auto-emo 1.0.0

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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ README.rdoc
+ lib/**/*.rb
+ bin/*
+ features/**/*.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ *.sw?
+ .DS_Store
+ coverage
+ rdoc
+ pkg
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009 Edward Ocampo-Gooding
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ = auto-emo
+ Sometimes, you just need a whole lot of generated emo poetry.
+ Said generated poetry emerges from scraping a ton of some choice
+ material and naively randomly sampling lines, and banging it
+ together.
+ No more than a single line from any original poem appears in any
+ generated stanza.
+ == Usage
+ $ auto-emo [-n poems]
+ -n, --number N Generate N poems (default is 3)
+ == Example output
+ $ auto-emo
+ And You Weren't Real...
+ the heavens
+ Scenic mountain range
+ paint me blood red.
+ Giving me useless advice, I will never need.
+ You are all of these,
+ When you've had more than what you deserve
+ Magma explosions,
+ I miss the funny feeling
+ A virgin with a reputation
+ I'm tired of hurting,
+ It's a feeling that only true Lady Sunsets can bring.
+ Watch it sting
+ We'll take it for the road.
+ My breath i did hold
+ Ive thought over
+ wondering eye.I know in my heart
+ == Copyright
+ The pilfered poems are definitely not copyrighted by me, but everything else is.
+ Copyright (c) 2009 Edward Ocampo-Gooding. See LICENSE for details.
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'rake'
+ begin
+ require 'jeweler'
+ do |gem|
+ = "auto-emo"
+ gem.summary = %Q{Sometimes, you just need a whole lot of generated emo poetry}
+ = ""
+ gem.homepage = ""
+ gem.authors = ["Edward Ocampo-Gooding"]
+ gem.rubyforge_project = "auto-emo"
+ # gem is a Gem::Specification... see for additional settings
+ end
+ rescue LoadError
+ puts "Jeweler (or a dependency) not available. Install it with: sudo gem install jeweler"
+ end
+ # begin
+ # require 'rake/contrib/sshpublisher'
+ # namespace :rubyforge do
+ #
+ # desc "Release gem and RDoc documentation to RubyForge"
+ # task :release => ["rubyforge:release:gem", "rubyforge:release:docs"]
+ #
+ # namespace :release do
+ # desc "Publish RDoc to RubyForge."
+ # task :docs => [:rdoc] do
+ # config = YAML.load(
+ #'~/.rubyforge/user-config.yml'))
+ # )
+ #
+ # host = "#{config['username']}"
+ # remote_dir = "/var/www/gforge-projects/auto-emo/"
+ # local_dir = 'rdoc'
+ #
+ #, remote_dir, local_dir).upload
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ # rescue LoadError
+ # puts "Rake SshDirPublisher is unavailable or your rubyforge environment is not configured."
+ # end
+ require 'rake/testtask'
+ do |test|
+ test.libs << 'lib' << 'test'
+ test.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
+ test.verbose = true
+ end
+ begin
+ require 'rcov/rcovtask'
+ do |test|
+ test.libs << 'test'
+ test.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
+ test.verbose = true
+ end
+ rescue LoadError
+ task :rcov do
+ abort "RCov is not available. In order to run rcov, you must: sudo gem install spicycode-rcov"
+ end
+ end
+ task :default => :test
+ require 'rake/rdoctask'
+ do |rdoc|
+ if File.exist?('VERSION.yml')
+ config = YAML.load('VERSION.yml'))
+ version = "#{config[:major]}.#{config[:minor]}.#{config[:patch]}"
+ else
+ version = ""
+ end
+ rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc'
+ rdoc.title = "auto-emo #{version}"
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README*')
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb')
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ 1.0.0
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+ do |s|
+ = %q{auto-emo}
+ s.version = "1.0.0"
+ s.required_rubygems_version =">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
+ s.authors = ["Edward Ocampo-Gooding"]
+ = %q{2009-06-26}
+ s.default_executable = %q{auto-emo}
+ = %q{}
+ s.executables = ["auto-emo"]
+ s.extra_rdoc_files = [
+ "README.rdoc"
+ ]
+ s.files = [
+ ".document",
+ ".gitignore",
+ "README.rdoc",
+ "Rakefile",
+ "auto-emo.gemspec",
+ "bin/auto-emo",
+ "lib/auto-emo.rb",
+ "lib/poems",
+ "test/auto-emo_test.rb",
+ "test/test_helper.rb"
+ ]
+ s.has_rdoc = true
+ s.homepage = %q{}
+ s.rdoc_options = ["--charset=UTF-8"]
+ s.require_paths = ["lib"]
+ s.rubyforge_project = %q{auto-emo}
+ s.rubygems_version = %q{1.3.1}
+ s.summary = %q{Sometimes, you just need a whole lot of generated emo poetry}
+ s.test_files = [
+ "test/auto-emo_test.rb",
+ "test/test_helper.rb"
+ ]
+ if s.respond_to? :specification_version then
+ current_version = Gem::Specification::CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION
+ s.specification_version = 2
+ if >='1.2.0') then
+ else
+ end
+ else
+ end
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
+ require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. lib auto-emo])
+ require "optparse"
+ options = {:number => 3}
+ ARGV.options do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)} [-n poems]"
+ opts.on("-n", "--number N", Integer, "Generate N poems (default is #{options[:number]})") do |n|
+ options[:number] = n
+ end
+ opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do
+ exit
+ end
+ begin
+ opts.parse!
+ options[:number].times do |n|
+ puts AutoEmo::Poem.generate
+ puts "\n\n" if n < (options[:number] - 1)
+ end
+ rescue
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ module AutoEmo
+ class Poem
+, 'poems')) do |f|
+ @@poems = Marshal.load(f)
+ end
+ def self.generate
+ length = 4 + rand(7)
+ lines = []
+ length.times do
+ lines << @@poems[rand(@@poems.size)]
+ end
+ lines.join("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ [��"With a blow from your lips"@Leaving all who loved us behind for � the good of man kind�"I'm suppose to be"We were all"My Soul Was Dead")I wait for you on the secound floor."#i no it shouldn't be but it is"7Because our tune will still be played by our soul."1i know im not gorgeous but wen u smile at me"&� � � � � � � � You're so stupid."Run through the dark"#you would see that my feelings"it broke my heart into".Absolve the sinner, and reverse the fall."%My belt is loaded with amunision"a possible innovation."Boi I hope so..." to heal"Our hearts connected".but apart of me regrets ...ever being sad"..With that careing"1her mum has locked herself in Krystle's room">>>"I'm getting tired of"#My love for you will never die">In me you've built your home and filled me with unknowns."Playin' that trumpet"0The death she yearned for-beyond her reach,"My all, my everything"When I loved you more"5if you're emo and you know it clench your fists."3because she is the poster-child for cover-ups,"a distorted image."I need you to be mine""treating her as lifeless item"!Is that too much to ask for?"your life with out me..",why is it that if i find something good".Over thinking my pain,I Can not Breath,my"!So I got up without any care"Growing vermilion roots"3I have to wait. I have to stand here and wait.""round and round till we drown"!Every masterpiece is deeper,"swarmed upon"Now you can't breath"6and stare at the blue pulse jumping under my skin"0you with her,and to know you will kiss her."$I'll give back what you gave me"!Can you take the hypocrites?"Yes, we kiss"%So maybe I could learn to forget" You lied to my damn father."&� � � � � � � �Shes has a degree,"But forever one"(I can not afford another lonely day".She asked herself why was she still alive"+Virtually untouchable... and virtual.." I cry."%knew that love was nothing to be"Someone so broken,"We all know there's no God"3All feelings lost, save the excruciating pain."Loves lonely cry"I travel no more"
+ What,"+If you're so great than take my soul!"",thinking of dieing,breathing and crying"6I can see an angels soul revived inside your eyes"*Because you dont know any other road." A little boy and girl meet,"*So you can see, lush, that for you..." Line"I LIED THE TRUTH!"Memories they choke"Walking into the sunset,""Like the worlds greatest fool"9Why do I have to be the emo kid with a hidden curse?")Time won't erase her face from grace"It's not you it's me"/Alive in your hearts is what I want to be,"This vile once was heart""Take away this hateful strain"With silent tears"When you kiss me tenderly"I want it to last forever"and fervent discontent"KHer tears spill a thousands words which even pictures cannot describe,".If you wouldnt mind I would like to leave"0Blood splattered all over her lifeless body"%Yellow really wasn't her colour,"I'm sorry I'm against it""Be my strength in the battle."HMy head, it wraps itself in dreams of touch and hopes of your arms," Of the lost sole that is us"with my wings intact."IWhy is it that you can't see the destruction she has caused upon me?"+Well we are all listening to the media"Do you miss it so??"I asked for a parent"Stars burn so beautifully" Me.."The Words You Speak"But you make me"Even though there"#And i always wanted a pet name"#Did I make the right decision?"(We both know in the end you'll die,"*Walking by me with your hateful glare"Is it true what I feel"they threw me away"Worth Anything?"Bending over you calmly,"+I was the last thing she ever did see."That your heart spilled on"-"Don't say I'm the one you want to lose""you'll go to hell"7Destroying the free spirits we fought to preserve."I don�t want this to end"$Tried to hard to make us laugh,":I felt my chest rise up in panic and quickly collapse"You're such a hypocrite"my wish to die"But feelings fight that"its been almost one year"&the drinks burn through my blood,"K( unred ) . I watched him loose himself within every inhale ( exhale )""I guess some of its my fault,"(Shall it be a blade to slice my arm"DCant you for once admit to screwing up, for doing things wrong,"/hard to be around you and I think you know"just like we were before"Tangled strings"� SO much more then you'"the way they touch"Popping Pills,"It's midnight"I love you so much!"deep within the darkness",She'll only return to him in his dreams"It drags me down".It's easy to see that I've fallen for you"0He's the one that appears in all my dreams."=On random notes of parchment I'm scrawling my existence,"A suicidal child,"I can put this to peace."I don't wallow in pain,"!Cutting her way through life"I relax and breathe"(It said that I had a choice to live"That I have made, which",Making you feel just a little more sane"Tongue from side"%And he's not going to tell about"that is never remembered"%of all the rights you made wrong"%No one can hurt me, not even you"
+ Numb!"Im in your hands now,"/To notice the one she had just torn apart." oh, he's just playing games"2Choke on the sickening scent of ash and smoke"I get lost in my thoughts"And she was happy"9with a knife waiting for a reason not to hurt myself"will you ever see,"Eternal torment-"Sitting here on this"You always lying to me"!wake up screaming your name."%yours. I hope you look there and"Who would ever want me..."2She Openend Her chest and Gave him her heart."%My hands are beginning to quiver"A youths heart broken"/"How were your relationships with people?""And see you sitting there"'Something good always rushes over,""red pocket next to your heart"There's a large population"They inhaled and exhaled,"No brave solider"+And with stardust tears, I wanna fuck."
+ � � �"%Even if time leads me to move on"It eats at your soul"#I thought I knew who you were,"9That's bullshit, where were they when I was in need?"?She says "Only if he wasnt so blind,we could be together"."the laughter in me"The one that took you away"Get Near..."It hurts..."Made me kill"You see that girl"#My love for you still lives on"i want to leave this earth"+If you love me you won't make me stay."the forest"CJust like the pain from the 1st time you hit me with your fist"Away that night"Living Dead Girl"he closed your tired eyes;"and that makes you"#the guy sitting by the stairs,"'Never meant, wanting to go insane."I wish I could've died."!He might as well be your son" Letting out the pain i feel"!Lost... to an ant like size."will suffer..."Forgotten, undone."I hear the phone again,"<My family's all rambunctious, but I"m quiet as a mouse."So I'm not in Hell"Something came to mind."The there numbed form"!Why can't you people listen?"%when it seems like theres no one"There is no use over"no more lies,"Don't know where to begin"3In all honesty, I didn't think I had a chance."&inside I'm dying and nobody knows"to get into my pants"I fall slightly closer"#tracing sweetly round her neck"&And I think thats because of you.""Unlike those plastered faces," Like a rain pour of relief." I don't have small feelings"!with your sexist girlfriends"ill never forget you"Then kissed you..." we walk"$Walking In The Pale Moon Light,"*no one is crying, but I was lying...."I cry at night?"Piercing you in the heart"HAnd would there be traces of me, or maybe a reflection I could see?"you ruin everyones life"#because you know it isn't true""And all the hate inside of me"*I wonder if they've ever been ignored"At lunch I go"Or forgotten?"we are heading for the end"Deeper into my heart..."!Back I can't talk to Jeremy."Pushed down the door"7To buy you the one way ticket out of personal hell"But I can't fight it"Can you tell?"Make these tears stop!!"$wondering what show your missin"Even if you don't"%Will be cutting through the eyes"&I've hurt myself for hurting you,"Cut my vein"Why do u do this to me"Not shy just respectful"My life is all fucked up"MWhy is this time different? What reasons can you present to me as truth?"You've given me a hope,"8Obsessesion with dark things and sharp objects too,"%� � � � � �You want to know her,"%I have a friend her name is jess"And too senseless to feel"#My love with never end for you"'I really don't know what to say..."you again."Her tears soak her cheeks,""Bare my promise around a ring"it soon became a dream"-When he's not there to start your shower"/Because thats just how twisted I am inside"And I'll never forget."4I wondered who would protect me from myself now"Some cant see"
+ Don't"&then people tell me to kill them."SHow do I Exploit the Ache in my heart the Pain that I get when you walk on by?"*To show you all you've put me through""After all we weren't together"Enough, its fought"1I put on a brave face and hold my head high,"always smile."#the point of view is your call"But I was terribly blind" The pain slowly going away."<"To find sleep"he knew you were in pain."My tears fall too,"Could have terned into"LIt burns, it bleeds, it stings and don't care about any of these things"$Over and over, again and again."Stare at the track"the image is"When is Mommy coming home?"Thorn garden of dilemmas":My cat squeaker if she were a crayon she'd be purple."believe in boiling ice"-� � � � � Just as we where stitching up."� �"#But when I lie in bed at night"I'm laughing now/"Every time I'm with you"
+ Y o u" me now."$yet, when there are no answers,"1As to encourage me in your void of security."Do me a favor,"Maybe I wont be alone"100 float above,"Pretending I am"+You never know what tomorrow brings...".It's February 3rd and my eyes are pouring".Does it mean more with everyday you stay?"I spin so fast"$i don't want them to be real..."8I confess that my accusers are not altogether wrong"3Oh god how it hurt, blood running down my arm."!� � � � I sat up and smiled."(yes yes yes yes yes yes)"/I awoke this time to try with all my might"i lower my head and sigh"#from my brother hes just a kid"I don't know what I'll say"Breathe in the fresh air"(cant...for...get...)"And he's drunk off his ass"Wait for you to want"
+ Love,"Listen harder"0It's better than staying in this hell hold!"weeping for what was" Playing"7"I think it's best if we weren't together anymore""� � � � � � � �999"For you�re not worth it" I felt"'When our world comes crashing down"+there is this girl who is so much pain"All My Dreams Fading"Just go ahead"In person...."!In a swirl of stars and moon"Is a shadow on my mind"� � � � � � �"!Is there any point in living")The way I want to feel never happens"I thought it would be fine"Knife in vein"You cant compare...."%Were surrounding me all the time"� � � A high pitched,"I'm not taking this,"!Happiness should consume her"As I walk back to my world""that make strings of feelings"$when you likely don't remember?":A funeral of crisp leaves that crunch under your feet"And no one can see"0Another girl interrupted, lost to insanity."So many things to choose"!But that must mean something"Could you blame me"%STUPID SLUT!! DON'T MAKE A SOUND"GPlease Lola, I never meant to cause you or our baby girl any pain."That I'm not like you!?"My face gets red"is it really worth it?"/And our gentle grip, could never ever slip"?[ONLY, truly, really, the single, solitary, one, I swear!]"'Then you see a pretty girl pass by"ever lose you" Then I" Got up"trees are dead."I can't stand this.."Until you are sure"This internal wound"alcohol on scabs ."La la la lie to me boy"!Now i can't help but be sad."+And now as I sit here alone and afraid"7Let us unravel the mystery of where this all began"!All the screaming in my head"a world without pain."My one mistake"but I set it on fire"/Thoughts the same though we don�t know it."But your face was blury"&Intertwined with Kings and Queens"But still can't have.".and that if she was not with him on earth"It holds too much,"Poking at the heart"Remember your lifespan" Happy?"$It seems no one cares anymore..".I go back and lie down in my lonesome bed"(I flee, quickly from this argument,"4In the silence of my self inflicted confinement"and tragic"Me after all these years?""You try to pull away,"5What do you do when the thing that made you cry,"I can't feel anymore,"I die inside," Our paths crossed everyday,"and onto the train,"The reflexes that break"%In some frightened circumstance,"%And let pictures rest in peace�.">as if I was thrown in a ditchafter being brudally beaten,"
+ Zane,"/Yet I'm nothing but a rotten pile of dirt,"something else"That I still love you"but somehow it wasn't mine"to walk on again and again"another lonely night,"you make me the way I am"!"I shall love you always..."""Would you please hold on too?"!so tightly grasping the past"That no one loves you"I'm your girl"I want to see you"If its only in my head"-sometimes i wonder why it is that we met"but i didn't",Because in the end it's fucking useless"!She stands there in silence,"!that I was in love with you."I just know whats now".one I know, I would be with till the end."%Tonight I'll dig myself to sleep"Give me your lungs"
+ I am-"AI close my eyes, so that I cannot see anything but darkness;")Silver bullet flying though my heart"7All I want was for you to know what I was thinking"=Red rose, the color of that car parked in your driveway."He screams out"Just don't think about it" His eyes like the night sky"I hold you up to me".Silently screaming for a life that's true"All was what it seemed"My only regret"don't know what to think"JJust a few moments ago you could have changed the path I took tonight"%They never really existed anyway""I miss that phantom utterly -"realize nothing is simple."$But who am I to judge, you say?"Smell Of Death Lingers,")Introduced, the attraction was clear"0Who swore to herself that she was over him." Promise you won't forget me"PIn the end, the sins we commit are sins only in the eye of the beholder...."
+ Gray."/"Tell my girlfriend I really did love her""Do you want her?"In 75 degrees."if you cut i cut"/When they're together I sit back and sigh.""Rich, white, old money legacy")And enter the grey looming building,"You Call me your queen,"I want let go"Uthats something i could never repay you for....ive got nothing worth it to give."@So dissapointed in the way I act, so hated on the way I am,"We smoke, we think,"Another year begins")Statuesque with her discord and woes"So i live to skate,"Because it is all my fault"7� � � I didn't understand, this room was so white,"We've had our bad times""It�s what you give that shows"$Smashes upon my head seperating"I love the simple drain"&'cause you never gave me a chance"DI'm far too troublesome naive, what I think nobody will believe".�Flattering� and �stylish,� they all say."!I want you to be my suicide."Cat"(can he talk?),"with an apple"Most of them bitches" Hungry"With clean slates"I stand alone.",The wind blows and the words are spoken"?You are my only light in this darkness-I love you forever."Its easy to see the pain"-I stumbled upon a man of a special kind."BBut these epiphanies are meaningless when im on the river bed"Of course I would" It to?"1How many more drinks until you start to yell".And this knife is going deeper in my skin"I'm done with it all."People aren't two-faced" Me!!!!"what my heart despises"everything is so different"ripping my heart out"3with my last breath i whisper i still love you"Ones that mean the most"you used and abused me"&I am so numb, watch me as I fall."Because my heart for you"I stand above it all"This never happened")This will be the most pretty memory."When I wake in the morning".Ending this torment, a life within hell.�"Tonight..."And I know you love me"<She picks up the pieces of the shattered glass he broke"I�m Drawn To You," The star that just couldn�t"In my head,""And topped with a curly mane."+to leave me here in this world of pain"'that you were sorry for last night"I'm So Young,"Its the only way" gone"I sat thinking"Just As Thee"Let me sleep,"'Do you remember all that is said??"Another slice in my chest,"and we went upstairs" And keep your tender words,"We've touched before,"((original))"'All so different, yet so attached."My shattered pieces"So now to live with myself"my broken heart"What he did to me"when i think finally love"She's suddenly a spy."who commits these crimes"Take a breath in"'Til I die!!!"And has no where to go" We are"just waiting to be found"$I enjoy the sounds of my cries," road.There seems no where I"When I'm feeling blue"'Through the cracks up the sidewalk"&Pleading With Me, To Dry My Tears"across a highseat chair."I knew it."RSome good, almost all bad, the very reason the blood now spurts from my vein."With a beating heart"!deal?It may be hard but your"GBut mostly to satisfy our own need of protection and satisfaction."Your every feature"When I thought you'd":I cry when you forget about the promises you've made.")Is it always this lonely at the top?"Feel better?"RHolding yourself up with crutches, will you need them to hold you up in life?"7But its so much easier to force myself out of love"#but she got pushed to the edge"Your with her"'I'll tell him I love him everyday,"2wrapped around his finger set to dry in stone"*No one notices that one little flower"the words i cannot say"�Violets are Too,"I have to say goodbye."HAs this young girl explains the need for death at such a young age."$. . .Because i was happy there."your desires"I'll run away just to stay"I have to, somehow,"I'm lost in my head"Home, is not that far"End of Author Entry"$Knowing that that's just absurd"(or have a child between me and you."
+ 10:49"This place"You give me hopes"Of another girl"1soon to be disrupted by the unwelcomed truth"MI'll bottle it up for you so you can wear my youth on your fucking wrist"/He stands strong and chases back my fears,",But last nights memories are a bit hazy"Please send him home"@I threw our picture at the wall in the heat of your venting"/Cut my senses and watch me try to feel you"u said u loved me"&searching for a dream that's gone"And I'll take this risk"All I see is you"My hate is rising"off my mind"Informing all not to fret."You had become a team"Bare-wall nightmares,"$maybe i am, but what do i know?"And learn from the bad"I'm fallin for you"It's all my fault."Look into")Makes you want to just f.ucking die?"+He's touching her reminding her of how"my angelic disaster"FWell I was very wrong indeed, and I was confused and didn't know."1My everlasting pain,it's nothing big to you."#I hate a soul that cannot keep"any picture, any color"Would I be as strong"/And we both know it shouldn't be this way."0I hope you know all that I want you to hear"The one my friends love"/They sit by my side not knowing how I feel"on my little wrist"Complete,"'Young boys and girls in their beds"he begged" Light up one more cigarette"in the hospital wing"$Knowing I had made a new friend"so now no more headaches"so take out your blade"2The rose a talented artist, the colors dilute" Or see my dying soul so raw"1Just let me love you the way you know I can?"2and her step-dad who raped them over and over"#and I know that you can't stay"Slowly changing"We were the rejects"Unmoved by time"!"If you sin you go to Hell",")But memories turn into lost pictures"Because scoring with you""And drive away somewhere far."
+ ALIVE"light enough to linger."wondering if i am alive"Have done to me!"Help me think it's all ok"And say goodbye"3Since the beginning my life was always doomed,"Invisible yet opaque I cry"take the steps to see"!To be invisible to all those";That others may share with there families and friends."And done!"But they are"Silver tears,",� � � � � The Cliche granted your wish."That I'm gone""There's so much ahead for you"-Months of neglect have left you weakened".Just let her be the girl she wants to see"?I want to see a brighter tommorow, no more shadows for me,"@I'm telling you everything you never thought could be true," to you."This perfect world I adore"I had to say"%Pull himself out of the darkness"!Gods Garden Is Full Of Weeds".That it's obvious it's meant to be there."Had only the pieces agreed"And murders the grief"this perfect place"Every day you were silent"#As my dad walked out the door,",I only see in the shadows of the night."You confused me too much"Hear Your")As you Promise this will get better.">It's different for everyone, Everyone has their own kind,"The world turning to shit."As i fall upon the ground"For the sake of being"I'm dying"'Becoming composed it is understood"so say take me away"time and again."With much to blame"Jealousy isn't trust," So now"Just one last thing,"Horus God of"$I�m stuck to you like a magnet."this steel angel"Maybe you will too".I can't help the way the worlds fucked up""and she put her faith in him."Is it all moving?"wondering why"4but most importantly purple gives me a blanace,"They are I,"You can tease me, taunt me" If it means he's hurting me".Emily: I am not perfect my body is flawed" smooth."Yes there were fights"&And with these words I will utter"I try so hard,"!I left myself vulnerable for"+No friends in sight; No friends at all" Chorus:")You give me no choice but to move on"#Why can't I fucking be normal?" everybody else tells things"$i need to feel her tender touch"The times we spent"IAnd I'd love for you to be by my side in the moment I choose to live"&But deep down I know you wouldn�t"She reaches for the bottle"Tell her your lies"words are cheap"Does it make a difference?">>>"Rise Kurt"The man that walked out"You are the Victim."
+ A boy"rotting away my life"&Sing through tears and downpours,"She was allowed to smile,"=and theres only a few hapy memories I keep with the time"The harm you�ve done"(unfinished)"Until you hear me"Good Night!!!"you picked me"made me better." Do you?"%But sometimes step towards hell."<"why do you cut?!" he said as she rolls her sleeves up." clearer"11:11 and I miss you"8Maybe in some other place, I can agree with myself,"You know I like you"take it from me, i know"I will never leave you")1st Place: 300 points plus a trophey"#And you hardly seem to notice."3that should rush things a bit, dont you think?"SThere's something about you that seems to just reach out and grab at my heart.")I never want to see your tears again"9I feel like I'm being torn apart from the inside out"*I begin to see the water at eye level"Emotion grabs hold,"Corner winter in her eyes"I never wanted this"Feeling This Way!"!From now on, starting today."So now what do i do?"razor edged paper,"You were so fake"1But only raising a hand and glinting a smile""If only the past could change"With eyes so sad"I HATE YOU"%I'm stuck in this decaying world"So vivid and clear"7My refuge, friend, my comfort at times of distress"*Can he cleanse me of my foolish heart")please someone tell me what and how?"a memory of time not spent"Why can't you hear me"2All these deadly pills are driving me insane."$The world could cease to exist,"nothing is clear"�let me dream you�re here�"I********************************************************************". . .Of my broken heart."+maybe I'm crazy to be in love with her""I see the Devils grasp on you"'The waves are breaking out at sea."'cause i know that i can be the one"DI still pray that they break free and find their way back to me"BEven my voices don't listen to me, they argue back and forth,"Everything has an end."!This way, so ugly and hated."&Please, I wanna be the dark angel"Send the pain deep within"!Like I don't know what to do"God dammit!"To try to see".Give them the load of lies I've swallowed"
+ Watch"#I feel around, i kiss you lips"Righteous indignation;"place did I"2� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �Lost long ago."*I could just make you see how I feel."and you didn't say a word" but I can't just leave this"so slowly and truthfully"?I hate this world. I want to leave it and never come back."Don't You Hate It?"7But I don't know if I would considering whats done"Something soft- Of grace"I've seen you in my mind"As more tears fall"1growing slowly from the potted ceramic tiles"I can�t believe"I only wanted you"0Every demon that stalks the forest of hell."+But I've never been the most confident"A conflict I can't escape"I wish you were here.""together we broke our hearts,"6And in a mellow moment, your shadow will withdraw"The one who's just"KI got nothing else to give, Ive given up trying and goign back to bed,"4I could feel the same and you would never know,"Maybe I'm just fucked," Lines etched onto pale skin"Does anybody care?"Embarrass me with a chance"Wake me up somehow"Just 5 minutes"The reddest rain."Just set me free""everything I'm leaving behind"turning blue"0And if for some reason your still breathing"Cared for and nurtured."0But I could only hope the story ended there"$Something good I thought for me"@Earning another crack in the almost shattered looking glass"She only understood,"Every time I see you"5you'll walk right by avoiding their eyes turning"committed suicide"Like the toxic injection"runs threw"1No, it's what I need as well as what I want."the feeling."
+ 10:49"'and i no i shldnt change what i am"Your unfinished work"2She can no longer see us from way up there..."but then the clock tics"!At the height of my security"#Who makes your life meaningful"There was a time"'People don�t notice or remember me"enough to kill myself."5if I could play guitar like your second husband?"It fits so tight,"'You fall into the red black liquid"Pin in life"at each other"The screaming lip"Being on the open road,"Because I'll remember",thinking of breathing,crying and dieing"The Air Thick And Heavy"And you hear the lies."and its singing"I never knew"He was cold":Now I shall ravage him, taking everything else I can."A much better side"I don�t want to fall away"see what im put through?"/Feel the shame and guilt you made me feel?"!'Cause you're with my friend"I know what you feel,"No matter the chances we"Good going for myself"I want to go back"'The water trickles down my breasts"Nothing but a past"Except a part of me" Friends turn on each other."Hearts break"but anyways"� � � � � of every tock."the tears come falling"#I want us to make no mistakes."(to still breath, live and be loved."Not in the dark of night"Inside himself,"Well how did this help?" A picture of him in my mind"/Yet another story of a broken-hearted girl")Feeling a way I've never done before"AAnything would have been better than lying alone in this bed"DO I MOVE ON"But I kept it inside."I am my own worst enemy."!to himself and to all others"-But all of that changed when I found you"#I lay on my bed late at night,"of the woman he once knew"but remember you're vain,"You're a hypocrite"Sometimes I'm happy"-These streetlights fancy feathered souls"You Say I Don't Care," your name sounds in my head"-Old memories suffocate in my pillow case"&Of all the things that are around" such effort is being erased"'Alas, we'll have to snuggle close-"(He said he needed to hear the voice"I am the book keeper";Eight days passed from the last moment I held him dear"
+ pasts"This warm embrace"Must they provoke?"i think..."."Just one more time", you say to yourself"the meaning of my heart"You fall so miserably"emptiness"4I'm now able to hide these tears from the world"that look in your eye"+But can't find the words to tell them."So you're not going away"I feel like thw worst"Pushed toward me"Everyone but me"*I don't want their sympathy(or do I?)".both of these people were lost in a world"*How could you think that nobody cared"One death,"You wanted to do."You are a bad girl"Was this rain from above"Split down the line"why would i be so afriad?"+I like that you have an interest in me"To give my heart"'Trying to find the satisfaction to"4...For a moment your eyes turn a blueish green,"when we hold hands" cauntions".But there was always something between us"&I finally met the love of my life"And never happy."#Shattered glass all around me,"Darkness circles," When you're not even trying"He took his belt,"#And my future be rearranged..."+Yet your face is pounding in my heart,")All I know is Theres No-one I've got"There can be and will be,"5Suddenly I'm not so sure of what I'm about to do"s h i n e anymore"Back from the start"1But I'm trapped by a dream that's not my own"I'll push you in"And so the story does go"my reason,"Is this seat for two"wanted you to be happy"'. . .And i knew you understood me."How many years"Are these just dreams?"%You will do whatever pleases you"The abandonment of you"TDon't try to discover my world if you're not willing this world to discover you"It was never like I felt"everyrthing dissappeared"$Now I really regret what i said"8I remember all the times, I wrote my thoughts down," I've moved on for real now,"No matter what happens" Your arms around me will do")The flotsam flaps in clouds of foam,"(Why did you throw me into the wall.""That person is my best friend"Shit I don't know how"whispering my name."All alone in this world"#Until you discover the real me"where you failed"Repetitive and Painful"I don't know. . ."that make sentences"*You shouldn't have to deal with this-"'When I look at you I can't breathe"+Yet we change it to suet are own pains"'Since dreaming's all I have of you"i can not cope"
+ I do."*and filling her self up with ecstacy."I'm so lost,"!You think you know me again."QI hated you, but I also loved you and wanted you to say that it wasn�t true."only moving when the"I can just picture"/I want in my head what I feel I should do,"&I'm always stuck in a black hole,"$I'll always be your little girl"And when you're gone"#makes you laugh no matter what"#Everyone has drained me of it."I get it back"8My bed is moving, and they are coming out of Hiding"I know you stole my heart"Sleep ever so slightly"Dull but beautiful"Running out of medication"We'll wallow in self-pity"Feather this pen"I�m in this now,"Everything seems normal"Now used to its sting"&Tragic instances shred in my life"but i'm still kicking."my dear angel"Not to seek refuge"&And let my troubles eat me whole."#Never been in suicide's crest,"The drums mark the rhythm"Now that I�m gone"Hbut my heart breat at the sight of something that reminds me of you" i can fly away to the stars"The knot's been tied..."End of Author Entry"%But destiny fell short this time"So the heart doesn't fade."� � � � �She missed Him."Love me once more"and I finally knew"remind me of you."But like I told you before"He didn't just want it"that only grows"*She's standing in front of the mirror"Know that they have names,"%� � � � � � � � � � � � � �Sigh," ~Fire~"Promises upon more so"I have your life in a book"*nothing was more exciting than that .")Forever slaving away for the shadows"Soar above my worries"'then now i come down from up above"#As his overweight belly shook."that I understand"And I get a flashback"Ah, now I remember."no one cares"I guess there really"%� � � � � � � � �I'll catch you."
+ 10:49":An unpleasant filling arrived with the smell of decay"WIll you be forsaken?"GThe fangs of the snakes germinating from her head ooze with venom."That I was in big trouble"Of making amends?"like it does now"'to bring you out of the suffering."to scream about"Or in other words" You�d be there to catch me."You know you hate me"
+ empty"Of pain and pleasure,"'Whoever said that time would heal,""Making each movement sensual,"The Misfit Beauties"why bother"before death over takes me"Your changing so fast"You are real."To the stars to the moon."-That you were wrong and just plain na�ve"&Only if you trusted each other..."D. . . I'm staring at photographs collecting dust upon my shelf,"(I'd Ask you what you thought of me,"/You threw me away like a midnight cgarette""just as long as you feel safe"and the secret look."Until that night"#I'd rather not have you at all"!I wonder are we really alive"I have perfect friends"Look what you've done!"Perfectly defected"I chase to catch my lies"
+ heart"In my dreams again,"&My heart races while I'm with him"0any minute now the rooftop could just fall."out of reach" I'll Forget About The Life,"2Never learned anything from The world but to,"We went on with our lives")The day he died fans came from a far"You yelled at me"Without a heart i will be,"&You found her at her darkest hour"This is the sound"&You are too short to be an angel,"I will die"4Yet these looks of angelic beauty are betrayed,"And I'd be the bitch)"Maybe because im dead"!� � � �'I used to know them,"Damn us for our sins"drink all you can"you wonder why I cry""You imprison me in your heart"Years from now,"plates of iron glory"But you'll never know this"Can make me cry."I went toward the counter"AND TELL YOU THE TRUTH !"-I just wish you could have loved me too."?She wanted lullaby's but they gave her nightmares instead."Finally she came accross"7With your cigarettes, long necks and beauty queens"But what can I do"I'm a fool"Let Me Scream"!her someday, it's not what i"If you can't be with me"I need you here right now"$that you haven't touched before"
+ Leave"-and your tender touch and sweetest smile"",almost out of sight, in my silk pajamas"'You say that I'm so bad (I am bad)"Unfortunately for"I ask of you to be honest" it's a shame you can't see."Tell me what you see"� � � � � �"One minor problem gone."'Something a lonely person created,"!Flipping through empty pages"Tired of the pain"+enemy. Joy comes on your face when she"The first thing I do"EThis is so relieving, knowing that killing you will end my pain."*And wishing upon each one with a sigh""Will you come bury me tonight"It's the same damn thing"!As long as you are mine....."@now it wont stop bleeding...i still sit, watch it, and cry.""That is the sound of my cold," You smirk at the followers,"But it's found you now."instead of herself."But its time to move on"*...thats why you all want to leave me"/before becoming a dried out piece of shit." I, can only hope for solace"1almost reached the light, in my silk pajamas"And my faults show as mist"?Its still hard to listen to you report that youve moved on"And go after the one".The one thing that can't be taken from me"hidden below it."but no..."%Is the best feeling in the world"Fearing; Hate"Your voice washes"#Our feelings often much alike,""And I didn't know what to do."Maybe I can fly"Keep them open"1Something so normal no one would never know."to get to know you."#I want you to pull me in close"4But everytime I try, my shyness begins to gain."1I've spent years trying to find my happiness"please thats all i want..."Never were you one to die"I'm sorry,"Get out of here."$And boy I won't stop at nothing"
+ Be..."You tell me that I'm easy"Blind from the pain"AThat there are more things in life than money and possesions"&And eventually, they all did too." One for one and one for all".Yesterdays We've spent and love we shared"When things were so simple"Not really."I cannot bear"5it comes easy when my feelings are juggled about""I will end the world tonight."Nothing i could offer"It hurts to do this,"On energy alone"@I want to be your shoulder to cry on, someone to rely upon,"Said you hated me"iv." I will,"I'm hooked on you"In my dreams""This man, dead, has taken me."4but open your eyes and see what ive left behind"I'll love you now,"+Awaiting hell an its promises to keep."5Loosing my wake-up call to that hole in the boat",Give me one last reason and tell me how"I'm soaking it in,"the hours that remain"So warm so bright"#dead ends, I can't find my way".with way too much time on her Boney hands"/Being your servant is what im meant to do,""Life has so much more to show"I drew a picture"I�m quite and kind"+I'm sick of always feeling this doubt."+�If this blade allows my pain to show,"or return..."Bring Back The Sun""it's all a game, what a shame"%oops, did i spill too much info?"Hoping You Will Stay"But only suicide can end,"when he bled..."BBecause the ones who were supposed to protect me destroyed me"why did you have to?"%� � � �To her mother last night."am i dreaming?"#Because whenever we have plans"/I wanna know where you've been all my life"7Any you may not see but you will never be the same"8Then, after that pondering is my heartfelt apology,"You know I love you too."&I don't even know where that is.'"$You would always watch over me,"I look at my watch"%Friends movin, not gonna lose em">>>";This wolf climbs abroad, clinging as he makes his way,"Try to screw it all"Starves herself to death"thanx for reading my works" Now it's your fucking turn."she continues to fall" wrong," and wipe them on your shirt"Shirt "that's plenty warm"" I'll Not Pray Upon My Knees"And sat up in a chair"When people tell me"End of Author Entry"+Wherefore doest thou taunt me, clouds?" seeking it from everyt hing"but they only know a piece"%You seek my love but overlook me"&� � We stood on the train tracks,"!Loneliness is my only friend"(I should of let you speak your mind"$as i stair in to the open space"So talk to me about it"/Our lives and love, would bring lives anew"� � � � � � � You sit,"We found each other..."+� � � �I was empty without your Voice."!but is a picture worth less,"I had to take a chance")One damn reason not to cut my wrists"And I can only wish..."When will it die?"3Now I'm waiting by the phone that never rings,"and u and i both know it.",The look in your eyes as you walk away,"So soft that it is loud"Tell me its OK to run away"8Her momma used to tell her not to go near the lake,"
+ Is..."+� � � � �. . . You never really loved,"or brother"%Between your heart and that star"Barb wired lips"2Why did I lose so much of myself... over you?")Putting my restless thoughts at ease"Her perfect mind,"%that they found a picture of you"that no ship could sail"#To start again his Sunday Haze"EThe truth of who I am is meaningless if you get lost in the pain"In our science department,"lost in the crowd."%Until our past is of the present"Waiting for the suns rays"The pain built up inside" so cold"
+ To me"/Our child needs somebody to hold her hand,"People that smoke weed"*Have you been waiting the way I have?"I can just feel your touch"&To cry so hard you can�t anymore."A Canvas of Black"!You think I'm not your type."With your family"$On the best things in your life")Every word you said will always hurt"oh oh please."&I wanted to mean something to you"%And I slowly spread my arms wide"%I place this ring on your finger"$A touch of lightness; Gratitude"ABut nothing could be stronger than the bond of their hearts."Now I say I am going home"Smiling and laughing"!Tell me to be some body else":The man removes his shirt for the second time tonight"Never wanting fame"((In my direction, of all places...)")Purple calms me down when i'm upset,""When we get in so many fights"%when will i be something im not?"I had to let it go"(My balance falters, I lose my grip."It's all in my eyes")Please forgive the things that I do,"'I'm just looking for a little fun,"Time for goodbyes,"#But trust them to never do so?"A second guess."Looking for a door to open" hate"left in my chest."Within a matter of time."A STAKE IN THE HEART"%You are not considerate and fair"Their dream is over,"Though it runs away."I've learned to live a lie"Another day,"i want to be me"Because now you broke"You just push me away"balanced in the center"%With your new girl that's not me"There I was, finally free," We knew our roles by heart."!A cruel delay frustrates me,"become more obvious"Worst came to worst"you told me you loved me"%Why won't the darkness let me be"+And though it may dampen your spirits,"but i dont"A Reflection Of Ones Self"'And the thing about girls like me,"in the park one day."Lonely stretch of"but that not what's wrong"to shadow the exposed lies"I'd wish you'd understand"600 seconds of my life.",Will watch as time aestethically drowns"I can't choose"$Bloody Tears, they fall for you",But sometimes these dreams are too hard"
+ Alone"And got nothing."*FROM THE MOMENT WE FIRST MADE CONTACT"I smile like I know."� � � � Tear shaped rain.",who wants to talk now that I'm for real"/� � � � � � �and people start beating her," You once said you loved me,"what you did invest"They want me to unwind"feeling so sorry"� � 'Shut up' he growled."I'm ready to fight,"Think My Time Is Up"We accomplished alot,"8It's just another moment in the eyes we can't close"my own choices."?I see you as you turn your back to all the things you love"+I�ve got to get out and clear my head."and burn thought the hours"and you kept hating me."'Cracked And Broken, You Don�t Care"Touch his scars,"=I just close my eyes and wonder how this all went wrong,"On my knee."What was it for"4genuine, and the love that blossomed slowly was"(Do I really want to leave my place?"*Is something that I treasure everyday"taken too far?"my little white lie"!Time won't go by fast enough"Consuming Me With Hate"Chosen last for everything""Follow the path that you see,"unbalanced elements"("He can't be dead! It's all a lie!""And now he's gone,"Going their separate ways,"#this is for the broken hearted")I couldn�t believe what I was seeing"I continually disappoint."but our bare feet">I guess all those long conversations meant nothing to you"You awoke your own misery"When the lines were dulled"My eyes are rolling"to cloud our judgement,"OHours pass, and you begin to feel normal again, and you feel normal again,"Candy never lies"And in all her sadness"To say i do"/And I'll never leave you seems unrealistic" Cut me,"CFor god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son,"That's nice"#Of dreaming without distance?)" hah!"Are you scared, too?" spread your legs on the bed""But honestly..."But it will be my savior,"*Who cares? Whatever we got we impair!"5� � � � � � � � � � � Tight in the right places,"7I guess this isn't over, and and I'll stop it now."To say what i have to say"She sat at her window,".I sat in this chair and started to write,"ITS ALL FOR YOU!"Being numb hurts"as my sanity is eaten away"I loved more then"%Are Whispers I've Left Behind...")Makes you want to just f.ucking die?"And my face is but a pout."Blood runs like a river," And I,"4the same flame inside of your heart, I'll never".patiently i sit in my solitude and ponder"For to be able to say im daddy's little girl . damn right it hurts"*But you! You need to open your mouth!"'There stood a skinny six year old,"And take this pain away"I keep my self locked up"6� � � � � � � � � � �I hid behind blushed cheeks."Sometimes I wish"I'm tryin so hard"#Be my Guardian for I am alone."&Raising our voices at one another"I don't know"Alone speaking"that you love"$Then lord knows I will not miss" come screaming in your ears"I wasnt at all smooth"%I wish we were together again..."shroud her working space"We're like sisters")Dear the person that broke my heart,"He's looking at you again""This is a wish to reside"$I need the motivation to get up"Lies wern't in the picture" We'll meet again in heaven;" Raised on pop art and lies,"I thought you were a man"/I do hope our friendship will last forever""her life seems out of control"So turn and walk away"I'm all alone"to soak up out hurt"Look deep now men"So i can fold and collapse"Cause you're always down."A helmet on my head,"Cover up your false God,"Iced skin turned"see right through me or"When you lose out"5Want to know what I thought right when you left?"RI cry but my tears they just don't fall, ugh your just always so unreasonable" Could put it back together."And harp duets."'She fell asleep in a pool of blood"It may seem to you,"Our reality"!To bad theres no such place."Do not be afraid"I know what is going on"#The world tells me it can't be"Its all I have now"%I cried about you one last night"+the world is killed with hurt and pain" Rise"#Hold my hand as we cross paths" I wish that I could've died"Not to care."I was amazed"Is there a reason why"Dow low spirits"Of what I couldn't get">I'm sorry if I did something wrong, but at least I tried."Our worlds next mistake"SObviously I love, want, and need you but you fail to see the neon signs I post"Daddy dearest"4I'm wishing that you're thinking about me, too."From smile to frown"and its clear" from the streets of Delray."1Did you regret it when you said "I'm sorry"?"4searching for love with their hearts left alone"[Or so I believe]"take my ears"And into my eyes"I love you,"For forgiveness"Is it love?"You held me."And still I remember"2Can you take the lies that spread so quickly?"Its such A Cold Kiss"(Demon of fire fighting so fiercely,"Be everything I need."%i didnt want to end up this way!"8The celestial matter is the candle to light the way"?Because you always think you're right (you're never right)" So many stars line the sky."I took a big chance"Lips proceeding"%oh! theres no feeling like this!" feel sorry for you any more""but you're misguided and lost"so now i bleed" And too wonderful to touch,"Show yourself!"Always ditching me"&but take the time to look and see"you live to cause me shit."a shadow on the floor"As she obeys his command"+Strange things in this world will keep"Those broken eyes"that unhappy sigh,""And through all those moments"It takes a rest from life"And seen a different angle"%Words describing how he'd rather"!Up at 11, and sometimes one."I never wanted this life"stay, dont go away."Holocostic hugs,"%but i also cut to know I'm alive"And as I die"i want to leave this world"But the memories linger"=im going to drown in the pool of thick crimpson blood..."so she must"*so the judging eyes may not read them"afterall he won't win"Always the same ol' story"#� � � � �She needed it to bad."Change will not be the end"That never comes"but I'm not normal"so soft and sweet"FBecause her tears are the only thing constant in her small world."Melting, Sighing, Panting"3No one sees the invisible tears always present"'Through the constant ups and downs"Although I wish I'd not."That you, aren't who"5it so easy to forget this girl is really me....."for breathing"$joke or fucking hurts."Bloody Tiles".I have lost my mind, I have lost my soul,"Tears in my eyes",why am i ’normal’ when they are not" One drop of blood at a time"%� � � � � � � They look painful."(last night, the music sounded right"=The events unfolding after using the dull kitchen knife."just a obsessed freak"-Sara was found with a knife in her chest"&When you took something out of me"$Your deception is so detectable"/The venom in my veins, he is my infection,"2I will bathe in you deadly crimson aftermath." I turn my back to walk away"more so than i already am.",just a figment of her wild imagination."$My feelings will always be real"One will treat me right"
+ Stop!"response...""turning her over in his mouth"They all remind me,"RYour hearts have finally heard the things your head was too afraid to believe"Said it all"Not so innocent"I'm on my own"Fractured vision"She wants you to"$extensions of you that I should"She cried,"1What would you say if I asked you not to go," A new lessons been learned,"!In the fact that you're gone"You broke your vow"But just to open my eyes"when God ceased to exist,"And you will not believe"Trigger gunshots..."hit people with sticks,"i always loved you!!",I've got to know who you hang out with,"%new years eve we had an argument"/you can take my heart and tear it into two" even though you were bound,"Are because of you"running with my herd"8and the ones who escape into a drugged filled world"but most of all..."If only I can hate you.."$every little noise is amplified"Flowers ( unbeautiful )"!We've spent too many minutes"Slow her down,"Hollow to the core""swell from an accident with X"To be here when I need her"Watched you walk away"Poisons you so quickly"let the soulds guide you."Here in this darkness?"Until then I'll hide here" I don't care what they say.""Because I've been hurt so bad"-maybe i will have that fairy tale ending"?The love you gave to me had me feeling light as a feather."And you did."FAll the cliched "I Love You"'s in the world couldn't save you now"2otherwise she still be here now with her mum,"Don't say"1That they might lose their most precious gem"like the perfect diamond"And not go insane,";Maybe if you really cared, you'd stop treating me like"Is he in as large a bind?"I just cant spend my life"#Tell me what did I do wrong..."Chorus: I saw your love"Or anyone else"+A single compliment can change it all,"I want it to be,"$Because this should be the end."I'm dying"What if we never hung out,"8And now realize in doing that that I only hurt you'"Trapped by the queen">� � � � � � � � � � � Slipping through my Bitten fingers."My eyes are shutting." I've lost you, I know that."
+ Mine.",When You said you were going to college" � � � �" I Was Lost But Now I'm Safe"Blood tears falling"(No more tears for me shall you shed"Sleeping Beauty"%Like something you've stepped on"@The girl that was quiet, kept to herself and never listened"This is my reality"
+ Lilly"And hiding what she fears" LOVE" You have no clue what it is"'Those last words she ever told me,"Always find me."We have a deal,"GI don't want to lose the love that we have, {Or, I think we have.}"&Please don't worry, i'll be okay,".i fell for another, fell hard and i cried"'Strange voices sounded in her head"one-by-one"but shes gone she left"LEmpty condom rappers and cheap champagne bottles scattered on the floor"!How come I dont believe him,"%you choose the one you like best")Not here where there is so much pain")i tried to act like i wasn't nervous"My cheek!"to take up room?"And I'll always loves Tim" I will use you, Jenny . . ."#With this ring I give to thee,"3smiles you once bared have wiped off your face"Far away in heaven"Soon the blood will end,";I ran passed the trees...down the path and to the pond"Kyou walk past me and you dont know just how much you impact on my life"Whenever I needed to"Reality's Requiem"Perilous and lonely."$'I was sent to this city to die" I wish you could see us now"(They have yet to break me in two..."!I can't leave it all behind."I'm slightly insane")Senses heightened, raising my guard."/At night I weep getting ready for tomorrow"&I have nothing else to say to you"Its all over now,"to help you find your way,"has stopped"#The burning secret like a bird"The radio was turned down"Candy Cuts,"!Air seems unrealisitic as my"!is there still hope for me ?"I would always claim"+I'm not the kinda girl who can be in a"How much i truly care"Cocain Candy,"*Your sitting alone writing love songs"nothing unless you listen."Without you"We are the ones you fear"'Until I can find the light in this"Just for a while" im thrashing at these bands"-The screaming that no one else can hear."
+ drop," You've gotta feel something"You and I were close,"+And there is never happiness to share."#Through our promise of forever"she doesnt eat"We'd both be safe there,"~ the light and the dark~" Nothing seems right anymore"So what do you think"3Maybe I will never forget you is more accurate"&And it�s all my stomache�s fault."Intertwined with screams" Beauty unknown to the world"you're reading a promise"Once green,"$My time has since then decayed."Ayou purposely look at the things that would remind you of it"I'm glad you are a boy"Legs snapped in two"%I try to make you love me again,"And we are both happy now"finally take his leave"As I cut myself"-Signed forever yours, with emptied lungs"(the rest of my life doesn't matter,"lays in the legends" one day"!Where will I be in 10 years?"#Emotions running threw my head".I'm my own person and I know you are too,"Just sense me here"and thanks to you" Family," Forgiveness is here to stay"My life is in a downfall."I am isolated"(I've changed so much because of you"I don't like her..."%The only thing that I don't know"3So I take flight and run away from the mirror."9I didn't know what to say, for I was so very scared."tell me now....""When I think I will not allow"=your will to live had won; the cloak of death had failed"And the empty boxes"!Are all our feelings of hope"if this is my swan song"pouring rivers of regret"Along with the sunset"(Suddenly my family is falling apart"'And as I grow tired I dream of you"You walked out on me"
+ Faces"It isn't far."Still secretly believing"And then my mother's call"And what else can I do?"i used to love you"*My life is private, my life is my own",I cause the pain in my journey to help.";Pangs of guilt run through your hollow heartless mind."A girl sits alone,"and my eyes are closed"But you mind wasn't sure"and I believe in me."From when we first talked"*Bleed me back and blue from the start"Now and forever"But he came when I needed")Spent her days Splashing in puddles,"3No one understand why, I hurt my self in ways,""Why aren't we together again?"Nothing more to feel"+My bruises are fading, but you aren�t."#It was invaded and let to rot."I hate every part of you."I should have known"That seep skin deep")Home is the place, Behind your eyes,"Cursed to find nothing" Smoke seeping from my veins"(A memory embedded in every seashell"-feelings for one are still there, i know"I tell myself at night"5but when your in my situation you do what you do"So please"Is our bleeding hearts"#For what? I did nothing wrong."If, I owned this world,"Come dream with me"In this waltz"Before the birth spasm"I'm finally free from you.";take a dragg wondering what it is you love so much ..."
+ Heart"!All the flowers becoming one"DAnd it seems you are the one person that can pick up the pieces")to bad they think deaths just a joke"except lay there and die."?I will water this desert with my tears and strawberry wine".hold them in your hand and look into them"I should never been in"shroud the heavy air."Your rejection has made me"I am who I am."Holding on by a string"Round one has just begun"Another's tears,"*� � � � � � � � �Songs of acceptance,"6My fears are now my dreams, but still my enemies,"&I try to shake each past mistake,"Unfairness in my head"MBut don't you know I try to stop, but my heart has become blood stained,"I�m that fucking shadow"Love me the way you do."$That they were sent from above."i had this dream...."So full of nothingness"*And how they brought her so much pain" we meet"#� Where Nothing else mattered."#These wrinkles do not show age"#Saying no one "understands"..."It seems so impossible""not been a good enough friend"It resides in me."I'm always so depressed?"#so that I may cast an illusion"more so, i want you"accidently shot it."Will you hate me"But her daddy left me"#Or live on your own, as it is,"Knowing to her" She wishes really hard that" Hugging"The way we grew closer"Mirror me"$if only i could have one moment"7i'm sorry i'm hurting you, but i just cannot trust"The thought of knowing"You make me smile"He is now dead"he handed me a tube."That starve everyday"!at this awkward circumstance"2Just Remember Love is nothing without passion"Blood soaked sheets,"oh oh please"I hate you"
+ fears")Because I'm strung across your heart"What can you do"Her touches paralyze"keeps the blood"0But has an attitude of the monster you fear"where will u hide"$Carrying me to another mindset,"!I use a scrubbing brush. . ."from the sky"It burns."Hands frozen in place"But don't see in your eyes"Fat lazy bitch seems"The years.":Look me in the eyes and listen to what I have to say,"Don't try to kiss me":I want you to be the father that I know you can be..."with a deep stare."i live for him"Darling, baby...">>>"I am all you want, I know";if i had more confidence and could just follow through" You can"my dear angel"/Shes overcome the impurities placed by man"CTears are fading off my face, I just can't handle one more day".Your love is made of words and no feeling"I can't feel a thing""End this world as we know it,"It's become hard";in a single body consumed of extraordinary characters."Don't try to stop me,".Raise your flash point, right in the cup."6Just as the faucet my feelings can�t be shut off,"You're so going to Hell"Of a harder reality"Mouthing at the bit and">(Your always there, right where we will always remember.)"-If the Mystery can be looked upon at all"Than the sound of death"[and shattered]"i have to"RAND HOW IT WAS SO EASY TO RIP MY HEART OUT AND MAKE IT SEEM LIKE A SMALL DEAL"See through everything"Everlasting torture")There's a part of me that loves you,"%Can�t they see I�m a beaten man?"TAnd whenever you look in them, which you always do, I know you can feel it too."That's too late,"(The tissue that makes me do this..."all he's after is lust"And so I chose to stay...":Those words and others you speak drive me to the edge"And wait for it to end"for fear of death."The security of today"
+ Happy"K� � � �Hearing a new born cry, with no energy, no soul, to comfort it."what am I compared to it?" Can't you see that I'm gone"Hell I can't sew either""And knows how he feels inside"In the shadows" The more I want to be home."!Fuel it with blood and tears"The swell of a heart beat"Let me help you through,"I can still remember">>>"I saw you the other day"In the depths of the sea"Pain, sorrow"!I guess you were nevr true,""$Would you love me just as long?"&To let you know that I still care"2The silver tipped arrow, driven into my heart"The way you"/Yellow or green baby, you know what I mean"And shatter before my eyes"Or tragically hurt?",Everything I've wanted and so much more"In hope that you'll"SThere's a part of me that realizes what's behind the words that you don't say,"Dumb and stupid,"I told him no""Ummmm, no."""I'll fell your arms around me"End of Author Entry"3Master has no mercy, brought for no condition."Kissing my hand"But, outcomes the"As I walk away":You treated me like dirt, I didn't no know what to do"2When you meet another greasy haired stranger."$But apparently not good enough,"&And I live there in your notebook""Hundreds of corporate whores,"
+ And I"the seams"Just a beginning"/I scream and I scream about how I love you"I am on fire; like stars"I just can't believe them"!For every artist has a spark" Long lasting and beautiful,"8� � � � � � � But you offered me friendship anyway."$My head is telling me to forget"and I'm glad,"BI weep of bliss, for I have found, that which makes me whole."'The gift of memories grow with age"For my heart would say"#he captures you from the start""Watch as our wishes come true"When you let me"But I wouldn't listen"It is, I am sorry."I see myself"+Like another mistaken line slaughtered""I have been there once before""All these things keep running"Isn't that troubled at all")The gunshot piercing through the air"Another's lust,"With all the Vigor"I try to hide from you"7With Fingers Crossed and Eyes Sown Shut,I wait...."3and be a normal junior at a normal high school"Wind whipping in my hair"AI want your honesty, your loyalty, I need your love to live."
+ cold."%One last sigh goes again unheard"What do you want me to be".BUT AS I WALKED A BEAM OF LIGHT CAME DOWN"Crimson tears on my"Not only from me"I am alone."You see their faces now,"we collide..."(And so I'll rely on simpler senses."It's really nothing new.">>>"I count on my fingers,"furthermore who I am"#And glance at the clock to see" I have a very sharp tongue,"!We're all gonna die sometime"Cut deep,""This tragedy of love and hate"*� � � � � � � � �Silent tears poured."!You're obsessed over someone".I only wish to be you're friend and more,"theyre raping each other"Raining razors of hate""am i falling up away from you"
+ I do."Held it all inside")Lost in a time steam within his eyes"And once it's too late"So look into my eyes"1And i know there's someone out there waitin,"Become the melting air",Don't you hear me screaming "GO AWAY!"?"Unknown are your feelings"But then just pretend"I take in a breath"everything is okay."3So you walked away before the rain cleared up,"I still love you"&Hold me tightly, and don't let go".These events, the factors in the equation"$Without a doubt he'll be there,"We hate, we drink,"-She feels his presence still in the hair"To rip my heart out"Oh yea sweet thing"whats done is done"Aki Aviva"0As an infant begins to recognize his mother"but still"It's all just a blur"To Be Left In The Dirt"8And when you get home there something you remember,"Make them stop!"And I'm ready to jump"Right mingles with wrong"
+ Alone"/Grown into two very beautiful young girls."9And so I regret, every failed attempt to forget you""!i dont know why i wrote this"#Scared because I felt too much"You are my master"Not letting them choose"Burning beyond fire,"But that's your fault"regrets passed on"-Fourteen years old and you are depressed"Even though your not"In full surround"8I will never be spoken too like I always dreamed of"So much hate and violence."about my appearance."Why couldn't it be you"I hate the way you smell,"JThe inadvertent pain that caused my tears to swarm my eyes like bees."I'd suffer"#� � � � � � �says she'll call,"4Why are my father's headlights growing brighter"The secret he let go"4Thinking you would really love someone like me."&And crash down upon yourselves..."Beneath its weight"On how I'm so dumb"#When I need someone to hold me"Dark Side Of Eden..." Soon he flies with the Jays"<dont beat your kids its in the end its you that herts !"I care too much about you"And the kind I never get,"As much as I"Stay with me forever"Ever hurt me"'I dream that we are still together"But that's not the"long since passed,"SHis love is trapped in the most horrid type of prison, the prison within self."Longer I can pretend"You can't see them"Why do you" But one seems do drift off,"%And as it does my soul depletes."[To forget so many things]"Fall asleep to the sounds"I'll tear it apart"OBut she's my girl. Daddy's girl. Our girl. And no harm is to come her way."kissed with guilty lips."$Locked in moments so impossible"<When I started on the sidewalk the rain started to slow"2� � � � � � � � � � � � � � when you're here,"Precious, few at times" because it's meant to be..."As mine will dwell."� � � �you break my heart,"!It makes you feel like dying"yet so near to my pain"Also a savage"+Now we're struggling to conceal within"her loves a lie"Betrayed my trust"My heart feels sore"-And fallen is exactly what they've done."Nobody else deserves them."Out there for me"(And though we knew it would be hard"i would die for you",The other part, you're a rampaging tide"!Wishing I could run my hands"Life it calls"Once again,"and i didnt always cry"!I would be much better off.�"It devours your senses"$aroused by fear, and threatened"why do i still care,"as everything I"Looked at me"8Maybe this time we can finally say we're both okay."she gets harassed" hell"said NOTHING"into my world"sharpening the blade"CBut ill work it one day, cause these theres someone out there,"(I'm sorry for everything I've done."My shame,"Choking on my own blood"Your every move"Now all I feel is pain"Would you love me more" The only boy I ever wanted,"%He is lost without you near him,"*my own.....and the ones I have caused"C� � � � � � � � � Do you even know why you dont trust my bus?,"�what have you became"#Can you be the one to save me?"there's no one here but us" What's the point in living?"I love the way you smell" Love Lost, Bleeding Hearts," your eyes betray your heart"QAnd when every line has been written and every lyric has been said and sung,"!turn so I can see your face."*And whats right to you could be wrong""Shsh don't tell,"%Your hollowed eyes will suffice,"By nothing."+The plant of love will grow and flower"where time knows no age,""draining blood from old scars"so many cracks"Memories that survive")Are comfortable? These are questions""and to get just what you want"%There's always someone prettier,"Now its time to grow up" See?"when fate is here"I need to get up"*You load the gun that holds your past"!The demon's plan had worked."Another amazing memory"but it doesn't matter"*i see my own eyes looking back at me."+I'll treasure your sweet heart of gold"Ljust remember u cant yell at me on the way to the hospital cus i bleed."I do no wrong"!And to have a point to prove".I don't know if i'll ever over come them,"In the rain"$Every night I looked to the sky"So what do you say"6Stripping the carcase naked, as I fill with need."0I always awake, and have to get through it."that ones a cherry"%Then people would leave me alone"All that I have"And so I sit here, lonely,"Rhapsodized, explosive"you dont feel".Done without a victory, her pain has won,"I mean for the better..."Pierce me through" said..."� � The one i'd never get?"&The feeling of nothing is endless"*Like a smile to greet your dear eyes." And you carry out your sobs"A flood of horror and pain"2Grabbing every chance to stare into your eyes"&Then I wouldn't always be annoyed"Too beautiful...""don't think, just do,"I've seen you in my mind"Sitting on the floor"You contemplated that"Dance your fingers"&Say that we'll always be together"'When I would listen to you breathe".The words 'I bind thee... I bind thee...'".Our demands will for always never change,"Gforhead . you laughed at me because i always had to pee whenever i"The sun cannot melt is"Just a little bit more"Being us."8Questioning myself why, the reasons of my presence,"'enjoy your blood and birtday cake.",� � � � � � � But the Sparks not there,"Is showing again"To grasp onto""Which isn't working too well."&Because as I sleep I dream of him"4From now until the end of time...until the end."2Carved into the impression of your silhouette"that will play in my mind"I get lost you see"8The day she was told her father was in the hospital"TO save me from you,"%You made me feel bad of who I am"and the stares."Yet the whole world dies"More weird"*B r i l l i a n c e*"It was so pretty"!I see dispair every morning."-as the world hurls its hate towards her."I let out a scream,"Do you see me?"%I have those little brown pills,"(Goodbye sweets thanks for your time"-Feeling all alone, my world is too dark,"Your legs give"!I kinda, sorta ran outa gas,"%And rapture is a rainbow's dream"/A key that locks the treasured part of me."Aas soon as you walk byand I realize that you aren't with me."
+ Here."how have you been"shes not that skinny"telling me"+And you stand tall ready for anything."are you just using me?"You can't label it wrong".i have my friends, who say they r friends"6but yet so difficult for them to do such a thing."2i remember her funiral i remember how i cried"=you told me iwas you're perfect drug. and that one day i"The leaves are dancing"its 2 a.m."
+ whole"Turn the page"Don't quit now."$don't forget the nights i cried"#disintegrating from their eyes"'I give up on you for I do not care"all because of you lala"For withdrawal"Empty I lay"7Searching for an explanation of where I went wrong"That after just one year"-I remember Us and those Joyus Memories.."Was the day"And walk away"P.e.r.m.i.d.e.n.t."Behind the knife"Its too great to hide"My mind if broken"Like a light"A constant recall."-Send me a sealed and elegant invitation,"cutting it to pieces"1and you hold me like a breath when I'm weak."!Yet such a fire in your face"Id smite thee" I just think it's not right""Because your face turned red."she couldn't move"of life and struggle for"like a knife"2Master takes over, hearing the internal plea."I'm crying"5Trying to keep myself from doing something rash."about how she feels today"/dont shut your eyes and pray for my return"(Underneath the thunder we'd be warm" Act as If Its All The Same."0everyone was to drunk or drugged up to care"0"Yet in woe of friction between ambivalence"I must choose"Like A Rose"Your bodies rot the earth."The end is near"no thoughts of love,"#Wishing that,just for tonight,"So that I may forget you"The night went on"Don�t touch me"We hit the two"As our futures just begun," � � � � � � � that clashed,"and thought of the trees"Bu that won't matter"Im sorry,"OAlthough I usually ended up just feeling embarrassed that you had noticed."$all her dappled heart does hold"4You'll feel so sorry that you know why I bleed,"2There is glass shards strewn across the floor"Call my phone,"&Dripping blood from a fresh wound"!Now I can�t close it anymore"?I know nothing, maybe that's why I'm in a hole this steep."#wondering where my heart my be"You can push me away"(Taking our relationship for granted"To all your loved ones"5This has been something short of a waste of time"And hurt me so lovingly"But loving you..."2I'm at it again. I crazily slice. Desperately"Ignore the clearing"then I think of you"$6:00am, is this ever gonna end?"In your way of life"/I remember the things that you used to say"0The truth drives me into a forsaken madness"Yet you don�t care"%I trust him with my whole being,"What do I do?"Fallen angel"he wished she had known."What have you done?"but imperfect."'You're nice and the perfect mother"#� � � � � � � � One to pitied,"!I sit up in my room at night""we cried when we said goodbye"Blonde wisps plaster to my"Of the manmade monster,"The phone in her hand"turn to? Where do"8I stand in shame from deep inside my greatest sins." Fall in love with the night"!Under the old willow tree..."0Consumed in excess during judgment�s lapse."i'm scared to admit it"'I would love to listen to someone,"-The feelings, the sound, it never stops:"Because you have"Colder then the rest.".� � � � � �It stopped being so misty. . ."What did I do?"8Just harsh stares between the kindness of your eyes"What had begun."Have blinded me!"#I regret my folly all the time"� � � � � � � � � �Pain?"Explain to me"3You want to fix the missing space in my heart."#and crying late into the night"%All your definitions of who I am"ambrosia not as sweet".when the feelings i had flows thriugh you"1I won't feel happiness I'll feel depression,"Tragic spirits"#And took his sack full of toys"I have this constant need"BUT THEN I GREW UP"On the edge",The black and terror rises to my chest."GWhile he's on the phone making excuses and saying"I'm Sorry honey""more. Just ONE MORE"So void of bliss," and feel your gentle touch."I'm nothing"
+ Jason":And don't try to change yourself for someone you like"!not with words..but his fist"the smiles gone sour"And a deadly flirt"I'm tired of everything"&and thats something I'll never be"&and the red drunken veins bulging"&Still to this day, To be a ghost,"Reaching For The Top..." make me feel like what i am"#Night a crowd anywhere tonight"Strangles me down in place"I feel so rejected"$I hear you kissed another girl,"-And she wouldn't trade it for the world,"$And Im not the least bit scared"#We're lucky just for a little."'I love you, I love you, I love you"/I heard what they said but I didn't listen"consuming you,"But then I realize"Blue teary skies,"!You were standing in the sun""I�m like that fucking actress""Standing there on the corner,"Dear God,"%the nurse said its over hes gone"Throw down the knife"and empty promises"I thought it was real."Now a scream"After a pillow was thrown"exactly how I feel,"EI don't think I'll ever be able to get a chance like that again."#Was it a split-second decision"!i wish it were purple again,"CLovers eternal, friends it's true, you have me and I have you.",No one can live in the dreams of sorrow"&I hate the sight of shut doors..."8You've been left on an edge innermost fears exposed"/because what happened between us yesterday"'Then his and my friendship is over"0Living in a fairytale land everything seams"To not listen"promises can"
+ No..."She desired for him"I crack and break"why am I so down,"A life none the less,"4What is this weakness that lets me be deceived?"The lungs that scream"1Are you just telling me what I want to here?"Of deception"No where to turn"Sitting so close"and she will never cope"-How can I stop this pain from hurting..."What I Painted Were..."I thought u liked me"I wish that I would just"Don't let me trust you"Thou hidest my beloved"#� � � � � � and the pale skin,"You start to scream at me"
+ 10:49"D� � � . . .I even told you how your cat annoys the neighbours'."Raveneous winds"!I won't hear a thing you say"I hurt someone..."and rip my heart out now!"A corrupted society"You want MORE MORE MORE!"Please, just go back"&And we are n e v e r coming back."That we're unfit?""but a side of me doesnt agree",i have never had a serious relationship"9If I had only known I'd never hear your voice again."$� � � � � � � �and made us one,"nobody hears me"+Lost and alone with no one to help him"And thinking of the next,"There's only one,"But it means shit"(Delicate lines linger on fingertips"Looking at everything"6hansom I would tell you your beautiful and remind")This fucking life is beyond my help,"(Once had a dream of keepin it real,"9People think I'm happy, That I get happier everyday," Alone."#I'm getting sick of this fast,"!The rain could turn to hail,"and yet i believed u"$And now I'm free into the world" *Choke*"Not knowing where I belong" one less bitch to scream at"I haven't a car any more"9Revealing to the world my own beat and personal tune"/But You have no idea what that does to me."Be smart and return"Hugging my pillow tight"your time came long ago".Echos are carying things they never said."$Deep breathes and count to ten,"He is mine,"I asked for a father"%Love, in all its deceitful forms"'When did the lies become the truth"The answer to a question"*Are We All Doomed To End Up This Way?"Like rain from the sky,"#They are denying the existence"I've had it now"<she feels so insignificant and her existence is fading.""The man on the moon chuckles,"#But as she passes on past them"My anger is rushing"To someone else"I'm amounting into nothing"!In front of the whole world."$I Can Feel The Poison Spreading"/Don't try to save me when I can't be saved"Intoxicated intentions,"But I know I can't"they were so cold" Doubt?""How could I possible describe"+or is this the dream they call reality"And its only harder"None the less do we fall,""� � � the body spray to mask,"They're never satisfied,"When you're at the mall"-You're too beautiful for me (Close them)" And I�m counting the peaces"Spotted with ink"The light switch"
+ Love,"When I sit still"at least for tonight"$As if to refresh and born a new"Deep inside"Others believe it is false"And held my hand"I'm here every night"I beat one guy"Rushing down, you find me"6Act like you don't like me when you obviously do?"So I keep it inside."And so are the words."You don't want me gone"The shoelaces..."/My heart cries out to you, Do you hear it?"2I can see you move, i can feel you by my side"%And why I'm forever in your debt"your moon">you're one of the few for me whose star is shining bright"loved and welcomed."'Saying goodbye was never this hard"*She still manages to wake up everyday"%and I've got a knife in my hands".i despise seeing myself reduced to such a"as as I wallow in defeat.")Give me a life that is full of love,"Or smile at the fact"$Emily: (spoken) Okay, you first"And hides so well,"this is the end"3� �. . .They saw him glance at other boys. . ."I miss her" seeing a bunch of new faces""Surely looking quite strange."!We could see a glowing star."I loved you one last time"All my troubles"You don't understand"and swallowed the key."So help me"And i would not deny it"Natures Cotton Balls"Now she has grown up fast,"I will never remember"I want to be free"and see how..."9I hear your confused voice. Sober? Ya sure whatever."9I would have thought your mouth would have burnt off"What now?"So turn away" You never seem to care. . ."you were a part of me"I scream so loud"i wish me and you can be"Dnice to meet you but be cautious for it's rumored that I attack")Light fades away, everything is dim."4So what can I say about this face in the mirror"Yelling with frustration"look into your eyes..")it�s me or that I mean it this time,"MTrusting remains an obstacle your word has no value when it gets me low."$Opal walls of the finest prison";;;;[Shallow and weak]" I DID THESE THINGS FOR YOU,",Why cant we be friends like we used to?"vegetables"That you were meant for me"Leave you alone,"1Forever hating those that bring me down too,"You left me with nothing"drying on my face"Or I'll grab a knife"Will make us grow"Over the years"1Over what life had given me or taken from me"Can I scream for you"On my calm neighborhood""Ill be found only in the past"So now it's time for me," No more rainbows to go over"7Mr. Higginson, Am I not good enough for the world?"it isn't right," Driving"Her life made satisfying"
+ Pinto"We'll live off telephones,"-If I could say something or do something"and her nights stargazing."
+ I sit"im not loved"that i needed you so long"life changes so fast"of greater weight"Inspiration"$Stare straight ahead my darling"Should be your middle name"#By whom you want to be noticed"=when your still the one ive been deprived of for so long"The 'I love you's,'""but only you have the answers"Can't anyone see?":if i had of gone it wouldn't have ended up this way!!"%� � � � � � �with all the power,"I liked the diagram,"I'm the only to blame"I cant pretend anymore"!praying that it all will end"$But I took our love for granted"I am up so high")but no more and more I'm tired apart"#i hope its not goodbye forever"/Hiding myself until mankind's end springs,"Words have lost"But you can't handle it"$Patiently painting the portrait"%She said Santa Clause was unfair"I want your memoire" Angel-"I can not warm your smile,"and a past time"1But thats the thing You'll never understand,"I tell you"!and pain I've suffered in my"its hurting me"!Save me. I will have to stay"Why I do not share it"/This stupid addiction wont leave me alone,"%Praying for your sweet affection"you feel the rush" what would you do and how?""And set myself free"In these last words I say"$hehe...look, its raping himself" How can we be done with it,"the time to say"~*~"She listens to my troubles"'But i'll just keep on running. . ." Its so plain for you to see"I�m stuck in limbo"when we had scraped knees"I want you to keep it"I think to my self"=Inhalation through my respirator makes the air so clean,"'2 of the greatest men alive today,"*reminding you of a day when you spoke"Without a babysitter,"Filthy fallen angel-"so we realize")But I smiled with great satisfaction"-Don't be afraid of the feelings you feel"
+ "Yet-"$(Fragrances don't last forever)"%It left her body cold and still."!You're a stupid fucking slut"Conversation, yet""Who would blow out your brain""If I'm gone when you wake up?"&I want to get it out in the open,"2The year has passed just like a gentle breeze"Never stop"("Don't ever leave me" his lips move"/Screaming so loud, but feeling so unheard,"i cried every night"That i was meant for you"Now sane; forever doomed."sometimes I'm sad"!you never would have left me"But now you are gone" Others."But don't rescue me"No support beam"0I'm not gonna beg you to stay here with me,""You said you'd try to call me"So nice I seem,"A sight so sore"'The putrid stench of all my dreams">I will sit staring, staring into the soft sky dreaming up" Why?"(Bittersweet nostalgia enshrouds me,"And it's getting boring"Taking me back"Is "love" really real?":They find a rather lengthy note, pinned to my sleeve,"You cant forget about me"My warning you better heed"She wanted to forget"!Wilting roses soon must pass";We should be more careful about the life's be mess up."Dirty mind games,"!The midnight silently still."Is this me?"!for you it is for me its not"Good-bye! I will"5can anybody help me find what i'm searching for?"I know that I loved you,"I Thought About"-I want to be the only one that you adore"but you did nothing."before you said good bye"There isn't a lot to bare."I see the pain"LIt's so simple to make me simple to bring a smile to my face"Why can't you see this?"@As she slips away the tears creep out from behind her eyes."To say we�re through."%You sit behind me and examine me"confusion of time"$I know, I know, oh no I'm right"this was my last goodbye"Just to pass the time."'� � � � � �and she found her 'boy'"Screaming for me"But you stop me"Because when you do""Hurts more than holding back,"3Is that no matter how badly we both want this,"1I find myself filled with doubts and regrets"/If I offered you a kiss would you take it?"#Is like a beautiful white dove" And softly spoken lullabies"(I don't want to believe that though"By the look on my face"i want them to go away""Your music yes it is the best"FIt was a phone call that lasted 20 minutes but went on all night."see if I survive"&I guess what I'm trying to say is"Blasphemous love,"� � � � � � � My lovers,"$But sorry can't change the hurt"Smiling on the outside"+And then she goes back to feeling numb"!If things had been different"2Every time I look sad people just keep prying""(I wonder how that happened?)"And wish you were here"Alone in her room"yeah perfect uh huh..."&so she'd lock herself in her room"'Keeps me from remembering the past"All I kept inside for us"A Year ago today"%I lay my head down, try to rest/"Will it kill me?"$She knows this is for the best."Br:"My times are done"� � � � �Then last year."'Why do they have to see me so sad?"!Fill the dark and lonely air"If he doesn't come back"$And I'll promise you, it's not."5they show you as a kid and the days you grew old")running water cleans me of my guilt,"
+ Love,"When you're the only one"If I impune on your life" Helped"-Happiness comes with the rain you bring."$Pour out you're heart and soul,".to know i cant be by your side.It's hurts"the next..."4let's just keep things how they are for a while"*And this is a friend we won't forget."Wondering what he thinks" I think"I live for you." feel"The real you..."Your heart screams...""when im feeling down and low,"SNever shall I fogive myself for taking you away, the light in my dark reality."1Lying hopelessly in the darkness of suburbia"Wearing away my surface"$I need you gentle, tender touch"'Your loyal clocks that surround me"The promises you made"4I can't meet your demands. I want you to leave."#The beauty she doesn't know..."deception"!Couldn't even find the words"#Is my decision for the better,"!Composed a symphony of sound"/You never ever helped me run away from you"Hatred, Vengence, Tears,"Kiss....."Breed to kill,"one kiss from her"9Without you in my life, the dark night I would hail,"you sweat out your fears"one thing I know is true.""With your hands upon my hips,"(I�ve buried it for long enough now."Paradise in moment")Where was that girl from their past?""when I open my pathetic cards"#I had the chance to say yes..."because all you wanted"Look what shes become,"8I didn't think I could hate you any more than i Do,"+You hold them for that one last breath"1I want you to know every time you reject me,"This town has ever seen"1My talents and wounds will only expose yours""Bored enough to make me rhyme"'I wish my longing would deliver me"KThat I'm standing in the same place only able to watch you shed a tear"and contain yourself"The part where I walk away"+I need your touch, the closest embrace"2to the feeling that lies below the water line"that every night"Deep inside I'm all alone"And what I found" oR Me?"Hold me in his strong arms"%and im going straight to hell...":but the worst is my heart lies shattered on the floor"4Athority overpowers more then your proctection,"Prey for your Faith"I feel so rejected"+Before I knew it I was in the backseat"%I hand you the key to our future"(From the pain of change)"Why are you goin there a-"nothing is ok."The only one"$I love the way you say my name."%Hopelessness took your life away"If only I had known" Hearts":[something with animal crackers in hand] masquerades,"Bleed crimson sins"You let me,"$I'd go to the ends of the earth"Want someone else"9They think that anything can be solved with a prayer"but nothing could replace"(Chills of Pain coarse threw my body"$Let it kiss the stars goodnight"#Blades & pills, my devastation"1I'm upset about the things that i can change"$no one watched her at the party"I'm in submission,"4She was on his side Hesitent to speak her mind."always be"The memories of you".I Forget the reasons why i loved you now,"1Do u think all the dead loves go to graise??"I am the memory"Skinny, hot, and tall"while I'm thinking of you"No tears can I shed"!I spend my nights wide awake"Without realizing it"'Of the love you thought you'd won."It hurts to say your name""show me what you expect of me"3And you asked me to sing for you ( and i did )"And I dont understand why."7I say, �Don�t do it.� He said, �I have no choice.�"My passion"
+ alive"In her own agony"And then they disappear"I wanted you to know" When you look into my eyes,"+I've captured an enigma like no other."Perfection at its best" Away..."so get out while you can"Our sweetest sin."tighten that belt"'Will you even look her in the eye?"With a knife"its not that simple"*Just trying to forgive and forget you"Destroy the Source"To change this"1and half of you doing just that, just now..."8Crushed, a twisted abomination of it�s former self."%You can't seem to comprehend why"%leaving your self to drown alive"-upon your tongue the piquant taste would"+Across the moonlit pavement of despair"!I'm just tired of everything"Which you cannot have"Only this time"3I like my independece, I like me the way I am,"And noting less"what a bannana head"i express them poorly"7but i realize that happiness is the key to success""With it an unfathomable lore."But he doesn't know it"And give an explanation"It's here"+Even though we've been fighting lately"It's a dangerous thing."-The weight of a thousand nightmares, and"I don't miss the feeling"2Do I choose to believe that you want me, too?".A love of unproportion, hell-bound kinds."where did it start":Stop asking all your questions you only make it worse"%So tell me you love me more time"u tell me ill get betta"%forms an unforgiving sky of ash."0as the stupid lost bitch everyone's labeled"'There�s nothing to say, do, or be."!Holds me in a lyrical trance"I never thought that you")These four walls close in once more.">>>"0I get butterflies in the pit of my stomach.";(This razor-blade communiqu� has left its mark on me)""She is the girl"&The graceful, sweet, angelic girl"#As the night goes by I realize".I can't cut it out with this razor blade,"for so long" I try and see for a moment,"Deeper into her skin."!You took the nearest exit..."%� � � � �So i stand at the side,"2I see lightning bugs, wolves, and everything,"Time we were together."I started to see"3� � � � � � So i Emptied myself with Scissors.""I thought you were his child.".But that still won't answer your question"I didn't move it"Failed as a daughter too." Your Words Give me Promise."!wanting you to hold me tight"You. You were used"Bottled up inside,"(I fade away while standing in front"*Hiding away in these freakish clothes"Exactly what it means,"get a little risky"=They think I need help, but you what? no one will listen"They are deceitful"'And threw her back without a word."KWhile we let ourselves pretend that it means something so much more..."I cant get him of my mind"-Until one day on my last search to find,"anyway i coul d be dy ing"%I know better than to even think"I love to eat chicken",Stitch up the halves of my broken heart"#I close my eyes and I see you,""I see the way you look at me,"Memories of friends"but you're so much more"Heh that's funny"#That you would always be there")please stop these tears from falling"$Don't ask her questions anymore"$It's the worst possible feeling"you never cared before" Chorus:"that its true"#The world was hunting him now."My life is now"now I can move on/"#Tossed away in morning�s glare"her thoughts changed."Cry no more,"And you said you did too"'"tell me now what you want from me"Why would they?" Life is exasperating enough"In the middle of the night"just hang in there sam"...Listening to Mommy."But it did" Theres Something wrong here"9� � � � � � � � � � � That she locked up inside her."What was there"Broke out of the dark."just waiting to die" gonna have to deal with it."a fire inside"All while I wait for you"It seems that every"+wishing they were strands of your hair"1I hope you can feel the knife of these words"!You say that you're in love,"worth living"'Did you send it to the north pole?"youll hate me"ripped it in two"CI just wanted to say thank you for all the great times we had."and pop them in your mouth"7No matter what happens, there's one thing to know."
+ I was"how many times it take�s" i pray,what i dream.There's"/And down my throat, into my lungs, its ice"Shadows Of Me..."that make poetic verse" Maggots""Say Hi to the Branches For Me".Now you say I don't want to be around you"#The comfort of your emptiness,"*Will I be down in this level forever?"In mirrored motion"I hope he can hear me"and give you my life"The Raging Black"#but your drifting away from me"3Of watching the future lie undefined before me" As I look into my own eyes."3Those two arms that held me, when I lost faith" I'm leaving a friend behind"3It only feels right in my fantasies in my mind")and i thought about what i had done,"You beat your self up"Break me down"$I will no longer have any fear."&But my best friend you shall stay"And wanting to get away,"And decay into the earth,"Chosen last for everything"7Heart begins to pound,as tears of hurt stream down"Let it become a reality"*I have to admit its attention I seek,"if they went away from me"Start over new, fresh"You lead me on that way"That we'll never fight"What have I done"(Why must I carry this heavy burden?":You'll keep building the wall around your dying heart"I'm on time"and that was a lie."4I was still getting used to being called mommy."#I thought this was an overcast"(As we prepare the passing of worlds")These scars are a constant reminder,""As you slap me one last time."Eskimo kisses but yet"You will not miss me,"In the box" giving me quite a headache."$When you laughed and you talked"Even I have too"$The wishes that you make for me"%But I lost so much of my dignity"
+ wrong"/your not the friend I saw in the beginning"And call it quits."only god know why"As the air get thicker"'It's time to end all our suffering"You're renewed"You were meant for me"-And anticipate the next moments together"You're such a hypocrite"If I had only known" I hope,"Love to me"But from you the truth"Don't seem like you"Why not him?"I'm clueless."$You wonder what's wrong with me"Only to be gone the next""(Soft, light and liquid-like)"0Open cuts, pour back the salt into its tin,"'and not showing you my better half"That is far-gone."Alone in my virtue"!They did not apreaciate him.""� � � this pain ever present."5The answer to all these things is 'I don't know'",that you just escaped another nightmare"4� � � � � � � � � Park gardens in the sunlight,"8Choosing to be closer when further would really do."So many times"and I stayed mad at you."� You voice pure,"(Exhale a heartbeat, short and light",The silence of my life swarms around me"(and watching the clock strike 12:01"%The neonatal novelties of chance"Cover me in your love,""along with my life. Don't you"Wishing for Tim"You still mean the world!""-With our hands interlocked in mid-motion"But im stuck i dont think"1Hurt deep down by the mistakes I have caused"The harmony of a heart"$Nothing's ever gonna be alright"Dude you're so gay'"*They push and pull at me, they rip my"
+ 1,2,3":Sooner or later he would see she only carried blanks."$Figure out what I'm looking for"Not drugs"*And can't believe what they have done"When I slit open my truth"Look at the sun"AHer savior from the dark, unruly reality that was her world."-to lose fat and to content their lovers."6I continue praying and begging God to help me out"When your brother"I was so blind"in this tease" as you punch me in my lungs"Crimson tears."I wish would go away"In someone's eyes"#But you know once shes got you"Since I can't hold you,"'and I'll come out and show my face"
+ speed"&The wind passes through my shirt,"Of wild butterflies"Another broken heart">Even though you�re the one who grabbed it and twisted it."Scare away all my fears"The chocking tears." I feel"3i want to be loved i feel like no guy likes me"!of this enigmatic collecter."
+ heart"How I treat you horribly"And sing a funny song."2Yet we see only in angles braced for exposure"
+ Wait?"Yet not forgiven"but when we went out"He asks, "What else?""Wasn't pleasant"YOU WAS NEVA HERE !"See"$After all she is my best friend"M� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Laughter streaming like an unfrozen river."$Drip from storm ocean blue eyes"<im just a littile man living in a world moveing to fast"her loves a lie"Full of hesitations"!A world without you is Hell."That Made You So..."To feast on me again."my dear angel"To make me die"In the blink of an eye"He calls them his"To believe that we will be")now its are turn to meat again today">But the same thing seems to happen, the same old routine,"*Am I freak because you see my outside"5eyes, I wish I could find some kind of disguise."now">No one understands a girl who is half angle & half devil.",i cut to punish my self if i have eaten"-Its ok to want me...I know how you feel,"and I hope you understand"they say im dumb"I hate all of the lying," � � � � And whisk her away,"I fell again."memory all alone"Watch the birds sing,"mum doesnt NOE!"%have to figure out whats there..""Sit third row from the front,"I deserve so much better"From taking these pills"'When did the truth become the lies"ALL YOU WANTED FROM ME"forever is dark"'How do I survive if you walk away?"2An embrace that withstood the strongest storm"+I'm hurting and you've pushed me down,"I wanted you to need me,"!but the words won't come out"My vocal chords cut"Onto the journey"*Eroded with all too much life at once"to follow something,"With your response to me".Looking with both eyes to a sky who won't"$Watch all the pain it can bring"&Behind my frown are tears. Behind"This boy of eighteen"I care..."!What if we made that switch?".Holding your hand and knowing you're fine"CAnd even though I never thought these words would pass my lips"%I will no longer be able to feel"1Crushing my heart with your vise like words." Tuck"&And he is no better than you are."They only see the shell"
+ Fear."I love the way I love you""and i just want to feel good,"My Life is like a poem,"is all I have"YOU DRIVING"never found words"And I'm stronger now."At heart,"I need to realize"its too good to be true"Bbut I exceed myself in making a decision which might be final"heart pounds"One last time...">� � � � � � � � � � � � � �her smell was making him sick,"Jand oh how wrong i was to think that you would try to prevent my fall"i arnt all that"&My soul. I choke on life and want" have loved someone so much,"(But then it isn't exactly stopabble"-Like yourself you can't you are but one,"to numb her sense of pain"AI start falling, but to my surprise the man catches my hand."Hating You Much The Same")Was quick, but sick, with his reply."&Falling incoherently,so perfectly"#Im just a little white tablet."I want you too"." Otherwise I'll keep falling"&....but it's the only way to end."3she knew the outcome, but she let them proceed"(I hear the voice in my head saying:"it kills me everytime."!(I dont want to be with you)"I still cant let go"But after a while"Cut through the sky"Are you laughing?!"%Stories are dreams told out loud" Don't worry my fallen angel""I tilt my head back and I cry"You leave me behind"I can't take being lonely"We went through something"Abut thats what this strange boy loved..... the emptyness...."When you started cheating"I left a message and,"now im all alone"0Love is in the realization that love smells""Dying to be alive another day"not for you""is going great.Then i realize")Now do you see that you really cared"&I'm not sure how to write anymore"is burning"5Ive cursed and screamed to the ends of the earth"her dreams"The world is falling apart")With screams across the living room,"&Then you notice that this is real" Admit we aren't needed here" I cried"If ignorance was a bliss"my dear angel"Just one moment"@That's up to the spirits of life, who breathed life into me"#i give my soulless empty shell"Theres no one home"%is the pain that you can't feel."8You were so pure that when I looked into your eyes,"� � � � � Inhale,"Day"%I'll look at you like your crazy""Free Your Sins, You Can Pray,"to see you go"No running from the grim" �My life is falling to shit"/� � � � � � �I watch the water swirl away."'I stared at every last rose petal,"#but what do u really see in me"you simply tripped,"EI don't want to see, see you walk away as my memories fade away."5A no was lurking from the depths of your feeling" my mind"To fall asleep to tonight"Hold her," Whispered in my loneliness," That it's enternal and pure"Between smoking and me"Push you again"(The ground just seemed to disappear"!You mean so very much to me,"@An angel I can't be with all my waking and sleeping moments"If she should die..."&take the step and become tougher,"And not there" speed,"#The stars are gone from my sky"Please don't walk away"When you said it"When I needed their love"#Oh dear God what is that sound")So lets not try to make up our minds"An empty breath reflex" � � � �I'm a little taller,"
+ Trust"
+ Tears",thinking of dieing,breathing and crying"A kiss that gently faded"I did it, its me"I wake..."While I loose all imagery."As I sleep and lay in bed,".That song reminds me of the place we were"#That's spilled upon the ground"2It'd make me the happiest person in the world"height and age"What can I say"But I laughed in my head,"and carry you to security"!That's the most hurtful part"so light and careless"words into a silent night,"!And everyone else should too":I never knew talking to you that'd I'd feel like this""� � � � � � And that trigger," breathe life into my dreams"I should have known better"0I know now that you've thought of potential""as if the glass is half empty"Lying in your arms,"Brokes promises.."Together, let�s pretend"%� � � � � � As you held my hand,"to see if they will know"will not go away."The scream."-Locked beneath the memories of lost love"dry my tears ."When you fall down."'Do we really belive what they say?"#i cut my wrist i write ur name"Don't listen..."As I spill out my heart""I just want to be left alone,"everytime you look at me"Is more than friends"+that this grape was all mine, forever."3� � � � � � � The beer wouldn't make him burp."9Your hand plunges into the darkness brining me hope-"MYou said you wouldn't hurt me again . but now im doubting if this broken"but i should have"$the misconception of friendship"0A tree of knarled branches and twisted lies"Remember me at seventeen"$I cannot fulfill succeed or do,"#All they do is stand and stare"� � Lying on his bed." A brisk assumption of guilt"-always hurting the ones i love the most,"Begging for your life."BOne Thousand "Should Haves" Run through your Mind as so does,"if your so perfect"Ive missed my 7 am"%Hurting myself, but to what end?"But he's three years older"
+ could""Right threw my breaking heart"� � � � �Just for her,"At first you seemed"Art is my escape"&Forming to her curvaceous design."Locking me up behind fear"And don't even stall" You took your own life away"(A smile that will not fade quickly."Who like to smoke weed" &lt;/3"Lying awake at night,"� � � � � � � � �And say"You make me whole"3These lies I hear, and these words they speak,"And take my fear away"But every time it rains,"and the insecurities."&Answers to the greatest questions"I love the things you do""pain is dripping from my eyes"as all the rest."JAnd really, it was because of something that was entirely your fault."+There are times when I'm inconsolable."6and I wish I wouldnt have to cry over you anymore"on the floor."And rushing out""There is no where left to run"#And although not much was said""He sent her a letter in April"never knew this was you"I was just scammed"Shoot a bullet at the sun"But I'm me".tonight is the night, my dream comes true"My feeble heart" you."Deny it all you want"/thick crimpson blood oozing its way out..."Fyou decided to rip it in half and eat it for your own enjoyement."Burping while he ate"Forgoten notes,"So many dreams"#please dont any of you follow,"lost and forgotten"and the pain"(Incoming fire has the right of way."(But if you looked, I know you'd see"And heard a sudden noise"I can still remember"Is cry..."both had the same dream,"That I am who I am"#coz they all fucking judge me!")but actions speak louder than words."-As that feeling begins to grow stronger,"Powerless and weak"!This always seems to happen,"empty words"=They saw their daughter, and got an immediate heartache."!How foolish were my thoughts"Clutched in his hand",my heart tells me to stop. Not to worry"i cry for me"You have no clue,"too long."
+ Night"I loved you"But I swing and I miss"#My feelings are mixed and torn""As the statue cries surrender"8I�d do anything to stop this bickering and clatter."PHow much longer will I be put aside? How much longer will you keep this up?"What if I were a prep,"something about you"Content only in my arms"A third time,"Surfaced smiles"+an average angel who does human things"I already know what I lack".To show her love for him would never stop"And sweet goodbyes" Regret"%A place I like to call a dream..":so i just sat there in silence .falling more and more"I just live and breathe"ABut that peace was to be short lived, and only last a while."'As much as I love watching you die"4Screaming out loud the things I'm afraid to say"4At last my dragon comes to dance away the night" � � � � Scratched her chin,"But There You Will Sit"$Out of my eyes I scream for you"1^Could be easily coded for a complete layout"them having any other".'cause my parents will send me to a ward;"I'm sorry that i hurt you"Away from everyone"(to feel your heart, I'd come undone"I let you kill me"0Haunting me in the night when no ones there"'I love the way your t-shirt smells"Break these walls,"4We'll live off airports, freeways, and drivebys"Jesus Christ"<Too tired from performing on this patch of unkempt lawn"But You�ve Left",The last night I'll ever spend with you"$Outbursts ring through the air."(My dreams have faded away to light,"Don't save me,"#True to myself as I was to you"$Because now you have to return,"Maybe I can,"don't let me escape"I always wanted to grow up"$And boy I won't stop at nothing",Why can't you just tell me you love me?".how I long for the cold truth to be a lie"/Crushing People Has It's Negative Effect!!",They are glued to the sides of my feet,"should i be here?"That's a lie"DMy conscience says, that it's far too late to reminisce for you"I drive by your house"her eyes so full of hate"now your gone and im alone"So please"&� � � � � � They locked together,"0Petals curled into ebony on the dance floor"I must have hurt you,"-Lovers in love is such a wonderful thing"And I want you to know"+But I notice more and more that people" I'm playing with my friends"Hear your children"that has everyone staring."Of sorrow..."That's what made it stop."A flip of your lashes"Becareful What You Wish" And I'll find my way to you"!The puddle is swallowing me."PHow did I end up the bad one? The pathetic one? The one with all the wrong?"The way you kissed me"2I'm so hyper I could eat yours guts out again"all of our love"#and yet you loved me anyway..."You seem to care"/feelings for you too, from a long time ago"
+ Dead."I don't want to believe">I love my peter dearly and hes been hard to live without,"4She lies awake each night pouring out her heart"#I was never worth the grieving"You played me,"!I'd wait until they'd return"Without you"%I am more than your punching bag"/When you love me like you love to breathe."When you know the truth"#Its almost as if you were dead"+By that little blue umbrella, you see."Bright green eyes,"%they have been cheating and lies"all is gone"#Pretending everythings perfect":Finding me there in my secret realms of make-believe,"While you saved me"'Please don't walk away from me now"+is blaming my self and wanting to cry."Now arm these thoughts"%� � � � � � � � � � � � �Exhale.";Finally I realized how wrong it all was for this to be"*The clinking ARMor of a hollowed body"Bury myself quietly"Temper tantrums, �"1Because if I wanted torture I'd do it myself"7Why do I have to go thorugh this war that I fight?"'you can turn your back on tomorrow"Maybe you'll"for a long time"Made my heart throb"I'm rewriting December"4I still would have this urge to write and write"and she thought about him"&& placed apon the lips of him/her"4You never uttered a single word to say good-bye"(How yah doin' stranger)"2Black pools of lies morph into truth unknown."I am worthless, remember?"Maybe I am just that good."You don't know it"$As the way I've fallen for you." Chorus:"'to feel like i am worth something,"1There, in return I vow as your eternal wife."A shattered lie I became."
+ Don't""I've been praying to the Lord"*It's not like I'll be here all night."I'll ask in my head"'and we are wrong... Well FUCK YOU."!As I toss and turn all night"How"!and she cry for once in days"but he doesn't know"L� �Tells Courtney whatever hideous Nail varnish she wears is wonderful,""our bodies pushed together..."And"the moon is a liar"'They found her body still and cold"*Because I long for when I can emerge,"Your my father,"no to end hope,"8but her spirit will live on forever in their hearts"My Frog Prince"#He kept me from my destruction"Main event: the voice of"Or do you put up with me?"$and missing what you didnt keep"'Of the wonder that is Lady Sunset."&I grow tired of your little game."Until darkness falls"Funny! In those double")Isn�t everything unclear once again?"And finally be free."i loved you so much"have I felt close to you."It hurts to address,"My Pragmatic Pantamime."-I've always left these matters up to you"If you ever came close"It's all bottled up"2I guess me; the fuck up, fuckT up once again."'� � � �and i listened to you sing,"so immense"You"But i beg of thee"+It's an undescribable emptiness I feel"#Maybe then I would have it all"I breath in deep"6Now cumming again, with one horrific last thrust,"
+ that�"and so called invitations."HAnd could never admit it I was just afraid you would break my heart"Slowly now my eyes close" I have never felt more safe"silent ly cr ying"V2:"To the way you walk"They hit your pillow"&This past that has scared my skin"what can he do"(Telling me there is nothing to fear"Jaded eyes"I can be nobody but myself"So why now?"3expect your eyes to stare, I'll never expect a":But I'm sure our conversation wouldn't last very long"It got harder,"6Sick And twisted never looked so good in a skirt,"#The dryad ducked away from me."$Yearning for all that you give."0And she never learned from all her mistakes"?Will make me feel protected, and make me feel safe inside."%My sweet lady of miserable pain?"Ride it out until dawn"I cannot disguise"out to dry"I can't be dead!"*Curled in a corner of my twisted mind"Go on believe"(It's impossible to get close to you"I look up into the sky"I'll scream like I did"*Showing their craving for acceptance,"My loss of concentration"*and life passes me by without a sound"#I share all of these with you,"my chest, the bay mare"$............tragedy............"as i sit here thinking"It won't be such a shock"She doesn't know how"$Probably make you think your it"6Can you not see what I am trying to do to myself?"2How am I suppose to live when I�m suffocating"You throw my honesty away"#Through a soft sunset symphony"you didn't know me.",And suddenly now, hope is wearing thin." My Hearts Bleeding On Paper"to sweep you off your feet"for running away."The last life spent,"You were right,"� � Shame,"&I'll leave here and drown myself,"&As you can imagine - I never win,")I wouldn't have a single person left"#Down to the crack in your ass."And not some silly romance"And she knew it"� � Tears are precious,"Than this pain I feel"-The boads soothort her with their crongs"*I didn't care if they were cast aways"This time at least" Is key"'Look with bloody eyes, see my hue?")never wanted to be told these things"As it may first seem."don't know what to do"!with the pain of being apart"To see your face again,"?It's through, we're finished, you're tearing out my heart,"Because you are too blind"There I was waiting"And I�m slipping"A certain shade of red"If I make some more rhymes"I should have been upset"happiness"And vibrant colour"*I wish you could say you love me too."%so I'll just keep it all inside."#And I want to sit here forever",The opening in the island is his Chapel"they never loved me back?"January 12 2002"I remember the moments"And always will"Shaking back and forth" Of me!"Shattered"'you wernt suppose to open the door"she's a sucrose angel"!And get dragged further down"Behind my door,"&because you think abortion's okay".Who's mind are we in, We will never know,"3I've looked into this mirror so many times now"4The nights spent wondering why they never cared"-i have no real talents that set me apart"She loves him"+Pleaze tell me nothing feels the same?"to cry and drown out"upon his inverted cross"%Cut it down to keep your promise""And you were always with him,"Life is crap"3You may now claim what is yours. You may kiss."Counting down the seconds"%'Cause Santa Claus died tonight!"All my tears dried up"my dearest"Don't bother to be unkind"Into more nothing-ness"But it isn't happening"Shadows rupture"Tears Fallin..."'If I could tell you how I love you"feel the pain of you hand"6The realization of this brings me the most pain -" the color of their skin..."$Unspoken voices clutter my mind"%[We send our deepest regrets...]"-I feel my self crumbling from the inside"Because it is up to fate"2No matter if ya fall or stumble, you'll be ok",The scent sticks to you don't hide it.."-Fighting one Obsticle,Placed in our way."Because it'll never change"Came rushing back to me."Everything was so mundane."%Pain is something everyone feels"Try to tell me it's okay,"im no longer alive"for every little complaint"In their first kiss." These words never come easy"Oh, now you don't."'It was never in your best interest"Do i wish?"-why does this pain seem to last forever?"much i love you!!!"%� � � � � � � � � � � �Breathed,"=Innocence is spilling over the halves of my broken heart"Kept It Buried"Do me a favor,"%To drop me off something better."2The frozen roses are shattered to the ground,"Rapped up in my sorrow"'I feel close to you, so connected."A dreamer's reality">>>"I couldn't move"You remember the name" It's about your true inside";� � � � � � � � � � � � Drawing pictures of her smile."+i would do it too, if for just one day" and let you ruin your life."Just to be your girl"1Parts of my phantom shall die a minor death.",The scent sticks to you don't hide it.."Night of sorrow"you changed my life"'You will never know the plain view"4To see kids look up at you then dance and sing."Their bodies moving"A doctor comes,"Secure your heart"+It was without thinking and in a haze.""I called you and messaged you"$waiting for a voice to call out""In woe of wonder and in vogue"SI start ripping out the disks in your spine and chucking them across the room."You weren�t there." Recedes when I need it most"Promise that you'll forget"@I race toward the bridge of christianity and brake suddenly"7As my tear filled eyes shone through the dark. . ."they EVER"what i had to mention"I�m tired of explaining" are marked across her grave"She cried all night"though many lost"Trust my advice," Can't hide the hate within."I Crawl To You"I have no more answers",Who do I sulk when everyone's laughing?"+Keep your head up, it�s only September"
+ Away."Made in the dirt"#Into an incomprehensible mess."No will to go on anymore"2Nothing of me is not owned my him at present,"-suicide thoughts running through my head"as you face the night" "I'm going to war", it said"1Passion blooms, exploding all over my heart,"So pardon the stilted,")While you thought i wasn't listening"I thought you"
+ Wait!"6because I don't know if you're tell me the truth."+It just takes a little piece of mind.."We Leave This Love Dead"It's time to pick"(Thinking about you makes me wonder,"(I'm too tired, and you're too dense" no pain"'I am inside her most genuine fears""I don't want to feel this way"<But happiness overcame, and that's all that would show."Peace and rage".Just let me surround myself with shadows,"We're ganging up on you?"#Or did it take a little while,"not that I care"I will lose and faith"We thought we had been")We have each other, now and forever."After the razor" off my arm and onto my hip."we collide..."$but I die with each passing day" Chorus"Terrify me.")( you make me feel alone sometimes )"-Baby for the rest of my life I am yours."Sure who doesn't."Its not just another lie"+i've also been told i'm no good at all"Play the victim"Leave it behind and"You Dumped me...."No matter what you say. ."Pouring it down my throat,"Somewhere in between"Then I blink""You stayed with me that night"Shes the girl,"/I want you to tell me your deepest secrets"you picked me"Breakin me"9I won�t let my mind crawl back to the thought of you"-and feel the need to slap you and scream""With my heart beating faster,"#Painted face masks all emotion"And every song is wronger"2YOU MADE ME FEEL LIKE I HAD NO REASON TO LIVE"&That's when we go to bed together"#Long after I walked home alone""So tempting to just fall away".With her will she lifts me from the floor"My demons keep me safe,"I was fine, I was fine"/So he'll realize that of you there was one"we all wrote you a comment"The tears will dry"NI trip so hard over the questions of my life....the main one being "How?""My Teacher."=But now it's February 3rd and I'm screaming my lungs out"Yet sitting on my bed"For when they were mend"And slowly fade."I know I said I had to go"!Never ending stories of this" The saddest day in December"Cuz you made a mess"'You corrupted the very youth I had"$............tragedy............"'PAIN because I want them to see..."!Cause i figure in the winter"with everyday that passed."Taking our dear old time,"black bored dreams."#Why must you do things to you?"The beauty is pulling me"-I don't think I even truly know who I am"please don't do this"L:is for looks you give me"I reach for you."1One day I'll have the courage to talk to you"if I was tall like him?"� What happened to you?"2Expressions of love that I feel but can't see"/I will not be controled by you any longer,"This is all an act"'Innocence has become just a memory"Superficial"Had not begun."#hold me close and never let go"warming my ice cold heart""Darkest night with me resides"$But sometimes I'm not that kind".dreaming about Hollywood and heart shaped"She's done...":I don't want to be here I never want to see you again"[your better off this way]" Shrouded in a cloud of why?"3Sex for the guys who say they have giant pecks"As long as she knows"And I raced up the stairs"PRETTY GIRLS DIE LAST,"I want you here to stay"and the forgotten lay."My emotions shut"nice knowing you..."Lately I've been crying,"Time that I get something"D� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �they know what nerve to touch,"If I were to promise you"Rose petals sleep"%Because society is not civilized"My paranoia seeps in"Just stop it."1Flaunting her many shades this way and that."Just sincerity"!Pulling strength from us all"3but a raft of loneliness upon which she sinks."Is this love true?"2And yet with gard'ner's love and fertile care"He asks, "Why?""the heavy bars...""no consideration for distance"0that you were worried about your girlfriend"&just to be in your arms every day"<You were making me love again, where I never did fight."I have been awake"To be happy for you".all i find are broken memories and my new"Screaming in my face"To cold to feel"%I'll take it like the woman I am"/but attempt to try and cushion their fall."&I should still have at least one."The hands of the others"0no matter what I know you';; still love me."!No one ever knows. When will"I'd do anything for you"I work hard as well"%If I could see inside your soul,"?You will always be in my heart and soul and spirit forever"Picked up and swept away"my heart begins to beat"This is not reprisal...""when they say they care."I felt so safe in"There's nothing here"It's Gone For Good,"Why am I like this?"even your dreams":just tell me why it is that you just won't talk to me"It hurts a lot"/They way they leap can leave you in a fog,"I soak my fingers,""But I can't stop touching you"I was just wondering".This arrangement we have works quite well"I cried today,"#I�m sorry for the things I did"So vibrant in color,"Just let her go"And Do This To Me?"And you walk away"Her sobs grow harder,"!and feelings not understood."-Cause our hands, they made a perfect fit"Always the friend"my dear angel"Of an Iraqi Guy"All I get is ridicule."Pouring out all this anger""Love" her,"I want us to be alone."%Telling me that you want me too,"6You're so out of reach but yet I need you so much"4and now I'm slowly dying inside without of love" We are"7� � �The little girl sat upon a dark lonely stair,"!Even with the smallest touch"8I cry on hours all by myself, I never get to sleep,"!and KISS YOUR HEART GOODBYE,"$When its unleashed and set free"i just want you"From smile to frown"!though you are rarely there."The pain of the window"&Covering cracked bitter concrete."I have died inside and"Nkisses all over your face . you looked so funny i couldnt help but laugh."If you hate me,"You lost the fight")I've seen her when it turns to dusk."/A delicate creature that was once so small"She's a substitute for me"only this time for longer,"and pops some pills"+You think you know a person inside out"I'm nothing like you!"!Just one with you in my arms"But so is he.."?When it comes to me I'm the one at fault for everything..."Nobody that cares."Death is not fare."take my hand"5my journal it sits open, waiting for me to write"Good-Bye."Truth is what I bring"KDriving down the vast ~hIgHwAy~ of their hearts>>>&lt;&lt;&lt;together"Forget me not," Where did all my friends go"Don't tell me that"7one person has to say? To concerned for themselves"You make me lose my sight."6My hurts and pains inside, But until then I pray,"Welcome To Reality..."&But we are stronger than we look," cuz I realized that I need,"$and I couldn't take it anymore."Just a few more dyed shots"Should I wash it too," I love you more than anyone"You wear me out"Your grasping to the ledge"I'm all alone"=Voices always seem to interrupt us, no matter what we do",My body feels like it cannot contain me"It's feeding off of me."HBecause you are fixing the heart I am afraid you are going to break"$Winding tracks of feelings deep"#Another of the many on my list"Hopes she'll fall in love"the cow moos..."And constant fall"!looking at them all day long":I am young and I suffer from depression and darkness."'confusion echoing through my veins"'And run into the worst collisions?"making it" Under my covers I am Hiding"No lines,"Is there a reason why"I start to smile slowly," and every fiber of my being"Streaming, screaming,"Leave me lonely" hands..."I walk on."$But you're nothing in my shadow"&I prayed to the full moon tonight"#It sends shivers down my spine"You like me or ya don't"&Thats the last thing I would want"LD 4 PC 4eva..... I.D.S.T"%Into the oceans held in his eyes"7But then I opened my eyes and you were right here."you love me,"%I swear in this heartbreak city,",And now I see it again, it all the same"We're over,"
+ Money"Theses Visions">>>"Where the sun never sets".Torn between what i want and what i need,"%Out of nowhere a blossom sprouts" When it knows not the word."why am i here"+But the blinking yellow light shone on"they say im sick"and everyone was glad."1like the scent of guily conscience that just"In the cold"2Your eyes still amaze me, I'm quiet sure why."Each and every day"Draw me into tear drops"With no one to love you" Wake up"I loved u so"a man that was kissing her"0With the love i never thought id have again"yet I can't have you.""walking in three minutes late"drag her down."$You take the guys I always like"and so here we are again"Empty kisses"It only beats for you"death will be the best"how I truely feel" Whether it be earth or skin"I'll only take one" Because you got too strong?"A death so utterly alone"i am on my bed room floor"4So inquired was I that opposites had attracted,"+Placed wings so perfectly on your body"My heart, you wholly tore"Nor see you around"DIt's like a masquerade, every of my life re winded and replayed")(We were blessed with heaven's rain)"!before his killer was found.",Like laughter poured from poisoned lips"But still she stares"%He speeks of beauty that he sees"You stand there and"That I have you"I can still remember"My own reflection.".. . .Because then we could see the stars."Opens my eyes to see"&the thought balloon burst angrily"'I have lost my share of loved ones"But they must come out"C� � � �She learnt the three most important numbers of her life""Pressed in between the sheets"7Oh how wrong I was to think that I could trust you"AThe beating of my own heart is shuting me out away from you,"9I will never loose you again�Together forever inlove"!This night never gets colder"oh, another nine-to-five"the tainted moon"Here we go again"+My bones start crushing, I fall apart,"&my only hope and wish and prayer,"So let me be."I love you so much"when you say"With just me"'You can fight with me all you want"A real laugh in my throat" Words are meaningless to me"
+ And I"No."!You hurt me to such a degree"i can not speek a word"Bthat has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life."How deep I can go"Torn apart by labels"and hold you picture"Please remember my kiss"+But now I have nothing left for anyone"4Tonight's the night when I wish I was with you."To this poor hopeless man"&But since when did my imagination"!If looking upon the nothings"I'm sorry that I hurt you"&His death was the day grunge died"(Then you nod, and you take my hand."#to help me know I'm not insane"5Of Our Future, The Mark We�ll Leave On The World"They don't want me anymore"'I love you'"%The memory joins me in my misery" for all",With your hand running through my hair.",I was just the one to wipe up the tears"(I'd ask you what you thought of me,"'I'm the sholder you come to cry on"Though I know you hate it""You�ll spend a life suffering"!I couldn't take meaning when"Will be someone"!To a gentle pink painted sky"I'll take my chances."$Because you can't be (can't be)"*In the morning, when I lock the door,""I�M NOT SORRY FOR HURTING YOU"Away. I don't want"*If I opened my eyes, I would've seen."&In the room in which I'm enslaved"take my heart"2if just for one more day, let me see her soon"I hid all my feelings"Because you have left me"or be broken by it."Soiling my bed"!mayhem appears as Damocles's"FI'm wandering alone and blindly in this world, confused and lost."3but I can delve in, and twist the complexities"*Swaying melodically from side to side"-Drowing in my tears, Water's all around."They all hate you,"her emotions are being"Making it hard to live,"� � � � � � �She Knew,"A man stands over a grave,"Immune to all perfection"or kill my wounded soul"I can't help but"I cry, Winter dies"#There is no where left to hide"Of the absence of truth,"4But the truth is on one will ever be up to par.")Her hearts pounding against her ribs"Drive to the beach"(Crown our horizons"Shingles in a vintage wine"Warm and light,"i wonder if it will heal"/So Emily, Emily, please don't leave me now"#And we still are motherfuckers"!as you crush my falling soul"Are Shadows Of Me..."1Say whatever you want tonight (i don't care)""Being happy and going places."and just let it all go"Secretly broken" But marks are left to show."fly away from the insults"FPerhaps this is a blessing. Not breathing I feel closer to death."+Blood from another smeared on my face,"/I could stay awake just to find a meaning,"No longer breathing.""I carved her name in the tree",A lifetime filled with cheating hearts,"Is what she returns"just see me""Chasing Those That Don�t Care" I've bled almost everynight",And these tear-stained sheets are proof"I'm a camera with no film"+But it's there, staring me in the face"if you believe in angels"And I couldn't handle"That memory engrave"Where is my air?"You love me"and again"Perfect Square"darkness overcomes"!and I was extatically happy,"Dstrings stained red remind us of the jerking of our own hearts."it has nothing to gain."But how could you be?"4I want you to know that you will always be mine"Poison within"*but inside I can't deal with the rage"To not make a mess"Beautiful to some"?Smile spreads across her face, as she looks at her friend."#Its finally reached this level"
+ DON'T"%Enough of yours, enough of mine."0Would someone come or would it be too late?"'Hurting is something that's normal"She was happy"to let you know how much"&The silken pendant around my neck"$For him to, �Remember this day."i would die for you"Your death destroyed me"Tangible by touch"Of happier days."Your a liar"as i cut blood tears"&Left behind by the ones you loved"I know what it�s like,".slowly beginning to resemble the painting"'( hope you like that one roo lol )"(When all they do is judge your life"'I woke up today and I wasn�t alone"&� � � � � � with its celebration,"I almost broke down"(Stop it from playing... in my head."'Just like you did before we began,"in a tightened noose"I let you take control"/But we've never talked the way we are now."You will never see"You're not beguiled"and Oh god does it hurt"And the bushes turn white?"Tears fall down")you hope to god this is just a dream"#But that is over, she�s alone.""This time I"m truely listeing"She just stays at home"In the game of life"haha look"Something soon will happen" healing"The one thing I have,"<your hear too fill in another space in this bleak place"And all around the world,"So what if I'm jealous"+dry up and live through each day alone"But little did he know,",Each day she wished she wouldn't wakeup"<Where the clock runs backwards and laughs in your face."4All from you, a lonely smile as I think of you.",Don't regret one single thing I've done"$Until all I can see is our hair"+Can't You Understand, I'm Still A Kid,"and walk with me"But I was too far ahead"I�m unaware"0He smiled holding it lovingly to his heart,",(If only everything could last forever)"-I stand to face myself in the mirror...."Break down the barrier"forgivness should be a sin"!Back to what we used to have""While my depression disperses"8I feel like I lose everything, everytime you leave,"/With every person I meet I try to reach in"Lost in Love's pain."Just weren't all that" When did my mother move out"soon they will be removed"&My sweet lady of miserable pain�."3Has become only a home to the lost and afraid."HAs my dreams fade into darkness and I cant seem to find my way out," Because you just can't see,""Yet he disappears so quickly."How"I did nothing wrong,";for deep within my mind, i can make everything alright" Merry Christmas Mr. Hurt me" he makes me feel always sad"Heated arguments break out"Sitting in a pew"!� � � I'll never forget you."(Heres to the dawn of my redemption."#as i know you'll all make fun,"But I was wrong"That time is passing"I will ever last"No matter which way it was"It cuts so deep, this life"%She hears people talk about her,"He said you had bad timing">( am i ? )...and maybe-just maybe if i take one more pill"No nurse could hear,"know your not there and,"
+ empty"when your lips touch mine"$Where is it? I wearily question"!For I cannot make up my mind"And defrost your" Feel sorry for being happy,"Upbeat and harmonious"+Crushing the butterfly into the ground"You take my breath away"/The need grows stronger as he drifts near."Something subsided"And look around"But if it comes down to it"%You find the light so i can see,"2Will you promise me we�ll always be this way?"and her mind was set."#theres no more words i can say"Averted eyes,"Your Cold Now, Pale Now,"Bleach White";Some people just want to go before others, that's all."interupting ones thought"I can't help" don't bloom during the day.".Sit and smile as you play me like a fool?" YOU...."(I'm Making It As Clear As It Can Be"Knowing we share a secret"&Suddenly it's all black and white"why did you go"why cant you see?" The angels heard me calling"8Our hormones and feelings and bodies that beckoned."Or am I just doomed"4This medication isn't helping what I'm feeling."graduation right on track",(I told her to put the pieces in a jar)"is such a turn on for you."Now I must forget the fact" I'm always in a fixed daze?",although for most comsummed with guilt,"I am a picture"ever going to end?"you want to be numb"And his love,"I find no point in life?"*� � � � � � � You hide from yourself,"Don't You Hate It?"I couldn't If I tried"and I'm giving up"Only to show I love you" I thought I made you happy,"and I love your eyes"But in my last minutes"constant stares and tears"I feel the sky is on fire," Easy".I only trusted his hands. . .to that day,"Kissed me"what did i ever do"%A separation of not enough words"Leaves you lost"Keep going"Eyes yell with sadness"(just look into my eyes, see my love"I wish he was in my arms,"
+ I see"that she really was"it could be legendary"God is crying with me"Now im never happy"1I come to my senses and wipe away the tears,"'and said the words i needed you to"!Just looks into the distance"*These tears, they won�t stop spilling"1but yet she provably still remembers my name"!I am next for disappearance."#Well I'm divorcing her from me"that cuts into my skin."Something sharp enough"%One was stonned out of her mind,"And a piece of your life"It's my gift to"Two loves?"not thinkin of myself."
+ Evil:"So summer dies"-Despite the water giving me a huge chest"%I didn't care about life anymore"$empty glasses and sticky stains"how did this begin"Life is calm and worth it"7And that my friends is the story of after my life,"each and every day"And I notice thats its you"0I killed Santa Claus, I killed Santa Claus,"'It works better if you plug it in."And loved by so many..."%I would punch myself in the face"Taunting me"You just ignore me"This is my wish" So soft"Your furious accusations"MI've sworn to be more guarded, but it looks like I've broken that again."To take my man?",I'm wondering why i can never be heard,"&Even though our appearances will."Hoping they'll do the same"Safe at last"(I see many road trips in my future,"'I signed my name across your heart"The Lady with the Leer."A revelation?"When the wind howls,"+Just never tell me that you were happy"people are bothering you,"%And when did the sky turn green?" who knows when I'll be back"I must choose"
+ Today"do you cry over a guy"
+ Never"!my emotions in a singel tear"
+ A man"but you know how to kill"the torment"tighter my lips close"$"if one day the night will fall")since being so often reminded of you"$Your mom won't let you date him"-There wouldn't be enough time in the day"Iall of your homework is done, and you got a 100 on your civics essay"of a fraction,"in your jacket"Forget it, let it be vivid" That"You took my heart"This is me")It's been a month since you told me,""he was the head of the family"but your kisses" If I go"$Was in her frail form draining."1In fact, I avoid it's use wherever possible."&The only answer that seemed clear"I musn't cry."4Imagine that he is still holding me in his arms")� � � � � � � Just a serene Comfort,"FSurrounded by my roses black, the mere sight doth steal my heart."why did he have too go?"%He left me that aweful May night">5. Name one thing you want that you can't buy with money."Killing each other"!Its just one day of the year"/Known her whole existence, drowning it in,"Scared to see your there"7I thought this was a messy romance, but it was not"#Too many years have I suffered"+And I will be left with nothing to say"#as the night came to an end..."And I think about the date" I tied through with another"Ive never been less proud"Why do I think this way,"Lets leave this here,"RIGHT NOW COME KILL ME,"i cant belive your hear"It hurts to talk to you"Weary And Weak"#That we carefully thought out,"I feel them drip."Part one is found at"The gaps are getting wider"And tear me down (down)"+Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer"i could call"Isn't that"Love, let�s go for a ride"Never uttered a word"3Red rose, the color of your blood on my floor."I really I do,""But i can't do this on my own".had life that was always sad and painful,"He calls you":You are my black and white, my darkness and my light."Wishful thinking"She's not inside anymore,"The way you held me"$That's when you lean in to kiss"You will never lose me"forget this last fight,"!And I hope you feel it again"Make this right"CMaybe they will see right thorugh me, and finally give a damn!"1Are its visual boundaries causing confusion,"One I need."I lost myself so long ago"If I want to keep him"All the time in the"The tears on my pillow"But I'm glad to say"A opening"again and again"and find out what's wrong"The more lives I take.";Tonight I can still feel the air calling out your name"&This conversations going no where"else in the world"!i speak words of nonsense..."!And that's all that I can be"How would they know"!You don't even care about me"0For what I open them for is quite unsightly""No you don't""+Than when I found out about your crush"I gave you the best of me"Broken neck from the fall"and lifted you to rest.".Swirling down into the mess that unfolds,"I got up this morning,"$Because they are huge not small"I stand here waiting."Is all that is visible."through these"caught fireflies"Is it all moving?"tears of sorrow" in this life I call my own."DI'm forgetting how to smile and my breathing is getting shallow")When you know they�ll make you fall.""Then maybe I'd sleep at night"!that i dont know what to do,"I really am over you."!With three cheers all around"clutching with passion"7i now believe sleep is something that's obtainable"-now if you would please give me a chance"I don't know what I'll do"3Am I more insane than the average human being?";And not having someone there to walk me down the aisle"'Not when you have a heart and soul" Chorus"-up to everyones expectations. The simple".The Undistorted Images of My Crooked Mind" How do i go on from here ??"Buckle boots!"Where the demons keep."+I'm sorry for the tears on your pillow""The street rushing towards me"Is not here with me."-Have you ever looked closely at a tulip."Is there a reason why"But you're killing me.""Let's start fresh again."Stop letting it eat me!"See it in your eyes"8The great Ashen Lord watching the faithless depart,"&Lies a desire to touch the sphere"!And am still falling for you"over your retinas,"&Carefully I strip away my clothes"you now reside in...".i guess my love wasnt good enough for you"!Some shouldn't be so sought."and razor blades"4when will it stop? its all happening so fast..."
+ crisp"7Given a moments notice I could be with you forever"(It is never going to be like before",The holiday season is exciting and fun,"$� � � � � � � � � � He groaned."Our fingers entwined"You tear my heart out"Gand writing on men's toilets with glitter lipstick and trashy pink"i begin to cry"#But I must say this, my friend"I breathe for you." I can't imagine what I'd do"It still will cry"@I could make you think that it doesn't matter to me at all."I loved you so much"This could end.">Changes and challenges have been presenting themselves..."We haven't met"'But all too often, it's blown out-"J'You'll have no hair left by the time you're twenty' her mother says.""like the gallant black knight"$Up high in my room I cry alone."a complete word."7Yeah..these are the nights highschool was made for"#then slowly we started to talk" hold a picture of you close"$I cant just catch one in a jar,"(You don't have to say a thing to me"You rip and tore it apart"How can you walk away"Dreaming of the yesterdays"'You made a choice and it was wrong"You can't save me"$To be on the outside looking in"are like a tootsie pop"All of those reason"to try and ease her pain,"And me being in your arms!"Today is a new day"*dont touch me...leave me to suffer..."Anything for me!"My only salvation"*Not making a sound she finds her spot"2Yet for some e reason that doesn't bother me."a reason to love."=how could you do this; how could you leave me so broken?"The lights from jets"Maybe at then"what can I say now.")Would feel the mark of my poison pen""Drink my soul as your liquor."I'm tired of knowing"You walk by"saving me from my death"-To reach beyond the limits of my embrace"If I died tomorrow"Is there a reason why"In your eyes"!Semen coated constallations,"Your really hurting me!" finally")(Why can't you say you need me too?)"Us being let astray,"For you, I've given""show me what you expect of me"!your always there beside me,"pain pours, seems forever"You call me a baby")im blinded by the black bright light"J� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �Like mountains peering over the water."not even a hint of regret"I begged for help"!If I held on a little longer"FEvery Few Minuets Checking the watch you stole from Nurse Kenchy."So embracing."$She'll be immortal, be a queen-" and rusted, tattered glass."CBegging and yelling I ask God to wipe the clouds out of my sky"I just know it."
+ Death"&Where strange creatures run free,"D"only for you" she cryed as she turned around to face the wall."(that makes into an unexpected turn."Dispite How You Plead...""I Trade In The Sun, Now I See"he needed it""Here i stand I'll never move."6Fluffy clouds bring back your cotton candy kisses"9It is better not to go to school than to take a test"I didn't think i knew"*I love falling asleep with you there,"3Just forget about it, just forgoet what I did,"deal with it"%Your body's shaking and jerking,"He said that she was his."7You push me away with your preference of isolation"1But I never had the strength to save us both"1comes crashing down and shatters like glass;"Morning had come"'Does it make your live important??"&i used to have a purple bedrooom,"for the pages"even as I moved on"!I never would have found her"i understand"and now it has stopped"Sanity is savagely torn."So this is goodbye."*In a grim, green aura of immortality,"You've taken on that name"As I sit here"(When I close my eyes I see his face"But I�m not even gone yet"through darkness and light",WHEN WILL THE FUCKING INSANITY STOP!?!?"Don't ask me,"To take away my cares"*I was consumed by the hell of my past"0Then grabbing his hands, His wrists I slit,"She does."Silver Tears,"&I've heard your cries your pleas""Cuz he keeps on doing it"@The acid rain burns me and drains my life of any happiness,"I'm dead."I love you..."Spills out to the floor"� � �No mosh Pitt,"!...I hear those three words,"not to listen"we talked for hours"Roll the film once again,"End of Author Entry"*Unleash cupidity, interchange kisses,"� � � � � � � � � � � � �"1there�s stuffed animals hung up on bedposts,"Rip out my heart"(I know I'm being sickeningly poetic" where death has no meaning,".I can't go on like this, I won't take it."Losing my friend,"!No matter what i think i see"1I went outside, for a walk in the rain today"%It's lucky I don't bruise easily"#Lay with me for a dying moment"at skool im a nothing"'Or have you stole my love from me?"1Its a peaceful day, but will soon be no more"that you said,"!No tears for me will you cry"A price was paid,"I wont die"LYour loves warmth warms my body and the ice melts-my heart beats again."BYour the one I turn to when I just need to stamp out and cry."5Well you obviously don't know what it feels like"!I don't want to forget them,"(If life was the same for you and me"when your 16"4first friendship and then love for me it became".And she once had something too hold onto."'on your page would be good enough."Maybe I was"%With her deep compassionate eyes"they were guilty"on the edge"she begins to cry.")With that blanket wrapped around you"&When your the one who never tried"$he doesn't know whats going on."%i ran the blade across my wrists"@i thought it was a bad dream she didn't leave me here alone"0I cant remember the last time we were fine."A9. Tell me something sexually about you that everyone knows."*this sense of lonliness takes over me"Take a breath in"Alone with you"I have no regrets"No light to surpass my way"I will no longer be forced"what a monument to life"!Save your voice for someone,"2And you will think oh I know what I should do"Cause everyone leaves me"With my eyes"JSo remember when you read this, don�t be sad, I�m always here for you",The reasons of why you hate me so much."I was the drawing"@Now the tale of their forbidden love just lies in the past."And thought a bit of you,"and lets the muggy air"It's my only escape,"%Everyone eventually getting shot"i hope you feel the same"And don�t look back."5I've been longing for you arms and touch, though"Our new beginning."I lay in my room"
+ *****"Your sister too"6� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � yours":When I crying hard because I did something very wrong"Id always wonder"hold onto me longer",Rendering my senses helpless and blind."she might have known"*of nights alone with empty calendars."Health risks are lower"-u never seemed to care enough to listen.")before i became obsessed with black,"-Sick of falling into this constant trap,"My only killer,"DThe tortured mind I have is the old engine within it's confines"And that smile."How do you know me so well"Because its short":One for her, one for you, one for life, one for death"+Unwanted revolutions are being fought."#� � � � � � � � �and exhaling,"3It's February 3rd and I'm ripping my heart out"he died of a heart attack"We are life"QIt spilled all over the floor, flowed down into the cracks and away from me."-Innocence shattered by my own two hands,"On and on"We walked to the"1I stand outside shakeing fromt the cold air,"-I went to your house to talk to your mom"Everyone hates it"FWhile your eyes plead with me to realize that you�re the only one"but for you," And from then on he reacts."$( anything to f.u.c.k. you up )""Cryptic Collestions part one,")Entangled In Shadows And Spider Webs"!"Who could ever accept me..."I hate being lied to..."ciaos my Friend off you go"7My love is forever flowing right through my blood,">no more , and then I'd tell you how fat i felt afterwards"
+ Here,"$death placed a kiss on her soul"steady pattern"BI miss the way that you, too, looked at me when we first met,"rises and grows,"-The way they symphonize hot summer days." I'd like to know the truth."&and asked me "did we do anything""'If life is so great; why am i down"I want you so bad,"(Whys it getting so hard to breathe?"&The Day You Left without a trace,"TThis time, you seem a bit unwilling to do it in what I see as the best fashion."Was armed with a heart"(I carved your name across my heart.""I don't want to fight anymore"Why apologize...?"!The pain that you brought me"4i will take my exit and quietly close that door""But the unwanted always comes"Verse 1 :"&A boy, like a cool drink of water"No bodies line the shores,"(and she looked forward to the days.""Paper Cuts From Love Letters,"%I know what that something is..."2slicing the flesh and pouring deep red blood," Did you think that you were"$I just cant take this nonsense,"Are crushed"$So Don't Walk away from my Now."No such thing as lonely,"Crazy how this life works"!and pull out a little baggy.".But I promise you this one sweet victory:"*� � � � � � � � � � � � �Scar across."$What is wrong; why can�t I see?"my eyes begin to tear,"i cant stand this pain"All we wanted was her." Chorus"Until our veins run dry"Eager and alive"4I'd take away your pain, and keep it to myself."Time and time again"Big boobs,"To wish to move one"I walk in the hallways"'But ignored it as it didn�t exists"&But deep down you know they won't"%feels like a butterfly for sure."Disaster isn't far away,"%Leaving temptations for suicide,"Your voice"*That could possibly make a difference"let me rot"knowing I was done"I haven't been out">>>" Time just leaves me behind."Lost in hell, on my own""All who is left is irrelevant"5Because a small part of me is letting go at last"(so is my hell)"You are the worthless one,"!It�s Slow Agonizing Torture," and question your tolerance"My love for you">It comes naturally to them to lie to deceive and play me."The heart I swallow"you should have let be"+I'm not gonna come back to what seems,"!A world without you is Hell."Cure what ales you"#I'll be the best person I can,"'But I know I can tell you anything"&Is it one of your all time perks?"My sadness.">>>"%Locked windows, I cannot breathe"have a mind to leave,"Unrestricted"@in circles until it seemed like the room danced around us ."though i wish it wasn't so"I wish I could be the one"+Came from the lost boy she helped save"!Then I wonder why I'm alone,"With no ones help,"I dont want to do it again"Wake up..."DHe ripped his heart off his chest and placed it into her hands."8Do you realize that all good things come to an end?"3I've met a few who say they're slick and gross""I've got millions of friends,"I was like a scared child"$I'm fading in your mind tonight"Made My Water Go Red"$but after awhile it breaks down"Lies! Deceiver!"I felt so much,".I."7As I knew you could,Promising Vicotory and Safety."You don�t know"0Funny how this world wasn't in your dreams."pull open the door"0I�ve been there before; I�m coming for you:"#I�m nervous, but still adamant"my voice is desperate." will forever remain in me.I"&love you always. I'll always care"Come on death take me" happy faces. On the saddest" How could you have left me?")Can't remember when I was last happy"sleeping side by side"I remember the good times"For letting my eyes swim"Everyone loves candy"day by day")Just another highschool beauty queen"Feeling so alone" if you collapse, so will i."Broken hearts"Wait for death's kiss,"But not your smile."when more than love"It's so..." rush from the inside out. I"For they are so much more"*clap clap*"&And don't worry about my feelings"I'm trying"%That never had anything go wrong"Emotion, the art""Oh I love you too!""#While you're with your friends"Longing sin"*in my heart placed by the devils kiss" I'm the one to be dismissed" everything will be alright."I'm nothing like you!"But I will remember you"/I feel so unstable, so unstable right now."I like to watch it bleed"the pain now....disapears"!Like smoke fills a room, but"You Sit In The Corner" Would tear my world apart!!"!That you're my seventh deal."(� � � � � � � � � � � Its not Sexy."so party the night away"You ask me if I love you,"Broke it down".Too shaky to touch such a delicate thing."CAlways remembering how I made your deadliest nightmares start."anything?"
+ More."I Alway Mean What I Say"All you can do is not cry"6its time to wake up ( but we cant ) because we're"*There's more to me than meets the eye"0Here I am again, Alone with my worst enemy."8Now the rain presses harder against the window sill"i was raped"Two faces of purity"2You dry my tears and comfort me when I'm down""and you've found someone new."5The way to some women's hearts is with chocolate"#i woke up from two hours sleep"You can't be afraid"You leave me in awe"!Misery is no stranger to me,"*How do they know the prayer of "God"?"How could I,"Rewind..."Motivation" hard"2beacause i know the truth of what you've done"So bright it burns"$and my scarf smells of Carling,",A lie, Can you help me? Please help me,"No matter the gender,"cuz Im scared."Before now I didn't know"My blood is draining"$Yet we all follow and do it too"All I ever wanted".That high school relationships never last"That is why I need you."But it's alright"7A poem from a lovers heart will gracefully unwind,"Just can't"You have caused me"8If I only I had the strength to kill myself I would"$Stare straight ahead my darling"But you helped me up"Cand a brand new alarm clock, your picture was still by my bed,")that is futile to defeat with reason"#I cannot take anything anymore"Her eyes are frosted over"But not the actual place"That love can be real."" IF I WAS 2"+Appearing as innocent as a school boy,""your my ( Dirty ) addiction ."With what we had"Worships the earth�"I know that you meant it,"I'm finally happy"-I cant catch it. . . I cant stop it. . ."5This shitty liquid that takes my mother away and"It's okay"2That she'll realize she should have chosen me"This is my house"dubbed yours and mine."it hurts me real bad"She blamed it on herself"/Just flowing from where the gun and me met"You have me"To the girl I love,"When did it begin"9And you think you understand what I'm going through?"!you made me feel Eva so calm"the hours that"7It's as if your thoughts are pounding in my heart."let me die"Purified once again" You!..."It's because I love you!"And now we will fall again"Like I'm missing somebody"come back and play"&If we hadn't been saying goodbye."0with ___empty___ eyes and an ice cold heart"i know she's there"What I want"With your dark eyes"I got this feeling."We've got a long way to go"!And there's nothing i can do"Always in Denyal"My world! All that I will"0I keep getting screwed over again and again""You wonder for days and hours"But it was.""Swallow death (swallow death)"And we are all grown up"&Find my soul as I fell from grace",My perfect self is starting to be felt,")The blood poured on the wooden floor"quack, quack."!That go through so much more"/My life is teatering on the edge of a clif"Not a note or even a word"Yet alone in her struggle"!Where no one knows your name"%But you took a gun to the throat"(But it's still bad I don't know how"baby I'm sorry/"Just Fly, Fly, Fly"5 more hours" Am I really worth anything?"Now it's about people"Nothing else mattered."<was it because i cared too much that you couldn't take?"It was my fault you know"I will always love you,"!To find you were never there"what use is it to you" On me."3carry the world on your shoulders, run with it""lke a wound that never healed"(For any discomfort this might cause"-I'm in the dark in the middle of nowhere"Will blur"She can be so amazing..."I Will Bleed"3When we held each others emotions in our hands"I know I started it,"+i dont think i can hold on much longer"He is priest"-I didn't quite know what I saw at first,"Make up a past i never had"0� � � � � � � � � � �To take away her pain."I care..." When you wish upon a penny,"'love is a hoax a trick in too pain"1And I'll stand out here with the clouds. . ."to please you."!Now the cemetery is bleeding"'� � � � � � In case he reappeared."The boredom never bothers"/But something is still standing in my way."But closing in on us now,"4I thought of you for 3 days straight, non stop."That I become blue",Just like i cant make you my belonging.")This time I won't stop and look back""Before I fell for more deceit"2I'm the one being loud and always having fun."to carry on" Earth i get by.I think your"Does not matter"$I've got a feeling deep inside,"WHO HELPED ME THROUGH IT"So you sit"3But what hurts me the most is the thought that"cutting deeper"(Because we'd be ruled by a dictator">you've shown me true friendship, what it means to be kind"
+ sound"They don't affect me"you can't see"0I won't ever have someone I can fully trust"0What meets your eyes as you glance upon me?"Now you see me")Play me a guitar, as loud as you can"-The Hindu Goddess chose her sitar player"*Metal on flesh, with a crimson touch,"@to each of them, she sent her love, prayers, and also peace"$In this moment, i feel so alive"nothing left"Joys they bring"+I blame myself because I moved so fast"but in the end"Rip out the heart"True love is immortality"7Please don't die along with them. Your body may be"The day before last"2what , i know i'll forever be hooked on you ."no more sorrow found"why is it hard to see?" For your words mean nothing"2any more... If I wanted to stop it would have"All I want to do is fly"I fight against the hours"!We must look into the future"&All of these come back in my head"Hazing is gone"and just please save me"As always..."All from the heart."7and what is running through my dear prince's mind?"<good thoughts they're not, but they're mine nonetheless"&But you were a friend of a friend"/Because, really... I must admit that I do."RTell me you love me, say you care, that you are mine...give me peace of mind."Forgot which one is true""you refused to open your eyes"#All gets mixed up in your head" When she says she loves you"My heart belongs to you,"my heart beats faster"I just want to live life"Theres no denying it,"%I don't want to ever say goodbye"(pain inside and kiss away my tears."To him I must abide"%But then you uttered those words"%My Promblems Overflow To A Knife"Astonishing pain.")Abusing books by the ink of markers,""heartache hidden so well with"And we regret it all"the wrongs." Oh wait you already have..."Frame me up"anxious to see"%fill them up with blackend blood"!I'm trying to understand how"That will never happen."try and refrain"whats done is done"Uncertainty surrounding"!I'm trying to understand how" her whole world fell apart."Years that I will"She'd leave,"from inside out"OThe perfection of the night lays in the flaws under the cloak of darkness."That will fight for me"but you deserve more"And we were so in"Are you ready baby?""Feeling like my life's a joke"?prepared, but not caring, to lose the friendship you found"#� � � � � � � � Perfect Knife,"the last time I saw you"%feel the harshness of your words""Well forget it, you're right," � � � � Before i could Fly."I will always be there"she hated her life"Not weak,"8’ you're gone’ - matchbox 20 (one of my faves!)"(But then I think, how can I be sad?"&i dnt want you noeing wat i think"2Its like the bird that rests on your shoulder"crushed in this dispair."She wanted to let go"(It makes people happy, but some sad"!I'd lie in your arms forever""I'm not the always happy one,"And the last six months,"8To feel and see the things that should matter to me"im addicted"Im a hazard to myself.",mesmerizing colors prove most difficult"Just Another Day,"Don't let me slip,"I'm sorry"OR Do we hide?"Searching for her place" Against a splendid classic."We'll all just fade away"It's only been a few days"That makes me want to cry"maybe its not"%You move so swiftly in the night" Your eyes are made of steel"Things Would Be Fair."that doesnt exist"May I ever be"
+ SPITS"You can't stop me"tainted with your"'but inside i know it, she knows it")I�ve spent far too much time already"Stop being a bitch"+How then did I wander on this pathway?"7How do you know when trying isnt worth it anymore?"will never go away"The stoners"with it..."0Just simple me but I gave so much of myself"Do not wear"&I realize maybe it wasnt so smart",But I couldn't until my tears were done"#IF so may demons eat my flesh,"'even though its wrong, I want you,"*Warm breeze on the chilled winter air"
+ I do."The timer hasn't stopped,"Didn't we?"repace them with joy."'Through time if we aren�t together"Falling to the floor,"$hearts broken will never change"&taped across princess headboards."GYou always said, 'I will die alone. With no one to have loved me.'"Deserted her so long ago"%for once why cant I find someone"I will never regret."but in the end"come summertime"but you dont really care,"That after all this time,"*Heartbreaks, never thought imaginable"Won't You Come Inside"You're never alone,"-Leaving this poor girl broken and alone."1those feelings are what make me want to jump"A little gasoline"7That, "I believe in a thing called LOVE....ohhhhh""Give me love"0god took him away like everyone eles i know"crushes me"Frozen scream"Squeeze out the tears"And listen to the water"3My heart is pounding and my hands are shaking."&You were the one who ended things"hope we never"� � � � holding hands."EThen my life would be so much greater, I could overcome so much."+with an un-dieing love for each other,""i want you all to promise"%I wrap my soul around your heart"On My Heart..."Take my place"Who's on my mind."I�m on the edge"(does your hand still hold the knife"4The girl with the name they couldn't comprehend"I remember you"you saved me"The roses are burning baby"Into death we crawl"5� � � � �. . . Who sits alone in the playground,"to never see again"that its because of me"The more my soul seeks."And up to you"%But fear is my ultimate downfall"3i let myself down, and with that came my guard",Fighting in a war that you didn�t start"
+ Heavy"when you hit that low"I can still remember"=When snow hits the asphalt, cold looks and bad talk come")to the people passing on the street."9It's gotten to the point where expectations are lost"%I don't think this is some stage"2But now they have both thrown everything away".Its OK, it wouldn't have mattered anyway."Everything came"I make you feel so guilty,"Dark eyes")V is for my valentine you tore apart"but it seems now"Who's to blame""He's not coming back,"In a pasture of"+and sweet breezes; the lingering aroma"Not a care in the world.",and no matter how hard i try to fake it"I'll love him forever"!I could get any guy I wanted"P E N C I L"I think of you often"6just exactly what my life is supposed to be about"before isolation".what makes you think you can help me now?"#and tell me that I'm a fighter"(Drowning in your own hateful sorrow"tears of sorrow"give into your hate":Maybe all of this confusion might fade away with time"8and don't forget D because we drive you crazy daily"Another Complaint!" Lose yourself in the rhythm"I asked for you"5 heartbeats"BHues that replace the hurt with soothing emotions of new care" you hold my heart on a line"-I never heard such and entrancing sound,"$And they're all saying my name."can I stay strong?"dying slowly"#Let dry you sweet intoxication""you held my hand close to you"Turn off the light."To do this to you"-He kept us safe from Pops mas production"(Afraid of the person in the mirror."Congratulations.")you've come to far to be left behind")Then the stories started coming true"Banished to your mind"I write you many lays,"4Thank you to all of you who have caused me pain"We are the nobodies"And I put it in a box"To be my Deus Ex Machina.." To be unconditionally loved"'I can't even begin to explain such"<~With my hands around your neck, who will stop me now?~"from the gun"#My nose, my eyes, my forehead," Just hand me the chemicals,"You don't know"'When my eyes would mirror only you"From this year and last?"!Let me sit alone in the dark"As they all unfold"I think about love"But it would be a lie" And honestly I didn't care."$Its the only pain I can control"And even smiled"0A friend to hold my hand in my time of need"!Whispering my last good-bye*"*Only in my mind this confusion arises"/And that's what friends are suppose to be."Yeah, we tried to fight it"force yourself, go, go"this does not define love"$and are echoing into the floor."So soft, yet so cold""My soul gave it's last to you"Reality is gone"$That kept our eyes from meeting"the hours that remain"+they are part why i shed blood n tears"#. . . There sat her radio. . ."I lift my head"%tonight I'll stay alive with you"&Promise you will never see me cry"4the closeness and trust we shared in each other"A Teenage Murderer!"8If you leave the slack...then the string wont hold."$lining the dark up to her wrist"0They had the power enough to take him away,"No One Said Goodbye,"'On my floor lay that bloody knife,"6And the never ending pain that just seems to last"Dont talk to the rest."!Until she sees light no more"If you died tomorrow,")The pain keeping me alive angers me!"To any of your friends"I want to hate you"%I whisper I love you and goodbye"-Corruption, perversion, Greed, and hate,"i guess its obvious.."Not my voice i hear"&I got all dressed up just for you".Save me love I'm not getting any stronger"/I tried to wrestle with the feelings I had"(Tiny, fingernail clippings of heart"$they made the perfect sentence,"(I miss you like theres no tomorrow,"!I may not always be perfect,"'Something good will come from this"Teach me how to fade"Life make sense."You are fake," He'll never really know you"Cover my pain"i finally understand it,"I'm just kidding"But not with me"1But your words are smothered by your actions"It calls to me"I believed you"I asked myself this"5I stick out I know, not for my beauty of course.")I�m a little weird but not that much"(As the razor slices once clean skin"*� � � � � � She's gonna be something."if you dont"with such an insight"DAll this angst built up inside me, Just waiting to all come out"'Like my favorite flower, the tulip"That you have said"And you're"The Truth is this">If you do I will give you the piece of my heart you tore."I wish you were here."and now i"My friends here"%That you leaned in and kissed me"Art today is hard to find"in front of my face"ive faced up to my death"We can hear voices,"if i could make him see..."Is there a reason why"was in her eyes"She is my best friend"2But i was sadly mistaken, Its over you and I."Its Just Another Day"You sing beautifully,">of shattered glass because im not the girl in them songs."Let's move on"They are my security"1leaves one clinging to the dying remembrance"$What if I wasn't there for you,"Truly me (truly me)"0The pain will always be creeping in my mind"But you ran out of hours".You never cared if I was torn or tattered"I cannot catch"2Make believe is beating out reality this time"KI try and fight against it I try to push it back and push it under...."4if you're emo and you know it slit your wrists." But I,"5I'm playing Romantique Roulette with my heart..."I walk up to him"#I start to cry and can�t stop,")I long to see the building that will"until i met you"/Your Kiss Gives me the Hope of better days"I believe in love"3But that was before I saw you across the room,"You took my heart"Is your love for me real?"and youve taken my knife",But theres no punch line to your Jokes."Put them on the pedestal,"2It then turns into a pair of big yellow eyes,"Have you!!..."I can't handle this"Poverty is not common"and watch you up above"0i dont want to hurt and cry myself to sleep"5is dirving me in and out of perpendicular doors,"i walk alone in life"Suffocation takes effect".A voice so special the gods would rejoice",please listen to what I have got to say"I found wont be the same"+(I told her, don't let the pieces die)"This white sky"!You wont bring me down today"(Their only words are Nay, Nay, Nay,"(I'm confessing my anger out to you,"Now that I have a chance"0� � � � � � when he led me inside that car."5My bones feel as heavy as gravity pulls me down,"BI'm gonna hunt you down and you'll have not a clue as to who."Would He Let Her...".....anybody....."Except themselves."Is it with someone else?" He stabbed her in the heart" I said"Just to see your smiles"$I loved her from the very start"'I do love you for all that counts."I'll never understand"/Language arts is almost like death itself," Chews gum with her friends,"As one we breathe"/he died telling jenna and showing his love";Fool Me Once-Shame On You..Fool Me Twice-Shame on me..",Jealousy shows its ugly head once again"When I am right there"#My breathing becomes strenuous"So here it goes..."0and vomiting up what Ive has just consumed,"May it be someone else?"3So Now is your Chance to prove yourself to me."But today was different")razor sharp whishes, codemn us fake."piece by piece"$I am lacking flavor, I am bland"Guilty Mundane Pleasures."I call to all"make me believe and see"So hold onto false love"His feeling for her"/She gracefully pounces with all her might."she's an average angel""slicing past the ends of time"take my word"0You have never been a heavy sleeper like me"6I'd love my new roomie, he'd be the coolest dude,"That never seem to end"Ego Amo Te, Autem..."Envy upon open wings"9Rain is like an army of soldiers set up for failure."$A blot against the setting sun,">>>"On a moonlit night"break the chains"%trapped in this teen-aged angst.""Every line filled with doubt."You complete me."she walks toward me"!won't you grant my only wish"for an eternity!"tore us apart."then maybe i could be" You shall recieve my thanks"%cause you captivate my attention"I'm not the prettiest"#Becareful What You Wish For..."5Because the unfortunate side effect of happiness"And when you feel it" Turn Back The Hands Of Time"1If you wouldnt mind, I would like to breathe"'crying deep into the unheard night"(And reminisce on that one lucky gig"*At me they come, these living Shadows"almost great a life"(One thing I have been searching for"I Hate Me."$I'm tired, moody and weary eyes"To say that i love you"6And breath in me when I feel I am going to drown." My voice continued to fail."its the same story."!I'd hope for you if my hands"'Momma took me upstairs to her room")The life they fought for her to keep"(His warm blood and flesh subdue me."%even when she had shown her love"2The smell that once was so peaceful, so fresh"that it loves me"Am I not good enough?"%All I need is for you to love me"She will never lie"(He caught his balance just in time."but" Love me"One of these days"I just want to fall"#The curtain falls stained dark" I don't want you to let go,"then Im stupid,"%else theirs nothing you can do!!"who are afraid"*My life is for me and not to be shown"The damage is done"$and I'd still be down and blue.""All I saw were your cold eyes"The tears fall"And You Weren't Real..."no more breath"i've got to deal with,"never to be seen again")I was filled with no such clearance."+Sick of the hate, it's growing so old."Or asian,"I tell you I feel too much"(Rivers of blood act all the same..."but didn't care to think"*Why leave now, I was into you so deep" Flutter down petals of lead" Hurt";It reminds me of something, but I can't remember what.";Anticipation hath built so long, time can hardly wait,"6and cocain infected needles . And im watching you".Only me inside this fallen, crushed dream"&They make mistakes here and there"and he'll never want me"'So I know that they'll always care"I'd never touch you",Trying to forget what you've done to me"=Before I left a drunken slur of invitations in your ear."'Drowning in an inch of melted snow"2He thought he would be leaving no one behind." now how can i ease my pain?""Slowly streaming from the sky"I remember that night"and how she is ugly"too good for words"its time to go"6that is daring enough to deal with a runway whore"Do you want me forever?"#Caught up in all this bullshit"Are sooo strong"The memories, the pain-"Your meddling hands away"<And our Friday morning don't leave me kiss me once more"Is going down the drain" You look like you're dying,"In a few short days"You said you liked me"I*ve tried!"Carried on bitterness"(i have no wisdom as i have not aged"I'll catch a star for you"2just like a mescaline induced merry-go-round."the rain lashed down""out of your bleeding fingers,"FI felt that if the "Godly" people had it in them to do this to me"7For words can change into everything you ever knew"*Remember your son and wanting him too"$Why are still hidding something"why did you hide?"1hourglass in my mind it shattered time is up"I've listened."
+ And I"a black rose turning red"I am not a stalker,"(If in my dream it's you I can keep,"+fact of knowing i couldn't have him is"$You will not tell me what it is"She fears of"hated her memories"So Count to Three,"to handle"I handed them the knife,"Keep chasing that elusive"I cant see straight"8Why do we have to go through all these tough times?"%the hope that ripped through you""When you told me you loved me"I DID THESE THINGS FOR ME,"-my mind won't remember the helplessness."+Empty-ness like I've felt for the last"*Failed again, here�s the broken rope."Maybe one day."But what happend I detest"Walking toward me")It makes my heart feel like bursting"3So spectacular, and even though some what sad,"I hate the word lover"But in my lover I'm not" I'm up all night these days"4Thank you for the money, that turns man on man."Id never know why"0Expecting you to come behind me and hold me"I wish you were here today"I have nothing to live for".Is that how you treat 'friends' you make?"Without being seen."My Husband To Be."I feel so objected"FIt was dark screaming I killed the spider before it bit you again"Oh it's not what it seems"(Deep pools of ocean swim forward me".We search through the night for a vacancy"'Twelve years later, I try it again"*None of which will come true it seems" my love"Never laughing"Bring up good points."Awaiting the rescue" And I�m a sly boots as well"(Voices whisper to her pierced ears,"-In to her mind, where she can never win."UCrimson beauty spilled from her heart, she was stabbed by her unforgotten lover,"
+ days."+Because I know how much I hate myself."Existence of my life.""In an endless ocean of dreams"3Fleeting pink aroma of lotus sprigs in January"I am nothing without you"I hope someday you relize,"we no how")It put up a wall, and shut the door.""I never meant to make you cry"&Even if it is to die in her arms."Where are you?"-The birth of honesty is welcomed in blue"I love when we talk,"*The wishings of my innermost desires.".3 in the morning, an neither could sleep,"2What if we are a world, inside someones nail,"i guess im just"memories of her" when you're better off dead"
+ Gone."E� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � tear chocked laughter,"The way i talked"But even when he's gone,"I want you to be happy,"Stings to touch.""You know what's there to find"%The light of the moon she brings"9I regret to inform you that your Girlfriend is dead,"-It is the only way the feelings can show"5i asked him to send you back if you came his way"not understandind"(The neon green numbers scream at me"$No longer are they just shadows"#hopefully faster if they could"broken threefold":if you tell me your secret i will share mine with you"Chasing after you"#Unwilling to make things right""and the sunshine on your face"But still I wonder why."My Voodoo Beauties"I'm just so confused"The next step was taken"Why can�t it all burn away"%i want to stay like this forever"Have made me fade."%Im not sure if he feels the same"She didn't understand,"&Out and alone is where I must be."$Across your sweet, tender face."This whole damn world"*I want to do every thing you would do"'she was at a party late last night"!I am glad you are still here"+knowing theres nothing to come home to"Please forgive me"$Run through the glorious heaven"/My heart beats fast like I just ran a mile"Her perfect lie,"-cause this is all i want to feel tonight"Roses wilting"My issues still linger"'And have killed my share of people"However, these chemicals"Doesn't even know me," Who knows the true answers?"Broken dreams."Our little secret together"My longing,"And I'm stuck down here" - not so innocent anymore -"i cut sins"!But you're only the criminal"!A belief I never believed in"comforted by darkness,"(I look at him with a passing glance"It was not yet your time"$I stare at the walls for hours?"to hold me"%� � � � � � � � That shes wrong,"with no adventure"will meet its doom"with dulled eyes""Days are getting dim and cold"He acts like he likes me"'Is he the one that makes you smile"FBut the demons really make you pay for it when your time is done.",I thought you were sweet, a great catch"and its killing me"1Your name calls me to a new place of thought"#and after all is said and done",Will I be ready to kiss my life goodbye"Lost and afraid of you..."#Why did you say what you said?"Let me show you?!?!"3I could never imagine a reason for this to end"(My only reaction is to feel afraid." But you"!rest peaceful in this heart."%baby, it's been nice to know you""Is just too much to handle..."Outside..."stroking my face,"this place I cant stand/"Where can her be?"&Be the unwanted apostle beside me"+E is for the ending I never saw coming" my mum yelled for me to run"With every verse I realize"'I never thought about it that way,"0You�re an angel but I�m clipping your wings"&My heart feels broken once again,"+but all it did was made her feel worse"My skin decays to bone"Party hardy"No-one can find me here"'I let him slip through my fingers,"Dreams remind me of you"Music playing"What would I do?"!You taste each of her tears,"?That is the only way, you will ever have me as your bride."Nightmare"I know where it is."Sugar, Sugar, Sugar"*Brothers falling on top of each other"I want to hold you."Torture to feel"your internal soul"+with out thinking of what i had missed"(everyone knew they pain left untold"To the side"So familiar",ahhhhhh...well its all for the better.."Gone inane"%The rain gently falling about us"%You hypnotize me with your words"Am I a child,"$More than late night talk shows"9after gathering the courage for something so tender,"And begin to listen harder"%tonight I'll stay alive with you"End of Author Entry"screaming out"Had for you..."Stopped..."And say that you are"You say it won't last"iv lay down to die"and blind to all but lies"%Neglecting myself to the extreme"And I regret my mistake"End of Author Entry"$So Farewell my love once lost.." goodbye"Crying; Dying; Knowing"Not ignored, but simply..."Gliding through my".Mother why must you do such things to me?"Like you used to"-. . . With a knife to cut them all away."That one time,"&To walk to the ends of this earth"There's not a good answer"On the phone!"%It was all his fault, wasn't it?"But what good did it do?"+You said perhaps it was a higher power")Again I focus on that smile you wear"and I'll let you down."Verse 1 :"I love you so much"%to sit through her vocal lessons"Not want to survive"+A woman thinks back to when she found,"?this is what I want from life, and what life will give me?"
+ hurt?"'until there is no more blood left."I know you'd agree."I'll catch you,"To say what i have to say"&We are comfortable with ourselves"you had a boyfriend"Of their own misery"seeing you makes my"I cannot forget"so if you hear me"%Remind me to pay the complement."it's getting kind of late."But I'm scared."#Speak of rapture for the pure;"9make this pain melt away with the fire in your eyes."You move your"#Ebbing into the lonely prayers">Now sinking in the silence of your subtle, foreign tongue"You might find me asleep"But I want to learn"6We just want the money, we are living quite well."But then they were"0So stop making these bloody drawings on me,"%i want to be the one to save you"not for looks" The diet hope we all share."From soaring"5Let us sleep until the moon falls out of the sky"(Calling my name is the grate beyond"(The tears that trickle down my face"8I can tell you im sorry from the bottom of my heart"The pain I cant erase"%1 1/2 miles we run twice a month")Turning in a different direction(is)"MHe seemed to me like the rare type of guy who won't play the head games."#no control of what I do or say"!Is He Doomed To Stay Cold..."%and I can't cry myself to sleep,")Hang your stockings but get no gifts"of reality, bringing forth"begging silently"%All my troubles have washed away"You really are with"*In my heart of hearts, I KNOW better."%not again. To dream of something"7"only for you" she whispered as she left the room."I react for you"Dedicated to 9/11/01"Does a tear roll down?"ties it up with rope." for that warm fuzzy feeling"nobody loves me"#eyes rolled back into her head"No Mercy For You Or Me,"3I see someone I know, but I dont know too well"&To find the end is to find glory."
+ past.",i swear i could taste it on you're skin"+an average angel who does human things"Watch my patched up heart,"we see the scarlet torrent")How does it feel to be the outsider?"I need you most now."3Sweet while it�s there, but vanishing too soon"Would they listen?"(The hooded man shook off his shock,")So now all i can do is think of you,"
+ Alas."I turn around and walk" How i could die a happy man" Your to perfect to call me."i am lonesome"9So when the mood of the moment is no longer cheerful"4It feels like you took away my hopes and dreams"Swaying in the wind,"but he's one of my")if I had blue eyes instead of brown?"In a soft spoken voice"� � � � Your lamp was on,"!While everyone is having fun" I cant"'Two ninjas were talking one night,"/I finally decided on a chick flick for you"!How it'd be if you were here""You are my light, and my sun."You�ll Chase Them Today"!for you are just that to me."Destroyed My Soul"8and when they said i couldnt wear my favorite shirt"B. . .How she threw away the mirrors that laughed in her face,"Sing us your story,"So hold on tight"+an average angel who does human things"$Thinking of the time he's spent"Smear your shiny spit"No air in space"Once again"7intertwined in your arms laying on the dirty floor"The pain has been my paper"=please don't let them get you down, or become your chain"4you can remember me and grieve that i have gone"closed in around her eyes"8She's tying purple and green condoms around her arm"to watch out for myself"!Your dreams. and your tears,"+And never worrying if they would leak,"I hate that stupid state"Moments later,"'And I hope this will bring you joy")The gentle drops wash away the pain."2lay peacefully til my turn at the demise ride"she knows she will regret."sorrow holds no mercy."NEVER?!?!"'And make it feel like god hates me"My lullaby"%Rivers of blood needs me to run," Our prayers can be answered"I tried and tried again"But unknown to you"9Lost in a pit of insolence, and tripe, and drudgery,"fall down my face"� � � � � � � � � �Lines"Has left me scarred"But i tried":It feels like my face is changing color, maybe green?"%So I loved myself with the knife"To be loved by you."1I never thought I�d open up just like I did."+When our minds are never really there?"some type of miracle"'turned out to be a difficult task." that"There's no one to explain" Like"[read: hearts]"=And strikes away at the years she wished she'd never met"As if were as light as air"You held my hand"and right now"0You've just met the worlds biggest screw-up"Open the door"I go through my life"But now its one year later"all my loyalty."'To Have Light Shine Down And Erase"My Bed I Will Seek" to you!""Wishing I had somewhere to go"/Here are my memories the only good was you"&In my eyes you could do no wrong,"MI would never be able to come up with words of such beauty to say to you"The death of November"1That boy is gone now, and he doesn't know me"!What everything used to be.."but you won't listen."#it all just seems so pointless"A statue of love"$I didn't see us drifting apart."(Mommas gonna throw you to the floor"Forever..."I begin to cry""they all thought she was fine"!Now he's faded into the sun." but i want all of your pain"We are nothing more"Unlike you..."*Maybe one day some one will notice it"We had a true..."$But my heart you seemed to keep"No one will answer me")And I'll promise not to turn astray."And i'll never tell"'Sense of security in your own body"When it flows in the air"0In all these things that you have asked me,"/I would continue to send my love their way"+Will I ever find the girl I used to be":We were going to spend the rest of our lives together",and unaware of the lives their breaking"*I didn't know how to use trust safely"my heart kinda flutters"it waits awhile"You were there"%My heart is broken an open wound"'I would climb the highest mountain"$The devastating blow delivered."That fills my heart,"#As the summer breeze dies down"who cared for me,"wont come true. There you"$knees colored with grass stains"(That was before I gave you a smile,"8A typhoon should drown us all until we are no more,"I love you till the end..."Cthe question of her perishing faith now vanished from her mind"its just who i am"+you bring me again, to the alltime low")� � �You lips will part the question"One was truly a saint,"Why do so many suffer,"THEY WILL NEVER COME BACK"Fragile broken wings...".My heart Skips a Beat as you say my name."I hope you stay with me,"%..and all you did was turn away.",The need of you, and I speak your name,"Without that light"� � � � and wonder,"*So here I go...Scream my lungs out..."5Killing for peace is like whoring for virginity.">>>""My unrest is set at constant."+just for kicks life gives me Aspergers"One sticks out",All around me covered in crimson regret"2So many wrong choices, I have so much regret,"
+ damn."!This stupid, retarded plight"I put my heart in my hand"!That moon looks a little dim"%And from the Bunny under my bed."you could go so soon and I",� � �She would write whatever she felt,"Her body was shaking")i promised...i promised i wouldnt..."� � � � � � � � �dead. �"MY heart sings to ye,"and kill me"An empty scream"!but the only differece is..."You might just be doubtful"!his scared and troubled mom."As though it seems"But you don't see..."Make a wish"$(Will I ever have the privilege"(A curious and bulging crimson stare"Where we will never be".THAT I WOULD LIKE TO DO THINGS WITH GIRLS"@The emptiness just continues to fill the void of your soul."'and said the words i needed you to"0My heart was broken and the days were long."in the sloppiest"I don't want to listen."*� � � � � �In her long white nightie,"I am not alone!"we let go doves" Leaving behind its memories"MJust when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, the roof caves in."*Knowing men couldn�t show her a place"
+ &lt;3"Repeatedly"This moonlite dance,"Nor Could They Guess..."Cant start healing"you'd believe me a loser.".Crying out to the creatures of the night.">guitar and falling oh so in love with the chords that Ive"9A friend is there when your "special someone" isn't,")you said you didn't love me nor care",This bath waters murky with cream soap."*her face was radiant; her eyes bright"JOur love for one another will keep us going, it will pull us through."*I thought it would never happen again"BHer wedding dress had never been worn before this tragic day."Together,"*Secret that plagues my every thought."#I'm in a room filled with hate"Then she worries,"Tame your useless scribes,"'You and me, I know, we're through."%monkey tucked the bannana in bed"$and away from the corpse I was."#In her self-inflicted blood..."To a pool of blue,"Why don't you wake up"That I am dead"To make the story unfold"JOur love for one another will keep us going, it will pull us through.".I love you more than all three Musketeers" Really,"As I passed him by,"You're poetically blue"you.Why do make it sound"sirens blaze"#I sit in a puddle of my tears,"they are all saying"*because for the love of my brother, i"'Yet so many good times that we Had"5You Just Might Get More Than You Bargined For..."QBut I was loyal, and trustworthy, holding all the morals one should protect."You go to Party's,"With every nightfall"The time will come"+To float on air, with flightless wings"You leave me on the floor."-and you swear you see me in the distance""I shall die quick like Romeo,"her first that day,"everyone passes but me"Poems lock into your mind"The moment we had"I'm trying the best I can"*Look how pretty she is when she falls"But I fell Too Fast."Why...with this new baby?"to dream of him"Time to go"5i never thought feelings like this would be hard"1Anemic . wanna-be. anorexic. halfway insane."Never was never will be"no thrills"This is hurting me"7I'm not ready to be a mom not ready to take it all"cause I love you so.""and I dont wear a size 3. But"Grew into mourns",And sat round the fire telling stories,"!because the last thing I saw"And so I can get rid of,"Everything seems gold now,"Can�t leave me sore"My heart beating" That I refused to listen to" Stained red from your blood"nor placed apon a shelf"My paranoia has taken over"0But there are things that even I can't see." Will shine until next fall."I've had enough."just accept me"%We are not who we intended to be"You though was super cool."-Red rose, the smell of \not my\ perfume."&But right now I just want to fall"!Roaches sanctify the masses,"making the time flows"the sting"In your fortress of fears"!Hate, myself, but never you."You�re not my blood"But I can Pretend"new dreams as may arise,".But time's been running down her memories"-� � � �as the moonlight shafted my room,")They come to me and let me take over"*Am I not a good son, A good follower,"This life is unfair."0because she knows you can't hear her anyway"Maybe I should wait."#Face covered in his own pillow"carry away my thoughts"� � Ironic isn't it?""I tell my parents I feel sick"In the shape of a girl."I hear my intake of air"
+ smile"i wonder if you"Doesn't cease,"From long long ago,"but not having"You're really getting old"&i stand by and watch them suffer,"great works disappear"
+ Pray."An image of a lonely girl"+For the bettering of this life of mine"Desk top crimes."Darkness Falls"&For Summer comes as Love fades..."#I'm so gone over someone else."wondering when this pain"Your art is not for them."
+ poets"And all I want is to stare"$Blind eyes produce blank stares"I need to know,"More for me right now"$But i would have said it to you"$I wish it would end me quickly."4or maybe it's just really tucked inside my head":i only wanted your friendship, not a big diamond ring"She writes a poem"Rise Kurt"?The last thing on their mind was she ran away and drowned."covered by the sand,I dont"I always want to be"They've led my eyes" Now your gone now your gone"I told you over and over"I stand alone."(Masquerading as a window, but still"#WHy the innocent, Why the war,"Screw around"Would it be so wrong if I"droplets of blood"/let it out because it was tearing my heart"Seeing nothing"(� � � � � � � � � � � �ever hating."To shoulder the weight"$Nothing would make me happier.."You promised you wouldn't"'Small and with a load of wannabe's"And live in a moment"(Or is it, 'cause, I don't know what"all because of you." thats all you have to know,""By my shallow life priorities"(But not for any suicidal intention."!I should say sorry once more")Because of this, my heart now hurts,"3Until the screaming dulled to a heavy silence."Being all alone,"FAREWELL""'No care of what the furture brings"Ewhy people ignore the treasures that lie right under their noses"Of boiled hate"$now that i have wings i can fly"I miss him so bad"to get over it."'when life seems hopeless and bare."'But I seen the desire on your face"3A hall light shines through the open room door"You stole mine"=I thought that you had left when you took me in you arms"it feels so good to be bad"I'm on a quest"even from the start,"&The thread that held you together" There's much that I regret."To someone who will care"into paranoia.")Made me break someones heart for you"I'm alone in this world"4There it is, I hear it, and I silently rejoice."4for all the times you wouldn't accept the truth"+i was head over heels in love with her"Promise her I love her"im a bitch"This is me"I'll be watching the stars"6The beating of my own heart is pushing me around,""I thought it would be nothing"Can't you tell"'looking at myself in the mirror..."Don't let me see you".is the only thing you take away.It's your"*they tell you that they will be there"and shes the rising star")� � � � � � � �they locked together,"#But it's so pleasing having my" no love"� � � � �""Or your half ass explanations"Isn't going to help"7I am the pillow that cradles your head in the dark" I sit up here upon my hill,"BWhat is existance when all you need to live is sex and drugs,"DIgnorance is in the air as you stare at me with a blanked glare"#When no one will see your pain"'The many good times, the many bad," How much I really love him!"or my life will end."*against the feeling greater than all,"For everyone I hurt,":this is what i want most i left my mum and dad a note"+he sang about stoners and cheap Wh*res"I know this all to well"But, in your eyes"but his skin is fragile"7do so here's to you I dedicate my everlasting pain"%So I shot him. I shot him. I did"I'm nothing like you."-But to me they only make me hate myself,"=If we were to end the world with the push of one button,"Will always leave a stain."#Everyone who knew the truth..."&She just wants things to go back,"Some who you defend"oh oh please"
+ Wait."*Because you strained your pretty neck"(I'm so happy you're goin to be fine"+Standing aside him, �Let�s go friend.�"stop treating"Maybe tomorrow"Painted doleful glory"*All drowned in the clean chemical air" just so"My character is far from"%as if, in your mind, i could see"They felt that kiss">And I'd like to say I wish you could help me up once more"I know it wasn�t right"up with this"End of Author Entry"sitting in your classroom"when you left")Requested by many before this shift."but others instead."So on that star";On the way down theres something she must have missed."#I feel like him fucking insane"Outraged and depressed,"NBut there's a part of me right now that still can't let go of this dream."#that I see you spew, like I do"-Let words once said and tears long shed,"'I still smell your sweet fragrance"Fell through the sky",Passion was tasted from one to another,"4Cuz we're all worth it, even if we aint perfect""Angles, they just don't care."'and tell me how fucking sexy I am."@To disarm the over-sensitive nerve in the sole of our shoes"Yes"should I go somewhere new"Tears fall"$Till this bitter life in undone"'Kiss your face and taste your lips"grab the keys"(So I call someone on the telephone."&I hate to not know�I hate to wait"Sent shivers up"=soon, she was embraced by the brightest light imaginable"I feel so blue"make you feel new.""I bet you didn't even know me"!I never wanted to be so cold" make me"Tell me I can make it"!at times like these I'm lost"Time to defrost""I never really thought about."and get are dignity back."9Their families have been longing to tear them apart."I Could Take It All Back"!Are met to meld communities,"God, your such a tease"Bleach my senses"so far away"It doesn��t"Loving me."'I Lose Myself Tangled In His Arms,"can compare to""Of how you'll love me forever"And you poured yours out"#Like spitting on a raging fire"
+ How I"Wish that all my problems,"I know I love you because"Today's a day"Into my own regret"and take care"(I want you to wipe away these tears"Poor Meter's crying;"#That won't stop me from trying"&I give myself to you as your wife"and she hopes"The ground burnt,""A loss of all I've ever been."!with every remembered memory"Thoughts will stop"I think about you"I'm afraid to talk?"Take the girl and run" the demon it wont fade away",So Softly To They Draw You Into Them..."i brush my hair..."0It is like part of my broken heart is fixed"quickly smoke some dope"0And if you wouldnt mind I'd like to go home"(. . .And this new road will take me"When I come home"#You can't see past the sparkle"I could be�yours?"9But this key won't be given to them on any soon day."$and as they trail down my cheek"'My actions speak louder than words"Think of all my want to"You think about me all"20,30,or 40 times"I gave you trust",And when we meet all my worries go away"and i cant believe"can go.Your footsteps are"-Just let me surround myself with shadows"but your fallen part"[and my black heart]"!and I quickly began to fade."End of Author Entry"+Reciting promises of never ending lies" Because I feel empty inside")Should be erased from all vocabulary""I love you""I listen to your words"You never did?"I can't see you or"JAnd I would act like you were a thing of the past, a one-night fling,",It darted away, without making a sound."Its getting bare,"so dont you dare"You"$You messed with the wrong woman"Once I Was Happy�"&One life, one soul, on love, gone"high and dry"<now i understand why people say i used to be more happy"!More than everyone is dying."when will i be????"The one who catches you,"PI razor blade that you place to my scarred wrist still seems visable to me.";Because a body's a body, and our souls will never die."Well I bet you never knew,"-Vivid pictures of that one time haunt me"The softest lullaby"2Her tears trickled down and fell to the floor")Can you think of anything to relive?")All the way down not wanting to die."Heaven..."$Outrages, Not something curable" now my true feelings unfold"looking down",my lifeless body will be all thats left"You taught me a lesson,"Count one-by-one"An extraordinary life,"Just To Be Near You�."%Once you've met the Grimm Reaper"3If you need to talk you can call me at anytime"Don't try to bring me down">As I begin to rouse, feeling his comfort, fuzzy and warm."I won't get over it." Chorus:"6Promise me you'll never let go, promise you wont,"���until now��.."I sit here on my coffin"And treat me right..."Death is near,"I see someone else."Just look from afar"2no scared wrist no more pills shell be poppin"That you see in your world"&This scar won't fade like you did"*I didn't want to feel that connection"<Because I'm not what you want, some dirty little whore."'I hate the feeling of being alone,"(just call or write ill be there...."It�s all a haze."For just one second"4Whats Right or Wrong... like pleasure and pain,"$Exactly what she's doing to you"4to show I can still feel when you're not around" *Click*"2Waiting for a scream or just a painful sound,",Praying for someone to help me through,">>>"When it will be over?".Thel never find the killers in this crime"That I'm finally through."%Is this real? the feeling inside"!But much to fragile to touch",Green eyes like vibrant indian clothes;"$and I love you in the same way."look down the hall"The coffee I just bought,"thru thick and thin"As I fade away"Because we found out"3That is filled with all dead dreams and wishes"Past expierences"Don't dream"I am the son cast away"Eleanor Rigsby did""your diamond eyes, they shine""You're so good at playing coy"$They know each others secret(s)"cascade along in my dreams""Wiped the tears from my eyes,",But they wont come out to play no more."+Saying the name he falls to his knees,"!In this life we call our own"!I say "of course, or I know""I can't fight it anymore"you whispered"My morning cigarette,"1Just remember its you that started this war,""Then the medicine took effect"#After your summer cracked lips"-I stared deeply into his mysterious eyes"what is left"2In search for what I know I could never find,"5I'll pretend I don't love you and lie to myself."There's noone here with me"$in the blessings surrounding me"Or is that just something"kill me save me"Your father your killer."the pain seems to increase"with my blood"*So now, the plan has come to a circle"You don't live my life,"She didn't look good"It's a pity they don't." I am your mirror reflection"over and over"i wanna do anything"He would hold you close"this is all real"5But I guess just for now I'm happy with insanity"I can do whatever I please"%You made me feel bad of who I am"A tragic tale"Who was sitting there""you're stuck in the quicksand"'with all of this, it's killing me,"The one that's mean"*A line of butterflies down at the bay" Tears carve their same path"You won't bring me down"3Staring at my walls and talking to the ceiling"Slicing her veins open"'So as we use what we've been given"'contamination created by the greed"$I'll wait for the doors to open"-As long as you'll never truly believe it"So it will stay to decay"I make another slit."?The sky begins to cry with me and soon my body floods over"And special smiles"Bruised by her pain"-Perhaps I'm just accustomed to the frog."can you see what I dream?"everywhere i go"Greet me."#Cuz I'm the urban god of today".....I'm the girl who saw,"Keep looking!"#we just have to stick together"!I won't stop til I get tired"While the silence speaks"&Your actions have dug your grave."Now those girls. . ."one day, i shall" Now I see you lieing there,"%And guess what - you were right,"and has no hope"for all the lovers"*Why do you continuously do this to me"you wish for me to be dead"<Through all the pain that's the best friend I ever had."ability but talking""when i dont know where to go,".She won't make an effort with her friends"Lord, never let me go."Where has it gone?"she's dressed to the nines"%You were the treasure in my hand"Who would have thought"#Making life just seem hopeless"Show me life"(only now i feel its not me its you,")She�s fallen from grace at this rate"Hidden guilts,"(Cause What You Get May Not Be It..."'I ran away with glass rose in hand"#As the summer breeze dies down"Don't let me dream"like a saving grace"Or else it wouldn�t be"*You feel like you should be my knight" Forward"ACould we look up at the stars, and gaze into them for hours,"But it is no use, for"*She tends to the sick, and the needy.")When actions no longer mean anything""I love you once again........")So I'll flutter and fly to my future"ill walk the fuck away...."You make stupid decisions"$Then end up like I did with him"No love, no hope, no one"&I finally find my name guess what" Chorus"
+ Trust"&'Embrace yourself for the impact'"-a frame of mind, a weapon of destruction"I am nothing."Printed so purposely"#I want to hold you close to me"or was it planned",Stare into the darkness any longer, and"My patience tied in knots,"$to get my "tools of the trade"."And cry with me."curled up"And leaves me in fear"*...a dark shade, something like black"&this isn't the ending i dreamt of"'i just need somebody to love me..."and listen carefully"I love you."-LIFE SUCKS AND SO DOES EVERYTHING IN IT."I'm still dead"With nothing on"5if you're emo and you know it clench your fists."$that aint cold. just like glue."$Try and change me, rearrange me""Attended church every Sunday,""see me for love and for right"You are my everything..."4Bitter hate rains down Upon the week and docile"!Not sure which way will lead"$I love you like everlasting gum"#I don't regret the things I do""Looking at me the way you did"To what is gone."It hurts me so much"All such a mess.")If only I knew death would take you,"It can make people closer"1Didn't know killing you could be so much fun"0then watching those tears follow the others" When I looks to the mirror,"As we loose our days"Talking/reminising,"Can it make you high??"He may love her"&Some people have no will to go on"#Eventually destined to nothing"How could this be?",Where is my colour, is it just a memory";Waiting patient of my presence, my being stands apart,"I am tired"Please hurry" loving you is just too good" BOLD"Singing a tune"?Look at my heart shattered and know the pain will continue",Taken for granted by those who he loved"#silence is their taunting game"I'm not as bad as you"0In each others gaze, I feel trap and locked"'Licking these wounds i cannot heal"So when you don't hear me,"$*I love it when you say my name".Your so unpredictable Its hard to define,"(I stalk after him, the chosen dead," I am me"+She knows he�ll pretend to never know,"(You were the one I'd always turn to"*To all the Family, please do not cry,"I wish you were dead."Raining down, oh so hard."'my mum has sent be to a looney bin"I don�t want to let you go"+an imaginary friend runs to the rescue"&Would this bed still be a coffin?"to bad she didn't know"I am mine"0the fact that she isn't completely useless."!Because you're the one I got"I want to feel numb"Im not a lucky star,"what it means..."#Someone so much closer to You."Playing Double Edged Sword"%You would know how I really feel"Now you look lost too"so young , yet so soon"%Hidden moments of lapsed control"&THIS WORLD IS A FUCKIN HELL HOLE."Used to be"!At the tree outside of town."i never can forget you"why dont anyone listen"Ai want to say i love you, but it's something i just can't do"#And every time I close my eyes"Like a bomb threat"$And a smile breaks from my face"Disrespect and asshole"Each day I love you more."I've relied"As I have always")Try to explain how you used to feel."$We can't forgive you ever Cody,"#Blackened lips stain your face"0The smell, The stench of fate draws closer,"6I constantly question if there's anyone out there"0Emotional breakdown just waiting to corrupt"I guess i should be happy"$i hate the thoughts you give me"We'll live through this"but you were different.",When I'm wishing that this would blend?"+Silence has never sounded better to me"!And just stay like that too?"Like I'm on a cloud"which you stabbed me"%In conquest and in her thoughts."!full of pain, full of sorrow"'through all these fighting nights,",falling shards of me litter your fields"i love you all...."&I saw the way his friends watched"@It was quite hard to understand why their love wasn't fair."they're invisible."in to my ear"%And then when there was no reply"And you're left, alone"Anything for anything."$Forever because you loved me..."I hated how you lied."To you I will be true,"Unkempt promises"#That everything will be better"I love you still"#And I - obsessed - grew worse."Like a midnight sky"But I've Set It Aflame"*And the people I surround myself with"$and her heart beats slower, and"I'd cut myself open again".To look into the those fields of diamonds"wont let me be"*Will you look into the mirror with me"Aching with nausea"Da fu*king suicidal with too many letters hidden under matresses"Please send him home"of a lovers broken song."the frozen waste"(I think it could be true, I dreamed"5I can help you find what you've been looking for""Mask your demons, mirror none":You�re like an alkaline rock, in the pit of my tummy,"To cold to show"/Pitiful cries are wrenched from my throat,"I've found faith"7(What was at one point otherwise known as "US...")"any mistakes"I blame myself"LAnd we looked up at each other and i knew right away id always love you"Of a tremble"that we would say I do,"#(Its gone, away from my mind.)"4We could piece together what we've ripped apart"!But if soul-mates never die,"and slice my wrist")Ryan pleaded guilty to manslaughter,"&I'm sorry your going through this"A new cut s revealed"...Help me make my machine"Unless I can think of you"-I'm not as pretty as you thought I'd be?"Always in meter are"But there was a problem"But that is too much"Escape from my view"0� � � � � � Her Dad would be sitting there,"When I open your door"Will memories stay??".But you dont care as long as you can sing"Just a second before."Your sole reason to shine?"What is this?"0It can't ex cape now!Cornered helplessly..."CHe lays soft against my tender side, stroking a gentle caress,"!you were supposed to read it"I hate the way,"Over time."Kill us like a new disease"FYour pity is what now kills me it's driving needles into my veins"And if you are gone,"just to let you know..."at midnight"Why I cant seem to find";;;;[Make me love living]"This isn't funny to me"Cdark spun lies and cotton candy cunts invading space and mind."$As the words faded on your lips"'From your world of western comfort"And my not fighting back"G� � � � � � � � � � � � �of the brilliant conversations we'd have,"(But they would scorn me for my sin."
+ Plain"#i never promised her the world"9He would never let and unintelligent man into heaven"I'd have so many friends,"#Just my heart to where you are"
+ Tears"cause no one cares."You Take To The Sky"'to tell you that maybe, its not OK"you block her view,"3and feeling the cold air HIT you from the vent"you were never there" Sad..."lock me away"Is still holding on"Im deep in a a black hole."even when I'm feeling sad"Her eyes like diamonds"=To know that someone is always there, always by my side,"/Staple me shut like the scabs on your cuts"Laughing."cannot offer you comfort"4I would love to choke them with their chocolate"Make it shut up"As black as night"Say good-bye."To not have an opinion"And what else can I do?"What if I caught you?""From the skies come the rain,"im dying on the inside...". . . I know i have." Again."BI didn't think you could make me hate you in the first place,""Trapped in an endless fantasy"about a girls eyes,"friends are betraying you."You smile."carve a canyon"#Hopes for her misery to end..."A cover of sweet serenity".These strong feelings that i have for him"There is nothing at all":with something unfarmilliar and so different from you"Too many decisions to make"but i feel emotional.""(This might be the last kiss)")Hunting the night it pushes me hard,"Sex, Drugs and Cigarettes"&Now you�re here but it�s too late"6your childhood like a light in front of your eyes"Because I did not stay""A song that stirred the stars"*Pondering questions and answers alike">I must get out! There must be more to life than darkness!"and hate, and remorse."&But he won't fucking answer me!!!",Where the ghostly pale, salt-water veil"This time,"
+ Hate:"$****whos the better friend?****"(How much I felt that we had shared."%Naming seasons don't know better"its suffcating me"Moving forward together"[wish you were here]"And beauties kiss"Lost in a blunder";Something in the shadows lets it's rotting socket see,"'Cause if I do, I'll know for sure,"Loving your Froggy room"prove me wrong"Judgement"BUT".It's okay to make me out to be the sinner"What purpose do I serve?"Xacto knife valentines".Where's those sleigh bells jingle jangle,"your not worth the fight"&Now I can't feel anything at all."@The only way we'd be together is if there was a phenomenon."Hardly solid"*�She knew she'd know what empathy is,"$He says he'll hold me like that")one dared to place the killing petal"6AND I THOUGHT HMMM SHE WOULD MAKE AN AMAZING MATE"Like everyone else."&I'll cry and wish it wasn't true."Anything you want,"3Blood trails on the carpet, all leading to me."The way angels sang"2she's the one sitting 2 rows over in geometry"=Without you I'm frightened at the possibility of no cope"Of there seats,"I slapped her a little,"Ask angels for dreams".a piece of my soul that will never let go"Penciled fate,"or have I lost myself....."But I'm to scared to")and shes not as perfect as she seems"!A disease to kill your heart"#Kiss my trembling lips so soft"2i rip it out and throw it against the wall..."waiting..."3dream? When will I be loved by another and not"#Today I wrote a poem about you"whatever i mean..."Friday I saw"I don't think I want to." burning"&but realizing ive played my part,"I sit on the dirty seat"'nobody knows all the hurt and pain";� � � � � � � � � � � � Is now singing her heartbreak."to reach you and"'Watching your life pour out of you"My demons keep me happy."weeping in her ear"From the truth to the lies" It hurts more now then ever"to see the real you aging"(Just tell me so)"#let ur perfection wash me away"%into the microphone at midnight."Like steel, captured"When you finish with them"I want you to be mine?" As honest as his departure,"Said it...all",� � � � � � � � � � � � but never will."%Painting portraits of your smile"Can anybody oblige them?"t feel to the floor]"!of what little control I had"a canopy of reality"#Now she sits in her dark room,"7What a dreamer I am to sit at this window sill and"and a broken life."When you really don't" As soon enough I too would."because you make me happy,"(meeting with the light and the dark"Fall around me,"+To shimmer in motions of morning stars"up my sleeve."who felt the same."Tell them you're my victim"-They don't have letters in heaven anyway"-I have problems and a life just like you"You spoke immortal words,"and it can still be".Much of her pain, disappears from inside,"Dreaming of the yesterdays")what? cant speak? cat got ur tongue?"It's like I don't matter"!afraid to fall from the sky."In reality"Not alive, nor are we dead"7Quickly I prayed silently for a sign on what to do"7Gathering all these memories I wish to never have."!Damn, am i really that bad??"From a Sunset to a Sunrise"
+ White"I hide behind my walls"But that is too much"why cant i be me"I see my monster,"You find other ways,"But you just keep coming"Know what it was like to"'for I was killing myself all along"!I'm enveloped in this moment""It ends what might have been,"4Your like an asphyxiate, I�m drowning in sorrow"+So making your life hell doesn't count"What's the point of trying"*With one glance we degrade each other"$I didn't get around to kiss you"I continue to be angered"&Hold me tightly, and don't let go"!grotesque like holes through"Deny yourself honesty!"&That once held our fragile bodies"She gazes in the mirror,"0before my time runs out i must find meaning"GShe'd talk to me, tell me stories, filled my mind with creativity."2im trying to tell you i'll take care of you!"" Hear"They must start to show" hate"I remember that"She doesn't want to do it,"I am told..."#So we both can stop pretending"and love too beautiful"*Two things that should never be mixed"*outside the glorified rain just drips"
+ Pity."#All your anger comes out at me"to the fun and laughter"I don't need it now"Well, I've been dying"And my friend, the moon"Deep inside myself,"This cannot continue,"you see a side of me"#litter the wall with yearning."0this is an incomprehensible pain within me,"I am afraid to change,"(Or is that another line I should be"!It hurts to have your things"Since I can't choose"is you can have my life,"+There's no note or a letter to anyone,"As a beacon from afar."Just to feel better",Inside the room that awaits you and me,"Is all I found."GAnd when you walk away from me once more I won�t watch you depart."$i just need somebody to love me"I want to leave"since you've been gone"Linnon am meleth v�n!"I drew a picture"6Thank you for my life, a slow and pointless tune."now after months of fights"*Reasons that drove me to want to die."Hide from"Please you.""You Need to Die""what changed"im tired of"!You're still out in the cold"*Cooking has never been a strong point"a mutilation of there own."Unwinding my soul"I am s c a r ed"'Ready to make something worthwhile"Sit home alone my angel"%smoking weed from ty-die bongs ."!So your style you must alter" But for some isnt that easy"skip a beat"To try it out again...."I have left to say."The stiff white sheets,"Laying down to die"She stood by a man,""And we would always be paired",and I would never get emotionally hurt."/Then suddenly i feel my heart begin to rip"!It would light up your life."Eyes hollow".It reminds me of all of my happy memories"battles won"Roots dry and petals fall"I sense her still"I will be more than you",i am still forming and unready for love"'I shall take a dagger to my chest,"Worn out."$Somewhere I cant bring you back",Loving you and your �heart of darkness�"Does he still wish?"Cas there comes a time when i must face what it is that's wrong"We're still right here"� �Before her eyes."(What if you could relive something,"and secretly"Tell him to be careful"your taken parts of me"dont go into this sleep"i hate you so much"The one full of smiles"/And mastered better how each word can fit,"knowing i cant..."O� ToShay"!Sing the words I can't write"$all we are is silly teen lovers"Like heaven awoke"Torn away,"4I just wish it wouldn�t have happened this way."With words and lost hurt"i'd be dead."1As she wonders if she ever crosses his mind."To a happy lifestyle."keeping us happy."The things consuming me."a desperate plight")Keeping her from me the way she does"BAnd you just want to kick your best friends to the curb?"1its always my life seen through others' eyes"Could They Free Me Of Sin"7You gave me gold, diamonds, in the form of a ring."0A puddle of emotions seep through the floor"But I really don't care..."To be selfish for once"9But the memories of the recent past had me depressed"-Why must my mind play such tricks on me,"that way noone knows"� �He found his shirt,"'� � � � � Who cries for hours. . ."My first date"i'll never give you up"$if you left my heart would rip."decisive betrayal."JDon't you know I want to stop, I want to stop my self hated emotions,"PMy apologies for not doing enough to prove you have impact on all my todays" god gave me a beautiful son"you cannot take my pride"it has to end."KIf no one does forever loneliness shall consume me as a sit and think.""I brush my teeth and my hair,"It wasn't so bad"She's afraid of her fear"2if your emo and you know it clap your hands!!"I can consume."No more tears to cry"Who's funnier"Do you regret that night"$All the things I've never done,"Riddle me this?""You're the world's best actor"For he did what he loved,"Why can't you just"I�m sorry I said good bye"Her pain. Ended all the"(that yes, it is. Because if I leave"(Couldn�t breathe, or feel�trembling"(is that all that matters)"Until someone can see"into your"that you have been gone"<how can i i dnt ask for it! i dont even talk about it!!"L17. When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered?"And now that you know me"I gave love"see it lie in shambles"$A time when life was different."*But like recurrent plants I will defy"This body i am in,")You come back, with I'm just a wall."The Girl I Am"/If there was a will he knew you would act."Will they miss me,"clean up New Orleans"am I too weak to move on?"Loves me!"#As you passed me in the street"The world didn't care"&And this is not something I need."'It started of as a one night stand"'ur never alone, ill always be near"and opening early"*it hurts so much when I think of that"[My hearts an easy target]"0You say you're my friend, you laugh with me"My life infested by them"-Each day I love you more than yesterday,"3is paired off, and there's no one left for me."$I don't want to come off strong"%Start the bidding at $10 for her"I was young" or die"It's not always a choice"that so dissatisfied you?"#From the monster in my closet,"light whithering"Friend from friend""You won't bring me down today"$She looks curious as if to ask:"All it brings is pain"When one goes insane"'wanted but it's ok.As long as your"Under this fall"1From now on we go back to just being friends"Now she�s apart"4In each other�s presence it only took this long"Gthe boy she talked out of suicide now writes poems instead of cuts",I let the rain hit my face, knowing why"Now dead."%Your hand reaching into my chest"Her bloodied lap"Walking down the"+I caught sight of a twinkle in the sky"But then I see"a mess I just made/"Tears you wasted on me"(But it's real. All of this is real."#He tells me I'm out of control"so give me your poisons"And cry and cower in fear"3Near it, a butterfly, slowly beating its wings"and"with my own fragile hands"this is my goodbye"I have one last"1The truth is I don't think he feels the same"I should have said"What he did in front of me"0I only knew half. But i stood at the front,"the blanket of insecurity."(but I'll always have my steel angel"It whispered a plan",Even if that means it will be silenced."(Hunger and starvating are forgotten"I really spend with you"ripping me apart"7Entering myself to shock at his images I perceive."and sometimes you"it disappears"%once filled with a beating heart"(Frothing saliva, dripping prepared."Suicidal idealization"I have nothing to live for"(unfortunately)"4And I don't really care if you are done with me"Crimson tears have"so no one can"@i don't have to prove myself to those who don't give a damn"%and on the days she passed me by"in love with you" Wha?":He is the part of my soul that makes me want to live,"awake i become ones more"is screaming at us." blame?"'When did the lies become the truth"The words laced in"If you do""Oh, yes, I'm fine,"I am your favorite shirt"As you Wisper "Ready?"""Because it hurts to hold back"But as her new groom""How do you live with yourself" But..."&It feels like I am about to break" FLOOB!"I'm holding on."god"0I don't want to come off a little to strong""Would hang yourself up too..."'When does this fountain of reality"$And you can be my empty promise"/Like you are afraid of what you conceived." Chorus:"Can you forgive the"We're just falling apart,"Invisible to most""But even if its true ill know"<One nations will to conquer and Nero's plan with thrust"&How many we have it’s up to you"repulsive."#Dust caught by grains of light"<� � � � � I came to understand that night was precious,"im here to be your friend,"$All the arguments have to stop,"+Reminds me of the things we used to do"0"You're better than this, forget their shit".My fingers shake with the fear of control"!sat in the cold living room."And what was not to"Are locked up tight")Time freezes as the light bulb sways"I knew Grandma loved me."*My kiss settles on your lifeless lips")Dream of you and the love I've found"Sent down for us to love."She looked down,"2A forgotten story rest on the edge of my mind"to say my last goodbye"3These days we've lost to our daydreaming minds"(last night, the music sounded right"(Im trying to make you catch my tear"You Say you miss me,"as it drives away""I'm one breath short of death"$Not able to control my movement"
+ loss,"$Never thought I'd have it again"I would fly into yours"A hateful damning threat."&My heart wouldn't be broken apart"(Sitting, still perched on his cock,"(slowely slidding down the cupboard,"0so do Love's soft kisses evaporate, leaving"Even when I cut my self,"$I was never worth the grieving."
+ heart"Winning over my own doubt."=on the way passing train tracks thinking whether or not?"I hear what they say")but since that day when you told me,"My neck arched..."QI battled my thoughts like every stupid song. battled it on with the remedy."I know your hurting""Or do you just want to sigh??"It's just the B.S. now"&When you look at the wedding band"9the knife was her escape from pain or so she thought")Hopeing the best and slowing my pace"$Sitting on the edge of the line"&My life has just got so insecure."&Given the world a dark grim look.")I never thought it could be possible"'Because I'm an emo(tional) wreck ,"&Is there anyone put there for me?"I'm holding my breath"Black and white"0(Honestly, love, what are you waiting for?)")of things I do not wish to dream of."0I promised you then, forever, in our pasts."!No one acknowledges I exist,"Sour as lies"3Through blue-moon illusions of silent autumns-"7it's been said that time is the best healer of all""goodbye""It's time to go"Tell me that life matters"we serve no purpose")your lips are smooth and so are mine"&Don't be so sure of yourself now,"Between you and your car"(I cannot hear you)"$I can tell you I hate your face"(But you still have something buried"We have our "clicks""End of Author Entry"A little kerosene"'I�m falling apart I�m dieing away."thinking this is the end"Left as reminders"-The waves crashed o'er his golden locks."But when you'd ask why"*Recollecting all the moments they had"#And it never leaves with ease."3Does it really necessary to believe in love???"They think I'm a fool">>>"I suddenly realize"Under pale silver moons..."The lies she told..."/i feel so foolish, like a silly little kid"And power of its burns" � � � � � � � � High school"You drive away"Here I am beside myself/"3If only you didnt lie to me about being happy,"of laundry detergent"No longer needed"Lie to me anymore"I sit, silenced."I'll still be the same" You used to be the one who,"$A long night still lays at rest"Our souls damned"memories of you remain"It's not alright"But found out its a window"I want to stay here"'For anything or anyone Thats Real,"I don't care what you say"But I was so sure"Fall around me,"and I could touch you"If only I""Loads of love I send your way"your breath"Here in this darkness and"
+ Death"I know I should feel low"4He tries to convince me saying he's much better" � � � � � � � � � �and fat,"My fault?"See the light"#Written upon your flushed face"*I remember a time when we were apart,"Don't help me out"and its white"Its tryin to protect me"$I feel like jumping up and down"#If you could, just let her be,"B� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � and let it fly in the wind."&I am all alone again like always."9The wings of this tattered angel were never repaired"&"Youre insane. just leave me be.""&No one stands a chance against me"Life will get better".Death will never be the end of you and I,")I know now you really didn�t mean it"!The thunder is so defeating,"Was it the way I acted or"why doesn't anybody care"
+ Dead."Often so abused.""hell I feel like it every day"Of the life you could have"like a toy." You slipped away so quietly"how"(And there's nothing more to be seen"If I could,"!I love you now means nothing"live, worth living"In white moonlight dreams" She can see inside his soul"and when you kiss"Bloody roads are just" Well..."-dark silhouettes cut from perverse paper"$never being with her ever again"Once as before."(Because I'm the one with the gun..."words mean nothing"
+ pain."'The burning heat, the searing pain"As fast as this"When really she was lost."You say you heard me"Closer than ever before" Harder"*both havve someone to call their own." (Ch2):""� �Carefully untied the lace,"#Happy that I had talked to you""she used to run on sunny days"Verse 1 :",its flowing away with the rest of me..."#What you were doing was wrong,""Why it couldn't stay the same"%apoligizing is getting real old,"And"but you didn't see"6How Do I tell you In coded words that I love you?"Fathoms so deep"laying in this bed"and you still say"Can you taste the saline?"Won't Suffer Anymore"That and nothing more"
+ souls"Don't bother I'll be fine"+Through the looking glass of eternity,"-and this theory has been proven wrong..."im failing as a friend..."i dont no what il say"please friend"They caught you".Destroying and creating our surroundings,"The Blood Drowns You,"yet i need you"#this is for the broken hearted")But her crimson petals mark her pain"But now you are here"Truthfully to your heart"EEmerging from the subliminal self-portrait of conscious dreaming"*I don't know what do with ma thoughts"*Nobody sees me or the trouble I'm in,""And you where excited for me.")[every piece is a reason to give up]"%but for making my friends happy,"or in the dark"what would it mean?"Greeted in private,"sobs and screams"You were to me."+What will happen to the people I love?"you are amazing"but if I wouldn't have"0At least I guess you thought so at the time"0But you, wouldn't dare to tell me the truth"!Lost... to an ant like size."you wouldn't care"Alone, afraid"To hide herself from"1and that you're still the keeper of my heart"#Consoling can't "fix" anything""how could it end up like this"so quick because"Then you called,"I know I hurt people..."til I know what its about"Once more..." I dont think that im a dork"I'm already">( am i ? )...and maybe-just maybe if i take one more pill"#the pain rush through her body"gripped in her tiny fist."&can have the most complex reason."NWe are slaves to some weird creatures dream, I life no longer is reality,"'Don�t give up! Call out once more!"You betrayed them"(It's O.K. cuz I can run to my knife"Let your suffering begin"*These sudden dreams come haunting me,"I catch you staring"1so tell all the words you never meant to say",Entre lo que existe y lo que no existe,"=I was too broken to see that some people like to be mean"To everyone around you,"and hang on tight"When I first met you"She's pulling back in""Seek and you'll find"" To make you stop loving me?"#� � � �You could of been mine,"5reminding her she isnt thin like the other girls"/Just as that chipped mirror still reflects"
+ to me"I only need one"#maybe it�s been too many days:"Turn it down"Time is a valuable thing"and its too bad"Maybe until then"!If a remedy cannot be sought"#And as the morning sun appears"never knew this was pain"What they were looking for"*The hours no longer matter to me here"Its to be slit into wrists"0a lover and a dreamer, much the same as you"This my Auntie told me"Come a bit closer" You told me I was beautiful",3 blood red for the love i feel for you"does it matter really"%I'll just sing my favorite song."(HE NEVER LOVED ME, HE NEVER CARED!!"*rolling down in the same pitiful line"All through her life..."I cannot fly"That tries so hard just,"8I think some shit has to change, and it's going to,"#Count the pills that were left"!what it seems and everything"Wolves in sheeps clothing"!why do i do the things i do?"And swears ,"
+ blank"when love is done""all this i keep hidden inside" I knew I would think of you"the reasons why this hate"For a reason"
+ 10:49"Wilted roses fading fast"&One last breath before the plunge"Please Come Back"(I already gave you everything i had"Don't let them neglect you"A flashback of greatness" In lost sight of my delight"$i want to scream i want to hide"I knew you before")Here's a letter from the real world."The air is freezing"!See I never planned on dying"(We couldnt decide what movie to see"Use to tell me"guys your my only hope"(Schoolwork, wrestling, rugby, music""By killing someone with a gun"i cant pretend to be"And your life.")In the end I'd rather keep in touch,"$then acting like you don't care"In a time when"$Trapped in my misery once again"$Totally lost and cut up inside,"Unknown is what you are..."No one cares for it"Pretend to be content"1But my voice is gone and my muscles are torn" Blood to boost my elevation"([Please lord, let me see your face]"What made you leave"If you and I ever"It's a perfect place"'Full of energy like a wind up toy."I wanted your love"Is there a reason why"should she kill herself?"You yelled"so I gave you the key" Why?"+Cutting rainbow�s from my soul�s tears".Because even time can not heal all scars."And hear again"Starting Over,"and to put down"vanished from the eyes" but i want to see your eyes")AND EVENTHOUGH THIS MAY SOUND CHEESY"We've talked before,"We waited for her."#Slipping away. Into the night."Through your head" take a break from believing"Even though you did.";My soul crawled in and took it's rightful place inside"Now I hear you"Together we dance"-An end to his, hers, yours, and my pain."Artificial smiles."'at A" and a hundred and twenty two"Your to go for that"Or dream these dreams?"#that will make me shed a tear."She will go on without him"And nothing"The bleachers and"/Praying to the Gods that my tears will end"&I have given all that I can give.",If you do not, i believe you are wrong,"I'm tired of hearing.")I wasn't allowed to go to that party"For something else!"'You know have much it's hurting me"#She gives one last look at him"You are both one"1Trailing out of your heart as you drove away"and to try and eat dinner"everyday a part of me dies"To me, this is...",like a little kid with a helium balloon"1I will not forget any of you in my dark days"Oceans On To"2I'm intrigued by the thought of what could be"Oh its so sad"#Now I go with your best friend""were abused for our pleasure."Time and time again"I told you I loved was the"i dont care what you say"%Over time you are finally broken"-I thought that maybe if I found another,"(but don't be sorry that you had us," Through space, through time"in a hidden room"Your seventeen years old"That day you made me cry"and now i must pay"so far away"of dances' sweet embrace"It's a populous place."I went to that"one jump one time to fly"#And if it is within my control".Press harder, come closer, need a feeling"Have the answer that"Wakes my mind to look"Relive it alone"You just walked out"!promise me and you will find"Need to get me by"Where is home?"Just a stupid number"And starts to leak."#hard to get through the years."me like no one else"#Today the tears will fall from"-One who had come from an unlikely place."I learned your name" i know"Just see how I bleed"1� �As her aunt, wipes away both their tears."I believe"Touch that lingers"Pass the time"7So when I say all the hurtful things I have to say"Your heart fades away"+To say i'm the one would be so unfair,"Isince my efforts at becoming a better daughter have proved fruitless";You don't know how lonely it gets on these cold nights"and gazed into your eyes,"-As If You Don�t Care You Salt My Wounds�"like paper hearts"walk far away from you,")you'd think she had the perfect life"Tease my intuition"+I want to believe every word she says,"Crumbling ash."*� � � � And leave you standing there,"(Being a part the United States Army"-You're just beginning to open your eyes." Take up your newborn heart,"Would She Love Him..."(fingers)"&As hopeless tears enfold her face"you left me with a smile"is breaking"'trying but failing ten times over,",Then it ends and I'm at an all time low"and gasp for air"and still say"The colors of your clothes"*Over the hill, an army starts rushing"8It knows this is something, Something that is right"was the tethered lines"$a blank face with no expression"'But, oh I will do it with a smile,"$She saw one day the devil come,"&These tree's foreshadow something"!And bells make to much sound"#All the world is full of glory"PTiny fingers wrapped around me so tightly I don�t think I could ever let go"4The quiet of the night has been my only friend."'but i really dont think they care."they don't"As status breath reflects"0Guess no one knew how fucked up I could be."down and saw threw"&�Who put us here, and why?� � and"'I try not to let it be destructive" fu*k"ATogether we are strong and will never let this bubble burst,"I'm so stupid, so naive"$Sleep my beauty Until I return."$If you wouldn't wanted to stay."'Because I've realized your one too"But a butcher,"You are the sunlight"*I didn�t know if he was dead or alive"The world hasn't a clue."He is just a guy!".Convince yourself my case is no different"#to exile himself from his kin?"The silver shards of glass"Your lips create the fire"!thoughts ran through my head"hang with my angels?";Garbage, a slut with whom no respected man will flirt."&Though its been forever and a day"I seemed to let go of."you send me away"Wondering thoughts"$Here at the base of forgiveness"Don't forget Dr. Seuss-"%� � � �It prays on the innocent."'Your deep blue eyes watch over me,"
+ 10:49"Are stronger than us both"In your arms"$Roll over and be amazed by you,""Whether the signals you send,"&The only thing you can do is cry."'like a soft missed summers breeze." Down"!I've frowned so much it hurt"I'm on my own"*Steletto's left in back seats of cars"But still I am not cold"=When I watch you walk down the hallway as I stand there,"And we hardly say hello"Once this life is over",I yearn for the days when life was good"what he did... to me."that you strangle me."lemonade chilled with ice"Oh I will..."AWhen the moon hits the earth, I will love you like no other."3Time heals all wounds, but scars never go away"Fthen she remembered she gave her old Teddy's to the Charity shop."The stars are falling"My heart a crying wreck.."Wishing for better days"&For it rained all day that night."Turned around in anger and".I can't believed you told me you loved me"It would be yours,"%not good for your own well-being"
+ speed"I cried..." As I"But I'm still here."9then right now i would not be sitting in my cupboard"Leaving me in the dark"Ima bomb your little ass"#your actions have consequences"That different people do")Every bit of time that passes by me,"look you in the eyes"I didn't remember me"I want it to end."Just a mere observer,"Stuck in tongue"But it all up to fate"#I give in, I quit, take me now"That you need some time"You pierced me swiftly,"Sat a young man."Mind, free to unwind"!I just want you here with me"The way you held me"Then that one single night"like fish in the sea,"<She just loves everyone too much, she just wants to die"2Tasting the moments of the past such as this."or yet to come"Brings with it a beautiful";Maybe its time this picture had a definition in stead,"Joke with me."!The only eyes I can�t forget"Fall to your knees"+one night the pain got to her real bad"#All the times that we'd frown,"so party the night away",You let me save you from this fate? The"'� � � � � � � �about these people."%*I love the way you make me feel"The girl was dead"Like a kiss to the cheek."1I�ll see him in the afterlife or in the next"'when i tell you i know i was wrong"Rainy days"Just wasted my life"Don't think those crimson"I'm reallly sorry"&and never have regrets and wishes"What you see in her"#And I'll keep you happy always",It broke my skin and I started to bleed"<There is nothing in the world good to live for anymore.""I�m wasting your money again."He's my blanket"Time moves so slow"$just once more let me hold you,"Than I did today"KWhen I am through with you you'll wish you never F.U.C.K.E.D. with me," And that he'll become a man" Telling me a fragile terror" To hold a razor in my hand."5It just stands there above all the happy people."$My usefulness is put to an end."And she breathed,"With the licorice ground"To you my love""You were always a bad example".Forgotten."2When I thought my life was at the bitter end;"Along with your"wishing my life away."*Only to find he was searching for her"Alone for all time...""(Rains crashing down the window pane"But it can't mend the void"1So superior statuesque with a poise so regal" Open me"that I kept"+Just something boring to take up space"2Shape me vulnerable enough that when we kiss,"She's practically staring."iam think iam gunna die"#I wish I could see you instead"Me.",You compromise to nurture what is bare,"Don�t come to me,"I told you a secret,"from the ashes"stay, don't go away."!and tell tell her i love her"$I remember days sitting at home"Awake today"just once"/I believed in you and now theres no turst,"but I always mess it up"'The coldest chill, across my lips."we're not goin anywhere"Are like my enemy,"DAll your doing is replacing the ghost of a love you left behind"I am sorry tonight"$But never let them consume you."I can never get enough,"-The feeling of water, where did it come?"KBut only a quiet being can learn the secrets that leak from their lips"for the traitorous words."1Tell Brandy I need her to get me a band-aid."it is not foreign to me"\Damnit Baybe!\"But nothing to say"8her soul is dead, and her faults forever emphasized"Till there is grieving"$you do your thing and I do mine"KI guess im not used to being happy, So I stay the way before the test."%To fall head over heels in love,"Angel, you and I,"=And passed by the present and future youth of the world,"with a television"%Life is too depressing to get up"�You showed me the book,",Through your mind you taught me reality"I'll take this pen"*I`ll treasure you in my heart always,"I push a little harder"-see what a wonderful person she could be"$haunted by vile insufficiencies"� � � � I can't lose you"'We get together from time to time.",but pretty faces lie well i you're"Hurt me so!...."Another night,")No and that's why you couldn't share"#(She always leaves one sitting"Someday it'll change"#The snow fell heavily outside,"That all I do is cry"Ever again?"or if they'd be relieved""You don't have to keep lying."The violence"9We speak through metaphors and hidden secret letters"$We can't forgive you ever Cody,"In transparency?"You try to make me stop"A blinding moon."<sadness flashes across her face, but only for a minute."Like the killer whale,"he knows my mistakes"(Now that you are gone I will be sad"HERE`S YOUR FAIR WARNING"while he told me"!| ||||||||| `--------' | O l"You are stupid,"BI went walking at lunchtime, with my best friend named Clark."2As I sit here thinking of you in the darkness"I wish I would've died."&But nothing could be more fake..."*drawing black pencil lines down faces"9I like to keep my secrets, but they want me to tell,"AS the casket is carries"Follow my words,"flame in your"Why is it"but cant get the words out" Sing us another damned song")Demon of ice defending so valiantly,"In this isolated place"I see the love in her eyes"I don't like this new one"I'm tryin so hard"I do love you"#How long can I run on nothing?"Black like his life"Don't wanna feel this way"I can feel the pressure"!Knowing that your not there."we allow all manner of"We never hang out"not that they would anyway"$you can find a real sharp knife""� � � � � � She had to watch,"...I know on the inside"!everytime i fall in love now"5Driving down the road to something unforgettable"She knew,"EI'm weak and depressed, every morning having my memory refreshed"9because i hated the way you told me you loved me and" family" And break friendships apart")Hell I don't care if I get sent away"sell me down river"TMy whole body becomes cold, and I turn my head, only to see the forest of hell."4How many times have I written you these letters"Don't waste my time"but i can't, and"To be all you can do.",And as just I said, more than anything.".The broken pieces of a baby's body parts."6Thank you for the drugs, the thing they all fear."0my body and mind with problems of all sorts"Your blue-green eyes"=You hid in the kitchen watching my every move as I cried"To watch my anger drain,"'You seemed to write your own story"closing her eyes"In my dream world.."8Running laps till you want to melt into the floor.."When our love subsides"But me even more"9Every shred of this masterpiece burning on the floor"#But it's music to my ears now."/A solitary Grapes knowledge is quite dear."So poetically."AYou brought happiness back into my life when ever I see you."on my hands from the"0That fake laugh will echo through the halls"It ended,"$what we've kept yelling at you,"dearest brother..">I remember when you took off your T-shirt so that i could"I don't understand why"FAnd a faint smile spreads across my face as I remember happiness-"+Who's leaves connected were her cloak,"Found a knife in my hand"Cutting dieing")And it was never like I let him know"anymore on this holiday."Can this really be?"
+ Maybe"7And each scar became a haunting memory of the past"Taking everything with it"with your finger tips"#I'll make you suffer as I did."I'm dying"Could catch"$All these lies that make me cry"strong these days"(the next darkness and hollow times,"What is love?"saving you from herself,"she is happy..."4:38... am still"your children"Linked to reality,"%You made me feel bad of who I am"Before it was too late"&what did i do that was so wrong ?"Away from your love"your happy" greater"She remembers"(but you cant take this away from me"#I'm just sic and tired of that"When you get sick"5They say they're signs of luck and surely grace!"I may never"$But a truck I seem to have hit,"to see that you are alive."That cannot be kept inside"/And some are just to spoiled to understand"Pick yourself up."That your love killed me"And most of all"I keep on living"!It's a mean thing to ask but"I Love You Eternally"CWoke up in the stars this morning slammed against a brick wall"Dance in the dark" blood."who are afraid"/An image that has something that inspires,"................"$You always were a sweet talker,"The blindfolds are off"to what you"%Never saw me crash into the sea,"Provide me with motion."Know was that it'd"When you went back"What happens now?"'feeling like ive failed all of you",Your moonlight love is a tangible mess,"&if you dont catch me when i fall,"In this waltz"(I beg you do not wake me if I sleep";Forever content to wash the trace of halos off my eyes"
+ Then,"*But different in its own special way."When he is not asleep." Bright lights fade to black"I don�t ask much"8the thoughts of depression float around in my head."3with all my emotions eating away at my insides" If you are truly out there,"&AND I AM GLAD YOUR OUT OF MY LIFE"Then with"/why do you have to be so stubborn this way"The world disappears"5Left the home which held me prisoner for so long"You are something I adore"Its more like burning food"Forget your face"And the pain becomes"%I need to be with you, not them."i was jus played,used"comes the secret of a life")but it looks like that didn't happen"I met you that day."Or feeling" In this"i dnt give a f#ck"Why can't you fucking see?"$Inside her mind's a brutal war,".And people tell of fables from years past"I Can't Hold You Up,"His little nudge,"Am I anywhere?"and feel the pain"=I never asked to be a part of your satanic complications"(I just want to be with you forever,"6Loved Ones Buried Deep Beneath Sweet Mother Gaia,"?slumber parties are death traps for lollipops and icicles.",She slits her wrists and rests her head"EI've learned to survive without you, take this as a subtle hint."&Our eyes meet for just one second"Meshed together"Hearts made of glass,"but how much more exactly"Is with you"so i can kill the person"I think this is real""but the Dark dares me to leap"I�m helpless on the floor"the other born to flourish"from my wrist..."She had tried so hard"You're just a cancer"Seeping into oblivion"you see yourself"one thing keeping"1What am I to do when the rain stops falling?"Because this is my Love"0Look all around you and then you will know.""and I pray that you'll return"NOE MY LIFE"#He knows how to break silently"Find The Message,"*You find some way to tear my heart up"We are meant to be"&I have to tell you of my desires."/Cause I know I am slipping farther within."*i want to give the world a paper cut,"help me break free"A 20 mile walk alone,",Then coming to find it was only a dream"and when I suffer"When he came into town"#Your love was true and strong."Promise her I love her"*That would pretty much describe today"0Viewers would be convinced we were in love."3All my unanswered questions lined up in a row,"on the tip of my tongue"#My heart thudding in my chest,"5Darkness creeps over me everytime I try to trust"4� � � � � The way you hit those guitars stings,"/Today is on my mind, and so is the future,"&If only they'd open up their eyes"!I can't keep you off my mind"End of Author Entry"It don't do me any good"For you do not know me""for someone youve yet to meet"Since you have gone away" Theres nothing left inside."And I will get by fine"tears stinging my cheek"&Almost like a roller coaster ride"3Forever imprinted on my lips for all eternity."Without you!"AI think and think about it, but I still know not what to do."He's given up,".And now i say, "Im so sorry for my part.""I was ever okay."Rushed to the E.R."IYou and your love is more important to me than I could ever explain." God Don't make lonely girls"0You take for granted what I have given you."%I know you have feelings for her"#you kept me from being scared."Don�t you see?"6Never picture the last look and the final goodbye"7that will help me escape from this darkened coffin"&Only adding to my everyday strife"I hope for the best"i dident do nothing"Hoping someday"#become what you despised in me"-And the people that will always be there" Stay awake until you bleed," See?"+Locked up in your imagination, its too"8When we first met, depression, ate away at us both."%I try to cast my feelings aside.".It's here that I realize there are two..."Do you believe"It hasn't failed yet"Run away," BANG!!"'Your eyes became one with the view"Knocked down in the dirt"+That my own blood took away my dignity""And mourned the dying flowers"of a life I once held"'It's her I don't want to be around"a monkey in tights"
+ that�"A theft I've witnessed,"it has begun"7Reasons for each mark as they appeared on her skin"#I'll distract you from my soul"Think of how she feels"You're not real." As if I've been here before" im sad"my love for grows stronger"of love filled bliss."I guess maybe there right,"&Succumbing to your eager caress �"and just let me be..."#Oh, but he was never concerned""walk through the door with me"I thought we'd be"That I slam the door?"$Suck the pain out of our souls."*When I talk to you I feel comfortable"living life to the fullest"AMuch too big, her hips too wide, it seems they never shrink."$I wonder bought my unlived life"in your head."!Shouting, Pushing, Crying. �"8� � � � � � � � � � he'd forgotten his shoes. . . ."You owe me so much,""If they only could have seen."just get away from me"The image gets clear"I need to know,"+It�s been lost to the world of secrets"Her eyes lie open in fear"
+ Messy"A kiss would have me die"%Making everyone think she's fine".It's been days since you've heard from me"'And it�s all your husband�s fault."'� � � � � �. . . None of you know,"'An argument can lacerate the bond,"You patch up my holes with"through the darkness"The more I try to hide.",All I can hear are all your broken lies"&In the shape of an abstract dream"Is because of you"Save me oh Seraph."0I will laugh in you face as you crawl back."/where forever, together, we're never apart"and let the wind burn you"4Realising my tribulation was all but actuality,"%One step closer to dieing happy."You Hold So Dear"the way it runs,"I'm blinded by the white -".The other end tied to a bloody birch tree"Want your kiss"is it true"#You said you'd be there for me"/You are no help to me, can't you see that?"DAs my tortured, broken heart cries crimson tears from my wrist."$Why would you want to leave me?"&He doesn't know how much you care"+Could this world still take my weight?"This haunts me every day,"!They Cannot Hear You Scream�"+I got eaten up by the vultures of life"and so will I."Don't make my mistake"8We do have optional classes you may participate in,"-I fall to the floor and cry my heart out"Too bad you never did"ready to live or die...."A new side of life"And there it was . . ."I fall to the dirt" Faster"Into the next,""and what lies within my heart"(With this feeling you'll never know"6I'll just sit here waiting for the phone to ring." the teens watched her leave"$I dont like to look under them,"$crying and sobbing like a child"2She died all alone as she always seems to be,"This sentiment unfolds"the minds of the suffering"But I stumble a fall"Will it not change."I was too blind to see"8I thought you were there, you just left me standing"%fallen angel of mine, i love you"&How do you know where you end up?"Very happy the way I am."*You failed me once, I failed you all,"I go deep and I am in."The glass I have given,"All is calm, and chill"Nothing to be seen"places it towards her head"They say "It'll be okay""Get you nowhere in"I walk through the rain"Your name"I think about you all day," Making me stumble and Fall,"but VERY right..."they've crippled my soul"TAnd nevermore, I long to end it all, I hope I will, Have the courage This year,"upon a mirror"how hard you can fall" Lost upon the face of time,"%And cast aside the degraded skin"they'll never suspect"%now, as you stand in front of me"Hesitant steps,"Eternity Has Come And Gone"7And become the focus of your mute,immaculate stare"#She wants her little boy back,"Now I can't be yours"It is you whom I care for"I won't leave"Regrets and remorse,"Teenage Drama..."Nothing, no friends"%I think of what was just a dream"On copper fielded flowers"On this pretty platter"&I don't want to live life anymore"9To accommodate the slow-sickled flow of your motions"9[Yeah, I know all too was only a dream...]"We can't let it die.""I can't love, can't be loved,"I was independent""This secret that I'm holding,"2Some make me so happy, yet others really sad."Tonight is all we need"!But I knew I wouldn't get it"#I'm not what you want me to be"Who would have thought"$No other feeling can replace it"#i have a feeling that is great".I've filled my heart with Christmas cheer")what you want me for i'll never know"*I�d hold onto you for measures on end")this is a song for that special girl"6or you can cherish my memories and let it live on"And there you were"Arsenic soda drinks,"I was found vulnerable,"That just three weeks ago"My father's daughter..."You imprisoned me"spending a year here"'I'm the one who comes out in glory"I'm sorry that I hurt you"I wish that I wouldnt have"!maybe I'm just crazy in love"
+ speed"create a dead girl."we approach slowly"(but they still wont leave your head"your tears of acid pain":Looking at your pretty face, I want your pretty face."out of breath"2The mess has been done and I've no-one again,"And we stop."slumber with all my fears"'And you can me my greatest mistake" Too many tears have I cried"!That you're in love with me."i know the way i want"7and when i was little i believed i was a princess,"of fingernails and twine"
+ sugar"#As I imagine the deep cutting."And smile you shed"always on my back,"wanted, but then...."'My world, my beautiful world . . ."oh oh please"'Of what I call a poet that is born"And you will find"If I touch her...pain..."sufficient answer"have to shout"your body laid to slain"&There are times when I'm hopeless"I wait inside myself""Place my hands upon your hips"so and we could work it";You offered me the world before we were even together.")� � � � � � � � In playing Hide. . ."'Because i cant distinguish anymore" to love"Every little thing"(I'll die alone with only my sorrow."%This has been a crazy morning..."thing you"$I never thought it was possible"He is my knight."Dear God,"I feel us drifting apart"%I won�t let you smother me again"protections"You're a liar."(Maybe next time I feel you watching" 4:29 am"*Her momma and papa were sound asleep,"But you stop me"Im scared,"the blood"flesh grows thin"And flowers were blooming""Put happy thoughts in my head"Dark eyes"$Is the person who made you cry?".Never finding someone who truly loved her"4You offered me safety when you yelled at my ex."two faces of love"+Even if they knew I needed to be saved"!I'm left here to wither away""tear your black tangled heart"Me and my love for you."Hear your children"%I fall from the door to get away"Yes"&Not sure why these tears are here"There is no end" scared"Have you ever thought"id kiss your lips"&I cant understand your intentions"what did i do"Why do I still love you"
+ Alone":and no matter how stupid it sounded you never doubted"'We all know it's about to shatter."With Clouds so soothing"BWithout you in my life, is seems like it is going by so slow."
+ Love,"
+ along"Your fears"$The wind blows hard against me,"The Wounds,"But I harshly disagree.",You might have to be the one to step up"I join in on the shame" Alone in her room she cries"When we first met?"Nothing more soothing"Draw The Lines Of"1I want to cry like it's the end of the world"0Even though It may not show, by our appeal,"&Until she remembered his smile..."7You held me and made me feel like I was something."(I haven't felt this way in a while."falling forever"Red and white" off all the shit around you" and now"i know that someday"Is now my ache"she seems so near"
+ Just,"$Because you're not here anymore"TCome pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?"her loves a lie")You sat there with me that whole day"tense surfaces"$I can hear them speaking to me,"Love bang bang""You`ve been gone for a while,"Here we are"!How does that make you feel,"There was a time"So now I slip farther away"I look up"$I never would have noticed you,"I knew it was right"*It makes us howl for the burning moon"<I am the wanderer who falls beneath the feet of others,"In the latest headlines"Polish and silver"It will always be good"
+ Think"I don't know how I""Like your shadow in the dark." my own family ate my spirit"I thought I saw you today"Sky"%The deeds are done by both of us"7My eyes begin to bleed, and my vision goes blurry."It's a crush"4if you're emo and you know it slit your wrists.")I was left with the weight all on me"
+ Today"I sit here alone/"Don't cry for me"� � � � �No pain."9I can't try to pretend that I think everything is ok"JAll these boiled up feelings got to her and she did a terrible thing." And even as he lays burning"it was time to go"&Maybe its the way you look at me,"as i start to regret it"Wanting life"So baby please don't pout!"%Feelings of guilt lost long ago,"no movement"Always happy"when she was happy,""And when all is said and done"Anything at all"&� � � � � � � � She fell in love,"6Memories float by as if they are a separate being"Then walk away"But your going to loose"$� � � � � Now i've lost myself."I feel so alone."
+ Funny"&I gave birth to your frustration."Why have you left me?!"Believe me I did"in a dark ally of my mind"with everything he had."I wish to be someone"GWhen you tell me how we will spend the rest of our lives together,"I don't make a sound" make me feel alone sometimes ..."It doesn't even bleed,"&Keep me in this world you live in"im to weak im only young"� � � � � Inhale,"&like you've got something to tell"Can you lose me"It takes one swift move"You are greeeattttt"DContemplating once again....fighting against myself...the urges"'Til death do they part"I've had enough."&And Soar Just Like The Phoenix Do"-she thought it was him coming home early"tee-pee Santa"/Even though I believe every word she says."Tangled in the sheets"9I dont want to hide anymore, behind this fake smile."3Like a bulb or a tree waiting to be planted..."Are you so righteous"in a perfect melody"Just now it dare snows,"*Can I drink all night or cut away you"$I knew no one could comfort me,"!That I found someone perfect"This whole damn world"Doesnt it feel bad?"7I know I�m not all that cool, not even that great."!But until then I'm just fine"He says that you say"Lying on the stretcher,"2You'd come in but by the time you were done..""they were to big i got caught"FIt was a phone call that lasted 20 minutes but went on all night."(She held the cigarette to her skin,"with your finger tips" You will always be the same"Would He Hold Her..."Which one should I choose?"I'd do anything" stop me"4on the brink of killing in a blood driven rage."+Just never tell me that you were happy"-dont you ever feel like you dont belong?"
+ I saw"(Liquidity-black,"not melted cubes"Don't say"9Cry yourself to sleep at night (drip drop drip drop)",When have you walked a mile in my shoes"Sweet as sound"-Watching my life slowly drip, drip, drip"(Aiden: something more than you know"5Because I feel so much closer when i'm with you,"yet so complex"4Rooftop to rooftop, across my urban playground,"i will help you see"abuse and use each other"/As the basin fills with pomegranate tulips"But I just wanna tell you"don't leave me"%Thinking of philosophical things"9The perfect moriality is the dark soul that is told."0its obviously not how it was meant to be..."5I cant stand seeing you with her and me with him"acclimating to the motor"Is it suppose to be easy"
+ -----"This just isn't my day."!When I cant help but refrain"its the sea they fall"where did i go wrong?"=You look around and notice not too much of a difference,"4but deep within my mind is where i choose to be"and"Awhich died because of carelessness from which they now part."Im holding it close"with fabricated emotions."past the mistakes"/It's just that you didn't think it through" Your"that they'd surelly hurt."I love you daddy,"Win you over"Anubis please revive us"And butterfly kisses"you fail to see"In An Empty Shack"All that I have"Once again its dark,",you-wanting to be weaker than I've been"But imagining"� � � � � � � � � �"Ditch's symphony." I shall never truly mean it"has left me with"from you to me"*Stuck in this world; your acid dream."*But still she doesn't notice the pain"2Just thinking back to those wonderful nights,"1It has returned, Eliptram my evil companion." The signs that were so real"You said you loved me"i hope she wont be parting"Come on just turn around"(All distortion of the human figure."$Something important feels gone."You made me happy,"fly from the window when"FI got caught off guard, straight between the blinding headlights,"Invisible at a glance"the pain you caused"'I could almost hear your breathing""perhaps once at your request."I�m sorry that I cheated"living in a box."And forget about him" for you"It cuts so deep"and show me life"'See, every time you say goodnight,"+Whisper the song as I mutter the words"i loved you from the start"#But I didn't know it was wrong"can I feel so alive,".Id be the one to sell you out And I know,"*to get across all my feelings to you?"I love you"its all horribly wrong"*all I through with me falling for you"i feel you"'The truth that's held in your eyes"*I am able to fuel you making you grow"Before I fall so deep"&You keep trying to mask your pain"LWe can forge a love that�s strong, a friendship that�ll never go wrong,"%And in the end they won't listen"*Tears I'm thinking you don't deserve." As she tries to fight again"(and for a moment I think her strong"I don�t think of that"0Say the words you said to him one more time"He made me smile."0When you feel youre all alone in the world?"And an echo in my heart"The rain my company."!what makes me feel this way."3Counting and keeping track can be such a bore."<Your leftover love is hurting me more and more each day":I am full of all the things, that you want to sedate,"I needed to start over"
- whoosh-"But in the end, I cry"So I hope you live happily"'Its OK, its would have mattered..."you see.."Life is so melodramatic"Shooting my heart"No more flowing tears"Don't give in"But I wont cry"The light"You can throw it all out"to the naked eye"@Because coming from my mouth it was a mear bump in our road"#cascading from red-rimmed eyes"For waltzing with tongues",im weak and only you can keep me alive."-But really. . . .All your heart wants, �"But in the aftermath"Begging You To Go",we laughed i wish the night wouldnt end"/and theres too much pain to cope on my own"Decaying love,"#Destory All Those In My Way..."� �Little"'Another nothing?, Pleases help me,"I've lost my star"7I realized how much I've ignored myself for others"Holding each other"Worship their godly flaws"Tell me there's love"and told me goodbye"� � �Because maybe,"And now were together"2im closed but i wouldnt have it any other way" of being he who exiled him?"to anything and everything"makes my heart rise"Sleep doesn't come easy")I want to get out, I need to escape."Just wake up from"#That you once took for granted"I smiled back"'What are we really fighting about?"&It hurts to know I still love you"(sing until the world opens up to me"New, again?"He sat across from me"With dignity and strength"The real people:"He was tall"To be more then close"I can�t control the things"'Slicing whomever needs its service"� � �While you choked out,"so i say fuck 'em all"When I was cold"<Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever hoped for,"/I know you are disguieted at what you see,"unkempt manner"%For the last thing i have to say"of you leaving me alone"And when I feel your touch"Swinging fists crushing me"'Everything will come crashing down":The Butterflies are reproducing in their own disgust." Grab"Goddess and he lights my"%The moment my freedom was caged."5You were good while you lasted, I must say that."7Everyone wishes they could be a perfect as we are,"'Her gaze is on the blinding walls,"$Cause I am done with my finals."Sleep silently">As she gazes through it in need of finding something lost" That we have not yet found."this is unreal untrue"not for a long time,"&so now tears flow down my cheeks,"His wife is a widow"I was your everything"'Why even bother trying to find it?"Trying, dreaming, pleading"'Amar es despojarse de los nombres."0to all the emotions and the way you cared.."%for your smiling face and no one"%the end is nearer can't you try,"and label me."I am who I am"And nobody saw them."untill 3:15"Your mine, and I'm yours"My own denial"both drenched in blood"just past the forest black">But she believed herself, and that was all that mattered."Why this,"It's getting squished"I fell the bottom of my"With no starlight,"#but you dont want to just yet,"she hid inside"while searching for"2It's better this way. I'll always be with you"a suicide note"!That you will never be mine,")Being shunned by my dearest friends."2When you hold me like you'll never let me go."
+ HOME." (Except for the select few)"!my mind as vacant as the sea"8Sitting in the corner, weeping for hours at a time." Sleeping to escape the pain"Well I will tell you,"5And for what I ask, you always wearing your mask"(you don't deserve to be comfortable" Because that is all it is.."/I held my gasping and closed my heavy eyes"Happiness, sadness, frozen"!Open shut, pealed back scab," for us"to be toyd with"#I'm walking in the wilderness,"� To Her."Will I ever";Or will it keep on haunting me, leaving me with marks?"Sit next to me," You cannot hurt me anymore,"
+ � � �"!I hate how i held your hand,"%Because your not with me tonight" loving you is just too good"purest of black"I'll crash and cry."I Love You Too!"And only see the past."
+ WAIT."A slow drowning tragedy,"all those time"sugar, ahh,"It's not because of you"&So I might wake up happy for once"every time i try" Death is so much more worse"AThey slowly walked away from each other with a look of glum."And all I blame is me..."Though difficult at times,"1The way to some women's hearts is with roses"*Or maybe it's the other way around..."1And then Clark and I saw standing before us,"Lend my sholder to cry on"Hold you, kiss you"&Why can't you accept some things?"No."With my parents' yell"As free as stealing."You're restless again"?Ill sit here beside you and we can watch me bleed to death"Were all meant for him"/Leaving a glossy, glazed look upon my face"talks on the fone"as for your soul",I linger still in my prison of thoughts"Someone other than you""because i was to blind to see"If they do"they get phsyical..."&Shy boys become unashamed lovers,"she is afraid."Why not? Are you afraid"AAnd reprobate the lack of thought deriving from said impulse" In their eyes your not good"8Just forget how stupid I am, and don't you hold it."-I would love to stay in his arms forever"the no one will know"I loved you half as much."Sometimes"Capsulized"wishing you where with me"#Sensitive emotions Infiltrated"$Once had you, but don't anymore"Feelings go unnoticed"Half empty..."Look at your reflection"'in you. You will except me for me."even alone in my room"There was evil in this guy"I handed you my heart"Yes its true"Clutching you in my arms"Could be out in the air,"6To gently manifest the very warmth of our breaths"These letters are"!I see its shadow in the day,"!they make me wish i was dead"So I could disappear" but when you Neva came home"nd layed it to rest]"Tell me that you care"I will be the one"I'll love you forever"&My heart alone would die and rot."HThe nervous feeling in my stomach subsides as your hand meets mine."*Breathe in the rain scented fresh air""tears and anger we have felt,"!The nights we used to spend,"$All shadowed by a nameless face"And smoking is too"I still have callouses"&Nothing can fill this void I keep"
+ � � �"+Right back to me through my headphones"Let you down"And you don't know"That old Italian caf�"
+ Sane!":but yet it sits there empty, night after lonely night"!No friend to help me through"5I show you all my scars and you help me through."Only to realize"and i hate you for it"less truth"6Keeping loved ones close by, keep them loving you"!ots so real it makes me hurt" and after you've lied there"Something more real"'These things happened every night."Could you tell me"Promises of forever"I say I'm sorry again,"Love, wont you"I am who I am."I breathe"Different"From this broken heart""You think you know everything"Hey baby guess what?"1What have I done, I just sat here and cried,"&yeah nothing this good stays true"As for you?"#Oh, how I wish I were dreaming"When things get dim"*I know now how much life is treasured"To you I can't say no,"8on our backs .you broke your arm ..i broke my heart"
+ Cheat"%As I hid out on the front porch,"
+ And I"0And if you wouldnt mind I'd like to be free")Or facing a big change in the family"$I still want you to be with me."0It's beyond Martin Luther, upgrade computer""Kiss them both on their heads"equals nothing" To allow me to keep my gift"?� �and that i'd never understand the pain you went through"$� � � � Whatever acceptance is,".and the blood was only drawn for minutes,"Seeing different colors"+The gard'ner is rewarded by the bloom,")2. You can write in form you'd like."2Control, Obsession, Anti-trust, Hurt, Anguish" Moon"the world has come to know"Love does soar."and qiuckly end your life"-to the floor we watched the pieces fall."By your side"Was what made me whole"&That yes, she is no longer living"Valentines is Like Love."He flossed and he cleaned"Things I should've said"Over and over"#It just makes you want to sing"#� � � � � � � Around the room,"$as long as you've got your girl"Repeatedly"2If you could only express your true feelings."'That they be closer to last winter"but as a reasurance."+and ordinary girl with a love for life"Only those who are close"that are cries"And pain is so real""Take what I offer for granted"Hopeless?"...occasionally..."They call for you"#I tried to tell you how I feel"$Love is in the dread of Summer,"/Timely trap forced to play out seasonably,",I am no longer looked at with knowledge"That the rumors about you"I find companionship"$wants to dance all night to the"*I put it on the floor, in a big line."hidden beneath" � � �we" Why?"Standing tall"Heaviness of limb and"Your one black rose"Going to start a new life,"!Watch the blood coat my head"In another�s eyes"butterflies in my tummy"These tears they fall,"..."To believe that we will be"And take you away".about what exactly this life really means"#I really can not let this show"#The aging wisdom slipping away"3Because now, you�ve committed your own suicide"now happiness i lack" to run to. Whether you care"Can't help but feel lonely"and so i fear you will"!and the sun has turned black"M0NKEY BUTT!"I don't want this pain."Let the wind pick you out";and My future might so I'm writing my dumb song to you".Where Love is the only thing that matters"!And end up getting mad at me"His hand reached up my arm"so i cut to feel numb"good feeling,"!and devoid of the individual""whoosh time has flown so fast"!I cant hold onto you anymore"The Darkness That Is Me..."QAnd although I'll always be with her and you..she needs somebody to come to."I dont know what I want."&Already the day that couldn't end"That night she ended all"7MY hell, all this disgrace, Please let me not lie,"#How they get to live and burn."*I know we can make it through it all,"For it to dwell within,"!Why am I lying here alone..."Sticking on my fingertips"But what?"#You know I do anything for you"and now its time you died."LI thought things were changing...but the tone in your voice tells me no"+Rush past him nearly knocking him down"3I remember one time a girl about my age saying"%Where breathing isn't just a way"A FIGHT TO STAY"Does she really think"Warning us all."Bruises deep in the cement"When I hear your voice"/The torment and tears that each day brings"On the adrenaline highway"@i miss the way you held me and spoke to me with kind words."I can barely see you"I pop and feel the shivers"
+ Love.";What the hell is wrong with me, Im not myself anymore,"0Through my brain like a gunshot, faster and"But you don't say a sound"'I back away and I start to crouch,"Too many to count."!Full of lies, hurt and blame")but willing to kill what i create...",Maybe it'll keep it from falling apart."!I long for those times again"
+ Today"+It�s time to say it�s my baby not you."a response never wrong" But it's just another dream"why should i survive"Passers by on"#For love has left me shattered"$They make me feel loved, wanted"what you have done.""and run my hands all over you"-and I wonder..When will the next stab be" I'm not gonna utter a word,"!No matter what happens to us"$and bottle it up for later use."1A product of their �modern teenage society.�"9� � � � You let to Opal tears fall upon that ground,"'I couldn't wait to feel your touch"
+ WORLD"%But in your arms I find a peace."He holds the tie"in front of my face"Its constant wallow"2instead i can only sit and watch you be alone"I tried pouring love out"I can breathe again,"9Next time I see you, promise me you'll take my hand,"I love you"Come what may"their dirty little whore."Save me from myself"+another time to think of conversation,"it makes me want to cry"%Does nobody else see what I see?" . . . Or maybe just a hope."Start the dream over again""Blood Stains On An Ashen Face"You never gave me a chance"I knew I wanted"'to see the smile light up her face"Shards of blood fly apart"(My heart pounding louder than ever,"A Decaying Sanctuary"'We get together from time to time."I lay all alone"6But what happens when theses words can't be said,"flowing through me"crying over you"!The so-called Christmas tree"You smile and thats all"Good night sweety,"caress my hips""To you I will always be kind." Always"!I'm going through this phase">� � � � � Even though 5000 other people receive the same."3You�re not the one living this way, day by day"'How much it hurt to see your tears"I don't deserve"Gotta stop this".I've always liked him in that certain way"#Screaming until the blood hits"A sea of sleep"Darkness is in me."
+ I lay"*Now she's afraid she'll do something,"I'm not giving up,"!With an unbreakable sealing."and all it'll ever be"IM HERE TO BE YOUR FRIEND"And I'd probably cry."He knows where I hide,"I'll Chain My Heart"(Oh no they won't, they still remain"I handed you the proof"You gave me everything"Your my bestest friend""Maybe I'd be better off alone"And no one gets hurt by it"is it safe"Like flowers in spring," hating the couples I'd see," There's a long life to live"dark and light dagger"And everyone cries."$I sit and i cry .asking god why"I'll be your slave"If it all ends again,"The moon calls me outside"because I do."#We really weren't meant to be,"End of Author Entry"iv don some bad in my life"On the way to the station,"You said that you forgave."8They'll Never Wash Away, On My Soul They Shall Stay"You came into my life,"!I'm cursed to dwell in a sea"I Never Wanted It To End"till then i need time...."8I unknowingly allow him to plot down all his glory."Though inside I'm dying,"Browning and Frost are the"WITH NO REGRET";And my wings are the only thing that make me beautiful"#Now were throwing it all away."Pain people will inflict""The lights glowing carelessly"And I still love him with"!I hurt you one to many times"just so that you know"5I didn't know there was people lurking out there"$Her shirt, it�s fit so awkward,"<What do you want me to say, I think about this everyday"(We are losing your beloved November" And..."+based from a novel of grand proportion"She didn't know, �"-one just risk it, taste its balmy juices"Am I hurt?"6’dear, sweet child’ again the voice she heard"2I will hold your hand, we will love in peace,"%� � � � � � � � On her bedsheets"5so you all can go on regretting you ever met me." no one"I'll Peel My Skin"and watch the ocean cry"-A milky white shine comes from her eyes."4Beware of the freaks blending in with the walls"like they all have.")There's life and love and happiness,"I can hardly breathe"%But you just pointed and laughed"+Tomorrow comes and brings what it must"+She is the one who gave me this smile."$And eyes that sees only for you"+can you tell between my fuck-up lies.."But if I'm gone"Good-bye Dad!"create the literature)"Our brother"5Your existence is the only thing keeping me here"*As I wish to hold you tighter, closer"+that you can pull the trigger yourself"#for the one who's meant for me"Not letting me go""Are you certain all is clear?"So many times I hurt you"That one person,"-but if the person on me happenes to fall"Friendship seems so frail,"Only time will tell."Constant cutting,")She also has an invisible raincloud,"*Who wipes his nose across his sleeve."complete opposites"We see one another"The stars of the night"i'll try and hold back."And yet..." Sending Off A Evil Glare...",How much I love you, love you, love you"!Then you get to do it again,"%with the simple swipe of a blade"And forever" To him"I hold onto it"Good-bye Jake..."'Her fragrance interrupts the music""So I build up my lies, A wall"Words that dont agree.">It may be to late by the time a responce has taken place,"Its hard to believe"and it only makes it worse"Time stopped moving"school sucks"-I'm tired of pain, and sick of the shit,"Whats left to say"%I'm going to change just for you"I had my issues")If anyone can understand how I feel," The saddest day in December"My wasted summer's end"The touch I miss"It feels.."dig it in deep"gazing into.">Everything I am, Everything I have, I give it all to you."No will power,"8Everything you say to me, will oneday make me feel," I wipe them off my raw face"my soul torn"(But everyone needs A friend like me")I�m leaving this cruel world behind."pushed aside and"He put his arms around you"acclimating to the motor"Still up against the wall",You gave me the mercy that pitied these"With the silence"Take away all my pride"It hurts."I care about you yes."they do know me but"when you acted like"3Probably amounted to be a little bit too long.")Someone who would listen to my cries"$So Ill curl up in this darkness"This world is my nightmare"I wish i had it"despicable snares"Know that it's over"/C is for all the coco kids you drive crazy":I'd wait forever for you if I thought you'd come back"$i have nothing to stay here for"I'm long gone"Times were sad."!And I'll do the same for you"KRegardless of the people that she loved and her heart that was broken."7while you wept for them, they now weep for you.’"His nails are like glass"heartbreak."Outside I'm smiling,"Please forgive me" So dark"we need a catharsis"'We don't have to hurt,"i know one thing for sure"Sometime she thinks"to stay here one more day"Begging on the corners"I didn't move it"0And I feel the warmth in my body rise above" Because you my Love Do Not."!I know that i've been a cow,"3(I'm just trying to change your mind, love...)"Llama, on a stick,"And she smiled it for me,"And hold me close,"7That you'll leave me behind, when I can't take it."To hurt so much,"i spread my wings",I sit here smiling watching all of you,"It was all her fault">Is it some horrible illness that my onlookers shall find?"He's mine, not hers" goodbye"and i just burned it"you can not stay" Never sure when it will end"Then break up with me!"I make them move"(Cause my hearts not ever gonna heal"Don't forget".Are displayed for the entire world to see"%Going to bed knowing you're mine"Scream the word"Everything"Ever so gracefully"&her roots hold fast upon my heart"Incredible,"forgive this masterpiece"you show me"$But after that first cigarette,"End of Author Entry"I gaze through today,"TRun through the forest and come along the one who shall make me eternally happy"%take some pills while your at it""I won't bother you any longer"My Dreams Fell"Two so nonchalantly made,"one promise likely held"#The body and blood of forever?"Hand me your consideration"The sky is blue,"Of our own place"Just hold me in the rain"2No more hope left in me I've run out of tries"4But never once have I let my true colours show."'last night, an angel saved my life"In the form of a smile"No one knows" I cant."You can speak now."#all those hurtful things in me"*from this world that you had blessed,"4come out red over my flesh i feel like laughing"3What we think is real, truley just is fiction,"But you'll never tell"You're always right,"Winter passes"#that you've tried to let go of")she opens the window feels the breez"!Now I'm picking up this mess"The question is"9and my shoulders feel like they have too many pounds"0The love, support and cuddles you give me.."Of December 9th"I'm ready."The promises you made"%With you there were no more lies"4I'm sick of making myself and people Miserable," Your footsteps in the sand,"1Marking their place in the core of my memory"advantage of that"Not sure which way to turn" i just"$You have your place to separate"that blade"[you made me alive]"for you have killed."I WILL ALWAys LOVE YOU"Im sorry, why not stay,"a thing that connot be"3That exact moment all my emotions became wild."Spare me the words"Didn�t understand"heel is on her before I"not one makes it out"Say "Will you be mine.""'I've tried to tell you how I feel,"$Every single one of us together"#my love for you grows stronger"!Of how you came into my life"(I didnt know it would end this way,""Skateboarding is not a crime,"%and vanished into the dead night"� � � �Jump on my bus,"'All this blood pours from my veins"(always brought a smile upon my face""Wow! Does he really"*please just ask and you shall receive"And the realization"But that is too much"But maybe,"help her survive"Become the darkness"7Drowning herself in the sorrows of a second chance"Hopelessly romantic."6All the bittersweet juices sedating my bloodlust."!God will clean up around you"'than what we leave when we're gone"I still see you in dreams"Nothing stops me...".It showed me the bitterness of your words" but me"Eliptram in the night."And unworthy of my friends"but caused by me"DI can't handle this anymore, you say you want to hurt yourself,"This can�t be real"You never liked me smoking"So much about me"So many troubles,"4� � � � � � � � � � � Till her stomach bruised,"my dear angel"I still held my head high"Just you and me,"so I keep them seperate"Tears fall down"End of Author Entry"I sit and watch"I'm not giving up"In my dreams."*as reality comes rushing back to you." oh, he's just a pretty face"
+ I say"FWhat do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying,"Fake to believing" Harder"Am I forsaken for life?"&So in her cage of white and fear,"You should be happy"0I can feel the pain you feel, The pain that"*...but when the whispers of yesterday"!I know I will not love again" and i want to see your face" Crying for him to come back"���until now��.."� � � � �And i swear,")Lost, alone and needing to be found,"Didn't think that"stolen with a painful kiss"Before I even met you,")The tables turned, but the wrong way"We will consume ourselves."Never to walk again,"3when i look at you.I remember when i held your"-Hold me up, as my memories pull me down."#Yet your all I've ever wanted,"5and i've lost a part of me i can never get back."If I'm so terrible"$3 plastic nails drag back"I pick up a blade"#I'd like to see you cry for me"If I wasn't such a coward,"*� � � � � � �Because you taught them,")It's been years since I last saw you"
+ Clean"%I let this feeling flood me over"your somebody"don't tell me what to do!"But that is a lie"'I love you more than you will know"8I hear your tears for me, which reminded me of rain"7I'm trying to find out what it's like to not lose."#Words have lost their meaning."$See if it floats up on my tears"#she doesn't know yet does she?"He slept with no one"
+ And.."Still say forever"5The bitter wind whipping everyone who walked by." I've never been this scared"&i forget the hurtful words spoken"Of a guy you barely know"You�ve emancipated me."You have to know that."The ones you kicked aside":You stop, to see the stars . . .Reflected in the sea."but it's for me)"would you risk" need to keep pushing myself"Thinner is the winner."6What are you to do if you are in this situtation?".And let me fall once again into your lies"'The monster will retreat in shadow"And close the door" Too right! For it is plain."Show me emotion"1Shattering the evening with the wine glasses"8no matter what, in mind, body, heart, spirit, soul."+Suddenly, the faintest speck of light,"*There's hundreds of different flavors"You left me alone" Left behind in empty places"The truth was told"3I wish I had a roomie, I hope he doesn't bite," How?"But nothing comes out."The one constant"drops you out of their",Our hearts are pounding, mine and yours"*Killing the love left in your heart.."this is just a poem saying"I'm at your expense"Seen the moon slowly rise"� � � � � � �Tears."her voice"The day you asked me out" Don't be so silly young one"A man that left,"*You keep keep me sane for another day"I love how you compliment"No."I never knew a thing",one day I'll let you slip into my mind,"Doesn't hurt"$Tonight's the night, she thinks"someone help me decide"im a coward im a jerk"one"Scream out inside""That pours forth from my core"All I gave to you"9Both couples have made it past a year being together""I started a fucking war today"JBecause all i feel right now, is the depressful soul I have at night.""God" I shout out"...floating away..."With some kind of hope"Will she live to remember:"$In my world the colors are dark"Both our lives..."6I've forgotten to hear anything but your whispers"To love me and care"something,"Whats going on here?"'When your eyes still make me fall?"+Nobody cares, to your love, or demise?"!tantalizing sway in her step")You have given me the ability to cry"!And you made fun of the rest"We're both happy..."(I'm sure I've lost a couple friends"
+ 1-2-3"-Which may or may not answer to the clock"$� � � I'm scared of the moment,"The promises you made"At least I'm independent"Till you can see"You nearly broke my heart";when at first i heard the news, it took away my breath"Like an etching in stone"Hear your children".From all the people that stand before her"as we started to walk"like a frustrated sea"How to feel?" when I took my last breath."I wont even be there."The blood that,"reminding me the day"-they were the best of family and friends"0Did you mean it when you said "i miss you"?"To change it all".People wish there parents left them alone"and signed it with a knife"'The final end to her perfection..."Alternating between two,"You're free I'm not"$And do the things I want to do."I guess you see,"!Please be, everything to me,"
+ R.I.P"%But I want to tell myself it is,"But get what you want."is this true love?"(Maybe that's be better)"Being compared to everday"%Tranquil tears of liquid silver,"Didn't Anyone Tell You?"+Is it held together by locks and keys?"A Cold Kiss"'The thoughts of u go over n' over,"LWe could flash out like the night of day, We could soon just fade away."He walks among",When you leave me and eventually I die."Does it make you uneasy??";I know i'm wasting everything, I know im wasting time."Given the chance anyhow"9Maybe you stayed the same, and it was I who changed."*like a withered rose in late October."*and she shrunk around their presence."2And this past is a past that won't let me go."let you fall."'knowing they will never come true."-it molds your life to what it see's fit."%Look at your face in the mirror."When you are never there"you see that I'm hurt"hated lies",� � � � � � � Because I'm far to aware,"9you want someone to love you, like you you love them""Love is what keeps life going":It's in moments like these that I am torn and numb..."But it beats for you."1tears blow away as the wind caresses my face"He fills you with paper"6� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �top."Head and water journeys"&give me a chance to prove my self"-As the sun cast down its glistening rays"to be alive"-� � � � � � � �That no one in her class,"No one cares about me"When you act really odd"8I didn't put my name on the images anywhere because"Brings me the pain"=Its not like you can die and then come back alive again,"IHello,Goodmorning, We'll wait till next time... But for now lover...",The words of wisdom that you say to me,"The only boy was you,";Why didn't you help her out? Even offer her your hand."You Promised Forever"%But I'll hide my dissatisfaction"I smile when I�m down"I sit here"Chorus: I saw your love"a big mistake"'Your eyes are smiling in happiness""Am I in that vision of yours?"Ice cannot freeze it"7I feel like I lose my self, I feel like I lose me,"!He looked round for his top."@Because he told me someday soon again, we will be together."6"im fine, dont worry about me...i know you care.""
+ Momma"Don't do this again to me"Staring at the wall"(on my own )"I'm sorry"4if you're emo and you know it clap your hands!!"+only to realize im squeezing mine shut"Only half the distance"Thrown around":the pain remains and they all keep hurting each other""so that there is nothing left"Between immunity of hearts".You may laugh, but to me the pain is real"If she should die..."Love mends these cracks"You planted beside me,"I have no recollection">>>"I'm breaking down"Do you want her back?"1That made it official only one was to happen"Mind was and still"5But anyways, I let you go, and now you are gone."Days went by when we"%Nothingness Fills My Vocal Cords"Shattered dreams,"her eye appear lifeless"He responded with saying,"Reaching to touch"-and the smell of screaming on his jacket"0Strong Slow Beats, Of Passion And Jealousy�"2Tell me something to help me stay another day"2with scary clouds of black taking over my sky"4and nothing in the world will be better then us"Work Out All The Quirks"!There's no breath within me,"and I was alone again."Losing happiness,"and yet it seems to hard"His life was so hard" Now laugh your heart out..."!Tell me how you truely feel," ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;"your life would be living"!"Why havent I given up yet?"""I miss you always being there")But alas, I fear I've lost my chance"!Each day goes by way to slow"The only thing I need.")My heart and soul will never be free"Won't it ever stop?"Cept Painful Memories"But i didnt care"%It was too much for me to handle"would you stay a while"reaching the surface"emotions are stirred"+I sit in this chair and start to write"Smell my burning flesh"
+ Dirty"'And sometimes you have to move on'"+tried to commit suicide on July 9 2004"#I'm growing a victious circle." Has something more to give."But instead nothing")� � � � � � � � � and his briefcase."GI'm almost forced to hold my breath, when caught inside your stare"#wake me up from this nightmare"0I fall asleep listening to your mix tonight" 4:32 am""violently screaming for more."WHY DO U DO THAT TO ME??"%The sky turns a shade of purple,"im wondering why"A visage fades in plight,",Maybe I shouldn't have thought too much"%L is for the laughs we've shared"!you were a good friend to me" And woke up, softly crying."Look at me. I look at you."I'm letting everyone down,"Others hating others"%That's always how life works out"........."EYou�re like a pesticide acutely toxic, running through my veins,"you're sure to die",1. Tell me something obvious about you.",thinking of crying,dieing and breathing"the light of my salvation"I remember why i felt O.K""What changed? You're wilting,"Someone saw ahead"/All of the strength and all of the courage"0so now my wrists are crying tears of red..."3The Great Milenko came upon a dark cloudy day."&and you think the wish came true," And that is my worst fear.'"I search from a distance"are drifting fast"You"under your veins"you're killing me"Silver and gray"It's an endless cause." feel like a part of a group"No matter what we do"I can only sense"I�m On My Knees""I had such high hopes for you"disturb me."all you want is a model"3Self-esteem is no longer existing in this home""Intertwined in decaying rose,""and now my mind has collapsed"#and even though i have no eyes"Her heart feels like"So long ago"you're sure to die"i pulled u near"#"No sweety, he's really dead.""You remember" In a world short of a heart"of your gifts"""Has yet to play a song I know"#getting used to the adrenaline" shining with fresh leakage,"!Felt I must not be deserving"And I know"#as my eyes are slowley closing"Where you belong."!First in seconds, then days,"Inspire me"is this world what I see"$What if I didn't fight for you,"Where they bleed,"it was a sign"You go off trying"!I know I will not love again"+Soaring high above gravitational minds"2Shatter me and spread me across the night sky"&From the world you made me dread."its not a surprise"In the night's hollow tone"Pick It Up,"9Floating silently above myself; lightheaded but free"$You're the loser I'm the winner"$All the memories I have created"You cover me in scars"(But for now I�ll leave the language"i don't know why"3But I want that to be different for me and him"
+ sleep"3mum i took my anti-depressent pills with vodka"I see me."I hesitate""But I can't erase the feeling""And quietly well bid good bye"2� � � � � � �you found the strength to growl,"AI held my breath, and asked you, and you said, �It is true.�"Its getting kindof"Or even some gloves"please hold out your hand"many have come,"To dream as real as life"At least in a dream."What have I done?"wouldn't you"!So they say you're a swinger"Please let it be."Or that way"You look at me"2Sometimes I love you so much it makes me cry�"I walk half awake" I can't take the temptation"2� � � � � � � � � � � as we always have been,"Noooooo!!"*I swear that I care, and you know it;"i know you are mad" and their all saying let go"You've made me smile"0You'll be the partner of the girl who died,"I remember your smile"I Will Show No Mercy..." My heart almost fails me as"I pull out pain killers"Just stop it."#When he was killed on the spot"My confidence is gone?" In endless flights of fancy"4You starred into my eyes as you ripped it apart"That I am recovering"I wish I'd said the same"5I know I'm scary, but I'm more perfect than you,"-Raquella" a knife"'And feel the blood run down my arm"/I never meant to hurt you, But I hurt too."I got a girlfriend,"to make you"!Just waiting to devour yours""These are yet to complete me.")"I am forgetting love-letter accents"Of being alone."$You cannot feel the pain i feel"You wasn't selfish,"IMy explanation for these bruises and cuts are becoming unbelievable."Can't you just trust fate"The more walls I build."I inch to touch"$My heart shattered on the floor"Feel this happiness"best thing"and scripted""When there's people out there"They come to me"&Make me know just why I love you,")Do you ever wish you had me to hold?""I pray for chill, a cold blow"$The people that worry about you"Aeverything there is crystal clear and not encased with frost"$As long I don't think about it,"-The words you said went through my heart"I signed my name across it"This new environment"!Remember I'm ahead by a pace"supressed my dreams..."F� � � � � � � � � � I wonder what happened to that 14 year old. ."held together"I'm letting go"He's got a clover on his")and tell me stories about being high"He's not here today"Waving her silent goodbyes"Good-bye's...."Only sad and alone""I love you.""2Beauty is beauty, whether it's black or white"When you said;"didn't intend for it to")i hope it's soon, perhaps even today"good bye cruel world"5into a blasphemous confession of a mangled mind."I really loved you"3Don't stop giving me the lusting toxic I need."'At the time when I needed you most"'Maybe I`ll forget that they exist,"&(Even though it is getting worse)"%All the world is waiting for you"You ruined it for me"While unbeknown to me"and it will never fade"in a state"LOVE! Something I":Thoroughly expecting a steaming reply of self-defense""By the pain we've experienced"in an icy rain"'And some risks should now be taken"And take my hand"0But for now I'll keep my feelings to myself" kis me today love me always"I miss you already"Yet drained."-And now i don't know why i even bothered"%It's hard for you to let it show"'I remember asking my older brother"There is existence again"I was afraid"+Of looking far too deep into his eyes.";Time cannot heal every broken heart and failed promise"+How long can she fight a hopeless war?"!What I've known for sometime"6Your throat goes dry all you can do is sit there,"The Whole World Can See"/containing the knowledge of a master mind."his blood turned purple"When will you see"Razor in your hand,"They don't know anything"$one more could be the end of me"It can be mended"I'm never really there."FTime and time again I let them walk in as they hand me their gift"&Why cant we talk like we used to?"Come back Kurt")Chatter about her clothes and makeup" Now I see The world is mean"5For I will stab you in the back like you did me."Wearing away my suffering"#Shes forever filled with doubt"
+ gasps"like it used to."Ending My Life."That you bleed for" unless"in an open flame"Awake to life anew."*So lie and tell me it will be alright"Than this pain I feel"*H E A L*"0Who ever knew this girl would be such a sin"Where can I turn for help?"The only solid element"The presents,the candy"You are my candy girl,"My father's daughter..."Together once more"You can tell they mean"I just remember what was"With the stars,"And Left In The Rain"Was purely just lust"of death creeping over me."I won't give you up and"5The thunders of his anger agree with how I feel."It may not seem so bad"Every fucking memory" Swimming with the emotions,"The other one wins"i dont have a social life"Wouldn't it be great"But it's not it's worse"Chained in a white hell,"1Now when I think about you I am just so sad."&Will this be how I finally break?"$She brushes her neck with mine."@Please just get it over with and let me pretend to be happy"2Neglects the wilting rose of love and comfort")you watched her cry herself to sleep""that you cant take it anymore"This is the cost"you left the baby to be"How my touch affects you"Crying that night"And afraid of heights,"@Could you say just anything like 'I'm always here for you',"I want to stay"For you I swear"Even after she is gone">>>"(we grew up together, just you and i"1She's got acid eyes ( wearing no underwear )")your lips are smooth and so are mine"If I'm living without you"its nearly xmas""Swallow death (swallow death)".I meet great guys in the weirdest places,")Or someone who always has your back?"&Cold chill make everything better"My soul, it never mends."It's all some lie"1Whispering into my ear, he said "I love you""lose the keys"That I held tight."Those tears went away"YOU".and I feel it while I try to fall asleep."And everyday I try and try" i will not be what you want"But you were there"When you cry I'll cry"Down the spiraling road"The solution,"gone insane."I'm sorry that i hurt you"kiss them"� � � � � � But trust me,"The only way"my entire life",While broken dreams and silent screams,"Just as bad as you do"Yet you dont seem to care,"%I held my chest as my heart tore"Tears roll down my face")i feel the fangs creep into my spine"+We've known each other for 9 years now"I've noticed one thing."you will hurt me"I'm almost dead" Old friends are now enemies"BDarkness is approaching fast with it's demons screaming to me"/I must learn to keep a more precious hold."Know I have to let"OSo dont you tell me forever and always, because I know my heart will bend."#Saying yes to keep them happy."!Of a child�s secret solitary"!She was way to young to die,"6Her thoughts,Fears,Emotions hung high by a String"And blamed it all on me"%he just wanted to help a friend."(the truth is never there behind me,"In fear of damnation."1I will spill some ink and make some mistakes"When people walk by,"Or have me stay?"2Empty lusty nights and pretty bubbly potions,"The stars could vanish,"i start to cry">Would you kiss me...only to make me feel like I am alone?"%Just want all of this taken away"/Hear the sound of your breathing in my ear"%Taste the fine aromas of romance"We're drifting away"Her claws sharpened quite;"are the only"6She got a letter in March, but it wasn't from him"Revenge with some B.S."I was skipping,"No! Don't leave me alone!!"8Blackness symbolising the mutual feelings now gone,"At a timeless distance"I'll never leave the place"Be in love with me"!I wont believe you this time".Of every second that you've killed so far" undone"couldn't take another"5This is what happens to thoughts you left behind"7but instead i think i'll sit and try to figure out" Land this blade on my wrist"I have no words."=� � � �She knew five different ways to put lip-gloss on."#The torn pages brought me back"Did you even think of me"&That you've just run out of time."3� � � � � � � � � �What little content it had."I start to fall asleep"Can you see me here"(If you prod me, do I not bite back,"The Things You See..."Hiding from the pain"Too bad you never did"!I slip deeper into its spell"He might as well kill me"i always seem to cry"Fall around me,""dead is the fire in your eyes"0You look right through me with glowing eyes"Without that light"it could be legendary"+that brings more tears than pain does."I question mans mortality".and pretended like nothing ever happened."That life is worth living"Put it all behind you"or broken."perfectly happy"$Without you I feel so depressed"(He went to the grave that very day,")You're making things so hard and yet"&and wonders why they're so cruel."*I fear this time I can not control it"!That you treated me cruelly?".This feeling won't go away any time soon."in her hand writing"I fall by a dumpster"so now im coming out"'When did the truth become the lies"Though when I'm not I cry."-That your face was all I could visualize" far away and lock myself up"&I know that I cant bring you back""Chaos has all turned to order"*I could pretend there is no suffering"HBut maybe all I can see is a blood stain that I forgot to clean up."Puddled at my feet!"with out a"Jordan James played a game"Walking to your haven."*Only just because I left you long ago"sit in the closet"ive cut my love")Still not sure of what you have done"and now your gone"Just fall like a leaf"Her stomach flutters"GI carry you when you can�t go on, I�ll be your back that�s strong."I'm all alone"But I forgot one thing"-I can kill your dreams, like so many do."........?"I�m glad to deceive"Tell me now"I stared at the chimney"It Hails Scarlet Down..."Joven Chica"'and thank you for sharing with me."4The walls are melting into a colorfull collage,"When time stops" A B+"As she waits"!Should Now Become the truth."It was never like I cared."
+ Is my"-Left outside in the freezing cold to die""I have to lose my inhibitions"standing there alone,"of crumpled papers"wear blue or pink"V4:"sincerely"Leave me be,"Will you wait to?"
+ Love."It tears up my"I loved my dad"You're like a sister to me" We will all surely miss you"I'm your girl"that when i was scared"You always amazed me"2and nothing can piece me back together again."In twines,"read the letter through"is anyone there?"FI'm sorry you were to blind to see that this was friendship died."
+ that�"!and you dont deserve to live"To watch the stars die"your kids",Wanting much more, wanting to surrender"#Do you have fun leading me on?"#Clouds with no silver linings,"&Red drops, rain drops, tear drops"7If you ever leave me I don�t know what I would do,""Destroying the world I built,"So much, or that I could"#In maths she sits at the back,"/what they say is wrong there is no meaning"
+ Stop."&because it never stops its change"Every guy"Replaced by an old,"and remember what was true"1so much i wish you could feel it too.I think"Her wings were gone."To say its done."!I long for that time to come"'It's to late to say we didn't know"hide ugliness"Capital punishment"7Sometimes your heart can hear what your ears can't"Replacing my poison,"'Your constantly bitching about me," the one"$Where you lost the gift of life"Their hearts pounding"(I worked out that its what we need,"infections ."$if i were to turn out like you."Your warm, soft,"/She startes hard into the shattered silver">>>"Away from my mind."And if you have to much"I couldn't tell you"The end is nearing""Cause you won't bring me down"in my legs and side,"Meant to turn to mush",The smell of life i once loved as a boy"your wasting my time"$would make so little difference"5Just as lovely as that angel down the guardrail."To live life so great"My dreams of you contain"but it's not it's real"It is not meant to be"1take my life please i dont want them anymore"When you left me alone,"%..I hope you never find it again"$running through the sunny field"im so so sad"(Your my friend and I'm being polite"You weaken"It's Mixed Up,"Simply different."Without question, forever."from side to side")because our love always stays strong"%But the thought of it is amazing""And stomped on too many times".While the sun gets the early bird special"So no one has told you,"Could They Free Me Of Sin"to comfort you"!It has all been thrown at me" i don't"I love you"that I will"Some one likes you"/But the innocence has quietly slipped away"7� � �. . .Creeped in through the dirty white walls"+Well I blew quite a few hundred bucks,"Sometimes, somehow"When I see you"!That can rip your life apart"Don't be afraid"+But your never here, your never around"!Will you vanquish the demon?"'Lord knows I thought you were true"leave me undone".Can I handle another day with this smile."4So untie the ribbon that has held them together"7im 4 years old raceing other horses, i have to win"2For her sorrows can't be described with words"DMarkers , because we used all of our paper to make paper-angels"in the world i talk to you"death is in the cycle"I'm a worthless accessory"'that chase the ghosts out of here."*I dont think I ever made it that far."and black underwear"Two weeks."(Or when I became aware of its value"EAnd then we'll realize, these are the last nights we will share."goodbye to the summer"broken promises"'My world, my beautiful world . . ."!Freezing, Shaking, Squeezing"2How do we know there is a "Devil" downstairs,"We're through." And makes me think of roses"Of the love that could be."*For something real to half believe in"Is it really that funny"i might be okay ."%I didn't do anything different.."All I see is you and her"I listened to their voice"'rejuvenates a heart, and it beats,"Where is my salvation?"Just remember this""For which you've been waiting"Yet I still see the"And walk on by"Heart as cold as stone"But as a second thought,""But this means nothing at all")I never meant to hurt you like I did"(Heads shaking to explosive measures"Death to me, death to you"With One Simple Word"#I can tell you heard them too,"&And here I stand painted in black"Dare I admit"<I've heard the story a hundred times, 'life isn't fair'"'the only thing is you must believe"Are meant to fall"or where I was going to" your"%You can't leave us anymore Cody,"your silence says it all."once again"&She felt his lips on top of hers,"Yet quicken it as well.")Fuck the world, in all its splendor,"-The Riddlebox was full of things to say,"Is true love consuming??"#And as I ponder on my actions,"an inch away from falling"0but I back away and fade back into the past"$Just show up, shut the fuck up,"Does he still think?"I'm alone in this world"EWearing it like that ugly sweater grandma got you last Christmas"TMy mom has been more than you'll ever be to me, from my memory she won't erase."8Always searching for the things we could never find"I see her face".Presence now forgotten, that was her doom""A mere servant of the shadows"Would You Look My Way?"but you can-"3 months into it now"Yes, I have to."$I can't have. Lost in a maze of"You as well as i do"i thought it was golden"4Last night I gave it up. My one last redemtion.")He whispered to you "Peace be Thine""� � � � � �So he sat up,"No. i cant leave you"this load of bull"No more darkness"+its something about the way she walks,"Heating me another time".to make sure its still covering the ugly."6I blink again at my seat and see his perfect eyes"+And I'm stuck inside this fucking hell"So far from any land."Or do we not have enough?"of your crimes"Don't hurt me again"im too scared"So much pain"Or am I just faking?""That's what makes me sad now."1And in the last words I say that I am sorry,"You kissed me"%� � � � � � � � � � �by herself,"Shes almost a year old now"2I never thought you and I could ever be 'we',"unknown to you." With both of us predictably"To give myself to chance"Once a day"$Peace on earth will come to all")holding onto eternity, but for what?"&you are my savior (you saved her)"6Im afraid to tell you, im afraid to ask for help."
+ Power"And for you..."'absence makes the heart"CWhen all your friends are bad ass, mean, mother fucking thugs."0Just to hide the fact that I'm dying inside"Screaming"#waiting for justice and virtue")But it always ends in bouts of anger"And its all over now"my words are such a waste"4When here the grim endures the real pain for us"I feel reckless,""So let them come, be patient."I'm safe with my boyfriend"Too far to reach and feel"#Still the twinkle in your eye,"Teach me your devious ways"More time went on" I'm so desperate to escape?"7and death, and I've looked in the mirror enough to")Leaving nothing but blank composure,"$Can't help what I'm looking for"&hey, girl, its a roll of the dice"and say it..."For years we've taken it" I hate?""gets last, no one understands"Until your tears run dry"that I need for completion"Those forceful touches"#guess i didnt feed him enough."I am a beggar to your lips"0Is it love that will light this dark world?"*Our souls dance around destiny�s gate"skateboarders"6We should all abide and hate me, and not want me."So would my life.""I watch him walk out the door" but, You pulled the trigger"#You've worked for who you are."To get out"Buried deep in thought"A war to death is wrong"2Questions that leads to an abyss of confusion"!if ya got a smile or a frown"*Like Chocolate for school fundraisers"heartbroken," Is it because I want to die"*A spider drowning from his right eye,"You showed me how to give"*I'm screaming for you to give it back"if you loved me."unable to move"� � � �Broken again, �"without you in my life"$Falling, That were left behind."I see you hurting"why did I do that"and I've fallen apart."'You're now turning blue, like I do"I hope my feelings lied"they tear you down"HOld maids shed wrinkled skin, to bathe in the sinful strobe lights."4So she�d be able to smile my way a little more."&But i didn't believe in Psychics."Why do I feel like this?"I see rebellion."rock and roll"For you, more hope"So I want to change a bit."I cried so hard"&The one thing that is everlasting"Consume me in your arms"If I can smile longer"(Just before your wall start to fall"DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE IT"are only so"of any day"the shadow of my soul" And breath so I can hear it"Forget nothing,"Now I'm terrified"2I want to thank you for the tears you caused,"All I wanted was..."Let me scream"And should you decide"2� � � � 'How was your trip?' you asked again."I don�t sense you anymore.""I think words are fascinating""and forget this ever existed?"7always feeling like your being stabbed in the back"(Stephen was found in a hospital bed"7Steady in tune with mine, passions blazing rapidly"$It'd make things plenty easier."%A fear I've come to know so well"And silently we�ll cry"<Hold Me Above the Water,so I Can Fianlly Breathe again.""All I see is an ordinary face"I Can�t Run From You"finally know...."And there was light."You said you hate me"Please don't abandon me"$i will miss u so called friends"and I have eyes for you,"Her body was going numb"gonna rise up"And maybe peace in return"or too numb too feel"2You've got the sexiest back I have ever seen,"#and she thinks that we listen,"DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE IT"How dumb I was"%I love the way the serated blade".locked in his soul, expelled with a knife""but for me its just this one?"I loved you"But you just turned out"$Before I realize that can't be."But when I do,"$not when i walked out the door."you're all i have left"&� � � Now their in the spotlight," like the pure water of hell"%but I don't know what you needed" A smile"so, i think i'll just go.")IS SOMETHING I WASNT WILLING TO GIVE"6but then the other times i just don't give a damn"+maybe I'm crazy to be in love with her"You gave up beer"End of Author Entry"Because god showed me how.""Do you beleive me, I'm not ok"%When we say we�ve shut the door?"I stare around the room"8and when i wake up screaming its not because of you""For me not to slam this door."Disarmed!"$Longing until you've had enough"'making her feel she wont be missed"As you toss me aside"How can we be so sure,"Live and well"thee other for star dove"As tears they roll."But you stop me".Some people don't care about whats inside"and I love you.".Something that I must find in my thoughts"Watch it sting"9so u thought by leaving me alone was the best thing?"But all of it a waste"What'd I just do?/"(With the thought of you in my mind."%It's more than sadness and pain.""Is everything with You in me."&Now I live in my own little world"$Why was it that you got the guy"Just like everyone else"3And even on a more substantiary surface level,"and good luck charms"� � � � � � � �painfilled,"/It�s bad enough I am to watch my own haven"I have lost everything..."You found me and saved me"/i thought youd be there to stop the crying"%You said that you'd forgiven me."GI love you all, Especialy one, Goodbye, Goodbye, My sweet some one"#but i couldn't let that happen"Happening again"5running around the May pole knowing summers near"you remind me of happiness"Speak out"My broken and bloody heart"Yet sexy grin!"&As,I am Yours and you are mine..."!Or is it useless to love you"'Never noticing our silent presence"'You all act like I'm not even here"who wrote it all,"*Eyes wide open, face white with shock"Held reserved for her."That now is unseen"I feel my body leaving"-.........nothing at all.................".So lets give thanks to the me - of course"but never forget"-Leaving behind things I will never reach"I'm so sorry this happened"#to die or not to die, u decide"$� � � � � �that would never do,"4Choking on my thoughts, they only pull me down,"$I guess they're so empty inside"An expiration date?"Felt at last"I can be real selfish",All she knows is that the pain endures," time captures you from afar"Just one more inch,"
+ Fire."
+ Black"%I can't show you that side of me"You like me or ya don't"Without you here"<Just promise me one thing, That I have nothing to lose."EAll hidden under a draping blanket woven from sorrow and despair"But there is only"&I knew you did though, all along/"$Not really doing what we should"/big as the space between the sky and earth"ive given up who cares"For my hatred to myself,"%Because I am afraid of the dark."cut after cut"i am crazy about you"the grass was soft""In this world of disillusions"AHoping you would hold me so I can make it through the night."And see you standing there"And I frozen to the core"%suicide is not the way my friend"Amidst the waltzing winds"how she thought"No desire for improvement?"@the current is sweeping away my tears and freezing my mind," So close, as close as I can"*Let me bandage my heart with solitude"*my future flashes in front of my eyes"As if you never existed" to me?""We are the ones misunderstood"I am not loved at all."the sun never shined"Fading into the distance"!I'd fall asleep in your eyes"Darkness surrounds me"And Rhyme is dying."I am no longer a person,"A sweet embrace"(just look into my eyes, see my love"I won't forget you"Can't find my way home"Yet now I realize,"!Where I will lay for a while"!Silently, you dropped it all"+As I walk alone down the empty street,"I could have spoke."and turn on that song"%I can't forgive and never forget"0As long as i have you, I will last forever.""Can you tell me what you see?"I have changed yet again,"5Forever and for always, you are the end of pain."No matter how hard I try"I FUCKING HATE YOU MOM!"<stop the hurting, the burning the blades and the axe..."Everything"Tears raining down."where the person we"*and then i see it the brightest light"Good-bye those old friends"Opening up to infection..."To my flaccid wrists."The one that's so much fun"Labelling us all whores."One last goodbye,"Black berry kisses" Im always on the open road,"never knew this was pain"&So, Little things get me thinking"But I've forgotten";Never saw behind my mask, never read between the lines"$I let you drown in your sorrows"and you will be exposed"#It is a worse fate than dieing"I had....."But not as he thought.")I have something, no, someone better"Setting Our Demons Free..."2I was so young; I didn�t notice you were mean"your a mistake"$The red fluid flowing like wine"!ill always keep you with me,"
+ again" A place Thats hard to find,")You blame yourself, my foolish love,".Red rose, the bang as I fall to my knees."6I can't start forgetting, the time you were mine."This, she says,"Can't Even Feel The Pain"'and I will love and provide for it"shoved out through my mind"(cut the threads and crush the veins"#Watching me in my time of need"No-one in and No-one out!" Torment"-Then as caring ceases and feelings numb,"#Sometimes I see you from afar."
+ Right"*I cant denie that Im thinking of you,".i'm tired of running and don't wanna hide"I've let it slide"asking some random person"#let's make this moment last..."the pain is taken away."0But then I closed my eyes and you were here"!He can fracture and pull the" And if I think long enough,"That makes me not fine"They inevitably died"5She will brighten your day in its darkest hours."#Wishing I could find the light",When I know it doesn�t want to be near."Nothing is stopping you"'He then looked down upon His earth"I'm paralyzed in these"Sometimes I wonder")And for me this is irregular emotion"I embraced your light"Our Father"And I really don't care"%you do.Why would people say that"No one helping."But more than that"For way too long"-Leaving only on a brown stain on my hand"%And that's all that's in my mind" save me"%This chapter is dead and broken,"your my addiction"%I'll never be able to reach you."My Mother",HOW the hell did you think it'd help me"What comes after this?"The air is still"but I felt nothing""Stop trying to change youself"=You came into my room and woke me up with a gentle shake"i want to look up"You don't know me!"6Then you realise his faults and you being 2 doubt"*i am like the end of a cigarette butt"but he doesnt know".I listened when no one dared give an ear."please just save me..."=I will always feel the stab of your broken breath reflex"I'd never stop talking."Just like the rainfall"0� � � � threw on my jacket over my nightie,"there's more to life"7But I can't face my paranoia, It's too paranormal."3Terrorists wander all around us Unknown to us,"Spread my open wounds"I'll stay awake at night,"and try to be my friend"*Now...heaven shines right through you"The way I think you"!She made her own mistakes..."Bleed if you'll bleed"!And you still weren't there.")I can't tell you... that I love you."%We are trying to live up to this"Gives you a taste of magic"Give me those toxic eyes"Of my actions."I'll be your end"It seems I am in kneed of",i stare and shake my head in disbelief,""coz i no thats what you need,"just to save her"You said my work was"Mintel re assembly"I miss the old you"0Because that will be all that is left of me"talking to everyone"Maybe I smiled,"@His actions scream louder then a thousand drunken soldiers."Through selfDestrucion"!We where rough the hole time"!All the boys voices cracking"I may smile"&but these are my feelings for you"Sitting at your"1growing so desperate and wishing on a clover"but i cant.",People around me can't accept who I am,"Out of breath" Asking"AMy world is crashing down and the answer is there....I lose."#Wishing I had love to think of""Day dreaming of a wanted life"..."How can you love me?"PIf it looks easy, it's tough. If it looks tough, it's damn near impossible."To be considered lucky"6It just makes me sad that i don't know how to die" Into sleep but I soon shift",I'm movin along even if I'm not winning"I just want you to be mine"Tore me apart."@You stole everything my heart I want it back."End of Author Entry"
+ Love,"The sand,"!I am the slowly wilting rose",and the ones who drink to hide the pain" catch my heart wen i say so"-With the thick steel doors they slammed."I was late for school."%We know when laugh at each other"6With a toxic grin, youll watch me shiver and sink"=Not a secret is safe, nothingness can no longer conceal," So protected by his height."Immersed in the glow"'But really that's my false reality"!Inevitable end as roses part"Please come back"9Looking back I remember when life was far from bliss",we are both going through a rough patch"Drink up with me"I will sign"we held our dreams upon"
+ Game."I've got that kind of look"$It is one-hundred percent heart"Are carefully kept"Will die!"Kurt Cobain"There is nothing i can do"Lost in the dreams of love" I need a shoulder to cry on"'and now you've reduced it to sand."Hold onto me"At me constantly"0how can someone i loved and trusted with my":I'm better off on my own, I'm better off without you,"6Words bonding them together through each endeavor"Don't cry anymore,"in my life"is it true"So sky- get darker"Behind the bushes I hid"Seeing myself"$This giant forrest that's built"#and never for redemptions sake"more inspiring"I'd kick you in the shins"JScreaming was heard in the distant, and they didn't' know what to do."And you played it wrong."With love and care"I've many fears"Did I not know you"
+ Hello"I thought we'd be together"*and wash over my skin with your hands"Such a darkened mystery"Too many times to bear."My scalp tingles")I feel no restrictions nor any fears"7Don't want to pass up the chance like I did before"Depending on the day"(I look so depressed, I look so sad,"5I can only help myself, because if I told you..."+I can feel hell trying to drag me back"And I know",but my boyfriend hates depressed people"DI'm just a lonely soldier walking amongst the rest of the world"It takes two to tango"I seek the stories"Would you stay up with me"#And whenever i talked i go mow"I hoped the pain would end"Little Did They Know..."&Tear me apart from the inside out"Because I already feel"$I try so hard to stop me lying,"It may freeze that way"" for going out with big guns"Man in the Mirror." im fat"don't make it end",We don't think you've ever gone through"5Because a lover like you I could never retrieve."ESometimes, living as if your dead is worse that death it's self."you keep on lieing" Go on like nothing happened"%but you dont know how to show it"(Why does she think she can do this?"To do or to die""I'm so paranoid I'll lose you"Not a care in the world."&so i guess things will never work"Of the numb settling..." I fall"6You stopped me from letting me see my best friend"No more tears are shed"I asked for some help"I was expecting maturity"[REALITY it seems!]"that their plastic life"I look at my white wrists"And she knew it was true."+Mates was the day I will never forget."Just so I could run away."she knows it"I can't believe" I didn't have to say a word"That I do not regret":Or is there some chance, that it could possibly be..."And never return and"for Romantic Shakespeare"And"(Snake infested, weeds, and thorns -"never have felt at all."7In his Somewhat selfless acts he brings other Joy." 'Kiss'""I fear for him and his family""'For every dollar a man makes"And Behold..."8As they tern to some one else to see if there right"5Again, Seems Like I've got to break these chains"Is it need it???"Held it tight"going to have to")Doesn't make anything any different."I try so hard to hold on,"we kissed and kissed"!� � � � �Till her arm broke."So lost within your arms"2Give me a moment to swallow this indignation,"closing my eyes"!he didn't come home or write"And your life crappy"&And I hope you don�t push me away"
+ . . ."(Here I am, in my final realization,"( do this at all )",What if we pretended to hate each other"Your name"What was I left to do?"%Wiseness that of an ancient sage"Remind her it's okay"than in October 2004 Ben"Its then we can win,"3Forever entangled in a web of lies we struggle"I Don't Want Your Faith"#His victims falling one by one"yet another shitty day"-Then you go and say some thing like that"%Never knew humans could be cruel"He Leads You To Water"Let her go"and he still won't say yes"/they hear your prayers no matter the voice":But now all I can do is vent through this leaking pen""You will mean the world to me" Ashamed of what I have done" the salinity now chokes me,"0I find myself begging satan to let go of me"?With this gun to my head, you made me say the words I said"My lungs, it embraces them"but forever in my heart."3I laid alone with the disgrace of my own being"ive had my life"Like I was the world"(The only thing that remains is pity"� � � � � � � � � Forgot"I could pay you back"im not loved""So much torment, so much pain"
+ In my"I sit in terror and wait."But not with me"So do you miss me?"The clock stopped ticking"Was it ever there"BI still need him here right by myside and often he will come,"muted stories of a"To eat away my heart"and touch his eye lids"!In the desolation of my soul"How much they are loved?"I love you goodbye"KEveryone she ever trusted with her heart deceived her and walked away." the people I called friends"Satin dress that shimmers,"@You and a friend can go back farther than you can remember,"No one sees my sorrow"(Fill me with paper then make me new"$Thinking about you all the time"and perging"I want to hold you close"
+ death"Sitting all alone"'The one that you need to hide from"What I'm going to do now")with the lessons only life can teach"'settling upon the planetary floor."You remain the one"I miss you already",I Know Everything Your Saying About Me,"Another day awaits me,"[But it broke all down]"all alone"But you pushed and shoved,"(I cannot deal with all this stress,"And nobody told you"I fear that"only if my mom knew"than anything before"ink to paper."only in my dreams" Left as you�re sudden flea."%Your empty face has some emotion"Vacant and disillusioned"left to say"%The world you've learned to hate"Sitting with you"Does it make you uneasy??"!I�ve liked you since day one"no one understands,"!or not here i stand. It felt"PWhen you hurt me just because you can and your favorite team lost the game."Come back,"!Behold! These bloodied hands"It hurts to stop.""Can you take the dirty looks?",There! There she lies... My treasure...""Then you'll come crying to me"Make me swoon...."AAnd of course my pretty roomie, always knows the right place"The faulty is all mine."(Trying to remember how it all began"I know what it�s like,"Day"A lonely soul,"&I thank you for what you've done,"!One last try, before I quit."Are too broken"and hands you a pen"Step up to the light,"-Covering myself with a portrait of lies,"never seeing her"Then Watches You Drown"!But it's nothing I can steal"down to earth."as much as I miss you?"5The parents were living their biggest nightmare."/and maybe I don't want to pretend I'm okay"We've got a long way to go"<Something is wrong with me, I seriously need some help,")I saw lightning and closed my blinds"I sit alone in the light"&She remembers everyone she makes,"Habited saturation"I tried to be kind"And don't know why"on the floor with"N-------------------------------------------------------------------------"One day you will regret"6You've done the impossible, I'm sure you can see."$but sit around and think of you"Two little green pills"
+ *****">Water engulfing me, the salinity sears back up my throat,"He should be away in some"COnly get that weird feeling in my stomach when I'm around you?"End of Author Entry"3The day that I met you we both found our place"and everyone is ignoring"sketch me a love letter"Upon her pristine bed."Wake me up"+No other swallowed her puple or juice,"%Because you pushed down the door"could be so torn inside."and crushed your world"The salt is new."'And his body slammed on the ground"(I will remember the impact you had,"But Never Letting You Near"I won't scream at you."4I feel so much worse, I feel like a fucked lie."I fell into a deep lust"that's where I'll be"To the sun's eyes"Will you die with me?"$my heart works it's crazy magic"its midnight"Just smile and say to me"you're the only,")And finally says' Darling I love you"Bewitched by our romance."+But sometimes these dreams are to hard"A piece of fiction"When the time will come,")In this world where all is forgotten"#Of false beauty and insecurity"$but I dont know if you love me."And maybe, perhaps"Pulls me from the trance,"Please be with me"Somewhere I'm safe",We'll spend our summer nights together."
+ Bleed"*Have your eyes been splinter pierced?"Your every move"a person whos fat"Please take this pain away"maybe I should forget you"(I want to hold you)"The storys that unfolded," I can't cry in front of you"take that away from me..."Remember me"7Or become frail and weak, My souls withering away," For this depressing problem"!Sweat beads down my forehead"I knew it was fate"For you to"So strong and brave,"2When you are lost and there's no where to go,"$I want to wake up every morning"Who"of my thoughts"/Before it is stolen by the darkness, where"6I seem to be disturbed, I seem to be frozen cold."BEverytime I love someone, I give them up like I don't care..."Bittersweet sin"Just whipe away your tears"You're everything to me."Melt the dream"As my heart beats faster"v2:"JMy flaws have caught up with me, when will I see it's not meant to be"&Having last looked into your eyes"See I also told him,"#You're my everything and more."knowing ive ruined it all,"#Experience the bleak pollution"+And now I can't sail on clouds anymore"DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE IT" and goo"0I'll punish myself later for keeping it in."%I didn't mean for this to happen"I think of all my strife"It�ll rip it all apart."&I cry myself to sleep every night"JWill you just put things in my perspective, I just don't want to live"Clam its there"and killed"0I've had a good time aside from the fights,"6I fade into the background more and more each day"Looking deep inside," Wanting you to find me here"9His wrath is approaching, with him you owe your dues"The door is breathing""Too bad you forgot to breathe"cuz of all you mean to me."0she quietly slips into the land of the dead"<Raise your hands if you can take away this pain from me"That I'm a happy person"Making bad decisions"� � �No crowd surfing,"/Sold Off My Dreams, But It Did You No Good"Earlier she found out"&You need something to believe in,"2the steam that rises off of clear green ponds")�What about the ones that love you.�" � � � � � � � �a portrait'."/And I'm beginning to see that that is true" Ruffeo"!all the disicions i've made."
+ In my"
+ And I"In a perfect world""He says they will come for us"You . Remember . Me ."Just because I'm a girl"and black fingertips"No one there to push you"(We dance for them to let us through"not just as friends" as love"as if everyone is you."ISaying my final good-bye to the world because no one came to my aid."We didn't say goodbye"30 Minutes Left"$I'm lost in the reality of life"More than once"Attention everyone; look"Love is suicide"My lost girl, my star"FThe things I'd hoped once buried could bring me to a brighter day"I sit all alone"everytime I'm shutout"Manipulated""When is your Kellog contract,"%While it kills you slowly inside"and up as it flew"Smiled..."And for some odd reason"What was your name again?"either will you!"1they'll realize how beautiful she really was"6They'll be safe in your arms, so hold them close-"!holding a knife to your skin"(And she can't stop thinking of him."*And been disgusted by the cruel farce"(Every day in which I am without you"Sing to me",Nothing you can do will stop this pain."8Cos that's wrong and I've been waiting far too long"#So many things I want to redo,"A new emotion horizon,"The way i smelled"my dear angel"You say that you love me"While always hearing",Just let her go (please just let it go)"9I gave you a rose, while you pushed me in the casket"FI�ll just melt into diamonds and you can let me embrace your neck"I will just sit down"%except with the occassional hug,"*From a time when happiness came free."&I just really like the picture..."I feel so rejected"I'm asked of you rarely"Lulled thumps of a"I'm losing this fight"&Your Screams Only Feed My Rage..."9I could not look away no matter how hard I tried to."My world is tilting"*you every day of our life's together."1And the thought of God washing the sin away."[Person 1]"But every time we talk"Well that is true"Maybe you didn't know,"Now divided and shall be""Survive in the dark all alone"$Thought We'd Atleast Be Friends"So keep talking."So I started cutting,"'When I was young you used to argue"(You hold me close,Afriad to let go,"Its so cold")As this meaningless life ends today."to forget about you"with artificial love" And that we are meant to be"For months after our love"6She loved the park and the cute little squirrels."CBut in the end it doesnt matter because Mommy is always right."-to take her life and leave a letter....."4No matter what can or will happen in the future"I was too blind to see"Oh if Tony was my tiger"!Then you uttered those words""Us laying in eachother's arms"6her in her sleep, he loved her and he barely knew"And So It Begins..."$Though knowing the way you act,""She sat on those steps again,"There is no me."*Today keeps on turning into yesertday".Cut the strings and end this life of mine"8gotta love that movie, but thats besides the point."Glancing across the room"Its all so perfect,"*And I couldn't take the pain anymore." You all may think I'm crazy"-For the stars are the beauty of this sky">Sorry your too blind to see I'm the best you'll ever find"Again it happened,"!can't save me from the water"!My love flys through the air"not even joy."=[I can still feel the white sand seethe beneath my feet]"That was when I knew"2Something that was there but isn't there now."&i cant stand to see you like this"Now his eyes are open"in the pouring rain."Why did you care so??"OUR tomorrows!"(dose he love me or am i dismissed ?"Let me hit the floor".Outside the rains turn the dirt into mud."The Things You Hear..."Its a time to see" goodbye" Unfinished you set me aside" past relations thrown aside"Evolve to the nothing,"No, didn't think so"I'm sure you'd see"But you stop me"You are different," dark. If you cant bear your"And feel so crappy"2Stay away or my paper heart might rip in two," I cant help but to give up."$Heart leap when you come my way",Leaving me heartbroken and barely sober"wether i cry or scream ,"would this be it?"She lights my old fuse"and you do."5But ahead, the future, not too far out of reach,"BYou had some nerve to think you could walk into my life again"2I am in love and it scares the crap out of me"every time my mind wanders",That aren't satisfied with their spouse"I thought,"%The tranquil aching of the heart""Now I hate him more than ever"hidden myself in."$I need someone else to explain."8A craving, that grows by the insatiable time apart.">>>".you made me happy my troubles disappeared"I'm just not sleeping"#will stay with me until I die."!Any way you slice it, though"Mad and furious"can I fly?"I visit her everyday,"'(I told her to pick up the pieces)"Your fucking end"&My voice stuttered out an answer."$I love ya more than you'll know":and I hate how it seemed as if you loved music more.." Help"*and you get too scared to talk to her"tidal waves of hate"2� � . . .They saw the dresses she'd wear. . ."Drain the bottle"&I'm crying out for your help now,"&me and my dad we were the closest"guys telling me they"the bad a** class."#what life could really mean..."Happy thoughts in my head"*Here. I�ll take you a long ways back."%Apparently nothing can go right."(And I'm left here with empty hands."He'd slap," No matter what the subject,"Feelings of dread"3Make my heart beat make me tense.")I think to myself,did the catch him?"The preps were the snobs"CMakesure you watch me closley, because with one blink i'll go."(Wow! Don't I just have"!I didn;t ask you to like me,"and pushed you away."Written in bloodied ink"But no I didn't"3Something so small that blows up in your eyes."$guide me to the shores of peace"+I've never met him, or his mom before."'A thousands words no more no less,"When we first met.":I've fallen after the first time I've seen your smile"%when I'm too lost to return home"and fell in love"(My dreams seeping through your mind"End of Author Entry"and i hope at least"Ending it all with"#But they were not words at all"and you decide to leave me"!You look at me and I have to"I will soon go insane"#my friend went, my only friend"when i wore coulors"but its killing me....."To the place down deep"For something so perfect.."You�d still be there"not to breathe"&You can't hear my muffled screams"$As you make your way over to me"stabbed in my back."We'll wait for the truth"#I only hope you will discover,"it swallows my secrets"the meaning of my heart" And live with all this shit"Have been hurt."and then we go to this"#money now clouds the judgement"2But I was concerned, I thought you were lying"In past relations,"She�ll never give up."-but a everythings-perfect type of death."*He pulled me in and said He loved me,"Give me a call, maybe"#I love you like I always will,"(Figure this one out for me...myself"your not the one"Why do you do this?"Like a haunting gleam"its closing in on me"!You can't except the changes" she struggled to find peace""To me you were never a fling."&Never cared if I was there or not"-he overdosed on drugs i miss you so much" Blink back tears when I cry"that I was okay."End of Author Entry"Imitating tears"-Remembering how you and I left from We.."(When all I have is that to dream of"Stop the madness."&It�s leaving me fragile and torn,":Maybe all of this confusion might fade away with time"its only to dissapoint"&that taste of that sublime nectar" you acted like you loved me")And I know he dosen't feel like I do"
+ Cold."
+ empty")and I'll just wait until you're done"let it carry us away"I may sound crazy"#But the years they are torture"2that the rest of our lives just don't matter,"Please set my mind aright."=It hurts so bad to tell you , the pain i felt that day ."!There is nothing to discuss."Please, just let her go"Wanna move with the"%Trying to see what I am thinking"I would do it now,"-But you love her still, though I can see"Tell me lady,""I cant live to fell more pain"and show me eyes of future"and winding down"AMy soul pounds against the windows in search of it's release"Blade on my soft skin"With the current"To see what was there"Morning arrived"and hope for the worst"and empty prayers"&Pretend You Do Not See My Pain..."Just leave me be,"Running as fast as I can"Some times I try hard"You try to"
+ I try"Who is gonna welcome me,"I remember everything,"my true destiny"my veins are weak"'As your kiss leaves me Breathless." But sweetheart, this is war"why cant any1 see?"A tear runs down"&We'll let you know when were gone" "Pray"" Someday I'll change my mind"is miss you"Lay in my bed"#But he has always protected me"#The shadows block the doorways""You never can, you never will"1Self-conscious about anything and everything"Tell me you love me for me"Salt grains bled blue""I wonder if it will ever end."She sat at the piano,"it never really wore"The worst is over now"the network"I hit her once more."'Dreams that there was a you and me"/When she enters the house of the all above"this emotion is KILLING ME"Can you handle it?"You are the energy in me"Rise Kurt" The sun shines onto my face",But I smile in hopes he will witness it"will go away."4with hair like spider legs and milk white eyes."*� � � � � � � � � � � �Nothing again.">i prayed so hard and long, but would my prayers be heard?"me, with forgotten friends":But I don't even know how you feel in the first place"'This thing that you call happiness"Danger is up ahead."That you sent to.."Ready to try anything".As you closed your eyes for the last time"=But this youth has more important things to worry about."2Yes, they�re there, but the presence of love,"For you have taken"Only interest."ToRn FlEsH"1I wanna know where you've gone all this time"It was five years,"You walk I fallow,"Look away..."I see myself dying?"that question is, why?"!Right in front of your eyes,"&Sending soothing waves through my"!what have i done to make you"/You always saw what I was too blind to see"Nothing more"She thinks about the past,"
+ Grace" Damn"!Don't want to rock the boat."%The dagger lay across the floor," drop"$Into the nothing of blank pages"+As my tears start a treacherous stream"7as is your style, you put your emotions on a shelf"You were an awful father"my dear angel"=Red rose, the devotion pumping in my ever-beating heart."It always gets overlooked"%Ooops there goes my dream again,"I got more comfortable" pale hands drenched in lace"From between your lips"With so much pain"Just dont lose it"How foolish to keep pain"Guide me to you tonight"M� � � � � And all the Pieces of your broken world seems to fit together,"and your blood"Yet it seems so familiar,"Let it be the last words,"only god knows why"$Hide my face behind a waterfall"&other that the way you avoided me"%Everyone's hiding in the shadows"That this is all true" You can keep it and love it""If he thought of me at night."0Tie me up in lies and smother all my hopes,"!i see the sparkle in her eye"&This pain inside is about explode" "I don't love you anymore.""don't forget me"Don�t shout in plea"My anxiety is peaking"dying inside" Asleep beneath a golden sky"%in all that you are, oh so bare."Paint A Picture"EWe come back to lesser conclusions,that drive us all to insanity" their fall; not self-caused"IAs I sit in dark realisation, that I fell in love with an evil kind."With that said"all the things you do"&Reminiscing of our decorated fate"#I've been down this low before"Thoughts like what"$on the counter, there's a knife"!"Explain yourself ", he says"So keep your eyes open""Exploding in a flash of glory"$I trust you to clean up my land"Twist it further"Pure and Unfeeling"(and as a couple our love has grown,"DEATHBED!!!"Her eyes en crested"The truth is I'm scared,"I know my purpose now"I have two Aces"People grow and change"&� � � � � � � �That you're aware."AAs you have always been one to be taught through experience." " It will all be over soon""my thoughts are killing me"to sing about"Just fine a way to kill me"trying to look forward"Fear I might lose you."� � � � � � �I know You,""� � � � � � � � and his arms."(Why are you putting me through this"1Surreal for the "sane" people to understand."And my life's such a bore"this cannot be."!Let it choke in your throat,"you have eyes for her""There is just no one like you"Dress to impress"-So you don't have a single worry anymore"But things are hard"The damper on the subject""You step on the broken glass,"I still wanted to live."Please help me"(Glued to the pages of her biography"!but it's best that I should."And they know,"8That his divine beauty, is not of the fantasy kind."*Black clothes and pail, painted faces"I can dream" but me."5When you cheat because without you no one cares."0I knew that you were no good from the start"-Faithfully and patiently she waits alone"%I found my heart to be congealed"'release the beast from deep within"She didn't call for help."'I hate the way you think you know,""And the fresh baked apple pie"3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"of old times and of times"#Through love cuts in her tears"+My life is kind of confusing at my age" save me"@The first time that you said my name is when I fell for you"ABut i'm to emo to stop them, I know i'm unable to cope them,"I couldn't keep"I'll never forgive you"|watch out dead end ahead|"�What do I want?�"!then i could get out of here"Lips meet my shoulder"Punching through walls"bind us forever"%Now all that I wish I could undo"Lying sleeplessly in bed"Away from the monsters,"To me, this feels unreal"Otherwise you'd be here"Something you said"3can I let you wrap your gentle arms around me."!condoms were left on the bed"romance started"/and keep your tender words for another day" One day you'll finally know"It isn�t there""The things of your nightmares"&Wipe the tears that you made fall"You're a good artist,"!At any second it'll detonate"1My everlasting pain,it's nothing big to you."you feel like"Now I sit here,"I want this other you"#She tried looking out a window"Life is time"#Memories that were never there"He called me a cunt"Dear Dad,"I handed you the gun"1The way they eat will make you stare in awe,"I am Loved by you,"!hopes, dream, pain, anguish."watching the children play"There was a time"The smell is summer-sweet,"-We wouldn't be standing where we started"2I'm starting to think that the shooting stars"its not that simple"you realize,"!They all dont care about me,"Another's eyes,"Connection!!...."a love so far"the same about me."Rejected through out"-As I've seen so many things fall apart.."Be free find a new life""You�ve Got Me Dressed In Rags"the heart"&I�m tired of repeating what I say"this is my goodbye"and making them longer"$Like in those childish pictures"'There's a great amount of children"#'Cause I'd do anything for you"even at my very end."How did they do that?"'Now You�re the Cause Of My Sadness"But I'm me"Sent from the heavens"&Insecurity never set in like this"Your hands turned cold"LAs i like to say, "You dont have to be an astronaut to go to the moon.""life untold..."#now once again all i do is cry"I�ll Be Your Silent Slut."I was just a kid"#The tears begin to fall faster":Life's a short, sudden question, with answers to keep"2That hopeless war, between her and her demon."She cried to sleep"I'm to explain"-covering my face with a cast of tomorrow"I'm too depresed to go on,"I aim for your head""A window�s pain, never ending"Come Home"%Then one day they might help you"If you really believe."#Off to bed, turn out the light"You have set my heart free"My emotion scrambled up"9Our hug needs to last or I might even put up a fight"Don't ever lose them"my little white lie"2Strumming the strings, played from your heart"$Hold not for him utter contempt"When you looked at"I wait for the truth"In A Crowded Apartment"But I've forgotten"A� � � � � � � � � �so she could forget she'd been so stupid,"&Scissors cut like knifes on skin,"7do so here's to you I dedicate my everlasting pain"Place one last kiss"Let the ice fall"That time stands still"don't take those pills"And hating and loving"M" the fairy tales lied " She's their Oh-so-fucked-up- paper bag princess"Know just where"This way towards you."i can't have this anymore"!And it all ends right there."that i cant see"2And I'm not missing you as much as I used to."&Bleeding and Heartless she waits."At the mention" Regret"For being less"You are the boy"Climb up the stairs to"My paranoia consumes me"Your hand in mine"&I know that you have eyes for me,"#� � � � � � Whatever sleep is,"We'll never know"{ chorus }"Friends don't betray you"why am I on the ground?"!Therefore, I never complete."Her tears of pain" the way"with scotch tape"If your mad you could say"5I'm to nieve to be anything more than lil ol' me"7You�re a work of art; on the sky you are tattooed.".I know it's sad that I need you this much"do i want to?"=Though returning to me makes every second worth waiting,"!And my face became a cartoon" There in the depths of fate"CAnd maybe open up the doors; To hell in which you should adore"Hope for tomorrow"4I know that this path doesn't lead to happiness"just take a hike"and its killing me""The tears, I watch them drop."5if you're emo and you know it clench your fists."Expect I'll care"Hopefully not."keeping us locked up"+They speak to each other burns my eyes"!None of my friends get along"1, 2, 3, 4, 5,"Soft seconds of sand"don't forget"Your eyes spoke to me,"You made me smile,"so party the night away"tragedies"And be just as useless"When I was five,"Startled and embarrassed"0dont you ever feel like its all your fault?"3Except for the sun-stained nightmares I create" Gives us a taste of forever"-One last chance to dance across horizons"$Standing across from each other" letting regrets wash over u",And I take that back I want to know you"For me to really grasp"by the warmth of your body"Since no one is hear"The forever stain"Isis mother of" Take my hand, Take my life,"Than friendship will"*There so wrapped up in their own love"the most beautiful tragedy"Forever we lay damned"Do you do this on purpose?"#he turns out like all the rest"The man that I was"(Being drunk isnt really the answer," Her dreams were never found"(You don't recognise me at your door"A life's unknown road," A girl"Engulf me in your arms"I'm a good girl"a long long time ago"$Is the person who made you cry?")You're the black and blue of my ears"8� � � � � � � � �'Why is it so noisy? i cant sleep'"9And I give into him, my fear by desire shall betray."I need them in my life..."life is nothing"I speak perfect french"she is the very best"That create the only hell."6I didn�t know of her illness till it was too late")Just tell me true, and I�ll forgive,"but i'll forever search"I turn to the knife."$All the while I am missing you." i hope it will never change")� � � Since when has this been true?"the day it all changed"i didn't want to play"and turn around",Another inch of life they take from me."That I need you in my life"and stick on this wound"my dear angel"my dear sister."$If a tear could bring you back,";My soul is torn my heart is shattered isn't it enough?"II promise in his ear, I will always be watching, bringing him grace."(AND STAYED AWAY LIKE EVERYBODY SAID"You're on you balcony,"5I'm sitting next to you , watching you play your"0you with her,and to know you will kiss her."now"6somehow lost you to . And I'm blowing bubbles for";Once you get used to it, crimson tears keep yah alive."water naught refreshment"In my mind I'm saying:"His wrath has stung"That last breath of air" Into the perfect container."down the spine of her back")But I didn't have a driver's license">Family, love, caring, and hate.....which one doesn't fit?" Inside her little world was"It gives me hope"have given me." again!"Only to flinch away."0From a telephone inside the palm of my hand"is a sin."2Though her friends think she's a great person"$I'll cry no longer to the moon."Toild me I was beautiful."Another word"That makes me not fine"We can be two singles"7For death is more welcoming to a thing that wishes"And I need a miracle""You're in your own sad world."Show me love""Licorice, Chocolate, Skittles"I don't feel,")And he's not going to tell her about"The knife is to my wrist/"#Scream once more before you go" I fell and i don't know why"I'm your only, one sea"You used to say"!THE ONE THAT NEVER DID WRONG"Forever..."MWhen he looks into my eyes I hear those words to end our lonely journey,"I'm crying"If it did we'd be together"The pains you make me" Wings were broken and torn,"With Her Love..."It will end"It only beats for you"� � � � but O.K,"!But thats not necessary true"Too much damage,"through the dark"hoping for the end to near"6� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �Shy again."Then life would be easier"*Crimson spills from my bleeding vein,"'Arching my back, I howl out a cry,"v1:"How can I have confedence,"Melting dreams"'And how he won't waste it anymore."So I leave with a goodbye"To my love's burning star."e nd th is now"Your chocolate eyes,"*Stop telling people you care about me" It plumets to the earth and" Deeply,"Closer to them,"Broke out to breathe"I lost myself" It's kept it from mendding."That everything is fine"Sometimes less"3It's time to let go though and close this book"is all washed away"Your strong arms"+� And Fuck who ever you think you are."Sarang hae yo Jay Kim!!"By a voice."Be content that you know"Walk away,"3Hurting Yourself as well as me,with your words"Is that even real?"$But there comes a time in life,"(Today she'll put on that fake smile"Hand in hand"I always listen to you,"'And how you would try and stop me,"let me die"?B.C YOU WANTED TO SEE HOW IT WOULD WORK BETWEEN ME AND YOU"Why do they have a"You refuse to accept"?What it's like to get up after haven fallen victim to hell"You take it badly"
+ Wait!"#For I have committed a big sin"I lose all hope""I Love You"""But knew that she was damned."I liked it best here")I Love you,I mean it all,Every word."a world without emotion..."But I wish we were"i thought it was true" Return"It seems everyone" and comes at you full force"But three make it supreme"Nowhere to go"bye bye baby good bye"mouth tight and sealed""blood dripping from your eyes"&Keep to store and not give any up" Hey you, whatcha sayin now?"Our friend"$Lie to me, it won't hurt me now"To live the life"and I swear never knew"5It could happen tomorrow, it could happen today!"/I asked him to remove his weight off of me"Dig around"%And this life is a fucking joke."I hold you"(I asked if you were cheating on me,"the clearest light"I'm always there"$as long as she can be with him."I'm falling I know it"0any jackass will satisfy canabalistic lust."-yet im the one who ends up getting hurt."i miss that..."<Flattery in a stainless steel case light up my ambition"You losen your grip"-One person is hurt from another�s sorrow"Time to pick""something is wrong!""Her unknowing kiss."By then it�ll be to late"from the stars."&Do you see the way I look at you?"cut it to pieces" As he holds you in his arms"&When one doesn't know the feeling"$You choke me with your presence"Right on track."As your kiss falls further"%I ask the devil, and cry in fear">For those who choose not to listen to me use their brains""When I'm drowning in the past"Wishing to answer"3Up till 3Am, talking to myself, I'm all alone,",� � � � He wouldn't be back until late."could be so close"4although her earthly presence was just a memory".Hes so beautiful with everything he does."'I settled and planned on "forever""Alone once again"Souls becoming one""I remember how relieved I was"(And here I am to say that I�m gone/"it doesnt matter when,"*� � � �even though i saw it everyday,"Can anyone hear me?"*There are times when I'm inconsolable"!I won't waste myself on you,"6I know you'll help me, but I can't help but fear,"You claim to know me"I even cry myself to sleep" There's something about you"(you knew it was a lie)"$And I'll be the the one to say,"other than myself"7- to bad i said ..i dont believe in happy endings."forever blinking 11:11"!I'm surrounded by everything":My heart is filling up with the poison that it feeds."$you could be and its killing me""our springtime dance was done"Time after time"But when you're not there"Dot the O's"And it seemed as"%Please my love rethink this plan"#If only you would take me back"And he couldn't turn back"no reason"Just another name"A punk or a cowboy...."gleam back reflecting"9And Its wicked cute when you shake your toosh at me,"&It was mom coming down the stairs"You gave me"be happy."4Now you could tell me everything I want to hear"!�I never needed you anyway.�"But remember this bit"dare to touch my face"I stand alone."I'm thoroughly mediocre."Equality is actually alive"Well you know what?"Why can't I just be"My Savior.."upon hidden faces;"I have no mercy" The ground is damp and cold"0And countless sweet, euphoric stomach-knots"8so you told no one, you tried to handle it yourself"and die....."Don't You Hate It?"One she loves so dearly""Gazing forever into your eyes"I'm on the battlefield" Yet-"You won't see sadness."of despair"it would be so easy"I've Found Someone"(Silent screaming is still too much."Blood splattered around me"*But it should always be in your cards"$Along with the angels in heaven"$Or are you just a smooth talker"Yet here I sit and cry" Alone."Her mood turns blue."Turning yellow and red,"2I guess I should be happy cause we're friends"5� � � � � � � � � � � � When his fiancee wasn't."Call me, I'll join you"This gentle brilliance""Left me for this handsome man"I don't care anymore."You were never there"all because of you"or god took them up above"Hand in mine,"at you and say"!I can see his thick muscular"&stay there no matter what happens"I will never forget"I'll carve in a smile"*I try to run away, to avoid your kiss"Mad with anger"!And I can stay here with you"1trapped under the glace, nailed to the wall."8I'm trying to shut you out, but I just can't leave."+A broken flower, it matches your heart"%They'll never hurt you like I do"Nobody understands"I love being your friend"0All of these people, true friends *indeed*,"!without you i cannot survive"in a world all of my own."Don't let me kiss you"+Because I've got this sinking feeling,")My heart is non-existant, flat-lined"2But i was sadly mistaken, Its over you and I."GI look straight forward to find that I have only one thing to say."Don't love me."Look, You told him already"It is still my house"As I feel the rain"-And they leave the seat next to me empty"Aren't enveloping?"Oh its so sad""because when you're not here,"%Say you're right (who is right?)"Isn't strong enough a word"2As they flow down my cheek and into your hand"8I slip into a pleasurable dream away from this life"So here I am,"And I'm just fine"Ok, here are the rules.";Watching the moon in the sketches of my so-called life"I call to all".But surely they don't recognize the fair."flows from my wrists,"which it entails")These are final memories after years"'The other knew they finally found,""Because you left me all alone"Of the flower he loved,"While I wait,it will be"8All I want from you is to return everything I give,"And sleep fills the eyes,"im not worth shit.""Cause you won't bring me down"when you live for today"&And the words that were exchanged"!Bruising her legs every time"2you'd rather be alone, you prefer it that way"its like a dream come true"I miss you,"Pain is what I'm feeling"$Lullabies, and words of wisdom," to you.".A locked up heart thats been hurt before."Right there in view."!Sinking in the hole Ive dug,"When I know you want to",nonconformity notwithstanding as virtue""That you shove to the corners")They bring forward what can never be",But I wouldn't want them any other way."Is now starting to grow."+And I seem to do nothing but hurt you."Sleeping under the stars"9to all those kids who hurt you, this is what i'd say"So why do you care now"8This wind�s picking up, let�s get out of here quick""I ressurect my smile so weak."AAs if you were looking forward to getting to know me better." I have to try to break free"BIt's the scars that I inflicted that keeps me addicted to you"Was pure as ever"Seething to the core"7"I Love You" The Words that slit Thousand Throats.",it is you they think the whole world of"A sudden stumble"%Shine so bright in the moonlight"Tears fall from my face"You are my everything"...or even really there."Not fully""...But scars never go away..."/it gets shattered or sumthin worse happens"8But some live it for life; Is that something wrong?"The ones that hurt"B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l."%But I didn't mean it that way...".Yet you know nothing of what you've done."Don't you listen to me.."T(I discovered that he had a beautiful smile and big, bright, twinkling eyes...)"*And even though I knew it wasn't true"Croak in harmony."All that you are"!they say its only a check up"$Of a million ultraviolet knives"#if you're emo and you know it,"They'll talk to you>>"0� � � � � � � � � �The high rise buildings,"#And I want to keep that moment"'I couldn't take the stress anymore"For so long"!is an out of body experience"%Not for all those lonely nights.")because you can't make me understand"3For 21 days now, you've been gone from my life"(But One teen can make a difference,""And in my thoughts in the day"&He hair was on fire like my heart""Long before I have the chance"Maybe Freud was wrong."No little white pill,"From love and its pain"are the most misunderstood"I cry to myself";Pain is making me numb once again to this I succumb to":If you really don't have a clue what your looking for"Scarred for life",Still I think to myself there is a way,"*Listen to him talking about whatever,"Now I fall"!The hate I have for you now," someone good to be near me,"For a very long time"&So please forgive my bad behavior""But you've learned it as well"5and when we said goodbye (for the last time)...."I'll promise to listen"one less heart that beats.""See the dwelling pool of lies"Soot covered hANDS"Tell you that..."from his nightmare"*I know you want to but you're scared."If you cared about me"Now I have a feeling")To be with someone; it's all a dream"$A scene unfolds inside my head."GBut I know they are lying and it seems like you're not even trying"(The stark white walls were mocking." 'Mommy'"!Alone in this heavy silence."+just to follow the preent fasion trend"#I'm sitting in a room of white"FAscending the last staircase, a touchy thing, a job of this kind."your my best friend" The words echoing in my ear"'How terrible it must be to be him!"?Until you come to me and realise that yes...I'm a vampire."$It can be caused by many things"My angst would live on"i hate the boundaries"why do you do this"6Full of secret open-ness and mutual expectations."let it go,"#As we walked through the sands"letting you know"5And I, I believe we're caught between eternities"me someone to love."Its hard to believe"I hate you"I swear its not true"Cut my tongue"The one of the future?"Green Withering trees,".i'm screaming your name inside of my head"=My wishes are only swallowed by my sorrrows in the night"-Both you Lola, and our Little Baby Girl."I don't want to live"AThese nightmares won't go away and there's nothing I can do."they'll never come free."%If I could package this feeling,"Scared of what comes next."claiming me,"There is an ocean"-This bitter sweet controversy in my head""that nothing is all right but"When I heard a sound"DIE 2NITE""Image, illusion, or deception"Scars On Your Soul�"they changed things.."I just can�t live."I feel as I have won"And it flew like a dove"No one loves her," Because everything is wrong"Something more real"AS I TURN THE KNIFE ON YOU"2Crushed flowers lying under pretty pink heels"Why can�t you just let me"I know that's how you feel"IYou're awesome, amazing...and virtually indescribable [in a good way">And we'd lay up at night smoking ciggarettes and writting"!But it�s the same either way"I slinked under the tree"
+ Khnum"I"Smiling with the stars"A bleeding heart suicide"Under boiling water."%The day that life almost changed"Remember infancy,"I'm sorry that I hurt you",But my heart is weakening from the wait"Away from your love"Wanting you here,"BThe sound of happiness, which i can no longer bring to others"/he loved hes kid so much he was a good dad"I'm sorry to say,"I breathe..again"+This is my war in the midst of America"or should I"/I put the noose down and walked into town."(Nasty thoughts and malicious sneers"I won't believe that you"AI�m having a problem with this thing called cutting off ties"Carefree summer nights,"Why can't you just be"u think ur so tough"$my life was somewhat understood"to simple courtesies?"Just for tonight"+You may get, don't hurt yourself again""Wiping away my river of tears"so that I can relax"Because I dream of you"So hand me the blade,"Being a kid..."to survive..."&With this blade I`ll try to ease,"%Clutch my precious crimson flesh"never fall for love"I don't feel the need"1but i was there for her always Evan at court"And how much" I woke up and wanted to die"&smiles dancing across their faces"I hope I didn't hurt you"last breath upon my bed"Repeatedly"your own soul"Everything isn�t true"I've Held It All In"Show me the real you"#My tears falling from my eyes."$Couldn't take all the suffering"0Your beauty and love that eventually caused"(no no no no no no)"#with all their ugliness inside"$And i was ready to make my move"holding my last tears"/Even though you can't believe it's through"MAs the weeks go on and seasons change you drift slowly from my thoughts."ISo wherever we go, wherever we're sent, remember our love will last,"I was your girl"!cleaning the hurt you caused"Then all the next day"Wouldn't want him"There's a lot of people"To show you, you are mine"2those feelings must be turned into positivity"Yes, it split"and hold on to my thoughts"everything."#as you say you will end it all"@� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �No one to hold her hand,"But most of all"'It cuts me deep like a razor blade"this is my last fall"But so this is truth,"%I'd only dreamed of this feeling"$Give up his life for this whore"Slid it across my back"Words are cheap"Some one will care"what's on my mind."these promises once said."I see you stare."start to shut""All I breathe and sleep today"Believe in you."No Longer Will Be True,"He lives through everyday"T* We reserve the right to be protected from breakups which affect our existence"Turpentine tulips,"TBut when you break each other�s hearts and kill each other. As I know you will."'That it seems like they are lieing"I'll know that you care."Posessed! It is a curse".Then of course I get Kurt Lauder from MTV"you will leave too."before I die"'Trusting them with all your heart,"You nearly broke my hear"(And as the daylight kills the stars""Before you gave me the brush."The eyes of the one""so that the pain last longer,"It was never like I waited"Wrapped up in sheets"I love you too."you dont care anymore""Glue your heart to your chest"by the clear blue stream"since I was a little girl"&So as you pushed me farther away,")This is your last chance to prove it"you hop in"ending trend of a"#Anything with this glass shard"!She cut deep into her veins."You'll never find me"sword held aloft,""You say now that this is best"I don't move"The Pain I Must Bear..."Like life's a sin"3Almost like a carcinogen, a tumor in my brain."And before I knew it,"Here it comes"1i still see your smiles and i kringe my fist"0It's too late and I'm the faker once again.""I won't let that happen again""You've created a hell for him"all you did was deny."%Push It To The Back Of Your Mind"!Like I could ever answer you""Anything is better then this,",The sound of the road underneath my car"0Remind me Of the Days When i wasnt so cold."4"You don't need of this world let him fill you""#How it felt for you to be mine"What you have done to me")I'll love you, even when you hit me."I don�t want to be there"F� � � � � � � � � � � and anything else she heard her father say,"To the world"i saw squirrels"I died inside!" with a few tears in my eyes" Let me"through the darkness"4She, so elegant even through her bleeding eyes."ive cut my pain"!But you'd do all the cooking"I was getting ready,"'I would walk to the end with you.." Nothing"
+ Fear?"Emily if your there"How can I be better alone,"Sex"A little stronger."Buses never are on time"%Sadness and pain can be no more."=Yet his voice is going to be gone for a very long while."7I've forgoten your awesome power and how you help."
+ there" but my reflection failed me"%All the time I thought about you"OSo....currently, I am with Someone-Who-Loves-Me. (And I always will be...)"!Don't think you will succeed"!I thought it was a good idea"Maybe just for tonight"1Dont worry tho, plenty more fish in the sea,"Do I exist?" After all the hurt and pain"And I don't know if"*and look around. Look at me do i look"only god knows why"So hold me close,"Silence is the song"You'll never bring me down"The nights go by,"'Fog filled rooms, and spicy smells"tonight i cry"Please be strong"
+ Love:"if i am dreaming"So pretty, so new"We know the really you"and the wind stops,"5To Let Go Of All My Fears, Of One Day Losing You"8our worlds are so different, but yet we're the same"%And its all because you love me,",It follows that you've scarred my life."Oh what a beautiful sight"of his palm..."Is it me or am I fading?"I just cant stay,"$I don't want to be here no more"Organized"!(I've cried too much though)"[Please let me try]"5So now we are locked in a stare tears in my eyes"other girls"hang with my angels?"Die if you want to"*And leave the world in much less pain"Taste of innocence"#Oh please God I need your help"1With one touch we back away from one another"I don�t need it"%deteriating minds of little ones"To not feel" You've gotta feel something" Alone?"
+ 10:49"falls to the ground"Nor can it fix the past"EAnd the water droplets that lingered on the soft skin of a rose."&special to nobody, except just me"%And you may be a little insecure"The bleeding cries"and just gave up on you."Then all I can know"another test"We rise to the top"(This is the Art of Self-Mutilation."&You've been gone too long, I know"0you know what we had way deep in your heart".I was there for her whenever all the time"Of all people why him?"A last serenade" happen."$But when I get onstage at night"&My scars and hatred is acceptable"2None of them really new how hard this hit her"(Tell me that you'll be here forever":Back as far as I remember, a bleeding heart of black," They think they can make it"I remember my first kiss"8Leaving me a little less than anything but the same"%If you don't want me nobody will",Maybe right now things aren't so clear,"!The Life Right Out Of You..."$" i love you too " i whispered."I take 8 pills""Oh why must I feel like this,"-Days went by and we didn�t speak at all."-I need explanations to give my heart now")They are only signs that he's lived,"I need you to"&Twisted into the cold of fatality"Onto the pavement sidewalk"I am that transparent"!Now with my blood on my hand"Let me inside of you,"&I know that I will no longer hurt"Smiling at each other when"6The CD skips, and I feel a heart beat skip along."tragedy it seems"Another broken smile."sprawled across the page."$Though it never did me any good"(Because I don't know if there true."(i wish there was a way)"for once I feel perfect""I shall be redeemed by my God"#All my words were said in vain"You don�t realise it yet,"Out of sight to end."Scared is how she felt"!I was here but now im gone ."Wearing down"8NO I wont give i to your sick power of elderlyness."Somewhere on that road."Of what I couldn't get"$And screamed at too many times."8I have no insides and no wrist. No one will miss me"-She's left you here with No more regret,"&Even though it might sound sappy."=Dedicated to Brandy and Grandpa Hudkins 9/12/19-02/12/02"#Seems to be there but suddenly""Funny, you always weakened me"$i get called a coward, a trator"if you would just ask me."%I know what I have been missing."Lustre will be gone" BALL"8Where he is waiting and saving you a special place.".But nothing, you see nothing of yourself,""Take my place (take my place)"Time is going by fast"That trying is futile"It seemed to last forever"&She was to be his blushing bride,"I keep on crying"Time you ever talk to me."People who get drunk"0Controlling all that I wish I could control"#It's hard for you to be around"of denim, silk, and cotton"Ending love between us."Sexuality is excepted"!The thunder echos in my head"%Only a true friend would do that" and now"was going to kill you."you are like a drug"-So please dont respond to my stupid song"!They were just so beautiful,"4She protected me from what I had always wanted."
+ Emily"bring me there"IIn a world where no one cares, and everyone types too fast to spell,"Even on the darkest day"And you were lame."+� � � � � � � � � but the temperature,"madly in love with you" Yes,"All i want is you and me".Cause all you do all day is write and sit"Losing you, would kill me.",Maybe her white lies and empty words...""Thinking their good at sports"and you have to write fast""How? you ask. Oh, I've heard,"This world of"Unusual, it seems."$Then wait 'till I'm turned away"!brushed aside with disregard"�that would be great.�"Shes beautiful I know"
+ story"Now that I'm gone.":I wonder what went wrong to make you filled with fear"9Whilst I shake the confusion, of morning complexion."frinds demanding"A sleeping beauty"#but I wish for it all the time"%Nothing special, nothing at all,"8Her fingers upon my cheeck would gracefully unwind,"now all i do is cry".And stay her from her cristressed craves."I'm gasping for breath"CYou stare at me so disguisted, you hate to see what i've done,"Slowly changing"i could have meant it"the cuts have been healed."2Being perfect seems to have its ups and downs"You know nothing."-Not listening to her was a huge mistake."Sobek God of Crocodile""Wipe the tears from your eyes"in you i sense happiness,"You"of a sad and lonely heart"&� � � � � � � �Not even her eyes,"acid hopes hidden in"5that are now engulfing the shores of our hearts,"(She wonders why they say the words,"#So you could see just how much"*Here in this moment with you is all I" all lies till my reflection"Ive made many friends"My second mother to me."That her last husband died"The stars are bleeding,".Because so many out there got it 3x worse"#Make this feeling last forever"0He's standing strange and tall with a smile"You put these chains on"My life is a shell"That we are tattered"Sadly it's true"When I was in your arms"
+ God O"Cried for you..."when i lost her once" � � �Thinking that line was"7Alone in my room, where revenge is against myself,"GThe thought of not having you in my life, makes it seem so lonely."You made me perfect,"the consequence came first""They laugh at me as I hit the"%Forever struggling for the light"8What must it be like to separate spouse from spouse"#and let me know that your here"Lying awake at night,"So please shoot me now"To stay well mannered"For what I know or muse,"+Her lashes fall and kiss their friends"$my friend louise her dads dying"Comes so close, pulls up"loader it boomed"%I thought he'd been stolen away,"8I shall suck up my fear of my past and what is near"%Yesterday I left the room crying" You give in to the pressure"*� � � � � �just that little bit more,"
+ THINK"'I want to feel everything you feel"I'm ready to come home"1To fall into a relationship i know wont last"I just want to die" "I do""!I know I'll die if you leave"(Change your shape to fit your mood." On the Autumn day I met you"%People die and their corpses rot"Would be forever."'the skin was just so easy to slice"#I�m tired of ruining your life"=Black is my favourite colour, it's darkness leurs me in,"im happy now."Here I lay...motionless"Quietly whispered",The insidious lands are trounced by man"Verse 3 :"No-one to talk to,"*my eyes have run out of tears to shed"In utter silence"#It never comes with a warning,"I hope to prove",And this smile is so soon wearing thin."Yes you, so naive"I can�t simply do"Because I am not the hero."DJust watch me carefully this time, i don't want you to miss it." Calling me fat, ugly, lazy,"I never could repay."why doesn't anybody care")I cannot cease to remember paradise.""All I hear is that dumb whore"-Troubles are lighter when carried by two"The medicine cabinet"Go back to the kitchen"More than buffalo wings"
+ 10:50"I'll be there"They are so beautiful"Dedicated to Raymond"the way you hold me"I've fallen too far."� � � � � �are":at first she played along with the shit they told her"she wants.."As a tear of the stars"bring myself to say"7our friendship was still there; we couldn't ignore"The corridors white"You might find me asleep"Lets find out together"because I knew"You use me up"Their voices,"in gOD anyway."of lyrical verses"suppress her needs."Washed up and hated"Like I don't exist"I know these words"Do you miss me";All the while I hide alone, as it pushes closer still,"FYou'd hang up, she'd cry it hurt me more but you could never see."So am I scaring you yet?"Wish that I could share,"Suicide the media say"That spring into your mind"These wounds you dug,"!That I wouldn't want to undo"'My eyes flutter to vanquish night."'How did we ever get to this point?"in the morning you awoke"Is like life in Hell"All alone in the dark" you're the only one I know,"In the whole entire room."7I miss the way you looked at me when we first met," Alone,"But carry on,"I notice,"..Yet so little to"0You need to be true, to youeself and to me,"With anyone or even start" and see why I feel this way" " oh how id love to chock ""It's everywhere."#I wish you where here with me."but that's all it was"The rhythm of")sound is made. In the silence of the"She'll break you"Only when I'm with you,"i took a holiday,"wake up from my dream"#And walk along the beach . . ."She loved him a lot"Soemtimes I wish"0We were up so late last night painting them"!And sucks the air out of you"And you get up and leave"What I bear,"Is this me?"Mud All over,"!And leaves me on the streets"3I'm a very cruel bitch I know your gonna find."and looks six stories down"Panic. Too much is kept"Beneath a wishing star"2Your heart is pounding deep within your chest"ALost to dwelling the myriads of plains within the unset sea,"You'll never feel the same"But now you're gone"the duck quacks..."%I love the way you kiss my lips,"0� � � � And begged him to STOP! STOP! . . ."Yet he taught me,"the rough waters pulled us"0You search the lonely dark for just a gleam"=But then he came to me, and captured my attention a bit."Will they ever remember"I feel so unwanted?"The cruel reality,"I'm finally waking up"(All these people think they know me"Calm yet like the mint"For of them stand out",Its what keeps you coming back for more"� You sit alone,"Not even a man"cover myself in my blanket"Chorus x2"It was all a dream."And you question"6his parents let her keep the flag over his coffin"My heart isn't fonder"It seems that" To you,"Hurt so bad to say"Bodies sweating, embracing"Sadness fills the air"It's okay, I don't care..."you hear nothing"all these years"&And you are in my dreams at night"good feeling,"#killing my hope from my dreams"and throw it away"Dirt upon dirt"Out of this beating comes"5I don't regonize myself and the time that's past"Efor more understanding:you can talk to me on aim: shylilangel654"I love you both,"to be honest and true."See what you are."1She wants to just lock it, and stop becoming",I opened my eyes and released the tears"I'll promise not to cry"Slowly, steadily."!You have not caused us pain,"1Am I just a smear on the carpet of humanity?"I need to hide"7i believe i'm done writing, won't ever write again" blades are all that i need!""she'll give him what he wants".*Never again will I let you sink so low.*"5We've spent our whole lives in dreamland but now",And might one day discover it's meaning"Hoping To End My Life."2Would you forget my name kill me in your mind""No Where To Hide My Bad Sides"One thing led to another",Oh no, son, theres NO feeling like this" And my friends became yours"BRed rose, the color of the drawr that contains your revolver."!On the rampant stage of life"!It will drive you to despair"across your skin"!you are what made me live..." INSANE"behind hypothesis"/watching time whistle across the ceilling."We've proved it wrong"what you have become"#I feel as if I cannot move on."� � �Meeting you again."!For he speaks for the trees."When you blow on that"i dont care"Shes smiling again."And think of you"+there they stand, in the cold and dark"Anxiety...."listen to them" There's a smile on my face."(all I ever wanted was to be admired"(Fall like buildings on a summer day"then i remember her,"C� � � � �Not a even a drop of empathy ran through their veins."%And you expect me to be grateful"1Forget about class work, makeup is mentioned" Shaking"No matter what you do,""She's a fake . She's afraid ."(Watching us die, testing our bliss."%Speeding tickets flood the dash,""I already have a little girl."For you, I've"But for now"!A painting of new beginnings"!I feel like I'm such a fool,"together we will win"Doesn't it hurt to cry"#While friends were having fun,"'Life is funny but no ones laughing"Hanging by a thread,"%i'm only fifteen where do i turn" goodbye" Yes..."Do you ever wonder how..."!I'm losing faith in humanity"'I never thought about it that way,"I would give it to you"'Or do you look at me with disgust;"You know what you do"!were both off somewhere else" Strong?"/To make you kiss me and stare into my eyes"%On Our Hearts we share a Bruise."there are two choices"pfft why should you weep?!"For mom and I to leave"Cry in the corner"While I still believe"Here we are again"<But you can't see my eyes anymore, and it's drowning me"'Im just waiting for you to realise"Why can't I be happy?")no one to help me pick up the pieces"I've lost all hope"Mended my heart."And dance across the sky"9With this new direction, I no longer aimlessly roam,"7� � � All of a sudden I'm Lunged out of this bath."She tries to forget")My hands show scars from my cuts and"You were blind to my love"AThere's no darker day then the day you realize you sit alone"%knowing all the while they laugh"SWhy do you let her sins run free yet you torture me and make my days run long?")That makes something out of nothing."$is something I can not contain."2Hiding all emotions, faking the mirthful look"%Tendrils curling past the bounds"See right through skin"4we screamed profanities at the top of our lungs"Yet you'll never know it"(walking away from what I had wanted"Do you sleep alright?"A feeling to shove"and no one notices"whats your meaning in life".When it's clear you don't know me anymore"!Unnoticeable to the arrogant"You ruin everything",Soundly awake in the bass of your pulse"� � � � � � �Exhale")You fooled me with your artsy craft.""I shall die quick like Romeo,""Jerking awake myself I found."It's always like this"Is with this kiss"Throw me agaisnt the wall"%(Today clouds weep for a reason)"#on what i thought was so true?"+Eyes closed tightly to stop the escape"It's just too much to take"-Everyone was silent; and couldn't speak."I fade away,"+i really though this pain was all over"exposing her naked flaws",Captivate you with my delicate presence"Breakin me"I learned your name"Seal this bullet-wound"Back and forth,"<but that's no reason for him to put up with your crimes"/But from those ashes of unfortunate events" jumping off my little world"1� � � Whose Lover just passed silently away."You're everything."To part with it."When the clouds inverted"Hit so hard didn�t see"+you'll always hold a place in my heart"But you were so deceiving",You're not as perfect as the rest of us"to my heart"'Just so you can kill of more of us"I bent over to get closer"Cthe bone underneath glinting with the whiteness of fresh paint"'Or that you wear the right clothes"*let all the dead inside start beating"afraid of�"2You know that that wish will never come true," Gasping for one last breath"$I could pretend to be Christian"And my heart is severed"Just dastardly insecurity"5Ran from the ones I love....the ones who hurt me"!maybe this longing is a sin,"For in my kiss"Cant call it mine.""Without your kiss I'm nothing"To us or just"$You never knew I liked you back"$Im sorry that i didnt know you,"Love is like life you""Captain Morgan" look!"(Your betrayel was a brutal addition"I'm nothing like you!"into the phone at 4:00am"or is it all the same"From lack of sleep"What you began."
+ Jump?"Hallowed halls of learning".As I watch, the monkeys walk the ceiling."&And displayed nude for all to see"Take away the words"The Devil will say to me,"I just wonder"Sin that yearns"Please tell me now"$don't forget the nights i cried""But you always go back there."Is this play"Phone......"There's a razor"Mother where has she gone?"The scars will show" Wonderful thing we could be"#Lead me to believe you want me"basking in a cloud of dust",If you can picture holding me so close,"Hold me in your arms"so trust what I say"'Within her heart, perfection rings"You're wrong"&But now I am a ghost in your park"/Then I look down and I�ve wet myself some.",and he looked at me with sad, hurt eyes"Blasphemous love."6never found out if or when ill ever see you again"lie and deceive"If we're always like this"it's a problem i knew"&In a world that has lost all hope"1�She knew she wouldn't be able to stop it, �"I can't help but love""By the girls that'd just fawn"%Dreams Shattered & Hearts Broken"<Believing her truth-filled lies, is where I must start."%Provide me with caring feelings,"I just can�t see why"Tonight I rule my world"This seems real to me.",Sometimes these words linger in my head"too good for words"2His face shows nothing of the past or present"will only be clear"Look what you have done..."*I can feel the coolness upon my skin,"Emotion, running through"4Can I ever be strong, and resist the temptaion?"#life is cruel its nothing even"The light in the window,"You to say something." FLOOB!"%Wishing I could reverse and redo"Hours with...."One"I can't see you at all,"Like the one you"Everywhere we fall""or a shoulder just to cry on,"9But soon you'll be convinced that none of it is true"5I will mend us with a few sorrys and I love yous"Stars and scars,"It will be so fun ya"
+ angry"i want to be in your arms"$but all thats left, NO FEELING,"How can I"9Its full to the top no matter how much I drink down."
+ anger"'And began again with something new":For Things that shimmer out of the corner of our eyes"+and you would have nothing left to say"I'll feel so glad to go," I think do they really care"!Buckle boots he's even sexy!"Consuming my heart"Unfeeling hearts,"6the stars are for her, all she has to do is reach"I'm ready to come home"%i love that girl to death !!!!!!" You hide me from the light." now...."?Like pieces of a mosaic, there's no place for you anymore,"If the pain should end."And she'd become in demand",i don't want to, you have to believe me"Tears of pain"%you go your way and I�ll go mine"I'm not your exes"#I never asked to feel this way"..."In a long time, and"5I think it's an understatement to say I'm pissed"I'll sacrifice"/~~Summer Nights: Your Voice, My Mistakes~~"-The feeling for the stranger in the dark"%but 'he just doesnt know it yet'"!to wage a war nobody can win"Lose their innocence,"'the only thought that stays is you"4if you're emo and you know it slit your wrists.""Jealousy always takes over me"But I Can't Let You..."2Injecting myself, with these toxins it bleeds"9As if my heart could bleed different colors than you"MAKE HIM HURT!"I feel like Im drowing,"Save yourselves""I do not take it out"-What do you do when you finally realise,".One step away from the chance I'll redeem"3Be cared about how you want to be cared about?""But it wouldn't matter anyway"'I've lost the best thing to me...."/Keep it to myself, and never let you hurt."How could you ever?"In a blur"A virgin with a reputation"-When passing by they looked all the same"when did i lose him?"5I knew eventually that we�d all end up like this"Been cut by a knife."This is all such a drain"%then if this place is so perfect"'� � � � � � � � � � � � �My Shoes,"Id tell you how i feel"'Could it be......?"*With one glance we degrade each other"I feel around"-I get up and make my way to the bathroom"You won't bring me down"how they cover the floor."!Watching it slowly get dark,"Is it true that I'm alone?"But the one thing, the"until it ends"only I hear their screams"+hiding my cuts the ones i did too deep"Someone stopped,"/I can't bare to even see my reflection now"I know you would like it"&I'm being torn down over and over",We are what you'd like to call a family"#Where is sense in such things?".when the world around me becomes too much"It was late when""I'm ending my passion for you",I'll salvage this mess that is my head."Impatiently waiting"You portray my every fear"So show yourself around"For my fate"*I'll be one less thing to worry about"And the dark clouds";If everything is alright, then why do I feel this way?"huh yeah rite good luck"I feel like i could die,"
+ to me"FSo I'll forget it all and live this life with a smile on my face."&The only thing you can do is cry."He's fine!"DWhen I thought you were there, you turned around and tricked me"%When certain people make mistake" Bleeding deep into the soul"5Making space inside for things i know are right,"And A Shattered Heart,"3Time heals all wounds, but scars never go away"&And I'll pretend that I don't see"Not in a million years."Now we can never meet"� � . . . But people."These stitches"To not be holding a secret"ii."Please Come Back"$So mistreated and never noticed" Is there an answer to this?"'because I've only been second best"
+ right"Kiss her,"How I Felt..."Because of you"My cares have vanished,"1Where no one can hear, where no one can see."Caffeine-induced fervor"$And loose all wants and desires"Emotion here"TRYING TO DIE FAST!"I'll be your family"&Told you you were too good for me"Let alone realize..."from the on slot of pain"As I start to mature"Even caress you!"You wanted to be,"While mine gets worse"I love when we talk" My eyes"
+ ....."!AND IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF YOU"I'm walking away"&I should've never felt that good.",I'm pretty no matter what others think."%Or sad, or mad, or just whining?" ill just continue my doings"@Your soul keeps me enteretained and passes the lonley time."But its ok..."3Bleeding, trying to find a chaoitic happiness.")They are killing each other slowely,"%Listening to her she understands"must I break"1It was only a pain that made him fall to his"I can�t believe"1and i stand strange and small with ........."$I'll leave this place in peace,"or ex-boyfriends told him"$Who knew, When all was failing."
+ death"7- to bad i said ..i dont believe in happy endings."+a big machine, if you know what i mean"Intertwined"$And that you were purposely shy"Could not be seen"I see couples"the most simple thought""But I couldn't stand the pain",But my emotions for you are too strong,"2AND MENTIONED THAT I LIKED A GIRL WHO WAS COY"&One day, half an arms length away"End of Author Entry"But what aout me"fill you up with nicotine"1Can I feel pain and nothing at all from you?"And now I give you a"you would drop it all"&There's nothing more to tell you,"CHe asks me all the time 'Why are you scared' and today he said" hungry for love and comfort"+My thought everywhere randomly hurled."the screen hums"5May not be the best answer in the world to give,"'and give me numbness and oblivion?"&and i don't know what I did wrong"We sit hand in hand".Everything is dull; black and white I see"!so i dont die and stay alive")They can make you the unwanted trend"Don't you remember"For you, I've given" to you"And someday I hope,"A friend is all I seek."/Today is on my mind, and so is the future,"What if I ignored you,"You Can't Feel,"9Because all these tears are making me die more soon,"$in a big machine, a big machine"Wounds will drown"I'm so bored"2If I offered you my heart would you break it?"'never thought I would be so wrong."until it falls to pieces"My moans."0I wouldnt give you back a second of my time"Cutting is how"#With the warm and subtle grace"7I GUESS THAT WAS BECAUSE OF YOUR INABILITY TO FEEL"0never knowing what to do to make it better,"5I thought it would be easy, but nothing ever is,"'the reason for young love to bloom"%I love the way you hold my hand,"!Behind my eyes you are there"It's our peace"!a golden hand that cures all"I'm falling more and more"V2:"such a mark."Made me move"shall i listen to my heart"I am the Poison."$"NO," I say, but then I wake up"$or is your love not that strong" DAMMIT"3If frost bit my heart would my soul freeze too"#when the whispers of yesterday"3Washed over me. . . I didn't care much for it."I thought about!" My demons can't be silenced"Constant no-gains."!� � � They Hacked it in two."sitting down"Of us beneath the stars"Twisted bound and broken,"What I had to give,"Humming Christmas songs".Surely I�m not the only one who�s stopped"!To pain me anyway you could?"%Purple is the color for royalty,"Kick me please"
+ I cry"Then I would" What drives a friend so far"!Because all my friends think"I am flawed"!Everyday, spending it alone."!I maintain that forever.....">As tangible as it may seem, the world has stopped for us."The mirror is cracked"Some died""Oh yea I'm gonna make you pay"making their evil plans"a bright,Crystal"
+ 10:49"I just thought")The pain you're feeling is too much,"And brings me heartache"'But I will be back! dundundun lol."And you of course agree."If you meet me halfway" What goes up must come down"'laying in between my lonely sheets"I'll sleep the day away"If it ever gets"2sound of an electric guitar, celestial drums,"and suffered for a year";[I do hate myself]"!Weeping, Screaming, Bleeding"Bought at Wal-mart",I scream out loud and scratch at walls,"The crimson blade,""I thought it used to be easy,"
+ Of Me"Set God of Storm",I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner"@Life isn't fair but its not worth this crap you talk about."*I feel like a criminal in my own mind"I flee my house"But I still do"I fall down"1I'm now able to hide my tears from the world"#If you want someone to talk to"!and nothing can penetrate it" That certain way you walked"0You never had to say a thing to make me cry""i don't think i'm ready to go"How you talk about it"I love you for ever"maybe theres"%society deals with love and hate"AA Juggalo and a Juggalette brought together by paraphenalia,":Or is it just my perception on life, and this gimick,"I used to have a chance"#Knowing I would never hold him"to go beneath."from watching them""will continue to stay strong."@Something to make me happy, something to make things right,"It won't go away,"2I wish everything was back to the way it was,"(You lie to me and to your husband.."I still wanted to live."but I guess I was fooled""Irony in its greatest victory"With regret"
+ Link:"&Of the star nirvana you promised."So over life I shout"I see them drench my shirt"I********************************************************************"i will lead the way"I knew it was fun"2� � � � � � � � � �Because letters cant talk."5without warning, without regard for my feelings,"the crimson polls I spot"!I know nothing of your world"8And you never even bother to notice when I'm upset.""Before I take my life away..."Suck it in,"But ended too soon"Some was good,""And you only have me to blame")I love your eyes, I love your smile."Go To God, If He Exist"$at the funeral, she cried a lot"Fighting, sarcasm" and my eyes are finally dry"scattered arithmetic"Never to be seen again.."*I'm the one you seek when your lonely"Lie to me"Take away all my pride""and always trying to hide it."
+ To me"!But everyday's another fight"Love is all we have left"then she ever tried before"I just cannot take"im a loser"/those whom she loved and cared for weren't",Because drinking games have gotten old,"$soon things became more relaxed"+So please baby don't blame yourself..."1And now no matter how unbearable my life is,"$your prime years are all spent.""It always gets the best of me".i sigh "no we didnt" your the pure bloke."8I cut to bleed. (duhh what else would you cut for?)""I am just a line in your book"#And no ones gonna help you up,"I wished it was you."Have no idea what"5the only dates we made was to meet at the seesaw",I was surprised to see he was now gone."!I mean that I am in a hurry,"the words i cannot say"to seal its doom?"Though he did."Fallen, lost, tossed away"0Her bright blue eyes swell in the moonlight"EHow dare you say i betrayed you when I havent seen you in months"That's all I'll ever be" Memories will ease the pain"not really caring"With the same options"DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE IT"NBut what can you do when no matter how hard you try to forget, it's there"I cut again"Because he turned his back"mask to dry my tears"#I wonder if you'll ever notice"+"the greatest thing you'll ever learn,"!With no one's care or strife"Pieces of a once whole"Has blackened"-Here I am, remembering my happier times," with her bright green eyes.""You're pretty much making me!"Though I still wait,"Always sappy""I hate that I hurt those ones"but you did"With him holding my hand" Here-we'll both share mine."I have no sense of worth"Mommy, Daddy!!!"&Showed me that it is ok to be you"I think about" With an unfulfilled promise"Just let me be!"so go on pretty baby"I wish you were here."I know what it�s like,"&All I got was a line in your book"And suddenly you're gone."CI'm sick of breathing ever day, I just don't know what to say!"7But you were in my life you were holding me tight,"Even if that is a lie"Only left with",i'm sure things will be okay in the end"You never came."Lonely nights and fears")Unaware of the world outside of this"0I fall from my first climax, my hunger fed."'I want to be your intoxicated love"/"I would if I could find myself," she said"&just to show me that you're there"2Because nothing has changed since this began."From our very first date"&would i matter . . . enough . . ."ill cry these tears"Towards my foot. Small")Want to repair my heart thats broken"7the smile and mask I hide behind and tell everyone"STILL LOVE YOU!!!"that it kills"Couldn't wake up"started the wicked shit."(Remember me for what you saw before"%Pulling at me, weighing me down,"Smile disappears"But words that hurt"just give up on me"&and birds fly somewhere to escape"Messing with their minds."+That's what seemed to keep us together"pointy and long."That in this plastic world"Hurting on the inside"Come what may"7� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � With piano keys,"to me to you"(I was never wise enough to question"I lost more of myself"But however you feel":But what was he to expect? Certainly not what he got.",Your hair, your clothes, your politics-"But nothing hurts me" Breached beneath the lines,"Not to shut the world out,"+I watch as it crumbles before my eyes,"+Her need to fit in never sang so loud,"%I wish we were together again..." Ignored"Baby girl in so much pain,"
+ World"that actually cared"Not listening to my pleas"its how I really feel"Ignore the plead"1Pain caused by you is what I want to forget."-Or when my mind surmised my maiden plot."SO TONITE IS THE END"Tell me what do you see?"+Creating ones own, hazy grey treasure."You love me"4The wind goes dancing with the bud that bends -"@Their little girl was missing and and no where to be found,"6A feeling of returning to a place long forgotten,"Played lightly"With out you I'm lost",i was so amazing because im just me ..."Try to listen"I know tonights the night."7Cause they are scared that those feelings are true"6 times I've changed"I hated you.":this will be the last time I try to make you beleive."1In my eyes I see nothing short of perfection"#He says I'm china when I sleep"I still feel alone"/but it seems im failing as a friend too..."And in Mid-November"they sway right"off my mind"Shattered pieces of art."..."RThey ignore her and time passes her by while dead love has left her afraid..."
+ C a n"$This is the story no one knows."$and a rather mysterious streak."*holding the love and passion together""Cry these blood-stained tears"7And every pain that shocks me through and through,"he's the reason"!run to the ends of the earth"A peek into your soul"cushions made"I'm feeling dead."(And now my feelings come back again"of other heartbreak poems"Ahhh- you see"2� � � � � � � � � � � �to call out your name."/� � � � � � � � � It was Better then love."!But his spirit will live on,"!Because I'm lying here alone"You�d understand"'Think of how selfish you are being"9i ditched class running to you and called your phone"He had her trust"I have waited long enough"
+ And I",Caged like an animal under lock and key"<Eventually I die and all thats left as i close my eyes,"'breaking skin in search of a truth"The forest lures her"Down On Your Knees,"%You build a wall around my heart"they float away"Stuck in a smother."!And I frequently look around"
+ I and"This life is hard to face"Washed all away"So when the lights go out"Just like me..."Did I return the favor?""I wanted to hold your secrets"To stay true"the losers"FYour deepest, depth-less thoughts exhales the loneliest of dreams"II miss the way we used to talk late at night after you got off work," Redemption Can Not Be Found"/The numbness to myself just won't go away,"I'm dancing on your grave".I cant stand to be without you by my side"Am I really so blind"I'm just scared"A heavy weight time bomb"1� � � � � � �to be a mentor for generations,"what I cannot."%We'll verse all these metaphores"and because you care."UShould this continue then one day I will be gone and the love I gave you'll miss"Of him clouding her mind."It feeds on itself ’"%To met again for the first time."It starts to turn hollow,"CANT YOU SEE IT HURTS ME??"M�I told you about the slut with the nose ring, who i couldn't turn down,"/Are the 4 saints of The Lord Of the Flies."What is it doing?"We've got a long way to go"What is happening to me?"%But my heart is safely with you,"It was warm outside,"2Do you really think things between us are ok,"I love the way you think"=I have one thing on my mind, and in there it shall stay.",Looking at the scars lying on my wrists"I just want to believe you"a river of"9Cold, evil beauty, spat back from the gates of Hell,"*I have to wonder if you would take me" (LIFE)"*Controlling my mind, making me scared">Is my mind playing tricks? Are they real or just Shadows?"only warm,"-As if you are petter then the rest of us"your anger,"I can't help this."$That's seems to cause a problem"+Ever so lightly yet ever so meaningful"a loss of your money"8But then again, I was never any good at equations.."I'm always the friend"In the latest headlines"Wondering thoughts."Try not to lie"Tears in my eyes,"Hiding everything,"Every time," I dream of great inventions"Eyes blank...empty"Unanswered questions,">>>"&then people around me were dieing"From now on.."tame the beast..."And protect you"!and look up at the blue sky,"heart will ever mend ."unless to give up"To his love.")But know that your eyes entranced me"the car honks its horn..."'As they flicker away quiet comfort"!The boy is there in paradise"!fall into the empty darkness"I�m on the edge"that you'd be chosen"If I try hard enough,"&Whatever somber slumber you're in":I want to bang my head against the wall until I bleed".You held me in your arms, now I feel sick"like I was some game."/The blade in my hand is staind with blood,"1well fine im used to being used all the time"&These damned are born from ashes,"-� � � � � � � � � � � � � she whispered.""If you...""Of lost perfection"Tighter than ever before,"$AND I SHOULD HAVE JUST LISTENED"Dead flesh"I see you all the time":A scream for attention, and the quiet, it swallows..."Open your eyes"I don't know what to do",I love you because you are who you are,"my dear angel"FAnd I'll always remember how you stole my heart and saved my life"'So, fine was this line of sharing,"And it hurts,"but feels so good"Lose myself"DExcept if I died I'd leave you and I don't want that to happen." But you just played with me"-I skipped a stone and it is true it sank"But its it hard i know"I dreamt of you last night"They wont know my weakness" Don't celebrate with family"=What the hell is wrong with me, I'm not normal like you,"you're in too deep"Or teasing me",They follow the latest fads and trends."5when you don't want them anymore, you leave them"(Until I can close my eyes eternally"Are the people we dislike"Now look so dim."I continue to try..."7Expressing your soul thats how you are able to be,"And we sit on the coldest"Everyday she's tortured"Candy covered death"or Face it all."What if I lost you...."!I still remember when we met"*I just wish we were together again..."&I have picked at my internal scar" never tell. I guess I'm not"I always told you"#My consciousness and awareness"To see a sky on fire"#watching as the sun goes down." and fall faster and faster,"(And we give pulse to the eerie song"� � � �Were with a stick,"sleeping into eternity."have to do"%I'll search the whole damn world"My Wonderful mind."#but until that day should come",Emphasized of dried leaves to symbolize"I would still be here"'and that i am sinking too far down"*she fell in the pool and was drowning""to hear their failed disguise"&Petrified of the time when we die"I can't see"We fell in with the rest"%Will they Really ask Where I am," Because all I am is a dream" 'That all men just take it,"6The way they shone ocean serene in the starlight."$then .. under the covers we hid"I think of you and smile"%And you're depressed, I can tell">These themselves friends, family, angels...";when i'm alone inside my mind, i'm happy, calm, serene"Do you know?"%Kiss like morning dew, like I do"Every time I'm with you"*As the tears run to the ocean so deep"7The large tree is burning and is now backed in red"-Is it my fault that my mother is crying?"No worries"You dont even know me"this time . ." only a man who deserves it'"We've got a long way to go"Will I ever know?"$As I stood there for a lifetime"Before I�m gone alone."-Tasted off the pages of our history text"1Evil hunger, loneliness are bars to my cage."� � � � � �and emotions,"so you are,"I know what it�s like,"In hands so smooth"Come flooding back"$Are you thinking of me, as much"!are running through my mind."$My life has never been perfect,"Why do I get my hopes up?"5Don't you try to change me with fucking lithium," feel"$� � � � � � �They can only lie."Be everything in me."$Just thought you'd like to know"9Or will I just smolder and smother out of existence?")I prepare to do something very dumb."I miss you so much"+These tears ready to fall from my eyes"Disarmed by a reflex"$Sweet and gentle I hear you say"+You never deserved any of this...or me"%I find people who say they could"2Silence lurks behind me, but shows me the way"#feels like im drowning in pain"!I sat down and cried tonight"now more money my mum owes"'I can't take my eyes off of you..."of rosey haze."2And the uncountable times it got turned down."About myself"8I sat up...planted my feet firmly and took my stand"Or someone better than me."!My hero is a star in my eyes"All taken for granted."Hbut not one of them has the courage to put their pride aside for me"Not look at my anymore"&One day, half an arms length away"
+ Pain?"Will jump on you"Together and shameless"Yes, I�m devious"What have you done?�"� � � � � Heaven blessed."All of the stress"the soul that"who you'd be today"But please"once in a lifetime there".Will we ever return to the state we were?"Try asking yourself"for someone just like you"Of his soul."�For the role we were".I dont how to explain this sudden change,"8It was just sweet sympathy that you couldn't escape"Of course not!"#� � And pull out the plug. . ."-Answers to the greatest questions � like"With specks of glow bugs"Directly into my mind"AAnd as the lead rips through flesh, the blood begins gushing"!And I know you'll believe me"1Just rember i'll let you know when i'm done."Together maybe I"(i can fly away with you in my heart"!Heart hidden under the porch"Alone, Trapped"#I feel the warmth of your lips"#Clouded and dazed one becomes,""Or express what i want to say"For I cannot feel""it's the only truth she knows"5Ecstasy overwhelms, as she prep-airs to be free,"(Where you go, and where you stay..."3The sound of the road makes it too hard to see"T r u t h",Take away the grandeur at once it rest."Can you prove this wrong,"I'm done with this rant"i wish for death now"!we wrot you never told me!!!"4� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �and faded stars."you will keep searching"#Your letting your parents down"$Your so close I could reach out"whats this? ur surprised?"Show me the world"=What was your first thought when I told you I loved you?" each one was meant to last."Once I was a monkey,"i will soon be happy"'that im just stupid and cant feel?"Yes"She sent me to the office,"%Some people believe love is true"@Do you know how many times I wanted to tell you how I feel?"I come cheap"#I had no control over the pain"I can't even trust myself" surrounding us is thick air"I get the feeling"Must it be like this,"so THANK YOU"#I've never been the lucky one,"That you hold my heart" thin..."-My body is lying there it has no breath,"EI wish you didnt have to see me like this, I never wish you did."8Only you know what I'm going through at this moment"i dont know what to do."3Cause this roomie I have, would always be hard"Speed her up,".Though the Elves were all very surprised."I'm okay with that for now"Watching them drown slowly"*And know that you will be by her side"I Slipped In Today"where nothing is ever"I miss you so much."Trail of despair"I saw the headlights"as i cry myself asleep" colored black deep and cold"9Your always there for me, anytime i need your spirit""Thus this ends my lonely life")Then when no one cares about history"
+ room."For you, I now let"Friendly fire ain't.."i love you so much"#I am having with drawls again,",Subtle differences only make this space"lost in the darkness""i give up trying to be strong"+'Ever watched the bath water run red?'"DIE"-Even if my own reflection looked like me"Or you weren�t feelin� me"i want to give my heart"2I want us to be happy,I want us to be alright"One man taught me that,"'But you�re off in day dreams again"&And then it�s over and she cries."Doesn't work,")I can�t see those tears in your eyes" There are people that care,"$Do you think I'll cheat on you?"
+ NEVER" [Unless it's what you want]" And lost within your eyes -"Along my arms."-So I can hear you explain yourself to me"Double buckle boots!!!!"Sorrow Filled Well"#I loved you two, I swear I did"2I am perfectly happy in my jeans and t shirt."The void consumed me"So disguisted in many ways"To see what he�d do")You're my everything I want in life."/My actions caused me to lose a friendship,"%Especially when I use my leather"Here comes the rain again,"broken pieces in hand""so nothing else truly matters"When Times Get Hard"$� � � �I'd get high off people,"don't let me escape"!even when quite intoxicated,"You wipe away all my tears"No chance to awake,"the flaws""whats that supposed to mean?'"#His heart and liver beside him"%The princess will cry tonight..."#But who (not you) can save me?"of a soul long torn apart"the truth is closing in"@You keep my body and soul warm where my happiness can show,"DSo now I sit frozen fully aware that both ways will not be easy"i fall onto my bed..."/(Too quick for me to grasp whats going on)"GI'm just hoping and praying that he doesn't end up to be the same."7the cruel twisted decitful expectations of others,"And I won't fall in 'lust'"6Master claims me now, driving my unconscious sex,""Now I will begin with a pause"Please don't walk away"*Where here you go I'm no longer alive"Does he love me?"you had ignored her"Can�t hold together"*Full of cancer with no clear answers." Murders being are own minds"You accepted the fact"6It's the little things that make me miss you more"So many wish that"+When I shouldn't, I should just be mad"Nothing ever does."Like the days of never"8the treble which tells the story of our own demise."we'll fight back,"Cant feel like im alive"Get ready"#I would never have been fooled" Until all the pain is gone?"+to this day my friend lays in hospital"i lost my pride"Escaping the hourglass".Really? Come on my children clean for me."(Write words down"'there for if you leave i mite heal"Hopefully as one."December and how it will"I still have the sticks"Set it down on the floor"I need you in my life"*� � � � � � � � I'd barely known you,"with whispers in the night"I hate the way,"+� � � � � � �and watch you shatter it."&you just lay still holding my arm"without understanding"and meant it"with him,"venomous and poisonous" -splat-"Did I know that would"=But every word I write falls short of what I had in mind" [Take me, I'm feeling dead]";Forget the saddness, and live like there's no tomorrow"2in seven months time to feed change and bath,"9We walk alone in the park, chatting of what we want," I know I know I know I know"Don't you feel dumb now?"-but the parents don't love him that much"#I close my eyes and try to see"Left in the cold"I'm supposed to be there."and my hopes and dreams"Understands why I cry"I love the way you hold me"feeling like an idiot"the sound of emotion"And I too,"
+ again"$Sometimes saying what you feel,""Out of breath but still there""Let me sit alone in the dark,"Right then and there.")under these tarnished constellations"Salty water"My vision becomes slow,"$But at least the drive was nice"'The phone starts ringing, it's you"They buy clothing"I see the darkness coming"The heart which will plead"?You must simply accept it and treasure the moments you had"5I swear if you hurt me in any way shape or form,"No one can I trust"That may never come"I'm so stupid"i was yours"0You say we're the root of all your problems"You invade my mind,"When will one learn to"'Those are the things I want to do."Just don't hit me again." that's worth more then most"And you can be my light")Rebirthing yourself out of the mould"#so much more than a girlfriend"!I only pray to find one day,".and I know its them that's taken you away"#yell until your lungs give out"!Of time lost and time wasted"You have never been""She is delicate and new to me"That met the glorious day" The End"But I never got to say"You�re a creep"!But I didn�t�I�m so confused"Never being looked at""In the first few days we met,"(There was no encouragement from you""even though you don't love me"'your hands are not bathed in blood"Nirvana died"I love you!"All she does is absorb it,"2And get that feeling like I never want to die" And it wasn't like he lied."*So far away, yet I know you are near."as she had"(Instead of the feelings in my heart".Things life throws at us are hard to take"
+ While"&All my heart that I tried sending")And you know I'd do anything for you"&And my heart felt like a tortilla"They wanted to help me"Ice is upon her lips"no one was prepared."now life seems perfect"Your heart"a suicide note"and a pair of wings to fly"(I tried to live suppressing my pain"Like the ballerina"4and i know that you will save our lives tonight"now im brought back down"your flesh and heart"And into mine" As I long for your embrace."#all night we laughed and flirt"what do I do" for you"and when the night came,"%The plain horizon holds her gaze"Which keeps me busy"Always tired,"I'll be alone"For pushing your luck?"/your devious beauty drove me to insanity.."&needles being stuck into my heart"Is learning to heal."� � � � � � �"%Rhymes with tea, tears, and ink."#To the future that is the end,"looking after mine."why she commited suicide"$But such a place does not exist"Gone insane"I move into your warmth"Who Cares I Cant Cry!"But i think it really is"Take a look around")the only thing that i could never do"filled will all my love"and pierce my heart" and its all just you and me"1The last sun sets on the whole city tonight."So just let me die"
+ Slump"1The sinister beauty unveiled her pallid arms"0I laugh to myself as your evil digs deeper."$In death I am just as beautiful"You're everything to me"1You brought me love that only true can bring"Would you?"on which you embark"I�m dreaming, Cause all"+When it�s not what either of us wants?"-My mind explodes when I cant let it out." Take us"-If not another scratch across your wrist"even though you hate me,"What am I to do""Won't Let You Plant Your Seed"I choose to die!"4That I may not have what I'll want till my end."!stay out of my life for good"+Not one head turns, not one eye looks."3It's so sad that this is the way I had to die."In the silence of my body,"and I shall wait for you" the way"/And she'd never known what blood tastes of"6You and me were the only ones sober and straight," Llama,"Right into your head"What can I do" make them have a better day"You ask me am I alright"*When they criticize all us young ones"'Each of you have a part in my day,"Which one will you choose?"As the blade drops"I'd like to breath"Comatose,"%I love who I perceived you to be"*Then darkness comes and she lies down"You can see it in my eyes,"*NO COLOR TO HIDE OUR FAULTS AND LIES," Silence"'Fighting for air between the tears"When no one's around"2My life could break away,in a single instant."I heard it too..."%my knife ,my cuts, my escape ..."'This time there is no stopping me."(is that all that matters)"Got my shoes on,")I could never describe through words"And all she wanted" Do you"!my life's so much better now"But that he'll never see"What will I say,"what became different"/to leave this world and go beyond my place"I knew we'd both"You love it when I'm mad,"wouldn't want to lose that"2no matter how much I gave it was never enough"She is art"Slit my throat"I love you so so much," why?"!On the edge on the mountains" Why?"%she didn't have to deal with him"made me feel the way I do."$I wish I could take it all away"I'm not gonna sleep."#Downstairs the china shatters,"I wish to live no more"I see a long lost friend."Kill the Joy"tonight, tonight, tonight"seal his eager eyes"Goes this brand new friend"4I wish this was a dream and I could do it again"(You don't think I know your there.."*Or are they simply blackened by time?"Your great and"Are mine and I am yours."something" and tell me how good I look"� � � �'Treat em mean,"<You kissed my lips one last time Asking asking why WHY?"'I want to love the first one I see"Light and brilliant"You just think it is"Enticing nightmares."What happened?"So it can love"%Upon my fears you reign my king."&i dont want u to even talk to me.""I'll just lie my head back on"3I whisper "shh....its gonna be okay, trust me."[Person 2]"i wish i didnt like him"I lay here, crumpeled"What we once shared"+This is why I have no reason to be sad"But I'm still here."Beauty and love"Dear innocent," ive just started having fun"Still your blind"Is it love?"9I know my heart'll be broken I know how it all ends,"$A puff of smoke drags out these"$My nerves break with every move")She ignored what was really going on"you drank more."But not one makes sense"I have cared for him,"We were drunk with love"long wonderful"They'll be"%ive never returned the favour..."LA knowing nod, a fake smile, plastic bodies for self-conscious Barbies."crying shamelessly""Look at the mess you've made,"6� � � � � � � � � � � � � � �My passion for music"In purest pain"%Hearts upon the cold hard floor,"3so i can begin the process of getting over you"&Hole of depression, helplessness."/I would have cried if he roared once more."but he doesn't know"Second string"But I can be your fire"KDon't you know how much you mean to me, dont you know how much I care,"You can't give hugs,"#The rose softly hits the ashes"I just met you not"$What about your grand daughter?"You made me feel special"And I'll twirl,"{ chorus }";My heart you have wounded in your words I have drowned"If this makes you smile"Cuz I'm gone"Hand reaches out"I nearly fell apart"or yet to come"I've waited so long"I can too be happy!" Ineffable to the common man"in all things."!How it makes a stupid choice"*When you hang with girls who like you"It's not fair to me..."u said once that u loved"They were, They left",soon it will be over, very soon one day"I didn't leave your side"I didn't know what to do."That I'm just okay"I stand alone."
+ 1-2-3"Till the curtain shuts,"That I am who I am"Tell me did I do it right"Another's cries."my viens explode,"#Just my heart to where you are" Head"That I�ll wake up to light"You're always on my mind"Keep feeding the flames" A life with love and dreams"There was a game"To be in your arms"through all this.."-While everything else is just as painful")You sucked the blood out of my heart"Beautiful in its horror"-You lost yourself,No Longer are you sane""I just wanted to let you know"my life indeed is over."Winding Down"Tolerance is higher"1Thoughts never end even when the day is done"5The death clock ticks and the chimes bellow one,"The bruises on my soul?"Me to you."#So why are you still the heart"Hold onto me..."So many yesterdays of this"And in and out the door".Though his words were full of conviction,"She came to your funeral"And the devil sly"And now I am expelled,"the sand."Memories turn to just"+but he doesn't know it'll end his life"Lost Little Girl""[Pretend that you even cared]",its been there for me then you ever had"Once again I stepped aside"I tried to talk to you"When my heart beats"Ever talk to me." At night, when I lie awake,"She lost her"she's pondered death" My heart is bound to break,"in love with your kiss"I need a cure"!When no one understands you,"2You know I don�t love you, please can I stay."*Though I'm not quite sure where it is"'And tell me you will never hurt me"my body sinks"*They cry with black tears every night"And it was meant to be"&but not being able to do anything"$When someone close to them dies"Full of wonder."These memories we shared"� � � � � my"I bet you never noticed," The answers are never clear"-The cuts get deeper and deeper each time"To one who was a loss."To me without you two"&I know that I cant bring you back"HThen your voice. . .reached out to my ears . . .and poured over me,"I don't know what to do"PAnd even if I could somehow ignore the fact that this will and will not go."Tell me that you care"%I can't forget anything you said"As the tears dry up"4Or maybe we both just share each other's moods."%Too much of a difference perhaps"'I want my family to understand me,"What you did"2� � � � � � � � � � � and live with your mom."#Never ending your painful life"And I'll save it")So unfair you say, you�ll never know"Is it need it???"Time Could stop," Land this blade on my wrist"4One of these days your going to feel everything"In the end feeling hollow"
+ Zane,"Too many times"one kiss from her"For what I have done"!I remember how we would joke"Ai wonder what you're waiting for, i hope our time's not done")depression she seems she cant defeat"Look passed,"!Then you shall also be dead."%Can't you see my life is pending"$To shun is to prolong your life"Hope and feel I need"7i won't say i'm sorry, not for a single damn thing" Come out of the dark corner"just as bad as you do"Are not up to par"!It is almost identical to me"dont give up"what you did"Its a time to be"3I don't know for the life of me what is wrong,"&My heart that broken on the floor"Fwe always do while i spin in circles waiting for you to notice me"?And you're hoping its not alive when you pick up your foot" i dont"Don't you?"still nothing will change".The clocks have started turning backwards" why did he make me this way"(no no no no no no)"&The hooded mans walking subsided,"?So she said, "This calls for suicide! A beautiful suicide!"%Was founded on the fall of bliss"$why do i stand and look for the"$Sorry mom, your eldest is gone,"out of my rag." I'll be worried about you.."QIt's telling her to do many things, Things that are sometimes so unbearable,"The fights that we had"AHis mothers scream was herbed for miles when she found him.."*Carrying everything he knew about her"Thought of being alone,"And go to her fake school"Unknown by the world")Everytime I say I love you I mean it"Why can't you let me be?"+To break the bonds that hold you close""With open arms I welcome such"&So when you get home you can say,"It speaks my heart"But that is too hard"from what i know and that""Even though it may seem dumb."And bring it all back"Gnd maybe, if she dares to hope, they'll care that she's not there."&I know you've looked into my eyes""Insanity, solution, Medicate,")Could it possibly be a killer in me?")In with a splash and wetness around."Set aflame the text"!Help me realize who to trust"8i was too chicken and afraid of what you might say."Oh, keep your broken words"...But they can always"0I can't help the way my worlds so fucked up"and kiss me once again"GOOD JOB GURRLS"3Red rose, the smell of that dark summer night."Fi hear a slightly bigger splat as the thick blood hits the floor."God please take me now"Who spoke so true."What is so different?"If only you would kiss me"Tainted Soul,"Exposing her filthiness"I still cant find out why,"BShe�ll realise she can never show her face around here again."+i cant believe youre doing this to me."Bliss is ignorance"And Vodka.",You think im the only one with secrets,"Just another tear"9I have become accustumed to the numb feeling inside,"0she'd have to go home and deal with her mom"and drink it in disdain"As I sit here"a second life strikes"'if you were here lying at my side."A hologram."No way (x3)"$And as the people gather around"I just cannot take"&Yet I love you with all my heart,"That fall to the ground."Forever haunting me.""She's got needles in her eyes"4I can almost feel you breathing on my shoulder,"5It takes away my soul, it pulls me into the den,"!Gracefully crowding our eyes"About the things"I watch her shed a tear."+But her smile so weak shows her doutb."But I can't stand"and i love you"-Your soul is gone and your body remains."/Guilt and regret build, and tear me apart." forever" With things i don't deserve"#�Where do we go after we die?�"-I woke up this morning missing you again"I still care"You don't know what I see,"<I felt it took away from them. Any credit to "Frodofan""�but last forever," I feel like such a screw up"'But now my heart wishes to release"I am thinking that" Please? Anything I'll do it"My body stopped being"Falls here,"7So farewell all my "friends" in the town of crack."$Walking through the swampy road">>>"r u worth it?"2Will some one find me or Help with my dreams,"Stop making me live""Than I hear our conversation,"/All the motivation needed to turn up dead."The Meaning Of Your Life,"4in this one person, than any other thing alive."Aren't so far away"/hides in the pristine goblets of the gods-"(I am sorry for the pain i've caused"Which came full circle"%But if you did tell me the truth".how many times I regret ever trying again"A hope inside"rest, love")What if you're dreaming all is here?"God told me")Singing and dancing more than anyone"*These crimson tears fall down my arm."HThat explodes and reloads every time we step on something beautiful" Time alone, Thoughts creep,"Is making me cry"Bi ran away to Thailand, i found those laughing Buddha statues"She stares in the pieces"!always paralyzed by my fear."$we all were laughing me and you"%In inevitable tragedy professed."/Exposing your veins through thin cellulose":Do you really think that I am going to take you back,"but its you that i fear."I may laugh"1And In All Your Pain, I Would Take The Blade"Was cutting herself up"%No joke, I'm really that insane."9As he glides into peoples� lives and takes them away"'Nothing But Whispers In The Air..."crawling across my wrists"Set so you could hear me"much to sort out."go to the mall"1When I'm angry or upset You'll make me laugh"Parents listen"%A blanket of black like his soul"By....I started"Sitting in a corner"If only you could see"The distortion has begun"But as long as your happy,"$All I have are fading memories,"But it was to no avail."I couldn't If I tried"$But one with a blackened heart,"No one to hug."%Filling up this tub you stand in"-All this time...I thought you cared....."#of those things that you said/"Bleeding out his eyes"*Is about as tangible as her sobriety."%� � � � � � � �Soft Pink Chunky,"&And make sure that you stay happy"@Dressed in white. This candle radiates throughout the night")and you left me sitting her at night"Shelter the spill"Seeing you grab his hand"#I am only me with glowing eyes""And look back without a smile"Such a lovely day."Little girl,"As life passes me by"And I dont understand why."Went on inside,")...that all men are created equal..."(� � � �Into my Alone laced Infinity"Downpour over daybreak"$i do not want to be used by you"%They just don't know how to love"RJealousy and betrayal, a storm of black forms above my head in this darkness,"0Within your kiss everything just disappears""Holding on to broken promises"You were cheering me on,"From May to October" � � � �worse then scissors,"Now look at what happened"FAnd that 'Sorry' was all you wanted even though it should be mine"$While hearing cold reminders of" Softly."Verse 2 :"Life has found"'so many things i have yet to learn"*Across your wrists and arms and hands"'You'll never bring me down, no way"%Now theres no more tears to shed"'� � � � That she couldn't walk on."Finally you pull away,"that we will never suspect"You kick,"1To all these days I've mapped out in my head"!that can make me whole again":demons inside who purposefully refuse to let me again"'I see you walking with you friends"Of night turned visions"You have no heart." But they weren't my friends"behind the bandages"i can do this alone")more than half of you want to die..."little did i know"%Under the light the enigma ended"!I see the black of your soul"3Then we reunite and our hearts seem to collide"Aso thank you again for running around each corner, each bend"/would you run from me? If I blew a kiss to"Hear your children"Somewhere in between."Nor pause"It�s familiar not new"Of our last days."!How can you not see me here?"#But in the real world your too""I may look like I'm depressed"
+ 10:49"/you think about the only one that matters:",Why do I even try, Why am I here still?" I can't hear a word you say"I left it on the floor"!No weapon to be found at all"
+ Be..."1000 of them can shine."
+ Anger"Silently, she stares."'You left me by the side of the car"+I should've known that this was coming""but now as i sit at my window"on stomach and" for me,")Of the ghostly core, quick to disown"!And so I turned to ride away"&You say you hate the way you are,"
+ alone"No you pull away"*I gave you one last chance to tell me"drowning."and always will be"You gave them to me"Save me oh Seraph."I`ll never LOVE,"?Allthough we all have our own private floortile fantasies,"I've never been too sure."youll never know this"im broken"'*And there's nothing we can't do.*"We will stay together"I don't do anything"Yet the whole life dies"They Only Make me cry...""why? why? why? why? why? why?"&On your gothic wings away you fly"8"Your place is still at the heart of my everything""We have so much in common"on your body"Never For you!"Sit in a corner"She's just a lonely girl"I want to"
+ Love,"&Do I really want to be liberated?"1hip hip hooray hip hip hooray hip hip hooray"'Here I am look what they did to me" would none escape this fate"but i don't"#How long it will take to heal?":As ichor trickled through veins set to lead us astray"I become sick as I see"(With your hand wrapped around mine,"Let the light we despise"at my feet"#Causes you to yell and scream."1we'll never be heard of or seen altogether..",The reason people get up in the morning"When you fall."(i need and want you back by my side"Like I was inferior"they all come true"i hate how you ignor me"I've said it before,"Ai wont need to love you, need to feel you, need to touch you"&I played in the fields as a child"$you turned me down with silence"Your smile says just"&her stare at the mirror continues"%Leaving me drowning in quicksand"multicoloured lights"#I admit seeing you once a week"I got confused""and your body cut and bruised"(it's not and the truth is all fake."Can this really be true," To wander my separate ways,"(You're killing me)"!Do you act like this because" and read blue autumn leaves"Lies dark and thin")she even left the window for a while"'I�m tired of controlling your life"$At the scene where it all began"I will push you away,"Yet I am blind"2The trees sway as I breathe out my deep sighs"!Underneath your placid skin,"Is The Same As Your Bliss�"*We seem to do anything and everything"You think that I hurt you?"Hear his laugh"$Your the sweetest guy I've met," I'm all"!Never wanted to fall in love"-because she is posterchild for cover-ups"Lose grip to fall."/The beating of my own heart is killing me,"$will be. I dont have blond hair"!Because true love never dies"That is the biggest lie"I said I wouldn't Fall"Who could I be?"Nothing lasts forever,"So I'll just do it my way."I don't understand."As the sun soaked"Turn to the next page"$Come back home soon or in time,"I make my own money",The way you let me cry on your shoulder"%Look at your face in the mirror."Don't let this go"TThe perfect shape, now outlined, silhouetted yet glistening, by a golden shine."My life..."Just keep on screaming,"
+ Don't"Um�")To smile for all to see you are fine"$And they would all have fathers"I swear it was wrong,"Once upon a time,"4� � �Only �minutes before he'd been beside her."Of forgotten soldier,"$I wish i could turn my mind off""or is it still as cold as ice"9Another uninterested Lover is trying to make a scene"You like me or ya don't"<i'd like to say thank you for all your words and praise"..."&One day, half an arms length away""Taking souls and making love-"And it is rare"We talked every day"Forever freeze me here"4about her and her family only showed there love"Let us make it better"5Trying to save her soul that is being torn apart"-tonight is the night, i realize my dream"You made me miserable,"For you, I'd do anything"BAs these quiescent teenagers silently cry out their injustice" But soon that shall pass..."We will be dead"6and youwould blow into my ear because you thought"
+ whole"You terrify me"To hang up your dress"With the lives they"&I've never learned how to love..."From me and fall apart"and our lives"I'm here." My hair, my clothes are wet""All the things we used to say"Seem to wash away"Before now I never wants"Not hurt,"Fucking up peoples lives."6But no one cares, not him, not her, not even you."MYou should have been home an hour ago I have to wake up at five tomorrow"&His hungry glance cannot be fazed"and mix your blood"9Just then, a single, secret tear rolls down her face"(When I pass you by)"Filled with liquid sanity" My smile is really my frown"
+ Hopes"There was time"!I cant help to stare at you,""And now that its come to head"Dust off the self pity"$At your hands a poem was found:"Shoved it down"tiger striped heartbeat";bottles at Am because shes all out of speed and theres"And your smile has me stop"Or will i surpass...".I'd have a Davy Jones-like bleeding cleft"(my dad could walk through the door."Why'd you have to die?"'So plunge the needle in your veins"
+ Love?"
+ i won"#Weather you believe it or not."Is this our end of loving?"stop hurting."You look into my eyes"+But even she, is kinder than the stars"&The hurt is clawing at my brains,"Does this make you sick,""I still have love in my heart",Think that only outer beautiful counts?"Height...."� � � � � � �i need you,"(It was not)"9And more beautiful than any flower I have ever seen!"Only a new beginning"$broken hearts will never change"%Until the next time they find me"the other was half tanked,"Dear God,"CHolding my mother, close to my chest, hugging her empty shell,"7�You screamed when you saw me sitting on your bed,"Believed there was someone"#THey just want to see us bleed"He is the bird in the sky"I've had some dreams"My beautiful world . . ."you say you feel the way"'I just want to make sure she knows"He backs up the car,"!I've walked this all before."P �"!Do with me what you know how"just a joy ride"$After the first time I meet you"I can't fight it anymore"#arms covered in cuts and scars"(Inhale a heartbeat, short and light">>>"in silence"She can't figure out why"Exalted in every way""Swimming has become too hard,"Sewed close to the chest"7It has voices included with it, Oh how they drone.",the cool place to be was the playground"till the very end"'[Soon] I'll be dying in your arms;" I don't know either of you." The more I fall from grace."He took your life"Majesty in movement""You wont tell me how you feel"'You know you can fuck any thing up"%Slowely engolfed by spiders web,"HBut if I wasn't so damn shy, I'd drive to you just to see your eyes"+Still you have to wait for me to awake"%Ive failed at that too it seems."'Oh god I just cant wait to see him"i dont need these words"F� � � � � And she had to tell her mother she tripped over on Ice."&But the most significant of these",Free to fly from, from her deadly cage,"Where the darkness feeds,"even if i could""That you�ve been there before"&you can you can sufocate yourself"%But it's not like I really care.",All Of My Hopes And Fears Are Realized�"'i run but i cant keep up your gone"That no one can resist" I repeat these filled words"So show yourself around"&I love the way you hold me tight,"so willingly" Boring"FI now pronounce you, for the first time As one, Husband and Wife."&I love you...and all the emotions"closed in me bleeding hand""Led me round the Ferris wheel"What they are told to be",to keep you safe; your life's been hard"*just a bad dream or is there more ???"And all of the memories"I take this place with me" Your broken spirit cries..."Steps up beside her"!I've tried talking to people"9you know me so well, though the time was only short."I�m on the edge""Anyone can be a terror (echo)"(And i think i now might actually..." Panting")they knew she was alone in the world" Explode"Stripped of my advantage," I've never had some one say".it should have been the other way around.")It was our passionate feeling inside".hold me close i could stay alive with you"+You look at them. . . and a voice says"The Sin That has my heart""be a friend and learn from me"Grazing like cattle;"(thinking the only answer is suicide"$that you mean the world to me.."9she said she did not care if they spoke again or not"High over"Do me a favor,"&Eight months is not so very long,"#I drag my nail across my wrist"Here I go again"4Talking to herself on the long and hateful days"cage me in formality"I have a gun"Something like that."2But I always found my way to your arms again.""Having last smelled your sent"~*~"Lead me on some more"Just leave it behind"
+ I die"You love me"!come to thine resting place,"Will you hold me close?"2i've been told that i'm good, sweet, and kind"!She always knows what to say"#these red walls are not golden"Where you and I sit"!That we're only just friends"Here we are""And if you don't die at first"where did you go?"it'd take to long,"I try to stay calm."Sitting there all alone in"+Pain you caused me is nothing compared"As I die, bleeding")� � �and how they'd grown that year."I bid thee last fairwell,"5But I know, Id be the one to never let you down,"Was he too busy,"I slept one last time."I've picked my own options"but you can feel them"$A heart thats harder than stone"Wheres my punishment?"KInside a withering entity of flesh and bone instead of a thriving body"(There Were No Answers To Find Here,"!When you will find your way."'searching hope, yet walking blind.">So into a new era we emerge, the youth of the ST century."&A natural smile cannot be brought"I think so fast"Where I can sit and dream" Tell you exactly what I do."But you just won't listen"BUT TO FAR TO SCAR,"It doesn't hurt less."$Twisted memories now nightmares"&special to nobody, except just me"Left to fall"just in my skin"7He jumps to destroy my request with no mercy given"!I dont want to feel this way"+Holding you gently while laying in bed"-How could innocent, sweet, little old me"When he came into town"4Tonite I walked around the block to your house,"#I would take away you're pain,":But there's always a better way when it comes to you,"6And you can throw it back at me again in a month,"Can�t you notice me?"What comes next,"Is there a reason"And our spirits shine"Locked me inside the haze"my body on the ground"Judging my every move"#And the intensity of ever word"(� � � � � � �She knew it all along,"we can make are family"&I've got a bad feeling about this"And remember my voice"If Anyone Knew..."Smiled and told.".She glimpsed a heaven beyond those walls,"all you did was say" ill just break down and die"All so alluring")Becoming numb to the world around me"I just wanted to write,"Don't get me false hopes"So... follow my lead."*I love you*"
+ &lt;3"White sqaures,"The anger and the heat"$heal,why cant you just learn to"And feel nothing."haha look"So deftly would be cut,"No black or white"$He was putting on his trousers,"'Emotions flowing through my veins,"As we did our deed."MAKE A WISH"!it filled, and I fall apart."/Here's your mean girl, here's your torment"That the reason you left"and maybe you'd see"No light to surpass my way"6You're holding on to every secret I'll never know"+I shouldn't have even thought of those"!He was so still with sadness"The CD player sings"Weep from my ignorence,">These soft-centred stars stare through seconds of silence"This cannot stay"i don't care"You don't love".But one more thing I have yet not caught."As the train comes nearer".the only light. . .the glow of the stars."If I could"�...That�s only on TV...�"They've all been dried"Dreams of relief"%that when I turn the lights out,"Till death do us part"No more anger is released"&wipe away the tears you're crying"I can't change my ways"We are all alone"My musings were suddenly"<So I grab the stupid scissors and run to lock the door,"7or in the wild-exhilarating feeling when you think" Have"never uttered from my lips"Anything but that.""questioning her insecurities."%i looked at someone Else's dream"When you laugh I'll laugh"1like that one time he pushed me into a chair"We'll always be together""� � � � �He'd give her a �20,"=You son of a bitch you fucked with the wrong phsycopath,"(I need to feel you, to see you glow"%Love, do you ever wish on stars?"My sanity sits next to me,"Did you notice me?".but the were hunters shot her like a duck"1These are the nights highschool was made for"i close my eyes of a night"+Licking hungrily to the fullest height"And I'm... "fine."".We can be happy and sad, but always glad,"We will be happier again,"Shadow Chaser,"Now I hear you"On the day that you met me"Just because".this was the first time you've ever moved"� �She feel into the stars"-Red rose, the wine I went out to buy us."/stands there and i say she takes my place."3Storing him as a memory In the back of my mind"in that nightmare,"im empty..." acidic"&Without a single backwards glance"Hate cause these spaces"+But woe! Her lips are chapped - alone." That I can no longer reply?"Before it's too late."Then my heart"&My mind, my foe, my heart my pain",The tears shed cant just be whiped away"But fuck I don't care/"Now its lost"Without me."AYou bring such joy but cut my heart quicker than I can heal."0Now in my mind, confrontation shall endure,"And I dont understand why."were sent from above."if i give you sholder"Down to the very bone",Don't resort to something you'll regret"II tried to make you proud, but brought shame with everything I'd do."I scare you so bad"#I'm not what you want me to be"Silver Tears,"And that hurt"You took me for granted"Sitting there"Because I was declined"!Each mile farther was a mile"/that even though your life is hard you can"Nothing can ever stop me" iii." Do you?"something about you" Twilight at quarter to noon"'tender beauty cultivated in secret"9I can't agree with myself, For hate is what I bring,"2There is no escaping death, I think to myself")I took it bad, and you knew I would." good night dad i love you !"brimming out."In the end"*You bitch to me about equal treatment"7Red rose, the last color of the sunset we watched."of meeting expectations"But couldn't deny it"and beautiful words"2if i stay here, i would only question it more"Just to know you're"#Of dying alone with him inside"Spilling my heart"0I remember a voice that could hold me tight"i wrote on this paper"was the sound of a gun."(It was not)"No matter how small"What he means to you"The raging, crazy, sea."4Its weird since I never looked at him that way."So I gave you this rhyme:"Won't you cry from me"DMaking me believe that you were as interested as they all said."yet they fill my mind")So tell me you love me one more time"Life I adored"GMy mind seems to play tricks on me, This is not what I wished for,"with nothing to exchange"Trying to tell you so much"2reduced me to feel the very emotion i loathe,"%you can force me into submission"My Heart-"The hurt I'm feeling now,"%Why is the world of here so cold"you know the way it feels",We're all unique in our own special way"
+ ~Air~"Change the lights"$Or a billion brand new friends."Truly dead" As he chugged the milk down"But say it was a decade."I'm not over you"pieces of my soul"&Trying to figure out what's wrong"I feel so lucky"I Want To Die,"I try to push them away"*Set the deathly cold metal on my skin"is that one day"I used to be free,"And fears,""(I just cant do this anymore)"!I love you my Lil Teddy Bear")This would have never happened . . ."*You said "No, I'll never believe you,"what is there to say"'I'm sorry for acting the way I did"(Or do they get born and re-raised??"GAt the strike of midnight, they committed their final act of love."Two. as perfect as can be."It's my turn."Bbut it makes me sad cause use to look at me that way .."I let go with a fight"*I would shed tears of love and guilt."Forget me in joy"
+ About"to my favorite song"The stories it tells"Our friends far ahead,"3The morning bird sings its last quivering note"If your acting like this""Even when Its not your fault,"6The pressure, the stress, I can't take it anymore"and charm"*16. When was the last time you cried?"Silent but still strong" All went perfectly planned."*But I still need to feel that release"$aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh"/its still diffucult to go through each day"#The girl screamed" forget me","EI've found someone who knows I'm special and with me does agree,"You made me feel"For you to sit right here."Sick twisted sympathy"my heart pounds"Notions of happiness," Drug induced pupil dilation"@and some creepy monotone voice telling me not to despair...""It cannot be found in my soul"Doesnt Seem Very likely.."(And the days to come unpredictable."So when he wakes up"That was her final ride"!what more do you want for me"Your voice"I'f i hadn't felt"To those eyes"I'll see you there"across her neck"eyes closed"And I broke your heart"stop the past"!Even if you had believed me,"
+ ouch."/I check my makeup in the rear-view mirror,"%Let the spines tear only so much"."Happy Birthday, Baby, I'll be home soon"" Dead"To Hell here I come/")Poetry is just my twisted version of"$Carefully placed on the dresser"Constant hurting,"5When the tide comes and you're taken out to sea."(You'll never want to, never want to"%I miss you like we're broken up,"%I love you more than you love me"grab the keys",A building so tall, fifty stories high."&� � � � � � � � Lost in lipstick,"$You still have something hidden"to sweep you off your feet"all because i hurt you"2I remember in stories my mother used to read."(i can fly away with you in my heart"For Screwing Me About,"together,"TWell you're a little late now I have no time to waste on hopes that never were."I'll see you again"And I Should Not Worry"and your love"5i'm just not ready, as my heart is still scarred":she didn't see the bullet holes in his chest and head"the moon returns"Hear your children"You don't know, why?"Why does it have to be me?";I have many bracelts, what do you think is under them?" tonight, the music is right"#In this waste land called life"&Taking everything within its hold")As I reveal my true feelings for you"!Let me hold here you forever",Ultimately, I am the only one at fault."1It's just a story, like you see on the news."If for only a while."GYou don't know what its like, you dont know it 'cause your gone..."Nobody evver told us"Scream out blood"I feel. I just do!"made of glass"there's nothing left to do"For you to write on it."Now you're gone,"%~Dedicated to my sister, Brandy.">>>"I won't give you up and"I touched your"I slice my skin"&That they will make it all better"/All smug with lies about the girls he lays" Now the playground is empty" in the moonlight, I can fly"You Can Feel It Tainting,""Take my place (take my place)"His girlfriend is told,"to mend the remnants"He's turning away"He won't answer me"#Shredding lies so materialized" Give me pain (give my pain)"and release all my pain""I sit down,"*I bring the bullets You bring the gun"3And to wash away the sins of thought and deed."*It�s time for me to fall too and quit"� � � Did you?""Only to end in the same place"1Mommas gonna put this blanket over your head" That I was falling for you."1The sounds of water trickling over the rocks"like you always do.")Bridge whispered once, screamed once"Needle in the lung"$The emptiness to harsh to bare,"in a love that never dies"They laugh at me"How can our love grow?"!THis is no the world though,"$In this moment, i feel so alive""Being with you is so sublime.""my stomach into metal clamps,"You never told me why"!Have i really been redeamed,"Sweet ol' bits of sugar" Even if your just a cartoon"-just like my friends who cut themselves,"He is the fish in the sea"'You're always on my mind, but what"0I would cry at night, deep inside my quilt."unconscious lips"does anyone even care?"And in the carpet"*You said you could handle me this way"They have eyes you know"+I have my friends, they make me strong"%Rationalization has abandoned me"While you" i went out with her one day"I look and see he's dying"Kill me with frustration"*Have a heart of steel and release the" wind".What must I do to recompense my failures?"JYou feared your heart being broken so you broke mine in self-defense."Not even fully grown."!Is how I cope with the pain!"7Lifes full or ups and downs, you'll get through it"let me die"Rise Kurt"&That if you give a guy your heart"you"#They wish it would all go away"&that one day he'll b there for me"If words were enough,"$Putting all the pieces together"my eyes when we kiss."The words wont go away"I wasn't done loving you"i miss you so much"AAnarchy signs all over each others body parts with permident"I see you're sorry" use a knife,razor, or a gun"/� � � � � � � � two birds, with one stone."I cried every night"-The fire within me grows out of control."it isn't more than..."'In the rushed sense of this moment"For I am my own question";� � � In those court shoes. . .you stuff your feet in," Understand this my friends,"� � � � � � � � Little,"Dear God,"Because I don�t care"Can trust you after"Until you got the picture."You like to hurt")to have this drain on their paycheck"Lies are what you've told"but this i know",I want to be happy, I try so hard to be"I can't breathe in deep"Maybe if I"ATimes of trial and times of strife and the rest is happiness"5Suddenly I'm not so sure of what I'm about to do""Swallow death (swallow death)"{ chorus }"'so she waited for him to come home"there's more to life"Swift and painless,"
+ anger"(Your staying here.)"Ironic though it seems,"I would be in love"&(Right back into his arms I wish)"kill me softly"&Soon the pain would be no longer."2(Your never gone, never away from our minds.)" I try so hard to run, I try"That he has done to you."When I was with you"3Speechless I stared back wondering what to say"(And it only worsens year after year"I was weak".Stated that there were moons in my tears."HLeaving her on the wall, locking the door to our tangible memories."5Because you left me alone one cold winters night".Carefree pictures sit dusty on the shelf,"!� �you pleaded and said who?"-pollute the room, and corrupt our minds."We had to say our"To ever really stop"No hesitation, no parade,"By those who know me"I just realized it."!It is the mystery of the cut"Cuz I know I won't"'So I guess these lies have to end.""I couldn't be happier for him".When you know he'll always be next to you" Which is why we never spoke"%And you say I don't want me gone"[Person 2]"The virus ate away my love"!Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J.""The girl who slits her wrists"1Covering up the fact that we are in fact not"Think of saturated night"i strive for better times"EForbidding them to see each other was a rule they couldn't obey."ETime heals all wounds, but scars never go AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH"in Daddy."It yawns one last time":to continue bullying those that you think ought to be"1while he traces her back with her fingertips"All too well"1Aren't the only things I left behind tonight"THE RAIN...">>>"+Bleed the color of sunset into my hair"-My days taste of pain and tortured cries"
+ Loud." Chorus:"that you have been gone"Since you left,"3i make a first impression and im scard to know",I begin to blush as you suddenly appear"*Do you search for it after its lost??"!Lacking in warmth to last..."I know times can be tough"’I wanna die"He's the new,"I thought of you."don't have pity on me..."turning your"HUntil I have witnessed this "God" I will not believe in anything..."my parents love me"with only the shadows."1So, as I tear open my heart just to pretend,"things change in a snap"im a depressed girl!"
+ gOd D"I'm more than you deserve"So long so short"will always""And left me here to die alone"�GOOD BYE.�"Oh what a sight";but really its coz I love you like theres no tomorrow,"'Running through this familiar cove"&My heart is broken and shattered.""she felt a lump in her throat"5and she turned to the only friend she's ever had"I forgot to care"and he knows I know"�I hate myself,"%But you are always there for me."Id die for you"=RIGHT!!! Let Me Take You To The Graves The We Help Build"You didn�t keep."But am I ever on your mind"and its killing me" don't break me down anymore"+I'm searching 'cross the barren plains"My Lover."away with out a care."Into everlasting rest,"-My anger, My dream, So useless it seems,"%the other day i called her phone"0"maybe it has something to do with my past"",� � � � � � � � � � � Hiding the stars."I wish for death"I can feel it"This isn't true,"Moving on takes time"&And your heart is beating to fast"They had your name,"2But not as many times as I've thought of you."+We'd grow a tree that would only bloom" Driving through the unknown"My heart is full,"Embrace this life,"your temper grows."kiss me, the one i adore"If you care."I thought I loved you"And feel your gentle touch"what he did to me",You didn't teach me to live without you"and never waking up."5writing was my only outlet, the only way to vent";Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."similarly different.""Did I forget to mention that?"1I wanna know where you've gone all this time"I know we're through."but he was always there" of the amorous Nightingale."That I had someone"&wrap your arms around and whisper" I'm not tired of listening."'And place my forehead against hers"2that the reflection of a little girl is mine."#we were getting along so great"&the creature hiding inside of me."ANow look around you. Now think of the words that make up my�"Makes it too hard to hear"inch by inch"Anything would be better"*When I just want you here next to me."#[be careful what you wish for]"!All the pain he's caused me,"And take all of me"that just want to hurt you"&You're all I think and all I hear"Pretending not to cry",So Hush little baby this is not a dream"you tell my mum"BIt falls apart so instantly, It just crashes down in silence,"These morning stars""The pain that you're causeing"BAll my memories come rushing back as my life begins to drain,"2but i guess to them, that made you their prey"I hope I�m right, I hope" Down"takes control. The"Why not... am i ugly"But it was too late"7he knows he was wrong to bring the knife to school"I'm so sure of you"%The catwalk isn't ready for this"Me asking for help"Well sucks to be"#From the dead I wish he'd rise"Is there a reason why"0Your flammable words burn deep in my heart,"Im so depressed,"I say screw you!"So much has changed," x Loz x"%all the pain was to much to bear" Though,",So sorry for the hurt we've caused you,"i feel them"9As much as I try to be.I love you will all my heart,"like at a carousal"You're leading me."4you never would had let me shed a tear over you"$But I can tell you're not happy"One night."5representations of a time and a person long past",i just dont want to tell my dad goodbye"[You simply loved me]"But It's Also Deep"%He's the boy with the plain box,"0Just to hear you sad, makes me want to cry,"cant forgive,I wont forget"0Let the darkened light dance apon your face"Slowly killing oneself"D� � � � � � � � � � � � � � �His own self teen written suicide."Into the depths below."Why is it that"for all to see""I hope it's sooner than later" It hurts to eat without you"HI wish i knew what to do ... so confused by the things that you do."Just enough lying already""We were destined to go wrong,"$but the tears I shed all night,"At least I�ll be a memory"It makes me smile"8Because �you and your spirit are as sweet as candy."
+ Tears"*Lately it seems like I'm always alone"To see me in a new light")Sure lock your doors and try to run,"Waiting so I can leave"Even if I had the strength""I knew you'd say that""that shiny blade"And In His Arms..."you only made me cry..."Just to be your girl"Slowly I begin to cry."~But I guess I was wrong~"I'm never really perfect,"I can't love anymore"I struggle to tomorrow,"'It's hard for me to live much more"Or miserably free"Because I'm breaking down"Take my hand"Tear them out!"Lost in deceit""For something starts everyday"(All of a sudden everything is dark,"*So Brush it Off Like Nothing Matters,".That's all I wanted, just for you to see,"1Never stopping to try to catch her own tears"For you, I've died"6she's your bitter drug .. shes your sweetest sin."2Today at school, you looked at me and smiled."$The memory of that witch haunts"%You Think your Finding yourself,")So I can be as beautiful as I can be"!I shall sing a wordless song"+You see what I've left out in the rain">i feel pain. not physical really anymore, i just go numb."Watch me as I cry"But familiar antique."!A heart that speaks in beats"%Hiding, waiting, To make a move,"#make some of my own decisions,"$Like a shadow in a sea of black"&knives of raindrops slice my skin"Believe you, me"!Those words stung so sharply">>>"Time painfully ticks away,"My father's daughter..."But you swear they are"#We had lovers who only hurt us" unloved"9Look for more later I didn't have time to finish it."(it started out as the perfect night"So crimson and cold"I cut so deep"when you know"$And soul. I see my end in sight"2why i haven't taken my feelings out on myself"You tell me that" Only you this cold November"Just blank stares"pretend it was a lie"May you be with me forever"until that night."I never really loved you"Been a fake from the start"She stands up"I want to poision our kiss"Just to protect me""letting go of all these fears"!So maybe you will forgive me" the lie that has become me."when will i be me?"For When You Leave"%But you wouldn't have understood"* i love you * to .")But I guess I really was just blind."do you know what its like"� � � � � � � � � I know,"is simply another emotion"It's a simple line"(My heart refused to let it go again"You Can't See,"Drowned a voice"1Could lift the load of many forms of strife."*Thought I was lost but I was stranded"when fairies meet"I promise to help you out"Resting gently on the" Sometimes I want to give up"Until you come back"I am love" Only he could cut so deeply"I hurry to my bed"Listening to men prepare"destroyed my loving trust."the only one I had."The touch of your kiss"It�s raining again"To wach the terrors"#But this won't go on for long,"i eat so much"slaughter your soul"8It would be passionate love in front of the camera,"#Material things jump out at me"to the death"DThe ring still embraced your finger though you would never know"Sorry for leaving"Don't turn away just yet"11:"I see you everyday" Lost in a doubtful silence,")All we were with what we�ll never be"Last thread of my love!""alone its all to much to bear"5 more hours"xxx"Now I sing"over and over"and the pain put into it"2So hypnotizing, They almost make my head hurt"As the emptiness spreads"+And you can see how lucky you've been."The more hopeful I become." But im never able to forget"Some of it sad"$Palms uplift to praise the sky;"!Foreign to my own existence,"Fold me in the magic")Keep your words alive inside my head"In the Blue Wastebasket"the ending twirled"*Hold my soul in the palm of your hand"Seen the world"babe what are you doing" Help me""I love you""Slow motion teardrops"#Not just for me but for others"They only see the smile"Wait for you..."That first date" In life"Still thinking about you." f a l l"Dissatisfaction"I used to know you"I couldn't get enough."but now life is wasted" I'm proud to call him mine."made me this way."But to occupy space."=Your trying to change me into someone you want me to be,"Leave me be"$Anger and hate control my smile" Weary of this musical night"Back to me."She only knows of him..." The context and the promise"#i cant let go though im trying" Tuesdays and Thursdays too?"But I don't understand"%"Never settle" someone once said"Or vicariously imparted" Falling into what we become"%I won't have to take these again" Tell me that you love-D me,"And I'm never leaving"my cheek and you said" Soon to be covered in blood"#and drown them in moisturiser."8And all within, goodbye My love, goodbye dear rain,"final night"People Sing"(the world is really awash with pain"&No cognizance? Not even a little?"#You'll go home in contentment."Just because she's mean"and been loved"5I wanna be here to see the razors grip on sanity"Lonely stretch of" 'Cause she believed in fate"You're dead"are a princess"(Or find yourself in something real."&My emotions were never something,"If only they'd see";I love it when you melt in my mouth like the Milky Way"!Life has given me all I know"LYou don't understand that you were the L U C K I E S T guy in the world"(I have loved and lost so many times"Your tears were my honey."If she should die..."this side of her."spinning around"you know how I feel,"Time is over."I catch a glimpse of light"9Something you could dream to whenever you felt wrong"&Forget-me-nots tied up in my hair"You can kill all my dreams"Care for them so much."+The cool ocean breeze caresses my face"#And now we are just caring for" No that I have you, i don't""The thing is, I have no clue."Just look at me!"Is What I Seek"!It's a club you can't enter,"You said you hate me"+I open my mouth to call out once more,"#As it opens its blackened eyes"Your different"All these years I cared."LI wish I could turn up that frown, so you could see a healthy tommorow."%The One which causes her to cry."0and told me that your were never letting go"&Sticking her nails into his heart"#Loves to read, write, and play"&The pain within me burns me alive"Is becoming unbearable"and never left that night"With the needle I obtain."She stays awake and crys,"For I'm doing the same"And see if I bleed"agony fluttered"No one wants me,"'And of this love that was destined"(You make me so afraid of everything""Put happy thoughts in my head")and swim in ur river of bitter tears"Lingering On Gravestones,"It�s such a fright,"That sparkle in your eyes"that's all you ever do"She wouldn't quit until"Is that of honesty."0I'm sorry for falling short of expectations"All that I know...">The friends and family that love you will always suffice."%And I dragged them up the stairs"1Saving the brightest star for a special wish"!The stars only shine for you"What's done is done now"
+ minds""Crystal tears fall like stars"But slowly cry..."3She bears in mind that it quenched her thirst,"dancing on the stars."for a mongrel to obtain" Nothing"i can not stop"Sadness rushes through"sitting on sunny grass",I'm movin along even if I'm not winning"/These creatures seem real, and that I Fear"I wish for your hand"Too bad we ended this way"So no matter what you say"Probably not."Now held so dear."I touch it once"cannot be found"&I'll never do it again I promise."
+ Love?"'It drips out and floats out to sea"8Or at least it feels like that�s what we could mean"My broken heart is reborn"Lively colors" You would want me to go on,"'when you spend time alone with her""and you want to hold me close"So are those foods,"9wishing they were longer,so they felt like forever.."Too many times"This is me"Why I feel this way."&inside. That's why when she comes",But she lacked promises of anything new"an idea I caught,"BBut of the grim, the poor grim, the cloaked angel of darkness"That I wanna"Weren't you?"*Ya I will admit that I was really sad":I would like to saty on earth, I have so much to see."And save my soul"Refuse to look at me"1and when the whole world just seems to mean."!I tore my heart open for you"How do I,"%you know she's far from sobber ." But i knew it was worth it."EYet you'll never see what I saw...the long hours tore her apart."0Wishing the sky would drop me off something"
+ Fears"+A pledge of Vengeance among the guilty"And Im sorry";Riding faster and faster, while blood mixed with spit."Good to know."8I miss the way you talked to me when we were alone,"$all those time you made her cry"Filled with memories"And admire you from afar"Home is where the heart is"2I let myself believe this is all intentional,"$Go on continue to cling to mama"Its shattered hope"Falling fast asleep"putting him in my place."#I'm the girl with the notepad,"
+ Love:")Through the heart of their existence"Book, book, book-----" Leaves tulips in the prints"?It's crazy how I can see already far ahead into the future"But somehow I'm confused"around my neck"Slip swiftly through",now I�m back have you changed your mind"Don't try to bring me down"?then and there my world went black; everything was blurred",Another inch of life they take from me."You drink my empiric blood"So soon though I did not."Try and break the circle"Or perhaps I won't."One of these days"$*I love it when we're all alone"How I beat myself at that"i knew she was the one"5All the while the creatures play the the Shadows"But What has she all seen?"
+ Stop.")Goodbye to what I used to call home."No one hears me,"8I would hold your hand like a life line to my heart"@& all thats left of me are tiny fragments of a broken heart"%For every word that I never said"It's all my state of mind,"'but Im still so broken down today."Save me oh Seraph.";Time and time again I've told you that you are my hope""I think for a while that life"I went to bed"8An elliptical of tormented souls instead of a heart"(Forever staring from an empty shore"8Draw an empty box and put me into it like a cartoon"&Can I quit this immortal feeling,"%because then i might not see you"Murder Of Self"'You have to leave now'"5Here I am, in nothingness, crying out to no one,"that wears short skirts" � � � � � � � � � �Release,"incarcirated by the pain"+Your passion flaring, burning my sight"A second too late..."-falling into the darkness i think of you"I can�t live without you"[Laughing at me]"Why won't you answer me?"Feeling worst than before"for breathing,"� � � � � � �"CI just wanted a friend that would stay true until the very end"Without me"never again"Look into my eyes,"'all which end up empty and broken."Just remember one thing"$listening to the NoIsES outside"I no longer have a heart."1Say whatever you want tonight (i don't care)"+Do you hide your love under your bed??"Now you don�t",Where has the snapshot of reality gone?",Messages of hope seem cheaper every day"Toss and turn"-the smiles that were once found are gone"7� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �brown bear,"slitting your wrist" N' let my new path guide me",I'm not for anyone, I'm not to be used,"I try to forget it"i hope one day il be free"3And stained by the blood of those who are dead"your every fear."you left me all alone"i was all alone"Stalwart Keepers of Keys."Am I really alone?"Me?"Tear fall down",Tried To Tell Myself It Wasn't Worth It"You would"Verse 2 :"#Nobody cares that you're dying"Hthey've hit me with words and fists the same and violated my spirit"-Nor did I mean to make you fall through."I'm done suffering"Why did you lie?"So welcoming"Here is where I wait";Maybe its the way I can't seem to get my mind off you,"That I can keep in my head"0The softest center of your heart's embrace""Yelled single or bust"<I could take away the pain you feel when you are alone."The puddle at my feet"#Why'd ya leave me so confused?"When I shouldn't of?">>>"And colour out my eyes"%I am masquerade of diamond tears";Crying into Jack Daniel's bottles and rolling joints ."OI thought I had found my heart rejoiced with your presence"'i screamed �God I'm begging you!!,"I understand now that"She falls from the bed"Sights and sounds of life"$I saw the vicious metal monster">>>"so now i cut"[as in past tense...]"You don't need more tears"And I'll defend"Your killing this land,"Need, Need, Need" Living in an immortal state"$Kill the Pain; Pills to swallow"It used to show."
+ And I"%You think I am, but you're wrong"%A thump a thump, then it repeats"TIt's self-induced destruction, and even you're not so blind that you don't see."You're not there."My First 'Teenage' Party,"
+ Not a"/Watching you closely with hurt in my eyes,"tired of defying"$And it's the last time I'll say"there will be no encore"By an hour or two"Took away the blindfold."so I'm near the bottom"Ever absorbing"FEverything I do you've judged me for... I've nothing left to say,"#Trying to reveal my reflection"5Why they had to hurt me and make me want to die."Anything for Anything"But to myself"2The first time I saw you my heart simply fell"You have so many friends"+If it is destined to be then let it be"you can be human too...""
+ Hate?"That I awake""You're not even halfway done,"Where has your heart gone?"!It's like I loose all my air"/I walk slowly through the halls of my mind"-Life's over bearing with its black cloak"but only exuding a whisper"I ever had within doors?"CWith his every visit, my body is ravaged by the power brought."Hopeless crying."by blue eyes."Why I sit by myself"I NO WHAT I AM GUNNA DO"I wish i could be"And in one final slit")Prove that you can tell me anything,"*Is the only answer to cut your wrists"My Everything."5Because tonight your eyes will leak all the lies"all my promblems fade" The media enforces concern,"But she holds on to you"I dreamed we were together"2I truly know that, I'm sorry, Thats a fact..."*With The Gentle Wind, The Tears Stain"I Live For You"Guess that I am."Full of jokes?"#Pull back at the window shade."#each one trying to replace you"Rules my empire vast",Jealousy lurks in the coners of my mind"$Like a stream with endless flow" Though today was different,"$A love like this is meant to be"When I saw you""my friends say 'he loves you'" At a pace that is sickening"2so send in the clowns and burst with laughter"!I'd tell you missed meetings">Trying not to let these thoughts turn into wasted breaths"0You never held me in your arms oh, so tight"I'm like a third wheel"this isnt right at all,"#Why you left and why I crumble"And suddenly a rainbow"To not make you cry"We're just meant to be"
+ To do"That we're not done."+Increasing each time I think about it!"%The one you wear to bed at night"!You don't take comfort in me"!My tears have hit the ground""Let things happen between us?"Pretty soon"$I wonder what would've happened"!And I'm drowning in my heart"&quietly within my own confinement"
+ me..."#And this is just a fool's plea",The world spins, tumbling away so fast.""Speak thoughtful words to him""some things will never change"#i hate pink. i want it to die."4Fragmented syllables protruding from the carpet"But overcoming them,"6See that there's a better way of going about this"I'm treating you horribly"5that nothing was wrong that I did this to myself"-� � � � � � � � � � crashing our dreams."(Of course, not, no, he always wins."8Save me from being locked behind the gates of Hell,"#And then they cannot break it."he will be told-"These friggid words"you bring light."We will never fade"Nothing could change her"that one special night."$my mind is crowded by things..."But you'll know all along"-I have higher problems, but you may too,"I think I can defy you"you dont know"We have all truly gone mad"In eyes so black"Broken, "Okay""without you by my side" I thought you loved me once"3What do you do when you want the easy way out,"3� � � � �Songs to plaster your heart brake in,"EIf I wasn't so damn high, I'd drive to you just to see your eyes"-she ended the pain and took her own life"Explosions of silence"&And the fall is too much to bear."GSecretly I love him but I can't say it I think it would hurt us so"i must not losse hope" And you swore you wouldn't."5I need some explaining to start my understanding" Before you grew up to fast,":But I can't be near you without crying--I just can't." But it all that i can think" I cry,"One by one my tears fall,"'If only I could change that moment"!But it was sweet in my mouth"7Until nothing is left but your pulsating eyelashes"I can't talk to anyone""that's something I can't hide"![To] do with what you please"4Two betrayals have left me battered and broken."+But misery can't be at my side forever"and now its come to pass"&I saw you crumbling for his touch"How I really feel"and fouled"!but really you're not there."I missed you all!!!"!I hate the people who preach",. . .I was lost inside misted fantasies"The thin black metal"when will i be skinny?"I skateboard"Secondly I'll tie you down"9We think we are someone, that we crerated ourselves,""But When my country cant even"In the game of life"Its the rules you hate."Fuck the world"I cannot stay.".When I would do anything to touch the sky"#blood washing away like water,"Lost my sanity"%Why won't the darkness let me be"By the way....".Something grows when I see you like this,"$But something says you�re gone.",i think i gave up my memory to save her"(When Im with you Im never blue and,",Dripping from the necks of the innocent"What's a good friend?"Ya will or ya won't"I'm in love with her"I deep insanity of my mind"All mean nothing anymore."same way goes and turns"my life is simple"LMy heart is learning how to love you more each and everyday you're near"9we spent all night talking and tinkerling each other"
+ slick"If you look deep enough"love pain")Every thought you think is Directly,"It's the same damn thing",And sometimes it will be dirty and hard"It's all not real"and"How do you love me"I love you and I hate it,""#You've pulled me from the dark".and made to sit at the back of the class."i shouldnt"At that final picture show"0but I back away and fade back into the past"how did this begin"My air, so precious to me"$WHY can't life be what I wanted"Theres no-one to help."%I will be dead, my body to roam,"You should have known..." a wave of youth and renewal"You were born with it"AYou can do whatever you want and be who ever you want to be,"Floating alone"(It opens like the wings of a dove??"Your broken promises"a cinderella story"With remembrance"5I�ve thought just as hard and you�re not the one"(With your loud, overly-done laughs,"(Its autumn and the trees are dieing"<My lord mounts his pretty sub, as he prepares to breed."from someone elses tears"&And started shopping at my stores"%Now I'm just chained to the wall"i tried to commit suicide"You know that feeling"&I close my eyes and try to see my"2� � � � � � � � � � � � to take out its rage,"I sudenly realize",You're alone, alone, alone- once again!"Once more."I close my eyes"%We want to be together, but how?"I was in awe"7Once they are gone only the mortals mourn for them"%Mascara tears, her only comfort."But no one ever saw that." i knew"rain for poetic verse"'� � � � � � � �Fireworks exploded,"So unsure..." Scraped elbows on the sill,"The way she looked at him"&The people who run around all day"Does it come while"$Enter anew into a world unknown"#Yet insistent upon this guise,"about you"Kringle, oh what might"'to break the quiet night,but not a"Hot 'n' bothered..."The end of a legacy,"3Then fall to the floor in a ragged bloody mess"But never quite sure"Shall never die"'You always know what I want to say"I knew you weren't happy" The seasons could stay cold"0I've paid a terrible price for my ignorance"Wondering your even home,"&you caused me to drown, to suffer" Miser?"'He says his spaces are comfortable"and broke it in two"also to the others"%Look at your face in the mirror."blood all around"I was crying too."#that place I should've stayed/"$you promised you wouldn't tell."and leaving me alone"My mind's in a real jam."
+ Hello"He offered his fatal kiss."But commitments..."sometimes we fight"After all"+It makes my life a bloody living Hell."You were supposed to be"'These days get harder as they pass"0that i was with you and my other loved ones"With a glide of a pen."Did I take a life?"And dropped my hand."#I helped you all that I could,"I'm sure you'd see"Decaying slowly"Vain and underlie,""im afraid if i open up to you"Oblivious to rest"-Just like I�ve done time and time again,"%They bring restlessness and fear"(I've seen her when the time is noon"8Let me be the reason that you stop with the powder,"I WAS BLINDED BY LOVE"&Tried forever to make it this far"Churn my blood"Slowly....I think"2in return all i got was the same blank stare."and wait for you"this is Emily's song"[deepened by the sea]"She never runs,")with every second beat of a heart..." Sing us another damned song"that made you turn away?"And now i had my fit"Tickled me"for so long"This place is my tomb"I STILL LOVE YOU"he will never see".Had allowed her to dream of starting new."
+ You.""To change it all"Me."%You always say you want to leave"My wish came true"I've changed my mind."'They haven't been living very long"Then I left you to"6I know that no one really cares about my feelings"#Still Bleeding Inside Of Me..."I will love you""Don't think you're so perfect".Sweeping the fog, flying without a sound."$Would you hold me in your arms,"=Because my skin shows what the real world has done to me"&So far away you never even heard,"These tears? No,"$Misplaced in a field of daisies"The wound has healed"Dare I speak up?":Why don't I believe in myself, why do I hide my fate?" while all she can do is cry"!it's all I have left of you."-There's no glory in trying to save a man"2An insecurity to move in on a passionate kiss"-Everyone other then themselves, angrily."-Your not who I thought you would be, yet"'I wrote a poem on a piece of paper"Daddy dearest"7Feeling no more, the love that I had once for you."I know this is weird"6� � � � � � But there was no knife to slip under."Someone once told you,"Rain falls ever so lightly"#� � � � � � � � � � Oval eyes,"Blood Rains, Smile Faded,"Is a metaphor for my life."All they can do is wait"!I've laughed so hard I'd cry"I cried each night" But maybe we could lay here"This is me"scars show"they couldn't be stopped" He was always such a tease."I move in tune to it"That now consumes you"I called,"$for this one single boy I love?")Realising i dont actually know you.."Because we all know"is it worth the effort"6Confusion starts to set in (Life can be so cruel)"Leaving you with nothing"i loved you so much"I should of let you go"it'll just stain my face"will you ask for me to do"It always happens to me,"Still covers my hands/"For I was still trying"I Won�t Ask For Anymore"Onto the floor"I am blind"(When all you ever told me were lies"'for one second everything was fine""Made me cut, slice, and slash"@They both soon realized that there was nothing to live for."$I'd never hear your voice again"+Then sleep takes control for the night"my writing came to and end" Will be a long lasting fire"Now look what you've done"blue glow."'I have exercised my right to shine"I hope you can hear me" All up!">>>"At this point I"4So the way things are now will just have to do."<The reflection I see makes me want to turn my head away"2Feeling helpless, feeling below everyone else"let my world rot"my Audience"I can tell you cared"YOU KNOW ILL DO IT AGAIN"but its ok,"as if i didnt know,"*not gonna change for my momma I won't"It's like a transparency"'No, they won't love you, like I do".Thats the last thing I ever intend to do!"#Let me tell you about the cold"In writer's block I wail"He never left,")That one second that changed my life"She fell to the floor"Alive, I still remain"its me not you"Its bound to fail"And away from my family"-But peacefully, we'll die without a care"I do care..."1All these songs of broken hearts and cyanide"&� � � � � � � � � � � �No hatred,"&A name attached to a blurry face,"/Stay with me and make my dreams come true."finally help arrived"and becomes deeper."#Allow me to feel safe with you"In the cabin in the woods"!I'll tell him it will be ok,""count on his blessing to find"my life is funny""� � � � � where we all stood,"DNever before have I prayed that maybe one day you'll hit a vein"you"nothing more"'I'm building up the walls I broke,"in college or maybe Rome"I've lost some peices,",shes kissing elbows and breaking hearts"That's where you left me"Agony And Pain,"
+ god G"�'Suckier then average'"this is Emily's song"I can smell the sun rising"'Here, angels know no broken hearts"Rub the scars"'You didn�t hear me gasp your name,"(This was meant to be)"GWhile we inflict more terror upon the world than we can ever know."sweeping me by"All I want to do is"$And I can't seem to grasp them."Of how we used to be"And always lost."!Why do they call it falling?"There's no time to waste" heart....somebody save my heart.....somebody, anybody...please"%And I can't help but dwell on it"$I can't do anything about that."+I will leave to forget all that I see."&But still, I cant run to the door""praying for a different today"So if someones chooses"And she hoped he died"'I quiver, can't breathe, wanna cry""I cried frantically for help,"Scratched with shyness"(Will my attackers ever let me rest?"If it were possible"or maybe it will begin"All I want is sleep"While everyone leaves"Table under that"to care for me"Day and night,"(Like I did before)"to count on he's"About any one,"they'll take you home."(She�ll stand there with a big grin,"%Gettinf rid of some old memorys,"Please don�t stare.")The dark one emerges from the corner"and my cat is high"Promises undone,"I'm on the beach"For me to call my own"(We'll enter in with hollowed minds,"!that I'm alive and all alone"'I love the way you skate like hell"'and keep it safe in my desk drawer"I'm so confused,"Bend my soul"wouldn't you"that I've done to you,")too far to swim back to the surface,"-the ribbons are trying to seduce us all."!Losing sight of my own heart"� � � � � � �watching"Your cornered"torment you'll never see"Show me the chance")I can't explain why I feel this way,"more inspiring"If only you knew"
+ Again"Walking under"!And you kissed them all away"#Cover me in a blanket of snow,"My head spinning"(I'm at my best, when you're near me"8Feeling lost, Confused and empty; Tired of waiting,"Into the night sky"im longing for ur love.."You might find me asleep"was tough"It's all upsidedown"1we'd lie on the grass and just watch the sky"But you don't care,"End of Author Entry")In the darkness filled with silence." I am..."I had no clue""Deprived of your loving touch""Your gonna die""?why doesnt it even bother you to see your own daughter cry")Blankly stare at what I've given you"I feel so down, so hurt,"My hope is gone,"i saw her at school":taking away the phone....internet...msn....friends..."for themselved"so cold, i have to stay"four members in all"Lets stay together...."you left this"*Like night and day my feelings change"!How can I know what�s right,"%Till sight's dilluted to a haze,",So I'll run away and say goodbye to you"� � � � � � � � � �Inhale"(the lightening can burn it all away"You see, to me,"#the messages of broken hearts?"I can feel it"What happened to me"Your blinding stare."Your heartless actions">>>"Tear at all the seems"BBut I'm not a good actress, I always leave tears in my shirt."good luck"+That day my heart pleaded with the sky"1I never thought they'd find me out this way,"
+ -----"With one quick jolt"I'm waiting"Always drowning in my mind"They came crashing down!""Left and right love ones fade"And good-bye"/Second place in your little fucked up head"$I can't feel my heart anymore.."Not being loved." Global war will soon arise,"my mums in hospital"!Every morning that I wake up"Laying in bed"and now we're gone"7As my eyes become streaming waterfalls of despair."tastey, tastey, tastey"$Watch you carry out your orders"<And as you depart you will take the memories we shared."Don't you feel dumb now?"8there were drugs, and i new there would be trouble."and Im sure it is."holding her still form"Why can't I find my way"-This place seems too perfect to be true."Are dim with regret"All through the night"Night by night"&Just because of the thought of me"!I could feel it in my heart."&first the flesh and next the vein"Apply the make up,"You already did...."+But there is one that makes me unsure:"-I guess perhaps I've learned some things"&Maybe I am, But what do they see?"and now my life's hell."No?""The window was open as I sit."Yum, Yum, Yum"I SAY THESE THINGS TO YOU,"I like him so much"The time is now...".The birds in the sky are singing for you,"I used to be hopeless"I held him together"After every single turn,"So Count to Three,"Petals will fall"&You just don't understand that..."so I may stay a while."While we kissed"/Once in a lifetime good oppertunitys rise,"Wish that I had"I should cry"Letting time pass by"#He can be so stupid sometimes!"you stayed with me,"And the rain still falls."-I wondered if it could possibly be real.""I'm losing everyone around me",and you could forget me in a heart beat"Dare I speak up?" A poem is a dream captured,"Just like a drug"I tried to prevent""this new boi was changing me,"but they're here,"But somehow, something,"TThe floor underneath my is covered in blood, and I smile with tears in my eyes."piking up the dagger"she won't see the pain"$I shouldn't have these feelings"Baby on the way"excruciating"I've got so much to say"-I am not sure I could ever just say that"I cant say how I feel,""Taking him away from the pain"!As dumb as it sounds it true"I LOVE YOU" it would never be the same."BEach and every one of you has forever knocked me off my feet." The more life runs in pace."knowing your weak" heart beats for you"1Sitting when we could have been standing too"We are what we"<My life is on the line and all you do is sit and think,"But she didn't let on"And I awoke to a sound"Living life as a lie"-you feel just as bad that we must part.."don't be sad at me"fulfil your nightmares"[Do you even believe me?]"$Just like another money deposit"i will keep healing"Who I love to be around" Out of your tangerine silk."&I'd just one friendship lasting -"Your heart beats"%Why won't you at least say "Hi"?"Has The Clock"EMy CD stops and then I sit down and start to write my next poem:"and she loved it."*[You are my first true and last love]"making out" I try to help I try to love"(i just cant keep on if you leave me"I love you."0Trying to figure out why i love you so much")I know it was just some stupid thing"'Let me destroy your tainted heart."&Everyone else has someone to love"-there here with me alive no ones hurting"they leave my eyes"!Cause no ones really around."#Swimming now, in the cool sea."so i just sit"I get lost in your eyes"%Or are you just my seventh deal?"then why am I so confused"&fresh sun flowers slowly replaced"Leaving me alone"!I'm going back to the start.")That's just like me, I will run away".becausethe rest of my life means nothing.",I don't want to face another heartbreak"V3:"6� � �For all the little white pills in the world."6comes and goes through the quik slit of my wrists" if I fell down on my knees."And kiss the stars awake"
+ � � �".And that it will all be better afterwards"#I feel as if I am just a dream"You laugh my tears away."In a heart shaped bubble,"from tearful eyes."*jus liked i was abused living in fear"+With a heart that's been dead for days"!A hunk of metal being towed," And ripped it away from me."Obliged to put out"'did you keep it to cherish forever" I'm just waiting for my que".And cocaine angels that sparkle like gold"all It'll ever be"!this noise is still to much." Amusing"#Lead So Easily, Like The Sheep"COME BACK....."Just to be your girl"The heart inside your eyes"I GIVE UP!"Is leaving so soon"Like A Moth To The Flame,"were the most"%You'd do those things to hurt me" stolen razors ( untouched )"I'm fallen"(She�s broken now, she�ll always be."(You're the reason I live)"(Started off as a friend of a friend"&E is for everything you taught us"But the truth is baby,"0We take for granite the good things in life""Be the one who olds me tight,"Sometimes i wonder how on" I'm here to help you steer."You are my soul,"down my throat"for it has taken me"'Who are you to tell me what to do?"'From the worlds pain and its harms":I can see it but I can't seem to capsulize the moment"I can feel it"Every intimacy..."
+ words"I'll call you mine,"I'm crying right now"I'm holding on to the past"6So please take this like a man and walk away now!"3The wounds I own are now begging to dig deeper")I'm no longer important in your eyes".Sighing to him self and thinking "man..."",We can take the world on, hand in hand,"This is me"The emotion,"BA message I send to all my dark demons, fear, and nightmares,"4Desolate expresion of an un-noticed super hero."and lighting the dark">But knowing a friend is always going to be there for you," Faster"1� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �you�re dead"(I truly didn't mean to leave you..."its not a sin"<And i somehow have lost you to the pretty colourd pills" swear!")upon your thoughts his purity sinks." In the absence of your soul"2Of course, I�ve always taken the step forward"Please don't hurt anymore,"Dance- Unfold"Cuz I'm not scared anymore"they will"'I cant make anyone your belonging,"Just for the helluvit!"")it�s me or that I mean it this time,")Just shot my bullet thought the air,"What is it that I lack?"2this feeling for you. i cant seem to shake it"in a bloody mosh pit.""I'm left with all this shame."'Who's started this burning desire?" so weak"!When I'm completely trashed."But especially you"I never felt The pain,"+There once was a boy who liked to run,"Am his! We are the"So deep, sometimes..."%Why is the world of here so cold")Pain has never been an issue with me"I pray on bended knee-"Don't expect me to forget"%It's not suppose to be this way."what he did to me"Appointed by you."And heroes die alone."!If forever is never ending.."Always alone? Oh I"%I still love you, always will...")I didn't think to stop before acting"+Yet I'm the one you turn to for advice"Of said butterfly reflexes"#The person I loved deceived me"5because that is the answer to any doubt we have.")A voice that cared when I felt alone"#If you hate me then Im stupid."3That I will always have this pain inside of me"Gjust believe in yourself and have faith my dear friend End of Poem"/I can't recall the day I first learned "A"" i dont want to. Please tell" Crying."$Whether they pas from you to me"DThinking of all the times she had, and the memories she misses."what would I do,"What was on your mind."i couldent help it"the way they move"(the boundary between light and dark"A goodbye for good,"I had seen it all before"4Ripped into first impressions and brutal truths"she pulled out you knife"&and never got to know each other."Constellations in my heart"(no no no no no no)"WHY"-I love to feel your butterfinger feeling"in the light"*I really thought we had it this time."your wearing me down"&Tonight, she�ll try to forget it,"They were furious"but even thru all the pain""breaking down at a rapid pace"It's hunger is growing"Not pleasant even a bit"one that I am trying fix,"when will i be "hot"?"Watch me as I sigh"1But as the day passes I get a little happier".Is a mind damaged far worse than believed"0I will always remember the way you loved me"i wont need to go insane"Time to face the past"And that really hurts""I'll run away and say goodbye"and i wonder,"They love him more"to heal ourselves" I question how it must feel"'When did the truth become the lies"Breaking to find hope"%"You think you know everything!""I�m tired of seeking"not worth making?"I just wish to hold you," hung" If I ever was to lose you I" Why couldn't you just stop?"+Please do not look at me as a stalker,"My hurt weakens me"so stop looking at me"Ecosystem destroyed."%So enormous, it reaches the sky."This time it's done"Your talent wasted""A look of horror on your face"
+ or so"Artificial love"kiss me at last"Fuck college life"%To make it through I cry and cry"!For soon the weather roared."&Through the heat, snow, and rain."Where are you?" i smile"It pulls me in"I�m going to be"I couldn't stop them"All the pain"I'm sorry" for they are all in my Mind""What if we never made amends?")since you are unwilling to just DIE,""Stare down your loaded barrel"more spark of"(A promise of forever I cannot keep," i didn't move nor did i cry"what�s in a name"The world didn't miss me"
+ speed";� � � � Smoking a cigarette on the roof of a building,"Rolling out of control"%[I could feel my heartbeat drop]"0You came into my life and shined you light."'which I'm sure we are all grateful"To rid your heart of sin."and if the moon is a liar"(I know you better than any other..."CAnd onto the pillows where you'll lay your hand under my head,"The warmth of your hug"And we all""To be anything more than fake"whisper thoughts of death,"She is classical music"&because it shines with no regrets"but i just need to get out">Help her before she loses herself inside an endless sleep"To love with all"&Will I always hear your footsteps"kiss my lips""A padded cell is were I stay,"(Now I lie here crying and bleeding." Hope"I am not all knowing,";you asked me like a gentalman if we wanted to continue"And closing."$Well, that was your last chance"(I'm not even good enough for myself"Needs developing?"but you still didn't care" And blur them back into you" Her thorns are her memories"I'm always here for you"Here is nowhere"They Only Make me cry..."you're completely drawn up"(This is who I really am)"Catch me in your arms"and probably always will")Dreams of your "future" trickle down"!Soft as silk but never done,"She wasn�t me"� � � � � � �and all those"&I stand and cry to the raindrops,"to look in your eyes"Together and rip," How much longer do we have?"When time is the lock,"6you had your arm around me you pulled me up close"9As the sun sets inside my heart I sadly say goodbye,"7Im always looking tired, because all night I weap,""The sea preferred their en'my""I will never stop loving you,"Til death do us part,"You are worthless"The screams all die,".they watched her leave the house that day"that you care too much"BI cannot make people think wow when all i wanna do is scream,"the sparking death"*That smile of which I write this poem"She got on his nerves,"I love you so much"Purple and blacks"Make you happy"words mean nothing":...this will be the day when all of God's children..."And the stars";I want to work through this, and I want you to change,"I'm not anything new"9Passed the pointing fingers poking holes in my heart"&You cheered me up when I was blue"then the alters glow"Dthen crying on the phone and telling me to get out of your life"%That you are always in my heart,"42 deep black for the darkness and sorrow i feel"Discovering rejection"about life."1a interesting conversation on MSN Messanger,""Now I write notes to my heart"Why would you slap me?"1Giving me useless advice, I will never need.""� � � � � � � �And that's it."just for one night"In the latest headlines"Its the feeling i hate"'so help me find the perfect ending"'nudity hidden under flannel sheets"%Did you perfect me in your mind,"help but stare."&There's no breaking down the wall"%You dry my tears and talk to me,"I bit my tongue"&I told you that you are beautiful" i gently nod my head "soon""Watch me as I cry"My soul reason for being"(shes only young, niave you see and," With You By Myside I watch," Look..."$As they watch us near our doom."This time, at least")forever wandering stuck inside of me"'Scars animate the dirt tanned skin""with full life's left to live"1� � � � � � These walls are white tiles. . .""Dare admit your taste for art"![So, I'll make you the last]"Not Just For The Thrills."I don't see any">that your as safe as the pill that controls my every move"!Rough and hard just the same"Focus just for a moment"Love from my"Quake and shake...."Why do you care" FEAR""You are one I know I�ll miss/"
+ help."!can see how others can love,"?I guess your right when you say .." you might be beautiful"9Theres something she knows, but will only tell when."Maybe the more I"She thinks she should"I'm still here""� � � �I was complete before,"?Your eyes can � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �save me"she hates her life""i want to destroy all beauty,"
+ Roses".How much longer can I handle the numbness"=These are the nights..and your just barly scraping by..."*Denial and shame shall palgue my mind"Lift the vell I've"Into beating wings"&Deeper into the shadows of myself"I am the rose"(Which have become worse)"I still wanted to live."Wet eyes bleed with pain"%so now we sit sipping are coffey"you had the right" You shouldn't have left me."Take it back"You hang onto me tight and" But when I got to know you,"I talked to you"$Into then back, and now I know."you are now in peace"!as my crimson tears seep out"Soon I'll be with you"#Because it's driving me insane"Does he think of me?"0I just hope you listen to what I was taught"%bonnie saying Kristies gone home"Heal Yourself�"&Why cant you just leave me alone?"[chorus1]"&This light is fogging up my head,"We're showing ourselves,"E� � � � 'Mamma judge a man 'till you walked a mile in his shoes'"Maybe if I did,"I know this is right"Everything will be okay"My eyes are shut"I want you to see how much"even if you want to do so")I cant seem to get it out of my mind" Straight out of high school"'Though I know nothing has changed."Reluctant to pull"Better make them good"+The whisper of my name hung in the air""I am not an armor to be worn,"1it's better this way, i believe that it's so"my passion was intense"she wonders what she said."The cool blue waters"$Just because I can't keep quite"&It's Playing Over And Over Again,"#He whispers that he loves her."Until it was gone."5You were oblivious to all the tears that I cried",But I will feel you lips soft and sweet"-I just might turn around and talk to you"End of Author Entry"+they don't care who they hurt or ruin'"$And maybe now I can forget you."I love you so much"&Beneath a sea of breathless stars"
+ Or up"!While driving round so fast,"Colored black"(I try to utter a reply"Daddy dearest"A capulet�s grudge"'love me, hate me, save me, kill me"(unsure if you're of the same status"See my heart."onto the ground"(IT TALKED OF LOVE AND PRIDE AND JOY">>>"!But I don't want anyone else"-So those tears of golden rain would fall"You made it end"/Forgive me now, If I dont make it through,"He started crawling to me"#That sooner rather than later,"2And it's never burning out, Never burning out"Every inch and mile."And devoid of true meaning"Uu stomped on it and made it turn black with all the dirt and shit you put on it."-Oh how I wish you wouldn't leave me here"$My mind is feeding me illusions"/Hold me close beneath your defensive arms,"They never care,"-Please Dear God, I have a short request."I just do"%And you can whisper things to me"+He holds me close like there is no end"3They say I back you into a corner with my pain"&And lie out in the greenest ocean"IT WAS FUN WHILE LASTED"Is he the guy" If I were a homless person,"#I once held your hand in mine."MI hurt myself, I cry all night, I talk to myself, It really is a fright,"I'll love you forever"/I never really understood why i loved you.",would he, cause I'd do anything for you""He thinks that you ignore him"'waiting for the nightmares to stop"safe from mans eyes.")I need you and I just don't know how"Who murder people for fun"$And I never tried to reach him,"You'll never win..."Fallen from her throne"+This hurts you more than it hurts her?"4To the clockwork mechanics of minutes and miles"!and left me wondering where."&He used to see when I was hurting"You weren't looking"the sorrow and the pain". . .I sat on the floor," oh, he's just a pretty face"$or maybe I'm just plain screwed"Would you help me?"#Sitting peacefully at the desk")the note was on her bed, in her room"Push me downwind"%Life's too short to be too young"Ai hate you and thats the strongest word ever and i mean it!!"Guess you don't.."0No Sun Beams Could Find Me In This Crevasse"%You were there when I was young,"to the ones she ones knew"@Don't they know how much i'm hurt, how much I cry at night,"~*~" Were you embarrassed of me?"You back to my arms."#an offering of my heart to her"ghosts are out to play"No one believed her,"In the future"#The sky doesn�t even look real"In a play""You give me so many surprises"is what killed her"and saw it is "FLOOB!""If they step on your heart"Like a flower blooming in" A smile"Drowning in my sorrow;"6I'm suffocating in the haze drowning in the booze" Invaded"!So, you were the strong one," Not Going To Serve The Fake"Sketching"� � � � �"The more I long to heal."The voice of reason"That fall from the trees,"They all wonder how I fell",Don't know whether to be quiet or speak"but wisdom rises"And see what I can't see"So please choose now"FYour eyes shining with each trail of blood that reached the floor" Every girl reading this now"+And only wondered if he felt the same."The game started"to end your life"And once again cherish,"!and i know how to be lonely."!I'll move if your ok because"?my dear sweet brother, how have they so tortured your life"!and KISS YOUR HEART GOODBYE,"i want to be free!"<Being chased by the lightning of the newly formed storm">>>"!While thinking all about you"I know I'd be nothing"But what makes us weak"Some was bad."!Take away this punching blow" you did"'i am at the end of everyone's joke"We're through."In my dream world..",Though no one said it'd come with ease."Is there a reason to live"'Your not pushing me around no more"Build my spaceship"Of course I do!"I wiat inside myself"!Cause Pretty Girls Die last,"I wanted to feel real pain"you're nothing."-My thoughts swim slowly through my head/"Its been weeks since"'A hollow, pointless, lonely tune -"Before one of us"Am I that same person?"6But I will not wait for you until the moon is up,"And leave my body behind"Our temporary"It cant be"(the cool summer air keeps you alive"-And our bodies clenched tightly together" Is not":And then maybe you could at least pretend you care..."$Anger courses through her veins"1I pressed my hands so hard against the glass"-I try to stand, but I nkow that if I do," Loosing you, i lost myself."5no life is worth a final death blow worth a song"if only you knew"i might be okay ."Have a place to stay"$Thinking about you all the time"I can still remember"!and now it's crumbeling down".that never shall reply, never shall reply" Ready,"You asked me". . . So you can drown me."2"I have this re-occurring dream, of you and I"o remove my empathy]"all my hopes"Its what we wanted,"Stain her pale white skin")But it will eventually kill the pain"Stuck in your brain"You won't gain a thing"+�Holy Wars� being fought and died for."2When you are away, missing you becomes tears,"ground..."(when your troubled or down or blue,"My mind is exploding?"this is a song"%Burning away at the raw nothings"As though I may only see"As the rising sun"Make me feel lost in time"HComforted by my loneliness, as i could hear other people breathing,",Cause absolutely nothing comes to mind."#These tears run down my cheek." It was never like I thought"You trust upon"That boy won't come back"That she'll be" he thinks he's getting more"My beautiful soul" see him he'll be my knight."And turn away"Where the harbor�s lullaby"I hope that you won't see" I didn't know love could be""And i made seem wrong to some"I'm afraid of commitment"she did it on her own."Yes I know..."I just gotta know.."$Cemeteries increase, row by row"
+ then,"She stands there"They say, but I say NO."broken and confused"!...I'll add that to my list."I'll believe these lies"4The way to some women's hearts is with diamonds"When we all meet up"On her drive home"But you didn't notice"$My coffin is soiled in my blood" begging god to take my life"that stayed until the end"And so does your sister"7myself long ago, knowing it wasent worth the pain."*just to feel better about themselves,"Who I ought to be",these feeling's buried beneath our skin"I know I love you"Such a funny question"i cant do this anymore"2I grin as I lay my eyes onto her pretty smile"!Wish I could turn back time;"Has left unresolved issues"To her majestys country,"Sorted out my only fears"Maybe tomorrow"cold as stone"Folded wings"#But the night awaits my return"/All these thoughts running through my head"#and every things so numb to me" what I'm explaining to you,"but i want to see my mum"0Only a slow heart beat will let me hear you"someone who loves me to"I wonder what he'll say"#Guaranteed, for you and me.’"I'll miss..."His hollow cheeks sunken,"Home, is not that far"A step on the yellow line,"-because i have never had a serious hunny"4alive with a diamond ring for her in his pocket"3The beautiful perfections traced upon her face"&And i shall gaze upon your beauty"Robbed of the touch"My father's daughter..."6change for you. So don't bug me, don't bother me.".Fabricated lies you can't help but spread"Special thing."$Nothing has made me wanna fight"A spectator of lives"Warms my Iced skin."My Sweet love in your ear""no tears came.I didnt realize"my wind to blow"#I'm never walking in the dark,"Trying to stay strong" bedroom"I knew it wasnt true"This sinful silence"Is there a reason why"I look over at my side"!each star burning in the sky"6I bet you'd laugh to see me here down on my knees"its wearing my underwear"about to die"How could I forget?"never forget me."you want to live"I want to be"D13. What is the one person, place or thing you can't say no to?"And gave her a shove"!To emulate the warmth evoked"%the reflection on the other side",I still remember, it came to me so fast"one after another"I seem to have dropped," I tried to reassure myself."&Remembering when I would look out"'Toads of precious warts and shades"I'm sorry."your aching body"Are like my enemy,"Halo fallen upon her head"her breathing long gone""Tearing away my imperfections" a tear falls down her cheek"carrying away all my pain,"To fix it all up"Are you ecstatic?"That we know who is"Lie on your back"Why would he love me?"To end my life"I close my eyes",for never letting them break me in two."$Tie them tight around your neck"It's always the same"Time becomes the distance"*That you are scribbling all the abuse"every time I close my eyes"Seen with no eyes"We never said goodbye..."(We can act like this never happened"you hurt me"1But can't you see all the love you did bring",I dont want anything else but right now"watching the blood drip"I'm shaking."2Help me ruin the Devil's plan, and intervene."The blades been fed."!I'll never pick up the knife"I'm falling,"Of making amends?" Fostering the mighty dreams"A touch of thorns"*I'd like to be a music star with you,"stem and grass"Like daisies grown wild"!A feeling that keeps me weak"'was something I could not conceal."7At the end of my street I can see the city of sin,"&I would have told you I love you,""But this is serious, I'm numb"that's what made it end."We've got a long way to go"End of Author Entry"#That doesn't seem to reach you"You repetitive loving"But i know you"I dreamed again"So I did this."I love you,"A young stag")They always say the right things, Do"But those weren't"5i prayed to your brother, to please hear my plea"Inside just to stay"Soft furry creatures,"No, of course not.";Even if this life would change you'd still be the same""Claws the smell of a creative"You came."3You showed me a place, free from this madness.")and as long as I have you in my mind"DForever these scars shall remain although they might fade away."#Wait, that's my whole being...""and she lost her best friend.""Beneath the limits of our sky"Deliver me""� � � � � �You have yourself."7at 2am..ill never forget the way youre breath felt"(I'll tell you when i want your help"All day and all night"+All your lies that make me cry make me"You do not care"Maybe for a second"I'm racing with my friends"I WILL BE HAPPY"Undressing the poetry"$I step back and sit in the dark"%So tell me what am I living for?"But it must be"*A wonderful show for everyone to see."ill only keep it here!"=Hated souls like mine are things this that make me talk."0Making every second more painful, ten fold."� � Painting the skys"And looked into your eyes"And its time to move on"Pots of GOLD under a"So one night,"Don't give it away"'As sweet misery pores over my head"Make out their every word"#Tell me what did I do wrong..."My former self"The word screams out to me"!All because you couldn't see"!like the tears from my eyes."$I close my eyes and drift away,"#They fall like crystal shards."Late night arguments,"Boots he gets about"5without shedding a tear in dedication to my pain"&like a voice screaming in my ears")and no way do you belong no one dose"Have left me all alone"$that no other sees this lacking" RUN,"� not great,"I kept on going,"BWhat do you do when the people you thought were your friends,"/Red rose, the feeling I will never let go."Artificial kisses"!You complete me, you make me":If I knew how to help you, I would do it in a second."!will stick with me for life.""The moment I was in your arms"-Perhaps I'm just accustomed to the frog,"'Listed slightly in drama and grace"You can always count on me"'yes, the cold is almost unbareable"When I knew it"That was when it hurt."=When snow hits the asphalt, cold looks and bad talk come",Trying to move but not having the will."*I could pretend the world was perfect"You mean the world to me"not of gentle dew but of""But today we will meet again,"Or is it really slow??"as your eyes meet mine."give her a chance"#His mind had begun submission,"7as that's the only place that allows me to be free"6For all the things you've said to make it better,"3that a life of torment is not worth living for"2One blink I'm gone, I'll fall onto the floor,"The rain falls,"2I TRYED TO HELP YOU BUT ALL THINGS MUST END !"I'm nothing".I had people telling me how foolish I was"Are left unseen"Sleep is my enemy"AWhen we are together, are we just friends or more than that?""Eyes shining, soul sparkling,"And then I fall")Anywhere beautiful within gods reach" But my torment is necessary"I'll never regret"!but she stayed at the window"(Shall it be a blade to slice my arm""On the very last day of June."#. . . My Beautiful Angel . . ."'I will not push you out of my life""Of the horrible marriage trip"My heart is down"i think i'll be okay..."As I pray"$To pierce the heights of heaven".He bent down and gave each of us a tooth.")We can't just put things in the past"'And then you're back to square one"all thats left"more open minded than you."I wonder and cry"and breathe in her touch."5The hooded man was lost in a world of self pity,"+The feeling I get when we're together,"You get me all",[Where seconds pass like silent armies]"I don't think I can go on"#I brush her white tender skin."&but really all I felt was despair"No tears left to shed"I did my best to conceive,"=When snow hits the asphalt, cold looks and bad talk come"If I were gone"I wonder whats next,"*are all part of the package of greed,"5This soul of mine cries over your absence to be."-A horrible thing to fall from that high."Sleeping Snowdrop"I'm your girl"to live for"=What are we gonna do about it, as prisons on this earth,")cracked bones behind shattered glass"!From your black berry kisses"So you tried again."+i lied to them...i broke my promise..."/The hawk inside is ever watchful, ever nye" Letting our souls interwine"The people you love"That haunting dream"%Shout it at the top of you lungs"!I couldn�t believe you again"but I guess I was fooled"and promised never again"where we talk for hours"
+ Zane,"You talked to my back"You"I know the places you go,"$To Tell You What You Mean To Me"5For now it seems everyone wants to be against me"and I never lie"@you said i didnt matter , how much hate your heart contains"+and I don't need your comforting touch"I Harshly disagree"No one has to know"I came to the thought,"In my warm scarlett tears."You"Place It On A Shelf"You had it all" So remember my dear friend,"/Beauty is only admired here but never felt"5But there is no way I can change the way I feel." By You."goodbye fantasy"0You walk towards me and I turn to the right".You'll drain your pain through your veins"5Then I�ll give you all the love you ever needed,"Don't know how" me...somebody me....."To sleep, to dream-".What have I done to deserve such torture?"This pain is to great and"when it gets late at night"but doesn't everyone"II thought things would come simple, I thought they would come clean,"1when all i could do was just stand and stair"%I love you he said as she shook,"All That Is That Past"this perfect place"If only..."It is keeping me alive,"and now it takes my life"I'll wait for you here"Be content that I love you")In this place where all is forgotten"Replaced by a guy"'I'm leaving and never looking back"she sweeps it away"This beggar,"-As the sun and the rain cause a rainbow,"*How could you not realize my reaction"were all in over our heads"-I don't deserve the way you make me feel"It's not my fault" Shut"If you knew the truth"Faster and faster,"To shards of glass"$And this distance burns my eyes"he says it my fault" I can't fight off your face"
+ Stop." And seek to reach the stars"The next day"*We�re all so full of selfish dreaming"So many things to choose"!They're the people that grow"+� � � � � He placed it under her chin,")I thought id never talk to you again"$When you are here and I am fine"One by one"$And never from m side be ripped"and you still say"You Are My One,"But I can't bring myself,"the unattainable dream"$and the dust flung into my eyes"!Oh well, no one truely cares"Sixth quarter"End of Author Entry"$I'm dying on the bathroom floor"Time ticking by""� Tell that beautiful girl, �"'And I thought you would understand"#A single rose amidst the shade"Bleeding tongue">Alone in my room waiting for a call that would never come"(Would it turn out looking this way.""She never knows exactly where"i dont know why"as it flows in your brain." of falling droplets of pain""But there's nothing I can do."#Destory All Those In My Way..."watching it all pass"even when the road ends"+Here is my� unopened letter to a world"with the shard's. . ."Life is good for some" I remember the times we had"1We set our teenage hearts on "self-destruct""to tread upon"So please"$now it's time to make you hurt."@I remember, what it felt like before i got my heart broken,"I should have known"No matter what he tried"After you escape"'. . .But that adrenaline rush. . ."Did I really love"'Once they sang such heavenly bliss"My face is changing"8The beating of my own heart is swallowing me whole,"Your lying isn't helping" You don't regret it do you?" Build me high into the sky,"his kiss will not save me"through a cracked" Asleep beneath a fallen sky"JYou would always tell me id still be pretty even if i was 200 pounds.""You made shelter on the sand,"$If only fairytales were real..."#This time it is all up to fate"The lonely girl"Covered with chocolate,"8That you're driving the same stretch of road as me."My heart was open",Dying to get away to something familiar"Turn away and run""HOW could you just let me ROT" trying to split us apart..."And maybe smile again"Respectively")In a love and joy than can never end" i would never bid you adieu"!Don�t wish for me to be dead"-Their minds blank, hearts breaking wild."To the naked eye"&that your blood stains everything"+I don't want to see you there, I can't"&Only crimson pools to set me free" All she'll have left of him" her."its what I need" They're crashing down on me" I could talk to you all day"9He would save her no matter how much effort it took,"$You can't eat or sleep at night"The muse you wanted."as you said."HHe is making his pet see everything he wishes, intentions critical."<Hahaha I was bored and couldn't think of anything else."With all the"#I can't focus or pay attention"Look beneth the skin"Angered at the hesitation">You don't see the real me, You don't know how hard I hide"Let me talk, let me vent"&"But I already know what it means"GET OUT OF MY HEAD"I find myself laughing"(It takes a village to raise a child"Do you hate me 'cause"letting go of all the pain"cause we're in our prime"Faces I see"Cannot escape"I'm broken inside"@I'll pretend that I'd never ever hurt myself, but I'm lying"3Cold Chills expose themselves through my skin,""I never want to see you again""tomorrow : : specific""Ignore the rain"$She prays for this pain to stop"+Whether you like it or not so screw ya"its tastes quite bitter"1We can't go back and change what's happened,"TThis is something i learned from working with young children with special needs"You're with other girls"Once more?")You let me down so many times before"I have become the storm"!I'm sorry, please forgive me"im so angry n sad"!Then maybe he would get it..""To be "just friends" with you"$But wait, will you tell others?"Muscles, ligaments, joints"%Repeat the song you used to sing"Reaching to touch"Engulfed in shadows"Tell me when"'and all this time it was only lies"*pain makes me weak, pain makes me cry"You will suffer"She waits for me." A faint whisper of a breath" Wedding"
+ Said."Monoxide Child and Madrox,"the perfect end"!About my first kiss with you"!theres nobody just like jess"I bet your thinking what's"reads from frozen letters"I try to do things"and i want to die"I'm still wondering"\With wishes for wings\"I watch them drip."#I never asked to run this race"everything I felt."Save me oh Seraph.";I could pretend like I don't care when you don't call." Making you ache for more..."1And my scars my pride. I'm sound, yet insane"Look in my eyes"%Still we strum the melodic piece"*They see the outside, a perfect smile"9I'm too hard on myself my friends say, but how can I"That I have found solace"Will I ever escape you?"Ai tilt the blade vertically, averted from my eyes...ashamed."I cant take anymore"DIf you could take my heart would you promise to never break it?"(And we understood each others pain."0Would you let me still be your little girl?"with a wonderful guy..." Mirroring someones emotions"The sun isn't as bright"The scars on my arms,"Take the time to" But if you look hard enough"*"I wonder if this will all work out?""0To caress your fingers with mines, we share"these horomones"1Bring me back to Cleveland, I miss the beach"8And im dancing through your blue marijuana clouds ,"haha look" you had"(Crimson colored puddles surround me"Micheal was the catalyst"Basked in moment"So here we go again,"I cant put it into words" stupid"Never minding my messes"I often do inside,"2Is the darkened soul that will never shine..."-That I'll be breathing just for practice"she's not moving"0It's beyond Martin Luther, upgrade computer"would you treat it right?"#In this great group of friends"Just him."#I want to be saved from myself"6It's the classic love story that you always here."Your Truth"and my fears"'From that accursed room they fled.""WAT" im not sore?"tight...."Cause now I'm dead"her funeral is in 2 days" I told you one to many lies"How do we ever leave it?"forever lasting love"#But the only thing I picked up"I remember your touch"You caught me off gaurd,"Backed into a corner,"+You leave me here, with just memories,"9And I'm afraid that my wick is getting much to short"*Cut me down and make me nothing again"With bone wings spread"Without me"My life is the a dream"*the rest of your life doesn't matter,"(and scent next to my lucky perfume."So here we are"As I tried to breathe"2Eyes that show her sorrow are never looked at"I love you,"Word by word"#Just know that we will be okay"*I smiled at him and went back to play"I KNEW IT WASNT TRUE"but that doesnt help"-you turn your back on my bleeding heart,"Is this the reason"(And a love rehearsed- like laughter"+The dad and daughter having a fun time"%Different views and perspectives"Fluffy clouds float on by."Scattered around your feet"(Have you ever hated someone so much" and the simplicity of a lie"just two."This is me"To want all that"Never causes pain")Emily, Emily please don't leave me.."%When you try so hard to express,".Something emerging, now that we are free."'Now it hurts even more than before"Until the day you die"I won't see")Don't worry I'll always be here baby"anxious to feel"I can't believe I did that"Purge the pain away"Leaves you stranded"I knew right then"This is me"I know most hope is gone"/� � Maybe its time for me to be your hero."&Somehow the ending wasnt so funny"Then you hold me"Whose face shown a frown,"Under their care" Forever"$Yet my image was never revealed"All the time we spent"#That can really make them see."Get the tape,":Who someday I am obligated to do in the back of a van"'Still loving your Courtney darling""If I had any strength left to"#someone jumped in he saved her"Things are always so bad" Enough"And hanging out there" To hate"3I will prey on your joy, to make you, like me."� hoping you will"Of my vicious crimes"it comes with no reply,"Just wanted to write."7or the tender green offshoots of fecund dark loam."/Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops.."
+ NEVER"So just deal with it"&Its all secrets under the covers."But you lost it all"Unwilling to retract"'have our faces changed your heart?"feel dumb?"&I just wanted you to take me away"$You�re never, ever, ever there."!But it's nothing I can steal"!It won't take long in my car"best friends"So I said you were perfect"$Someone that knows me very well"'You're always giving, always there"Let go of her"13:"'Thinking about her wonderful gift,"%Holding hands and smiling faces,"You've come to life"I have to tell you,"$when you Said you'd never leave"%I want you to be my one and only"
+ Drops"its not that simple"of my once "perfect" life."4If only medicine could cure the heart and mind,"she's yours for the night")I'm tired of this misery filled life"What I understand most is":This is the true story of our own private Shangri-la."EI feel the pain from you, which traveled many miles to reach me."7You want me to die. If you could you would put the"/Your best bet. close the stall. walk away."ridiculous times"Let go of her,"I wonder around"the sunshine on your face"
+ Gray.">From this second story window I can hear the church bells"Stand up straight,"+Maybe I have some tricks up my sleeve."Won't look your way"Without making a sound"Sorry I let you in"won't flinch as you scream"what if you never learn?"The ink keeps flowing"'[It] pokes at my very soul, and it"You're ready for love"not brain"just leave him"-All That Would Be Left Of My Mortal Life"%light peering through my curtain"You've helped me do..."(i know i was dead to u a while ago."
+ Well,")everyone does it so y wuld u be dif?"Pushed down the door"I don't choose my fate"(I want to talk to you on the phone.")she made friends that actually cared"He was just another excuse"I hold back""Every thought, word and dream"/No one there to take your love for granted"Flickers in the dark"and I move on.........."Up and up he will raise"+As i lie on top of the office building"� � � � � � 'Shut up'"are beautiful again,"Is ignorance at its best"ripping me apart""i felt your hart beating slow"&Instead I got his heavy breathing"!your love will be our guide;"!-All competing for appraisal"'Blood dripping from my sweat gland"+To fashion wings from flights of fancy"Its so hard to breathe now"$But falling closer into my view"When I breath in"&to give your ego the stupid trip,"I will take you,"In this thing,":What am I going to do this time, Do what I always do?"-I'll see you again when longing is a sin"this face..."&Kingdoms fall and cities crumble-"I was so insensitive"&To forget anything but the person"Stated but somehow know"like nails ripping into me"0That someone will save her from her suicide"With in a day"6she writes on her arm hoping to give up her life!"What dreams may come"Don't say sorry"Sometimes I wonder"0I miss the way that you used to look at me," With a wave across horizons"*But one just oh, so pleasing at times"For me to die."This smile"Yeah Okay kiddo"-I just needed you there..and you wasnt ."throw me in chains"&Yet they trace words so elegantly"You cant die"there's so much to hide"Consumed by black"fastenings""I need to find a black corner"''Why aren't you holding hands yet?"I wished for you."&Then I call myself stupid because"
+ LOOK!"Rip out the grocery list"7Who is this girl who starts back threw the mirror."1� � � � � � � � �'I loved him and that's it'",It's true you've fought away some fears"7I can't ever love without killing parts of myself."#Every moment I'm in your house"%He almost ruined you, didn't he?"!and thats what makes me cry,"Leave me here"Scars left broken"#We'll be together, together..."I wander in my driveway."of his touch in my heart"Hoping for childish dreams"And tell me"It was useless"$Not have to worry, fear or hurt"'Teen spirit of the teen revolution"It isn't clear."my every move is so weak."7� � � � � � �I'm stuck here to face my Naked Body."With crystal tears."$� � � � � � � � � � � �(WASTED)"The bright light shines"2My feelings to you will be no longer unknown,"How did you feel"&Losing limbs and not able to walk"How can I forget you,"in a coma,she laid"%I love the way you hold me close"I want to get up"I know it."but your wasting"It made us all"she was hoped he was right"And still I care about him",theres too much pain to cope on her own"�Take me instead!� I plea."Find your way back to me"saving our souls" y o u ." Him."Not an act"Diversity"$There's no such thing as peace,"To love her again"'What a beautiful day for a tragedy"*The Dark shows me images from my mind"Is beauty on the inside,"
+ WHAT?"I got her alone"2Behind circuitry of past faceless expressions"$Me being there will be a quirk,"3standing with a shadow that won't surround me."empty promises";I ask myself, and breathe in the air that I sinned in."You want me to suffer"1Dams falling into the flooding of our dreams"Not sister"*Because the full one is just too long"
+ True."%. . . But I still love her . . ."Cause every time we danced"You know the pleasures"
+ other"/For sailing beyond their celestial sphere."One last chance"starry eyes" and D's""Cuz it's gunna be hard for me"Makes me want to die more"......Happy......."I don't like who I am now."With these words"To put you down."I never let him see"%I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt,"$without anybody saying anything"Wasted formalities"$Now My Cheeks Are Tear Stained,"That way we can match..."Back with memories,"except one thing"$You never knew I liked you back""and I don't want to tell you,"7I will never forget that Day for as long as I live"Of what hides inside"And Love is Never Enough"how low my life can go.">your whole body begins to drag to one corner of the room,"%When you're truth has been told?"me how to please you and i"5I tumble into a dark obis I never knew was there"Is a stage."Like Romeo & Juliet"With all my heart"And we all"She wants herself back."Your face lit up,""But please, Forgive Me Twins."1for you to go behind my back and spread lies",Every Last beat, I dream of you and me."!I think about you constantly"What a wonderful inferno"Make me want this more"?SO BLACK WITH HATE THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN FIND A WAY TO LOVE," Using his chest as a pillow"/Just give me anything, make me feel right.""When will I be fine and okay?"It had to stay.""So I can stare into your eyes"
+ I do."Its never easy being alone"!� Her sweet scented breathe,"(You thought you were better than me"Fall asleep under starts"Because I know"And that was special."when you say you love me."'I think I'm still inlove with you,"<Do you ever wish that I was there to calm your frights?"-Happy, sad, angry, and the sickest kind."you pull me out"im late for work again"9But if he loved me would he take me from this place,"/Listen to me when I tell you what's right?" And ask")Ill go away're slipping away!" Taking hits at the bus stop"I stand alone."(and forgotten hopes are getting old"#I'm not a normal girl any more")(Please dont leave me here to bleed)"8This is everything I have and paranoia is my faith,"just to save her"even though it wont"for me to"#they say one day you will come"-And now as my mind is contented at ease,"#Nine months a waste of my life"is why did you lie."*whenever i let my emotions get to me,"As you held me"&sleeping body I wonder if this is"+With two slits here and one knot there"1So please give me the blueprint of normality":Realisation strikes hard, instantaneously in my mind,")Arms length? That's all I want. I've"I'm breaking down"$Because we were just that tight"'the perfectly beautiful abhorrence"+Of Autumn's doleful daylight departure"*i'm not another teenage bunny bunny -"For a time"$The acid rain of hate rains and"you'll leave me,"I still cant believe" And saw my plate of cookies"%� � � � � � That Gun in my hand?"He kissed me and i saw you" Hear"I run now"Just hold on""I love you""4Behind the glittered eyes and the crystal beads"#Did I make the right decision?"&Say you write songs like the king"All over again"Caught by your aroma"(Will reach its peak within the hour"I know it was wrong of me".then why can I not let these wings unfold"No boyfriend"Just leave."=and i pressed neeldes into my skin hopeing to hit a vein"A warm smothering hand"And children cry"
+ Still"Dyed blue from your tears"8I don't even taste it but it burns all the way down"$With someone who treats me well"He has a pair of"And collect at your feet"Is effecting you as well"With the ghost of you."Depressed all the time"%Do you remember when we started?"And so I have"#Who never intended to boar us,"'Maybe I'll wake up and perhaps not"no one ever heard my plea"It's so loud"Find your way back to me"I held on too tight"Show me you're hate,"&love you always. I'll always care"%As I fall to my knees time stops"I'm scared, darling."this time i will die!!!"Leaving Me." Greed Can Taint Your Purity"2I bounced off the walls with nothing but joy."Are wished upon us""Your words scar my inner self"Or I'll turn into dust."Can't you see how much you" Ever need to keep me going.";Hell is not a pretty picture; Yet not one can describe"&Is this the love- the approbation"
+ to be"your kiss""Yet I still need it to think."And the ones that were sad"Had started to bubble,"in my head"'As December grabs hold of the dawn"(The way we were always meant to be."&Imagining it's all for the better"then I think of you"But"and I'm done"7But it hurts more to know I can't have you anymore"I'm drowning here"'the disappointment in your actions"I'm disrespectful"You can't make me."You are my hart," Control",I can't really talk to anyone about it."\I love you Sweetheart\"or remember you as I did"And nothing's clear".Pounding as my heart shatters into pieces"so party the night away"changed me"Well we know"5If I didn�t have you I�d have no clue what to do"Can I say something cheap"$Would you care if she was dead?""Poured over the summer glance"II've never expected to find him for this is a quality lost and rare,"hearts connected"Hidden away" the key that is to my heart"Use the time that I have,"3I guess this is the end to years of friendship">without wont have to be ashamed or embarrassed."%Unless he comes back in my arms,"my life is geting harder"
+ But I"8I never could depend on you I never learned how to,"Turn down the radio"when you can't feel"Oh the sweet love""thoughts of death and suicide"She never saw him":Well... and because it really helps to hide the pain."Walking down that"im afraid if i love you"%When I lay my head on your chest"please stop" i died for him and only him"I need to know."Who would really care"#My only means of finding peace"Like my eyes"As i went in again"0For when I'm starting to forget your words,")to know you breath.Just to make sure"As my mother is yelling"<Whore. You're the reason he led me down this misleading"let me live in peace"It's been so long,"FAnd when the moment's just right, and the music's getting faster,"With the most"(Only to cry as the light fades away"&� � � �You could be a good lover,"And lust."And then close your eyes"+Scythe in bony hand calling out to me."!But I really don't care (x5)"a suicide note i would"His teeth did not show,"But how can we go on"You are my reason to die."that's our fate"in such an awkward tone"Here that we met"No one is there."Never said a word"a mere lie"**To Pete.**"Your heart races"� � I hate the way,"1I wonder why these surroundings seem strange"theres nothing to fear"i wanna be like them" The dreams are running dry," Why?"i though who loved me the"HKnowing that I, myself, am the cause of my slow and painful demise."You never will be."seeming to dictate..."My paranoia starts"I wasn't done seeing you"Without you I will fade"Is this a lie,"Where you can hold me"8I never could have cared for you the way you'd need" for her"Have to make it right.",after this I firmly griped the glass..."I don't deserve you"&But Now I'm Bursting At The Seams"Tear it up, I don't care"All the birds will sing"(It was not)"I would not cry over you"tame, tame."5When the only trend worn was on your barbie doll"'Comfortably, I will never be seen,"My anger is fierce"But now, light has shed"I'm Starting To Drown."*Waiting for that phone call every day"6i'm afraid to sleep, too many thoughts in my head"I'm starting to be moved,"I let out a sigh"Another body in my closet"4I love hearing your blood curdling screams.....""i'm just another lonely face," It's way through your head?">Pretending everything ok I�ve already been down that road"5come back to me and let's be friends once again."It hurts so much"Why don�t they ever see?"2With the knife digging deeper under you skin,"but can hurt like hell"'so please don't hold it against me"Deep in my mind"Needle & Thread."Take a breath in"#now dont tell me what to do!!!"Going through my body,"I do not know myself"7But all I ever wanted now has left along with you."LOVE! Something I"4Going through last nights clothes on the floor,"$Lonely people just want to hide",I thought we were meant to be together,"3It turns out he doesn't live anywhere near me." my eyes"#Nothing will ever be the same."
+ mirth"#I see people that want me dead"Then you kissed me"we were lost."%I scream with each new creation,"i cant talk or touch"
+ Okay,"1So I may break this wall Between me and you."'Is really the girl inside of me..."I felt it then" It wasn't personal, was it?"&Rather than this forgotten dream."Disappointed in myself"Sorry for leaving"Would you love me more"you never let go"2But I hope you can deal with your friend gone""just trying to earn her wings"If I Could Be Just As Free"I drift away��"Boots that have two"(And I haven't been able to catch it"laying limp"By whom you may ask,"There Is A Little Line,"i can hear your voice""Get out, Get out""*like a red sun rising on the mountain""A siring Pain engulfs my soul"$Just the way you showed me how."then send it out to sea"5those beautiful majestic wings shone now of gold"Laughter?"then a hand grabs mine"$Watching you... Watching you..."But each and every night"and goodbye"What this boy did,""But the day's first cigarette"6So I guess you were right that I have lied to you"/As it mixed in with her blood on the floor"
+ Blood"+have eyes for her they will not change"in my hand."8Causing a seeding desire, inside my belly to birth."(Diving in to the point of no return"Chalk dust diaries,"+An insult mutiliate what love is left,"Then at last,"+Similar answers to different questions"+Always found alone with so many doubts"When you awake,"8I know you love me but you have to act like it more"Just to forget"he's sitting on the curb"An hour or so"-Your life seems more important then mine"<Slowly pushing into conversation, about how bad I feel,"i guess ill just leave"%I'll think back to a better time"How is something perfect" maby we'll meet another day"%And your assumtions can be made."your face"Instead, I always lose."I'm a piece of a puzzle"9� 'Go jump with the waves. Kick and splash, be free'"I********************************************************************"0With a clang the can was set to the ground,"Watch as I say goodbye"And kiss your loving lips"pull the trigger")As I gaze at the fluffy clouded sky,"Still on my face"When we're not together,"!to think of life without you"Twiztid, the Demented Duo,"[Unlike the best]" Love"&Is his sweatshirt, a few pictures"/That stream through the ocean of the night"Oh tony the tiger"IThat now his heart lays bloodless on the ground, cold and forgotten,"Voracious"-You slip your other arm around my waist."&theyre pink...and pink and banana"#With a fear of losing control."I'm scared of how"But forgiving you"Than a friend"!turn into a demon over night"Not believing that"I'd show you true love")And as we walked, your eyes met mine"&Enemy to Enemy lined up on sides,"quiet and under control. I"!give of your flesh and blood"#but recieves no help in return"For everything..."'Nothing that special can last here"I have no friends"What do you see?"Rhapsody in sound"Sitting so close together,"Crying for some help"!now im running wild and free" And that goes without sound"all wash away in the end."/Please, don�t crunch any pieces under toe."3� � � � � � � � � � � your Mourning but Glory."I hurt myself."+You carried forward on filling out the"Salmon bats lie wounded"$I still had him to tell me that"3to live for the moment and to try not to dwell"&I�m not fair enough to honour you"Why am I still existing?"Begging for a story?"Thinking the most"I wrote your name"+A whole novel of reasons, reasons why," And twice her hopes were up"for I and lost at bay in"#next to the picture was a rose""WHY can't I just have her now"ends meet"5So ghostly and lifeless I do not want to imagine"You See Yourself In Me"+that strike to my heart I begged for.."*He spat as his anger started to rise,",Your going to feel the depression. Your" Because your not a musician"'Time goes on as I wander foolishly"And I have you to thank" chorus"But you stop me"But in my heart,"Why my blood still burns."When the sun never set,"it's already gone"is it worth it"Swept away but the wind"i just need some help...."Dark-side Of Eden..."
+ Reach"What know why I even try."Had known that it was so."I am a fool"From the Despair".TO; My everything, My soul mate, My love."But Im scarred."&You never know what possibilities"&I don't know if this all hurt you"The moon stares at me"No heaven,"%People would probably talk to me"#My friends tell me to dump him"All that I have"As I am of you,"And then save me"$when everything felt so perfect""Shout it loud enough to where"/Turn your radio up and listen to my lyrics"Because your scum"I tried running away"and then sleep until 4."You will rape my soul"6� �'Welcome back' you said smiling to both of us."The most jagged," Oh how I've dreamed of you,"$No longer am I the little girl,"externally bright"keep cutting"The way your aroma"and all the love I showed"Each summer,"Which caused this boy,"they think im crazy" not interested in being sad"Both outside and in."%only to be a mem'ry of the past?"'you screamed and i was rushed away"!I can�t see your face again/"I have to go now,"I looked at you and"%I Feel Like I've been locked up,"Status breath"Stains the life"And mirrored in between")I take my shoes off and I walk away,"You never looked past" I stand, as it slowly melts"*� � � � � � � � � � � to face the day"+everyone knows that I don't trust men,"I cant survive"keeps yours company"I try to yell for help"&All the screaming and the wailing"Can not bleed"!Her friends all betrayed her"#Your so guilty its disgusting."BALL BALL BALL"Why can�t you come back?"6� � � � � � � � � � Lying with a tainted Lover, �"Kill me now"4Now it's scattered, with the pieces of my heart":So I'm spinning in circles waiting for you to look up"(� � And threw as hard as she could,"Fleeing into darkness"+I feel like I've been stabbed to death"$Hurt, Flowing Through my veins," From anyone's point of view"and wants it to be dealt"7� � � � � � � � � � �All of a sudden I'm 14 again."I know that they can't"8Could bring such satisfaction, strength, and bliss,"My Mindless Beauties"wait..thats a monkey"Girl meets boy." As it falls down your face?"5So forgive me now, If I die for un-known reasons"?I've lived my movie moment IF you weren't my only weakness"Of my organs"2� � � � � She edges closer towards the front,"*There's a part of me that misses you,"How my life would be"I feel so empty."&People should not pretend to care"Low on food and money,"Will I cry."+Your willingness and sacrifice for me.""There was never any question,"KLet photography be the tool in which you capture moments spent with me"My life is like a cycle"is the perfect way to hurt"It seems like so long ago"In our hearts we bleed"If your life was worth it".I can no longer relate to those around me"*Putting yourself last on your mind is"*How can I stop the tears in his eyes?"3the angels listened and took to heart her word",You start the darkness and make me fade"4You hurt your family, that you�re the father of"BBecuase I am so much stronger, I'm so much stronger than you!"%I want to give up or start over," Kill the Need For Laughter."Don't leave me here"Am I here?" hold me"I'll try to forget"I know I'm alone".Thought I was too young to feel like this"If I grew-"
+ Daddy"unlock it my love"Theres no one else home,"she let you get away" It all."&Stone-cold tears of fallen angels"%I'm worried about so many things"Would it be so wrong if I"BThen tear it down rewind it back and watch emotions run wild," in the end you can't choose"don't wither me away"-The sinister beauty with the amber hands"That was murdered"'I thought of your kiss. Your eyes,"!You can see right through me"I start to twirl"!where is this all in my life"[Have I found it in you?]"how can i go on?"
+ Heavy"#controlling life as we know it" smash it down to the ground"But instead you chose" We�ve abandoned them today,"The cost of my love"[To prove I'm sorry]""But don't you miss that girl,"%I find you finally and the sight"though it may hurt"knowing your dead"3Sometimes it feels like every moment I'm alive"You and me"This is me"Tell me what"/The chemistry I felt when we are together,"*Rivers of blood run through my veins,"My darling"#pick your poison, don't be shy"Is there a reason why".The simple rhymes that went along with it".I have lost the fight, in my silk pajamas"never showing my tears"*caused by those who hate her the most"she was going blue"(on something that every sane person"I should have known."@I wish I could erase my past, and my future that's to come,"""what about grandma and mom?""What did I do wrong"@you have called me names and talked about me behind my back"No, It just doesn't matter"&I regret to inform you my friends"crys alone at night.",As if it was the only thing I could do.""To get high or drunk as often" my head".Shards are broken yet you are still there"How can I forget...?"I feel a sudden rush"For all I know�"#And didn't know what he'd done"&I wanted to mean something to you",And now you're standing right before me"But everyone loves candy"Forever me and my Queen"!this has gone on long enough"And I'll never"$you've now became my everything"Taste of salt"You've been great"Don't care how far"%"Oh, how I've longed to re-write"The memories In my head",Walking, hating the things I can't bare")These thoughts never seemed so empty"The horizon"You see baby"8To leave this life of pain and hate to be at peace." To the softest of suicides?"counting down"*Baybe's gotta gun*"/escape no matter where I go it's our world"Just a wondering soul,"4And I�m asking myself when I became such a fake"Where you and I only exist" Do you?":I think about my scars and the blood that I have shed"But by the time they look"which is true"="Oh, but it was never meant to end like this" she cries,")To wallow and act like I want to die";Aged with the secrets that stole away their innocence."&With footsteps of a fervent kind."'But this time i'll do it for real."Sweet ol' bits of sugar""and hurt and deceit and tears">I'm begging for you to save my life and set my soul free."1You don't care, you just sit there and stare"6And when the movie started i moved in to kiss you"Very rudely interrupted"Happiness left"I guess I feel I am"while you drove me home"/Anything can happen between the two of us,"!The knife's covered in blood"In the center of my heart."But hopefully you cry"You've lost from"from the crushing weight"+You blame me for what i cannot change,"Please let me feel it"4How He Captivates Me And Moves The Soul Inside,"7Wrapping your strong and protecting arms around me"'Each with another chill to bestow."'I discovered your song that night."-Is the voice right? Did he ever love me?"'As I walk down the road to suicide"With no judgment."Your amazing personality"0And What I Felt For The Demon Of My Dreams,"at least I'll admit it."i have a new fear"<Maybe after this life I have something better in store,"I'm Sorry" Chorus"her baby girl is gone"3the way i will never forget anything about you"(no no no no no no)"1Whether the answers will come from within me"just death. Peace,"And what could have been"It becomes a part of you""Before: A cove to get lost in"
+ .III."Wondering how?"but it's too late,"?I don't care, can't you hear them telling me that I don't?"/A battle is staged that no one will forget"there we cry together"0Well, you have a bit more than self-esteem,"And figure out"Please give me a joint."Prisoners to our wants,"Angel fell from the sky."'I'll love you when the tide comes."I wont give myself away"$Sometimes I don't want to exist",I feel differently; A feeling, a change"#Your love to me has bin beaten"nobody that cares"is now as real as my dream"of man unknowing that this"Fire and addiction"4I can't see passed this feeling in you I dwell."SO I GUESS THIS IS IT"The only warmth I've felt"0look where I am. Your's was just dumb luck."4I know now your not worth it, your a lost cause"&What if you could redo something,".in my life there are no viewing colors..."� � The next day"I stand up,"They called and said"BHow do I know the difference between failure and achievement?".We really have spent a lot of time apart."I�will soon be dead."+And you've become part of the audience"Put it all aside".I am not alone! I am with you! I am free!"would anybody care"and""The world seems not the same,"I'm not insanely tall"she fakes a smile and says"But deep down inside" And mend them back together"2Yet the only words I can seem to utter are..."burned into my memory":I escape and am held in his arms to forget everything"Just as it stole my breath"Half hidden,"And you fall to you knees"The same place everyday!"kill each other with words"My one true love">"What would people think with you upside-down like that?""But I didn't have a clue"!I would not have met Micheal""Is this the way it has to be,"to cast its light upon it"-Why cant you see that you can get anyone"I can�t believe"0Never to been seen again is your final wish"[I've been a good girl]"set on her fate",For the way he left i've never forgive,"Remind her...."%Maybe I should've said it before"
+ 10:49"0The trenches are dug and the armies are set":I would jump in front of a bullet for anyone I loved." Tree"the unloved"To the grate happiness"@My rights are abused, infringed upon by the ageing society,"#All these things form who I am"My feelings come in"
+ BANG�"%� � � � � � � � � � � � �Deeply,"Bi cant seem to get enough of you and the way you seem to make"Our lives won't get easier" Do you remember those times"-I�m trapped and there�s no escaping this"3I'm just a badass girl and i'll stay that way!" To prevent that very fight."Anybody else for you"3For I am their master and they are my servants"%Consider yourself nutshelled in."maybe I'm scared"go ahead, touch me again"� � � � � � � � and strum,"+You know that I'd die to see you smile"Whether it be"(and just pretended we were friends."So I just keep on giving"All those perfect stars,"And watch it pile"You made me Lie"My serpent tongue,"7I want to go to a place where no one knows my name"(Weekend by his eyes and his �asmar�"i wish that i could go"Had in me!!!!"To take too many pills,"As they lend me a wish"Dreaming of the yesterdays"this time around."Under some happy trance"It drinks me.""I feel your skin all over me."And to what you want."Way underground"You cant go back"!� � �Chills me to my marrow."will disease your mind"Keep me here"/I can't visualize your smile anymore Cody,"it makes me bleed.")� � � � � � �To straighten her hair,"#I'll try to pick up the pieces" But now"I entered the room"*Especially when you can't accept them"Cdeadline comes and goes, im still there and no one even knows,"5The beating of my own heart is bringing me down,"&Oh there goes another lost friend"BWhile my soul, watched the proceeding, watched them mourn me."I can help"Turned to shadow"+I'd pray a miracle would stop the dawn"'WHAT DO I DO ALL DAY ON THE GROUND"/Just to see you cry, makes me want to die,"Fshrieking with a psychotic scream as I ran the rest of the alley."#I�M NOT SORRY FOR IGNORING YOU"This time,"/Spreading my milky thighs, I hop on quick."Flesh it falls"Lector benevole."you treat me like shit"4You grab my face and kiss me right on the mouth"Threw Away Myself"she hates her life")The antagony shall gloss right above"He's already wrote me off"look away"grab the keys"Trust is forgotten""It would be a beautiful take,"Forever Until My ending"I overdramatize"(Then you drive a knife into my back"Cause baby..."weak emotions strongly"/Your eyes and your stare I want as my own."You're not even real."$Don't leave a note for your mom"/Don't you see how much she has been cursed"3We will find a place where we can be together."Do you love me?"That I had to attend"5the postitive side of life becomes a misty sight",You can't stop, there's no room for two"4Cuz we're all worth it, even if we aint perfect"4This breathtaking power, drives me to position,"!I dunno why they go so crap,")Then forever and ever I shall sleep."So you sit on her bed,"Could keep it together..")I'm just eighteen and full of dreams"-It beats and beats and beats and beats -"somebody to turn to"Ifor you to walk on and out of this friendship you claimed you wanted"8I glimpse a grace so divine, thus am forced to cry.""Trade this scar for a feeling" Chorus"*Would you help me if I were any race?"0Where Prince's would fall in love with her,"Remembering"No one can see"When we saw each other" I bleed"*so twisted*"they never end"6Lessons learned with the start of a brand new day"months of pain"For soon it will be gone-"why doesnt he love me?,"to its normal size?"(they found him by the whisky bottle"You don't even notice me" and accuse his most trusted"2When the wind carries your name into my ears,""I'm really doing them a favor"...what have i done..."9But now you have the new one to write all my wrongs."These memories of you"I only wish he knew"#And fade into your loving kiss""Your lover installed into the"The gentle breeze"Just leave me alone")That with out us young ones fighting"&I'm missing some part of my heart"5Trying to make something so wrong maybe go right"&It was destroyed right before me,"0And forever lost in the shadows of her mind"+Pretend like her heart�s not decrepit,"-too many times iv tried with out success"I love you more each day"&i no longer want to think of you,"Hiding out from everything"Gives them a reason."are lost in my throat"not the truth."You steal them away"<So my memories of you won't haunt me through then night"love me and then"!cleaning the hurt you caused" Surface"Tonight..Winning tonight";Or have you just realized that we weren't meant to be?"My voice screams nothing"-For you held my heart in your right hand"reading the lyrics"5I will always care for you...I will always care."/But look what I've become, a poet - freak!"(Did you kiss her? Did she kiss you?"3Just someone to talk too, someone I can trust,"Mangp lip-gloss turn ons."(I move the mouse and to my surprise""it's worked out for the best."im a dumbarse"I want you,"Pass the time"Don't I do enough for you?")Now we just sit here and wait to die"own decisions"
+ again"Only to find..."'I know the world cares not for me.")I never thought a hobby such as this"what made you do this?""I call my friends crying"You and me all alone"So with you I stay/"Nothing can save you"would kill me."love myself,"Even call me a whore,">Just let me be a little girl and do what little girls do."8*shes falling to pieces* and theres nobody there to"I can't sleep at night?"I hold back"myself with aid infected"I'll fall"and its time to go"found him,now that we""[The best things make me cry]"
+ 10:49"thinking about"But as fate has it"Such an unfortunate fate"to my hand..."%But despite what you did I won't"Of living today"&Watching you sleep beside my head"Or at least let me"KI pleaded and begged for an answer to why. But am shot down in return."Every girl, at any date"GBut I am constanly confused between the negative and the positive."!It yearns to flow in streams"#Mommas gonna think of a reason"1This adrenaline I feel I all I need to live,"To her....."I love it all"how much I love you"+Parents that Dissagree,Do Not Approve."2And that we now share feelings for each other"Who am I anyway"'For they are lost within your mind"'crumbling with these old buildings"&Looking back on all our memories,"!But this was a caramel kiss."my body's made of clay"One last hug,"and don't want to lose you"I'm lost and afraid"That Being part of the USA""Breaking her heart like that?"I'd never let you go"pleasure in the pain."dance before me"!I must cherish what I've got"And mend in two.")All signs pointing to dead-end exits"$Your words kill me will you see"teenage things."rabbit fast"%My long fingers work with speed,"/Our hearts like the cords are being played"
+ shit?"#You'll lose everything you are"Chaven't you heard that the power of ONE can make a difference?"%But I accept and you shall die.""2wept for you when i thought all hope was lost"For a mere moment perhaps"but for you,"for only tears of sorrow"Then I fear what you speak"about how much I love you"Ya can't keep em" No silvered dreams to coat."She wants to keep running"Hurting me like this"1Knowing that soon enough the case will break"You wipe the tears clean,"Yet unbelievably awake"#Pressure from everyone is gone"%but you dont know how to show it"5I'll sit here all night unraveling its mysteries"I just want to feel loved,"Next time you hold me,"#Like when I ran into that pole"$You must not hear me screaming." slower,"what are you doing tonight"And remained quiet." Boy did I have some smells!"my dear angel"I'm grown up now"But you stop me"1Whenever your standing right in front of me,"*I'll be watching over you. Don't cry.">Slowly and ever so gently like a summer shower you drift."help me get it out,""but it didn't' come that year"to rot and dust"I think I'm in"But as i asked you out"2Months will pass, with nay but a single word,"only god know why"#maybe it�s been too many days:""That they put through torture"You make my world revolve"I will always believe"Until I'm too far gone."In that heart",But when I stepped where she could see,"1not of roses, but of freshly ploughed earth-"&Never thought I would see the day"I herd you speak today,"I'll be there to help"Please listen"*Or just still finding out who you are")Adrenaline pumping through my bones,"0They're just memories of my favorite times." Head"tomorrow]"Come back to my arms"What we once shared"?But the volume on the TV still can�t drown out our screams")I can't help it-I'm sorry-it's true.""Just the mention of your name"-When lying sleepless in my sleepless bed"I'm so captivated"ASomehow when the night comes I know there�ll never be a dawn"And i realize"/But I looked away from his alluring glance"Good-byes...":Though all the pain you caused, I was never prepared."I close my eyes"stabbing twenty times"You NOW and FOREVER!"LLie to her; and then hold her hand and whisper to her hopeless secrets."%Where were you all those nights,"I took away all the stress"And she was disappointed"Of a harder reality"Bent his head and cried,"I get disgusted"Our neighbor"Loneliness gets revenge"but you did not go alone."You'd take it this way"And died"Just fall""In a world of complete bliss?"-Never thinking what we do might be wrong"� � 'How was your day?'"#Clamoring to enter the warmth."i miss her so much"I cannot hide."The ones empty inside"Broken dreams"&She sits under her favorite tree,"You where like"Don't think that he's"-There's no such thing as "one and only","#When I just wanted to be calm."Then the lights went down""Just the mention of your name" Why me?"I'm done with you.."&yeah nothing this good stays true"What I want you to think"The devils face"*something I dont want to love either."Throught thick and thin"I want him here,"I lock my door"the profane"just see me" But you can't love a person"5You told me how restless you were for me to wake"!My mother holding me tightly""but it really doesn't matter,"Or will I remain