VladTheEnterprising 0.1.4

2 security vulnerabilities found in version 0.1.4

VladTheEnterprising Gem for Ruby /tmp/my.cnf.#{target_host} Symlink Multiple Impact

high severity CVE-2014-4995
high severity CVE-2014-4995

VladTheEnterprising Gem for Ruby contains a flaw as the program creates temporary files insecurely. It is possible for a local attacker to use a symlink attack against the /tmp/my.cnf.#{target_host} file they can overwrite arbitrary files, gain access to the MySQL root password, or inject arbitrary commands.

VladTheEnterprising Gem for Ruby /tmp/my.cnf.#{target_host} Symlink Multiple Impact

medium severity CVE-2014-4996
medium severity CVE-2014-4996

VladTheEnterprising Gem for Ruby contains a flaw as the program creates temporary files insecurely. It is possible for a local attacker to use a symlink attack against the /tmp/my.cnf.#{target_host} file they can overwrite arbitrary files, gain access to the MySQL root password, or inject arbitrary commands.

No officially reported memory leakage issues detected.

This gem version does not have any officially reported memory leaked issues.

Gem version without a license.

Unless a license that specifies otherwise is included, nobody can use, copy, distribute, or modify this library without being at risk of take-downs, shake-downs, or litigation.

This gem version is available.

This gem version has not been yanked and is still available for usage.