-miR-143 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 1909 uveal melanoma up-regulated microarray "The top six miRNA discriminators ( let-7b, miR-199a,miR-199a*, miR-143, miR-193b, and miR-652) accurately distinguished class 1 (low metastatic risk) from class 2 (high metastatic risk) with 100% sensitivity and specificity." unknown unknown 2008 18477892 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 178 vascular disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown unknown 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-144 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-144 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five down-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs). unknown unknown 2007 17243163 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray "miRNAs (miR-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, let-7a-2, miR-145, let-7b, and miR-21) were related to the adenocarcinoma patient��s survival. Patients with high expression of either hsamir-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, or miR-21 and low expression of either let-7a-2, let-7b, or miR-145 were found to have a significantly worse prognosis." unknown FLJ21308 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 8584 Burkitt lymphoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of miRs-143 and -145 were significantly decreased in B-cell malignancies.Transfection of RAJI cells with precursor or mature miR-143 or -145, respectively, causes growth inhibition. " unknown FLJ21308 2007 17892514 Causal
+ hsa-miR-145 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of miR-143 and -145 were significantly decreased in B-cell malignancies.Transfection of RAJI cells with precursor or mature miR-143 or -145, respectively, causes growth inhibition. " unknown FLJ21308 2007 17892514 Causal
+ hsa-miR-145 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-143 and miR-145 expression levels were extremely reduced in the colon cancer cells. The transfection of each precursor miRNA into the cells demonstrated a significant growth inhibition in human colon cancer DLD-1 and SW480 cells. unknown FLJ21308 2006 16969504 Causal
+ hsa-miR-145 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Expression levels of miR-143 and -145 were inversely correlated with cell proliferation of
+ DLD-2 cells.
+ unknown FLJ21308 2007 17504027 Causal 1 869
+ hsa-miR-145 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-145 targets the 3 -UTR of IRS-1 mRNA, and that the targeting has a profound effect on the growth of human colon cancer cells. This is the first demonstration of a specific miR targeting a transduction molecule of the IGF-IR/insulin receptor signaling pathway. Its inhibition of growth in human cancer cells in culture is compatible with the well known ability of IRS-1 to stimulate"
+ cell proliferation and transformation. IRS-1 FLJ21308 2007 17827156 Causal 1 870
+ hsa-miR-145 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of miRs-143 and -145 were significantly decreased in B-cell malignancies.Transfection of RAJI cells with precursor or mature miR-143 or -145, respectively, causes growth inhibition. " unknown FLJ21308 2007 17892514 Causal
+ hsa-miR-148a 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) down-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 3829 pituitary adenoma up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five down-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs). unknown unknown 2007 17243163 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-198 5419 schizophrenia normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Eighteen known SNPs within or near brain-expressed miRNAs in three samples (Danish, Swedish and Norwegian: 420/163/257 schizophrenia patients and 1006/177/293 control subjects), were analyzed. Subsequently, joint analysis of the three samples was performed on SNPs showing marginal association. Two SNPs rs17578796 and rs1700 in hsa-mir-206 (mir-206) and hsa-mit-198 (mir-198) showed nominal significant allelic association to schizophrenia in the Danish and Norwegian sample respectively (P = 0.0021 & p = 0.038), of which only rs17578796 was significant in the joint sample. In-silico analysis revealed that 8 of the 15 genes predicted to be regulated by both mir-206 and mir-198, are transcriptional targets or interaction partners of the JUN, ATF2 and TAF1 connected in a tight network. JUN and two of the miRNA targets (CCND2 and PTPN1) in the network have previously been associated with schizophrenia." unknown unknown 2008 17849003 Causal
+ hsa-miR-198 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-198 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-198 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 885
+ hsa-miR-199a -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression of miR-199a/a* is silenced in all proliferating cell lines tested except fibroblasts. Introduction of miR-199a/a* caused apoptosis in cancer cells. unknown unknown 2008 18456660 Causal
+ hsa-miR-199a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Using EOC cellsisolated from malignant ovarian cancer ascites and solid tumors,The authors identified IKK-beta as a major factor promoting a functional TLR�CMyD88�CNF-k-beta pathway that confers to EOC cell the capacity to constitutively secrete proinflammatory/ protumor cytokines and therefore promoting tumor progression and chemoresistance.Furthermore, they describe for the first time the identification of the microRNA hsa-miR-199a as a regulator of IKK-beta expression." IKK-beta unknown 2008 18408758 Causal
+ hsa-miR-199a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 6000 heart failure up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Northern blot analysis of the hypertrophy-regulated miRNAs in idiopathic end-stage failing human hearts showed increased expression of miR-24, miR-125b, miR-195, miR-199a, and miR-214." unknown unknown 2006 17108080 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Significantly differentially expressed between hepatocellular carcinoma and adjacent non-tumor tissue. unknown unknown 2006 16331254 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 902
+ hsa-miR-199a 1909 uveal melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The top six miRNA discriminators ( let-7b, miR-199a,miR-199a*, miR-143, miR-193b, and miR-652) accurately distinguished class 1 (low metastatic risk) from class 2 (high metastatic risk) with 100% sensitivity and specificity." unknown unknown 2008 18477892 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Met proto-oncogene is a target of miR-199a*. Several lines of evidence indicate that miR-199a* is a putative tumor suppressor: 1. The expression of miR-199a/a* is silenced in all proliferating cell lines tested except fibroblasts. 2. Introduction of miR-199a/a* caused apoptosis in cancer cells. 3. miR-199a* downregulates Met proto-oncogene and also downregulates ERK2, an effector downstream of Met." "MET, ERK2" unknown 2008 18456660 Causal
+ hsa-miR-199a* 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Significantly differentially expressed between hepatocellular carcinoma and adjacent non-tumor tissue. unknown unknown 2006 16331254 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray "Frequent deregulation of miR-199a*, miR-214, miR-200a, and miR-100 in human ovarian cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18199536 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a* 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 914
+ hsa-miR-199a-1 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-1 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-1 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-1 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-1-5p 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-2 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-2 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-2 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-2-5p 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199a-3p 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown LAMC2 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown LAMC2 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown LAMC2 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown LAMC2 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown LAMC2 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown LAMC2 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown LAMC2 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown LAMC2 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown LAMC2 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown LAMC2 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown LAMC2 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown LAMC2 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown LAMC2 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown LAMC2 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown LAMC2 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-199b 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown LAMC2 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-19a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown PTEN 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-19a 7012 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "MiRNAs in a miR-17-92 cluster were overexpressed in ARO cells. We confirmed the overexpression of those miRNAs by Northern blot analysis in ARO and FRO cells. In 3 of 6 clinical ATC samples, miR-17-3p and miR-17-5p were robustly overexpressed in cancer lesions compared to adjacent normal tissue. To investigate the functional role of these miRNAs in ATC cells, ARO and FRO cells were transfected with miRNA inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotides containing locked nucleic acids. Suppression of miR-17-3p caused complete growth arrest, presumably due to caspase activation resulting in apoptosis. MiR-17-5p or miR-19a inhibitor also induced strong growth reduction, but only miR-17-5p inhibitor led to cellular senescence. On the other hand, miR-18a inhibitor only moderately attenuated the cell growth. Thus, we have clarified functional differences among the members of the cluster in ATC cells. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the miR-17-92 cluster plays an important role in certain types of ATCs and could be a novel target for ATC treatment." unknown PTEN 2008 18429962 Causal
+ hsa-miR-19a 3471 Cowden Syndrome up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differential expression of PTEN-targeting miR-19a and miR-21 modulates the PTEN protein levels and the CS phenotype, irrespective of the patient��s mutation status, and support their roles"
+ as genetic modifiers in CS. PTEN PTEN 2008 18460397 Causal 1 945
+ hsa-miR-19a 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "frequent and marked overexpression, with occasional gene amplification, of clustered miRNAs (miR-17-92) within intron 3 of the C13orf 25 gene at 13q31.3 in lung cancers, especially examples with small-cell lung cancer histology.The authors further showed the stimulatory activity of this miRNA cluster in lung cancer cell growth." unknown PTEN 2005 16266980 Causal
+ hsa-miR-19a 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD22 cells. unknown PTEN 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-19a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown PTEN 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-19a 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown PTEN 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-19a 353 malignant lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "six mature miRNAs (miR-17-5p, miR-17-3p, miR-19a, miR-19b, miR-20 and miR-92-1) in the cell lines with a 13q31 gain/amplification displays overexpression significantly higher than in those without." unknown PTEN 2005 16167061 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-19a 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown PTEN 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-19b 353 malignant lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "six mature miRNAs (miR-17-5p, miR-17-3p, miR-19a, miR-19b, miR-20 and miR-92-1) in the cell lines with a 13q31 gain/amplification displays overexpression significantly higher than in those without." unknown unknown 2005 16167061 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-19b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 953
+ hsa-miR-19b-2 715 T-cell leukemia up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The authors conclude that, in addition to miR-106a, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, and miR-92-2 overexpression in tumors, their capacity to induce anchorage independence growth strongly supports an oncogenic"
+ "potential for those miRNAs. they also conclude that Mylip and Rbp1-like are true targets of the miR-106-363 cluster(miR-106a, miR-18b, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, miR-92-2, and miR-363). More specifically, Rbp1-like seemed only targeted by miR-106a/miR-20b, whereas Mylip could be targeted by the four miRNAs(miR-106a, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, and miR-92-2) with miR-106a/miR-20b being more efficient." Rbp1-like unknown 2006 17575136 Causal 1 954
+ hsa-miR-200a 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated microarray "Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. Higher expression of miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141, miR-18a, miR-93, and miR-429, and lower expression of ambi-miR-7039, let-7b, and miR-199a were significantly correlated with decreased progression-free survival and overall survival." unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200a 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All five members of the microRNA-200 family (miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141 and miR-429) and miR-205 were markedly downregulated in cells that had undergone EMT in response to transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta or to ectopic expression of the protein tyrosine phosphatase Pez. Enforced expression of the miR-200 family alone was sufficient to prevent TGF-beta-induced EMT. Together, these microRNAs cooperatively regulate expression of the E-cadherin transcriptional repressors ZEB1 (also known as deltaEF1) and SIP1 (also known as ZEB2), factors previously implicated in EMT and tumour metastasis. Inhibition of the microRNAs was sufficient to induce EMT in a process requiring upregulation of ZEB1 and/or SIP1. Conversely, ectopic expression of these microRNAs in mesenchymal cells initiated mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET). Consistent with their role in regulating EMT, expression of these microRNAs was found to be lost in invasive breast cancer cell lines with mesenchymal phenotype. Expression of the miR-200 family was also lost in regions of metaplastic breast cancer specimens lacking E-cadherin. These data suggest that downregulation of the microRNAs may be an important step in tumour progression."
+ "ZEB1(deltaEF1), SIP1(ZEB2)" unknown 2008 18376396 Causal 1 956
+ hsa-miR-200a -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The miR-200 family is composed of five members arranged as two clusters, miR-200a/200b/429 and"
+ miR-200c/141.Ectopic expression of the miR-200 family in 4TO7 carcinoma cells caused a rapid and
+ significant decrease in ZEB1 and ZEB2 levels.Over-expressing the miR-200 family in 4TO7 cells
+ "induced a dramatic morphological change from a spindle-like, mesenchymal phenotype towards a"
+ "more pronounced epithelial phenotype with formation of adheren junctions. Furthermore, overexpression of miR-200 significantly inhibits growth factor-induced directional migration, a hallmark of metastatic cancer cells.This suggests that ectopic expression of the miR-200 family can"
+ promote the mesenchymal-epithelial transition and reduce tumor cell migration. "ZEB1, ZEB2" unknown 2008 18411277 Causal 1 957
+ hsa-miR-200a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200a 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Significantly differentially expressed between hepatocellular carcinoma and adjacent non-tumor tissue. unknown unknown 2006 16331254 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200a 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray "Frequent deregulation of miR-199a*, miR-214, miR-200a, and miR-100 in human ovarian cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18199536 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200a 9088 psoriasis up-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200b 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated microarray "Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. Higher expression of miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141, miR-18a, miR-93, and miR-429, and lower expression of ambi-miR-7039, let-7b, and miR-199a were significantly correlated with decreased progression-free survival and overall survival." unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200b 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All five members of the microRNA-200 family (miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141 and miR-429) and miR-205 were markedly downregulated in cells that had undergone EMT in response to transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta or to ectopic expression of the protein tyrosine phosphatase Pez. Enforced expression of the miR-200 family alone was sufficient to prevent TGF-beta-induced EMT. Together, these microRNAs cooperatively regulate expression of the E-cadherin transcriptional repressors ZEB1 (also known as deltaEF1) and SIP1 (also known as ZEB2), factors previously implicated in EMT and tumour metastasis. Inhibition of the microRNAs was sufficient to induce EMT in a process requiring upregulation of ZEB1 and/or SIP1. Conversely, ectopic expression of these microRNAs in mesenchymal cells initiated mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET). Consistent with their role in regulating EMT, expression of these microRNAs was found to be lost in invasive breast cancer cell lines with mesenchymal phenotype. Expression of the miR-200 family was also lost in regions of metaplastic breast cancer specimens lacking E-cadherin. These data suggest that downregulation of the microRNAs may be an important step in tumour progression."
+ "ZEB1(deltaEF1), SIP1(ZEB2)" unknown 2008 18376396 Causal 1 965
+ hsa-miR-200b -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The miR-200 family is composed of five members arranged as two clusters, miR-200a/200b/429 and"
+ miR-200c/141.Ectopic expression of the miR-200 family in 4TO7 carcinoma cells caused a rapid and
+ significant decrease in ZEB1 and ZEB2 levels.Over-expressing the miR-200 family in 4TO7 cells
+ "induced a dramatic morphological change from a spindle-like, mesenchymal phenotype towards a"
+ "more pronounced epithelial phenotype with formation of adheren junctions. Furthermore, overexpression of miR-200 significantly inhibits growth factor-induced directional migration, a hallmark of metastatic cancer cells.This suggests that ectopic expression of the miR-200 family can"
+ promote the mesenchymal-epithelial transition and reduce tumor cell migration. "ZEB1, ZEB2" unknown 2008 18411277 Causal 1 966
+ hsa-miR-200b 4947 cholangiocarcinoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" inhibition of miR-21 or miR-200b decreased gemcitabine-induced apoptosis. PTPN12 unknown 2006 16762633 Causal
+ hsa-miR-200b 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200b 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200b 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200c 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-200c was significantly associated with patient survival (p = 0.0122). The patients (n = 15) with higher hsamiR-200c expression had a shorter survival time (median survival = 26 months) compared to patients(n = 9) with lower expression (median survival = 38 months).miR-200c (p = 0.0322) expression was strongly associated with the mutation status of the p53 tumor suppressor gene. unknown unknown 2006 18079988 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200c 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All five members of the microRNA-200 family (miR-200a, miR-200b, miR-200c, miR-141 and miR-429) and miR-205 were markedly downregulated in cells that had undergone EMT in response to transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta or to ectopic expression of the protein tyrosine phosphatase Pez. Enforced expression of the miR-200 family alone was sufficient to prevent TGF-beta-induced EMT. Together, these microRNAs cooperatively regulate expression of the E-cadherin transcriptional repressors ZEB1 (also known as deltaEF1) and SIP1 (also known as ZEB2), factors previously implicated in EMT and tumour metastasis. Inhibition of the microRNAs was sufficient to induce EMT in a process requiring upregulation of ZEB1 and/or SIP1. Conversely, ectopic expression of these microRNAs in mesenchymal cells initiated mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET). Consistent with their role in regulating EMT, expression of these microRNAs was found to be lost in invasive breast cancer cell lines with mesenchymal phenotype. Expression of the miR-200 family was also lost in regions of metaplastic breast cancer specimens lacking E-cadherin. These data suggest that downregulation of the microRNAs may be an important step in tumour progression."
+ "ZEB1(deltaEF1), SIP1(ZEB2)" unknown 2008 18376396 Causal 1 973
+ hsa-miR-200c -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The miR-200 family is composed of five members arranged as two clusters, miR-200a/200b/429 and"
+ miR-200c/141.Ectopic expression of the miR-200 family in 4TO7 carcinoma cells caused a rapid and
+ significant decrease in ZEB1 and ZEB2 levels.Over-expressing the miR-200 family in 4TO7 cells
+ "induced a dramatic morphological change from a spindle-like, mesenchymal phenotype towards a"
+ "more pronounced epithelial phenotype with formation of adheren junctions. Furthermore, overexpression of miR-200 significantly inhibits growth factor-induced directional migration, a hallmark of metastatic cancer cells.This suggests that ectopic expression of the miR-200 family can"
+ promote the mesenchymal-epithelial transition and reduce tumor cell migration. "ZEB1, ZEB2" unknown 2008 18411277 Causal 1 974
+ hsa-miR-200c -1 cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The embryonic programme 'epithelial�Cmesenchymal transition'(EMT) is thought to promote malignant tumour progression. The transcriptional repressor zinc-finger E-box binding homeobox 1(ZEB1) is a crucial inducer of EMT in various human tumours, and was recently shown to promote invasion and metastasis of tumour cells. ZEB1 directly suppresses transcription of microRNA-200 family members miR-141 and miR-200c. Notably, the EMT activators transforming growth factor b2 and ZEB1 are the"
+ predominant targets downregulated by these microRNAs. ZEB1 unknown 2008 18483486 Causal 1 975
+ hsa-miR-200c 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200c 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200c 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200c 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-200c 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in the various histological subtypes of germ cell tumour (GCT) (TE = teratoma; SE = seminoma; EC = embryonal carcinoma). unknown unknown 2007 17893849 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-202 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-202 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 983
+ hsa-miR-203 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We report a fragile chromosomal region lost in specific hematopoietic malignancies. This 7 Mb region encodes about 12% of all genomic microRNAs, including miR-203. This microRNA is additionally hypermethylated in several hematopoietic tumors, including chronic myelogenous leukemias and some acute lymphoblastic leukemias. A putative miR-203 target, ABL1, is specifically activated in these hematopoietic malignancies in some cases as a BCR-ABL1 fusion protein (Philadelphia chromosome). Re-expression of miR-203 reduces ABL1 and BCR-ABL1 fusion protein levels and inhibits tumor cell proliferation in an ABL1-dependent manner. Thus, miR-203 functions as a tumor suppressor, and re-expression of this microRNA might have therapeutic benefits in specific hematopoietic malignancies." "ABL1, BCR-ABL1" unknown 2008 18538733 Causal
+ hsa-miR-203 8552 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We report a fragile chromosomal region lost in specific hematopoietic malignancies. This 7 Mb region encodes about 12% of all genomic microRNAs, including miR-203. This microRNA is additionally hypermethylated in several hematopoietic tumors, including chronic myelogenous leukemias and some acute lymphoblastic leukemias. A putative miR-203 target, ABL1, is specifically activated in these hematopoietic malignancies in some cases as a BCR-ABL1 fusion protein (Philadelphia chromosome). Re-expression of miR-203 reduces ABL1 and BCR-ABL1 fusion protein levels and inhibits tumor cell proliferation in an ABL1-dependent manner. Thus, miR-203 functions as a tumor suppressor, and re-expression of this microRNA might have therapeutic benefits in specific hematopoietic malignancies." "ABL1, BCR-ABL1" unknown 2008 18538733 Causal
+ hsa-miR-203 9088 psoriasis up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The up-regulation of miR-203 in psoriatic plaques was concurrent with the down-regulation of an evolutionary conserved target of miR-203, suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS-3), which is involved in inflammatory responses and keratinocyte functions." SOCS-3 unknown 2007 17622355 Causal
+ hsa-miR-203 37 skin disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-203 is induced in the skin concomitantly with stratification and differentiation. By altering miR-203's spatiotemporal expression in vivo, the authors show that miR-203 promotes epidermal differentiation by restricting proliferative potential and inducing cell-cycle exit. P63 is one of the conserved targets of miR-203 across vertebrates. Notably, p63 is an essential regulator of stem-cell maintenance in stratified epithelial tissues. The authors show that miR-203 directly represses the expression of p63: it fails to switch off suprabasally when either Dicer1 or miR-203 is absent and it becomes repressed basally when miR-203 is prematurely expressed." p63 unknown 2008 18311128 Causal
+ hsa-miR-203 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ mucosa. unknown unknown 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 988
+ hsa-miR-203 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-203 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression patterns for these 5 microRNAs(miR-20a, miR-21, miR-106a, miR-181b, and miR-203) distinguish tumor vs paired nontumor status with 96% or 98% accuracy based on 3 nearest neighbors or nearest centroid algorithms, respectively (10-fold cross validation, repeated 100 times)." unknown unknown 2008 18230780 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-203 1107 esophageal cancer down-regulated microarray Both hsa-miR-203 and hsa-miR-205 were expressed 2- to 10-fold lower in squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinomas than in normal epithelium. The hsa-miR-21 expression was 3- to 5-fold higher in both tumors than in normal epithelium. unknown unknown 2008 18242245 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-203 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-203 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Four of miRNAs (i.e., miR-34b, miR-137, miR-193a, and miR-203) located around CpG islands.The expression of those four genes was restored by treatment with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine in OSCC cells lacking their expression. In addition, expression levels of the four miRNAs were inversely correlated with their DNA methylation status in the OSCC lines. In primary tumors of OSCC with paired"
+ "normal oral mucosa, down-regulation of miRNA expression through tumor-specific hypermethylation was more frequently"
+ observed for miR-137 and miR-193a than for miR-34b and miR-203. unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified 0 993
+ hsa-miR-155 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The expression of TP53INP1, which presents anti-tumoral activity, is repressed by the oncogenic miR-155." TP53INP1 AGTR1 2007 17911264 Causal
+ hsa-miR-155 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown AGTR1 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant expression was correlated with specific breast cancer biopathologic features, such as estrogen and progesterone receptor expression, tumor stage, vascular invasion, or proliferation index" unknown AGTR1 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown AGTR1 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 8584 Burkitt lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "High expression of precursor miR-155/BIC in pediatric BL, but lack of BIC and miR-155"
+ expression in adult BL. unknown AGTR1 2004 14695998 Unspecified 0 998
+ hsa-miR-155 8584 Burkitt lymphoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Compared to Hodgkin's lymphoma and normal lymphoid tissues, adult Burkitt lymphoma patients have a low miR-155/BIC expression." unknown AGTR1 2005 16235244 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 8584 Burkitt lymphoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression of BIC is regulated by the BcR signaling pathway in a PKC and NF-kB-dependent manner. Classical Burkitt lymphoma cell lines, in contrast to normal B cells, Hodgkin's lymphoma cell lines and HEK293 cells,are not able to process BIC to mature miR-155.This indicates two levels of regulation of mature miR-155 expression, one at the transcriptional and one at the processing level." unknown AGTR1 2007 17173072 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown AGTR1 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" 2-fold overexpressed in CLL. unknown AGTR1 2007 17327404 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between patients with different clinical outcomes. unknown AGTR1 2007 17989717 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown AGTR1 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown AGTR1 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Elevation in the amount of miR-155 occurs in a wide range of lymphomas derived from B cells of different developmental stages. Increased miR-155 levels (2,000-10,000 copies per cell vs 150 in normal circulating B cells) were observed in aggressive(DLBCL) and more indolent (CLL and MZ) lymphomas,and in non-HLs and HLs." unknown AGTR1 2005 15738415 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "BIC and miR-155 are highly expressed in Hodgkin,primary mediastinal and diffuse large B cell lymphomas" unknown AGTR1 2005 16041695 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Identified microRNAs(miR-155, miR-21 and miR-221) that were more highly expressed in ABC-type than GCB-type cell lines. These microRNAs were over-expressed in de novo DLBCL (n=35), transformed DLBCL"
+ (n=14) and follicular center lymphoma cases (n=27) compared to normal B cells. unknown AGTR1 2007 17487835 Unspecified 0 1008
+ hsa-miR-155 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown AGTR1 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 14250 Down syndrome (DS) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Bioinformatic analyses demonstrate that human chromosome 21(Hsa21) harbors five miRNA genes; miR-99a, let-7c, miR-125b-2, miR-155, and miR-802. MiRNA expression profiling, miRNA RT-PCR, and miRNA in situ hybridization experiments demonstrate that these miRNAs are overexpressed in fetal brain and heart specimens from individuals with DS when compared with age- and sex-matched controls." unknown AGTR1 2008 18387358 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown AGTR1 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown AGTR1 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown AGTR1 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold)." unknown AGTR1 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown AGTR1 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown AGTR1 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown AGTR1 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 8567 Hodgkin's lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "BIC and miR-155 are highly expressed in Hodgkin,primary mediastinal and diffuse large B cell lymphomas" unknown AGTR1 2005 16041695 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown AGTR1 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown AGTR1 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown AGTR1 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown AGTR1 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown AGTR1 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown AGTR1 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown AGTR1 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 4905 pancreatic cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "the expression of miR-103 and miR-107, associated with lack of expression of miR-155, discriminates tumors from normal." unknown AGTR1 2006 16966691 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown AGTR1 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown AGTR1 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown AGTR1 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-138-2 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-138-2 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-139 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-139 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-139 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) down-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold)." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-139 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-139 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-139 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7c, miR-145 and miR-125b target mRNAs whose proteins have been shown to be increased in prostate cancer." unknown FLJ21308 2007 17891175 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown KIT 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown KIT 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown KIT 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Preliminary analysis of 6 miRNAs in 10 papillary thyroid carcinoma and 10 follicular adenoma identified significant overexpression of miR-146b, -221, and -222 in papillary thyroid carcinoma (P<0.02), but not miR-146a, -155, or -187 (P>0.08). particularly miR-146b, might potentially be adjunct markers for diagnosing papillary thyroid carcinoma in both FNA and surgical pathology specimens." unknown KIT 2008 18587330 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown KIT 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1048
+ hsa-miR-223 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown NFIA 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The expression levels of a specific miR-223 correlate with the differentiation fate of myeloid precursors. The activation of both pathways of transcriptional regulation by the myeloid lineage-specific transcription factor C/EBPalpha (CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-alpha), and posttranscriptional regulation by miR-223 appears essential for granulocytic differentiation and clinical response of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) blasts to all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). " unknown NFIA 2007 17217039 Causal
+ hsa-miR-223 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Upregulation of miR-15a,miR-15b, miR-16-1, let-7a-3, let-7c, let-7d, miR-223,miR-342 and miR-107, whereas miR-181b was downregulated in in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients and cell lines during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment." unknown NFIA 2007 17260024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-223 8552 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-223 is a direct transcriptional target of AML1/ETO which induces heterochromatic silencing of miR-223.The relevance of the miR-223 silencing is also highlighted by the consequences of its ectopic expression that alone is sufficient to reprogram the myeloid differentiation program in distinct myeloid leukemia subtypes. NFI-A NFIA 2007 17996649 Causal
+ hsa-miR-223 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The highly deregulated miR-223 and miR-222 could unequivocally distinguish HCC from adjacent nontumoral liver, irrespective of viral associations (P</=.0002). Re-expression of miR-223 in HBV, HCV, and non-HBV non-HCV-related HCC cell lines revealed a consistent inhibitory effect on cell viability (P<.01). Integrative analysis further implicated Stathmin 1 (STMN1) as a downstream target of miR-223. A strong inverse relationship between STMN1 mRNA and miR-223 expressions was shown (P =.006). At the protein level, restoration of miR-223 expressions in HCC cell lines led to a substantial reduction in STMN1 protein expression. We further showed that miR-223 readily could suppress the luciferase activity in reporter construct containing the STMN1 3' untranslated region (P =.02)." STMN1 NFIA 2008 18555017 Causal
+ hsa-miR-223 -1 neutrophilia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "myeloid-specific miR-223 negatively regulates progenitor proliferation and granulocyte differentiation and activation. miR-223 mutant mice have an expanded granulocytic compartment resulting from a cell-autonomous increase in the number of granulocyte progenitors. Mef2c, a transcription factor that promotes myeloid progenitor proliferation, is a target of miR-223, and that genetic ablation of Mef2c suppresses progenitor expansion and corrects the neutrophilic phenotype in miR-223 null mice. In addition, granulocytes lacking miR-223 are hypermature, hypersensitive to activating stimuli and display increased fungicidal activity." Mef2c NFIA 2008 18278031 Causal
+ hsa-miR-223 6708 recurrent ovarian cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Target prediction analysis for the above miRNA ""recurrent metastatic signature"" identified genes previously validated in our transcriptome study. Common biological pathways well characterised in ovarian cancer were shared by miR-9 and miR-223 lists of predicted target genes. We provide strong evidence that miR-9 acts as a putative tumour suppressor gene in recurrent ovarian cancer. Based on integrated transcriptome and miRNA analysis, miR-9 and miR-223 can be of potential importance as biomarkers in recurrent ovarian cancer."
+ unknown NFIA 2008 18442408 Causal 1 1055
+ hsa-miR-223 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-128a and -128b are significantly overexpressed, whereas let-7b and miR-223 are significantly downregulated in ALL compared with AML. They are the most discriminatory miRNAs between ALL and AML. Using the expression signatures of a minimum of two of these miRNAs resulted in an accuracy rate of >95% in the diagnosis of ALL and AML." unknown NFIA 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-128a and -128b are significantly overexpressed, whereas let-7b and miR-223 are significantly downregulated in ALL compared with AML. They are the most discriminatory miRNAs between ALL and AML. Using the expression signatures of a minimum of two of these miRNAs resulted in an accuracy rate of >95% in the diagnosis of ALL and AML." unknown NFIA 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ mucosa. unknown NFIA 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 1058
+ hsa-miR-223 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown NFIA 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown NFIA 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown NFIA 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown NFIA 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown NFIA 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown NFIA 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown NFIA 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown NFIA 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown NFIA 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown NFIA 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown NFIA 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown NFIA 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown NFIA 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown NFIA 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-223 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown NFIA 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-224 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-224, which is up-regulated in the tumors of HCC patients, sensitizes cells to apoptosis through"
+ "the inhibition of API-5 at the mRNA levels and increases cell proliferation. Significantly, miR-224 expression was found to be inversely correlated with API-5 expression in HCC patients." API-5 unknown 2008 18319255 Causal 1 1074
+ hsa-miR-224 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-224 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Significantly differentially expressed between hepatocellular carcinoma and adjacent non-tumor tissue. unknown unknown 2006 16331254 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-224 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray "Our study identified and validated miR-224 overexpression.Moreover, miR-96 was overexpressed in HBV tumors, and miR-126* was down-regulated in alcohol-related hepatocellular carcinoma." unknown unknown 2008 18433021 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-224 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-224 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-224 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-224 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-224 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-23a approximately 27a approximately 24, is induced in an early stage by TGF-beta in Huh-7 cells. Knockdown of Smad4, Smad2 or Smad3 expression by RNA interference can attenuate the response of miR-23a approximately 27a approximately 24 to TGF-beta addition, indicating that this induction is dependent on Smad pathway. We also explore that miR-23a approximately 27a approximately 24 can function as an antiapoptotic and proliferation-promoting factor in liver cancer cells. In addition, expression of this miRNA cluster is found to be remarkably upregulated in HCC tissues versus normal liver tissues. These findings suggest a novel, alternative mechanism through which TGF-beta could induce specific miRNA expression to escape from tumor-suppressive response in HCC cells." unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2008 18508316 Causal
+ hsa-miR-23a 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ mucosa. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 1087
+ hsa-miR-23a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 6000 heart failure up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Northern blot analysis of the hypertrophy-regulated miRNAs in idiopathic end-stage failing human hearts showed increased expression of miR-24, miR-125b, miR-195, miR-199a, and miR-214." unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2006 17108080 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1095
+ hsa-miR-23a 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown Notch1 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown Notch1 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown Notch1 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ mucosa. unknown Notch1 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 1100
+ hsa-miR-23b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown Notch1 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 2893 cervical cancer down-regulated microarray "let-7b, let-7c, miR-23b, miR-196b, and miR-143 showed significantly reduced abundance in cervical cancer cell lines. miR-21 displayed higher abundance in the cancer group." unknown Notch1 2007 17616659 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown Notch1 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown Notch1 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown Notch1 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown Notch1 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown Notch1 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown Notch1 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1108
+ hsa-miR-23b 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown Notch1 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-23b 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five up-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs). unknown Notch1 2007 17243163 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24 10881 vesicular stomatitis down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-24 and miR-93 could target viral large protein (L protein) and phosphoprotein (P protein) genes, and in variant Dicer1 cells, a lack of host miR-24 and miR-93 was responsible for increased VSV replication." "L protein,P protein" "MAPK14,Notch1" 2007 17613256 Causal
+ hsa-miR-24 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "MAPK14,Notch1" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "MAPK14,Notch1" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown "MAPK14,Notch1" 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24 6000 heart failure up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Northern blot analysis of the hypertrophy-regulated miRNAs in idiopathic end-stage failing human hearts showed increased expression of miR-24, miR-125b, miR-195, miR-199a, and miR-214." unknown "MAPK14,Notch1" 2006 17108080 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown "MAPK14,Notch1" 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown "MAPK14,Notch1" 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown "MAPK14,Notch1" 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-1 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-1 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD26 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-1 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-1 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-1 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-1 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-1 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-23a approximately 27a approximately 24, is induced in an early stage by TGF-beta in Huh-7 cells. Knockdown of Smad4, Smad2 or Smad3 expression by RNA interference can attenuate the response of miR-23a approximately 27a approximately 24 to TGF-beta addition, indicating that this induction is dependent on Smad pathway. We also explore that miR-23a approximately 27a approximately 24 can function as an antiapoptotic and proliferation-promoting factor in liver cancer cells. In addition, expression of this miRNA cluster is found to be remarkably upregulated in HCC tissues versus normal liver tissues. These findings suggest a novel, alternative mechanism through which TGF-beta could induce specific miRNA expression to escape from tumor-suppressive response in HCC cells." unknown unknown 2008 18508316 Causal
+ hsa-miR-24-2 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-2 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-2 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-2 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-2 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-2 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-24-2 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-25 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-25 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-25 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-25 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-25 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-25 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 7012 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-26a plays a role in slowing the cell proliferation. HMGA(HMGA1 and HMGA2) PLAG1 2007 17563749 Causal
+ hsa-miR-26a 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown PLAG1 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown PLAG1 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown PLAG1 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown PLAG1 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown PLAG1 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated Northern blot or qRT-PCR etc Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown PLAG1 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) up-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown PLAG1 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 3829 pituitary adenoma up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown PLAG1 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown PLAG1 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown PLAG1 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1152
+ hsa-miR-26a 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown PLAG1 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown PLAG1 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a-1 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a-1 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26a-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26b 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26b 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ "mucosa. with increasing tumor-nodes-metastasis staging in bladder cancer, miR-26b showed a moderate decreasing trend (P<0.082)." unknown unknown 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 1160
+ hsa-miR-26b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26b 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) up-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26b 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26b 3829 pituitary adenoma up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-26b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1165
+ hsa-miR-26b 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The oncogenic activity of miR-27a in MDA-MB-231 cells is due, in part, to suppression of ZBTB10 and Myt-1, which regulate specificity protein transcription factors and the G2-M chechpoint in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer Cells." "ZBTB10, Myt-1" unknown 2007 18006846 Causal
+ hsa-miR-27a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-23a approximately 27a approximately 24, is induced in an early stage by TGF-beta in Huh-7 cells. Knockdown of Smad4, Smad2 or Smad3 expression by RNA interference can attenuate the response of miR-23a approximately 27a approximately 24 to TGF-beta addition, indicating that this induction is dependent on Smad pathway. We also explore that miR-23a approximately 27a approximately 24 can function as an antiapoptotic and proliferation-promoting factor in liver cancer cells. In addition, expression of this miRNA cluster is found to be remarkably upregulated in HCC tissues versus normal liver tissues. These findings suggest a novel, alternative mechanism through which TGF-beta could induce specific miRNA expression to escape from tumor-suppressive response in HCC cells." unknown unknown 2008 18508316 Causal
+ hsa-miR-27a 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1178
+ hsa-miR-27a 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 5745 serous ovarian cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27a 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five up-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs). unknown unknown 2007 17243163 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27b 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "CYP1B1,Notch1" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27b 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "CYP1B1,Notch1" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown "CYP1B1,Notch1" 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown "CYP1B1,Notch1" 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27b 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown "CYP1B1,Notch1" 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27b 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown "CYP1B1,Notch1" 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27b 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown "CYP1B1,Notch1" 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-27b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown "CYP1B1,Notch1" 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1189
+ hsa-miR-27b 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown "CYP1B1,Notch1" 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-28 4451 kidney cancer up-regulated microarray "A set of 4 human micro-RNAs (miR-28, miR-185, miR-27, and let-7f-2) were found significantly up-regulated in renal cell carcinoma (P<0.05) compared to normal kidney." unknown unknown 2007 17826655 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-28 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-296 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-296 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-296 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-296 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-296 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1197
+ hsa-miR-299-3p 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-299-3p 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-299-5p 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-299-5p 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-299-5p 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-299-5p 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-299-5p 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "that miR-29a, -29b-1, and -9 can regulate BACE1 expression in vitro. The miR-29a/b-1 cluster was significantly (and AD-dementia-specific) decreased in AD patients displaying abnormally high BACE1 protein." BACE1 unknown 2008 18434550 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29a 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Expression of miR-29s is inversely correlated to DNA methyltransferase(DNMT)3A and -3B in lung cancer tissues, and that miR-29s directly target both DNMT3A and -3B.The enforced expression of miR-29s in lung cancer cell lines restores normal patterns of DNA methylation, induces reexpression of methylation-silenced tumor suppressor genes." "DNMT3A, DNMT3B" unknown 2007 17890317 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29a 9351 type 2 diabetes up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of miR-29a, miR-29b and miR-29c in rat adipocytes largely repressed insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, revealing a crucial role of miR-29 in type 2 diabetes." unknown unknown 2007 17652184 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 2786 Cerebellar neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Essential for the survival of Purkinje cells and its absence leads to a slow degeneration of these cells. unknown unknown 2007 17606634 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 10923 homozygous sickle cell disease (HbSS) up-regulated microarray "Several microRNAs (miR-320, let-7s, miR-181, miR-141) were over-represented in the HbAA erythrocytes, while other microRNAs (miR-29a, miR-144, miR-451, miR-140) were overrepresented in the HbSS erythrocytes." unknown unknown 2008 18523662 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 12858 Huntington's disease (HD) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" mir-29a and mir-330 are significantly higher in HD samples. unknown unknown 2007 18082412 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1216
+ hsa-miR-29a 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a-2 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29a-2 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 4947 cholangiocarcinoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Mcl-1 protein expression can be regulated by mir-29b. Enforced mir-29b expression reduced Mcl-1 cellular protein levels and sensitized the cancer cells to tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosisinducing ligand (TRAIL) cytotoxicity. Transfection of non-malignant cells (that express high levels ofmir -29) with a locked-nucleic acid antagonist ofmir-29b increased
+ "Mcl-1 levels and reduced TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. Thus mir-29 is an endogenous regulator ofM cl-1 protein expression, and thereby, apoptosis." Mcl-1 unknown 2007 17404574 Causal 1 1221
+ hsa-miR-29b 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-29 regulates Tcl1 expression Tcl1 unknown 2006 17178851 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29b 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-29b and miR-181b target oncogene TCL1, which leads to malignant cell proliferation." Tcl1 unknown 2007 17707831 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29b 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Expression of miR-29s is inversely correlated to DNA methyltransferase(DNMT)3A and -3B in lung cancer tissues, and that miR-29s directly target both DNMT3A and -3B.The enforced expression of miR-29s in lung cancer cell lines restores normal patterns of DNA methylation, induces reexpression of methylation-silenced tumor suppressor genes." "DNMT3A, DNMT3B" unknown 2007 17890317 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29b 9351 type 2 diabetes up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of miR-29a, miR-29b and miR-29c in rat adipocytes largely repressed insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, revealing a crucial role of miR-29 in type 2 diabetes." unknown unknown 2007 17652184 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1236
+ hsa-miR-29b 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five down-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs). unknown unknown 2007 17243163 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b-1 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "that miR-29a, -29b-1, and -9 can regulate BACE1 expression in vitro. The miR-29a/b-1 cluster was significantly (and AD-dementia-specific) decreased in AD patients displaying abnormally high BACE1 protein." BACE1 unknown 2008 18434550 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29b-2 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b-2 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b-2 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b-2 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b-2 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b-2 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Expression of miR-29s is inversely correlated to DNA methyltransferase(DNMT)3A and -3B in lung cancer tissues, and that miR-29s directly target both DNMT3A and -3B.The enforced expression of miR-29s in lung cancer cell lines restores normal patterns of DNA methylation, induces reexpression of methylation-silenced tumor suppressor genes." "DNMT3A, DNMT3B" unknown 2007 17890317 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29c 9261 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "In NPC tumors, the lower mir-29c levels correlated with higher levels of multiple mRNAs whose 3 UTRs can bind mir-29c at target sequences conserved across many vertebrates. In cultured cells, introduction of mir-29c down-regulated these genes at the level of mRNA and inhibited expression of luciferase encoded by vectors having the 3 UTRs of these genes. Moreover, for each of several genes tested, mutating the mir-29c target sites in the 3 UTR abrogated mir-29c induced inhibition of luciferase expression. Most of the mir-29ctargeted genes identified encode extracellular matrix proteins, including multiple collagens and laminin 1, that are associated with tumor cell invasiveness and metastatic potential, prominent characteristics of NPC. The 3 UTRs of all of these 10 candidate target genes (Collagen 1A1, 1A2, 3A1, 4A1, 4A2, 15A1, FUSIP1iso1, laminin 1, SPARC, and TDG) elicited significantly decreased luciferase activities in mir-29c transfected cells." "COL1A1, COL1A2, COL3A1, COL4A1, COL4A2, COL15A1, FUSIP1iso1, LAMININ gamma1, SPARC, TDG" unknown 2008 18390668 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29c 9351 type 2 diabetes up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of miR-29a, miR-29b and miR-29c in rat adipocytes largely repressed insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, revealing a crucial role of miR-29 in type 2 diabetes." unknown unknown 2007 17652184 Causal
+ hsa-miR-29c 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) down-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-301 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold)." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-301 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-301 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302 3305 teratocarcinoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The miR-302 cluster was potently expressed in undifferentiated NTera2D1 and P19 cells, but hardly in differentiated cells, such that miR-124a showed an opposite expression pattern to the miR-302 is suggested that the miR-302 cluster and miR-124a may be useful molecular indicators in the assessment of degree of undifferentiation and/or differentiation in the course of neuronal differentiation." unknown unknown 2007 17716626 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302b 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302b* 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302c 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302c 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302c* 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302c* 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1274
+ hsa-miR-302d 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302d 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-302d 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in the various histological subtypes of germ cell tumour (GCT) (TE = teratoma; SE = seminoma; EC = embryonal carcinoma). unknown unknown 2007 17893849 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five up-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs). unknown unknown 2007 17243163 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 10222 polymyositis (PM) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-5p 7012 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A significant decrease in miR-30d, miR-125b, miR-26a and miR-30a-5p was detected in ATC in comparison to normalthyroid tissue." unknown unknown 2007 17563749 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-5p 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-5p 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-5p 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-5p 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-5p 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-5p 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1296
+ hsa-miR-30a-5p 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30b 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30b 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30b 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1303
+ hsa-miR-30b 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 2786 Cerebellar neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Essential for the survival of Purkinje cells and its absence leads to a slow degeneration of these cells. unknown unknown 2007 17606634 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1313
+ hsa-miR-30c 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 7012 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A significant decrease in miR-30d, miR-125b, miR-26a and miR-30a-5p was detected in ATC in comparison to normalthyroid tissue." unknown unknown 2007 17563749 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-30d together with miR-181a and let-7a,play important role in normal mouse and human hematopoiesis,particularly during B- and T-lymphocyte lineage differentiation and in B-cell lymphomas." unknown unknown 2007 17989717 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e* 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e-5p 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e-5p 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e-5p 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e-5p 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30e-5p 9088 psoriasis up-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of analyzed miRNAs significantly differed among tumors and adjacent non-tumor tissues: miR-21 (p = 0.0001) and miR-31 (p = 0.0006) were upregulated, and miR-143 (p = 0.011) and miR-145 (p = 0.004) were downregulated in tumors." unknown unknown 2007 18196926 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray "Distinct up-regulations of miR-222, miR-221, and miR-31, and down-regulations of miR-223, miR-126, and miR-122a were identified. Further investigations suggested the highly deregulated miR-223 and miR-222 could unequivocally distinguish HCC from adjacent nontumoral liver, irrespective of viral associations (P<=.0002)." unknown unknown 2008 18555017 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 9088 psoriasis up-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-32 934 PFV-1 infection down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" A cellular microRNA effectively restricts the accumulation of the retrovirus primate foamy virus type 1 (PFV-1) in human cells. unknown PFV-1 2005 15845854 Causal
+ hsa-miR-32 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown PFV-1 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-32 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown PFV-1 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-32 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown PFV-1 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-32 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown PFV-1 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-32 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the top five down-regulated miRNAs in Uterine Leiomyomas (ULMs). unknown PFV-1 2007 17243163 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 10923 homozygous sickle cell disease (HbSS) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-320 played an important role for the down-regulation of its target gene, CD71 during reticulocyte terminal differentiation. Further investigation revealed that poor expression of miR-320 in HbSS cells was associated with their defective downregulation CD71 during terminal differentiation." CD71 unknown 2008 18523662 Causal
+ hsa-miR-320 10652 Alzheimer's disease up-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) down-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold)." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1355
+ hsa-miR-320-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320a 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-323 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-323 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-323 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) validation of microarray. Realtime
+ "semiquantitative RT-PCR of five different microRNA species (miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, miR-139, and miR-323) across ten subjects. miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, and miR-323 were overexpressed in leiomyoma in the ten pairs tested and miR-139 was underexpressed, consistent with the microarray results." unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified 0 1360
+ hsa-miR-324-3p 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-324-5p 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-324-5p 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-324-5p 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-325 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-325 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-326 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-326 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-326 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-328 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-328 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-328 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-328 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-328 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-328-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-33 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD27 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-33 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-330 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold).A classification tree was computed using four miRNAs (miR-330, miR-17-5p, miR-106a and miR-210) to correctly identify 98% of all 111 cases that were analysed in this study." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-330 12858 Huntington's disease (HD) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" mir-29a and mir-330 are significantly higher in HD samples. unknown unknown 2007 18082412 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-330 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-331 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-331 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-331 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-331 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-331 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-331 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-335 regulates a set of genes whose collective expression in a large cohort of human tumours is associated with risk of distal metastasis. SOX4 unknown 2008 18185580 Causal
+ hsa-miR-335 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown unknown 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-335 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-337 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All eight miRNAs located in chromosome 14 cluster at Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain(mir-337, mir-432, mir-495,mir-368, mir-376a, mir-376b, mir-377, and mir-419) were expressed in all four IOSE, but in no EOC cell line, which were silenced by epigenetic alterations in EOC. Down-regulation of miRNAs located at Dlk1-Gtl2 domain is associated with higher tumor proliferation and shorter patient survival, suggesting that miRNAs in this cluster function as tumor suppressor genes. " unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Causal
+ hsa-miR-337 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-338 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-338 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold)." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-338 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-339 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-339 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-340 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-340 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-341 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-342 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We report that expression of hsa-miR-342, a microRNA encoded in an intron of the gene EVL, is commonly suppressed in human colorectal cancer. The expression of hsa-miR-342 is coordinated with that of EVL and our results indicate that the mechanism of silencing is CpG island methylation upstream of EVL. We found methylation at the EVL/hsa-miR-342 locus in 86% of colorectal adenocarcinomas and in 67% of adenomas, indicating that it is an early event in colorectal carcinogenesis. Furthermore, reconstitution of hsa-miR-342 in the colorectal cancer cell line HT-29 induced apoptosis, suggesting that this microRNA could function as a proapoptotic tumor suppressor. In aggregate, these results support a novel mechanism for silencing intronic microRNAs in cancer by epigenetic alterations of cognate host genes." unknown unknown 2008 18264139 Causal
+ hsa-miR-342 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) up-regulated microarray "Upregulation of miR-15a,miR-15b, miR-16-1, let-7a-3, let-7c, let-7d, miR-223,miR-342 and miR-107, whereas miR-181b was downregulated in in acute promyelocytic leukemia patients and cell lines during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment." unknown unknown 2007 17260024 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-342 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-345 4905 pancreatic cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-345 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-345 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1413
+ hsa-miR-346 3962 follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Two specific miRNAs, miR-197 and miR-346, are significantly overexpressed in FTC. In vitro overexpression of either miRNA induces proliferation, whereas inhibition leads to growth arrest." EFEMP2 unknown 2006 16822819 Causal
+ hsa-miR-346 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-346 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-347 178 vascular disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown unknown 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" metastasis-related miRNA unknown E2F3 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-34a functions as a potent suppressor of cell proliferation through modulation of the E2F signaling pathway. Abrogation of miR-34a function could contribute to aberrant cell proliferation, leading to colon cancer development." E2F E2F3 2007 17875987 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34a 769 neuroblastoma (NB) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Reintroduction of this miRNA into three different NB cell lines causes a dramatic reduction in cell proliferation through the induction of a caspase-dependent apoptotic pathway. miR-34a directly targets the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) encoding E2F3 and significantly reduces the levels of E2F3 protein, a potent transcriptional inducer of cell-cycle progression." E2F3 E2F3 2007 17297439 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34a 769 neuroblastoma (NB) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-34a caused the most significant suppression of cell growth through increased apoptosis and decreased DNA synthesis in neuroblastoma cell lines with MYCN amplification. Quantitative RT-PCR showed that neuroblastoma tumors with 1p36 loss expressed lower level of miR-34a than those with normal copies of 1p36. Furthermore, we demonstrated that MYCN is a direct target of miR-34a. Finally, using a series of mRNA expression profiling experiments, we identified other potential direct targets of miR-34a, and pathway analysis demonstrated that miR-34a suppresses cell-cycle genes and induces several neural-related genes. This study demonstrates one important regulatory role of miR-34a in cell growth and MYCN suppression in neuroblastoma." MYCN E2F3 2008 18504438 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34a 769 neuroblastoma (NB) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The miR-34a (1p36) and miR-34c (11q23) mimics showed dramatic growth inhibition in cell lines with 1p36 hemizygous deletion. In contrast, there was no growth inhibition by these mimics in cell lines without 1p36 deletions. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed a perfect correlation of absent miR-34a expression in cell lines with a 1p36 aberration and phenotypic effect after mimetic add-back. Expression of miR-34a was also decreased in primary tumors (n = 54) with 1p36 deletion (P = 0.009), but no mutations were discovered in resequencing of the miR-34a locus in 30 neuroblastoma cell lines. BCL2 and MYCN were identified as miR-34a targets and likely mediators of the tumor suppressor phenotypic effect. These data support miR-34a as a tumor suppressor gene in human neuroblastoma. " "BCL2, MYCN" E2F3 2008 18505919 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34a 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" BCL2 is regulated directly by miR-34.The expression of two miR-34s is dramatically reduced in 6 of 14 (43%) non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) and that the restoration of miR-34 expression inhibits growth of NSCLC cells. BCL2 E2F3 2007 17656095 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34a 4905 pancreatic cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "One important role of miR-34a is the modulation and fine-tuning of the gene expression program initiated by p53 for miR-34a-responsive genes are highly enriched for those that regulate cell-cycle progression, apoptosis, DNA repair, and angiogenesis." "BIRC3,DcR3,BCL2" E2F3 2007 17540599 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34a 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown E2F3 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown E2F3 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown E2F3 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown E2F3 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown E2F3 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown E2F3 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown E2F3 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown E2F3 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown E2F3 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown E2F3 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) validation of microarray. Realtime
+ "semiquantitative RT-PCR of five different microRNA species (miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, miR-139, and miR-323) across ten subjects. miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, and miR-323 were overexpressed in leiomyoma in the ten pairs tested and miR-139 was underexpressed, consistent with the microarray results." unknown E2F3 2008 17765232 Unspecified 0 1435
+ hsa-miR-34b 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Down-regulation of miR-34b/c is associated with hypermethylation of the neighboring CpG island; and that DAC treatment rapidly restores miR-34b/c expression. Methylation of the miR-34b/c CpG island was frequently observed in CRC cell lines (nine of nine, 100%) and in primary CRC tumors (101 of 111, 90%), but not in normal colonic mucosa. Transfection of precursor miR-34b or miR-34c into CRC cells induced dramatic changes in the gene expression profile, and there was significant overlap between the genes down-regulated by miR-34b/c and those down-regulated by DAC. We also found that the miR-34b/c CpG island is a bidirectional promoter which drives expression of both miR-34b/c and B-cell translocation gene 4 (BTG4). Our results suggest that miR-34b/c and BTG4 are novel tumor suppressors in CRC and that the miR-34b/c CpG island, which bidirectionally regulates miR-34b/c and BTG4, is a frequent target of epigenetic silencing in CRC." unknown unknown 2008 18519671 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34b 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" BCL2 is regulated directly by miR-34.The expression of two miR-34s is dramatically reduced in 6 of 14 (43%) non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) and that the restoration of miR-34 expression inhibits growth of NSCLC cells. BCL2 unknown 2007 17656095 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34b 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-34b and miR-34c are direct targets of p53. miR-34b and miR-34c cooperate in suppressing proliferation and soft-agar colony formation of neoplastic epithelial ovarian cells. unknown unknown 2007 17823410 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34b 9261 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs differentially expressed between normal and NPC tumor tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18390668 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34b 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Four of miRNAs (i.e., miR-34b, miR-137, miR-193a, and miR-203) located around CpG islands.The expression of those four genes was restored by treatment with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine in OSCC cells lacking their expression. In addition, expression levels of the four miRNAs were inversely correlated with their DNA methylation status in the OSCC lines. In primary tumors of OSCC with paired"
+ "normal oral mucosa, down-regulation of miRNA expression through tumor-specific hypermethylation was more frequently"
+ observed for miR-137 and miR-193a than for miR-34b and miR-203. unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified 0 1441
+ hsa-miR-34c 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Down-regulation of miR-34b/c is associated with hypermethylation of the neighboring CpG island; and that DAC treatment rapidly restores miR-34b/c expression. Methylation of the miR-34b/c CpG island was frequently observed in CRC cell lines (nine of nine, 100%) and in primary CRC tumors (101 of 111, 90%), but not in normal colonic mucosa. Transfection of precursor miR-34b or miR-34c into CRC cells induced dramatic changes in the gene expression profile, and there was significant overlap between the genes down-regulated by miR-34b/c and those down-regulated by DAC. We also found that the miR-34b/c CpG island is a bidirectional promoter which drives expression of both miR-34b/c and B-cell translocation gene 4 (BTG4). Our results suggest that miR-34b/c and BTG4 are novel tumor suppressors in CRC and that the miR-34b/c CpG island, which bidirectionally regulates miR-34b/c and BTG4, is a frequent target of epigenetic silencing in CRC." unknown unknown 2008 18519671 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34c 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" BCL2 is regulated directly by miR-34.The expression of two miR-34s is dramatically reduced in 6 of 14 (43%) non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) and that the restoration of miR-34 expression inhibits growth of NSCLC cells. BCL2 unknown 2007 17656095 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34c 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-34b and miR-34c are direct targets of p53. miR-34b and miR-34c cooperate in suppressing proliferation and soft-agar colony formation of neoplastic epithelial ovarian cells. unknown unknown 2007 17823410 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34c 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34c 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34c 9261 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs differentially expressed between normal and NPC tumor tissues. unknown unknown 2008 18390668 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34c 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34c 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-351 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-352 178 vascular disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown unknown 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-361 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-361 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-361 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-361 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-362 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-362 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-362 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-362 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-362 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-363 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-365 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-365 178 vascular disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown unknown 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-367 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-367 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-367 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in the various histological subtypes of germ cell tumour (GCT) (TE = teratoma; SE = seminoma; EC = embryonal carcinoma). unknown unknown 2007 17893849 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-368 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All eight miRNAs located in chromosome 14 cluster at Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain(mir-337, mir-432, mir-495,mir-368, mir-376a, mir-376b, mir-377, and mir-419) were expressed in all four IOSE, but in no EOC cell line, which were silenced by epigenetic alterations in EOC. Down-regulation of miRNAs located at Dlk1-Gtl2 domain is associated with higher tumor proliferation and shorter patient survival, suggesting that miRNAs in this cluster function as tumor suppressor genes. " unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Causal
+ hsa-miR-368 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-368 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-368 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-368 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-368 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-368 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-368 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-369-5p 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-369-5p 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-369-5p 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-369-5p 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-370 4947 cholangiocarcinoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The oncogene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 (MAP3K8) was identified as a target of miR-370.Overexpression of IL-6 reduced miR-370 expression and reinstated MAP3K8 expression in vitro as well as in tumor cell xenografts in vivo. Thus, IL-6 may contribute to tumor growth by modulation of expression of selected miRNAs, such as miR-370." MAP3K8 unknown 2008 17621267 Causal
+ hsa-miR-370 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-370 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1481
+ hsa-miR-371 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-371 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in the various histological subtypes of germ cell tumour (GCT) (TE = teratoma; SE = seminoma; EC = embryonal carcinoma). unknown unknown 2007 17893849 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-372 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A five-microRNA signature (let-7a, miR-221, miR-137, miR-372, and miR-182*) that is associated with survival and cancer relapse in NSCLC patients. This microRNA signature was validated by the testing set and an independent cohort. Patients with high-risk scores in their microRNA signatures had poor overall and disease-free survivals compared to the low-risk-score patients. This microRNA signature is an independent predictor of the cancer relapse and survival of NSCLC patients.promoted invasiveness of lung cancer cell lines." unknown LATS2 2008 18167339 Causal
+ hsa-miR-372 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-372 and miR-373 are capable of promoting human cell transformation in collaboration with oncogenic Ras, by inhibiting the expression of the protein kinase LATS2 and sustaining the activity of CDK3." LATS2 LATS2 2006 16564011 Causal
+ hsa-miR-372 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown LATS2 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-372 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown LATS2 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-372 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown LATS2 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-372 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in the various histological subtypes of germ cell tumour (GCT) (TE = teratoma; SE = seminoma; EC = embryonal carcinoma). unknown LATS2 2007 17893849 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-373 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-373 and miR-520c stimulated cancer cell migration and invasion in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, the migration phenotype of miR-373 and miR-520c can be explained by suppression of CD44. We found significant upregulation of miR-373 in clinical breast cancer metastasis samples that correlated inversely with CD44 expression." CD44 LATS2 2008 18193036 Causal
+ hsa-miR-373 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-372 and miR-373 are capable of promoting human cell transformation in collaboration with oncogenic Ras, by inhibiting the expression of the protein kinase LATS2 and sustaining the activity of CDK3." LATS2 LATS2 2006 16564011 Causal
+ hsa-miR-373 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown LATS2 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-373 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in the various histological subtypes of germ cell tumour (GCT) (TE = teratoma; SE = seminoma; EC = embryonal carcinoma). unknown LATS2 2007 17893849 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-373* 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-373* 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-373* 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1496
+ hsa-miR-374 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-374 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-374 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-374 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-374 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-374 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-375 4905 pancreatic cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown "Adipor2,C1qbp,Jak2,Mtpn,Usp1" 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-375 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) down-regulated microarray "differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. several miRNAs(hsa-miR-141, -148a, -200a, -200b, -200c, -216, -217 and -375) with expression patterns distinctive for pancreas, suggesting a possible role of these miRNAs in pancreas differentiation."
+ unknown "Adipor2,C1qbp,Jak2,Mtpn,Usp1" 2007 17237814 Unspecified 0 1504
+ hsa-miR-376a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All eight miRNAs located in chromosome 14 cluster at Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain(mir-337, mir-432, mir-495,mir-368, mir-376a, mir-376b, mir-377, and mir-419) were expressed in all four IOSE, but in no EOC cell line, which were silenced by epigenetic alterations in EOC. Down-regulation of miRNAs located at Dlk1-Gtl2 domain is associated with higher tumor proliferation and shorter patient survival, suggesting that miRNAs in this cluster function as tumor suppressor genes. " unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Causal
+ hsa-miR-376a 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-376a 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-376a 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-376a 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-376a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-376b 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All eight miRNAs located in chromosome 14 cluster at Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain(mir-337, mir-432, mir-495,mir-368, mir-376a, mir-376b, mir-377, and mir-419) were expressed in all four IOSE, but in no EOC cell line, which were silenced by epigenetic alterations in EOC. Down-regulation of miRNAs located at Dlk1-Gtl2 domain is associated with higher tumor proliferation and shorter patient survival, suggesting that miRNAs in this cluster function as tumor suppressor genes. " unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Causal
+ hsa-miR-376b 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-377 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "All eight miRNAs located in chromosome 14 cluster at Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain(mir-337, mir-432, mir-495,mir-368, mir-376a, mir-376b, mir-377, and mir-419) were expressed in all four IOSE, but in no EOC cell line, which were silenced by epigenetic alterations in EOC. Down-regulation of miRNAs located at Dlk1-Gtl2 domain is associated with higher tumor proliferation and shorter patient survival, suggesting that miRNAs in this cluster function as tumor suppressor genes. " unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Causal
+ hsa-miR-377 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-378 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-379 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-379 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-379 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-379 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-379 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-379 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-379 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 10763 hypertension normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We further experimentally investigated one of these target sites for hsa-miR-155, within the 3' UTR of the human AGTR1 gene that contains SNP rs5186. Using reporter silencing assays, we show that hsa-miR-155 down-regulates the expression of only the 1166A, and not the 1166C, allele of rs5186. Remarkably, the 1166C allele has been associated with hypertension in many studies. Thus, the 1166C allele may be functionally associated with hypertension by abrogating regulation by hsa-miR-155, thereby elevating AGTR1 levels. Since hsa-miR-155 is on chromosome 21, we hypothesize that the observed lower blood pressure in trisomy 21 is partially caused by the overexpression of hsa-miR-155 leading to allele-specific underexpression of AGTR1. Indeed, we have shown in fibroblasts from monozygotic twins discordant for trisomy 21 that levels of AGTR1 protein are lower in trisomy 21." AGTR1 AGTR1 2008 17668390 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "caspase-3, the executioner caspase, was confirmed to be the target of let-7a as ectopic expression of let-7a decreased the luciferase activity of a reporter construct containing the 3' untranslated region of caspase-3 and at the same time repressed the enzyme expression in human squamous carcinoma A431 cells and hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. Moreover, let-7a was over-expressed while caspase-3 was down-regulated in A10A cells, a doxorubicin-resistant A431 subline. Enforced let-7a expression increased the resistance in A431 cells and HepG2 cells to apoptosis induced by therapeutic drugs such as interferon-gamma, doxorubicin and paclitaxel. On the other hand, down-regulation of let-7a by the anti-let-7a inhibitor increased the doxorubicin-induced apoptosis in A431 parent cells, A10A cells and HepG2 cells while the increase was suppressed by caspase-3 inhibitor. Both anti-let-7a inhibitor and caspase-3 inhibitor however failed to affect the drug-induced apoptosis in human breast cancer MCF7 cells, the cells that do not express caspase-3. Therefore, let-7a by targeting caspase-3 may play a functional role in modulating drug-induced cell death in human cancer cells."
+ caspase-3 NF2 2008 18758960 Causal 1 1941
+ hsa-let-7a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Transfection of melanoma cells with let-7a pre-miR(TM) molecules resulted in the downregulation of integrin beta(3) mRNA and protein expression. In addition, we cloned the 3'-UTR of the integrin beta(3) mRNA containing the let-7a target sequence into a reporter plasmid and revealed that let-7a negatively regulates reporter gene expression. The repressed expression of integrin beta(3) accompanies with reduced invasive potential of melanoma cells transfected with synthetic let-7a molecules observed in Boyden chamber assays. On the other hand, the induction of integrin beta(3) expression was achieved in melanocytes by transfection with let-7a anti-miRs, resulting in invasive behavior of transfected melanocytes. In summary, we determined miRNA let-7a to be an important regulator of integrin beta(3) expression and showed that the loss of let-7a expression is involved in development and progression of malignant melanoma." integrin beta(3) NF2 2008 18679415 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 1749 squamous carcinoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "caspase-3, the executioner caspase, was confirmed to be the target of let-7a as ectopic expression of let-7a decreased the luciferase activity of a reporter construct containing the 3' untranslated region of caspase-3 and at the same time repressed the enzyme expression in human squamous carcinoma A431 cells and hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. Moreover, let-7a was over-expressed while caspase-3 was down-regulated in A10A cells, a doxorubicin-resistant A431 subline. Enforced let-7a expression increased the resistance in A431 cells and HepG2 cells to apoptosis induced by therapeutic drugs such as interferon-gamma, doxorubicin and paclitaxel. On the other hand, down-regulation of let-7a by the anti-let-7a inhibitor increased the doxorubicin-induced apoptosis in A431 parent cells, A10A cells and HepG2 cells while the increase was suppressed by caspase-3 inhibitor. Both anti-let-7a inhibitor and caspase-3 inhibitor however failed to affect the drug-induced apoptosis in human breast cancer MCF7 cells, the cells that do not express caspase-3. Therefore, let-7a by targeting caspase-3 may play a functional role in modulating drug-induced cell death in human cancer cells."
+ caspase-3 NF2 2008 18758960 Causal 1 1943
+ hsa-let-7c 8584 Burkitt lymphoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Our results demonstrated a modulation of specific miRNAs. In particular, down-regulation of hsa-let-7c was observed in BL cases, compared to normal controls." unknown unknown 2008 18802929 Causal
+ hsa-let-7e 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown SMC1L1 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7f 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-1 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "we report that microRNA-1 (miR-1), abundant in the cardiac and smooth muscles, is expressed in the lung and is down regulated in human primary lung cancer tissues and cell lines. In situ hybridization demonstrated localization of miR-1 in bronchial epithelial cells. The tumor suppressor C/EBPa, frequently suppressed in lung cancer reactivated miR-1 expression in the lung cancer cells. Repressed miR-1 was also activated in lung cancer cells upon treatment with a histone deacetylase inhibitor. Expression of miR-1 in nonexpressing A549 and H1299 cells reversed their tumorigenic properties such as growth, replication potential, motility/migration, clonogenic survival and tumor formation in nude mice. Exogenous miR-1 significantly reduced expression of oncogenic targets such as MET, a receptor tyrosine kinase, and Pim-1, a ser/thr kinase, frequently upregulated in lung cancer. Similarly, the level of two additional targets, FoxP1, a transcription factor with oncogeneic property, and HDAC4 that represses differentiation-promoting genes, was reduced in miR-1 expressing cells. Conversely, depletion of miR-1 facilitated N417 cell growth with concomitant elevation of these targets. Further, ectopic miR-1 induced apoptosis in A549 cells in response to the potent anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOXR). Enhanced activation of caspases 3 and 7, cleavage of their substrate PARP-1 and depletion of antiapoptotic Mcl-1 contributed to the sensitivity of miR-1 expressing cells to DOXR. Thus, miR-1 has potential therapeutic application against lung cancers."
+ "C/EBPa, MET, FoxP1, HDAC4, " "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2008 18818206 Causal 1 1947
+ hsa-miR-1 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "expression of miR-96, -182 and -183 decreased by 14.1-53.2%, while expression of miR-1, -133 and -142 was up-regulated by 186.1-538.5%. Significantly, the detected pan-retinal miR signature was mirrored by similar miR expression profiles in FACS-isolated rod photoreceptors from these mice. " unknown "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2008 18834879 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106b 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We have confirmed that the proapoptotic BIM is a target of the miR-17-92 cluster in MM cells. Therefore, miR-17-92, along with miR-21, blocks apoptosis and promotes cell survival. On the other hand, miR-106b-25, miR-181a, and miR-32 but not miR-17-92 cluster (specifically miR-19s and miR-92), target PCAF, a p53 positive regulator. We speculate, consistent with the low frequency of p53 mutations in MM, that down-regulation of PCAF by the miR-106b-25 cluster, miR-181s, and miR-32, keeps p53 at low level or partially inactivated by controlling its stability through Hdm2 and working as a histone acetyltransferase." PCAF unknown 2008 18728182 Causal
+ hsa-miR-122 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-122, a hepato-specific microRNA (miRNA), is frequently down-regulated in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In an effort to identify novel miR-122 targets, we performed an in silico analysis and detected a putative binding site in the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of Bcl-w, an anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member. In the HCC-derived cell lines, Hep3B and HepG2, we confirmed that miR-122 modulates Bcl-w expression by directly targeting binding site within the 3'-UTR. The cellular mRNA and protein levels of Bcl-w were repressed by elevated levels of miR-122, which subsequently led to reduction of cell viability and activation of caspase-3. Thus, Bcl-w is a direct target of miR-122 that functions as an endogenous apoptosis regulator in these HCC-derived cell lines." Bcl-w CAT-1 2008 18692484 Causal
+ hsa-miR-125b 3858 medulloblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Using a miRNA high-throughput profile screening, we identify here a downregulated miRNA signature in human MBs with high Hh signalling. Specifically, we identify miR-125b and miR-326 as suppressors of the pathway activator Smoothened together with miR-324-5p, which also targets the downstream transcription factor Gli1. Downregulation of these miRNAs allows high levels of Hh-dependent gene expression leading to tumour cell proliferation. Interestingly, the downregulation of miR-324-5p is genetically determined by MB-associated deletion of chromosome 17p. These findings identify a novel regulatory circuitry of the Hh signalling and suggest that misregulation of specific miRNAs, leading to its aberrant activation, sustain cancer development."
+ Gli1 Lin28 2008 18756266 Causal 1 1951
+ hsa-miR-126 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Our gain- and loss-of-function experiments showed that miR-126/126* inhibited apoptosis and increased the viability of AML cells and enhanced the colony-forming ability of mouse normal bone marrow progenitor cells alone and particularly, in cooperation with AML1-ETO, likely through targeting Polo-like kinase 2 (PLK2), a tumor suppressor. A significantly negative effect on luciferase activity was observed in the presence of miR-126 on the 3 UTR of PLK2. These results indicate that PLK2 is a bona fide target of miR-126." PLK2 unknown 2008 18832181 Causal
+ hsa-miR-126 9256 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Using micro(RNA) arrays, we found a ubiquitous loss of miR-126 expression in colon cancer lines when compared to normal human colon epithelia. Reconstitution of miR-126 in colon cancer cells resulted in a significant growth reduction as evidenced in clonogenic assays. A search for miR-126 gene targets revealed p85beta, a regulatory subunit involved in stabilizing and propagating the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signal. Additionally, using reporter constructs, we show that the p85beta-3' untranslated region is directly targeted by miR-126. Furthermore, this miR-126 mediated reduction of p85beta was accompanied by a substantial reduction in phosphorylated AKT levels in the cancer cells, suggesting an impairment in PI3K signaling. Finally, in a panel of matched normal colon and primary colon tumors, each of the tumors demonstrated miR-126 down-regulation together with an increase in the p85beta protein level. Taken together, we propose that miR-126 regulates PI3K signaling partly by targeting p85beta, and that the loss of miR-126 may provide a selective growth advantage during colon carcinogenesis."
+ p85beta unknown 2008 18663744 Causal 1 1953
+ hsa-miR-126* 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression signatures of a minimum of two (i.e., miR-126/126*), three (i.e., miR-224, miR-368, and miR-382), and seven (miR-17�C5p and miR-20a, plus the aforementioned five) miRNAs could accurately discriminate CBF, t(15;17), and MLL-rearrangement AMLs, respectively, from each other. We further showed that the elevated expression of miR-126/126* in CBF AMLs was associated with promoter demethylation but not with amplification or mutation of the genomic locus. Our gain- and loss-of-function experiments showed that miR-126/126* inhibited apoptosis and increased the viability of AML cells" unknown unknown 2008 18832181 Causal
+ hsa-miR-127 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-128 2627 glioma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here we show that brain-enriched miR-128 is down-regulated in glioma tissues and cell lines when compared to normal brain tissues. Overexpression of miR-128 in glioma cells inhibited cell proliferation. A bioinformatics search revealed a conserved target site within the 3'untranslated region (UTR) of E2F3a, a transcription factor that regulates cell cycle progression. The protein levels of E2F3a in gliomas and normal brain tissues were negatively correlated to the expression levels of miR-128 in these tissues. Overexpression of miR-128 suppressed a luciferase-reporter containing the E2F3a-3'UTR and reduced the level of E2F3a protein in T98G cells. Moreover, knocking down of E2F3a had similar effect as overexpression of miR-128, and overexpression of E2F3a can partly rescue the proliferation inhibition caused by miR-128. Taken together, our study demonstrates that miR-128 can inhibit proliferation of glioma cells through one of its targets, E2F3a."
+ E2F3a unknown 2008 18810376 Causal 1 1956
+ hsa-miR-128a 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Supervised analysis in the initial subset and subsequent analysis in additional tumors significantly linked four miRNAs (miR-7, miR-128a, miR-210, and miR-516-3p) to ER(+)/LNN breast cancer aggressiveness (n=147) and one miRNA (miR-210) to metastatic capability in ER(-)/LNN breast cancer ( n=114) and in the clinically important triple-negative subgroup (n=69) (all P<0.05). Bioinformatic analysis coupled miR-210 to hypoxia/VEGF signaling, miR-7 and miR-516-3p to cell cycle progression and chromosomal instability, and miR-128a to cytokine signaling. In conclusion, our work connects four miRNAs to breast cancer progression and to several distinct biological processes involved therein."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18755890 Causal 1 1957
+ hsa-miR-129-1 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-129-2 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "expression of miR-96, -182 and -183 decreased by 14.1-53.2%, while expression of miR-1, -133 and -142 was up-regulated by 186.1-538.5%. Significantly, the detected pan-retinal miR signature was mirrored by similar miR expression profiles in FACS-isolated rod photoreceptors from these mice. " unknown "ERG,PTBP2,SRF" 2008 18834879 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-142 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "expression of miR-96, -182 and -183 decreased by 14.1-53.2%, while expression of miR-1, -133 and -142 was up-regulated by 186.1-538.5%. Significantly, the detected pan-retinal miR signature was mirrored by similar miR expression profiles in FACS-isolated rod photoreceptors from these mice. " unknown unknown 2008 18834879 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-143 9970 Obesity up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We showed that the expression of miR-143 in the mesenteric fat was up-regulated in mice fed a high-fat diet. Increased miR-143 expression was associated with an elevated body weight and mesenteric fat weight. Furthermore, miR-143 levels were closely correlated with expression levels of adipocyte differentiation markers such as PPARgamma and aP2 as well as plasma levels of leptin, one of the important adipocytokines involved in insulin resistance. These findings provide the first evidence for the up-regulated expression of miR-143 in the mesentric fat of high-fat diet-induced obese mice, which might contribute to the regulated expression of adipocyte genes involved in the pathophysiology of obesity."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18809385 Unspecified 0 1962
+ hsa-miR-145 9256 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-145 showing the lowest expression in cancer relative to normal tissue. Functional studies showed that miR-145 potently suppressed growth of
+ "three different colon carcinoma cell lines. Our data indicate that altered expression levels of miRNA-145 in colon cancer has a functional effect on transformed cells, and that miR-145 may act as a potent suppressor of tumor growth through an increased rate of cell death." unknown FLJ21308 2008 18676867 Causal 1 1963
+ hsa-miR-146a 10652 Alzheimer's disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Here we provide evidence in AD brains of a specific up-regulation of an NF-kB-sensitive miRNA-146a highly complementary to the 3' un-translated region (3'UTR) of complement factor H (CFH), an important repressor of the brain's inflammatory response. Up-regulation of miRNA-146a coupled to down-regulation of CFH was observed in AD brain and in IL-1ss, Ass42 and/or oxidatively-stressed human neural (HN) cells in primary culture. Transfection of HN cells using an NF-kB-containing pre-miRNA-146a promoter-luciferase reporter construct in stressed HN cells showed significant up-regulation of luciferase activity that paralleled decreases in CFH gene expression. Treatment of stressed HN cells with the NF-kB inhibitors pyrollidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) or the resveratrol analog CAY10512 abrogated this response. Incubation of an antisense oligonucleotide to miRNA-146a (anti-miRNA-146a; AM146a) was found to restore CFH expression levels. These data indicate that NF-kB-sensitive miRNA-146a-mediated modulation of CFH gene expression may in part regulate an inflammatory response in AD brain and in stressed HN cell models of AD, and illustrates the potential for anti-miRNAs as an effective therapeutic strategy against pathogenic inflammatory signaling." CFH unknown 2008 18801740 Causal
+ hsa-miR-146a 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A G to C polymorphism (rs2910164) is located within the sequence of miR-146a precursor, which leads to a change from a G:U pair to a C:U mismatch in its stem region. The predicted miR-146a target genes include BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are key breast and ovarian cancer genes. we studied associations between this polymorphism and age of diagnosis in 42 patients with familial breast cancer and 82 patients with familial ovarian cancer. Breast cancer patients who had at least one miR-146a variant allele were diagnosed at an earlier age than with no variant alleles (Median age: 45 vs 56, p=0.029) and ovarian cancer patients who had at least one miR-146a variant allele were diagnosed younger than women without any variant allele (Median age: 45 vs 50, p=0.014). in a target in vitro assay we observed that miR-146a could bind to the 3'UTRs of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mRNAs and potentially modulate their mRNA expression. Intriguingly, the binding capacity between the 3'UTR of BRCA1 and miR-146a were statistically significantly stronger in variant C-allele than those in common G-allele (p=0.046). Taken together, our data suggest that breast/ovarian cancer patients with variant C-allele miR-146a may have high levels of mature miR-146 and that these variants predispose them to an earlier age of onset of familial breast and ovarian cancer."
+ "BRCA1, BRCA2" unknown 2008 18660546 Causal 1 1965
+ hsa-miR-146a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A G>C polymorphism (rs2910164) is located in the stem region opposite to the mature miR-146a sequence, which results in a change from G:U pair to C:U mismatch in the stem structure of miR-146a precursor. Here, we elucidated the biological significance of this polymorphism, based on cancer association study and cell model system. The cancer association study included 479 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 504 control subjects. We found that the genotype distribution of this polymorphism in HCC cases was significantly different from that in control subjects (P = 0.026). The results revealed that male individuals with GG genotype were two-fold more susceptible to HCC (OR = 2.016, 95% CI = 1.056-3.848, P = 0.034) compared to those with CC genotype. We next examined the influence of this polymorphism on the production of mature miR-146a and found that G-allelic miR-146a precursor displayed increased production of mature miR-146a compared with C-allelic one. Further investigations disclosed that miR-146a could obviously promote cell proliferation and colony formation in NIH/3T3, an immortalized but non-transformed cell line. These data suggest that the G>C polymorphism in miR-146a precursor may result in important phenotypic traits that have biomedical implications." unknown unknown 2008 18711148 Causal
+ hsa-miR-146a 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A G to C polymorphism (rs2910164) is located within the sequence of miR-146a precursor, which leads to a change from a G:U pair to a C:U mismatch in its stem region. The predicted miR-146a target genes include BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are key breast and ovarian cancer genes. we studied associations between this polymorphism and age of diagnosis in 42 patients with familial breast cancer and 82 patients with familial ovarian cancer. Breast cancer patients who had at least one miR-146a variant allele were diagnosed at an earlier age than with no variant alleles (Median age: 45 vs 56, p=0.029) and ovarian cancer patients who had at least one miR-146a variant allele were diagnosed younger than women without any variant allele (Median age: 45 vs 50, p=0.014). in a target in vitro assay we observed that miR-146a could bind to the 3'UTRs of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mRNAs and potentially modulate their mRNA expression. Intriguingly, the binding capacity between the 3'UTR of BRCA1 and miR-146a were statistically significantly stronger in variant C-allele than those in common G-allele (p=0.046). Taken together, our data suggest that breast/ovarian cancer patients with variant C-allele miR-146a may have high levels of mature miR-146 and that these variants predispose them to an earlier age of onset of familial breast and ovarian cancer."
+ "BRCA1, BRCA2" unknown 2008 18660546 Causal 1 1967
+ hsa-miR-155 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown AGTR1 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Two known oncomiRs--miRNAs with known roles in cancer--the miR-17-92 polycistron and miR-21, exhibited increased expression in 100% of primary human and woodchuck hepatocellular carcinomas surveyed. To determine the importance of these miRNAs in tumorigenesis, an in vitro antisense oligonucleotide knockdown model was evaluated for its ability to reverse the malignant phenotype. Both in human and woodchuck HCC cell lines, separate treatments with antisense oligonucleotides specific for either the miR-17-92 polycistron (all six members) or miR-21 caused a 50% reduction in both hepatocyte proliferation and anchorage-independent growth. The combination of assays presented here supports a role for these miRNAs in the maintenance of the malignant transformation of hepatocytes." unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2008 18688024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Herein, levels of the miR-17-5p/miR-20a miRNA cluster were inversely correlated to cyclin D1 abundance in human breast tumors and cell lines. MiR-17/20 suppressed breast cancer cell proliferation and tumor colony formation by negatively regulating cyclin D1 translation via a conserved 3' untranslated region miRNA-binding site, thereby inhibiting serum-induced S phase entry. The cell cycle effect of miR-17/20 was abrogated by cyclin D1 siRNA and in cyclin D1-deficient breast cancer cells. Mammary epithelial cell-targeted cyclin D1 expression induced miR-17-5p and miR-20a expression in vivo, and cyclin D1 bound the miR-17/20 cluster promoter regulatory region. In summary, these studies identify a novel cyclin D1/miR-17/20 regulatory feedback loop through which cyclin D1 induces miR-17-5p/miR-20a. In turn, miR-17/20 limits the proliferative function of cyclin D1, thus linking expression of a specific miRNA cluster to the regulation of oncogenesis." CCND1 "AIB1,E2F1" 2008 18695042 Causal
+ hsa-miR-181a 2627 glioma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We reported that the down-regulated hsa-miR-181a and hsa-miR-181b of hsa-miR-181 family were also involved in oncogenesis of glioma. Our studies showed that hsa-miR-181a and hsa-miR-181b functioned as tumor suppressors which triggered growth inhibition, induced apoptosis and inhibited invasion in glioma cells. Furthermore, the tumor-suppressive effect of hsa-miR-181b in glioma cells was more apparent than the effect of hsa-miR-181a. These findings suggest aberrantly down-regulated hsa-miR-181a and hsa-miR-181b may be critical factors that contribute to malignant appearance in human gliomas."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18710654 Causal 1 1971
+ hsa-miR-181a 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Xenograft studies using human MM cell lines treated with miR-19a and b, and miR-181a and b antagonists resulted in significant suppression of tumor growth in nude mice." PCAF unknown 2008 18728182 Causal
+ hsa-miR-181b 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181b 2627 glioma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We reported that the down-regulated hsa-miR-181a and hsa-miR-181b of hsa-miR-181 family were also involved in oncogenesis of glioma. Our studies showed that hsa-miR-181a and hsa-miR-181b functioned as tumor suppressors which triggered growth inhibition, induced apoptosis and inhibited invasion in glioma cells. Furthermore, the tumor-suppressive effect of hsa-miR-181b in glioma cells was more apparent than the effect of hsa-miR-181a. These findings suggest aberrantly down-regulated hsa-miR-181a and hsa-miR-181b may be critical factors that contribute to malignant appearance in human gliomas."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18710654 Causal 1 1974
+ hsa-miR-181b 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Xenograft studies using human MM cell lines treated with miR-19a and b, and miR-181a and b antagonists resulted in significant suppression of tumor growth in nude mice." PCAF unknown 2008 18728182 Causal
+ hsa-miR-181d 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-182 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "expression of miR-96, -182 and -183 decreased by 14.1-53.2%, while expression of miR-1, -133 and -142 was up-regulated by 186.1-538.5%. Significantly, the detected pan-retinal miR signature was mirrored by similar miR expression profiles in FACS-isolated rod photoreceptors from these mice. " unknown unknown 2008 18834879 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-183 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "expression of miR-96, -182 and -183 decreased by 14.1-53.2%, while expression of miR-1, -133 and -142 was up-regulated by 186.1-538.5%. Significantly, the detected pan-retinal miR signature was mirrored by similar miR expression profiles in FACS-isolated rod photoreceptors from these mice. " unknown unknown 2008 18834879 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-18a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Two known oncomiRs--miRNAs with known roles in cancer--the miR-17-92 polycistron and miR-21, exhibited increased expression in 100% of primary human and woodchuck hepatocellular carcinomas surveyed. To determine the importance of these miRNAs in tumorigenesis, an in vitro antisense oligonucleotide knockdown model was evaluated for its ability to reverse the malignant phenotype. Both in human and woodchuck HCC cell lines, separate treatments with antisense oligonucleotides specific for either the miR-17-92 polycistron (all six members) or miR-21 caused a 50% reduction in both hepatocyte proliferation and anchorage-independent growth. The combination of assays presented here supports a role for these miRNAs in the maintenance of the malignant transformation of hepatocytes." unknown unknown 2008 18688024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-196a 1107 esophageal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Analysis of paired normal/tumor tissues from additional 10 patients revealed an increase in miR-196a in the cancers (P=0.003), accompanied by a decrease in ANXA1 mRNA (P=0.004). Increasing miR-196a levels in cells by miR-196a mimics resulted in decreased ANXA1 mRNA and protein. In addition, miR-196a mimics inhibited luciferase expression in luciferase plasmid reporter that included predicted miR-196a recognition sequence from ANXA1 3'-untranslated region confirming that miR-196a directly targets ANXA1. miR-196a promoted cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth and suppressed apoptosis, suggesting its oncogenic potential. This study demonstrated a novel mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation of ANXA1 expression and identified miR-196a as a marker of esophageal cancer." ANXA1 unknown 2008 18663355 Causal
+ hsa-miR-196a 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The combination of miR-196a and miR-217 biomarkers further improved the ability to distinguish between healthy tissue, PDAC, and chronic pancreatitis in the training set (P = 8.2 x 10(-10)), as well as segregate PDAC FNA samples from other FNA samples (P = 1.1 x 10(-5)). Furthermore, we showed that miR-196a production is likely specific to PDAC cells and that its incidence paralleled the progression of PDAC. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to evaluate the diagnostic potential of miRNAs in a clinical setting and has shown that miRNA analysis of pancreatic FNA biopsy samples can aid in the pathologic evaluation of suspicious cases and may provide a new strategy for improving the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18719196 Unspecified 0 1981
+ hsa-miR-198 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-19a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Two known oncomiRs--miRNAs with known roles in cancer--the miR-17-92 polycistron and miR-21, exhibited increased expression in 100% of primary human and woodchuck hepatocellular carcinomas surveyed. To determine the importance of these miRNAs in tumorigenesis, an in vitro antisense oligonucleotide knockdown model was evaluated for its ability to reverse the malignant phenotype. Both in human and woodchuck HCC cell lines, separate treatments with antisense oligonucleotides specific for either the miR-17-92 polycistron (all six members) or miR-21 caused a 50% reduction in both hepatocyte proliferation and anchorage-independent growth. The combination of assays presented here supports a role for these miRNAs in the maintenance of the malignant transformation of hepatocytes." unknown PTEN 2008 18688024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-19a 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Our findings indicate that miR-19a and b are up-regulated >100-fold in patient samples, >2,000 times in the cell lines , and are both almost absent in normal PCs and MGUS. These data suggest that both miRNAs contribute to the development of MM. miR-19a and miR-19b Target SOCS-1, a Negative Regulator of IL-6R/STAT-3 Pathway. Moreover, miR-19a and miR-19b mimics inhibited the expression of a reporter vector containing SOCS-1 3 UTR, while mutation of the predicted miRNA-binding site abrogated this effect. These studies suggest a role of miR-19s in the IL-6 antiapoptotic signal in the pathogenesis and malignant growth of MM. U266 cells were transfected with miR-19s ASOs and BIM expression was evaluated using immunoblot. We found a significant increase of BIM protein levels at 48 h after treatment with anti-miR-19s compared to scrambled oligonucleotides.BIM as a direct target of miR-17-92 and suggest a possible mechanism through which over-expression of miR-17 92 contributes to the antiapoptotic signals in MM." "SOCS-1, BIM" PTEN 2008 18728182 Causal
+ hsa-miR-19b 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Two known oncomiRs--miRNAs with known roles in cancer--the miR-17-92 polycistron and miR-21, exhibited increased expression in 100% of primary human and woodchuck hepatocellular carcinomas surveyed. To determine the importance of these miRNAs in tumorigenesis, an in vitro antisense oligonucleotide knockdown model was evaluated for its ability to reverse the malignant phenotype. Both in human and woodchuck HCC cell lines, separate treatments with antisense oligonucleotides specific for either the miR-17-92 polycistron (all six members) or miR-21 caused a 50% reduction in both hepatocyte proliferation and anchorage-independent growth. The combination of assays presented here supports a role for these miRNAs in the maintenance of the malignant transformation of hepatocytes." unknown unknown 2008 18688024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-19b 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Our findings indicate that miR-19a and b are up-regulated >100-fold in patient samples, >2,000 times in the cell lines , and are both almost absent in normal PCs and MGUS. These data suggest that both miRNAs contribute to the development of MM. miR-19a and miR-19b Target SOCS-1, a Negative Regulator of IL-6R/STAT-3 Pathway. Moreover, miR-19a and miR-19b mimics inhibited the expression of a reporter vector containing SOCS-1 3 UTR, while mutation of the predicted miRNA-binding site abrogated this effect. These studies suggest a role of miR-19s in the IL-6 antiapoptotic signal in the pathogenesis and malignant growth of MM. miR-17 92 Cluster Target." "SOCS-1, BIM" unknown 2008 18728182 Causal
+ hsa-miR-205 4007 bladder cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Cell lines characterized as invasive showed a miR-21:miR-205 ratio at least 10-fold higher than the quantitative ratio obtained from non-invasive cell lines. The same expression ratio was determined in 53 bladder tumors. From these results, we recorded a sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 78%, respectively, using a cutoff of 1.79 to predict an invasive lesion. The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve was 0.89. Using in vitro invasion assays, we have demonstrated a role for miR-21 in establishing the invasive phenotype of bladder carcinoma cells. " unknown unknown 2008 18799331 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-205 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " We detected overexpression of mature miR-21 in 25 (52.0%) of the 48 NSCLC paired specimens and overexpression of miR-205 in 31 (64.6%). Overexpression was assessed after comparison of miRNA expression in NSCLC tissues and in their corresponding noncancerous tissues with respect to U6 expression. During the follow-up period, 29 of 48 (60.4%) patients relapsed, and 23 of 48 died (47.9%). Mature miR-21 was upregulated in 16 of 29 (55.2%) patients who relapsed and 15 of 23 (65.2%) patients who died. Mature miR-205 was overexpressed in 19 of 29 patients who relapsed (65.5%) and 15 of 23 patients who died (65.2%). Mature miR-21 overexpression correlated with overall survival (OS) of the patients (P = 0.027), whereas overexpression of mature miR-205 did not. " unknown unknown 2008 18719201 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-20a 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Herein, levels of the miR-17-5p/miR-20a miRNA cluster were inversely correlated to cyclin D1 abundance in human breast tumors and cell lines. MiR-17/20 suppressed breast cancer cell proliferation and tumor colony formation by negatively regulating cyclin D1 translation via a conserved 3' untranslated region miRNA-binding site, thereby inhibiting serum-induced S phase entry. The cell cycle effect of miR-17/20 was abrogated by cyclin D1 siRNA and in cyclin D1-deficient breast cancer cells. Mammary epithelial cell-targeted cyclin D1 expression induced miR-17-5p and miR-20a expression in vivo, and cyclin D1 bound the miR-17/20 cluster promoter regulatory region. In summary, these studies identify a novel cyclin D1/miR-17/20 regulatory feedback loop through which cyclin D1 induces miR-17-5p/miR-20a. In turn, miR-17/20 limits the proliferative function of cyclin D1, thus linking expression of a specific miRNA cluster to the regulation of oncogenesis." CCND1 TGFBR2 2008 18695042 Causal
+ hsa-miR-20a 9256 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "in vitro inhibition of two miRNAs highly expressed in tumor tissue, miR-20a and miR-92, did not affect cell viability. This was unexpected, considering that these miRNAs are part of the miR-17-92 cluster reported to be oncogenic in other cancer types. Although our data indicated that the viability"
+ "of colon cancer cell lines were unaffected by inhibition of miR-20a and miR-92, other cancer hall marks such as motility, invasion, and angiogenesis might have been influenced." unknown TGFBR2 2008 18676867 Unspecified 0 1990
+ hsa-miR-20a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Two known oncomiRs--miRNAs with known roles in cancer--the miR-17-92 polycistron and miR-21, exhibited increased expression in 100% of primary human and woodchuck hepatocellular carcinomas surveyed. To determine the importance of these miRNAs in tumorigenesis, an in vitro antisense oligonucleotide knockdown model was evaluated for its ability to reverse the malignant phenotype. Both in human and woodchuck HCC cell lines, separate treatments with antisense oligonucleotides specific for either the miR-17-92 polycistron (all six members) or miR-21 caused a 50% reduction in both hepatocyte proliferation and anchorage-independent growth. The combination of assays presented here supports a role for these miRNAs in the maintenance of the malignant transformation of hepatocytes." unknown TGFBR2 2008 18688024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Cell lines characterized as invasive showed a miR-21:miR-205 ratio at least 10-fold higher than the quantitative ratio obtained from non-invasive cell lines. The same expression ratio was determined in 53 bladder tumors. From these results, we recorded a sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 78%, respectively, using a cutoff of 1.79 to predict an invasive lesion. The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve was 0.89. Using in vitro invasion assays, we have demonstrated a role for miR-21 in establishing the invasive phenotype of bladder carcinoma cells. " unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18799331 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-21 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "hsa-mir-21 (miR-21), was quantitatively analyzed by TaqMan real-time PCR in 113 BC tumors. Interestingly, among the 113 BC cases, high level expression of miR-21 was significantly correlated with advanced clinical stage (P=0.006, Fisher's exact text), lymph node metastasis (P=0.007, Fisher's exact text), and shortened survival of the patients (hazard ratio [HR]=5.476, P<0.001). Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed this prognostic impact (HR=4.133, P=0.001) to be independent of disease stage (HR=2.226, P=0.013) and histological grade (HR=3.681, P=0.033). This study could identify the differentiated miRNAs expression profile in BC and reveal that miR-21 overexpression was correlated with specific breast cancer biopathologic features, such as advanced tumor stage, lymph node metastasis, and poor survival of the patients, indicating that miR-21 may serve as a molecular prognostic marker for BC and disease progression."
+ unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18812439 Unspecified 1 1993
+ hsa-miR-21 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "In this study, we show for the first time that miR-21 targets multiple important components of the p53, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), and mitochondrial apoptosis tumor-suppressive pathways. Down-regulation of miR-21 in glioblastoma cells leads to derepression of these pathways, causing repression of growth, increased apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest. These phenotypes are dependent on two of the miR-21 targets validated in this study, HNRPK and TAp63. These findings establish miR-21 as an important oncogene that targets a network of p53, TGF-beta, and mitochondrial apoptosis tumor suppressor genes in glioblastoma cells."
+ "TGF-beta, HNRPK, TAp63" "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18829576 Causal 1 1994
+ hsa-miR-21 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Two known oncomiRs--miRNAs with known roles in cancer--the miR-17-92 polycistron and miR-21, exhibited increased expression in 100% of primary human and woodchuck hepatocellular carcinomas surveyed. To determine the importance of these miRNAs in tumorigenesis, an in vitro antisense oligonucleotide knockdown model was evaluated for its ability to reverse the malignant phenotype. Both in human and woodchuck HCC cell lines, separate treatments with antisense oligonucleotides specific for either the miR-17-92 polycistron (all six members) or miR-21 caused a 50% reduction in both hepatocyte proliferation and anchorage-independent growth. The combination of assays presented here supports a role for these miRNAs in the maintenance of the malignant transformation of hepatocytes." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18688024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " We detected overexpression of mature miR-21 in 25 (52.0%) of the 48 NSCLC paired specimens and overexpression of miR-205 in 31 (64.6%). Overexpression was assessed after comparison of miRNA expression in NSCLC tissues and in their corresponding noncancerous tissues with respect to U6 expression. During the follow-up period, 29 of 48 (60.4%) patients relapsed, and 23 of 48 died (47.9%). Mature miR-21 was upregulated in 16 of 29 (55.2%) patients who relapsed and 15 of 23 (65.2%) patients who died. Mature miR-205 was overexpressed in 19 of 29 patients who relapsed (65.5%) and 15 of 23 patients who died (65.2%). Mature miR-21 overexpression correlated with overall survival (OS) of the patients (P = 0.027), whereas overexpression of mature miR-205 did not. " unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18719201 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Supervised analysis in the initial subset and subsequent analysis in additional tumors significantly linked four miRNAs (miR-7, miR-128a, miR-210, and miR-516-3p) to ER(+)/LNN breast cancer aggressiveness (n=147) and one miRNA (miR-210) to metastatic capability in ER(-)/LNN breast cancer ( n=114) and in the clinically important triple-negative subgroup (n=69) (all P<0.05). Bioinformatic analysis coupled miR-210 to hypoxia/VEGF signaling, miR-7 and miR-516-3p to cell cycle progression and chromosomal instability, and miR-128a to cytokine signaling. In conclusion, our work connects four miRNAs to breast cancer progression and to several distinct biological processes involved therein."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18755890 Causal 1 1997
+ hsa-miR-217 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The combination of miR-196a and miR-217 biomarkers further improved the ability to distinguish between healthy tissue, PDAC, and chronic pancreatitis in the training set (P = 8.2 x 10(-10)), as well as segregate PDAC FNA samples from other FNA samples (P = 1.1 x 10(-5)). Furthermore, we showed that miR-196a production is likely specific to PDAC cells and that its incidence paralleled the progression of PDAC. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to evaluate the diagnostic potential of miRNAs in a clinical setting and has shown that miRNA analysis of pancreatic FNA biopsy samples can aid in the pathologic evaluation of suspicious cases and may provide a new strategy for improving the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18719196 Unspecified 0 1998
+ hsa-miR-221 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We observed selective up-regulation of miRNA-221 and down-regulation of a miRNA-221 messenger RNA target encoding the survivin-1 homolog BIRC1, a neuronal inhibitor of apoptosis protein (NIAP) and marker for neurodegeneration. The expression of BIRC5 (survivin-1) and caspase-3 were found to be significantly up-regulated, particularly in stage IV GBM. These studies suggest that the abundance and speciation of the BIRC family of neural cell fate regulators are differentially regulated in glioma and GBM, and may contribute to progressive changes in apoptotic signaling and altered neural cell cycling functions." BIRC1 KIT 2008 18759060 Causal
+ hsa-miR-25 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We have confirmed that the proapoptotic BIM is a target of the miR-17-92 cluster in MM cells. Therefore, miR-17-92, along with miR-21, blocks apoptosis and promotes cell survival. On the other hand, miR-106b-25, miR-181a, and miR-32 but not miR-17-92 cluster (specifically miR-19s and miR-92), target PCAF, a p53 positive regulator. We speculate, consistent with the low frequency of p53 mutations in MM, that down-regulation of PCAF by the miR-106b-25 cluster, miR-181s, and miR-32, keeps p53 at low level or partially inactivated by controlling its stability through Hdm2 and working as a histone acetyltransferase." PCAF unknown 2008 18728182 Causal
+ hsa-miR-26a 8584 Burkitt lymphoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The MYC oncogene, which is commonly mutated/amplified in tumors, represents an important regulator of cell growth owing to its ability to induce both proliferation and apoptosis. Recent evidence links MYC to altered miRNA expression, thereby suggesting that MYC-regulated miRNAs might contribute to tumorigenesis. To further analyze the impact of MYC-regulated miRNAs we investigated a murine lymphoma model harboring the MYC transgene in a Tet-off system. Among the miRNAs repressed by MYC we identified the potential tumor suppressor miR-26a, which possessed the ability to attenuate proliferation in MYC-dependent cells. Interestingly, miR-26a was also found to be deregulated in primary human Burkitt lymphoma samples, thereby likely being of clinical relevance.we could show that ectopic expression of miR-26a influenced cell cycle progression by targeting the bona fide oncogene EZH2, a Polycomb protein and global regulator of gene expression yet unknown to be regulated by miRNAs. Thus, in addition to directly targeting protein-coding genes, MYC modulates genes important to oncogenesis via deregulation of miRNAs." EZH2 PLAG1 2008 18713946 Causal
+ hsa-miR-28 3945 Glomerulosclerosis down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" down-regulated in Dicer Mutant Podocytes. unknown unknown 2008 18776119 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29b 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-29c 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30a-3p 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30b 3945 Glomerulosclerosis down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Among 15 upregulated target genes of the mir-30 miRNA, four genes known to be expressed and/or functional in podocytes were identified, including receptor for advanced glycation end product, vimentin, heat-shock protein 20, and immediate early response 3. Receptor for advanced glycation end product and immediate early response 3 are known to mediate podocyte apoptosis, whereas vimentin and heat-shock protein-20 are involved in cytoskeletal structure. Taken together, these results provide a knowledge base for ongoing investigations to validate functional roles for the mir-30 miRNA family in podocyte homeostasis and podocytopathies. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that miRNA are important genomic regulators of molecular podocyte homeostasis. Disruption of miRNA-controlled gene networks results in progressive proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis." unknown unknown 2008 18776119 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c-1 3945 Glomerulosclerosis down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Among 15 upregulated target genes of the mir-30 miRNA, four genes known to be expressed and/or functional in podocytes were identified, including receptor for advanced glycation end product, vimentin, heat-shock protein 20, and immediate early response 3. Receptor for advanced glycation end product and immediate early response 3 are known to mediate podocyte apoptosis, whereas vimentin and heat-shock protein-20 are involved in cytoskeletal structure. Taken together, these results provide a knowledge base for ongoing investigations to validate functional roles for the mir-30 miRNA family in podocyte homeostasis and podocytopathies. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that miRNA are important genomic regulators of molecular podocyte homeostasis. Disruption of miRNA-controlled gene networks results in progressive proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis." unknown unknown 2008 18776119 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30c-2 3945 Glomerulosclerosis down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Among 15 upregulated target genes of the mir-30 miRNA, four genes known to be expressed and/or functional in podocytes were identified, including receptor for advanced glycation end product, vimentin, heat-shock protein 20, and immediate early response 3. Receptor for advanced glycation end product and immediate early response 3 are known to mediate podocyte apoptosis, whereas vimentin and heat-shock protein-20 are involved in cytoskeletal structure. Taken together, these results provide a knowledge base for ongoing investigations to validate functional roles for the mir-30 miRNA family in podocyte homeostasis and podocytopathies. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that miRNA are important genomic regulators of molecular podocyte homeostasis. Disruption of miRNA-controlled gene networks results in progressive proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis." unknown unknown 2008 18776119 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-30d 3945 Glomerulosclerosis down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Among 15 upregulated target genes of the mir-30 miRNA, four genes known to be expressed and/or functional in podocytes were identified, including receptor for advanced glycation end product, vimentin, heat-shock protein 20, and immediate early response 3. Receptor for advanced glycation end product and immediate early response 3 are known to mediate podocyte apoptosis, whereas vimentin and heat-shock protein-20 are involved in cytoskeletal structure. Taken together, these results provide a knowledge base for ongoing investigations to validate functional roles for the mir-30 miRNA family in podocyte homeostasis and podocytopathies. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that miRNA are important genomic regulators of molecular podocyte homeostasis. Disruption of miRNA-controlled gene networks results in progressive proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis." unknown unknown 2008 18776119 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-31 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-32 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We have confirmed that the proapoptotic BIM is a target of the miR-17-92 cluster in MM cells. Therefore, miR-17-92, along with miR-21, blocks apoptosis and promotes cell survival. On the other hand, miR-106b-25, miR-181a, and miR-32 but not miR-17-92 cluster (specifically miR-19s and miR-92), target PCAF, a p53 positive regulator. We speculate, consistent with the low frequency of p53 mutations in MM, that down-regulation of PCAF by the miR-106b-25 cluster, miR-181s, and miR-32, keeps p53 at low level or partially inactivated by controlling its stability through Hdm2 and working as a histone acetyltransferase." PCAF PFV-1 2008 18728182 Causal
+ hsa-miR-320 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 9256 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray Our microarray data showing that miR-320 is more abundantly expressed in cancer relative to normal tissue. It may therefore be speculated that miR-320 expression is involved in maintaining the undifferentiated and proliferative tumor phenotype. unknown unknown 2008 18676867 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-320 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-324-5p 3858 medulloblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Using a miRNA high-throughput profile screening, we identify here a downregulated miRNA signature in human MBs with high Hh signalling. Specifically, we identify miR-125b and miR-326 as suppressors of the pathway activator Smoothened together with miR-324-5p, which also targets the downstream transcription factor Gli1. Downregulation of these miRNAs allows high levels of Hh-dependent gene expression leading to tumour cell proliferation. Interestingly, the downregulation of miR-324-5p is genetically determined by MB-associated deletion of chromosome 17p. These findings identify a novel regulatory circuitry of the Hh signalling and suggest that misregulation of specific miRNAs, leading to its aberrant activation, sustain cancer development."
+ Gli1 unknown 2008 18756266 Causal 1 2015
+ hsa-miR-326 3858 medulloblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Using a miRNA high-throughput profile screening, we identify here a downregulated miRNA signature in human MBs with high Hh signalling. Specifically, we identify miR-125b and miR-326 as suppressors of the pathway activator Smoothened together with miR-324-5p, which also targets the downstream transcription factor Gli1. Downregulation of these miRNAs allows high levels of Hh-dependent gene expression leading to tumour cell proliferation. Interestingly, the downregulation of miR-324-5p is genetically determined by MB-associated deletion of chromosome 17p. These findings identify a novel regulatory circuitry of the Hh signalling and suggest that misregulation of specific miRNAs, leading to its aberrant activation, sustain cancer development."
+ Gli1 unknown 2008 18756266 Causal 1 2016
+ hsa-miR-335 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We identified transcripts specific to six miRNA host genes (CCPG1, GULP1, EVL, TACSTD1, MEST, and TNIK) whose average changes in expression varied at least 2-fold from the mean of the examined dataset. We evaluated the expression levels of the corresponding intronic miRNAs and identified a significant correlation between the expression levels of MEST, EVL, and GULP1 and those of the corresponding miRNAs miR-335, miR-342-3p, and miR-561, respectively. Genome-wide profiling of the 20 HMCLs indicated that the increased expression of the three host genes and their corresponding intronic miRNAs was not correlated with local copy number variations. Notably, miRNAs and their host genes were overexpressed in a fraction of primary tumors with respect to normal plasma cells. The predicted putative miRNA targets and the transcriptional profiles associated with the primary tumors suggest that MEST/miR-335 and EVL/miR-342-3p may play a role in plasma cell homing and/or interactions with the bone marrow microenvironment. Our data support the idea that intronic miRNAs and their host genes are regulated dependently, and may contribute to the understanding of their biological roles in cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18700954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-342 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We identified transcripts specific to six miRNA host genes (CCPG1, GULP1, EVL, TACSTD1, MEST, and TNIK) whose average changes in expression varied at least 2-fold from the mean of the examined dataset. We evaluated the expression levels of the corresponding intronic miRNAs and identified a significant correlation between the expression levels of MEST, EVL, and GULP1 and those of the corresponding miRNAs miR-335, miR-342-3p, and miR-561, respectively. Genome-wide profiling of the 20 HMCLs indicated that the increased expression of the three host genes and their corresponding intronic miRNAs was not correlated with local copy number variations. Notably, miRNAs and their host genes were overexpressed in a fraction of primary tumors with respect to normal plasma cells. The predicted putative miRNA targets and the transcriptional profiles associated with the primary tumors suggest that MEST/miR-335 and EVL/miR-342-3p may play a role in plasma cell homing and/or interactions with the bone marrow microenvironment. Our data support the idea that intronic miRNAs and their host genes are regulated dependently, and may contribute to the understanding of their biological roles in cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18700954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here, we show for the first time that microRNA-34a is significantly downregulated in CLL patients with TP53 deletions compared with CLL patients without such deletions. In these cases, we were not able to reveal BCL2 as a target of microRNA-34a. Still, BCL2 being only one of the microRNA-34a targets, a"
+ "potential function of a regulatory circuit involving the important tumor suppressor TP53 and microRNA-34a in the pathogenesis of CLL cannot be excluded, and needs to be further investigated." unknown E2F3 2008 18818704 Unspecified 0 2019
+ hsa-miR-34a 3945 Glomerulosclerosis down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" down-regulated in Dicer Mutant Podocytes. unknown E2F3 2008 18776119 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-34a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "MiR-34a expression was markedly reduced in p53-null PC3 cells and p53-mutated DU145 cells compared with LNCaP cells expressing wild-type p53. In PC3 cell, ectopic expression of miR-34a decreased the SIRT1 mRNA and protein levels as well as protein levels of known direct target genes. Reporter assays revealed that miR-34a-induced SIRT1 inhibition occurred at the transcriptional but not post-transcriptional level despite the presence of a potential miR-34a binding site within its 3'-UTR. Ectopic miR-34a expression resulted in cell cycle arrest and growth inhibition and attenuated chemoresistance to anticancer drug camptothecin by inducing apoptosis, suggesting a potential role of miR-34a for the treatment of p53-defective prostate cancer." SIRT1 E2F3 2008 18834855 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34b 8584 Burkitt lymphoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Our results demonstrated a modulation of specific miRNAs. In particular, down-regulation of hsa-let-7c was observed in BL cases, compared to normal controls. More interestingly, hsa-mir-34b was found to be down-regulated only in BL cases that were negative for MYC translocation, suggesting that this event might be responsible for c-Myc deregulation in such cases. This hypothesis was further confirmed by our in vitro experiments, which demonstrated that increasing doses of synthetic hsa-mir-34b were able to modulate c-Myc expression. These results indicate for the first time that hsa-mir-34b may influence c-Myc expression in Burkitt lymphoma as the more common aberrant control exercised by the immunoglobulin enhancer locus." c-myc unknown 2008 18802929 Causal
+ hsa-miR-355 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-365 3459 breast cancer microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-373* 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-492 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-494 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-497 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-498 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-503 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-513-1 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-513-2 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-516-3p 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Supervised analysis in the initial subset and subsequent analysis in additional tumors significantly linked four miRNAs (miR-7, miR-128a, miR-210, and miR-516-3p) to ER(+)/LNN breast cancer aggressiveness (n=147) and one miRNA (miR-210) to metastatic capability in ER(-)/LNN breast cancer ( n=114) and in the clinically important triple-negative subgroup (n=69) (all P<0.05). Bioinformatic analysis coupled miR-210 to hypoxia/VEGF signaling, miR-7 and miR-516-3p to cell cycle progression and chromosomal instability, and miR-128a to cytokine signaling. In conclusion, our work connects four miRNAs to breast cancer progression and to several distinct biological processes involved therein."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18755890 Causal 1 2033
+ hsa-miR-518c* 768 retinoblastoma up-regulated microarray "A cluster of microRNAs was identified as highly expressed in retinoblastoma, including hsa-miR-494, hsa-let-7e, hsa-miR-513-1, hsa-miR-513-2, hsa-miR-518c*, hsa-miR-129-1, hsa-miR-129-2, hsa-miR-198, hsa-miR-492, hsa-miR-498, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-503, and hsa-miR-373*. CONCLUSION: These miRNAs are the first to be reported for human retinoblastoma and may play significant roles in regulating tumor genesis." unknown unknown 2008 18818933 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-521 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "To determine the role of miR-521 in radiation response we transiently overexpressed miR-521 using miR-521 mimic. The miR-521 mimic significantly sensitized prostate cancer cells to radiation treatment. Conversely, ectopic inhibition of miR-521 resulted in radiation resistance of prostate cancer cells. To determine the mechanism by which miR-521 modulates radiation sensitivity we measured the expression levels of one of its predicted target protein, Cockayne syndrome protein A (CSA). CSA is a DNA repair protein, and its levels correlated inversely with the levels of miR-521. Radiation treatment downregulated the levels of miR-521 and upregulated CSA protein. Similarly, ectopic inhibition of miR-521 resulted in increased CSA protein levels. Therefore by altering the levels of CSA protein, miR-521 sensitized prostate cancer cells to radiation treatment. CONCLUSION: miR-521 modulates the expression levels of DNA repair protein, CSA and plays an important role, in the radio-sensitivity of prostate cancer cell lines. Thus miR-521 can be a potential target for enhancing the effect of radiation treatment on prostate cancer cells." CSA unknown 2008 18668526 Causal
+ hsa-miR-561 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We identified transcripts specific to six miRNA host genes (CCPG1, GULP1, EVL, TACSTD1, MEST, and TNIK) whose average changes in expression varied at least 2-fold from the mean of the examined dataset. We evaluated the expression levels of the corresponding intronic miRNAs and identified a significant correlation between the expression levels of MEST, EVL, and GULP1 and those of the corresponding miRNAs miR-335, miR-342-3p, and miR-561, respectively. Genome-wide profiling of the 20 HMCLs indicated that the increased expression of the three host genes and their corresponding intronic miRNAs was not correlated with local copy number variations. Notably, miRNAs and their host genes were overexpressed in a fraction of primary tumors with respect to normal plasma cells. The predicted putative miRNA targets and the transcriptional profiles associated with the primary tumors suggest that MEST/miR-335 and EVL/miR-342-3p may play a role in plasma cell homing and/or interactions with the bone marrow microenvironment. Our data support the idea that intronic miRNAs and their host genes are regulated dependently, and may contribute to the understanding of their biological roles in cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18700954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-615-3p 5082 HBV-related cirrhosis up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" hsa-miR-615-3p was significantly up-regulated in
+ hypersplenism. Dynamic changes in miRNA expression occurred during the
+ pathogenesis of portal hypertension-induced hypersplenism in HBV-related cirrhosis.
+ The miRNAs then are novel regulatory RNAs in hypersplenism in patients with
+ HBV-related cirrhosis. unknown unknown 2008 18791127 Unspecified 0 2037
+ hsa-miR-659 10216 frontotemporal dementia normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here we expand the role of GRN in FTLD-U and demonstrate that a common genetic variant (rs5848), located in the 3'untranslated region (UTR) of GRN in a binding-site for miR-659, is a major susceptibility factor for FTLD-U. In a series of pathologically confirmed FTLD-U patients without GRN mutations, we show that carriers homozygous for the T-allele of rs5848 have a 3.2-fold increased risk to develop FTLD-U compared to homozygous C-allele carriers (95% CI: 1.50-6.73). We further demonstrate that miR-659 can regulate GRN expression in vitro, with miR-659 binding more efficiently to the high risk T-allele of rs5848 resulting in augmented translational inhibition of GRN. A significant reduction in GRN protein was observed in homozygous T-allele carriers in vivo, through biochemical and immunohistochemical methods, mimicking the effect of heterozygous loss-of-function GRN mutations." GRN unknown 2008 18723524 Causal
+ hsa-miR-7 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Supervised analysis in the initial subset and subsequent analysis in additional tumors significantly linked four miRNAs (miR-7, miR-128a, miR-210, and miR-516-3p) to ER(+)/LNN breast cancer aggressiveness (n=147) and one miRNA (miR-210) to metastatic capability in ER(-)/LNN breast cancer ( n=114) and in the clinically important triple-negative subgroup (n=69) (all P<0.05). Bioinformatic analysis coupled miR-210 to hypoxia/VEGF signaling, miR-7 and miR-516-3p to cell cycle progression and chromosomal instability, and miR-128a to cytokine signaling. In conclusion, our work connects four miRNAs to breast cancer progression and to several distinct biological processes involved therein."
+ unknown unknown 2008 18755890 Causal 1 2039
+ hsa-miR-92 9256 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "in vitro inhibition of two miRNAs highly expressed in tumor tissue, miR-20a and miR-92, did not affect cell viability. This was unexpected, considering that these miRNAs are part of the miR-17-92 cluster reported to be oncogenic in other cancer types. Although our data indicated that the viability"
+ "of colon cancer cell lines were unaffected by inhibition of miR-20a and miR-92, other cancer hall marks such as motility, invasion, and angiogenesis might have been influenced." unknown unknown 2008 18676867 Unspecified 0 2040
+ hsa-miR-92a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Two known oncomiRs--miRNAs with known roles in cancer--the miR-17-92 polycistron and miR-21, exhibited increased expression in 100% of primary human and woodchuck hepatocellular carcinomas surveyed. To determine the importance of these miRNAs in tumorigenesis, an in vitro antisense oligonucleotide knockdown model was evaluated for its ability to reverse the malignant phenotype. Both in human and woodchuck HCC cell lines, separate treatments with antisense oligonucleotides specific for either the miR-17-92 polycistron (all six members) or miR-21 caused a 50% reduction in both hepatocyte proliferation and anchorage-independent growth. The combination of assays presented here supports a role for these miRNAs in the maintenance of the malignant transformation of hepatocytes." unknown unknown 2008 18688024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-93 9538 multiple myeloma (MM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We have confirmed that the proapoptotic BIM is a target of the miR-17-92 cluster in MM cells. Therefore, miR-17-92, along with miR-21, blocks apoptosis and promotes cell survival. On the other hand, miR-106b-25, miR-181a, and miR-32 but not miR-17-92 cluster (specifically miR-19s and miR-92), target PCAF, a p53 positive regulator. We speculate, consistent with the low frequency of p53 mutations in MM, that down-regulation of PCAF by the miR-106b-25 cluster, miR-181s, and miR-32, keeps p53 at low level or partially inactivated by controlling its stability through Hdm2 and working as a histone acetyltransferase." PCAF unknown 2008 18728182 Causal
+ hsa-miR-96 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "expression of miR-96, -182 and -183 decreased by 14.1-53.2%, while expression of miR-1, -133 and -142 was up-regulated by 186.1-538.5%. Significantly, the detected pan-retinal miR signature was mirrored by similar miR expression profiles in FACS-isolated rod photoreceptors from these mice. " unknown unknown 2008 18834879 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-98 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs of hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-365, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-let-7f, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-29b, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-98, and hsa-miR-29c were observed to be up-regulated greater than twofold in BC compared with normal adjacent tumor tissues (NATs), whereas seven miRNAs of hsa-miR-497, hsa-miR-31, hsa-miR-355, hsa-miR-320, rno-mir-140, hsa-miR-127 and hsa-miR-30a-3p were observed to be down-regulated greater than twofold." unknown unknown 2008 18812439 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-196b 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up-regulated microarray "Most remarkably, miR-708 was 250-up to 6500-fold higher expressed in 57 TEL-AML1, BCR-ABL, E2A-PBX1, hyperdiploid and B-other cases than in 20 MLL-rearranged and 15 T-ALL cases (0.0001< P<0.01), whereas the expression of miR-196b was 500-fold higher in MLL-rearranged and 800-fold higher in 5 of 15 T-ALL cases as compared with the expression level in the remaining precursor B-ALL cases (P<0.001). The expression did not correlate with the maturation status of leukemia cells based on immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor rearrangements, immunophenotype or MLL-fusion partner. In conclusion, we identified new miRNA genes and showed that miRNA expression profiles are ALL subtype-specific rather than linked to the differentiation stadium associated with these subtypes." unknown unknown 2008 18923441 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-708 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up-regulated microarray "Most remarkably, miR-708 was 250-up to 6500-fold higher expressed in 57 TEL-AML1, BCR-ABL, E2A-PBX1, hyperdiploid and B-other cases than in 20 MLL-rearranged and 15 T-ALL cases (0.0001< P<0.01), whereas the expression of miR-196b was 500-fold higher in MLL-rearranged and 800-fold higher in 5 of 15 T-ALL cases as compared with the expression level in the remaining precursor B-ALL cases (P<0.001). The expression did not correlate with the maturation status of leukemia cells based on immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor rearrangements, immunophenotype or MLL-fusion partner. In conclusion, we identified new miRNA genes and showed that miRNA expression profiles are ALL subtype-specific rather than linked to the differentiation stadium associated with these subtypes." unknown unknown 2008 18923441 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-210 9119 Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" the miR-210 and the miR-23a/24-2 are directly repressed by the PMLRARA oncogene in APL cells and are regulated by RARA/RXRA heterodimers in non APL
+ cells.The miRNAs repressed by PML-RARA are also implicated in the control of crucial pathways linked to leukemogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18941112 Causal 1 2047
+ hsa-miR-23a 9119 Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" the miR-210 and the miR-23a/24-2 are directly repressed by the PMLRARA oncogene in APL cells and are regulated by RARA/RXRA heterodimers in non APL
+ cells.The miRNAs repressed by PML-RARA are also implicated in the control of crucial pathways linked to leukemogenesis. unknown "CXCL12,FLJ13158" 2008 18941112 Causal 1 2048
+ hsa-miR-17 353 B-cell lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "To identify essential target(s) of miR-17-92 in lymphomagenesis, we first transfected miR-17-92 into two genetically distinct B-cell lymphoma cell lines: Raji cells, which overexpress c-Myc, and SUDHL4 cells, which overexpress Bcl2. Raji cells transfected with miR-17-19b-1 exhibited downregulated expression Bim and a slight upregulation in Bcl2 expression. On the other hand, SUDHL4 cell transfectants showed aggressive cell growth reflecting facilitated cell cycle progression at the G1-S transition and decreased expression of CDKN1A mRNA and p21 protein (CDKN1A/p21) that was independent of p53 expression. Conversely, transfection of antisense oligonucleotides against miR-17 and miR-20a into Jeko-1 cells led to upregulation of CDKN1A/p21, resulting in decreased cell growth with G1-S arrest. Thus, CDKN1A/p21 appears to be an essential target of miR-17-92 during B-cell lymphomagenesis, which suggests the miR-17-92 polycistron has distinct targets in different B-cell lymphoma subtypes." "CDKN1A, p21" unknown 2008 18941111 Causal
+ hsa-miR-20a 353 B-cell lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "To identify essential target(s) of miR-17-92 in lymphomagenesis, we first transfected miR-17-92 into two genetically distinct B-cell lymphoma cell lines: Raji cells, which overexpress c-Myc, and SUDHL4 cells, which overexpress Bcl2. Raji cells transfected with miR-17-19b-1 exhibited downregulated expression Bim and a slight upregulation in Bcl2 expression. On the other hand, SUDHL4 cell transfectants showed aggressive cell growth reflecting facilitated cell cycle progression at the G1-S transition and decreased expression of CDKN1A mRNA and p21 protein (CDKN1A/p21) that was independent of p53 expression. Conversely, transfection of antisense oligonucleotides against miR-17 and miR-20a into Jeko-1 cells led to upregulation of CDKN1A/p21, resulting in decreased cell growth with G1-S arrest. Thus, CDKN1A/p21 appears to be an essential target of miR-17-92 during B-cell lymphomagenesis, which suggests the miR-17-92 polycistron has distinct targets in different B-cell lymphoma subtypes." "CDKN1A, p21" TGFBR2 2008 18941111 Causal
+ hsa-miR-155 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) signaling facilitates metastasis in advanced malignancy. While a number of protein-encoding genes are known to be involved in this process, information on the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in TGF-beta-induced cell migration and invasion is still limited. By hybridizing a 515-miRNA oligonucleotide-based microarray library, a total of 28 miRNAs were found to be significantly deregulated in TGF-beta-treated normal murine mammary gland (NMuMG) epithelial cells but not Smad4 knockdown NMuMG cells. Among upregulated miRNAs, miR-155 was the most significantly elevated miRNA. TGF-beta induces miR-155 expression and promoter activity through Smad4. The knockdown of miR-155 suppressed TGF-beta-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and tight junction dissolution, as well as cell migration and invasion. Further, the ectopic expression of miR-155 reduced RhoA protein and disrupted tight junction formation. Reintroducing RhoA cDNA without the 3' untranslated region largely reversed the phenotype induced by miR-155 and TGF-beta. In addition, elevated levels of miR-155 were frequently detected in invasive breast cancer tissues. These data suggest that miR-155 may play an important role in TGF-beta-induced EMT and cell migration and invasion by targeting RhoA and indicate that it is a potential therapeutic target for breast cancer intervention."
+ RhoA AGTR1 2008 18794355 Causal 1 2053
+ hsa-miR-204 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Prostate-derived Ets factor (PDEF) is an ETS transcription factor expressed in normal tissues with high epithelial cell content and noninvasive breast cancer cells. A putative tumor suppressor PDEF protein expression is often lost during progression to a more invasive phenotype. Interestingly, PDEF mRNA has been found to be retained or even overexpressed in the absence of protein; however, the mechanisms for this remain to be elucidated. This study identifies two microRNAs (miRNA) that directly act on and repress PDEF mRNA translation, leading to the loss of PDEF protein expression and the gain of phenotypes associated with invasive cells. In addition, we show that these miRNAs are elevated in human breast tumor samples. Together, these data describe a mechanism of regulation that explains, for the first time, the lack of correlation between PDEF mRNA and protein levels, providing insight into the underexplored role of posttranscriptional regulation and how this contributes to dysregulated protein expression in cancer. These observations have critical implications for therapeutically targeting miRNAs that contribute to cancer progression." PDEF unknown 2008 18922924 Causal
+ hsa-miR-21 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) is considered an onco-microRNA given its abilities to suppress the actions of several tumor suppressor genes and to promote tumor cell growth, invasion and metastasis. Recently, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is found to up-regulate the expression of miR-21, and elevated miR-21 expression is seen frequently in breast cancer. The study results showed that the expression of miR-21 was detected in all tumor samples with substantial variation. High miR-21 expression was associated with features of aggressive disease, including high tumor grade, negative hormone receptor status, and ductal carcinoma. High miR-21 was also positively correlated with TGF-beta1. No associations were found between patient survival and miR-21 expression among all patients, but high miR-21 was associated with poor disease-free survival in early stage patients (HR=2.08, 95% CI:1.08-4.00) despite no value for prognosis. The study supports the notion that miR-21 is an onco-microRNA for breast cancer. Elevated miR-21 expression may facilitate tumor progression, and TGF-beta may up-regulate its expression." unknown "PTEN,TPM1" 2008 18932017 Causal
+ hsa-miR-221 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The expression of miR-221 and miR-222 was also significantly (2-fold) elevated in HER2/neu-positive primary human breast cancer tissues that are known to be resistant to endocrine therapy compared with HER2/neu-negative tissue samples. Ectopic expression of miR-221/222 rendered the parental MCF-7 cells resistant to tamoxifen. The protein level of the cell cycle inhibitor p27(Kip1), a known target of miR-221/222, was reduced by 50% in OHT(R) cells and by 28-50% in miR-221/222-overexpressing MCF-7 cells. Furthermore, overexpression of p27(Kip1) in the resistant OHT(R) cells caused enhanced cell death when exposed to tamoxifen. This is the first study demonstrating a relationship between miR-221/222 expression and HER2/neu overexpression in primary breast tumors that are generally resistant to tamoxifen therapy. This finding also provides the rationale for the application of altered expression of specific miRNAs as a predictive tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer marker." p27(Kip1) KIT 2008 18708351 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A search for regulators of estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) expression has yielded a set of microRNAs (miRNAs) for which expression is specifically elevated in ERalpha-negative breast cancer. Here we show distinct expression of a panel of miRNAs between ERalpha-positive and ERalpha-negative breast cancer cell lines and primary tumors. Of the elevated miRNAs in ERalpha-negative cells, miR-221 and miR-222 directly interact with the 3'-untranslated region of ERalpha. Ectopic expression of miR-221 and miR-222 in MCF-7 and T47D cells resulted in a decrease in expression of ERalpha protein but not mRNA, whereas knockdown of miR-221 and miR-222 partially restored ERalpha in ERalpha protein-negative/mRNA-positive cells. Notably, miR-221- and/or miR-222-transfected MCF-7 and T47D cells became resistant to tamoxifen compared with vector-treated cells. Furthermore, knockdown of miR-221 and/or miR-222 sensitized MDA-MB-468 cells to tamoxifen-induced cell growth arrest and apoptosis. These findings indicate that miR-221 and miR-222 play a significant role in the regulation of ERalpha expression at the protein level and could be potential targets for restoring ERalpha expression and responding to antiestrogen therapy in a subset of breast cancers." ER-alpha KIT 2008 18790736 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The expression of miR-221 and miR-222 was also significantly (2-fold) elevated in HER2/neu-positive primary human breast cancer tissues that are known to be resistant to endocrine therapy compared with HER2/neu-negative tissue samples. Ectopic expression of miR-221/222 rendered the parental MCF-7 cells resistant to tamoxifen. The protein level of the cell cycle inhibitor p27(Kip1), a known target of miR-221/222, was reduced by 50% in OHT(R) cells and by 28-50% in miR-221/222-overexpressing MCF-7 cells. Furthermore, overexpression of p27(Kip1) in the resistant OHT(R) cells caused enhanced cell death when exposed to tamoxifen. This is the first study demonstrating a relationship between miR-221/222 expression and HER2/neu overexpression in primary breast tumors that are generally resistant to tamoxifen therapy. This finding also provides the rationale for the application of altered expression of specific miRNAs as a predictive tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer marker." p27(Kip1) KIT 2008 18708351 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A search for regulators of estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) expression has yielded a set of microRNAs (miRNAs) for which expression is specifically elevated in ERalpha-negative breast cancer. Here we show distinct expression of a panel of miRNAs between ERalpha-positive and ERalpha-negative breast cancer cell lines and primary tumors. Of the elevated miRNAs in ERalpha-negative cells, miR-221 and miR-222 directly interact with the 3'-untranslated region of ERalpha. Ectopic expression of miR-221 and miR-222 in MCF-7 and T47D cells resulted in a decrease in expression of ERalpha protein but not mRNA, whereas knockdown of miR-221 and miR-222 partially restored ERalpha in ERalpha protein-negative/mRNA-positive cells. Notably, miR-221- and/or miR-222-transfected MCF-7 and T47D cells became resistant to tamoxifen compared with vector-treated cells. Furthermore, knockdown of miR-221 and/or miR-222 sensitized MDA-MB-468 cells to tamoxifen-induced cell growth arrest and apoptosis. These findings indicate that miR-221 and miR-222 play a significant role in the regulation of ERalpha expression at the protein level and could be potential targets for restoring ERalpha expression and responding to antiestrogen therapy in a subset of breast cancers." ER-alpha KIT 2008 18790736 Causal
+ hsa-miR-510 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Prostate-derived Ets factor (PDEF) is an ETS transcription factor expressed in normal tissues with high epithelial cell content and noninvasive breast cancer cells. A putative tumor suppressor PDEF protein expression is often lost during progression to a more invasive phenotype. Interestingly, PDEF mRNA has been found to be retained or even overexpressed in the absence of protein; however, the mechanisms for this remain to be elucidated. This study identifies two microRNAs (miRNA) that directly act on and repress PDEF mRNA translation, leading to the loss of PDEF protein expression and the gain of phenotypes associated with invasive cells. In addition, we show that these miRNAs are elevated in human breast tumor samples. Together, these data describe a mechanism of regulation that explains, for the first time, the lack of correlation between PDEF mRNA and protein levels, providing insight into the underexplored role of posttranscriptional regulation and how this contributes to dysregulated protein expression in cancer. These observations have critical implications for therapeutically targeting miRNAs that contribute to cancer progression." PDEF unknown 2008 18922924 Causal
+ hsa-miR-7 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We show that miR-7 inhibits p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1) expression, a widely up-regulated signaling kinase in multiple human cancers, by targeting the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of Pak1 mRNA. We noticed an inverse correlation between the levels of endogenous miR-7 and Pak1 expression in human cancer cells. We discovered that endogenous miR-7 expression is positively regulated by a homeodomain transcription factor, HoxD10, the loss of which leads to an increased invasiveness. HoxD10 directly interacts with the miR-7 chromatin. Accordingly, the levels of Pak1 protein are progressively up-regulated whereas those of miR-7 and its upstream activator HoxD10 are progressively down-regulated in a cellular model of breast cancer progression from low to highly invasive phenotypes. Furthermore, HoxD10 expression in highly invasive breast cancer cells resulted in an increased miR-7 expression but reduced Pak1 3'-UTR-luciferase activity and reduced Pak1 protein. Finally, we show that miR-7 introduction inhibits the motility, invasiveness, anchorage-independent growth, and tumorigenic potential of highly invasive breast cancer cells. Collectively, these findings establish for the first time that Pak1 is a target of miR-7 and that HoxD10 plays a regulatory role in modifying the expression of miR-7." Pak1 unknown 2008 18922890 Causal
+ hsa-miR-425 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We examined the microRNA profiles of Glioblastoma stem (CD133+) and non-stem (CD133-) cell populations and found up-regulation of several miRs in the CD133- cells, including miR-451, miR-486, and miR-425, some of which may be involved in regulation of brain differentiation." unknown unknown 2008 18765229 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-451 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We examined the microRNA profiles of Glioblastoma stem (CD133+) and non-stem (CD133-) cell populations and found up-regulation of several miRs in the CD133- cells, including miR-451, miR-486, and miR-425, some of which may be involved in regulation of brain differentiation. Transfection of GBM cells with the above miRs inhibited neurosphere formation and transfection with the mature miR-451 dispersed neurospheres, and inhibited GBM cell growth. Furthermore, transfection of miR-451 combined with Imatinib mesylate treatment had a cooperative effect in dispersal of GBM neurospheres. In addition, we identified a target site for SMAD in the promoter region of miR-451 and showed that SMAD3 and 4 activate such a promoter-luciferase construct. Transfection of SMAD in GBM cells inhibited their growth, suggesting that SMAD may drive GBM stem cells to differentiate to CD133- cells through up-regulation of miR-451 and reduces their tumorigenicity." unknown unknown 2008 18765229 Causal
+ hsa-miR-486 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We examined the microRNA profiles of Glioblastoma stem (CD133+) and non-stem (CD133-) cell populations and found up-regulation of several miRs in the CD133- cells, including miR-451, miR-486, and miR-425, some of which may be involved in regulation of brain differentiation." unknown unknown 2008 18765229 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-296 2627 glioma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Here, we demonstrate that a small regulatory microRNA, miR-296, has a major role in this process. Glioma cells and angiogenic growth factors elevate the level of miR-296 in primary human brain microvascular endothelial cells in culture. The miR-296 level is also elevated in primary tumor endothelial cells isolated from human brain tumors compared to normal brain endothelial cells. Growth factor-induced miR-296 contributes significantly to angiogenesis by directly targeting the hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (HGS) mRNA, leading to decreased levels of HGS and thereby reducing HGS-mediated degradation of the growth factor receptors VEGFR2 and PDGFRbeta. Furthermore, inhibition of miR-296 with antagomirs reduces angiogenesis in tumor xenografts in vivo." HGS unknown 2008 18977327 Causal
+ hsa-miR-30a 2976 glomerular disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "To define their role in glomerular function, miRNA biogenesis was disrupted in mouse podocytes using a conditional Dicer allele. Mutant mice developed proteinuria by 3 wk after birth and progressed rapidly to end-stage kidney disease. Podocyte pathology included effacement, vacuolization, and hypertrophy with crescent formation. Despite normal expression of WT1, podocytes underwent dedifferentiation, exemplified by cytoskeletal disruption with early transcriptional downregulation of synaptopodin. These abnormalities differed from Cd2ap(-/-) mice, indicating they were not a general consequence of glomerular disease. Glomerular labeling of ezrin, moesin, and gelsolin was altered at 3 wk, but expression of nestin and alpha-actinin was unchanged. Abnormal cell proliferation or apoptosis was not responsible for the glomerular injury. Mutant podocytes were incapable of synthesizing mature miRNA, as revealed by their loss of miR-30a. In contrast, expression of glomerular endothelial and mesangial cell miRNAs (miR-126 and miR-145, respectively) was unchanged. These findings demonstrate a critical role for miRNA in glomerular function and suggest a pathway that may participate in the pathogenesis of kidney diseases of podocyte origin. The unique architecture of podocytes may make them especially susceptible to cytoskeletal alterations initiated by aberrant miRNA dynamics." unknown unknown 2008 18776121 Causal
+ hsa-miR-127 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We showed that the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is characterized by prominent early changes in expression of miRNA genes, specifically by inhibition of expression of microRNAs miR-34a, miR-127, miR-200b, and miR-16a involved in the regulation of apoptosis, cell proliferation, cell-to-cell connection, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. The mechanistic link between these alterations in miRNAs expression and the development of HCC was confirmed by the corresponding changes in the levels of E2F3, NOTCH1, BCL6, ZFHX1B, and BCL2 proteins targeted by these miRNAs. The significance of miRNAs expression dysregulation in respect to hepatocarcinogenesis was confirmed by the persistence of these miRNAs alterations in the livers of methyl-deficient rats re-fed a methyl-adequate diet. Altogether, the early occurrence of alterations in miRNAs expression and their persistence during the entire process of hepatocarcinogenesis indicate that the dysregulation of microRNAs expression may be an important contributing factor in the development of HCC" BCL6 "BCL6,Rtl1/Peg11" 2008 18942116 Causal
+ hsa-miR-16a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We showed that the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is characterized by prominent early changes in expression of miRNA genes, specifically by inhibition of expression of microRNAs miR-34a, miR-127, miR-200b, and miR-16a involved in the regulation of apoptosis, cell proliferation, cell-to-cell connection, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. The mechanistic link between these alterations in miRNAs expression and the development of HCC was confirmed by the corresponding changes in the levels of E2F3, NOTCH1, BCL6, ZFHX1B, and BCL2 proteins targeted by these miRNAs. The significance of miRNAs expression dysregulation in respect to hepatocarcinogenesis was confirmed by the persistence of these miRNAs alterations in the livers of methyl-deficient rats re-fed a methyl-adequate diet. Altogether, the early occurrence of alterations in miRNAs expression and their persistence during the entire process of hepatocarcinogenesis indicate that the dysregulation of microRNAs expression may be an important contributing factor in the development of HCC" BCL2 unknown 2008 18942116 Causal
+ hsa-miR-200b 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We next measured the levels of let-7 in available patient tumors with or without the variant allele, using reverse transcription-PCR. On average, we found that the levels of let-7a, b, d, and g were lower in patients with the variant allele compared with patients without the variant allele. We showed that the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is characterized by prominent early changes in expression of miRNA genes, specifically by inhibition of expression of microRNAs miR-34a, miR-127, miR-200b, and miR-16a involved in the regulation of apoptosis, cell proliferation, cell-to-cell connection, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. The mechanistic link between these alterations in miRNAs expression and the development of HCC was confirmed by the corresponding changes in the levels of E2F3, NOTCH1, BCL6, ZFHX1B, and BCL2 proteins targeted by these miRNAs. The significance of miRNAs expression dysregulation in respect to hepatocarcinogenesis was confirmed by the persistence of these miRNAs alterations in the livers of methyl-deficient rats re-fed a methyl-adequate diet. Altogether, the early occurrence of alterations in miRNAs expression and their persistence during the entire process of hepatocarcinogenesis indicate that the dysregulation of microRNAs expression may be an important contributing factor in the development of HCC" ZFHX1B unknown 2008 18942116 Causal
+ hsa-miR-34a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We showed that the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is characterized by prominent early changes in expression of miRNA genes, specifically by inhibition of expression of microRNAs miR-34a, miR-127, miR-200b, and miR-16a involved in the regulation of apoptosis, cell proliferation, cell-to-cell connection, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. The mechanistic link between these alterations in miRNAs expression and the development of HCC was confirmed by the corresponding changes in the levels of E2F3, NOTCH1, BCL6, ZFHX1B, and BCL2 proteins targeted by these miRNAs. The significance of miRNAs expression dysregulation in respect to hepatocarcinogenesis was confirmed by the persistence of these miRNAs alterations in the livers of methyl-deficient rats re-fed a methyl-adequate diet. Altogether, the early occurrence of alterations in miRNAs expression and their persistence during the entire process of hepatocarcinogenesis indicate that the dysregulation of microRNAs expression may be an important contributing factor in the development of HCC" "E2F3, NOTCH1" E2F3 2008 18942116 Causal
+ hsa-miR-183 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We identified miR-183 as a potential metastasis-inhibitor. Expression level of miR-183 was reversely correlated with the metastatic potential of lung cancer cells. Furthermore, over-expression of miR-183 inhibited migration and invasion of lung cancer cells. Mechanistically, we identified VIL2-coding-protein Ezrin as a bona fide target of miR-183. We also found that miR-183 could regulate the expression of other genes involved in migration and invasion. Taken together, our findings demonstrated a new role and regulatory mechanism of miR-183 in controlling cancer metastasis." Ezrin unknown 2008 18840437 Causal
+ hsa-let-7a 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown NF2 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-let-7e 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown SMC1L1 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-130b 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-133a 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-134 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-142-5p 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 10952 lupus nephritis down-regulated microarray 30 miRNAs down-regulated detected in LN compared to NC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15b 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-184 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-185 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 10952 lupus nephritis up-regulated microarray 36 miRNAs up-regulated detected in LN compared toNC group. unknown unknown 2008 18998140 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-3p 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Altered expression of miR-17-5p, miR-106a, and EGFL7 was associated with pathological tumor features of poor prognosis. Downregulation of miR-106a predicted shortened DFS (P=0.03) and OS (P=0.04). miR-17-5p correlated with DFS only at early stages (P=0.07). Inverse correlations were found between miR-17-5p and miR-106a levels and their target expression, E2F1 (P=0.04 and P=0.03, respectively). Inverse correlation between miR-17-5p and miR-106a and E2F1 levels supports E2F1 as a target mRNA for the two miRNAs." E2F1 "AIB1,E2F1" 2008 18521848 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 7012 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "MiRNAs in a miR-17-92 cluster were overexpressed in ARO cells. We confirmed the overexpression of those miRNAs by Northern blot analysis in ARO and FRO cells. In 3 of 6 clinical ATC samples, miR-17-3p and miR-17-5p were robustly overexpressed in cancer lesions compared to adjacent normal tissue. To investigate the functional role of these miRNAs in ATC cells, ARO and FRO cells were transfected with miRNA inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotides containing locked nucleic acids. Suppression of miR-17-3p caused complete growth arrest, presumably due to caspase activation resulting in apoptosis. MiR-17-5p or miR-19a inhibitor also induced strong growth reduction, but only miR-17-5p inhibitor led to cellular senescence. On the other hand, miR-18a inhibitor only moderately attenuated the cell growth. Thus, we have clarified functional differences among the members of the cluster in ATC cells. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the miR-17-92 cluster plays an important role in certain types of ATCs and could be a novel target for ATC treatment." unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2008 18429962 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Mir-17-5p Regulates breast cancer Cell Proliferation by Inhibiting Translation of AIB1 mRNA. AIB1 "AIB1,E2F1" 2006 16940181 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 8552 chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Cotransfection of the miR-17-5p and miR-20a antisense oligonucleotides
+ "(antagomir-17-5p and antagomiR-20a),increases normalized luciferase activity.Luciferase activity is enhanced in K562 cells with RNAi-reduced c-myc expression and can be further increased by antagomir-17-5p or antagomir-20a." unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2007 17284533 Causal 1 1527
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Inhibition of miR-17-5p and miR-20a with antisense oligonucleotides (ONs) can induce apoptosis selectively in lung cancer cells overexpressing miR-17-92. unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2007 17384677 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 353 MYC-rearranged lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Myc can upregulate the miR-17 cluster by binding directly upstream of the miR-17 locus.Deregulation of the miR-17 polycistron can be assumed to contribute to aggressive cancer development by repressing tumor suppressor genes.T��RII is the direct downstream target of the miR-17 polycistron. T��RII "AIB1,E2F1" 2007 17608773 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ mucosa. unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 1530
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL. A classification tree was"
+ "computed using four miRNAs (miR-330, miR-17-5p, miR-106a and miR-210) to correctly identify 98% of all 111 cases that were analysed in this study.A classification tree was computed using four miRNAs (miR-330, miR-17-5p, miR-106a and miR-210) to correctly identify 98% of all 111 cases that were analysed in this study." unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2008 18537969 Unspecified 0 1533
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 353 malignant lymphoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "six mature miRNAs (miR-17-5p, miR-17-3p, miR-19a, miR-19b, miR-20 and miR-92-1) in the cell lines with a 13q31 gain/amplification displays overexpression significantly higher than in those without." unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2005 16167061 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 769 neuroblastoma (NB) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Positively correlated with MYCN-amplification in tumors in vivo. unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2007 17943719 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-5p 9088 psoriasis up-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown "AIB1,E2F1" 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-17-92 8584 Burkitt lymphoma up-regulated "northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-17-92 promotes cell proliferation by shifting the E2F transcriptional balance away from the pro-apoptotic E2F1 and toward the proliferative E2F3 transcriptional network. E2F1 unknown 2007 17135268 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-92 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Both Tsp1 and CTGF are predicted targets for repression by the miR-17-92 microRNA cluster, which was upregulated in colonocytes coexpressing K-Ras and c-Myc. Indeed, miR-17-92 knockdown with antisense 2'-O-methyl oligoribonucleotides partly restored Tsp1 and CTGF expression.In addition, transduction of Ras-only cells with a miR-17-92-encoding retrovirus reduced Tsp1 and CTGF levels. Notably, miR-17-92-transduced cells formed larger, better-perfused tumors." "Tsp1, CTGF" unknown 2006 16878133 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-92 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The mir-17-92 polycistron is located in a region of DNA that is amplified in human B-cell lymphomas.Enforced expression of the mir-17-92 cluster acted with c-myc expression to accelerate tumour development in a mouse B-cell lymphoma model. E2F1 unknown 2005 15944707 Causal
+ hsa-miR-17-92 619 lymphoproliferative disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Mice with higher expression of miR-17-92 in lymphocytes developed lymphoproliferative disease and autoimmunity and died prematurely. Lymphocytes from these mice showed more proliferation and less activation-induced cell death. The miR-17-92 miRNA suppressed expression of the tumor suppressor PTEN and the proapoptotic protein Bim. "PTEN,proapoptotic protein Bim" unknown 2008 18327259 Causal
+ hsa-miR-18 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The degree of tumor differentiation was inversely related to the expression levels of this miRNA. "CTGF,RANKL" unknown 2006 16331254 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-181a correlated strongly with the AML morphological sub-type and with the expression of genes previously identified through sequence analysis as potential interaction targets,suggesting the"
+ direct regulation at transcript level. unknown unknown 2007 17330104 Unspecified 0 1547
+ hsa-miR-181a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 2786 Cerebellar neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Essential for the survival of Purkinje cells and its absence leads to a slow degeneration of these cells. unknown unknown 2007 17606634 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-181a is expressed in bone marrow progenitor cells and is upregulated in mature B lymphocytes. unknown unknown 2007 17989717 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The strong down-regulation of miR-128 and miR-181 family might indicate some non-random correlation with the de-differentiated state of tumor cells, or even with their stem-like nature, in some way resembling early embryonic stages." unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 10923 homozygous sickle cell disease (HbSS) down-regulated microarray "Several microRNAs (miR-320, let-7s, miR-181, miR-141) were over-represented in the HbAA erythrocytes, while other microRNAs (miR-29a, miR-144, miR-451, miR-140) were overrepresented in the HbSS erythrocytes." unknown unknown 2008 18523662 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a* 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-181a-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1560
+ hsa-miR-148b 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-186 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown unknown 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-188 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD18 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-189 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown SLITRK1 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-22 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1565
+ hsa-miR-22 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-220 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD25 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-220 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-220 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-220 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-220 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown KIT 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miRNAs repress the expression of the cell cycle regulator p27Kip1 in glioblastoma cells, and that miRNA 221/ 222, which has previously been shown to be upregulated in glioblastoma, is the specific miRNA responsible for this." p27Kip1(CDKN1B) KIT 2007 17721077 Causal
+ hsa-miR-221 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-221 has an oncogenic function in hepatocarcinogenesis by targeting CDKN1B/p27 and CDKN1C/p57, hence promoting proliferation by controlling cell-cycle inhibitors. These findings establish a basis toward the development of therapeutic strategies aimed at blocking miR-221 in HCC." "CDKN1B/p27, CDKN1C/p57" KIT 2008 18521080 Causal
+ hsa-miR-221 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The authors have identified the promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF) transcription factor as a repressor of miR-221 and miR-222 by direct binding to their putative regulatory region. Specifically, PLZF silencing in melanomas unblocks miR-221 and miR-222, which in turn controls the progression of the neoplasia through down-modulation of p27Kip1/CDKN1B and c-KIT receptor, leading to enhanced proliferation and differentiation blockade of the melanoma cells, respectively." "p27Kip1(CDKN1B), c-KIT" KIT 2008 18417445 Causal
+ hsa-miR-221 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A five-microRNA signature (let-7a, miR-221, miR-137, miR-372, and miR-182*) that is associated with survival and cancer relapse in NSCLC patients. This microRNA signature was validated by the testing set and an independent cohort. Patients with high-risk scores in their microRNA signatures had poor overall and disease-free survivals compared to the low-risk-score patients. This microRNA signature is an independent predictor of the cancer relapse and survival of NSCLC patients.promoted invasiveness of lung cancer cell lines." unknown KIT 2008 18167339 Causal
+ hsa-miR-221 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We demonstrate that these miR-221 and miR-222 impair TRAIL-dependent apoptosis by inhibiting the expression of key functional proteins. Indeed, transfection with anti-miR-221 and -222 rendered CALU-1-resistant cells sensitive to TRAIL. Conversely, H460-sensitive cells treated with -221 and -222 pre-miRs become resistant to TRAIL. miR-221 and -222 target the 3'-UTR of Kit and p27(kip1) mRNAs, but interfere with TRAIL signaling mainly through p27(kip1). In conclusion, we show that high expression levels of miR-221 and -222 are needed to maintain the TRAIL-resistant phenotype, thus making these miRs as promising therapeutic targets or diagnostic tool for TRAIL resistance in NSCLC." "Kit, p27(kip1)" KIT 2008 18246122 Causal
+ hsa-miR-221 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Up-regulation of several miRs (miR-221, -222, and -146) and regulation of KIT are involved in PTC pathogenesis, and that sequence changes in genes targeted by miRNAs can contribute to their regulation." KIT KIT 2005 16365291 Causal
+ hsa-miR-221 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-221/222 can be regarded as a new family of oncogenes, directly targeting the tumor suppressor p27Kip1, and that their overexpression might be one of the factors contributing to the oncogenesis and progression of prostate carcinoma through p27Kip1 down-regulation." p27Kip1(CDKN1B) KIT 2007 17569667 Causal
+ hsa-miR-221 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown KIT 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown KIT 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown KIT 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 14691 Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ mucosa. unknown KIT 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 1584
+ hsa-miR-221 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown KIT 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown KIT 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Identified microRNAs(miR-155, miR-21 and miR-221) that were more highly expressed in ABC-type than GCB-type cell lines. These microRNAs were over-expressed in de novo DLBCL (n=35), transformed DLBCL"
+ (n=14) and follicular center lymphoma cases (n=27) compared to normal B cells. unknown KIT 2007 17487835 Unspecified 0 1588
+ hsa-miR-221 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown KIT 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown KIT 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Three of the deregulated miRNAs (miR-221, let-7a-1, and miR-122a) were further assayed by Northern blot and quantitative realtime RT-PCR for validation purposes.Overall, Northern blot analysis revealed that miR-221 was up-regulated in 83% of HCCs when compared with matched cirrhotic tissue, let-7a-1 was down-regulated in 70% of HCCs, and miR-122a resulted down-regulated in 70%"
+ of HCCs. unknown KIT 2007 17616664 Unspecified 0 1593
+ hsa-miR-221 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown KIT 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray "Distinct up-regulations of miR-222, miR-221, and miR-31, and down-regulations of miR-223, miR-126, and miR-122a were identified. Further investigations suggested the highly deregulated miR-223 and miR-222 could unequivocally distinguish HCC from adjacent nontumoral liver, irrespective of viral associations (P<=.0002)." unknown KIT 2008 18555017 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 769 neuroblastoma (NB) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Positively correlated with MYCN-amplification in tumors in vivo. unknown KIT 2007 17943719 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown KIT 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown KIT 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown KIT 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown KIT 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown KIT 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Preliminary analysis of 6 miRNAs in 10 papillary thyroid carcinoma and 10 follicular adenoma identified significant overexpression of miR-146b, -221, and -222 in papillary thyroid carcinoma (P<0.02), but not miR-146a, -155, or -187 (P>0.08). particularly miR-146b, might potentially be adjunct markers for diagnosing papillary thyroid carcinoma in both FNA and surgical pathology specimens." unknown KIT 2008 18587330 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-221 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown KIT 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1608
+ hsa-miR-222 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miRNAs repress the expression of the cell cycle regulator p27Kip1 in glioblastoma cells, and that miRNA 221/ 222, which has previously been shown to be upregulated in glioblastoma, is the specific miRNA responsible for this." p27Kip1(CDKN1B) KIT 2007 17721077 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 1909 malignant melanoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The authors have identified the promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF) transcription factor as a repressor of miR-221 and miR-222 by direct binding to their putative regulatory region. Specifically, PLZF silencing in melanomas unblocks miR-221 and miR-222, which in turn controls the progression of the neoplasia through down-modulation of p27Kip1/CDKN1B and c-KIT receptor, leading to enhanced proliferation and differentiation blockade of the melanoma cells, respectively." "p27Kip1(CDKN1B), c-KIT" KIT 2008 18417445 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We demonstrate that these miR-221 and miR-222 impair TRAIL-dependent apoptosis by inhibiting the expression of key functional proteins. Indeed, transfection with anti-miR-221 and -222 rendered CALU-1-resistant cells sensitive to TRAIL. Conversely, H460-sensitive cells treated with -221 and -222 pre-miRs become resistant to TRAIL. miR-221 and -222 target the 3'-UTR of Kit and p27(kip1) mRNAs, but interfere with TRAIL signaling mainly through p27(kip1). In conclusion, we show that high expression levels of miR-221 and -222 are needed to maintain the TRAIL-resistant phenotype, thus making these miRs as promising therapeutic targets or diagnostic tool for TRAIL resistance in NSCLC." "Kit, p27(kip1)" KIT 2008 18246122 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Up-regulation of several miRs (miR-221, -222, and -146) and regulation of KIT are involved in PTC pathogenesis, and that sequence changes in genes targeted by miRNAs can contribute to their regulation." KIT KIT 2005 16365291 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-221/222 can be regarded as a new family of oncogenes, directly targeting the tumor suppressor p27Kip1, and that their overexpression might be one of the factors contributing to the oncogenesis and progression of prostate carcinoma through p27Kip1 down-regulation." p27Kip1(CDKN1B) KIT 2007 17569667 Causal
+ hsa-miR-222 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown KIT 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown KIT 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown KIT 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown KIT 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148b 2841 asthma normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " +3142C/G influences miRNA targeting of HLA-G and is associated with risk of asthma.Interestingly,"
+ "the three miRNA genes are located at regions that have been linked to asthma or IgE: 7p15(miR-148a), 12q13(miR-148b), and 17q21(miR-152), raising the possibility that variation in the miRNA genes themselves might contribute to asthma risk, perhaps by interacting with HLA-G." HLA-G unknown 2007 17847008 Causal 1 1618
+ hsa-miR-148b 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) up-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148b 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148b 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148b 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148b 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148b 4905 pancreatic cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148b 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) down-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-149 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-149 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-149 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-149 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-149 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) down-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold)." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-149 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-149 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-149 3829 pituitary adenoma up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-15 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-15 and miR-16 are located at chromosome 13q14, a region deleted in more than half of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)s (B-CLL). Detailed deletion and expression analysis shows that miR-15 and miR-16 are located within a 30-kb region of loss in CLL, and that both genes are deleted or down-regulated in the majority (68%) of CLL cases." unknown "BCL2,DMTF1" 2002 12434020 Causal
+ hsa-miR-150 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-150 and miR-92 are significantly deregulated in patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2007 17327404 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 -1 polycythemia vera (PV) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" significantly differs between PV and controls. unknown unknown 2007 17976518 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 12236 primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) down-regulated microarray Twenty-three miRNAs in the array were found to be lowly expressed and 2 showed high levels of expression in the peripheral blood of PBC patients. unknown unknown 2008 18631158 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-150 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) down-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-151 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-151 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-151 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown unknown 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-154* 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown unknown 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown AGTR1 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Whether microRNAs have diagnostic utility by comparing levels of tumour-associated miR-155, miR-210 and miR-21 in serum from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients (n=60) with healthy controls (n=43). Levels were higher in patient than control sera (P=0.009, 0.02 and 0.04 respectively). Moreover, high miR-21 expression was associated with relapse-free survival (P=0.05)." unknown AGTR1 2008 18318758 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miRNAs (miR-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, let-7a-2, miR-145, let-7b, and miR-21) were related to the adenocarcinoma patient��s survival. Patients with high expression of either hsamir-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, or miR-21 and low expression of either let-7a-2, let-7b, or miR-145 were found to have a significantly worse prognosis." unknown AGTR1 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-155 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Transgenic mice with overexpression of miR155 develop a lymphoproliferative disease resembling the human diseases, thus strongly suggesting that miR-155 is directly implicated in the initiation and or progression of these diseases." unknown AGTR1 2006 16641092 Causal
+ hsa-miR-155 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-155 can bind to the 3'-untranslated region(UTR) of hAT(1)R mRNAs and translationally repress the expression of this protein in vivo. Importantly, the translational repression mediated by miR-155 can be regulated by physiological stimuli." hAT1R AGTR1 2006 16675453 Causal
+ hsa-miR-155 2356 myeloproliferative disorder up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-155 expression is greatly increased in mouse bone marrow cells after LPS injection and is suffi cient to drive GM expansion when constitutively expressed in mouse HSCs in vivo. However, sustained expression of miR-155 also leads to several features characteristic of pathological myeloid proliferations, correlating with its overexpression in samples from human acute myeloid leukemia"
+ "(AML) patients. Finally, miR-155 directly repressed a broad range of target mRNAs implicated in myeloid hyperplasia and/or hematopoiesis." unknown AGTR1 2008 18299402 Causal 1 1675
+ hsa-miR-222 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown KIT 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown KIT 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown KIT 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-222 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray "Distinct up-regulations of miR-222, miR-221, and miR-31, and down-regulations of miR-223, miR-126, and miR-122a were identified. Further investigations suggested the highly deregulated miR-223 and miR-222 could unequivocally distinguish HCC from adjacent nontumoral liver, irrespective of viral associations (P<=.0002)." unknown KIT 2008 18555017 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-1 3363 coronary artery disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-1 overexpression slowed conduction and depolarized the cytoplasmic membrane by post-transcriptionally repressing KCNJ2 and GJA1 and this likely accounts at least in part for its arrhythmogenic potential. Thus, miR-1 may have important pathophysiological functions in the heart, and is a potential antiarrhythmic target." "GAJ1,KCNJ2" "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2007 17401374 Causal
+ hsa-miR-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The CGI spanning exon 1 and intron 1 of miR-1-1 was methylated in HCC cell lines and in primary human HCCs but not in matching liver tissues. The miR-1-1 gene was hypomethylated and activated in DNMT1-/- HCT 116 cells but not in DNMT3B null cells, indicating a key role for DNMT1 in its methylation. miR-1 expression was also markedly reduced in primary human hepatocellular carcinomas compared with matching normal liver tissues. Ectopic expression of miR-1 in HCC cells inhibited cell growth and reduced replication potential and clonogenic survival. The expression of FoxP1 and MET harboring three and two miR-1 cognate sites, respectively, in their respective 3'-untranslated regions, was markedly reduced by ectopic miR-1. Up-regulation of several miR-1 targets including FoxP1, MET, and HDAC4 in primary human HCCs and down-regulation of their expression in 5-AzaC-treated HCC cells suggest their role in hepatocarcinogenesis. The inhibition of cell cycle progression and induction of apoptosis after re-expression of miR-1 are some of the mechanisms by which DNA hypomethylating agents suppress hepatocarcinoma cell growth." "FoxP1, MET, HDAC4" "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2008 18593903 Causal
+ hsa-miR-1 2786 Cerebellar neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Essential for the survival of Purkinje cells and its absence leads to a slow degeneration of these cells. unknown "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2007 17606634 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-1 10584 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression of miR-1 and miR-133 decreased by more than 2.5-fold (P<0.001), whereas expression of miR-96 and miR-183 increased by more than 3-fold (P<0.001) in Pro347Ser retinas, as validated by qPCR." unknown "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2007 18034880 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed miRNA in TRAIL-resistant NSCLC cells. unknown unknown 2008 18246122 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray "Frequent deregulation of miR-199a*, miR-214, miR-200a, and miR-100 in human ovarian cancer." unknown unknown 2008 18199536 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miRNA precursors with significantly different expression. unknown unknown 2005 16192569 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1693
+ hsa-miR-100 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown unknown 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100-1 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100-1 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100-2 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100-2 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-100-2 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101 10652 Alzheimer's disease down-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown "Enx-1,MYCN" 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD5 cells. unknown "Enx-1,MYCN" 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown "Enx-1,MYCN" 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. MYCN "Enx-1,MYCN" 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101 3073 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed microRNA in glioblastoma multiforme tumors relative to non-neoplastic brain tissue. unknown "Enx-1,MYCN" 2008 18577219 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown "Enx-1,MYCN" 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101-1 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101-1 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101a 2786 Cerebellar neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Essential for the survival of Purkinje cells and its absence leads to a slow degeneration of these cells. unknown unknown 2007 17606634 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-101b-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-102 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in PTC tumors unknown unknown 2005 16365291 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103 1107 esophageal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-103/107 showed a strong correlation between low expression levels and a high overall and disease-free survival periods for esophageal cancer patients by univariate analysis, as well as by multivariate analysis." unknown unknown 2008 18172293 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103 2786 Cerebellar neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Essential for the survival of Purkinje cells and its absence leads to a slow degeneration of these cells. unknown unknown 2007 17606634 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) up-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "the expression of miR-103 and miR-107, associated with lack of expression of miR-155, discriminates tumors from normal." unknown unknown 2006 16966691 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103 3829 pituitary adenoma up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown unknown 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1721
+ hsa-miR-103-1 4007 bladder cancer up-regulated microarray "Human micro-RNAs miR-223, miR-26b, miR-221, miR-103-1, miR-185, miR-23b,miR-203, miR-17-5p, miR-23a, and miR-205 were significantly up-regulated in bladder cancers (P<0.05) compared to normal bladder"
+ mucosa. unknown FBXW1B 2007 17826655 Unspecified 0 1722
+ hsa-miR-103-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103-2 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-103-2 3829 pituitary adenoma up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-104 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-105 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-105 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Altered expression of miR-17-5p, miR-106a, and EGFL7 was associated with pathological tumor features of poor prognosis. Downregulation of miR-106a predicted shortened DFS (P=0.03) and OS (P=0.04). miR-17-5p correlated with DFS only at early stages (P=0.07). Inverse correlations were found between miR-17-5p and miR-106a levels and their target expression, E2F1 (P=0.04 and P=0.03, respectively). Inverse correlation between miR-17-5p and miR-106a and E2F1 levels supports E2F1 as a target mRNA for the two miRNAs." E2F1 RB1 2008 18521848 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray "miRNAs (miR-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, let-7a-2, miR-145, let-7b, and miR-21) were related to the adenocarcinoma patient��s survival. Patients with high expression of either hsamir-155, miR-17-3p, miR-106a, miR-93, or miR-21 and low expression of either let-7a-2, let-7b, or miR-145 were found to have a significantly worse prognosis." unknown RB1 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 715 T-cell leukemia up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The authors conclude that, in addition to miR-106a, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, and miR-92-2 overexpression in tumors, their capacity to induce anchorage independence growth strongly supports an oncogenic"
+ "potential for those miRNAs. they also conclude that Mylip and Rbp1-like are true targets of the miR-106-363 cluster(miR-106a, miR-18b, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, miR-92-2, and miR-363). More specifically, Rbp1-like seemed only targeted by miR-106a/miR-20b, whereas Mylip could be targeted by the four miRNAs(miR-106a, miR-20b, miR-19b-2, and miR-92-2) with miR-106a/miR-20b being more efficient." "Mylip, Rbp1-like" RB1 2006 17575136 Causal 1 1731
+ hsa-miR-106a 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown RB1 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown RB1 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) up-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown RB1 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 8524 follicular lymphoma (FL) up-regulated microarray "Nine miRNAs (hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-301, hsa-miR-213, hsa-miR-9*, hsa-miR-330, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-338, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-210) were significantly up- and three miRNAs (hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-139) down-regulated in the lymphoma samples. Expression of hsa-miR-9 was most strongly increased (12-fold) and of hsa-miR-320 most strongly decreased (3-fold).A classification tree was"
+ "computed using four miRNAs (miR-330, miR-17-5p, miR-106a and miR-210) to correctly identify 98% of all 111 cases that were analysed in this study." unknown RB1 2008 18537969 Unspecified 0 1735
+ hsa-miR-106a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown RB1 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 769 neuroblastoma (NB) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Positively correlated with MYCN-amplification in tumors in vivo. unknown RB1 2007 17943719 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown RB1 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown RB1 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a 9088 psoriasis up-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown RB1 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-106a-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a 3305 teratocarcinoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "The miR-302 cluster was potently expressed in undifferentiated NTera2D1 and P19 cells, but hardly in differentiated cells, such that miR-124a showed an opposite expression pattern to the miR-302 is suggested that the miR-302 cluster and miR-124a may be useful molecular indicators in the assessment of degree of undifferentiation and/or differentiation in the course of neuronal differentiation." unknown unknown 2007 17716626 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a-1 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a-3 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation leads to miRNA gene inactivation in human breast cancer. Aberrant hypermethylation was shown for mir-9-1, mir-124a-3, mir-148, mir-152, and mir-663 in 34-86% of cases in a series of 71 primary human breast cancer specimens.miRNA gene hypermethylation correlated strongly with methylation of known tumour suppressor genes (p = 0.003)." unknown unknown 2007 17948228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a-3 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation was shown for miR-9-1, miR-124a-3, miR-148, miR-152, and miR-663 in 34-86% of cases in a series of 71 primary human breast cancer specimens. miRNA gene hypermethylation correlated strongly with methylation of known tumour suppressor genes (p = 0.003). " unknown unknown 2007 18314617 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-124a-3 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "After retroviral delivery and overexpression of these miRNAs in an ERBB2-amplified and -overexpressing human breast cancer cell line, SKBR3. Overexpression of miR-125a or miR-125b reduced ERBB2 and ERBB3 at both the transcript and protein level in these cells, leading to reduced ERK1/2 and AKT signaling. Functionally, miR-125a or miR-125b-overexpressing SKBR3 cells displayed diminished plating and anchorage-dependent growth in addition to markedly reduced cell migration and invasion capacities." "ERBB2, ERBB3" "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2006 17110380 Causal
+ hsa-miR-125a 9952 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) down-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray "Six (i.e., miR-128a,miR-128b, miR-151*, miR-5, miR-130b, and miR-210) were expressed at a significantly higher level in ALL than in AML. In contrast, the remaining 21 (i.e., let-7b, miR-223, let-7e, miR-125a, miR-130a, miR-221, miR-222, miR-23a, miR-23b, miR-24, miR-27a, miR-27b, let-7a,let-7c, miR-199b, miR-26a, miR-335, miR-21,miR-22, miR-424, and miR-451) were expressed at a significantly higher level in AML compared with ALL." unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2007 18056805 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 3459 breast cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Significantly differentially expressed between hepatocellular carcinoma and adjacent non-tumor tissue. unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2006 16331254 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 3905 lung cancer down-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 769 neuroblastoma (NB) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Three neuronal miRNAs (9,125a,and 125b) act in an additive manner by repressing a common target, the truncated isoform of the neurotrophin receptor tropomyosin-related kinase C, to control human neuroblastoma cell proliferation." unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2007 17483472 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1763
+ hsa-miR-125a 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125a 178 vascular disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown "ERBB2,ERBB3,Lin28" 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 7012 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-125b plays a role in slowing the cell proliferation. HMGA(HMGA1 and HMGA2) Lin28 2007 17563749 Causal
+ hsa-miR-125b 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-125b, which is down-modulated in breast cancer, is located at chromosome 11q23-24, one of the regions most frequently deleted in breast,ovarian, and lung tumors. The recognition of a bona fide"
+ tumor suppressor gene located at 11q23-24 involved in the pathogenesis of human breast cancer is still lacking. The miR-125b gene establishes itself as an important candidate for this role. unknown Lin28 2005 16103053 Causal 1 1767
+ hsa-miR-125b 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "After retroviral delivery and overexpression of these miRNAs in an ERBB2-amplified and -overexpressing human breast cancer cell line, SKBR3. Overexpression of miR-125a or miR-125b reduced ERBB2 and ERBB3 at both the transcript and protein level in these cells, leading to reduced ERK1/2 and AKT signaling. Functionally, miR-125a or miR-125b-overexpressing SKBR3 cells displayed diminished plating and anchorage-dependent growth in addition to markedly reduced cell migration and invasion capacities." "ERBB2, ERBB3" Lin28 2006 17110380 Causal
+ hsa-miR-125b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7c, miR-145 and miR-125b target mRNAs whose proteins have been shown to be increased in prostate cancer." EIF4EBP1 Lin28 2007 17891175 Causal
+ hsa-miR-125b 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differential expression of miR-125b in androgen-dependent and independent prostate cancer (CaP) cells, as well as in benign and malignant prostate tissues. Furthermore, androgen signaling was able to up-regulate the expression of miR-125b. In addition, transfection of synthetic miR-125b stimulated androgen-independent growth of CaP cells and down-regulated the expression of Bak1." Bak1 Lin28 2007 18056640 Causal
+ hsa-miR-125b 10652 Alzheimer's disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Significant change in micro-RNA abundance in the hippocampal region of fetal, adult and Alzheimer's disease brain." unknown Lin28 2007 17314675 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change correlative with the increase in heart/body weight(7-14 days post-TAC). unknown Lin28 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 2786 Cerebellar neurodegeneration down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Essential for the survival of Purkinje cells and its absence leads to a slow degeneration of these cells. unknown Lin28 2007 17606634 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 6000 heart failure up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Northern blot analysis of the hypertrophy-regulated miRNAs in idiopathic end-stage failing human hearts showed increased expression of miR-24, miR-125b, miR-195, miR-199a, and miR-216." unknown Lin28 2006 17108080 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown Lin28 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 769 neuroblastoma (NB) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Three neuronal miRNAs (9,125a,and 125b) act in an additive manner by repressing a common target, the truncated isoform of the neurotrophin receptor tropomyosin-related kinase C, to control human neuroblastoma cell proliferation." unknown Lin28 2007 17483472 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed miRNA in TRAIL-resistant NSCLC cells. unknown Lin28 2008 18246122 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown Lin28 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1778
+ hsa-miR-125b 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown Lin28 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 9088 psoriasis down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The level of miR-125b significantly (p<0.001 for both) decreased both in
+ psoriasis and atopic eczema. unknown Lin28 2007 17622355 Unspecified 0 1780
+ hsa-miR-125b 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown Lin28 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) validation of microarray. Realtime
+ "semiquantitative RT-PCR of five different microRNA species (miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, miR-139, and miR-323) across ten subjects. miR-21, miR-34a, miR-125b, and miR-323 were overexpressed in leiomyoma in the ten pairs tested and miR-139 was underexpressed, consistent with the microarray results." unknown Lin28 2008 17765232 Unspecified 0 1782
+ hsa-miR-125b 178 vascular disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown Lin28 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-1 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-1 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-1 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrantly expressed miRNA precursors in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.PAM testing was conducted on 10 tumor samples and 15 adjacent benign samples. PAM has correctly classified 100% of the tested tumor samples and 11 of 15 of the tested benign samples. The 20 top ranked differentially expressed miRNAs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma as selected by PAM. unknown unknown 2006 17149698 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-1 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-2 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-2 14250 Down syndrome (DS) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Bioinformatic analyses demonstrate that human chromosome 21(Hsa21) harbors five miRNA genes; miR-99a, let-7c, miR-125b-2, miR-155, and miR-802. MiRNA expression profiling, miRNA RT-PCR, and miRNA in situ hybridization experiments demonstrate that these miRNAs are overexpressed in fetal brain and heart specimens from individuals with DS when compared with age- and sex-matched controls." unknown unknown 2008 18387358 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-2 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-125b-2 3905 lung cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "let-7c,miR-99a, and miR-125b-2 were also mapped in a region with Homozygous Deletion at 21q11-q23." unknown unknown 2007 17674361 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126 9119 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-126 is not expressed in myeloid lineage leukemic cell lines, which express high levels of Hoxa9.miR-126 and Hoxa9 are inversely expressed in some primary myeloid leukemias. miR-126 inhibits endogenous HOXA9 protein in MLL-ENL cells. Knock-down of endogenous miR-126 increases HOXA9 protein." HOXA9 unknown 2008 18474618 Causal
+ hsa-miR-126 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-126 suppresses overall tumour growth and proliferation. miR-126 restoration reduces overall tumour growth and proliferation. unknown unknown 2008 18185580 Causal
+ hsa-miR-126 3908 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Increased expression of Crk has been described in lung cancer and associated with increased tumor invasiveness. Crk is a predicted putative target gene for miR-126. Over-expression of miR126 in a lung cancer cell line resulted in a decrease in Crk protein without any alteration in the associated mRNA. These lung cancer cells exhibit a decrease in adhesion, migration, and invasion. Decreased cancer cell invasion was also evident following targeted knockdown of Crk. MiR-126 alters lung cancer cell phenotype by inhibiting adhesion, migration, and invasion and the effects on invasion may be partially mediated through Crk regulation." CRK unknown 2008 18602365 Causal
+ hsa-miR-126 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-126 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "A noticeable decrease of miR-145 expression was observed in hyperplastic, probable preneoplastic,ducts present in some of the cases examined. Loss of miR-145 expression is an early event during breast cancer progression," unknown FLJ21308 2007 18089790 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-143 and miR-145, consistently display reduced steady-state levels of the mature miRNA at the adenomatous and cancer stages of colorectal neoplasia." unknown FLJ21308 2003 14573789 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between neoplastic conditions (CRC cell lines and tumor samples) and non-tumoral colon tissues. unknown FLJ21308 2006 16854228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Expression levels of analyzed miRNAs significantly differed among tumors and adjacent non-tumor tissues: miR-21 (p = 0.0001) and miR-31 (p = 0.0006) were upregulated, and miR-143 (p = 0.011) and miR-145 (p = 0.006) were downregulated in tumors." unknown FLJ21308 2007 18196926 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 353 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) down-regulated microarray "Four hsa-miR-As (miR-210, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-106a, hsa-miR-17-5p) were expressed at a significantly higher level in DLBCL than in normal tissue. In contrast, the remaining 11 miRNAs (hsa-miR-150, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-328, hsa-miR-139, hsa-miR-99a, hsa-miR-10a, hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-149, hsa-miR-320, hsa-miR-151,let-7e) were expressed at a significantly lower level in DLBCL." unknown FLJ21308 2008 18537969 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown FLJ21308 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray DNA copy number status of 17 genomic loci containing miRNAs differentially expressed between IOSE cells and EOC cell lines. unknown FLJ21308 2008 18458333 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown FLJ21308 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray One of the 22 significantly up- and down-regulated miRNAs obtained using significance analysis of microarrays with false discovery rate of 5%. Majority of the predicted targets of these 22 differentially regulated miRNAs reside in pathways reported to be dysregulated during carcinogenesis. unknown FLJ21308 2008 18319255 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown FLJ21308 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated microarray Differential expression in the prostate carcinoma samples compared with the benign prostatic
+ hyperplasia samples. unknown FLJ21308 2007 17616669 Unspecified 0 1811
+ hsa-miR-145 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown FLJ21308 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 5745 serous ovarian cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNAs with>2-fold change in tumor versus normal ovarian tissues in at least 12 of 20 ovarian cancer patients. unknown FLJ21308 2008 18451233 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 5556 testicular germ cell tumor up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in the various histological subtypes of germ cell tumour (GCT) (TE = teratoma; SE = seminoma; EC = embryonal carcinoma). unknown FLJ21308 2007 17893849 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-145 178 vascular disease down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown FLJ21308 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 3459 breast cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "NF-kB can induce the expression of miR-146a, which can then down-regulate IRAK1 and TRAF6 and thus acts as a component in a negative feedback loop that controls TLR signaling." "IRAK1, TRAF6" unknown 2006 16885212 Causal
+ hsa-miR-146a 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "we demonstrate that microRNA-146a and microRNA-146b (miR-146a/b) when expressed in the highly metastatic human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 function to negatively regulate NF-kappaB activity. Functionally, miR-146a/b-expressing MDA-MB-231 cells showed markedly impaired invasion and migration capacity relative to control cells. These findings implicate miR-146a/b as a negative regulator of constitutive NF-kappaB activity in a breast cancer setting and suggest that modulating miR-146a/b levels has therapeutic potential to suppress breast cancer metastases." NF-kappaB unknown 2008 18504431 Causal
+ hsa-miR-146a 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Up-regulation of several miRs (miR-221, -222, and -146) and regulation of KIT are involved in PTC pathogenesis, and that sequence changes in genes targeted by miRNAs can contribute to their regulation." KIT unknown 2005 16365291 Causal
+ hsa-miR-146a 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We show that a common G/C polymorphism (rs2910164) within the pre-miR-146a sequence reduced the amount of pre- and mature miR-146a from the C allele 1.9- and 1.8-fold, respectively, compared with the G allele.our data suggest that a common polymorphism in pre-miR-146a affects the miR expression, contributes to the genetic predisposition to PTC, and plays a role in the tumorigenesis through somatic mutation. Preliminary evidence suggests that these effects are mediated through target genes whose expression is affected by the SNP status." unknown unknown 2008 18474871 Causal
+ hsa-miR-146a 10286 prostate cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Transfection of mir-146a suppressed >82% of the expression of the targeted protein-coding gene, ROCK1 in androgen-independent PC3 cells, consequently markedly reducing cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis to human bone marrow endothelial cell monolayers." ROCK1 unknown 2008 18174313 Causal
+ hsa-miR-146a 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Confirmation of the Aberrant miRNA Expression in Hypertrophic Hearts by Northern Blot Analysis and/or qRT-PCR. unknown unknown 2007 17525252 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently up-regulated in OSCC cell lines(>1.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 9088 psoriasis up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-146a was significantly over-expressed in psoriatic lesional skin (p<0.001) but not in atopic eczema lesions when compared with healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146a 178 vascular disease up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Aberrant Expression of miRNA in Injured Arteries Is Confirmed by qRT-PCR or Northern Blot Analysis. unknown unknown 2007 17478730 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "we demonstrate that microRNA-146a and microRNA-146b (miR-146a/b) when expressed in the highly metastatic human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 function to negatively regulate NF-kappaB activity. Functionally, miR-146a/b-expressing MDA-MB-231 cells showed markedly impaired invasion and migration capacity relative to control cells. These findings implicate miR-146a/b as a negative regulator of constitutive NF-kappaB activity in a breast cancer setting and suggest that modulating miR-146a/b levels has therapeutic potential to suppress breast cancer metastases." NF-kappaB unknown 2008 18504431 Causal
+ hsa-miR-146b 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 14691 Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 11727 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 3969 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Preliminary analysis of 6 miRNAs in 10 papillary thyroid carcinoma and 10 follicular adenoma identified significant overexpression of miR-146b, -221, and -222 in papillary thyroid carcinoma (P<0.02), but not miR-146a, -155, or -187 (P>0.08). particularly miR-146b, might potentially be adjunct markers for diagnosing papillary thyroid carcinoma in both FNA and surgical pathology specimens." unknown unknown 2008 18587330 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-146b 9088 psoriasis up-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-147 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) down-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-147 4001 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between tumors and normals. unknown unknown 2007 17875710 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 2841 asthma normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " +3142C/G influences miRNA targeting of HLA-G and is associated with risk of asthma.Interestingly,"
+ "the three miRNA genes are located at regions that have been linked to asthma or IgE: 7p15(miR-148a), 12q13(miR-148b), and 17q21(miR-152), raising the possibility that variation in the miRNA genes themselves might contribute to asthma risk, perhaps by interacting with HLA-G." HLA-G unknown 2007 17847008 Causal 1 1850
+ hsa-miR-148a 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation leads to miRNA gene inactivation in human breast cancer. Aberrant hypermethylation was shown for mir-9-1, mir-124a-3, mir-148, mir-152, and mir-663 in 34-86% of cases in a series of 71 primary human breast cancer specimens.miRNA gene hypermethylation correlated strongly with methylation of known tumour suppressor genes (p = 0.003)." unknown unknown 2007 17948228 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 3459 breast cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Aberrant hypermethylation was shown for miR-9-1, miR-124a-3, miR-148, miR-152, and miR-663 in 34-86% of cases in a series of 71 primary human breast cancer specimens. miRNA gene hypermethylation correlated strongly with methylation of known tumour suppressor genes (p = 0.003). " unknown unknown 2007 18314617 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated microarray miRNAs frequently down-regulated in OSCC cell lines(<0.5-fold expression). unknown unknown 2008 18381414 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-148a 4905 pancreatic cancer down-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in pancreatic cancer compared to Normal Pancreas. unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-1 3978 cardiomyopathy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" " Hand2, a transcription factor that promotes ventricular cardiomyocyte expansion, is a target of miR-1. This work suggests that miR-1 genes titrate the effects of critical cardiac regulatory proteins to control the balance between differentiation and proliferation during cardiogenesis."
+ Hand2 "GJA1,Hand2,HDAC4,TMSB4X" 2005 15951802 Causal 1 1861
+ hsa-miR-181a-1 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-189 11119 tourette's syndrome normal "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "We studied Slit and Trk-like 1 (SLITRK1) as a candidate gene on chromosome 13q31.1 because of its proximity to a de novo chromosomal inversion in a child with TS. Among 174 unrelated probands, we identified a frameshift mutation and two independent occurrences of the identical variant in the binding site for microRNA hsa-miR-189. These variants were absent from 3600 control chromosomes. SLITRK1 mRNA and hsa-miR-189 showed an overlapping expression pattern in brain regions previously implicated in TS. Wild-type SLITRK1, but not the frameshift mutant, enhanced dendritic growth in primary neuronal cultures. Collectively, these findings support the association of rare SLITRK1 sequence variants with TS." SLITRK1 SLITRK1 2008 16224024 Causal
+ hsa-miR-18a 7012 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "MiRNAs in a miR-17-92 cluster were overexpressed in ARO cells. We confirmed the overexpression of those miRNAs by Northern blot analysis in ARO and FRO cells. In 3 of 6 clinical ATC samples, miR-17-3p and miR-17-5p were robustly overexpressed in cancer lesions compared to adjacent normal tissue. To investigate the functional role of these miRNAs in ATC cells, ARO and FRO cells were transfected with miRNA inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotides containing locked nucleic acids. Suppression of miR-17-3p caused complete growth arrest, presumably due to caspase activation resulting in apoptosis. MiR-17-5p or miR-19a inhibitor also induced strong growth reduction, but only miR-17-5p inhibitor led to cellular senescence. On the other hand, miR-18a inhibitor only moderately attenuated the cell growth. Thus, we have clarified functional differences among the members of the cluster in ATC cells. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the miR-17-92 cluster plays an important role in certain types of ATCs and could be a novel target for ATC treatment." unknown unknown 2008 18429962 Causal
+ hsa-miR-18a 3905 lung cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "frequent and marked overexpression, with occasional gene amplification, of clustered miRNAs (miR-17-92) within intron 3 of the C13orf 25 gene at 13q31.3 in lung cancers, especially examples with small-cell lung cancer histology.The authors further showed the stimulatory activity of this miRNA cluster in lung cancer cell growth." unknown unknown 2005 16266980 Causal
+ hsa-miR-18a 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-18b 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" miR-18b and miR-21 regulate cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. unknown unknown 2007 17498736 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-190 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD19 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-190 1909 malignant melanoma down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Differentially expressed microRNAs in primary malignant melanomas compared with benign nevi, analyzed by TaqMan realtime PCR." unknown unknown 2008 18379589 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-190 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 1985 colorectal cancer down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" The expression levels of miRNA is affected by wtp53. Down-regulation of wt-p53 via siRNA abolishes the effect of wt-p53 in regulating miRNAs in HCT-116 (wt-p53) cells. unknown unknown 2006 16609010 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 1985 colorectal cancer up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "miR-15b (p = 0.0278), miR-181b (p = 0.0002), miR-191(p = 0.0264) and miR-200c (p = 0.0017) were significantly over-expressed in tumors compared to normal colorectal samples." unknown unknown 2006 18079988 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 5517 gastric cancer (stomach cancer) up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 3068 glioblastoma up-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown unknown 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 4905 pancreatic cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray commonly up-regulated microRNA in 3 or more types of solid cancers unknown unknown 2006 16461460 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-191 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-192 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD20 cells. unknown SIP1 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-192 3905 lung cancer up-regulated microarray One of the forty-three miRNAs differentially expressed in lung cancer tissues versus noncancerous lung tissues. unknown SIP1 2006 16530703 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-192 9261 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) up-regulated microarray miRNAs differentially expressed between normal and NPC tumor tissues. unknown SIP1 2008 18390668 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-192-1 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-192-2 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially Regulated miR in HCCs. unknown unknown 2006 16924677 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-192-2 3829 pituitary adenoma down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-192-3 3829 pituitary adenoma up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas.One of the 24 miRNAs able to correctly predict the nature of each sample (adenoma or normal pituitary). unknown unknown 2007 17111382 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-193a 8894 Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" the ectopic transfection of miR-137 or miR-193a into OSCC lines lacking their expressions significantly
+ "reduced cell growth, with down-regulation of the translation of cyclin-dependent kinase 6 or E2F transcription factor"
+ "6, respectively. Taken together, our results clearly show that miR-137 and miR-193a are tumor suppressor miRNAs epigenetically"
+ silenced during oral carcinogenesis. E2F6 unknown 2008 18381414 Causal 1 1890
+ hsa-miR-193b 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-193b 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-193b 1909 uveal melanoma up-regulated microarray "The top six miRNA discriminators ( let-7b, miR-199a,miR-199a*, miR-143, miR-193b, and miR-652) accurately distinguished class 1 (low metastatic risk) from class 2 (high metastatic risk) with 100% sensitivity and specificity." unknown unknown 2008 18477892 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-194 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" survival-related and metastasis-related miRNA. unknown unknown 2008 18176954 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-194 11984 cardiac hypertrophy down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-194 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 1040 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" MicroRNA Signature Associated with Prognostic Factors (ZAP-70 Expression and IgVH Mutations) and Disease Progression in Patients with CLL. unknown unknown 2005 16251535 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Cardiac overexpression of miR-195, which was up-regulated during cardiac hypertrophy,"
+ resulted in pathological cardiac growth and heart failure in transgenic mice. unknown unknown 2006 17108080 Causal 1 1898
+ hsa-miR-195 9119 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) up-regulated microarray One of the 33 miRNAs showing different expression levels between leukaemia samples and normal bone marrow. unknown unknown 2008 18478077 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 11984 cardiac hypertrophy up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Change during the latter stage of hypertrophy (14 days post-TAC). unknown unknown 2008 17234972 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 6000 heart failure up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Northern blot analysis of the hypertrophy-regulated miRNAs in idiopathic end-stage failing human hearts showed increased expression of miR-24, miR-125b, miR-195, miR-199a, and miR-214." unknown unknown 2006 17108080 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Significantly differentially expressed between hepatocellular carcinoma and adjacent non-tumor tissue. unknown unknown 2006 16331254 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 684 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) down-regulated microarray "One of the miRNAs differentially expressed between human HCC and LC.To validate their ability to correctly distinguish HCC or cirrhosis tissue types, the 35 deregulated miRNAs were assayed using the algorithms SVM and PAM. PAM correctly classified 86% of the samples and SVM classified 91%." unknown unknown 2007 17616664 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 10286 prostate cancer up-regulated microarray One of the upregulated microRNAs in tumors with perineural invasion (FDR 10%). unknown unknown 2008 18459106 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-195 5419 schizophrenia down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Differentially expressed miRNA from the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia compared to psychiatrically healthy subjects. unknown unknown 2007 17326821 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-196a 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-196a 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. The mode of expression of miR-196a and -196b is especially interesting. These miRNAs are completely absent in normal and chronic pancreatitis tissues but significantly upregulated in PDAC.
+ unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified 0 1910
+ hsa-miR-196a-2 1040 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed in CLL cells versus CD21 cells. unknown unknown 2004 15284443 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-196a-2 3459 breast cancer up-regulated microarray Differentially expressed between breast carcinoma and normal breast tissue. unknown unknown 2005 16103053 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-196b 2893 cervical cancer down-regulated microarray "let-7b, let-7c, miR-23b, miR-196b, and miR-143 showed significantly reduced abundance in cervical cancer cell lines. miR-21 displayed higher abundance in the cancer group." unknown unknown 2007 17616659 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-196b 3498 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) up-regulated microarray differentially expressed between normal and PDAC or cell line samples. The mode of expression of miR-196a and -196b is especially interesting. These miRNAs are completely absent in normal and chronic pancreatitis tissues but significantly upregulated in PDAC.
+ unknown unknown 2007 17237814 Unspecified 0 1914
+ hsa-miR-196b 13223 uterine leiomyoma (ULM) up-regulated microarray Twenty most differentially expressed microRNA species in leiomyoma versus myometrium microarray. unknown unknown 2008 17765232 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 3962 follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) up-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" "Two specific miRNAs, miR-197 and miR-346, are significantly overexpressed in FTC. In vitro overexpression of either miRNA induces proliferation, whereas inhibition leads to growth arrest." "ACVR1,TSPAN3" unknown 2006 16822819 Causal
+ hsa-miR-197 10652 Alzheimer's disease up-regulated microarray Significantly changed miRNAs in cortex of sporadic AD cases. unknown unknown 2008 18434550 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) down-regulated "Northern blot, qRT-PCR etc" Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 3068 glioblastoma down-regulated microarray Significantly differentially expressed between glioblastoma cell line samples and the control samples. unknown unknown 2005 16039986 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-197 5520 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed following hypoxia in SCC cells. unknown unknown 2007 17222355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 1208 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) down-regulated microarray one of wenty-eight miRNAs was expressed at significantly different levels compared to the non-autism control set in at least one of the autism samples. unknown unknown 2008 18563458 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 3429 Inclusion body myositis (IBM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 2144 ovarian cancer (OC) down-regulated microarray Differentially expressed miRNA in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. unknown unknown 2008 18560586 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-381 9088 psoriasis down-regulated microarray Showing more than 1.7-fold change between psoriasis and healthy skin. unknown unknown 2007 17622355 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-382 10223 dermatomyositis (DM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-382 14691 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-382 11724 limb-girdle muscular dystrophies types 2A (LGMD2A) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-382 423 miyoshi myopathy (MM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-382 3191 nemaline myopathy (NM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-382 10222 polymyositis (PM) up-regulated microarray Commonly dysregulated miRNA in five or more types of muscular disorders. unknown unknown 2007 17942673 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-383 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified
+ hsa-miR-409-3p 13315 chronic pancreatitis up-regulated microarray Differentially Expressed MicroRNA in Chronic Pancreatitis compared to Normal Pancreas unknown unknown 2007 17473300 Unspecified