manqod-server 1.281.0 → 1.286.0
This diff represents the content of publicly available package versions that have been released to one of the supported registries. The information contained in this diff is provided for informational purposes only and reflects changes between package versions as they appear in their respective public registries.
- data/doc/manqod.sql +3 -3
- data/lib/DrbDB/DrbListModel.rb +1 -1
- data/lib/DrbDB.rb +2 -2
- data/lib/HeartBeat.rb +3 -3
- metadata +3 -3
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ CREATE TABLE `gtkattributes_schema` (
`description` text NOT NULL,
`can_default` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
INSERT INTO `gtkattributes_schema` (`id`, `gtkobjecttype`, `attribute`, `attributetype`, `valid_values`, `description`, `can_default`) VALUES (1,'list_column','width','int','','specifies the fixed width of the List Column',0),(2,'list_column','resizable','bool','','if set true than this Columns will be resizable by the user',0),(3,'list_column','reorderable','bool','','this Column of the List can be reordered\r\nif yes than user can drag the header widget of this Column and change the order of the Columns',0),(4,'list_column','sortable','bool','','this Columns can sort the data of the List',0),(5,'list','columns_resizable','bool','','if set true than List\'s Columns will be resizable by the user',1),(6,'list','columns_reorderable','bool','','Columns of the List can be reordered\r\nif yes than user can drag the header widget of a Column and change the order of the Columns',1),(7,'list','columns_sortable','bool','','Columns of the List can sort the data',1),(8,'list','child_columns_header_font','font','','List printing child list column header font.\r\n\"verdana bold 5\" if not set',1),(9,'list','sum_font','font','','List printing sum font.\r\n\"verdana bold 5\" if not set',1),(10,'list','print_sums','bool','','Print the sum of every integer and float Column in List printing',1),(11,'list','columns_header_font','font','','List printing column header font.\r\n\"verdana bold 6\" if not set',1),(12,'list','header_font','font','','List printing column header font.\r\n\"verdana bold 10\" if not set',1),(13,'list','footer_font','font','','List printing footer font.\r\n\"verdana 6\" if not set',1),(14,'list','date_font','font','','List printing date font.\r\n\"verdana 5\" if not set',1),(15,'list','cell_font','font','','List printing cell font\r\n\"verdana 6\" if not set',1),(16,'list','column_spacing','int','','sets the spacing of Columns in the List:\r\nwhich is the number of pixels to place between cell renderers packed into it.\r\n\r\nsets the spacing of Columns in List\'s printing.',1),(17,'list','child_indent','int','','the indentation of the child rows in pixels when a List is print with it\'s Child, mixed',1),(18,'list','draw_footer_line','bool','','Draw the footer line in List printing mode?',1),(19,'list','draw_header_line','bool','','Draw the header line in List printing mode?',1),(20,'list','draw_header_cell_borders','bool','','Draw header cell borders?\r\nhas to be set to be able to fill the header cell background.',1),(21,'list','fill_header_background','bool','','Fill the Column header cell background in List printing?',1),(22,'list','line_above_parent','bool','','if set draws a line above every parent line when in List print rows are mixed with Child rows.',1),(23,'list','paper_size','combo','A4,A3','the paper size on List print.',1),(24,'list','page_orientation','combo','portrait,landscape','the page orientation on List print.',1),(25,'list','print_date','bool','','if set prints the date of printing at the right upper corner of the page.',1),(26,'list','print_sub_sums','bool','','if set, for every line the sum of child rows, integer and float columns, will be printed.\r\nin List print.\r\n',1),(27,'list','parent_key','text','','',0),(28,'list','child_key','field','','',0),(29,'list','print_with_child','int','','',0),(30,'list','child_cell_font','font','','List printing child list\'s cell font.\r\n\"verdana 5\" if not set',1),(31,'list','row_spacing','int','','the space in pixels between rows in List printing.',1),(32,'list','child_sum_font','font','','List printing child list\'s sum font.\r\n\"verdana bold 5\" if not set',1),(33,'form','undefined','text','','this is an example attribute, you can set any attribute here and use that later in the Form\'s events.',0),(34,'form-item','language','combo','sql,ruby','the markup language for this SourceView',0),(35,'list','tree_key','field','','sets the data field which has the tree information.\r\nusually integer type, and holds the ID of the parent element for every row.\r\n-1,0 in this data field makes the row a root element',0),(36,'list','tree_parent_key','field','','sets the data field of the parent row.\r\nif ThisRow[tree_key] == ParentRow[tree_parent_key] then ParentRow is the parent iterator of this ThisRow',0),(37,'form-item','tree_key','text','','',0),(38,'list','background_key','field','','sets the data field which holds color data for this Column\'s background color.\r\nexample of color: \"#DFCC0B\"\r\n',0),(39,'list','foreground_key','field','','sets the data field which holds color data for this Column\'s Font color.\r\nexample of color: \"#DFCC0B\"',0),(40,'form','table','table','','sets the Form\'s base table;\r\noverrides the Form\'s query sql with the following: select * from #{table}\r\n',0),(41,'list','fetch_filter_key','field','','sets the data field which will be tested against fetch_filter_value while the list loads it\'s data.\r\nyou can have a server model of 100 rows, but load only 10 of them into this list by specifying this filter.',0),(42,'list','fetch_filter_value','text','','if ThisRow[fetch_filter_key] == fetch_filter_value than load the row.\r\nfetch_filter_value is evaulated before the comparision, so you can have a ruby code there.\r\nexample: \r\n\"true\"\r\n#{nick} - will sort out the rows which has the current user\'s nick in it\'s fetch_filter_key',0),(43,'list','cell_line_width','int','','sets the width of the line between cells in List printing.\r\n',1),(44,'list','header_line_width','int','','sets the width of the line between Column header cells in List printing.',1),(45,'list','sum_line_width','float','','sets the width of the sum line in List printing.',1),(46,'list','child_placement','combo','bottom,right','sets the placement of the child Lists of this List.',1),(47,'list','button_placement','combo','bottom,right','sets the location of the Buttons of this List.',1),(48,'list-button','column-of-sensitivity','text','','sets the data field which should hold only \'true\' and \'false\' values.\r\nif SelectedRow[column-of-sensitivity] == \'true\' \r\nthen this Button is sensitive, \r\nelse it\'s insensitive(grayed out and can\'t be pressed)\r\n',0),(49,'list-button','show-mode','combo','icon only,icon and text,text only','set the List\'s Button show mode.\r\na Button usually has a text and an icon.',1),(50,'list','list_key','field','','the list key. defaults to\r\nhas to be unique or rows get overwritten in the list.\r\nhas to be integer.\r\nchange this only if you really know what you\'re doing.',0),(51,'list','second_child_key','field','','',0),(52,'list','second_parent_key','text','','',0),(53,'list_column','query','sqlid','','the query for this Column,\r\nif set, overrides the querySQL set in the Column properties\r\n',0),(54,'form-item','query','sqlid','','the query for this Form item.\r\nshould return an id',0),(55,'list_column','key','text','','',0),(56,'list_column','display','text','','',0),(57,'form-item','horizontal-expand','bool','','',0),(58,'form-item','horizontal-fill','bool','','',0),(59,'form-item','horizontal-shrink','bool','','',0),(60,'form-item','vertical-expand','bool','','',0),(61,'form-item','vertical-fill','bool','','',0),(62,'form-item','vertical-shrink','bool','','',0),(63,'form-item','border-shadow','combo','none,in,out,etched-in,etched-out\r\n','sets the border shadow for this Form item',1),(64,'form-item','expander','bool','','',0),(65,'form-item','include-in-query-building','bool','','if set, even if the Form item is editable it\'s data will not be saved ',0),(66,'list_column','decimals','int','','how many decimals to show for this Float Column?',1),(67,'list','gantt_start','field','','if this is set to a data field of TimeStamp type, a GanttChart will be presented besides the List.',0),(68,'list','gantt_duration','field','','if this is set to a data field of TimeStamp type, a GanttChart will be presented besides the List.',0),(69,'list','gantt_successors','field','','if this is set to a data field, of type text, Gantt will store IDs of predecessors there.\r\nif this is set editable, the predecessors are editable in the GanttChart by dragging a line from one Rectangle to another.',0),(70,'list','gantt_day0','bool','','if set, the Gantt will enter into day0 mode instead of working with real times.\r\nwill start the time from 0.',0),(71,'list','gantt_group','field','','',0),(72,'list','gantt_group_color','field','','',0),(73,'list','gantt_partial','field','','',0),(74,'list','gantt_percentage','field','','',0),(75,'list','archive_key','field','','if this is set to a data field, the list will present an \'A\' button on the left side and will filter the rows according to that button\'s state.\r\nthis allows the user to switch viewing the archive and the actual rows.',0),(76,'form','ok_button','bool','','this Form has an \"ok\" button.\r\nif it does not, user will not save the data.\r\ndefault is true of course\r\n',1),(77,'list_column','csv_column_number','int','','set the csv column number for this column, starting with 1\r\ncurrently the CSV has ho have a header(a first row), which is skipped by the import.\r\nthe CSV should not have any \" characters or commas other the column separators.\r\nthe import is called by the Import List Button.\r\n',0),(78,'form-item','ftp-access','text','','sets the FTP access for this widget\r\nif the directory parameter is set then\r\n the widget will create the directory if can\'t chdir into it on upload\r\n and raise error of can\'t chdir into it on download\r\n\r\nformat: [\"host\",\"username\",\"password\",\"directory\"]\r\nexamples: \r\n[\"\",\"ftp\",\"ftp\"]\r\n[\"\",\"ftp\",\"ftp\",\"attachments\"]\r\n',1),(79,'list','footer_line_width','float','','the line width of the footer line in List printing.',1),(80,'list','print_title','bool','','if set, the List\'s title will be print.',1),(81,'list','row_underline','text','','the line width of the row underline\r\ndefaults to 0.0\r\n',1),(82,'list','fetch_filter_negate','bool','','if set, the fetch filter will be negated',0),(84,'form-item','relation','rel','','sets the Relation which will be used by this Form item,\r\nsets the query sql and uses the relation to filter the data.\r\n',0),(85,'form','apply_button','bool','','if set, this Form will present an \'apply\' button.',1),(86,'list_column','header_angle','int','','sets the angle in degrees of this Column\'s header text.\r\n0 is horizontal, default\r\n90 is vertical\r\n',1),(87,'list_column','header-font','font','','this Column\'s header font.',0),(88,'list','list-header-font','font','','List Column header font.\r\n',1),(89,'list','column_min_width','int','','sets the minimum width of a Column in pixels',1),(90,'list','gantt_res_idx','int','','GanttChart resolution index:\r\n1 - 17 min/inch\r\n2 - 95 min/inch\r\n3 - 16 hours/inch\r\n4 - 2 days/inch\r\n5 - 4 days/inch\r\n6 - 8 days/inch\r\n7 - 16 days/inch\r\n8 - 24 days/inch\r\n9 - 32 days/inch\r\n10 - 48 days/inch\r\n11 - 96 days/inch',1),(91,'list','gantt_header_format','multi','','the time display format of the GanttChart header.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(92,'list','gantt_day0_header_format','multi','','the time display format of the GanttChart header.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(93,'list','gantt_time_format','multi','','the time display format of the GanttChart header.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(94,'list_column','column-duration-format','multi','','the time display format of the List Column Duration cell.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(95,'list_column','column-timestamp-format','multi','','the time display format of the List Column Timestamp cell.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(96,'form-item','timestamp-format','multi','','the time display format of the List Column Duration cell.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(97,'list','ordering','field','','this field must be double in the database and to be added to the List as float.\r\nthe iterator\'s path will get displayed in the List in this format: 1.1.1\r\n',0),(98,'form-item','tab','text','','on which Tab of the Form this widget will appear\r\n\r\nForm Tabs will be ordered by the minimum X position of items on the Tab\r\nif Tab1 has an item at X=2 and Tab2 has an item at X=1 than Tab1 will come after Tab2\r\n',0),(99,'form','tab-position','combo','TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT\r\n','the position of the Tab on the Form',1),(100,'form-item','batch','bool','','if an Item has batch set than the Form can handle batch editing in modify mode.\r\nif a user selects more rows and calls the Form in modify mode and the Form supports batch then \r\n- List will lock/unlock it\'s multiselection \r\n- on the Form batch Items will be editable and non-batch Items will be disabled\r\n- Form will update only the batch Items\' fields of all rows that were selected\r\n',0),(101,'form-item','multiselector','bool','','Available on List widget, if set List will show an additional column where user can select the rows to be added my the Form.\r\nThis will cause the Form to add multiple rows at once. Values of other widgets of the Form will also be added.\r\nUse it only in add runmode (Form called by Add button).',0),(102,'list-button','group','text','','List Buttons with the sane group will be added to the same popup window.\r\nThe group name will be the Group Button\'s label.\r\n',0),(103,'form-item','form-image-max-height','int','','Sets the maximum height of the FormImage.\r\nIf the uploaded Image is larger, it\'ll be rescaled keeping the aspect ration to the specified value.\r\n',1),(104,'list','keep_expanded','bool','','if set it\'ll keep TreeViews expanded',1),(105,'list','print_with_gantt','bool','','If set to true it will pring the Gantt chart assigned to this list.\r\nYou might want to set the \'ordering\' column printable',0),(106,'list','gantt_cell_font','font','','List Gantt printing cell font, used by Gantt print on both sides of a Rectangle.\r\n\"verdana 5\" if not set',1);
INSERT INTO `gtkattributes_schema` (`id`, `gtkobjecttype`, `attribute`, `attributetype`, `valid_values`, `description`, `can_default`) VALUES (1,'list_column','width','int','','specifies the fixed width of the List Column',0),(2,'list_column','resizable','bool','','if set true than this Columns will be resizable by the user',0),(3,'list_column','reorderable','bool','','this Column of the List can be reordered\r\nif yes than user can drag the header widget of this Column and change the order of the Columns',0),(4,'list_column','sortable','bool','','this Columns can sort the data of the List',0),(5,'list','columns_resizable','bool','','if set true than List\'s Columns will be resizable by the user',1),(6,'list','columns_reorderable','bool','','Columns of the List can be reordered\r\nif yes than user can drag the header widget of a Column and change the order of the Columns',1),(7,'list','columns_sortable','bool','','Columns of the List can sort the data',1),(8,'list','child_columns_header_font','font','','List printing child list column header font.\r\n\"verdana bold 5\" if not set',1),(9,'list','sum_font','font','','List printing sum font.\r\n\"verdana bold 5\" if not set',1),(10,'list','print_sums','bool','','Print the sum of every integer and float Column in List printing',1),(11,'list','columns_header_font','font','','List printing column header font.\r\n\"verdana bold 6\" if not set',1),(12,'list','header_font','font','','List printing column header font.\r\n\"verdana bold 10\" if not set',1),(13,'list','footer_font','font','','List printing footer font.\r\n\"verdana 6\" if not set',1),(14,'list','date_font','font','','List printing date font.\r\n\"verdana 5\" if not set',1),(15,'list','cell_font','font','','List printing cell font\r\n\"verdana 6\" if not set',1),(16,'list','column_spacing','int','','sets the spacing of Columns in the List:\r\nwhich is the number of pixels to place between cell renderers packed into it.\r\n\r\nsets the spacing of Columns in List\'s printing.',1),(17,'list','child_indent','int','','the indentation of the child rows in pixels when a List is print with it\'s Child, mixed',1),(18,'list','draw_footer_line','bool','','Draw the footer line in List printing mode?',1),(19,'list','draw_header_line','bool','','Draw the header line in List printing mode?',1),(20,'list','draw_header_cell_borders','bool','','Draw header cell borders?\r\nhas to be set to be able to fill the header cell background.',1),(21,'list','fill_header_background','bool','','Fill the Column header cell background in List printing?',1),(22,'list','line_above_parent','bool','','if set draws a line above every parent line when in List print rows are mixed with Child rows.',1),(23,'list','paper_size','combo','A4,A3','the paper size on List print.',1),(24,'list','page_orientation','combo','portrait,landscape','the page orientation on List print.',1),(25,'list','print_date','bool','','if set prints the date of printing at the right upper corner of the page.',1),(26,'list','print_sub_sums','bool','','if set, for every line the sum of child rows, integer and float columns, will be printed.\r\nin List print.\r\n',1),(27,'list','parent_key','text','','',0),(28,'list','child_key','field','','',0),(29,'list','print_with_child','int','','',0),(30,'list','child_cell_font','font','','List printing child list\'s cell font.\r\n\"verdana 5\" if not set',1),(31,'list','row_spacing','int','','the space in pixels between rows in List printing.',1),(32,'list','child_sum_font','font','','List printing child list\'s sum font.\r\n\"verdana bold 5\" if not set',1),(33,'form','undefined','text','','this is an example attribute, you can set any attribute here and use that later in the Form\'s events.',0),(34,'form-item','language','combo','sql,ruby','the markup language for this SourceView',0),(35,'list','tree_key','field','','sets the data field which has the tree information.\r\nusually integer type, and holds the ID of the parent element for every row.\r\n-1,0 in this data field makes the row a root element',0),(36,'list','tree_parent_key','field','','sets the data field of the parent row.\r\nif ThisRow[tree_key] == ParentRow[tree_parent_key] then ParentRow is the parent iterator of this ThisRow',0),(37,'form-item','tree_key','text','','',0),(38,'list','background_key','field','','sets the data field which holds color data for this Column\'s background color.\r\nexample of color: \"#DFCC0B\"\r\n',0),(39,'list','foreground_key','field','','sets the data field which holds color data for this Column\'s Font color.\r\nexample of color: \"#DFCC0B\"',0),(40,'form','table','table','','sets the Form\'s base table;\r\noverrides the Form\'s query sql with the following: select * from #{table}\r\n',0),(41,'list','fetch_filter_key','field','','sets the data field which will be tested against fetch_filter_value while the list loads it\'s data.\r\nyou can have a server model of 100 rows, but load only 10 of them into this list by specifying this filter.',0),(42,'list','fetch_filter_value','text','','if ThisRow[fetch_filter_key] == fetch_filter_value than load the row.\r\nfetch_filter_value is evaulated before the comparision, so you can have a ruby code there.\r\nexample: \r\n\"true\"\r\n#{nick} - will sort out the rows which has the current user\'s nick in it\'s fetch_filter_key',0),(43,'list','cell_line_width','int','','sets the width of the line between cells in List printing.\r\n',1),(44,'list','header_line_width','int','','sets the width of the line between Column header cells in List printing.',1),(45,'list','sum_line_width','float','','sets the width of the sum line in List printing.',1),(46,'list','child_placement','combo','bottom,right','sets the placement of the child Lists of this List.',1),(47,'list','button_placement','combo','bottom,right','sets the location of the Buttons of this List.',1),(48,'list-button','column-of-sensitivity','text','','sets the data field which should hold only \'true\' and \'false\' values.\r\nif SelectedRow[column-of-sensitivity] == \'true\' \r\nthen this Button is sensitive, \r\nelse it\'s insensitive(grayed out and can\'t be pressed)\r\n',0),(49,'list-button','show-mode','combo','icon only,icon and text,text only','set the List\'s Button show mode.\r\na Button usually has a text and an icon.',1),(50,'list','list_key','field','','the list key. defaults to\r\nhas to be unique or rows get overwritten in the list.\r\nhas to be integer.\r\nchange this only if you really know what you\'re doing.',0),(51,'list','second_child_key','field','','',0),(52,'list','second_parent_key','text','','',0),(53,'list_column','query','sqlid','','the query for this Column,\r\nif set, overrides the querySQL set in the Column properties\r\n',0),(54,'form-item','query','sqlid','','the query for this Form item.\r\nshould return an id',0),(55,'list_column','key','text','','',0),(56,'list_column','display','text','','',0),(57,'form-item','horizontal-expand','bool','','',0),(58,'form-item','horizontal-fill','bool','','',0),(59,'form-item','horizontal-shrink','bool','','',0),(60,'form-item','vertical-expand','bool','','',0),(61,'form-item','vertical-fill','bool','','',0),(62,'form-item','vertical-shrink','bool','','',0),(63,'form-item','border-shadow','combo','none,in,out,etched-in,etched-out\r\n','sets the border shadow for this Form item',1),(64,'form-item','expander','bool','','',0),(65,'form-item','include-in-query-building','bool','','if set, even if the Form item is editable it\'s data will not be saved ',0),(66,'list_column','decimals','int','','how many decimals to show for this Float Column?',1),(67,'list','gantt_start','field','','if this is set to a data field of TimeStamp type, a GanttChart will be presented besides the List.',0),(68,'list','gantt_duration','field','','if this is set to a data field of TimeStamp type, a GanttChart will be presented besides the List.',0),(69,'list','gantt_successors','field','','if this is set to a data field, of type text, Gantt will store IDs of predecessors there.\r\nif this is set editable, the predecessors are editable in the GanttChart by dragging a line from one Rectangle to another.',0),(70,'list','gantt_day0','bool','','if set, the Gantt will enter into day0 mode instead of working with real times.\r\nwill start the time from 0.',0),(71,'list','gantt_group','field','','',0),(72,'list','gantt_group_color','field','','',0),(73,'list','gantt_partial','field','','',0),(74,'list','gantt_percentage','field','','',0),(75,'list','archive_key','field','','if this is set to a data field, the list will present an \'A\' button on the left side and will filter the rows according to that button\'s state.\r\nthis allows the user to switch viewing the archive and the actual rows.',0),(76,'form','ok_button','bool','','this Form has an \"ok\" button.\r\nif it does not, user will not save the data.\r\ndefault is true of course\r\n',1),(77,'list_column','csv_column_number','int','','set the csv column number for this column, starting with 1\r\ncurrently the CSV has ho have a header(a first row), which is skipped by the import.\r\nthe CSV should not have any \" characters or commas other the column separators.\r\nthe import is called by the Import List Button.\r\n',0),(78,'form-item','ftp-access','text','','sets the FTP access for this widget\r\nif the directory parameter is set then\r\n the widget will create the directory if can\'t chdir into it on upload\r\n and raise error of can\'t chdir into it on download\r\n\r\nformat: [\"host\",\"username\",\"password\",\"directory\"]\r\nexamples: \r\n[\"\",\"ftp\",\"ftp\"]\r\n[\"\",\"ftp\",\"ftp\",\"attachments\"]\r\n',1),(79,'list','footer_line_width','float','','the line width of the footer line in List printing.',1),(80,'list','print_title','bool','','if set, the List\'s title will be print.',1),(81,'list','row_underline','text','','the line width of the row underline\r\ndefaults to 0.0\r\n',1),(82,'list','fetch_filter_negate','bool','','if set, the fetch filter will be negated',0),(84,'form-item','relation','rel','','sets the Relation which will be used by this Form item,\r\nsets the query sql and uses the relation to filter the data.\r\n',0),(85,'form','apply_button','bool','','if set, this Form will present an \'apply\' button.',1),(86,'list_column','header_angle','int','','sets the angle in degrees of this Column\'s header text.\r\n0 is horizontal, default\r\n90 is vertical\r\n',1),(87,'list_column','header-font','font','','this Column\'s header font.',0),(88,'list','list-header-font','font','','List Column header font.\r\n',1),(89,'list','column_min_width','int','','sets the minimum width of a Column in pixels',1),(90,'list','gantt_res_idx','int','','GanttChart resolution index:\r\n1 - 17 min/inch\r\n2 - 95 min/inch\r\n3 - 16 hours/inch\r\n4 - 2 days/inch\r\n5 - 4 days/inch\r\n6 - 8 days/inch\r\n7 - 16 days/inch\r\n8 - 24 days/inch\r\n9 - 32 days/inch\r\n10 - 48 days/inch\r\n11 - 96 days/inch',1),(91,'list','gantt_header_format','multi','','the time display format of the GanttChart header.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(92,'list','gantt_day0_header_format','multi','','the time display format of the GanttChart header.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(93,'list','gantt_time_format','multi','','the time display format of the GanttChart header.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(94,'list_column','column-duration-format','multi','','the time display format of the List Column Duration cell.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%h - Hours of the value\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" -> \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"\r\n%h:%M:%S -> 25:01:01\r\n%d-%H:%M:%S -> 1-01:01:01\r\n',1),(95,'list_column','column-timestamp-format','multi','','the time display format of the List Column Timestamp cell.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(96,'form-item','timestamp-format','multi','','the time display format of the List Column Duration cell.\r\n%S - Second of the minute (00..60)\r\n%M - Minute of the hour (00..59)\r\n%H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)\r\n%d - Day of the month (01..31)\r\n%a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun\'\')\r\n%W - Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53\r\n%b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan\'\')\r\n%m - Month of the year (01..12)\r\n%y - Year without a century (00..99)\r\n%Y - Year with century\r\n\r\nexample: \"Printed on %m/%d/%Y\" - \"Printed on 06/09/2002\"',1),(97,'list','ordering','field','','this field must be double in the database and to be added to the List as float.\r\nthe iterator\'s path will get displayed in the List in this format: 1.1.1\r\n',0),(98,'form-item','tab','text','','on which Tab of the Form this widget will appear\r\n\r\nForm Tabs will be ordered by the minimum X position of items on the Tab\r\nif Tab1 has an item at X=2 and Tab2 has an item at X=1 than Tab1 will come after Tab2\r\n',0),(99,'form','tab-position','combo','TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT\r\n','the position of the Tab on the Form',1),(100,'form-item','batch','bool','','if an Item has batch set than the Form can handle batch editing in modify mode.\r\nif a user selects more rows and calls the Form in modify mode and the Form supports batch then \r\n- List will lock/unlock it\'s multiselection \r\n- on the Form batch Items will be editable and non-batch Items will be disabled\r\n- Form will update only the batch Items\' fields of all rows that were selected\r\n',0),(101,'form-item','multiselector','bool','','Available on List widget, if set List will show an additional column where user can select the rows to be added my the Form.\r\nThis will cause the Form to add multiple rows at once. Values of other widgets of the Form will also be added.\r\nUse it only in add runmode (Form called by Add button).',0),(102,'list-button','group','text','','List Buttons with the sane group will be added to the same popup window.\r\nThe group name will be the Group Button\'s label.\r\n',0),(103,'form-item','form-image-max-height','int','','Sets the maximum height of the FormImage.\r\nIf the uploaded Image is larger, it\'ll be rescaled keeping the aspect ration to the specified value.\r\n',1),(104,'list','keep_expanded','bool','','if set it\'ll keep TreeViews expanded',1),(105,'list','print_with_gantt','bool','','If set to true it will pring the Gantt chart assigned to this list.\r\nYou might want to set the \'ordering\' column printable',0),(106,'list','gantt_cell_font','font','','List Gantt printing cell font, used by Gantt print on both sides of a Rectangle.\r\n\"verdana 5\" if not set',1),(107,'list','csv_field_separator','text','','Field separator for CSV import/export.\r\nDefaults to ,',1),(108,'list','csv_skip_header_lines','int','','How many rows to skip as header while importing CSV.\r\nDefaults to 1',1),(109,'list','file_filter','text','','FileName filter for the import/export dialogs.\r\nComma separated.\r\nExample: *.csv,*.txt\r\nDefaults to *.csv',1),(110,'list','single_list_mode','bool','','in single_list_mode the List will not show it\'s children, but populates a popup menu to access the sub-Lists for the List\'s rows',1),(111,'list','print_custom_header','multi','','replace the default List-name for built-in list-print with the result of tihs ruby code\r\nshould return String',0);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gtkformitems`;
CREATE TABLE `gtkformitems` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `history` (
`header_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`data` text NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE `images` (
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class DrbDb
def init
einfo("Memcached #{Memcached::VERSION}")
@cache =[@connection['cache_host']],{:prefix_key=>key_name, :default_ttl => 0, :timeout =>
@cache =[@connection['cache_host']],{:prefix_key=>key_name, :default_ttl => 0, :timeout => 30})
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class DrbDb
def remove_client(client_id)
@moditems.each_value{|m| m.
@moditems.each_value{|m| m.unsubscribe(client_id) if m.mod_type == "list"}
def alive?
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
module HeartBeat
def init_HeartBeat
loop do
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module HeartBeat
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module HeartBeat
einfo("HeartBeat started")
def stop_HeartBeat
@heartbeat_thread.kill if @heartbeat_thread
einfo("HeartBeat stopped")
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version
prerelease: false
- 1
- 286
- 0
version: 1.
version: 1.286.0
platform: ruby
- Dobai-Pataky Balint
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ autorequire:
bindir: bin
cert_chain: []
date: 2011-
date: 2011-09-16 00:00:00 +03:00
- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency