activestorage 5.2.3.rc1

3 security vulnerabilities found in version 5.2.3.rc1

Possible code injection vulnerability in Rails / Active Storage

critical severity CVE-2022-21831
critical severity CVE-2022-21831
Patched versions: ~> 5.2.6, >=, ~> 6.0.4, >=, ~> 6.1.4, >=, >=
Unaffected versions: < 5.2.0

There is a possible code injection vulnerability in the Active Storage module of Rails. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2022-21831.

Versions Affected: >= 5.2.0 Not affected: < 5.2.0 Fixed Versions:,,,


There is a possible code injection vulnerability in the Active Storage module of Rails. This vulnerability impacts applications that use Active Storage with the image_processing processing in addition to the mini_magick back end for image_processing.

Vulnerable code will look something similar to this:

<%= image_tag blob.variant(params[:t] => params[:v]) %>

Where the transformation method or its arguments are untrusted arbitrary input.

All users running an affected release should either upgrade or use one of the workarounds immediately.


To work around this issue, applications should implement a strict allow-list on accepted transformation methods or arguments. Additionally, a strict image magick security policy will help mitigate this issue.

Circumvention of file size limits in ActiveStorage

high severity CVE-2020-8162
high severity CVE-2020-8162
Patched versions: ~> 5.2.4, >=, >=

There is a vulnerability in ActiveStorage's S3 adapter that allows the Content-Length of a direct file upload to be modified by an end user.

Versions Affected: rails <, rails < Not affected: Applications that do not use the direct upload functionality of the ActiveStorage S3 adapter. Fixed Versions: rails >=, rails >=


Utilizing this vulnerability, an attacker can control the Content-Length of an S3 direct upload URL without receiving a new signature from the server. This could be used to bypass controls in place on the server to limit upload size.


This is a low-severity security issue. As such, no workaround is necessarily until such time as the application can be upgraded.

Possible Sensitive Session Information Leak in Active Storage

medium severity CVE-2024-26144
medium severity CVE-2024-26144
Patched versions: ~> 6.1.7, >=, >=
Unaffected versions: < 5.2.0, >= 7.1.0

There is a possible sensitive session information leak in Active Storage. By default, Active Storage sends a Set-Cookie header along with the user’s session cookie when serving blobs. It also sets Cache-Control to public. Certain proxies may cache the Set-Cookie, leading to an information leak.

This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2024-26144.

Versions Affected: >= 5.2.0, < 7.1.0 Not affected: < 5.2.0, >= 7.1.0 Fixed Versions:,


A proxy which chooses to caches this request can cause users to share sessions. This may include a user receiving an attacker’s session or vice versa.

This was patched in 7.1.0 but not previously identified as a security vulnerability.

All users running an affected release should either upgrade or use one of the workarounds immediately.


The fixed releases are available at the normal locations.


Upgrade to Rails 7.1.X, or configure caching proxies not to cache the Set-Cookie headers.

No officially reported memory leakage issues detected.

This gem version does not have any officially reported memory leaked issues.

No license issues detected.

This gem version has a license in the gemspec.

This gem version is available.

This gem version has not been yanked and is still available for usage.